#lily sánchez
eelhound · 1 year
"[The U.S. Surgeon General] is right to talk about loneliness as an important issue and social bonds as critical for our health and well-being — humans are social creatures, and we all need human support systems to thrive. But ultimately, calls that emphasize individual actions don’t quite work to solve the problem, and we need to promote a culture centered around the individual and the collective well-being.
For people to truly not be lonely or isolated, and to live meaningful lives in which their potentials can be realized, it’ll take more than atomized actors making small-scale connections; we need an entirely new social fabric which fosters social connection, and that has to come about through systemic changes, such as what Goldstein says in the rest of his tweet:
The indirect policy solutions on these things are one that centrist/neoliberals will never call for. Ones that give us time, basic needs met as guarantees. A basic income, a 30 (or 20) hour work week, guarantee health care and paid leave, reducing the scale of corporate power in tech, entertainment, advertising by immensely taxing corporate wealth/revenue (not just profits) and by limiting their ability to take over our public spaces and airwaves, fighting for union power, fighting automakers/car culture, fighting suburban developers, and so many more policies that actually foster and enable genuine social infrastructure.
How can you join a political group when you are working one, two, or three jobs to make ends meet? (Even one full-time job is exhausting enough.) How can you take a break to meet someone for coffee or join a reading group when you don’t have child care? How can you seek out new social connections when social media and streaming services are designed to be addictive and take up a lot of your free time? How can you make a social connection without having to consume something (say, buying food or drinks to get a place to sit) because public spaces for recreation are so limited? How can you meet up with a friend or family member who lives 20 miles away or multiple bus rides away? Or when your loneliness complicates depression or other mental health needs and you don’t have healthcare?
I’m not saying people never get to socialize. The point is that social and economic realities make it too difficult for the vast majority of people to develop healthy social lives. There’s also something cruel about telling people, 'These are the solutions,' but they’re things that many people can’t actually do. This makes it easier for people to then blame themselves when they don’t fix their loneliness — after all, the 'solutions' were available!
... The larger point here is that whenever we are told to 'do more of something,' we should ask whether society is creating the conditions for us to do that thing (assuming that thing is indeed good)."
- Lily Sánchez, from "The Surgeon General Should Stop Telling People to Solve the Loneliness Crisis on Their Own." Current Affairs, 3 May 2023.
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lanterne · 1 year
Guys i feel terrible that I procrastinated so long to read the preview of Robespierre by Javier Garcia Sánchez until @vieillesmaisons motivated me, because im OBSESSED with this description of Robespierre and SJ
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Robespierre was the white blackbird
Saint-just the black orchid
Yes. Both seemed like glowing oddities, but because their intellectual loftiness and the firm conviction of their ideas, they were the estuary that would lead to the future sea of Equality. Now they moved in a pond of putrid waters, true. Blackbird and orchid, animal and plant, half bright against half opaque, what else. Robespierre, with his finesse and sobriety, was a white water lily in the middle of that gloomy pond. Saint-Just, the black swan swimming illustrious and lost in thought over its dark, waving surface, waiting for everything or nothing.
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cristalconnors · 3 months
Shortlisted: All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt / Earth Mama / May December / Poor Things / War Pony
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Casting by: Julie Breton and Jim Carnahan, Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Patti LuPone, Amy Ryan, Nathan Lane, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Parker Posey, Zoe-Lister Jones, Kylie Rogers, Richard Kind, Hayley Squires, Denis Ménochet, Armen Nahapetian, Julia Antonelli
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Casting by: Uncredited, Starring: Ali Junejo, Rasti Farooq, Alina Khan, Sarwat Gilani, Salmaan Peerzada, Sohail Sameer, Ramiz Law, Honey Albela, Priya Usman Khan
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Casting by: Ellen Lewis, Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert DeNiro, Lily Gladstone, Jesse Plemons, Tantoo Cardinal, John Lithgow, Brendan Fraser, Cara Jade Myers, JaNae Collins, Jillian Dion, Jason Isbell, William Belleau, Louis Cancelmi, Scott Shepherd, Brent Langdon, Everett Waller, Talee Redcorn, Yancey Red Corn, Tatanka Means, Tommy Schultz, Sturgill Simpson, Ty Mitchell, Gary Basaraba, Charlie Musselwhite, Pat Healy, Steve Witting, Steve Routman, Gene Jones, Jack White, Barry Corbin, Randy Houser, Pete Yorn, Katherine Willis
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Casting by: Uncredited, Starring: Laura Paredes, Ezequiel Pierri, Rafael Spregelburd, Elisa Carricajo, Verónica Llinás, Juliana Muras, Cecilia Rainero
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Casting by: Lila Avilés and Gabriela Cartol, Starring: Naíma Sentíes, Montserrat Marañón, Marisol Gasé, Saori Gurza, Teresita Sánchez, Mateo García Elizondo, Juan Francisco Maldonado, Iazua Larios, Alberto Amador
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
In Memory, Katarinahime. Part 7.
I opened my mouth full of hurt and request, but it was her love that came out.
I copy quite well.
I learn well. I easily take the style I like of others and incorporate it into my own writing.
This text style here? The short sentences. The stops. The frequent new paragraphs. This is Sessakag's style ("Secrets of the Hidden Leaf" and "Monster").
But it's Katarinahime's writing that has had the most easily identifiable influence on my own writing in terms of change or growth.
