#like you bought the fucking ticket read it. read the lineup
bongwateriero · 1 year
i wish people could sense when i’m in a bad mood and just not speak to me like sorry you asked a normal innocent question. i am going to bite your head off
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happer08 · 3 years
"Let Me Explain"
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I was unbelievably excited for this date. Ian and I had been talking for months, and finally, we had decided it was time to go on an actual date. He finally had a day off in Chicago and was free to meet for dinner. I had spent the whole day making sure I would look perfect and that the date would be good.
It had started to rain on the walk to the restaurant we were meeting at, but there was nothing in the world that could stop how happy I was. I was practically skipping as I rounded the corner through the doorway of the restaurant. Scanning with a smile, I looked around at the bar to the left of the door since that's where Ian told me he'd be.
My smile and my stomach dropped as I saw him talking to a woman. They stood close, much closer than two people that had just met. He was laughing and smiling at her as she was doing the same. He leaned on the bar with his arms crossed as she reached out, putting her hand on his arm. He smiled and blushed, dropping his head looking at her hand.
Tears welled in my eyes as my heart sank. I knew there was no way he wanted to date me. I took a shallow breath, trying to push the tears away as Ian looked up to see me. He froze and pushed her hand away, I turned back toward the door moving toward the exit.
He called my name as I pushed the door back open. It was pouring, and between the rain and the traffic noise, I couldn't hear if he was still calling. I trudged back toward my apartment. My night and mood were ruined; the rain-soaked my clothes as I turned each corner till I got there.
I was freezing; my hands shook as I pushed my key into my door, unlocking my place. Pulling my phone out of my water-logged jeans, my screen was full of calls and messages from Ian. I didn't bother even looking as I undressed, standing in my kitchen. I tossed all of my soaked clothes into the washer before getting into the shower.
The shower was more to heat myself back up than anything else. I sat on the tile floor, pulling my legs to my chest as the hot water cascaded down on my skin. My tears mixed with the water, and by the time I got out, my skin was red and burning, and I was numb. I dried off, combed my hair before pulling on some sweats, a sports bra, and falling into bed, exhausted.
Thankfully I had the next day off of work as I woke up a few hours after I got home, wide awake at 2 am. Pulling on socks, I padded through my apartment toward my phone that was on the kitchen counter.
It was dead, I sighed, moving to plug it in, letting it charge a little as I opened the fridge illuminating the kitchen with the bluish glow. I grabbed a bottle of water and a few cheese sticks looking over as my phone lit up. It charged a little, leaving me to lean on the counter next to it to use it.
There were 15 texts from Ian and a few missed calls. I shook my head, starting to read through the messages.
"That wasn't what it looked like"
"She is someone I used to work with, and we ran into each other while I was waiting for you."
"Where did you go?"
"Come on; it's pouring. Let me come get you so I can explain."
"I'm sorry, please let me explain."
The rest of them consisted of him apologizing or asking where I was or if I was okay. I read all of them; then I listened to his voicemails; they were all the same content as his texts. His voice brought tears back into my eyes. I didn't respond or call back. I had nothing to say. Making my way back to my room, I took my water and laid in bed in the silent, dark room.
I drifted off the sleep at some point and woke up to the sun coming in from my windows. I sat up, rubbing my hands over my face before pulling my hair up and sighing.
I went home after driving around for a few hours, looking for her. She never answered any of my calls or texts, and as I walked into my apartment, I realized how bad I had messed up. I kept checking my phone as I showered and went to bed. I laid awake for hours, practically praying to fall asleep as I repeatedly checked for her to either respond or post something on social media. She never did. Eventually, I fell asleep and was woken up by my alarm. A few of the guys and I had scheduled batting practice at the field, so I got dressed and left doing everything I could not to think about the night before.
When I got to the field, I left my phone in my locker, heading out onto the field, hoping to take all my emotions out on the ball. I set my bats down and found Anthony, Nico, Patrick, and Zack, who was in town for a few days.
"Fellas," I walked up.
"Hey, how did last night go?" Nico asked.
I had told the whole team about the date with the girl of my dreams.
"I um don't want to talk about it."
"What did she stand you up?" Anthony joked.
"No, I screwed up" I put my hands on my hips, looking at him.
"What happened?" Zack asked.
"I was waiting for her, and I ran into Taylor, and she was kinda flirting, and I was trying to be polite, and she walked in at the wrong time; I haven't heard from her since."
All of the guys were silent, looking between the ground and me.
"I fucked up potentially the best thing that could happen to me," I sighed.
The guys were about to start giving advice when our hitting coach showed up, and we got started. While Anthony was batting, Nico came over and stood next to me. Since there were five of us, we had a lot of time just to stand around and talk.
"You okay?" he asked.
"I have no idea. I fucked up, and I have no idea what to do."
He was quiet as we watched Anthony launch a homer toward the center. I took a few deep breaths as Nico looked over at me.
"Have you even talked to her?"
I shook my head.
"I called, and I texted, trying to get her to hear me out, but she hasn't called or texted back. I don't blame her either; I want her to hear me out."
Nico nodded as Patrick walked over.
"Buy her a ticket to tonight's game," he said, stopping in front of us. "Make it somewhere you'll be able to see her, and then have security get her and explain yourself. If she shows up, it means she's willing to hear you out at least; if not, let her go" Patrick looked between us as Nico nodded a few times.
"The man has a point"
After batting practice, I went to the front office and bought a ticket for a few rows up from the on-deck circle.
pov change
"Hey, it's Ian. I know I'm the last guy you want to hear from but, I got you a ticket for tonight's game if you want to come. It's at the main entrance, and all you have to tell them is your name. I want to see you, and I want to have a chance to explain. I understand if you don't come, but I'd like it if you did"
I listened to his message twice from where I laid on my living room floor. I set my phone on my chest, sighing before looking at the clock. It was a night game, and it was already 4 o'clock. I forced myself to get up.
"You have to at least give him a chance," I whispered, heading for my bedroom. "If the explanation isn't good enough, at least you got a free baseball game." I chuckled sadly as I flicked the light on in my bathroom.
I washed my face, did some light makeup, and curled my unruly hair before pulling on a pair of black jeans, a real bra with a tank top. With the base of the outfit started, I walked to my closet. I knew it wasn't warm out, so instead of a jersey, I opted for a Cubs sweatshirt. I added my grey Vans before collecting my things.
I had an hour to get to the field as I got into a cab. I sighed, debating my choice as the cabbie pulled away from the curb. Resting my head back, I looked out the window, watching the city pass on the way to the stadium.
"You okay back there, honey?" The cabbie asked, breaking me out of the nothing box I had gone to in my head.
"Um yeah, I'm fine," I answered politely.
"Come on, you're going to the Cubs game; try and cheer up a little," He tried.
I offered a fake smile and was quiet the rest of the ride. I thanked him and paid as I got out, joining the crowds on the street filing toward the historic stadium. When I got to the main entrance, I found a lady that worked there and approached her with the same fake smile I used in the cab.
"Hi, I'm so sorry, one of the players left me a ticket, and I have no idea where to go to get it," I stated.
"Oh honey, come with me."
She put her hand on my shoulder, leading me back through a few entrances to the inside of the stadium.
"You must be the one," she said with a smile.
"Yes, ma'am," I said with a smile.
"Well, you are good to go," she handed me a ticket with my seat number on it. "If you wanna just head out that door right there, you'll be on the concourse, and you can find your seat from there," She said with a sweet smile.
"Thank you," I said politely, walking out the door she had pointed at.
I got a beer before using the numbers on my ticket to find my seat and settle in. The first pitch was only a few minutes away as I did what I could to prepare myself for seeing Ian again.
"Have you checked to see if she's here?" Nico asked as we stood next to each other in the dugout.
I shook my head, biting the inside of my cheeks.
"I don't want to. I think it's going to be bad either way."
Nico pat my back a few times before walking away. I took a few deep breaths before grabbing my glove and running out onto the field with the rest of the guys. I made sure I didn't look at the seat I'd gotten as I made my way out to centerfield, knowing I would be too far away to see her.
I was the third in the lineup that night, so no matter what happened, I would see her in the first. Pushing the thought of her out of my head, I focused on the inning at hand. All of the outs were on the infield, leaving the outfield just standing there.
We all ran back in, switching out gear as Joc headed to the box. I hid in the dugout while Joc singled to deep left. Kris was on deck, and I stayed in the dugout as long as I could before making my way to the on-deck circle. Pouring over my bat, I looked for any imperfections that could take me back into the dugout. It took some searching, but I found a crack in the barrel and headed back to grab a different bat. Nico came to stand next to me as I reached for one.
"She's here," He said.
I took a deep breath holding it in my chest for a second. Choosing not to respond, I headed back for the on-deck circle standing there as Kris got a single to left-center. My music hit, and I walked over to the batter's box, taking a deep breath before glancing at her seat.
We made eye contact; she held a beer and offered a half-smile at me as I set up with runners at the corners and no outs. I focused on the at-bat and took two pitches down the middle before stepping out and adjusting my gloves.
I took the next pitch deep, basketball out in right field. Rounding the bases, I kept my head down; as I crossed the plate, I tipped my helmet, then high-fived the guys as we ran back toward the dugout. I glanced up, seeing her clapping and smiling. She seemed happy, which was a massive weight off my chest. I walked through the dugout celebrating and putting my gear away before taking a seat on the bench; Nico and Patrick joined me.
"You talked to security yet?" Nico asked.
