✧⁠*⁠。Zombies and revenge
okay I am absolutely not sure about the title but I am not good at finding good titles... Hpoe you enjoy and feel free to request something or ask me smthg <3
Pairing : Jungwon x Jungkook x Felix x Reader
Genres : Tickle, Fluff, Ticklefluff, KPop, Idols
Lees: Reader, Jungkook Lers: Jungwon, Felix, Jungkook
You, Jungwon, Felix and Jungkook were watching a Horror Movie. It was absolutely NOT your favourite genre. But your best friends looked at you so sweetly that you only could say yes. Big mistake. Now you were lying on your bed because you did not wanted to watch the movie anymore and went into your room to get some sleep. But you were thinking nonstop about these Zombies… For hours now because you were not able to close even one eye without seeing those creatures in your head. You knew it was only a movie and nothing about it was real but you still not stopped remembering it…
When you finally dozed off you heard two guys scream loudly and girly. You woke up again and were all angry that your friends won't let you sleep at all as someone opened the door, sneaked in and closed it quickly. Then you heard Jungkook whispering "ahh Y/n hide me please I'm gonna die if not". You sighed and he ran over to your bed and hid under the blanket. You pulled him closer to you so you were able to hide him whit your body covering him. You two were quiet like you were dead and he wasn't moving at all.
" Jeon JUNGKOOK COME HERE AND TAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT YOU DAMN DEVIL - HYUNG!!!" Felix yelled from outside and Jungkook chuckled under your blanket. Someone knocked at your door and you two were quiet again. "Oh come on we know you are inside Kookie" Jungwon said teasing and opened the door. You closed your eyes and acted as you were sleeping. Jungkook also neither moved nor made a single sound
Jungwon and Felix walked inside your room and stopped behind you, facing your bed. "Aw look at them Lixie, both hiding from us without success. Cute, aren't they? " Jungwon whispered. "Yeah you're right but they won't escape from their punishment, am I right? Y/n will get her own for hiding this little devil…" "Yeah you're right but she seemed like she had a hard day so let's not do it today and let them sleep since they are so cute together" Jungwon said and Felix mumbled a "yes you're right this poor girl deserves some sleep" . They both walked out your room but of course not without Felix poking your ribs through the blanket that was covering you and Jungkook. You managed to not make a sound but your held in your breathe to not giggle.
As soon as the two boys leaved, you poke Jungkook. " What the HELL was that!? What did you do?!" You asked angrily because you were scared what they will do to you two. He chuckled quietly quietly and looked at you. " I scared them with a zombie mask while they were watching the movie, being to scared to even move because the zombies were that ugly" He laughed and seemed so proud that you could not help but laugh too. He seemed even more happy since you laughed too and you looked at his bunny smile in awe. "Can I sleep in your room tonight? I want to sleep too and I think they won't let me since they think I deserve a punishment…" He looked at you showing his adorable bunny smile and you nodded and fell down to your pillow again. It was good for you too because he will hold the zombies away from your thoughts. So you two cuddled together on your bed and you fell asleep soon.
The next day you did not think about the last evening and wake up late in the morning, covered by Jungkooks arms. You two were cuddling until the other two made breakfast and told you to come down and eat. You and Jungkook did not think something bad about it and went down for breakfast. Felix and Jungwon were as kind as usual and they did nothing to you the whole day. In the evening you all ate dinner and watches a few Episodes of the KDrama True Beauty. (A/N this kdrama is SOO good it's one of my favourites, I love the story and the actors ^^ <3 )
As you went up, you got ready and laid down down on your bed with a book on your lap and headphones in your ears, playing your favourite music. You relaxed a few minutes as you hear someone shouting " Oh no you're NOT going anywhere AGAIN Jungkook". You recognuzed Felix voice and took off your headphones just to hear Jungkook begging Felix and Jungwon to let him go. Your eyes widened as he started giggling and soon laighing loudly. You tried to ignore it but unfortunately the walls in the house were not that soundproof and you even heard it through your headphones. You heard Jungkook begging for mercy and even begging YOU to help him. But you also knew that you won't be able to concentrate so you put your book away and started looking around searching for a place to hide yourself.
Jungkooks laughter got weaker and you flinched and ran to your armchair that was standing in a Corner of your room. You pulled it away, sat behind, curling yourself to a small ball of yourself and pulled the armchair in front of you so that nobody would see you. Jungkook was not laughting anymore and you heard nothing. Right, there was absolutely nothing but SILENCE in the whole house. And that was so damn scary… Out of all sudden your door was opened and you heard someone coming in. You started trembling. The little you in the corner behind your armchair was SO scared.
So you were hiding in that tiny space behind the armchair when Felix started to tease you in his deep voice because he knew you couldn't stand it. His voice was actually deeper than ten oceans together. "Ohh come here Jagi we won't hurt youuu ~ You'll just get what you deserve for helping Jungkookieeee ~ " He said and you even trembled more, hoping the armchair won't shake with you… Avatar "Anddddd for NOT helping me baby… You'll get to know how it feels " Jungkook said and your eyes even widened more, of that is possible in any way. You heard steps coming near you and you heard Jungwons heartmelting chuckles. Then you realized that he was near you. Too near… You carefully looked up just to look in Jungeons cute face that was actually only a few centimetres away from yours. You knew you were dead and closed your eyes leaning your head against the wall next to you.
"Found her" Jungwon told the others happily. He pulled the armchair away and lifted you up in his strong arms. He went to your bed and placed you there. You whined and begged for mercy. Well, those boys were mercyless AND bored. Poor you…
But one last thing was on your mind. " I have to go pee" you said and blushed extremely. The three looked at each other and started laughing. " Nice try Jagi but there is no escape " Felix told you in his special voice and you blushed even more. " I'm telling the truth pleasee lemme go, at least to the toilet " you begged. Jungwon chuckled again and agreed, bit he would come with you and wait by the door outside the bathroom. You agreed and went to the toilet, doing every step extremely slow to enjoy the time you were still alive. When you finally were done in the bathroom, you stopped in front of the door, waiting for something. You could not tell for what but well … You suddenly opened the door, what startled Jungwon and you started to run. But guess what, he picked you up while you were not even running for ten seconds. You begged him to let you go but he just laughed at you and placed you back on your bed.
"Aww I see she tried ro escape! Cuuuuteeee Y/n …" Jungkook smirked. He managed to pin your arms above your head and you felt kinda excitement in your stomach. However you were trashing around like a maniac and it didn't even start. The boys couldn't help but smile at you in awe but also mischievously.
After you were exhausted from only trashing around without them doing anything, you finally stopped fighting back as Jungwon took place at you thighs and smiled at you. Even in that position he was rhe cutest boy you have ever seen… He placed a single finger on your tummy and you let out a tiny shriek. His smile turned into a mischievous but still cute smirk as he sees you blushing because of your embarassing reaction. You closed eyes to not see him and not blush more but that was a mistake…
As soon as you closed your eyes je started spidering all over your tummy. You tried to hold in your laugher but you were surprising sensitive. But how could you know? You started giggling uncontrollable "nahahahahahahahha juhuhuhuuhuhuhuhungwohohohoohn plehahahahhahasehehe nohohhooohoho" "please whahahat? more?" he said, giggling with you. "nohoohho" yoi tried to answer bit he didn't mind and started spidering over your sides and ribs too. "nahahahaAHHAHAHAHA PLEASEEEEEEEE jungWOOOOHHOHOHOHN NOHOHOOHO" you shrieked and laughed. "Ahh I see the ribs, am I right cutie?" He looked so happy that you wanted to cry if he weren't torturing you. "YahahahahHAHAHAHAS NAHAHAHAA WOHOHOHOOHNIEEE" "what do you mean? Yes or no? Tell meeeeee~" he pouted and poked your ribs like there were no tomorrow.
