#linked universe x hamilton
bbinkus11 · 5 months
Okay, @hotcheetohatredwastaken, listen up.
I got your fic!!!!!!!
I know this isn’t what you wanted right now, but I’ll have a chapter for each of the boys. So there will be ten chapters, all centric for the different boys in Hamilton. This one was to get everything straight, to get roles situated, etc.
I hope you like it! 👇
Ganondorf: Director
——— Links
Legend: Alexander Hamilton
Hyrule: Aaron Burr
Twilight: Hercules Mulligan
Sky: John Laurens
Wild: Lafayette
Four: Samuel Seabury/Charles Lee
Time: Phillip Schuyler
Wind: Young Phillip Hamilton/Ensemble
Warriors: George Washington
——— Zeldas
Fable: Peggy Schuyler
Dawn: Ensemble/Background singer
Dusk: Angelica Schuyler
Sun: Eliza Schuyler
Flora: Prop and Stage crew/likes telling people what to do
Dot: Ensemble/Background Singer/stage and prop crew
Lullaby: Down in the pit (ocarina)
Tetra: that one lady that stops the bullet at the near end so Hamilton can recap/ramble/ensemble
Artemis: Down in the pit playing music (violin)
(I apologize for the lack of roles the Zelda’s get, there aren’t many female roles in Hamilton and I don’t have many choices) :(
“Legend, this is a rehearsal, not the actual show. Get your coat on and let’s go.” Hyrule poked Legend before leaving, rolling his eyes playfully.
“‘Rulie, I’m pretty sure Hamilton wouldn’t like it either if his hair looked like a mess in a ballroom.” He shot back, not being rude, but in a sarcastic way.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Legend this time.” Warriors added to their short conversation, poking his hair under his hat.
“No one asked you, Warriors. You’re basically bald!” Wild said as he walked in, still using his French accent.
“Okay everyone, get your stuff and go! Artemis won’t stop playing the same song over and over again. She overthinks too much, I swear…” Flora trailed off at the last part. Otherwise shouting the first part. Everyone practically terrified of Flora and her consequences (and the clipboard she hit everybody with), everyone quickly shuffled out of backstage and into their spots for ‘Helpless’.
Sun’s perspective was… confusing. Lining up her lines with the music, spinning, dancing, and remember to add vibrato! Her thoughts invaded her constantly when she sang, it drove her crazy. “-and my heart went boom-“ The sound affect was spot on, now just keep going to the left, grab Dusk and drag her along with me…
Legend’s perspective was slightly less confusing, coming in slightly after the song starts and walking over to the stairs on the left side, being aware of his surroundings and making sure everything goes smoothly and planned. He stands on the stairs for a bit and oh Dusk is coming, look intrigued, meet Sun and go from there.
The background dancers' skirts spun and the music led them. The piano was on beat with their steps, changing with the notes and turning with the lyrics. Waiting for entrances was the worst part, but the dances were enjoyable and the singing had to be done with ease.
After the long rehearsal, the actors and actresses all met backstage.
“Anyone want to come to the Diner down the street with me and Flora?” Wild simply asked, tugging his boots off to put his blue Crocs on.
“Hell yeah!”
“No Wind, your grandma told me to get you home by nine. Also, it’s way too late for someone your age to go and get caffeine, you know…” Sky kindly objected. He was busy getting his keys, phone, wallet and all of his stuff in check before he left with Sun and Wind. He always manages to forget his things, apparently.
“I’ll go! Dot will too. I will be late though because I have to drop off my violin at home so it doesn’t go out of tune again, in this cold.” Artemis shouts from across the room.
“Me and Wars will go. Maybe Four will if you bug him enough.” Twilight adds. Shaking his muddy boots, he somehow got a kick on one of the wooden posts backstage. Dot was immediately on him, scolding him about not knowing how hard it is to get those up. “Sorry! Sorry!” Was all he could say before being pushed out of the backstage door.
“Welp, guess we’re going that way. Anyone else?” Wild sighed.
“Not me, I'm old and tired.” Time says, walking out the door.
“I’m going home.” Dawn and Dusk almost say in unison.
“I’m gonna go to my friends house, tell Legend to yell at me if anything happens.” Fable says in between several taps of her phone.
“Hyrule and I are coming. Give me a second, the zipper on my bag broke again.” Legend says, his back to Wild.
Wild looks around, observing Lullaby, Four, and Tetra are already nowhere to be seen. He waited a second, before feeling a breath on his neck.
“Geez, what, Flora? I told you we’re leaving in a minute.”
“Give. Me. Your. Mic.”
“Ohhh, haha, totally didn’t forget about that. It happens, you know? Yeah, haha, I’ll get that for you…” Wild nervously laughed as he dug through his duffel bag, his face growing redder and redder in realization that he couldn’t find it. Flora is going to kill him, do doubt. He continued shoving through piles of who knows what, and almost melted when he felt the thin metal line that felt suspiciously like his mic. He handed her the microphone, still melting.
“Lose this again, and you’ll lose your head.” Flora threatens, before turning her back and stomping to the door that leads to the light and sound booth.
Legend and Hyrule were ready by then. Twilight had been kicked outside. Artemis was going to be late. Warriors was probably still in the mirror. Flora was gonna be out in a minute. Perfect! Let’s go eat dinner with a bunch of music and history geeks.
“Still, I don’t get why you think half notes are better than quarter notes. The shorter the better. It’s what I used to say to Four, heh.” Dot says, closing her laptop to shove an entire handful of fries into her mouth.
“Because! They're half notes! What more needs to be said!” Legend argued from across the table.
“Legend, if you yell one more time, I swear I’m gonna call Fable to come and pick your petty ass up.” Hyrule mumbles so only Legend can hear. They had been arguing about half notes against quarter notes for the last fifteen minutes. And honestly, whole notes are superior, depending on the key signature.
“Okay,” Flora sighed, finally finding a space of silence, “all jokes aside, how do we think it’s going so far?”
“I’m lovin it. My rap part is better than all a’ y’all’s. I basically get to say ‘your mom’ in a history musical. It’s great.” Twilight says, leaning back in the restaurant booth chair.
“I like finding something to do with my voices.” Wild claims. “I can do a French accent, British accent, American accent, Elmo, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Twilight, Russia-“
“Hey! What is tha’ supposed to mean?” Twilight interrupted, throwing his hands up. Wild just stared for a good three seconds, then continued. “King Julian from Madagascar, Cookie Monster, The dad from—“
“Okay, that’s enough. Anyone else?”
“I’m basically on the 1$ bill.”
“That has nothing to do with the musical itself, Warriors.”
“Yeah but still.”
“Please stop talking.”
An irritated sigh came from Flora. You would probably need to hypnotize them to get them to stay focused.
“I get to shoot Legend at the end!”
“Hyrule! You can't say that out in public!”
At least it was somewhat related to the musical.
Thank you for reading!! I know it’s short, but the others will be much longer (in a good way). I wrote this from trauma of how aggressive the people in charge of the microphones can be, like, they take it seriously.
Chapter two! 👉
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saintslewis · 21 days
❝ 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄 ❞
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc; Nadia
summary: a lil workplace visit can’t be that bad, right?
warnings: cussing, links to pinterest. a lil short, sorry!
saint’s team radio 🎀: hiiiii there. thank you for all the love on virgo’s groove, i truly love each and everyone of you! hope you enjoy this, babies!
pls like, comment and reblog!
dividers from @cafekitsune
fc: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
renaissance: the series masterlist 🪩
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Lewis had missed his wife, terribly so.
Often being reminded by most, that his companion was not next to him as much as she was the last two weeks. He never tired talking about her in any sense and to anyone who would listen. By now, she would’ve spoken about her students or a joke that her friends used to tell as she attended university many years ago. Possibly a song she was thinking about or a candy she tried from the hotel in Miami.
He had missed the bright smile she often displayed at anyone who was open to receiving it or whenever she spoke of her new friends. Lewis had realised she had quite the loud laugh, contradicting her quiet voice, and how she would laugh at his jokes, a quiet wheeze at first then a boisterous laugh following right after. He had also missed how she would slip into one of her many home languages whenever she spoke and how she would derail the conversation to explain every little thing in that specific language.
Surprisingly so, he liked seeing that she was spending his money, even after trying to convince her that it was totally okay. Lewis also liked how she would send little updates on her day just as he did as well, talking about how she’s constantly stopped in the streets for pictures and how shocked she always was that people recognised her.
He also liked the rambles she had whenever they got the chance to facetime. Making her blush at his words was always a sight to see and how she would try do it back but her giggles held her back.
Lewis missed Nadia. A lot.
Sitting in his hotel room in Barcelona, he stared at the suitcases that were waiting right by the door. He checked his carry on once again to check that the little gifts he got her were okay. The specific hoodie he was wearing still had faint scents of her perfume, making Lewis feel giddy to get home. Months ago, he would’ve always said that the world is his home but ever since he met Nadia, he could feel his smile get larger as his thoughts go on.
Managing to get a podium, just as he promised her, he remembered her excitement and astonishment when he explained how many he actually had. She went on to tell him that she’ll make celebratory baked goods for whenever he gets back. Lewis knew that he was distracted when he attended a dinner with some friends after the race, his phone couldn’t be separated from his hands. All that was on his mind was seeing her.
“I know we initially removed the second question from the assignment but the board brought it forward that it needs to be done.” As soon as Nadia finished her sentence, her year 12 students groaned loudly.
“It didn’t make sense to me either but because you’re my kiddies, I’ll research when I get home and just get a memo so you don’t have to worry. Even if you all write the same thing, it’s okay.” She assured, walking to her desk after handing out the ‘new’ assignment papers.
“Uh, Ms Brown. You said this can be typed out, right?” A hand that was raised asked. Before the teacher could answer, someone interjected.
“It’s Mrs Hamilton, Tash.” That made a few students laugh. Nadia would never get used to hearing herself being referred to that. Every time she even woke up in that house, it was unbelievable.
With a little chuckle, she put her pen down. “Thank you, Kim. But yes, it needs to be typed out and don’t forget to make a cover, everyone.” Picking up her pen once again, Nadia went on to work on the question that troubled the whole class.
Silence fell and all that was heard was faint music coming from some kid’s headphones as they worked on their assignment or their homework, Nadia never had an issue if they needed to complete other tasks from their other classes.
Glancing at the clock on her desk, there were at least two hours of school left but luckily, she only had a few classes that day and was able to go home early. An empty large mansion but it was home. Craving the vanilla macrons she made yesterday, Nadia was more than excited to get home.
It was also the day that she expected her husband back home from Spain. Mondays usually went slower than the usual but she pushed her excitement to the back of her head as she continued to work. There was still some time left with her favourite class so she relaxed in her seat.
Nadia’s phone kept buzzing with text messages as she typed away on her laptop, sending an apologetic look to the students who’s heads whipped at the distracting sounds. Picking it up, all she saw was messages from Maggie, the school office admin, sending through messages that basically implied that she was shaking, she was excited and constantly repeated ‘girllllll’.
The class was now interested in whatever was going on because Nadia’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. There was nothing she was aware of unless the principal wanted to talk to her about something but that was even more confusing.
A knock echoed through the classroom and she gave the student closest to the door a signal to open it and he froze at the door, seemingly starstruck. All the kids then leaned outside their desks to see and they began screaming in excitement at whoever was at the door. The figure walked in the door and Nadia’s stomach dropped at the sight.
“Oh my days, Lewis Hamilton is in my class!”
After eventually calming down the class who were still shocked and buzzing at the fact that Lewis was there, he offered to take pictures with everyone and even brought them doughnuts that he had left outside the class in hopes to surprise them. He locked eyes with his wife and made his way to her, signalling to the kids that he’d be right back to take pictures.
Nadia threw her arms around his waist as soon as Lewis was close enough, he kissed through her wig then her forehead, completely aware that the kids were watching and recording. “I don’t wanna get fired, Lew.” Nadia spoke, facing away from her students.
“I had a word with the principal, you’re good.” He reassured, patting her back. Winking at her as he went back to the excited kids, she felt the butterflies in her stomach. She also realised how spontaneous he was because he really just showed up to her work like he forgot who he was.
Getting home was a bit of a challenge, the rest of the school caught wind of his appearance and that was a mission in itself. To Nadia’s luck, school was still in session and she could get home early with her husband by her side. The deal was that Lewis would come speak to the kids one day in exchange for his spontaneity.
Climbing out of the Range Rover that she drove herself to school in, Lewis held her hand to the front door where his suitcases were waiting to be let in. It felt all so domestic like they’ve done this a thousand times before, taking off their shoes right by the door and she immediately slipped into her slides. The home smelt like a mixture of her sweet perfume, cookies and the ocean scented incense she bought for the house.
“Welcome home!” Nads turned around after dropping all her things on the kitchen island to throw her arms around his neck for the physical touch they had been waiting for. They melted into the hug, faces digging into each other’s necks, engulfing each other with their warmth. The two stood there for what seemed like an eternity before letting go eventually. “That felt good, wow.” Lewis said, his eyes taking in every part of her face.
He had missed her so much.
