#lets pretend Stuart takes off his glasses sometimes
marie-swriting · 1 year
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Stuart Twombly
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babygirlgalitzine · 4 years
you don’t have to say you love me (you don’t have to say nothing) 
“Ben, love, will you do a shift for me at the Prince Albert?” Kathy asked Ben as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, jacket already on, keys dangling in his hand. “I’m two barmen down.” 
He was stood with a grin on his face, eyes transfixed on the phone he held in his other hand. He typed out what Kathy presumed was a text, somehow completely to his mum’s desperate pleas.
“Ben.” She repeated, more sternly this time. That quickly got his attention. 
“What?” He asked, smiling never once fading as he locked his phone and pocketed it. 
Kathy sighed, “Will you do a shift for me?” She asked again. 
Ben was too excited at the prospect of his day for the grin on his face to waver even remotely. “No can do I’m afraid. Already got plans.” He explained. 
“Bobby’ll do it. Get him out the house for a bit, plus it’s more pocket money for him.”
“What’s got you in a good mood?” Kathy asked as Ben walked into the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of water from the fridge and cereal bar from the cupboard. “Or do I not want to know?” 
Ben snorted out a laugh. “Get your mind out the gutter mother, you’re worse than me sometimes! Callum rang last night, if you must know. Asked if I’m free today, I said yeah, so he’s taking me out for the day. Planned it all himself, won’t even give me a clue about what we’re doing.” 
Kathy smiled wholeheartedly. Callum. Of course it was Callum. “You’re lucky to have that man you know?” 
He wraps an arm around his mum, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I know.” Ben confirms. “He makes me happy, and I haven’t felt like that around someone for years. I reckon Cal came into my life at just the right time.” 
“You love him.” Kathy enquired. “That’s special.”
Ben smiles, his phone vibrating in his jean pocket. “I don’t – yet. That’ll be him texting me now.” 
Kathy kissed Ben’s cheek, wiping her lipstick stain away from his scrunched up face. “Have fun.” She said. “Tell your Callum I said hello.”
In the weeks and months following Ben and Callum sharing their long awaited second kiss, they seemed to be inseparable. Callum would spend days at a time with Ben, at the Beales’ residence, but, feeling that he was outstaying his welcome every single time, he would go back to his flat, followed by Ben, who would then spend days at Callum’s flat. This was something that neither of them ever expected, considering Ben’s past connections and memories with the funeral parlour and connecting flat. Somehow, Ben felt comfortable there. He didn’t feel out of place, or have flashbacks to what seemed like a complete past life that he had. 
Ben sat on the sofa, wrapped up in his grey dressing gown, wearing his glasses. The bedroom door opened, and Callum walked out, wearing a hoodie he had stolen from Ben, his hair flat against his head, freshly washed and devoid of any styling products. Ben smiled up at his boyfriend, holding his hand out for Callum to take as he settled down next to Ben.
“Ordered us some Indian.” Ben said softly, his thumb rubbing over Callum’s knuckles.
Callum smiled at him, leaning forward and taking Ben’s lips in his own, no heat in the embrace, neither of them needing to take it any further. “You’re amazing.” 
“Only food.” Ben shrugged, resting his head on Callum’s shoulder.
The two of them settled down, watching their latest box set, waiting for the flat bell to go, indicating that their food had arrived. When it did eventually go, Ben untangled himself from Callum and walked downstairs. Stuart walked into the communal room as Ben returned, holding a bag filled with boxes in his hand, a couple of cans of alcohol in the other. 
“I’ve left some beer downstairs, couldn’t carry them all at once.” He said, putting the boxes on the table in front of the sofa. 
Callum nodded, pouting his lips as an indication for Ben to kiss him. Ben complied, of course. When Ben pulled away to walk back downstairs, Stuart remained looking at Callum, somewhat frozen in his stare. He hadn’t seen this before. 
“Looks good on you bruv.” Stuart commented, walking over to the fridge to pull his out his own beers. 
“What does?” Callum quizzed, opening up the lids to thre boxes and silently thanking Ben for getting his favourite. 
Stuart grinned, opening his beers. “Being in love.” 
Callum shook his head, stupid, disbelieving grin on his face. “Shut up!” He gasped out, scrunching tissues into a ball and throwing it at his brother as he walked out of the room.
When Ben first realised he was gay, he never thought he would be able to have a boyfriend, let alone kiss his boyfriend in front of family. A lot had changed in the years between Ben first realising his sexuality and meeting Callum – changes both good and bad. But his family finally accepting him, calling Callum their family too? That was the best change of all. It made them both finally feel accepted into a world that neither of them thought they ever would be.
