#lemony scenarios
depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months
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Words: 1,165
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi X Reader
For: @skykashi @lemony-snickers @wind-becomes-lightning and whoever else would enjoy Kakashi/Reader (and everyone who voted on the poll of course)
   You’re not sure why you decide to do it. There’s no logic or reason behind the action, only a simple wish. A desire that cannot be contained. As soon as he steps into your line of sight you’re overwhelmed with the urge to storm up to him and-
               Kakashi blinks, his eyes flickering between the finger you’ve just pressed against his nose and your face. There’s a mixture of emotions on display for someone who knows where to look for them. Confusion, annoyance, panic. It all swirls together into one giant emotion that you can’t quite read, but it’s there clear as day in the lone visible eye that he’s staring at you with.
               “I don’t know,” you admit with a shrug of your shoulders, unsure of how you’ll explain the intense desire that had swept over you causing this whole scenario. “I just…Thought it would be fun?”
               “Fun?” his eyes narrow into a sharp, dangerous look. An expression you’ve seen on his face before, though it was usually directed towards enemy shinobi rather than his friends. “You thought it would be fun to sneak up on a Jonin and assault him?”
               His accusation strikes like a kunai straight through the heart.
               “Assault?” you gasp, retracting the hand you’d used to strike and placing it over your chest. “You would call that assault? I show you love and you choose to view it as an attack?”
               “You poked me.”
               “I booped you,” you clarify, determined to make him understand that there was a difference between the two words. “Sort of like what you do to the hounds. You know when you-“Reaching out once more you gently bop your finger against the tip of his nose and barely contain a laugh when he responds by swatting your hand away from him. “You do it to Shiba and Bull all the time. They love it!”
               “They are dogs,” he reminds you as if that were enough to explain why he could get away with the action you were now getting into trouble for. “My dogs. If I ‘Boop’ them then that is fine.”
               Annoyance flares up in your mind and before you know it you’re straightening yourself up and facing down Konoha’s top shinobi with a steely glare. “and what am I?” you ask, a little afraid of what answer he might give you. “Am I not your friend? You’re confident? Do I not have Booping rights’?”
               It sounded more ridiculous out loud, but the words had already left your mouth so there was no turning back now. All you could do was stand there staring at Kakashi patiently waiting for his answer. The explanation he would provide for why exactly you weren’t allowed to partake in such a sacred Hatake ritual.
               “Well…” cupping a hand under his chin he tilted his head back so that he was staring down at you from the bottom of his eyes, as if he was a giant compared to you rather than a man who happened to have exactly one inch of height on you. “You’re one of my precious people.”
               One of my Precious People.
               Annoyance quickly melted away, a warmth blossoming in your chest as he repeat the words in your mind once, twice, and a third time for good measure. You almost get lost in the feeling of being cherished when a realization hits you.
               Stamping down on those warm feelings that had begun to overwhelm you, you glare back at him. “If I’m one of your precious people surely that means I have booping rights?” It doesn’t sound any better the second time you say it.
               “Nope,” seeing him reaching out toward you, you brace for impact. A tap of his finger, gentle but firm, right against the tip of your nose. Your nerves tingle at the sensation and you can’t help but scrunch up your nose, just as he had done when you first appeared in front of him and did the same thing to you. “It means that I have booping rights.”
               The words sounded terrible coming from your mouth but hearing him saying them is one of the worst experiences in your life. That cool attitude of his does nothing to dull even a fraction of the dorkyness of that word.
               “That’s not-“ another strike, this time a bit firmer and placed a little higher on your nose. You take a step back with this assault, your bottom lip jutting out as you glare at him.
               “Adorable,” he chuckles, wounding your pride beyond repair with one simple word and laughing when your shoulders drop, all of the energy and pride leaving your body in an instant. “Anyways. I have places to be, and people to see. You know the deal,” that you unfortunately did. Kakashi was always working even when it would have been better for him to take a step back and breath. You’d thought maybe today you’d get a few precious minutes with him before he ran off to do something else again, but it turns out you were wrong.
               “Right,” waving a hand in front of your face you try to ignore the disappointment that always seems to follow his dismissal of you. “Go, save the village. Be a hero. I’ll just be here waiting for something interesting to happen.”
               He doesn’t leave, though. Not right away.
               Instead, he takes a step closer to you. Close enough that his face is mere inches away from yours. If he wasn’t wearing the mask you’re certain that you’d feel his breath on your face.
               “When I get back,” he began, raising a hand and gently tapping his finger against your nose just as he had done twice before. This time you don’t recoil, but instead you lean into it. Savor the small touch of his skin against yours. “Then we can go out for lunch, hmmm?”
               “Lunch,” you agree without pause, mentally rolling your eyes at your own eagerness to accept such a small offer. “Sounds perfect,” with that said, Kakashi takes a step back and begins to wave. Before he can disappear, though, you reach out and grab a fist full of that bulky Jonin uniform of his and pull him in close.
               The mask feels rough against your lips but you don’t care. All that matters is the way Kakashi seems to melt into the kiss. How his hands come up to rest on your hips, holding you in place as he deepens the kiss.
               When you pull apart you can’t help but look into his eyes, and that’s where you see it.
               Love. A deep, profound emotion that you know he tries to protect himself from. An emotion directed at you and only you in this instant.
               “Be safe,” you whisper, taking this moment to lift your right hand and gently tap your finger against his nose. His eyes narrow into a glare, but he doesn’t pull away. “We’re getting Ichiraku when you get back.”
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 month
IT'S NEVER OVER | s.crosby
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Sidney Crosby and Nat Brooks loved each other once. They'd loved each other through the most crucial parts of adulthood: Sid becoming a hockey superstar and Nat leaving for college in New York.
And then it fell apart.
But perhaps the most painful part of it all was that they still understood each other. Years had passed, and with that came breakups, marriages, failed relationships, changed careers...they'd lived completely separate lives for fourteen years, strangers in every sense of the word. They were different people, but the very core of their soles were still tangled.
