#like. tiny black princess dress with red makeup and black lipstick and black boots and freckles??? and a fake brow piercing???
7xwc · 7 months
people are so used to seeing me in all back and combat boots and dark or red makeup that today all i changed was the lipstick (went with black) and people were like. 🧐 you came to the halloween party dressed as..... yourself? 🧐
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Introducing the girlfriends: the looks.
Hello puppets! In this post I’d like to show how I imagine the OC Girlfriends in terms of face and looks, mostly in terms of fashion.
I won’t state how many times my self esteem abandoned the conversation as I made this post, so let me do a disclaimer before I make y’all suffer with me (sorry). These pictures come from my Pinterest board called “Simply incredible people”, which contains mostly photos of people that have very unique facial traits and that I use for reference. Now, ALL OF THESE ARE MODELS. They were photographed BECAUSE after hours of makeup and hair and clothes chosen perfectly for them, a set made up specifically to enhance their good looks, a fair bit of photoshop and unfairly good genetics they were put in the position of being beautified. Don’t think that these gorgeous folks are The Thing: I picked them because of specific reasons explained under each picture, and in my opinion all the guys are pretty far from dating perfect young women with perfectly symmetrical features and flawless complexion and... all of that. However, yes, in my mind they date regular, “unbeautified” versions of these women. If your self esteem can’t handle disgustingly beautiful models, then please, don’t open the “read more”. Also, you’re absolutely free to keep imagining your ideal girls and not check out this post, no hard feelings ✌️😘
However, if — like me — you are incredibly attracted to girls with pretty unique facial features, then do open. If you’ like girls, I’m sorry, you might have one (or more) new crush(es) after this post.
Now, all of the girls have Asian traits — because according to my plots and headcanons, (which you can find in my masterlist) the guys have always met their s/o while in Seoul/Korea and also because I’ve always imagined the girls Asian. However, I’m not saying that they like these specific types or looks, or that they’ll end up with a person with traditionally Asian traits: I am simply assuming in statistic terms. Also, since I write memberxFem!reader, they’re obviously all girls.
I only know two of the people inserted here (that is Vixen and Kitten). I might have accidentally inserted someone famous, however that was not my intention. Also, the girls have been chosen exclusively for facial features: there is no shipping going on between real people here.
After this lengthy introduction, let me move on to the real deal.
In case you need my masterlist, here it is! (Remember to vote for next prompt!!! Link in bio 🥰)
Vixen - (Namjoon)
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— The face —
Baby face: yes
Doll lips: yes
Very intense, borderline scary, November-baby glance: yes.
This is Vixen, with her baby cheeks, her sharp, refined looks and a doll-like face that mixes innocence and seduction. Top that with deep red lipstick and artsy jewellery. Her eyes show ten thousand different feelings and her face is suitable for acting, being extremely expressive: every little sensation and emotion can be found in a quirk of the mouth or an arching of the eyebrow, a little curl of the nose or a pursing of her lips.
— The Look —
Total black winter look, basic and classy, thigh-high boots for her long legs, simple, plain bags and purses, and finally a long coat to keep her warm over her dresses usually characterised by a high neck and a generous slice of leg. But don’t let that fool you: her favourite looks are oversized sweaters stolen from Namjoon’s wardrobe — that obviously fit like dresses on her —, fluffy woolen tights or stockings and comfy shoes when they go on breakfast dates, but also thick jumpers, large jeans and comfy sneakers when they go for walks and bike trips.
Angel (Seokjin)
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— The Face —
Traditional Korean Beauty: yes
Big eyes: yes
Soft pink lips: yes
Angel is the definition of Korean Beauty, looking young and innocent. She could easily have the face of an idol, with the purest of charms. And her cute bangs... yes.
— The Look —
Even though her job requires a total black look, which often means pretty flats, black trousers and a turtleneck, in her free time she likes wearing preppy looks, with lots of plaid prints and cute dresses that match Korean standards, with not-too-revealing necklines and a skirt that hits just above the knee. Match it all with cute, warm coats and small bags.
Kitten (Yoongi)
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— The Face —
Intimidating look: yes
Angular jaw: yes
Plush lips: yes
Kitten has angular, almost aggressive facial features, characterised mostly by the rectangular shape of her face and her jaw, and quite jutting cheekbones. She has a rough, tough beauty which can be difficult to understand but absolutely charming to observe.
— The Look —
Another one with total black, but unlike Vixen, who likes coloured clothes once winter ends, Kitten keeps the black look all year round, inserting tiny splashes of colours with accessories and jackets. Expect a lot of turtlenecks and blazers for her work attire, but also fancy shirts for more elegant occasions, mostly silk blouses that offer a generous view of her bosom.
Giggles (Hoseok)
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— The Face —
Strawberry blonde: yes
Freckles: yes
Too cute: yes
I’ve always imagined Giggles with a mop of messy reddish-blonde hair, may it be natural or dyed. I know the combo is pretty rare; still, she’s a fictional character so... a girl can dream.
— The Look —
A vintage mess of prints. She messes around with flowers and stripes and plaids and colours. You could most definitely spot her in a crowd. Even when she’s working (remember she’s a vet), she has very colourful scrubs and bright coloured clogs/nurse shoes. Overall too cute and tiny for her good, her being so small makes it easy for her to shop in the children department and find even more coloured, fancy prints.
Princess (Jimin)
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— The Face —
Overall cute: yes
Gaze to command a photo shoot: yes
Borderline scary both in terms of beauty and power: yes
This small girl has the power to supervise everything, you can read it on her face (remember she works for a fashion magazine and organises photoshoots). Sheer calculating, organising force. And with a gaze like that, ready to make you wither and die were you to deny her, you see specifically why I chose her.
— The Look —
Smart attire, comfortable flats or slippers to dash from a place to another. Comfy, fashionable, practical. She’s always on a rush from an appointment to the other and she uses bags big enough to hold a skirt and a pair of heels in case she needs more elegant attire for a last-minute evening appointment in fashionable clubs and restaurants. She’s more than happy to play Barbie for Jimin, letting him choose how to dress her.
