#listen i don't care for a lot of that soundtrack actually
marastriker · 1 year
am i the only one that doesn't like he whistled at me from the olc soundtrack
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
the best part about super mario rpg on the switch is that i can play it in bed or on long car trips
geno and i will never be apart again
#DCB Comments#what did you think that last post abt it was the last i would say abt it. haha you're a silly goose :)#i can play fe7 in the meantime while i wait but it's gonna be the longest wait in my life lbr#I KNOW I KNOW I'M A FIRE EMBLEM BLOG BUT. LIKE. IT'S SUPER MARIO RPG I HAVE RIGHTS#I am also curious how long they took to make this bc for example the ToS port was trash lol#but this game looks like they actually took their time with it and cared abt it#ig they only rly do genuinely amazing work on the games they expect to sell well and shrug their shoulders at other stuff#kinda sad for the ports of other games but this remaster looks like actually gave a shit abt the final product#AND YEAH I'M STILL AN FE BLOG BUT UH... EXPECT A LOT OF SMRPG POSTING AT THE END OF THE YEAR#i don't think you understand my buddies that was my fave game as a wee little t'ing#and in recent years i have listened to the soundtrack regularly. i do not mean once in a while#i mean REGULARLY. i have spent years BEGGING for them to at least put on the online services#not to say i can't just play it WHENEVER THE FUCK I WANT BC I LITERALLY OWN IT AND AN SNES LOL#but it's VERY SPECIAL to have it on the switch as well. also now the modern gaming world is going to be#relentlessly subjected to geno content and crazed fans like me and i think that's just wonderful :)))#anyway SO YEAH EXPECT A LOT OF SMRPG POSTS WHEN THE PROMISED HOUR ARRIVES#I don't currently plan to go full multi fandom but I've considered sprinkling my other interests#with FE still being the main focus of this blog bc at this point it's still my main thing with an active fandom#ALSO DID YOU KNOW in fact no you didn't bc i didn't ever talk abt on this blog but#i was considering cosplaying geno to the very last con i went to in 2019 (haven't attended one since)#if it turns out i end up going to my usual con next year maybe i'll try again! i have mikey planned but i can add another outfit!!!#did u also know that growing up i had zero idea that geno was so popular like i didn't know until the internet was cool and all#and then i found out that everyone else loved him too and i was very surprised to see how popular he was#but also was like yes rightfully so
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otsanda · 9 months
So @sayuri-of-the-valley and I were talking about the music in Good Omens 2 and particularly the similarities and differences in the music that happens 'Before the Beginning' (that's the song title) and at The Kiss (that's not the song title) and I have accidentally developed Theories and had Thoughts, so I’m gonna share them in case anyone else wants to weigh in.
First of all, the general musical structure is similar. They are both dramatic moments that start quietly, grow to a powerful crescendo at the Big Moment, and then resolve more quietly again, but with subtle changes that make them feel very different. Without actually going through and checking it, they sound to be at roughly the same tempo (around 140 BPM) and comparable time signatures.
Now, I'm treating these two dramatic moments and the surrounding music as two songs, although in the soundtrack the music surrounding The Kiss is actually divided into two songs itself: I Forgive You and Don't Bother, so that's. Fine. I'm normal about that. I'm sure dividing that in half doesn't Mean Anything at all. I'm NORMAL about it!!! Ah... anyways.
The instrumentation for both Before the Beginning and The Kiss is also very similar. Both songs start with orchestral winds and strings and add a powerful choral part (on the same pure round vowel sound, no less!) on the big crescendo. Both add orchestral chimes (bells) for that epic religious feel. Both the nebula creation and the kiss were a revelation. Something like a religious experience.
And then both songs resolve featuring wind and strings again, among other instruments. The "after" part of both songs also features more pitched percussion (harp, maybe a celesta, glockenspiel, possibly a dulcimer or some other fun, ethereal pitched percussion in Before the Beginning, but interestingly a piano in Don't Bother). Ouch. That hurts.
Now, to me: the piano is possibly representing the nightingale, Crowley and Aziraphale's love of Earth and humanity, whereas the glockenspiel and etc. may be more representative of heaven. Just a guess. I would have to do more careful listening for a more solid theory.
I don’t have perfect pitch so it’s hard to tell without getting out my instruments or transcribing the piece, but I’m willing to bet ‘I Forgive You’ is in the relative minor key to Before the Beginning’s mostly major key (I *think* ‘Before the Beginning’ might be mostly in the key of C major and ‘I Forgive You’ in A minor, but I could be wrong). Regardless, the former is major and the latter is more minor, but otherwise a lot of the chord structures, especially at the big moment, sound very similar.
More on instrumentation: ‘Before the Beginning’ uses more (ethereal?) flutes in the wind sections and The Kiss uses more reed-based, (earthy?) winds like clarinet, bassoon, oboe, etc. Different feel, but the same kind of structure. Both moments heavily feature a big string section for the nice full orchestral sound.
Before the Beginning has a lot going on musically before the crescendo and it intentionally feels kind of chaotic and unformed bc each instrument family is doing something a little different, building anticipation, etc. and then at the big crescendo, they all come together. Very powerful. Then after the crescendo, we get a subtle, playful reprise/variation of the Good Omens Main Theme. The strings and the winds are no longer entirely together at this point. They’re sort of playing off one another, leaving space. Having a conversation.
By comparison, in ‘I Forgive You’ the wind/strings start off playing together, in a sad version of unison before the crescendo (they both knew the conversation they were having wasn’t going to end well but they fundamentally *understand* one another now; they’ve been talking for millions of years). And AFTER the crescendo of The Kiss, the song ‘Don’t Bother’ DROPS the majority of the string section and gives the melody to a solo violin (alone!!!!). Even worse (better) the strings and the woodwinds and pitched percussion are no longer playing together. This time, they aren’t even having a conversation. They’re musically doing a separate lines. It feels extremely lonely (because it is). The violin is very exposed. The piano is very exposed. Even the chorus sounds exposed (smaller group of singers?). This ALSO includes a reprise/variation on the main GO theme, but instead of being playful it’s extremely sad (as though you didn't notice). The rest of the orchestra is still there, providing background, but it's not the same.
The Biggest Decision (the song after Don't Bother) has a lot more of those ethereally coded instruments again. Harp, pitched percussion. Full string section. Angelic chorus. Aziraphale is making the hardest/worst decision to return to heaven.
And to round it out, once we get to "The End?" we are back to piano. Our duo is separated. Now in place of the solo violin we have solo cello and piano. Gutting. We get notes of the ethereal celesta (I think). The piano keeps us grounded, but cello is a big focus. We also get more of that haunting chorus and violin runs. And then we end with solo piano playing the same 5-note run three times. Alone. After every other instrument has dropped out. Very lonely.
Just for fun, (and to end on a slightly more positive note), I went back and listened to the ox rib music as well, which was surprisingly consistent with some of my theories from up above and also not on the soundtrack so although I'm sure it has a name, I certainly don't know it.
In the ox rib section, there are more instruments before the first big moment (when Aziraphale tries the food) that are going back and forth. Again it sounds to me like they’re having a conversation… tempting and being tempted. Winds and strings (strings are tremoloing like at the kiss for that sweet, sweet tension), but also brass instruments. We have some more ethereal sounding pitched percussion, especially *before* he tries the food but afterwards it... switches to piano! Like I said: Earth!!!
The choir is on a different vowel altogether for this part (more aggressive and ominous, a taller Ah instead of a round Oh/Aw like the first two musical moments). The choir is also much more rhythmic. Again, increasing tension. And, of course, after he tries the food the music supports the tension of the scene by gradually building, getting louder and bigger after the key moment has already passed. It's super interesting that Aziraphale trying the food is actually quite quiet, but the music grows quickly afterwards. Sort of the inverse of how the other two scenes play out musically! Fascinating!!
Anyways, let me know what you think I got wrong and what I missed and if I thought something was a celesta when it was actually a glockenspiel or something. I am thrilled and devastated by this incredible music.
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hauntedestheart · 9 months
Transcript: "You Know The Face" Episode 47 - Blaise Gigson
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and resemblance to any real life persons is completely intentional, lol, but to spare the virgin eyes of the search algorithm I changed the name.
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[Theme tune plays]
Arsenio: Hey there listeners, welcome back to "You Know The Face," the best podcast out there devoted to discussing the great changes that The Great Shift brought about.
Arsenio: As always, I'm your host Arsenio Braxton, still here and still me, and for this episode I'm by a very special guest- you might know the face, Blaise Gigson is here in the studio! Hi Blaise, welcome to the pod.
Blaise: Hey Arsenio! Thanks having me, I'm a huge fan of the show. This podcast is like, the soundtrack to my morning runs.
Arsenio: Oh my god, dude, I'm blushing! You've been one of our most requested guests for a while now so it's such a pleasure to finally have you here in the studio with us. And I want to let the listeners at home know, this guy is even bigger in person.
Blaise: Okay, now you're making me blush. I'll admit it, I always do fifty pushups before getting on camera just to make sure I look my best- does that make me sound weird?
Arsenio: I mean, it's healthier than my pre-show ritual, which is just a Red Bull and a shot of vodka. Now I'm gonna be calling you Blaise, but that wasn't the name you were born with, right?
Blaise: Yup, just like most people I was shifted into this body.
Arsenio: BUT, unlike most people, after the shift you decided to adopt the name of the original owner of that body. What inspired you to make that choice?
Blaise: Well I flipped a coin and- nah, I'm just joking. How do I explain this... the shift changed everything, you know? Not just our bodies, but the whole world. I don't really think that any of us are who we used to be, even the people who didn't shift, so taking on a new name just felt natural. Plus I think I'm kind of a special case since I swapped into a celebrity- I get recognized all the time, every day people come up to me on the street and call me "Blaise," so I figured I might as well just embrace that.
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Arsenio: Oh that's true, I never thought of it like that. See, that's what I love about doing this show- getting all of these different perspectives. A lot of the people I talk to on this pod mention that they try stay connected to who they were before the shift, but it sounds like you're just full steam ahead. You very famously don't like to talk about who you were before at all, is that right?
