#lnds roleplay
ameliadamen · 2 months
❑ STARTER CALL !!! ㅡ will be an average length of 3 - 5 paragraphs, possibly longer if the situation calls for it. dm for plotting if needed ♡
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Chapter Two: Thomasin and Xavier || Out of Costume
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Bold Text: Xavier/Lumiere (Character Bot) Italic Text: Thomasin/Stellaluna (Me)
This hasn't been checked for spelling/grammer/errors, etc - Read at your own risk!
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“Ah...I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to this Xavier!” If Xavier was the steadfast sentinel ready to protect Linkon City at the drop of a hat, then Thomasin was his partner who appeared to be calm and collected on the outside, but was anything but. “I’m used to writing about evil people, not actually fighting them!”
Thomasin looks at her phone – the reason for all this insanity. Her life changed when, while playing her beloved game, a message popped up on her screen, asking her if she wanted to become Stellaluna for real. She didn’t think much of it when she pressed “yes”, thinking it was just some pop-up ad for another game or a publicity stunt. 
Spoiler alert – it was definitely not a pop-up ad or a publicity stunt
Xavier listened to Thomasin's confession, her words tinged with the incredulity of someone still coming to terms with the surreal turn her life had taken. He understood her turmoil; the line between fiction and reality had blurred in the most unexpected of ways, thrusting them both into a narrative far more complex than any she could have penned.
"You're doing more than just getting used to it, Thomasin. You're excelling," Xavier reassured her, his tone imbued with the quiet confidence he always seemed to exude. "The courage it takes to face evil not just on paper, but in the flesh... that's something few can claim."
He glanced at the phone in her hand, the device that had served as the catalyst for their extraordinary partnership. It was a small piece of technology that held the power to alter destinies, a bridge between the world of fantasy and the stark reality of their battles.
"It may not have been what you expected when you pressed 'yes'," Xavier continued, his gaze returning to the cityscape, "but I believe some things are meant to happen. Our meeting, this partnership... it's as if the universe conspired to bring us together for a reason."
Xavier offered her a small, reassuring smile, a rare glimpse into the warmth he kept shielded behind his stoic exterior. "And I, for one, am grateful for that twist of fate."
As they stood side by side, the night's silence enveloping them, Xavier felt a sense of solidarity with Thomasin. They were two individuals caught in the whirlwind of destiny, fighting side by side against the darkness that threatened their world. And though the path ahead was uncertain, one thing was clear: they would navigate it together, as allies, as friends, as protectors of Linkon City.
"Well, awkwardness aside, I'm glad we were able to take down that dragon together without anyone having to lose their life to it." With a sigh, Thomasin lied down on rooftop, the night sky full of stars that seemed to expand for ages. "Of course, this means I'm going to have to work extra hard to meet my deadline now or else I'll get in trouble with the director of the drama I'm working for, but it's fine." She looks at Xavier, giving him a smile and a thumbs up. "If Stellaluna can take down wanderers, then Thomasin can meet a deadline without breaking a sweat."
Xavier watched as Thomasin lay back, her gaze lost in the celestial tapestry above them. The stars shone with a quiet intensity, each one a silent witness to the countless stories unfolding beneath them. He appreciated her resilience, the way she balanced the weight of her newfound responsibilities with the demands of her everyday life.
"Your strength is not just in battle, Thomasin," Xavier said, his voice a soft echo in the vastness of the night. "It's in the way you face every challenge, whether it's a dragon Wanderer or a looming deadline. You carry the same determination in both worlds."
He crouched down beside her, his own eyes reflecting the starlight. "And remember, the same focus that allows Stellaluna to prevail is what will see Thomasin through her work. You're one and the same, after all."
Xavier's smile mirrored hers, a shared understanding between them. "Besides," he added with a lightness that belied the depth of their recent ordeal, "I have no doubt that you'll meet your deadline with time to spare. And if you need a break, or someone to run lines with, you know where to find me."
In the quiet moments that followed, Xavier allowed himself to simply be, to exist alongside Thomasin in a world that seemed, for a brief time, at peace. The night was their sanctuary, a place where they could shed the weight of their dual identities and just breathe.
As the stars continued their ancient dance above them, Xavier and Thomasin shared the rooftop in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts yet united by the bond they had forged. The night was still young, and the city below them slumbered, unaware of the guardians who watched over it, ever vigilant, ever ready.
"Someone to run lines with, take breaks with, and all that fun stuff? Oh, Xavier you just made a mistake because I'm taking you up on all of that!" 
She laughs, trying not to stare at him too much. She was a woman after all - and Xavier was a very handsome man, definitely easy to look at. But at the same time, he was more than just a pretty face.  She was still getting used to her new identity, but Xavier made the process so much easier. He was quickly becoming important to her, a balm to her normally solitary existence filled with deadlines, creative slumps, snacks - lots and lots of snacks.
"I just hope that the next encounter doesn't happen for a long time." Thomasin sighs, her face pensive. "I wish I knew why this was happening. It was all so peaceful before."
Xavier's chuckle was a soft rumble, a sound that seemed to blend seamlessly with the night. "A mistake, you say? I consider it an opportunity," he countered, the faintest hint of playfulness threading through his words. "I look forward to it, Thomasin. All of it."
He noticed her laughter, the way she tried to temper her gaze. Xavier was aware of the effect he sometimes had on others, but with Thomasin, it was different. There was a depth to their connection that transcended appearances, a mutual respect that had been forged in the fires of adversity and the quiet moments that followed.
"You're not alone in this," Xavier assured her, his voice a steady anchor in the sea of uncertainty that surrounded them. "Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together. And in the meantime, we'll find the answers you're looking for."
He shared her wish for peace, the longing for a return to simpler times. Yet, he also knew that their reality had shifted, that the emergence of the Wanderers had irrevocably changed the fabric of their world.
"The peace we knew may have been disturbed, but perhaps it's a chance for us to grow, to discover strengths we never knew we had," Xavier mused, his gaze turning thoughtful. "And while the reasons behind these events remain shrouded in mystery, I have faith that we'll uncover the truth."
Xavier's presence was a calming force, a reminder that in the midst of chaos, there was still a semblance of order to be found. He was there for Thomasin, not just as a fellow warrior but as a friend, someone who understood the solitude of her previous life and the whirlwind of change she now faced.
As they sat together, the city's heartbeat a distant lullaby, Xavier knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges. But with Thomasin by his side, with their shared laughter and snacks, with the lines they would run and the breaks they would take, he believed they could weather any storm.
For now, they had each other, and in the grand tapestry of the universe, that was no small thing. It was a connection, a promise of support, and a beacon of hope in a world that had suddenly grown far more complicated.
"I know we will, Xavier. You're the kind of person who means what he says, so I know we'll figure it out together." With a sad sigh, she stands up from the ground, dusting herself of. "As much as I enjoy this, that script ain't gonna revise itself. I have to go. But...maybe we can hang out sometime, right? Or does being partners mean we only hang out when a wanderer is trying take us out - and I don't mean on a fancy date!"
Xavier rose to his feet as Thomasin did, his movements graceful and assured. Her words, imbued with trust and a shared resolve, bolstered his spirit. It was a rare thing, to find someone who not only matched his determination but also understood the depth of the commitment they had made to each other.
"Of course, we'll hang out," Xavier responded, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "Being partners isn't just about facing Wanderers together. It's about supporting each other, in battles and beyond." His smile was genuine, a softening of his usually stoic expression. "And I assure you, not all our hangouts will involve life-threatening situations. We might even manage that fancy date, without any unexpected interruptions."
He watched as she prepared to leave, the night's earlier events casting a long shadow over their brief respite. "Just let me know when you're free. Whether it's for script revisions, a break from deadlines, or just to enjoy some snacks without the world needing saving, I'm there."