I shook my head, watching Willson get a base hit. Patrick stood up, looking over at where she was sitting.
"She's still here, Ian; you gotta talk to security before she clears out" He sat back down. I got up, walking down the hall toward the head of the security desk, stopping in front of the desk.
"Hi, Ian," One of the guys said.
"Hey, I was wondering if you could do me a favor" I leaned on the desk.
"Name it"
"There's a girl I need you to get before the game ends and bring her to the clubhouse."
He nodded.
"Of course"
I gave him the information he needed then headed back to the dugout. I sat back down between Nico and Patrick.
"Got it taken care of," I sighed. "Do you think I should get her something to eat or anything?"
Patrick shrugged.
"She already has a beer, so it depends on what she likes for ballpark food."
"I know she likes pretzels and stuff."
Patrick nodded.
POV change
Settling in after the inning, I watched the other team bat as I took in the ballpark atmosphere. After two outs, a few people were walking up and down the aisle next to me; I moved to stand before I felt a hand on my shoulder.
He was wearing a locker room attendant shirt showing he worked for the organization.
I was confused.
"Ian sent these" he smiled, handing me a giant soft pretzel and a second beer.
"Oh, thank you," I smiled, taking them settling back in, getting looks from a few of the people sitting around me.
The next few innings were filled with baserunners for each; by the top of eight, the Cubs were up 8-2. I had finished my pretzel and both beers and had gotten a bottle of water, watching Patrick Wisdom walk up to the box. I moved as a few people filed in and out of the row before security appeared next to me.
"Ms.?" He asked.
"How can I help you?"
"Would you mind coming with me?" He asked.
I shook my head, knowing what this was about. Standing up, I moved out of the row, following the security guard up the stairs and through the stadium. He led me through the common areas before we took a few turns heading deeper into the stadium. The tunnels under were a maze; I had no idea how everyone didn't get lost. I made sure to follow close to security before we stopped near the clubhouse. There was a small couch with a tv in the hallway near the entrance.
"You can wait here; I'm sure you know who asked us to get you," he chuckled as I moved to sit down.
I nodded, smiling, setting my water at my feet.
"They should be down soon, and Ian knows you're here, and he'll come find you."
"Thank you"
"Do you need anything else, or do you need someone to stay?" He asked.
I shook my head with a smile.
"I'm fine, thank you."
"Have a good night," He said with a smile before walking away.
"You too"
I sat back on the couch watching the last few outs of the game and then watched the guys celebrate on their way off the field. It was a few minutes between when they got off the field and heard them come down the stairs and file into the club house. I listened to a few voices I recognized as I stared at the corner waiting for Ian to come around. I stood up, hearing his voice grabbing my water bottle. He came around the corner, looking at me.
"Hi," He said.
"Hey," I walked around toward him.
"Thanks for coming"
I nodded a few times.
"Look, I wanted to explain," He started.
I shook my head.
"I don't need you to explain anything, Ian. I took some time to think, and I don't know if we would have ever worked. With who you are and who I am, we have different lives, Ian."
He nodded.
"The first few weeks we talked, I started bragging about you," He explained. "To the guys in the clubhouse to Dakota and Zack to everyone, even my mom," he chuckled, leaning on the wall. "The guys started calling you the dream girl."
I chuckled, shaking my head.
"I don't know about that."
"I do" Ian looked up at me. "They were right."
I swallowed hard, looking at him.
"I understand why you think what you do and why you feel how you do. But I just want a second chance. I don't want to force your decision right now, so take a few days, a few weeks if you need, and I'll wait to hear from you. I want to have this conversation in person, so I'll text you my address and then wait for you to reach out; leave it all up to you since you know what I want."
I nodded a few times, taking a deep breath.
Ian nodded with me.
"Just take your time, okay."
"I'll see you soon, Ian" I smiled as I started to leave the tunnel.
"Do you need someone to walk you out, or do I need to get you a cab?" He called after me.
"No, I'm okay; I remember how to get out of here."
I kept walking till I got outside the stadium heading down Addison heading for my apartment. I walked for a few blocks thinking through everything Ian said and everything I had felt since I saw him with someone else. I called a cab and caught a ride home while my mind spun.
The next few days, Ian and I didn't tal. He sent me his address the night of the game, but we had no contact since then. My days were dull; I had gotten so used to his texts and his little check-ins, not having them felt weird.
It was four days without talking to Ian and at four in the morning when I made my decision. Getting up, I pulled on a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt, pulling on a pair of vans. I grabbed my phone and a bomber jacket on my way out the door. I found Ian's address and put it in the maps on my phone. His place wasn't far, but it was still a good walking distance, and as I climbed the stairs toward his place, I wasn't sure if I should have waited till a more appropriate time.
Licking my teeth, I knocked on his door then stepped back. It was a few minutes of me standing there when I started to debate coming back in a few hours. Just as I was about to walk away, the lock clicked, and the door swung open.
Ian stood on the other side in a pair of underwear and a t-shirt he just put on. His hair was a curly mess. I smiled as he blinked hard.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked.
"I made my choice," I breathed.
Ian nodded and stepped out of the doorway, silently inviting me in. I walked in, looking around at his place; it was just like I had imagined. Turning, I watched Ian close the door and take a few steps toward me, crossing his arms.
"The last few days have been weird. You are not checking in on me, making sure I'm taking care of myself."
Ian nodded.
"I've missed it, and I missed you a lot. I think I want to try and make this work."
"Do you want me to explain?" he asked.
I nodded slowly.
"She's a co-worker, she works on the field doing sideline stuff, she had a few too many and was flirting with me. I was trying to be polite, and you walked in at the wrong time."
I took a few steps forward, getting on my tippy toes. I put my hand on the side of Ian's face pushing my lips to his.
Ian grabbed my hips, pulling me against him, kissing back softly. His lips were soft and full; I kissed a few more times before settling back on my feet.
"Let's make it work," he said.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
Pike!jj saying I love u— unless they break up😔 then sigma!jj or soccer!jj rlly just JJ saying I love u
no breakups on this blog, but i did in this fic address pike jj saying i love you for the first time and i’ve also written tons for sigma chi too, so i’ll do soccer jj!
(big happy birthday to you bro @travisgermy​)
playing for the national team was a dream of yours. you’d been to the development camps and met some of the players, but you hadn’t quite gotten there yet. one night, you and jj were studying together, and he kicked you gently under the table.
when you looked up at him, he slid a pair of tickets across the table, beaming. confused and excited, you picked the tickets up and almost screamed. clutching them to your chest, you almost yelled, “holy fuck you didn’t!”
“tickets for you and a friend to go see the uswnt victory tour when they come to charlotte.”
“me and you,” you corrected.
“me and you are going. obviously i’m bringing you, think of it as a learning experience.”
jj laughed and brushed his thumb across your knuckles, “i look forward to it.”
the night of the game, jj came up to your dorm room to pick you up wearing a red shirt and you shook your head, “no baby.”
“what?” he asked, defensively.
you pulled a four stars only t-shirt you’d bought drunk one night out of your drawer and tossed it to him, “proper merch now.”
jj raised his eyebrows, “what are you going to wear?”
“you ask as if i don’t have a tobin heath jersey in my closet, please jj.”
“i have so much to learn.”
“good thing we have the car ride,” you told him, patting his shoulder.
when you and jj were in your (startlingly good) seats, you grabbed his hand, “okay, if i cry when they run out, you can’t judge me.”
he laughed, clearly not taking you seriously, “sure thing.”
and then you did cry. the team ran out for warm-ups and tears rose to your eyes. they read off the starting lineup and they started to fall. your actual idols, that you’d been looking up to for years were finally in front of you, and you were about to get to see them play in person for the first time ever.
jj turned to look at you and noticed you crying silently. he looked worried for a second and you reassured, “i’m good, just overwhelmed.” and he nodded, looking bemused.
the two of you had been together for over a year, and he’d picked up a lot more soccer knowledge than you’d realized until there was a terrible call and he was yelling with you and everyone around you at the ref.
you looked over in surprise to see his jaw clenched as he glared at the field. when he felt your eyes, he turned, “that was so stupid, she was miles off before the ball was even kicked,” and you couldn’t stop yourself from kissing him.
pulling away after a few seconds, jj’s cheeks reddened a little and you pinched one gently, “you’re absolutely right.”
“see, i listen sometimes.”
“more than sometimes, i’d say.”
“it’s important to you,” he told you simply, with a shrug.
the rest of the game went well, the usa winning easily, and at the end the two of you were standing with the crowd, his arm around your shoulders and you gripping his shirt in excitement. there was loud cheering when the final whistle blew and you teared up again, burying your face in jj’s shoulder.
he kissed the top of your head and squeezed your shoulder a few times, “what did you think?”
“it was everything,” you gushed.
“good,” he sounded pleased.
the two of you left the stadium, hand in hand, and started the ten minute walk to his parking spot. you talked pretty much the whole time, mostly about plays you’d seen and how badly you wanted to play with them. jj mostly hummed along, nodding every so often.
you finally stopped to take a breath when the two of you were paused at a crosswalk and he looked down at you, “hey.”
“hey,” you bumped him gently.
he opened his mouth like he was going to say something, shook his head gently, and changed his mind, “never mind.”
you felt oddly disappointed, but you were at the car anyway, so you let it go. the traffic exiting the parking lot was awful, so you settled down in your seat, energy quickly leaving your body as jj turned the radio down and sang along lowly.
eyes shutting, you almost missed the softly spoken, “god, i am so in love with you. why can i not tell you?”
sitting up, your eyes flew open and you looked at him in slight surprise, “i don’t know why because i love you too. my biggest fan.”
jj looked over at you with a big smile, “you know i am.”
