#lol at me saying i was bored at work and immediately being Swamped
apocketfullofhobbits · 6 months
1, 14, and 21 for the end of year asks :)
1) favorite song was definitely 'through me (the flood)' by hozier. i just loved it so much. and 'try measure loss measure the silence of the house' made me think of ronan being all alone at the barns in cdth and that fanart of him looking at the old photographs
14) favorite book was the daevabad trilogy ❤️ already thinking abt rereading
21) im actually almost done with home renovations that i started in october! very happy abt it 😌 painting + drawing on the walls rn!
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sick-atsumu-side · 4 years
9. A bad way to camp | Kageyama Tobio
Disclaimer: All of the characters belongs to Haruichi Furudate, they’re not mine.
Warnings: description of vomit, fever.
“Hey! Hope all is going well and I just want to say that I absolutely LOVEEE your work (like literally, your writing is amazing tysm)!
If you aren’t too over swamped with other requests lol what do you think about a sick Kageyama with the entire Karasuno team taking care of him? (or something like that)” @thebreadbiatch
Okay, I didn’t put like aaall the team taking care of him but everyone is involved, so I really hope you like it! Sorry for being late💘
“Oí! Kageyama! Let’s go to practice our quick attack!”
Kageyama sighed as he placed one hand on his forehead. It was night already and everyone on the camp went to sleep after having a shower, or that’s what Daichi said before Hinata asked him for help with his jumping.
“Kageyamaaa! you said you’ll go with me!’’
Tobio knew he had told Hinata that he would help, but right now he wasn´t in the mood for playing since he wasn’t feeling too great. The headache and the stomachache he had since morning was almost killing him now after having that shower. Deep in his heart he still wanted to play, though. But this was the first time he doubted doing it. He had to be careful.
“Ka ge ya maaaa!”
“I already heard you! Damn it! Why do you have to yell, you boke?!”
Hinata smiled and went rapidly to grab his volleyball ball in the sports room. At that time, Tobio took advantage of finally being alone so he sat down on a bench that was in the middle of the hall, with one hand on his belly and the other one rubbing his temple to ease his headache. His stomach was revolving itself now that he wasn’t focusing on playing, and he felt a little bit nauseous too.
In practice he felt that way too, but it wasn’t as bad as now. Although, they lost every game against Nekoma and Fukurodani that day.
Kageyama coughed slightly a few times, feeling the foul-tasting saliva on the back of his tongue. His whole body shivered because of it.
“Daichi-san! It’ll be only ten minutes I swear!” Kageyama removed his hands from where they were and looked confused at his friend, who was being held by the angry captain as he walked on the hall. “Five minutes? Oh, I know! Four minutes?! Kageyama, say something!”
“You two have to sleep, end of the discussion.” Daichi finally let go Hinata and then looked to the dark haired teenager as Tobio stood up. “You too, Kageyama. You look tired.”
The dark haired boy nodded slightly and Hinata made a scene because of it, but Kageyama tried to ignore him by walking to the dorm where the rest of the team was. Hinata was still arguing, this time at Daichi as they walked behind Kageyama. However, when Daichi made him an angry and a death glare, Hinata got quiet.
‘‘It’s unfair.’‘ He said under his breath with a frown.
Kageyama whined slightly, as he inhaled some air and then he exhaled it like if he was holding that breath from a long time ago. Daichi peered at him with a frown, curious. It was strange to see Kageyama too lethargic after playing some games in a row, that was Tsukishima’s thing, not Kageyama’s.
He didn’t say anything about it, anyway, but he would pay more attention to him from now.
“Brush your teeth you both and go to sleep, we a have another though day tomorrow.” Daichi said, as they came into the room where Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Narita were the only ones sleeping. Daichi got surprised. 
‘‘Oh! Cards!’‘ Hinata ran immediately to the guys sitting in their futon as Daichi looked at them with a disapproval gaze.
“Why are all of you still awake? I told you to sleep.” 
Sugawara immediately stood up and smiled at Daichi, explaining the game as he pointed at the cards Ennoshita, Asahi, Nishinoya, Kinoshita and Tanaka were holding. 
‘‘C’mon Daichi-san, Kageyama! Join us!’‘ Nishinoya yelled, as Asahi was passing some cards to Hinata.
Daichi sighed with a smirk as he gave up, walking towards the group with Suga.
‘‘Alright, just one game.’‘He turned to face Kageyama, since he noticed him acting weird before. ‘‘You coming? Kageyama?’‘
‘‘No, thanks.” Tobio said. “I’ll go brush my teeth.’’
‘‘You are boring, Kageyama!’‘
Kageyama went to the bathroom after that, without hearing anything they say. The team got a bathroom in the dorm, so it wasn’t a big deal.
When he closed the door behind him, Kageyama went almost inmediately to the sink as he grabbed his toothbrush, pouring some toothpaste on it right before he started to brush his teeth. He looked at the mirror he had in front, as he felt a gurgle in the pit of his stomach. He looked sick as hell, because his eyes were tired and he had bags under them. He looked pale and blushed at the same time too.
Did he have a fever? 
Kageyama made a strangled and noisy sound, similar to a choked gag as he pulled the toothbrush out of his mouth instantly, breathing heavily on the sink as a wave of nausea overwhelmed him. Damn it.
He was sick as a dog.
He breathed through his mouth a bit, spitting the toothpaste that was still on his mouth inside the sink. Then, he opened the tap of the sink to have some water. However, he felt another wave of nausea rock his body and he gagged again because of the disgusting taste his mouth had now. It was a mixtape of toothpaste and acid with something bitter. That made his gag réflex act more than usual.
Kageyama put the toothbrush where it was before and grabbed his stomach with both arms as it cramped. When was the last time he felt like this? And why? He couldn’t understand it.
Tobio gagged slightly on the sink once more, spitting more of the foul-tasting saliva. After that, he closed his eyes and tried to breath through his nose and mouth. Everything was spinning around him and that only made the nausea worse. A burp erupted from his throat as he grabbed the sink for dear life, his whole body shaking because of it.
