#light of the jedi spoilers
gaymothperson · 7 months
Listening to the Light of the Jedi audiobook and the first Bell/Loden chapter hit me like a gut punch. Did not expect that at all.
RIP Loden Greatstorm, a legend gone to soon.
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chissjedi · 27 days
Star Wars is about coming back to the light, healing, forgiving others and yourself, being selfless and protecting the innocent and vulnerable. Star Wars is about hope that things and people will someday get better. Star Wars is about redemption and kindness. Star Wars always has been about love and I pray it always will be.
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lightwise · 9 months
Life and Death
Remember what the first episode of Tales of the Jedi was called?
Life and Death.
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"What's the lesson, Master?"
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"Live...or die."
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Baby girl was born for this.
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animatedjen · 5 months
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You're not the only one who survived.
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dreaming-of-hope · 1 year
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They are parents now. They adopted that child even before bode was out of the picture.
I know many people are hoping they have a bio child in the next game, but I honestly think they just keep adopting children as they go.
So much of the spirit of the Jedi series is breaking free from the idea of bloodlines (against the main continuity of the movies) and I feel they should keep it that way.
The found family trope is strong with this one.
That said, I do fear the worse for Cal in the next game, his connection to the darkside could potentially make him the perfect grey jedi, but if he keeps getting worse those visions he saw on Fallen Order could become a reality or worse he could have an heroic death, if he stays in the light OR a redemption death, if he keeps using the darkside, to save his family and his legacy, in a way that mirrors his own masters sacrifices (but this is probably just me after being exposed to too many "doomed by the narrative" types of media).
Also... in a less dark thought, I just realized I subconsciously made Merrin and Cal match clothes! I love them so much <3
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Currently overthinking: how obsessed some of fandom is with the idea of punishment for the sake of punishment, instead of learning from mistakes, and how the Jedi are very clearly team learn and grow.
The most “punishment” thing I can think of that we see the Jedi do is assigning Ahsoka to archives duty, but that is clearly meant as ‘get you off the front lines and have you reflect on your actions’ time, not so much a true punishment.
Where we see the Jedi go hard on proclaiming their allegiance to team learn and grow is Dark Disciple (if you haven’t read and don’t want to be spoiled, turn back now because I am about to spoil the shit out of that book).
Vos falls.
Not just dabble a little in the dark side falls.
Falls and pledges himself to Dooku and kills Jedi and clones.
Jedi Knight Kav Bayons
Jedi Knight Akar-Deshu
They died because of Vos.
It can be argued it was unintentional (Vos shoved Deshu into Bayons causing Deshu to sting Bayons. Losing his stinger also would have killed Deshu, but Vos killed him first) but that doesn’t change the fact that Vos is responsible for the deaths of two Jedi, as well as the clones killed in his escape with Dooku (catch me being forever salty over the unnamed clones who die).
He goes by Admiral Enigma and terrorizes the GAR for months.
When the story resolves and Vos returns to the light, do we see him thrown in prison? Executed?
No. We don’t see either of those things.
We see the council intentionally obfuscate and hide these facts from the military (because the military does love punishment and executions).
We see Vos confined to the temple while he heals.
We see Master Yoda spend extra time with him to ensure he rehabilitates successfully.
We see a probationary period to determine if he has really came back to the light.
This is extra important because earlier in the story we saw him return to the Jedi and fool them (some of them, Master Windu was so suspicious of him because Master Windu is a smart smart person)!
And yet, they still believed that he could return to the light and should be given that opportunity.
And he does! He comes back. And he resumes his role in the war. And when everything falls apart he continues trying to help.
And he gets that opportunity because the Jedi do not believe in punishment as justice the way some do.
Repentance and growth. That is the Jedi.
And yet, every day, I see people trying to set the Jedi up as enforcers of prison terms and executioners, because they don’t think people got what they ‘deserved’ in canon.
But that is all a gross misrepresentation of the Jedi.
Ahsoka’s trial and possible execution was not the way the Jedi would have proceeded- it was the GAR and the Republic. Which is probably why the GAR ensured the Jedi couldn’t handle it themselves - there would have been no justice theatre and no blood.