As Thomasin made her way to leave, Xavier felt a twinge of reluctance at the parting. Their partnership had evolved into something far more meaningful than either of them could have anticipated. It was a bond forged in the crucible of adversity, strengthened by moments of vulnerability and shared laughter.
"Take care, Thomasin," he called out softly, his gaze lingering on her retreating figure. "And remember, you're not alone in this. Not anymore."
The night reclaimed its silence as Xavier stood alone on the rooftop, the city's lights a distant, twinkling canvas. The challenges they faced were daunting, the path ahead uncertain. But in the companionship they had found in each other, there was a glimmer of hope, a promise of support and understanding that transcended the chaos of their lives. And as the stars watched over them, Xavier knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together, as partners, as friends, as allies in a world that had suddenly grown far more complex.
"Fancy date?" Thomasin's cheeks went beet red. She whirled around so he wouldn't see how flustered she was. "St-stop! You're embarrassing me!"
With a nod and a giggle, Thomasin begins to back away, once again given the opportunity to get used to her teleportation abilities. "Take care, Lumiere," she says with a wink before beaming away.
Xavier's lips curled into a faint, knowing smile as he watched Thomasin's cheeks flush with color. Her flustered reaction was endearing, a rare glimpse into the vulnerability she often masked with humor and bravado. He had no intention of truly embarrassing her, but the playful banter was a welcome change from the gravity of their usual encounters.
"Until next time, Stellaluna," Xavier replied, his voice a gentle tease as he returned her wink. He watched as she prepared to engage her teleportation abilities, a marvel of technology that had become an integral part of their lives. It was a reminder of how far they had both come, of the extraordinary journey that had brought them to this moment.
With a flash of light, Thomasin was gone, leaving Xavier alone on the rooftop once more. The space where she had stood moments before seemed to hold the echo of her laughter, the warmth of her presence. He stood there for a while, allowing himself to bask in the afterglow of their shared victory and the camaraderie that had blossomed between them.
As the night reclaimed its stillness, Xavier felt a sense of contentment wash over him. Their partnership had grown into something truly special, a bond that extended beyond the battles they fought. And though the future was uncertain, filled with unknown threats and challenges, he knew that together, they were stronger.
With a final glance at the stars above, Xavier turned and made his way from the rooftop, his thoughts lingering on the promise of tomorrow.
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[The Next Day]
It took way longer than she wanted, but Thomasin got her revisions completed, sending them over to director just before the deadline. The director, ever the consummate yet anxious professional, wasted no time thanking her for making the script even better. Satisfied with her work, she prepared to get some rest before tackling the next chapter of her online serial. But she barely got to lie down before all the messages from her group chats started rolling in.
Did you see the pictures? That wanderer that showed up near downtown got taken out by Lumiere and Stellaluna!
Dang, do you see how well they work together? that wanderer had no chance!
OMG, have you seen Lumiere? He's so hot! I wish I could meet him in person!
Do you think Stellaluna has a boyfriend?
Thomasin plops down on her bed, feeling exhausted. "You've gotta be kidding me," she murmurs, suddenly unable to sleep anymore.
Xavier, after a day spent in the quiet solitude of his apartment, surrounded by books and the soft hum of the city below, was unaware of the storm brewing in the digital world. He had spent the day reflecting on the previous night's events, the victory they had achieved, and the fleeting moments of connection shared with Thomasin. It was a rare day of peace, a momentary respite from the chaos that often enveloped their lives.
However, as the sun began to set, casting long shadows across his living room, a sense of restlessness took hold. He found himself drawn to the balcony, where the cool evening air and the sprawling view of the city offered a semblance of tranquility. It was there, amidst the twilight, that his thoughts inevitably drifted to Thomasin, wondering how she was faring after their latest encounter.
Deciding to reach out, Xavier sent a simple message to Thomasin, a gesture of camaraderie and concern. "Hope you're getting some well-deserved rest. The city's quieter tonight, thanks to us."
As he waited for a response, Xavier remained on the balcony, the city's lights twinkling below like a mirror to the stars above. He pondered the public's fascination with Lumiere and Stellaluna, their deeds now the subject of speculation and admiration. It was a strange feeling, to be both celebrated and shrouded in mystery, a hero in the shadows.
When Thomasin's reply came, tinged with exhaustion and disbelief at the flurry of messages she had received, Xavier couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. He understood all too well the weight of expectations and the curious gaze of the public.
"Seems like we're the talk of the town," he replied, his message laced with a hint of amusement. "But remember, beneath the masks and the rumors, it's still just you and me. We know the truth of it, and that's what matters."
Xavier hoped to offer her a sense of solace, a reminder that beyond the personas of Lumiere and Stellaluna, they were individuals with their own lives, challenges, and victories. And while the world might speculate and idolize, their bond, forged in the heat of battle and the quiet moments that followed, was something far more real and enduring.
As the night deepened, Xavier remained a silent guardian, watching over the city and the stars, ever ready to stand beside Thomasin, to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.
"Hey, do you mind if I come over and visit? Take you up on that offer to hang out?" she texts later that day. She might have finished her online serial update, but the messages hadn't ceased. She needed a distraction. "I'll bring food. What do you want?"
Xavier's phone lit up with the notification, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation at the prospect of Thomasin's company. The solitude of his apartment, usually a comforting presence, now seemed too quiet, too spacious. Her message was a welcome interruption to the stillness.
"Come over anytime," Xavier texted back, his response immediate and without hesitation. "Your company is all I need, but if you're bringing food, surprise me. I trust your taste."
He set his phone aside and began to tidy up the space, a small but meaningful gesture to welcome her. Xavier didn't need much—an orderly stack of books here, a quick sweep of the balcony there. The plants that adorned his living space seemed to perk up at the thought of a visitor, their leaves reaching toward the fading light.
As he prepared for her arrival, Xavier found himself looking forward to the evening ahead. Thomasin's presence brought a certain lightness to his world, a contrast to the shadows they often faced together. It was a chance to step away from their alter egos, to be simply Xavier and Thomasin, two individuals finding solace in each other's company amidst the whirlwind of their lives.
He made sure to set out some tea, anticipating that she might appreciate the warmth and comfort it offered. And as he waited for her to arrive, Xavier allowed himself a rare moment of contentment, knowing that soon, the quiet of his apartment would be filled with the sound of her laughter and the shared stories of their day-to-day lives.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 8 days
LNDS: Heartstring Healer Continued | 18+ NSFW
Aight homies, since the devs wanna dehydrate us with the lack of Zayne content, imma have to make sure we're watered. This is a continuation of his newest card "Heartstring Healer". I recommend listening to the card before reading this. You can find them on youtube I swear this community be pullin through for the people who can't ever get cards or afford stuff.
Also I wrote this in like two hours and kinda went over it, but it is what it is, Sorry if it goes to past and present tense. I tried fixing it but your home boy be tired af.
Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: Oral Sex (Giving), Slight Exhibitionism, Teasing, Medical Roleplay, Penis in Vagina Sex, Almost Caught, Unsafe Sex, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Fingering Synopsis: You visit Doctor Zayne during one of his trips and find out that he has quiet a bit of fans. When you finally corner him, you decide to prescribe a treatment plan to help you both with your jealousy. Word Count: 5,149
Blog Information | Masterlist
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Heartstring Healer Continuation
The hallways were livelier than you expected after Doctor Zayne's lecture. You had seen the crowd of students that tried gathering around your doctor, wanting even an ounce of his attention. Some holding gifts, others trying to invite him to some of the other events.