"Nightdreams," written in 2018, is my most popular fic for obvious nsfw reasons, but also due to its imminent sense of angst through use of present tense and limited perspective in one character's point of view.
These are text structure habits from Katarinahime after I read and studied her "Serenity Prayer."
I've used these writing strategies as my go-to techniques for nearly every single fanfiction I've written since.
If such influences like Emmykay, agitosgirl, and BunnyHoodlum taught me that I have a voice worth sharing, Katarinahime among others taught me how to speak and be understood.
"Nightdreams" is noticeably modeled after "Serenity Prayer."
"White Lilies" is noticeably modeled after paired fics "(common side effects)" by katarinahime and "Medicated" by Szajnie.
Katarinahime read both of those fics.
I wonder if she ever recognized herself, was horrified or enthralled to see how I had consumed her from the inside-out and called our merging an unbearable addiction.
"For Fanfic Writer Appreciation Week, I had started a post that I didn't finish. It was going to be an in-depth review of her 'Serenity Prayer.' I was going to dig into her story structuring, her characterizations, her language...like. It was going to be a long post. And it's sitting in my drafts. And I never finished it. And she'll never see it. [...] I wonder if it's okay for me to just post a bunch of short reflections instead now."
"I don't see why you can't? Or why it could somehow not be okay. If you feel compelled to, if this feels right to you, go for it. I think it would be lovely."
"I guess I want people to know how important she was to me. I used to put it in those fanfic rec posts, but now she won't see it. So if I can't give my love directly to her, I want other people to witness/receive/know it."
"You should."
"It's true; I cup the grief / as if it were milk, as if it were the last of water / spilled." - Erika L. Sánchez, from Lessons on Expulsion: Poems; "Circles”
Nearly two months since anon shared about her passing.
It feels longer than that.
How has it been only two months? How could this grief not carry us further?
I'm writing to remember, I mean I'm writing to remember, to call her back through language, to bleed on the pieces we traded, to stitch them into a story that will love me back, that will swallow me, that I can swallow, to descend the circular stairs again and recognize her in text.
When I plunge my wounded hand into the Pacific Ocean, will the stinging ripples reach her bones left untold, will it echo at all in the dark when I bargain?
I cup this water, this connection, this flood, this devastation.
I mimic her earthquake with hands in fists and words in blooms and I look to see if it hurts.
Tell me if it hurts.
Tell me if you remember.
Is she there if I keep writing, if I keep creating, will you see her, too?
If you know me at all in a swallowing, I hope these waves spill over you.
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Fame L.A.  -  Syndication -  October 4, 1997 - March 21, 1998
Drama (22 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
William R. Moses as David Graysmark
Heidi Noelle Lenhart as Suzanne Carson
Roselyn Sanchez as Lili Arguelo
Christian Kane as Ryan Legget
Matt Winston as Adom Lewis
Lesli Margherita as Liz Clark
Andy Milder as Marcus Carilli
Stephanie Dicker as Reese Toussaint
T.E. Russell as T.J. Baron
Danny Wooten as Jeffrey
Roselyn Sánchez as Lili Arguelo
Brent David Fraser as Brent Legget
Lisa Thompson as Dancer
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trioeduciber · 21 days
Por: Alícia Macedo Santana.
Nós já dissemos, em outras diversas postagem, sobre o impacto das (r)evoluções tecnologicas no nosso dia-a-dia. Acredito que, por ora, o conceito já esteja firmado. Cenários que antes pareciam de ficção científica se tornam reais. E, podemos ver esse movimento acontecer! Se você já assistiu Tron, Jogador Número 1, Black Mirror, Upload, Periféricos e o clássico Matrix, você está acostumado com o conceito de Realidade Virtual. Tem até na animação Detona Ralph, fala sério! Diversas obras tratam sobre o tema, filmes, séries e livros. Inclusive, muitas das obras do cinema e da televisão derivam da literatura! Legal, não é? Voltando ao principal, (trago mais info sobre isso em um próximo post)... você sabe a definição científica do termo?
O universo de Realidade Virtual é, de fato, a imersão da pessoa no ambiente virtual, com todos os elementos ali se postando como não pertencentes a realidade material (Rodrigues; Porto, 2013). Esse é exatamente o contexto utilizado por essas diversas obras, que se apresentam como em Tron, que a consciência humana é perpassada para a máquina ou em Jogador Número 1, com a total transferência ao videogame. Ah, esse conceito também pode ser visto no clássico Jumanji, em uma adaptação do clássico, que era em um jogo de tabuleiro, para o presente.
Figura 1 - Tron, o legado.
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Fonte: Tumblr, 2024.
Em outro ponto, a Realidade Aumentada se define, conforme Lemos (2013, p. 3) como “[...] sistemas tecnológicos que permitem a sobreposição de informação/objetos virtuais em um ambiente real.”, e, assim, não é uma experiência totalmente imersiva, permitindo que o mundo real ainda seja visualizado. Alguns autores, por esse motivo, chamam de “realidade mista”, na fusão.
E foi com essa visão de futuro que a Ada Metaverse criou o xMed, produto desenvolvido para a experiência do aprendizado nos cursos da saúde — em especial, no de medicina. A partir da visualização nos óculos, pode-se obter detalhes do funcionamento do coração, com a frequência de batida sendo experienciada e, também, quando aos ossos e veias do corpo.