Lace (Taehyung)
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— The Face —
Louder big dick energy than your ex: yes
A neck to die for: yes
Eclectic charm: yes
Honestly, I think Lace is too particular — strange even — to find someone who could possibly embody her. What made me pick this specific woman was her very incisive choice in clothing and accessories, but I’ll update her sooner or later, I think. As me and my friend said: you don’t find Lace, is Lace that finds you. (Also, if anyone has a Lace to suggest, please send links 💖)
— The Look —
Black tight dresses, all the time. Tight pencil skirts and anything that screams Fifties housewife; lots of robes, unusual cuts and premium fabrics — she is a designer and lingerie maker, after all. She doesn’t follow trends, she makes them. She is literally one of those people who looks good even with the most hideous, unfashionable things on. However, the moment she wears a silk slip dress, her power intensifies by a few thousand times — do not expect Taehyung not to get weak in the knees. In the house she’s absolutely comfortable wearing a robe with nothing underneath — and sometimes she doesn’t even tie it close. Taehyung is perfectly okay with that.
Candy (Jungkook)
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— The Face —
Biggest smile: yes
Cutest lil nose: yes
Very squishable: yes
The small happy bean is a very gentle bean too. She is a graphic designer and a cartoon artist and it shows in her whole being, even in her facial features. I imagine her hair not too long, soft and wavy — though the most valuable asset to Jk is their scent. And look at those sweater(shirt) paws!!! Adorable.
— The Look —
First rule of Candy and Jk’s relationship is “my flannel shall be thy flannel”. Their wedding rings will probably be flannel shirts. Candy likes to pull them off with oversized sweats or coloured jeans. She also wears oversized sweaters — probably stolen from Jk’s wardrobe — together with leggins and mid-calf socks, especially since her workplace is not too strict with dresscode. She likes oversized and layered fits, using light cotton shirts and tank tops in the summer and fleece/flannel shirt and warm woolen turtlenecks in winter. Comfort always comes first. Expect her to use biker shorts and giant T-shirts and bulky shoes in the summer on her spare time.
An extra — since I’m sooooo gay for these two
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Sora Choi and Yoon Young Bae are the two models that I immediately spotted respectively for Kitten and Vixen and the fact that they posed together made me super soft (I literally fell in love with both of them). Oh also!!! Yoon has posted on her insta the sweetest picture of her with a snow bear and it was like... a sign, but also so endearing and I’M SMITTEN, HEAD TO TOE IN LOVE WITH THIS SMALL CUTE LIL POTATO. She’s a cutie and Sora has the prettiest smile I swear to God I’d give the world for these two. *bisexuality upgrades*
Did you imagine them differently? Are there any of the girls that match or challenge your ideas? Leave your impressions in the comments!!! 😚☺️
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romancingromanoff · 5 years
What Happens At Disney.... Part 2/3
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Just a bunch of Disneyworld fluff! Also more one-on-one time with Nat in this one; you get a makeover and her and Ariel compete for best redhead.  
Part 1 here//Part 3 here
Tony coughed, “So now what?” The rest of the crew is standing around awkwardly in what Cap calls their “civilian clothes.” He’s sporting a plain white tee and a blue baseball cap (of course, because America) while Tony has opted for a more business casual look with a fancy short sleeved collared shirt and a tie. That’s about as casual as he gets but you just hope that he can try and relax and have fun today. There’s nothing that Thor could wear that wouldn’t make him look like a super granola California surfer guy. His man bun is attracting a lot of female attention, but then again, you suppose that that happens most of the time anyway. Bruce, of course, manages to look awkward in whatever clothing he’s wearing. He has a lot of purple shirts but he’s decided to go with the one you got him for Christmas with a small pocket over his left breast that you told him was where he was supposed to put his matching pen you also had made. You think it’s sweet that he’s wearing it today. Clint is also wearing some shorts and a tee along with some actual worn in sneakers; he probably blends in the most with the crowd.
Then there’s Nat- your girlfriend. She could pull off anything of course but today she’s just wearing some shorts, a black tank, and some combat boots. She’s quite the opposite of yourself in terms of the color palette she prefers but you secretly love that her neutral-toned basic pieces allow her red hair to shine and frame your favorite part about her- her face and those green eyes. Her hands are casually in her front pockets and she would almost seem relaxed if not for the fact that she was perpetually scanning the area around her and moving her eyes around to check for potential threats wherever she goes. You sigh and grab one of her hands into your own and pull her towards one of the stores and motion for everyone else to follow behind you.
“Well, me and Nat are going to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique so can you boys wait for us nearby? Thor, I think they sell giant turkey legs at that stand over there,” you see his face perk up at the mention of huge slabs of meat and he’s gone before you can blink.
“Aw, c’mon Thor! You can’t just push the kids out of the way like that!” Bruce groans and goes after him followed by Clint, Steve (who has entered reluctant babysitter mode) and Tony because apparently he just coincidentally wants to “go in that vague direction.”
“Okay, but I am not allowing them to touch my hair,” Natasha warns and you just give her a peck on her cheek before dragging her into the store. It’s like what you imagine Princess Jasmine’s salon is actually like as there are golden chandeliers, giant mirrors, and long silky curtains and drapes of all different colors decorating the giant space. Two of the stylists greet you with great big smiles and start giving you information on all of the different packages they offer.
“Of course not,” you smile. “Remember, this is my makeover, buddy. And I don’t want you stealing away my thunder anyway when you’re already a billion times prettier than me.”
“Get in the chair, you dork,” she snorts as you take a seat in the styling chair and the ladies begin their work. You decide to go with some simple makeup (just a little bit of blush, neutral eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, some lipgloss in the shade that Aurora wears, and light mascara with only a tiny bit of sparkly highlighter) and a giant Elsa-braid.  
“Oooh, help me pick out the perfect ears!” you squeal dragging Nat over to a wall of an assortment of glittery Minnie Mouse ears next. A pair of sparkly white ones with a red bow catches you eye which Nat notices and she reaches up to grab them for you.
“If I have any input, I’d like to see wearing these in the bedroom,” she says in that sultry voice as your face blushes and she slips them onto you.
“Shush, Nat, this is a public place with little kids,” you swat at her but can’t help but catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and you tilt your head modeling them off for her as she smiles watching. “But I do look really good in these,” you admit. “I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff,” you say to her in a lowered voice and pray that the store is busy enough that no one can hear your private conversation over all of the noise. She just gives you a grin which tells you she’s up to no good and pulls out her phone to show you a pair of very expensive, but stunning cat ears from a website you personally would have been afraid to visit off of private browsing mode.
“I don’t know, maybe playing cat and mouse could be kinda fun,” she says suggestively and you give her a quick kiss on her lips.
“Hey, don’t make me mess up my lipstick,” you warn with a laugh.