Sometimes you just needed a little bit of courage. And what did it matter if they'd lost each other during the race if they crossed the finish line hand in hand?
note: f!oc x sidney crosby; exes to lovers/second chance romance; single mum trope
sneak peek | prologue | pinterest board
if anyone asked sid, he wouldn't say that he liked pittsburgh more after meeting nat. no, that would be absurd.
chapter one - of all people
nat was about to repaint her house when she got the call from the school: evan had another scare. sid had been coaching a small group of kids from a local school when one of them was pulled out by the school nurse. the next time he'd see him, evan would be sitting on the reception desk with nat...the nat brooks, of all people.
chapter two - rex records
coming soon!
chapter three - girl talk
coming soon!
chater four - carnegie museum of natural history (i don't know what you like because you kept saying you weren't bothered)
coming soon!
chapter five - untitled
coming soon!
" i will love you if i never see you again, and i will love you if i see you everyday
i will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively
i will love you until your face is fogged by distant memory. i will love you no matter where you go and who you see, i will love you if you don't marry me. i will love you if you marry someone else and i will love you if you never marry at all, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and i must say that on late, cold nights i prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios i have mentioned. that is how i will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way."
an excerpt from lemony snicket: the beatrice letters
<all photos taken from pinterest>
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stem-sister-scuffle · 5 months
Violet Baudelaire (A Series Of Unfortunate Events) vs Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
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Violet Baudelaire is an Inventor!
Ema Skye is a Forensic Scientist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Violet Baudelaire:
"She is only fourteen (later fifteen then sixteen as the story goes on) yet here she is straight up going around solving stuff with her (equally as smart) brother with inventions she makes. "Anyone who knew Violet well could tell she was thinking hard, because her long hair was tied up in a ribbon to keep it out of her eyes. Violet had a real knack for inventing and building strange devices, so her brain was often filled with images of pulleys, levers, and gears, and she never wanted to be distracted by something as trivial as her hair.” - Lemony Snicket, The Bad Beginning"
"She makes inventions to get herself and her siblings out of scrapes all the time, she's excellent and we love her"
"Excellent at engineering tools/inventions in crisis situations with whatever resources are lying around. (And she built a telegraph machine at age 7, to give you an idea of what she can do when she *does* have sufficient resources)"
"Violet is a very resourceful young lady with a fantastic mind for inventions out of anything and everything available. We see her building really intricate Rube Goldberg machines in the Baudelaire mansion pre-fire, and afterwards she uses her inventiveness to get the siblings out of all sorts of difficult situations, including breaking a baby out of a cage. She's very cool."
"She's fourteen years old but her ability in mechanical engineering saves her and her siblings from numerous terrible situations. She can work with limited materials to find ways to get out of any scenario and never gives up, even when the odds are against her."
"She’s like 14 years old and can design and make machines out of nothing in a very short amount of time (literally was hurtling towards certain death by falling off a cliff and managed to save herself and her brother)"
Ema Skye:
"I love her a lot and she's very important to me. We get to see her story from being a high school student who's really into science, to becoming a detective, to then finally passing her forensics exam and becoming a forensic scientist like she always wanted. I cosplayed her before"
"Ema has been interested in forensics ever since she was a kid. She's extremely passionate about it. She works very hard and despite bumps along the way she does manage to achieve her dreams/career goal and get into forensic science. She is amazing and I love her enthusiasm and I love her :D When she was like 16 she personally had her own spray bottle(s) of luminol testing fluid, what a dork (in the best way!). Forensic science is practically her whole life. What an inspiration. The first thing on her wiki page is the quote "Yes! Isn't it amazing? Ah, the power of science. It's my life." Bless."
"this girl is so silly. Her favorite thing is luminol. You have an ace attorney pfp you know her. She is my favorite ever. She calls Klavier Gavin a "glimmerous fop" (accurate description). She wears a lab coat over her school uniform. She brings snacks to crime scenes.i love her your honor"
"shes like every enthusiastic autism girl with a science special interest who then gors to college and gets a job and is tired and a mean lesbian but still is a freak about forensics. i love her"
"SHE WORKED SO HARD TO GO INTO FORENSICS. SHE HELPS EVERYONE DO FORENSICS. SHE THEN FAILS WHEN IT COUNTS AND BECOMES BITTER BUT GETS OUT OF THOSE FEELINGS LATER ON. I love her dearly she's so silly and fun when she needs to be, and I think her failure is fascinating but I'm SOOOOO GLAD she was able to become a forensic scientist in the end :)"
"Showed up and gave Apollo random forensics supplies at just the right time. Not sure if this was authorized. Does not Mayte though she can do anything she wants. C’mon man you know her you know why she’s the best you get me right"
"She's fun and good at science and has pink lenses in her glasses and I like her a lot"
"She is so excited to be using her fun little toys to solve crimes."
"She’s a gosh darn professional in a house of fops. Is passionate about her work and was inspired partially by a murder case she was involved in as a witness. She’s really cute and really quirky, and ya girl knows how to snack. She accessorizes really well. I cosplayed as her once and found myself more and more impressed with her style choices as I was putting it together. We stan a fashionable yet practical STEM queen."
"she is literally everythingggg to me. she has wanted to be a forensic scientist since she was 16 y/o and introduces forensic investigation mechanics to the series like luminol and dusting for fingerprints. when she does not get her dream job, she becomes depressed and bitter, only cheering up when she talks about forensic science. later on, when she attains the job, she is much happier! science is her entire life and her career and she is tremendously autistic about it. also she's such a girlboss i love her <3 ema must go through btw. she is the ultimate woman in stem"
"Ema Skye has been interested in forensics for many years due to case that occurred when she was younger. Even though she didn't pass the test to become one at first she had still continued trying till she made it. She always lights up at the mention of anything revolving sciene. She gets so happy when she's able to work with her forensic tools and investigate the crime scene <33"
"Teaches Phoenix wright about forensics"
"she wears a cool lab coat and I don't really know what else to put here but she's neat"
"she is so autistic about forensic science. she goes against the police rules to take fingerprints. she infodumps to anyone who will listen about forensic science. ema is so special to me and I love her very much"
"Ema is a girlboss! She started using forensics and scientific investigation to help solve murders when she was just 15 years old. she autistic and bisexual bc I say so :)"
"Literally the only character in universe that uses hard evidence in trials."
"The skyentific detective…."