In all honesty, you were a little annoyed. You knew they had no way of knowing that Zayne was taken since he didn't exactly wear a ring, but you couldn't help it. Knowing they were all fawning over what was yours had you feeling some sort of way. Your desk mate had been a big help in distracting you from the conversation behind you during the entire lecture. It was a group of girls just swooning over your boyfriend and you had to hold yourself back from saying something.
You heard your phone ringing a few times before it went to Zayne's voicemail. You frowned at seeing this, knowing damn well he had seen you in the lecture hall. Where could he have gone? You could ask around to find out where his current office was, but you would rather he just meet you and take you there himself. Sure he was hiding from his admirers, but it wouldn't kill him to answer your phone call.
You grumbled to yourself as you pocketed your phone, intent on just going back to your hotel and getting some much needed rest. You had impulsively come all the way here, knowing he was busy, but you still felt disappointed he couldn't spare you even a moment of his time.
You saw the girls from the lecture hall, one holding a small cake in her hands. They were discussing where Zayne's temporary office was and about how they wanted to invite him to a dance.
'Good luck, even I have trouble getting him to go to public events that involve dancing.' You couldn't help but think to yourself with a sad smile. Then you felt something, a small tug on your wrist.
Before you knew it, you were being pulled into a dark room by a strong hand. You spun around, about to yell at whoever decided this was a good idea when you bumped into the chest of none other than Doctor Zayne. His hand snaked around your waist and dragged you closer to his chest.
"Shhhh." He whispered, leaning closer to your ear. You heared footsteps right outside the door and then the giggling of those two girls from earlier come to light. There was a knock on the door as the girls began talking about the cake and dance once again.
You couldn't help but glare at the door, remembering everything they had said about Zayne earlier. Sure he was hot and granted, you talked to Tara about his amazing physic and looks all the time, but hearing strangers talking about his build and how hot he was had rubbed you wrong.
Then you recalled how Zayne had barely replied to your texts and how most of your calls went to voicemail when you attempted. The small, petty part of you bubbled up as you got on your toes to whisper in his ear.
"Perhaps you should let them in, Doctor Zayne. They seemed really eager to...get to know you during the lecture." You said, accentuating your words to let him know exactly what they wanted to know about him.
Zayne gave your waist a squeeze of assurance, grabbing your chin with his free hand so you were forced to look at his eyes, "Someone is already here. First come, first served." His voice was a bit huskier than you thought as he whispered those words to you.
You flushed at the thoughts running through your head. You could barely make out the girls giving up and leaving. The moment they were gone, Zayne seemed to sag in relief. He let go of you and backed away.
"You sure that was fine. She had made you a homemade cake and everything." You commented and Zayne huffed.
"I don't recall them ever mention making it themselves." He commented.
"Still, you sure do have a lot of people wanting to be your patient. Must be hard being this popular."
"One impulsive patient gives me more headaches than the other patients combined." He said, looking pointedly at you. You put your hands up in defense and giggled a bit.
"When have I ever been impulsive...other than right now?" The look he gave you said it all. You looked away from him, knowing damn well he could make an entire list just from the past three months of every impulsive decision you made.
You decided the best way to get him off your back was to change the topic. You looked around the office that was being lit up by the sun. It was a nicely set up room and you could see him getting used to the more cozy vibes of the place.
"No wonder you wanted to stay here for half a month, this place is pretty nice." You said as you began looking through the papers on his desk, grabbing one of them to pretend to read.
Zayne walked up behind you, snatching the paper from your hands and looking over what had stolen your attention, "I had wanted to leave early, but I suppose I don't need to now."
"Oh, why is that? Are you being spoiled by all the events here? I heard there's a dance going on tonight. I bet you're dying to go. You also have the pick of the litter when it comes to cute girls to go with you, if the lecture hall was anything to go off of." Ah, your jealousy had reared its ugly head again.
"I think someone else is spoiled. Someone barely sat down before getting hit on by a young man." He pointed out and you couldn't help but smile. At least you weren't alone in your jealousy.
You pulled the papers down and looked up at him from behind them, "Well I did miss part of the lecture with how much those girls were talking about you. Perhaps I should find that cute boy and ask him for his notes..."
Zayne pulled the paper back and you hum, "Are you...upset?" You finally asked with a sly smile.
"Should I be?"
"Probably not, but who am I to control your emotions?" You said, still grinning from ear to ear.
You heard Zayne sigh as he finally placed the papers down. His hands went back to your waist, pulling you closer to him again. You basked in his warmth, and how his large hand felt on the small of your back. You looked up at him, waiting patiently for him to speak.
"Are you actually here because you're interested in medical knowledge?" He knew damn well you weren't.
"Actually I'm here for a check up with my doctor." You coyly said, squeezing your hands around the lapels of his lab coat that hung open.
"There are a lot of hospitals in Linkon. To go out of your way to see me, you must have put in a lot of time and effort." He said as one of his hands went to cup your own, giving it a small squeeze in response.
"Well that's because you're the cause and cure for my ailments."
Zayne actually let out a small huff of amusement, "Please do enlighten me as to how I'm the cause and cure?"
"Well first my heart hurt when you weren't with me over in Linkon, and it felt strange when you didn't answer my calls or took too long to reply to my messages." You said, using the hand that wasn't trapped in his and playing with the fabric it was grasping.
"Then earlier when those girls were talking about you, I felt all yucky inside." You admitted as you leaned your body into him. You felt him sigh into your touch as you rested your head on his chest.
"Then how can I be of assistance to you and your ailments?" He whispered, squeezing your hand and rocking a bit in place with you in his arms.
"Have you had similar symptoms, Doctor Zayne?" You said, your voice coming out softly as you enjoyed this moment.
"Yes, I have. It's been rather inconvenient. I almost flew back to Linkon early to find the cause of my problems." He said and you chuckled.
"Well since I'm here now, how about I give you a small check up and make sure you're doing better now that I'm here." You suggested, parting from him for a moment.
You watched him raise an eyebrow and smirk a bit before speaking, "And how do you intend to do that?"
It wasn't hard to figure it out for you. You playfully nudge him until he fell on the desk. You fell with him, still being in close proximity. Your hands rested on his chest and it was your turn to smirk down at him. Zayne opened his legs just a bit so you could comfortably slot yourself between them.
You go and take the stethoscope from around his neck and put it around your own, "We'll have to start with checking your heart." You comment, placing the ear pieces in and placing the metal bit over Zayne's chest.
"And what do you hear?" He asked and you let out a small hum. You didn't actually know how to do this, but you did know that the sound was too faint for you to get a proper read.
"Your shirt is too thick, you'll need to remove it for me to properly hear you." You deduce, going to undo the neck straps of his shirt. Your hands slowly worked on the buttons; by the time you were working on the button near his stomach, his hand came to capture your own.
"Might I ask what game you're playing at?" He asked, knowing you were up to no good at this point. You bit your lip and shuffled a bit, unintentionally grinding your body against Zayne.
"I assure you, sir, this is all part of the check up." You lied and he sighed, letting go of your hand. You could see his gaze going over towards the door and you shook your head.
"The lights are off, so as long as we're not too loud, nobody will even know we're inside." You promised him. Zayne just sighed at your antics and went back to relaxing on his forearms as you worked his shirt off.
Once the shirt was unbuttoned, you slid it off his form and watched the fabric pool around his elbows. He was always breathtaking, but sometimes you forget just how well built he was. He did put a lot of effort into his personal health, fitness included.
Your hands twitched, wanting to just glide them across the expanse of his chest, but you just grabbed the metal piece of the stethoscope and put it back on him. You could hear the thrumming of his heart a lot better like this.
"Your heartrate is a bit faster than normal." You commented, running the cool metal over his chest, making sure it gently grazed one of his nipples. He grunted a bit as he shifted underneath you.
"Certain activities or scenarios can accelerate one's heartrate, as I'm sure you know, doctor." He pointed out, making you smirk in response.