“Right? It felt like a month apart. How are you feeling? Spain was something else.” Nadia smiled, still unable to look at him in his eyes. Before he could answer, he knew he couldn’t just outright say anything to her yet. Lewis couldn’t tell her that he’s falling for her so quickly, so much so that he wanted to shout it out to the world. He did that already, the world just doesn’t know that all of this isn’t real.
“I’ve been alright, just wanted to come back home and relax. Getting that podium though,” Lewis breathed out. “Please, you made it look flawless.” Nadia interrupted, with a ‘duh’ expression on her face. He couldn’t help but genuinely smile at that.
She walked further into the kitchen and he followed after her like a puppy, waiting for her to do anything. “I made you vegan vanilla macrons for your podium and my non-vegan ones are in a different lunch box.” Nadia tapped the lunch box labelled ‘vegan’ with her freshly done nails then placed it on the kitchen counter.
“Ohh shit, I forgot I got you something else as well!”
Nadia ran up towards the stairs, spewing out the words as Lewis watched her with a smile on his face, leaning his head on his hand. Deciding to make himself comfortable in the living room, he waited for her.
Quick steps of her sandals echoing throughout the main floor, she came through with a medium sized box in hand, a proud smile on her face as she plopped herself right next to him on the couch. “So. You know how I said that I love sourcing for archives in fashion or the latest pieces that are just tough to find?” Nadia started.
“Yeah…..” Lewis responded with a slight lift of his eyebrow.
“This is a gift I want to give to you since you did so good in Spain but I got it like days before the podium so I had to pray that you did good.” She added, unable to contain her smile as she handed the box to him. Sitting down quite close to each other, she watched as Lewis carefully ripped the gift wrap.
He was smiling before he fully opened his gift. “I can feel you just jumping’ in excitement.” Lewis said, his natural accent and voice coming into light. The same voice he used to when he felt right at home.
Eventually putting all the gift wrap to the side, he faced the box in curiosity, opening it and being prepared to see anything. “You’re joking.” Lewis said in shock, staring at Nadia who’s smile was brighter than the sun itself. “It was tough finding these but I do hope you like them, Lew.” She responded.
“These were made-“ “By Virgil, yep. I knew that you guys had a good friendship so when I came across these, they reminded me of you guys.” She informed and giggled at Lewis constantly looking back and forth at the shoes. The Nike x Louis Vuitton air force one was apart of a collection released in honour of Virgil Abloh, Lewis’ friend and Nadia’s inspiration in the fashion world.
Lewis couldn’t contain himself and stood up abruptly, pulling Nadia with him to wrap his arms around her and give her an even warmer hug. A bit shocked, Nadia quickly recovered and returned the same energy towards him. “Thank you, Nads, truly. Not just for the shoes but just…everything.”
“Anytime, pookie bear.” Nadia moved her head to look directly into his eyes, focusing on every crevice of her face. Looking down at her neck, he caught a glimpse of shining silver jewellery sitting pretty on her neck, only used to seeing gold pieces only.
“Is that 44 on your necklace?” He pointed it out, looking back and forth between her face and her jewellery. “Oh! Yeah, I wanted it to match my ring. The world is getting familiar with this face, might as well add to it.” Nadia said with a smug smile and Lewis had to collect himself but he realised he was right home.
Adding a little chuckle, he lowered his large hands from the middle of her back to her ass then her thighs, getting a yell out of her when she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Wanna get the neighbour familiar with you?” Lewis smirked, licking his lips at the same time.
“Let’s get right to it, Sir.” She responded, giggling as he started rushing to the bedroom, holding onto her tightly as they went up the stairs.
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lewishamilton a week filled with love and joy. canada, here we come ~
tagged: @/nadiahamilton
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nadiahamilton i look too good 🤭
lewishamilton you always do
nadiahamilton omg STAWWP 🥹
user dawg this is so unfair, you don’t get it
fencer my best friends 🥹
liked by lewishamilton
user mother and father
kehlani sleep with one eye open, mister
lewishamilton it’s sir
kehlani i’m still taking your wife, leprechaun 🫵🏽
user seeing you two in Canada!!
user this man is too gone, bridgerton level simp
user well duh, if you were with Nadia, you’d be too
lewishamilton this is true, she hung up the moon and the stars
chunks your home is so beautiful, thanks champ 🫡
user lewis is friends with the beta squad????
user they’re nadia’s friends
louisvuitton hope you loved your gift! 🤍
lewishamilton it was gifted by Nads so it was the best 🫶🏽
user you guys are so cute, it HURTS
canadagrandprix thee it couple
mercedesamgf1 has more stories about Nadia than the Spanish gp, we have to respect it
badgalriri got a problem? 🤨
user they got Riri clocking they asses 😭😭😭
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nadiahamilton i’m the cooler one
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tyla you’re the coolest of them all 😝
nadiahamilton love you always!!
nellarose_ that french vanilla cake you made? signing you up for masterchef rn!
nadiahamilton girl pls 😭
user you guys remember when the wags called her tinkerbell? she literally is tinkerbell in real life 😭
user and she smells like money and sweet flowers ‼️
nataliatheedon come back to America rn
nadiahamilton canada’s the best i can do 😣
user i feel like a certain canadian rapper is gonna show up lol
user i’m from toronto and there’s a rumour that lewis’ people are blocking off that rapper from getting near nadia because he keeps reposting her pics lollllll
user no ways lewis actually has shooters???
user he’s Lewis, what did you expect? 😭
zendaya mother graced us with her presence once again
nadiahamilton love you Z 😚
louisvuitton 🤍🤍
sza hand in marriage?
lilymhe omg hiii, let’s redo monaco?
lewishamilton hi sweetheart
nadiahamilton hi my love
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saint’s notes 🪩: heyyyy babies! this is one is quite short lol but i hope you enjoyed! love u all 😚 also noticed the colour schemes for their insta posts? 🫡
taglist: @non-stop-imagines @motheroffae @perfecttrashface @thisismeracing @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @cocobutterqwueen @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @youre-sooooo-funny @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @vsfavs @louvrepool @mistruscity @tian-monique @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @yeea-nah @nichmeddar @gg-trini @lifeless-firefly @vellicora @takeoffz-tookoff9876 @serpenttines-library @emjayewrites @royallyprincesslilly @lewisroscoelove @purplelewlew @xoscar03 @kidsol-ar @nothaqks @tremendousstarlighttragedy @ggaslyp1
if your account is blank, that mean tumblr can’t find you!
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smicksstuff · 1 year
maman said: “the best people in life are the ones who loved you when you werent very lovable”. yn finally understood what that meant.
The PitBox Crew Series
Power, Beauty and Soul
(f1drivers x yngasly)
a/n: sorry for the long wait! hope you like it 😆
30 April 2023
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liked by lance_stroll, pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 892, 672 others
yngasly little miss watching cars go around in odd circles every weekend
view 802 comments
lance_stroll 🤍
pierregasly seeing you every week? what the heck did i sign up for !
yngasly no getting rid of me now 🤗
username2 how rich is this girl? she is at every race so far!!
yngaslyfans her brother races every week, she goes with him
username2 oh, where do i sign up to be gasly sibling too
yngaslyfans ive been asking the same questions
carlossainz55 chiquita why are you studying in baku?
yngasly because i have schoool 😭
landonorris so it wasnt an excuse when you said you were busy studying?
yngasly yes lando, it wasnt an excuse 😐
arthur_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
lancestrollfc lance comments hearts and he gets a feature in the post? hmmm is this our mystery girl?
lancelot i would love if she is
username4 lance can do better, no way his dad will approve of her.
astonmartinfc if she is the mystery girl, it will be the best couple on the grid.
norris4 im still rooting for her and lando tho! they are so cute tgt!!!
scuderiagasly yn studying during the race weekend? new studying aesthetic unlocked!
user5 @yngasly what are you studying?
yngasly im currently wrapping up my final year at the University of Buckingham. Im studying Marketing and Media Communications. All my classes are online, hence me being able to travel with my brother to races ! 👍🏼
user5 holy crap she actually replied!! thats so cool!! all the best for your final year!!
liked by yngasly and 202 others
scuderiagasly omg does that mean you are gonna work in paddock after you graduate??
yngasly 🤷🏼‍♀️
olliebearman paddock bestie 🧸
liked by yngasly and 8,930 others
arthur_leclerc hey dont steal my bestie
1 May 2023
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liked by scuderiagasly, yngaslyfc and 9,048 others
f1wags Have we cracked the case? Is our mystery Coachella girl from Lance Stroll's instagram story the one and only Yn Gasly?
Since the beginning of the season, Yn Gasly has been rumored to be linked with McLaren's Superstar Lando Norris or Ferrari's Star Boy Charles Leclerc. Since then, another hotshot driver was added to the mix; the Pride of Aston Martin F1 Team, Lance Stroll.
Since the Australian GP, Yn has been seen out and about Monaco with friends and family and she also attended Coachella in California bumping into Lewis Hamilton. Lance Stroll on the other hand was also spotted at Coachella after soft launching his girlfriend on Instagram Story. Right before, he was on a date night in Monaco.
The timelines match up, is Yn Gasly the new girlfriend of Lance Stroll? What are your thoughts?
view 9,103 comments
scuderiagasly TEAM LANCE
liked by 7,890 others
sirlancelot its definitely Lance! Maybe im being delulu but i really want them together!
lancestrollies Lance and Yn as a couple ??? They are gonna be so cute!!
strollygirls PLS BE TGT!
norris4 TEAM LANDO
liked by 7,624 others
landino Yn and Lando are literally carbon copies of each other!
norris4life match made in heaven
mookiesquad this is just giving me Best Friends Brother Vibes
liked by scottyjames31 and 890 others
strollyfamily OMG YES!
astonmartini is this confirmation that it is LANCE and we are not simply being delulu???
cowboyric if this is true and Lance is dating Yn, it wont be the first time Scotty leaked information about Lance!
2 May 2023
charles_leclerc and pierregasly added to their story
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9 May 2023
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liked by pierregasly, lance_stroll, danielricciardo and 927, 902 others
yngasly Miami Dreams 🌴❤️
view 9830 comments
pierregasly Best Hotlaps ever!!! 🏎️
yngasly NEVER AGAIN ! its like you wanted to kill me!!!
francisca.cgomes the look on your face when you came back 😂
yngasly it was the best and worst experience of my life
alpinef1team can we do it again but this time we record it 🥺
yngasly yes we can i will do it with esteban or jack not my brother.
frenchies OMG do hotlaps with YN and let all 3 drivers take turns
liked by jackdoohan, pierregasly and 8,902 others
maxverstappen1 i finally made to Yn's Race Weekend Recap!! 🏆
yngasly what are you talking about i have posted you here before
maxverstappen1 really? since when?
danielricciardo double trouble back in the paddock 👊🏼
yngasly they dont know whats coming for them
heidiberger_ yall are such kids
yngasly you love us too much
heidiberger_ thats also very true
lance_stroll missed having you in the garage! come back soon!
liked by 7901 others
yngasly definitely will be back soon 😙
sirlancelot 💚💚💚
lilymhe my wife ❤️‍🔥
liked by 788 others
yngasly loml ❤️‍🔥
alex_albon im right here guys 👀
10 May 2023
chloestroll and heidiberger_ added to their story
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14 May 2023
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liked by chloestroll, scottyjames31, lance_stroll and 1, 902, 587 others
yngasly F1 Royal Wedding of the century ❤️
view 31,723 comments
pierregasly Bellissimo ❤️ congrats scotty and chloe !!
liked by scottyjames31 and 728 others
lance_stroll ❤️
liked by 1,463 others
landonorris looking good bestie!!! 🤍
liked by yngasly and 578 others
liked by scottyjames31 and 7,234 others
danielricciardo who took those pictures??? they are amazing
yngasly the wedding photographer was amazing
lance_stroll 100% committed to the job. made sure to capture every moment, even in the bathrooms
danielricciardo hey its an in-thing to take mirror selfies in the toilet
lance_stroll true, got to admit that was the best picture
riccc3 can someone pls post the mirror selfie
chloestroll maid of honour understood the assignment!
scottyjames31 when i got married i never thought that i would have to take care of a kid as well
yngasly chloe is pregnant????????? CHLOEEEE???
yngasly oh my bad,, hehe yea we are a package deal 😙
chloestroll @scottyjames31 we discussed this babe, my mini me is always included
scottyjames31 geez okay! go hang out with your racer boyfriend mini me! its my honeymoon time 😎
yngasly what racer boyfriend?
pierregasly @scottyjames31 3...2...1... SCOTTY REALISES THIS IS YOUR MAIN
scottyjames31 fuck me! not again!! 😩😳
sirlancee racer boyfriend???? which one ?