"Its literally her personality ok. Just listen to her theme(s). I just love her"
"She is literally me <33 I love her. I need to see her grow up happy and healthy and i need to tell my friends and family about her."
"Wants to be a scientific investigator and solve crimes scientifically, forced to be a cop. Goes from teen with a weird hobby to reluctant cop to everything she ever wanted and I am so proud"
"She’s just a little weirdo. And she keeps trying to be a forensic scientist, but she has to finish high school first. She solved the murder her sister was accused of "
"Forensic science fascinates her. She sure is a woman jn stem. I am sorry I am very tired i dn what to write"
"I need to actually finish AA but it’s her. You probably have more submissions with better reasoning but I like her vibes from what I did play."
"She's got all sorts of cool gadgets which utilize the DS touchscreen"
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usergif · 2 years
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—The Beatrice Letters, Lemony Snicket
[Caption: Three peach toned gifs of Kate and Anthony from Bridgerton. 1: layout set with an assortment of quotes from Lemony Snicket’s The Beatrice Letters, each beginning, “I will love you...” and listing different scenarios. 2: Anthony professing his love for Kate blended into the silhouette of their ending kiss with Anthony’s speech overlaid text; he says he has loved her since the moment they met; “at every dance, on every walk, every time we’ve been together, and every time we’ve been apart.” 3: Two gifs side-by-side of Anthony picking up Kate in the rain as she is unconscious after her fall and of Kate putting her hand over Anthony’s heart as he is panicking. Text reads, “That is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.” End caption.]
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unfortunatetheorist · 5 months
*Joint Theory 6 - @unfortunatetheorist & @snicketstrange*:
-The Truthful Time Period-
When EXACTLY do the events of ASOUE (Netflix & Book) occur?
*Happy New Year, wherever you are celebrating from!*
(This post debuts on my, @unfortunatetheorist's, blog; 00:00 GMT)
The subject of time has been one of great debate throughout the ASOUE fandom, especially with references such as the Baudelaires' favourite film being the 1938 version of Dawn Patrol and Olaf saying he bought the hourglass from TBB online.
In this theory, @snicketstrange and I have come up with what we believe to be a definitive answer, for each case - Netflix Canon and Book Canon.
A firm starting point is this line from TBB:
"In the years since, I've inquired what became of the Brothers Poe. One followed his father into the world of banking. The other lives in a cave and talks to sheep. They each think the other has it better."
This means that the time between the main events of ASOUE and the release of the first season of the series on Netflix in the ASOUE universe is enough for Mr. Poe's children to grow up and one of them to become a banker. We can assume that it would be reasonable to think about at least 10 years. This should be approximately the age difference between Lemony who appears in TSS and Lemony who narrates.
Also, Violet's line from TRR:
"Um, Dawn Patrol, the 1938 version."
This implies 2 things: there was a later remake of Dawn Patrol (hence, "version") and the Baudelaire parents must have been at the suitable age rating to watch the movie when it came out, as:
Monty: "It was your parents' favourite too."
Let's estimate to see how accurate we can be. In 1938 the film was released. Bertrand probably saw this film when he was a teenager, but perhaps not at the premiere. But maybe. (Favourite films when we are adults often arise when we watch these films in [pre-]adolescence).
So, Bertrand in 1938 could have been 12 years old. Let's put this scenario as the oldest. If he was 12 years old in 1938, he must having got married and fathered Violet at around 28 (estimate based on all of Beatrice's history with Lemony prior to her marriage to Bertrand, and Bertrand's appearance in TE). In this case Violet would have been born in 1954, and the series' main events would have been 14 years later in 1968. Lemony would be narrating the story in about 1978.
Now, thinking about the upper limit, we would have the case where the premiere of the Netflix series in our universe happened in the same year as in Lemony's universe. In this case, 2017 would be the year of Lemony's narration, and then 2007 would be the year of ASOUE's main events. So, to date, our estimate is between 1968 and 2007 (book + Netflix).
The main problem is that ASOUE in the books is quite anachronistic. Despite the aesthetics Netflix exists within the universe. But, in contrast, we can argue that Netflix at the time was a video home delivery service, as was the original Netflix. (We don't see people with internet at home in ASOUE, and a computer like in Prufrock Prep was quite rare, hence it being called 'Advanced').
[And apparently something not connected to the internet.]
And this is very interesting. ASOUE's Netflix series is meant to be a video delivery service. After all, we see in THH that there are video delivery services in the library and devices for showing videos.
The first type of Home Video to exist in our world was Betamax in 1975.
And the first microcomputer for personal use was also launched in 1975, the Altair 8800.
And if we look at a detail in LSTUA.
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They are separate universes, but this photographic record is the only one dated in the entire Unfortunate universe: October 1977. It wouldn't be surprising if the series' writers (who are fans of the books) had this enigmatic date in mind, and made ASOUE take place in the 1970s.
And 2 years after the launch of home video and after the launch of microcomputers would be exactly the time needed for a newly launched technology to have spread enough to suggest services like Netflix in the world of ASOUE.
Long enough for some people to buy video cassettes and even cameras.
Here's the full picture:
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So the answer to our original question:
JOINT THEORY: ASOUE is set in the 1970s.
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kimdokja-real · 10 months
Hidden Kim DokjaxYooJoonghyuk moment
(Hey, I haven't posted for some time I know. Luckily when randomly reading parts of the novel, I noticed something which I'm quite pleased, proud to have noticed because it's quite hidden so here a DokJoong analysis after quite some time.)
"Huh?" Since from when was this? Her face was pushed real close to his. Her pristine, perfectly-set facial features, her pale-white cheeks, and a beauty spot just below her sparkling eyes. Kim Dokja became flustered by the faint hint of lemony scent reaching his nose. Just before he could say something, though, Han Sooyoung approached him even closer. She brought her lips to his ear and slowly whispered in a clear voice. "Such a scene doesn't appear in the third turn of 'Ways of Survival'.
