#like i have friends i follow across fandoms & even if I dont know their fandoms / dont plan to write with certain muses of theirs
inimikal-archive · 2 years
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🔥:  I  don’t  really  understand  people  who  get  mad  when  their  mutuals  aren’t  interacting  w/  them  all  the  time  or  right  away.  Like  people  who  curate  their  dashes  to  just  EXCLUSIVELY  be  people  they  actively  write  with  are  valid,  sure,  but  thats  not  me !  I  think  its  okay  to  follow  people  you  don’t  actively  rp  with.  I  don’t  like  to  give  people  a  dead-line  on  when  they  can / should  interact  with  me  before  I  punt  them  from  my  blog.  If  I  follow  someone  back  or  even  just  follow  someone,  sure,  I  have  the  intention  of  interacting  should  the  stars  align,  but  it  doesn’t  have  to  happen  right  away.  I  might  follow  someone  for  months  without  interacting  &  I’m  cool  with  that. 
I  only  soft-block  people  I  know  I’m  never  gonna  write  with  &  thats  more  because  I  don’t  want  them  to  have  their  hopes  set  on  some  sort  of  interaction  that's  never  gonna  happen.  I  honestly  wouldn’t  mind  if  people  just  followed  me  bc  they  liked  what  I  was  up  to  here  &  not  because  they  want  to  interact.  But  yeah. I  don’t  think  everyone  should  have  to  interact  when  they  follow  each  other.  I  think  its  cool  to  just  hang  back  for  a  while  or  even  to  just  follow  someone  because  you  like  them /  their  writing  &  you  just  wanna  see  ‘em  on  your  dash.  I  have  a  lot  of  moots  like  this,  tbh  &  I  hope  they’re  all  as  cool  with  me  just  floating  around  on  their  dash  as  I  am  with  them  SJFHDJFKDFk. 
 I  do  always  intend  to  interact  at  some  point  but  if  we’re  not  interacting  rn,  I  don’t  feel  pressured  &  I  don't  want  anyone  else  to  feel  pressured  to  get  to  interacting  right  away.  It’ll  happen  when  /  if  it  happens  &  thats  fine  for  me. 
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meruz · 5 months
another ask post
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i mean i also read it because a friend whos rly into queer SFF fiction circles recced it but she did kinda lead with "the writer used to write hs fanfic...tasmyn..taz...?" to which i replied
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of COURSE I read the locked tomb because i heard taz had written a book. of course. ill consume most any media made by a beloved homestuck bnf. thats also why i played undertale. and read like..snotgirl. and idk... watched the new dub of neon genesis evangelion.
if u made homestuck fanwork 10 years ago and havent even made it since chances are I still remember and I love you for it.
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sdlkfhsg its funny you sensed that because that drawing did in fact start kinda more........ well, I'd be lying if I said my hands never wrought a drawing toeing over the pg-13 line LOL...
NOT to say i have a secret stash of porn or anything. in general im more interested in the implication of sexuality or mature themes over any explicit depiction. like everything i draw is so softcore itd almost feel silly to make a nsfw acc for anything.
but im not rly jumping to post anything on main either bc i get the sense i have a lot of kids in my social media following. it varies from site to site and fandom to fandom but the themes in my work often circle around childhood, coming of age etc and in general i like stories about kids so the fandoms i draw for have a lot of kids in them. even stuff like IT (stephen king) which is about kids but isn't necessarily for kids.. there were a lot of kids in that fandom lol.
actually thats why ive been censoring swears in comics lately because the tmnt fandom comes across to me as a little young...IDK I've had MULTIPLE people ask me what "sodomize" means because of the joke in this post and I'm like... I Cannot be the one to explain this to you. you have to look it up on your own klfsdhsdg like i wouldn't be doing this if i were doing a comic for mgs or even homestuck wherein the characters textually swear constantly LOL but sometimes u gotta change tacks depending on the faces u see in the crowd yknow.
i HAVE been thinking abt drawing nsfw of sunspot/richard rider/kobak from x-men red just because that comic seemed to be really asking for it. who knows.. if the need rly arises maybe my separate account policy will change.
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its rly more a matter of the fact that i havent read/watched much of any other iterations... im sure id like most lol. I like most things related to my interests regardless of quality. i rly like the marvel ultimate alliance games for instance. sometimes seeing my fave guy is enough he doesnt have to be well written LOL. i dont exactly have a wealth of free time tho thats the real impediment.
i did watch the 2007 movie on new years eve and found it quite charming overall. and i have read about 30-40 issues between the mirage and idw comics. still feels like im barely scratching the surface but i liked em. i rly want to read all the sophie campbell stuff bc i think her work is interesting. jason aaron will be a mixed bag i think lmao. i say as the worlds biggest Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) fan.
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hmm this is kinda hard bc i feel like i naturally draw very loose and the hard part for me is tightening it up. maybe some suggestions tho...
1) hand excercises. i think its easy to forget this when many artists sit in front of the computer all day but drawing is a physical activity u do with ur actual...bodys...muscles lol. if u feel urself tightening up it might help to strech (any google search for "artist hand excercises" should yield good results) or do a page of loose practice strokes like..big circles. long lines. scribbles. that kinda thing. whatever feels good for ur hand. this is also just good to do as a general warm up before u sit down for any drawing sesh.
2) draw further away from the canvas. as a general rule...when ur painting traditionally you do the big strokes with your whole arm outstreched and a long handled brush. and when you do the details its smaller wrist movements and a shorter handled brush. so it might help to take a step back or push back from ur chair a little.. or hold ur tablet a little further away. and hold your pen further away from the nib.
3) change mediums / brush types. some brushes and mediums are more suited to loose sketching and some more inclined towards detail work. so changing ur tool could help. also! i personally have this problem where sometimes if im using a brush i feel really familiar with the pressure to make a "good" "finished" "perfect" drawing is greater... if i want to force myself to loosen up ill switch to a tool i dont use as often so it feels like the pressure is off. a lot of times for me this is switching from digital to traditional. but sometimes its switching from a small pen to a big marker. or a smooth pen to a textured one. or a nice brush to a shitty dried up marker.
but also every body is different so i dont think these tips will work for everyone. u should listen to what ur body and mind tell u and how drawing feels to you
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bro just sign up and set it up i dont think theres much to it... i dont rly think too much abt my itch.io store because its digital goods so u just upload the file and let it do its thing. no distribution work needed on ur part. youll notice i barely even advertise my itch unless i have smth new on there lol.. its easy. but good luck!!!
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idk if im the best person to ask this im more a comic fan than i am a comic professional... a comic hobbist.
well. scott mcclouds understanding comics and making comics are good books on the craft. i think i had to buy them for a class in art school once.
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other than that idk just keep at it. comics are really laborious i think for a lot of people the hardest part is sitting down and doing it.
i think a lot of people have a very instinctive understanding of how to read comics and what they look like so whatever you think seems like good way to tell the story you have in mind, its probably right. if u get stuck, study comics that have done something similar. most people in comics are relatively self taught and actually it can be problematic bc you can tell when a lot of comic artists are all copying the same like 5 old white guys LMAO. but on the flip side if you make sure to reference and study broadly your comics will almost assuredly feel unique.
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sorry im responding to this anyways. this is just a really nice ask. i like when people reference my older work bc i feel like sometimes theyre subtly implying it wasnt very good LMAOOO. but its true! at least compared to the work i make now ^^ and the fact that im still making art is whats keeping me from being embarassed abt how much of my old art just floats around online lmao im never ashamed to be growing and learning. isnt that a nice thought <3
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neopuppy · 8 months
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the way you respond to some of your anons got me screaming. i just know they gotta feel like this after
I think people forget I’m just an average person sometimes, this is just a silly blog where I post little silly stories for free
I have 0 obligation to adhere to any rules, deadlines, or put on a customer service persona to appease anyone here(run me a paycheck if u have expectations from ur exhausted nct smut writer). like if anyone thinks im a terrible awful rude cunt bc of my very normal responses….the block button is free and easy to use! or even dont follow, just pop into the tags ‘neopuppy fics’ to read in chronological order from newest to oldest any fics that have been posted.
I hope u guys keep in mind that people who write fanfic are at the end of the day just people. not influencers, not the idols u love, not ur friends, they’re just people and its likely u wouldnt even get along with most of them irl, but hey…..isn’t the point to read and whatever it is u do whilst reading?(thats none of my business).