Lola was stood in the kitchen, making up Lexi’s packed lunch and putting it in her school bag. It was a routine she in the morning, regardless of who was taking the girl to school that day. Whilst Lexi was upstairs brushing her teeth, Lola would be cutting sandwiches into triangles and wrapping them in foil. This morning was no different, except instead of having the relaxing sounds of morning radio keeping her company, she had Ben and Callum in the living room. The door separating the living room and the kitchen was wide open, allowing her to see and hear everything that was going on. Ben was sat in his jeans and a shirt, having offered to take Lexi to school. Callum, on the other hand, was dressed in his typical suit, only missing his tie. The rest of the house was quiet, Ian and Bobby still sleeping, Kathy having left an hour or so before to open up the café. 
“I need to go!” Callum giggled out – yes, giggled. 
Lola looked through the door to see Ben holding Callum to his lap, Callum with his arms wrapped around Ben’s shoulders, hands clasped at the back of his neck. 
“No, you don’t.” Ben grinned, leaning forward and colliding his lips with his boyfriends. “Have the day off, come and take Lex to school with me. Bet all the mums would fancy you in that suit. Know I do.” 
Callum sighed, shaking his head with a soft smile. “You’re allowed to fancy me.” He said. “Anyway, I can’t just take today off, I’ve got Mr Stanley’s funeral at eleven.” 
He pressed a kiss to Ben’s lips, unclasping his hands to run his fingers through the back of Ben’s hair. He had no idea when he started to do that, but it relaxed Ben in a way he never thought he would be, as though he was completely captivated, under Callum’s spell as he touched him. Ben smiled into the kiss, fingers rubbing around Callum’s hips. When Callum eventually managed to pull himself away, his fingers remained in Ben’s hair for a few short moments after. Ben, in a state of complete and utter bliss, trailed his head forward, in an attempt to kiss Callum again, but he was too late as Callum stood up and started doing his tie up. 
“I’ll text you later, take you out for dinner. And Lex, if that’s okay with you Lo?” He raised his voice slightly at the end. 
Lola poked her head around the door, pretending she hadn’t just witnessed the moment that the boys had just shared. “Yeah, that’s fine with me. See you later!”
Callum winked at Ben, and left for work. Lola moved into the living room, putting Lexi’s reading book in her bag. It was her day to swap it out for a new one, a whole new story that Ben could read for her tonight before she fell asleep. Lola smiled at Ben as he looked out of the window, seeing Callum’s figure walk past. 
“You love him.” She broke the silence. 
Ben’s eyes flashed up to her, soft smile on his face. He didn’t need to say it. She knew. 
“Reckon she’s finished brushing her teeth then?”
Ben was working away for a few days, having driven all the way up north to a car convention, hoping to secure some contracts with car dealerships in his plans to expand the Walford car lot. He had wanted Callum to go along with him for the trip, especially because a black tie event was included in the trip, but Callum had work commitments with the funeral home. The dead just didn’t stop dying. 
“He rang yet?” Jay asked as he walked into the funeral parlour, walking over to the filing cabinet and getting a folder out. 
Callum looked at his phone, which was placed on the desk, ready for when he received a message. “Not yet. Said he would the minute he gets settled in the hotel.” 
“Sorry you couldn’t go with him Cal,” Jay sympathised. “It’s just chocka here, I wouldn’t have been able to do everything alone.” 
“No, no, it’s fine! Ben was annoyed when I first told him, but I promised him a weekend away, just us, in a couple of weeks.” Callum explained. 
Jay smiled, looking down at his feet for a moment. “You’re good for him y’know?” He asked. “Between being with you and having Lexi back in his life, I’ve never seen him so settled.”
Callum nodded, smiling, understood what Jay was saying. He’d been witness to it himself, fondly remembering the days when Ben would be annoying him, running about and doing sketchy jobs, making way to obvious remarks about Callum’s hidden sexuality that even he was surprised people didn’t catch onto. Whilst Callum was remembering this, his phone buzzed. 
I’m here now, don’t miss me too much. Ring you later xx
“He’s there now.” Callum announced, sending a quick text back. 
When he had finished texting, he put his phone back on the desk, unlocked. Jay didn’t mean to, but he looked over at it, smiling at Callum’s wallpaper. It was a picture of him and Ben, both of them in bed together, with huge grins across their faces. Ben had his glasses on, both of them with flat hair, and Jay guessed that they had both just woken up. Callum’s nose was pressed against Ben’s cheek, a look of something in his eyes, Ben with his eyes scrunched closed, mid laugh. Callum was also looking at his wallpaper, his eyes illuminated, tears almost forming in his eyes. 
“Callum mate,” Jay started, “you’re in love.” 
Callum shook his head slightly, trying to prove Jay wrong, maybe even convince himself. Not yet, he thought, can’t be in love yet.