- Kim Dokja without reading Ways of Survival regarding Han Sooyoung (another person)
I needed more time before Lee Hyunsung was heated enough by the flames so I sat on the giant soldier's shoulder and gave some instructions to the group members. Then I looked around and saw Han Sooyoung dangling her legs while sucking candy. I scolded Han Sooyoung, "Is it delicious?" "Strangely, I've been craving something sweet lately. Do you want to eat?" Han Sooyoung didn't wait for my answer and shoved the candy she was holding into my mouth. It had a lemon flavour. I ate the candy and Han Sooyoung looked at me quietly. "By the way, that's what I was eating." "So?" "…You are really no fun."
- Kim Dokja with reading Ways of Survival regarding Han Sooyoung (another person)
I just noticed this out of nowhere. Kim Dokja got flustered at another person's face's proximity to him. He also smelt the hint of lemon candy and got flustered from seemingly the memory where he did the inappropriate thing of sucking on the lemon candy someone else had in their mouth, like how Han Sooyoung had teased him.
But that's Kim Dokja without Ways of Survival, meaning without reading about Yoo Joonghyuk for 13 years.
The real Kim Dokja didn't care about eating another person's lemon candy at all.
What does this mean - this means Kim Dokja is infatuated with Yoo Joonghyuk, he's so centered on Yoo Joonghyuk that he doesn't even notice other people aesthetically or their personal contact with him.
On the other hand, regarding Yoo Joonghyuk:
“…You still want to use that name.” Yoo Jonghyuk frowned as he moved close to me and pulled out a sword. “I will choose the name of the nebula.” I smiled at the thought that Yoo Jonghyuk was joking. The energy of transcendence could be felt by my side. It was strangely relieving despite the presence of a person who had long surpassed my scale. It might be because I felt like we were standing on the same horizon for the first time since the scenario began. I declared towards the stars in the night sky. “I won’t bow to your fate.” I pointed my sword towards those silent gazes. “I will decide my story.”
[Next are the third candidates!] I was shocked to witness the scene. …What was this? –Kim Dokja, there is only one chance. –It has always been 'once' for me. Once this screen came out, Uriel and the archangels of Eden screamed. The two people on the screen were me and Yoo Joonghyuk. It was the moment we threw a spear together at Ares.
[Then let's announce the winner of the award!] I inwardly prayed. 'Please not the third candidates. Please not the third'.
Kim Dokja definitely noticed whenever Yoo Joonghyuk was close to him, and he was affected by being paired with Yoo Joonghyuk when usually Kim Dokja doesn't mind how close others are to him. So he's really self-conscious around Yoo Joonghyuk, which is a sign of liking a person romantically, unlike how he was around Han Sooyoung and Yoo Sangah for example, he stopped the almost kiss from Yoo Sangah but what flustered him and worried him was that Yoo Joonghyuk thought he kissed Yoo Sangah and he liked Yoo Sangah romantically.
Following her, a certain woman sucking on a lemon candy and blessed with prim eyes as well as a distinctive beauty spot just below one of them appeared on the screen.
It was unknown how Han Sooyoung took my words, but she simply continued to look down on me without any movement whatsoever. But then, she slowly lowered her head and matched my eye level. Her emotionless eyes; the beauty spot just below one of them; and her lips that always mocked me for fun, now arching up in a smooth line.
Since from when was this? Her face was pushed real close to his. Her pristine, perfectly-set facial features, her pale-white cheeks, and a beauty spot just below her sparkling eyes.
For example, 'Her face was pushed real close to his. Her pristine, perfectly-set facial features' (Kim Dokja without reading about Yoo Joonghyuk) vs 'Her emotionless eyes, the beauty spot just below one of them; and 'her lips that always mocked me for fun, now arching up in a smooth line' or 'blessed with prim eyes as well as a distinctive beauty spot just below one of them' (Kim Dokja with reading about Yoo Joonghyuk).
You can just see the personal vs objectivity, Kim Dokja noticed her face was close and her facial features were perfectly set, but without Ways of Survival and reading about Yoo Joonghyuk, and the normal Kim Dokja with memories of his companions and of reading Ways of Survival, described Han Sooyoung in a more objective way, 'blessed with prim eyes, distinctive beauty spot' 'lips that always mocked me for fun' has some personal feeling but not in relation to another person's looks.
'Her face was pushed real close to his' (without Yoo Joonghyuk), 'she slowly lowered her head and matched my eye level' (with Yoo Joonghyuk), Kim Dokja is clearly more objective in Han Sooyoung's looks when he has memories of Ways of Survival and Yoo Joonghyuk and he doesn't really notice the closeness of another person's face close to his.
Since from when was this? Her face was pushed real close to his. Her pristine, perfectly-set facial features, her pale-white cheeks, and a beauty spot just below her sparkling eyes.
Eyebrows seemingly drawn by a single, uninterrupted stroke of a famed artist's brush; a nose and a chin shaped in perfect angles that defied attempts to measure them through mere devices of men; a pair of deep eyes seemingly carved out of a beautiful jewel containing all the misfortunes found in this world
Kim Dokja about Han Sooyoung without reading about Yoo Joonghyuk:
'perfectly-set facial features', 'beauty spot just below her sparkling eyes'
Kim Dokja about Han Sooyoung with reading about Yoo Joonghyuk:
'blessed with prim eyes', 'the beauty spot just below one of them'
And you know what? It's actually Yoo Joonghyuk's description, similar.
Kim Dokja about Han Sooyoung (no memories of Ways of Survival) and Yoo Joonghyuk (with memories of Ways of Survival):
'perfectly-set facial features', 'shaped in perfect angles'
'sparkling eyes', 'deep eyes'.
What am i trying to say here...like Kim Dokja is so infatuated with Yoo Joonghyuk, only when he doesn't have his memories of Ways of Survival and reading about Yoo Joonghyuk does he describe someone personally, with a bit of attraction, ironically similar to how he describes Yoo Joonghyuk.
And we know a Kim Dokja without reading Ways of Survival isn't really Kim Dokja so the real Kim Dokja is just so infatuated (I use this term because it's like he's obsessed and helplessly in love) with Yoo Joonghyuk.
And of course the normal Kim Dokja, 100%, compares everyone to Yoo Joonghyuk's beauty.
"I wanted to witness the end of the scenario with you." Jang Hayoung's eyes grew wider after she heard me. I felt uncomfortable while watching her pale cheeks tremble like that. As expected of someone possessing looks that easily slapped Yoo Joonghyuk's cheeks at least two times in a row.