Blaise: Nah, not really. A lot of people think that means I was a criminal or something and I'd like to say for the record that I was not, but I don't like to sweat the small things like who I used to be. I'm just focused on who I am today! And I think I make a pretty good Blaise Gigson, don't you?
Arsenio: Absolutely, man, you're crushing it. But I gotta ask, has the real Blaise Gigson tried to get in contact with you?"
Blaise: Try, like, eight Blaise Gigsons. That's the thing about swapping with a celebrity- there's a lot of creeps out there who were obsessed with you that think about this as their chance to get in on the action. Since it was impossible to figure out who was telling the truth, I had to just block all of them. For safety reasons.
Arsenio: Oh, so you don't talk to any of them? But aren't you worried you might be shutting out the real Blaise?
Blaise: Well, wherever he is he can rest easy knowing that I'm taking good care of his body. If you're out there watching Blaise, this one's for you!
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Arsenio: Oh, and there it is! The famous bicep. Would you mind doing it again, just for me?
Blaise: Mind? I'd love to, these things are awesome.
Arsenio: No arguments here... actually, let's pivot and talk about that for a second. Now, we all knew that Blaise Gigson was a hottie with a body, but you've sexed up his image a lot since assuming the reigns. I'm sure most of our listeners have probably seen a certain viral video-
Blaise: The workout stream, yeah.
Arsenio: Dude. you broke the internet with that one! Seeing you all hot and sweaty, flexing all those muscles on the floor... pretty iconic if you ask me. Can one of the producers insert the clip here?
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Arsenio: Damn daddy! Sorry, I shouldn't be thirsting over you while you're right here in front of me, they're gonna have to edit this part out or else before get cancelled haha.
Blaise: Nah, don't sweat it man. Trust me, no one gets it more than I do- you think looking at this body is great? Try living in it. Like, I'll admit it, I get turned on watching those clips too. I look fucking hot there.
Arsenio: So I think it's safe to say the "himboification" of the Blaise Gigson brand was a conscious decision on your part?
Blaise: Honestly? A little bit yes, a little bit no. I mean, it wasn't something I planned on when I first got this body, it just kind of happened. Like one day I just woke up and I was a famous hunk... of course I was gonna get a little wild, right? I couldn't resist showing off a bit. At first I was worried that I was going a bit overboard but people have really been responding to it.
Arsenio: Yeah I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who "responded" to that video, if you catch my drift.
Blaise: I hope so! I mean, think about it. When I was just a nobody sitting at home I would have killed to see my celebrity crushes take their clothes off and just, I don't know, start slutting it up. And so now that I am one of those guys I used to dream about, I wanna make that fantasy a reality for everybody else.
Blaise: Like, come on, don't the people deserve to see all of this?
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Arsenio: I completely agree. Actually, could we see a little bit more, for the camera? Or even just for me?
Blaise: Haha, maybe later.
Arsenio: Alright, I'm gonna hold you to that. But we should probably get moving or else this episode is gonna wind up being four hours, haha. As the listeners know, I started this podcast because I was one of the few people not affected by The Great Shift, so I'm always fascinated by the stories of people who were. Let's get yours Blaise- can you walk us through your shift experience? What was it like for you that first morning?
Blaise: The thing I'll always remember about waking up was the weight. Being in a body like this one that's built like a tank, that's a lot of muscle, and muscle is one of the heaviest things in the body. I knew something was different before I even opened my eyes because I could feel how much space I was occupying. And that kinda freaked me out!
Blaise: But all of that weight is actually strength, and the second I started moving I knew that whatever had happened to me was a good thing.
Blaise: I'll never forget this- the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes and looked down was this giant chest blocking my view. I was so confused I tried like, wipe them off because I thought they were something stuck to me, but nope! I just had massive pecs all of the sudden. And then I got distracted just, like, squeezing them.
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Arsenio: That's so funny- I hear that exact same story all the time, but from shifted women. I think you're the first guy to have the classic "boob grab" experience, haha!
Blaise: Hey, it's a classic for a reason! I say when you've got tits like these, you give 'em a squeeze. But I realized pretty quickly that there was a whole body underneath my chest, and that... woof. I was actually confused at first because I'd never touched a six-pack before so I was like "what the fuck is going on with my stomach" when I first felt it- I wasn't used to my body being so hard.
Blaise: The new core strength was incredible too- like, just sitting up felt better than it ever had before. And when I sat up and the blankets slid off of me and I saw my new body for the first time, I was shocked. I'd never seen someone with that many muscles in my life, and suddenly I had the best seat in the house. And by "best seat," I mean I had a dump truck ass.
Arsenio: Sounds like you were in bed for a minute then.
Blaise: A minute? Try two hours. I was alone with the body of my dreams and I could do anything with it, so I- well, you can probably guess what I did next.
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Arsenio: I bet I can and I would love to hear about it, maybe even see a demonstration, but I think we should move on before we get demonetized. When you finally got out of bed, did you recognize yourself when you looked in the mirror?
Blaise: Recognize myself? Dude, I basically creamed myself. Blaise was one of my biggest celebrity crushes and seeing that face staring back at me from the mirror... just, words can't even describe it. Having all of this body and the face to match? The beard? This jawline? These lips? I'm handsome as fuck.
Arsenio: Dude, I'm so jealous right now you have no idea. So you weren't scared that you'd woken up in a completely new body?
Blaise: I mean, I was confused, but I thought it was just me, you know? I thought it was some kind of Freaky Friday situation and I'd just been zapped into this body so like, he could learn a lesson about the meaning of Christmas or something. I didn't learn about the shift until later.
Arsenio: And then did you freak?
Blaise: Nah. I feel selfish when I say that because I know how scared so many people are, and I feel for them I really do, but I was excited. I wasn't really thinking about anybody else, I was just excited to be Blaise.
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Arsenio: And so we're heading on over a year since the shift- how are you settling in to your new body? It's quite an impressive physique and you've maintained it well.
Blaise: Thanks- keeping up with the gym routine was definitely one of my top priorities. Letting a body like this go to waste would have been a tragedy.
Blaise: But to answer your question, I'm still not entirely used to this body yet, and honestly, I hope I never am. It's fun always feeling surprised, you know? I'll just be going about my day and then I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and remember that holy shit, I'm a fucking stud, and I get excited all over again. It hits me at the strangest times.
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Blaise: Muscles are cool because they're like... they're always there, you know? I get a little show every time I look down. And the thing about it is- I'm not bragging, this is just a fact -I'm so ripped now that a bit of bulging is inescapable. People are always saying that I'm a tease but half the time I don't even realize that I'm doing it, it's just a side effect of existing while being this hot.
Arsenio: Damn, and here I thought you were doing this especially for me. Well, it's nice to see that fame hasn't gone to your head!
Blaise: Haha, I mean, when the head looks this good, I can afford it!
Arsenio: I can't argue with that, that is one big beautiful head you've got there. Blaise really is just a stunning man.
Blaise: Aren't I? It's great. I was kinda nervous when I started being active on Blaise's accounts because at first I felt like I was impostor or something like that, but I knew I had to keep posting because people deserved to see this face. I get a lot of hate comments from people saying "you shouldn't be doing this" and stuff like that, but I block them out and focus on the positive ones. There's a lot more of those anyways.
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Blaise: It sounds shallow but like, as a hot guy, I hold a lot of power. I've been on the other side of the screen, looking through it at those gorgeous faces, so I'm very aware what an important escape a bit of thirst content can be. Now that I have this face, this body, I can make so many people happy just by taking some clothes off and posting a picture. Why wouldn't I want to do that?
Blaise: That's why the content shifted. Less comedy videos, more thirst, workout videos, photoshoots- the stuff people really wanted to see all along. I love sharing the gift of this body with the world.
Blaise: I don't take anything for granted anymore, I live my life to the fullest, and I want to invite all of my followers into that. Especially after everything the world has been through since the shift, I want people to be able to open up their phone, see this sexy smile, and know that it's possible to still be happy. That there's still beauty in the world.
Arsenio: Oh my god, Blaise, I didn't expect us to be getting so deep on this episode.
Blaise: Hey, I'm more than just a pretty face... I've got a great ass too.
Arsenio: That you do, Blaise, that you do. So, Blaise, let's lighten the mood a bit and jump to one of our listener's favorite sections- and if you've listened to the show before you know what I'm going to ask you next. What's your favorite part of being in your new body?
Blaise: My favorite part? I'll give you two guesses.
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Blaise: I love being a walking, talking gun show. Like I look down and I just think wow, I get to own these arms.
Arsenio: Yeah those are some killer pipes man.
Blaise: Dude you have no idea, I'm so fucking strong now. I'm still not over how like... round they are? It's like someone shoved a football under my skin, they tear my shirts if I'm not careful. I'm never gonna get tired of watching them flex.
Blaise: Every part of this body is great actually but I wanna give a special shoutout to my thighs actually- I'm thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. I just love having some meat on these bones, you know? I never skip a leg day.
Arsenio: Oh trust me, I can tell. And Blaise, you know I gotta ask because it's the question everyone's dying to know the answer to... how big is it?
Blaise: I'm gonna have to plead the fifth on that one actually- I'm currently in talks with a few different studios that have some ideas about how we can unveil that particular part of my new brand. But... let's just say that Blaise was a big boy, and he didn't disappoint. It's hard for me to make it through the day without fondling myself all the time, pun very much intended.
Blaise: This is so embarrassing but I actually had trouble pissing when I first got this body because every time I whipped my dick out to piss I'd get a boner from the sight of it- it's a grower, I'll tell you that much.
Arsenio: Damn, well, there you have it listeners! An exclusive!
Blaise: Oh god, I can just hear my publicist in my head screaming at me right now. Can you edit that out?
Arsenio: No, no, we are definitely leaving that in! This is the kind of content the people want to hear.
Blaise: Haha, well, I'm always happy to give the people what they want. But yeah, if you're really curious about what little Blaise looks like, keep an eye on my socials. Big things on the horizon... very big.
Arsenio: We'll be sure to put links to your accounts in the episode description. Moving on, I feel like I know the answer but here's one that we ask everybody: if you could switch back to your old body, would you?