Lexi loved having four parents. Some people may think it might not have worked, having all her mum, dad, Jay and Callum being the parental figures in her life, but she thrived with it. Oftentimes, Lexi would spend evenings with her dad and Callum over at Callum’s flat, getting her out the way of the comings and goings of the Beales’, especially when Jay had taken Lola out for date night. Like tonight. Jay had booked for him and Lola to go and watch a new film, getting the late showing tickets. He had asked if it was okay for Ben and Callum to have Lexi for the night, and of course, they both agreed. Ben had brought Lexi around after school, Ben carrying her overnight bag as Lexi held on tightly to her favourite teddies, surmising that she couldn’t only bring one, because then the others would feel lonely. 
“Cal, I got my board games!” she shouted as Ben pushed open the flat door for her. 
Callum grinned, picking her up and spinning her around as she cuddled him. “All ready for me to thrash you and daddy then?” 
“Never!” she giggled, throwing her head back. “What are we having to eat?”
“Pizza?” Ben quizzed, looking between his daughter and his boyfriend to see if that was fine. When they both nodded, he opened his phone to order their favourites. 
“Snakes and Ladders first?” Callum asked, getting the box out and setting it up on the desk for them. Lexi jumped up onto a chair, sitting patiently as Callum finished sorting the board game out. 
Ben walked over to them, resting his hand on Callum’s shoulder. “It’ll be about 20 minutes.” Ben confirmed. “That okay with you princess?”
“Yes daddy!” Lexi grinned. 
All three of them sat down, playing Snakes and Ladders as they waited for their pizza to be delivered. It’s something they did often, various other members of families sometimes joining in. Lexi was very competitive when it came to board games, which was a trait she had definitely gained from both her mother and father, Callum quickly learned. 
“I win!” Lexi shouted, as the game reached its conclusion. 
Callum sat back with a smirk on his face, admiring how happy she was to have beat them. Ben on the other hand, lived up to his competitive nature and, aghast, complained. “You cheated!” 
“How do you cheat at Snakes and Ladders?” Callum asked, his hand on the back of Ben’s neck, playing with the short hair that is situated there. 
“I know for a fact she didn’t roll a six on that dice.” Ben explained. 
Callum pressed a kiss to Ben’s cheek. “Look how happy she is though.” He whispered, closing his sentence with another short peck to the skin. 
“Don’t care.” Ben pouted. Callum leaned forward and kissed Ben’s lips softly. “Pizza’s here.” 
Ben ran downstairs to get the pizzas for them as Callum poured Lexi some orange juice and grabbed him and Ben some beer. 
“Cheers babe.” Ben said as Callum put the alcohol down in front of him, opening up the pizza boxes as Lexi waited impatiently to get the first slice. 
The three of them sat in a comfortable silence as they ate, the television providing their soundtrack of the evening. Lexi was placed in between both Ben and Callum, and as she finished swallowing her third slice. “Daddy?” she said, like she was asking a question.
“Yeah baby?” he asked, wiping his fingers clean of grease for the umpteenth time.
“You know how mummy and Uncle Jay love each other?” She enquired.
Ben nodded in response, not knowing where this was heading. 
“Do you and Callum love each other too?” Lexi innocently asked. 
Callum, not expecting that question to come out of the little girls mouth at all, choked on his food, completely shocked. Ben looked at Callum, whispering out a “You okay?”, to which Callum nodded. 
“Me and Callum like each other a lot, yeah. Like mummy and Uncle Jay.” Ben explained, not saying the other ‘L word’. “Is that okay princess?” 
Lexi nodded, accepting that answer, before picking up another slice. 
+ one 
They had recently decided to start doing monthly date nights, providing some solitude for the pair of them. It was half to make up for how long it took for them to finally go on their first official date that worked out, half because they barely got any alone time, what with them both sharing houses with other people. By setting a date night each month, it allowed for them to go out for the evening, or kick others out of the house for a few hours, bribing them with money for the Vic. 
Ben walked into Callum’s flat, undoing his coat and shrugging it off his shoulders. Callum was in the kitchen, having texted Ben to say he was cooking for their date night. He had kicked Stuart out for the night, and so they were free to spend alone time together. Ben walked over to Callum, wrapping his arms around Callum’s waist, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. 
“Smells amazing.” Ben admired, laying his head on Callum’s back, smiling when he started to hear Callum’s heart beating. 
“Making your favourite.” Callum said. “Spag bol.” 
Ben sighed gently. 
Callum twisted under Ben’s hold, facing him for the first time. “Gimme a kiss.” Callum commanded softly, hooking his finger under Ben’s chin, tilting it upwards. Ben grinned, pressing his lips to Callum’s, their bodies intertwining.  