"ahahhahaHAHAHHA YAHAHAHAHAS GAHHHAHAHA" "what yes cutie? Does it mean YES tickle me? YES finally he does this to me? YES i like it? oof so many possibilitys…" You never expected Jungwon would be THAT teasing… But you couldn't stand it anyway, you felt EVERY cell of your face burning. "Aww you're so cute little one" he started scribling your armpits and you tried to push him off. It was not like you wanted him to stop but it was your humanity instinct. However he was too strong for you and just continued, looking down at you with an adorable cute look. Even more cute than usual if that is even possible…
"Ohh Y/nieee don't buck it makes it even worseeee~" he chuckled. Then he dug his thumbs in your hips softly and unexpected, making you scream with that move. "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JUNGWOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHN" he stopped and looked at you surprised. They all were looking very surprised. And even you were surprised. You did not expect you're THAT sensitive.
He continued, looking at your face in awe. Then he finally stopped, only to turn around and start squeezing your tighs and knees, what made you go crazy… He continued and continued until he seemed bored and crawled down to your feet. "nohohho nooooo nohoho please not jungwohoohohn NOOHAHAHAHAHAHA NAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAA" your speech turned into a scream and crazy laaughter again as took your feet in a headlock and started scribling all over your hypersensitive soles. "GAHAHHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHAH WHAHAHAHANIEEEHEHEHE NAHAHAHAHA MAHAHAHAHARCYHHHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHHA" you managed to say before you fell into silent laugher, Jungwon driving you crazy. When he did not hear a sound from you anymore, he finally stopped and looked proud. Very, very proud…
"You seemed like it was fun to you Jagi" Jungwon smiled and Jungkook finally set your arms free. You put them down and rolled in a small ball of yourself again, trying to catch your breathe and calm down. Felix gave you a bottle of water and you drank a bit. Jungeon placed himself next to Felix, who stood up and took place at your tighs now. And of course Jungkook grabbed your wrists again and pinned then once again above your head…
Your eyes widened and they would fell off your head if you had not closed them as soon as Felix started squeezing your sides fastly, deeply and mercylessly… "We're not done with you yet, Y/nahh" he taesed with his unique voice, making you scream even more. You felt your femace burning while you were laughing and screaming again… " NAHAAHAHAHHA FEHEHEHEHHELIHIHIIHIHX NAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" "YES" he answered innocent, knewing he made it even worse…
Then he started to count your ribs slowly and evily. "Ohhh let's Count your ribs sunshine, Jungkook missed none I know it now but you seem to miss one…" "oneeeeeee~" he poked and scribled all over your first rib and then did the same to your second, third, fourth….. " fiveeeeeee, siiiiiiiix, seeeeveeeeen, eeeeeight, nineeeeee, teeeeeeeen, elevennnnnn, …" You weren't able to listen anymore because it tickled like hell and his voice wasn't helpfull at all… As he stopped you tried to catch your breathe again but NO! Of course he wouldn't let you.
Felix immediately started squeezing your hollows mercylessly. "NAHAHAHHAHAHA FEHEHEHHELIHIHIIHIHIX NAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" "Yahahas Sunshine" You wanted to melt at the sound of his voice but you were unable to take make any thought. Then he finally were done with your hollows and his hands wanderes down to your hips. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" you screamed but the only answer you got was "yeeeees" and three boys smirkimg at you. And then …guess what… he started to squeeze and dig his thumbs in your hips like CRAZY. He was moving faster than the speed of light and you… " NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA NAHAAHHAH FEHEHEHEHEHEHLIIHIIIHIHIHIHIIHIX NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MAHAHHAHAHAHRCAHAHAHHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSAHAAHHAHA AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA" Well, how expected he did NOT stop and continued till you were out of breathe and your laugter went silent.
Finally, Felix showed mercy on you and sat next to Jungkook now, who set your arms free and gave you the bottle of water again. You found it exhausting to even lift your arms and drink, but you managed to do it. While you were prepairing yourself to what comes next. Of course Jungkook wouldn't let you go that easily.
He gave you two minutes to catch your breath. Then Felix pinned your arms down and Jungkook sat on your tighs. Actually you feared the look he gave you because on the one side you fell for his eyes and on the other side you knew what his smirk meant. And the "Ohhh Jagi this is for knowing I was tortured but not helping me" did NOT help at all. He just started squeezing your sides rougher that Felix, digging his thumbs into your sensitive sides faster that the speed of light. "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA JAHAHAHAHAHAHHHANKAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAK NAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH" "yes little one, don't xou think you deserve this?" "NAHAHAHHAHAH AHAHAHAHHAHA DAHAHAHAHHANT AHAHAHAHHAHA" "Oh yes you do"
He leaned down, bringing his face near to your ribs while he was still squeezing your sides mercylessly. Then…he started nibbling your ribs… Tears started rolling down your cheeks again and you screamed for mercy, begging the evil bunny to stop. But guess what, he also didn't. He wanted revenge. And the punishment he gave you tickled like hell. So he just continued makimg you scream. "NAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JAHAHHAHAHHANKAHAHHAHAHHAHAAK MAHAHAHAHHAHRCAHAHAHAHAHHAH PLEAHAHAHHAHASEHAHAHAHA " then he suddenly moved his hands down to your hips. This was the worst thing he could have done. You screamed loudly. VERY loudly. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA" But he didn't stop. Surprisee~ And it was not like you wanted him to stop, you just couldn't take it. Seemed like you were ticklish…. (Ahem) After a few minutes of you screaming your soul out you fell into silent laugher and he didn't stop al all. After two more minutes he finally, FINALLY stopped.
"Sorry cutie, did I go too far?" You just shook your head,trying to catch your breath. Felix set your arms free and Jungkook pulled you in his lap, rubbing all over your body to help you making the ghost tickles go away. As he realized that you were to exhausted to even move , he lied down placimg you on top of him, cuddling with you and the two other boys layed next to you two amd it turned into a gang cuddle.
Fifteen minutes later you were able to speak again and the boys looked at you a bit worried. "We are so sorry sunshine, did we go too far?" Felix asked in his normal voice. You shook your head snd smiled at all of them. They alls miled back, a bit insecure. "No, it's allright. It was extremely exhausting bit you know what? I needed that. I haven't been … tickled … for like seven years now and I forgot how it feels…" You blushed as you sayd the t-word and they all chuckled. "well, I guess we have to do.it more often them, am I right guys?" Jungkook smirked and your eyes widened. The other two laughed in amusement and the rest of the evening and the night you four best friends were cuddling and sleeping together. Once again, they remembered you why you love them so much.
Thank you for reading, it is actually based on a dream I had… 😅
And sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes, english is not my first language.