Blaise: ...Sorry, what? I got distracted for a second.
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Arsenio: Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyways, Blaise, you know what's more exciting than waking up to find yourself in the body of a famous hunk? Today's sponsor, Squarespace...
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duckchu · 7 months
Hello, honey! I've been following you for a long time and I adore your works! And I want to make a request! HEARTSTEEL members x Fem!Indie game developer!Reader. Reader has been creating indie games for a long time (such as Undertale and Deltarune), and also writes soundtracks for them (like Toby Fox. I love this genius!). I would also like to create an indie game based on the League of Legends universe (I would choose Targon from the regions, and I would choose Aphelios from the characters that the player would control). But I don't have any programming skills! So I'll have to write interactive fanfic... Thank you very much! You're just a sunshine!💋💋💋💋
Sorry for the long wait (I recognise how long actually named asks sit in my inbox for rather than anon ones, idk why) and thank you for the kind words
I also kinda didn't know how to go about this so every guy has 3 "parts":
You working late
Putting one of their items as cosmetic (kinda changed in Kayn's and K'Sante's part)
And music
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Thinks you're cool
Enjoys sitting with you late at night while you code
May or may not convince you to sneak a Rhaast easter egg in
Though will often try to distract you if you're not paying enough attention to him
Enjoys bothering you when you compose
He's silly like that
So please, for the sake of your sanity, lock your room
Doesn't mind your work, but will make you stop if you're pulling all nighters
Might even pick you up and carry you to bed, telling you you need some sleep
One day, while he was watching you play test, noticied one of the items in your game looked suspiciously like his mask
Finds it really cute
Will help you with the music, if you'd like
Loves working with you
You stay up all night working?
Cool, he is too
Unless he notices you're tired
Then he pulls you into his lap and works with one hand while petting your hair with the other
It makes you fall asleep in seconds
Let him play test pleaseee
When you do, he 100% the game in a week
Not because it's easy, but because he's a sweaty try hard
Found you put his mask in the game as a cosmetic
Melted on the spot
Sometimes will give you songs as gifts
So you can put them in the game
Loves hearing them if you decide to use them
He's such a bitch if you overwork yourself
Will try to direct your attention to him at all cost
-Y/N, I'm boreeed -
Please keep on torturing this little shit with lack of attention
He deserves it
But also
If you put his sunglasses as an item, he will love you ten times more
As for the music?
Doesn't really know a lot about composing but loves listening to your pieces
You're overworking yourself?
No, you're not.
You're sitting on his lap and watching a movie with him
Doesn't care about your protests, you have to take care of yourself
When he first saw your character having his beanie on when you were playing the game, he had to do a double check
Gave you a big hug
He thinks it's really cute
As for the music, he thinks it's really good
You scrap something?
He's gonna use it as background for his totally awesome solo
Don't tell anyone else tho
He'll get embarrassed
He can't force you to rest, but he will insist on it
If you have some important work to do, he won't try to stop you, but will bring you meals and drinks if you want
Will usually chill in your room and design while you work
Speaking of designs... he was surprised when you asked him if you could take a look at his tablet
But he trusts you, so why not
Was shocked when one day he saw you putting one of his designs as a clothing option
Loves it and thinks that it looks good even when pixelated
Although he's not the greatest composer, he will try to help you
It usually turns into fan favourite soundtracks
So you don't mind his suggestions
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
I've seem nothing on Gladiator and I NEED CONTENT PLZ!! I'd love seeing him go to Earth with his preaching "humans are crazy, useless, etc" and then just falls head over heels for a Mutant. Like he acts stoic and all but he's just smitten and what that would look like
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SFW! Gladiator/Fem! reader! I want you to know that this ask has had me in a CHOKEHOLD!!! Parings where couples are opposites like this have my heart. I know I usually try to make my fics and headcannons Gender neutral, But i was listening to the waitress soundtrack when an idea for this hit me and I couldn't help myself. This might actually be a contender for my Favorite fic of the week! -Ps- for anyone wondering about my finals, I've done good so far? I don't wanna jinx it tho. eesh. TWS: Kallark be kinda judgy at first. Mutant discrimination, Building fire. Violence, head injury.
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Kallark does not like earth. He can't say that he had ever enjoyed his brief visits there, but if the empress commanded his presence on the planet, who was he to refuse?
He respects Professor Xavier, although he doesn't necessarily agree with him. The X-men, although his allies, he does not care for very much. He thought them a little foolish, and was not interested in many of the things they invited him to experience.
As fate would have it, the one thing he had eventually agreed on was going to a Terran diner. He thought it was a little greasy in some spots, and didn't understand why anyone would want to be able to order breakfast food 24/7, but he assumed that there had to be a reason the team enjoyed going here so much.
Turns out, it wasn't just any Diner. This was one of the very few places that catered to mutants, although it wasn't advertised as such. Rouge had excitedly told him that he would "Just love" the waitress that would be serving them, a mutant in her own right.
He obviously hadn't believed forming deep emotions as such was possible in a short time span, but then again, he hadn't met you yet, had he?
Kallark was absolutely taken by you the moment you met. It didn't make any sense to him. How was he so infuriatingly, naively taken by simple Terran? A mutant nonetheless? He had met a handful of Terrans, all of which had been either crazy and idealistic, or scumbags and bastards. But you? He just didn't understand it. He thought for sure that you had to have some sort of power over him. Some bewitchment or spell that certainly had to be related to your genuine smile, or lighthearted laugh.
He was in trouble, and he had to find out why.
"Back again I see!" You chirp, smiling brightly at Kallark as you lead him to a booth, the only seat where he really fit due to his stature and build. He nods in a greeting, following you to his seat quietly. He visited the diner often after that initial time here with the X-men, always seeming like he had a lot on his mind every time.
To be honest, you enjoyed seeing him. He had become a regular of yours, and commonly came into the diner during the graveyard shift. He always sat in your section, being polite and patient with every order. You were sure he'd be tired of the greasy food by now, having tried just about every item on the menu, but here he was. Part of you wants to believe he comes in to see you specifically, blushing at the thought. Of course, you were just about always here, preferring to take late-night shifts as that was usually the time Mutants would come and visit. You made the diner a safe space for a lot of people, and that was a fact you took pride in.
Kallark is quiet every time he comes in, simply telling you what he would like to eat, and thanking you when prompted to do so. Sometimes he would speak more, asking questions here and there, but conversation was usually barren, consisting mostly of a comfortable silence between the two of you. Today was similar. It wasn't until you gave him the check that he asked you a question you didn't quite expect.
"What do your mutant powers consist of, exactly?" He asks. It's a simple question, but you cant help but blush at the sound of his voice- finding it unfortunately attractive. You try to shake it off, smiling at him politely.
"What, is this an interrogation? Hope you're not here to arrest me, Officer." You joke. He doesn't laugh, and you cringe at yourself a little bit. "...Maybe it's best if I show you." You settle on instead, walking over to the glass desert cabinets. Kallark watches you closely as you carefully cut out a slice of a creamy lemon pie, and plate it. He cocks an eyebrow at you as you bring it to the table, and hand him a fork. He does not understand where you are going with this exactly, but he takes a bite anyway.
A feeling of elation takes hold of him, happiness to an extent he's not sure he's ever felt before. You watch as his face shifts, giggling at his pure confusion.
"It's not drugged, I promise. My powers aren't exactly the most useful in a fight, but I can say that they pack a tasty punch." You wink. "It's all about the energy I put into something while I bake. If I want breakfast muffins to make people more energetic, it does. If I want a slice of lemon pie to make people happy, well," You motion at the pie, smiling brightly.
"So you do this with the other food as well?" Kallark asks. You shake your head.
"Ha! No. I'm not very good at cooking. everything else on the menu is made by Terry, our nightshift cook." You nod towards the kitchen, where Kallark can see a green-skinned mutant mutant pass by the open door briefly. He furrows his brow. He really though he had it for a minute, thinking that he had fully figured out where these emotions for you had come from, and yet he had still fallen short.
"You know, you've never had one of my deserts before, have you?" You think out loud, humming. Kallark has the same conclusion. He did agree that the pie was certainly very good, but it did little to explain the fast-paced beating of his heart. He finishes the pie before he leaves for the night, and to your surprise, he waves you goodbye when he does so. He's never done that before, and you find yourself blushing again.
"Are you blind?" You startle at the voice, turning around to see Terry leaning against the serving window. You put your hands on your hips, shaking off the surprise.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You scoff. He lets out a laugh, and walks back into the kitchen. You lean after him. "Seriously Terry, what do you mean by that?!"
The longer Kallark stayed on this planet, the more he started to feel like a lovestruck fool.
He was coming to see you just about every night at the diner, picking up conversation with you more often than naught. He wasn't used to Terran courting customs, and he certainly wasn't used to the way you captivated his mind so often. That wasn't to say he wasn't trying, he just didn't really know how to show you this strange affection of his.
That was until he returned to the diner one day to find it trashed, glass windows shattered, kitchen actively burning. And worst of all, you, injured and in need for a rescue.
The night had started off so well that you feel like a fool for not knowing the other shoe was going to drop.
The diner had been a safe zone for so many for so long, it was only a matter of time before someone caught on to the many mutants who called it haven. A group of rather conservative folks had come in around midnight, Not giving anyone a minute of warning as they shattered the windows and stormed into the back to find Terry, presumably. You had dove for the emergency button, but was tackled and forced to the ground before you could. The few mutants that had been eating had scrambled, fighting tooth and nail to escape. You hoped that a few did, but your head had been slammed into the ground so hard you couldn't see straight. You're having a hard time thinking over the pain you are in, the screams from the customers, the smell of smoke that had started to travel through the air. You feel a few tears slip down your cheeks as the diner lay in ruins.
The weight on top of you lifts abruptly as a great gust of wind sends the man above you flying into the counter violently. You feel like you can't lift your head to see what's going on, but there's a commotion of yelling and the sounds of bodies being slammed and incapacitated. When you manage to open your eyes, you flinch as another one of the men goes flying past you, smacking sqaurely into the wall and falling limp to the ground.