“Not until we get home, I promise.”
You meet with the boys just in time to stop Thor from consuming half of all of the turkey legs this poor vendor has and Tony suggests that you all go on a ride.
“How about the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train?” you suggest. “You know, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?”
“I understood that reference,” Steve’s got this huge smile on his face when you mention what was one of the only Disney animated films that came out pre-WWII. 
“Well, apparently the ride is just as old as you Capsicle,” Tony mocks him and pulls up his phone which he has on a website that shows all of the times you have to wait in line for a ride. “Because the train broke down while the dwarfs must have been hi-hoing to work.”
You can’t help but get a bit sad and your sulk a little bit before Nat gently rubs your arm and shoots Tony an angry glare. “Buuuuuuuut,” he begins obviously intimidated by Romanoff. “Luckily, I am an engineering genius so I’ll see what I can do to fix it.”
Perhaps the only perk of having a super egotistical genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist for a friend is that they never take “no” for an answer and can talk their way into pretty much anything when you need a favor from them. The seven of you eventually found your way to the control room which was underground in the infamous tunnels that only workers were allowed to see. 
“I don’t know, Tony, I get kind of claustrophobic and being underground probably isn’t good for my stress,” Bruce worries as Tony is nagging him to help him with the tools. 
“Hey, it’s the happiest place on earth, so get the hell in here,” he says and you hear Bruce groan. You, Clint, Nat, and Steve just decide to awkwardly wait outside while they’re arguing over mechanics and Tony is criticizing the Mouse for “not having adept technicians” when you decide you’d rather go explore around the corner and at least look for a bathroom. You excuse yourself and head into the labyrinth that is Disney’s Underground Maze and can’t help but stare at all of the half-human half-animal creatures you run into. There’s Chip & Dale without their costume heads on so it just looks like two normal guys’ heads floating on top of the bodies of some obese chipmunks, the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland is standing in a corner cursing out his girlfriend over the phone, and someone else with Tigger’s head and a woman’s body almost bumps into you. That’s when you stumble upon what looks like another dressing room and you peak in to find that it’s full of all of the Princess character-actors putting on their makeup and wigs.
“Oh my God, you’re Y/N!” a super perky voice catches you by surprise and you almost trip over yourself before the owner of that voice manages to catch you. She’s wearing the most magnificent mint green ball gown which is sleeveless. You know it’s a wig, but she’s got the most voluptuous red curls that frame her kind face so nicely that you can’t help but stutter as she smiles at you. After all, you’ve always had a thing for redheads and though she’s a little too bubbly for your taste, you have to admit that she’s very beautiful.  “Wow, it is so cool to meet you!” Princess Ariel exclaims before she starts complimenting you on all of the work you do. “I’m such a huge fan of yours!”
“Thank you very much, it’s nice to run into someone that thinks so,” you say. “And I’m such a big fan of your’s, I mean, of Ariel’s since I guess you are her.. or.. are you? Um, what should I call you?” you feel so embarrassed tripping over your own words confused about what the rules are for breaking out of character but she just laughs it off. You had no idea that the employees here could be so nice.
“I’m off the clock right now so you can call me Stella,” she winks and you try to play it off like you totally know what’s going on. “How long are you going to be here in Orlando?”
“A couple of days. I really want to visit all of the different parks.”
“Well,” she reaches into the dressing room and grabs what looks like a sticky note and a Mickey Mouse pen. “Let me know if you’d like someone to show you around, you know, after hours. I can give you the secret tour; get us a dinner reservation somewhere nice,” she winks at you again and then you finally catch on to what she means after she hands you the note which you see has a phone number on it. 
“Oh, uh-”
“Thanks, but my girlfriend knows I won’t kiss her if she’s been eating seafood,” you whip around to see Natasha standing there looking like she’s death itself about ready to take this poor girl away to hell. 
“I, uh, I gotta go,” Stella hurries into the dressing room closing the door after her and you’re left with an angry assassin with her arms crossed just waiting for an explanation.
“Natasha, I swear, I had no idea she was flirting with me.”
“I know. That’s exactly how she took advantage of you,” she almost darts into the room but you block the door before she can go kill anybody.
“Hey, she was not taking advantage of me,” you retort. 
“I saw how you were mesmerized by her hair and that stupid starfish clip.”
“It’s a wig, Natasha. You know I like my women to be naturally redheaded... even if they get a little green sometimes,” you playfully push her understandingly taking her two hands into yours and pulling her closer. “I only have eyes for you,” you whisper and she rolls her eyes trying to resist the puppy  eyes you’re giving her.
“Okay, but if she flirts with you again then I’m ripping that wig right off.”
Natasha won’t let go of your hand as you find your way back to Tony and Bruce who have finally finished repairing the ride. Coming back up above ground, the sun’s glare kind of blinds all of you and you notice Clint looks especially bothered.
“Hey, save that perfect hawk-vision of yours,” you pull out a pair of sunglasses from your bag and offer them to him.
“Thanks,” he says slipping them on over his squinting eyes before Thor, Tony, and Nat erupt in laughter. Clint just stands there confused for a second as his eyes readjust just before he realizes that the sunglasses you’ve given him are from the Pixie Hollow collection and are bright pink with tons of sequins all over the winged-shaped frames.
“You know what? My eyesight needs protection more than my masculinity, which I am completely comfortable with, so you guys can just go blind. Have fun staring at the sun,” he proclaims trying to block out the sounds of Tony struggling to breath from laughing too much and Thor’s giant belly laughs.
“Hey! I will expose you!” he threatens. “Security! Security?! Yeah, this guy has a giant weapon on him! Yup, the hammer guy? That's him. He’s right here.”
Thor turns around so fast with his hammer up to Clint’s chin. “You be silent right this instant, Barton, or else I shall smash you fairy princess glasses with my hammer right here and now.”
“No! Those are mine!” you scream as Natasha just keeps recording everything happening on her phone. 
To be continued...
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yangholic · 5 years
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus | Oneshot
christmas au— tooth-ache inducing fluff
wordcount— 4,479
pairing— kim seokjin x single parent!reader
a/n: this oneshot is part of a collaboration with @chimchimsauce for her 12 Days of Christmas advent! 
