#like with a queen and workers and drones
transingthoseformers · 7 months
We must never let Inferno and Lugnut meet, for I do not know if Megs can handle how single minded and simple minded both of them are at once
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ichorblossoms · 8 months
googling bee anatomy shit for monstery yarrow purposes and sitting here like. yeah this ain't gonna work i gotta make this up on my own or just straight up not go with that idea
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I think the later seasons angels are equivalent to like. Ok this is an insane metaphor but bear with me. Imagine you and your brothers live in a house with a bunch of roombas, and you name them sometimes, and then you and your brothers start an apocalypse and all kill each other or whatever (I’m not thinking too hard about the details of this metaphor) and at some point later you get resurrected and find out that not only have the roombas constructed a society based on your specific family’s dysfunction, but they also regularly have civil wars based on the fights you used to have with your brothers, except they change sides pretty much at random and also they don’t fully understand what you guys were fighting about in the first place.
basically, I think Naomi was just like, a little robot Gabriel put googly eyes on once and shit got way out of hand
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bogleech · 9 months
Many parasites takeover the minds and bodies of insects, spiders or other creatures, making them like zombies. You’ve listed some in spider-ween and other places. Do you know any parasites that take over bees? I know wasps lay their eggs in their larva, but haven’t really found anything about those that pilot a bee’s body.
Strepsipterans! Also frequently just called "Stylops"
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These are the weirdest most alien insect group in existence. What you're seeing are the head ends of the mature females; their bodies are just bags of tissue that absorb nutrients from the host, so they no longer have any trace of limbs or wings and their flat little heads no longer have mouths or eyes.
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The only reason the female's heads stick out of the host at all is because the head evolved into the end they mate with. The short-lived mature male is a very tiny flying thing (whose anatomy is unlike any other insect alive today - a totally unique type of wing, unique eye arrangement, we have NO idea what these evolved from, except for some loose connections to beetles!) who mates by breaking through the female's featureless armored face with his bladed genitalia and then he dies. And Strepsiptera can be found infecting all sorts of arthropods, even apparently some arachnids, but none of those arthropods really tend to sit still when a little tiny flying man tries to land on them, so the females usually do something to their hosts (we aren't sure what exactly) to make them slower and more complacent. Social Hymenoptera like bees are especially common hosts though, and when a worker bee or wasp is infected by stylops, she actually abandons her colony and her duties for extended periods of time to just perch in one place while the parasite broadcasts its mating pheromones. This is especially eerie from the bee's perspective; a worker bee is a female bee that wasn't allowed to become a queen and isn't "supposed" to be going around mating, but now she's sitting around waiting for a male just like any other bug that wants to be a mom. It's just not a male of her species and she's not the one who gets to reproduce. Is the parasite tapping into buried queen behavior? Does the bee's little brain think it's calling for a drone to help it start a new hive? Or does the parasite just make the bee a lazy slob who stops caring about her hive and just feels like chilling out on a flower all day? We might never know.
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Here are those unique eyes of the male for anyone wondering. Not set in a fine multifaceted grid like in other insects, but clustered, still set in their own individual "sockets" like we see in much more ancient arthropods like trilobites! This suggests that Strepsipteran eyes date back to when insects were first beginning to evolve towards true compound eyes, but there still aren't many insects in the fossil record that have anything else in common with these animals. EDIT: oh yeah I forgot to include that these are in the children's book made by @revretch and I!
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I did the rough pencil sketch of this page while Rev did the beautiful inks! I felt kids should know about these animals but I tried to explain it in the most kid-friendly way possible.
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vethale · 9 days
Incoming Marble Sky theory about the Marmors' origin planet and more! Spoilers ahead!
I think if we ever get to see their original planet, it might be a dark place (literally and metaphorically), with hives or cities built within ant-like cave systems. Their society also seems to work like those of ants with a queen (Moon), workers and drones.
I think the fact that the Marmors use a form of ecolocation rather than our traditional eyesight might imply that on their original planet, sight as we know it is not a viable option. Their planet might either have little to no light, making eyes redundant, or too much, which would also cause the same problem. I think their fur coloring might also be proof of this, as they seem to display bright colors with no patterns. (Patterns usually help animals, especially predators, blend into their environment, because a blotch of a single color is usually easy to spot). However, there is also a possibility that their coloring might be a result of them becoming the dominant species: We see this with domesticated animals- think cows or cats, with white patches of fur, that make them easier to spot. When colors no longer affect their survival, new color variations tend to pop up.