A pair of familiar boots step into your view, and you find yourself being helped up by Kallark. You have to hold onto him to steady yourself, head aching with every movement as he helps you stand. It only takes a glance around you to see that he had rescued you right on time- the diner, not so much. You sway a little, and Kallark is quick to catch you.
"You're certainly the gentleman, aren't you?" You laugh. Kallark furrows his eyebrows as one of his hands gently probes the back of your neck and skull. You wince at the feeling, and he draws his hand away.
"You have a concussion. We should get you some medical assistance." Kallark says. If you weren't mistaken, You'd say that he almost looks concerned. You shake your head at him regardless.
"Hospitals don't take care of mutants around here." You say, frowning. "Most of the time I just suck it up- but I don't think that that's the best idea right now."
"You'd be correct." Kallark hums. "I'll get you to Xaiver, but it would be wise for you to try and stay awake in the meantime." You smile at him, leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek as he picks you up into a bridal hold. He looks at you, wide-eyed for a moment, before he's off. He sincerely hopes that it's not possible for your kind to hear just how fast his heart is beating inside his chest.
"Thanks, Handsome. I owe you one."
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jezebelgoldstone · 11 months
RRR (2022, dir S. S. Rajamouli)
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things i am not now and likely never will get over from RRR
queer? platonic? queerplatonic? who gives a shit no matter what it was it was AWESOME
Colonialism Is Bad Actually: The Musical
the symbolism. holy shit. every BIT of it was absolutely amazing.
wow all the mains in this movie are just, really hot? my poor lil pan heart had a rough time with this one ngl
the fact that someone (likely many someones) watched this movie about Colonialism Is Bad Actually and said 'you know what let's dub this whole thing into Hindi and English and then not give an option to watch it with the original Telugu dialogue' sure was,,,,,,,,, A Choice
by which i mean the actual song-and-dance numbers as well as the like story soundtrack all of it is going on my playlist asap
listen the spirk-behind-glass scene is awful. spock and kirk can't even touch. they can hear. they can see. but they cannot touch. and i in my sweet ignorant bliss thought that was as bad as it could get.
tonight i learned that holding someone in your arms through the bars of their cell is so much worse
I watched it on Netflix but i looked it up on a few other ahem websites and on EVERY SINGLE ONE Telugu audio wasn't even an option.
there was not one single chance to tie things together or make a connection or do a setup/payoff or callback that was not taken. not a single one.
everything about this movie is 100% Extra
in short: this movie is a masterclass
aaaaaand the rest below a cut because WOW i have a lot to say actually
which brings me to the dancing oh my gods. not sure i've ever seen such enthusiastic dancing in anything in my entire life. seriously by the final number i was exhausted just watching them
in general, this movie is: stunning
also this was kinda hilarious because i watched it in hindi [the least disorienting option] and they kept SAYING "ram" but in the subs it was always fuckin RAJU so like. again with the Choices. like seriously what was the thought process there. WAS there a thought process.
i ADORED jenny. with my whole entire heart. she is one of the very BEST examples of Ignorance Is A Privilege and also At What Point Does Ignorance Become Malicious that i have ever ever seen. i loooooooooved it. i mean i hated it a whole lot while it was happening but also i am SO GLAD that now rather than trying to explain all of this to people i can just tell them to watch this movie and then sit them down and be like, so what are your thoughts on jenny's culpability in literally everything?
oh and how you can be a kind person and still do atrocities! like jenny is so sweet and so kind and you just like her so much and yet. and yet.
t h e s y m b o l i s m
i cannot remember the last time i saw a movie so visually stunning. the cinematography is breathtaking. pause on just about any random frame and it could be a movie poster or hanging in an art gallery or what have you.
they also dubbed all the lines that were actually in english? i mean i get it for the characters who spent most of the movie speaking Telugu because you'd need their voices to stay the same through the whole movie yeah fine whatever. but like. they dubbed all the ENGLISH characters, too? like literally dubbed them from english into english??? the dialogue matched their mouths except the timing was veeeery sliiiiiiiightly off but it SOUNDED really obviously dubbed??? Y THO???
Malli. Malli honey i love you. i'm just realizing i don't know if that's your actual name gods damn it. but whatever your name is child i love you.
and did i mention that everyone in this movie is beautiful? like. seriously. Ram and Bheem especially holy SHIT.
Physics Does Not Work Like That And I Do Not Care Because That Was AWESOME: The Musical
oooohhhhh they re-recorded and dubbed the fucking SONGS too. i am so pissed about this y'all i can't even tell you.
oh i want to do a whole entire post that's even longer than this one about the symbolism. hell i could probably do a whole entire post just on the fire/water symbolism even without everything else. It was AMAZING.
okay ram is fire and bheem is water and ram's people go to a valley on the shores of a river and the river is in literally every shot of the village and just ram BEING fire but water being a place of HOME and SAFETY for ram
i'm not crying shut up
ooooooohhhhhhh and people holding hands right before they part. oh that hurts. all of those hurt so bad.
how every single time people held hands when they parted they always held on till the last possible second EXCEPT FOR RAM'S MOM.
she lifts her hand away from him and then pulls back and it was devastating
Predators Do Not Work Like That But I Do Not Care Because That Was Awesome And Also They Ate A Bunch Of Colonizing Cops: Queercoded Edition (ACAB)
bheem with his arms spread and rope or chains around his wrists or in his hands. i just. the way it flipped back and forth from 'he has the power' to 'he is helpless' to 'he should be helpless and isn't' was just. breathtaking.
okay listen this movie would've been good no matter what but like. they really are just SO beautiful. and. when ram. with like the long hair. and. beard. and like. you know? like. his. his hair. his general. everything. um.
literally at the most emotionally inappropriate moment i literally thought about that whole 'i saw a man so beautiful i started crying' thing and like that almost literally happened literally
Why There Can't Be Any Such Thing As Good Cops: The Romance (ACAB)
and like here's the thing i'm not sure i would've even NOTICED this had it not been for the linguistic chauvinism with the audio and everything but like both of them were hindu and a lot of the symbolism though awesome was also really strongly hindu and i just i don't know nearly enough about hindutva to have any kind of opinion BUT i also feel like maaaaaaaybe there was something a little uncomfy about some of this
oh no wait the suspenders dance. that might've actually been the best part. yeah.
oh all the british actors did SUCH a good job being so eminently punchable
throw cheetahs at each other! and snakes! somehow have upper body strength greater than the force exerted by a 800+ lb tiger lunging! throw those motorcycles! punch through those walls without breaking your fingers! use herbal paste to heal broken bones in a matter of a minutes! break solid stone with nothing but the strength of your shoulders and gay love! i am so here for all of this!!!
Throw Rocks Marble Pillars Live Tigers Cops At Cops: The Movie (ACAB)
i love that jenny felt bad for the poor little girl who got kidnapped enslaved and imprisoned so she. bought her a dress and a toy.
you know, to make her feel better about the whole 'being kidnapped enslaved and imprisoned' thing.
instead of doing, i don't know know, literally anything else. like even just saying to her aunt 'hey this makes me sad' or something. #solidarity.
the violence was violent and the romance was sweet
okay so during the fight at the midpoint like i know that by the end of it ram and bheem are literal fire and water BUT ALSO. Ram enters the scene in a flaming carriage and from that point forward the fountain is in pretty much every shot of bheem. just sayin.
love that lachu (or whatever his name really is) told ram that there was no cure. like yes! you go man! ram may be so beautiful that in forty minutes i'm going to be in tears but that's no reason to tell a cop the truth about anything! you lie to that cop man!
i know other people got hit in the head with tree branches too but STILL
honestly i really like that ram and bheem were, well, ram and bheem. but i mean im glad they weren't like ram and lakshman or bheem and arjun or something. not even just because that would've been brotherly like i'm glad they weren't arjun and krishna or something either. i liked that their names weren't from the same story. i liked it better this way and i can't even articulate why.
i am never ever ever going to get over the progression of part of bheem's introduction being something going wrong and him holding two ropes (he has all the power) with his arms spread and that being used to show us how incredibly strong he is -> something going wrong and bheem with ropes around his wrists (he shouldn't have any power at all) holding his arms spread and that being used to show how incredibly strong he is in a completely different way
like every time there were ropes or chains in bheem's hands or around his wrists it meant something, and it was a beat in the rhythm of a discernable arc, but now i can't remember all of them gdi
oooohhhhh there was SO much more symbolism i wanted to talk about but it's so late that i have a headache and this post is so long my computer's lagging like two sentences behind so i should stop and go to bed. sigh.
just go watch this movie, okay? pleae? I cannot IMAGINE who would've read this whole thing,m but if you did, just watch it, all rigth? (and if you happen to know of any site - ANY site - where i can watch it in FUKIN TELUGU kindly drop a link please and thank)
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Something Good
͙⁺・༓☾ - Summary: smoking with Nat
Pairing: Natalie Scatorccio x fem!reader
Warnings: ...
a/n: listened to the lis soundtrack while writing this 😙
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A song played, fuzzy across Natalie's bedroom from her distorted cassette player. She took another soft hit from her blunt, lying on her bed and tapping her finger against her arm to the beat.
You first talked to Natalie at practice, shyly coming up to her to ask her if she 'had any weed' for your 'sleep problems'. You didn't want it getting out, you didn't want it tarnishing your reputation, and she agreed, though obviously just slightly hurt. Sometimes you'd come around her place so she could give you her 'care packages', and today you stayed for longer than anticipated.
"Care for some?" She offered you the blunt, looking up at you through her lashes, you got up from your spot on the floor, crossing your legs on her bed and snatching it from her, "mhm." You put your lips to it nonchalantly, watching her sit up and laugh, "I didn't know you'd actually say yes." She peered at you as you exhaled, "well, you don't know a lot of things about me." You joked, taunting your head. "Like what?" She raised an eyebrow, getting closer and taking the blunt back. Maybe it was just nerves - doing something illegal for the first time in your life, but you felt a small nervousness in your body when she'd talk to you, and butterflies in your stomach when she'd give you a jokey 'you look hot today'. Sometimes your body would tense up, jaw aching and knuckles stiff; when she'd bring up one of her guy friends. But then again, you were a naturally anxious person, it was something you'd brushed off, I mean, hormones and all, right?