Ben pulled away with a sigh, his arms still wrapped around Callum, Callum’s arms still wrapped around him. They were in such close proximity with one another, Ben couldn’t help but notice Callum’s features. How he had freckles that weren’t usually obvious; how the red of his lips suddenly seemed more vibrant after they had shared a kiss; how when Callum started blushing, it was usually his ears that went red first; how blue his eyes are, but also with flecks of green and gold mixed in. He spoke without realising what he was about to say. 
“I love you.” 
It’s such a simple sentence, but it’s a statement with an incredibly large impact. It changed lives. 
Callum’s grasp on Ben felt weaker now, his ears flushing red, and then his cheeks quickly following, pink spreading across his skin. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Ben ranted out as he made an attempted to fill the void left by what he hoped would be filled with Callum saying it back. “I’m just being stupid.”
Suddenly, Callum’s eyes flickered down to Ben’s open lips, quickly pushing his lips to fit between Ben’s. It was a passionate embrace, one that just worked, especially after what Ben had just admitted. Callum was sure he felt a tear drop from Ben’s closed eyes, colliding where their skin pressed together. 
When they eventually pulled apart, Callum cupped Ben’s face with his hands as he spoke. “You’re not stupid.” He said. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Y’know, that was the first time someone said that to me and I can truly feel it back. I love you Ben Mitchell, so much.”
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seromreven · 5 years
title: you can’t do that.
sareena on ao3 requested: “could ya do a JohnxStuart where John is openly gay and convinces Stuart to blow him sometimes (Stu is straight), but stu ends up liking him and they maybe get into a clingy ‘relationship’?? I’m not big on the details. Anything would be great really, if you’re willing to do this. Thanks :)”
author’s note: oop, it’s been a stu filled two days.
The first time it happened was in the alleyway connecting to the Bambi Kino, Hamburg. John and Stuart had been out drunk and partied one late night, just the two of them. No Pete. No George. No Paul. They stumbled against the cold and horribly wet brick walls to get the back entrance of the cinema, to their quaint little place of rest. Their heads were spinning and Stu felt one of John’s hands hold him tightly on the arms for support as the other peculiarly travelled downwards. It left Stu confused of it goals- that was until it finally reached it and Stu felt a strong hand cup a cheek of his ass. He jumped back from John, stumbling on his feet and dragging the singer along, who had yet to let go of his arm. “Whaat,” John slurred at him and blinked with narrowed eyes- the bastard had yet forgone without his glasses. 
“Wh-What are you doing?” Stuart hissed, much harsher than anticipated, but it didn’t affect John and the still tight grip on his arms. John snickered, “ye are a handsome lad, y’know, Stu.” He inched closer and closer as his eyes came into focus on Stu’s face. He looked the bassist up and down with a careful lick of his dry lips, “make me wanna suck ye off, Stu. Don’t ye want that… Stu?” 
Stu stammered and backed up against a cold wall. He weren’t… completely against the idea but shook his head nonetheless- “I’m not queer, John,” he told his friend carefully. He got a shrug in response and felt his heartbeat quicken as the man went on his knees on the littered ground. John, with no protest given, pulled Stuart’s already hardening cock out of his pants with a smirk and a tug. “Ye can just pretend I’m a girly,” he winked and wrapped his head around the bright pink skin. It didn’t take long for Stu to come, as he switched between not knowing to look at John’s popping head or shut his eyes tight and listen to the moans John so lustfully gave out. Stu surprised himself at the pleasure he found behind John’s velvety lips.
Weeks later, Stuart watched him dance amongst groups of people, groups of men. Watched him make a fool of himself with the alcohol and its various effects. Watched him laugh and play carelessly around. He quickly felt the too familiar tinge of envy and cursed at its presence. Ever since the blowjob John had so skillfully given him- Stu hadn’t felt the same. Something had changed. And that first time hadn’t been the last. Stu found himself more often than not with his cock in the wetness of John’s mouth. Stu never thought of himself as a jealous guy but ever since that… faithful night; he had wanted John to spend less time with other men- with the band (and Paul specifically, feeling slightly threatened by their friendship), and more time with him. He wanted John’s hands on him… He wanted John’s mouth on him. Stu bided his time, staring down the back of John, waiting for the man to finally take notice his chagrinning at the corner of the bar.
And it came none too soon. John turned a swift turn on the dancefloor and locked eyes with Stu, (in whatever manner they could with John’s continuous glassless state. He figured the young man could recognize him somehow as a blur). John leapt towards him with bouncing steps and a large grin. “There ye are, Stu,” he all but sang and stepped much closer than needed to the displeased Stu. “We need to leave,” Stu scowled and turned to leave with a furious speed. “... Why,” John questioned though he followed faithfully at the artist’s heels. Stu looked over his shoulder and with a reddened face, muttered, “you know why,” for which John chuckled deeply in response.