I also think the fact that they are bipedal (with tails) also tells us that like humans, they might have started walking on all fours and then went up. This allows the brain to become larger, because the neck can hold up more weight, boosting their intelligence. Animals that walk on all fours are usually limited in this aspect because the neck muscles do all the work, so their heads can't get heavier.
The existence of tails might imply that those are still required for balancing purposes. Humans used to have tails but we kinda didn't need them and they went away, but the tail bone still exists. The fact that Marmors still needed them might imply that they still had to climb a lot in their original planet - maybe they live on trees (there's some ants that build their hives hanging from them! Super cool tbh) or they build their homes on cliffs/mountains.
I personally think them living in mountains or cave systems is the more likely option. In the comic we have already gotten the comparison with ants, who tend to build their little hives with tunnel systems going in all directions. This would make their tails useful for climbing, as well as their special eyesight and connections useful for navigating the hive. I mean, a connection like the one we have seen in the latest update is not only useful for hunting but also for their hives, as they can quickly figure out where more "manpower" is needed vs where there's already enough of them in one place.
Also, they have both sharp claws and teeth. Obviously those teeth are stylized in the comic, but they seem very very sharp. Definitely made for ripping and shredding. So it's very likely that the Marmors are obligate carnivores, meaning that, unlike dogs or bears, they can ONLY eat meat. I mention this because those claws would also be useful for hunting and disabling prey BUT connecting this to the cave system theory: Those claws are big and sharp, whoch might also be useful for digging. The giant anteater, for example, has some seriously sharp claws. This thing does NOT hunt other animals, besides ants and termines lmao, but uses those sharp claws to dig into the really hard ground. And those claws are SHARP, boy. They use them regularly to wars off and ERASE jaguargs. Yes, jaguars. So maybe these sharp claws might be tools AND weapons for the Marmors, useful for deleting your prey and digging into the ground!
Going back to the ant comparison: ants society usually has a queen, her simps, and the worker ants. The queen lays the eggs. If those are fertilised by the male drones, they become female workers but if not, they become male drones (the simps lmao). Ecliptica mentions that she is tall because she is a female AND the center of their network. Obviously these are aliens, but I think we can draw parallels: she might be their queen, the only one that reproduces -which would also explain their "children belong to everyone and noone" attitude"- while the rest might simply be the workers. I say workers, even if they are male, because I think the drones might actually be something else. We have seen smaller Marmors like Shepherd's assistants. Now, they might just be small or younger, BUT they could also be the lower ranking drones.
So, to sum up: I think Marmors come from a planet with little light, where they build their hives/societies in ant-like cave systems, digging into the ground. They might also have an ant-like society, that revolves around their queen, the workers and the lower ranking drones, where everyone but the queen is a male.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 3 months
People out here seeing Uzi survive a gun exploading in her face- clenching a wrench so hard it bends- throwing a pen so harshly that it cracks the front visor of a disassembler- tear out a knife from her hand like its nothing BEFORE she had healing powers- walk off N stabbing her twice- in the shoulder AND in her hand with acidic nanites-
AND said people also assume that worker drones that were sent on other planets for mining are "fragile"-
and then say she cant pick up N on her shoulders like hes not a couple of fucking pebbles-
the absolute audacity-
thissss short queen is FUCKING strong and i love her for that shut up you cant convince me otherwise-
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lurking-latinist · 9 months
👀👀 wanna say more about your eusocial timelord theory?
when you sent this ask like a year ago apparently I did not, for which I apologize.
now it's the wee small hours and I'm trying to clear out my asks. but eusocial time lords are so fun. forgive anything that doesn't make sense/jars weirdly in this, I'm trying to explain some quite spitbally worldbuilding.
among other things, it's an explanation for (1) why are there so few time ladies on screen and (2) that very strange thing in I think it's in Gallifrey where Pandora was 'the first female President' and apparently that's a big deal? but like why would a different planet (where they regenerate!!) have the same manifestations of sexism as we have? and also vaguely riffing on the VNAs lore that Gallifrey used to be a matriarchy and Rassilon overthrew it, but also kind of completely transforming that lore.
so forget gender, this is not about gender. "male"/"female" is at best a very rough translation of the binary that Gallifreyans are concerned with, which is worker/queen. They are bees!