"I guess you'll have to find out, hmm?" You smiled at her with reddish, tired eyes and messy hair. She messed your hair up further, muttering something along the lines of 'dumbass' before getting up to change the song. She wore loose jeans and a plain black top, which you found weirdly complimented her, and you wore whatever you usually did, not finding the energy to put together a fancy outfit.
Last week Natalie had some sort of epiphany, a realisation. You weren't just a smoke buddy to her, you were something special; she could feel it, and she struggled like a little kid trying to decipher a math problem - head in her palms sitting crossed legged on her bed every morning before seeing you at school. No, it wasn't that serious, it never was, but to her the world spun a hundred times faster just thinking about you, how would she even make the first move? She had nobody to talk to, nowhere to go, and so one day after practice her and Van made small talk, and she took it as an opportunity to let it all out.
"What do you mean you like someone? Just tell them! It's hasn't stopped you before, huh?" Van insisted, knowing how nonchalant Natalie was in general. "We're not close, though. I mean, if you were there, you'd know what I mean, you could.. feel it, in the air." Her mind trailed off, finding loss of meaning in her words.
"But oh, god, am I just stupid to think that?"
Today was one of the scariest days for her, seeing you after a long time thinking about it all. But for you, today was just like every other weekend.
You had laid down by now, staring up at her ceiling with your hands on your chest, feeling the weed take slight effect. "Wanna pick?" She called out from afar, with a rather monotone voice, kneeling down to her cassette and CD rack, a faint sound of her putting out the blunt was heard. Last week she invited you into her trailer, telling you she had to 'get the weed out', and she ended up showing you some of her favourite songs. "That mixtape you've got, the one you played for me, put that on." You said, still resting your eyes on the blank ceiling, the setting sun rays peaking out of her blinds and onto your hair. She held the cassette up, "this one?" And you finally got up to look, nodding your head. She smiled to herself, remembering how your mouth hung open each time a song you liked came on, "no fucking way.. I love this song?!" Which prompted Natalie to make a mixtape for you, though it still lied somewhere in her closet.
She sat back down on the bed giddily, watching you up and down with slightly squinting eyes. "What?" You laughed like a child, staring back at her - her newly bleached and cut hair falling onto her cheek, a rosy tint grazing her warm face, and a ray of sunlight caressing her hands as they rested by her sides, thumb slowly consoling her uncertainty. "Nothing it's just.." she let out a toothy smile, gaze averting to her knees. Your eyebrows raised, with remaining soft yet deadpan eyes, "you look pretty, is all." She finished, looking back at you with a little more blush on her than before, though her signature confidence still lingered.
You smiled, then chuckled slightly, your eyes getting heavier with every second, and Natalie's anticipation growing more anxious and less confident with every second. The laughter quieted down, and you bit your lip - squinting at her through the smoke made visible by the sunlight. "You're not too bad yourself." You remarked, and she slapped your shoulder in return, "hey!" Natalie's eyebrows upturned slightly at your words, unsure of what you were really thinking.
From what you knew of Natalie, she always said what she was thinking with assertiveness, and her fortitude was astounding.
You rarely caught her being nervous or unsure, even when she was bouncing her leg up and down in class it was out of boredom, not stress. And so seeing her swallow her words was out of the ordinary, it slightly unsettled you.
"Nat, what's up?" You perked up, a slight smirk still on your face. The bedsheets were messed up, her room was scattered, the ashtray fell onto the floor and you both ignored it - but somehow it felt perfect, it was exactly where you wanted to be.
"Nothing nothing.." she brushed off with a slight grin, looking toward you before running to the kitchen, and you knew exactly what she was doing, she was getting the last beer. You ran after her, only a drop left in your bottle, and your mouth felt dry - it was midsummer Sunday and walking to the gas station for more drinks just wasn't on your bucket list.
By the time you got there she was closing the fridge, leaning on the kitchen counter with a bottle opener and the beer, menacingly taking a sip before almost spitting it out in laughter seeing your distraught face, your lip just hung out as you blinked slowly. "Hey, don't be pissed, you can have some." She held it in the air, and as you reached out to grab it she instantly took it back, "loser.." she muttered, "what was that?" You interrogated, hands on your hips. "I said, you're a-" you quickly snatched the bottle out of her hands and ran back to her bedroom, feet rushing down her old carpet. You heard her shout something from afar with nearing footsteps as you giggled breathlessly, coming to a stop and soon realising that you were cornered in her room. She stood before you with a sarcastically disappointed expression as you took one big, taunting and refreshing sip before trying to run off again, though she had abruptly stopped you, grabbing your waist and pinning you to her carpeted floor.
"Shit!" She laughed, picking up the spilled bottle as her knees were on either side of you. Natalie turned to you, eyes excited, hands unknowingly pinning yours to the ground.
It was all so fast, how she kissed you. She was still breathless, breathing in through her nose while her mouth was finding yours, her hands ambling from your held wrists to your palms, intertwining with your fingers as you kissed her back before she could pull away. You felt sparks, softness and serenity, a sort of clarity that you needed; that you lacked.
Eventually she let go of you completely, her face changing from warmth to shock, "I- I'm so sorry.." her eyes paced around the room, your hand reached up to her cheek, pulling her back down before she could get up. You could feel her frown form a smile, and your bottom lip catching onto her teeth with the most gentle grasp. You giggled into the kiss, feeling her every emotion like it was your own, tasting the traces of weed in her mouth and smelling it on her shirt that hung over you.
"Okay," you got up, an upbeat song finally coming on, "dance with me." You were just as confused as any other person your age, one dollar to your name, not a care in the world, and Natalie was the same, but so different at the same time. You two just fit together, even if you only knew each other for a few months.
"I'm not that much of a dancer," she grinned in awe, you grabbed her hand, not listening to her, "okay, okay.. fine." she slowly eased in, your body moved along to the beat, and eventually the two of you were jumping around her entire room - hair flipping backwards, forwards and sideways, genuine laughter filling the air. You sang along to the song, looking into her eyes for a moment, before her trailer door swung open and a drunken woman came in; Natalie's Mom.
The song was instantly turned off, but Nat didn't want to deal with any of it. This was new, it was special and worth saving, you were special, she didn't want you seeing her mother, and getting the wrong impression, "fuck this." She muttered, dragging a confused you, in the middle of fixing your hair, out of her window and to wherever she was taking you.
Soon it started pouring, your hair drenched and sticking to your face. The both of you hid under the roof of an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere, Natalie quickly noticed how cold you were - practically shivering. It wasn't that cold at all, though the slightest sign of bad weather made you shiver.
"Here." She quickly took her hoodie off, wrapping it around you. "I'm sorry - for all of that." She laughed shyly, afraid to look you in the eye, afraid that she ruined one of the first true impressions of herself to you. The first thing you did besides buy weed from her was run away from her mom in the pouring rain, and god, it stressed her out, but you weren't phased at all - you liked her, seeing this side of Natalie; it was different.
"What? No, don't worry, really." You smiled warmly, easing her unease and adjusting the hoodie on your shoulders and unnoticeably getting closer to her. As much as she didn't want to ruin this, she wanted to be honest, to be open with someone - even if it was a risk, and she weirdly felt at peace with you, the sting in her heart when something went wrong wasn't there.
You leaned your head on her shoulder, closing your eyes and waiting for the rain to end. Her hand confidently wrapped around your shoulder, smiling to herself, closing her eyes too shortly after.
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tiktaalic · 2 months
tortured poets review. by song
fortnight: fine. sounds like a song. one of the lana drag ones. the actual lyrical content is nothing special. i would not have made this track one. 6/10
tortured poets department: kind of exactly what you would expect from a taylor swift album called tortured poets department. it's silly. it's got references. it makes you go. girl? already less distinct musically. 3/10
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: the consequence of doing lana drag is that you listen to songs and go this would be a lot better if lana got her chords on it. fundamentally not a song that i can enjoy from taylor allison swift. a song i would respect in lana of video games fame catalogue once she strips it down. not like head turningly strange like tpd just plain and simple middle of the road. 4/10
down bad: this one is unlistenable for me. cant explain why. probably the chorus of down bad. i think it's tooooooo silly too silly by far when taylor swift does how do you do fellow teens vocabulary. 2/10
so long london: i can see the place that this takes on my spotify wrapped. lyrics are fine. good even. this + backing + doing something even the littlest bit different from soft monotone talk singing makes it one of the most memorable on this album by miles. probably not near the top of most memorable in her hundreds deep bench though. can't think of anything to dock it for but it's no belter. 8/10.
but daddy i love him: yeah okay. i love when she does a silly one. i think the instrumentals are nice. i'm having his baby. no i'm not! but you should see your face. easily i would listen to an album that was full of songs to this theme / musicality. points docked because i dont think she knows it's as silly as it is. 7/10.
fresh out the slammer: bored. i just looked at the lyrics and they're passable but they're performed in the most boring possible manner. stupidest name imaginable. i actually might bump it a point or two if the name was different. 4/10
florida: makes me go yaaaaaay florence every time i hear it. taylor's part halsey 2014 core. could have been worse! if i was in charge of cutting tracks i would keep this one. 6/10
guilty as sin: started it went oh i'm docking this one for boring. read the first quarter of lyrics and went oh this is fine? got to second half and went oh i don't care for this. can imagine a world where it's a better song with different backing and emphasis. 5/10
whose afraid of little old me: i dont think it's good necessarily but i love every song where shes like im craaaazy im insane. i think for the concept it's going for it could have been put together differently. 6/10
i can fix him: i like the way it sounds. but could use more oomph. it's so nice to hear guitars though. don't care for the subject matter. 5/10
loml: snooze. boring lyrics. boring performance. 4/10
i can do it with a broken heart: BAFFLING. easily the me / karma of the album. the tonal mismatch is the point but . well. it is what it is. i would like this more if it WAS a barbie soundtrack release i think. then it would have an extra layer of silly. i think this might make my wrapped. unfortunately. 5/10.