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wittystiles · 7 years
Kitten Claws || Stuart Twombly
Author: wittystiles
Relationship: Stuart Twombly x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k+
Warnings: Cursing.
Summary: Stuart and Reader decide to get a hamster. Their plan quickly changes.
A/N: Thank you to my wifey @ellie-bee242 for giving me this prompt and asking me to write something for Stuart. This is nonsense fluff and it’s cute I hope. Enjoy. 
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Stuart reluctantly followed behind you as you made your way through the outdoor shopping mall you’d pestered him to go to with you. His phone was clutched firmly in his left hand, and had you not have been holding his right, he would have most certainly gotten lost by now.
“What about going in here and getting you so-” You stopped your sentence mid word, turning your head to look at your boyfriend who was engrossed in his cell phone. He looked up when you stopped walking, raising his eyebrows a bit.
“You’re not mad at me because I’m not paying attention, are you?” He asked, lowering his hand a little, trying to slyly stuff his phone into his pocket as if he didn’t want to still be looking at it.
“No,” you said softly. “Course I’m not mad at you for not paying attention to me. I just think it’s the raddest thing ever to have a boyfriend who doesn’t acknowledge me for like an hour because he’s fiddlefucking around on his phone.”
Stuart almost winced at your covert hostility towards him. “Well!” He whined. “I don’t like walking around malls, it’s boring. And we can’t even afford most of the shit in here, (Y/N). So instead of getting myself upset seeing you like something that I know I can’t get for you, I’m checking out and focusing on work.” He dropped your hand to gesture around. “Besides! We came here for one specific reason and we haven’t even made it to that store. We’ve been here for nine days, and we still haven’t gotten where we want to go.”
You stared at him blankly for a moment before rolling your eyes. “That was a bit dramatic don’t you agree?”
The two of you stood in silence giving each other equally bitchy looks for a good beat before eventually you caved, grabbing him by his elbow to drag him along with you.
“Where are we going now?” He asked, stumbling a bit to keep up with your quick and determined pace. Getting his feet underneath him properly, he managed to match your stride.
“We’re going to the pet store,” you declared picking up the speed of your step even further. “You’re complaining we haven’t gone yet, so. We’re going.”
“To get a hamster?” He asked as if for clarification. You nodded, focusing again on the destination.
“I’m still not exactly sold on this whole idea.” Stuart muttered, breathing a little heavy as the two of you near ran across the mall. “Also we could slow it down just a bit. We’re not in a race.”
You huffed loudly, “are you sure? Because you’re bored in malls, remember?”
He groaned, “you could let that go.” “When have I ever let anything go?” You asked, stopping abruptly in front of the pet store. Stuart, who had not been paying attention, bumped right into the glass. His forehead made a loud ‘pang’, and he recoiled in shock, his hand rubbing at his forehead.
“Sonovabitch,” he muttered following you inside. “Get the Goddamn hamster and let's just go. Please. Don’t even bother with a cage. We’ll just put it in the sink and hope it doesn’t crawl out. I don’t want to risk anyone asking me about my collision with the glass.”
With an eyeroll you pulled his hand away from his forehead, seeing that it was slightly red. “You’re fine. You probably only irritated it when you started rubbing it. No one even noticed, I’m sure. Now, please. Help me pick out /our/ hamster.” You urged, turning to head for the section of the store that housed the hamsters.
Stuart dutifully followed behind you, muttering about the fact you couldn’t see the damage caused inside of his skull, and how he wasn’t fine. “I could be concussed.” You caught him muttering.
“What was that?” You asked of him over your shoulder, walking past the wall of cat kennels.
Stuart pretended like he didn’t say anything, instead giving his full attention to the bins of hamsters, all crawling over each other or hiding in their dens. “They’re kind of ugly.” He decided, crouching down to look at a few dwarf hamsters that were practically stacked on top of each other. “Don’t you think?”
You shook your head, looking away from the hamsters to the cat kennels. “No, they’re not. Look at a different breed.” You waved your hand in the general direction of another type of hamster, abandoning them for the cats.
“Well these are cuter.” You heard Stuart say behind you as you stopped to read the information on one of the cats.
“Hi, my name is Lilly. I am a 2 year old tabby, and I was rescued with my brother. I love belly rubs, and yarn. I am a little afraid of people, though, so please forgive me if I hide.”
You dropped the card that hung off of Lilly’s krate and went to the next, seeing a spotted cat curled up on its bed. You picked up its card and read it.
“Hello, I’m Fred. I am a 4 year old boy. I am very friendly, and love head rubs. I was rescued with my sister, Lilly.”
You dropped Fred’s card as well, knowing if you got one you’d have to get the other so as to not separate them.