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Jay Bone@B0NEtweet Looking back at 2003 Reading and Leeds lineup, didn’t know just how good we had it! It was my first festival experience, my 17th birthday and first time seeing any bands that really meant anything to me. It was boiling hot and probably one of the best weekends of my life..12:47 PM · Aug 28, 2021·..my mum bought me my ticket as my birthday present. I remember me and my buddy Jordan turning up on the Wednesday. I’d embarrassingly never really been anywhere without either of my parents before. We unloaded our crates of fosters and carling and tents from Jordan’s dad’s car....and set off down the hill. After setting up, we ventured into the festival, which had silent discos and stalls set up, but no live music until the Friday. We bought some hash and a load of bottles of poppers and strolled around the campsites laughing our heads off…..dosed up on piss warm beer and poppers called something like ‘brain fuzz’. I can remember getting to a point where you could look over the campsite and see the main stage looming in the background. The place seemed so huge to me, so far from home(!) and alive with....people who were friendly and like minded and dressed the same as me (think Blue Banana all over).  The Thursday passed in pretty much the same fashion as the Wednesday, then it was time for the festival to actually start. On the Friday, I saw Finch, Less Than Jake…..Saves The Day, Placebo and the main event for me, Blink182. I’d pushed my way to the front as much as I could and was so excited I had to hold back my tears. When they came on, they were so explosive and amongst the crowd push, I could about make out some of my favourite....songs, and some new ones too. About half way through, the sweat box came too much and I crowdsurfed my way to the front, where a bouncer picked me out like I was light as a grape and I was shown the way back to the side of the audience. I watched the rest of....their set from further back, on my own, just in disbelief that my musical heroes were right there in front of me. The next day, I wasn’t too bothered about really seeing anyone in particular, which is criminal looking at the line-up today. I decided to stick with Jordan....and go and see the bands he had on his radar. We watched The Futureheads, a bit of The Darkness, I headed over to the Concrete Jungle stage to see if I could catch Alkaline Trio, but it was just too busy. I just about saw Matt Skiba singing ‘Your Neck’ through the crowd....but couldn’t hear or see properly so decided to go and meet back up with Jordan, who had been buzzing about one band in particular called The Libertines. We headed to the main stage, it was still light but I remember being struck by just how many people were there....I was so tantalised by Gary’s drumming, so unbelievably sharp. I was drawn in by the mayhem around it, especially I Get Along, the whole crowd joining for the ‘fuck em’ bit. I must admit, seeing @carlbaratmusic in his leather jacket and skinny jeans made me feel a bit.. ..dopey in my oversized punk rock gear and purple hair. A hugely affecting performance, and the one which really stuck with me that weekend. That same day, I watched The Streets, The White Stripes and Blur. By the Sunday, my bday, I was all but spent. Money and energy. We went....watched a few bands. I was excited mostly to see Metallica, who were actually pretty disappointing. Not much of a surprise now knowing they were in the depths of their St Anger phase. On the Monday, I woke up late to a scene out of some sort of post apocalypse, practically....deserted field, festival detritus everywhere. A banging headache. I decided rather than pack my tent away, I’d set it on fire. Something my mum still rolls her eyes at now. What a weekend. My post holiday blues were magnified by coming back to realise my girlfriend....had a new boyfriend, but I didn’t care really, I’d just had the best weekend of my life. I went again in 2006, which was equally brilliant, but that’s for another time. Feeling the nostalgia now!
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valerie · 3 years
TWITL - week fifty-three - farewell 2020
New Post has been published on https://kiari.com/2020/12/twitl-week-fifty-three-farewell-2020/
TWITL - week fifty-three - farewell 2020
I’m starting this on December 31, 2020 but not sure when I’ll post it. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m never one to call a whole year a total negative, so I’ve never understood the people who take a whole twelve months and say that it was all crap. I want to ask them– so, not one day shone bright for you? There weren’t bright spots that were actually wonderful moments to counter whatever utter despair you experienced? You would erase that whole year from your memory because it was that bad?
Of course, I never ask those questions. People will feel what they must and if writing off a year helps them for the upcoming year, go for it. I’m just not that kind of person. I say I go for balance but really, I tend toward the more positive moments and feelings. I try not to give in to the darkness and despair for too long.
2020 has certainly challenged that resolve.
Let me acknowledge that 2020 has tested us in so many ways. It’s been a hard year for so many people. We have all had to realign what’s “normal” and what we can tolerate. We have lost more than we should have. We have had to rise out of our selfishness and face the fact that we are all connected. We felt fear and anger and helplessness. Some of us rose above it to heed the calling of community. Some of us sank into the darkness. Many of us just tried to keep afloat, to find that new normal, to strive for some balance.
It was scary, wasn’t it, when we had to lockdown? Part of me liked staying home but I didn’t feel somewhat relieved until I found out that I would still have a job through all of this. I was further heartened by the fact that the husband would still have a job as well. We didn’t have to worry so much financially (beyond the usual worries). It sucked hard too, didn’t it, to have your favorite places shut down? I missed going to the library and to the bars after work, as well as restaurants and such. The hardest thing for many people, of course, was not being able to see family and friends. No matter how amazing technology is, nothing can replace that real smile, the kiss on the cheek, the warm, tight hugs, or even the handshakes. Most of us crave even the simplest of touches and so many of us were denied it because of the pandemic. Many of us are still denied that simple thing.
I do not go through my days in fear because I have to wear a mask. Do I find it inconvenient? Yes. But it’s not the rights stripping directive some people would have you believe it is. If you don’t want to wear your mask, then stay home and yell at the tv or internet. But if you have to go out, wear the fucking mask. Don’t be selfish. Don’t be an asshole. Please. Why is it such a challenge for people to think of their neighbors and the good of the community? Isn’t that what most religions teach us? This pushback on masks and social distancing will continue to boggle me.
So what has 2020 shown me? Well, in stark ways, the year has shown me that people SUCK HARD. It has also shown me that people are amazing and generous and courageous and loving. I try not to dwell on the people who would rather spew negativity. No, I try to focus on the people who are positive and enlightening and real. So too, I try to be. 2020 has also shown me how I personally handle crazy times. The year wracked my nerves for sure and it made me search within myself for the tether to keep my balance. I tried to feel all the confusion and uncertainty then let it go and work through it. 2020 was certainly a year of self reflection.
2020 also brought me joy and contentment. The husband and I have each other, a home, money in the bank, and good people around us. Sure, we missed going to concerts (probably mostly me), the bars and restaurants, heading to breweries, seeing our family and friends. But we got to spend a lot of time together and that’s always a good thing, even if you’ve been married for 26 years. So no, I would not take back those days and months or mere moments together.
Things 2020, good and bad:
January – I “broke up” with one of my fellas in melodramatic fashion but I’m still doing the fan thing for him because of my fellow fans. But I tell you, my heart still really isn’t in it… The 49ers made me care about football for a little while by being NFC Champions.
February – Ugh, the 49ers lost the Super Bowl. But hey, at least they got there?… The busiest time of year at work started for me. Transfers galore!… Tyler Rich was announced his first headlining tour and I bought tickets for it!… Saw Sonic the Hedgehog in the movie theatre. Wait, was this the last movie I’d see in the theatre for 2020? (Yes, yes it was.)
March – Jack Whitehall was announced as part of the lineup for Netflix is a Joke, with a show on May 2nd in Los Angeles. I bought tickets for it, thinking I’d have to find a way to say hello to him and have him say Happy Birthday to me since my birthday would be the day after his show… I had a passport appointment because I thought we might be going out of the country in June… I got a free haircut and then a week or so later– lockdown… Spring Break was one of uncertainty. We were told to stay home but I went in for a couple of days just to catch up on things… Tyler started his IG live sessions and Simon Kassianides read a poem everyday for awhile– the things that kept me somewhat sane as lockdown began.