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hyuckswonderland · 11 months
Enhypen Lee / Ler Headcannons
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Definitely more of a ler-lean. Mostly because he loves making others smile and laugh and it actually helps him relieve stress I honestly don't see him being someone who is super ticklish. I feel like he's just a regular amount of ticklish. However if his underarms are targeted he'd be done for A little bit of a tease mostly if he knows you like it. Mostly doing it to get reactions out of whoever he's tickling. "You hear that cute little giggle? Let's hear more of it~" Definitely playful. Whether it be coming up with a tickle game or just randomly he decides to start tickling you while you're literally just sitting on the couch. Is the type to try and have you accidentally ask to be tickled. "Don't what? Tickle you? I'd love to!" Anytime you try to fight back he will just use it as an opportunity to poke at a spot you are no longer covering up He honestly would have the cutest giggles though I don't think anticipation would get to him too much but things like compliments definitely would "Such a pretty smile!" and he's just giggling and blushing Gets shy really easily when he's being tickled because he's supposed to be the one doing the tickling not the other way around... he still loves it though Like I said his underarms are definitely a bad spot. Tickle there and he'll without a doubt slam his arms against his sides and squirm around like a mad man His sides are definitely a big giggle spot. Scribble and squeeze at them and he will just be an adorable pile of giggles
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A switch because he's too ticklish not to be. He's a sensitive boy (not as bad as Jake though) Oh he's a mean ler though like he's a tease. Anticipation is his favorite he will draw it out until you're a giggly mess and he hasn't even done anything yet Raspberries. LOVES to give them. Will say something like "Hey do you know what my favorite fruit is? Actually! I can just show you~" And there he goes Will pin you down but he also loves to just hug from behind and keep you trapped that way. Plus then it's easier for him to raspberry and blow on your neck Loves to give tickles for any reason honestly whether it be cheer ups, 'annoying him', or simply because you looked like you deserved tickles He's really sweet afterwards though, giving a nice hug and helping rub all the phantom tickles away to make the recovery process faster Now when he's being tickled? He is very squirmy. He literally can't help it If he knows you're trying to tickle him he'll either try to fight back and tickle you (tickle fight >:)) or he will run away. Most of the time it's the former but when he does decide to run he will be giggling all throughout the chase Despite loving giving raspberries, he cannot take them. LIKE AT ALL. He'll be a mess from just one or two He will try to curl up into a ball to protect himself. He has no shame in his game The type to make threats as you're about to tickle him. Even through his giggles he'll be like "Dohohont yohou dahahare" or "I'll gehehet yohohou bahahack." (honestly he probably will get you back so be prepared! Gives really sulky reactions when you first try and tickle him but progressively can't help but smile shortly after because the tickles just get to him
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Idk what to tell you besides definition of ticklish. He is literally so sensitive it's shocking. Ticklish EVERYWHERE A switch. He would think he's a ler-lean but he gets tickled more than he gets to tickle others so... someone would have to break it to him that he's most definitely a lee-lean He's a strong boy so pinning comes pretty easily to him. Pretty fast too he loves when it turns into a chase :) He says it makes it more fun for him when the lee runs away cause then it gives him a bit of a challenge Will pick you up when he does catch you and will start tickling you mid-air to immobilize you a bit. Only making it easier for him to pin you down in the end "I gotchuuuuu~" He'll declare as he's captured you in his arms. Very playful ler like he just wants to have fun is definitely the type to laugh along with the lee Now when he's the lee? All his strength is GONE. Is so easy to pin down and get the upperhand. Just a few little scribbles and he's already mush Someone save this boy it doesn't take much to have him cackle. His stomach is really sensitive so if you go for it he's just GONE. His neck is his death spot though.. if you even just try to go near it he's curling in on himself trying to hide it like he CANNOT handle it Even if you aren't touching it and are just near it he's already freaking out and trying to move away Will try to bargain convince you to stop (almost always fails), though if you do actually stop he'll get all pouty Enjoys receiving more playful tickles just as much as he loves giving them. Loves to play fight and wrestle through a tickle fight even if sometimes he may or may not purposely lose 'Tries' to fight back but when he magically can't fight back because you hit a certain spot he just stops
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A switch l with no particular lean I feel. He likes to ler but he also likes tickles soooo he's fine with being right in between. At least he doesn't pretend to be something he's not (cough Jake cough) Now I don't feel like he'd actively go out of his way to plan something out. It's more of he's just hugging you from behind and he randomly just thinks 'yeah I want to tickle you' so he does just that More often then not though it will be moments where he has you casually trapped whether it be hugging or cuddling that's always when his brain feeds him the idea. It's always when there is just absolutely not escape for though and you just have to accept your fate Sometimes he gets in a playful mood and will go out of his way to initiate things like just walks up to you and starts wiggling his fingers because he loves seeing your reaction to flail and try to run away Loves a casual tickle chase He will especially be more of a playful ler and DEFINITELY will plan things out for revenge. If you tickle him and he feels the need to get revenge? REST IN PEACE BECAUSE HE'S COMING FOR YOU HARD Now he won't admit to being liking tickles so when you randomly feel the urge to do it he will fight a little bit but will ultimately let you win and just let it happen Cutest little soft laughter, I feel like he'd get shy about his laugh and try to hide it but I highly suggest stopping him It takes a lot to get him to laugh super loud sooooo I'd target somewhere like his hips because they are extra sensitive I don't know I just see him as a rather shy lee like can't help but get all blushy and mushy. I think he's just so soft when he's lee and he just can't fight back like he just melts and takes it
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He's a lee-lean HOWEVER he's one of the most evil lers I swear but he's still a cute ticklish boy Definitely the type to give tickles when someone gives him attitude though. Like he might be a lee-lean but he also has a "my way or the high way" attitude so he will result to tickles anytime he doesn't get what he wants or he gets some attitude He might be a lee-lean but he's a brat taming ler type like if you're being bratty he will definitely tickle you and just go "Whaaaat? You need an attitude check this is what you get~" and just giggles evilly NO MERCY I SWEAR like he just goes in for the kill no holding back, the type to love watching you squirm and thrash around any way he can make you I don't know if it's because he gets tickled a lot but he just has an eye for revenge Praying for you if you are a sassy person because you just can't outsas Sunoo and he will make that be known Super ticklish baby though and he's oh so cute when he's being tickled (even if he's yelling to be set free) VERY SQUIRMY as much as he loves seeing others squirm when being tickled nobody is as squirmy as him. Even just a little poke makes him jump I just know anticipation would get to him SO SO MUCH like just wiggle your fingers and he's all over the place practically begging for you to not tickle him Though of course if you just get up and do as he says he gets all pouty and tries to provoke you with his sass Just tickle the cutie he deserves it and he loves it because it makes him feel so loved
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Definition of just neutral switch, mostly because he's not all that ticklish. In a world where Jungwon was more ticklish I think he'd be a lee-lean Very casual about tickling honestly I feel like a lot of his tickles would be more like cheer up tickles and just to make you smile On occasion though he might randomly wrap his arms around you and tickle your sides though just for the fun of it Kinda the definition of soft tickles I feel like but also like I imagine he'd love doing soft tickle games LIKE HES JUST SO SWEET ABOUT IT "I want to make sure all your ribs are still there.... one.... two..." He's all gentle about it and does it under the disguise of 'making sure you're healthy' Tickle hugs and lap tickles are kind of a given. Just casually pulls you close and for a little bit everything seems fine and normal but then he just starts scribbling his fingers Now as a lee I think he'd get shy somewhat easily because if you actually manage to tickle him... it'll surprise him The little shock on his face as a giggle escapes from his mouth and the amount of blush that follows after like he's just so cute I feel like maybe soft tickles or intense tickles in certain spots will be what makes him crack Like you just softly scribble his stomach and he lets out soft giggles Or you hardcore target his hips and he lets out a squeak Always wants to cuddle after being tickled, might fake pout for a little saying "I can't believe you tickled me." (He actually really liked it since it's hard for him to get ticklish sometimes so it just melts his heart to be able to experience it with someone he trusts)
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Likes to believe he's 100% ler however he is lying to himself. He's definitely a ler-lean because he loves nothing more than pranking his hyungs so what better way to prank someone than by tickling them? Playful mean ler - his favorite is chases so expect him to randomly start running at you to tickle you :D Literally will be so mean about it he will do everything in the book teases, anticipation, raspberries, ANYTHING to just wreck the shit out of you Has a blast with it too like he has a cute smile while he's literally just absolutely ruining you He loves giving verbal teases so much "You can't be that ticklish can you?" or "You're not even fighting baaaack~" Lover of tickle fights, even if he might sometimes lose he loves how lighthearted and fun they are (especially since he wins most of them) Now who's to say that his pranks aren't also to provoke others into getting revenge and tickling him back... Purposely will do multiple pranks to get tickles - he will refuse to admit he likes tickles so the way he gets them is solely just provoking them Will deny deny deny that he enjoys it I would just give up on trying to get him to admit it I highly suggest pinning his hands down though not only because it makes him giggly and squirmy but also because he might try and fight back (again he's playful even if he is in a lee mood)
Authors note:
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy! If anythings not super accurate I apologize I'm a baby engene who's absolutely obsessed with these boys right now... any feedback is appreciated as long as you aren't a dickhead about it <3
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 2 months
hiii sorry, i know you’re probably verry busy so you can do this whenever you have time, but i was wondering if you could do another enhypen fic?