Motherhood was one of the best things to have ever happened to you. Your daughter was the light of your life; your reason to keep going every morning. When you found out you were pregnant with Daeun, you had expected her father to stay. You two were young, dumb and supposedly madly in love. But the moment you broke the news to your ex, he split and was never heard from again. It was hard raising Daeun on your own, especially in a society that stigmatized single parents, but you did it all for her. Daeun truly was the light at the end of your tunnel. She reminded you of yourself— instead of watching YouTube on a sparkly new iPad like all the other girl and boys her age, Daeun found enjoyment in playing with your old toy kitchen playset. While other children wore brand new clothes toting this year’s most popular superhero or princess, Daeun learned the concept of ‘vintage’, which was code for hand-me-downs. Your daughter never cared that money was tight, which meant that she couldn’t always get what she wanted, because her heart was always set on one irreplaceable thing that money could never buy— that missing puzzle piece in her small family of two.
Today, Daeun had decided to wear rainbow leggings, a brown skirt— despite it being the middle of winter— and a fuzzy pink sweater. Her sense of style was honest to god horrible, reminding you of your college buddy’s obsession with mismatched Gucci pieces that were both gaudy, yet somehow tasteful. Smiling to yourself, you scrolled through your phone waiting to pass the time while Daeun scuttled about at her toy kitchen. And just like clockwork, as soon as your digital clock hit noon, there was a knock at your door and your daughter rushed to answer. “Daeun,” you shouted from the sofa, grabbing her attention, “What do you say when there’s a stranger at the door?” She gave you a puzzled look, a tiny smile plastered on her cherubic face. “But it’s just Jin, mama, and he’s your best friend!” A muffled giggle, which belonged to none other than Kim Seokjin, wafted through the door. “Who is it?” Daeun’s tiny, unassertive voice inquired. A low, baritone voice replied curtly, “Min Yoongi.”
Wide-eyed with fear, Daeun glanced at you over her shoulder. She did not know this person named Min Yoongi, who, in reality, was just Jin pretending to be his grumpy coworker. Seokjin’s prank had clearly caught her off guard because she looked like she was about to burst into tears. Seokjin could sense her discomfort from the other side of the wooden barrier and he was quick to rectify his mistake, “Daeun, it’s just me. It was a joke, I’m sorry!” The girl was beside herself with both fear and anxiety— two feelings both so new to her at the ripe young age of six. She was scared that there really was a strange man at the door, and worried because she had almost let him in. “Oh honey,” you cooed, pushing off the sofa and scooping your daughter into your arms. “It’s okay, don’t cry.” With one hand, you skillfully unlocked and opened the door, waving Jin into your abode. “See? It’s just Jin!” Daeun’s tearful frown morphed into a bright smile when she saw the blonde man before her. She wiggled out of your hold, muttering something about ‘not being a baby anymore’, and clung onto Jin’s legs, effectively trapping him in the doorway, slushy winter boots and all.
It was endearing to see your daughter so comfortable with another man. In fact, besides your dad, Kim Seokjin was the closest thing Daeun had to a father figure in her life. She loved him— always telling you she wanted to marry Jin when she got older. And Seokjin, being the kind-hearted man that he was, would play along with her childish daydreams. Unbeknownst to Daeun, both you and Jin had decided to not disclose your romantic relationship to your then four-year-old daughter, due to not wanting her to get too attached. It was for the best, although hiding a big part of yourselves from your daughter was painful. There were moments when you both believed Daeun noticed the stray caresses or longing looks shared between the two of you, but in her childlike wonder, she continued to call Jin your ‘best friend’. The fact that she was so comfortable around Seokjin made your nervous; how would she respond when you decided to disclose your relationship with him? Would she be hurt that it had been kept a secret? Or thrilled at the aspect of her mom having a boyfriend?
“Daeunie, I thought you were mad at me,” Jin said as he removed his winter gear. He jokingly wrapped his scarf around the small girl’s head, covering her like a mummy. “No!” Daeun fumbled with the woolen fabric until she had made a small face hole for herself, “I just thought you were a bad guy and I was scared that- that mama would be mad for letting him in…” Now free of the confining garb, Seokjin kneeled down to level himself with your daughter. “Daeunie, sweetie,” he began, “You are a very smart girl, someone who’s brave and fearless. I just surprised you by playing a mean prank, and I’m sorry.” The blonde smoothed your daughter’s hair down and pressed his cheek to her head affectionately. “Forgive me,” Jin said, his plush lips peeling into a sorry smile. “Pretty please?” Daeun pulled back from Seokjin’s warm embrace, giving the man a skeptical look. “Hmmm,” the master manipulator feigned disinterest, causing Jin to fluster considerably. “I’ll give you three piggyback rides!” Daeun remained stone-faced. “I’ll convince your mother to give you ice cream for dinner!”
“Seokjin,” you warned, eyes pointedly glaring at him.
“Okay, maybe not,” he replied with a sheepish grin. Suddenly, Daeun clapped her hands together as she hopped up and down, “A makeover!” Jin acquiesced quickly, seemingly under the presumption that he would be giving the makeover. The young girl ran off towards your bedroom in search of beauty items, granting you and your boyfriend a few scant minutes alone. “So,” you muse, striding over and wrapping yourself around his broad chest. “When is Santa going to pay us a visit?” Seokjin had agreed to play ‘Santa’ for Daeun this year, due to her growing skepticism about the mythical Saint Nicholas. He hummed contemplatively, probably formulating one of his dirty dad jokes. “Depends, have you been naughty?” Jin’s hand began to wander down your sides, before settling on your hips, his lithe fingers trailing just under the waist of your pants. Soft, supple lips enveloped yours in a passionate kiss—tongue and all— despite the fact that your six-year-old daughter was one room away. “Or nice,” he added somewhat breathlessly, palming the flesh of your bottom. You jerk away, trying your best not to laugh at his lascivious joke.
Jin continued the barrage of crude humor, “I know Santa’s got a big package just for you, Y/N.” You scoff at his poor attempt at comedy, “Oh God Jin, that was so cheesy.” Despite your nonchalant dismissal of his jokes, you both knew his puns were secretly your guilty pleasure. “C’mon, baby. I know Saint Nick’s got three ho’s, but you’re the only one I want to ride on my sleigh.” He broke into his characteristic windshield-wiper laughter, curling over himself as he slapped his knee. You joined him in his merriment, laughing so hard tears begin to form in the junctions of your eyes. Your daughter returned with arms full of makeup and hair products, bewilderment evident on her face. “What are you laughing at?” The two of you regained your composure before Seokjin sat down on a nearby ottoman. “Wanna hear the funny joke I told your mom?” You shudder, knowing his child-friendly jokes are even more cringe-inducing than his naughty ones. Daeun settles herself at Jin’s feet, looking up at him with her big doe eyes. The blonde clears his throat dramatically, “What happens if you eat too many Christmas decorations?”