April – Work steadied. At first, I worked from home, which I did not mind at all . I was just happy to have a regular schedule of sorts and a paycheck!… Oh, that Zoom chat with the G Bar crew and having a special guest sing for us… 26th wedding anniversary!… I wrote a poem a day for a few weeks, inspired by Simon reading poetry for a time… The 30th marked five years since we met Tyler…
May – I turned 49. LORD!… Learning to wear a mask, social distance, etc… Started a new story that for some reason had Chris Hemsworth as inspiration. This led to me brushing up on Hemsworth’s work… Someone got a new phone (not me)…
June – Bangs trimmed at the salon. First time out seeing people other than the husband and co-workers. Crazy!… Watched from afar the protests and read about a lot of it online… Working from home but going into work twice week, which isn’t so bad… Debuted Besotted by Chris on Chris Conrad’s birthday!…
July – Watched Hamilton and it was SO GOOD! I totally get it now… Took some time off from work that I would have normally taken at the end of June/beginning of July… The news cycle was so exhausting…
August – One of my work friends died and it just hit me so hard… Fires made the sky so smoky…
September – Tyler’s debut album was released! Two Thousand Miles – go and get it!… Another Zoom chat with the G Bar lovelies. Tyler and Sabina joined us and there might have been some tears… Also a CPN chat. Love those ladies!… The hubby was away and out of radio contact for about five days. It was weird. I was so happy when he was back home…
October – Simon Kassianides called me his Number Two fan (his mum being the Number One fan). Umm, what the hell?! Giddy fangirl moment… The Apple Event happened and I decided I would get the iPhone 12 Pro. Then I thought about it more and thought, why not get the iPhone 12 Pro Max and really test my patience… Started prepping for National Novel Writing Month…
November – Headed to Anchor Bay for the first weekend of the month and it was cold but beautiful. The first time in a long time I felt “normal” because I was unmasked around people I hadn’t seen in awhile. And all of it was outside, so I felt “safer” about it? Came home with a cold though… Oh, the election. I was so glad I voted by mail… National Novel Writing Month! I got to 50k words but I was behind pace for most of the month. The fella who inspired this story? Freakin’ Chris Evans. What the hell? I blame my OT… My new phone was in my hands on Friday the 13th! I bought the iPhone 12 Pro Max and I LOVE IT. So big, so pretty, so expensive. Ye gods!… Back to shelter at home mode because people can’t do simple things… Went a little nutty buying stuff online during those many off days…
December – Renewed our rental for another year. YES!… Donated to a short film mostly because Simon Kassianides is in it. It’s so cute. I hope it gets picked up!… Speaking of Simon, he’s the reason for my best Monday ever! Seriously, that Cameo Shanaye got for me is the BEST. I wonder, did he know that he was making the video for his Number Two fan?… Closing out the year off from work. It’s the best way to end this crazy year…
And that’s it! If you actually made it to the end of this, nice on you! I might do a part two to this with my hopes for 2021 but we’ll see. Until then…
Love to you all!
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silhouetted-beauty · 6 years
My BTS Concert Experiences!!🎇🎆
Hello fellow readers! I just wanted to shared my concert experiences as well as my favorite highlights of the night. I ended up going to both Chicago concerts (Oct. 02/03) and let me just say... IT WAS LIT!!! The boys really put on a show and all their hard work definitely was shown. FYI: This post will be LONG so I will install a ‘keep reading’ tab.
But anyways, let me start off saying how I was a nervous wreck knowing I was going both days because I didn’t know what to expect. This was my first BTS concert and I’ve been dying (not literally lol) to see them since 2015. I pretty much followed other people’s experiences from earlier tour dates and went off that and honestly, it didn’t help. It ended up kicking my anxiety into overdrive because lot of people were talking about post concert depression lol. In my mind, I was thinking, “holy shit! If they are THAT good live, would I even be able to walk out of the arena with a sane mind?!” To put it short, I was spooked. Even as I type this out, my hands are shaking lol. Oh! and excuse my crappy video footage, I was kinda zoned out watching them, people were knocking into me, and I was low key dancing lol
October 2nd...
-The Merchandise-
Thanks to my bf (you know who you are HOE!!!😂😂), she had bought us both tickets for this day as a birthday present to me. Since she bought tickets, I felt the least I could do was buy us merch. So I arrived that morning at the venue only to find the line for merchandise wrapped around two corners. So I began the dreadful task of waiting in line. Thankfully, I met two other girls who I quickly connected with and made the process, somehow, quicker. The line moved faster then I thought but as we gotten closer, we noticed items were selling out due to people buying bags of shit! The ‘Love Yourself’ shirts, both white and black, were the first to sell out. I was in shock because that was the shirt I was getting us so I had to call her up and decide on either another shirt or another item. Thankfully, none of the other merch I wanted sold out so I was able to purchase what we wanted without any problems. So in total, I was in line at 9:40 and didn’t leave until 12:50. My advice to anyone trying to get merch for a concert... order online! I believe it’s more convenient, especially if you may not have the time to wait in line. Preordering or ordering ahead of time is definitely less stressful.
-The Concert-
After I left merch met up with my best friend and we went back to my place to get ready. Lol I’m gonna be honest and say that even though I was going to see BTS, the main highlight of the day was my blue hair. I had recently dyed it and was ready to show it off. Thanks to her, I ended up wearing a pink dress, my black leather jacket, and black Killstar ‘vendetta’ boots, which I bought specifically for the concert for the next day. We kept cracking jokes because it looked like I was dressed to “kick somebody’s ass” (her words not mines😂😂).
So we get to the arena, paid for parking, then waited in line, which was pretty short. Our seats were in section 103 and we had the perfect view of the stage and audience. While we waited in our seats, my best friend turns to me and suggests we get some drinks lol (Note: I’m starting to believe that is the norm when we go to concerts). Hell! I was down for drinking but then I remembered how I didn’t eat all day so I was worried about getting drunk especially since we were drinking Bacardi rum. It wasn’t that I intentionally didn’t eat, I was just too hyped to do so. BONUS!! We both thought I’d be the one to cry since I’m the bigger fan than she is but guess what? Yo gurl held strong!😆 In fact, SHE was the one who cried and I’m never letting her forget it. Lmao! Anyways we were drinking, cracking jokes, sitting back and looking pretty while waiting on the show to start. And when it did... when it did... it was a fucking PARTY!!!!
We stood the entire time, and I basically sang/screamed my heart out. Made sure to capture her on video while ‘Singularity’ played because that is her shit lol (Great job, Tae!😘). They performed Setlist A (I believe) which was LIT. We danced to every song. I REALLY loved the vcr footages as they changed for the next song. It was really unique and some were playful, sexy, and bold. But as the concert came to an end, each member said a solo goodbye. All of them were nice especially considering how they tried to speak English to the best of their ability. What they couldn’t say, they spoke in Korean and the translator did a great job relaying the message. The speech I remembered the most was Yoongi’s because I low key feel like he tried to go in on us. Like tried to straight clown us lol. Here’s what I mean...
Yoongi: “I have one question.”
Us: *screams* “yes” or “what”
Yoongi: “this is Chicago. The Windy City, right?”
At this point, I’m thinking what is he getting at?
Us: “Yes.”
Yoongi: “Then why is it so hot?”
My reaction:
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Anyways, It was so beautiful! Seeing all of the lights from the lightsticks and seeing people bond together; no wonder the boys get all teary eyed at each concert. It really is a beautiful sight. Later on, we left the arena at around 11:00, kinda danced to the street drummers before headed back to the car. As we drove away, I felt this overwhelming sense of calming sadness. You know, when you go out and have fun, literally the time of your life, you don’t want that feeling to end but you know it has to. It felt weird and we ended up having like this deep conversation, it was mostly me rambling lol.
October 3rd...
-Earlier in the day-
I woke up, quickly showered and got dressed because I knew I was going to be at the arena all day because I had GA standing...
Quick note, I did give my Uber driver a lesson on BTS and his reactions were priceless especially when I informed him of all their hard work and achievements. It was full of “shit!”’s And “aw damn!”’s Because he couldn’t believe it lol. The more I thought about it, the more I smiled to myself. I felt proud for stanning such an amazing group.😭😭
Anyways, I made it back up to the arena at around 9:40 and this time I had to stand in the GA line, which also wrapped around two corners. Fucking A!!!! It didn’t seem like it was that many people and I guess my number would be between 500-700 but I was hella wrong because I was number 1,019 in line by the time I got my wristband. Lmao! FUCK!
I was supposed to meet up with people I had met the previous day but didn’t and it was all good because I met people not only in line but also once I gotten my wristband. Shoutout to y’all! ✌🏾✌🏾
Crazy enough, there was someone in line who gave away two extra GA tickets for free! I should have taken it and gave it away to one of the girls I met who didn’t have a ticket. (My first regret of the day).
While waiting until lineup time, which was at 4, I hung out with two other girls who were really sweet and kind, SUPER funny, and multi fandom. They shared concert experiences and are even planning on traveling to New York for their final U.S tour date. If one of you see this post, HAVE FUN, GURLS! I HOPED Y’ALL TURNED THE FUCK UP!!! ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾
The weather was beautiful. It was around 86/87 and the WIND WAS BLOWING! WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU, MIN YOONGI?! WAS IT STILL HOT THEN?! (Actually it was but at least we had a breeze, which technically was blowing everyone and everything away lmao.)
We even spotted video crew, interviewing fans about an upcoming “documentary”. 😏🤫 I have my own theory as to what this footage is going to be used for and I’m gonna wait until it drops to prove it. Word on the street, they were asking the arena staff members for more people to interview.😁
I met a lot of people and it brought me so much joy hearing how excited they were especially if it was their first time seeing them. I ended up waiting inside the arena while charging a friend’s phone and we heard BTS rehearsing! We assumed it was soundcheck but it wasn’t because the soundcheck line was still outside so that was a bonus. We even kept spotting BTS crew members walking in and out of the area where they were singing😫.
-The Concert-
When the time came, I had to get back in line in the order of the wristband to enter inside the arena. Idk if this applies at future concerts but if you get a large number, don’t assume you will get in line to enter the arena early. Security was strict to tell people to either get in their numerical spots or go to the end of the line. I was told this was because of the Wings Concert lineup was a mess last year so they’re trying to be fair and restore order. We lined up at about 4/4:30 but the doors didn’t open until 5:30 (at least for us, i think). We all tried to keep ourselves busy while we waited and everyone at least got some free shit in the process. Someone handed me Hoseok photo cards of him and his hands.😁
I had my boots in hand because I wasn’t gonna put those bad boys on and have my feet hurting all day (good thing too because I didn’t get into the arena until 6:40). In fact, I planned on putting them on just before going inside because I wanted to annoy security and set off the metal detectors like I did the previous day. It brought my trifling ass great joy watching three officers trying to figure out what it was until I told them it was the boots, thus them giving me the name “boots”. Lmao!