I understand there are definitely ‘nicer’ writers out there, perhaps more pleasant in this fandom space, but my follower count genuinely means nothing to me.. so what do I gain here🥲
(anyway not targeted at u!!! lmao, sorry if this came across that way. I’ve stated more than plenty of times how many awful people have ruined tumblr for me and taken the fun out of it from harassing me for silly tropes I write to overstepping privacy boundaries etc. not everyone is here to make friends, and thats ok!💚)
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dominic-sessa · 2 months
life update!!!!
hi hello friends good morning good afternoon good evening its that time of the month again! this isnt really a big life update like the last time bcs i just thought id list down a bunch of things ive had on my mind.
first of all, im very happy to announce that i was able to watch 16 movies last march !! exciting!! i know ive said the last time that i quit the bingewatching thing but HONESTLY im in a work from home setup and the only way to keep me inspired is by watching a movie ... i am yet to find other ways to stay inspired so watching movies will just do for now... ALSO im gonna try to update my newsletter for the first time this year and itll probably be about the movies that i saw this march that i liked ! im now comfortable with turning the newsletter to be more about movies bcs nothing major has been happening in my life lol . so pls stay tuned for that newsletter post if ur interested!
another thing is ive decided to make this blog more personal! for the past year ive made this blog to be more about movies and gifs and stuff, and as much as i love getting the notes and reading ppl's tags, im going to try and make this blog work for me this time :) hope it doesnt get annoying or something... im also in the process of fixing my about pages and tags and all. ive used tumblr since 2012 so im still struggling with the setup. LIKE yes i want to maximize the fact that you can edit html pages and its cute and lets me be creative but at the same time, im on my phone majority of the time . and i dont like being on my laptop after work because ive literally just been using a laptop the whole day. for work. im rly shy to post some stuff about me (bcs i havent done it before fr insert the tom hanks dialogue from joe vs the volcano abt doing some soul searching and coming to the conclusion that hes just boring so he stops doing it) so if u see me doing it as an attempt to fix the personal pages on my blog, im sorry! AAAND as for the gifs thing, im thinking of changing my film diary tag, one thing i really enjoy is taking note of dialogues i love from a movie so i might just do screenshots. i really miss making gifs even though most of the gifs i end up with are LQ , but it just really isnt feasible now . (also some movies are just so tempting to gif LIKEEE valley girl and everytime we say goodbye 😭😭 it physically hurts me that i cant gif josh whitehouse and tom hanks in those movies....)
ALSO im really very very happy that ive gained new followers recently. i enjoy chatting with you guys and get so happy whenever i get the notif that someone sent me an ask/message!! ive been idle on stan twt/fandoms in general so its been a really long time since ive actually... talked to people... it makes me really happy talking to u and im sorry if my happiness doesnt show in my replies/posts. as i said, its been a while since ive done this and i usually go on here as soon as im off work (when my brain is semi-fried and the words are not wording anymore) . i hope i dont come across as bored/uninterested :(
and it isnt just about fandoms too, im genuinely insterested what u guys are up to lately and all... (in a non stalker way). it just feels nice to have friends in general ^__^
SO YEA, i think thats about it :) if u've read this all until here ilysm! thanks for ur interest and lmk how ur day was! or just send me something u want to talk about !
have a nice day :)
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secret-third-thing · 3 months
hey, how are you! hope youre doing well 🤗
i just wanted to let you know that a couple of people who interact with your posts that claim they are pro lucien and eris are also ic haters, and the are quite mean to people who like the ic and rhys. even unprovoked, they reblog pro ic and pro rhys posts and go on a rant on how rhys is a sexual abuser and how he sa'ed feyre and hate on these fictional characters who are not real.
just wanted to let you know to make sure you are safe on tumblr because, well, no one told me and the people i follow, and.... they reblogged our posts and literally wrote whole novels on how rhys is the worst with pics and screenshots from the acotar books.
and we dont even like rhys that much, we just dont hate any characters. so... yeah we were bullied relentlessly and talked shit about 🫠🫠🫠 i can smuggle you the names of them in private if you want.
be safe out here love 🫂
First off, I'm so, so sorry that you and your friends experienced this. It's absolutely not acceptable to go off on other people's posts like that and to have that happen out of the blue must have been really stressful and demoralizing. And being bulled?? That's horrible! 
The Eris community (especially) is a tough one. Folks from all across the fandom regardless of ship preference, or Pro/Anti IC are a part of it. And we can come into contact with some folks who don't respect the space of others. I'll be the first to admit I was nervous about Eris Week last year for this very reason. 
If people wanna hate on characters, they can do it on their blog with their friends and tag everything properly. But don't deliberately seek out or go off on pro-posts. It's mean-spirited and makes the fandom that much harder to navigate.
We will not always agree with our fandom friends 100%, but 1) like you mentioned, these are fictional CHARACTERS!!!! and 2) my friendships with people are more important to me. I don't have to agree with my friend's opinions 100% but their joy is my joy. And that is fandom. I wish other people felt that way too. 
So, thank you, anon, for warning me. I really appreciate it. I had a rough time in the fandom when I first started because I didn't have folks looking out for me like you are. We need more kind souls like you. 🧡 I won't ask you to come off anon and talk unless you want to. You've done a lot already by reaching out. Have a LOVELY week, friend.
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binalakai · 9 months
hey im kai! you can also call me roach, if you already know a kai in your life because i know how many noncis mfs are named that
im a genderfluid filipino dyke (born 2002, figure it out) with she/he/it pronouns, i occasionally post my art on @binalakarchive , where all my OCs (at least as much as i show publicly) and fandom art/cleaned up discussions go there. i also do commissions sometimes, best to contact me through that blog!! my current OC blog currently resides at @huemanonearth, it's a project i've had for a while and i hope to one day make a personal-use pitch bible with it! i treat this blog like a neverending journal. i've grown up with it, and on god am i going to use it as such.
in a perfect world where i wouldn't need to establish boundaries, i would not even bother with a post like this, but the more people i follow/that follow me come across it's somewhat necessary soooo
DNI or like. BYF if you're not gonna listen to me anyway: (warning: it's long and text heavy. tldr; don't be weird to me, communicate with me like you would with a real life person because that's what i am, and we'll get along fine)
-basic dni huge bigot (racist, TERF/transphobic, homophobic, etc etc) stuff but if i catch that onto your blog anyway when you follow me i'll block you.
-if you post a lot of doomer stuff/are against mental health care in general, you best keep distance, honestly. its taken a long time for me to not open my wounds and delusions constantly towards the internet if it meant being valid in my mental illnesses. i'd rather not enter that era again.
-i dont get the whole "proship and antis" culture that happens, but for both sakes of people, if you identify with any of those things you might not like my blog too much. i love being critical and analytical of "problematic things", but i'll still discuss them openly n freely. dni if you'll be offended if i diss on ships/approaches to subjects that make me uncomfortable n find comfort in being critical abt it, and dni if you'll be offended if i diss on the idea that media with triggering topics should not have an outlet period.
-if you'll be offended if i block you out of the blue, doesn't apply to close friends/mutuals i just mean with randos who post takes i dont like or cause too much stress in tags i browse.
-if you're gonna get in huge trouble over seeing dirty jokes and crass humor in public you best not follow me. i try best to tag my stuff, but last thing i wanna do is have a stern talk about it.....which is why i also am wary about people under 18 following and will be a lot more liberal on blocking younger minors for their sake or people i assume won't vibe with me period
-if your parents have access to your social media and there's a chance i'll be DM'd by any of them. i dont wanna talk to any of your parents. if you have an issue with me, i'm more than happy to talk about things directly. (ESPECIALLY FOR BUSINESS RELATED REASONS LIKE COMMISSIONS. IT'S HAPPENED A LOT ALREADY DUE TO OTHER PARTY'S FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES I CANNOT FUCKING CONTROL. STOP IT. ITS ANNOYING AND A PAIN TO HANDLE.)
-if you get too involved with online drama/disputes. i'm not going to reblog a callout for you. if you get even slightly bothered by that statement, do not get close to me period for the sake of boosting callouts.
