#like how can you be friends with someone thats constantly transphobic about your partner??
deadwolfpack · 5 months
My partner talking abt one of their Coworkers that they're getting closer to as if she isn't transphobic abt me on the daily and ablist as fuck to my partner 😊
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eremiie · 3 years
this is for the matchup! congrats on 500!!
can you only include the men please?
i have short brown hair with an undercut, but enough hair to be pulled back in a man bun. 5'3, freckles all over, green and brown eyes, glasses, a slimmer build but a little bit of pudge in my belly and thighs.
im an aquarius and a ISFP-T
my personality: im definatly enjoying quarintine cause i dont have to talk to people as much lol. i have a core group of friends that i prefer to stick with and im pretty outgowing with them, but meeting new people makes me shy. i like to think im funny but its mostly just dad jokes. i can be so stubborn sometimes its not even funny, and if i dont like a conversation ill just ghost you then feel bad about it, but it'd only be like for a day then id talk to you again. if i dont do something perfectly the first time it's hard for me to find the motivation to continue it.
love language: hug me, please? just a little hug? im so touchstarved if someone would hug me i think id die. gift giving is a big one too, i love to give my friends/partners gifts and see them so happy when they open it. pet names, please. sharing interests too. ill watch stuff you like with you if you watch stuff i like with me
hobbies: writing, drawing, d&d, binging tlc shows & anime. i want to be a florist later on.
turn ons: remembering small things about me that others probably wouldn't, like what my favorite characters are or what my favorite food is. listening to me info dump about whatever im obsessing over at the moment and not getting upset over it, even if they don't like the topic, a nice voice is a plus too.
turn offs: lying, manipulating me, pretending to care just to shut me up, yelling, being a homophobic/transphobic piece of shit, putting very little effort in the the relationship.
i hope thats everything !!
thank you for the congrats, i hope you enjoy your matchup <3.
i match you up with...
reiner braun.
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i match you up because...
reiner being an extravert and you being an introvert pairs well. he doesn’t mind that you’re shy at first and lets you take as much time as you need to open up to him. he laughs at your jokes no matter how corny you think they are, even if he doesn’t think they’re funny. your stubbornness doesn’t bother him and he probably just lets you do things as you please and will correct them when he gets the chance instead of trying to push on with you. reiner will give you all the hugs you want, pls, any form of physical touch you want he’s on it. oh, and gift giving? it’s literally right up his ally, did you see all the food he bought the eldians in that one episode?? so you reciprocating makes everything 10x better as well. he’ll indulge in your hobbies with you if you ask and has no problem listening to you go on and on about things you enjoy. he definitely remembers small things about you, and will point them out time to time to remind you that he remembers them. he’s genuine about everything even if he’s just trying to please you so he crosses out any of your turn offs.
he constantly brings you back things he finds in the store that remind you of him
you guys literally have couch conversations where the two of you just lay together as you tell him about things you obsess over
he likes to poke each of your freckles when you guys lay together and try to count them sob sob
he gets you to tell him about stuff to help him fall asleep at night
you always get him to proofread your works or pose for your drawings
he plays d&d with you when you ask but you always beat him
he likes to buy you flowers to arrange, and he’ll pick out ones of your favorite colors
your runner up was armin, i hope you enjoyed your matchup!
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nerdepic · 6 years
and whilst im on it and dont Really Fuckin Want to have to reiterate any more, heres a goddamn breakdown okay
i hate the way this fandom treats gay people. 
gay men are not written as human beings. they are written as sex toys. they are written to be abused and raped for sexual gratification. and honestly i find this fucking disgusting, that another human would see the abuse and think its hot. 
this applies doubly for fics sexualizing child abuse and childhood sexual assault.  
i sincerely hope you seek help as to why you find raping and abusing people (especially children) sexy, because its just... not healthy. 
the reason why im so against these types of things is because 
fanfic is usually gay kids first experiences with gay media, especially if theyre still in the closet. this can and will lead them into thinking abuse is normal and they should expect it from their partners. 
because of this, im also totally for protected and clean and safe sex in fics too, 
abusers will use this content to groom their victims. (it happened to me, i was sodomised at age 13 thanks to works like these). 
its a lame excuse to say “well, SANE people would understand its just fiction” because like. if you tell any adult of any disposition “this sexual act feels good” theyre likely to attempt it. 
“i didnt write this for abusers so its a misuse” well if you write content like this, you need to be ready to handle the consequences of it BEING misused. its your creation, you have to deal with the consequences that a kid got attacked because of your fic
if you look at kids being abused and find it sexy, thats so immoral and unethical i cant even begin. why do you sexualise kids. thats disgusting. 
“ive put an authors note and tagged correctly so i can do what i want” yeah because ~everyone knows~ abusers heed warnings and tags. its a cop out so you dont have to consider what it is youre actually writing. 
seeing these situations as sexually gratifying is fetishizing abuse. thats why i call it that, because thats what it is.
now, this isnt me saying you cant write “dark issues”. i just want ppl to think about the angle theyre portraying them at.
this is a BIG DIFFERENCE and this difference is IMPORTANT.
also, fic is in so way shape or form comparable to videogames, porn, or movies, since all three things are regulated and can be banned. if a porn actor loses one piece of documentation they arent allowed to act. movie and games have been banned before for intense violence. all three still depict graphic sexual violence from times to time, and this is CONSTANTLY battled against by activist groups. 
fic is much more open world and pretty much only taken down if its plagiarism. there are no restrictions and can be accessed by anyone, and thats why its important to talk about these issues.
as for why the “coping mechanisms” excuse doesnt work:
if youre reliving your abuse with these fics thats not healthy. especially if youre sexualizing and romanticizing it. all youre doing is justifying in your mind that you deserved it, or that it wasnt really abuse. 
i know it can be difficult to move past romanticizing your abuser (most victims do this), but its the best thing to do. otherwise youre putting yourself in danger of being abused again either by the same person or someone else. you need to understand that abuse is bad, and you need to understand how bad the extent of your abuse was in order to begin moving forward. this process wont happen if youre refusing to take off your rose tinted glasses. 
you cant write a detailed sexual fic of a minor being abused and say “fiction doesnt affect reality so writing this means nothing” and then in the same breath say its how you “cope”. thats hypocritical since youre literally saying it affects your reality. 
coping mechanisms can be unhealthy! i used to self harm to cope, and it was bad for me! i was hurting myself! if i said i dealt with my anger by beating up my boyfriend, that would be unhealthy and abusive! 
this fandom wrote a fic where 17 yearold link who is implied to have a mental handicap gets drugged and raped by 40+ year old rhett and the comments were saying it was hot when he cried out in pain. this fandom wrote and supported a fic where jewish link gets recused from nazi germany by rhett. this fandom wrote and supported a fic where stevie gets corrective raped by r&l. this fandom wrote and supported a fic where rhetts WIFE jessie dresses up and roleplays as link whilst rhett has sex with her. 
and away from fic, people ALWAYS oversexualise. on every post is a sexual comment. ive banned them on my own posts and i still get them, even after saying i dont consent to them. 
no one says anything because yall react poorly to ANY criticism and people are afraid of yall. 
 and anyway:
i namedropped because they namedropped me. calling me a little shit and an ass and a bully. ive been called homophobic slurs. ive had people tell me im not really gay because im trans as well as other transphobic bs. my friends have received asks calling me names because they dare to interact with me. 
the anon sending me bullshit left a trail on my statcounter so it was easy to point out who was sending me hate. if youre saying im stalking youre giving me too much credit for what was literally copy and pasting an ip address into google. i dont care that much about you to waste my time like that. im sorry for that but only that. 
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