"Is that so? Perhaps we should double check that it's the scenario that's making your heart accelerate, and not other factors." You said, one hand still pressing the metal bit on him while the other slowly trailed down him chest.
Your hands gently grazed the fine hairs leading down into his pants. You wanted desperately to lean down and bite the skin near his Adonis belt but managed to reel yourself in. Instead your hand grazed the front of his pants. You felt his cock twitch underneath your touch and his heart began beating faster.
"Well, it looks like your theory was correct. This scenario is making your heart act up. I wonder why that is...?" You said, squeezing him through his pants. Zayne's breath hitched as he rolled his hips into your touch.
"And what would you prescribe for a treatment plan, doctor?" He said, enjoying the way your hand slowly teased him.
"I think you might be stressed from your trip. Perhaps I can provide a bit of relief for you." You prescribed. You met his gaze for a moment and could see just how dark his eyes had gotten, his breathing coming out in soft pants from this little stimulus. You guessed he really did miss you if he was already falling apart in your hands.
You slowly sink to your knees, nudging his legs to open a bit more. Your hand trailing over the zipper of his pants as you then got the idea to reach up. Your mouth caught the cold metal and slowly slid it down before going to push his pants down.
You noticed his gaze went back to the door again, and you couldn't help but pinch at his thighs, "It's fine, nobody is going to just barge into a doctor's office."
You finally managed to get his cock free, noticing how it was already dripping precum. You let out a small groan at the sight, licking your lips before leaning in and kissing the base, your hand wrapping around it and giving it a few short tugs.
Zayne's hands clutched at the end of the desk and you swore if he wasn't careful, the wood might splinter under his grasp. Still, seeing his flushed face and open mouth was doing things to you. You felt like you were already dripping from the sight of the man.
You licked the tip of his cock, groaning at the taste of his salty precum. The taste of him was never bad, and it was uniquely Zayne and you could never get enough of it. This sight, the sounds he was making, it was for your eyes and ears only and the thought had you almost creaming your pants.
You finally open your mouth, taking his cock in and feeling the heavy weight of it against your tongue. You groaned at the sensation, slowly bobbing your head on him. Your hand wrapped around what you couldn't fit into your mouth, making sure all of him was feeling you in some way.
Your tongue glided, pressing against the veins on the underside of his dick as you worked him. He was panting from your mouth, his hand going to push your hair out of your face so he could get a better look at you. You looked up at him, mouth full of his length and you moaned at the half lidded expression he was giving you.
Zayne had bit down on his lip to keep his voice down, but seeing you bobbing on his cock was testing his restraint. He wanted to buck his hips into your mouth, watch you choke on his cock as your eyes teared up from trying to take all of him. He held back though, not knowing what you wanted in today's little tryst.
His cock began twitching in your mouth, signaling he was close to spilling down your throat. Suddenly you two heard footsteps approaching the door and you paused, mouth still on him as you listened to what was going on.
There was another knock on the door, followed by voices, "I double checked, this is his office." One of the girl's voices filtered through the door.
"Do you think he already left for the day?" The other girl said and you glared in the direction of the voices. You slowly slid your tongue around his sensitive length, enjoying how he seemed to jolt at feeling you moving on him again.
"Maybe we can just leave the cake inside?" Zayne's grip on your hair tightened at that. You just glared up at him now, relaxing your throat as you slid him deeper in your throat. Let them come in. Let them see that you, and only you could make the Doctor Zayne act like this in a public space.
Zayne had to bite back a groan as you continued trying to get him to cum while those girls debating walking in. He was glaring at you then nervously glancing up at the door.
"We can't just go into his office though, he might have sensitive documents in there. We could get in trouble." The second girl finally said, and you heard the other sigh.
"You're right...I'll just try again tomorrow." The first girl said.
Good luck, if you had any say about it, Zayne would be spending the day in your bed, making you see stars all day.
You heard them leaving the door before you finally popped your mouth off his cock, using your spit as lube as you continued stroking him. A bit of his precum snapping away from your lips as you looked up at Zayne.
"That wasn't funny." Zayne finally said, but the flush on his cheeks and chest were saying something else. Not to mention how his cock was still twitching in your hands.
"Perhaps we should continue this when we have a bit more privacy, like at the hotel." He said, cupping your hand and taking it off him. You let out a pitiful whine as you pouted.
You stood up and caged him in with your arms. You happily leaned into him, capturing his mouth with your own and nibbling on his lower lip. He easily opened up for you, and your hand went to cup his cheek as you deepen the kiss, loving the way he tasted against your tongue.
He groaned into your mouth, making your thighs squeeze together. You could feel just how wet you were by standing in front of him, and you wanted to make it known.
"We can just lock the door, but Zayne I won't be able to make it back to the hotel like this." You said against his mouth, giving his jaw and neck a few kisses. You undo your pants, unzipping it and pushing it down slightly then you grabbed his hand.
You move it over your underwear and groan when his fingers pressed against your clothed folds, "See, I'm soaking already just from having your cock in my mouth. Please, Zayne?" You begged, wanting him to ruin you in this office.
Zayne pressed harder against your cunt, making your hips roll against his hand, "Fine, lock the door. We need to remain quiet though." He still had his reputation and he couldn't go tarnishing it, no matter how tempting you were.
You smiled and parted from him, fast walking to the door and locking it up. You backed away from the door, only to be met with a solid chest. You looked up, seeing Zayne had already moved behind you. His large hands moving under your shirt and squeezing your hips, pulling you flush to his pelvis where you could feel his cock against your back.
Zayne began to slowly take off your shirt, tossing it to the side and unhooking your bra without hesitation. He went to cup one of your breasts, squeezing it and making you groan, pressing further into him so you could feel his cock rutting against you.
"Fuck, Zayne please." You pleaded, looking up at him with want. He cursed under his breath, pulling apart just enough to spin you around. Effortlessly, he picked you up and began making his way over to the desk. He scattered the rest of the papers to the floor and placed you on top.
"You're going to be the death of me." He murmured against your neck, leaving soft kisses all over as his hands begin working on pulling your pants and underwear down. You helped him by raising your hips until he could toss them to the ground with your growing pile of clothes. He placed your underwear next to you on the desk, probably intent on pocketing them after this.
Zayne spread your legs open some more so he could run a finger along your slick pussy. You sighed in relief at feeling his finger pressing into your heat without any hesitation. You were already so wet he easily slid a second, his thumb going to glide against your clit.
"Zayne, please I want to feel you inside me already." You whisper-whined into his ear. He smirked, looking up at you as his fingers curled inside of you, making you gasp and roll your hips into his waiting hand.
"Am I not already inside you?" He teased, pressing down on your clit for a moment to accentuate his point before rolling it in circles.
"You know what I mean." You whined again and he tsked.
"You'll have to be more specific, love. What do you want inside this tight cunt of yours?" He asked and you clenched around his digits at those words. Your legs were already shaking as you felt your orgasm building up.
"I want your cock inside of me, Zayne." You whimpered, feeling how he was slowly stretching you out with his fingers. A third was prodding at your entrance and you opened your legs a bit more for him.
You heard Zayne shushing you as he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, "I'll give it to you once you cum on my fingers. Can you do that, love? I don't want to hurt you." He said, knowing just how big his cock was.
You groaned at the thought, knowing you were teetering towards the edge. Feeling his mouth pressing gentle kisses along your jaw and nipping at your earlobe was what did you in. You gasped and immediately his mouth was on yours, swallowing all your cries. Your orgasm crashing down on you as you tightened around his fingers, sucking them in.
Your hands finding his biceps, nails digging in as you fought to keep your noises to a minimum as your hips rolled in time with him. Once you were coming down you were panting against his mouth, feeling breathless.