-if you have specific niche triggers that need to be tagged. i try to do catch alls or basic ones, but i genuinely CANNOT keep track of all my mutual's blacklists. my mind will slip and id rather not put someone in danger/i wanna keep that risk very very low
okay thankies <3 sorry these are so specific, i just wanna be insane on the internet in the safest way possible
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pangyham · 7 months
sorry to anyone who has to see this HAHAHA i think it's a little fun to ramble to.. a void i guess. i'm typing this under the assumption no one's gonna read it, let alone find it, so, sure, i'll talk!
on pangytine, my current and only instagram account, i sometimes get these spontaneous urges to post a huge a long overdue thank-you paragraph to my followers on my story. gratitude for indulging my artistic endeavors when i still had tangypine. i just never did it because.. well it's kinda.. cheesy... i had no idea how to deliver it in a way that didn't seem dramatic or "humble" because cmon, i'm not that relevant. It felt a bit weird addressing it because it just made it seem like i was this huge influencer who suddenly disappeared (and yes i know i was technically considered a big artist on both ig and twitter but.. it's not like i was unique; i think.. the state of Fandom and the art community these past few years makes accumulating thousands of followers a little less unattainable, and i was one of those artists. and my work is not phenomenal- i did not leave an impact on the art community. but these nuances will just have to be generalized for now because i think you all know what i mean) and so i couldn't help but laugh and cringe and think, "i am not this relevant-" because i really wasn't. why make a big deal out of it?
but i can't help it being a little dramatic though, because i still get emails from my followers asking where i am, and i get comments and messages on pangytine ("i finally found you!"), and i even get messages from my shop's contact form! a shop that i've abandoned for months! and my heart swells. I don't want to dismiss that; i think i will always be a sensitive, emotional person and so stuff like this just makes me overwhelmed. it's sweet, and it will never fail to make me a little bit nostalgic and thankful. I will always have a soft spot for tangypine and my time spent in the anime + genshin communities… i dunno.. people are just so kind and i'm thankful i've encountered a lot of them
i've been a lot less.. chronically online (LOL) that the thought of having 200k followers is completely foreign to me. i forget that i had a huge following, that people actually looked at my stuff. I dont mean for this to come across as modesty though because i'm just being honest, truly. but this just makes the occasional "where are you? i miss your art" hit a little harder 🥲 i mean, i was able to somehow sell my art through tangypine. i was able to do commissions.. had so many say they loved my art- of course a part of me misses that. i don't think i yearn for it, and knowing that makes me a little sad.
i genuinely am thankful for every kind comment people have left me, and every kind message. I think i'm just ultimately thankful i had a kind following. people are so nice! and that's what i wanted to say, that's all ive always wanted to say before i deleted my accounts. here it is
aha and again i dont really expect anyone to see this (except maybe a few handful just because my very first post here has a whopping 4 notes, me included, and that genuinely shocked me HAHAHA). perhaps i just find closure in publishing these particular thoughts somewhere, and here they are sorry this is cringe to the people who read it. my friend once told me i'm notorious for overexplaining. This is will be the only time i get to say this, so gah whatever. i don't think i can bring myself to post this lengthy ramble on my more public account on instagram
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cheeriecherry · 2 years
The Lonely [Chapter Five]
Pairing: Viktor x fem!Reader Warnings: reader being depressed and a little dramatic, nondescript/nonsexual nudity Fandom: Arcane Proofread: not even a tiny bit
A/N: This chapter gave me so much grief. Writing is hard and sometimes the words dont want to Go, pls be gentle with me.
Chapter Five
The walk to the baths is slow and messy. Both you and Viktor drip browned water across the floors, and your boots squelch uncomfortably with every step; even the light breeze that travels down the corridors is enough to send a chill up your spine, and your friend fairs no better. By the time you finally arrive at your destination, you’re both shivering and the smell of mold has settled into your clothes.
The room itself is a marvel; not overtly grand in decoration, or large in area, but its clean and chiseled design stands out from the cobbled structure of the rest of the castle. Most notable is the recessed basin in the center of the room, made from polished quartz tiles of every colour.
Though in your opinion, it was less of a bathtub, and more of a small swimming pool.
You make a beeline for a large copper cylinder that’s nearly as tall as you, and set up beside the tub. You can feel Viktor watching you curiously from the doorway, and it doesn’t take him long to come over to your side to see what you’re doing.
“It looks like a heater,” he says, looking the machine up and down, gaze following the various twisting pipes.
You turn a couple of wheels located on said pipes, and nod. “It is,” you reply, “kind of. It’ll keep the water warm for us, but it’s also got sigils inscribed on the inside to purify it for us. It’s…an alchemy thing.”
The furnace makes a great metallic roar when you finally twist all the dials into their proper places, and within a few seconds it’s pouring steaming water out of an oversized faucet and into the basin.
Viktor watches the quartz tiles sparkle beneath the liquid for a few seconds, and you take the time to disappear into a nearby closet. Your supply has admittedly dwindled a little low in the past couple years, but you still have a shelf or two of purifying salts and alchemical oils; some of which you load up into a little carrying tray.
Viktor’s tone is slightly alarmed when he calls you, and you quickly move the tray out into the room.
“I’m here,” you say softly, emerging from the closet. His eyes are wide with concern from your sudden disappearance, though inquiry quickly replaces it.
“What are those?”
You kneel at the edge of the basin, and set the basket down. “These,” you explain, plucking up a small corked pot from the array, “are cleansing oils. Some of them are used preemptively when making complicated or dangerous alchemical brews, but these ones specifically-” you dump the container of purple salts into the water, “-are used in emergencies.”
Viktor frowns, and glances down at his still-wet clothes. “Emergencies?”
You continue dumping colourful salts and oils into the bath, until the water is a pearlescent shade of lavender, and then you stand and kick the basket away from the edge of the tub, “It’s not an emergency in the sense that our lives are in danger,” you explain to him, and start pulling at the lacings of your bodice, “but my father kept all kinds of weird ingredients and components in the basement. I don’t know what we’ve been exposed to.”
Once you drop your corset to the floor, you kick your boots off and start unbuttoning your shirt.
Viktor’s breath catches in his throat, and you pause. “You alright?” you ask, glancing at him over your shoulder.
His eyes are round and startled, and his jaw is slack; though the most notable thing about his expression is the distinct shade of red his face has turned. He tries to say something to you several times, each attempt ending in naught; and it finally clicks in your head.
“Oh my god,” you squeak, embarrassment rushing over you like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on your head. “I thought you knew we would have to share-”
You quickly gather up the few clothes you’d already dropped on the floor, dropping them a few times in your haste, and wobble towards the door. “I’ll wait in the hall!” you tell him, a little louder than necessary, but it seems to snap him out of whatever thought bubble he’d been stuck in.
Despite his need for a cane, you’d noticed throughout the week that Viktor was quick when he needed to be; a fact once again proven to you as he all but teleports to your side and gently wraps a warm hand around your upper arm.
“Wait,” he urges you softly. And wait you do.
You stare at each other with equal amounts of awkwardness and embarrassment, and for several moments neither of you say anything. The air is tense in a way you can’t decide is good or bad, but it makes your chest feel tight and fluttery.
“You can stay,” he says finally, in possibly the softest tone you’ve heard from him yet.
“Are you sure?” you ask again, “Because I really don’t mind waiting, if you’re uncomfortable…”
Viktor squeezes your arm just slightly, and tugs you back towards the bath. “It’s fine,” he assures you, “we’re adults. Nudity doesn’t have to be…weird.” He pauses for a moment, and then, “Besides, you look entirely miserable covered in whatever sludge lays in the basement.”
Your shoulders sag in relief, and the next few minutes are spent quietly; too nervous to make conversation while you undress and too shy to sneak glances. Only when you’re both settled up to your shoulders in steaming water, does the discomfort in the air dissipate.
You sigh deeply as the tension begins to ease out of your muscles, and briefly let your eyes fall shut. “I don’t know what it is about this bath in particular,” you mumble, “but I’m always most relaxed after stewing in here for a while.”
Viktor hums quietly, but when he says nothing, you suspect he’s having the same kind of reaction to the water that you are. Warm and comfortable, surrounded by the subdued din of bubbles fizzing and popping, the smells of the imbued oils swirling around to shroud the room in a thick mist.
You open your eyes and glance over at Viktor, who is fixing you with the same drowsy stare that you wear.
“Is it…supposed to feel like this?” he asks.