It is not pro-Jedi to insist on punishment and retribution as justice. At its heart, punishment is revenge. And revenge is not the Jedi way.
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roseblushkestrel · 11 months
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adhd-mode-activate · 1 year
Thinking about Jedi Survivor again and I love how they portray Cal's feelings about the rest of the Mantis crew going their separate ways.
He understands why they all left, to some degree. He understands why Cere went to help the Hidden Path and why Greez settled down and why Merrin went off on her own.
But he's still hurt by it. He avoids going to visit Cere or Greez until the events of Survivor basically forced him to because he's not sure how to handle the hurt.
he's the one left behind, and his understanding doesn't lessen the burden of his pain. I liked that, and I liked how he was able to express that to Merrin as well.
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daisyswift3 · 9 months
That was without a doubt THE best episode of a live action Star Wars series I’ve ever seen. The fight choreography, the visuals, the acting, the plot twists—it hit all the marks, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Dave Filoni has done it again
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bikananjarrus · 10 days
i finally started reading the high republic books! i finished light of the jedi last night, so here are a few of my (non-spoilery) thoughts:
jedi doing cool shit with the force is my favorite thing and there is SO much good jedi doing cool shit with the force content
also the way the force was described was just, really beautiful. it's been a while since any visual star wars medium has really made me feel in awe of the force, but this did the job so well.
the little worldbuilding aspects were really cool. (hypserspace travel still being developed, bacta isn't mass-produced yet, etc.) this book was just a really nice reminder about how cool and strange and fun the star wars galaxy can be (when actual effort is put into making it that way)
on that note, god it felt good to have good star wars content. like this was SO. GOOD. (and i'm so so excited to move onto the next books, but i kind of didn't want this one to end bc charles soule is such a beautiful writer. and he made every pov interesting and engaging; i was never bored)
i think maybe my favorite pov to read from was bell's. he made me laugh, and soule wrote him in such a way that was youthful but not childish, and it was just such a joy reading his pov. i felt so connected to him immediately, and was so proud of him by the end of the book! can't wait to see where his story goes. (also i love his and loden's relationship and i have SO many feelings about the end of the book like..... iykyk.)
avar and elzar. avar and elzar. AVAR AND ELZAR. they've got me down so. bad. help.....i love both of them individually, and their dynamic together is everything to me actually. (i have so many more thoughts on them, but i’ll come back to them later)
another bullet point to again say how much i LOVE jedi doing cool shit with the force, and relating it to elzar and a) how he describes the force as an endless sea.... yeah. i'm in love w that description; and b) him wanting to push boundaries, explore all that the force is capable, is just really really cool.
the epilogue. I have not stopped thinking about it. like i got yearning and terrifying force visions all in one chapter?? charles soule did that for ME <3
i'm reading the main books for phase one in order, so next up is test of courage, then into the dark. (even though i reallyyyy want to just go right to the rising storm lol)
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spicedrobot · 2 years
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"You're a much wiser man than I, Qui-Gon Jinn." "Thanks to your teachings."
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Hey so we've got yet another innocent Jedi child who was living happily with her FAMILY who then was horribly traumatized by the Sith and forced down a path of revenge and destruction until she was so broken she only knew how to inflict the same pain on others so huh does that mean we're done saying the Jedi were the child-stealing cult and that the Dark Side isn't so bad or do we have to get ourselves a dozen more of these for the lesson to sink in?
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darth-memes · 7 days
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fwtcanimelover · 1 year
Unpopular opinion
But I don't actually want Cal Kestis to fall to the darkside. Struggle with it sure (in a way that doesn't get any of his loved ones hurt), but I still want him to remain a good guy. Like I'm glad he is still a great guy, it's just for the third game that I'm a little nervous for and want them to have a happy ending in the third game.
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*admires my pretty daughter* *admires my pretty daughter* *admires my pretty daughter* *adm
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lightwise · 9 months
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Those Red & Blue Robes
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