They scanned my ticket, gave me another wristband, and I entered into the arena listening to thousands of fans scream and cheer for our boys. It was really a sight. Turns out, despite my number being so high, I was still pretty close to the end of the stage. But the bad part was that, while standing there, my feet were starting to hurt. On top of that, people started fainting left and right and the concert didn’t even start. I was beginning to worry because being in GA isn’t ideal as people think. You are jam packed in a crowd. It’s hot, people are screaming, some are angry, you will get shoved and pushed around; all while trying to get closer to stage.
But once the lights went out and the opening started, everything turned around. Some of my time was spent trying to free up storage on my phone which I hated😤😤. My phone made my videos appear farther than what it actually was. Thanks Apple.
OH! Let me just warn you guys! Even though we watch them on our phones, televisions, and computers; nothing compares to seeing them up close and personal. I was shock to how close I was to them and couldn’t help up stare up at them with my mouth open. THEY ARE BREATHTAKING!! But the two members who really caught my eye were Namjoon and Hoseok! FUCK! They look 1000 times better in person. I couldn’t even think for a period of time. I kinda zoned out lol. Yoongi mostly stayed over by our side of the stage with his fine ass which was fine by me and Tae, Jungkook, Jimin and Jin!... my god! They all look so good!😩😩😩
You know, I’m not a fan of musicians jumping into the crowd of audience members. But after that night, I was counting on them to. Lmao! In fact, I’m disappointed that they didn’t.🤣😂🤣😂 jk... maybe😏
The boys performed effortlessly and PUT ON A SHOW (*hinting at all the other fan videos lol*). The solos, rap line, and vocal line performances were, hands down, memorable. I loved for Trivia: Love, Namjoon brought the other members back out to dance with him.😍😍 This time go round, they performed Setlist B! So you know what this means?! They performed bapsae and YALL KNOW I HAD TO GET IT ON VIDEO!!!!
And of course, the moment everyone dreaded... the ending.
*Sigh* it was an amazing experience overall and I was glad I was able to experience it. It gave me insight on what to do differently and plan for next time; and they did said that they would come back next year and I plan on holding them to that lol.
Message to the boys:
I want to say thank you. Thank you for being who you are and being open to sharing a part of your life with us. I know being an idol, especially international superstars, is difficult at times but you guys never complain. In fact, you push through and your determination is front and center. Even while you performed both days, I couldn’t help but take the time to look around at all the people you’ve brought together. People from all walks of life, different cultural backgrounds, people of different age groups; all brought together because of you. Together we are here to support you! “We are the same.” Thank you! And thank you for the experience! I am thankful and grateful I was able to see the love a group shares with their fandom. Keep up the great work and I look forward to your return and seeing you all again. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💜💜💜💜
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buttdawg · 4 years
New Beginning in Nashville: A Buttdawg Special Report
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NJPW is in the middle of a U.S. tour, and it turned out that they were doing a show pretty close to where I live, right when I had scheduled some time off, so I figured “what the hell?” and bought a ticket.    Then I finally saw the lineup for the show and I was like “ehhhhh...”  But then it turned out to be really great!  
I guess two things got me on board with this show.    First, Wrestle Kingdom 14 hype was in full swing when I bought the ticket, so I wanted More of That.    Second, I watched a bunch of matches from the World Tag League a few months ago, and a big chunk of those shows were set in smaller, cozier venues with no English commentary.    Some of them didn’t even have Japanese commentary, and I’m pretty sure those were the ones where I could see basketball backboards in the background.    One was in Osaka-jo Hall, and I thought that was a big arena, but it turned out the show was in the “sub arena”, which sounds awesome.    So I imagined what it might be like to go to a show like that, and then I realized they’re doing them in America this month.  
This was in the War Memorial Auditorium, which I think holds like 2,000 people.    Low four digits, definitely.    Pretty sure the WWF used to run house shows here, because every time I think the words “War Memorial Auditorium” I hear it in Howard Finkel’s voice.  On the way down, I listened to this piece by Jim Valley about how the WWE is no longer turning a profit on their live events, for the first time ever.    He blames guys like Seth Rollins who complain about their fans instead of enticing them to buy tickets.   Would toay’s WWE even run a house show in a venue this small?   All I know is the WMA had 560 in attendance, and everyone seemed pretty happy to be there.   There’s a market for wrestling tickets.    New Japan didn’t fly all these guys out to Tennessee to break even.  
Anyway, I wasn’t too jazzed about the card, and for most of January I was starting to wonder if I’d let my enthusiasm get the better of me. but once I found the place and got my bearings, I was very pleased.  The WMA looks even smaller in person than it does on the website.    Imagine a high school gym with a stage and a balcony.   You walk into the theater and the ring is right in front of you.   The merch stand is to your right.    I don’t think there’s a bad seat in the house, unless you’re sitting behind a really tall guy or something.  
As for the card, the audience made it feel special.  They had this big monitor on the stage, and they opened with a video package about the tour, and everyone popped when they heard the announcer, even though he’s speaking Japanese.    He’s the guy you hear at the start of every show thought, so hearing his voice just makes the whole thing feel important.  
I wasn’t really prepared for that, I guess.  There were a lot of kids there, and I guess I was surprised that so many people from so many demographics would be this familiar with the product.   I’ve only been watching New Japan for about seven months, so the filthiest casual was probably me.    
Match 1: Alex Zayne & Misterioso d. Alex Coughlin & Ren Narita (9:46)
I have no idea who most of these guys are.    I’ve probably seen Coughlin before, but I spent the whole match thinking he was Karl Fredericks.    The crowd recognized Zayne and Misterioso, though, because they were behind those guys the whole match.     I started to think Zayne had family in the crowd, and he’s from Lexington, Kentucky, so it’s not impossible. 
Match 2: YOSHI-HASHI d. Karl Fredericks (8:48)
This was when the real Karl Fredericks came out.    The monitor on the stage displays the names of the participants throughout the match, but I couldn’t see it very well because of the glare from the lighting.   Crowd was behind Karl all the way, I guess because he’s been a Young Lion long enough that he’s due to start winning matches one of these days, but not tonight.   I mean, Yoshi’s in CHAOS, so he ought to be a face, right?  
Match 3: Colt Cabana & Toru Yano d. Clark Conners & TJP (13:22)
I’m not a huge fan of Colt and Yano, but they were the first guys I’d consider ““real”““ stars to come out.   TJP won the Cruiserweight Classic in WWE, but I had to keep reminding myself of that while the match went on.  
The comedy wrestling works a lot better live.   My favorite bit was when Colt brazenly stuck his hands in the air and challenged Conners to a test of strength spot.   “TEST OF STRENGTH” he said loud enough for everyone to hear him.    Then as soon as they got locked up Colt looked over his shoulder and said “Oh my God, he’s really strong!”
This was the only match I tried to take pictures for, because I wanted to capture Yano untying the turnbuckle pad.    I also managed to get this pic, of Young Lions putting it back together after the match was over.
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Seriously, it takes like two guys to fix those things.   Yano’s a real jerk.  
Anyway, during this match, there was a kid further back in the balcony who was really rooting for TJP and Conners.    As the show continued, it became clear that this kid was in the tank for all the heels.   It took me a while to catch on to this, because sometimes I can’t tell if Yano’s a face or a hell.    But no, this kid was rooting for all the heels.    Not like in a smarky “the faces are jerks!” kind of way, either.   It’s like this kid just watched enough matches to objectively decide that guys like Lance Archer rules and Colt Cabana’s kind of a dick.    Same, kid.   Same.  
So during the match Yano and Colt are making Conners look like a real geek, to the point where it’s practically a face-in-peril situation (again, are we sure Yano and Colt aren’t evil?).    So this kid’s begging Conners to make the hot tag to TJP.   Then the other team makes a tag, and the kid goes “Not you!”   Priceless. 
Match 4: Jeff Cobb d. Satoshi Kojima (10:02)
This match kind of represents my flip-flopping towards the card.   They’re doing a tournament in the U.S., and they bring the worst two guys in CHAOS, nobody from LIJ, the only champions they booked were the shithole tag champions and they’re not even defending the belts... but they got Jeff Cobb, by gum.    It just felt very underwhelming, but once he came out, and I’m sitting there like fifty feet away from him, I’m like “Yeah, Jeff Cobb’s a cool guy.   This is great.”    Watching wrestling on TV has a way of raising your expectations to unrealistic levels, I guess.    Once you’re sitting there watching these guys in person, the equation changes.   
I wasn’t super-thrilled to see Cobb facing Kojima, since they had no issue, and Kojima jobbed all the way through the World Tag League, but by this point in the show I was just pleased to get to see Jeff Cobb strut his stuff.   This was how American wrestling used to work in the 80′s and 90′s, and it still does, I just had to get re-accustomed to it.   Everyone was hot for Kojima, either because he’s a legend or because he was wearing hot-orange ring gear to pander to the UT fans in the audience.   Well I went to UK so fuck you, Kojima, you deserved to lose to Cobb.   
And the match was very competitive, to the point where Cobb was all exhausted at the end, and Kojima went over to shake his hand after it was over, so a feel-good moment for the audience.   Nice.
