#lin beifong simp club
justanotherexlover · 4 years
Anonymous said:
Can you please make another chapter of "The Metal Clan" the first one is so good and I was so happy to see a Lin x reader!
Anonymous said:
when are you gonna update the metal clan?
The Metal Clan (2/3) (Lin Beifong x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, language
Word count: 2,900+
Notes: Apologies for the title formatting, I’m without a computer and Tumblr mobile sucks. I’ll fix it when I get a chance!
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You watched as Lin and Suyin went back and forth once Korra confronted Lin, and you felt like your head was spinning. You’d seen Lin upset before, but she seemed utterly impossible to reason with at this moment.
“You’re the one who tore our family apart,” Lin said, pointing a finger at her sister.
“Yeah, and you’ve done a bang-up job of keeping it that way!” Su shot back, looking every bit as fierce.
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, looking at both of them. Your wife looked shocked, and Suyin seemed slightly smug as you continued, your words aimed at your wife, “Let it go. For now, at least. We came here with a goal in mind.”
“Thank you,” Suyin asid politely, raising her eyebrows at her sister, then turning to Korra, “My daughter is thrilled to meet you.”
“Your niece--our niece--is the new Airbender,” You told Lin, sending her a look of warning to be nice.
“Terrific,” Lin said, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in her voice.
You glared at her, and Bolin leaned over to whisper to you, “Trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up Bolin,” You muttered.
You basically had to drag Lin out of the airship. Even though she’d been found out, she didn’t see the point in going around Zafou. You insisted, however, and she gave in eventually(although still grumbled about it).
“Those are my two youngest, Wei and Wing. They’re playing a game called power disc. They invented it all on their own,” Su said, her voice thick with pride for her twin sons.
A metal disk was being hit back and forth between the brothers, and hitting metal posts in the middle. You weren’t sure if you entirely understood the rules, but it looked like they were having fun.
They twins were both very talented benders, and you glanced at your wife to see if she noticed. Lin seemed so cold and apathetic, and it was beginning to bother you more and more with each passing moment. You knew bits and pieces of what had happened between her and her sister--how Su had left home at 16 after a fight, leaving their family essentially in pieces.
But what could she have done that would justify this behavior?
“I’m so proud of them,” Suyin said, her hands clasped together. She had a small smile on her face.
“You should be,” You spoke up, smiling at her. She placed one hand over her heart, looking bashful.
The team walked on, and you could hear Korra and Asami marveling over the metalwork of the mansion. It was a sight to behold, for sure.
You fell a little behind the group to stand next to Lin, and you looked at her, “You could at least pretend to care.”
She glanced at you, her face stiff, “Why would I do that?”
You let out a scoff. Lin had always been an opinionated woman, and you loved her for that, but you had never seen her so uncaring before. You wanted to ask her for an explanation, but knew that now wasn’t the time.
Your attention was soon taken by the sound of metal creaking and you searched for the source of the noise, your eyes landing on a man who was frowning at a statute he was attempting to bend.
“Huan, I want you to meet the Avatar and her friends,” Suyin said brightly, gesturing to the group, “And your Aunt Lin and her partner, your Aunt (y/n).”
It felt weird to be referred to as someone’s aunt, since before today you didn’t even know that Suyin had children. But a feeling of fondness spread through you, feeling fully embraced by Su.
“Nice to meet you,” Korra said.
“Hey,” Huan said, not looking away from his statue. He, like Lin, didn’t seem to care much about what was going on. You wondered if Lin had the introspection to see that Huan was similar to her, but again, she wasn’t even paying attention.
“Wow, that’s a really nice…” Bolin started, squinting at the statute. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, and his answer sounded more like a question, “Banana?”
You snorted, and Huan turned around and angrily exclaimed, “It’s not a banana! I was inspired by Harmonic Convergence. It represents the dawning of a new age, obviously.”
Bolin seemed embarrassed, but was squinting at the statue in an attempt to see what Huan was talking about. You figured you should probably help him out.
“Each side is supposed to be the opposite ends of Harmonic Convergence, right? And the middle piece rises above both, which is the new age dawning,” You guessed, and he turned toward you, an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah,” Huan said, his voice never straying from its monotone state as he pursed his lips, “Finally someone with an artistic eye.”
You smiled at him, and noticed Suyin give you an appreciative smile as you moved closer to her as the group began walking again. Bolin was rambling on about understanding the artwork, and attempting to make a frame with his hands from which to view it. So much for your attempts at helping him out.
“Nice job,” Suyin said, smiling at you, “Huan is such a great artist, but to be honest I don’t understand his art until he explains it most of the time.”
You waved her off, flushing slightly, “It seemed obvious, I suppose.”