maybe ler!jungwon and lee!niki??
just wondering, i love your fics and take your time with all the stuff you plan to write 🫶
trouble with the maknae:
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 171
𝙩/𝙬: raspberries, revenge plot
𝒍𝒆𝒆: ni-ki
𝙡𝙚𝙧: jungwon
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeongins-diary @leeknowstan33 @v–143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkedloveandlostpromises @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐬🖤
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“who drank my juice?” jungwon asked nonchalantly, continuing to look completely unamused at the maknae’s undignified cackles. 
“HYUHUNG! DOHOHONT EHEVEN!” niki snapped back, biting his lip and thrashing around to try and stop the torture somehow. 
“shhh. don’t make so much noise. someone might hear you.” jungwon looked around the empty practice room, squeezing at the younger’s ribs more intensely to hear loud, hard laughter. 
“IHIHIM SOHOHOHOHORRY! SOHO SOHOHORRY! PLEASE JUHUHUST STOHOP—!!” niki pleaded, the aggressive tickles on his ribs almost making him lose his mind. 
“what if i’m not satisfied?~” jungwon asked, pulling up the maknae’s shirt and burying his face in the boy’s belly, suddenly blowing a long raspberry onto the warmth of his skin. 
niki let out a loud, strained scream before descending into more mad laughter, shoving at the older’s head and kicking out cutely onto the ground. 
“okay, fine. big baby.” jungwon shoved playfully at the boy’s head. “you still have to buy me a new juice.”
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mcflymax · 2 months
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❝Young and Beautiful❞
♡ Jay & Jungwon - Enhypen
♡ Para ler a história clique aqui 📖
✖ Copie.
✔ Se inspire!
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anastcie · 1 year
Não é uma pergunta, só vim dizer que conheci sua conta agora e já baixei todos seus lockscreens, são lindos e você arrasa, vou usar essas perfeições 🥰 se for possível, você poderia fazer locks do jungwon do enhypen? :)
que amoor, é tão gratificante ler isso ! obg anjo aqui estão 🤲🏼
୨୧ 𝅄 jungwon lockscreen's
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please don't repost 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 or 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴
filter: @soulpar-k
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blogdoceifas · 2 months
FINALMENTE NOSSA AMADA OH MY LOVE SAIU! Acesso o link para ler e nos apoiar!! Venha se apaixonar com a gente › história aqui ♛
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“Movido pelo forte sentimento dentro do peito, Jungwon buscava desesperadamente por aquele que sempre amou. Atraído pela esperança de encontrá-lo, e temendo perder todas as memórias do passado, continuaria procurando, mesmo se isso significasse ser cegado pela força dos próprios sentimentos. Mas quando o encontrou, precisou lidar com o fato das memórias de Jay estarem deturpadas. Ele não se lembrava de nada, e isso só partia o coração do Yang. Então, determinado a tê-lo de volta, o faria se apaixonar de novo.”
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sunny-117 · 11 months
Hi! I have a request if you don’t mind, could you write Lee Niki and ler Jake from enhypen since they’re always fighting in the videos lol
Hey :]
I hope you and the others like this fanfic 🫶🏻
Seeking accomplished
Lee: Niki , Ler: Jake
~°~°~ ~°~°~
The maknae was in a very clingy mood today. He has these days were he just wants to cuddle one of his hyungs. And today was one of these days. He just want some attention.
Today was a very warm day. So the boys were out in the garden of their dorm. Exept Heesung and Sunghoon. They were inside because they made the food. It was the evening already so they decided to eat outside because it was so warm. Jay and Jungwon were playing badminton, Sunoo was reading a book and than Niki found Jake. He was laying under a tree and had the eyes closed. It The perfect time to cuddle his hyung Jake.
Niki went to Jake and found on his way a joga mat. Maby Jay left it there. Niki took the joga mat and sat beside Jake as he finally came to him. Jake sensed that someone was beside him and opend his eyes. “Hey Niki.” Said Jake and gave Niki a cute puppy smile. The younger one smiled back, laid beside him and cuddled into jake’s side. Jake was surprised but didn't push him away. He enjoyed the company from Niki.
They stayed like this for 5 minutes silently until Jake broke the silence.“Why are you so cute if you are clingy?” did Jake asked and Niki blushed and poked Jake in the side as a sign that he didn't want teases right now. Jake flinched and chuckled, but didn't teased him again. They stayed again like this for a few more minutes until Niki broke the silence this time. “Hyung? I brought this joga mat and maby we could massage each other?” asked Niki and Jake agreed as he looked into Nikis eyes full of excitement. How could he say no to such a cutie?
Niki was the first one. He laid on the joga mat and Jake brought his hands up to Nikis shoulders. Jake kneaded Nikis shoulders gently that he didn't hurt the maknae but also a bit firm that it would be relaxing. And it was relaxing. Niki closed his eyes and sighed. Jake did a good job until he got close to nikis sides. Niki flinched suddenly, but could hold his giggle in.
“Is everything ok down there?” asked a giggling Jake and Niki just nodded. Jake couldn't know that Niki is ticklish. It would be a disaster if Jake tells it to the others. Niki would be the tickle target and would get wrecked everytime they had enough of the sassy maknae. And Niki didn't was only a little ticklish. He’s not THAT ticklish like Jake but still really sensitive. Especially on his sides were Jake was kneading near by again. “Pls don’t flinch, pls don’t flinch, pls don’t fli-” thought Niki but he was caught of guard by a sudden squeeze on his side.
Niki Squealed and turned on his back. “What was that for?” Asked Niki and was slightly nervous.Jake smirked down to the maknae and said: “I wanted to know if you are perhaps… ticklish?” Niki blushed at the T-word and turned his head that he didn't looked at his hyungs face. He found it out. That was it. He couldn't hide it anymore. Jake’s smirk grew wider as he saw the younger one blushing and squeezed Nikis sides up and down without a warning. That caught Niki again off guard and he literally jumped as he let out a loud squeal. “JAHAHAKE! DOHOHO- *Squeak*” his laughter went silent after the Squeak as Jake wiggled his hands in the hollows of Nikis armpits.