Figura 2 - Informações do xMed.
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Fonte: Site Ada, 2024.
A startup foi fundada por Tâmara e Tássia Nunes, irmãs gêmeas — neuroengenheiras, negras e nordestinas com uma história inspiradora — em 2022, diante da paixão por ciência, tecnologia e empreendedorismo. No site, é dito também que a Ada tem a missão de “[...] impactar criando experiências e tecnologias que integrem o mundo físico ao mundo virtual através do metaverso. [...]” e é isso que faz com primor!
A ciência não se faz sozinha. Assim, inovações precisam de apoio. E a Ada obtém essa rede com a Finep, o Tiradentes Innovation Center, o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnologia, o Instituto Internacional de Neurociências Edmond e Lily Safra, a Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e a Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe e o Instituto Santos Dumont de Ensino e Pesquisa.
Por isso, a Divulgação Científica é tão importante! Disseminar informações verdadeiras para a população e ajudar que projetos como esses sejam vistos, transformando a sociedade.
LEMOS, A. Realidad aumentada. Narrativa y médios de georreferencia. Versão em português do artigo. In: Sánchez, Amaranta (org). Móbile. Reflexión y experimentatión en torno a los médios locativos en el arte contemporâneo en México., Consejo Nacional para La Cultura y lãs Artes. Centro Multimedia – CENART, México, DF, 2013., ISBN – 978-607- 516-022-1, pp. 85-103.
Site Ada, 2024. Disponível em: https://adametaverse.co/. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2024.
RODRIGUES, G. P.; PORTO, C. de M. Realidade Virtual: conceitos, evolução, dispositivos e aplicações. Interfaces Científicas - Educação, 1(3), 97–109, 2013. https://doi.org/10.17564/2316-3828.2013v1n3p97-109. Acesso em: 13 abr. 2024.
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noticiasenmichoacan · 8 months
Morelia, testigo del misticismo y tradición en el certamen Miss Catrina México 2023
 Lili Adilene Sánchez Miranda, joven orgullosamente moreliana, se corona como absoluta ganadora de este certamen. Morelia, Michoacán.- Bajo la premisa de encontrar a la embajadora cultural del Día de Muertos, el Gobierno de Morelia encabezado por el Presidente Alfonso Martínez Alcázar, a través de la Secretaría de Fomento Económico (SEFECCO), impulsó la realización del certamen Miss Catrina…
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eelhound · 1 year
"Dorothy Day, whose work I read in medical school upon the recommendation of a Catholic classmate and friend, co-founded the Catholic Worker Movement, which created Catholic Worker Houses (where my friend worked) to serve those who are poor or marginalized. The Catholic Worker community here in town, Casa Juan Diego, says that they offer 'hospitality and services for immigrant women, men, and children.' They also have a clinic and food distribution program. So they are meeting people’s basic needs in the community. For Day and others in the movement, working in these settings was not only a way to serve the community but to build community, which was fundamental to a person’s faith. Faith — and one’s practice of works grounded in faith — was a communal, not individual, experience:
Together with the Works of Mercy, feeding, clothing and sheltering our brothers and sisters, we must … 'give reason for the faith that is in us.' Otherwise we are scattered members of the Body of Christ, we are not 'all members one of another.' Otherwise our religion is an opiate, for ourselves alone, for our comfort or for our individual safety or indifferent custom. We cannot live alone. We cannot go to Heaven alone.
'Community is good' seems obvious, but Day’s words always struck me as rather profound, as I grew up in a Catholic family but always felt that no one in the Church (priests, Sunday catechism teachers) ever talked about the social responsibilities of Catholics or about how faith ought to be expressed in social, or communal, and not individual, ways. (My Catholic friend also introduced me to liberation theology, which, with its emphasis on political liberation of oppressed people, was, I discovered, more my speed.)
I don’t think Day’s ideas only apply to Catholics or to matters of how to practice one’s faith. I’ve always interpreted Day’s quote about 'the long loneliness' not just as a metaphor for her journey toward Catholicism (she converted as an adult) but as a metaphor for the loneliness each of us experiences in our lives — the physical and emotional and existential loneliness of modern life, or even the search for meaning and purpose in life. The solution, according to Day — love — must come about through active engagement in community, not just being an individual actor alongside other actors in an increasingly impersonal society. The Catholic Worker movement was also about the concept of personalism, which 'emphasized the freedom and dignity of each person' and moved 'away from a self-centered individualism toward the good of the other.' This is such an important concept for people who live in hyper-individualistic societies like the U.S."
- Lily Sánchez, from "The Surgeon General Should Stop Telling People to Solve the Loneliness Crisis on Their Own." Current Affairs, 3 May 2023.
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tomorrowedblog · 8 months
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Friday Releases for October 20
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for October 20 include Killers of the Flower Moon, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Spider-Man 2, and more.
Killers of the Flower Moon
Killers of the Flower Moon, the new movie from Martin Scorsese, is out today.
At the turn of the 20th century, oil brought a fortune to the Osage Nation, who became some of the richest people in the world overnight. The wealth of these Native Americans immediately attracted white interlopers, who manipulated, extorted, and stole as much Osage money as they could before resorting to murder. Based on a true story and told through the improbable romance of Ernest Burkhart (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Mollie Kyle (Lily Gladstone), “Killers of the Flower Moon” is an epic western crime saga, where real love crosses paths with unspeakable betrayal.