"You must've reached another enlightenment, Master." [It seems that you're now at the level to discern that, at least.] Kyrgios's complaining voice sounded thorny. Not only were his looks enough to slap Yoo Joonghyuk's face silly, but even the way he spoke slapped the latter silly, too.
For a moment there, I had this feeling that this world's balance of beauty had tilted to one side. A nonsensical amount of cheering erupted out all around us next. (About Yoo Joonghyuk.)
Kim Dokja says it all here, his perception of beauty has been tilted to one side, to Yoo Joonghyuk...because Yoo Joonghyuk is that beautiful to him. He can't even see anyone personally aesthetically without comparing them to Yoo Joonghyuk.
Eyebrows seemingly drawn by a single, uninterrupted stroke of a famed artist's brush; a nose and a chin shaped in perfect angles that defied attempts to measure them through mere devices of men; a pair of deep eyes seemingly carved out of a beautiful jewel containing all the misfortunes found in this world. If someone saw those features and not get immediately drawn in by them, then there must be something wrong with that person
And of course we have this perfect part. Kim Dokja is so totally in love with Yoo Joonghyuk.
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sabakos · 22 days
master sabakos, teach us more about the ancient principle of 不映長金 (bueichoukin). what other filmgoing wisdom can you impart?
hm, let's see:
from personal experience, if you live across the street from a movie theater, you will end up watching a lot more movies than you would have otherwise, but probably not as many as you'd think. especially if the covid pandemic happens a few months after you move there and the theater goes out of business!
other than that idk, i don't really watch movies in person anymore, it's much easier to find them online whether or not you want to pay for them.
oh yeah, i also remember this interview that lemony snicket did with nickelodeon magazine when I was 12, which is basically ancient history at this point
DH: Mr. Snicket taught me a number of tricks to smuggle food into movie theaters. Recently, he and I enjoyed some caviar served with crackers and creme fraiche, followed by some hot-and-sour soup. The trick is to put such things in a bag and wrap your coat loosely around the bag. If you are caught, burst into tears. nobody knows what to do when a grown man bursts into tears.
i've never had to do this because i don't think i've ever been to movie theater where they actually care if you bring in outside food, but i feel like you could apply this wisdom to a lot of other scenarios in your life. you could probably write "when you are caught, burst into tears" pretty concisely into kanji i think.
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jacobsnicket · 3 months
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currently imagining some scenario where theatrical critic lemony has to interview beatrice for the punctilio and it just ends up being an hour of stuff like this
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wouldnt-give-a-fig · 2 months
The "I Will Love You" Letter by Lemony Snicket (pt 3)
...I will love you until the bird hates a nest and the worm hates an apple, and until the apple hates a tree and the tree hates a nest, and until a bird hates a tree and an apple hates a nest, although honestly I cannot imagine that last occurrence no matter how hard I try. I will love you as we grow older, which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened several days ago, continuously, and then several years before that, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark the passage of time, except for the clocks that people have forgotten to wind and the calendars that people have forgotten to place in a highly visible area. I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively. I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from skim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of a foggy fog. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don’t see, and no matter who sees you avoiding where you go. I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I discover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this, and no matter how I am discovered after what happens to me happens to me as I am discovering this. I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else – your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A., even R. although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry – and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more, although I personally think three is plenty, and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned.
That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.
Pt 1 Pt 2
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iosagol · 9 months
I know that the cardinal rule for staying sane on tumblr is “ignore opinions that you don’t agree with”, but could you elaborate on why you think scythe is terribly written? I really enjoyed it and the writing, so I’m wondering what exactly you didn’t like. I agree that main duo (Citra and Rowan) are pretty weak, but to me the rest of the trilogy more than made up for it. Feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel like answering, but I’m legitimately curious about your opinions.
Hey there! Thank you for taking time to ask despite having a different opinion. I'm afraid I won't be able to provide the most varied textual evidence because I don't personally own all of the books, but I'll do my best to make my thoughts on this clear.
I would like to preface this by saying that I don't know Neal Shusterman and I don't intend to judge his skill as a writer. These are personal complaints that I have; they are opinions. Everyone is free to like whichever authors they want to. Now without further ado:
Writing issues with the AOAS series:
1) Dialogue.
Firstly, I find that the dialogue for each character is not in any way consistent. Faraday is a great example of this. One moment, he says something dark and wise that matches his experience, and then he speaks with the same vocal patterns as a young teen.
When Mister Shusterman writes a distinctly teenage character, this also happens:
"It's just that I haven't had anyone to talk to in like, forever!"
"So should I, like, know you?"
Another issue leading to a lack of distinct character voice is that pretty much every character quips and snarks and smirks. Rand quips, Munira quips, Curie smirks, Citra smirks, Citra quips, Rowan quips (having those two snark lords paired together is certainly a choice) Jerico snarks, and even Faraday quips if my memory serves me right. If so many main characters are the witty banterers in the book, it makes them all start to lose individuality and blend together.
And hey, I'm a Marvel rat, I'm used to quips during apocalypses, but even in Marvel there are some characters who quip multiple times in almost every kind of scenario, and others who are more reserved. It's these different line choices that set them apart.
Another issue I have with the dialogue is that it sounds somewhat… cheesy? The wisdom bits sound a little pseudo-wise, and the death threats are miraculously over the top. Sometimes the narration is overly dramatic. Even some random lines that are neither proverbs nor threats just sound off.
"So tell me, Munira… Who will you be?"
"Are you so consumed by grief that you can't consume this fish?"
"His eyes had a careworn coolness to them as if he had seen more than he should and had stopped caring in order to save what was left of his soul."
"One can never truly master the art of driving, because no journey is ever exactly the same."
"I guess whoever holds the torch casts the darkest shadow." "Whoever steals the torch, you mean." "Well, it seems I can steal whatever I want."
"Ha! Citra playing a harp! How she would hate that!"
"Tonight we witness the spectacle of human folly and tragedy. Tomorrow, we shall live it."
"To live between the prospects of an unknown, eternal sky and a dark, enveloping Earth must have been glorious— for how else could it have given rise to such magnificent expression?"