“Uhhh,” Daeun scratches her head, then relents. “I dunno.”
“You get tinsel-itis!” Cue his maniacal laughing and Daeun’s bubbling giggle. Once their laughter quelled, your daughter remembers her initial purpose for her trip to your bedroom, and she gathers the items she dropped on the floor. “Jinnie, come here,” Daeun waves at the man blushing due to his bestowed nickname. He obliges and sits cross-legged before the six-year-old, ready to begin her makeover. Seokjin’s taken aback when she twists the tube of bright red lipstick and shoddily applies it to his lips. “Wha-”
Daeun interrupts him with a shush. “No talking during your makeover!” You shook your head, pleasantly surprised that your daughter could be so cunning. Jin, on the other hand looks like he’s about to pass out, his ‘beautiful skin’ being tarnished by the grubby hands of Daeun. And yet, he stays and lets her apply makeup haphazardly without a single complaint. Daeun truly did have Kim Seokjin wrapped around her tiny pinky finger.
Clad in matching a-line plaid red dresses, you and Daeun looked like the dictionary definition of ‘Family Holiday Card’. She wore white stockings and red mary janes, while you settled on simple black heels and candy cane earrings. Although you both had dressed up, something which Daeun loved to do, you could tell she was feeling perturbed. Usually, she was rambunctious like any other child her age, but today she was on the quieter side— more sullen and reserved than usual. Sitting you daughter on your lap, you begin to broach the subject carefully. “Daeun, baby… What’s bothering you?” She looked away, stubbornly refusing to answer. Unfortunately, her hard-headedness was one traits she inherited from your ex. “Nothing,” she pouted as she looked at her dangling legs. “Daeun, look at me,” you asserted, grabbing her attention immediately. The small girl looked at you, tears brimming in her eyes as she hiccuped her confession. “Mama… They’re so mean.”
“Who? Who is mean, sweetheart?”
“My classmates,” she explained between choked sobs, wet spots staining the crimson of her fancy dress. “They- They said Santa wasn’t real and they made fun of me for being a baby!” Your heart clenched for your daughter’s shattered innocence, but you knew this time would come soon enough— but not on the same day that Daeun was supposed to meet ‘Santa’. Wrapping your arms around her small frame, you cuddled her into your chest in an attempt to soothe her. “Daeun, just because they can’t see Santa doesn’t mean he’s not real,” you insist in an attempt to preserve her innocence. “In fact, I think he may be paying you a visit today to ask what you want for Christmas!” The pure, unfiltered joy that returned to your daughter’s eyes was indescribable; Daeun was mature in a sense— she valued the little things in life, even more so than most people your own age.
“Is he really coming, mama?”
You nodded with a wide grin, “I promise! Mr. Santa heard you were a very good girl this year.”
Daeun responded with a small gasp, tiny hands covering her mouth in shock. “And I can ask for anything?” Again, you nodded in agreement. The past few years, Daeun only asked for one or two things, but this year Seokjin agreed to help with funds for a bigger, better Christmas gift for your daughter. You knew she had been eyeing the latest Hatchimal that most of her friends had, and you’d do everything in your power to give her the one thing that she wanted. “But no pets, okay Daeunie? I already told Santa that our apartment doesn’t allow pets!” She let out a soft ‘aw’ in defeat before jumping off your lap and grabbing a cookie off a nearby plate. Just as she was going for a second, the front door creaked open followed by a ridiculously handsome Santa Claus walking in. Due to forgoing the potbelly, Jin looked like a younger version of Kris Kringle— if he were a model.
“Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, Miss Daeun!” Said girl sprinted towards the man in red, eyes wide with excitement. “Santa! You’re real!” Seokjin, in his most believable rendition of a Santa voice, chuckled, “Of course I am, I came to visit a very special girl today.” Your daughter tugged Santa towards the plate of cookies she had laid out for him, “I made you sugar cookies with lots of sprinkles!” Seokjin grabbed a cookie and bit into it, overacting every single mannerism, although Daeun seemed to not notice. After settling into the nearby armchair, ‘Santa’ patted his lap signaling Daeun to sit. “Miss Daeun, someone told me that you were a really good girl this year! All A’s in every subject?” She nodded with a proud smile, her cheeks flushed from the praise. “Yup! Mama says I’m a smart girl!”
“Well then, I certainly think you earned the right to anything you want this Christmas, Daeun,” ‘Santa’ said as he patted her shoulder. Your daughter sat contemplatively on your boyfriend’s knee, her eyes following something unseen. “I want- Well- It’s a secret, okay Santa?” Jin nodded, the fluffy white beard bouncing as he did so. Daeun leaned into him, her hand cupping around his ear so as to hide her words. You studied Jin’s expression, gauging his reaction. Much to your surprise, his eyes widened into saucers almost as large as the wire-framed glasses he wore. “O-Oh, Daeun, that’s a lot to ask for,” Seokjin stuttered as he gawked at you. He recovered quickly, though, continuing with more positivity, “But I’ll do anything to make sure your wish comes true.” It was as if Jin was speaking to Daeun as himself rather than ‘Santa’, which made your heart melt. The young girl cheered giddily, wrapping her arms around the suited man. You took a photo, capturing the tender moment on film— it was times like these where you felt the overwhelming love you had for both your daughter and Kim Seokjin.  
“Well, Miss Daeun,” Jin exclaimed, rubbing his back mockingly. “This old man has to go see other good little boys and girls.” Your daughter gave the jolly man in red one last hug before sprinting off to her room, most likely to play with her dolls before bedtime. Making sure the coast was clear, Seokjin removed his beard, wig and hat, sighing at his release from the torturous devices. Silently, he pulled you into his torso, breath ghosting on the crown of your head.
“Thank you for doing this,” you murmur against his chest, the sinewy pectoral muscles softened by the fake white trim of Santa’s coat. “I know it’s not easy dating someone with a child.” Seokjin inhaled sharply, a hand coming to card through his hair. “About that,” he said, voice cracking slightly. “She- She told me what she wanted for Christmas and I don’t know if I can fulfill her wish…” You peer up at the blonde man before you and study his face; his eyes were searching somewhere far beyond you— as if he were looking a thousand miles away. “She said,” he began, choking on his words once more, “She said she wanted a dad.”