You nod. “Purifying salts are incredibly potent, and considering we’re covered in warp fungus, it has a hefty job to do.”
He perks up slightly, some of the sleepiness in his posture being replaced by curiosity. “Is that what was in the water, then?” he wonders.
“I think so.” You sit up a little straighter, and sling your arm out of the water to rest on the edge of the basin. “See, this is the benefit of sharing a bath. We can talk about what nonsense happened earlier.”
Viktor huffs a quiet laugh, and sinks further down in the water. “So, what did happen, Y/N?” his tone is serious, “You were…for lack of a better term, terrified of something down there. I’ve never seen a vampire be terrified of anything.”
“You know,” you crinkle your nose up in distaste, “if you hadn’t said anything about the spores, I would have said I saw ghosts. I always see ghosts down there.”
“Yeah. Anyways, the warp fungus…shouldn’t be a problem,” you reassure, “my father probably had a sample hidden away down there, and the flooding in the basement could have disrupted it.”
Viktor frowns. “I am not worried about the fungus, Y/N. Ghosts, though? Have you always seen things that aren’t there?”
You tactfully avoid answering right away, instead turning away to root around in another small basket you usually kept at the side of the tub. You eventually find a couple of soft cloths, as well as some sponges, and you toss some towards Viktor. He gets the hint, and both of you begin scrubbing the grime off your skin.
But the silence doesn’t last long.
“Yes, Viktor?” you keep your tone carefully neutral.
“Earlier, when I found you struggling under the water…”
“When you said I looked like a turtle?”
“Yes,” he pauses scrubbing, “You said you thought you looked like someone was holding you under the water. What…do you remember, about the basement?”
You’re puzzled by his phrasing, but decide to answer his inquiry anyway. “I don’t know why, but for as long as I remember, I’ve always felt…wrong, down there,” you tell him honestly. “Even as a newborn vampire it was like that, though most of those memories are long gone by now.”
Viktor is quiet.
“Something about that basement has always…awoken some kind of deep, visceral fear,” you continue, “and it’s always made me see things, hear things, feel things, that aren’t there.”
“The warp fungus?” he suggests, but you shake your head.
“Even when my father was still around, and the place was kept tidy and dry, I hated going down there.”
He sinks even lower into the water, his gaze darting away from yours to intently watch the pearly eddies swirling around in the water. “Did your father never ask you why you disliked the basement so much?”
You shrug. “I never wanted him to think ill of me, like I was somehow…I dunno. Incapable? Or…not good enough.”
You watch your friend closely when his heart rate picks up, worried he might be growing faint, but he continues to stay focused on the small whirlpools in the water.
Then his gaze snaps back to you.
“You loved your father, yes?” he asks.
“Of course-”
“So why do you speak of him with fear?”
You’re taken aback by his question, your first instinct being to outright deny his claim, followed in quick succession by confusion. “I don’t know what you’re even talking about, Viktor,” you hiss, irritation clear in your tone, “but I don’t fear my father-”
“You do, though,” he insists. “Every time we’ve spoken of him, everything you’ve told me about him, has been shrouded in negativity. Not wanting to incite his wrath, not wanting him to think poorly of you, doing everything he says because you didn’t want him to cast you aside.”
You cross your arms over your chest and huff.
“What’s your point, Viktor?”
“My point is that you’ve never once suggested that your father was a loving man…”
“Of course he wasn’t!” you finally break, raising your voice ever so slightly. “But that- he was old, Viktor. Even by the time he took me in, he was old. And solitary, as vampires typically are. We’re not pack creatures; we thrive on being alone.”
“And yet he decided to take you in?”
You’re at a loss for words, annoyance and confusion roiling around in your mind as you think about things, digging up memories you haven’t seen in centuries. “Where is all this coming from?” your voice is weak.
Viktor affixes you with an expression of pure guilt.
“Tell me, Viktor.”
“Your father was experimenting on people.”
The silence that follows could be cut with a knife, tense and incredulous, you stare at your friend in disbelief. Yet you can’t find it in your heart to say anything; to try and dispute his claims, or argue, or fight back.
“The books your father wrote,” he explains, “were not just recipe books. They were journals. Notes he kept on his discoveries and experiments…most at the expense of other people. He kidnapped them, Y/N. Took them away from society and…and hurt them. And you…”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you finally break your gaze away from Viktor’s when a sob wracks your body.
You understand what he’s saying. What he’s suggesting. Deep down, you know you do. It feels like the truth, lining up with what few memories you have from your youth, and the hallucinations you’d experienced in the basement; your father had hurt people, hurt you, and you’d been his only success…
Or had you?
Had there been others?
There had to have been, otherwise he wouldn’t have…
Or maybe…
A gentle hand on your shoulder draws you out of your thoughts, and without thinking you let yourself flop into Viktor’s arms. You can feel the quickened thump of his heart as you lean against his body, the warmth of his skin touching you, and you can’t find the wherewithal to care about the potential embarrassment that may arise later.
“He never loved me, did he?” you ask despondently, “I’ve been alone all these years, hoping that one day he’d come back to me, but he…he never even cared. There’s never been anyone who loved me, and there never will be-”
“That’s not true!” Viktor disputes, but you only despair harder.
“You’ve known me for a week, Viktor. You can’t possibly love me.”
“No,” he says, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around you while you tremble with tears, “but you have shown me a profound amount of kindness in the time we’ve had together. Kindness, and care. You have raised my spirits, and offered me a home for…however long I have left.”
With a wet sniff, you pull away from him. “Would you stay?” you ask, “If you weren’t sick, would you still stay?”
He reaches out and cradles the side of your face with his right hand. “I fear that I may never leave this place,” he admits, “and that I am all too willing to do so. I’ve grown quite fond of this old castle, mostly because of the company it keeps.”
You let the weight of your head rest against his palm, and stare at him with grief and despair beyond what you’ve allowed yourself to feel these past centuries. And yet how it seems all the more bearable simply because you’re not alone now.
“I’ll do it,” you tell him quietly. “If you still want to be turned, I'll do it.”
A/N: The series is not even close to over so don’t worry, I just want vampire Viktor so bad
I also wrote some music for the series and im gonna post it
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abozsazzz · 10 months
(written from of a friend of mine sharing experience)
bullying: I'm one of the victims of them bullying me, I was 16 years old, confused about a small headcanon and still firguing out more underneath the nonbinary umbrella, I didn't know being confused would causw such hate and attacking toward me? i came off polite and confused at the beginning until her 19-25 year old friends attacked me, it was scary for me to be attacked by literal adults because i was confused over a small thing, it sent me in an panic and of course I striked back with anger I'll admit that, but the audacity to go out of your way to send adults to actual an literal minor is so immature and gross in all ways, a simple question asked and attacked, like what was the issue? you got all your friends to come at me because i butthurt you over being confused, you bully literal minors you even laughed about this after in your tweets when you knew I was getting attacked, you blocked me because you didnt know how to defend yourself in any situations your brought up in alone, you always have to have your friends/followers hold your hand to do to it for you. you are 18 years old, on twitter, acting this way towards minors, im mentioning this now because it still bothers me, of course an minor would still be bothered by this, why wouldn't they be? literally attacked by grown people for absolutely no reason, at least one of your friends were mature enough to explain politey to me and apologize, but you didn't for getting everyone to attack me? that's just cruel and you block and laugh behind my back about it, real mature of you. 
grooming: your fan base is young, you forces your own fetishs and headcanons on minors, to be exact, 13-15 at maxmin, your put an bad influence on them and most likely brainwash them into your fetishing ideals. you do not care how young of minors come across your page and how badly you influence them, you do not care about minors feelings one bit because as an victim once more you thought it was funny how i got attacked by your friends through a headcannon, its grooming, you and your friends are grooming little kids, it's an pattern with your friends to manipulate and guilt trip little kids, your all adults and your doing this to little kids, grow up?