Match 5: Lance Archer d. Yuji Nagata (11:16)
Never mind that shit, everybody dies!   Lance comes out and he was basically my favorite guy on this card.   Crowd was pretty into Lance too, so he takes the mic and says “Nashville, Tennessee!   Who wants a T-shirt!?”    crowd gets all excited, and then he just throws it.... onto the mat, and he goes “Nope!” and everyone is pissed!   Except me, Lance Archer fucking rules.  Also, Roots-for-Heels Kid probably didn’t mind, but we didn’t hear from that kid until the middle of the match, when Lance was basically mugging Blue Justice.     I salute Yuji Nagata for wearing Wildcat blue in a sea of orange bullshit, but as they say, everybody dies.
The crowd haaaates Lance, and he just milks it for all it’s worth.   The fans can’t help Yuji--his fate is sealed--so they make fun of Lance’s fashion sense.   They mock the red braid at the end of his mohawk, they make fun of his back tattoo, calling it a “tramp stamp”, and so on.    Lance just yells back at them.   “Shut up!” “Booooooooooo.”   Lance is the fucking man.   Even the ref was afraid of him, which makes Nagata look like a million bucks for even putting up a fight.      I wanted more Suzuki-gun guys at this show, but honestly, one was plenty.    Lance wins with the EBD claw, and that’s it.   
Match 6: Hiroshi Tanahashi d. Yujiro Takahashi (10:38)
Yujiro doesn’t have Pieter with him, although no one seems concerned by this.  From what I can tell, they only bring out Pieter when Yujiro is booked for bigger venues.   That’s probably got more to do with Pieter’s contract than anything else, but I like to think all these smaller towns in Japan take one look at Bullet Club and go “Look, you’re not doing that stripper crap in our building.”  
Big response for Tanahashi.    They did the hockey chant for him and everything “Ta-na-ha-shi (clap, clap, clap-clap-clap)”.   Nothing particularly notable about the match, but Hiroshi went around ringside hugging and taking photos with fans at ringside.  He’s a real class act. 
Match 7: Rocky Romero, David Finlay, & Juice Robinson d. Bullet Club (Chase Owens, Tanga Loa & Tama Tonga) (13:52)
This was originally supposed to be an eight-man tag with Kota Ibushi on the face team and Jado on the Bullet Club side.   Turns out Kota came down with the flu, so they just scaled it back to a six-man.   I also read that Karl Fredericks got injured, so he’s off the tour too.   I guess that happened on this show, because he seemed fine Sunday night, and the announcement came out before the show on the 27th started.
Anyway, now I see the value in New Japan’s strategy of using multi-man tag matches for tours like these.   If someone has to pull out, they just shuffle around partners or scale back eight-mans to six-mans, and so on.   I guess if things really got bad, they could just do seven singles matches, so as long as they have fourteen healthy performers, they can manage.  
Roots-for-Heels Kid was in full-effect here.   Again, not really sure if the kid’s Bullet Club 4-life, or just hates Juice Robinson as much as I do, or maybe the kid takes pity on Chase Owens.   But that kid really wanted Bullet Club to win.   Too bad it wasn’t in the cards.
One moment that stuck out to me was when the faces were doing pretty well, and enough stuff was going on that I didn’t notice Jado whacking someone with the kendo stick until it had already happened.    They do that bit in every G.O.D. match.   Face is doing okay, he runs the ropes, and then whack, Jado hits him right as he bounces off the ropes near the G.O.D. corner.   I’ve watched enough Guerrilas of Destiny matches by now that it’s become predictable, even formulaic, but this time, I never saw it coming.   I think that’s because on video, they’ve got the camera man anticipating that spot.    The camera angles of the guy running the ropes practically warns you what’s about to happen.    When you see it live, you have to be your own cameraman, and figure out which parts of the ring to watch.   I was in the second row of the balcony, with a great view of the ring, but not of Jado.    I could see him, but not his lower body, to give you an idea.    By contrast, there were fans on the floor who were directly behind him the whole match, so they could see every move he made.   So it’s a completely different experience depending on where your seat is.   And that’s why they do the kendo stick spot in every match.
Anyway, big chunks of the match were brawls, and eventually FinnJuice and G.O.D. fought their way out of the theater, so it came down to Rocky and Chase wrapping up the match by themselves.   I wasn’t sure what to make of Rocky Romero wrestling, since I’ve only ever seen him doing commentary, or managing Roppongi 3K.    But it turns out he’s really good, so now I don’t understand why they keep him stuck behind a desk all the time.  Maybe he’s semi-retired or something?  
After the match, Rocky cuts the end-of-show promo, and explains that Kota couldn’t be here, so now it’s going to be Chase Owens vs. Rocky Romero in the Atlanta show.    Chase takes the mic and says “Maybe I don’t want to wait until Atlanta?   Who wants to see me and Rocky go here, tonight!”    The crowd is up for it, and then he shouts “Then buy another ticket!” and leaves in a huff.   Classic, total classic.   Rocky thanks everyone for supporting NJPW, the best wrestling in the world, and the crowd goes home happy. 
So yeah, good show all around, and they even had the whole thing done in two hours.    I had no idea what to expect, but if I’d known they would be finished by 7pm I might have just driven home that night instead of getting a hotel.    Well, I’ll keep that in mind for next year.
0 notes
captainsantiagos · 7 years
So I went to New York last week and am going to write about some cool things that happened. First of these being getting to see a taping of Late Night with Seth Meyers. Essentially if you don’t want the full story, I GOT TO ASK SETH MEYERS A QUESTION. HE HELD EYE CONTACT AND I DIED.
If you want more sanity then keep reading!
So I applied at the start of May for the tickets and got the notification I had got them about two weeks later. The taping was Andy Cohen, Patty Jenkins and Rakesh Satayl. To be honest I wasn’t that buzzed about the lineup but more the experience and getting to see Seth who I have been madly in love with since 2014.
So! When you arrive you get the standard security talk and hear for the first thirty or so times that there is no photography permitted. You are warned that you will be immediately asked to leave if you are caught which is not as enforced as they make out cause I saw a whole family basically having a photoshoot in the lounge. So yeah you get checked in and go through security and then go and sit in the Peacock Lounge which is super cool. A guy comes in and does some activities to get you warmed up and then they seat ‘superfans’. (people who won the activities.) Then a woman came in to break down who was on the show and then revealed we had an extended taping. 
Then you are called to start queuing to go in the lifts up to 8G. I had started panicking because my ticket and my sister’s ticket had the letter ‘D’ on the back while everyone around me had numbers. Turns out people with letters got seated FIRST!!!!!!!! So you go up and queue outside 8H which is of course Saturday Night Live and I was freaking the hell out. Then we entered Seth’s set and we were seated in the third row!!!!!!!! A comedian then came out and did some more warming up. It was mostly taking the piss out of where people were from. He asked if anyone was international and me and my sister said we were and naturally he made a whiskey joke. We’ve never heard that before lol.
Then we were introduced to the crew (the photographer came up to us because he was also Scottish which was cool.) The 8G Band sang a song and then Seth came out and I shit you not I nearly cried. He also broke down the show and revealed why we had an extended taping. We had an extra act who was pre-recording because they couldn’t actually make the day they were booked in. The act was LORDE! She was doing JFallon and then going to Seth to pre-tape. So yeah! The show got on the road and it was awesome. Everyone was funny and Seth killed me in Ya Burnt. ‘You say tomato I say go fuck yourself!’
The taping ended and Seth shouted out ‘LORDE NEXT!’ and everyone was buzzed. She was lovely in her interview and then went off to prepare to sing. Seth then WALKED UP INTO THE AUDIENCE!!!! and said that Lorde woukd take a little longer to set up and asked if the audience haD ANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!
So my sister nudged me and I started shaking because I couldn't think. I sat and thought about what I would want to know and all I could think was ‘ASK ABOUT AMY!!!’ so I put my hand up and ladies and gentleman I asked Seth Meyers a question. I made eye contact with him and asked him a question.
I essentially asked about a funny memory he has of working with Amy and he gave a brilliant detailed answer about how for such a small person she has the biggest personality. He talked about when people ask them for pictures he is nice and always stops but says that Amy is like ‘Can you do it super fast? While I’m walking? No? Nice to meet you!’
When Lorde was ready she performed and it was brilliant! There was some sound issues so she had to sing again but to me both performances were truly awesome and captivating.
The show ended and we went to the merch shop where you get 10% off if you saw a show so I bought two tshirts and a magnet hahahah.
It was amazing and I still can’t believe that I spoke to him!
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sapphylicious · 7 years
Time for the B1A4 con report! First off, let me just say it was TOTALLY WORTH IT, but as soon as @cactuarneedles and I arrived back in KC at midnight we were like, “Let’s never go to California again.” It was that kind of trip.
First off, our connecting flight in Denver was delayed. Not by a lot, but in retrospect that set the tone for the rest of the weekend. We still managed to arrive in SF on Saturday around noon, checked in at the hotel, and then got ramen for lunch in Japantown. It’s been, oh, 11 years since I was last in SF for Hyde’s Faith tour, and wandering around Japantown was a bit nostalgic. I wanted to buy All The Things but couldn’t have fit anything else into my carry-on except a Pusheen shirt I ended up getting just because. Also, makeup remover, since I forgot to bring any and didn’t realize until I was putting on my eyeliner (very, very carefully). The salesperson in Kpop Beauty liked my Big Bang hoodie lol.
We were running out of energy fast since we’d been up since 4am Central, so we went back to the hotel and ordered in for dinner. I slept as I usually do in new places, which is to say, not well, but I managed not to be too tired on Sunday.