Jake was not the type of a teaser. Only sometimes if he’s in the mood. But most of the times he's just giggling with his lee and try to find as many tickle spots as he can. And to his surprise it looked like Jake found one major tickle spot because Nikis face was red because of the laughter. Jake stopped but sat now on Nikis hips that he doesn't get away. “Jahahke. Please hahave meheher-CY JAHAHAKE!” Nikis pleads for mercy were interrupted by an louder squeal than before because Jake went with his hands under Nikis t-shirt and scribbled his hands on Nikis bare belly.
“Who is the best hyung Niki?” Asked Jake over the hysterical laughter of Niki and slowed his tickles down, but still scribbled his hands on the belly. “Ihihihits Juhuhungwohon.” giggled Niki and Shrieked again as Jake’s hands were moving towards his ribs and scribbled there up and down what made Niki snort.“Awww. Did I awake the little piggy in you?” Asked Jake in a baby voice and poked Nikis waist. Niki jumped with every poke a bit and blushed again. “Yohour mehehean.” Pouted Niki. The older one just smiled and was bored. So Jake turned around on Nikis hips and was facing Nikis thighs.
Oh no! Nikis thighs were his most ticklish body part. Even more ticklish than his armpits.“I give you one last chance little one. Who’s the best hyung?” asked Jake again.“Doho yohour wohorst.” Said Niki and couldn't stop the giggles flowing out of his mouth, even if he wanted to sound sassy. Jake did it and squeezed Nikis thighs. Again without a warning. Nikis laugh went directly silent. “JUHUHUNGWOHON. HEHELP!” Screamed Niki and tears were forming in his eyes from laughing so hard.
Jungwon heard the scream and run directly to them. Jake realized that jungwon was coming and went of off Niki. The younger one was breathing heavily and was glad that his savior came. “Whats wrong Niki?” asked Jungwon with a concerned face.“Jahahake tohortured mehehe.” Giggled the maknae and jungwon smiled. “Well. I saved you. Come on you two. The food is ready.” Said jungwon and went back. “You owe me a massage.” Pouted Niki. “I can give you a real massage after the dinner. But I can’t promise that I won’t tickle you. Your laugh is to cute.” Said Jake and poked Niki in the side. Niki flinched and did the same to Jake.
Both of them giggled and went to the others…
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I hoped you liked it✨️💗
Its one of my favorites now hehe🙈
Little reminder: English is not my first language and my DMs are always open for requests🫶🏻🫶🏻
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hillotrbl · 4 months
“Romance doce que nem caramelo”
Beijos de maçã do amor, a resenha
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autor: seoulA_
nota: ★★★★★
estou aqui novamente com outra fific MARAVILHOSA da athy, e se acostumem a vê-la por aqui, pois esse é o meu presente de amigo secreto pra ela 🩷 e sim, mais outra jaywon porque é um dos meus shipps favoritos do enhypen! essa daqui também é uma fanfic temática, mas dessa vez de festa junina, E CARAS, eu sempre soube que enhypen + festa junina = tudo de bom! por isso não hesitei em ler e, claro, me apaixonar nessa oneshot! como eu disse no comentário que eu deixei na fanfic, essa história é docinha como a cobertura da maçã do amor, então sim querido leitor de enhypen, se prepare para uma possível diabetes ou hipertensão, pois aqui temos um jungwon flertador e um jay super tímido e apaixonado 🫂 jay tem um crushzinho (lê-se uma super paixão de ANOS) no garoto de cabelos vermelhos e gostaria muito de dizer a ele e, quem sabe, acabar desenrolando uma história de amor daí, né? mas o jay fica super nervoso e com medo de dizer o que sente e sempre fica tímido perto de jungwon. no final, tudo o que ele precisava era de uma boa festa junina e o sabor delicioso de uma maçã do amor, mas vocês vão ter que ler pra saber o que o garoto desengonçado e o garoto cabelo cor de maçã-do-amor aprontam nessa história super fofolete e apaixonante 💘 a fanfic, mesmo que não seja grande, promete momentos engraçados e descontraídos e causa no leitor aquela expectativa boa de querer ver o casal junto, e bom, por que vocês não dão uma olhadinha pra descobrir se isso realmente acontece? athy me conquista mais uma vez com sua escrita fluida que me faz querer ler tudo o que ela escreve, tudo mesmo! por isso não poderia deixar de recomendar pra vocês lerem também 🍎💓
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renjouu · 1 year
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he did his best to hold in his tears, he really did. he was the leader after all, and he felt like he couldn’t be seen crying. he needed to look after his other members and put himself aside.
right after the tour ended, he bawled into tears. he felt like he didn’t do a good job at singing his lines. he felt horrible and overall, he felt like he disappointed the fans with his terrible stage presence and performance.
jay came into jungwon’s room and sat next to him, “what’s wrong? why are you crying?” he asks with a worried look plastered on his face.
“i’m sorry hyung, i disappointed all of you guys. i disappointed the members and the fans. i’m such a horrible person and a leader. why did i get the leader title? i don’t deserve it..” jungwon suddenly ranted out all of his feelings to jay, who listened to every single word that slipped out of the younger’s mouth.
the older pulled the younger in a hug, “shh, jungwon. let it all out. you did amazing, alright? you were excellent out there! and don’t you ever doubt your abilities on being a leader. you have every right to have the title.”
jungwon continued to sob, “i really don’t hyung…even the fans think so. they think heeseung hyung deserves the title more.”
jay let out a sigh as he rubbed circles on the younger’s back, “don’t listen to them, okay? sure, heeseung hyung would make a good leader, but you deserved the title for a reason. you give off more leader vibes than all of our members combined! you’re enhypen’s leader for a reason.”
jungwon sniffled and wiped his tears, “you really think so hyung?”
jay let out a smile, “of course jungwon.”
the leader smiled back but soon turned into a fit of giggles once he felt a hand vibrating into his ribs.
“eeEEK! hyuHUHUNG!” jungwon shrieked and squirmed under the older’s touch, wanting to escape the merciless tickles.
“it’s some cheering up time, am i right?” jay smiled and dug his fingers into jungwon’s side, earning a loud laughter in the process.
the older smirked, “y’know, you could easily stop me jungwon~ but it’s not like you are!”
the younger didn’t respond in words, but instead giggles. he was too busy laughing while his sides were attacked.
“plehehease!” jungwon giggled out and squirmed around in jay’s arms.
“are you happy jungwon?” jay asks, digging into the boy’s hip this time.
“yeHEHES! YEHES I AM! HYUHUHUNG!” jungwon screamed in laughter, making jay laugh along with him as well.
“okay okay.” the older stopped and suddenly pulled jungwon into a hug.
“you’re a great leader, okay? and you did absolutely amazing, jungwon. don’t forget that.” jay said in the hug, causing the younger to melt into his shoulder.
“you really think so?” jungwon mumbled out.
“of course.”
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podtudo · 1 year
• podtudo de hoje com @h4nagaki !
bom dia, boa tarde ou boa noite tudinhos do perfil! no podtudo de hoje, trouxemos a ilustre presença do ekki, @h4nagaki ! sentem-se que lá vem tudo e mais um pouco!
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1. Nos conte um pouco sobre você, tudinho da vez! Faça uma pequena biografia sua para nós.