The Time Ladies (i.e. Gallifreyans played by female human actors) that we see in the pre-War era (all of this applies to the pre-War era)--Romana, the Rani, Flavia, Inquisitor Darkel--are biologically the equivalent of insect queens. (And the Doctor, the Master, Borusa, the Floating Time Lord, Commander Maxil, etc. etc. are the equivalent of worker bees. The fact that the former all present as female and the latter all present as male is just sort of a translation convention/useful coincidence, I guess.) Gallifreyans evolved from a eusocial species and their early political structures were developments of the hive structure, with reproductive capacity strongly linked to political authority.
Presumably this is what Rassilon, or whatever revolutionary Rassilon stole credit from, is supposed to have overturned--the link between reproductive capacity and political authority. But in my version, it was before that that Looming became a thing: the queens had control of the Looms, so it was the ultimate refinement of their arts and sciences, and it was their way of getting rid of whatever drone class there used to be, if they weren't already parthenogenetic.
And that's why there's the stereotype in Gallifrey--mentioned in connection with Pandora, suggested as a concern about Romana--that a "female" (queen) President will be autocratic. It's seen as a potential return to "how things once were."
And then I did a lot of worldbuilding for how government worked at a stage in history when there was a sort of uneasy balance between reproductive and political power, but that was for a fic Moki was working on and I think she's still working on it, so no spoilers!
So what you end up with is a hive structure where the role of the queen has been sort of abstracted away into... well, the hive itself. The power at the heart of Gallifrey is Gallifrey. I feel like that explains a lot of what's wrong with them.
There might be another branch of the species that evolved away from eusocial structure into something more like solitary bees and that's the Shobogans, possibly, since nobody seems at all clear what the Shobogans are.
Also I read that with naked mole rats, the only eusocial mammal, there are a few in each colony that are predisposed to not fit into the colony and instead go and wander and find other colonies, to promote genetic diversity, and I'm just saying, renegades.
And after the War when there are often maybe two Gallifreyans left, that's why whatever's left of the hivemind keeps trying to get at least one of them to turn out as a Time Lady. Fortunately for the universe, neither of them seems that interested in reproducing.
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
— Jealousy
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Pairing: Yandere bee’s x gender-neutral reader x jealous female worker
Warnings: Yandere behavior, violence; knife usage, reader thinks it's their fault that something traumatic happened.
A/N: These bee characters belong to @yanderemommabean — please check out my first one if you wanna read it! Otherwise have fun reading <33
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Jealousy and anger mixed is an ugly emotion. Unbridled rage even more so; the feeling of your chest running throughout your body, hands tightening into a fist where it turned into muscle spasms and the envious thoughts that came with it; she despised you.
She was a fellow worker, a fathomed woman filled with jealousy and rage towards you. All day, she was forced to serve you and have a smile placed on her face, yet when her rightful place was in that king-sized bed, worshiped with all hands filled with lotion to massage her stressed muscles and be given any type of food she ordered.
Oh, how she wished that would be her: be cradled in the lap of the drones, kissed gently as they praised her for doing a good job for the bed work.
Though, she can say that her patience was running thin. If only there was a way to get rid of the obstacle that prevented her living her dream, maybe make you believe she’d rub lotion onto your continuous used joints, suffocate you right there and then. Or, she could just drug you every day, watch you slowly drift away as she gets to the spot she very deserves.
Tonight would be the night she would get her rightful place, and be called a queen.
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You had just gone for a walk; a small, innocent, and harmless walk in the hive. You had been bed-stuck for hours, being worshiped with many hands and mouths; you were tired and needed to stretch your legs from the hours of pure pleasure.
Not that you minded it, it was just sometimes too much and you got overstimulation from the continuous surroundings that were always the same.
Walking around the huge hive, admiring the beautiful windows that showed the planet’s beauty and scenery, you had stopped in the middle of the hall, looking at the beautiful stars in the midnight sky that glimmered now and again.
Then, you heard fast and steady footsteps behind you, before you could even react, you were pushed against the wall harshly; hands wrapped around your throat whilst being crushed against the wall.
“Do you think you’re better than me?” the woman cursed at you, shooting you a venomous look with gritted teeth, sharp canine teeth snarling like a beast; ready to devour you piece by piece.
Trying to scream from the immediate position, she quickly covered your mouth, kicking your knees to dwell in pain and trying to get you to submit – listen to her ‘wise’ words.
You struggled against her tight grip, terrified and shocked by this sudden behavior. After months of being captured and treated like a deity, you were no longer used to abuse and wrong-doing; quite the opposite.