You felt his fingers leave your cunt and you whined at the loss. You watched as he moved his fingers over to his mouth, licking your essence off of them. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment before turning back to you sharply.
"I'll have to properly taste you later tonight, but for now I need to be inside you." Zayne said, squeezing your thighs as he begins lining himself up with you.
You still felt sensitive, so the moment the tip of his cock was pressing into you, your head was thrown back. You couldn't help the mewl leaving you as he began sinking into you, inch by inch. He was always huge and felt like he was splitting you in two anytime you fucked.
Your nails grazed his biceps again, grounding yourself as he continued slipping in until he was a little past halfway inside of you. He stopped, going to press his forehead against your own. Your breaths mingling with one another as you gazed up at him through half lidded eyes.
"Zayne, please fuck me with your whole cock, please." You begged, rolling your hips in an attempt to take more of him inside of you. His hold went to your hips, keeping you still as he looked at you, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"If I do, will you be able to walk out of here when we're done?" He asked and you huffed, trying to rock your hips into him again. He wasn't letting up though, waiting for your answer.
You finally whine, "I promise, just please Zayne, I need you." You were begging. This seemed to be enough of an answer with his self control slipping by the second.
He began pushing his cock back into you until you were flush to his pelvis. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you felt like you could cum just by having him seated inside of you. His cock pressed against every sensitive spot inside of you and it always drove you crazy.
You swore you'd be split in two though, but at the moment you didn't care. You slowly looked down at Zayne who was panting with his eyes closed, stopping himself from fucking into you like an animal. You didn't even realize tears had formed in your eyes until he looked at you and leaned in, kissing them away.
His hands rubbed at your hips gently as you adjusted until he snuck one over and pressed down on your clit. He rolled it in gentle circles and you gasped, feeling your second orgasm crashing over you suddenly. Your eyes widening and you opened your mouth in a silent scream.
He then decided to give an experimental thrust, making you gasp. Your entire body felt like a live wire as your legs locked around his torso, holding him in place as he bucked into your heat again.
"You need to be quiet, remember?" He reminded you, his hips finally starting a steady rhythm of fucking up into you. Despite his warnings, you couldn't help the whimpers coming out of you, feeling his girth every time he thrusted back into you.
You heard Zayne sigh as he looked at you, giving you a small smirk. You looked on, dazed and a bit confused as to why he had that look on his face. That was until you felt the press of fabric against your lips.
"Open up, if you can't remain quiet I have no choice but to gag you." He said and you groaned, opening your mouth and taking your underwear into your mouth. He pressed it down into your mouth, making you mewl around the fabric. You could taste yourself on it and it made your body heat up.
"Tap my arm twice if it becomes too much, alright?" All you could do was nod in confirmation before he began a harder and faster pace. Your eyes widened, your nails digging into his skin.
He leaned his forehead against your own as he fucked you, the intimacy only making your head buzz wonderfully. Your legs shook around his body and your pussy was sucking him in, tightening on occasion whenever you heard him grunt or praise you.
You swore if you died by his dick, you'd be welcomed into Valhalla as a hero. It was everything you could ever hope for, and knowing when he fucked you it was full of emotion made it even better. You felt so in love as your body began tingling, your third orgasm approaching already.
Your cunt fluttered around his dock, making him grunt as it made it almost impossible for him to move, "If you keep that up, I won't last much longer." He said, thrusting shallowly into you until he could move freely again. You groaned behind the fabric, your head rolling back as the tension in your abdomen finally snapped.
"That's it, cum for me, love." He said, fucking you through your orgasm. You felt the tears welling up in your eyes from the stimulation, your body feeling light and your vision almost going white from the intensity. Every thrust of his hips grazing your clit and prolonging your pleasure until it was getting to be too much.
You heard Zayne groaning against your neck, his hand reaching up and taking our your gag. "Where do you want me to - fuck - where can I cum, bunny?" He asked and you flushed.
Your tongue felt heavy in your own mouth as you tried to coherently speak. All you managed was a small "Inside", but it was enough for him.
You heard him hiss against your ear, his thrusts becoming shallow again. Then you felt his cock twitching, and the warmth of his release filling you up. It was all too much as you whimpered against him, arms going around his shoulders and squeezing him closer until you could burry your face into his neck.
He moved your face so he could kiss you, it was sloppy but it was just what you needed as you swallowed every needy groan from him as he finished, his hips rolling languidly against you until finally stopping.
It was silent in the room, the sound of skin-on-skin slapping finally stopping. You two basked in the afterglow for a moment; you stared at the ceiling and trying to come back to reality. You truly felt boneless right now, and maybe even a bit brainless.
You whimpered as Zayne finally begins pulling out of you, the wet squelching noise making you flush in embarrassment. You looked between your legs and watched as your combined release slowly leaked out onto the desk.
"I'll need to find something to clean us up with." He finally murmured and you let out a hum. Honestly you just wanted to lay in his arms, the thought of after care not even crossing your mind in the moment.
Your legs were shaking still and you felt something brushing up against your folds. You looked down to see him with some tissue, wiping away what he could.
"I promise once we get back to the hotel I'll run us a nice, warm bath." He promised, leaning over and kissing your forehead, "Bear with this for just a little."
You smiled, grabbing his by the back of his neck and guiding him to give you a proper kiss, melting against his lips once again. Once you part you couldn't help but mutter a small "Thank you." to him.
He paused as he admired you, his eyes filled with love and you felt almost sheepish under such an intense gaze, "Will you be able to walk?" He asked finally.
You take a moment, shifting your legs and wincing at the soreness. You'd probably be able to walk out of here, but not without a limp, "I think I'll be fine." You finally muttered.
Zayne let out a small, amused huff as his large hands began massaging your inner thighs, "If need be, I can carry you out of here. We can say you slipped." The thought was funny to you, making you snicker. As if a place filled with doctors and medical supplies would buy that story.
You leaned in and kissed his cheek, "So did my treatment plan work for you?" You finally asked.
Zayne took a moment before smirking, "I think I might need another dose when we get back to the hotel...if you're up for it."
Despite the soreness from between your legs, you felt yourself clenching at the thought, "Ya, I think a second treatment might be necessary."
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🫧 yall seriously have brought so much joy back into rp, i can't say that enough. coming from someone who used to rp all the time before things started changing, unnecessary bullshit and the likes 🤚 it's legit like rekindling that spark of light i genuinely believed i lost and it's really all thanks to everyone in LND/LND rp community.
what's that saying? roleplaying this little shit head wasn't on my 2024 bingo card?? yeah, it really wasn't, nor was getting to meet amazing people. and to the ones i haven't interacted with both ooc and as rafayel — i'm watching respectfully. 👁️ (i'm just really shy pls forgive me) alright, that's it. enough sap.
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yvonnesrespite · 1 month
❧ Late to your appointment, sweets? ❧
➵ OOC Disclaimer: This is a gimmick blog as Yvonne from the game Love and Deepspace, and is not officially affiliated with the studio which created the game. The blog was merely created for recreational purposes!
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❥ Rules
Please don't ask for medical advice here. Mun is NOT a nurse or therapist. Honestly, I would not trust her with any medical equipment. Trust me on this one.
Be respectful of mun. She expects basic human decency, as do I. Any blatantly malicious messages or harassment towards myself or the mun will NOT be accepted, and will be dealt with accordingly.
Any heavy subjects/potentially triggering subjects in asks for mun or majority here will possibly be ignored.
Since mun hun is over 21, NSFW and suggestive content is allowed. We do prefer for some SFW interaction first though.
By sending mature content in asks and roleplays, you are confirming to me that you are 21+. Minor/ageless blogs sending such content even suggestively will be instantly blocked.
