#like the slo mo horse and the scene with the tree :(
seagodofmagic · 2 years
bad news my friends, i am now a rings of power fan. who will galadriel yell at next and how many strangers are going to show up who MIGHT be sauron
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Card Game Job
Ok, time for the show to try and justify its use of playing-cards in the leader i guess? (still waiting for the timebomb) --- Ah, a beautiful establishing shot of a riverside, then a shot of a toppled tree. Nice to see a place get shown rather then hidden behind infinity-point font.
Kids dad is running out of money for their medication, its gotten to the point they need to sell their truck. (Fuck) kid dies within 1 minute of taking the medicine. --- Look I know this guy is scum, but lets not use the "he's pleading the fifth and listening to his lawyer and therefore must be evil" propaganda bullshit, allright? He's evil because he's holding sick childrens lives hostage, not because he's pleading the fifth.
hedge fund primarily made up of his own money? That sounds like a lie. --- Poor Lucy, Not only did she get fucking kidnapped, not only does she have to watch workplace harassment seminar videos but also IT looked into her browsing history? Poor Lucy.
Coffee and Beignets delivered (place your bets for poison?), button-cam in place.
Suck-up is gonna be the achiles heel. (Suck up is also the true mastermind behind the price-gauging) Breanna is placing office bugs.
Guy got second in a TCG once years ago and is still pissed about it. Initial prediction: Sell him a Black Lotus? --- Back from commercials, Breanna is loredumping. Apparently there is a rare and unique card in the castle somewhere. (no one knows what the finder gets outside the card. Im betting its Willy Wonka rules and the finder gets the company) --- They've taken the bait and now legitimately think the company might be for sale.
redirected his e-mail server. Honestly a lot more we could be doing with that. (you know what happens when a hedgefund CEO type doesnt have access to his own e-mail for a day? What can happen if you can send e-mails from his server in his name? I sure as heck dont know but am afraid of the answer)
Ok, either he is actually selling or we're getting counter-conned. (yeah, number 2 is definitly the real power here. We're scamming the wrong mark) --- and we're doing a national-treasure cluehunt. (its gonna suck, cause all the riddles are gonna be clueless riddles about a fictional cardgame we as an audience cant solve.)
Why the slo-mo on the walkout of the theatre? This scene does not ask for that. --- Sad Breanna is sad that Parker wont accept their help. (Parker is acting a bit OOC here, she knows better then to refuse a booklet of passwords)
Harry is here to unionise the securityguards.
Breanna has bought Parker time by attacking his pride and re-focussing him into "proving himself" by playing the actual game (he knows he cant lie about the riddles) Big Thug is off to find Sophie (dont worry, Elliot is with her)
Elliot is not happy that he's being volunteered for a Joust. (weird, i know he likes horses) --- Cordozar is wearing secret Clark Kent glasses to cheat. (When is team leverage gonna catch on that they're conning the wrong mark) --- And "Rage" has killed Elliot's dragon. Ah the classic "its all part of the show" fightscene. Love myself one of those.
Ok its the lake-pond. Nice little thing with harry signing to take the earbuds out for a private talk. --- "you have to be a killer" breanna says one thing he doesnt like and he imediatly calls for a time-out. Look for anyone who wasnt paying attention, obviously this all ends with Mr. Poet not selling his company because his passion has been re-ignited, and may even end with him getting his castle back. But I just want to note how charming it is to see Sophie con a man, not because she is after anything he owns but because she just needs him to be happy and distracted for a bit. --- What do you mean it took Breanna this long to realise she could hack his glasses/earbud thingy or his assistants cardgame-supercomputer... I guess she is new at this like Harry is so it sort of makes sense for her to miss that... --- Climatic "place to belong" community-speech is a bit on the nose and overdone but its a cliche that is overdone for a reason. (guess what, most cliche's are cliche because they work. saying something is cliche is a statement of fact not an insult)
"guess im not that good", nice line. 8.9/10 --- "lets just say the new owners are happy, and even happier to avoid a class action lawsuit". Game night at the theatre. --- Unfortunately this episode did not assist in justifying the sequel series bond-based trailer.
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tickety-boo-af · 4 years
10 Very Specific Happiness-Inducing Things
What a lovely prompt for reflection. Thanks @ngk-they-said for nudging me to do it.
1. This rainbow striped bedspread my partner and I got when we first moved in together 12 years ago. It still gives me joy every day.