Something warm started to rise up through his esophagus and Kageyama knew he was going to throw up, however, this only got stuck in the back of his throat. 
‘‘Fuck.’‘ he barely muttered, hearing a bit of hard laughs in the room next to where he was.
If he throws up in there, they would now, wouldn’t they?
When Tobio felt like it was safe to walk, he made it to the toilet and kneeled in front of it, groaning a bit as a response to the chills his body was having. He burped again, feeling again the acidic taste of whatever this bug was, rubbing his stomach up and down under his shirt. His nausea was like a rollercoaster, it comes and it goes.
“Kageyama?! You still there?!” A knock on the door sounded hardly and Kageyama whined, spitting saliva inside the toilet. “Tanaka-san wants to pee.”
‘‘Stop, Hinata.’‘ Kageyama could hear Tanaka’s voice. ‘‘I can talk by myself.’‘
‘‘Kageyamaaaa!’’ Hinata insisted from outside, knocking the door again. ‘‘Are you pooping?”
“I’ll be out soon, you boke!’’ Tobio barely said, mad at the noisy orange boy as he gagged unproductively one more time. Maybe he should stop.
‘‘You see, Hinata? Now he will be mad at me!’‘
Kageyama sighed shakily, trying to ease everything on him as he flushed the toilet. The nausea subsided a bit when another knock sounded on the door, so he stood up and closed his eyes. He’ll let Tanaka pee and then he will get to the bathroom again to finish what he was doing.
However, everything spinned around him as he tried hard to steady himself by holding on the door.
“Kageyamaaaa! Tanaka-san is going to pee himself!” Hinata knocked again on the door. “Do you wan’t us to bring you a handsaw?!”
“Hinata! Don’t yell! You’ll wake up everyone here!”
“Daichi, you’re yelling too.”
That last voice was from Sugawara, Kageyama noticed. Finally opening the door as he walked outside.
Tanaka entered the bathroom and closed the door rapidly. He really wanted to pee.
“You sure took your time, Kageyama.” Hinata said, one eyebrow raised at him. “Wanna play cards? I lost two times before, but now I can surely bet you and everyone.”
Kageyama shook his head, placing two fingers on his temple as he closed both eyes in a frown. Damn nausea.
Hinata peered more deeply at him.
“Hey, you alright?”
Tobio gulped a bit or saliva, trying to ease his nausea until Tanaka exits the bathroom. He just needed to ignore Hinata.
“Kag- hey.”
When Kageyama lost his balance a bit, Shouyou was the one who catched him with a startled face. Tobio cursed under his breath.
“Oi, what’s wrong?” Hinata asks, as he tried to steady him while Kageyama bits his lips. “Daichi-san, I think something’s wrong with Kageyama!”
“I’m fine’, you boke.”
Daichi turned to face the first years and after putting down his cards, he stood up quickly to go where the two were with a serious look. Suga followed him, as the rest of the team just stared at them, worried.
Kageyama groaned a bit, as a shiver crossed his spine. Daichi had noticed, damn.
“Kageyama, what’s wrong?” Daichi asks softly, catching him instead of Hinata. Suga placed a hand on his forehead as Kageyama placed his back into the wall, almost dry heaving.
“Daichi, he’s warm.” Suga said, while Hinata looked worried because of it. “I think he’s sick. We should put him in bed and slow down his fever.”
Kageyama breathed heavily through his mouth and then closed it in a tight line, gulping down more saliva. He felt ready to vomit any minute, but he couldn’t say it. If he opens his mouth, he was afraid of vomiting right there.
What’s taking you so long, Tanaka-san?
“Kageyama, what else is bothering you?” Daichi insisted once more, still kind of holding him while Suga turned to face Asahi. “You can tell me, it’s your head? Your stomach? What is it?”
“Asahi, can you please go and bring us a wet towel? Kageyama might need it.”
Asahi nodded with his head as he stood up fast to do what Suga ordered, going rapidly outside the dorm since Tanaka was still in the bathroom.
“Wait, he has a fever?!” Nishinoya asks, standing up, clearly worried. “I heard that coke helps with fever. Maybe I have one in my backpa-”
Kageyama groaned in pain with a frown, before a gueck sounded from him as he placed a hand on his mouth desperately. A wet gurgle sounded in the back of his throat and Hinata noticed that.
“Wait.” Hinata warned. “I think he’s-”
Another deep gurgle sounded from Kageyama’s stomach, before a wet belch bringed out a mouthful of sick through his mouth and fingers, soiling his shirt a bit. Daichi and Suga were shocked as Tobio coughed hard into his now soiled hand, groaning at the end.
Immediately, Ennoshita got up fast to get a bin or a trashcan, while Nishinoya and Hinata started to yell in panic and worry.
“Shit.” Daichi muttered again, as he bended Kageyama’s down. His face looking at the floor. “It’s okay, not your fault.”
Another deep burp made Kageyama jerk, bringing up more sick into his hand and this time onto the ground, making Daichi take his distance to avoid the splash into his feet as Suga rubbed Kageyama’s soaked back.
“Ok.” Daichi gulped, a bit nervous. “Easy, Kageyama. Ennoshita will hand you a bin soon, it’s gonna be ok.”
“You have more?” Suga asks softly, a bit unsure of how to treat a sick Kageyama (who nodded at him) just like Daichi. However, they relaxed when they saw Ennoshita running to them with a bin.
Kageyama groaned, gulping a bit of sick. This was so embarrassing.
“Here.” Ennoshita said, as he placed the bin under Kageyama’s vision. “I saw him a bit off today, but I never thought he would be sick.”
Kageyama removed his soiled hand to gag a mouthful of warm liquid, which splashed into the bin with a sickening sound. Suga rubbed more circles on his back, as Daichi gulped in guilt.
“It’s okay, let it out now.”
He should have known that Tobio was sick.
“No one is watching.” Suga said softly, as he noticed Tsukishima waking up because of the yells of Hinata and Nishinoya. “You’ll feel better after, promise.”
Kageyama belched again another mouthful of colorful vomit, his whole body shaking because of it. His ears were pounding and he had tears in his eyes. It was the first time his team saw him like that.
He felt so bad.