16 May 2023
Venice, Italy
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liked by yngasly, pierregasly, landonorris and 2,494,933 others
lance_stroll Us? I like the sound of that ❤️
view 100 comments
yngasly mon amore ❤️
liked by lance_stroll and 9,028 others
pierregasly if anything happens you know whats coming
lance_stroll yes ofcourse!
yngaslyfc am i the only one dying to know what the pep talk was ?
scuderiagasly pls i wanna know too!
charles_leclerc she may be yours but she will still wear ferrari 👍🏼
pierregasly HEY WHAT
landonorris WHO AGREED TO THAT?
carlossainz55 ferrari 55 merch 👍🏽 🌶️
lance_stroll 99% Aston Martin 1% the rest of you 😎
yngasly maybe i like motogp now 🏍️
chloestroll MY BEST FRIEND AND MY BROTHER !!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
liked by yngasly, lance_stroll and 1,383 others
sirlancee i just wanna know chloe's reaction to this
yngasly stuck with me forever now ♾️
chloestroll im not complaining! i love this ❤️
scottyjames31 you are welcome ?
lance_stroll thin ice scotty 🧊
scottyjames31 you still love me tho
lance_stroll we will see about that
gaslystroll scotty is an absolute matchmaker
ln4 and we all thought it was lando who couldnt keep a secret
teamlance THEY ARE SO CUTEE!!!!
comments have been limited
daniel3.jpg added to their story
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fulla02 @mehrmonga @myescapefromthislife @deviltsunoda @lithiscool @bat-shark-repellant @harrysdimple05 @majx00 @baw-sixteen
credits: all pictures found on pinterest and instagram.
a/n: thank you for reading this far!! if you have any suggestions send them to me! i would love to include them in the next chapter!!
if you would liked to be tagged in new chapters, comment your username below 👇😗
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lulu2992 · 9 months
From the Inquisitor to the Baptist: The Evolution of John Seed
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Part 6: Sources, references, and further reading
(There are links under all the pictures in this post)
1: Concept art posted by Nick Arnett on Instagram
"Here is some more concept art I got to be in, that never made it." https://www.instagram.com/p/BvwpicenXHg/
And many thanks to @minilev for originally sharing the picture on Tumblr here!
2: “Last-Supper-like” images
The first picture was used to promote the game, for example during E3 2017 where it was on display outside the Los Angeles Convention Center (it briefly appears in this video).
I couldn’t find who exactly made it, but you can see/download it in very high definition (12,500 x 2,000 pixels) here:
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The second is the “Key Art”, made by an entire team (and some of the people below most likely also worked on the previous one):
Creative Director: Michael Hammond Art Director: Brian Tippie Lead Artist: Wil Wells Assisting Artist: Camille Fache Assisting Artist: One Pixel Brush - Shaddy Safadi, Matteo Marjoram Character Art: Petur Arnorsson Brand Management: Dilip Priyanath, Ann Hamilton, Bailey McAndrews, Thomas Seris Project Management: Alicia Ruiz, Sam Nielsen Authenticity Coordinator: Travis Getz Reference photography: Ryan Flynn with Brick & Chrome Additional work by Blur Studio (they usually make the CGI trailers), Helix, and Studio Mtl.
See/download it in HD (7,000 x 4,054 pixels) here:
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3: AmCo Studio
See development sketches for the “Last-Supper-like” images here.
4: Fire Without Smoke
Find development sketches and details about the creation of the “Last-Supper-like” images here.
5: The symbols on John’s fingers
This mystery was finally solved in February 2022 by @commonant (deactivated account; if you see this, thank you) here!
6: “Taolennoù Ar Mission” by François-Marie Balanant
See the scans here on the website of the Bibliothèques de l’Université Rennes 2 (Libraries of the University of Rennes 2, France).
7: Seven deadly sins (Wikipedia)
The page that most likely inspired the developers a lot.
8: Infantry tattoo
An example by Garrett Tankersley (@tat2garrett) on Instagram:
"Infantry tattoo" https://www.instagram.com/p/66MheiDlc8/
9: Old Far Cry 5 official website
Still visible thanks to the Wayback Machine here.
10: PlayAsia blog
They posted information about Far Cry 5 and its characters here. I still have no idea if the pictures are official or not...
11: Promotional picture for Far Cry Absolution
Posted on X (Twitter) by the Official Far Cry account here.
12: Inside Eden’s Gate
The short film is available for free on Ubisoft North America’s official YouTube channel here.
13: Rob Evors’ actual tattoo
Visible in this picture (the three letters on his left wrist):
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14: John’s tattoos in Inside Eden’s Gate
Casey Lynn Stuckey’s Instagram post (3 pictures):
"Check out these sweet detail shots of the tattoos I hand painted on @foreversevors for Far Cry 5: Inside Eden’s Gate." https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf1q09eFJ1K/
And another Instagram post by Nina Shyne Alviar showing Casey Lynn and Sandra Stuckey painting tattoos on Rob Evors:
"My amazing MUFX/HMU team members Casey and Sandra, hand painting tats on Rob Sevors’ hands for his role as John Seed in Far Cry 5: Inside Edens Gate! Casey did it the first time all on her own, carefully matching the designs to the gameplay. Have you seen it yet? On Amazon Prime Video right now. And the game is out on 3/27." https://www.instagram.com/p/BgeuadJnNHj/
15: “Anything Can Happen, Everything Will” live-action TV spot
Watch it on Ubisoft North America’s official YouTube channel here.
16: Jon Oswald’s Instagram post about the Far Cry 5 TV spot
"New Far Cry commercial out today! Keep your eye out for me at the end. I'm the asshole in the GUCCI TRENCH COAT." https://www.instagram.com/p/BgRoavQhgcP/
17: Kenz Lawrén’s Instagram post about Inside Eden’s Gate and the TV spot (8 pictures)
"✨✨ I am so excited to announce the release of The FarCry5 short film: EDEN’S GATE on amazon prime!! ✨✨I had such an awesome time shooting in Montana and just wanted to take a moment to thank the production, the cast and the fans of Far Cry for all their love and support." https://www.instagram.com/p/BgpYTCojq7x/
18: Jon Oswald’s tattoos
In this picture (right wrist):
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And this one (dog on his left forearm):
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19: Storyboards for the TV spot
Drawn by Anthony Winn and shared on ArtStation.
20: The Book of Joseph
Rare promotional item given as a pre-order bonus for Far Cry 5. It’s never been available for sale (officially) but you can find several options to read it in this post.
21: “Far Cry 5: Why John Seed Is Your Charmingly Deadly Enemy”
Watch the video on IGN’s YouTube channel here.
22: John’s “You have been Marked” video
The source file (which doesn’t have sound) of the final in-game version was extracted by @hopecountyradio here.
As for the audio, you can go here to listen to John only, here for the background noise and voices, and here for the original, full version of the music.
23: “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” concept art
The artwork was based on a painting by Viktor Vasnetsov (1887). It’s official but I don’t know the name of the artist(s).
Find it in HD (5,000 x 2,672 pixels) here:
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24: Official screenshot(s)
Created by Screenshot Artist Jayden Bell and posted on ArtStation.
There are more here, here, and here.
25: Poster
Official picture you can find here (3,276 x 3,276 pixels), for example. I don’t know the artist(s) who created it.
26: “John Seed - The Inquisitor | Character Spotlight”
Watch this trailer on Ubisoft’s official YouTube channel here.
27: John’s vest
Its secret was exposed by @inafieldofdaisies here. Again, great find!
28: John’s 3D model and textures
They were extracted by HeliosAl and are available for download on DeviantArt here and here.
29: John and Sloth
Just in case anyone is interested, I posted my opinion and analysis here back in September 2020.
30: Pictures in the Holmes Residence
Extracted by @vls-gamingscrapbook here.
31: Seed family portrait
Extracted by @vls-gamingscrapbook here.
32: Picture in Dutch’s bunker
Extracted by @vls-gamingscrapbook here, as well as the source files for the poster and billboard (even though the images included in my post were my screenshots).
33: Journal image (The Confession)
Found on the Far Cry Wiki, but made by Graphic Designer David Bouchard-Gagnon.
34: Early version of the “You have been Marked” TV broadcast
The video I posted was recorded in my game, but the source file was also uploaded by @vls-gamingscrapbook here.
35: Pictures from the deleted in-game encyclopedia
Extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
36: Render
The picture I posted was my screenshot, but you can find the full, original render here (3,840 x 4,937 pixels):
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37: Early icons
Extracted by @vls-gamingscrapbook here.
38: “Seeking Absolution - Interview with Urban Waite”
Watch the video on Ubisoft North America’s official YouTube channel here.
39: Holly in Far Cry 5
NPC line about Holly Pepper:
I remember a girl named Holly used to live here with her girlfriend Charlie. They were the first people I knew to join Eden's Gate.
You can hear it in the game.
40: Drew Holmes interview
It was deleted so the link doesn’t work, but you could read it here:
I posted a screenshot of it here in September 2018.
41: “Far Cry 5 - Inside the intro sequence”
Watch the video on Ubisoft UK’s official YouTube channel here.
An article about it was also published on the now-deleted UbiBlog here (retrieved thanks to the Wayback Machine again).
42: oasisstrings
Available either here (website by Steve Botter a.k.a. Steve64b) or on the Far Cry Wiki here and here (subtitles).
43: John’s deleted lines
Listen to them here on @voices-of-hope-county.
44: Hudson’s comment about John
Posted here by @oh-the-bliss.
45: Seed Ranch concept art
I sadly don’t know who the artist is, but you can find it here (1,398 x 845 pixels):
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46: Tennis courts?
Listen to Sharky and Nick talk about John’s tennis courts (which don’t exist in the game) here on @voices-of-hope-county.
I tried to trigger Nick’s comment in the game but couldn’t, so it may have been cut, but Sharky’s line still exists.
47: Seed Ranch
Picture by Environment Artist Brian Harries found on ArtStation.
48: John’s “sex room”
I tried to find more information about this mysterious room here.
49: Survivor’s comment in New Dawn
Find it in oasisstrings here. I know it’s in the game because someone recorded it once, but I couldn’t find the post...
50: Cultists’ lines at Seed Ranch
I recorded two videos and posted them here and here. The comment about John being so busy he barely goes to the ranch is in the second one.
51: “Your Question”
John’s letter for a cultist named Terry. See the screenshot of the complete answer on the Far Cry Wiki:
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52: John and Mary May’s secrets
This was originally discovered by @xbaebsae in this great post I recommend reading if you like early/deleted content!
53: Abandoned storylines
Listen to three outdated lines here on @voices-of-hope-county.
54: Kim’s deleted line about John
Listen to it here on @voices-of-hope-county.
55: Joseph’s eulogy for John
Listen to the audio here on @voices-of-hope-county.
56: Joseph’s message for John at Seed Ranch
Listen to it here on @voices-of-hope-county.
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doostyaudi · 1 month
❤️‍🔥Hello Everyone!!❤️‍🔥
❤️‍🔥My name is Dusty/Yara/Audi, though most call me Dusty. Idc which one u use
❤️‍🔥Bisexual, genderfluid/genderqueer
❤️‍🔥Any pronouns (masc terms)
❤️‍🔥I draw and animate! I especially love to make animation memes!
❤️‍🔥Im a shadow demon cat irl :3 🐈🔥
❤️‍🔥 Furry (post of my fursonas :3)
❤️‍🔥I love silly kitties!
❤️‍🔥I make lots of oc x canon content lol
❤️‍🔥 ACAB
❤️‍🔥FREE PALESTINE (list of resources to aid Palestine)
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💖Media im obsessed with💖
Madness combat, Warframe, Dead Space, Pikmin, Pokémon, Ultrakill
💖Honorable mentions💖
Lupin the 3rd,dungeon meshi, Monster High, local 58, star wars, what we do in the shadows, mst3k, marine biology, paleontology, repo:the genetic opera, Hamilton, cryptids, the amazing digital circus, bugbo, Steven Universe, the owl house, gravity falls, rock band (the game), tf2, welcome home, doom
{Will update when i remember things}
💖Types of media i enjoy💖
Horror movies/games (YUMMY), violent video games, rpgs, rhythm games, comedy games/movies/tv shows, memes, stories with complex themes and lots of nuance :3 (what i write mostly LOL), hashtag music lover
💖Current kin list💖
❤️‍🔥Auditor (madness combat)❤️‍🔥
🩵Louie (pikmin)🩵
🩷Spinel (Steven universe)🩷
{can you tell which one i have clinged onto the most? LOL}
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❤️‍🔥Common questions that need to be answered❤️‍🔥
Q: "how can I use your works? (art, characters, stories, ect)"
A: however you want! Everything of mine is copyright free! It's all in the public domain! Literally do whatever u want. Hell, you can even put my art on merch and sell it! Dont even have to give credit! Just as long as u don't say the art is yours, we r cool, alr? Also yes u can trace my art too, thought i should say that. U can take inspiration from my art and ocs, unless stated otherwise. Also DONT REDESIGN MY OCS PLEASE u only get to do so if i give u direct permission, though if u do, keep it to urself
Q: "Will you ever open commissions?"
A: im not sure honestly?? Like i said everything of my is public domain, and i would like for that to apply commissions, but idk how that works legally, so i haven't opened them.
Q: "why don't you ever reply to comments?"
A: I cant. Be shadowbanned prevents me from replaying to comments. Granted, this acc isn't, but two of my accs r, and that includes my main, so that has effected my commenting abilities.
Q: "can i draw your ocs?"
A: YES PWEASE i eat any and all fan art up like a starving Victorian child.
Q: "is your drawing requests open?"
A: yes! I am most likely going to draw ones that are abt my ocs or characters im currently obsessed with lol
Q: "is spam liking/reblogging allowed?"
A: allowed and encouraged!
