#listen it's all jo
shoshiwrites · 7 months
Jo Halloween costume — witch, but like cute and vaguely pinup-y. Joe Halloween costume — lowkey scarecrow. He already owns plaid shirts and it was Jo's idea. They have a neighborhood party to go to.
Additional thoughts: Clara does a cute ladybug or something similar. Evie and Angelo do Bride of Frankenstein and Frankenstein('s monster), respecfully.
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brookiidookiii · 8 months
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I hear we want more yuri?
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theladyeowyn · 1 year
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“It’s very bad poetry, but I felt it when I wrote it, one day when I was very lonely, and had a good cry on a rag bag. I never thought it would go where it could tell tales,” said Jo.
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arctixout · 3 months
praying to all known gods we get a heavier song on the new album
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papa-evershed · 3 months
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Martin Evershed & Mandy Carter ACKLEY BRIDGE
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rubypond · 2 days
if rose fans can keep going about the doctor's devotion to rose persisting throughout multiple regenerations i can blabber about amy being his truest love although i don't entirely believe that but. he did say fish fingers and custard was his favourite still.
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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sequel to this lil thang
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emily-prentits · 10 months
it will never not hurt that john legend's all of me played when jolex first kissed and then the episode that they got married was called all of me (after the song). because he leaves only a few seasons later
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johaerys-writes · 3 months
What’s your favorite piece of art? One you’d travel to see or experience?
Oooh man what a tough question. I really love art and I go to museums and galleries as often as I can but the moment this question hit my inbox I drew a massive blank LOL there are several artists and artworks that I love and that I've either already travelled to see or would gladly do so. But like, if you're asking about my TOP favourites, those that I would literally CRY or something if I ever saw up close, then I would have to be boring and predictable and answer that it's something Patrochilles related haha. And of course I can't just choose one, so you're getting a small selection 😊
Achilles bids farewell to Briseis, Roman Fresco
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You'd better trust and believe I'd travel to Naples just so I could see this fresco irl 😭🙏 This Patroclus lives in my brain rent free
The Ambassadors of Agamemnon in the tent of Achilles, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
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Another huge favourite (I hope Tumblr doesn't flag me for this LOL). I love how soft and sensual the forms and lines are here, also look how cunty my boy Patroclus looks in this, absolutely love that for him 🙏
Patrocle, Jacques-Louis David
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I really have no words for this one, I've spent hours looking at it 🥹
The Education of Achilles, James Barry
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I always really love art of Achilles in his younger years, and there are several paintings of him with Chiron but this has to be my favourite. A lot of the other paintings show Chiron teaching Achilles how to fight, but I love how the lyre is at the center of this one.
Achilles and the Body of Patroclus, Nikolai Ge
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Another scene beloved by painters-- there are many renditions of Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus but I really love how quiet and intimate this one is.
Achilles Binding Patroclus' Wounds, Sosias Painter
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No post about fave patchilles art could ever be complete without this one. Every single detail on this makes me insane (from beardless twink Achilles to bearded twunk Patroclus, the details on the armour, the dicks out, the slutty skirts, INSANE I tell you), I could go on about it forever but this is already getting long so I think I'll cap it here LOL
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lilaccatholic · 7 months
how do i do it though. how do i let go of the bitterness and the hardness when they kept me "okay" for so long? does it come when i finally leave? can it ever?
#babes i actually relate to the frigid angry woman more than im comfortable with but this time there's no prince coming to save her and idk#i was never beautiful but i was and am angry and capable and that's served me well but being angry is exhausting#it's a birthright i can't give to a younger sibling. it doesn't transfer.#i dont inspire devotion. there's no version of this that ends with me waltzing with a true love.#im not the type you launch a thousand ships for.#so what's left?#who am i when i have no one? when ive spent my life making *me* less to make others more? when im nothing but a useful piece of furniture.#i know God loves me! i love Him! but it's not the same. i want *people* to love me. i want to be someone that theyd fight for.#im feeling that 'women have minds and hearts but im so lonely' scene from little women 2019 so much right now.#except im not jo. my family loves me but theyd never do for me what jo's would do for her. theyre also all focused on surviving.#i feel like a military ration. there to be consumed but cast aside the moment something more palatable comes around.#how do i become consumed with joy? how do i let go of the cynicism? its all thats kept me safe! but its choking me too.#its like tony stark in iron man 2. the thing thats kept me alive this far is killing me. i need to find an alternative but its looking like#ill have to synthesize a new element to make it happen and that freaks me out.#ive always been derivative. never an individual. how do i become a trailblazer when my job was always to hold the hand of the one blazing#the trail? how do i become myself happy and free?#because i WANT to be more#i WANT to be more than anger and coldness and a useful idiot. i WANT to be me and be so so happy#but i dont know how to get there#and if someone suggests therapy im shooting you. i dont want to listen to one more person pretend to care about me and tell me#all the things i need to change and spend even longer not learning how to think for myself#i want to be more than this. but i also cant stand the thought of taking up any more space than i do#anyway.#anyone who's read all this thank you and i promise im fine im just in my feelings today lol#im going to work out and get some happy brain chemicals flowing and then ill take a shower and itll all be good.#please dont worry about me! im just having A Moment TM#lilac rambles
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optiwashere · 9 months
I do love that everyone thinks Shadowheart was an Evanescence girlie, but I think that's a guilty pleasure.
Outwardly, she's definitely one of those girls that likes the Peaceville Three but tells anyone that will listen that Anathema were better when they made doom metal.
Her DSBM collection is bigger than some people's apartments. She definitely listens to Këkht Aräkh for the music and not because she thinks he's cute and that she can fix him.
There has never been a more blatant Sunbather apologist who argues with other metalheads about it forever but only on anonymous social media (because she doesn't use social media of course.) Shadowheart is that girl that wants to tell you that Opeth's Morningrise is their only good album, then yells at you for mentioning the My Arms, Your Hearse and Ghost Reveries CDs in her car.
She only dates guitarists, and her current girlfriend is in an almost comically generic black metal band. Has she ever listened to that band? She says yes, but she can't stand their music and she's thankful they don't play live shows.
If you talk to her about pop punk, she'll openly make fun of you and then search up the bands you mentioned on Spotify later. Don't even get her started on goth music either. Sisters of Mercy? Too mainstream. No, she doesn't have first and last and always tattooed just above her hip in that one cursive font (you all know the one) so shut up, why are you even looking there in the first place?
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hazzybat · 4 months
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Alternate header image for Chapter 4 of the Joker Out monster AU
Kris as a vampire bat
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literatisongs · 1 year
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—the velvet underground and nico, i'll be your mirror (1967)
requested by @clarasamelia <3
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newtness532 · 3 months
how do i convince my sister to spend at least 70€ on a ticket for a concert of a band she doesn’t know that i only casually listen to every now and then?
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
tw // suicide
on twitter some ppl were talking about THAT jo scene from iw again and someone commented fucking "you know he was thinking about using that gun on himself" and im not sane anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added something something his faith in ichi kept him hopeful enough in the moment but then when he went to jail oh. ohhh !!!!!!!!!!!
nooo cause if That Jo Scene is the flashback scene with hoshino's death that really had to be SUUUCH a low point if not top five lowest points for him i wanted to throw up watching that <- replays it in my brain constantly
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ultrabooob · 10 months
interviewers keep asking bojan where he sees himself in the future when all they need to do is look to mike wozniak
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