“Hinata! Nishinoya! Can you please stop yelling?!” Daichi yelled at them, as Tsukishima sat up on his futon. “Behave you two please.”
Kageyama gagged hard, his whole body jerking under Suga’s hand as he threw up more into the bin. This time it came out from his nose too, so he coughed at the end. It hurted.
“What’s going on?” Tsukishima asked, looking at the mess with a sleepy frown. “Oh, I see. That’s bad, the King’s sick.”
“You too, Tsukishima. It’s not a time for a fight, go to sleep.”
Tsukishima sighed and rested his body on his futon again.
Tanaka got out of the bathroom with a smile, which disappeared immediately when he saw Kageyama’s state.
“What happened?” He asked, walking towards Nishinoya.
“What do you think?” Daichi answered, after seeing Asahi entering the room with two towels on his hands.
“I brought these, I don’t know if it will work.”
Kageyama was just gagging bile and saliva by now, as his body shivered and his throat ached. He didn’t felt relieved at all. He felt cold and warm at the same time, he just wanted to sleep and make like nothing of this had happened.
“You done, Kageyama?” Suga asks, as he removed some of Tobio’s soaked in sweat hair from his pale but flushed face.
Kageyama nods, a bit unsure and not able to open his eyes. The light was too bright for him.
“Kageyama, next time told us if you feel sick.” Hinata stopped yelling just to say that in front of him, Tobio blew his nose in response. “Or maybe just tell Daichi-san or Suga-san, we are not judging you. Ever.”
Daichi sighs and smirks a bit.
“Next time I’m going to puke on you, so you stop yelling when my headache is killing me... boke.”
Asahi laughs at this, and so does Suga. At least, Kageyama was still the same even when sick. And Tanaka would have to explain why he took so long on that bathroom.
But first, they would remove Kageyama’s soiled shirt and then, they will put him in bed so he could rest.
Karasuno was a volleyball team, yes, but for Kageyama... it was like a family.
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benbarnesescape · 7 years
Un Moment à Paris - Part 3
The Truth Shall Set You Free 
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Warnings: None. Language. Fluff lol
Permanent Tag List:  @la-fille-en-aiguilles, @ladyblablabla, @starless-skyox @livelearnandtravel
A/N: Sorry for the delay in pushing this out! This is a long chapter to make up for the delay – excited to see the trouble these two lovebirds get themselves in :)
Need to Catch Up? Read Part 1 and Part 2 
Ben could sense the tension the minute Lorenzo walked into the space. Your open, flirty quality immediately withdrew into you as your eyes narrowed at Lorenzo. He was watching you smugly, possessively.
“I gave Natasha the reports minutes before you met with him. She’s already given them to Jeanette.”  You say and Lorenzo nods, his eyes never leaving yours as they flicked between you and Ben. There was obviously some history sitting between you two– some unspoken backstory that could have only ended badly. Whatever it was, it had seemed that you no longer wanted part of it.
Lorenzo obviously didn’t share that sentiment.
“I must have missed that,” the Italian man’s words bought Ben back to the present and he heard you draw out a long sigh before pinching your nose.
“Must have.”
Silence. You were looking at Lorenzo expectantly and Ben was surprised at the man’s boldness. Obviously he felt that Ben was a threat. And if he was a threat that meant even Lorenzo could sense there was something going on between him and you.
“I’m Ben,” Ben extends out his hand, smiling at Lorenzo who accepts. The grip is strong as you shake your head flustered.
“I’m so sorry Ben. This is my colleague, Lorenzo. Lorenzo - Ben.”
Ben pulls away, placing a hand at the small of your back.
“Nice to meet you. I have to head out but I’d love to hear more about the restaurant suggestions you mentioned earlier. For dinner I’m taking you to, later this week.”
Ben is smiling down at you, his hand now snaking around your waist, drawing you closer to him. Your eyes are watching him hesitantly before you smile, nodding your head slowly as you find your arms around him.
“Dinner later this week. Right…let me walk you out so we can discuss it.”
Ben smiles, turning back to Lorenzo, a knowing smirk on his face.
“Pleasure to meet you again, Lorenzo. Y/N, shall we?”
You smile up at him, nodding your head before you both head out of the door. Ben doesn’t miss the way Lorenzo is watching you, anger fuming in his eyes and you have to wait until you’re down the hallway before you burst into laughter.
“Oh my goodness, thank you!” you finally say, shaking your head as you both near the elevator. Ben chuckles, shaking his head. 
“It was nothing,” Ben’s eye flick back to your office before looking back at you. “What was up with that?” 
You sigh, walking into the elevator as it dings open. 
“You know, Lorenzo and I were coworkers and then we thought we could be coworkers and lovers because when you work unreasonable hours your dating pool options becoming unsurprisingly limited.” 
Ben nods knowingly, watching as you lean back against the elevator, biting your lip. 
“We….or I should say I broke it off with him about a couple of months ago and he wasn’t happy with that so, you know, he has to find any opportunity to be an obnoxious ass about it.” 
You both hit the ground floor, stepping out in the open space and you sigh. 
“Sorry either way. We barely meet and here I am already pouring out my ex-boyfriend problems. I swear, I’m not this dramatic.” 
He laughs, walking in stride with you. 
“I doubt you’re dramatic at all. And take it from someone who equally works ridiculously long hours – I get it.” You both near the main entrance door and he turns to you, his eyes peering into yours. 
“Besides, the best way for a guy to get off your back is to intimidate him with another guy. And I’d be happy to fill in for you.” 
He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks flush, your smile widening as you shake your head. 
“If you’re trying to prove that your flirting game isn’t as weak as it was earlier, you are cashing in on some major points.” 
He grins, bending down close to your ear before whispering, 
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” 
He places a kiss on your cheek before turning on his heels. 
“Look forward to hearing from you.” He casually yells over his shoulder.
Then he’s gone, lost in the busy streets of Paris. 
You’re left standing in the middle of your job mouth slightly agape, watching him walk off with his hands digging into his pockets, head slightly tilted back in a whistle. He was actually smooth, the little flirt. Perhaps you had caught him off of his a game. 