Butcher’s Crossing
Butcher’s Crossing, the new movie from Gabe Polsky, is out today.
Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage (1996, Best Actor, Leaving Las Vegas) stars in a gritty story about buffalo hunters in the Old West. Will Andrews (Fred Hechinger) has left Harvard to find adventure. He teams up with Miller (Cage), a mysterious frontiersman offering an unprecedented number of buffalo pelts in a secluded valley. Their crew must survive an arduous journey where the harsh elements will test everyone’s resolve, leaving their sanity on a knife’s edge.
Old Dads
Old Dads, the new movie from Bill Burr, is out today.
A cranky middle-aged dad and his two best friends find themselves out of step in a changing world of millennial CEOs and powerful preschool principals.
Sick Girl
Sick Girl, the new movie from Jennifer Cram, is out today.
When Wren Pepper (Nina Dobrev) feels her closest friends slipping away, she lets loose a little white lie that snowballs into a colossal, life-altering event. Jennifer Cram’s feature film debut is a hilarious take on the price of insecurity and the rewards of true friendship.
Sayen: Desert Road
Sayen: Desert Road, the new movie from Alexander Witt, is out today.
After hunting down the mercenaries who murdered her grandmother to illegally take control of their land in the Araucanía, Sayen (Rallen Montenegro) follows a lead to the picturesque desolation of the Atacama Desert. There she teams up with a young Atacameño girl, Quimal (Katalina Sánchez), looking to save her town from becoming an arid wasteland due to Actaeon’s exploitative water usage led by (Enrique Arce). The two must team up with a charismatic but dubious Narco (Jorge López) to save Quimal’s father and uncover Actaeon’s corruptive practices, which flows up to the highest levels of Chilean government.
If You Were The Last
If You Were The Last, the new movie from Kristian Mercado, is out today.
Adam and Jane are three years into a NASA mission that has gone very wrong: Their ship is broken and drifting between Jupiter and Saturn. Finding ways to pass the time as they become certain that no one is coming to save them, they argue over what to do. One day, Adam poses that maybe they should sleep together; Jane laughs the idea off, but it prompts a flirty debate about whether they’re better off spending their remaining days as friends or something more.
Creature, the new TV series from Çağan Irmak, is out today.
When tragedy befalls a reckless scientist in Ottoman-era Istanbul, his student uses untested methods to finish his work — with devastating consequences.
Upload S3
The third season of Upload, the TV series from Greg Daniels, is out today.
In Season 3, the recently downloaded Nathan and Nora start an IRL relationship while taking down Freeyond. Meanwhile, a digital copy of Nathan is brought to life in Lakeview where he explores an alternate path with Ingrid. Aleesha is promoted to manager and has a new workplace love interest, and a lonely Luke looks for work in the Grey Zone.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder, the new game from Nintendo, is out today.
Surprise and wonder await at every corner in the next evolution of 2D side-scrolling Mario fun!
Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2, the new game from Insomniac Games and Sony Interactive Entertainment, is out today.
Nine months after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, we find Miles still enlisting Peter’s help, but when the mysterious symbiote appears, Peter and Miles’ relationships are put to the test. Peter begins to change as he gains symbiote powers, and Miles, Mary Jane, Harry, and the rest of the friend group must help Peter while also facing the impending threats from a cast of new villains like Kraven, Lizard, Sandman, and Venom!
Lahai, the new album from Sampha, is out today.
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booksandwords · 9 months
Alexander von Humboldt by Mª Isabel Sánchez Vegara. Illustrated by Sally Agar
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Age Recommendation: Early Primary Topic/ Theme: Adventure, Biographic Setting: South America Series: Little People, Big Dreams
Rating: 5/5
This is a lovely book. It gives a serious sense of adventure, trailblazing and daring. It must be said though Alexander von Humboldt had balls of steel. A volcano? You sat there a measured a volcano while it was erupting. Okay. I'd heard of Kosmos but I didn't know the author's story, or the sheer number of things he name after him a glacier, a lily and a penguin among other things. The monkey on the cover, Humboldt's squirrel monkey (saimiri cassiquiarensis) is also named after him (Agar illustrated that monkey perfectly too). As with so many of this series, it is the illustrations that make this book.
I took an audible breath in when I saw the end pages of this book. They are just so pretty and feel almost luminescent at first glance. The dark blue background combined with the blue scale colours is gorgeous. Sally Agar was a wonderful choice for the illustrations of a book on Alexander von Humboldt. Her style is realistically coloured and maintains some of its sketchy outlines. The colour range in this is brilliant fully respecting the diversity of the biomes in South America. As such the consistent element to identify von Humboldt on each page is his outfit. The illustration on the cover is actually featured in the book, it's from the page at the top of Chimborazo. Ager has given the animals friendly faces which is cute. In all fairness, the whole book is fairly cute.