I'll mention this briefly here and dive in further later: Robert Goddard says the most insane things that are probably intended to sound menacing but only make him sound like a comic villain.
Overall, the dialogue is my biggest issue with the writing in the Scythe series, failing to convey character and sometimes distracting from the plot. I'm afraid if you compare it to dialogue from other teen books like The Queen's Thief, or even something from Lemony Snicket, it's unfortunately subpar.
2) Sentence fragments.
A sentence fragment is series of words that doesn't qualify as a full sentence because it lacks either a subject or a predicate. This is a grammatical error. Some authors, some incredibly accomplished authors, can use sentence fragments in artful and interesting ways that set a unique tone for their story. However, Mister Shusterman uses sentence fragments in inconsistent, strange bursts that leave me wondering as to the purpose of them. I don't know if these were stylistic in any way, and this makes me think they are errors. For example.
"Through all of this, Scythe Rand said nothing. She had taken a seat and was watching. Waiting to see what Rowan would do. What accusations he'd make."
I'm sorry, but this is a basic flawed cluster of sentence fragments that would be better written as
"She had taken a seat and was watching, waiting to see what Rowan would do and what accusations he would make."
Another example:
"He tried to move his wrist, but found that he couldn't. Not because of any injury, but because he was restrained. Both of his hands, and his feet as well."
This should be arranged as
"He tried to move his wrist but found that he couldn't, not because of any injury but because he was restrained; both his hands and feet were chained."
"She felt vulnerable without her robe. Naked in a fundamental way."
All that's needed to fix this is a comma between Robe and Naked. That's it. I have no idea why an editor didn't swoop in and patch that gap. It would make the flow of the narrative infinitely less choppy.
Sentence fragments can make story sound like it is stuttering, and I think this is true for the Scythe series.
3) nicknames are used to create emotional beats to an excess.
This may seem like a random, small complaint to have. But if you go through all of the Scythe books and note every abrupt name change and meaningful first-name basis, the tally is very high. I find this to be a good tool, but it's negative when used excessively.
"Jeri told Sydney--- because now they were most certainly on a first name basis…"
This signals a sudden leap from coworkers to friends. Instead of fleshing out the time Jerico and Sydney spent together, nicknaming works to hint that time has passed and events happened. Once more, I will say that I don't hate this tool. But it's going to be used again. And again. And it does function as a summarizer, and summaries can only take a story so far.
Tenkamenin is Tenka
Michael is whipped out when Mister Shusterman needs a soft moment for Curaday, same with Marie
Citra bounces between Anastasia and Citra (this is part of her identity struggle, I suppose, but it's very clumsy. Instead of just swapping a name to demonstrate his protagonist is putting on a persona/ready to behave more maturely, I think Mister Shusterman should have just relied on dialogue, body language, and verbal patterns to demonstrate her switches. Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde is an incredible study on this sort of style.)
Rowan dabbles in being Lucifer
Greyson learns Citra's first name? Suddenly they're able to communicate more fully and more intimately.
Goddard is Robert when Rand wants a moment with him, even though Robert is just such a dreadful name for an evil overlord and it just doesn't work. Think about Voldemort. Did Voldemort EVER let Bellatrix call him Tom or Marvolo? Not a chance. The one person who called Voldemort by his first name was his arch-nemesis, and Voldemort tried to kill said arch-nemesis for his irreverence. Goddard literally called himself an angel, I don't see why he allows himself to be addressed so casually without repercussions. It lessens his strength so much.
The moment I learned the high scythes' first names in the second book, I knew they were going to die, because whenever Mister Shusterman lets us know a first name, it's meant to make us have a deep connection with that character.
I mentioned this before with quips, and I'll say it again; if every character has a nickname and/or an alter ego that they flip and flop back and forth with to represent their inner turmoil, well… then it's not a unique trait, it's just a general device that's used over and over. It loses meaning, it loses its punch, and it loses uniqueness.
I don't want to accuse an author I don't know, but I personally believe that simply switching names to get across complex emotional beats is a weaker, quicker way to write. If there were complex emotional beats with body language and good dialogue and then names were conservatively sprinkled in after these important parts, maybe I would be less aggravated by it.
4) Telling things that should be shown or not mentioned at all.
As a general rule, narrators do not exist to make you like characters. The characters themselves are meant to win you over through dialogue, actions, and shows of personality. When the narrator decides not to let the characters show their personality and simply blurts the character's attributes to the reader, this is called telling and not showing.
"Citra was well known for her temper. It often arrived before reason, and left only after damage was done. Tonight would be no exception."
If this scene is going to demonstrate exactly what the narrator is describing, why describe this attribute at all? Simply let the scene play out, showing us Citra's temper, and we will deduce her personality from this.
"Every ship would have its own Cirrus, as wise and benevolent as the Thunderhead."
This is said at the end of the third book. We've spent three books with the Thunderhead. If we don't know what it's personality is by now, we must be illiterate. We don't need to be told attributes we've already been shown.
Part of the reason why Citra and Rowan's relationship feels so flat is because the narrator gives us a speedran summary of their relationship growth; we don't actually get to see anything beyond them yelling and snarking at each other one second and being desperately in love the other. We're told they care about each other. We're told they take actions and have conversations. We. Are. Not. Shown. These moments.
"She was now Citra once more; proud and headstrong, but with no impressive social footprint."
This is said in the second book, at which point we ought to know all this and more about Citra. If Mister Shusterman included this for readers who chose to start reading at the second book instead of the first, this is still a bad choice because he already showed us Citra's proud and headstrong nature in the chapter before the one where this quote came from. Any new readers should already have picked this up on their own. Again, he's stating something that the character herself should have been left to demonstrate.
This feature in the Scythe series leads me to experience aggravation of two kinds:
I feel that I am being given a summary of an event I have already witnessed/a person I have already met, even though the author knows I have witnessed the event/met the person. It's as though the author thinks I suffer from short term memory loss.
I feel that I am being given a summary of a YouTube video in words when the author has a cell phone and could easily take his phone out and show me the video himself, and would paint a better picture by doing so.
5) Goddard is a remarkably awfully written villain
This part is a combination of several different technical problems, and I considered integrating it into the other points I made, but I thought it deserved its own honorable mention.