You turn back to your office, reviewing the past couple of minutes in your mind. Forgetting one particular detail.
He was standing over your desk now, looking down at something and you roll your eyes. Not only was your ex boyfriend talented at tongue, but was charming and had a flaming curiosity and loved to interfere with all aspects of your life.
It was downright infuriating.
“How can I help you Lorenzo?” You ask nearing him and he jumps up startled, his face instantly going red as he stuffs something in his back pocket. You roll your eyes, easily moving past him into your chair as you correct the folders he’s left in disarray on your desk. 
“Who the hell was that?” 
Though his voice is calm, you can see the jealousy licking behind his dark eyes. Lorenzo thought he was the only man in your life – the only one and the best one. God forbid you go and choose someone else to amuse your time with. 
“Don’t worry about it Lorenzo. It was nobody. An old friend.” 
You wave your hand at the air with ease, ignoring the way he inches closer to you. 
“Looked more like an old friend to me.”
“What does it matter Renzo,” He frowns at the nickname you had dubbed him long ago and you smirk. Did you really used to date this insecure man? Even if he was soft on the eyes and good in bed. “We no longer date.” 
You make an exaggerated gesture of pointing from you to him before rolling your eyes.  He looks at you and for a second you think he’s going to do something drastic. Like kiss you. Instead he smirks and rolls his eyes.
“Guess you’re right.” he mumbles, turning on his heel.
You roll your eyes, returning to the large task at hand. It takes you until later that night, after you’ve shuffled through the masses of paperwork, to realize that he had slipped away with Ben’s number.
Three Days Later 
The party was dull. Ben had been over it the moment he had walked in. While it was impressive – a large venue that had an exposed ceiling and so many decorations one could get swept up into the illusion of a fairy tale – it was also the type of shindig that would be enjoyable with friends. A place where you could get drunk expectantly and piss about and not worry about the consequences.
Unfortunately, it was a work event connected to the cologne he had been promoting so it meant he had to be on his best behavior. And though the guests were pleasant, he was bored.
He would much have rather gone out to dinner with you than stand around with strangers. 
He sighs, making his way to the bar, discarding the empty glass in his hands to a waiter that was walking by. Not like you would have joined him. 
He didn’t get the vibe that you weren’t into him. In fact, if you’re over jealous ex-boyfriend hadn’t shown up, he was positive that you would have kissed him back. When he had left, he was positive he would receive a text at least by that morning asking how he was.
He hadn’t.
In fact, it had been radio silence since he left your building. 
He thought about dropping by with lunch to apologize for being too forward the day before but after asking his friends and younger brother about it, held back. Apparently that would have been really creepy and desperate and he needed to understand boundaries.
If you hadn’t called by tomorrow, they had told him to throw in the towel. 
Obviously you weren’t as interested as he thought. And that just damn near sucked.
He leans over the bar, his hands resting on the shiny granite and hails a bartender who only slightly acknowledges him before turning to a busty young woman. 
At least someone was getting some attention.
His eyes drift, taking in the ballroom. Taking in the people laughing drunkenly in their fancy gowns. And then his eyes find you. 
He doesn’t know how he had missed you before. You’re wearing gold and the low cut dress stands out amongst the neutral fall colors. Your smiling cordially as you walk around the room slowly, whispering into an ear piece. Obviously here for work. 
He turns back to the bar, debating what to do next. Perhaps it was better to leave you alone. 
Respect the space you demanded. He looks over his shoulders, taking you in your gown and groans. He thinks about what his mother would say. This was the second time your paths have crossed. It was obvious the universe was giving him a sign. 
Might as well go for it and deal with the embarrassment of being turned down then not go for it at all.
The waiter walks up to him and asks, “Can I help you sir?” in a thick French accent but Ben nods, shaking his head as he turns and heads in your direction. 
You didn’t want to be here. After you had found out about Lorenzo’s sticky fingers, you had confronted him about it the next day but he had just played innocent, claiming if Ben really was a friend, you’d have no problem reconnecting with him. 
If Natasha hadn’t been around, you were sure you’d punch him in his perfectly shaped nose.
And, if being swamped at work couldn’t take the cheese, you somehow got suckered into covering for Jean, translating at some random cologne promotion event for a couple of the companies top executives. Granted it was a gig that you were able to split with Natasha, but you were tired. You wanted to go home, take a long bath and sip wine and try not think about how you ruined a chance with probably the most decent guy you’ve run into in months.  Maybe even years.
God you hated Lorenzo. 
The main event had finished and you pulled the small earpiece out of your ears, wrapping the headphones around the small equipment as you continued your small hike around the large ballroom. You weren’t needed anymore and the ambassador asked you to participate in the nights activities but you were at the end of your rope. You just hoped you could sneak out before Natasha found you. If she did there was no way you were missing out on a party, let alone a free party, and after the week you had you weren’t too sure you had it in you. 
You’re getting closer to where the translators are seated when you hear your name echoing across the large ballroom and you freeze in place, turning your head at the handsome man strutting toward you. 
Ben is wearing a dark crème colored suit, standing out from the plain black tuxedos in the space. He’s hair is styled back in a coif and the shadow he had donned when you first met him was now starting to form in a small beard and you groaned.  
He was the kind of person that could keep you from a glass of wine in the tub. Dressed like that you’d damn near find a way to convince him to strip down and join you. How – how- in the world did this man make fashion look so good?
“Surprised to see you here stranger.” He’s beaming at you as he nears, his eyes betraying the way he’s drinking you in as they rake up the length of your body. 
“Thought you didn’t want to see me again.” He stops inches in front of you as he tries to get a read on you. Probably confused because the last time you met, you had almost kissed and promised to call him. Last time, you had thought you had his number. You shake your head, giving a long sigh. 
“So I was an idiot and left your number on my desk, unprotected by Lorenzo when I walked you down to the lobby. You can do the math on the rest as to why I haven’t been able to contact you.”
Ben’s eyes flick with something, annoyance probably, before he’s chuckling and shaking his head. 
“Should have figured. Didn’t think I had threatened him that much.”