“Now, you listen to me or I’ll hurt you badly.” she stared into your soul, “Understand?”
Quickly nodding at her words, tears gently rolled down your face as your teeth chattered against one another.
“I’ve hated you ever since I’ve met you, you don’t deserve these goodies! No-one like you deserves it.” she threatened, looking at you like a kid in front of a criminal. Pulling her hand from your throat, she pulled out a knife: a thick, silvered one decorated with flowers.
With the leftover energy you had, you kicked your knee into her groin and pushed her away, causing the blade to clatter away from both of your grasps.
“You ass!” She screamed at you.
From fear, you tripped on your own feet yet still had the energy to be crawling away.
You tried grabbing it but were quickly pulled away by your foot, back where you originally were. The high chance of reassurance was now ripped away the moment she crawled atop of you, forcing you down with her whole weight pressured against your chest.
A fist collided with your face, making your vision blurry and disorienting your hearing from the left ear. You tried stopping her continuous assaults, yet nothing worked amongst her hungry wrath and jealousy over you.
Pools of warm metallic fluid made its way to your mouth, the blunt and foul taste of thick blood made you gag. From the corner of your eye, you saw the blade glistening in the moonlight, highlighted like a rare piece of ore had just been found.
Trying to scream once more, thin fingers made their way to your throat, closed around your airway. You tried grabbing her hands that were tightly surrounded on your neck, cutting oxygen but it was no use.
No matter how much you scratched, she never stopped the pressure.
Finally, what felt like an entirety, she let go but with the shift of doing something else; admiring the thin blade that was right beside the two of you.
You couldn’t move, all your energy from being choked was floating away.
“P-lease…” You begged, trying to change her mind from what she was thinking. From your clouded vision, you could only see a bit of guilt was shown in her face.
Only a little bit but it was there: humanely emotions that were still present.
You saw her hesitate, peering down to connect eyes with you; focusing on the blood, thick marks on your throat, and pools of blood from the cuts on your face. Hard, whistling could be heard from your lips, coating in thick blood and spit.
Anger coated her eyes, face scrunching in pure revenge before leaning over to grip the sharp object. Raising the knife above her head, the tip of the blade made its way towards you; highlighting your small yelp.
Why aren’t they here yet? They should be protecting you.
You didn’t want to die, you have so much to live for!
Maybe you deserved this.
Why did it have to be you?
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You were gone. Nowhere to be seen. Nobody was informed that you left your bed-quarters.
All of them were freaking out, all of them were looking for you; flying high and low, yelling ‘majesty!’ throughout the halls while some of them were sobbing thinking something worse happened.
But, when they smelled your blood coming from a certain hallway, they knew something was wrong.
And that it was. They found the woman in front of you, covered in head to toe with your blood and holding the very knife they had given to her a day prior for being a good maiden to you.
“Majesty!” One of the drones screamed, running towards you as the medic team showed; grabbing you gently before attending to your injuries.
Everyone was frozen. The military leader and capital leader were in complete shock.
Then, they all looked at her, teeth snarling and growling throughout the room; buzzing with pure anger.
The military leader’s hand clenched in anger, “Why would you do this!” He growled at the woman, who wasn’t merciful nor looking at your body; rather looking at the ground. He marched up to her, pushing her against the wall while his face showed bloodcurdling anger in that moment.
“Answer the question!” He snapped, making her look at him with a laugh before speaking.
“I hated them, that’s why. They weren’t anyone special! I simply did you guys a job to stop worshiping someone so—”
A punch came to her face. Then another. Then a dozen followed to make sure she felt the same as what she did to you.
“Captain!” A drone yelled, arms pulling him off of her to strop his merciful punches so they can update on your needs.
“They’re moving the majesty to the bed-quarters. They said they’re in critical condition, what do you want us to do?”
He looked at him, giving one look at her before looking back at his men. “Bring the traitor to the champers. After I— we make sure that the majesty is well, we’ll drop her to the feeders.”
Nodding towards the two soldiers that were behind her, who forcefully dragged her down the hall as she screamed ‘no!’ and ‘please!’ before he and a few others followed your way.
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You were awakened by your head throbbing. The room was dimly lit from the lamps in the corner and underside of the doors.
Looking around, you realized you were in your bed-quarters, swallowed by a whole bunch of blankets, pillows, and medical equipment that were glued to you: a type of breathing nasal cannula onto your face, as well as new clothes and bandages decorating your skin.