As for Sunday. 
It was raining all morning, and we’d bought umbrellas the day before at CVS, so we were like. The bare minimum of prepared. We also bought some trash bags to sit on. It was in the 50s but felt like it was in the 40s, and there was some wind, so overall it was a cold, wet, miserable experience. I’ve queued in line when it was colder (Akanishi Jin’s Yellow Gold tour in NYC in November was hella cold) but a) I was younger then, and b) I wasn’t being rained on. So Janel and I discovered our Too Old For This Shit threshold. If we hadn’t been close to the front of the line we probably would have said fuck it and stayed in the hotel room all day.
We took a break for lunch at a Vietnamese place where I was able to stop shivering for a while, and stayed there as long as we felt was reasonable. We’re not fans of the “claim a spot in line and then fuck off for the rest of the day until an hour before the doors open” tactic some people (read: assholes) like to use. Getting to be right in front of the stage is privilege you suffer for.
On the way back we decided to stop in a Target to buy some of those mini folding seats to help make the rest of the wait bearable (the trash-bags-on-ground was not working out for us). And this is where the trip really went to shit.
Janel left her purse in the restroom by accident. She realized it the moment we stepped outside and went back to the restroom in three minutes tops, and by then everything inside her purse had been stolen. Cash, cards, ID, keys -- the only thing she still had was her phone since it had been in her pocket (which luckily also had the tickets).
Soooo she pretty much spent the rest of the afternoon making phone calls and filing a police report -- not that the police could actually do anything about it, but it was good to have for getting through airport security for our flight back. So note: you can fly domestically without an ID, but it’s a huge pain for everyone.
At least by then it had basically stopped raining. There was a little bit of a situation when the lines were separated and we had to leave our spot to wait in another line for our VIP wristbands. I asked a girl I recognized being a couple people ahead of us to save our spot (couldn’t find the people who’d been directly in front or behind), but when we eventually got our wristbands I couldn’t find her again, or anyone else who had been near us in the original line. So we kind of just cut in at roughly the same area and miraculously no one gave us shit about it.
Let me just say, out of the several cons I’ve been to, B1A4 fans are the most chill. I remember standing in line for Big Bang and recalling how VIPs used to claim to be the most chill fans and lol nah man just nah. We chatted a little with the people around us, told the "everything got stolen” story a few times -- and also the “we’re from the Midwest” story. YOU PEOPLE IN LA AND SF DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE LIVING IN THE ENTIRE REST OF THE UNITED STATES. Travel for Kpop is a given. I’ve made weekend trips from the East Coast all the way to the West Coast for Kpop. This is also why we only go to cons for our absolute favorite groups, and will pull out all the stops for them. I figure I’ll only do this for B1A4, Big Bang, Epik High, TVXQ/JYJ, and maaaybe I might do it for VIXX. Maybe.
Getting into the venue wasn’t an issue and we wound up about four people back from the stage. We were hella sore by then, although I think it was worse for Janel since she was running back and forth a lot and under a ton more stress. Luckily the con didn’t start too late, and I forgot how much my feet hurt most of the time (I’m really glad I have a pair of comfortable boots).
So. B1A4 in person.
This is the first concert where I bothered to take pictures and record video, but I don’t know how some fans can dedicate their attention to recording the whole time because I was a flailing mess lol. THEY WERE SO CLOSE. They’re all really attractive in person??? I mean Gongchan is of course a given and he is EVEN MORE HANDSOME THAN ADVERTISED no wonder Sandeul and Jinyoung don’t shut up about how he looks. The suits they wore for most of the show were very nice and ESPECIALLY when they took off the jackets because men in waistcoats are my weakness. Jinyoung rolling up his shirtsleeves jesus christ and he does it all neatly too (whereas Baro’s sleeves kept falling and flopping around lol). Jinyoung is so fucking charming it’s unfair. When the water bottles came out he liked to hold them up and tease the crowd lmao how... typical...
CNU was amazing with the fanservice and the body rolls lol and he has such pretty hair. There was a moment duringggg I think Baby Goodnight when he and Gongchan were really cute together. I was filming Sandeul and had to quickly cut over to them with their arms around each other.
Baro did a lot of talking in English, I was surprised and impressed and I think this con has cemented him as third in my lineup of faves (Sandeul-Jinyoung-Baro-Gongchan-CNU). I feel like he interacted with the crowd best and I saw him paying attention to the balcony people often too, but someone needs to take the word “lit” away from him hahaha.
The venue was small so it was really easy for them to reach every part of the stage, we got to see all of them up close in roughly equal amounts but ngl my memory is like 70% Sandeul because I tracked him all across the stage.
BOY CAN HE SING. Not only does he sound amazing but you can tell just by looking at him how passionate he is, the way he moves and puts more of himself into it than the others do. The only way the con could have been more perfect is if he’d been able to perform a solo. Or just. If he could release a full-length solo album and then go on tour that was be okay too. He teased us by singing 그렇게 있어줘~ and augh so good. SO GOOD. AND SO CUTE. He’s so adorable I can hardly stand it. Near the end he was crouched down in front of us and stuck out his tongue bUT I DIDN’T MANAGE TO RECORD IT. OPPORTUNITY LOST.
I did however record the cheek squishing. It was so classic. Jinyoung goes for the cheeks, Sandeul tries to retaliate but misses, Jinyoung waits for a few seconds and then goes in again to get a good grip and Sandeul looks SO RESIGNED before he jerks his face away. They did this while Baro was talking and he was like “Hey, it’s my turn now!” lol poor Baro.
I also have some pics of CNU lowkey harassing Sandeul and Sandeul giving him this Look afterwards. And Gongchan fussing with Sandeul’s clothes. And Sandeul limp in Baro’s arms. I ship my bias with everyone, can you tell.
They were all so cute though, ugh, I love B1A4. I’m so glad I gave Kpop another chance after I thought the TVXQ breakup was the End Of All Things.
We fought with another girl over one of the towels thrown into the crowd. I only made a claim so it would be 2 vs 1 but we both lost the rock-paper-scissors battle and had to give it up. In retrospect we maybe should have played the “she was robbed today” pity card because you’d think after losing all the contents of your purse you could at least get a towel in compensation. We’re unfortunately not that combative though. At least this time the opponent didn’t cheat and throw down her choice late. Like I said, in terms of the fans B1A4 has much fewer assholes than I’m used to encountering.
I felt like a drowned rat by the end of the show and feared for my eyeliner but luckily it wasn’t running or even smudged (thanks, Stila stay all day waterproof liquid eyeliner). My hair was rather bedraggled though and after the rain and the water bottles it was like, why did I even bother curling it that morning, but what can you do.
I wanted to say something to everyone during the high touch -- I knew it was going to be quick but the staff really hurried everyone through which was annoying, and I had a holyshitholyshitholyshit internal monologue going when actually face to face with the boys. So I only managed a weak “thank you” to Gongchan who said it back (he’s so sweet ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥) and I blurted out a rather embarrassing “I love you!!” to Sandeul ahahaha god so much for being a cool, mature noona.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The walk back to the hotel was short, although we did wind up briefly walking in the wrong direction somehow because I can’t be trusted with directions even if the distance is only a few blocks. Our flight home was around 11am so we planned to get up extra early to have plenty of time for Janel to get through additional screening.
Aaaand then in the morning the flight was delayed to the afternoon, which would cause us to miss our connecting flight. So we had to book a whole new trip which didn’t leave until 3:20 pm.
Getting through security wasn’t too bad for either of us, and we waited around watching B1A4 fancams and reading fan accounts. As it got close to departure there were some confusing announcements about delays and we found out our gate had changed with no warning. Also the flight was slightly delayed. Luckily (?), our connecting flight in Vegas was also delayed. Still, by the time we got there we only had 15 min before we began boarding. 
(Also, even the airport in Vegas has slots lol.)
It was a veeery turbulent ride back. All of our flights for this trip have been turbulent, but that last one was the worst. I’m not afraid of flying but I can now understand how some people could be. At one point I looked over at Janel and said, “I hope we don’t die.” If the plane went down I decided I would just pray for a quick death and also to be reborn as a cat so I can spend my life eating, sleeping, and being petted.
Finally, around midnight, we were back in KC.
Me: Let’s never go to California again. Next time there’s a concert, NY or Chicago or even Jersey is fine. Janel: SF is a flaming trash heap. It is the Tumblr of cities.
Sorry, SF, I liked you for years but now I am okay with never setting foot in you again.
But still: WORTH IT.
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chorusfm · 7 years
Three Members Leave Handguns
Brandon, Kyle, and CJ have left Handguns. A statement from the band can be read below. We want to start off by saying how appreciative we are of every chance we got over the past almost 5 years now. We’ve had the privilege of traveling the world and connecting with amazing people the entire time. Whether it be at the shows, the places we’ve crashed or the people we’ve been lucky enough to have work for our band, it’s all been an honor and the times of our lives that we’ll surely never forget. This band has never been known for … shall we say “functioning normally” but we found the core of the band, Taylor, Brandon, Kyle and CJ managed to create two records we can all say we’re very proud of and toured with bands that influenced us to play music in the first place as well as sell out headline shows on our own merit. We owe that to every single one of you that bought tickets to see us, bought our records or merch, or just spread the good word about Handguns. That’s why we regret to inform you that we, Brandon, Kyle, and CJ will no longer be performing with or writing with Handguns. This doesn’t come easy for us and we’ll miss seeing everyone at the shows. The band has decided to continue on as a reimagining of the old lineup, Taylor included. We hope everyone enjoys this new lineup if you’ve never seen Handguns without it, they’ll be announcing shows coming up so feel free to go check it out. All that being said, thank you all once more for everything you’ve made possible for three dudes who would have never in a million years thought they’d travel to Japan to play music, or record a record in North Hollywood or even just pull off a full U.S. tour. The hard work, blood, missed weddings and funerals were all made worth it knowing that we took advantage of these opportunities and continued to make records that people understood and connected with. All of this being said, we’re currently writing for a release with a new band together. If this seems like something you’d like to keep an eye on – fuck yeah! We’ll let you know when we have more info for you. Until then – take care of yourselves and we’ll see you all soon! Brandon, Kyle, and CJ --- Please consider supporting us so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/linked/three-members-leave-handguns/
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thewanderingmacy · 7 years
We’re almost caught up as I was in Prague under a week ago, from the 18-25.