asexual fetish: as you may know, izzy is in the fnaf fandom and draws some certain things, they have an NSFW account on twitter and i have came across it, first off they headcanon freddy asexual and so they then make freddy having sex with bonnie afterwards when literally .. asexuals dont even contain in sexual things, (i have an asexual friend) and this is just fetishing asexuals now at this point too, like how are you gonna excuse yourself oh; "all asexuals can have sex" are talking about this biologically in science term because yes there is a thing called asexual reproduction, but knowing izzy they don't know certain meanings and terms, asexual reproduction is doing it individually and reproducing yourself, not reproducing with any other mate this is more so independent, but besides that freddy literally pounds bonnie in the ass and suddenly isn't asexual anymore? and saying all asexuals is the poorest fucking excuse i heard in a life time, that's so fucking stupid you gotta be stupid to be saying that, it's disrespectful to asexuals, ASNWER me this izzy, or not because you can't defend yourself okay, we all know this, what's the point of even calling Freddy asexual then? like the point of being asexual is not involving in sexual activity; your uncomfortable with sexual things; no desire in sex, so Freddy wasn't even considered asexual before but you decide to draw porn of an asexual because your only desire is to fetish around things because you think it's okay, when its obviously not. You pulled the "I never made freddy asexual!!" On your tweets, and suddenly you find an old art piece of yours and even catch your own self in a lie or im assuming you pretended not to remember, you lied to yourself (not really), but lie to your audience and you wonder you lost half your followers.
lesbian fetish: they claim that their Bonnie headcanon is bisexual enby and their monty headcanon is lesbian and trans, I see no problem with the Monty headcanon but the Bonnie one is unbelievable like, you claim they aren't lesbians but you call them "my girls!" All the time, you also claim in your last Tumblr that bonnie is based off you and he helped you find your gender and sexuality? how does taking scott's fnaf character, making it as your "own" help find yourself, when you think about this, this is really fucking stupid, I don't know how you would find yourself through an animotronic rabbit from an horror game, this is honestly giving me second hand embarrassment, also how are you referring to yourself a girl still when you also refer to yourself as he/him or they/them, don't pull the misgendering card on this either because firstly you call yourself a woman but your going by he/they so what's the point? yes gender and pronouns aren't equal but how are you gonna even refer to yourself a girl when your uncomfortable with she/her pronouns and go with he/they, it makes 0 sense, and so if your a "he/they" lesbian then your just straight, not everything has to be labeled lesbian Izzy, if your that just don't put lesbian out there for the entire world to know this for attention, this all falls with lesbain fetishing because you deny that your not feitshing over lesbians right? But always claim to go out of your way to call them lesbian and draw porn of them 24/7 sexualizing them but it's okay according to Izzy in their delusional fantasy world. 
conclusion, your fucking delusional and immature as fuck, you are damn well 18 years old on the Internet bullying minors, fetishing, and acting as child as you seem enough already, your the literal definition of second hand embarrassment and dont know what anything means because nothing clicks in your small ass brain, i wouldn't even be surprised if you dont respond to this yourself, because your a flat out pussy with being called out and get your friends to defend you because you can't defend yourself in your own battles, its really sad that you can't even defend yourself on this, because your scared and you know damn well im right about everything; gonna pull the hit block button and talk shit on your tweets what happened to "I dont want to bring this stuff on twitter.." because your using this attention seeking at this point. You realize nobody feels bad about you, I don't care if I'm being rude or not this is straight facts, your also an adult so stop acting like a fucking child and act your age it's sad to say I'm just a year younger then you and i act more mature then you, i dont spend my time playing with bonnie and monty dolls dressing them up everyday, do adults even do that.. like honestly this is so fucking sad to see, so moral of the story, grow up, stop bullying minors, and learn how to defend yourself in these situations, good day or night. 
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itsaship-literally · 2 years
Okay, so my energy for Beetlebabes has been recently sparked, and I haven't been able to answer this question. You seem like an expert, so I gotta ask: When in the Beetlejuice or even Beetlebabes tags, and people say "DNI" is that like a "If you even remotely enjoy the concept of BJ and Lyds don't touch this post" sort of deal or is it just those people don't want asks from those of us who enjoy the ship? Because to be frank, I have days where I'm content to think of the two just as friends, so the whole DNI thing is a mystery to me.
I wouldn’t exactly say I am an expert on this but I have been around a while in this fandom. So my experience when it comes to DNI’s feels most prevalent in the musical portion.
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Sorry Musical Babes, but you all are the new kids in town when it when it comes to the 34 years old franchise. I still love ya.
That is not to say you won’t come across it in the Movie or Toon verse. It happens.
Most of us older fandom people understand the whole “don’t like don’t read” and “ship and let ship” concepts. This whole DNI thing stems from a different concept of controlling who can enjoy a creators content. It feels backwards to me since I am used to people wanting the views and comments.
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I find, in my experience, that if there is a DNI in regards to Beetlebabes/Beetz/Betelyds the person who puts it there does not want views, likes, reblogs, or comments from anyone who even mildly accepts the pairing.
I personally try to avoid and block DNI’s since I dont want the hassle. I have strong feelings on the use of controlling who is allowed to view works but it is their choice if they want to micro manage. Best to respect them by blocking or using a word filter to hid any of their posts. There are plenty of artists and writers out there who would appreciate your interactions.
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As for this blog, its supports both romantic ship and friendship. I have plenty of neutral followers who see the hug drawings and smooches as a friendly gesture of love as opposed to a passionate one.
Here on this blog and in my discord, I have non-shippers, neutral, romance shipper and friend-shippers, ace shippers and horny AF shippers. We are a wide range of fans. Anything reblogged here is to help support the creators of this fandom regardless of shipping intentions. If it’s cute and its Beej and Lyds, then its here.
Also, I would like to remind people that this blog tries to stay on the positive side. I do my best to avoid those DNI’s if they are active and many new artists might get missed since I err on the side of caution until I know the artist is chill.
If you are a new shipper, neutral or a mellow non-shipper who wants to be reblogged by me, feel free to let me know. I will gladly boost for ya, Babes.
(Also note. Sometimes I don’t know the origin of the gif search. I just deleted one cuz it had a DNI 😂)
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theriverdraws · 2 years
Do you think Sans knows about Flowey's powers? I'm not sure, because on the one hand on the Genocide route he keeps calling it "the anomaly", as if there was just one and the PFC complex is it.
But on the other hand, then what the heck is the Grillby's warning about? It doesn't make sense that he'd assume a golden flower that can make conversation with his brother on several different places is done by someone with a bright blue Echo Flower, which can only repeat what it hears and not make any kind of conversation. I highly doubt Papyrus would omit such details about his dear new friend.
It also wouldn't make sense to warn us about a mere prank on Papyrus if he actually believed that, since it wouldn't affect us in any way for someone to give Papyrus "advice, encouragement and predictions", and the flower only appears "when no one else is around" so we'd be extremely unlikely to see it happen firsthand anyhow.
Sans' workshop has also been proven to preserve objects and writing across resets, so wouldn't someone who had to fight an unkillable evil being (as we know Sans did) be keeping track of it, at least some of the time?
I figure Sans knows Flowey used to be the anomaly and that he's dangerous, so he warns us (unless we kill Papyrus in which case we can go die for all he cares), but he does it indirectly, since he knows that Flowey tends to follow people around and could be listening. Also, maybe it would be a bad idea to let any time-manipulating anomaly know he is in any way aware of past timelines, because if he knows that means that you can maybe get him to react differently if you come at him just right, and that's "fun", and might therefore lead to even more resets, which he decidedly must NOT want.
What are your thoughts?
I dont think Sans knows about Flowey at all. It's obvious they had a battle in one of the timelines sure, and Sans knew about it then, but I don't think he knows about it in the "current timeline", since he thinks the anomaly is Frisk.
The fandom surely built this idea Sans remembers all the past timelines but he really doesn't. He's aware that they exist, because of his studies or something, and he's great at reading people and whatnot, but he doesn't clearly remember them.
The most he remembers canonically is just as much as any other character, it shows in deja vus of sorts so he could piece it all out - but again I don't think there's solid proof he remembers flowey? Because again, he thinks Frisk is the anomaly.
So I don't even think that warning was about flowey, it was to keep an eye out to whoever is tricking Papyrus. It's not like Sans went to interrogate him, so maybe Papyrus could have only told him "Oh yeah I was talking to my flower friend! He is very helpful! :)", and of course the other details Sans told us and stuff. And I mean, I guess the echo flower was just a theory of his, the point was that whoever was doing this was sketchy as hell and since Frisk is literally a time God who talks to everyone or something, they could probably find whoever was doing this (and they did lol).
Sans never mentioned the flower was a golden flower as well.
Anyway that's what I think about it dndjdj.