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atletasudando · 9 months
La fiesta iberoamericana de los u18 culminó en Lima
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El equipo de Brasil, al totalizar 12 medallas de oro, 8 de plata y 3 de bronce terminó al frente del primer Campeonato Iberoamericano para la categoría u18, que se disputó entre el viernes 15 y domingo 17 de septiembre en la pista de la Videna, en Lima. La que fuera sede de los Juegos Panamericanos del 2019 será, también, la que recibirá el gran acontecimiento del 2024 para la región: el Campeonato Mundial u20. Una nueva generación se dio cita ahora allí y en la última jornada los equipos brasileños dominaron las postas largas (3:17.03 en la 4x400 de hombres, 3:49.84 en damas) y otros triunfos llegaron con sus mediofondistas: Vinicius Costa en 800 (1:54.53) y Gustavo Almeida da Silva (6:00.88 en los 2.000 con obstáculos), aventajando este al local Lizardo Huamani (6:03.38). Luis Felipe Abilio Gomes Barbosa, con 62.69 m. en martillo, coronó el dominio de Brasil en el sector de lanzamientos, sólo limitado por el argentino Landriel con su victoria en jabalina. Colombia fue el segundo clasificado en la general con 10 de oro, 7 de plata y 6 de bronce. Y produjo una gran jornada final, en la que Yudisa Andrea Martínez se llevó el heptathlon con 4.957 puntos, 17 más que la española Irene Bravo, con medalla de bronce para la argentina Malena Bustamante con 4.814. Las colombianas también establecieron el doblete en salto triple a través de Valery Arce (12.44) y Valery Neme (12.16).  Luna Pavón pasó la varilla a 3.70 m para quedarse con el salto en largo. Y Colombia también ganó las carreras de posta 4x100. En damas, la formación de Luz Marina Castro, Jacqueline Riascos, Yéssica y Yesenia Sánchez marcó 46.84, seguida por Chile. Y en hombres, Deiner Guaitoto -quien se había consagrado campeón individual en 100 y 200- remató ahora la tarea iniciada por sus compañeros Dylan Ocoro, Yeison González y Sebastián Palomeque: ganaron en 42.04, seguidos por España (42.53) y Argentina (42.78). En las otra finales de este domingo, las españolas prevalecieron en mediofondo. Marta Mitjans se impuso sobre 800 metros con 2:08.20 La ecuatoriana Lily Alder -vencedora de 1.500- ahora fue segunda con 2:08.72 y la argentina Juana Zuberbuhle se llevó el bronce en 2:09.89.  Y en 2000 metros con obstáculos, la española Nadia Soto se proclamó campeona con una de las mejores marcas del día: 6:50.58. Así España totalizó nueve títulos en este Ibero. Read the full article
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radioamazonica · 1 year
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NOTICIAS I MUSICA I #NotaDePesar La Casa de las Culturas expresa sus sentidas condolencias ante el fallecimiento de: Lili Ramón Sanmartin 🕊 Nuestra solidaridad en estos duros momentos para su familia y amigos en especial a su hija Dra. Tatiana Sánchez, Directora Jurídica, amiga y compañera. https://t.co/X38iQqYMXe
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roctownlive · 1 year
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Regram from • @friendsofeastmanopera Announcing the cast of Handel’s Alcina This cast will be performing Thursday, January 26, 7:30 pm; Saturday, January 28, 7:30 pm; Friday, February 3, 7:30 pm & Sunday, February 5, 2:00pm Alicina - Sofia Scattarreggia @sofiascattarreggia Morgana - Mary Fetterman @maryrfetterman Bradamante - Emily Skilling @emilyskillingit Ruggerio - Dominie Boutin @dominieboutin Oberto - Kayla Sconiers Oronte - Andres Ramirez @andresramirez95 Melisso - S. Joshua Sheppard @sjoshua_sheppard Ensemble: Lily Bogas @lilbogas, Daphne Buan @daphne_buan, Emily Kondrat, @emilycaitlynk, Evan McMahon @evan_b_mcmahon, Christopher Sánchez, @wallstreetoperasinger Samantha Sosa @samanthaesosa, Emma Unkrich @emma.unkrich Minghang Wang @wmh874 #friendsofeastmanopera #eastmanoperatheatre #roctownevents #roctownlive @eastmanschool (at Rochester, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnpUnCpOl7R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turangalila · 2 years
Rodrigo de Ceballos [c.1530-1581] Hortus conclusus [(ff.54v—55r) E-Vp s.s. (Diego Sánchez Codex, Santiago Codex). Parroquia de Santiago, Valladolid, Spain]
Hortus conclusus soror mea, sponsa mea, et fons signatus. Aperi mihi, O soror mea, amica mea, columba mea, immaculata mea. Surge propera amica mea et veni.
Veni speciosa mea, ostende mihi, faciem tua. Favus distillans labia tus, mel et lac sub lingua tua. Veni, sponsa mea, veni coronaberis. [Ct 5, 2; 2, 10,14; 4, 11]
- The Rose, the Lily & the Whortleberry: Medieval and Renaissance Gardens in Music The Orlando Consort (2005, Harmonia Mundi – HMU 907398)
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My MET Gala List
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sadie Sink
Elle Fanning
Dakota Fanning
Margot Robbie
AnnaSophia Robb
Sarah Hyland
Lily Collins
Madelaine Petsch
Camila Mendes
Saoirse Ronan
Melissa McCarthy
Florence Pugh
Rebecca Ferguson
Halle Berry
Keke Palmer
Miranda Cosgrove
Madison Pettis
Millie Bobby Brown
Amy Adams
Jessica Alba
Jessica Chastain
Phillipa Soo
Lupita Nyong’o
Gal Gadot
Anna Kendrick
Blake Lively
Jessica Biel
Ariel Winter
Winona Ryder
Zoe Saldana
Charlize Theron
Natalia Dyer
Nicole Kidman
Emilia Clarke
Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Idina Menzel
Viola Davis
Emily Blunt
Sofía Vergara
Meryl Streep
Anne Hathaway
Amanda Seyfried
Constance Wu
Elizabeth Olsen
Ana de Armas
Karen Gillan
Beanie Feldstein
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Hugh Jackman
Daveed Diggs
Jared Leto
Finn Wolfhard
Tom Holland
James McAvoy
Leslie Odom Jr.