Prague was really pretty. it met all my high expectations in terms of architecture and visual appeal. 
The first day I visited the medieval Jewish Quarter. It was surprisingly busy (like packed, wait in a lineup for 30 minutes busy) but I think it’s because I came at a time when a lot of tour groups were arriving. I saw the old synagogue and then walked a bit further (not much though because, as per usual, the jews were confined to a small space) to a memorial for the Czech victims of the holocaust, an old (massive!) Jewish Cemetery and 3 more synagogues/museum type spaces. I didn’t expect it to take so long but I was exploring the Jewish territory for about 3 hours before I headed to the city square for a tour. I actually had to rush, too (good for me for getting my Jew on). I was actually looking for a souvenir for my Jewish grandmother but I didn’t recognize any of the things. It was confusing me because I couldn’t tell if something was a Czech souvenir being sold in a synagogue or it was a Jewish icon. (Don’t worry, Huna- I’ll find something!). I arrived in the town square which was very pretty and lively and felt very Renaissance-y with a lot of pastel colours and decorative fronts, with a large Medieval cathedral in the background and the famous Prague clock providing the only dark buildings. I joined the walking tour for about 30 minutes (20 of that was the company just organizing us into two groups to start). My tour guide had a mullet and made us touch the cobblestone ground to “feel the beating heart of Europe”. That, combined with the fact that it was like 7 degrees in the middle of April, was too much for me and I left. I also really wanted to explore the town square, as their Easter market went on for a week so all the stalls with cute gifts and food were open. I got myself some apple cider. They also had a hot apple wine and for a second I thought i accidentally got that but I was in the clear. I chugged that down and then got a sausage for lunch. I took about 8 million photos before heading to the old town hall where the history of the town hall was laid out. I bought a ticket for a tour an hour from then and explored the tower, with the famous clock. I walked up the top and satisfyingly read all the cards explaining the detailed history of the town hall. I gotta say, I have a weird obligation to fully understand the place I’m in/the history I’m in, even though, most of the time, I don’t really want to read the plaques and what not, or see the statues, or sometimes even the cathedrals (I must have seen at least 50 by now), but I do it to satisfy my future self, knowing that I properly grasped the place, if that makes sense. Whenever I see a hill, I don’t want to climb it no matter what’s on top but I always suffer just to check it off my list of sights, and I always feel guilty when I don’t go through with something. Speaking of not going through, I never did the tour of the clock tower that I had a ticket for. It came with the ticket to visit the tower and was at a weird time, as I still had exploring to do. But I did walk up (elevator down, though) and get a great panoramic view of the town square. After that, I explored the surrounding area, did a wee bit of shopping (I found a shirt that I’d been looking for in Ireland so I figured I had to buy it), before heading back to the hostel.
I spoke a bit about the girls in my dorm room. There was a nice, normal British girl above me whom I spoke to for a bit. She was taking a week off from her job, as it was Easter so she had a long weekend and just extended it. I think the following night I met the two other girls I mentioned, the one from New York and the party girl who was English, but raised in NYC so she sounded American. She’d just completed her degree in Switzerland too and was headed to Miami in July for a job in hospitality. The (full on) NYC girl was nice and very friendly but she spoke strangely. She kind of sounded like a dumb person trying to sound smart all the time. She’d make comments on Jews, and Israel, saying you can’t claim something you left behind but I was I don’t think the Jews left voluntarily? I don’t know, she was kind of innocent and simple and overly open, as in she told her all about her family. She was nice and offered me a place to stay if I’m ever in New York, and I could tell she was like a decently aware person in terms of liberal views but she just tried really hard or something. It’s hard to describe her but overall, she was friendly and had a good core, though seemed a bit misinformed whenever she spoke. The British-NYC-party girl seemed decent enough (I don’t really care about the partying thing so much as a character defining trait, while it does admittedly make relate to her less) but then she started talking about how she hates fat people and I was like Ok? so you’re a bad person, I can see that now. The most normal girl, the 100% british girl said she hated fat people too and me and the NYC girl were silent as they gushed over how much they hated fat people. Like first of all, that’s super offensive and inconsiderate because it literally has nothing to do with you and second of all, you were “blessed” (for lack of a better word) with being thin so you have ZERO idea what someone who wasn’t is going through. The reason I say that last part is because the party girl actually said “I don’t have an appetite, I don’t even like to eat most of the time”. Like bitch, that isn’t something to brag about. It is super mentally and physically unhealthy to treat eating as a trivial. Also, that fact that you say that to strangers is an obvious power move (as we were talking about our favourite foods, a conversation I was actually happy to participate in) to assert yourself as above us who are subject the horrors (read: gaining weight) of eating. Anyway, she just pissed me off and, at the time I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure what to say, but I thought about it a lot and determined that she’s a fucked up, privileged and just downright unintelligent asshole.
Alright, now back to Prague. one day I went to the Castle quarters where I explored the old cathedral and the government buildings, and the old palace. I bought a ticket for a tour there, which I actually went on, and got a decent understanding of the space as it had purposes beyond housing royalty such as the government being situated there as well. I also saw a cute area of it called The Golden Lane which was made up to look like an old medieval street with artifacts and rooms decorated as they would have been. I’m not sure if the buildings were actually authentic as well, though, and I had to rush to catch my tour. Another day, I explored the Charles Bridge and around the west side of the bridge were a lot of cute art shops were, as well as parks and a stunning 17th century garden with more great pano views. Another day, I went to the Troja Palace and the Prague Botanical Gardens, as well as a memorial on a MASSIVE hill that almost killed me. The palace was empty except for the fresco ceilings and walls but man were they gorgeous. I also got in for $0.20, I don’t know why the ticket guy charged me the price of a child under 5 but I’ll accept it. I took so many photos of the interiors and of the gardens, I keep posting them on instagram because they really took the cake in terms of bare interior design. I also climbed a massive hill to the botanical gardens, as well as a greenhouse though I don’t know why I did that- I thought it’d be more adult oriented but it was just filled with small children and butterflies. The memorial that I hiked to was so steep, I remember wanting to sit down on the paved road. And, by that point, I’d seen enough good views so I was just tired. Oh, also on this day (damn I was busy that day), I went to a mall and had some amazing Chinese food- fried chicken and rice with a sweet sauce, and saw the movie The Lost City of Z. I can’t tell how I feel about it though because, as I was watching it, I kept thinking the pacing is strange and the character isn’t very dimensional and then at the end it said “based on a true story” so I have to reevaluated everything I processed with that new context.
A different day, I’d planned on going to a market and visiting the New Town (for reference, the old town was surrounding and including the town square and the New Town, though still a couple hundred years old at least, was south of there) but I woke up and, after trying to update my phone, it stopped turning on. It was a Saturday too, of course, so nothing but an apple store in a mall was open, so that’s all I did that day, really, besides visiting an antique fair where everything was expensive. But! at the fair, there was a booth for fashion from the 1850′s-1920′s with a flyer for a museum space by the castle that showcases clothing items from those periods. The employee at the booth spoke at me in Czech for a few minutes and I just nodded because, at that point, it was too awkward to tell her I didn’t understand. I did end up going to the fashion museum and had a good time. The employee there spent about 30 minutes with me, going over the pieces which I enjoyed.
On the last day, I visited a massive park west of the river, where the library and monastery were. Again, it was a hike but this time it actually had some sicker that usual views. I had to wait for some hoes taking photos at one stop and, after waiting for literally 5 full minutes, I just snuck in beside them and took them because they were being rude and inconsiderate, so I was too. I visited the sites at the top of the hill, including the very pretty libraries for mother. I’d been trying to get to a nice library for a well. There was one in Oxford but it was only accessible by tour so I didn’t go, I tried to go to one in Dublin but the doors were locked when I got there, and at another place in Prague, the library was closed for renovation, so I was glad to see at least one beautiful library.
I mostly (pretty much only) eat in now. I treat myself maybe once every week to a meal out. I got a chicken schnitzel and some potatoes in Prague which were delicious and cheap ($5!). I had a lot of PB and J sandwiches and testing out some pasta dishes. I tried an Alfredo sauce which was nasty (I also got the wrong milk- some Slovenian bs and some gross, tart cheese which looked like feta but was clearly not), as well as some butter and mozzarella but the butter is weird, and, later on, I tried tomato sauce that was gross. I was struggling to say the least. I’ve gotten a bit more used to my options here- hot dogs and, today, mac and cheese. Snack wise, I’ve been going to town on Nutella and pretzels. 
Well, I think that’s it for now.
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