#look at my crow leg braces headcanon boy.
kreachvera · 7 months
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erm ………….
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marauder--harder · 6 years
do u think u could describe how u envision the marauders to look?? i think it would be fun to see your interpretation of them
Okay ever since I got my new fancy laptop I have been trying to work up my skills to the point where I could actually draw the marauders as I have envisioned them but I am nowhere near that skill range yet so this is the next best thing. 
It really depends on the age of the marauders on how I view them and my moon so if you see my work (hopefully) someday and it doesn’t look anything like this description, fight me 
James Potter:
he’s the most varied marauder I think of, his appearance constantly changing slightly
okay so I see him as someone who is maybe poc, maybe not it really depends on my mood as to how I view him 
for sure he is tanned though
no pale ass motherfucker here, you know?
like even if he was white the hours of practice on the field has him a perfect golden glow about 75% of the year
he’s the definition of ‘sunkissed’ every year when he comes back to hogwarts (whatever your ethnicity you picture for him, fight me on this, you can’t deny that he isn’t just radiating from how much sun he has gotten. he’s just beaming, regardless if he’s white, or black, or indian, or whatever)
has messy, curly, black hair that has looked the same from years 1-6
looser curls, nothing too springy (in my usual headcanon for him) 
year 7 he cuts his hair, and really it is just a trim, and finally learns how to make his messy hair work for him (totally has just a bit of 70′s greaser look to it, with no product of course because we already know that nothing tames his hair)
the darkest hazel colored eyes that are always full of expression (it is what makes him a shit liar tbh)
is moderately tall (something he boasted about in his youth until Remus hit his growth spurt and then so did Sirius)
I put him to be about 5′11 by the end of his 7th year (which is above average of the English man, although if he was Indian from the UK then this makes sense as there have been studies that show that Indians from the UK are significantly taller)
has the build of the mix between a swimmer and a baseball player
lean boy, who is very toned essentially
has the biggest smile
lips on the thinner side
hard jaw, soft eyes, prominent nose
high cheekbones and slender face
ears that stick out just slightly
long ass eyelashes that he hates because of his glasses
size 10 shoe (US sizing)
Sirius Black: 
my pale, pale bean (only in the winter) 
has a naturally fair complexion but does get tan in the warmer seasons as he is often outside (with James especially after he moved in with him)
had his hair cut short as a kid and hated it, thus when he got to Hogwarts he was so happy that he didn’t have to cut his hair
that’s what made him grow it out
he’d take good care of his hair, as it was a very big source of pride for him, taking it as a symbol of independence from the house of Black
by the time 6th year hit it was almost resting on the tips of his shoulders
has shiny, wavy black hair (looks damn good in a bun, which he would only do when playing sports)
broader and more stocky than James naturally, just a wider build
more of a wrestler’s physique I suppose (not giant but like mediocre wrestling, probably in the 160ish weight class??)
thicc thighs
sometimes I think he is slightly bow-legged???
shorter than James by half an inch until the end of 6th year
by the time he is a grown adult he is 6′0 but once he comes back from Azkaban he is 5′11 if not 5′10 because he can’t hold himself the way he used to
chiseled features, yet still soft somehow
eyebrow game is strong with him
always a mischievous streak in his grey eyes 
has crows feet and smile lines when he laughs
flashing, pearly white grin
not thin lips but not necessarily plush either; pretty average (albeit talented)
small ears but he hides them well with his hair
also has a piercing in them
size 11.5 shoe (US sizing)
Remus Lupin
lanky boy
literally all gangly pile of arms and legs until 6th year
was the scrawniest boy, always slightly taller but never considered tall in his youth
his scars used to be a lot darker as a kid, more of a pink color but they fade to a whiter color as he ages
has a scar across the bridge of his nose, down the side of his temple and jaw to his throat
two more longer ones across his right collarbone
floppiest mop of sandy brown curls on his head 
wears glasses for reading (they are square)
after his 5th year summer he comes back taller than all the other boys
is at least 6′2 but I lean more towards 6′3, fight me
broad shoulders
over time his scrawniness turns into toned leanness (if that makes any sense)
like he still looks scrawny until you take a closer look and notice the subtle tone in his arms
b r o a d   s h o u l d e r s 
literally if you want a better description, read TTY ;)
green eyes that shift from lighter to darker depending on the lighting and seasons (darker in warmer months, lighter in the winter)
literally the palest thing ever 
perpetual darker circles under his eyes from lack of sleep (giving the appearance of dopey exhaustion, not being ill)
lush, pink lips that contrast greatly against his fair skin
chapped lips from September through April that he makes worse by constantly licking his lips
perfectly straight teeth on top (a few crooked ones on the bottom but nothing too major)
freckles. freckles. freckles. 
all over his cheeks and nose and down his arms and across his back. it is lovely.
prominent adam’s apple
slender, long face with defined jaw (only after 6th year)
legs for days (all of his pants are just a tad too short and it is so endearing because of his patterned socks)
defined cupid’s bow!!
size 13 shoe (US sizing)
Peter Pettigrew: 
slightly chubby
like a little bit thicker thighs and a tummy, someone who looks like they haven’t lost their baby fat yet
shortest of the gang, about 5′7 or 5′8
blonde hair, dark blue eyes that everyone say is the prettiest thing about him
a slightly olive complexion
burns like mad in the sun, can never get a tan
freckles all over his face
the most adorably pinch-able cheeks,
high cheekbones and round face, very soft features
long eyelashes, rivals any girl and everyone is mad jealous
cute button nose
thin lips
big ears that grows into fairly quickly (by the end of 2nd year) but is always self conscious about them
had an outie belly button until the age of like 4 and then it reduced to an innie
crooked teeth and never had braces, hated smiling too wide because of it
always had an innocent look about him, even when he was being a little creep 
has a sweet smile, regardless of the fact that he doesn’t like to do it
soft shoulders (like not broad or very square, if that makes any sense)
size 9.5 shoe (US sizing)
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