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Transphobs, homophobs, bigots, terfs, maps, zoophiles, pro shippers, nazis, fascists, zenoists, partake in cringe culture, anti furry, exclusionists, redesign ppls ocs (nuances apply), associate urself/interact with yandere content, break the boundaries of content creators, and Narcissistic abuse truthers
Anyways, have fun!
Additional links: YouTube, artfight, old acc
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puckmaidens · 10 months
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If I Say It, Will You Respond? - Juraj Slafkovsky x OC
This is for @2manytabsopen as a part of @wyattjohnston ‘s summer fic exchange!
- I’m so sorry for making you wait Kesh, but this story went up and off the rails with Arber’s meddling (as big brothers do 🤣)
The story of Dinah and Jura is one that I definitely struggled with from an intimacy perspective. How do I make Dinah fall for Slaf without feeling like insta love?
Dinah Faye Clark doesn’t regret anything, actually almost anything. She’s gazing at her diploma on the wall, Bachelor’s in Media and Journalism from the University of Montreal.
“Another successful day of work finished. The article on the Habs blueline will go up tomorrow before the draft and hopefully that goes over well.” A soft *ping* goes off and Dinah sees a tweet from the Habs Twitter.
The Montreal Canadiens have the first overall pick for the 2022 draft. Find out more about what that means here. Link Here
Another ping.
The Hamilton Bulldogs are your 2022 Ontario Hockey League champions! They will advance to the Memorial Cup Tournament!
Dinah’s heart thumped as she saw the players raising the Ross Robertson Cup. She sees the Xhekaj jersey and smiles.
Proud of you, big bro. So proud of you, Arber.
Dinah and Arber hadn’t spoken in years, but the sibling bond they share was unshakable across country lines and team switches. When Dinah left for university, Arber stayed and went to the OHL. The first few terms were easy when he was with the Rangers before getting traded.
Everything almost fell apart once he went to the Bulldogs though. Texts were getting lost, calls never making it to voicemail and nights full of tears. They never held it against each other, especially once Dinah graduated and Arber was front row and dead center waiting for her.
Dinah didn’t have both parents, just an Aunt. Having a hands off guardian made her independent and headstrong, from getting on the yearbook and newspaper teams to starting her own blog about the Canadiens before her junior year.
Six years later, she’s a trusted source and media channel for the Habs. What she’s lost in affection and time she’s got back in a supportive network virtually and adventures embedded into her brain. She’s a storyteller, analyst and writer who’s damn good at her job.
When Arber was traded from Kitchener to Hamilton, Dinah struggled with giving space to Arber. Her feelings of being too much to be around drove her into distancing him. The championship brought them back together.
Dinah asked him where his mind was in an interview and suddenly the conversation got deep fast.
Draft Day
”The Montreal Canadiens are proud to select Juraj Slafkovsky from TPS in the Liiga!” Dinah watches the first overall selection stride down to meet the GM, President, and Head Coach of his new team. Her hand flies across her notepad faster than she can comprehend, really.
He’s soft. Teddy-bear like, but not weak.
Dinah dragged her eyes back down to her notes as she waited for the next team to select their draftee.
Someone might say Dinah fell in love that day, but Dinah felt something stronger.
She wanted to tell his story, again and again.
1. Juraj’s first game
Mullet Arena is tiny and too cozy, Dinah muses. Everyone seems uncomfortable, too close, intimate in a way that bothered them instead of coming naturally. The warm-ups were starting and as the lights came up Dinah noticed that just right along the opening where the players came out she saw something. It was him getting ready to take his rookie lap. Dinah’s heartbeat got heavy and fast. She got warm although she barely had anything on save for a coat. She couldn't stop staring as he made his loops round and round and the wide oval shape that the ice was. Loop, loop, loop. The sight of him taking his lap on the ice and then heading back off burned into her brain. It was somehow too much but also not enough. She wanted to see more.
2. His first goal
C’mon Juraj, stay on him. You’re almost there, do not let up.
Nearly 12 minutes left on the clock and he’s passing Arizona’s Maccelli and aiming. It misses. The sound of bodies hit the wall ring in Dinah’s ears. The shot is clear this time, now 11:43 left in the second period. He aims, and it passes Ingram. He’s scored his first goal. Jake grabs him first, then Arber and everyone else crashes into Juraj. His first goal has been made and Dinah is watching the ice.. A volcano of feelings screaming to rush out of them as Juraj fist-bumps the lines not on shift.
“His First of the National League, Slafkovsky!” Arber is right behind him, whooping and hollering with everyone else.
After the game ends, Dinah goes to their media availability and records most of the post-game conversation, asking some questions of her own and getting Coach St. Louis to laugh.
Then there’s Juraj, laughing and blushing. Dinah feels her heart stop beating for a moment, but she manages to ask one good question.
“You think this a good start to your career?” 
Juraj laughs, and Dinah knows this feeling is more now, tied and infinite.
3. End of Season
It was a loss. Boston 5 - Montreal 4. Dinah had to hold back her tears when she saw the final score on her screen. Pasternak really shut the door on them. Her phone is a Roman Candle in a room of near darkness. She unlocks her phone and sends a text to Arber and Juraj.
To: Big Bro, Juraj
Hugs. god, I'm so sorry. I know how hard you both fought this season. Do you need me to come over?
From: Big Bro
You know where the key is, Dee. We wouldn’t mind company.
A new message pops up, just between Dinah and Juraj.
From: Juraj
I’ll keep the couch warm. You want to pick a movie?
Dinah comes over and slips her shoes off before shuffling over to Arber, resting her head in his lap. Juraj toddles over and shoves his head in Dinah’s lap.
“You’re a puppy dog, I swear Slaf. Needy baby.”
That made Arber laugh, Juraj turning pink as the movie started.
4. Arber, Juraj and Dinah hanging out before Juraj asks Dinah on a date
Dinah sat themselves down, fiddling with the ring on her index finger as she waited for the boys. Now that the season was truly over, exit interviews done, there was a tiny, faint buffer of time before everyone scattered for the summer.
“Baby Dee!”
“Arber!” They crashed into each other, squeezing tight as Arber lifted Dinah off the ground.
Juraj follows Arber, quiet as he blinks at Dinah.
“Can I?”
“I’m a hugger Juraj, it’s fine. C’mere.” He’s gentle and wraps himself around her.
“So, I hear you’re heading home soon?” Arber nudges Juraj into a corner, raising his eyebrows.
“To finish my schooling, yes. In a few days, but I want to ask you something. Dinah, would you join me for a walk? Nothing too —“
“It’s a date Dee, Slaf is just shy. Meet him at the park Saturday, hm? We both know you think he’s cute.” Both Dinah and Juraj turn crimson.
“HEY. I told you that in confidence you dork!”
“You think…I’m cute? Not just something Arber is saying to be funny?” Arber gets up, heading to the bathroom and the air gets still.
“No. He’s telling the truth. I didn’t want to distress you—“
Juraj grabs Dinah’s hand and squeezes it.
“I like you more. I remember…. I remember my draft day and you couldn’t stop looking at me and I couldn’t stop thinking about you writing wondering what was making you scribble so fast.”
5. Dinah and Juraj’s First Date
“Time with you is never a waste, Slaf. You make any day less gray.”
“Sunshine, the sun is telling me I make their days better. Follow me. I have a surprise for you.” Dinah links pinkies with Juraj and follows him down the path to a picnic blanket laid out with food.
“How in the… Jura how —“
“Arber. Said feeding you would be the best way to woo you. Love you.” Dinah squeezes Juraj’s pinky again, the sentiment sending butterflies through their spine. The blanket has a bowl of strawberries at the center.
“Sandwiches, lemonade and oh, oh I love fruit! Jura, I thought you don’t like strawberries?”
“They’re not my favorite, but you are. Sit, let me feed you.” Dinah shuffles herself between Juraj’s legs and lets her body relax fully into his chest.
The basket shifts closer to the pair, and before long the taste of strawberries breaches Dinah’s lips. Sweet, tart, and juicy. They stay like this, Dinah being fed til every last strawberry was gone.
“How did you know that you wanted to be a journalist?”
The question makes Dinah freeze. Their head tilts back to meet Juraj’s eyes, and Dinah smiles.
“I’m fond of telling stories, and the only way I really could convey it is by following other’s stories. I tried writing fictional stories but it didn’t stick. The only common thread my family seems to share is hockey, from the love of the game to the thrill of watching it. It’s the only way I know how to do what I do best. To show my love to the people in my life.”
To show love? Juraj takes a breath, eyes meeting Dinah’s. He tries to kiss them, getting their nose. Again, their forehead before Dinah tugs his face to hers.
“I still like you most.”
“You’re not right. I wanted to kiss you proper —“
Dinah kisses Juraj again, but deeper, eyes shutting closed.
“I see.”
“I hope so because you seem ready to explode.”
5. The Summer Haze
Juraj is going to surprise her. The box in his hands feels heavy, but after talking (and getting laughed by Arber) he’s sure this is the right choice.
Two steady raps on the door, and the door swings open to show a sleepy Dinah.
“You’re back early. What has you coming over?” Juraj gives Dinah the box and blushes.
“For you. I noticed the recorder was falling apart, so I got you a nicer one.”
“I like this. I like you.” It gets quiet for a moment before Juraj tugs Dinah close to him.
“I like you most.” A kiss to her head, her cheek and her lips.
“I like you most, Jura. Stop trying to one up me.”
“No. I’m always going to like you more.”
As Dinah pulls Juraj inside to cuddle, the thrum of her heart finally goes steady.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
Laurens's papers
Recently @46ten's posts got me hooked on the question surrounding what happened to Laurens's papers after his death, and who took hold of them. And you should check them out because they mention things I won't here, I've reblogged a few before posting this for reference. Anna (@my-deer-history) also made a valid point here, if you're interested. But here I will be diving into different subjects;
Additionally, JCH mentions that the Oct 1780 letter and the Apr 1779 letter are “the only one which has met our inquiries.” [x] Then are there are mentions of Elizabeth handing out the copies of the Oct 1780 to her biographers that she hired;
I see a common false assumption that Hamilton's family had them, but there only seems to have been two in their hold (Or at least that they published and didn't destroy). We know John C. “partly” published the April 1779 letter in Volume 1 of Life of Alexander Hamilton—I say partly because he cut out a large amount of paragraphs, he included everything from “Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships...” to “There is a total stagnation of news here...” but swiftly cuts out all the other paragraphs until “Fleury shall be taken care of. All the family send their love.”, but published the postscript. And does the same in The Works of Alexander Hamilton. He also had the physical original letter since there is a note and some censors on the letter presumably in one of the Hamilton boys handwriting.
But other than that, the only other Hamilton+Laurens letter that appears in John's work is the 11 October 1780 letter about Arnold and Andre. And many copies of the letter were made; “This letter was sent as an enclosure by H to Elizabeth Schuyler on October 11, 1780. The original letter sent to Laurens was probably intercepted, for there is a copy with three minor notations by Sir Henry Clinton in the William L. Clements Library of the University of Michigan. This letter, with relatively unimportant deletions, was printed in the New York Evening Post, July 23, 1802.” [x]
But [Elizabeth Hamilton] determined not to be outdone in this respect, and has submitted to me various manuscripts in the handwriting of her husband. The first is a letter addressed by him to Col. Laurens, then in France, giving a very particular account of the treason of Arnold, the capture, trial and execution of André, and of various personal interviews with him prior to his execution.
Source — Letters of George W. Strong, by George Washington Strong · 1922
With a little bit of digging, I found an interesting story about William Gilmore Simms. He was an American writer and politician from the South who was a “staunch defender” of slavery (Ironic considering who he wrote about). And also a poet, novelist, and historian. He also wrote The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens. As ardent a southerner as he was, Simms's engagement with history was never cynical or narrowly utilitarian. He thought of his historical scholarship as a genuine effort to understand the past and to propagate that understanding to others. His passion for history was obviously linked to his identity as a South Carolinian. He certainly believed that to be of value, history should be written to inform and instruct the present, but all who seriously study the past believe so.
Apparently it is unknown just when and how Simms acquired the Laurens papers, but on the 11th February, 1845, Simms expressed an interest in producing; “a series of papers made up of brief biographies of distinguished men of the Revolution in the South, interspersed with their original Letters” [x] Simms planned to write about both Henry Laurens and John Laurens, but also other influential figures like, John Rutledge, Horatio Gates, William Heath, Arthur Lee, and Patrick Henry. To which he then proposed a series.
Moving on, Simms began his research for a volume on John Laurens soon after the exchange of these letters, and that research continued into 1846. On the 21st of December, he wrote to editor and critic, Rufus W. Griswold, asking about an article touching upon John Laurens which had appeared in the 2nd of December, 1784, issue of the Independent Chronicle of Boston. But after this, there was no more mentions of the papers or series, and it appears Simms began to work on other projects. Nonetheless, Simms never abandoned the idea of writing about Laurens or the other figures with his manuscript collection.