Regé-Jean Page
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Hemsworth
KJ Apa
Idris Elba
David Harbour
Caleb McLaughlin
Bill Skarsgård
Alexander Skarsgård
John Krasinski
Stanley Tucci
Charlie Heaton
Robert Downey Jr.
Taron Egerton
Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Halle Bailey
Chloe Bailey
Alessia Cara
Alicia Keys
Céline Dion
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga
Elton John
The Weeknd
Lily-Rose Depp
Cara Delevingne
Taylor Hill
Elsa Hosk
Josephine Skriver
Romee Strijd
Jasmine Tookes
Lais Ribeiro
Sara Sampaio
Heidi Klum (does she even still model?)
Candice Swanepoel
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Behati Prinsloo
Miranda Kerr
Adut Akech
Paloma Elsesser
Kaia Gerber
Adriana Lima
Alessandra Ambrosio
Gisele Bündchen
Valentina Sampaio
Karlie Kloss (does she even still model?)
Gigi Hadid
Bella Hadid
Kendall Jenner
Lily Aldridge
Soo Joo Park
Paris Jackson
Daphne Groeneveld
Blanca Padilla
Sophie Turner
Nick Jonas
Jennifer Lopez
Billie Eilish
Billy Porter
Zoë Kravitz
Tiffany Haddish
Dakota Johnson
Kerry Washington
Mindy Kaling
Donatella Versace
Anna Wintour
Vera Wang
Tory Burch
Benedict Cumberbatch
Serena Williams
Kasey Musgraves
Katy Perry
Frank Ocean
Julianne Moore
Michael B. Jordan
Jordan Peele
Janelle Monáe
Ashley Graham
Mary-Kate Olsen
Ashley Olsen
Jennifer Connelly
Irina Shayk
Diane von Furstenberg
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Jeremy Scott (designer for Moschino)
Katie Holmes
Emily Ratajkowski
Gwen Stefani
Julia Garner
Angelina Jolie
Alicia Vikander
Adwoa Aboh
Jourdan Dunn
Solange Knowles
Billie Lourd
Daisy Ridley
John Boyega
Emma Stone
Bri Larson
Rita Ora
Dua Lipa
Naomi Scott
Law Roach
Kate Moss
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Mila Kunis
Natalie Portman
Zoey Deutch
Michelle Williams
Kiernan Shipka
Rachel McAdams
Florence Welch
Danielle Bernstein (@weworewhat on Instagram)
Grace Elizabeth
Joey King
Dan Stevens
Christian Siriano
Jeremy Scott
Alessandro Michele (designer for Gucci)
Miuccia Prada
Elie Saab
Iris Van Herpen
Han Chong (designer for Self-Portrait)
Maria Grazia Chiuri (designer for Christian Dior)
Anthony Vaccarello (designer for Saint Laurent)
Silvia Ventura Fendi
Giambattista Valli
Zuhair Murad
Virginie Viard (designer for Chanel)
Ben Affleck
Elaine Welteroth
Nina Garcia
Imaan Hammam
Sara Paulson 
Julia Roberts
Brandon Maxwell
Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino)
Yara Shahidi
Gemma Chan
Laverne Cox
Lucy Boynton
Naomi Campbell
Penelope Cruz
Salma Hayek
Gwyneth Paltrow
Rami Malek
Sienna Miller
Aurora James
Carey Mulligan
Charli XCX
Alexa Chung
Stella Maxwell
Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea
Dapper Dan
Camila Coelho
Deepika Padukone
Tommy Hilfiger
Violet Chachki
Nasiba Adilova
Shailene Woodley
Ansel Elgort
Joe Jonas
Megan Fox
Laura Haddock
Orlando Bloom
Willow Smith
Jason Sudeikis
Ewan McGregor
Coco Rocha
Ralph Lauren
BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope
Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo
Doja Cat
Sam Claflin
Kiera Knightley
Alexina Graham
Rachel Zegler
Sophia Lillis
Sam Smith
Mimi Cuttrell 
Aubrey Plaza
Adam Driver
Kate McKinnon
Aidy Bryant
Thomasin McKenzie
Maddie Ziegler
Kristen Bell
Idina Menzel
Michelle Dockery
Chris Evans
Peter Dinklage
Luke Evans
Liam Hemsworth
Robert Pattinson
Christian Louboutin
Stuart Weitzman
Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade)
Michael Kors
Manolo Blahnik
Alberta Ferretti
Kim Jones (designer for Fendi)
Viktor Horsting
Rolf Snoeren
Richard Madden
Giorgio Armani
Isabel Marant
Nicky Zimmermann
Simone Zimmermann
Gimmo Etro
Austin Butler
Abigail Breslin
Lana Del Rey
Natalia Dyer
Molly Ringwald
Giambattista Valli
Tamara Ralph
Michael Russo
Isla Fisher
Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills)
Charlotte Tilbury
Allan Avendaño
Danielle Priano
Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29)
Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29)
Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29)
Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29)
Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine)
Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine)
Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)
Lauren Conrad
Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily)
Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine)
Rob Zangardi
Mariel Haenn
Michael Fassbender
Elliot Page
Betsey Johnson
Jonathan Groff
Anna Faris
Meryl Streep
Brie Larson
Renée Elise Goldsberry
Jasmine Cephas Jones
Cindy Crawford
Nicholas Hoult
Zac Posen
Taraji P. Henson
Joan Smalls
Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine)
Lily James
Thandiwe Newton
Ciara Bravo
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Phoebe Dynevor
Allison Janney
Daniel Levy
Claire Foy
Lisa Eldridge
Kale Teter
LaQuan Smith
Lacy Redway
Alexandra DiRoma
Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.)
Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book)
Carine Backoff
Zoey Grossman
Tyler Shields
Greg Williams
Cass Blackbird
Kacey Musgraves
Owen Gould
Tobi Henney
Marc Eram
Charlotte Prevel
Romy Soleimani
Rebecca Minkoff
Joseph Altuzarra
Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé)
Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline)
Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline)
Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe)
Kelsey Deenihan Fisher
Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
Anok Lai
Precious Lee
Storm Reid
Jennifer Hudson
Maisie Williams
Tom Ford
Iman Abdulmajid
Ella Emhoff
Pete Davidson
Regina King
Amandla Stenberg
Eiza González
Stella McCartney
Vittora Ceretti
Leslie Grace
Alton Mason
Mary J. Blige
Carey Mulligan
Ming Xi
Donald Glover
Brooke Shields
Tracee Ellis Ross
Maya Hawke
Chiara Ferragni
Laura Dern
Anthony Mackie
Pharrell Williams
Frank Ocean
Joe Alwyn
Queen Latifah
Jason Wu
Shawn Mendes
Camila Cabello
(358-390 are new! If I think of ten more, then I’ll reblog this post and add them. I had this in the drafts for too long and I still could not think of anyone...)
NOT Invited
Justin Bieber
Hailey Baldwin
Cole Sprouse
Lili Reinhart
Kim Kardashian
Khloé Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Emma Chamberlain
Addison Rae
Charlie D'Amelio (she’s a minor anyhow, but even if she was 18 or older, she still doesn’t deserve to be invited. 😊)
Dixie D'Amelio
James Charles
Cardi B
Nicki Minaj
Miley Cyrus
Priyanka Chopra
Jeffree Star
ALL social media influencers (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram)
Lena Dunham
John Legend
Chrissy Teigen
Kanye West
Demi Lovato
Doutzen Kroes
Ezra Miller
Winnie Harlow
Chloë Grace Moretz
Johnny Depp
Amber Heard
Armie Hammer
Kristen Stewart
Travis Scott
Emma Roberts
Tom Cruise
Olivia Rodrigo
Hailee Steinfeld
Henry Cavill
Alida Morberg (Bill Skarsgård’s problematic “girlfriend”)
David Dobrik
Madison Beer
Domenico Dolce
Stefano Gabbana
Dove Cameron
Sabrina Carpenter
Lil Nas X
Harry Styles
Olivia Wilde
Alexander Wang
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
Sebastian Stan
Alejandra Onieva
Machine Gun Kelly
21 Savage
Barbara Palvin
French Montana
Chris Pratt
Bella Thorne
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Watson
Vanessa Hudgens
Sacha Baron Cohen
Dylan Sprouse
Ashton Kutcher
Sarah Jessica Parker
Zayn Malik
Olivia Jade
Kid Cudi
Channing Tatum
Paris Hilton
Nicky Hilton
A$AP Rocky
Jeremy O. Harris
Timothée Chalamet
John Mulaney
Olivia Munn
Elon Musk
♡ September 12, 2021 November 25, 2021 ♡
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vavuska · 3 years
My childhood in some TV show:
1) Murder She Wrote (1984 - 1996)
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Murder, She Wrote is an American crime drama television series starring Angela Lansbury (born October 16, 1925) as mystery writer and amateur detective Jessica Fletcher. Moving into television in 1984, she achieved worldwide fame as fictional writer and sleuth Jessica Fletcher in the American whodunit series Murder, She Wrote, which ran for twelve seasons until 1996, becoming one of the longest-running and most popular detective drama series in television history.
The show revolves around the day-to-day life of Jessica Fletcher, (formerly MacGill), a widowed and retired English teacher, who becomes a successful mystery writer. Despite fame and fortune, Jessica remains a resident of Cabot Cove, a small coastal community in Maine, and maintains her links with all of her old friends, never letting her success go to her head.
Jessica invariably proves more perceptive than the official investigators of a case, who are almost always willing to arrest the most likely suspect. By carefully piecing the clues together and asking astute questions, she always manages to trap the real murderer.
Jessica's relationship with law enforcement officials varies from place to place. Both sheriffs of Cabot Cove resign themselves to having her meddle in their cases. However, most detectives and police officers do not want her anywhere near their crime scenes, until her accurate deductions convince them to listen to her. Some are happy to have her assistance from the start, often because they are fans of her books. With time, she makes friends in many police departments across the U.S., as well as with a British police officer attached to Scotland Yard. At the start of season eight, more of the stories were set in New York City with Jessica moving into an apartment there part-time in order to teach criminology.
