#lex talks
freakywizard · 5 months
christian borle being cast as the sexyman tv head in h*zbin h*tel is my 9/11 of the year
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hawkinslibrary · 7 months
someone pointed out that they’ve been changing the quote in their bios once a day leading up to st day. the demogorgon. it got me. (s1) -> bunch o’ nerds (s2) -> max has dumped me five times (s3). tomorrow should be a s4 quote
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armenwii · 1 year
Felix’s character is pretty much demolished now
I remember the end of S4 and how I was super hyped to have Felix as a rogue holder with an extreme selfishness but something about him getting with Kagami is so random and out of character to me?
They barely met and he literally kidnapped her…
For some reason I think I just had a super fanon idea of Felix in my head… one where he was super mature and didn’t care for human relation outside of his family - and especially wanted Gabriel’s downfall.
So why in the actual shit did he basically hand all the Miraculous to him?
If Felix’s main goal is to gain freedom for the Sentimonster’s (assuming the Kagami senti theory is true), why would he enable their abuser?
Felix was supposed to be a villain. They made him assault Marinette, get rid of the Miraculous, and lie and lie and lie. So why now are they getting him with Kagami and trying to make him likeable?
Choose one!
Also… on the topic of that theory. It is so fucking weird how they made Felix call the sentimonsters his siblings… if Kagami is a senti… and he’s dating her… *skull emoji*
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caycanteven · 1 year
*fills your inbox with happy tears*
*drowning garbled noise*
I have only one bucket and I don't know if that will save either of us from drowning.... ;3;
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forta-ver · 7 months
Bruh. They are so mean to my man, Otus, for real.
Why do they hate that poor boy? He is literally doing his best! Back the boy! He is doing the best he can and y'all are just mean!
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nyamnomz · 2 years
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loganwright · 8 months
if you've never thought your shaker bottle was fully closed and shook it and then your drink went literally everywhere, I don't trust you
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veraghost · 2 years
thinking about college bokuto and akaashi spending their time between classes and practice, akaashi trying to teach bokuto how to do taxes and bokuto not understanding any of it.
years go by and bokuto thinks he’s doing his taxes correctly when it’s really just akaashi who is doing them in secret so bokuto can keep playing volleyball in peace
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Y'all I just remembered the funniest red flag about my partner:
There were two cats that lived in their house (not partners cats tho). Both frequently pissed and shat in my ex partners bedroom.
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I may have finally found a use for all the identical black composition books I have stored (hoarded) in my room. I will turn them into a multiparty compositional grimoire for my practice. I can have one for the moon and astrology, one for pretty rocks, one for plants, one for other correspondences, all sorts of different subjects
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lexxarts · 6 months
I am going back to the drawing board on my price lists, so bear with me. I'm sorting some things out.
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freakywizard · 8 months
ed stede and izzy all on the same ship i KNOW its going to go nuclear. 'i hope they work it out :)' i hope they all get 10x worse
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hawkinslibrary · 7 months
first, back in september, variety reported that netflix was putting the filming of st5 at high priority, to start as immediately as possible after the strikes ended. then, on wednesday (nov. 8th -- after the end of the sag strike was announced), discussingfilm (citing deadline) said that st5 filming was expected to begin "in a couple of weeks". now, david claims that production could start up as early as sometime next week
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spritehouse · 8 months
i can be trusted to make Important Decisions.
source? trust me bro
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forta-ver · 1 year
Dearest Tumblr,
Kindly stop interrupting my scrolling by yeeting me back to the top of my dash with a few extra posts you'd loaded. It is neither helpful nor endearing, and I would appreciate the chance to actually read and watch the posts you keep taking me from.
Ever your enraptured audience,
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nyamnomz · 2 years
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boyfriend and girlfriend moment
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