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2. Drinking a deep, smoky black tea in the morning, looking out at the tree and the bustling street outside my living room.
3. The late 19th century brick architecture of my city. There are often ornate touches that seem unnecessary and yet are beautiful. I just feel really grounded being surrounded by so many solid, multi-family buildings, knowing we’re all choosing to share this space, to live amongst people with such different experiences from us.
4. The specific articulation of a four-legged animal’s limbs. Like that scene in The Lion King when Simba runs in slo-mo across the desert back to the Prideland, I could watch dogs and cats and horses run all day. (I could just watch horses all day.)
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5. That summer surrender of lying in the grass beneath a tree. The air is warm and the breeze smells green and there’s nowhere else to be.
6. The crispness of the air at the beginning of winter. It’s thin and a little biting against my cheeks and it feels so right.
7. When you get into a conversational flow with someone and you’re on the same page but you’re pushing each other intellectually. It’s like you’re sharing one idea and creating at the edge of your ability. Nothing more exhilarating.
8. Taking a deep breath in the dark as the credits roll on a film that has transported and challenged and moved you. The feeling of catharsis is still working it’s way through your body, draining the adrenaline so you feel tired but also alive in the best way.
9. I must have extra nerve endings in my scalp or something because head rubs feel amazing and release so many joy-inducing brain chemicals that my whole body tingles and then relaxes.
10. There are these thick pieces of dried and sweetened coconut sold at Trader Joe’s that have the most satisfying texture to bite. I often have the urge to bite into a soap bar, especially the clear glycerin kind. I have never done it but luckily this snack food satisfies that urge while also being delicious.
I will tag: @nameismud @goodbyevanny @guardian-of-soho @ineffable-writer @one-with-the-floor - only if you want - and anyone else who wants the specific pleasure of making this list.
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netbug009 · 6 years
Infinity War Commentary Notes
(GOTG-Related bolded because I can.)
Loki is “arguably the best villain in the MCU” but we already knew that
Tony almost said “no s*** Sherlock” to Strange and everyone really regrets not including that.
Tony knows a LOT more about Team Cap’s location than he lets on.
“People speculated that Hulk was afraid of Thanos, but it’s more than Hulk was sick of playing hero for Banner.”
Tony and Peter’s father/son relationship is “very close to the heart of the movie.”
The severed hand is still just lying around Washington Square Park. xD
“Everything in the film happens for a reason.” They felt it was important for Peter to have a REASON he needed his new suit beyond just selling toys. 
IW takes place, at most, over two days. 
They wanted to make sure the intro for the Guardians was very different from everyone else in the film.
The Guardians are “closer to the tragic center of the story” than the Avengers.
Having Thor meet the Guardians helped him maintain some of his humor from Ragnarok despite the circumstances. 
Apparently they loved the Thor + Guardians scene so much they had 15 minutes worth a content for it originally. xD
“Remember our love of misdirection as you ask us questions about A4 over the next year.”
Proxima and Corvus are married, just like in the comics, but there wasn’t time to acknowledge this. 
Drax’s home planet was treated the same was as Gamora’s; Drax was put on one side. His family was put on the other. 
Thanos is too committed to the idea of killing half of the population like he wanted to on Titan and has too much of a messianic complex to even consider just doubling the resources. 
They tried to give everyone a sort of thesis statement about why they’re in the film, e.g. “You can’t have a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there is no neighborhood.”
“Out of all of the actors, I think Helmsworth can shift from humor to tragedy the fastest.”
Rocket shoving the eye up his butt officially confirmed.
Gamora’s death is the end of Act 2 because it’s the darkest moment for Thanos in the movie - the story structure is written as if Thanos is the protagonist. 
“will there ever be an olympics in wakanda” “they’d win everything”
Shuri is “the smartest individual in the Marvel Universe.”
The “space dogs” line came from a member of a focus group calling them that after a test screening.
“From now on, Thor’s weapon will have a little bit of Groot. It really symbolizes the cross-pollination in this film.”
“The biggest cheer moment in the film, because a Raccoon, a Tree, and a Norse God showed up.”
Apparently the Wakandan forest was actually a VERY hot and humid horse field and it was a rough time recording. 
Cap has a big story in A4. 
Outside of slo-mo, the time Cap holds Thanos back in a couple of seconds.
“Are we committing to the world Thanos is transported do being Soul Stone World?” “Of course we are.”
If you look closely as Thanos leaves his hut, you can see he built a scarecrow out of his armor. 