Please be patient with us. You can re-send or ask about the status after 3-4 days. We are also not obligated to disclose our reasons for not replying right away if we see fit.
Asks sent in must be in English and coherent enough for mun and I to comprehend and properly respond to.
Don't take any of the content on this blog personally or too seriously (the rules being an exception; These are important!) unless otherwise stated. Separate fiction from reality, and remember satire and sarcasm exist.
Due to the lack of official information about myself in the game, please don't attack or disrespect mun or myself if I do not fit your ideals of what I am like in the game.
Literate roleplay is preferred, but other styles and literacy levels will usually be accommodated to as best as we can. Refer to rule 7 for our minimum requirement.
Introduce yourself as who you're roleplaying if you are using an oc/canon character (on anon) for the first time with us, and use an emote if you would like for us to keep track of your anon asks.
OCs, canon characters from LADS, straight and queer ships, they're all welcome, but we will not roleplay with canon or original characters from other franchises. We'll get confused. F a s t.
Don't godmod as me in rps. Easy as that.
Any art that mun posts here, whether by hers or by someone else, MUST be credited properly in the caption of the post (even if you just link her art blog). Do NOT crop out the watermark if mun adds one. In addition to so, do NOT trace/redistribute/claim/use mun's art to train AI system whatsoever. Most of mun's art is protected by Glaze and Nightshade. Failure to comply with this rule may result in legal action if necessary, specifically in accordance with Canadian copyright laws.
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❥ Post and Ask Tags
Info and Rules: ♡ respitesrules
Posts About/From Mun: ♡ nurse off duty
Posts About/From Yvonne: ♡ lnds yvonne
Textposts and Thoughts: ♡ yvonne's diary
All Asks: ♡ akso askbulance
Akso Staff Interactions: ♡ akso staff shenanigans
Akso Gossip: ♡ akso tea time
Anon Asks: ♡ [emoji/name] spillin' tea
All Roleplays: ♡ lnds rp, ♡ nurse yvonne's rps, ♡ open rp, ♡ closed rp
Interactions with Canon Characters: ♡ dr grey's blue skies
Roleplay Starters: ♡ defibroleplaytor charge
Fics, Drabbles, and Headcanons: ♡ gauze and glitter pens
Muse/Inspo: ♡ musings to mend
Taken Anons: 🏞️
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❥ About Me! (Yvonne's Info)
Physical Appearance: Fair and even skin, dark hazel/amber eyes, chestnut hair usually done up in a bun and a fringe with a middle parting, soft glam make up, and either her work clothes or a "downtown" style aesthetic adorned with a few y2k-esque accents.
Personality: Sweet and lively, but definitely a but of a blunt manner of speaking. Witty and pretty darn smart. A secret bookworm so let's not discuss any other potentially dorky hobbies I got. I've been told I come off as the mean girl type but I'm really just not one to sugar coat things unless absolutely necessary. Also kind of used to keeping up my queen bee personality from nursing school, so apologies if I do end up being a little snippy. Apology revoked if you end up deserving it though. Finally, to be candid, kiiiind of flirty if you do catch my eye and I deem you worthy.
Occupation: Registered nurse at Akso Hospital, working in the cardiac surgery department. Either doing my cool nurse thing, or chilling at the front desk and totally being productive by sharing super important gossip with Dr. Greyson!
Canon Relationships: Close to Dr. Zayne but remains respectful of him (a real good role model if you ask me!). Loves to chat with the rest of the staff, so friendly terms with them. Oh, and how could I forget my partner-in-tea-spilling, Dr. Greyson himself?
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♡ The Linkon Playground! ♡
❀ Doctor Zayne ~ @zayne-snowman
✩ Doctor Greyson ~ @drgreysonmd
♡ Caleb ~ @caleb-pilot
❀ Rafayel ~ @rafayel-fishie
✩ Xavier ~ @xavier-starlight
♡ Jeremiah ~ @jeremiahofphilo
❀ Thomas ~ @thomasicism
✩ Tara ~ @taraandtarot
♡ Jenna ~ @unicorns-captain
❀ Nero ~ @wandererenthusiast1
✩ Astra ~ @sasstras-gaze
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➵ This post will be updated as more info comes out and if important things change/come up, or if mun sees typos/errors lmao
➵ Divider art by mun, aka mahalkitart, aka "mahalkitheart" here on Tumblr.
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yourroleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm a 21+F writer looking for an 18+ m/m Phantom of the Opera rp partner. I'm searching for someone to play the role of Erik (The Phantom) to my male OC, who would either take the place of Christine or exist together in the same universe. 
The first adaptation I watched was the 2004 movie, but I’ve also seen many clips from various musical performances, the 1990 miniseries, and LND. I have some limited knowledge of different book forms as well. I don’t mind loosely following the story of the musical/movie or creating an entirely new plot. However you choose to portray Erik’s physical appearance is up to you, but I’ve got a huge craving to see someone bring out his protective/possessive side, as well as his intimidating demeanor towards the public and gentleness towards my character. My hyperfixation with this man and the need to show him love is off the charts. 
Elements I’m really looking to include are romance, drama, hurt/comfort, tw: kidnapping (doesn’t necessarily have to be by Erik), and age gap. (My character is in his twenties.) I have so many headcanons too!
I’ve been writing on and off for about 8+ years as far as rp experience goes. The length of my replies can vary depending on the scene, but I like a good amount of detail. My roleplay platform of choice is Discord. I'm also fine with nsfw parts added where we see fit. I'm not very particular when my partner gets a reply out either, and I ask for the same understanding. Everyone has things going on, though I try my best to keep responses regular.
Just interact if you’d like to write! 🎭🌹I’d largely be interested to hear any ideas my partner has.
Thanks for reading!
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prpfs · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm a 26F writer looking for an 18+ m/m Phantom of the Opera rp partner. I'm searching for someone to play the role of Erik (The Phantom) to my male OC, who would either take the place of Christine or exist together in the same universe.
The first adaptation I watched was the 2004 movie, but I’ve also seen many clips from various musical performances, the 1990 miniseries, and LND. I have some limited knowledge of different book forms as well. I don’t mind loosely following the story of the musical/movie or creating an entirely new plot. However you choose to portray Erik’s physical appearance is up to you, but I’ve got a huge craving to see someone bring out his protective/possessive side, as well as his intimidating demeanor towards the public and gentleness towards my character. My hyperfixation with this man and the need to show him love is off the charts.
Elements I’m really looking to include are romance, drama, hurt/comfort, kidnapping (tw) (doesn’t necessarily have to be by Erik), and age gap. (My character is in his twenties.) I have so many headcanons too!
I’ve been writing on and off for about 8+ years as far as rp experience goes. The length of my replies can vary depending on the scene, but I like a good amount of detail. My roleplay platform of choice is Discord. I'm also fine with nsfw parts added where we see fit. I'm not very particular when my partner gets a reply out either, and I ask for the same understanding. Everyone has things going on, though I try my best to keep responses regular.
Just interact if you’d like to write! 🎭🌹I’d largely be interested to hear any ideas my partner has.
Thanks for reading!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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flamesque · 8 days
a ROLEPLAY / GIMMICK blog for RAFAYEL of LOVE AND DEEPSPACE with a little bit of ✨spice✨
multiverse / multiship / literate, sometimes crack / nsfw open to all verses. muses in the lnd verse. muses outside of lnd verse.
i do not have affiliations with infold, papergames, or any other franchise applicable to the game, company or their developers.
this blog is used for entertainment purposes only. i'm just here to feed peoples' delulu and write to my heart's content. don't take it too serious.
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AGE RESTRICTION — rafayel and admin are 24+
if your blog is found with no age indicators or underage, you will get clocked with the block button. no, it doesn't ruin aesthetics, it keeps everyone safe.