The main issue I have with the main villain is that Mister Shusterman doesn't seem to know whether he wants Goddard to be a joke or a threat.
There is a paragraph in The Toll saying that Goddard could "twist your thoughts until they were no longer yours, but his. That's what made him so dangerous."
Only a few chapters away from this sentence is another one which says "Goddard spouted erudite gibberish with such regularity, Rand had learned to turn her ears off to it."
The contradiction is incredible. I have no idea who this man ought to be.
(I will also say that if the author has to tell me how a villain is dangerous, he most likely isn't.)
Some examples of strained Goddard dialogue/descriptions are
"He was brilliant in at finding shapes in the clouds of his fury."
"I am your completion! I am the last word of your unsatisfied, unsavory lives… I am your portal to the mysteries of oblivion!"
"He had strewn them there as a way to raise his troubled spirits. Surely their magnificence would bring him not just comfort, but elevation."
"We are angels of death," said Scythe Goddard. "It is only fitting that we swoop in from the heavens."
I haven't got the book with me but there's a line about the meat of his vengeance being relished
"I enjoy spectacles, and there's no reason needed beyond that."
"Embrace it, Rowan. Suckle at its transformative breast… The thrill of the hunt and the joy of the kill simmers in all of us."
"Now Goddard paces, whipping his fury into a caustic meringue."
Goddard clapped his hands together, truly tickled.
"Goddard is as corrosive as acid hurled in the eye."
It’s him!” “He’s so handsome!” “He’s so scary!” “He’s so well-groomed!” Goddard took a moment to turn to the crowd and sweep his hand in a royal wave.
In summary, Goddard comes off as a comic villain, and not a strong one. It sounds like he's almost trying to be Thanos and just falling so so short.
But he has such damaging effects? And it seems to be for no reason whatsoever?
He spews terrible dialogue but has absolute control? He supposedly is powerful, but he is vanquished by his own henchwoman when the heroes don't care enough about him to try and kill him themselves?
Literally Citra is trying to find reasons to stay on earth and she's like "Well I guess no one really needs me here" as Goddard has been spending the past years? mass murdering people? She just forgets about him as a threat?
Also he's named Robert How can I take a villain named Robert seriously, for the love of all that is good
When the main villain is simply cringeworthy, the series suffers as a whole.
BONUS Round! Just some thoughts
To this day I think about how Sydney Possuelo had to go into a vault and find two naked teenagers lying very deadish on the floor in each other's arms and I think about his reaction and you know what it definitely checks out
Honestly Astrid was awesome, she handled her situation like a champ
I still don't get why Greyson broke up with the Thunderhead tho, he genuinely fell in love with Jerico because she said hello in the same way the Thunderhead did lol
To be real, the deaths are always the best part of this series
Xenocrates tho
Rand's relationship with Tiger was very interesting
I'm still not sure what I think about it
.... ....
Now. You may be thinking that I despise the Arc of a Scythe series.
This is untrue.
I stuck with the Scythe series through all of my nitpicks and dislikes because the concept is absolutely incredible and can't be thrown aside. Mister Shusterman did an amazing job of creating an emotional, fast-paced plot with great locations, moral questions, and themes. I just desperately wish that the flaws that I personally noticed could have been left out of such an interesting story so that I could have been drawn even deeper into the world and loved the characters more than I do.
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radation · 4 months
can you do lee!veneer and ler!velvet, veneer was being a brat all day and annoying velvet and she finally put a end to it knowing what he wants.
i love your vel and veneer fics ‼️
Thank you!!! Sorry if I wasn’t able to respond, requests have just been piling in, hope this makes you pleased!<3
FYI, I don’t understand when you said “knowing what he wants” so I’m just gonna assume she knows where to get him in tickling, if it’s not correct what I assumed then feel free to ask again but next time make it more understandable and a different scenario.
Veneer and tickley fingers.
Mount rageous is excited for an upcoming interview for velvet and veneer, it was coming in a week so velvet and veneer were just being prepared early just in case considering this interview may be big for them.
velvet was in her room, deciding which make up look should she aim for
Velvet: hmm, what should I aim for? Violety-purple or tropical orange? Hmm, maybe lemony-yello-AH!
*veneer barged into the room, velvet looked at him with scared eyes, thinking it was something bad but when she realized the smug face on veneer’s face, she got mad*
Velvet: what was that for you idiot?! I nearly skipped like a thousand heartbeats! Even the doctors would be shaking if I told them that! *she placed her hand on her chest and was breathing heavily*
Veneer: scared ya Didn’t I?!
Velvet: *mumbled under her breath* your face did.
Veneer: scaredy cat! Vel is a scaredy cat! *he chuckled and ran out of her room*
*velvet rolled her eyes*
Velvet: ugh, little brothers.
Time skip, velvet was in the living room, watching tv with pure boredom.
Velvet: ugh, tv sucks! I mean what is there to d- AHH! *she shrieked and jumped when she saw veneer with a spooky mask on*
Veneer: booo!!! Hahahah! You should have seen your face! *he laughed as he removed his mask*
*velvet groaned and rolled her eyes*
Velvet: NOT! Funny veneer! *she gave him a death glare that sent shivers down his spine but he was too busy laughing*
Veneer: the way you just- *he couldn’t help himself by laughing so hard, velvet gave up and walked away, mumbling stuff under her breath*
Veneer: it’s so easy to get to her. *he chuckled*
*now it’s around the afternoon, velvet was walking through the hallways*
Velvet: oh crap, I think I forgot my purse in the spa room!
*she pouts and heads to the spa room, when she smiles because she found her purse, veneer jumped out of the jacuzzi yelling*
Veneer: booooo!!! Hahahah!!!
Velvet: *she flew across the room out of fear* VENEER!
Veneer: HAHAHAHAH! That was so funny!!!! Ahhahahah!
Velvet: ugh you are so annoying!
*veneer was laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes*
*velvet rolled her eyes, she quickly grabbed her purse and quickly walked out slamming the door behind her*
Veneer: *he sighed* ah, I love her reactions. *he giggled to himself*
Now it’s dinner, both twins are eating and chatting and laughing about old memories.