The reason there is only one credits endcap at the very end is because they wanted the audience to sit and process the end of the movie. 
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nathanielpoint · 7 years
Calvin & Hobbes. Some play I wrote for class
Calvin and Hobbes By. Nathaniel Point  
Setting: Set in the 1980's. White house in the background. Sunny day, summer. Cricket sounds in the background.  Trees and fields beside house.   Characters: JOHN(DAD): Scragely middle aged man.  Bald with brunette hair on his sides.  Thin round glasses. Where's a white button shirt and a pair of black khakis pants, brown eyes.   MARY(MOM): Tall woman, with brunette hair.  Wears button up shirts with sleeves rolled up and basic jeans, brown eyes.   CALVIN: 6 year old boy, with hyperactive imagination, Blonde, blues eyes.  Red/black striped horizontal shirt, blue jeans.   HOBBES: Stuffed tiger that walks with Calvin. Orange/black stripes.  
A Situation/Inciting Incident: Calvin finds out he's adopted. Doesn't know how to handle it.  Escapes to imagination.   At rise: HOBBES is in a wooden cage on stage right. JOHN & CALVIN  stage left. JOHN is working on car.  
JOHN: "Wiping car down, looks at CALVIN as soon as he yells." CALVIN: "So long, Pop! I'm off to check my tiger trap!"   CALVIN: (Presses fist into palm) "I rigged a tuna fish sandwich yesterday, so I'm sure to have a tiger by now!" JOHN: "They like tuna fish, huh?"   CALVIN: (walks toward cage) "Tigers will do anything for a tuna fish sandwich."   HOBBES: "Were kind of stupid that way." CALVIN: (Walks halfway across stage, sees cage and runs up to it) "KNEW IT. FINALLY MY VERY OWN TIGER."   JOHN/CAR: Exit stage left. HOBBES:(Holds up one finger, waves it while head bobbling )" Excuse me, I'm my own tiger and ain't no cage gonna change that.  No siree." CALVIN:(posturing stance: arms crossed, head held up high, back to cage) "Okay well you're in my cage, and I'm not letting you out till you say you're mine.   HOBBES: (posturing stance)"I'm in no cage right now, you're the one in a cage.  I'm not going to let you out until you say your MINE! " CALVIN:(starts having a tantrum on stage)"Okay you flea ridden, sack of toe nail clippings. I'm not in a cage, you are and I OWN YOU.   HOBBES: (lays down to relax)"Whatever monkey boy, now fetch me a water.   CALVIN: "AAARRHGHGHGH" (Starts kicking dirt at HOBBES) HOBBES: HEY! OH thats it (Starts kicking dirt at CALVIN)  
CALVIN & HOBBES: (tire themselves out, lay on the ground exhaustively. Say:) "Were gonna be great friends"   Lights go dark for scene change: Cage exits right, CALVIN & HOBBES are on stage left wearing bandanas, on toy horses.  With a soccer ball in hand. JOHN & MARY are on stage right sitting in lawn chairs drinking water while they watch CALVIN & HOBBES Play.   CALVIN: Okay, remember the rules. You make up the rules as you go along.  No rule can be used more than once, EXCEPT the rule about "No rule can be used more than once"   HOBBES: Yeah, yeah I got it. Hand me the ball. CALVIN:(CALVIN throws ball to HOBBES).   HOBBES: (Catches the ball) CALVIN: HA you caught the ball of repeating, you have to repeat everything you say until you find the handkerchief of silence.   HOBBES: YEAH, Well you stepped in the zone of slow mow, you have to go slow wherever you go. Yeah Well, you stepped in the zone of slow mow, you have to go slow wherever you go. CALVIN(SLOWLY):NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo. HOBBES: OH the handkerchief. Exits stage left.