Trying to move forward to get up, your body quickly rejects you, causing immense pain throughout your body and reel back into the soft bed, head rolling back in frustration.
Within seconds, the doors to your bedroom swung open, revealing a few drones, maidens, and the military leader.
“Thank god! You’re awake!” One of the maidens yelled out, running towards your side to hold your hand; grasping your hand, squeezing it three times to signal a small ‘I love you’.
You smiled at the maiden, before looking at the captain who was walking towards you with a cup of water. “Open your mouth, please.”
Opening your mouth, the glass brushed between your lips; wet and cool water touching the inside, throat slightly burning from the usage after a long time.
His hand gently caressed over the side of your head, above your ear to stable the swallowing. “You’re doing so good, take a couple more sips.”
His touch was comforting to say the least, so was the maiden.
Taking away the cup from your mouth, you were still desperate for water. Looking at him, you spoke: “H-how long have I… been out?” you asked, voice coming out hoarse.
The maiden looked at you worriedly, “You’ve been out for a week. We were all worried. Glad the medics were there in time, you lost a lot of blood!” she weeped, slight buzzing coming from her before tears formed as she sobbed; reviewing the horrific image of you on that floor.
“We’re all just glad you’re well. I’m sorry that I and the others weren’t there to protect you.” He looked at you, getting on his knee beside your bedside to hold your other hand, slightly kissing it with a saddened look.
You smiled gently, “Me too. I’m sorry as well. I was stupid enough—”
You were quickly interrupted by the captain, “No! You are not stupid, you’re majesty. It was our fault that you were bed-stricken, we should’ve taken care of you but we failed; It is our fault, not yours.” He sternly stated.
You smiled again, tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
“I was so scared.” you confessed.
The maiden squeezed your hand, pushing her head against yours, making her antenna’s tickle your face, “We’re so sorry. Please forgive us.”
The captain nodded before looking at the maidens that were now walking in, he gave you one look, before kissing the side of your head, “We’ll always be here for you, Majesty. I’m gonna deal with some issues, but I’ll be right back. Okay? Rest as much as needed.”
As he left, the current maiden holding your hand kissed the other side of your head, looking at you before she spoke, “You’ve done so well, your majesty. Can you please do something for us?”
You nodded, feeling a hand tug at your underarms ever so gently. “We need you to stand up. Do you think you can do that?
“I-I can try,” You replied. She smiled, antennae slightly dancing. “That’s all we ask, you’re Majesty.”
They helped you get into a sitting position, making you hold onto them mostly for support. Taking a deep breath, you pushed yourself to your feet, holding a maiden’s arm to keep up straight. Standing with shaky legs, looking at the ground as they helped guide you to the bathroom; letting you know that they were in no rush and to take baby steps.
“You’re doing so well, few more steps you’re majesty,” A maiden praised you, hand clasped in your hand while you made it to the bathroom, cold tiles touching your feet. In front of you, the tub is already filled with water, soap, and your favorite scents mixed in with honey.
One maiden touched your waist, you could feel her body warm and buzzing, slightly calming your nerves. One of them gently lifted you, letting you sit on the edge of the tub with a whine of soreness as they both undid the bandages, checking your injuries whilst trying to distract you from the pain.
Soon, a loofah gently caressed your body, careful to wash the surrounding areas of the stitching. They praised you, continuously complimented you to make sure you felt safe, comfortable, and okay to continue.
“Majesty?” A voice called you out of your thoughts, looking at the women and dulled water. “You okay?”
You nodded, whispering a couple of words with a sour look: “I’m perfect. Jus’ a bit sore, that’s all.”
One of the maidens frowned, making sure to look at the others before finishing up the bath. After getting out of the warmth tub, a few helped you get dressed, being very careful and praising you on the way.
Leaving the bathroom, one of them lovingly caresses your back, side of your head, and cheek for comfort as they help you make it to your bed. Feeling the soft sheets against your undergarments, you immediately let out a long, heavy, and deserved sigh.
A few of the maidens let out a giggle and spoke: “Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you wake up.” She said as she came into the bed, nuzzling behind you before buzzing louder.
“We’ll take care of you, your Majesty. We promise you.”
Reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!! Thank you all for reading <33
Here's my masterlist if you wanna read some more of my content (non-yandere bees)
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systlin · 11 months
Does your fall start in June where r are then? Or have I misunderstood the bee post 😅
No no, fall is months off yet. I'm just always amused by vegans claiming that drones are MURDERED to breed bees when a drone's life has one of two outcomes;
The drone outflies the other drones on a mating flight and successfully mates with a queen. Dies because his reproductive organs are ripped off during this process.
