#like hmmmm
milkyvast · 9 months
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okay theyre well
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mmollymercury · 4 months
Anyone else inspired to draw shadow looking upon super sonic in an awestruck, biblical way?? Because I am.
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millennium-queen · 9 months
Maybe it’s because I’ve had a little bit to drink but DAMN the movies really removed all of Katniss’s relationships with everyone who wasn’t G*le huh??
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fish-bowl-2 · 8 months
Eddy being a die hard Tom Jones fan will always be the funniest thing to me.
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cowardlycowboys · 8 months
drunk off my ass would be funny if I you know
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so like in the vanguard universe. There’s vanguard street gangs(s1 ep 36), there’s vanguard gambling/betting (turnabout) and entire vanguard blood feuds (Raul serra) so like. Is there vanguard strip clubs? Is there vanguard casinos??? Is there vanguard rehab?!?!?
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asukiess · 7 months
re: your post about writing/ drawing similar stuff - i would totally read a million different fics in which you explore slightly different dynamics and angles of ladywalker and im sure everyone else would too!!! your writing is lovely and everything you have to say about ladywalker is groundbreaking and i love to hear it 💗
hadjskfkksjdjsk 🥺
(I’ve been sitting on this ask but I decided to screenshot it and put it in a special little folder of mine on my phone for pick me ups)
thank you for the encouragement and taking the time to send me something so sweet and thoughtful!!
I really don’t mean what I post in a fishing for compliments way, so stuff like this really gets me emotional 🥺 I got a lot of thoughts about them and ladynoir so…!!
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thiagodasilva · 4 months
watching the Chelsea men actually play well AND score is just
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loonatic-moon · 7 months
Akiyama’s under the sleep demon Sheep man visage, ain’t it…come on out already man I SEE YOU
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gaylittleeddie · 2 years
anyone else find it funny that the official fox account was talking about tsunami eddie the same time oliver, ryan, and gavin were all filming on a beach?
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littlegoldfinchh · 2 years
I don't know what's going on with this street towards my school but it looks like it has been bombed and people are hanging out red flags and they wrote gestapo over one of the buildings like are you making a movie or did Orbán suck Putin's dick a bit too hard
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You guys ever suddenly feel in an absolutely fantastic mood for no particular reason and everything just feels right in life?
I’m out here, sitting in my car in a parking lot, a boy with painted nails and good food, minding my own buisness and everything just feels right.
I’ve got nerd gear everywhere and I’m just in my casual “just threw whatever was clean on for errands” gear and im just merely vibing. Its almost surreal.
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longsightmyth · 1 month
I do feel that calling On Drakon/He's a Dragon/I Am Dragon/whichever translation we have settled on now a monster romance is...
I suppose by some definition it fits. But Arman fits neither the Beast (...beast variant) with a heart of gold archetype nor the Beast (human variant) who must change for the heroine nor even any combo of these?
This man already rejected the violence of his father (and the humans' forefathers). He wholeass stuck himself in a cave made of his dad or a different ancestor's dragon bones and Stayed The Fuck There until he was compelled by Mira's fiance's demand for the creepy dragon summoning song to rock up and snatch her.
And then they're there and he rams himself into a small space to stay human as long as possible.
Like any reformation this man did was entirely prior to Mira, if indeed there was any reformation at all, which honestly seems to be the case since the second he learned his mom was murdered to create him and his dad said it was the only way Arman went, I Think I Will Simply Not Reproduce Then, Thank You.
Anyway it's just interesting to see the romances Mira and Arman are compared to when Arman Has Actually Done Nothing Wrong In His Life Ever, I Will Stick To That.
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crabgirlfriend · 2 months
genshin players about the male harbingers: ohh he’s just my little meow meow babygirl. haha nooo my boyfriend didn’t commit any atrocities he’s too hot for that. btw here’s my 5k yandere smut fic in the main tags
genshin players about arlecchino: evil bitch. I want to brutally murder her and watch the life fade from her eyes
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the-brainrot-central · 2 months
Y’all ever get consumed with rage over something so silly
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ink-the-artist · 8 months
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Video game I saw in a dream. It was in this low poly style like an older video game. You play as this character I think was meant to be a lamb, or maybe a weird mix of a lamb a mouse and a rabbit, (while not really looking like any of those things) and you’re running away from a wolf. Your objective is to last as long as possible before the wolf catches and eats you.
The house you’re running in is endless and bizarrely put together like most building interiors in dreams are (like the infinite toilet dream dimension on Reddit lol) the layout of the house is pretty detailed, you can stop and hide in places like closets or bins while the wolf looks for you, you can go up and down stairs and into rooms etc.
You never actually know where the wolf is or how close it is to you until it appears in your line of sight, it makes no noise and the game gives you no way of knowing where it is, and it’s pretty unpredictable it doesnt move at a consistent pace. When the wolf catches you there’s an animation showing it eating your character
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