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junietuesday · 10 months
Hello! I know I’m way too late to the fandom but I just read your fic “Illuminate” and I’m instantly in love. The angst hurts so good TT May I ask if you have any plans to finish the fic in the future?
hi, i saw your comment too, and i really did mean to reply but i um. never did 💔💔 thank you, and i do have plans to finish the fic, i just got stuck on how im resolving the emotional arc of Both theseus and asterius and kind of never went back to it… i do actually have a lot of it written though, and hearing that you like my fic means a lot to me, since your comment ive been looking back on my draft and its not as terrible as my frustrated self from almost a year ago(??? oops) thought and gave up on, im hoping i can maybe polish off that draft and post Sometime soon? “soon” as a very loose term tho, i dont want to make promises that i’ll break again like in the endnote of the fic 😭
anyways, thank you again for your kind words 💚 heres the introduction to chapter 6
Theseus arose from the river Lethe to the sound of nature.
Just nature. No clash of weapons, no explosions or bursts of divine power, no yelled insults or warning calls. There was only the rush of the river and the rustling of greenery in a gentle breeze. The abrupt change from the clamor of the arena had been startling, the first few times he’d died. But by now, he’d had ample opportunity to get accustomed to it.
He’d also had ample opportunity to witness Asterius die. Maybe as much as everything else, Theseus hated the hellspawn for always targeting himself last. Theseus was famous for killing Asterius, of course. Watching Asterius die by his own hands, beneath them—face-to-face, breath-to-fading-breath—had surely been far worse than watching him be stabbed or shot from all the way across the arena, knowing that he would always be back whole and well. Yet it unsettled Theseus, to have to watch his friend being slaughtered over and over.
The Lethe’s waters washed away the memory of pain and injury from their skin, but it couldn’t erase the memory of their defeat—destroyed by dizzying poison lacing the daemon’s every arrow and crashing waves following his footsteps. Asterius hadn’t even been able to get close; Theseus had only lasted longer by throwing his spear from afar. Theseus scowled at the thought.
Then he glanced over at Asterius, already wringing out his fur on the Lethe’s shore. Shrugging off their loss like it didn’t much matter.
Theseus took a deep breath, and followed.
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olivieraa · 6 months
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I saw this earlier and I looked at it and flashbacked to 2008
anime communities are definitely strong in large countries, or places where anime was on TV
but the only anime that was on TV here was Pokemon and Ygo. and a very specific channel you had to have to watch DBZ. now with Sailor Moon I've no idea. I dont remember ever coming across it.
but these weren't even considered anime. just another cartoon (that all happened to look similar so you assumed it was the same studio. kinda like fairly odd parents and danny phantom, or simpsons and futurama)
so to watch anime here back in the day was only online.
a lot of people my age had Inuyasha as their first anime from watching it at a young age in America, bc it was on adults swim. I've been to florida six times and watched american channels (an experience I must say) but I dont rememeber coming across it.
so living here I obviously got into Inuyasha when internet was growing. watched it on youtube. my first first anime.
and then after that, I cant even remember how I even learned about the animes that followed. but this is from a document I've had since the very first year I watched anime.
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ok I actually know how I got into DNA2 - it was described as a ygo parody of sorts. and then Crying Freeman was bc I used to skip school and hid at the local library, and cause I'd just started anime, I decided to read manga, and that one was there. the following one's I've no idea. and there's a few more that come after that before I eventually hit Death Note, which is one of the greatest series ever made. and then eventually Durarara and Kuro and such.
very few of these were watched while I was still in school. I'd tell people about them casually but nobody really had an interest. it was considered my weird hobby. and that was fine.
but majority of my anime watching in the early years came from when I lived for over a year and a half in isolation. so I had absolutely nothing to do as an 18 year old. I visited my friends once every 4 months and went clubbing, like a young person should. and then when I'd return home and not see anyone for months, it was purely anime, and anything anime related.
2011 came along and I'm on tumblr, and then 2012 I'm in fandom world. and it was weird.
and then by 2014, I'm fully liveblogging. did that for a little over 2 years and then sorta disappeared.
I knew I needed an anime break. and it was so refreshing to be away from fandom, and tumblr, and honestly, just anime in general. the terrible series that came out every season weighed me down mentally. the gems were so few.
and yet there's always this voice in the back of my head, wondering if I should jump straight into it again. to liveblog, to get into debates and discussions, to review, to full on argue.
or just... watch an anime, and chill.
idek if I know how to do that. last time I did was over 10 years ago.
anime either fills me with a fuckload of emotions or riles me the hell up, and I feel like when I write it down on here, I've expressed those feelings better.
like I want to liveblog my continuation of snk on here bc it was one of the first I ever did. and haikyuu. maybe some others
but new animes. idk.
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if you dont mind me asking, when did you get into seventeen? i've been following you for years now (back when i was still into tog/acotar), got into svt just over a year ago, and now find it a cute coincidence that you listen to them too!
Ooo! Maasdom follower who is also SVT fan!!
So... I want to explain something first to explain something second, lmao.
I've had an ear to kpop since about 2008, part of a fandom I will not name but your hint is they are famous for how overwhelmingly toxic they are.
Fell in love with the Korean language and dramas, actually lived in Korea in college and Seoul is the most beautiful city on the planet (I lived in Wonju which isn't bad, but isn't as amazing as Seoul).
And then the group that I had been following entered their... how to say... image-destruction-phase. It was like they were addicted to saying shit that exposed how rude and arrogant they were IRL, one guy just let his homophobia hang out there for the whole world to see and waved it around proudly.
Amidst all of that (the homophobic one actually came out as homophobic a week after this, so it hadn't happend yet but it was the nail in the coffin) I had somehow become a fandom leader against my will, known for being able to play CSI: Fandom (because of an emotionally unstable former friend I had to keep talking off ledges by getting to the root of scandal rumors). It was exhausting and people were fucking stupid. My stance on idols is they’re grown ass adults (mostly). Who the fuck gives a shit if they’re dating someone or whatever? Honestly I was so sick of the bullshit.
A former member of the group released a solo album and it just... wasn't my taste at all. I didn't say anything against it by any means, but someone sent me an ask saying they'd noticed I wasn't reblogging.
I said ONLY "It's just not my genre, but I wish him luck" and within 15 minutes I had 12 messages either threatening my life or telling me to kill myself. Because of those words.
That was when I was like "You know what, fuck all of this" and bailed. That was around 2012-ish. I refused to go anywhere near kpop with a 10 foot stick after that. If I saw news, it was because it hit CNN or BBC (so the tragic deaths and the Burning Sun Scandal which was just INSANE, like, omg). But that was it. And btw I still dont' listen to that group I used to listen to. I fully will not touch their stuff.
So that was a big ass mountain blocking me from being willing to even consider kpop. But a dear friend of mine was very much into it and just like once in a blue moon I'd notice a post on my dash that was kpop from her, but I ignored it.
In mid-2020, a fuck ton of bad shit went down even on top of all the COVID stuff. Like, at one point I genuinely considered driving into a wall (except I was buried alive under responsibilities) and it just got incredibly hard and incredibly dark. My personality- I can't ask for help. I just can't. IDK why, it's a huge block for me.
So that friend, my darling Sarah, who reblogged kpop stuff I rarely saw, a GIFset came across my dash that I was just so exhausted and defeated I didn't even have the energy to scroll past and decided to read it. It was Seventeen in that group blitz episode of Going Seventeen where they hit the inflatable obstacle course.
And it made my heart feel not quite as heavy for a few seconds. Maybe I even cracked half a smile.
I kept dragging myself on, and I saw the GIFset again and in another defeated day, I looked it up on Youtube (had to play it at 70% speed, those psychos talk FAST) and watched it.
And... it made me genuinely smile.
So I watched all of Going Seventeen over the next several months. Then about 6 months in I decided to listen to one of their songs (Hoshi- Spider) and loved it. Started listening to more of their music, found out Carat are actually extremely chill and extremely dorky, the opposite of the fan club I'd been part of before.
So I joined Carat formally (i'd never done that with the Fandom That Must Not Be Named, Carat is my first fanclub :) ) and I just... enjoy them.
They got me through some really incredibly dark times, just being able to watch something lighthearted and simple and funny. Like, I know it’s cliche to say, I know they'll never know that, they probably wouldn't give a shit, they probably hear it 150,000 times a day. It doesn't matter. The dumbassery helped me a lot, and I'm grateful for that.