Which actually leads to an interesting story of where Laurens's papers could have been completely lost to history due to a fire;
The Civil War and its aftermath would do much to determine the fate of Simms's collection of John Laurens papers. In his 31 May 1862 letter to William J. Rivers, Simms expressed his anxiety that the war would threaten his plantation with its large library and manuscript collection. “I wish to save my library,” he told Rivers, “but my first regard is for these valuable old documents,” a collection of “very rich” material. Simms had good reason to be anxious. In October of the previous year Union forces began their conquest of the South Carolina coast, and Simms feared that if Charleston should fall, his property, a mere 70 miles inland, would soon afterward be exposed. He therefore implored Rivers, a professor of Greek literature at South Carolina College in Columbia, to receive his Revolutionary War manuscripts and be “the custodian of these treasures.” Simms told Rivers that, “I had proposed Lives of Henry and John Laurens,” with “selections from their correspondence & a running commentary.” Noting further that he had “made notes of them, & examined them carefully” but had nonetheless, “made few draughts upon their contents,” Simms suggested Rivers could assist him in preparing them for publication.
Source — Reading William Gilmore Simms; Essays of Introduction to the Author's Canon, 2017
Simms had reason to be nervous about losing his library and manuscripts at this time because on the 29th of March, 1862, only two months before writing to Rivers, his house had caught fire. Although fortunately, it was put out successfully and there weren't endangering damages. Simms had only recently added a separate wing to the house to serve as his library. Probably completed no more than a month before the fire, which may have very well saved the manuscripts found in The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens from destruction. Simms did confirm when writing to close friend William P. Miles afterwards that; “I have saved all my MS.S and nearly all my library. The wing was saved.” [x]
Later in 1864, at Woodlands, Simms was preparing to evacuate, packing up his manuscript collection and other selected items for shipment to Columbia, as threats of the Union Army coming had reached. While he had hoped to save his entire library, the manuscripts were his highest priority. Because the Union army appeared in Barnwell District, Simms was unable to return to Woodlands. In Columbia, he and his family were not present at Woodlands when it was burned down from Sherman's army. The library was entirely destroyed but at least the manuscripts had been saved.
After the war, Simms resumed his efforts to publish the Laurens papers. He spent the summer of 1866 in New York City trying to establish new and reestablish old connections with publishers and friends, disrupted as they had been by the Civil War. This included seeking a publisher for the Laurens papers as well as other pieces he had written or planned to write. With the help of Duyckinck, an agreement was reached with The Bradford Club (Founded in 1859 by John B. Moreau in New York City, The Bradford Club, named after William Bradford the first printer in the colony of New York, met periodically and published volumes on topics related to American history) to publish a portion of Laurens's papers.
These volumes were printed in a limited quantity and distributed to the club's members and subscribers. It published seven volumes from 1859-1867, before the club dissolved. Although there was a non-numbered volume by Duyckinck titled Memorial for John Allen and was published by the club in 1864. It was probably his previous connection that accounts for Duyckinck's apparent ease in arranging for The Bradford Club to publish Simms's The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens which was the seventh and last volume published. Furthermore it was, in Simms's words, a “plan proposed by” Duyckinck which determined the form the volume would take.
In New York with the Laurens papers at hand, Simms began work immediately after the agreement had been reached. He asked Duyckinck for materials which would assist him in preparing a memoir of Laurens, that he planned to publish before the selection of letters to were included in the volume. Specifically, he requested a copy of the volume of D. Appleton and Company's The New American Cyclopedia, which Duyckinck had co-edited and also contained biographical sketches of Henry and John Laurens, both authored previously by Simms. Other references to other sources can be found in the “Memoir” included in The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens.
On 28 September 1866 Simms wrote to Duyckinck; “I have prepared in a rough penciled draft, the memoir of Laurens,” and would begin revising and copying the next day. [x]
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The contents he outlined in this letter would be the final contents of the volume. In addition to the Memoir is an 1824 letter from John Church Hamilton, an historian and the fourth son of Alexander Hamilton, which described Laurens's military and diplomatic career. Simms then also placed a poem, Lines on the Death of Colonel Laurens by Philip Freneau, whom Simms described as; “the poet par excellence of the American Revolution.”
Although the Memoir does not offer the same as a comprehensive biography of Laurens would, it does provide sufficient context for the letters which follow it. Those letters, what Simms called “Laurens' camp letters,” span the period from 13 August 1777 to 18 October 1778, and are all addressed to his father. While Simms did possess other of Laurens's letters - some of which he does quote in the Memoir - he never directly addressed his decision to set these particular letters apart in the finished volume. It is speculated that perhaps he thought that because these letters were addressed to Laurens's father during the period he served as president of the Continental Congress, and they were written by the son from roughly the time he began his service with Washington to before he transferred to South Carolina; Simms believed they comprised a set with a loose but coherent narrative. This was, after all, the period during which Laurens first experienced the war and began to demonstrate those qualities which would merit his posthumous fame.
Following the Civil War, Simms had realized that his personal finances were in a dire condition—With a house to rebuild, and a family to care for he was eager to establish sources of income wherever they could be found. While still in New York during the summer of 1866, Simms sold some of his Washington papers for $250 to an unknown buyer. Then in May of 1867 - after having finished editing The Army Correspondence of Colonel John Laurens, but not yet seeing the printed volume - he became desperate, and was beginning to consider selling the Laurens papers. With assistance coming again from Duyckinck, as well as John Jacob Bockee, the papers were sold - probably sometime before July of 1867 - for $1,500 to the Long Island Historical Society. Which in 1985, changed its name to the Brooklyn Historical Society. Those papers were transcribed and microfilmed and sold some time in the 1960s, and today Simms's collection of Laurens papers is located at The South Caroliniana Library of the University of South Carolina in Columbia.
Something I came across when digging through the manuscripts of Hamilton's and Laurens's letters was that on the back of Hamilton's letter to Laurens, 30 June 1780, there is a note on the back that reads; "Letters from diverse persons to J.L. antecedent & subsequent to his appointment as Special Minister, &c."
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Source Library of Congress, Digital Collections. Image 35 of Alexander Hamilton Papers: General Correspondence, 1734-1804; 1780
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Meaning someone was filtering through Laurens's letters, but I'm not sure who. As all previously presented, Laurens's papers were placed in many hands. It looks nothing like Simms's, as seen below with the first inage—nor, Evert A. Duyckinck's the second image.
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But George L. Duyckinck's is seemingly of closer resemblance;
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I also don't think Simms had any of the Hamilton+Laurens letters, as the Memoir only really contains letters from Laurens to his father. But that's not to say Simms never had these letters, rather he just focused on them. It could have been part of his collection but he didn't publish them, although I'm more inclined to believe these were part of the Coffin's sale. Moving on, according to Founders and other websites, Laurens's papers are scattered between several societies and libraries throughout the country, most in South Carolina, some in Massachusetts, etc.
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Diana Ramirez-Simon, Jonathan Yerushalmy, Edward Helmore, and Erum Salam at The Guardian:
Dozens of students have been arrested after hundreds of New York City police officers entered Columbia University on Tuesday night to clear out an academic building that had been taken over as part of a pro-Palestinian protest.
Live video images showed police in riot gear marching on the campus in upper Manhattan, the focal point of nationwide student protests opposing Israel’s war in Gaza. Police used an armoured vehicle with a bridging mechanism to gain entry to the second floor of the building. Officers said they used flash-bangs to disperse the crowd, but denied using teargas as part of the operation. Before long, officers were seen leading protesters handcuffed with zip ties to a line of police buses waiting outside campus gates. NYPD spokesman Carlos Nieves said he had no immediate reports of any injuries following the arrests. “We’re clearing it out,” police yelled as they marched up to the barricaded entrance to the building. “Shame! Shame!” jeered many onlooking students still outside on campus. One protester at Columbia, who only gave their name as Sophie, told the Guardian that police had barricaded protesters inside buildings before making arrests. “It will not be forgotten,” she said. “This is no longer an Israel-Palestine issue. It’s a human rights and free speech and a Columbia student issue.”
The police operation, which was largely over within a couple of hours, follow nearly two weeks of tensions, with pro-Palestinian protesters at the university ignoring an ultimatum on Monday to abandon their encampment or risk suspension. On Tuesday, Columbia University officials threatened academic expulsion of the students who had seized Hamilton Hall, an eight-story neo-classical building blocked by protesters who linked arms to form a barricade and chanted pro-Palestinian slogans. The university said in a statement on Tuesday it had asked police to enter the campus to “restore safety and order to our community”.
It said: “After the university learned overnight that Hamilton Hall had been occupied, vandalized, and blockaded, we were left with no choice. Columbia public safety personnel were forced out of the building, and a member of our facilities team was threatened. We will not risk the safety of our community or the potential for further escalation.” The university reiterated the view that the group who “broke into and occupied the building” was being led by individuals who are “not affiliated with the university”. It added: “The decision to reach out to the NYPD was in response to the actions of the protesters, not the cause they are championing.”
New York congressman Jamaal Bowman said he was “outraged” by the level of police presence at Columbia and other New York universities. He said on X: “The militarization of college campuses, extensive police presence, and arrest of hundreds of students are in direct opposition to the role of education as a cornerstone of our democracy.” Bowman has called on the Columbia administration to stop the “dangerous escalation before it leads to further harm” and allow faculty back on to campus. Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, has requested that police retain a presence until at least 17 May “to maintain order and ensure encampments are not reestablished”. Earlier, Shafik said efforts to reach a compromise with protest organisers had failed and that the institution would not bow to demands to divest from Israel.
Separately, the New York Times reported dozens of arrests at City College of New York, part of the City University of New York system (CUNY), when some students left Columbia and moved north to the campus where a protest sit-in was still in effect.
[...] Hamilton Hall was one of several buildings occupied during a 1968 civil rights and anti-Vietnam war protest on the campus. This week, student protesters, displayed a large banner that reads “Hind’s Hall”, renaming it in honor of Hind Rajab, a six-year-old Palestinian girl from Gaza City who was killed by Israeli forces earlier this year.
Columbia journalism professor Seyma Beyram, said on X that she and her journalism school colleagues were trapped on one block surrounded by police barricades. “All I can document right now are students getting put on one of the buses.” On Tuesday night, Columbia’s student radio station reported that Jelani Cobb, the dean of the journalism school, was threatened with arrest if he and others in the building came out. “Free, free, free Palestine,” chanted protesters outside the building. Others yelled: “Let the students go.” At CUNY as the police moved off, one student said: “We de-escalated , and now the police are leaving. We’re proud of standing up for something. All we’re saying is we’re not happy university tuition fees are being used to fund wars, and we want to see what we can do about it, but without violence.”
The NYPD responded in an unnecessarily heavy-handed manner last night at both Columbia University and CCNY by arresting anti-Gaza Genocide protesters and clearing them from Hamilton Hall.
The ongoing protests at the university started a couple of weeks ago, and due to Chancellor Minouche Shafik's heavy-handed response by calling in the NYPD, caused a nationwide spark of college campus protests.
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gracehosborn · 7 days
So I was once again looking through Alexander Hamilton’s artillery company pay book from August 1776 through May of 1777, and I noticed two particularly interesting payments made to Thomas Thompson, Hamilton’s third lieutenant (as of August 15, 1776 by resolution of the Convention of the Representitives of the State of New York).
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Above you can see the full page spread in the document that is dedicated to Lieutenant Thompson [x]. The first payment entry is marked for January 29th (of 1777, even though that’s not written here), and right below 29, “30” can be seen. It is clear then that the remaining payments were made on January 30th. Below is a close up of the entries that caught my attention.
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To Cash [for, or per?] sundries [in?] Philadelphia
Do. [Ditto] for your journey to Camp —
Note that the transcription is my own. This section of the pay book is not transcribed in The Papers of Alexander Hamilton.
Seeing these entries, I was immediately reminded of this advertisement that appeared in the Pennsylvania Evening Post on January 25th, 1777:
Captain Alexander Hamilton, of the New-York company of artillery, by applying to the printer of this paper, may hear something to his advantage.
Source: “To Alexander Hamilton From The Pennsylvania Evening Post [25 January 1777],” The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, vol. I, 1768-1778 Ed. Harold C. Syrett, Columbia University Press, 1961, pg. 195. [Founders Online Link]
Now I’m wondering if these payments and the advertisement are connected?
Hamilton fell sick sometime in late December, and according to a letter he wrote in March, he had only recently gotten over his “long and severe fit of illness”, so it’s clear that at the time of Thompson’s journeys and the publication of the Pennsylvania Evening Post’s advertisement that Hamilton was still sick.
On January 20th, George Washington wrote Hamilton, presumably asking him if he would be interested in joining his staff as an aide-de-camp [x]. Unfortunately however, the specific contents of this letter, and if Hamilton ever received it, are unknown. As many people have already concluded, it’s highly likely that the newspaper entry and this letter are directly linked.
My curiosity though lies in the possibility that Thomas Thompson accompanied Hamilton to Philadelphia after seeing the request in the Post, and also picked up some items for the company that Hamilton decided weren’t worth listing in writing out this record, before heading back to camp. After which Hamilton paid him for the items and his journey on January 30th. It would make sense that Hamilton, still sick, would wish for someone to accompany him (if he did in fact go see the printer of the newspaper) to Philadelphia, and for him to leave his higher-ranked lieutenants at camp to monitor their men in their captain’s absence.
All of this is just my speculation though. Unfortunately these are the only records extant of these events, and therefore lots of context is lost, and it could be equally likely that these events are not related to one another. But it does get ideas turning in my head I may explore in The American Icarus.