Is murdered/evicted from the hive by his worker bee sisters in the fall before winter sets in since they're just dead weight to feed over the winter
Like yeah if you're breeding bees drones do in fact die to fertilize queens, that's how honeybees work! There's nothing we can do about it! People aren't murdering them out of spite or anything drones just die when they mate, and if they don't their sisters will murder them!
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lilywily143 · 29 days
Just a bunch of parts from MD episode 7
Some are my screen shots and others I found on tumblr [most from Tumblr]
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The cool thumbnail
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Scared J I analyzed the crap out of
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N's cute blush to Uzi
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This sad moment hhhhh, you didn't deserve it....
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Solver don't fucking hug N with the Cyn corpse....
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So pretty
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Best Dad
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I will never forget how hard I laughed here. And I don't mean a normal laugh from it being funny. It was so shocking to see after the fight that my laugh was just a deep haaaaaaaaaa
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God just my heart..
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Yeahhhhh I'm gonna edit this so N can get the hug from her actual sister like he deserves
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Nah, you're a dork; also Nori is cool
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This was freaky
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[My screenshots now]
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It's a heart..... hhhhh
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N injuries.... I needed a reference for one of my au's where N gets scars..
Bonus from the nuzi discord:
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...but yeah that is pretty true now... like they seemed to discus about not being romantic in public because they are a murder drone and worker drone...
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oogaboogaspookyman · 4 months
Let's fucking go i'm feelin' silly goofy with the idea now lol let's get impulsive and fanservice-y
Running in the snow, far away from his sister and her apparent new friend after witnessing the horrible things in the bathroom. Bodies everywhere, arms and legs and hands and heads, there were the missing prom kings and queens found nowhere else but in Cyn's own bathroom, the suit is still making him feel embarrassed at the thought of being perceived with it on him... What the hell happened to his dear little sister?!
Suddenly, "oof-!" He stumbles upon a running tall figure, falling down on the snow surface
"What the-... Uh- U- Uzi???" Nathan questioned in surprise of what he sees
There she was. Serial Designation Z, nicknamed Uzi by her BEST FRIEND! Best friend... Nathan, in a whole glittery purple dress with a thigh cut and a apparent flower on her hair despite Copper 9 having no vegetation whatsoever, only snow, ice, random buildings and dead bodies, human and Worker Drone alike littered everywhere
"Nathan?! Wha- what are you doing out here?!" Z shouted in fear, mostly for Nathan's safety considering the state of Copper 9 overall, but there's a hint of guilt in her voice... "And why do you still call me Uzi??"
"It's..." Nathan was dissociating at the sight of Z's new look for the prom situation, interrupting his train of thought with the image of his best friend in a dress. Somehow Z doesn't notice his visor filling up with diagonal yellow lines
"Nathan? Helloooo?" Z approaches Nathan to tap onto his visor, getting a really bad burn on her finger, "ooh ouch-!" She puts her finger in her mouth to relieve the pain from the burn caused by... Apparently Nathan heating up, who's also waking up from his dissociation
"Wha- whu- wh- u-uhm- Uzi! You look uhm-... How- how do i say this-" Nathan stuttered, still blushing and cooling systems doing their hard work can be heard
"It's the dress, i know, Nathan..." Z looked away, also visibly blushing but not as much, from the embarrassment of honestly just being perceived with the dress on at all, she'd much rather wear that shirt and jacket over anything else
"Okay- sorry about that, i don't wanna be rude- and also uhm- so my sister Cyn is gonna kill everyone in the prom aaand i'm gonna need some help with that..!" Nathan chuckled nervously, for literally everything just became intense straight outta nowhere
"But i doubt you'd wanna help me with that, since the things that happened back there..." N remembers the exact words spoken just by him, running around his guilt-ridden head...
"T is going to kill everyone at prom, and i don't want any more oil spilled around like this... I actually would like you... Being there..." Z felt a strange, almost out of place feeling, trying to speak the words one by one...
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!
What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!What... Are you things..?!
"With me..." Z couldn't help but blush... This feels so off and out of place, why is it there..?!
Nathan smiled at this, the precious thoughts interrupted and fading away. His best friend doesn't hate him, turns out! Things can get better, they can be good! Things don't have to be so terrifying and painful! He couldn't help but jump behind her and put his left hand on her side, the other in the air in joy. "Dapper buddies!"