And this year I got to go see them live in concert with my darling Sarah, the same week I got the news that my mother's cancer (which we were told was terminal) was in full remission and she's one of only a few cases her doctors have ever SEEN to go into remission, and just...
That was way more info than you were asking for, but that's it. Their dorky, probably-licks-bus-windows charm was just simple and yet funny enough that it helped me breathe when that felt impossible, and so I like them :)
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
The Lonely [Chapter Five]
Pairing: Viktor x fem!Reader Warnings: reader being depressed and a little dramatic, nondescript/nonsexual nudity Fandom: Arcane Proofread: not even a tiny bit
A/N: This chapter gave me so much grief. Writing is hard and sometimes the words dont want to Go, pls be gentle with me.
Chapter Five
The walk to the baths is slow and messy. Both you and Viktor drip browned water across the floors, and your boots squelch uncomfortably with every step; even the light breeze that travels down the corridors is enough to send a chill up your spine, and your friend fairs no better. By the time you finally arrive at your destination, you’re both shivering and the smell of mold has settled into your clothes.
The room itself is a marvel; not overtly grand in decoration, or large in area, but its clean and chiseled design stands out from the cobbled structure of the rest of the castle. Most notable is the recessed basin in the center of the room, made from polished quartz tiles of every colour.
Though in your opinion, it was less of a bathtub, and more of a small swimming pool.
You make a beeline for a large copper cylinder that’s nearly as tall as you, and set up beside the tub. You can feel Viktor watching you curiously from the doorway, and it doesn’t take him long to come over to your side to see what you’re doing.
“It looks like a heater,” he says, looking the machine up and down, gaze following the various twisting pipes.
You turn a couple of wheels located on said pipes, and nod. “It is,” you reply, “kind of. It’ll keep the water warm for us, but it’s also got sigils inscribed on the inside to purify it for us. It’s…an alchemy thing.”
The furnace makes a great metallic roar when you finally twist all the dials into their proper places, and within a few seconds it’s pouring steaming water out of an oversized faucet and into the basin.
Viktor watches the quartz tiles sparkle beneath the liquid for a few seconds, and you take the time to disappear into a nearby closet. Your supply has admittedly dwindled a little low in the past couple years, but you still have a shelf or two of purifying salts and alchemical oils; some of which you load up into a little carrying tray.
Viktor’s tone is slightly alarmed when he calls you, and you quickly move the tray out into the room.
“I’m here,” you say softly, emerging from the closet. His eyes are wide with concern from your sudden disappearance, though inquiry quickly replaces it.
“What are those?”
You kneel at the edge of the basin, and set the basket down. “These,” you explain, plucking up a small corked pot from the array, “are cleansing oils. Some of them are used preemptively when making complicated or dangerous alchemical brews, but these ones specifically-” you dump the container of purple salts into the water, “-are used in emergencies.”
Viktor frowns, and glances down at his still-wet clothes. “Emergencies?”
You continue dumping colourful salts and oils into the bath, until the water is a pearlescent shade of lavender, and then you stand and kick the basket away from the edge of the tub, “It’s not an emergency in the sense that our lives are in danger,” you explain to him, and start pulling at the lacings of your bodice, “but my father kept all kinds of weird ingredients and components in the basement. I don’t know what we’ve been exposed to.”
Once you drop your corset to the floor, you kick your boots off and start unbuttoning your shirt.
Viktor’s breath catches in his throat, and you pause. “You alright?” you ask, glancing at him over your shoulder.
His eyes are round and startled, and his jaw is slack; though the most notable thing about his expression is the distinct shade of red his face has turned. He tries to say something to you several times, each attempt ending in naught; and it finally clicks in your head.
“Oh my god,” you squeak, embarrassment rushing over you like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on your head. “I thought you knew we would have to share-”
You quickly gather up the few clothes you’d already dropped on the floor, dropping them a few times in your haste, and wobble towards the door. “I’ll wait in the hall!” you tell him, a little louder than necessary, but it seems to snap him out of whatever thought bubble he’d been stuck in.
Despite his need for a cane, you’d noticed throughout the week that Viktor was quick when he needed to be; a fact once again proven to you as he all but teleports to your side and gently wraps a warm hand around your upper arm.
“Wait,” he urges you softly. And wait you do.
You stare at each other with equal amounts of awkwardness and embarrassment, and for several moments neither of you say anything. The air is tense in a way you can’t decide is good or bad, but it makes your chest feel tight and fluttery.
“You can stay,” he says finally, in possibly the softest tone you’ve heard from him yet.
“Are you sure?” you ask again, “Because I really don’t mind waiting, if you’re uncomfortable…”
Viktor squeezes your arm just slightly, and tugs you back towards the bath. “It’s fine,” he assures you, “we’re adults. Nudity doesn’t have to be…weird.” He pauses for a moment, and then, “Besides, you look entirely miserable covered in whatever sludge lays in the basement.”
Your shoulders sag in relief, and the next few minutes are spent quietly; too nervous to make conversation while you undress and too shy to sneak glances. Only when you’re both settled up to your shoulders in steaming water, does the discomfort in the air dissipate.
You sigh deeply as the tension begins to ease out of your muscles, and briefly let your eyes fall shut. “I don’t know what it is about this bath in particular,” you mumble, “but I’m always most relaxed after stewing in here for a while.”
Viktor hums quietly, but when he says nothing, you suspect he’s having the same kind of reaction to the water that you are. Warm and comfortable, surrounded by the subdued din of bubbles fizzing and popping, the smells of the imbued oils swirling around to shroud the room in a thick mist.
You open your eyes and glance over at Viktor, who is fixing you with the same drowsy stare that you wear.
“Is it…supposed to feel like this?” he asks.
You nod. “Purifying salts are incredibly potent, and considering we’re covered in warp fungus, it has a hefty job to do.”
He perks up slightly, some of the sleepiness in his posture being replaced by curiosity. “Is that what was in the water, then?” he wonders.
“I think so.” You sit up a little straighter, and sling your arm out of the water to rest on the edge of the basin. “See, this is the benefit of sharing a bath. We can talk about what nonsense happened earlier.”
Viktor huffs a quiet laugh, and sinks further down in the water. “So, what did happen, Y/N?” his tone is serious, “You were…for lack of a better term, terrified of something down there. I’ve never seen a vampire be terrified of anything.”
“You know,” you crinkle your nose up in distaste, “if you hadn’t said anything about the spores, I would have said I saw ghosts. I always see ghosts down there.”
“Yeah. Anyways, the warp fungus…shouldn’t be a problem,” you reassure, “my father probably had a sample hidden away down there, and the flooding in the basement could have disrupted it.”
Viktor frowns. “I am not worried about the fungus, Y/N. Ghosts, though? Have you always seen things that aren’t there?”
You tactfully avoid answering right away, instead turning away to root around in another small basket you usually kept at the side of the tub. You eventually find a couple of soft cloths, as well as some sponges, and you toss some towards Viktor. He gets the hint, and both of you begin scrubbing the grime off your skin.
But the silence doesn’t last long.
“Yes, Viktor?” you keep your tone carefully neutral.
“Earlier, when I found you struggling under the water…”
“When you said I looked like a turtle?”
“Yes,” he pauses scrubbing, “You said you thought you looked like someone was holding you under the water. What…do you remember, about the basement?”
You’re puzzled by his phrasing, but decide to answer his inquiry anyway. “I don’t know why, but for as long as I remember, I’ve always felt…wrong, down there,” you tell him honestly. “Even as a newborn vampire it was like that, though most of those memories are long gone by now.”
Viktor is quiet.
“Something about that basement has always…awoken some kind of deep, visceral fear,” you continue, “and it’s always made me see things, hear things, feel things, that aren’t there.”
“The warp fungus?” he suggests, but you shake your head.
“Even when my father was still around, and the place was kept tidy and dry, I hated going down there.”
He sinks even lower into the water, his gaze darting away from yours to intently watch the pearly eddies swirling around in the water. “Did your father never ask you why you disliked the basement so much?”
You shrug. “I never wanted him to think ill of me, like I was somehow…I dunno. Incapable? Or…not good enough.”
You watch your friend closely when his heart rate picks up, worried he might be growing faint, but he continues to stay focused on the small whirlpools in the water.