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bbinkus11 · 5 months
@hotcheetohatredwastaken yes, I will be tagging you every chapter. No, you are not getting out of it.
Chapter two of my Hamilton x LU little writing thing I have going on! Featuring: Hyrule and Time talking about their pasts :)
This one is Hyrule centric :)👇
Hyrule strolled through the streets of downtown Castletown, scrolling on his phone with his right hand in his hoodie pocket. One of the best coffee cafes was down the road, and Hyrule had been dreaming of coffee for the last ten days. He’s been at rehearsal in and out, and he hadn’t had the chance to actually go somewhere and get a good coffee. Oh he loved coffee… the smell, the effect, the taste…
Soon he reached the cozy cafe, with a beaten wooden door and a handmade sign. The second he entered, the sweet smell of cinnamon and coffee grounds hit him. A young and accented voice came from behind the counter; “Welcome, dear! Take a good look at the menu and tell me when you're ready!”
Hyrule smiled and glanced up at the large menu above the counter filled with pastries. There were so many options. Yet, it was the blissful time of pumpkin spice, and nothing beats pumpkin spice. Soon after he decided, a bright head of red hair popped up from behind the wooden counters with a wide smile.
“What’ll it be, hun?”
With a small smile, Hyrule told her that he wanted a large pumpkin spice coffee. With an excited grin, the woman wrote down the order quicker than he could process.
“Hyrule? Is that you?”
Startled by hearing his name from the back, Hyrule poked up his head to peek behind the doors separating the front counter to the small room in the back. He saw a glimpse of spiky blonde hair, but didn’t get to see the rest.
“Time, hun, I told you to stop harassing the customers!” The woman scolded.
“Oh! Is Time back there? I didn’t know he worked here. I’ve always seen him at rehearsal.” Hyrule asked curiously.
“Oh my! Are you a part of that musi-“
“Yep! He’s Burr, hun.” Time came again, coming out with coffees on a platter, “Sorry. Malon always drags me along to the cafe. Nice seeing you, Hyrule.”
“And you too, Time. Is this your wife?”
“Yep, don’t tell Legend. He still thinks I’m not married.” Time handed Hyrule his coffee, chuckled, and sat down with him at a nearby table.
“Really? And I thought he was over with those dumb bets he always makes.” Hyrule frowned.
“Bah, who cares. It’s all for fun anyways.” Time waved him off, taking a sip of his own coffee. The place was relatively empty, most tables abandoned. There were wooden planks on the walls, painted with flowers and coffee beans. The counters were filled with all different types of pastries, from vegan strawberry toaster strudels to giant double chocolate muffins topped with chocolate chips. There were warmly lit lamps in every corner. And well, the only word that could describe this place was cozy.
“Do you and Mrs. Malon own this place? I love it.” Hyrule says in awe, smelling his warm coffee.
“Yeah, we bought it a couple years back. When we moved in here, we had nothing better to do, so we opened a little cafe.” Time smiles. “Then, I started doing Broadway again, and now we’re here. This is the first time I’ve been in the shop in ten days. I missed it.”
“By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask what got you into broadway. I’ve just graduated, so I needed something to do. I looked for something local, and I found it. What about you?”
“Well, I did theater in junior high and high school, back when. When I graduated, I took classes at a local community college. That’s where I met Malon. From there, I had been doing music lessons for kids. I was a genius, you could throw any instrument at me and I’d know everything about it.” Time laughed, “But now, I stopped doing lessons and got back into broadway. I think the music got me into it. I’ve always loved music, since I was younger than you.”
Hyrule stares at the table. “Yeah, since me and Legend basically grew up together, we bonded over music. That’s how we became so close, just bonding over the things we know best.”
“And I’m glad you did. I’m glad you didn’t bond over something stupid, like, like, cars or something.”
Both of them laughed that time, and Hyrule had the coffee he’d been dreaming of for the last ten days. They had been given break for this weekend, the cold of the winter starting to creep in as autumn started to fall behind. Rehearsals had been taking up most of their time. Some days, Hyrule wished he didn’t have to go due to the slow weather and traffic. But when he got there, he didn’t regret it. The friendship between him and the a actors and actresses accompanying him would grow more and more, No doubt.
He was going to love this musical.
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saintslewis · 2 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc; Nadia
summary: catching feelings there?
warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, links, smut (18+ MDNI), just read 🫵🏽
saint’s team radio 🎀: thank you guys for so much love on ‘plastic off the sofa’! so so for this one, please note that it has smut so if you uncomfy, don’t read! and one more thing! the song for the beginning part of this chapter will be ‘Partition’ by mother herself 🤭 (taglist down below!)
pls like, comment and reblog! 🫂
dividers from @cafekitsune
fc: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
renaissance: the masterlist 🪩
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Everything in that moment felt right. The bustle of Monaco was far noise as the moon shone right through the penthouse, the vanilla scented candles wafting through the air.
She held his neck, slightly scratching the back of his head and that sent shivers down his spine. Their chests were touching, leaving no room between them. Both of their eyes were speaking all but the same language, a longing of want and need as they continued to stare at each other. Simultaneously gliding their fingers against his face and her waist, the married couple couldn’t be any closer than they were in that moment.
“Are you sure?” He managed to whisper. All Nadia had to do was nod and that was his sign to make the first move. Fluttering their eyes closed, their lips connected, moulding ever so perfectly together. Sighing into the kiss, Nadia relaxed her arms on his shoulders as he leaned back on the couch.
After what felt like an eternity, they disconnected from the kiss with a gentle sigh. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.” Lewis spoke, tilting his head upwards to gaze at the woman on top of him.
“Do it again.” Nadia breathed and he did just as she said. The two made out, pouring their everything into the kiss, feeling each other all over. Feeling Lewis stand up with him carrying her, she couldn’t help but gasp. Right into the kiss, he held underneath her thighs to secure her legs around his waist. She was most surprised by his strength but nothing fails to amaze her.
Once inside his bedroom, Lewis gently placed the woman in his arms on the bed. Both taking it as sign to undress, she slowly stripped from her outfit, stepping out of her skirt then sitting back down the bed.
Nadia watched the moon somehow glisten his toned body with its light. The tattoos perfectly placed and her eyes couldn’t help but fall to his pants where his bulge sat and she knew she was in it for a long time.
“Keep the grillz in.” She spoke out, biting her lower lip whilst blinking at him and that made Lewis go insane. Going back in for another kiss, he held Nadia’s face so gently, guiding her through the kiss and listened to the little noises she was making. Pulling away had her sigh as they looked into each other’s eyes and Lewis looked like he physically needed more of her touch.
He saw this as a chance to lean towards her neck, barely touching the perfumed skin and with the way she sucked in her breath, Lewis knew he found the spot that would make her weak. Starting from her ear and travelling slowly to her jaw, she audibly moaned as he placed gentle kisses then she felt as he began to make right by the ear.
Covering her mouth to not be too loud, Lewis lifted his head to watch her. “Make as much noise as you want, princess. We’ve got the whole floor to ourselves.” He smirked and went right back to kissing her neck then travelling further down to her chest. He managed to arch her back off the bed to easily take off her bra and in that moment, he thanked the universe for the woman in front of him.
Nadia giggled at his expression. Her perked tits sat with piercings through and she decided to feel on them, playing with them as Lewis tried to gather himself. Admiring the woman in front of him, she automatically closed her pantie-clad legs due to feeling shy under his gaze.
“Come on, Sir. Can’t wait forever.” Nadia smirked, barely realising the words that just came out of her mouth.
Shifting his position around, he stood and placed himself in between her legs that he held open and leaned forward to peck her lips once more then give attention to her chest.
Moans bounced off the walls as he licked and kissed her tits whilst simultaneously caressing the other with much care. Behind the daze she was in, Nadia didn’t even realise that Lewis was now on his knees and moved her legs onto his shoulders. He felt like he could be in between her thought the rest of his life and he wouldn’t mind.
His hands reached to cup her ass and pulled her closer to him, hovering over her cunt that was covered in arousal. Her breathing became increasingly quicker as she was watched him kiss her inner thighs. Moving her underwear to the side, Nadia began whining as she could feel him near closer and closer to where she needed him most.
“Lewis…please.” Nadia managed to let out, leaning on her elbows. “One thing though, keep your eyes on me the whole time baby.” He said, his voice an octave lower than it was before and his eyes seemingly lower and darker.
Before Nadia could even respond, he layed his tongue flat on her folds and that had her let out a relieved moan as her eyes rolled back. When she couldn’t feel anything further than that, she furrowed her eyebrows then looked into his eyes that held a menacing look. “What did I say, love?”
“Please, Lewis. Please.” She let out a string of moans as he pressed his thumb to her throbbing clit. “I need words. Unless you wanna get dressed and go to the party?” He teased, moving his thumb in circles and watching as she rolled her head back, trying to move her legs that Lewis had a hold onto.
“No, please! I-I’ll keep my eyes on you! Just pl- fuuuck.” Nadia groaned then let out a loud sigh as he began licking through her folds with such care but also with pure want and need. Her wetness was collecting against his beard. Lewis quickly became obsessed with the taste of her and the sounds she made as she was being pleasured.
In all of this, they kept their eyes on each other and she could feel her stomach clenching as she could feel the coldness of the grillz against her pussy. The accessory grazing her clit every once in a while desperately wanting to roll her eyes back at the sensation of it all. With her legs beginning to slightly shake, the moans got increasingly louder until her release, her orgasm finally reaching but he continued to eat her out.
Lewis was addicted to the taste of the woman in front of him, the woman he’s married to.
He licked her clean until he felt satisfied as Nadia was feeling overstimulated because now, he kept her fingers on her until he slid them in without warning. As he stood up with his fingers still inside her, he felt how she was clenching around them. The base of his rings on her folds as well his thumb circling her clit stimulated her second orgasm and by the time he began fingering her, she could swear she could see stars.
Panting out of relief but also feeling a bit empty as he slid his fingers out and licked them clean as well, a huge smirk on his face as Lewis watched her expression through it all. “Oh my god.” Nadia breathed out, laying down.
Hearing the sound of a wrapper being ripped, Nadia turned her head slightly to see him undoing his pants and eventually revealing himself to her and she audibly gasped at what she was looking at.
“Wanna continue?” He asked and the speed of her nod was so quick, he couldn’t help but smile. Lining up to her entrance, he toyed with her clit a little more to prepare her. Within her moans, he slid in with ease and they both moaned in sync at how much of a perfect fit they were to each other.
After she was able to adjust, his thrusts were gentle at first until she began begging for more so of course he had to. Just for his wife.
Somewhere through the night, he held onto her hair with his hand on her back tattoo as Nadia constantly screamed in pleasure then brought her up to hold onto her neck, leaning against his chest. “If he looks at you like that again, I won’t be easy on you.” And she immediately caught on to what he was talking about.
Waking up with a soft duvet draped over her, Nadia immediately felt the ache in between her legs before anything else. She could even feel her wig had lifted just a bit. Thoughts of the previous night ran through her mind, everything coming back to mind and she immediately covered her face with her hands to conceal her blush and giggles.
Nadia attempted to walk back to her room but with the ache she felt, the limp was a bit tough to walk with. She assumed that he was in the kitchen and all she had in her mind other than last night was to freshen up.
Greeting each other with a faltered stare then smiles and kisses, she attempted to sit down on the island chairs to eat the breakfast he clearly ordered (bless his heart). They sat in a comfortable silence with stolen looks and slight blushes. She noticed the time and immediately thought of her trip back to London.
“I’m gonna have to leave soon, I need to get my phone to ask Tia about my flight. Imagine me walking through the airport with a limp.” Nadia brought up then joked. “I can book a helicopter for you.” Lewis said as if it was the most normal thing ever.
“That would be absolutely insane. I’ll manage, babe, don’t worry.” She smiled, hopping off the chair and immediately regretted it as she did it so quickly. Nadia couldn’t see how much that nickname affected Lewis. His eyes widened a bit as he watched her waddle back to her room, hearing her mumble about rich people and their helicopters.
After finding her phone that was miraculously on his nightstand, she opted to sit on the bed to relax her legs a little. It took everything in her to not update her friends about but then she thought back to how Tia said she should try introduce herself on Twitter.
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Laughing to herself at the immediate comments from all of Lewis’ fans, she decided to scroll through insta as she made her way downstairs. The first thing to greet her was a dm from a girl with a verified check and it read “Hey girl” with a tone that Nadia seemed to hate already. She already knew what this meant. Reading the second message that the girl sent through felt like Nadia was being pranked.
“Your man looks familiar.”
“Lewis!” Nadia shouted, hoping he was still sitting by the kitchen island. How could he not hear her? With the way she called for him, he was surprised at the sudden switch of the mood in the Monaco penthouse.
“Who the fuck is Juliana and why is she on my phone talking about some ‘hey girl’ like i’m one of her little friends?” Her feet eventually reached Lewis. She didn’t want to shove her phone in his face so she gently placed it in front of him so he could see it for himself.
He read through the messages rather quickly and turned to Nadia with a somewhat calm expression. The glare she gave him was what set the chills down his spine. “A fling I was with in December for summer break. I broke things off back then.” Lewis assured. He loved how mad she looked but he also knew that he should never cross her lines.