“Nonsense. You have the eye of an artist,” She praised you, and you noticed Lin’s shoulders set in the back of the group. She was obviously listening in on the conversation.
You began walking up the stairs with Lin, each step making a slight creaking noise, “I didn’t get to say it before, Zafou is absolutely beautiful. I’ve always wanted to visit, but… It’s more than I could’ve imagined.”
Now it was Su’s turn to blush, and she spread her arms in front of herself, “It’s my pride and joy, after my husband and children, of course… I wish you two would’ve visited sooner.
“Me too,” You said quietly, “It hasn’t been for lack of trying on my part.”
Su hummed, nodding in understanding, “I know how stubborn my sister can be. But at least you’re here now.”
Suyin was nothing like what Lin had described her as--your wife had said she was selfish and irresponsible, but the woman next to you seemed smart and kind. She’d changed a lot over the last 30 years it seemed, but Lin didn’t want to see that.
You arrived at the top of the stairs and followed Suyin as she walked up to a sweet looking girl and began speaking, “This is my daughter Opal.”
Upon hearing her name, the girl looked over and closed her book, her eyes instantly landing on Korra as she said, “Wow, Avatar Korra. I can’t believe you’re really here. You’re amazing.”
Opal had a soft voice and a delicate demeanor, and you were sure that she would do well as an Airbender.
“It’s great to meet you, Opal,” Korra said kindly.
“Opal? That’s a beautiful name,” Bolin said, holding out his hand. She smiled bashfully and pushed her hair behind her ear. You raised your eyebrow, watching the exchange carefully.
“Thanks,” She said.
“I’m Bolin,” He introduced himself, and she shook his hand.
“Opal,” She responded instantly. A blush took over her face, and you smiled as she rushed to recover, “But, uh, you already knew that.”
Lin walked over to you, and you hoped that Lin saw how sweet her niece was and would feel more sociable. But instead she said, “Great, we found the Airbender. Let’s take her back to the airship and get out of here.”
You rolled your eyes, giving her a scathing look. She ignored it easily.
“And the woman apparently trying to abduct you is your Aunt Lin, and her spouse (y/n),” Suyin explained to her daughter, slightly amused.
Opal looked between you and Lin, and a large smile come onto her face, “Really? I didn’t know Aunt Lin was married. I’ve always wanted to meet you!”
Lin’s face didn’t change, but you reached forward and took Opal’s hand, “It’s great to meet you, Opal. You seem like a nice girl.”
She blushed again, and said, “Thank you.” After shaking your hand, Opal turned her attention to Lin and said, “My mom’s told me so many stories about you.”
“I’m sure she has,” Lin said coldly, crossing her arms. Opal’s face fell, and you looked at her apologetically. Regardless of Lin’s feelings towards her sister, she had no right to speak to Opal that way.
Suyin, thankfully, moved past the tension with ease, “So I’ve set all of you up in the guest houses while Korra trains Opal.”
“Oh…” Korra started, sounding slightly unsure, “I’m sorry, but I was hoping that Opal could train with the rest of the airbenders at the Northern Air Temple.”
“That sounds amazing,” Opal said dreamily, clasping her hands together. She was such a sweet girl, and you found it funny considering that most Beifong women were known for being harsh.
“Nonsense,” Suyin said, and her daughter’s face fell as she continued, “This is where Opal’s home and family are. You can train her here.”
“I guess I could help her get started,” Korra said, shrugging.
You wanted to point out that Opal obviously wanted to train at the temple, but Lin was already speaking.
“Absolutely not. We’re leaving,” She said, leaving no room for argument.
“I have to agree with Lin,” You said, and Suyin seemed surprised as you added, “There are assassins after Korra, and even then… I think it would be nice for Opal to be around other airbenders.”
You wanted to stay in Zaofu, but even you could recognize that it would be safer to leave and keep moving.
“If you’re concerned about safety, don’t be. This is the safest city in the world,” Suyin said confidently. She then went on to invite you and everyone else to dinner, but your eyes were on Lin the whole time.
“Five kids, what a nightmare,” Lin said when Suyin introduced her oldest, and you kicked her shin under the table. She sent you a scathing look, but you ignored it and just rolled your eyes.
“No, no, my children are a blessing,” Suyin said graciously, bowing her head. You smiled at her.
“Yeah, mom used to say that too but she never meant it,” Lin shot back. You looked down at your plate, suddenly feeling very awkward and out of place.
You reached a hand forward to brush Lin’s hand, but she pulled away, crossing her arms. You tried to hide the hurt expression on your face, but Suyin noticed and sent you a sympathetic look.
Lin made a few more comments to her sister, but you largely ignored them, feeling overwhelmed with trying to reign in Lin’s attitude.