You laugh along with him, continuing your adventure toward the translator station and Ben follows, pace matching your own.
“Obviously he must have known how good you look in a suit.” You wink at him and he beams back at you, pushing your shoulders lightly. You try to ignore the butterflies that form from his touch. 
“I’m glad that you were sabotaged by Lorenzo and not trying to brush me off kindly…” The hint of uncertainty subtly registers in his voice and you nudge him back with your shoulders. Trying to cover the fact that you were jumping up and down inside because he was making it very clear that he liked you. 
“I’m all about the chase.” You tease and he laughs. 
“Not if you’re showing up at the same parties I’m at.” He coolly replies, shoving his hands in his suit pockets. 
“I’m here for work,” you raise the ear set and he nods. “Need to return these before I can leave the premises.”
“You’re leaving?” He asks uncertainly and you nod, biting your lip. 
“It’s not that I’m not happy to see you but…..it’s been a long 24 hours. I kinda want to go home and relax versus parade around for some guy whose promoting some cheap cologne.” 
The space booms with his laughter as he holds his side, before shaking his head and looking at you.
“I get that. I’m here for work too. I also would rather be in my bed watching Netflix then putting on a show but you know, when work calls, it calls.” 
You reach the station, handing your earpiece to an elderly woman who smiles at you before you turn to him. 
“I mean, it’s not like we won’t see each other.”
He gives a skeptical look and you laugh, raising your hands. 
“Okay, okay minus that first hiccup. I’ll put my number in your phone and vice versa. That way, if I do blow you off next time, you know it’s because I’m not interested.” 
You shoot him another wink and he leans against a pillar, a small smile of amusement dancing on his face as he digs his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. You begin texting in your number as he asks, 
“Is that supposed to instill confidence or be a warning?” 
You look up at him, at the casual way he’s looking down at you and you clear your throat, handing his phone back. Your fingers graze and that spark that had waned since you saw him last re-ignites. Heat courses between you and you imagine what it would feel like to have those same, long fingers dancing across your body.  
“Both…?” you whisper, hoping it sounds more confident like you imagined in your head. You know it doesn’t. Know by the way his lips slowly tug into a smile. You clear your throat, standing taller.
“Let me grab your number.” You say, trying to divert the conversation and he shakes his head. 
Leaning off the pillar, he brushes past you before slightly turning his head, 
“Who say’s I want to share it with you?” 
Despite your best effort, despite not wanting too, you can’t help but follow him. Of course he did….didn’t he? You catch up with his gait easily and he’s smiling, his eyes flicking over to you occasionally, chin jutted proudly in the air. 
“Oh c’mon am I being punished for Lorenzo’s interference?!” you finally ask and he shrugs. 
“I mean, if you stayed a bit for the party then maybe I’d be more than happy to share my number with you. Just to make up for what Lorenzo did.” 
His eyes are twinkling with mischief and you laugh, shaking your head. 
“Oh is that how it’s going to be?” 
He shrugs, that same shit eating grin on his face and cross your arms, debating your next move. This was a power play. He knew that you knew how much he was into you. You had the power and he didn’t like that. He wanted to level the playing field. You could either give into it or drag it out. 
You bite your lip, debating before saying, 
“Oh all right! I’ll stick around for a bit. But only on my terms.” 
He raises a brow as you continue, “You have to give me your number,” A nod. “And you have to dance with me. Deal?” you stick out your hand and he hesitates before his hands firmly grip around your smaller ones. He gives you a small squeeze before saying,  
“Deal. Though you might regret that latter part.” 
You laugh, shaking your head as you turn with his hand still in yours. 
“No way.” You giggle, heading directly to th
e dance floor.
You both had been dancing for an hour. The minute you had gotten on the dance floor, Ben learned, you transformed into some dancing siren, music taking control of your body as your hands went in the air, hips taking control. Ben, hesitantly, had been intimidated. Though there were what felt like hundreds of people on the dance floor, none of them were the host of the party. None of them had to dance next to you. You had drawn a slew of eyes to the both of you with your moves, but whether you knew he was unsure.
You never stopped. You moved and swayed your hips from song to song, never once letting up. Midway through you had grabbed a handful of the long gown you were wearing, whether to cool down or be less restricted he didn’t know, and now between your chest, hips and legs he was thoroughly distracted.  Your hair that had been pulled back was loosely coming out, tendrils tickling the exposed skin and Ben was intoxicated by you. 
It had been the sixth song that you had realized how distant he had been and you grinded yourself into him. He lost the last bit of sanity he was holding on to. If you hadn’t know how into you he was, you would surely know now. It wasn’t smooth at first, him trying to keep pace with you to the fast beat of songs but you were patient, placing his hands on your hips and guiding him through the music with your body. By the time he had gotten the knack of it, you had pulled away, twirling in his arms and laughing as a Latin song came on, trying to navigate him through a simple cumbia dance move. 
Your second mistake. 
If there was anything worse than allowing him to try to dance on his own, it was adding steps to movement. You didn’t mind though. You giggled as he stepped on your toes, easily moving your hips as he tripped behind. It was when you wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him closer to you and whispered,  
“Don’t worry about what you look like ok? It’s all about having a good time and feeling the music to you. Enjoying the company you’re in.” 
That he knew he was a goner. That whatever he did from here on out, he had to win your heart. He had stopped his movements, his steps waning as he looked down at you intensely, watching your puckered lips before his eyes met yours. He drew you closer to him, wanting desperately to taste you. Wanting to get lost in your essence. He felt your grip tighten around his neck as you leaned up on your toes, edging him on. 
Your lips had barely grazed, breath mingled with the other when, 
You jerk back startled, trying to find the location of the person yelling out your name. Ben groans, watching as Natasha scurries toward you in a short black dress, watching how intimate the both of you are. You nudge away from him gently as she watches him, a knowing look of mischief in her eyes.  
She knew. 
“What’s up Natasha?” 
She snaps toward you, a devious smirk on her face. 
“You are never going to guess what I just found out.” 
She definitely knew and Ben internally groans. She knew and was going to tell you before he had the chance. How else could this go wrong so quickly? 