CALVIN: (follows HOBBES in slo mo). Exits stage left. MARY: He's so happy(She smiles) MARY: I'm glad we got him that stuff toy. He's really perked up since we told him........ JOHN: I know what your gonna ask, yes it was the right decision. It's better he finds out through us instead by accident.   MARY: Found. JOHN: Sorry?   MARY: You said "finds out", it's found.   JOHN: Sorry, found.  Its better he found out through us. Anyways it looks like the psychiatrist was write.  Having a "friend" would definitely help.   CALVIN: (Dives from stage left with football in hand, and a stuffed tiger taped to his back). "GET OFF ME YOU DIRTY FLEA BAG " CALVIN: HEY, you can't take the ball like that. (CALVIN throws stuffed tiger and Ball stage left.) Then runs off stage LEFT.   HOBBES: (Enters stage left with football) OOo Hooo Hooo can't get me.   CALVIN: (enters stage left chasing HOBBES) Give that back you, YOu, HOUSE CAT!.   HOBBES: (Stops in tracks) WHAT YOU CALL ME. (SNARLS AT CALVIN)   CALVIN: he he, nothing. You look great you jungle king you.   HOBBES: That's what I thought.  I'm tired of this let's lay down for a sec.   CALVIN&HOBBES: (Lay down and look up at the clouds) HOBBES: How was school today?
CALVIN: "Today at school, I tried to decide whether to cheat on my test or not. I wondered, is it better to do the right thing and fail...or is it better to do the wrong thing and succeed? On the one hand, undeserved success gives no satisfaction...but on the other hand, well-deserved failure gives no satisfaction either. Of course, most everybody cheats some time or other. People always bend the rules if they think they can get away with it. Then again, that doesn't justify my cheating. Then I thought, look, cheating on one little test isn't such a big deal. It doesn't hurt anyone. But then I wondered if I was just rationalizing my unwillingness to accept the consequence of not studying. Still, in the real world, people care about success, not principles. Then again, maybe that's why the world is such a mess. What a dilemma!" HOBBES: "So what did you decide?" CALVIN: "Nothing. I ran out of time and I had to turn in a blank paper." HOBBES:"anyways, simply acknowledging the issue is a moral victory." CALVIN: "Well, it just seemed wrong to cheat on an ethics test." CALVIN &HOBBES: (ponder for a second.)   HOBBES:"Hmm also do you think that the writer of the play put those last statements in the play to pad his play to last more than 10 minutes?   CALVIN:" I mean, wouldn't you?"   HOBBES: "Well yeah, but like right after discussing ethics and the use of cheating." CALVIN:" Is it cheating if he uses the characters to allude to the fact that he's cheating? Is it not a plot device then?"   HOBBES: "Yeah, but wouldn't it be considered a cheap plot device?" CALVIN: "Unless the writer did his research on the two fictional characters he's writing a play about. Then he would be using the fact that we contemplate about many things, that we are highly imaginative and that we are unusually well thought out in certain things to his advantage. Emphasizing each characteristic to draw out nostalgia.  
CALVIN: Besides as soon as we stop imagining that we are on a stage and in a play, what the writer does is irrelevant." HOBBES: "Good point.   CALVIN:  (points to ceiling) "Look at that cloud, it looks like a warhead.  Cool!"   HOBBES:"Oh yeah OR THAT one" (points to ceiling) " It looks like tuna fish. " CALVIN&HOBBES: Both laugh.     JOHN & MARY: (start heading stage right) "CALVIN  time to come in, it's getting late.   (Exits stage right)
CALVIN: Dang nabbit.  I wanna stay outside.   HOBBES: (looks at CALVIN weirdly) CALVIN:(looks back at HOBBES then down to his feet) "They wont teach me any of the good swears....(Starts walking towards stage right) HOBBES: Hey wait.... CALVIN: (Stops and turns towards HOBBES) What?   HOBBES: you think your parents are gonna be okay with a tiger in the house?   CALVIN: Of course and if they don't I'll go wherever you go.   HOBBES: Yeah but don't you love them? I don't think they will want to adopt a tiger in the house.   CALVIN: Yeah I do love them, and they love me. They will love you too cause I love you.   ANNNNND if they could adopt me, this "hairless monkey. Then they will definitely adopt a tiger. (Hugs HOBBES) HOBBES: Your right.(Breaks hug)   HOBBES: One second(HOBBES runs/ exits stage left)
CALVIN: (follows HOBBES off/ exits stage left)   MARY:(ENTERS STAGE RIGHT) "CALVIN GET INSIDE PLEASE!"   CALVIN: (ENTERS stage left with suitcase and Stuff tiger)" Mom if your adopting me and loving me. You have to do it with Hobbes too.   MARY: (Looks at CALVIN surprisingly.) Umm, Well of course. Most boys your age get a Tiger. To protect and play with, were obviously going to adopt him. I just need you to write up the adoption papers. Seeing as he's yours. Now lets go int.   CALVIN: (Talks to stuffed tiger) "See, told you."   MARY&CALVIN: EXIT STAGE RIGHT.   END
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