Then his gaze snaps back to you.
“You loved your father, yes?” he asks.
“Of course-”
“So why do you speak of him with fear?”
You’re taken aback by his question, your first instinct being to outright deny his claim, followed in quick succession by confusion. “I don’t know what you’re even talking about, Viktor,” you hiss, irritation clear in your tone, “but I don’t fear my father-”
“You do, though,” he insists. “Every time we’ve spoken of him, everything you’ve told me about him, has been shrouded in negativity. Not wanting to incite his wrath, not wanting him to think poorly of you, doing everything he says because you didn’t want him to cast you aside.”
You cross your arms over your chest and huff.
“What’s your point, Viktor?”
“My point is that you’ve never once suggested that your father was a loving man…”
“Of course he wasn’t!” you finally break, raising your voice ever so slightly. “But that- he was old, Viktor. Even by the time he took me in, he was old. And solitary, as vampires typically are. We’re not pack creatures; we thrive on being alone.”
“And yet he decided to take you in?”
You’re at a loss for words, annoyance and confusion roiling around in your mind as you think about things, digging up memories you haven’t seen in centuries. “Where is all this coming from?” your voice is weak.
Viktor affixes you with an expression of pure guilt.
“Tell me, Viktor.”
“Your father was experimenting on people.”
The silence that follows could be cut with a knife, tense and incredulous, you stare at your friend in disbelief. Yet you can’t find it in your heart to say anything; to try and dispute his claims, or argue, or fight back.
“The books your father wrote,” he explains, “were not just recipe books. They were journals. Notes he kept on his discoveries and experiments…most at the expense of other people. He kidnapped them, Y/N. Took them away from society and…and hurt them. And you…”
Tears well up in your eyes, and you finally break your gaze away from Viktor’s when a sob wracks your body.
You understand what he’s saying. What he’s suggesting. Deep down, you know you do. It feels like the truth, lining up with what few memories you have from your youth, and the hallucinations you’d experienced in the basement; your father had hurt people, hurt you, and you’d been his only success…
Or had you?
Had there been others?
There had to have been, otherwise he wouldn’t have…
Or maybe…
A gentle hand on your shoulder draws you out of your thoughts, and without thinking you let yourself flop into Viktor’s arms. You can feel the quickened thump of his heart as you lean against his body, the warmth of his skin touching you, and you can’t find the wherewithal to care about the potential embarrassment that may arise later.
“He never loved me, did he?” you ask despondently, “I’ve been alone all these years, hoping that one day he’d come back to me, but he…he never even cared. There’s never been anyone who loved me, and there never will be-”
“That’s not true!” Viktor disputes, but you only despair harder.
“You’ve known me for a week, Viktor. You can’t possibly love me.”
“No,” he says, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around you while you tremble with tears, “but you have shown me a profound amount of kindness in the time we’ve had together. Kindness, and care. You have raised my spirits, and offered me a home for…however long I have left.”
With a wet sniff, you pull away from him. “Would you stay?” you ask, “If you weren’t sick, would you still stay?”
He reaches out and cradles the side of your face with his right hand. “I fear that I may never leave this place,” he admits, “and that I am all too willing to do so. I’ve grown quite fond of this old castle, mostly because of the company it keeps.”
You let the weight of your head rest against his palm, and stare at him with grief and despair beyond what you’ve allowed yourself to feel these past centuries. And yet how it seems all the more bearable simply because you’re not alone now.
“I’ll do it,” you tell him quietly. “If you still want to be turned, I’ll do it.”
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The Grey Wolves Series: Prince of Wolves
A review
I would like to preface this review with the fact that when I first read this series in highschool, I hyperfixated on it for several months. I was 15. I still believed myself to be cishet. Quite a bit has changed since then.......and now that I think about that was 9 years ago. Fucking hell.
This series is. Not good. I dont know much about Quinn Loftis' life (tho she did follow me on Twitter when I still had twitter) but from what I could gather is that shes a stay at home mom and very Christian. Not so Christian that she was anti Harry Potter. Im likely going to keep a twilight and Harry Potter reference counter as I reread this series.
This review will likely be a bit disjointed. I have never written a second draft for anything in my life and I dont plan to start now. This is mostly for fun and I likely have adhd and struggle to articulate my thoughts so. Fuck it.
From what I remember of this series there is. A lot going on. The first couple of books follow Jacquelyn and Fane. The next couple focus on one of Jacquelyn's best friends, Jen, and her love interest, Decebel. The next two on their third friend Sally and her love interest Colin. I'm actually pretty interested to see how much I actually remember of these books. All 3 girls are very much the stereotypical YA novel protagonist.
Unfortunately this series frequently uses the word g*psy for one of its supernatural types. As I wouldnt class these characters as Romani, I will be referring to them as "healers" after their initial introduction as I dont want to have to constantly type out g*psy and they ARE healers. (As far as I can remember, Sally is not Romani (and yes, spoiler alert, Sally is a healer), tho she IS one of the few, if not the only POC in this series. So....not great, Quinn).
I'll likely only review the first 6 or 7 books (I don't remember how many of them I got through exactly but definitely the first 6), tho according to Google there are now EIGHTEEN books in this series. I know she also had a spin off series about healers (I think I read part of the first book of that series). But holy shit. 18. Thats a lot of fuckin books for there being almost no fandom when the series was still at 10 books. She may not be a great writer but shes got passion and drive I'll give her that. And that's not even counting the spin off series. Of which there are 5 books. Or the 4 unrelated series she did before Grey Wolves. Goddamn shes been busy.
Im writing all of this BEFORE rereading the first book. But some reviews give a first impression which i cannot do as I read these books for the first time almost a decade ago. Also I kinda wanna see if I can summarize the books before I read them to see how much I remember, cuz again, this is for fun and testing my memory has always been fun for me (I used to be able to recite the entire plot of the 39 clues series from memory and I would do so often).
Book One. Prince of Wolves.
Jacquelyn *last name redacted as I cant remember it* is a 17 (almost 18) year old girl about to go into her senior year of highschool. She lives in a small town in Texas with her single mom. Her dad walked out before she was born (or slightly after) and she doesn't know much about him. Her mom is *quirky*. She has two best friends named Jen and Sally. Jen is loud and vulgar and sarcastic while Sally is quiet and shy.
The neighbors across the street from Jacque are going to be hosting a foreign exchange student from romania this year. Jacque finds herself instantly drawn to this tall foreign boy with dark hair and "piercing blue eyes" and after making eye contact with him, begins to hear a voice in her head that she is SURE is his voice despite having never heard him talk before. Spoiler alert: she is correct!
The begin communicating through this psychic connection frequently. He teaches her how to shut him out so he's not hearing her every thought. He informs her that she is a werewolf!!! Or at the very least, half werewolf!!! They are True Mates™️, which is why they are able to communicate telepathically!!!
She goes into her yard to sun bathe and Fane gets Big Mad™️ as her True Mate™️ markings are on display which is a Big No No for werewolves. She doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about. She goes inside to discover what appears to be a tattoo on her (....side? I think? Perhaps on her back).
Jacque has MANY sleepovers at her house with jen and Sally to talk to them about all of these developments.
She eventually tells her mom and discovers!!! Her dad is a werewolf!!! But her mom is not so she and him couldn't have been True Mates™️ and its slightly hinted that he left because he found his True Mate™️ so even though he loved her, he could not stay away from his mate.
Jacque starts having dead animals left outside her house. At first she thinks its Fane doing a weird wolfy courting thing and gets understandably upset by this. Fane confirms that while it IS a wolfy courting thing, HE is not the culprit!
Apparently there is a pack in the area!!! And one of the wolves in this pack is interested in Jacquelyn!!! And Fane is intruding on their territory!!! And the alpha of the pack (a man in his mid to late 20s) is challenging Fane for his mate!!! The challenge is to the death!!! But don't worry!!! Fane is calling in his parents and their pack to help him handle this situation and keep Jacquelyn safe if he loses!!!
At this point they inform the family that fane is living with about what is going on. They are surprisingly chill about the whole thing. Even with having several of Fane's pack members stay with them. Theyre Very Cool People.
We meet Fane's parents. Vasile and Mina (I actually did look up Vasile's name as I kept wanting to call him Vlad and I knew THAT wasn't right)
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