smallest man who ever lived: who gives a shit about matty healy. 4/10
the alchemy: head in my hands. head in my hands. football song. it's so over. and we are never going to be so back. 3/10
clara bow: i like the intro. i can't see myself ever doing more than half humming this. lyrics are whatever. fine, passable. 6/10
the black dog: yeah it's fine. no complaints. guitar 👍. 6/10
getyouback: why would you EVER tee yourself up perfectly to be compared to a better song. 3/10
albatross: oh i liked this one on first listen. 7/10.
chloe sam sophia marcus: outing song ‼️‼️‼️divorce music‼️‼️‼️. nothing too exciting or groundbreaking musically. 5.5?
how did it end: um. it gets points for being #real but not much else. 5/10.
so high school: i think i would like it if it was even a TOUCH less heterosexual. i would cut 3 lines that would turn it into a 6. i can see this song in someone else's hands dominating the radio and me loving that. in taylor's hands i'm giving it a 5/10.
i hate it here: not interesting. next. 4/10
thank you aimee: out of respect for taylor swift's struggles i will withhold comment and rating. -_-
look in people's windows: lyrics aren't bad but it's another one that's not really. doing anything. 4/10
the prophecy: yeah i'll give this one a 7/10. i would have one (1) greige complaint if this was on folkevermore but that's pretty damn solid.
cassandra: passing it and moving on. that's as much as it deserves. 5/10
peter: lyrics get a thumbs up. another 5.5? i could be talked into a six.
the bolter: yes girl commitment issues. 6/10. actually. 7/10.
robin: jesus god this album is too long. i have listened to too much taylor swift tpd to give this any kind of rating.
the manuscript: 5/10. like if woulda coulda shoulda had no beat
thank you for sharing this journey. with me and also taylor swift
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maochira · 10 months
I'm seeing the Barbie movie on Sunday and it made me think about Blue Lock big brothers going to see it with a younger sibling who's a big Barbie fan.
You don't have to do this prompt if you don't want to since you're probably very busy with stuff.
I hope you have a great day <3
Thank you, I hope you have a great day too!!
Requests open! - bllk big bros masterlist
This doesn't have any spoilers for the Barbie movie, but some parts make more sense if you've seen the movie!!
He really wanted to watch the movie ever since the first trailer dropped, but was too embarrassed to ask anyone - even you - to go and watch it with him. Luckily you already suspected that, so you asked him to see it with you.
KUNIGAMI!!!, Chigiri, REO, Nagi, Kaiser, TOKIMITSU!!
He played it off as not being interested in wanting to see the movie, but was secretly very happy you asked!
Nagi, KAISER, Kunigami
He was actually the one who asked you! It was a big surprise because you didn't expect it. But obviously, it's nothing you'd ever complain about.
Bachira, SHIDOU!!!, Ness, ARYU, Yukimiya, Nanase, LORENZO
He didn't want to come along. He really didn't want to. But you kept begging and begging, so he gave in after two days.
BAROU!!!, RIN, Sae, Oliver
He didn't care about the movie at first. But he still decided to come along when you asked. He ends up enjoying the movie a lot, though!
Karasu, Otoya, NIKO
He's having so much fun seeing the movie with you!! He ends up loving it a lot. It brings back so many memories of playing with your Barbie dolls when you were younger.
Nanase, BACHIRA!!!, SHIDOU, Chigiri, KUNIGAMI!!!, Sae
He didn't know what he was getting himself into and then ends up breaking out in tears multiple times during the movie.
Ness, ISAGI, Barou but only a few tears and he hides it, Reo, TOKIMITSU
He tries really hard to not cry, but when he notices the tears rolling down your cheeks he starts crying as well.
NESS, Yukimiya, REO
He secretly likes the movie. He LOVES the movie. Nothing will ever get him to admit that, though.
RIN!!!, BAROU!! Oliver
You get him one of those "I am Kenough" shirts afterwards and he loves it. He wears it all the time at home now.
ARYU!!!, Ness, TOKIMITSU!!!, Rin but he only wears it to make you happy, Barou same as Rin
He's absolutely obsessed with the movie's soundtrack. He keeps listening to it over and over. Also, you catch him humming the melodies very often.
Aryu, KAISER, Isagi, Reo, CHIGIRI
Both of you keep making references to the movie all the time. So much to the point where your parents are very confused. What is a mojo dojo casa house?
Karasu, REO, SHIDOU!!!, Bachira, Yukimiya, LORENZO
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saltydkdan · 1 year
Salty, may I ask which you recommend more: the one piece manga or anime. I wanna get into it but I also want a recommendation on which one may be better to start with depending on the pros and cons. Anyways I apologies if this is a dumb thing to ask.
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Sure! One Piece is a really interesting beast when it comes to the difference between it's anime and manga, and at the end of the day it depends on your preferences- However yes, there are Pros and Cons to each! For this ask, I'll be trying my best to stick to the Official options available to you.
Also, this post specifically will be about how to best GET INTO the series, not necessarily a critique on the content of it! (I'll gladly do a separate write up on that eventually if anyone is interested in my thoughts on the Pros and Cons of the series itself)
Anyway, here are my personal thoughts:
(This is my preferred way to experience the story)
-I'm not a manga purist by any means HOWEVER, the One Piece Manga is really good
-The pacing is really great (especially initially). In the first half, arcs are very quick and snappy! And even as they got progressively longer in length I didn't mind because by that point the story already gripped me.
-The art is wonderful in both black and white, and the official colored scans (which you can find online)
-This isn't really a "pro" per say, but it's something I enjoy doing. When I read, I like to put on some of the soundtrack from the anime. I usually find stuff like "Tense One Piece Music" or "Emotional One Piece Music" and listen to it as I read. It really enhances the experience for me personally. I also like to look up clips of arcs from the anime that I'm reading or already finished to see what they look like, and also see them in a fun new way. I feel like this sort of mixed approach is optimal for me.
-You have to read 😔
-There are many ways to read One Piece and in many different languages. There's black and white and colored manga- however just be careful. The best one TRANSLATION wise is the official release, and while you may find other options, some older "unofficial" translations are VERY outdated (I once saw one where Zoro casually dropped slurs)
-That also being said: Even though the official translation is the best, it is stuck in black and white. Many official colored scans were never officially licensed in English, and because of that aren't as accessible.
-Collecting it physically is fun, but can get VERY pricey. Like... hoo boy. Thankfully they sell compendiums that collect a metric shit ton of chapters, however the paper/print quality is noticeably cheaper. So if you want to collect them, the smaller volume releases are the way to go. That being said, I would just suggest using the Shonen Jump App by Viz Media. It's the best official way to support the series officially, as well as the cheapest for the average consumer! $3 a month for the entire library as well as other series + getting new chapters updated every week is great. I'm not sponsored or anything either, I just really like the model. So if you find yourself really enjoying the series, THEN you can go about collecting it physically if you want!
-It's animated (obviously)
-You have a choice of either the Japanese Sub or English Dub. This also boils down to preference but from my experience they're both great options!!
-I'll get into it in the "Cons" section, but the One Piece anime is VERY long, like... kind of in a not so good way at certain points. However, I've heard that even though some parts are a bit too long, it's one of those things that if you really get into it, you'll love the fact that it feels like a never ending adventure! Not my experience, but it's what others have told me!
-This is gonna sound crazy, but Filler Arcs. A lot of people don't like these, and I get why, but they are very easily skippable if you want to look up a guide, and some of them can actually be really short and fun (as well as add a bit of extra flavor to the story). One of the best examples is an arc called "G-8". Even Manga readers recommend it, so you know it's good and gives each of the characters some fun moments!
-You may be aware already, but the One Piece anime has a very bad reputation of having HORRIBLE pacing. Now, to be fair, many people say that the pacing only gets truly horrible AFTER a very specific arc about halfway through the series (which is where a lot of anime watchers jump ship to the manga)
However, I'll be honest... I wasn't a super huge fan of the pacing from the beginning. To clarify, I STARTED with the anime. I don't have a super great attention span, so having to wait around 38 or so episodes for "Arlong Park", the arc that people suggest you get to before deciding whether to keep going or quit, was very difficult for me at first. I got through it, and I'm glad I did, but as soon as I did, I decided to switch over to the manga and had a much easier time.
-I find the show's music very repetitive at times. That's not to say the music is necessarily bad, I love the One Piece OST! It's just... over the years they have barely updated the soundtrack. Every arc you might here one or two new tracks, however a lot of the time you'll hear the same tracks replayed in the same sort of situations. ("OVERTAKEN" is an AMAZING track, but if I hear it one more time I'm gonna snap)
-This is a bit of a nitpick but I need to say it. One Piece's sound effects, while iconic, are also extremely outdated. When you start the series and hear the older-styled Toei Animation sound design, it is super charming because it fits with the older visuals. However in more modern One Piece, which visually looks incredible, THEY STILL USE THE OLD SOUND EFFECTS AND THEY JUST DON'T FIT.
Anyway, I hope my funny little list here helps!! Sorry it's so long, went a bit off the handle. But I think this is a fine enough starter guide and may help you get started!
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My favourite Kdramas (so far)
Currently watching: Haechi, The Atypical Family, and Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale (I tag for spoilers of current shows)
My to watch list, Venn Diagram of my favourite kdrama things, favourite male and female actors, my parent trauma tracking
My Main is about Jane Austen
For tracking purposes. But feel free to suggest me new Kdramas
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Alchemy of Souls: Visually beautiful, wonderful soundtrack, casting is amazing, story is very well thought-out, world-building is on point, loved all of it.
Trope subversions, Love Maps, Plot driven by fear
Moon in the Day: The most angsty enemies to lovers you will ever find in your life. It's completely enthralling. The past scenes with Do-ha are amazing. There are some plot holes and the secondary characters aren't very well developed, but I don't care. It was so good!
Text Posts, On the ending, the emotional journey, Webtoon vs. Drama
Doom at Your Service: The world-building is really well done, as is the symbolism. Doom is so weirdly lovable. Also has a great soundtrack.