“A dad?” You repeated, simultaneously perplexed and awestruck. Your sweet, darling Daeun had never once mentioned such a sentiment. Any other single parent might feel a numbing inadequacy that their single-parent household was not enough for their child, but you— you felt happy. Perhaps this was your daughter’s way of telling you she had accepted Seokjin and was comfortable enough with him being a permanent presence in her life. After mulling this fact over for a few seconds, you glanced back up at your boyfriend, only to see his rich brown eyes brimming with tears. “It’s time we tell her,” he sighed, a smile peeling at the corner of his lips. “Daeun should know her mom has found someone that can make her Christmas wish come true.” The Santa hat he once held now lay in a pool of discarded items, as you two engaged in a kiss full of passion and promise; a promise of love, a promise of a happy family. As you and Seokjin stood entwined in one another’s embrace, your daughter peeked her head into the living room, excited to show you her styled doll, only to see someone who looks vaguely like Santa Claus kissing you, her mother.
“Smile,” the waiter exclaimed as the flash of Jin’s cell phone nearly blinded the three of you. Daeun blinked, scrunching her nose in discomfort. Seokjin sighed dramatically as he looked at the picture, his hands ruffling his hair. “Aigoo, I look so old! Is that a wrinkle on my forehead? Y/N, we need to retake it.” The blonde raised his hand, ready to flag down another server, but you stopped him. “Jin, you look way younger than 27. Plus, the restaurant is swamped tonight, so please just let it go.” Framing his face with a thumb and index finger, Jin cockily wiggled an eyebrow. “Do you promise I’m the most handsome man in the world?” You knew the man was just fishing for compliments, but nevertheless, Seokjin’s cheekiness never ceased to amaze you. “I hope you go bald, Kim Seokjin.”
While Jin sulked over your joke, Daeun busied herself by doodling in a sketchpad. You recognized yourself— partially due to the red and white triangle dress somewhat resembling your own. Next to you was a smaller stick figure, presumably Daeun herself. There was one last stick person: a bald man with crude red bowtie. Gesturing at the unfamiliar figure, you ask your daughter who she supposedly drew. “Who’s this, honey?” Daeun scoffed as if it was obvious who the mystery person was and points her red crayon across the table, “mama, it’s Jinnie of course. Look at his bow!”
Seokjin leaned across the table, handing your daughter a paraffin stick titled ‘unmellow yellow’. “But why didn’t you use this color for my hair?” Daeun tilts her head innocently, eyes wide with confusion. “Mom said you were gonna be bald…” You nearly choke on your water as you try to stifle the laughter that threatened to ruin the ambiance of your dinner. Seokjin looked dumbfounded, and you were sure the man was about to give himself a heart attack. Patting your daughter on the back, you praised her work and gently steered the conversation away from Seokjin’s impending baldness towards a more serious topic.
“Daeunie,” you said, rubbing your hand over the expanse of her back. “Jin and I have something very important to tell you, okay? Please put your crayons down and listen to us, and then you can go back to drawing.” She nodded, giving both of you her undivided attention. “First, honey, I want you to know that if anything we say makes you upset, then let us know and we’ll stop,” you inhaled sharply, making eye contact with Seokjin, who nodded in encouragement, before continuing, “You know it’s always been just us two for the longest time, and I couldn’t ask for anything more. Having you was the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and I’m glad you’re my little girl.” You planted a kiss on Daeun’s cheek, which she happily accepted. “But mama’s been hiding a really big secret from you, and she wants you to know tonight because it’s a special day.”
Your daughter flashed a toothy grin, “Because it’s almost Christmas!”
“You’re right, sweetie. Because it’s Christmas Eve.” Reaching across the table, you laced your fingers with Seokjin’s— displaying a subtle, yet succinct level of intimacy. “I wanted to tell you that Jin and I are a bit more than ‘best friends’. Actually, we like each other very, very much. We’ve liked each other for a very long time, and he makes me happy.” Seokjin continued where you left off, and his hand trembling slightly as he addressed your daughter. “I like your mom a lot, Daeun. She’s a very special woman, and I want to be in her life— and your life— for a long time. I know that initially, you may not feel comfortable with me being around all the time, and that’s okay. I will do whatever it takes for you to feel secure. Your happiness matters to me too, because I’ve always thought of you as a… daughter,” the last few words catch in Jin’s throat. What he said clearly impacted him because his eyes were brimming with unshed tears. He feared rejection— not just by others, but by the most important person in your life. The last thing Kim Seokjin wanted was to encroach on Daeun’s comfortable, stable life with you.
Daeun was reactionless. It worried you slightly, but, in all honesty, no reaction was better than a tantrum. After a heavy bought of silence, it appeared that Daeun had finally processed the bombshell you’d dropped on her. A pair of unsure eyes stared at you apprehensively, “So… does that mean I have a daddy now?” You released Seokjin’s hand to instead cup your daughter’s face, brushing down any fly-away hairs. “He doesn’t have to be if you don’t want him to. I know this is a lot for you to process, and we’re not expecting an answer from you right this minute.”
Suddenly, your daughter’s bottom lip puckered, followed by the sound of a soft whimper. Trying to prevent her from crying, Seokjin reached across the table and offered his hand. “Why don’t we talk about this outside?” Although she initially looked surprised, Daeun reluctantly agreed, before attempting to zip her coat up to no avail. Once again displaying the utmost patience, Jin knelt down to help with the zipper. Once the two found themselves in the crisp, winter air, Daeun immediately scooped up a measly amount of snow and chucked it at Jin. “Hey, that was rude. Just bec-”
“Mama belongs to Santa!” Daeun crossed her arms over her chest, angered, yet somehow still adorable. “I saw her giving him a kiss! So that means she doesn’t like you. Please don’t lie to me…” Combing through his hair, Seokjin tried to conjure a reasonable explanation for the actions your daughter had witnessed. Fat tears rolled down Daeun’s cheeks, threatening to freeze her eyelashes. “I ju-just want a dad to take me to d-daddy daughter dan-dances,” she hiccuped. “I ge-et made fun of cuz I don’t h-have anyone but m-m-mama.” Seokjin’s heart nearly broke at the sight of your daughter so overcome with emotions over wanting a father figure. He didn’t know if it was too direct, but his instincts had him scooping Daeun into his arms. He stroked her hair, effectively soothing her sobs into small sniffles. “Daeun, I’m sorry if we made you think that we lied to you, but your mother and I really do love each other. I was the one who actually dressed up as Santa,” Jin explained. He felt bad for ruining the illusion of jolly Saint. Nick, but assuaging Daeun’s worries were more important. “Santa was supposed to come, but he got sick, and we didn’t want you to be sad, so I borrowed his coat and hat!” That explanation seemed to pacify her, and soon she was back to playing with the freshly fallen snow, crafting another snowball from the fresh powder before lobbing it at his legs. “Can we play like this every Christmas, Jinnie?” Seokjin dipped his hand into an unbroken mound of snow and retaliated, missing Daeun by a long-shot. “Of course we can, Daeun. Nothing would make me happier.”