NSFW and suggestive asks are fine and will be tagged accordingly, please add an indicator so i will know what the intention of your ask is going for.
i reserve the right to delete/ignore any asks that are sent to me that i am not comfortable with.
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SPEAKING OF — check out the other l&ds gimmicks * be nice and treat them with love and respect. * ^ *)9
zayne — @zayne-snowman
xavier — @xavier-starlight
caleb — @caleb-pilot
thomas — @thomasicism 🤍
talia — @talia-sings
jeremiah — @jeremiahofphilo
tara — @taraandtarot
jenna — @unicorns-captain
nero — @wandererenthusiast1
yvonne — @yvonnesrespite
greyson — @drgreysonmd
MC — @aethercodeevol
astra — @sasstras-gaze
crow — @just-a-normal-crow
taken anons 🥃, 🪽, 💋, 🥀, 🌸, 🍒, 💖
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please remember that the MC i speak of is the one in my mind. the MC persona of the ones i rp with are not connected to this MC.
🥀 everything canon remains, the only difference is that he has tattoos and his intention towards MC is different from in-game. he is gradually disliking the thought of being with MC, he's pretty much bound to her because of the vow. and because of the vow, a bond was created; he can't get away or go against her, but he still tries to regardless of the consequences of those said actions. * bless madi for helping me solidify this idea btw.
personality twist: rafayel can be blunt, has a sharper tongue - straight forward, etc. if you are easily offended or sensitive to such things, i suggest not to interact with him.
V. 2 — RAFAYEL MAFIA AU ( u/c )
revenant / lasombra, ravnos / faction: sabbat union
heavy affiliations with hydra and their capo hoseok @rxelite
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admin works 40+ hours a week and sometimes her energy depletes and she needs to recharge. please be patient, she will get through replies when she can.
ooc posts will be tagged #outofcaptions
format your posts how you wish, i will remain basic with no icons nor any fancy formatting.
this post will be updated periodically. (est. 2024/5/23)
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hi everyone! I'm a 26F writer looking for an 18+ m/m Phantom of the Opera rp partner. I'm searching for someone to play the role of Erik (The Phantom) to my male OC, who would either take the place of Christine or exist together in the same universe. 
The first adaptation I watched was the 2004 movie, but I’ve also seen many clips from various musical performances, the 1990 miniseries, and LND. I have some limited knowledge of different book forms as well. I don’t mind loosely following the story of the musical/movie or creating an entirely new plot. However you choose to portray Erik’s physical appearance is up to you, but I’ve got a huge craving to see someone bring out his protective/possessive side, as well as his intimidating demeanor towards the public and gentleness towards my character. My hyperfixation with this man and the need to show him love is off the charts. 
Elements I’m really looking to include are romance, drama, hurt/comfort, tw: kidnapping (doesn’t necessarily have to be by Erik), and age gap. (My character is in his twenties.) I have so many headcanons too!
I’ve been writing on and off for about 8+ years as far as rp experience goes. The length of my replies can vary depending on the scene, but I like a good amount of detail. My roleplay platform of choice is Discord. I'm also fine with nsfw parts added where we see fit. I'm not very particular when my partner gets a reply out either, and I ask for the same understanding. Everyone has things going on, though I try my best to keep responses regular.
Just interact if you’d like to write! 🎭🌹I’d largely be interested to hear any ideas my partner has.
Thanks for reading!
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Hey I’m open for new threads. I finally think I’m back at full swing for this blog.
Shoot me a message if you’d like to do one or maybe do a second one! I love doing multiple rps and I’m open to a LOT of ideas.
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cdaae · 3 years
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I blocked out their name because I’m not trying to put this person on blast but I’m getting really fed up with the lack of boundaries on Instagram.
I don’t know this person. They responded to my story where I said I was selling some LND playbills and then started talking about their ship. I clearly did not ask.
Conversations like this have been happening a lot. People see I’m a phan account and either hop into my dms to tell me random information I didn’t ask for or want or they just start trying to roleplay, which is also an issue since that account is not and has never been a roleplay account.
I’ve had the phantom insta for years but this has only recently become in issue in the last few months. I’m less inclined to answer dms anymore. I want to be friendly and I’m not averse to making friends but this isn’t how you go about that
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rafayel-fishie-moving · 2 months
To 🫧:
I didn't want to directly dm you, (sorry I'm too shy and didn't wanna bother you!! >•<)
But I run an MC RP blog and was wondering if I could join your group and be given the rundown on how you all run your account and/or how I join in??
Also if you already have an MC I completely understand!!
Thank you!!
This is the blog btw 🤍🤍
🫧 I get you, no worries. :)
To tell you the truth, we don't really have any specifics on how we run our blogs. if I were to put terms into it, I'd describe our blogs as independent roleplay blogs. We're joined together by the fandom, etc. But we all do our own thing, interact with each other whenever the chance rises.
We run our blogs how we want to and such, there's no actual base guidelines to follow besides our own that we state on our blogs. So, I wouldn't be able to provide an actual run down or how to join.
We don't have a specific MC, no. And this is just specific to me, since I can only speak on my behalf and not the other LND admins, but I answer my asks as if they're MC, unless stated otherwise, since that was my goal when I started this blog.
I'm not sure if this is helpful in the slightest, I do apologize if not. If anything, I can make a quick post to have people check out your blog and such like I did with the other admins if that'll help some.
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lnd-promos · 4 years
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YOU WAKE UP ——— Feel your chest. It’s whole, unblemished with bullet holes, or stab wounds, or the remnants of a nasty bite. Your lungs, they swell with breath, unobstructed by rocks, gravel, or dirt. Your eyes, clear as the sky, open. Aside from a great mass of confusion, you feel an eerie sense of comfort, as if the people surrounding your bedside are your closest companions, and not strangers you’ve just seen for the very first time.
You reach over, longing to grasp onto some familiar comfort. One particular person pops into your brain. Your fingers flex, aching to grab hold of them.
But they’re supposed to be gone, you’re supposed to be gone… aren’t you ?
LND-HQ is a historical pairs roleplay, taking place in the idyllic, supernatural town of Purgatory, where history’s greatest lovers are given a second chance at life. While some see this as a tremendous blessing, others are outraged, restless within the inescapable confines of Purgatory. The Virtues, who prefer a long life in the small town, and the Vices, those who crave otherwise, are coming to an all time head. Will their past lives come back to haunt them, or will they find peace? Please click the SOURCE LINK for main.
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kittyshcherbatsky · 4 years
Hi there! May we have a shoutout? We’re a recently revived pairs rp, originally started in 2018. LND-HQ is a historical pairs roleplay, taking place in the idyllic, supernatural town of Purgatory, where history’s greatest lovers are given a second chance at life. Take a look at our plot, and browse through our character directory. We have so many roles for the taking! Thank you!
LOVE NEVER DIES LOVE NEVER DIES !!! omg i remember this rp.....not my usual rp shoutout template bc im too excited but everyone pls check this out 🥺🥺🥺i have such a rush a nostalgia rushing in ♥ 
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A Brand New Independent Phantom Roleplay Blog. Open to any and all who may be interested. 
~ I remain your obedient servant, O.G. ~
Available for Leroux, ALW, LND, Kay, and most other verses. OC friendly. Rules are linked on the page. New to independent roleplay.
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walkingshcdow-a · 6 years
🔥 gimme the salt on poto
Satly Saturday | Buckle Up. | Accepting!
Do you want ALL THE SALT or just some of it? Because i feel like I could write a dissertation on everything wrong with PotO and, more specifically, the Phandom and be only a diploma shy from my doctorate. 