Extraordinary You: the story gets a little drawn out in the middle episodes, but the concept is so gripping that I forgive it. The main character is really spunky and fun and the villain is probably the most interesting character in the show.
Lovely Runner: This is one of the cutest dramas I've seen in a while. Top tier cuteness. The story was really fun and I laughed a lot.
Text post, Another, Google Searches
W: Two Worlds: So good! So unpredictable! So Male Lead who was smart and actually acted smart! This is the dark companion of Extraordinary You and I loved every minute.
Happiness: the whole point of zombie horror is that the humans are the real monsters and Happiness delivered on that 100000%. Turns out Park Hyung-sik can also be serious and very good at punching people! Han Hyo-joo was also amazing. The slow burn romance was so cute. Loved it so much. Also, more of a murder mystery than a zombie show.
Zombieland Rules
Sh**ting Stars: the voluntarism in an unnamed African country wasn't great, but the rest of the show was so heartwarming and cute! There were lots of lovable characters, mature relationships, very cute friendships, and hilarious antics.
The Forbidden Marriage: The plot had lots of fun twists and the resolution was satisfying. I wish we got more So Rang hijinks in the later episodes, the hunting episode was my favourite with her running around everywhere like a maniac.
It's Okay to Not be Okay: My only critique is I wish they did more of the animations for fairy tales, but it's so good. The female lead had the most amazing outfits. The story is so good and the way they portrayed the brother's autism.
Hospital Playlist: The epitome of slice of life. I enjoyed all the characters, especially Lee Ik-jun, The Ghost, and Long Winter (Jang Gyeo-ul) and the cute kid! I love the mom and the hospital director hanging out together. The band! I cannot stop listening to their songs!
Kdramas I have liked:
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Because This is My First Life: I didn't love the ending, but the female characters were so well written and fleshed out that I can almost forgive it. I related so much to all of them. Also, the best explanation ever for why a woman would choose a marriage without love.
Queen of Tears: I loved the set-up but for me it lost it's way at the end. Too many dramatic moments and the Magic Cancer surgery and Magic Amnesia Month were just too much of a strain on my ability to suspend my disbelief. But the performances were very good, from the leads and the secondary characters, and the premise was good. I enjoyed like 80% of the show.
Text posts
Doctor Slump: Very cute and relaxing watch. The FL's family was really cute, especially her mom! The focus on mental health was nice, though there was a bit too much of an idea that a relationship can fix your depression/PTSD. But still good!
Kingdom: Loved it! But I refuse to put it in my top kdramas since S2 ends on a huge cliff hanger and apparently they aren't making any more. Boo to Netflix. This was more gory than Happiness, but I loved having zombies in a historical setting.
Daily Dose of Sunshine: this made me cry multiple times. It is very good. The visuals for how different disorders feel was fascinating. Good resolutions for the characters. I loved it all except the unrealistic endings.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: I'm blown away by their portrayal of autism. They don't shy away from making her ticks and mannerisms off-putting, awkward, and even somewhat annoying, but Young-woo has joy, she has imagination, she loves life. It's so much better than anything with an autistic character that I've seen in Western media. Not 10/10 because I did get a bit uninterested in the later cases when I wanted to know where the love story was going.
Choi Su-yeon
Oh My Ghost: I loved this one! Park Bo-young did an amazing job playing an oppressed shaman and possessed-by-a-ghost. It was very well written: there weren't any ridiculous sideplots and I was never bored. I did think the ending dragged a little bit, but overall I loved it.
The King's Affection: I loved it. I think it probably could have been cut down to 16 episodes instead of 20, but very good. The female crown price is so scared all the time and I want to hug her, but also badass! It's a very hard line to walk but they do it well. Also, the bodyguard who is also an assassin is so hot and the costumes are great.
My Lovely Liar: I really loved this show, it was very cute and occasionally very scary. The murder mystery was well done, though I'm not sure how I feel about the final reveal.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim: I liked that for once the big trauma didn't come from the parents, what a twist! I actually loved how ridiculously narcissistic the ML was and I loved the competent and mature FL. They didn't have any ridiculous misunderstandings and they never broke up. And the ML's friend was very funny.
King the Land: The show got better as it went on. The female lead was so competent and sure of herself. The parts about the friends' struggles was heartbreaking a lot of the time. I also loved how positive the female relationships were.
Captivating the King: I'm struggling to rate this one. The ML was amazing, but the FL seemed to just always be wide-eyed scared/worried. The writing was great for the first half, but the ending was ambiguous in a way I didn't enjoy. The intimate scene in Ep 8/9 was awesome, but then we didn't really get more. I wish they had stuck the landing.
Other Kdramas I've watched:
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The Red Sleeve: full review here and also here, but basically, I loved the Crown Prince's story, but the female lead fell flat. They never sufficiently explained the FL's emotional journey and they also kept ruining female characters. Justice for the Queen Dowager!
Hwarang: really great acting despite a mediocre script, but man so many plot holes and unresolved plots. I never totally decided if the Queen Dowager was actually trying to help her son or just holding on to power and I feel like they should have made that clearer. Also, what was that love triangle??? But I did enjoy myself the whole time.
Soundtrack #1: I hate endless, hopeless pining and that's all this was. It had it's cute moments, but I always felt like the male lead was in pain and I didn't enjoy that.
Hospital Playlist 2: Somehow it wasn't as good as the first season, I found myself actually getting bored. But it was nice to see all the couples get together.
Goblin/Guardian the Great and Lonely God: The roommate stuff is hilarious! It did move slowly at times, I wanted the Grim Reaper/Sunny stuff to move faster. I got really annoyed at Kim Shin for not being honest with Eun-tak. Sometimes the product placement annoyed me. But it's very beautiful and I was very invested in everyone. Problem is, I don't think I ever want to watch it again.
Marry My Husband: very fun drama, I especially enjoyed Su-min and Min-hwan, who were some of the most deep villains I've seen portrayed. However, I hated the Yu-ra storyline and I felt like the ML kept the secret of his death for way too long. Also, no happy ending for the secondary couples! I wanted more screen time with them.
Webtoon vs. Drama, Text Posts
Tale of the Nine Tailed + 1938 - It's fun, but the lore/world-building don't make a whole lot of sense. The Serpent is pretty over powered in S1 and really ought to have won. 1938 was better but the female mountain goddess made zero sense as a character. Lee Rang is probably the best part of the whole series, and his little murder fox girl in S1 or mermaid girl in S2.
Castaway Diva: I love the songs and the found family parts, but the story was lacking. Especially the older singer's story made very little sense and didn't come to a satisfying conclusion. And why not show us a little of the main couple being together?
Hotel del Luna - I enjoyed the ghost parts but the dynamic between the main couple was a mess. He is so unconditionally nice and she is such a jerk to him!
Strong Girl Bong-Soon - I loved all the parts with Bong-Soon and Min-hyuk, like he was the cutest, sweetest boy ever, but everything else was kind of annoying. And the kidnapper parts were really creepy! I just wanted Bong-Soon to smash more things. I also hated Guk-doo and I wanted all the women to dump his ass.
Business Proposal - It was cute, but it bothered me that Ha-ri wouldn't just talk to Tae-moo about her concerns about dating him. Ha-ri may be the only female lead ever with a healthy family dynamic, yay for her! The secondary couple was fun.
Death's Game - I enjoyed the genre and actor switches at first, but then it seemed to veer into being about the serial killer CEO and then back to being about suicide and the resolution left me unsatisfied.
Webtoon vs. Drama
My Demon - It was fun, but the world-building wasn't great and the ending was fine. I felt like it tried to be Doom at Your Service but failed (there were many, many references/thefts).
Destined with You - I really liked some parts of it, especially the leads and I actually liked the office romance with Hong-jo's boss (until the last episode), but they left so many things unanswered that I wish were revealed! It's like the writers forgot it was a fantasy drama halfway through and just went in a totally different direction. It makes me angry.
The Uncanny Counter - The concept was good, the actors were good, the chemistry between the actors was amazing, but the story went way off the rails. So Mun just became way too over-powered and the plot needed more balance. I wanted more demon catching and less mayor stuff. I did like the bully being saved and reformed.
Perfect Marriage Revenge - This show did exactly what it set out to do, be completely over-the-top dramatic. I really enjoyed watching it, it was a romp, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again. The evil stepmother and sister were great.
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract: It was fluffy and fun, I loved Sa-wol the maid, we should have had more of her! I hated the ending though, so much. Just so bad.
100 Days My Prince - I hated the main couple, he was just too distant and she should have figured out who he was like 10 minutes in. It felt like they only got together because he was obsessed with her, I would have preferred the nice face-blind guy. I ended up liking the peasant friend couple and the murderous princess and her assassin boyfriend better.
Started but not finished:
Moving - I started it, it seems really slow. I think I'm four or five episodes in. The Crowned Clown - First episode was way too dark! Live Up To Your Name - Acupuncture is magic? Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - the first episode seemed bonkers Strong Girl Nam-Soon - could not even force myself to watch it. Total mess The Impossible Heir - Even Lee Jae-wook couldn't save this messy plot.