Z wanted to slap his hand right off her, but also didn't want to, subconciously... So she sucked it up, it's not the worst thing right now
"You look good in the suit too, Nathan..." Z spoke one more time...
"Ah- uh- th- thanks! I- i guess? Eheheeh..." Nathan blushed once more...
... Before they set off to stop Cyn and T's carnage at the dance floor
@lumineary-arts i had to your dumb little au got me hooked
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
Is Colmei the only strong dependable one in the hive? Will no other workers/drones become super strong and intelligent like him and have a humanoid form instead of a smaller insect? (This of course happening after the Queen and Colmei have evolved into higher forms and reproduced together) 🐝💗🦋
Not at all.
Once your first younglings grow, all of them will be intelligent and decently strong, just highly specialized. You will have those who grow to become drones (within those drones you'll have caretakers and heavy workers), others will adapt to become defenders, and other roles will eventually begin to pop up.
Colmei is the closest thing to a hive King there can be. He's your strongest unit, the most intelligent, the only reproductive individual (aside from yourself) and effectively the "plan-B" should something happen to you that leaves you periodically incapacitated as a ruler. Colmei's coloration and anatomy is also unique compared to the rest of your hive.
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2d-dreams · 1 year
A quick view at the Bees of Flatland
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here depicted: a Square man looking at a few bees, among them a Queen (the largest) and a drone (curved beak/stinger). There is also a wasp (maybe more appropiately a hornet? not sure on the name) which is larger and has three spikes at its back. On the far side is a Linear Woman for size reference.
Bees and wasps are the main pollinators in Flatland. Though their acute stingers seem dangerous, their main purpose is actually to be narrow enough to fit inside of a flower.
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here depicted: A flower, characterized by a stem supporting two petals. Each petal (though it can't be seen sorry) has little hairs with pollen. Inside of the flower is a chamber with nectar. A bee is sipping up the nectar! Some nectar drops can be seen inside of its two stomachs.
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Bees are the main focus of this post.
In Flatland, they are mistakenly referred to as being mainly male, with the queen instead called the king, the juvenile reproductive members who travel away from the hive being called princes, and the drones being referred to as the females, etc. This is actually wrong, and similarly to Spaceland and Planiturth bees, these are a mostly female species, with males only being useful for fertilizing the queens.
Drones or male bees are characterized by their extremely thin (line-thin) probo-stinger (mix of proboscis and stinger!), which is also curved. This is because of the Queen's reproductive organ's structure. It also helps them get rid of dead drones- after mating, a drone will instantly or near-instantly die, and another drone will stab him with his probostinger, pull him out and then get his own business done.
The queen can store huge amounts of sperm, as you can see the storage organ takes around a fourth of her body. She is also, unlike other bees, able to digest the perimeter of other animals. This is generally restricted to eating her dead mates.
On the note of digesting things, all bees have two stomachs. One is the private stomach, which is the one that synthesizes their meals for themselves, and the other is a public stomach, where they store nectar either to bring back to the hive to store in a cell, or to feed other workers, the queen, or the brood through a process called trophallaxis.
Well, there is an exception to this, and it is drones. Drones are useless for everything that doesn't involve mating, and only have their private stomach. They don't even have more than a tiny fragment of a brain.
Bees, like those in our world, have their caste system based on the reproductive role of an individual, along with a division of labor among the sterile workers, usually dependent on their age. Some clean up the cells and hive, some collect nectar, and some build the cells. They can manage to do all of this with nearly no brain!
The way bees navigate the world is based on highly developed sense of smell and Feeling, like a vast majority of animals.
Other than Irregularity and dimness, another characteristic of most animals in Flatland is the lack of eye. Their facial organ is instead usually just a mouth or also packed with extremely smell-sensitive cells. In my interpretation of Flatland, there are no hairs or cilia, except for in some animals.
More will be said soon, especially focusing on wasps, their relationship to bees, and some other dangerous beings.
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bluginkgo · 4 months
On today's Ginkgo rambles we have: the teaser, yet again. What? I really liked it.
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Spoilers, duh
Instead of dissecting it again, which many smarter people have already done, I kinda wanna ramble about how well the teaser was well... a tease. It's titled The Beginning of the End. A bit cliche, but it works here both in the context of the end of this season, and hopefully the beginning of the second.
