#lisa kokin
garadinervi · 4 months
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Lisa Kokin, Marginalia, (zippers, thread), n.d. [Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum. © Lisa Kokin]
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bhaal · 4 months
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Batiks by Lisa Kokin printed in This Passover or the next, I will never be in Jerusalem (1980) by Hilton Obenzinger
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degeneratedworker · 7 months
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"Being Jewish is not the same as being Zionist! Our own history of persecution as Jews helps us to understand and support the struggle of the Palestinians to determine their own destiny." Lisa Kokin United States 1978
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desertarchipelago · 5 months
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Lisa Kokin
Page 226 (Das Kapital) Thread, linen, 37 x 21 inches, 2013
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abigailampoma · 7 months
anothermag.com (2014) Harriet Baker: Collage artists: Available at:
[Accessed 12/11/23]
saatchigallery.com (unknown date and author?) John Stezaker : Available at:
[Accessed 12/11/23]
aran-i.com (2017) Aran Illingworth: about the artist who I am: Available at:
[Accessed 12/11/23]
linkedin.com (2020) Donna Seager: Lisa Kokin: The Art of the Book at Seager Gray Gallery: Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lisa-kokin-art-book-seager-gray-gallery-donna-seager
[Accessed 12/11/23]
textilecurator.com (2023- unknown author?) Rosie James: Available at: https://www.textilecurator.com/home-default/home-2-2/rosie-james/
[Accessed 12/11/23]
artofcollage.wordpress.com (2020) Nikkal: AUDREY ANASTASI – DRAWING, PAINTING AND COLLAGE: Available at: https://artofcollage.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/audrey-anastasi-drawing-painting-and-collage/
[Accessed 12/11/23]
stephenfriedman.com (2023- unknown author?) Deborah Roberts: Available at: https://www.stephenfriedman.com/artists/51-deborah-roberts/
[Accessed 12/11/23]
books.google.co.uk (2010) Northumbria University Press: Don’t call me Urban! By Simon Wheatley: Available at: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Don_t_Call_Me_Urban.html?id=SNcpAQAAMAAJ&source=kp_author_description&redir_esc=y
[Accessed 12/11/23]
99designs.com (2022) Lindsay Kramer: Colour meanings and the art of using color symbolism: Available at: https://99designs.com/blog/tips/color-meanings/#red
[Accessed 12/11/23]
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owenleadbeater · 7 months
Following my embroidery sample inspired by Lisa Kokins work, I decided I wanted to produce a print sample inspired by the same effect I created with my embroidery work. As part of my research into print artists I came across a piece of artwork by Lyubov Popova. I enjoyed the way the red triangles contrasted against the background she had printed. I used blue dye and a paintbrush to create spots of dye, I then spread the spots of dye with a piece of flat wood. Once that had dried, I had previously painted red triangles which I then stuck onto the blue background. Using the heat press, I then transferred the pattern to polyester fabric. I plan to include this print in my Final outcome board as I feel it conveys my isolated narrative very well. I am very happy with how the red triangles contrast against the blue and successfully connect to my previous embroidery sample.
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edenumeadi · 7 months
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Embroidery Workshop 2
Our second embroidery workshop we learnt about free machine embroidery. This was my first time doing this so it took me a while to get used to. This sample I made was based off a picture of my great Aunty and Uncle's traditional Sierra Leone clothing and the patterns on it. I thought it would be a good idea to attempt to copy those designs using the machine. I found a fabric that I thought went really well with the theme of their outfits as it had beautiful gold designs on it that looked similar to the one's on their clothes. I used blue thread to match the blue outfits and tried to recreate those patterns. I had quite a bit of fabric so I was able to do a lot of practice. Personally, I found it a bit difficult to gain control of the direction I wanted the needle to go in, which caused the patterns to look a bit messy. Overall, I wasn't too happy with the outcome of the sample I made and think it could have been a bit better however I still think it can be incorporated within my sketchbook. Next time I would like to practice a bit more with the free machine embroidery and create more samples as I didn't create much I was pleased with. I'm not really too confident with using a sewing machine, however I'm still willing to try and experiment a bit more.
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Lisa Kokin - Soluble Materials
Lisa Kokin uses repurposed and recycled materials that she finds at thrift stores, recycling centres, and flea markets to create her artwork. In her early work, she pieced together found photos to create often unexpectedly artificial creations of weddings, children, and other subjects. Later, she used the colours and shapes of the material to create portraits using buttons. In her most recent pieces, Kokin skilfully dissects, conceals, and weaves with thread self-help book covers and spines into vibrant, multicoloured wall installations.