The years went by, and the three of you continued the same Christmas Eve tradition: go out to eat dinner, followed by Jin and Daeun’s infamous snowball fight. Each year that Daeun grew closer to becoming a young adult, she would ditch more of her old values. Unfortunately, that meant Santa was no longer of importance to Daeun. Her affinity for vintage clothes changed to favor of more stylish apparel, and asking for Barbie dolls soon became asking for a cellphone. Because of her transition into early-adulthood, both you and Seokjin worried that Daeun would outgrow the childish tradition in favor of hanging out with her pre-teen friends. But every year, she would have to practically drag Jin outside to play, stating that ‘the cold will keep his face firm’.
This year, Daeun had hinted that she had a special gift for your fiancé, although she never gave you more than a few vague clues. As your small, unconventional family huddled around the Christmas tree, you noticed Daeun nervously fiddling with a red envelope in her lap— as the number of gifts slowly dwindled, the more fidgety she became. Finally, after the last present had been distributed, Daeun stood and cleared her throat. “This last gift is for you, Jin. I know you promised to grant me this wish 8 years ago, but I think it’s only right for me to be the one to let you know that I’m ready.” She handed Seokjin the envelope, and both you and your daughter studied his reaction as he opened it carefully.
“Dear Jin,
Thank you for being there for my mom when no one else was. You treat her so well, and I am grateful for that. When I think of ‘true love’ I think of the relationship you two share, and I want to find the same type of romance when I grow older (also, don’t worry, I won’t date until I’m at least a sophomore in high school). I’d also like to thank you for being there for me. You always supported me in school and in life. I’ll always remember you being patient with people who questioned if you were my biological father whenever you’d take me places, or the times when we dressed up as twins for father-daughter dances. Thank you for taking care of me and showing me that a real father doesn’t need to carry the same DNA, but instead should carry the same overwhelming feeling of love.
Jin sniffled, trying his best to suppress the tears that reddened his eyes. You wrapped your arm around Seokjin’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, knowing how overwhelming it must have felt to receive such a heartfelt letter. He clutched the note in his hands, scared it would disappear at any moment. Watching as your daughter reached behind her back to procure a long, flat parcel wrapped in festive paper, you felt Jin stiffen. “Open it,” Daeun insisted, placing the packet in his hands. Tentatively peeling away the layers of wrapping paper, Seokjin gasped when he saw the contents of the folder.
Adoption papers.
“Merry Christmas, Dad.”
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chamibii · 5 years
Jagged little Claws
Momo didnt feel like going out that night at all, but she allowed Ochako to convince her. She was still dealing with heartache from her break up with Todoroki and these days all she wanted to do was stay in bed and cry. She had "already been doing that for days" Ochako reminded her in their brief conversation.
"I know Ocha, but I just don't feel like going out. What if he's there?"
Ochako sighed dramatically and clicked her tongue. "Momo! Who cares if he's there? When was the last time you did something fun huh? Aren't you tired of laying in bed all damn day?"
Momo sat surrounded by a pink comforter and several large pillows. "I'm not.."
"And don't say you aren't in bed Mo, cuz I know you are!"
Momo laughed softly and relented. "Gods you just dont give up do you?"
"Is that a yes?"
"Where are we going?"
Ochako squeaked, "Is that a yes?"
"Yes. Yes!! Geez." Momo had to pull the phone away from her ear because her best friend was squealing loudly.
"Okay! I'll be there to pick you up at 8! Be ready. And please dress nicely."
Momo had to admit that she was slightly excited to be out. She hadn't really left her room, let her alone her house, since Todoroki broke up with her.
She felt Ochako squeeze her hand reassuringly and she smiled at her friend. She and Ochako had grown closer over the years and today, she was exceptionally grateful for her friendship.
"I could just kill you." Momo hissed as they stood outside The Fire Pit, Todoroki's family owned night club.
"Okay but listen, he's not even going to be here! You know he absolutely hated working here. Plus, theres a bad ass new band that's playing tonight and I just know you're gonna love them!"
Momo turned to leave, but felt Ochako's hand on her elbow. "Trust me Momo, I wouldn't bring you here if I knew he was going to be here."
Momo turned to stare at her friend. She noticed for the first time this evening that she had carefully and painstakingly done her makeup. Bright red circles were appearing on Ochako's cheeks and Momo narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
"Tell me."
"Tell you what?" Ochako stammered.
"Who is he?"
Ochako shuffled a sneaker across the concrete and huffed. "Fine! If you must know, his name is Midoriya Izuku, but his stage name is Deku and he invited me. He's a drummer in the band. We've been messaging each other for weeks and I really want to see him so please, please, just come inside for me?"
Momo rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. "Fine! But if I see Todoroki, I'm leaving."
Ochako hugged Momo tightly placed several quick kisses on her cheek. "Thank you, thank you!"
The bouncer waved Momo and Ochako through the line. Momo scanned the room quickly and breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that Ochako was right; Todoroki wasn't here. Ochako tugged on her hand and Momo allowed herself to be pulled to near the front of the stage.
Ochako leaned over and shouted near Momo's ear, "I'm going to go get us drinks. Save me a spot, yeah?"
Momo nodded and watched her tiny friend disappear into the crowd.
Feedback from the microphone drew her attention back to the stage and she noticed a red, spikey haired shirtless man holding a bass guitar tapping on the microphone. " 'Sup Fire Pit. My name is Kirishima and we're the Claws. You guys ready to get shit started?"
The crowd responded excitedly and Momo was surprised at the response. She hadn't heard of this band before, but they seemed well known. She felt Ochako back at her side and took the drink that her friend pressed into her hand.