You continued looking at the cats, stopping at a small black and white cat. You crouched down, resting one hand against the glass of the cats kennel, the other holding her card. “Hi, you! I’m Turnip. I am an 8 month old tuxedo cat who was surrendered by my parents. I am very calm, and love to be held. I also enjoy butt scratches, and kisses. I’m not loud, and I don’t bite, but sometimes I claw when I’m excited or playing.”
As you were reading the cat stood from where she was laying in the corner and walked over to the glass, rubbing her face against the spot where your hand was. You gave the cat a small smile, standing up. “I’ll be back for you.”
You turned to find an associate, bumping directly into Stuart. “Hey, what the hell?” You asked, glaring at him.
“I thought we were supposed to be looking for a hamster together?” Stuart motioned to the hamsters, furrowing his brows. “I saw like, four cute ones and I kept asking you about them, but you were over here.”
You sighed, “right. Well, I’ve decided we’re not getting a hamster.”
“Oh? Well then, let’s go.” Stuart reached out to take your hand, assuming that you were ready to leave the pet store. You retracted your hand, shaking your head.
“No, wait! We’re getting a cat.” You declared, smiling confidently.
“Excuse me? Who’s ‘we’?” Stuart crossed his arms. “It certainly isn’t you and me, we. You must be talking about you and your other boyfriend.”
Groaning, you rested both of your hands on Stuart’s arm. “No, Stu! I’m talking about you and me, we! Come on. You were ready to get a hamster with me. A cat is just a larger hamster.”
Stuart shook his head, shocked by you. “No! No it isn’t, (Y/N)? A guinea pig is basically a large hamster. Same principals to take care of them. A cat and a hamster are not even close. A hamster lives in a cage, and requires little maintenance. A cat wanders the entire house, needs to have its litter cleaned, its nails kept, its fur brushed. Cats require love and attention, and they get lonely probably.”
“And no!” Stuart held himself back from dramatically throwing his hands up in the air. “A cat is far too much commitment and responsibility for us, (Y/N). We work all the time, we have weird hours. Not to mention we can barely remember to feed ourselves, let alone a cat. I was iffy on the hamster, but I feel they’re a lot more resilient than a cat. And they don’t make noise. Fuck, a cat’s a what? 12 to 14 year commitment? A hamster's a what? 2 to 3 year thing? I don’t know if we’d make it 12 to 14 years, and I don’t wanna be those people that fight over the custody of their animal.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “oh? So you don’t think you’re in this for the long hall, Stuart?”
“What?” He questioned, genuinely confused.
“I said, you don’t think you’re in this for the long haul? What, are you planning on leaving me sometime soon?”
Stuart quickly shook his head, knowing this was about to become a fight. “No, of course I’m not planning on leaving you, (Y/N). You know I love you. I was just saying, you know, a cat’s a long term thing. And I don’t know if-if...“
“Know if what?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest, raising your eyebrow at him. “If we’re gonna make it? Is that what you’re about to say? Do you think we’re gonna break up? Cause this is the second time in this conversation we’ve gotten here, Stuart. If you’re trying to tell me something, maybe you should have said it before we reached the pet store. Hmm? We could’ve made it into a “commitment” you’re not ready for by getting a hamster, you know?”
Stuart stammered, his words lost on his tongue. He had no idea how he could respond, or what to say to possibly salvage this conversation where you would not be furious with him.
“I didn’t mean it like that, (Y/N).” Stuart finally managed, feeling terrible.
“Sure you didn’t, Stuart. You just always say we aren’t gonna be together in the long run, of course. Silly me, Stuart.” He went to defend himself, but quickly decided against it. “I’m sorry.” He finally said after a beat. “Show me the cat that you want.”
One hour, eighty-five dollars, food, and a bag of litter later, Stuart and you had made it home with your new addition. After his conversation about not thinking that the two of you would make it the long haul, Stuart had given in.
You had asked one of the workers to kindly let you meet the cats, and she happily obliged. Some were friendly, and some were not, however only one had stood out to you. The small tuxedo cat who had walked over and rubbed her face against the glass while you had read her tag. You’d spent the entire car ride home with her curled up in her crate on your lap. You’d held your finger through the little holes so she could play with it, and you’d quickly and deeply fallen in love with her.
When you’d gotten her home, Stuart made quick work of setting up her litter box. He made sure it was in the guest bathroom so that the two of you wouldn’t have to smell it, and he found a place in the small kitchen of your shared apartment to place her food and water bowls.
You set Turnip’s crate down in the living room, waiting for Stuart to join you, before you opened it and let her out to explore. The two of you watched her cautiously walk out of her carrier, looking around at the two of you before cautiously making her way over to you. You held your hand out to her, letting her cuddling into your hand while the two of you sat close together.