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nocrumbsonmyjewellery · 9 months
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"Trophy" - Lisa Kokin, 2000
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garadinervi · 4 months
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Lisa Kokin, Anaphora, (safety pins, thread, industrial felt), 2020 [Gail Severn Gallery, Ketchum. © Lisa Kokin]
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Lisa Kokin
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kate-bashford · 2 years
FAS3000 Reference list
Bjarnestam, Eva Atle. (2013) IKEA Design and Identity. Italy: Litopat S.p.A., pp. 82-83.
DB, Dora (2012) maurizio anzeri: embroidered photographs. Design Boom. Available at: https://www.designboom.com/art/maurizio-anzeri-embroidered-photographs/
[Accessed 13 October 2022]
Friedrich, Caspar D. (1822) Woman at a window. Berlin
Kokin, Lisa (unknown) Sewn Found Photos. Available at:  http://www.lisakokin.com/sewn-found-photos01.html [Accessed 19 October 2022]
Iabel, Gallery (2018) Jamie Reid No Feelings 1977. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/reid-no-feelings-t12836 [Accessed 25 October 2022]
Ormiston, Rosalind (2019) William Morris: Artist Craftsman Pioneer. New edn. Unknown: Flame Tree Illustrated
Slater, L (2005) Opening Skinner’s Box. Unknown: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Taylor, Rachel (2004) Bridget Riley Evoë 3. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/riley-evoe-3-t11753 [Accessed 29 September 2022]
Unknown (unknown) Cecil Beaton- an introduction. Available at: https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/cecil-beaton-an-introduction [Accessed 22 September 2022]
Unknown (unknown) Linder. Available at: https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/linder-10844 [Accessed 11 October 2022]
Unknown, Product Stories 1970s. Available at: https://ikeamuseum.com/en/digital/the-story-of-ikea/1970-product-stories/ [Accessed 27 October 2022]
Willoughby, Allison (unknown) Allison Willoughby Available at:
https://www.alisonwilloughby.com/ [Accessed 3 October 2022]
Yamusangie, Joy (unknown) Blue Glass Fortunes. Available at: https://joyyamusangie.com/Blue-Glass-Fortunes [Accessed on 16 October 2022]
Yotka, Steff (2020) Harris Reed Is Harry Styles’s Secret Fashion Weapon—And They Can Be Yours Too. Vogue, November 2020
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women-loving-art · 3 years
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Lisa Kokin Interjection 2016
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rbolick · 4 years
Books On Books Collection - Jaz Graf
Books On Books Collection – Jaz Graf
Trophic Avulsions (2016)
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Trophic Avulsions (2016) Jaz Graf Cyanotype accordion book with thread drawing, paper lithography and laser engraving on wood. Closed: H6 x W8.5 x D1.0 inches; Open: W80 inches. Unique. Acquired from the artist, 14 March 2018. Photos: Books On Books Collection.
Graf has used satellite photos of various river deltas around the world to create the cyanotype prints in…
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abigailampoma · 7 months
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Having the influence of Lisa Kokin's techniques, I included her concept of connecting images with thread into my work. I adapted her idea by using an embroidery machine to outline my primary research, emphasising the theme of connecting and communicating through the thread. While this piece is successful on how the design looks, I found a flaw in using the wrong material instead of using dissolving material during the washing process. This mistake affected the final appearance and compromised the resemblance to Kokin's work. Moving forward, learning from this mistake, reworking the artwork with the right materials to achieve a closer resemblance to Kokin's goal on connecting images through thread.
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owenleadbeater · 7 months
Lisa Kokin is a textile artist who works with mixed media such as book pages, fiber, threads etc. Her work has inspired me within my embroidery sessions. Lisa Kokin explains that her work is “often a commentary on the world around me.” Specifically, a piece of work titled “shooter” by Kokin inspired me in my embroidery work. I enjoyed the use of embroidered images that are weaved into a structure. Relating to my narrative, I would like to create an embroidery sample that connects isolated images or fabric between a contrasting thread or medium. As my narrative is centred around isolation, I would like to experiment in my embroidery work to create a piece inspired by Kokins work and technique that I can connect to my own. As a result of this, I have produced a successful sample which I feel conveys my narrative. I cut up pieces of red vinyl into triangles and then embroidered them onto aqua-film using a contrasting blue thread. I feel as this is successful as the red vinyl triangles are isolated against the colour and pattern of the thread. I am very happy with the result of the sample and will hopefully include it within my final outcome board.
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Lisa Kokin, Partial History of Jewish Life in Modern Times, 1997
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