You’re giving him a confused look when he hears his name from across the bass of the music and he groans loud now, hands instantly flying to your own. This takes you off guard as you look down at him but he’s unaware. He knows what’s next. 
“Wait, you can’t just leave! Aren’t you going to tell her?” Natasha is following you both and Ben sighs at the confirmation. He looks over his shoulder at you as you switch from Natasha to him and he squeezes your hand. 
“So I planned on telling you this over coffee but I guess this is as good a time than any.” 
You raise a curious brow now that you are away from the large dance music and a small, brunette woman walks toward you both. She’s wearing a loose white top and black pants as she hastily walks toward you but it’s the wedding band that has you stiffening. You pull away from him harshly, the pain seeping in as he turns to you confused, trying to read the emotions playing on your face. 
He was married. 
He was married and was going to kiss you on the dance floor.  
You had the best taste in men. 
“You’re married?!” You stutter out and he looks at you confused. 
“Wait, what?” he asks confused and Natasha laughs. You shoot her a look but her laughter doesn’t subside. 
“Oh Y/N….this is great. This is totally worth working on a Friday night.” 
The brunette is in front of you, looking down at her phone before shooting up and talking to Ben. 
“Ben where have you been? You need to take some more press photos, the boys at Salvatore Ferragamo wants you taking some more with the cologne and want you to…you look a mess!? Have you been dancing?”
Her eyes then flash from him to you and she smiles, nodding knowingly. 
“I see now... This must be Y/N. Well, listen, you need to fix this.” She ruffles his hair “I think there’s a stylist here, at least enough for the photos. I can get Y/N and her friend on the VIP list but you’re going to have to vouch that she’s just a friend. The last thing we need are rumors before this film starts.” She flashes you a warning look before she’s wrapping her hands around Ben’s arm. 
“I’ll meet you in the VIP lounge!” Ben yells as he gets pulled away, a look of apology in his eyes and your left gaping after him. 
“What the fuck just happened.” You mumble and Natasha laughs, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, oblivious to the sweat that was still there.  
“Apparently your boy Ben is throwing this shindig,” she points to the very obvious, large posters hanging from the rafters you don’t know how you’ve missed of Ben smiling down at you. They had been hanging everywhere. How the hell did you miss that? Oh you knew, you literally were focused on getting in and out to enjoy your Friday. 
“And not only that, apparently he’s in town filming a movie. That’s right Y/N, you’ve been flirting with an actor!” 
You feel your stomach drop.
An actor?
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drybonesawaken · 5 years
I’m really bad at texting, and I don’t know why. 
For me, there are two types of texting. One of them is the kind where I receive a ‘hey what are you doing right now’ or ‘hey when are you free for ____’ kind of thing. These, I have no problem with - I usually respond whenever I see it and have the time - so anywhere between immediately (I was already on my phone) to within a few hours (I was busy, eg. I was at work, and didn’t check my phone for awhile, or just didn’t have the time to respond). The problem for me is the other kind. Anything that requires even the slightest amount of brain space for me, or resembles conversation of any sort, instantly becomes a huge headache for me internally and I just refuse to answer it until I’ve built up the courage (or something like that) to do so. So a simple ‘did you eat today?’ can take me up to days to answer. ‘How is your relationship with God’ will probably have an average response time of 9 days. That is - I see the message, then wait 9 days, then answer it. 
Why the heck am I like this? I have no answer for you. I started thinking about this again after I had a text conversation with a friend about how bad I am at texting - unironically, the short conversation took weeks and I still have yet to respond to their last message. I was thinking back to how this problem for me started, and I don’t have a good answer. In high school, I know that most texts I returned within a few hours, if not relatively instantly or within the hour. There was one conversation in particular that I know where both sides took several days to respond each time, but that was because it was an unusually philosophical/theological conversation, and there were several conversations going on at once that both sides just replied to in a list, so I don’t think this was an issue. So, the issue had to have started sometime around college. 
I know that the summer before college, the relationship that I was in - if you can even call it that much - was extremely text intensive. The girl was very extroverted, so I ended up texting a lot at night, and then when I was in China, you’d think that because of time differences we would text less, but somehow because I was so bored we talked even more then. I don’t think it was a healthy amount for me, so by the end of summer (now looking back, I can see that) I was pretty burnt out. When school started again and I had more things to do, my texting rate steadily declined within that first month. I can definitely remember reaching a point where I would text once or twice a day - but that’s not the important part. Now looking back, I realized that there were times when I would intentionally wait after I received a text, not to respond immediately, because I was afraid that if I responded immediately, she would still be there and reply again, and then she would feel bad if I wouldn’t respond immediately. So I would wait for unusual times to respond, in hopes that I wouldn’t receive an immediate response. Looking back now, I guess you could say I was scared of texting. 
I can’t think of any other reason or cause or link, so I think my terribly slow response rate was definitely related, if not impacted, by this. At the very least, this was the point at which I started being okay with seeing a text, and not feeling the need to respond. For the sake of my own selfishness, I lost a sense of responsibility for respecting the other person’s time, emotions, and whatever other junk goes into texting.
Well, as I was reflecting earlier, I had this thought of ‘Why does this matter? Should I even care, or want to change?’ And I think this question has been answered. It’s simply not loving - not Christ-like - to be so slow with my responses. People text me because they value their conversations with me (well, at least I would hope so, otherwise it would be pretty sad if they were just humoring me LOL), and for me to not give a timely response is to disregard that trust that they’ve placed in me, in a sense. It’s dishonoring to the person I’m having the conversation with. So I think as I am striving to grow in love, this is something I should consider as wel -  after all, there is actual biblical backing for this: “But all things should be done decently and in order” 1 Cor 14:40 - I definitely do not do texting decently... That said, I’m not saying I should just drop everything every time I get a message. Sometimes, it really does take me hours to see something (no vibrate and screen time life), but I usually see at least all the messages from the day at night. Sometimes, I really do have a lot on my plate and I’m kinda swamped and don’t have the bandwidth to respond and by the end of the day I’m just brutally tired and drop dead in my bed - but is that really the case the vast majority of days? 