R: olá!! eu me chamo ekki mas vc pode me chamar de rae ou reese, eu tenho 16 anos e meus pronomes são ele/dele, eu sou isfj, tenho tdah e sou aroace awoo, meus animais favoritos são gatos e águas-vivas!! eu sou um pouco (médio muito) obcecado com X a marca da morte, livros, pearl, skz, enhypen, my chemical romance, deftones, hyperpop e mistski (preciso de terapia)
2. O que ou quem te incentivou a postar esses posts maravilhosos do seu blog? Adoro!
R: onwtt obrigado por achar isso **risos 😈😈** brincadeiras a parte, começou qnd eu decidi entrar pro anitwt (pior fase da minha vida depois dessa recwente), eu via algumas layouts de anime e decidi fazer, e depois conheci os mb's da xi4ngling e da bajizitos que me inspiraram a começar aqui!!
3. O fav também tem favs fora do tumblr? Se sim, nos conte tudo sobre eles!
R: acho q essa lista poderia ter uma escada pq meu coração é igual de mae, PORÉM os meus principais são (no mundo do kpop): leeknow, soobin, jungwon, mark, jeongin, yeonjun, wonjun, mingyu, chaewon e soyeon,, fora do mundo do kpop são: beabadoobee, jenna ortega, mia goth e andrew garfield
4. E sobre músicas, curte? Adoraria saber sobre as suas preferidas.
R: as que eu provavelmente mais escuto são: kill bill (sza), oui oui marie (chelsea wolf), goodbye, my danish sweetheart (mitski), helena (my chemical romance), i don’t love you (my chemical romance), not for sale (enhypen), any (stray kids), dark dream (e'last) e pra variar  hang 'em high (my chemical romance)
5. Tem inspirações aqui ou fora do aplicativo? Nos conte sobre também!
R: aqui no mini queride tumblr sao @sachly @fshione @tiansmo @oikawazitos @emocatts xi4ngling e bajizitos!! (que nao usam mais)
6. E vamos de um top 5, seus maiores favs da edição icônica do tumblr!
R: hmmmmmm todos sao euuu 💋💋 mentira nao sou narcisista psicose assim
1° @fshione meu amor
2° @m-jng
3° @oikawazitos
4° @emocatts
5° @v6mpcat
7. Poderia explicar mais sobre seu estilo de post? É tudo muito lindo e a curiosa que me habita quer saber tudo sobre essas maravilhas.
R: olha, eu nao mantenho um estilo eu acho? eu acho q seria focado em "grunge"? na vdd eu sempre gosto de mudar meu estilo de post e explorar coisas novas :D
8. E na sua vida pessoal, tem hobbies? Uma lenda como você com certeza deve curtir fazer algo.
R: meus hobbies principais sao, ler, jogar (enstars principalmente), assistir filmes, me arrumar e brincar com os meus cachorros
9. Indique alguns blogs fenômenais para os telespectadores!
R: todos os citados anteriormente sao os que eu mais gosto!! mas óbvio q tem uns q eu particularmente acho q mereciam UM grande reconhecimento, como
@soulmateszedits @luffyttaro @yongblock @gojy @waterrr meu lindinho e so
10. Tem alguma pauta para os seus haters sem senso? Nos diga algo sobre esses sem noção aqui!
R: nunca sofri hate ate pq eu sou tao desocupado q nem briga eu causo gracas a Deus 🙏🏻🙏🏻, minha mensagem pra eles são, vão cuidar da vida de vcs pqp bando de desocupado inuteis lixosos a valeria almeida simplesmente existindo faz mais coisas q vcs q nao tem outra coisa pra fazer q nao ser xingar os outros por puro prazer, vao trabalhar assistir jogar transr sla porra so cuidem da vida de vcs, acho q vcs nao gostariam de ouvir coisas ruins direcionadas a vcs por puro entretenimento próprio pq entretenimento alheio e ver vcs sendo xingados até o talo 💋
11. E por último, alguma situação constrangedora que já passou, todo mito de verdade já passou por uma dessas, não é? Vai ser incrível escutar alguma história de sua vida.
R: foi ano passado mas eu deito a cabeça do travesseiro e lembro disso até hj, eu fui no cinema ver o show do nct com minha amiga, e no site nao tinha absolutamente nenhum ser humano na sala, provavelmente so nos dois, eu falo muito muito baixo, só q nesse dia o cao diabo 666 satanas me atiçou e mandou eu falar alto, ai eu lindamente falei "nossa tem ngm aqui acho q so a gente q é esquisito", e tinham 2 meninas e 1 menino na sala e eu quase caí da escada indo sentar 👎🏻 valeu a pena ter passado vergonha mas eu sinto q aquelas pessoas vao fzr uma macumba pra mim
Agradeço sua presença ilustre aqui no podtudo!!! Volte sempre lenda, a Nayara a qualquer momento estará de braços abertos a você!
dep: eu que agradeço!!! foi bem divertido participar e escrever minhas doidices maluquices kahsksmsksks obrigado ano por ter me recomendado, e obrigado a vc nayara por ter sido doce e gentil comigo 1 bjo pra qm quiser nao queiram nao gosto de contato humano /j /srs
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svtsu · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ Disciplining The Maknae
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ꕥ Ler: Enhypen , Lee: Niki
ꕥ Inspiration: Youtube
ꕥ Warnings: Tickle Fic, pinning
ꕥ Summary: When it was Niki’s turn to test out the lie detector, the members asked whether he thinks they are pushovers or not. Niki claims no, but it turns out to be a lie. Sooner enough the members discipline him with a unique method.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Today, Enhypen was out shooting for a new episode for ‘En-O’Clock’. They had no clue what they were filming until they entered the room. They were greeted with a polygrapher named Jeong Yunseong. With ten years of experience, he found it easy detecting whether someone’s lying or not.
As in now, Jake was the first person to step up and test it out. The other members were figuring out questions to ask him specifically. Once they were finished, they all agreed to let the oldest member, Heeseung, to ask the questions.
“Before we begin, will you answer the questions that I ask during the examination honestly?” Jeong Yunseong asks Jake.
Jake answered with, “Yes.”
Heeseung then began to ask the first question, “Do you think that you are handsome, Jake?”
The other stayed in silent for a bit before responding with a, “No.” However, that answer turned out to be a lie and the members couldn’t help but release their laughter.
After they calmed down, Heeseung then asked the second question, “Jake, are you better at soccer than Niki?”
Jake didn’t even hesitate before answering with a, “Yes.” Niki just gave him a look.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the answer turned out to be true. The last question that Heeseung asked was, “When were eating late night snacks, you’re annoyed because you’re always the one who makes the ram ramyeon.”
Jake again, didn’t hesitate when he answered with a, “No.” Luckily, that answer also turned out to be true.
Heeseung went after Jake and now it was Niki’s turn. The members were having a small conversation about what questions to ask the maknae.
They agreed to have sunoo ask the questions this time.
“First question. Do you think the older members are pushovers?” Sunoo asks, looking forward to the youngest’s answer.
Niki replied with, “No.” but immediately let out a small laughter. Unfortunately for him, it turned out to be a lie, which left the members shook.
“He needs to be disciplined!” Jay says between the members laughter of shock. Niki also couldn’t help but laugh with them.
The other questions for Niki were asked and they continued calmly with the other members. They continued to film like always and once they were finished, they were allowed to go home.
They were all pretty tired since it was a long filming after all. Especially with all the laughter and giggles that roamed around the room.