Turnip crawled into your lap and began purring as you scratched at her ears and neck, letting her become comfortable in your lap. “She’s wonderful, isn’t she?” You asked Stuart, scratching at the kitten’s butt.
“She’s something.” Stuart agreed, reaching out to pet the kitten in your lap. She immediately recoiled away from his hand, not purring anymore.
“Excuse me?” He said, narrowing his eyes on the cat. “What the hell was that?”
You shrugged, continuing to pet Turnip. “Maybe just, let her get used to you.” You suggested.
Stuart nodded in agreement, and gave another attempt at getting close to the cat, this one thwarted as well.
After a while you decided all attempts you were making to try and get the two to get along together weren’t working, and he was on his own with the cat situation. You got up to make dinner, leaving him to sit on the floor of the living room with an angry kitten, and a small toy.
“You know,” Stuart called to you from his hands and knees while you worked on making the orange chicken for dinner. “I think she’s finally coming around to me.”
You smiled happily, “that’s wonderful darling.” You called to him, your back to the living room. You were adding the sauce packets to the pan when you heard Stuart yelp, and the kitten make a loud hiss. A moment later Stuart came hurrying into the kitchen with a bloody hand. “She fucking clawed me, good too!” He exclaimed, holding his hand out over the sink. You abandoned the pan and quickly turned the water on, letting him rinse his hand under the faucet. You made him wash the wound with antibacterial soap which caused a lot of cursing to fall from his lips, and then you wrapped his hand in paper towels to dry it off. “C’mon, lemme see the damage.” You said, holding your hand out for him to place his own into. He was reluctant for a moment before finally giving in, letting you remove the paper towels and see the scratches. There were three long, fairly deep marks on the back of his right hand that were beginning to bleed a little again. You frowned, kissing his knuckles which were unaffected. “Let me go get you a bandaid. Mix that with your good hand, would you?” You asked, indicating the pan on the stove before rushing out to head for the bathroom.
Returning, you took Stuart’s hand again, peeling the band aid out of its wrapper. “There,” you said with a smile as you got the large band aid perfectly over all three scratches. “All better.”
Stuart huffed at you, holding his hand in his other when you let it go. “All better, except for the fact that we have a fucking demon as a kitten.”
You rolled your eyes at him, going back to making dinner. “Stuart, she isn’t a demon. She’s just not comfortable with you yet. Give her some time.”
Stuart groaned, leaning back against the counter, watching you cook. “I don’t want to give her time, (Y/N)! I want her to either like me, or I want to get rid of her.”
You chuckled, “that’s not how things work, Stuart. You’ve got to give her time. She’s our baby!”
“Yeah, well,” Stuart sounded bitter as he spoke. “Our baby only happens to like you.”
You shrugged, “give her time. Like I said, she’ll come around. You’re her dad, she’ll learn to love you eventually.”
“I’m not her dad.” Stuart said grumpily.
You turned the flame off on the stove, nodding. “You are. You’re her cat dad, and she’ll love you.”
“Like you do?” He asked, smiling a little to himself. “Yeah,” you nodded. “Like I do.”
Tags: @ellie-bee242 / @lovefilledtragedy / @redstringlovers
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phomarciam-old · 7 years
Murdoc Niccals ram raided Uncle Norm’s Keyboard Emporium in the spring of 1997, hitting the young Stuart Pot with his stolen Vauxhall Astra. This is common knowledge to almost everyone with a connection to the media these days. It was this fateful crash which formed the initial duo of Niccals and Pot, the founders of Gorillaz. It’s almost exactly twenty years later, and with Humanz still fresh in the charts, the fifty year old bassist wants to take a walk - or a drive - down memory lane.
“It’s illegal.” 2D frowns, clutching onto his seatbelt, anxiously.
“So what? I’m a celebrity, mate. I’m above the law.” Murdoc responds, revving the engine of his newly joyridden Ford Fiesta. “Besides, we’ve already broken it just by getting into this ugly shack of a car. You’re a criminal, now.”
“What if we hit someone? I don’t wanna do-”
“Shut up. Let’s just get going, alright? The adrenaline’ll bring you round.”
With that, the car speeds off down the road. London has a fairly high crime rate, because it’s so full of people. Murdoc believes this is the best way to blend into the crowd. Zooming around the streets of Westminster, they begin approaching a high street full of shops.
“Why are we doing this? Seriously, stop-” 2D shuts his eyes.
“It’s just a nice little blast to the past! You can be such a killjoy sometimes, 2D. Honestly. Now, hold on or you’re gonna become 3D in a minute.”
The car gets faster and faster, and the shop front gets closer and closer. It’s not a music shop, though. Instead, Murdoc’s decided to target a florist. As they’re about to hit the glass, a distracted blue-haired teenager dives behind the cashier desk.