So yeah, I think I should be more intentional about this. I want to challenge myself to be more timely with my responses, but I realize that how quickly I respond is actually very dependent firstly on the topic (as I described in the very beginning) and then secondly also on who the person I’m speaking with is. As I think about my texting patterns, I realize that I very readily read group chats (because I don’t have to respond to them LOL), and then I respond a lot quicker to brothers than to sisters. And then, there’s a very explicit set of people with whom I seem to be okay with responding immediately to, of which all are guys except one. It’s very interesting - my guess is it’s related to the experiences I talked about earlier, where the result of was a combination of a lack of respect and an intrinsic fear when I text sisters LOL...yikes. So here’s my goal: it’s specifically targeted at my texting patterns where I suck. I think there are certain areas of my texting where my response time is okay, and there are other areas where I am just despicably slow. It’s too complicated to qualify exactly (but in my mind it should be pretty clear - I know who I talk to and how quickly I respond), but the general area I’m targeting is conversations with sisters where I have to think about what I have to say (of course, there are going to be brothers mixed into that, and other conversations, blah blah, I won’t bore you with the details). And within this group, the benchmark I am setting is the goal to respond within 18 hours. Starting tomorrow. God be with me..
It’s amazing that I spent so much time talking about my texting habits LOL. 
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xuxibelle · 6 years
Chai Tea - Chapter 17
The next day, the girls left around lunchtime. I sat in the living room bored, with nothing to do. I heard a horn blow outside, so I went to see who it was. I opened the door to see Harry pull up like this:
Harry Driving
My mouth dropped open and he grinned at me as he climbed out of the car.
“What is this?” I asked.
“Well you said you needed a car to get to work, so here it is,” he said smiling.
“You’re not serious.”
“Yea, I am actually,” he laughed.
“Really?” I asked. He nodded his head yes and I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck. “I love you,” I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek. “You are the best.” We walked over to the car and I walked around looking at it.
Car 1
Car 2
“Oh my god, it looks just like the one from Teen Wolf!” I said excitedly making him laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“Well, it is the one from Teen Wolf.”
“No it’s not.” I said and he smiled at me. “You’re not serious. You’re playing with me.”
“No, I’m very serious. They have quite a few in case one of them gets messed up and I bought one for you because I know how much you like the show,” he grinned. I just stared at him.
“I, I don’t believe you,” I stammered causing him to laugh again. He grabbed my hand and walked to the driver’s side. He opened the door and motioned for me to sit in the seat.
“Look,” he said as he pointed to the spot just under the radio. “I even had the one that drives it to sign it,” he smiled.
“You could have done that yourself,” I laughed. He pulled out his phone and pulled up his pictures handing it to me.
“Look at the fourth picture,” he told me. I scrolled through the pictures until I reached the one he mentioned and I froze.  It was a picture of Tyler Hoechlin sitting in the driver’s seat and Harry in the passenger’s seat as Tyler signed the dash. I just stared at it. After a minute, Harry took his phone from my hand and pulled me out of the car, still stunned. “You alright?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said unconvincingly.
“If you don’t like it I can always take it back,” he joked.
“Don’t even think about it,” I said as my eyes met his. He laughed and squeezed me.
“That’s what I thought,” he laughed. “So, you like it?”
“Of course, this is the best thing anyone has ever gotten for me!” I said hugging him. He chuckled and let go of me.
“I’m glad you like it,” he smiled. We walked inside and sat in the living room. “We’re leaving again in a couple weeks,” he told me.
“Okay,” I smiled at him. “You think it will be alright for me to go back to work by then?”
“Most likely. Nothing else has happened so it should be fine,” he smiled.
“Good, cause I don’t know how long I would last before going crazy being alone in this house,” I laughed. The next few weeks went by without incident. I had since forgotten about the threat and everything seemed to be normal again. I started back to work the day after the boys left for tour. The paparazzi had been following me around more than normal lately. I didn’t think anything of it; I assumed it was a normal thing. I went about my business as usual. On one of my off days, I met Andy at the café across the street from the shop on her lunch break. We were sitting there talking and eating when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a tallish looking man smiling at me.
“Kat?” he asked. I immediately recognized him and jumped up to hug him.
“Oh my god! Ben! I haven’t seen you since high school! How have you been?” I asked motioning for him to sit down with us.
“I’ve been alright. I got married,” he said holding up his hand.
“Oh my god, that’s great! Do I know her?”
“Yea, it’s Sara, from our chorus class,” he smiled.
“Aw, that’s awesome. You two were always so cute together.” I heard Andy clear her throat. “Oh, right! Sorry! Andy this is Ben, we went to high school together back in the states. Ben this is Andy, she’s my best friend here,” I smiled as they shook hands. “So are you just visiting or did you move here too?”
“I’m on business, wait, too? You moved here?” he sounded shocked.
“Yea, after my parents died I really didn’t have a reason to stay there,” I explained.
“So what is new with you then?”
“Well, I work at that shop over there,” I said motioning towards it, “that’s my car” I said pointing at the Camaro and smiling.
“THAT’s your car?”
“Yea,” I smiled at it.
“Wow, you must be doing pretty well for yourself then, huh?”
“Well, actually I am, but my boyfriend bought it for me,” I blushed.
“You’re dating someone? I’m glad. Are you happy with him?”
“Yea, I actually am. He’s different form everyone else,” I told him.
“They are perfect together,” Andy said smiling, looking from me to Ben. “I’ve never seen him act the way he does with another girl”
“That’s always a good sign,” he smiled.
“You might now him,” she grinned. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me.
“Oh really? Who is he then?” he asked curiously. I bit my lip and looked away, blushing.
“She doesn’t like to brag,” Andy giggled, “but I do. It’s Harry Styles.”
“Seriously?” he asked.
“Yea, seriously,” I nodded, smiling.
“How did that happen? You were always so shy in high school, and when we went to concerts you never were able to talk to the artists,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and blushed.