Once they reached their dorm, Niki flopped onto the bed, sighing as a saying that he was tired. He shut his eyes for a bit while the other members were gathered in the main room.
“Y’all didn’t forget how Niki thinks that we’re pushovers, right?” Jay asks, having that scene still replaying in his head.
“Nope. I still remember, don’t worry.” Sunghoon replies while fiddling with his clothes.
“We need to discipline him. As older members, we should let him know not to disrespect us like that!” Jay spoke out with a evil-looking grin.
“How will we discipline him? We can’t do anything bad, hyung.” Jungwon says, making sure there’s jo actual violence going on in the dorm.
“Of course not! I have a perfect method just for him.” Jay whisperers and soon shares the idea with the rest.
As soon as everyone got the same message, they all began to creep up on the maknae who was peacefully resting, possibly sleeping. Jungwon was the first one to get near him, and that was to hold his arms down.
Sunoo was the second, which was to hold down his legs. Jay and sunghoon was on one side of the bed while Heeseung and Jake was on the other.
And in just a moment, Jay started the assault first by poking the maknae’s side gently, but still made it so he could feel ticklish. This resulted with Niki jerking a little bit.
Jake also started to poke the maknae so he could open his eyes, which obviously worked.
Niki opened his eyes and was merely confused, “What- Whats going on?”
“Oh Niki, you really thought you could just come to the dorms and spend the rest of the day sleeping?” Jay speaks with a teasing voice.
“Can you just start already? I’m getting impatient.” Jungwon complained, wanting to get this over with already.
“Alright alright. Niki, just know you’ll be laughing for a good 10 minutes.” Was the last thing Jay said before digging right into the maknae’s ribs, receiving a high shriek in the process.
“jaHAHAHAY HYUHAHANG!” Niki let out a loud laugh and started squirming around, but it was no use anyways since Heeseung and jake were attacking his miserable sides.
“naAHAHA PLEHEHEASE NOHOHO!” Niki shrieked as his armpits were also attacked by Sunghoon.
“This will show you that we’re are not pushovers!” Jay says as he used one hand to attack the ribs and the other to attack the hips. If Niki wasn’t screaming bloody murder earlier, he sure was now.
“I DOHOHON’T THIHINK THAHAT!” Niki replied in laughter.
“Oh really? Then tell me why a polygrapher with ten years of experience claimed you were lying, hm?”
“I- DOHOHON’T KNOHOHOW- ACK-!” Niki yelped and drifted his body towards Heeseung and Jakes side when he felt a pair of nails brushing against his soles.
Jungwon let go of Niki’s arms, “I’m tired. Niki won’t be able to push your arms away anyways.”
The others slowed down on the tickling since Niki’s laughter went silent for a bit.
“Plehehease stohohop…” Niki says through his giggles.
“Are you sorry?” Jay jokingly asks, poking Niki’s side in the process.
“Alright. I hope this teaches you that we are not pushovers.” Jay smirks and soon leaves the room.
Niki was left panting and his other members soon left the room to let him rest.
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Intro <3 (and Masterlist below)
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꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ Welcome to my blog ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
✧⁠*⁠。This is a multi blog
✧⁠*⁠。I mostly write Kpop fanfiction
✧⁠*⁠。Only Reader x Idol
✧⁠*⁠。Only tickle and fluff fictions
✧⁠*⁠。Requests open
✧⁠*⁠。New fiction incoming
✧⁠*⁠。Lawb ya
✧⁠*⁠。My sec acc is @p1ece-of-positivity
✧⁠*⁠。obsessed with GOT
Hii, I´m a minor from Germany
If you want to, call me Bee 🐝
Yeah... that girl in the profile picture is me...
Turning 16 this year
I'm going to SOUTH KOREA next Year!!!
I'm a night-person
My fav apps Are Pinterest, Spotify and Snapchat, but I use Tumblr and WhatsApp very often too
I´m a Kpop Stan ^^
My ult groups are Ateez, P1Harmony and Boynextdoor
My ult biases are Yeosang, Keeho, jungkook, Felix and Jaehyun
My fav emoji is 🩷
I am a sfw Tk blog but I also post other fictions
98% Lee, 2% Ler ^^
Active since May 2023 (I guess...)
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Requests open!
But please don't mention
self harm
self critical being
pedo content
any fetish content
harasm or hate
If you don't talk about these things:
-> Feel free to request or DM, I won´t bite ❣️ 
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I prefer writing Reader x Someone fictions rather that someone specific x someone specific bcz I can imagine this better and I just don't like writing these kinds of fictions. (But I love reading them tho)
I´ll write for
Ateez (OT8)
Boynextdoor (Bias: Jaehyun)
Stray Kids (Bias: Felix and Chan)
Enhypen (Bias: Jungwon and Heeseung)
BTS (Bias: Jungkook)
TXT (Bias: Kai)
Oneus (Bias: Xion)
Treasure (no bias)
Seventeen (Bias: Jun)
P1Harmony (Bias: Keeho, Soul and Theo but am kinda ot6)
Xikers (no bias)
The boyz (no bias)
iKON (Bias: Bobby)
SF9 (Bias: Taeyang and Hwiyoung)
BTOB (no bias)
ShiNEE (Bias: Minho)
Zerobaseone (Bias: Ricky)
82Major (Bias: Yechan)
(i write for every member I just wanted do mention my bias lol)
I only write for Boygroups sorry
I'll maybe try to write for some Series, Movies or Dramas too
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My fav Dramas/Series are :
Kingdom [Legendary war]
I'm not a robot
True Beauty
Sweet Home
One piece live action
My Holo Love
My demon
Game of Thrones
My Fav Movies are:
20th century girl
Love and leashes
Pirates of the carribean
Lord of the rings/ the Hobbit
Avengers the endgame
Black widow
After (every movie of this series)
Five Nights at Freddy's
Three Nuts/Wishes for Cinderella (the old one, not the new)
Pompeii (the one with Kit Harington)
My biggest dreams are studying in Korea when I'm done with school and seeing all my fav groups in rl
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My favourite blogs are
@il0veyoujk 💕
@sunny-117 💕
@wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday 💕
@itzystopkiddingmenowloco 💕
@atzgiggle 💕
@atzupdates 💕
@jungkookslipring 💕
@teddybearmingi 💕
@liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 💕
@daybreak-tkler 💕
@lunarleee 💕
@jihyosdaughter 💕
@sugary-sweet-anon 💕
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꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ Masterlist ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
Pinterest Like picture series
My bunny
trip to berlin
How Ateez members find out/react to you being ticklish
He doesn't deserve you (Wooyoung x Reader)
Stress reliever (Seonghwa x Reader)
Tk Fictions (Idol x reader)
A game afternoon with Ateez (Ateez x Reader)
Uljima (Enhypen Niki x Jungwon x Reader)
Zombies and revenge (BTS Jungkook x Enhypen Jungwon x Stray Kids Felix x Reader)
Hanteez (it's a really long fic, not only about tickling but it has some tickle scenes,, Stray Kids Han x Ateez x Reader)
Pass along (Stray Kids x Reader)
It's okay (Ateez Seonghwa x Reader)
I'm not ticklish (Txt Yeonjun x Reader)
Stress Reliever (Ateez Seonghwa x Reader)
Under the Christmas tree (Stray Kids Bangchan x Reader)
Big, dangerous dinosaur (P1h Keeho x Reader)
(Idol x Idol)
A ticklish massage (Leeseo x Yujin)
Tickletober 2023
Day 2: Accidental (ATLA Zuko x Reader)
Christmas Oneshots
Under the Christmas Tree (Stray Kids Bangchan x Reader)
Ticklemoments posted by me (?)