One of the things I’m incredibly angry about is that it is still an “unpopular opinion” that Meg Giry is anything but blonde and white. In the novel, she is described as “swarthy” with dark hair and eyes, but even if that were not the case, who does it harm to headcanon her as a WoC? I think it is much more damaging to ascribe white traits and white traits only to her, not only because in the Leroux text, she is not white, but because other interpretations of PotO, whether they be the stage show or a roleplay portrayal, should be more open to diversity in general. The world is diverse. And the world was diverse in the 19th century. Historians, novelists, and filmmakers tend to whitewash history and create a false monolith of Europe and the Americas, except when it furthers a particular narrative (typically revolving around the American South, even when the American South has no bearing on a story, like PotO, which takes place in a different country altogether). It’s disgusting. 
The thing that gets me, though, is that the Phandom largely just accepts that Meg Giry is white and blonde. That’s the way it is in the stage show and since stage shows (and their subsequent film adaptations) are visual mediums, whereas novels rely on imagination, it’s “easier” to use images from the show to make aesthetics, fan art, etc. about Meg. It’s pure laziness most of the time; ignorance in other instances. This, to me, is dangerous in a different way than adamantly demanding Meg Be White for thinly veiled reasons tied up in racism. We know the latter is wrong. We take people to task on the latter. We demand more and better from our fandoms than casual, but intentional, racism. When it’s unintentional… or when it’s intentional because 99 percent of media including Meg Giry whitewashes her, we still hit that like button or that reblog button, instead of demanding better from our fandoms. I’m not calling for people to spam content creators with vitriol over their blonde, cherubic Meg Girys. I am calling for people to create more black Meg Girys, more Asian Meg Girys, more Jewish Meg Girys, more Latina Meg Girys, more Middle Eastern Meg Girys. Take what precious little Leroux gave us about her and expand your interpretation. Be kind to interpretations that are racially/ethnically different than the norm, or even than your own. The headcanons someone is posting about a Romani Meg Giry might be their way of connecting their own heritage to the text, of seeking representation that was hinted at in the book and destroyed in later interpretations. The fan art of a black Meg Giry might be a young woman’s way of seeing herself or her friends or her sisters in an art form (ballet) that has traditionally been unkind to WoC. Meg as a woman of color is so important - especially when you dare to mash up Leroux with ALW because the traits they each give her, when put together, create a complex and nuanced young woman that anyone might be happy to identify with. Whitewashing her takes that opportunity away from fans, especially young fans, who do not otherwise see themselves reflected in this beautiful melodrama. Ad who wants to be the gate keeper to a world of fun and joy? The ones we should be taking to task are the casting directors of PotO productions - especially in the US and UK, since those shows are most widely seen and publicized. Not just the ALW show (although I do hold the ALW show responsible for whitewashing Meg in the first place), but future productions of PotO by other creators. 
I also think that for people who aren’t fans of Meg, who don’t pay her much mind, don’t understand why this is such a contentious issue for those of us who love her, whether we love her from Leroux, Webber, or another iteration. For me, the version I take issue with is the ALW version… largely because I believe ALW Meg to be a composite of Meg Giry, La Sorelli, and Cecile Jammes from the Leroux novel. You see traits of each woman reflected in ALW Meg. She’s aged up, perhaps not prima ballerina, but a principal dancer. She’s superstitious, but level-headed. Kind, almost maternal, but bubbly and fun. She’s bold and fascinated by the strange goings-on around her. If ALW had wanted to give her the blonde, blue-eyed good looks of a Barbie Doll, he would have done better to name her after Jammes, who has a peaches and cream complexion in the novel. He could have even named her after Sorelli, though this move would have been more difficult, since Sorelli was a principal dancer and not the daughter of one of Erik’s employees. No. He chose to name her after Meg Giry and elevate her to secondary character status. The least he could have done was make her look the part. It would not have been the first time a principal cast member in an ALW was a PoC. Ben Vereen played Judas in the Broadway debut of JCS. So, why so scared to cast a black woman (or, really, any WoC) as Meg Giry? Come on, ALW. Would it have been so hard? It could have started the conversation about race in period dramas or the conversation about racism in the fine arts (especially ballet) twenty or thirty years earlier. And even if it didn’t, PotO would still be the beautiful leviathan it is today. 
Of course, I know that in a post-LND world, a lot of people have bigger complaints about Meg Giry’s treatment in modern stagings. I agree with them - the characterization of Meg Giry in LND is painful to watch. It’s inconsistent with what we know of her in the original show; it certainly is divorced from the novel in all ways. The flaws with Meg’s character in LND have nothing to do with the fact that she’s made into a sex worker (although that choice is questionable from a narrative standpoint, not a moral one. What does it add to Meg’s arc that she sold herself to help buy Phantasma? The implication that we’re meant to see her as lesser than Christine for it is the real moral quandary, But I digress). Rather, the flaws with Meg’s character stem from her being inconsistent with all previous and recognizable versions of her character and with the anti-feminist need to pit two women, who were previously the best of friends, against each other over a man… Not even a man who treats one or both of them right… like… it pits two best friends against each other over an abusive narcissist. It does no characters any favors, least of all poor Meg, who is made out to be needy, jealous, emotionally unstable… It does a poor job getting from Point A to Point B. 
This bastardization of Meg’s character would probably seem like a great bullet to dodge, insofar as representation goes. I think it would be absolutely disgusting to cast a black woman as LND Meg, due to all the negative stereotyping that would end up clouding even the best performance. However, LND was not the commercial or critical success ALW hoped it would be. Not even close. It underwent a lot of rewritings, still was not highly successful, and (by and large) disappoints both fans of the original story and newcomers to the PotO story. It is nowhere near the cultural phenomenon that PotO is. And so, then, again I ask - why have we not seen a WoC in the role of Meg? It’s only very recently that we’ve seen PoC in the roles of Christine, the Phantom, and Raoul. Meg is still depicted as white. I’m hoping that the trend of diversifying Broadway is more than a trend, but instead a cultural shift in how Broadway appeals to the masses. I hope to see a WoC play Meg (and Madame Giry, who I’ve neglected to mention until now, woops) within my lifetime. 
Honestly, I think that I only really started thinking about this critically two years ago when my Salt Squad and I got talking about representation in the Phandom, particularly in the RPC. I was rereading Leroux at the time and meditating on Kay (as one does) in my spare time and it occurred to me that if I wanted to see some change in the Phandom, I had to be a part of the side I wanted to see prevail. I had to be some of the change I wanted to see in the Phandom. So I took up Meg as a muse. I’m starting to see more and more racially diverse Megs in the Phandom and that thrills me. I want to @fillescharmxnt because her Meg is what I aspired for mine to be in so many ways. There are plenty of other fanartists, fic writers, and aesthetic makers who are doing such great things with recontextualizing Meg Giry for the 21st century.
I do want to include this disclaimer, though: just because someone is roleplaying, writing, drawing, headcanoning Meg as white, doesn’t mean that their ideas are without merit. There are plenty of very talented artists, writers, and bloggers who depict Meg as white. My goal is not to shame them - a lot of them do great work, both from a technical and emotional standpoint - but rather to invite them to the conversation about Meg Giry, race, and representation. I urge these fans to challenge their notions about Meg Giry and to be open to accepting ideas that are different from theirs. Even those of us who HC Meg as a WoC enjoy and support content with blonde Meg (like… can we talk about the Brazilian actress with the freckles?!). All I ask is that fans of white Meg Giry enjoy and support content with black/Asian/Jewish/Romani/Latina/Middle Eastern/Other Meg Giry in return. 
Fans can question the media they consume. Fans can challenge the media they consume. But at the end of the day, it is the media that we create and ask to be created that make the most difference. The only way media gets created is if there is a demand for. Be willing to demand a more inclusive, more historically accurate depiction of Meg Giry and you will be rewarded with a creative explosion of fan created content. 
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