Most of the conversation was lost on you(you even ignored Varrick’s arrival, deciding that you had too much on your plate to deal with him), as you contemplated what could’ve happened between Lin and Suyin.
Suyin left home at 16, which would’ve made Lin not much older at just 22. But she was definitely an officer by then, so maybe it was some encounter there?
Or maybe Lin was upset that her sister didn’t want to become an officer? Or did Toph favor Suyin? You didn’t know much about Lin’s mother and had never met her, but nothing you knew from Lin was positive.
Your mind was reeling with possibilities and it was starting to make you feel on edge. It was made worse when the sound of a chair being thrown back caught you off guard, and you jumped.
“All right, enough!” Lin yelled, throwing up her arms, “I’m trying to keep the Avatar safe and you’re harboring a criminal?”
Your eyes widened at your wife’s outburst, and you thought about intervening but decided not yet.
“Ease up, Lin,” Suyin said, “Sure, Varrick’s made a few mistakes in his past, but that doesn’t mean he should pay for it the rest of his life. My chef was a pirate but now he’s a culinary master. People change.”
“You haven’t!” Lin yelled, pointing at her sister. She looked like she wanted to say more but you interrupted her.
“That’s enough,” You said, your voice level. Your hands were in fists at your sides, and you felt utterly humiliated. Lin turned to look at you, and you held her gaze steadily.
She growled and stomped off, slamming the door shut behind her.
“I’m sorry,” You said, feeling your lip begin to tremble. You needed to get out of here, now, and take some time to think. You stood up and followed your wife’s path, ignoring the calls to come back.
After a little while wandering through Huan’s statue garden, you decided to return to your room. You’d managed to mostly calm yourself, but you were beginning to wonder if maybe there was a lot more to the story than you thought.
You knocked hesitantly, then opened the door to the guest room you two were sharing.
Lin was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper, wearing just her pants and typical white tank top.
You walked forward and put a hand on her arm and gently said, “Look, we won’t be here for more than a few days… Even then, I want to be here. I wish you did too.”
Lin looked at you, her eyes narrowed. If you were anyone else then you would’ve likely been intimidated, but after being with her for so long you could read her like a book.
“Doesn’t what I want matter?” She asked, her tone venomous. You reeled back, holding a hand in front of yourself defensively.
“Of course it does!” You exclaimed defensively, and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, sure, that’s why you keep sucking up to my sister,” She muttered, turning away from you.
“I…” You trailed off, your mind beginning to cloud with anger, “I am not! I’m trying to get my wife’s family to like me, so what? It’s normal!”
“But they aren’t my family!” She responded, looking fierce, “You are! I made that decision a long time ago.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but closed it again. What she said was touching, and it made you hesitate to argue with her any longer.
“Lin…” You trailed off, looking at her. It seemed like she hadn’t meant to reveal that so readily, but she was holding her head high. You raised a hand to her face, caressing her scarred cheek softly, “I just want you to talk to me. Explain why you feel like this.”
She looked at you with narrowed eyes, but still leaned into your touch, obviously finding comfort in it. Lin seemed to be thinking of the right words when someone knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” Lin asked loudly, and you pulled away, looking at the door as it opened.
“Hey, it’s me” Korra said, peeking her head in. She glanced at your wife, then you, and you shook your head, trying to tell her that it wasn’t a good time. Your warning went ignored as she continued, “I brought someone who wants to talk to you.”
Korra opened the door wider to reveal Opal, who you offered a soft smile too. She seemed nervous.
“You wanna talk, then talk,” Lin said, sitting back and crossing her arms. You stood next to her, one hand on her shoulder.
Opal stepped forward and took a breath, then began speaking as if she’d practiced, “I’m sorry being here is hard for you.”
She walked forward, and you stepped back, watching the situation carefully as Opal kept going, “When you showed up, I was so excited to get to know you. I’d heard so many grea things about you from mom and Grandma Toph. So… I guess I was kind of sad that you didn’t want to get to know me… Believe me, I know my family can be a little crazy and overwhelming sometimes, but I would love it so much if you and (y/n) would be a part of it.”
Opal casted you a glanced towards the end, her hands clasped together. She sounded so sincere and sweet. You wanted to hug her, but decided to wait to see what Lin said.
“Get out,” Lin said quietly.
“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” Opal asked, her voice quaking.
“Get out!” Lin yelled. Opal’s eye filled with tears and you reached forward to try to comfort her, but she turned and ran out of the room crying. Korra followed her.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You asked, stepping forward to glare at your wife, “Opal is your niece, and a sweet girl who didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Maybe you should reconsider whose side you’re on!” Lin yelled back, and you threw your hands up in exasperation.