DannyPhantom exe threatening tkls...
Yeosang being tkld
Keeho (P1H) telling a tickle story
82Major mini tk moment in a Tiktok edit
More...personal posts
I love y'all & thank you &lt;3
I had an...idea
Okay that was it...
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Love u all guys 💕💕
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daisyeji · 2 years
oioi povo, bem vindos ao cap 3! lembrem-se que podem vir no pv pra contar suas hipóteses, após ler o capítulo. no 4°, vou dar dicas de quem pode ter sido o assassino da yeri (spoiler 😏). boa leitura!
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miyeon está com seu celular nas mãos, agachada perto do carro, e chorando baixo. ela ficou com um enorme peso na consciência por não ter conseguido fazer nada, e imaginou a terrível cena de winter morta. jungwon permanecia lá, perto de taehyung. ele não fazia ideia do que fazer, e taehyung poderia a qualquer momento lhe jogar dali também. jungwon ainda sentia muita dor, e estava ajoelhado ali.
—não precisa se preocupar, "amigo". eu não vou fazer mais nada com você. não deveria ter me atrapalhado, olha só o estado que você ficou... —taehyung fala, com cara de sínico.
mas inesperada e rapidamente, jungwon se levanta e dá um soco forte no rosto de taehyung. tão forte que seu nariz chega a sangrar.
passando a mão no nariz e vendo o sangue, taehyung xinga jungwon:
—caralho jungwon, seu filha da- —o mesmo o interrompe com outro soco no rosto, acertando o nariz.
—não fala da minha mãe, a briga aqui é entre nós, seu covarde. quem você pensa que é? você matou uma pessoa, matou a winter!! você ten noção do que fez??? e por que fez isso? —taehyung grita de tanta dor que sentia. como o soco acertou em cheio o nariz de taehyung (e duas vezes), possivelmente ele podia ter quebrado.
taehyung estava deitado no chão com a mão no nariz, gemendo de dor.
jungwon saiu dali, chamando por miyeon. quando saiu do local, a encontrou chorando.
—miyeon... não chora, hum? vai ficar tudo bem e a gente vai sair daqui. —miyeon o olhou, enxugando as lágrimas, e se levantou. eles se abraçaram e miyeon praticamente desabou em jungwon. ele também começou a chorar, mas depois pegou no queixo de miyeon e o levantou, para ela o olhar; e assim, o mesmo enxugou as lágrimas de miyeon. os dois se olharam no fundo de seus olhos por menos de 1 minuto, e . . .
e miyeon voltou a chorar, e o abraçou novamente. jungwon pensou que poderia rolar outra coisa ali, mesmo naquele clima pesado.
por coincidência, ao mesmo tempo que winter caia do penhasco, um indivíduo assassinava uma das pessoas mais importantes na festa de jeongin. a pessoa que ele mais considerava importante, na verdade. era yeri.
ela tinha sido encontrada já sem vida, com sangue por todo corpo. outro alguém que tinha bebido mais de 5 garrafas (como taehyung) era yeonjun. ele estava quase na 8°. o mesmo estava a caminho do banheiro, jeongin tinha lhe dito onde era, mas o coitado no mesmo momento esqueceu. o corpo dela estava na lavanderia da casa. devia-se descer as escadas, além de passar por alguns cômodos.
quem pode ter matado-a?
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 4 months
Enhypen lee! Jungwon & Ler! Heeseung finding out the he actually is tklish in like the leg area and palms of his hands or smth!! Please and thank you <3
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words: 277 tw: palm tickling, hurt/comfort a/n: this is a drabble just cause im experimenting with writing for enha! calling all engenes hAIIII 💖 lee: Jungwon ler: Heeseung taglist: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v–143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa this drabble is about tickling, if it’s not your cup of tea pls scroll!~
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"you okay?" heeseung squeezed jungwon's hand.
he knew something was up.
the normally extroverted leader was being awfully silent, watching the other members speak with a tiny pout on his face.
the younger placed his hands behind his back, palms up, a habit he liked to do.
heeseung lightly traced over the jungwon's palm, startling as the hand closed quickly and a strained squeak escaped the younger.
"what was that?~" he asked in a low, teasing voice.
"n-nothing!" jungwon played off.
"are you okay?" jake asked, and everyone's head turned towards their dear leader.
"yes! everything's...fine." jungwon hesitated, plastering a smile on his face.
they knew him better than that.
"what's wrong jungwon-ah?" jay asked, scooching over to the boy as he bit his lip.
"yeah, hyung? are you okay?" niki asked.
the questions were slowly overwhelming the boy, and he whimpered once before suddenly bursting into tears.
"i-i feel so tired..." jungwon sobbed, curling up into heeseung, who wrapped his arms around the younger protectively.
"o-oh no..." sunoo moved closer to the crying jungwon, wrapping one arm around his shoulders before heeseung took his hand in his own.
the center traced his fingers around the palm yet again, motioning to sunghoon to hold down the boy's hands.
"hahah hyuhung!" suddenly sweet giggles filled the room, along with tiny sniffles as jungwon twisted away from the torturous sensation.
"aweee! your hand is ticklish!? that's adorable~" jay cooed, watching the leader fall apart under the light motions.
"yehehehea! plehehease ihihit's bahahad!" jungwon squealed lightly, a cue for heeseung to stop with the tracing motions.
snuggling was the only thing left on their agenda, along with more light tickles.
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i think ill write more enha soon eheh <333
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hyuckswonderland · 11 months
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The order of the list does not reflect which one's I'm working on more or less
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [001. The Magic Jacket | Ler!Niki, Lee!Enhypen] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [002. ZB1 Lee/Ler Headcannons] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [003. UNTITLED | Ler!Jay, Sunoo, Jungwon , Lee!Jake] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [004. UNTITLED | Ler!Jaehyun, Jungwoo , Lee!Doyoung] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [005. UNTITLED | Ler!Gyuvin, Lee!Jiwoong] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [006. UNTITLED | Ler!Gunwook, Lee!Gyuvin] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [007. UNTITLED | Ler!Heeseung, Lee!Sunghoon] ࿐ྂ
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [008. UNTITLED | Ler!Heeseung, Lee!Niki] ࿐ྂ
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cloudsoobin · 1 year
cat & dog 😭😭😭 ngl seria engraçado se fizesse parte mesmo
realmente, o pior design da hybe... até hoje eu não sei quem é quem e já parei de ler também
a do enha eu parei no 24 pq tava me irritando um pouco
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mas sério eu tô muito ansiosa por esse comeback, não vejo a hora de ouvir todas elas completas
eu nunca li o manhwa do bts, mas pelo mrnos A CAPA é bonita, o do txt nem isso 😭😭😭😭😭 hybe pq nos odeia ?????
o do enha é até legalzinho, eu adorei que trouxeram os mlk que sairam do i-land pra serem coadjuvantes, e todos os personagens homens tem a primeira letra do nome simbolizando um integrante, são pequenos detalhes mas que eu curti, sem contar que o rigby sei lá que esporte é aquele de tamed dashed é canon no manhwa e o jungwon é pro player nele
eu nao sei como vou sobreviver a esse comrback, porque no mesmo dia o seungwoo é liberado do exercito eu nao sei nem oque eu faço
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