2) Columbo (1968 - 2003)
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Columbo is an American crime drama television series starring Peter Falk as Columbo, a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Columbo is a shrewd but inelegant blue-collar homicide detective whose trademarks include his rumpled beige raincoat, unassuming demeanor, cigar, old Peugeot 403 car, unseen wife (whom he mentions frequently), and often leaving a room only to return with the catchphrase "Just one more thing." Columbo and his wife own also a Basset Hound named Dog.
Peter Falk (September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011) was an American actor and comedian, known for his role as Lieutenant Columbo in the long-running television series Columbo (1968–2003), for which he won four Primetime Emmy Awards (1972, 1975, 1976, 1990) and a Golden Globe Award (1973).
The recurring plot's homicide suspects are often affluent members of high society; this has led some to see class conflict as an element of each story, however the show's creators have stated that setting the program in the world of the wealthy and powerful was to create a fish out of water feeling, not to make a social or political point. Suspects carefully cover their tracks and are initially dismissive of Columbo's circumstantial speech and apparent ineptitude. They become increasingly unsettled as his pestering behavior teases out incriminating evidence. His relentless approach often leads to self-incrimination or outright confession.
3) The Munsters (1964 - 1966)
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The Munsters is an American sitcom depicting the home life of a family of benign monsters. The series starred Fred Gwynne as Frankenstein's monster and head-of-the-household Herman Munster; Yvonne De Carlo as his wife Lily Munster; Al Lewis as Lily's father, Grandpa, the somewhat over-the-hill vampire Count Dracula who longs for the "good old days" in Transylvania; Beverley Owen (later replaced by Pat Priest) as their teenage niece Marilyn Munster, who was attractive by conventional standards but the "ugly duckling" of the family; and Butch Patrick as their werewolfish son Eddie Munster. The series was a satire of both traditional monster movies and the wholesome family fare of the era. It ran concurrently with the similarly macabre-themed The Addams Family (which aired on ABC).
4) Zorro (1957 - 1959)
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Armando Joseph Catalano (January 14, 1924 – April 30, 1989), better known as Guy Williams, was an Italo-American actor and former fashion model. Among his most notable achievements were TV serie Zorro (1957), in which he played the title chatacter: the noble hildago Don Diego de la Vega, who became the masked vigilante Zorro.
Don Diego de la Vega is a young man who is the only son of Don Alejandro de la Vega (George J. Lewis), the richest landowner in California, while Diego's mother is dead. Diego learned his swordsmanship while at university in Madrid, and created his masked alter ego after he was unexpectedly summoned home by his father because California had fallen into the hands of the greedy and cruel local Comandante, Capitán Enrique Sánchez Monasterio (Britt Lomond).
Just before reaching California, Diego learns of the tyranny of Captain Monastario, and realizes that his father, Don Alejandro, summoned him to help fight this injustice. Although he won medals for his fencing back in Spain, Diego decides that his best course of action is to conceal his ability with a sword, and to affect the demeanor of a milquetoast intellectual rather than a decisive man of action. His alter ego, Zorro operates primarily at night, taking the direct action that Diego cannot. This deception does not always sit well with Diego, especially as it affects his relationship with his disappointed father. In reality, Diego relies heavily on his wits, both with and without the mask on. Later in the series, Diego emerges as a respected figure in his own right, a clever thinker and loyal friend who just happens to be hopeless at swordplay.
He is typically portrayed as a dashing masked vigilante who defends the commoners and indigenous peoples of California against corrupt and tyrannical officials and other villains, helped by his mute servant Bernardo, played by Gene Sheldon (born Eugene Hume, February 1, 1908 – May 1, 1982), an American actor, mime artist, and musician.
The character's visual motif is typically a black costume with a black flowing Spanish cape or cloak, a black flat-brimmed hat known as sombrero cordobés, and a black sackcloth mask that covers the top half of his head. In Disney's Zorro television series the horse gets the name Tornado, which has been kept in many later adaptations. In most versions, Zorro keeps Tornado in a secret cave, connected to his hacienda with a system of secret passages and tunnels.
5) Addams Family (1964 - 1966)
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The Addams Family is a close-knit extended family with decidedly macabre interests and supernatural abilities, though no explanation for their powers is explicitly given in the series. The wealthy, endlessly enthusiastic Gomez Addams (John Astin) is madly in love with his refined wife, Morticia (Carolyn Jones). Along with their daughter Wednesday (Lisa Loring), their son Pugsley (Ken Weatherwax), Uncle Fester (Jackie Coogan), and Grandmama (Blossom Rock), they reside at 0001 Cemetery Lane in an ornate, gloomy, Second Empire-style mansion, which is portrayed by the house at 21 Chester Place in Los Angeles.
The family is attended by their servants: towering butler Lurch (Ted Cassidy); and Thing (also Cassidy), a disembodied hand that appears from within wooden boxes and other places. Other relatives who made recurring appearances included Cousin Itt (Felix Silla), Morticia's older sister Ophelia (also portrayed by Jones), and Morticia's mother Grandma Frump (Margaret Hamilton).
Question: how old am I?
Little clue: my birth year is one of the dates above.
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