“Well, I try to stay away from the mainstream stuff, you know keep away from the spotlight. I had no idea who One Direction was until after I met him. He came in the shop one day, and I was dancing and singing to this song that was on the radio. It was a pretty popular song, but I still didn’t know who it was or anything. We talked and he ordered a Chai Tea, he always orders the same thing every time he comes in, even now,” I laughed remembering the day. “He came in every day for three weeks before we started making conversation.  We had a general conversation and it ended in him giving me his number and me texting him later. He asked me to lunch the next day and that is when I found out he was famous. I went back to the flat and looked up the band and watched videos and stuff, just to see what all these girls were so crazy over,” I smiled at him.
“Did you figure it out?” he asked jokingly.
“Of course, but I learn new things every day,” I smiled. He just looked at me. “And about a month ago, I moved in with him,” I grinned.
“Honestly, Kat, I am ecstatic that you found someone. I’ve never seen you so happy,” he smiled at me.
“Well, thanks,” I told him, blushing.
“I definitely don’t want to see you like you used to be in high school. I’m glad you got away from that,” he smiled and hugged me as he stood. “I’ve got to get going. I don’t want to be late. You should call me sometime. I would love to meet the person that makes you this happy,” he smiled as he handed me a slip of paper with his number on it.
“I’ll do that. It was great to see you,” I smiled as he walked off.
“What was he talking about?” Andy asked.
“I’ll tell you later when we’re not in public,” I smiled at her.
“So, was he like an ex-boyfriend?”
“No, not at all. He was one of my best friends in high school. I’ll explain everything later. You coming over tonight?” I asked.
“Well, if I wasn’t I am now,” she laughed. “I gotta get back before Emily gets swamped,” she laughed. I stood and hugged her.
“Text me when you are on your way,” I smiled at her. We left the café, she went back to work and I went home. I parked my amazing new car in the driveway and walked in the house smiling. I locked the door behind me and went to the bedroom to change into something comfortable. I plopped down in the living room pulling my laptop on my lap and turning it on. I played around on Facebook for a while before shutting the computer off again. I turned the TV on to find that Teen Wolf was on. It was repeats of course because they didn’t start new shows until summer, but I didn’t care. I smiled as big as I could when I saw my car on the screen and Tyler getting out of it. I still couldn’t believe it was real. I had to have the best boyfriend in the world. A few hours later, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Andy’s name.
To Kat: On my way!! :) I’m bringing pizza
To Andy: Awesome! You read my mind, lol. Be safe :)
To Kat: Always!
Thirty minutes later, there’s a knock at the door. I open it and let Andy in. We walk to the living room and she sets the pizza on the coffee table. She opened the box handing me a slice and then grabbing one for herself.
“So, you wanna start?” she asked.
“Okay,” I laughed. I hadn’t really told anyone about my past, ever. “This is gonna be tough for me, so just bear with me, okay?” She nodded her head yes.
“It’s fine. Just take your time,” she smiled. I sighed and looked at her.
“My older brother protected me as much as he could in elementary school, but when he went to high school that all stopped. That’s when the teasing started. When he left for the Army, I had no one to turn to. He was always the one I talked to. I was the outcast in high school. My grades were great. Mostly A’s, but I had a few B’s too. I was overweight, so I was teased a lot. I never dated anyone because of that, and because no one ever asked me. Ben was the nicest person I knew back then. He and Sara were like my two best friends; well they were my only friends. The other people that called themselves my friends were only there to use me when they needed something,” I took a deep breath and looked at her again.
“It’s okay,” she smiled and hugged me. “You don’t have to say anything else if you don’t want to.”
“I know, it’s just that I’m not used to talking to people like this and them wanting to listen. I’ve never told anyone else about this. Ben already knew because he was there,” I shrugged.
“I understand,” she smiled.
“I put a stop to letting people use me after my second year in high school. I was tired of it, so when someone who called themselves my friend would ask for something I would just roll my eyes and walk away. Everyone started calling me names. Sometimes they would push me, knock me down, hit me, and stuff like that. I didn’t know what to do, so I pushed all of my feelings aside. I didn’t let myself feel anything. I was numb to everything. One day in the lunch room, someone ‘accidentally’ spilled their orange soda all over my new white shirt. That was my last straw. I was livid to say the least. I went home from school early and cried for hours; until I heard my parents come home. I didn’t want them to know I was being bullied, so I grabbed some clean clothes and ran to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and walked back into my room. They never noticed. That was the day I started cutting. I waited until they were asleep before I snuck into the bathroom. I pulled out my dad’s razor case and took a blade from it. I grabbed a towel and walked back to my room and locked my door. I sat on the floor on the other side of my bed and pressed it against my skin, but not cutting yet,” I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. “I slowly dragged it across my arm and watched as the blood formed across the scratch. It stung a little at first, but I liked it, so I continued. I cut deeper the next time and watched as the blood ran along my arm. I only made four cuts that night, but that was all I needed at the time. Sometimes I would cut more, sometimes less; it depended on the day and how I felt. Luckily, I never cut deep enough to leave any bad scars, except for the few on my hips, but those are covered by clothes most of the time. Ben found out and told Sara. They came to my house one day and talked to me. The rest of the time in high school, they helped me not to cut as much, but after high school, we drifted apart and I began to cut again. Then my parents died. I couldn’t take anymore, so I took all the money I had out of the bank and moved here. So far, everything has been better and I haven’t cut since,” I smiled at her as a tear escaped my eye. She hugged me without saying anything.
“Kat, I know that was hard for you, but I’m proud of you for doing that. I know it took a lot of courage,” she smiled at me.
“Yea, thanks for listening. Just promise me you won’t say anything to anyone. I don’t want anyone else to know just yet,” I smiled back at her as I wiped the tears off my face.
“Of course I won’t,” she smiled back at me. It felt good to get things out for once. Maybe one day I would even be able to tell Harry, but for now it was going to stay between Andy and me. I was glad she was the one we hired at the shop. She was a super nice girl and I really liked her. I’m glad Niall liked her too. I think that was the best part of her coming to work at the shop, the fact that she and Niall had hit it off. I was starting to realize everything was alright after all. Life was turning out to be great, now if it would just stay that way, that would be great, but I knew it wouldn’t last. Things were never perfect all the time. I just had to wait for something to happen…
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