The beginning of the end that is called Season 1. And the beginning of the true end, that is the universe of Murder Drones- be it Copper 9 or the actual story.
Not to mention, this beginning of the end theme keeps up in the entire teaser. I guess you can say I'm a sucker for being nostalgic and seeing how far the show has come.
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It starts with Uzi's Booting up// Exposition: "We are worker drones." Closely followed by what is happening to her as of Dead End. So much for the innocent worker drones, am I right? "It's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything, mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves." At this point, and especially in the teaser, it's heavily implied that maybe the humans didn't actually do that. Sure, they were probably the ones that caused it. But seeing as we get a shot of Tessa closing Nori's room/locker and then the core collapse from the pilot... eh, I don't know about you, but I think she's got something to do with it.
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Then, we have N. His cute little introduction and his killings in the pilot, followed by Dead End's scenes. A disassembly drone- a demon that has been depicted so many times by other worker drones, one of THE murder drones of the series, reduced to nothing but a scrap of metal by sentinels. Not to mention the only person from his past, V, also in grave danger. We hear him call out to her just like in Dead End throughout the entire teaser. I also wouldn't be surprised if his last desperate call for V that we hear right before we get the actual scenes for eps 7 and 8, to be used as the trio fall down in the elevator at the beginning of ep 7.
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Closely followed by V's first words. "And yet, I still feel nothing." Then we see her sacrifice at Dead End. From a simple and mindless murder machine to a friend and an ally who was willing to give herself up so the rest of the group would be safe. (D*mmit, V, come back queen😭)
Now as for something I don't quite understand/see. So please, feel free to point it out.
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BUT WHERE DO PEOLE SEE THAT HER VISOR IS CRACKED? All I see is that her visor must be turned off, because the floor is reflecting in it.
Another thing I kinda wanna touch on briefly, is Uzi's hand.
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As many people have already mentioned this, Uzi's hand lights are yellow. Of course, so far, this teaser has been for both episodes 7 and 8. So we can't confidently say what scene is from where. But this constant switching in Uzi's lights might lose its meaning. Of course, these might be the only times that Uzi's lights actually change. But if it isn't... the anxiety and fear that ought to come with seeing Uzi's purple lights turn yellow, might be less severe. Unlike in Dead End, it was both anxiety inducing and cool to see Uzi be posessed by Absolute Solver. Eh, it might be just me, though. Of course, teaser is just that. A tease. So there isn't much to go off of.
You crazy for making it through that entire useless rant. Have a cookie. ^_^
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humansbgone · 7 days
I know yall have talked abt human be gones big bug sexuality and stuff, but what about gender? I feel like a lot of bugs have Weird Gender (ants, termites, wasps, bi-gendered moths/butterflies, etc) and I think it’s a cool topic to be discussed. Being a transgender bug sounds awesome
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Macrovolute society is heavily influenced by eusocial hymenopterans. As a result, the common macrovolute word for "woman" is actually synonymous with "worker," whereas "prince/drone/male alate" is the same word as "man." (Yes, this caused a great deal of confusion when dealing with the termites and their male workers!)
Queens are seen as something *above* the common female. Not just one who can reproduce (as many worker ants technically can lay eggs that yield males), but one who can reproduce in a way that meaningfully contributes something (by reproducing en masse, living a ridiculously long time, and laying eggs that become useful queens and workers, instead of only largely useless males). Ants and other eusocial insects *do not* view the females of other species as queens--they view them as primitive workers, not yet advanced to totally ceding egg-laying!
The Swarm Mothers are the attempts of the non-eusocial insects to have something like a queen, but they are not the same thing.
As for everything else...well, we'll touch on it in time. ;)
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flowerishness · 6 months
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Formicidae (ant)
Ants evolved from wasps in the Cretaceous Period. They're social insects and, like wasps, have a fertile queen with a few drone males. All the rest of the colony consists of infertile, female worker ants. Their society has a division of labor plus communication between individuals and they cooperate to build vast cities, right under your feet.
Ants don't pollinate flowers but they're very useful in distributing seeds. Like seed-eating birds, ants often drop seeds on their way back to the nest. True, most of the seeds are eaten by the ants but some survive. In the end, plants really appreciate the ants for finding new places for the next generation of flowers to grow.
Todays flowers in order of appearance:
Zinnia peruviana (Peruvian zinnia)
Fragaria x ananassa (garden strawberry)
Salvia coccinea (Texas sage)
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