#lenora kastner
bonkage · 5 years
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has this been done or.......
sorry about horatio
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wlwd2 · 6 years
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furiousfinnstan · 6 years
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wd2resources · 7 years
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Introducing the actress for Lenora ‘Lenni’ Kastner, Ashlie Atkinson! [Twitter]
Some past and current works
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - Rochelle Applebaum
30 Rock (2012) - Theresa
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2007-2011) - Lisa Kirby / Lisa Williams
Source [IMDb] - Picture source [x]
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pedroam-bang · 7 years
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Watch Dogs 2 - Human Conditions (2017)
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talesofnelda · 7 years
Where is DedSec? (Part 5)
DedSec SF: *can't find Marcus in a crowd*
Sitara: anyone know how to find him?
Josh: nope
Ray: no idea
Wrench: I got this.
Wrench: *cups hands around mouth*
Marcus: Wow, rude. I'm right he-
Sitara: what
Josh: what
Ray: what
Wrench: what
Marcus: what
Aiden: what
Lenni: what
Gooly: what
Snicks: what
Horatio: what
Defalt: what
Everyone: what
Josh: wait didn't he go to jail like a week ago??
Dušan: ... shit
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c-0-r-3-y · 3 years
Heart beat (Chapter 1)
OC (Samuel) X Wrench (WD2)
Male x Male
Sam stopped communicating while on a misson that he had begged to be put on and everyone was only a little bit worried because Sam was really good at what he did and they trusted him not to get hurt. The only person that was really worried about Sam was wrench. Being how the masked male was, he set off to find Sam.
Warnings: Kidnapping, 18+, Blood, like...dont read if you don't like those kind of topics.
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It was like any other day when Samuel got his misson, he would have to go into RenSense. A tech organization that used a homeless people camp to test their "medical" nanotechnology. They would insert these nanobots into the person and keep them in a facility, against their will. Once Samuel had learned about what was happening and once he had done enough surveillance on what the corporation was doing, he basically begged Sitara to let him go alone so that he could work better. Only if Samuel would have listened to Sitaras and Wrenchs concerns.
Sitara trusted same to come back sooner or later, only a little bit worried about Sam but wrench...oh boy. Wrench hated this, hated not knowing if Sam was okay. But Sitara said that Sam would come back every time wrench got mad and almost went out to find him. Even Josh said no to wrenchs attempts. Why wouldnt they listen? Why did they put so much trust into Sam? Maybe it was because Sam had showed he was worthy of doing missions alone and that he could be trusted.
"Just let me go fucking look for him, it's been almost a fucking month. THIS IS FUCKING STUPID SITARA." Wrench couldnt help it, he was mad. Mad at the fact that Sam had been radio silent for so long. He was right though, Sam has been gone for a month. In that month, Sam had been put through hell.
In the middle of the misson, he was caught. Not by the Umeni corporation that RenSense had hired to guard the lab. He was caught by Lenora Kastner. Leader of Prime_Eight (A rival hacking group).
Once Wrench found out who had Samuel, he couldnt have been more mad. "WHAT THE FUCK DOES PRIME FUCKING EIGHT WANT WITH SAM?!" Wrench yelled as he slammed his hands down onto the bench. "Wrench..calm down..we'll get Sam back..you know that" Sitara was calm, well at least she sounded calm. In reality she wanted to bash Lennis head in but thats not how this should be fixed. Wrench of course had other plans.
Samuel wasnt in a good condition, Prime_Eight wanted information and they were determined to get it. Sams white hair a tint more red from blood that had stained his hair, Blood dried to his face and his nose hurt like hell. He needed to get out but he was weak.
You may ask, there had to be another reason for Samuel getting kidnapped. There is actually. You see, Lenni didnt want the nanobots to ve destroyed. She wanted to use them. Before she could even get her hands on the bots, Sam had either destroyed them or deactivated them like Josh had taught him. But now he was sitting on a cold concrete floor with his wrists and ankles tied and a bandana in his mouth. Quite a situation.
"Come on Samuel, i know you know everything about dedsec. I know you have studied every thing they do. I know you want out of here so just tell me, shorty." Lennis voice grew closer as she stepped into the room and kneeled infront of Samuel. She reached out and pulled the bandana out of his mouth. "N-no...fuck..you" Samuel muttered as he lazily looked up at Lenni, blood had dried under his nose and over his lips.
"Youre so hard to fucking deal with. You know what? Fine stay here and die for all I care" Lenni muttered before walking out of the room and leaving Sam behind. Tears ran down the males cheeks as he hoped that someone would come soon or that he could find a way out. Lucky for him, a masked dumbass was in love with him and would kill anyone who touched him.
Hey guys, Corey here. This is the first chapter of Heart Beat! To explain a little bit of the story, I'll start with Sam and Wrench. They arnt dating yet. They both have feelinga for eachother though. Second thing is that Sam was kidnapped and physically hurt after he was kidnapped. Wrench will soon find him but things take time and Sitara will try to talk him out of it. Anyways thank you so mich for the support on the last story!!! Peace!
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Easy Plotting Guide || Accepting (Like this and I will bold my preferences)@mikhailthefixer
My muse(s): Marcus Holloway, Lenora Kastner, Blue, Braids/Antony Little (OC)  [The other two are open as well depending if you don’t mind a random character from a dead fandom or my OC]
Do I know your muse(s): yes (for the most part) | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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Basically I just want to rp with you more in case that isn’t obvious. You’re one of the rp partners I’ve been rping with for a good bit and I’d love to try new things. Like it says feel free to reblog with your opinions :D 
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dedsecqueen-blog · 7 years
Tag Drop #002
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5un5yst · 6 years
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Just a Terrible, Terrible woman
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Been having some difficulty finding anything related to Prime_Eight on the internet. I made this little transparent logo for all of your Prime_Eight needs. :) Also, here’s Kiki!
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thectossystem · 8 years
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"You look like someone with a lot of valuable information. Now... Tell me everything you know about DedSec."
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