“There are no sides, Lin!” You yelled, finally fully losing your cool. You pointed a finger at your wife, “You’ve been nothing but rude since we got here, and I would stand by your side if I knew why! But you’re so closed off that I can’t seem to understand you.”
Lin turned away, brushing you off. You scoffed, feeling your rage pushing you forward.
“You know what? Fine. You wanna be alone, then be alone. I’m leaving,” You said, turning on your heel and walking out the door. You didn’t know where you were gonna go, but you were sure that Su could find space for you somewhere.
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suwupremethembo · 4 years
steel and smoke - i
Ship: Lin Beifong/Maz
Rating: T
AN: Hi! So since i’m a simp here’s how I met Lin
Once I lived the life of a millionaire,
Spent all my money, 
I just did not care.
Took all my friends out for a good time,
Bought bootleg liquor, 
champagne and wine.
The smokey room was bathed in low lights of red and gold as the Firebender began to sing. Their voice floating with the swelling band behind them. Lips painted a deep rose and dress wrapped around their frame just so. The regular Patrons settled in with drinks or cigarettes in hand. Newcomers leaned forwards. 
Then I began to fall so low
I didn't have a friend, 
and no place to go
So if I ever get my hand on a dollar again
I'm gonna hold on to it 
till them eagles grin
Maz knew what they were doing by now, and slowly began their decent from the stage. They had been performing regularly at The Phoenix Lounge since their arrival in Republic City and learned that the citizens always liked when the show included them too. 
Nobody knows you when 
you’re down and out
In my pocket not one penny
And my friends I haven't any
But If I ever get on my feet again
A wink to a pretty Waterbender in the front row and a tip was extended. They gently took the bill and blew a kiss before moving on leaving a small sparkler heart in their wake. 
Then I'll meet my long lost friend
It's mighty strange, without a doubt
Nobody knows you 
when you’re down and out
I mean when you down and out
Mmm, when you're down and out
Mmm, not one penny
And my friends I haven't any
Mmm, well I felt so low
They tossed their head coyly and finally they spotted the woman, her dark hair flecked with silver glittering in the lamp light. Maz felt the world slow for a minute. 
The sounds of the band behind them fell away. They felt the small spiritual spark pass from them to the woman. They had never seen her before but they knew in that instant that this woman was going to be important to them, and spirits help them, that’s when they decided they were going to buy her a drink.
Just as suddenly as the moment had happened, it had passed and the next line was due. 
Nobody wants me round their door
Mmm, without a doubt
No man can use you 
when you down and out
I mean when you down and out
They held their arms above their head as they finished, feather fluff falling from
their pale yellow ostrich horse feather boa and the spotlight dropped. The applause echoed around the club some more enthusiastic as others but they couldn’t hear it, they were focused on finding the woman. Their eyes flew back to the booth but to some part of her’s sorrow, she was gone. As if Maz had imagined her. 
They left the stage still smiling however, wondering why they had expected to see the green eyed beauty that they might have hallucinated from the heat of the stage lights. They sighed and slid the boa from their shoulders, still smiling and  acknowledging the congratulatory, ‘That was Great’s. 
Maz had turned their head and was handing their feathered wrap to the nearest stage hand. They couldn’t have seen the person who came to stand in front of them, but just slightly too suddenly. They let out a squeak as the shock made them stumble, falling towards the ground. But the ground was suddenly holding them up just as quickly as they could register the arm then wrapping around them. 
A deep alto voice that made their spine tighten came from her obstacle and savior, “Careful there, might want to keep an eye on where you’re going.”
“You...You saved me,” they chuckled awkwardly as a blush spread to their cheeks, “Thank you….Ms…?”
Green eyes met their own, “Lin. Lin Beifong.”
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
imagine,,, Lin having an earthbender gf and teaching her seismic sense,,, no i'm not okay
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
A simp for limp- a whore for li- a bitch for beifs? Hang on I'm tryna make a rhyme here..
What about ‘all night long for Lin Beifong’?
(credit to @autisticzukka who is much funnier than I am)
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
so lin beifong amirite?
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
Its simping for Lin hour
it’s always simping for Lin hour, anon. ❤️✨
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
Sooo we both reblogged the post about mutals being friends.. ‘ive made friends-you didnt make shit- ive made them’....... we’re mutuals, does that mean we’re friends now?
Yes absolutely!
But as a bonus, we’re both simps for Lin Beifong, so... Best friends?
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
Lin Beifong is on the top of the list of ‘women I want to step on me’, no i do not take criticism
how does it feel to be so right
(she’s on my list too)
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
Well you just made me realise that im a sucker for Lin ho my god (°ー°〃)
Me too, anon. Join the Lin Beifong simp club—which is just my blog.
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