"I said, are you guys ready to get shit started?!"
Ochako yelled out a loud "woo" and threw her free hand in the air. Momo laughed, enjoying seeing her small reserved friend open up.
The lights dimmed and a steady thrum of the bass started up. Soon, the drums came in and Momo spied Ochako jumping up and down to the beat. The music wasn't bad. Momo tapped her foot to the rhythm.
The crowd really went crazy when an electric guitar came in and a crystal clear voice sang out,
"As time passes
The feelings fade
But the scars you left
Still remain.
Don't know what I did
To deserve this pain
But fuck your excuses
Just the same"
The lights flooded the stage and the lead singer continued to sing. She came close to the microphone and sang about love and loss. She jumped around the stage, not once missing a note. She wore black combat boots, ripped mesh leggings, and dark denim shorts. Her top was black and had three long rips going across the chest to reveal a blood red bra. She wore heavy black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. Her dark purple hair was cut short in a buzz cut, with the top long, hanging over her left eye.
Momo felt glued to the floor. The sound slowly faded, as did every person in the room. Momo could only concentrate on the singer. The way her eyes lit up when she interacted with her bandmates and how she strummed her guitar with passion. Momo felt her heart racing in her chest as she stared up at the beautiful woman.
"Thank you Fire Pit! I'm Jirou, and we're Claw! We'll be back shortly!"
Momo whispered her name softly like a prayer. Jirou.
"What'd ya think Momo? Momo?"
She felt Ochako nudge her gently and shook her head. "Uh, I really liked their song. They're good."
Ochako was staring up at her friend with a puzzled expression. "Are you feeling okay Momo? You didn't see Todoroki did you?" Ochako looked wildly around the club.
"No. No, I'm just, I'm fine."
"Okay, I think Deku just text me." Ochako pulled out her phone and shrieked. "He wants us to come back stage! Let's go!"
Before Momo could protest, Ochako was dragging her backstage. Momo felt her heart rise into her throat and swallowed nervously. She hadn't felt this way in a while and to be honest, she was slightly uncomfortable.
"Ochako! You came!" A green haired man yelled, jarring Momo out of her thoughts.
Ochako looked up at Momo for reassurance and Momo nodded slightly, signaling for her friend to go.
Ochako ran up to Deku and hugged him. Momo heard them exchanging pleasantries and hung back awkwardly.
"Hi!" The same crystal clear voice said cheerfully.
Momo instantly blushed and looked at Jirou. "Hello, your music is really nice."
"Thanks! I'm glad you like it. How do you know Deku?"
"My friend Ochako is talking to him."
"Oh! That's Ochako! She's really cute!"
Momo nodded nervously. She was getting ready to introduce herself when the red haired man, Kirishima, came up behind Jirou and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him. Jirou giggled softly and leaned her head back on his shoulder. Momo watched as Kirishima placed quick kisses on Jirou's forehead and nose.
Oh. She should have known.
"Excuse me," Momo mumbled as she stepped past Jirou to find Ochako.
Ochako and Deku were speaking in hushed tones. A stage manager came up to Deku and tapped his watch. "Get situated. You're back on in 2."
Deku quickly kissed Ochako's cheek and Momo smiled as her she saw the blush settle in on her friends cheeks.
"Oi, love birds! Break that shit up and get back on stage." The stage manager yelled at Kirishima and Jirou.
"Bakugou, you know it's not like that! We're just.."
"Shitty Hair, I dont give a fuck what you two are doing. Just get your ass on stage and get it there quickly."
Momo attempted to move out of the angry stage managers way, but he crashed into her. "Move princess" he growled at her.
Momo side stepped the stage manager and watched as Jirou squeezed Kirishima's hand before stepping out on stage.
Momo and Ochako watched the rest of the show behind the stage. Momo tried to push away her feelings of loneliness and just enjoy the show. By the end of the set, her spirits were lifted and she was searching for the band's Sound Cloud.
Momo stood outside in the cold waiting for Ochako to say goodbye to Deku when Jirou joined her.
"Momo, right?"
Momo was surprised that Jirou knew her name.
"Yeah, Ochako told Deku about you. I really hope tonight lifted your spirits. Break ups are the absolute worst."
Momo blushed, embarrassed by her friend spreading the news about her break-up. "Yeah, I dated Todoroki for..."
Jirou cut her off. "You dated Todoroki? How in the hell did he swing that?"
Momo felt her flush deepen and quickly looked at the ground.
"I mean he's not a bad looking dude, he's just.."
"Yes!" Jirou laughed. "Anyways Momo, thanks for coming out. I hope you feel better soon. Hey! If you ever wanna hang out and talk about heartache, find me on Instagram. I'm always down for a little guy bashing." Jirou winked and took off towards the van. "See ya Momo!"
How in the world was she going to find her on Instagram?
Ochako came up next to Momo and intertwined their fingers. "You know you can find her through Deku's page if you want to.." she let her sentence trail off.
Ochako smiled up at her friend as they left the club hand in hand.
That night, Momo found Jirou's page almost instantly from searching on Deku's page. She scrolled through the photos and saw several of her and Kirishima holding hands and doing cute couple stuff. She accidentally liked a picture of the two of them kissing and started panicking. She was deep into Jirou's instagram by at least 38 weeks.
"Shit. Shit. Shit!" She put her phone down and attempted to soothe herself with the thoughts of Jirou not noticing due to her crazy follower count. She felt her phone buzz on the pillow and saw that she had a direct message from..
JaggedlilJirou: Accidental like huh? lol
MomoCreates: Ugh.. weird? I'm sorry.
JaggedlilJirou: Shit happens. I'm glad you found me! Sorry to hear about you and Todoroki.
MomoCreates: Its.. I was going to say it's okay, but it sucks. I'll be fine eventually.
JaggedlilJirou: I hope so. G2G, Kirishima and the boys need me. TTYL?
MomoCreates: TTYL
Momo placed her phone on the night stand and settle down into her covers. It did still hurt. She was in love with Todoroki and had been since high school. They were together for 3 years before he ended things: "Its not working. Good luck."
No cause, no response to texts, emails or phone calls. Despite the feelings she had tonight, Momo's heart was still shattered. She curled up into a ball and allowed the hot tears to flow freely and lull her to sleep.
This was inspired by fan artwork ((that I can no longer seem to find)) of Momo falling in love with a singing Jirou. If you can find the picture, please let me know! I would love to let the artist know I'm inspired by their work.
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