Petals and glass fly across the room and smoke rises from the engine of the car. Murdoc is cheering. 2D bites his lip, refusing to open his eyes again.
“Wasn’t that a fucking thrill? I could get back into this lifestyle! What do you reckon, 2D?”
2D is speechless. He’s trying to pretend he’s not here and that he’s somewhere else, somewhere that doesn’t mimic his own traumatic experience.
The blue-haired teenager peeks out from behind the desk.
“I’m calling the police.” He chokes out, the smoke from the wrecked Fort Fiesta making its way into his lungs. Murdoc’s cheering falls flat as he sees the boy’s face, and he’s completely silent for a moment.
“...Oh Satan, forgive me.” He mutters, under his breath.
“What?” 2D’s eyes open, and the first thing he sees is the boy behind the counter.
The boy looks at the two men through the broken windshield. Wide-eyed, he puts down the phone.
“Fucking hell, are you Murdoc?” He doesn’t need an answer, because the green skin is a dead giveaway.
“And who are you, the ghost of my bloody christmas past?” Murdoc replies, in much less of a snarky tone than he intends.
“I’m… I just work here. You’re Gorillaz.”
“So what?”
Before the boy can respond, 2D climbs out of the car.
“I don’t get what’s going on between the two of you. Do you know eachother?” He pauses, “Do you go to crochet club together?”
“He looks just like our old guitarist. He looks like you, as well, with that ruddy hair colour.” Murdoc stammers. “Did- did I drink anything before we came here?”
“What old guitarist? What- Paula?”
The boy jumps a little at the mention of the name.
“That’s what my mum’s called.”
“What?” Murdoc and 2D exclaim in unison.
“Are you having me on? Why did you crash into here, anyway? What do you want?” The boy is visibly anxious, so 2D whips out his phone. He stands there, looking through it with every attention to detail, before he stops and holds it up. There is a picture of him, twenty years younger, smiling with his arm around a black haired woman’s shoulders.
“Does she look like that?”
“Why on earth did you keep pictures of her?” Murdoc exclaims, crossing his arms.
“I… Guess I must’ve saved it at some point. Why does it matter? I’m.. I’m just checking.” 2D defends, before turning back to the boy. He looks as if he’s about to pass out.
“So, like… Is there any reason why this is such a big deal? Who’s my mum to you lot?” The boy raises an eyebrow.
“Who’s your mum to us? She was our first guitarist.”
“So you come in here and wreck the shop I work at, and then you tell me you knew my mum?” The boy seems skeptical. “Is this a joke? Is there a camera or something, somewhere?”
“Oh, no,” Murdoc raises his hands, “This is all just a twist of fate. But yes, we knew your mother… very well.” 2D glares at Murdoc. “What’s your name, eh?”
“Graham. She hates you guys. I thought it was just cuz she wasn’t into your music, but… Come on, tell me. Why did she leave?” The boy questions, still not entirely convinced.
“She was 2D’s old girlfriend.” Murdoc laughs. 2D nudges him, frustrated. “Can I ask you something?”
“What?” Graham tilts his head.
“What’s your natural hair colour?”
Graham stands there and thinks for a moment. Realisation seems to dawn on him after about a minute.
“You’re fucking joking, right? I’ll call the police, I swear.”
“2D, mate, you said you’d pay child support.” Murdoc goes back to teasing 2D.
“I didn’t know!” 2D fidgets on the spot, suddenly incapable of looking anywhere near Graham.
“This is all happening too fast. You have to be kidding. You have to. This shit doesn’t just… happen.”
“Listen, do you have your mum’s number? You must be, what, eighteen? Let’s give her a ring.” Murdoc gestures forwards, asking for Graham’s phone.
“Let’s not.” 2D mutters. Graham hands his phone over anyway, having dialled the number. Murdoc takes the phone and waits a few seconds for the dial tone to pass, before hearing a voice on the other end.
“Paula! Paula Cracker. You remember me, don’t you? Mudsy? Your good old friend?”
He pauses.
“Well, he let me use his phone. Right- Well- L- Paula, babe, let me get a word in- What do you mean?! No, it was completely by accident. See, we crashed our car into- No, he’s fine! Listen, let me ask you a question. Paula! Listen- I know it’s been decades- Just- Bloody hell. Who’s Graham’s dad?”
He pauses again. 2D and Graham stare at Murdoc, waiting for his next reaction.
“She hung up.” Murdoc gives the phone back over, shrugging. “I was right, though. See! I was right! Told you!” He cheers, oddly child-like.
“What do you mean, you were right?” Graham asks, chewing on his fingernails now.
“This idiot right here, well, he’s your father.”
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