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kangel-official · 3 months
KAngel is like the best fucking character ever. If she was a real streamer I would watch her everyday. every second. I would be her number one fan. I would buy every piece of merch she had if she would ever sell any, I would buy everything she would want her fans to buy, I don't know, maybe I'm a bit obsessed but I really like KAngel. I also think ame chan is nice, too, I really like her design. I think KAngels character design is also pretty recognizable, which is good. It's also really fucking cute. Plus, KAngels hair is very recognizable too, although if I was designing her I wouldn't have thought of doing the dna twirly things, so that's something. I also think KAngel is very relatable, and I don't understand how some people don't relate to her. I actually relate to both ame chan and KAngel a lot. I think they're both really good characters, and I can see myself in both of them. If I could, I would spend a year only looking at KAngel. every gif, fanart, official art, video, picture, whatever. She's also really pretty, too. If she was a real streamer she would definitely get popular pretty quickly, I think. Doesn't it make sense, though? She'd be really pretty if she was real. I'm not like lesbian or anything, but. Yeah, she's really pretty. So is ame chan, they're both extremely pretty. I think you can appreciate another girl being really pretty without being gay, right? Maybe I'm just in denial but. I also really wish I had a KAngel and or ame chan cosplay. KAngel and ame Chan's character designs are really just that great, honestly. I would definitely be extremely careful with the cosplay, too. I mean, KAngel and ame chan's outfits are extremely cute and pretty. I wish KAngel was a real streamer, or at least have someone go on twitch or YouTube and stream as her in a cosplay or something. I do wish I had a KAngel and ame chan cosplay, but I barely have any money to buy it myself. I could make it myself or something, but I'm not that talented. I also think ame Chan's hair is very cute. Honestly, everything about KAngel and ame chan is cute. I wouldn't mind being her platonic girlfriend if she was real. We could be like mentally ill girlfriends in a not gay way. if that exists. I don't get how some people don't like KAngel. I mean, her design is recognizable and cute, her hair is also recognizable and cute, she's a mentally ill streamer, she has a pretty face, what is there not to fucking like? I love KAngel and ame chan so much. I relate to both of them a lot, and I draw them a lot, too. I also think the needy streamer overload soundtrack is really, really good. Maybe one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. I think internet overdose and internet yamero are both very good songs. I mean, they're both very catchy and have good lyrics. Plus, Internet yamero has a trend or something. Even people who have no clue what needy streamer overload is have even done the trend. I think this means that even though KAngel isn't a real life streamer, she's still really, really popular. This must mean that if she was a streamer in real life, she'd most likely get very popular very fast. aghh, KAngel is just so perfect. I wish I could be her and at the same time I wanna be her wife forever. (platonically.) Also, all the KAngel cosplays I've seen have been very good and pretty. I also love seeing how they do KAngel's twisty DNA hair things and how creative they get with it. If someone were to pose as KAngel in streams though, they'd probably have to come up with a lot of ideas on their own, since KAngel's in game streams are so short (since, well, they're streams in a game, so they can't be that long.) Also, which KAngel streams would they do? cause there's no fucking way you can do all of them and still be alive afterwards. I wish there were more songs than just internet overdose and internet yamero, I've listened to both of them sososoosososososososoosososo many times. KAngel is definitely my favorite character and I fucking wish she was real. She brings me sososososo much joy. KAngel is pretty neat, I guess.
again! keep going anon! copy that copypasta! spread it! somewhere else!
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canmom · 1 month
do you think music is more prone to like, subculture-identification than other media? like genres of music tend to be very strongly associated with fashions, demographics, specific ways of living right?
the phenomenon is also kinda there in other media - being into e.g. anime or 'arthouse' films or superhero comics carries a certain amount of signification with it for example - but music seems to take it to a much greater level. taste in music is supposed to say a lot about a person, and it's a matter for severe judgement in a way that seems to go a lot further than even, say, the disdain people have for shounen or marvel fans. or is that just my imagination from not having managed to learn the codes in the same way yet?
for a long time i took a pretty defensive/cowardly posture over this, if someone asked what i was into i'd answer vaguely or say i mostly listen to game soundtracks or something. i am trying to kill the invisible music cop in my head and learn the vocabulary now to give a better answer so i can find more music to listen to. so far that is leaving me with way too granular a model, like it's hard to go from like minor keys or suspended chords to like, oh, i should search for this genre on soulseek lmao
i think the general solution to cringe when you're autistic (and in general) is mainly to have a strong enough sense of yourself that you don't care what people think of you, and then just be really passionate over some niche thing so that people will be like "i don't get it but i'm glad she's happy or whatever". nobody actually cares as much as they act like they do. if they like you then they might even change their opinion about your fave thing. but if you don't really feel like you know the territory it's hard to project that confidence because nobody wants to unwittingly be like 'hey i like this genre that signifies being a french racist' or some shit
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prince-liest · 2 months
Hi, just wanted to say that i love your 666 series, and I'm sure that writing such long and high quality chapters while also having a live outside of it requires a lot of self control so I wonder how do you manage all of this?
I'm sorry, this is probably a very silly question, but I'm just really curious about this 😅
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy my work - and that you think my stuff is high quality, ehehe.
I think the reality of the situation is less that I have ironclad self control and more that I have 1) experience that makes writing quickly much easier for me now than it was years ago, and 2) long term habits that lower the activation energy required for maintaining appropriate self-care.
That said, it's really funny that I got this ask right as I was bemoaning the fact that I definitely have to drag myself to the gym today over breakfast, hahaha. But, like, let me use that as an example: I go to the gym because I know for a fact that if I don't, I'll feel shittier, and if I do, I'll feel really good, in a purely physical way. I like working out, but I don't like having to go, so I make the 'get ready and go' process more entertaining. Listen to the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack on repeat. Pretend I'm performing android maintenance on the machine I inhabit. Listen to a philosphy podcast that makes me feel smort about vibing with Nietzsche. Put on TikTok while I get dressed. Whatever!
The writing itself is a hobby for me, though, and I am the wrong person to ask if you're looking for tips on how to force yourself to do creative things when you don't want to, because I just don't do that - it tends to be bad for my actual creativity. In fact, I recently declined a couple of zines and stopped applying to them entirely specifically because I want writing to go back to being purely a for-funsies hobby that I do on my own terms, not a chore to fulfill. If I'm feeling it, I do it. If I'm not, I do something else! I already have an extremely demanding career, haha, I'm not bringing that energy to my creative outlet!
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tuesday again 1/16/2024
did not commit fratricide this week but it got a little close there
spotify tried to rec me some electro remix of this Eartha Kitt song i did NOT care for but i did enjoy the original Mink Schmink (YouTube). very similar to last year’s favorite Peel Me A Grape by Anita O’Day. this is a particular kind of oldies #girlboss song that i am super weak to
i also have an entire album to rec! spotify recced me a movie soundtrack by this artist and i went to check out their latest work. a very pleasant outer space themed saxophone-forward experience to enjoy while trying out a very slow video game! the opening track Chaldene will let you know pretty fast if you’ll like the whole album. bouncy, in the ways that saxophones are. very cowboy bebop soundtrack adjacent? i have a data entry playlist with many instrumental albums of long pieces for when i need really consistent vibes or vibes that change very slowly and this is going to be such a good addition
feeling a little bit grim about the state of the world and long-tail reporting/continuity of knowledge, partially bc some friends got fired from the games industry and are throwing in the towel (do not blame them at ALL, also now this means i don't know anyone in the industry with more than three years of experience under their belt) and partially feeling a little bit grim bc i read an article FOREVER ago from the old motherboard team at VICE about how locations were being harvested from various religious and health apps, and FINALLY that data broker is starting to see some real consequences. the ONLY reason this reporter is still following this story/is still a reporter is bc after VICE summarily fired like half the site last year, he went off and started his own site.
grim! grim article, grim context, grim all around.
i would love for my best friend's son to become obsessed with a different movie than pixar's elemental. but if this is the price of having an only semi-interrupted conversation with his mom then so be it.
“sail forth” by developer Quantum Astrophysicists Guild and published by Festive Vector (pair of really killer names there) is the free epic game this week. i spent a reasonably okay hour with it but do not plan to continue further. the opening area has some problems that do not interest me in whatever this game does in the next area. tldr: the actual sailing part is fun, which is good bc it's a sailing game, but there isn't enough to Do in this adventure/exploration game and it's all really far apart.
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it has a particular sensibility married with its art style that makes me say “cozy game” (derogatory). your main character is named captain toot. everyone has funky sentence structure liberally sprinkled with nautical terms that come off vaguely nonsensical instead of piratical. there are a lot of almost-kennings like “deepblue” “moontiders” “fishfolk”. things of this nature. while i do love a kenning i don’t have a lot of patience for this. which is unfortunate bc this game tested my patience in several ways.
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the actual Sailing part is the best part of the game. there's some very fun weather-- i have seen light and heavy fog, light and heavy rain, and a full on thunderstorm. the fact that sailing is the best part of the game would be good except everything is VERY far apart, and while the call of a blank horizon is super important in an oceangoing game (i think) when it becomes more fun to just fast travel everywhere instead of sailing the long way, i think that’s where you have to refine some things in your game. this is less of an open world and more little pockets of things in between a truly ridiculous amount of empty space. i cannot imagine this runs in an acceptable manner on switch.
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the good parts of sailing are the thoughtful controls: the compass, the wind on the compass, and the little sail trim bar. you should also keep an eye on wave direction bc that will really impact your top speed. you CAN tack back and forth directly into the wind but this game will make you fucking work for it, which i do like. i also liked sailing with the camera zoomed all the way in, it felt very fast and dangerous on the very long wait to get to the next island. and then it was no longer fun on the very long sail to get to the next island. i am almost confident these islands are procgen, it’s possible i got a weirdly big seed but i don’t care enough to fire up a new save.
the general pace of the game/this first area feels a little underbaked or weirdly optimized. i got enough wood in the first hour to upgrade to the best available one-mast sloop, i fought a pirate which required a lot of precision seamanship with my one lonely bow gun, i did a race, i declined a target practice course, i poked my head into eight different map locations. despite this variety, it all felt very samey. generally the map locations have one or two things to do plus one resource (the precision seamanship required to collect resources is fun for the first two islands but then stops being interesting) or one collectible. no one island is particularly memorable. i really loved Sunless Sea, a game that also features a large map and very slow travel, but there’s a WAY more resource management and random events, and shit is simply closer together in that game.
if i was looking for a very slow podcast game and was 20% cutesier as a person this would be ideal, but for who i am right now? not for me.
my siblings visited! we did not kill each other, nobody had food poisoning, and nobody died! that's all i can really ask for. here's me and my sister looking at a big quilt at the 1940 Air Terminal Museum
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phil went to the emergency vet sunday afternoon bc her spay site was looking Gnarly. she either has an infection or a reaction to her sutures but the treatment is the same either way. the emergency vet said we could probably skip our normal vet visit on friday but, given that we discover a new problem every time we go to the vet, we will be keeping that appointment. all recent pics of her are smushed up on my lap at a goofy angle. have a pic of mackaroni and beans
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