Pursing her lips together, she grabbed her phone and crossed her arms. “She better be the only one who does this shit because I do not fight over men, okay?” All he could do was nod, it was like he was being hypnotised although he felt this way after last night.
“Cool. Now please come help me with my luggage. Then maybe, we can do something else if I’m feeling nice.” Nadia said with the smidge of a smile on her face as she walked towards the stairs. Lewis has never run so fast than he did in that moment.
The very next day, Nadia was back in the UK. She was exploring the garage with its multiple cars including her Porsche that sat ever so beautifully outside in the motor court. She had explored every aspect of the house right after settling in, wanting to get used to it as this was her residence for as long as she was married to Lewis. The house being filled with tiger lilies in vases put a smile on her face that he remembered the small fact she told him in their post-sex daze.
Her limp was still extremely visible but she always connects it to that day. It was evident she wasn’t the only who kept thinking about it, Lewis now constantly checking in on her to the point where she joked that he was pussy whipped and the man didn’t deny it, facetiming her as soon as she landed and got home safely.
He also connected his card to her Apple wallet so that she can always just spend his money even though she was already given a card from Tia but she didn’t argue with it, just thankful to her lovely husband. She eventually went with the Range Rover to run her errands then pick her cousin up from her mother’s house.
“So you’re saying you just get to do this whenever you feel like it?” Rea exclaimed, holding onto her seatbelt as she watched London speed past her then snapped her head at her cousin.
“Well, I’m still a teacher so technically no. But I have to get back to work tomorrow for Teacher’s day then speak to the principal. From there, we’ll see where it goes.” Nadia spoke, slowing down at a red light.
“Where it goes? Don’t tell me these people want to fire you!” The young teen exclaimed once again, only getting a shrug from her cousin. “When we got to L.A, she called me said some nonsense about the board and I put that lady straight.” Nadia said, turning into her driveway and letting the gate open for her, driving in so swiftly that she didn’t see her cousin’s reaction to the house.
“You know Auntie said that you moved and you’re rich but not this rich! You live here?!”
“We live here, Rea. This is your home too.” The older woman parked the car and helped Rea with all her luggage and settling in before crashing on the couch in the lounge.
Leaning her head on her hand, Nadia relaxed as the tv played in the background. “I know you have your questions, your silence is scary.” She chuckled, mentally preparing herself for the talk they’re going to have.
“Don’t you think you’re going a little too fast? This isn’t something normal that people go through. You’re married for goodness sake!” Rea placed her pizza in the box as she faced Nadia with her full body.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’re still very much yourself but this is all too fast, just agreeing to marry the guy so quickly and he buys you a car literally days later. Like what the fuck is going on?” The younger girl wanted to be serious but lifting the mood would be easier.
“I mean, I also don’t know what the fuck is going on. I’m just going with whatever is happening and ironically enough, Lewis’ life moves incredibly fast so,” Nadia verbalised. “I thought it was all gonna go slow, you know? We start off as friends but we’re…not.”
“I’m just happy you’re in your element in terms of fashion, maybe something could be made of that. It was like an overnight fame and seeing how you interact with people, it was like you were made for this.” Rea spoke, her words sinking in.
“I just…I like him and what he does. I’ve been moving fast as fuck and it’s scarier than I could’ve imagined but him and his friends are there for me, for now. If this shit doesn’t work out, I’ve got things saved up.” Nadia admitted, feeling a prickle of tears in her eye but she didn’t think she’d be emotional over this.
“And get this. I still haven’t met the rest of his family. Though I’ll admit, Ma and his stepmom Linda are like two peas in a pod.” She spoke, biting into a pizza slice to avoid the tears.
After a beat of silence, Rea’s stank face made an appearance. “No, they’re not. I might’ve been with her for a day or two but I’ve heard how she speaks about Linda with uncle James.” Rea said.
“Rea, what are you saying? You should’ve seen them at the signing of the papers, oddly close and reminding me of how close I was to them while I was growing up. I don’t remember shit.” Nadia chuckled at the thought.
Rea started thinking to herself but it couldn’t be. Thembi loved Nadia too much to do that to her. She kept her thoughts to herself, seeing her cousin in this eternal state of bliss has been refreshing.
“And Beyoncé? How’d that go?” Rea changed the subject and saw how Nadia’s face went bright as she spoke of her trip to L.A.
“But which one do you want to take?” Nadia covered her face from the morning sun peeking through her floor to ceiling doors, Rea’s ready packed lunch in her hand.
The two were currently staring at the box of car keys, surprisingly early for their first day at school. Rea transferring to Year 11 and Nadia (unsurprisingly) keeping her job after clear conditions that her personal life doesn’t have shit to do with her work.
“Maybe the one you’re most comfortable with.” Rea suggested, scratching at her brand new braids. They eventually came to just taking the range rover as they have been doing for the past few days. “Let’s go quick so we can get to the bakery then your school.” Nadia spoke, biting her nail a bit before grabbing the keys.
After taking pictures for Rea’s first day, she accompanied her into the school and introduced herself as her guardian before leaving in a rush to get to her work place. With amapiano blasting in her car, she drove in the school gates with high school kids flooded around the school.
Before Nadia could even step out of the car, she sent a selfie to Lewis just to let him know that she was at work, just like he did the day before when he landed in Spain. She didn’t expect him to reply but he reacted to the selfie with a heart and a message to wish her good luck for the day.
Updating her socials as asked, Nadia gains the courage to hop out of the large car and go about her day as a high school teacher.
Walking into her first class of the day, her Year 11 students were already cheering at her just being there. “Okay, okay! Can we do 10 minutes free time before the lesson ends to talk?” She chuckled at the kids’ excitement.
“Right now though, please take out your holiday assignments about the French Revolution.” And there were the groans.
Luckily for her, she didn’t have that many lessons and was able to get off work early. She would be two hours early to pick Rea up and going back home seemed a little boring. A light bulb went off in her head as she thought of her friend group with the infamous youtube persona. She knew they were all available because they brought all their plans into the group chat.
“Niko, he will not let you drive the car on the track.” Nadia deadpanned as the rest of the group laughed. It was a miracle that they were all in one space together after so long. “Nah, let me see the ring again! This man’s got bank!” Nella exclaimed, holding Nadia’s hand to the light to see the diamond shine.
“Yo, when are we getting to see the house and the brotha that married you?” Chunkz asked, his eyebrow lifted as he fiddled with his watch. “After Spain, hopefully. I wanna host you lot.” Nadia smiled at her friends who were all focused on her.
“Nads, fam you’re glowin. Is that the marriage glow?” Filly joked and she could tell that Harry, who was right across from her, was ready to brew up a joke.
“Harry, don’t you dare.” Nadia gave him a look and he lifted his hands to back off. “Oi, what happened to that central cee yute? Heard he was there in Monaco.” Kenny questioned and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the mention of him.
“That stalker texted me about his music video with Dave, and you guys know I’m cool with Dave. Here he goes wanting me to be in the vid so naturally, I told him to fuck off.” Nadia started, explaining with her hands with her jewellery jangling against itself.
“That’s good, that’s good.” Sharky spoke, continuing to play with her hair as he did the second she arrived at the main house for Beta Squad.
“Aight cool, I’m chilling with my new friend and here comes the man of the hour with his girlfriend, mind you. I leave because I don’t wanna see him then like 10 minutes after chatting to Neymar, Lew comes over and tells me that this brudda went to speak to him, my husband! No clue about what but Lewis said it’s sorted.” Nadia finished, all her friends keeping the same smile on her face.
“First of all, you spoke to Neymar?!” Sharky exclaimed. “He was flirting with me so.” Nadia shrugged.
She hears Filly giggling with chunkz. Just giving him a look, he fesses up. “ ‘Lew! My husband!’ Aww, this is so cute, man!” He cheesed and she couldn’t help but smile. To Nadia, it felt so natural to refer to Lewis as that. “Yeah yeah, whatever.” She waved him off.
“Lemme just say, Nads. It sounds like your man’s got shooters ready anytime. That rapper couldn’t leave you alone but a single sentence from the goat got him shakin? Nah, that’s love.” Harry expressed, the boys all agreeing with him.
Nadia was very close to correcting him when he said love because none of her friends knew that this was all fake and happened less than a month before. It also dawned to her how quickly Lewis ‘sorted’ the rapper out. By now, she would’ve gotten at least an email or two from him. Now, things have changed.
“Well, let me go to Harrods quickly before-” “Aye, we used to pray to say that sentence, look at us now wearin Rolex on a random Thursday.” Aj was excited, just happy that his friend is back home after not seeing her for so long.
“Don’t interrupt her, you rat,” Nella slapped the back of his head. “Carry on, Nads.”
“Let me get to Harrods before I have to pick up Rea.” Nadia stretched a little before picking up her car keys. She had intentionally whispered the last part to Nella, the only one who knows of her full history.
“Bye guys! See you soon and I’ll text you lot the deets.” Nadia said her goodbyes with individual hugs before being walked out of the house by Nella, accompanying her to her car.
Unlocking the car to place her phone inside, she leaned against it along with Nella. “Rea’s here?” She asked, followed up with Nadia nodding.
“Her mom relapsed once again and doesn’t want help this time so my mom suggested she lives this side but I took her in. Be her legal guardian and all that, have to get that sorted out.” Nadia informed, kicking the pebbles on the driveway to avoid looking at Nella.
“It’s gonna be a lot but I don’t mind. That’s basically my baby, you know this. It’s gonna be a journey but it’s gonna be fun.” She continued, managing to smile. Her friend didn’t even need to say a word, embracing Nadia in a hug.
“That’s basically the group’s child, we raised that little girl,” Nella smiled. Reminiscing on memories of Rea visiting the UK and being around the group most of the time because Thembi, Nadia’s mom, barely had any time for the both of them. Even back home in South Africa, it was always Nadia caring for Rea.
Rubbing her back a little, the two separated from the hug. “Also, Harrods?” Nella questioned, side eying Nadia. “Just wanna get her a little gift, that’s all. Oh and by the way, the lunch at my place will probably be next week before I have to go to Canada with him.” Nadia informed, opening the car door and hopping in without closing the door.
“Okay, Miss universe!” Nella cheered, making her friend laugh. “It’s Mrs universe.” Nadia pouted her lips in a kissing motion before laughing once again.
“Okay, let me go pick up my teenager and her gift, love you!” Nadia reversed out of the driveway as she waved frantically to her friend.
Deciding that the kitchen had the best lighting rather than the studies in her home, pile of paperwork sat there, waiting to be given attention to.
Nadia wasn’t sure what to give attention to. Rea was working on her homework in her room whilst all the Year 11 assignments stared at her, waiting to be marked. She kept thinking back to that night in Monaco and how easy it was to gravitate towards him, clearly the sexual tension was charged to make them cling together so quickly.
With Lewis, she had no idea how to handle her feelings for him. Usually, she’d know how she felt about someone and would kindly reject him but with him, it’s all different. Nadia knows that Lewis likes her and vice versa so what is stopping the two from being together?
Her head was slumped against her arms, the position was rather uncomfortable but she was too tired to care. “Let me call up this man and see what he’s up to.” She mumbled to herself but as if he heard her, the phone started ringing with Lewis’ name flashing on the screen.
“Hey pookie. How’s it going in Spain?” Nadia spoke but you could tell in her voice that she was tired.
“Hi princess.” He smiled and she had to look away from the camera to blush at his words. “Boy, don’t do that. You are all the way in Spain.” Nadia joked, watching him roll his eyes.
“Don’t remind me.” He groaned. “Uh, Spain is good, it’s looking promising for tomorrow.” He verbalised, shifting his position to sit against the headboard of his hotel room bed.
“That’s fun. Try get a podium for me, please and thank you.” She smiled and he swore he felt his heart beating faster than normal.
“How’d your day go, Nads? Saw you went to Harrods and bought one thing.” Lewis pointed out as her eyes widened. “Oh shit, I meant to use the one Tia gave me.” She stressed.
“Nadia, there is a reason why I linked my card. I want you to have fun with it, buy whatever you want.” He insisted. “If you’re serious, I will literally buy something super expensive.” She didn’t eat to believe him but the charming smile of his said it all.
“Go for it.” Lewis smirked and she had a rather physical reaction to it. “Mhm, anyways, this is how my day went.”
He listened to her ramble about her day, slipping in several jokes and her excitement for seeing her friends. Telling him the plans she’d conjured up for the lunch with her friends to how Rea’s first day went.
Lewis could listen to Nadia talk forever. She explained everything with her hands and her expressions never failed to make the conversation even more interesting. Her voice sounded like she was on a cloud and the little snort she let out at his jokes made his heart flutter.
He repsonded to almost everything she shared, making sure that she can see he was listening. “Lew? Are you there? Nadia smiled a bit nervously, watching the man on the screen.
“I’m here, just miss you, that’s all.” He confessed. Her eyes softened at his answer. “I miss you too, pookie bear.”
They continued to admire each other, none uttering a word after the confessions. After a good five minutes, that had both let go of the stares. “I’ll see you next week, and get a podium for me!”
nadiahamilton • 4m
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saint’s notes!: hey everyone! lewdia is back and better than ever. this one was so that you all could get an idea of everything going on in Nadia’s life. hope you enjoyed! 💗
taglist: @non-stop-imagines @motheroffae @perfecttrashface @thisismeracing @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @emjayewrites @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @youre-sooooo-funny @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @vsfavs @louvrepool @mistruscity @tian-monique @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @yeea-nah @nichmeddar @gg-trini @lifeless-firefly @vellicora @takeoffz-tookoff9876 @serpenttines @emjayewrites @royallyprincesslilly @lewisroscoelove @purplelewlew @xoscar03 @kidsol-ar @nothaqks @tremendousstarlighttragedy @ggaslyp1
if your account is blank, that means tumblr can’t find you!
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sithsjedi · 8 months
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TITLE: Statistical Character Personality Quiz
take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character, then select 5-10 results from the complete matches list that you feel resonate with your character the most.
TAGGING: @vendettavalor ( Aurelia ), @mvndrvke ( Seril ), @divinehr ( Priscilla ), @techniiciian ( Matt ), @mayxthexforce ( Rajeev ), @therapardalis ( Thera ), @wornkindness ( Amelia ), @forcelost ( Corvus ), and you.
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( Redemptionverse ) YAN DOOKU:
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Dr. Strange ( Marvel Cinematic Universe ): 88%
Vito Corleone ( The Godfather ): 84%
Professor X ( X-Men ): 84%
Mr. Darcy ( Pride and Prejudice ): 82%
Dr. Hannibal Lecter ( Hannibal ): 81%
Josiah Bartlet ( The West Wing ): 80%
Albus Dumbledore ( Harry Potter ): 79%
Legolas ( Lord of the Rings ): 79%
George Washington ( Hamilton ): 78%
Atticus Finch ( To Kill a Mockingbird ): 78%
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Alice Cullen ( Twilight ): 95%
Jasmine ( Aladdin ): 92%
Rose DeWitt Bukater ( Titanic ): 91%
Daenerys Targaryen ( Game of Thrones ): 87%
Angelica Schuyler ( Hamilton ): 86%
Elizabeth Swann ( Pirates of the Caribbean ): 85%
Claire Randall ( Outlander ): 85%
Amy March ( Little Women ): 83%
Cosette ( Les Misérables ): 80%
Elizabeth Bennett ( Pride and Prejudice ): 77%
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toyafreethoughts · 10 months
OFFICAL MASTERLIST (will be updated whenever.)
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Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bungo Stray Dogs, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Blue Lock, Kuroko’s Basketball, The Promised Neverland, Chainsaw Man, TGCF, Death Note, Spy X Family, The Study Case Of Vanitas, Haikyuu!, Buddy Daddies, Jujustu Kaisen, Free!, HXH, Black Butler, Oshi No Ko, Demon Slayer, Asassination Classroom, Jojos Bizzare Adventure, Saiki K, Fruits Basket, Lie In Your April, Toradora, Violet Evergarden, Kakeguri, Devilman Crybaby, Banana Fish, Doukyuusei, Sasaki To Miyano, Yuri On Ice!!, Your Name, A Silent Voice, Horimiya, Stars Align, Attack On Titan, Akudama Drive, Sk8 The Infinity, Land Of Lustrous, Iruma Kun! Welcome To Demon School, One Piece, My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Soul Eater, Monster, Serial Experiments Lain, Food Wars!, Gintama, Fairy Tail, Nana, Magical Girl: Madoka, Hellsing, Zom100, No Game No Life, Kamisama Kiss, Seraph Of The End, Fire Force, Ouran High School Host Club, Charlotte, Erased, Moriarty The Patriot, Wonder Egg Priority, Lucky Star, Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai, Rent A Girlfriend, The Quintessential Quintuplets, Mushoku Teisei: Jobless Reincarnation, The Rising Of The Shield Hero, Nichijou, Girl From The Other Side, School Days, Link Click
Your Turn To Die, Danganronpa, Persona Series, Genshin Impact, Omori, Bayonetta, Honkai Star Rail, Five Nights At Freddy’s, Obey Me, Mystic Messenger, Resident Evil, Honkai Impact 3rd, Tears Of Themis, Twisted Wonderland, Hypnosis Mic, Needy Streamer Girl Overdose, Cookie Run Kingdom, Ensemble Stars, Project Sekai: Colorful Stage, BanG Dream, Identity V, Final Fantasy 7, The Quarry, NieR:Automata, Drakengard, Your Boyfriend, Undertale, Doki Doki Literature Club, Deltarune, Sally Face, Light And Night, Zenless Zero Zone
Inside Job, The Amazing World Of Gumball, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Clone High, South Park, Total Drama Llama, Family Guy, BoJack Horseman, Big Mouth, Amphibia, Adventure Time
Vocaloid/UTAU, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, AlRawabi School for Girls, Marvel, Alice In Borderland, Girl From Nowhere, Eddsworld, Homestuck, Hamilton, Creepypasta, Marble Hornets, Webtoon, Pearl Boy, Nijisanji EN (vtubers), K-pop groups, Vkei Bands, The Walten Files, The Evillous Chronicles, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Murder Drones, Heartstopper, The Mandela Catalog, SCP Foundation, House of The Dragon
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ccthepandafangirl · 8 months
okay new intro post go!
hi, I'm CC aka ThePandaFangirl (former urls were @/thepandafangirl & @/a-panda-fangirl. I'm an australian uni student & artist/writer
#cc says things - what any of my og or commented posts are marked as
#cc makes things - original content (whether that be fan content or something else that I made)
#cc doodles - my older/sketched art stuff
#cc draws things - my art tag
#cc writes things - usually my ao3 stuff
AUs & stuff below
I might like fusion and crossover AUs a little too much
#demigod problems au/ #dp au: MCU + PJO AU - Peter Parker is a son of Athena, Harley Keener is the same Harley from PJO, and MJ is observational (for unknown reasons). I may have not updated this in 2 years 😬. On ao3 as "The Owl Problem"
#boatem x miraculous au/ #the etac au: MCYT (mainly hermitcarft-adjacent) as Miraculous Holders - Grian and Scar are respectively the ladybug(bird) and black cat heroic duo. ETAC is short for Essempi Technology & Artistry College, and it's a fictional secondary school set in London. On ao3
#double-i-a au/ #iia au: an upcoming Empires SMP spy AU - Gem is a sniper, Sausage is a field agent, Scott is a covert operator. Pearl is the youngest daughter of the wealthy influential Moon Family, Grian is the eldest making a sketchy deal with a rival family's son, and Scar is a corrupt politician.
#miraculous marvel AU/ #m-squared-cu: the MCU and Miraculous Ladybug (up to season 3 epsiode 24) co-exist in the same universe - Marinette & Adrien survived the Blip and later meet Peter Parker in an upcoming FFH rewrite
#odinsbarn midgard au/om au: Thor, Loki and Hela are all relatively normal siblings (or as normal as a dysfunctional space royal family can get). They frequently stay on Midgard to do weird stuff for funsies. This does (should) not extend to murder. On ao3 as "Shakespeare (Nerd) in the Park"
other fandoms that I can remember:
DC - JL, Batfam, Harley Quinn
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Queer Media: Good Omens, Fence, Heartstopper, RWRB, First Kill (rip i miss you lesbian vampires), Portrait d'Une Jeune Fille En Feu
Disney - Turning Red, Luca, Encanto, Mulan, Moana, Cinderella
Webtoons- Lore Olympus, The Remarried Empress, Punderworld, High-Class Homosexuals
Sanders Sides
Six: The Musical
Mozart L'opera Rock. IDK why man
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roswyxx · 6 months
🪼 rosey / blue's intro !
・ ⊂⊃ basic info 🫧
- 16 yo
- he / she / fae / it
- omni
- genderfluid
・ ⭔﹒﹒music
- bands ;; weezer , moonwalker , nirvana , radiohead , deftones , the smiths , tv girl , $uicideboy$ , cas , etc.
- artists ;; mitski , conan gray , melanie martinez , tyler the creator , mac demarco , alex g , billie eillish , etc.
- vocaloids ;; ado , flower , kanaria , 25ji , kikuo , syudou , kairikibear , mothy , etc.
・ 📏﹒games◞˚ₓ
- pjsk , bandori , genshin impact , honkai : star rail , stardew valley , animal crossing , fnaf , sally face , lis , enstars , tlou , tloz , etc.
・ ⪩⪨┊◟watch
- movies ;; perks of being a wallflower , corpse bride , fear street , fnaf , scream , marvel , horror , etc.
- shows ;; loki , steven universe , adventure time , the walking dead , supernatural , shameless , 13 reasons why , ginny and georgia , etc.
- anime ;; death note , tokyo ghoul , hunter x hunter , violet evergarden , a silent voice , etc.
- musicals ;; hamilton , heathers , mean girls , newsies , dear evan hansen , be more chill , tick tick boom , etc.
・ 。˚➷﹕other things﹒﹒🪡
- likes ;; cats , guitar , sanrio , plushies , coffee , tea , markiplier , coryxkenshin , manga , unus annus , etc.
- dislikes ;; bugs / spiders , weird textures , toxic ppl / stans , manipulators , attention seekers , basic dni criteria , etc.
- boundaries ;; dms open , ask b4 venting , im ok w nicknames, as long as you ask first , i most likely have autism ++ adhd so bare w me n pls use tone tags , erm idk what else !!
- if looking 2 b friends ;; must b between 13 n 21 , erm thats all i rlly care ab
- links ;;
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Allow me to introduce myself!
My name is Ian, and I've been here a couple months now, so I probably should have done this sooner, but here's my intro post!
About Me
My name is Ian (what a shocker, I know)
I am 20 years old
I use any pronouns (though I am partial to non-masc ones despite my tragically AMAB nature)
I am a disaster bisexual
I am a dumbass
Some of my favorite things :)
Riordanverse 🔱
The Harry Potter Series (if JKR didn't screw it up so badly with insensitive tropes and being a transphobe) 🪄
The Menagerie Series 🦄
DC Comics (especially Nightwing and Wayne Family Adventures) 🦸🏻‍♂️
Heartstopper 🏳️‍🌈
Wikipedia™ rabbit trails 💻
This one specific TLoZ fanfic called Skyward Sword: Saxophone AU 🎷
Paramore 🦋
My Chemical Romance 💀
Taylor Swift 🎸
Fall Out Boy 🐑
Daisy The Great 🪞
Sasha Alex Sloan 🥲
Garfunkel and Oates 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻
Twenty One Pilots 👨🏻‍✈️
Hamilton ⭐
Dear Evan Hansen (questionable handling of mental health issues but goddamn it has a ton of bops) 🪟
Ben Platt 🤵
Lady Gaga 💃🏻
Imagine Dragons 🐉
Dodie Clark 🌻
A lot of TV show theme songs apparently 📽️
Minecraft ⛏️
The Legend of Zelda (especially Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild, the only ones I've committed a genuine amount of time to) 🧝🏼‍♂️
Dust: An Elysian Tail (this game never got enough attention) 🗡️
Pokémon 🐀
Mario Kart 🏎️
Kirby's Epic Yarn 🧶
Wonder Woman ⚔️
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 🕸️
The Lego Batman Movie 🦇
The Fault In Our Stars 💔
tick, tick...boom! 🎹
Ponyo 🐟
Avengers: Infinity War 🌌
Captain Marvel 🌟
Megamind 🧠
Onward 🚐
Tangled 💇🏼‍♀️
Spaceballs 🚀
Honorable mentions:
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie 🐢
The Emperor's New Groove 🦙
The Mitchells vs. the Machines 🤖
Black Panther 🐈‍⬛
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 🌑
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3 🦝
Moana 🌊
(Order not exactly concrete)
The Owl House 🦉
The Last Of Us 🍄
Gravity Falls 🌲
The Legend of Vox Machina 🏰
Helluva Boss 😈
Young Justice 🥷🏼
Arcane 🧁
Good Omens 😈
Inside Job 🥼
Dead End: Paranormal Park 🎢
Amphibia 🐸
Heartstopper 🌈
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 🐢
Parks and Recreation 🏞️
Steven Universe (Future is overhated) ⭐
Avatar: The Last Airbender 💨
Stranger Things 🚵🏻
X-Men: Evolution ��
I have several more, these are just what my top ones are
Podcasts: The Adventure Zone (favorite arc: Amnesty) 🪓🌂📕, Welcome To Night Vale 👁️🌵🐈‍⬛
Animals: Cats, bats, owls, and dogs 🐈🦇🦉🐕
Colors: Purple and sea foam green
Characters: Luz Noceda, Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Ellie Williams, Piotr Rasputin (Colossus), Hunter (TOH), Kamala Khan (Ms Marvel), Wendy Corduroy, Magnus Chase, Raphael Hamato, Link AND Zelda, and Reagan Ridley
Foods: Waffles, tacos, any pasta with alfredo, cheesecake, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and nanimo bars
Activities: Drawing, singing, ukulele/piano, sharing every single piece of my personal information online (as shown above), freaking out over common interests, being silly
I am steadfastly unapologetic for the too much information I have put on here (which goes against my nature as a half-Canadian)
Just kidding. I am so sorry.
Anyways, I hope you had a great time meeting me! I hope I'm cool or something like that :)
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