Veneer: oh vel! Remember when we used to dress up? I was the knight and you were the princess? *veneer chuckled*
Velvet: oh yeah!! Those were funny, OH! Do you remember how we used to sneak into the pantry and steal snacks?
Veneer: right? We would always get in trouble because we would sneak in at the middle of the night.
Velvet: true *then an idea popped in her head* remember our tickle fights?
Veneer: oh yeah!! I remember I would always give you cheer up tickles and still do. *he smirked*
Velvet: yeah, but other than that I would tickle you until you would beg.
*veneer blushed, remembering those moments vividly*
Veneer: yeah…heh, yeah…
*velvet got a real brilliant idea and stood up*
Velvet: say, why don’t we…create a new tickle memory?
Veneer: *he nearly choked on his food* w-what…?
Velvet:,what do you say little bro?~ up for a tickle fight?~
Veneer: v-velvet! No wait!
*velvet didn’t hesitate to get a good run up and jump over the table, tackling veneer to the ground and pinning him*
Veneer: oof! Wait velvet please! *he struggled*
Velvet: oh no little bro, I think you deserve it for, you know, being a nuisance all day~ *she smirked and raised a brow before digging into his ribs*
Veneer: *yelps and squirms* vehehlvehhet! Stahhap! Ihihm sehehrihihohuhs!! *his face flushed*
Velvet: aww, what’s wrong?~ too pouty to finally get what you deserve? *she pouted then chuckled, she knew veneer’s spots like the back of her hand so she dug her fingers in his ribs and began vibrating them so she could hear him yelp*
Veneer: *yelps* HEHAHAHhahahaha! STAHAHahahahp! *yelps* VEHEHhehehl!
Velvet: yes?~ *she smirked and began scribbling all over his ribs*
Veneer: stahahahAHAHHAHAp!!! *he yelled as he shook his head back laughing*
Velvet: I don’t think I can with all that blush to take you seriously baby bro~ *she smiled and kept going, making veneer kick and laugh*
Velvet: aww, too ticklish?~ coochie coochie coo~ *she smirked and began tickling his neck to earn hiccups*
Veneer: Hehahahah! *hic* plehehahase! *his face just got redder*
Velvet: please what? Tickle you some more?~ *she chuckled and tickled the back of his neck*
*veneer quickly threw his head back laughing*
Veneer: VEHELVHEHET! *hic* Stahahp ihit plehahse!! *he laughed and desperately kept trying to lower his arms but velvet had a good grip*
*velvet took the opportunity to blow a fat raspberry on the front of his neck earning a squeal from veneer*
*velvet decided to be mean and tickle veneer’s stomach, this will make veneer very squirmy*
Velvet: aww, so squirmy~
Veneer: hehahahah! Vel-hehahahah!
Velvet: aww? Got something to say lil bro?~
Veneer: pleahahsehe! Ihihi CAHAHNT! *his face was already red as it is but when velvet began squeezing and prodding his sides, his face went full cherry and his laughing got louder*
Velvet: aww, don’t think I won’t point out that blush you got going on?~ it’s like a cherry! So cute!~ *she squeezed his side making him jump*
*veneer was failing miserably at hiding his face but he just couldnt*
Velvet: am I getting you good?~ *she teased*
Veneer: vehehelveheht! Pleahahse!!
Velvet: hmm, no. *she smirked and tickled his armpits. This, ladies and gentleman will make veneer scream and laugh like a banshee.*
*velvet burst into laughter when she saw how veneer desperately tried to lower his arms now*
Velvet: wow, you really scream when you’re tickled here huh?
*velvet knew she can’t tickle him for a long time here because veneer gets overwhelmed if he is tickled too much in his worst spots just like his sister*
Velvet: apologize for all the pranks you were doing!!
*velvet quickly let go, veneer curled up into a ball, panting, flushed, and sweaty a bit*
Velvet: you okay? *she asked in a gentle voice and began rubbing his stomach to help get rid of the ghostly tickles because she knew if she tried to rub his armpits, he would be giggling*
Veneer: I-i…I’m fine… *he pants, he smiled softly when velvet handed him a cup of water, he gladly drank it*
Velvet: easy ven, the water isn’t going anywhere. *they both chuckled and veneer began drinking slowly and lightly*
Velvet: but that’s what you get for being a brat and annoying me all day. *she smirked and veneer chuckled as he finished his cup of water and set it down with a sigh*
Veneer: yeah…I guess I kinda deserve that. *he felt velvet wrap and arm around him and he smiled softly and rest his head against hers*
Velvet: I love you lil bro, just no more pranks alright? Atleast for now, okay?
Veneer: yeah yeah yeah. *he chuckled* I love you too big sis, even if you can have your moments.
Velvet: hey! You have your moments too!
*both twins chuckled and stood up, veneer placed the empty cup on the table*
Veneer: what now?
Velvet: oh! Let’s watch a movie!
Veneer: oh oh! Dibs on choosing the movie!
Velvet: no! I choose!
both twins ran out giggling, loving how this was just another crazy day in mount rageous.
~the end~
Hope everyone enjoyed this<33 ( sorry if it’s short :( )
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
🌻 sunflower sheets, sunshine boy - lee donghyuck🌻
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requested? Y/N
genre: pre-established best friends to lovers, only one bed, fluff, mentioned mark lee being a lil shit, honestly very self indulgent lmao
content warnings: implied past abuse (it isn't discussed, also pre-established), reader has a lil nightmare
pairing: haechan x gn! reader
wc: 2.3k
a/n: i have SO many WIPs going atm and the motivation to actually write none of them, so i apparently wrote this instead. the only one bed scenario is something that actually happened to me (it did not go this way though i didn't really like the dude we were both just drunk so we shared a mattress lmao. he sucked.) and this all came to me after a nightmare of my own past abuser so this is just self indulgent garbage really lmaooo :') as always feedback is super appreciated even if this is just a lil vignette kinda oneshot! much love to you all mwah mwah 💞💞
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You cursed whatever deities may exist for your current predicament as the warmth from Donghyuck's torso radiated over your back. Well, more specifically, you supposed you cursed Mark Lee and his horrendously obvious attempts at matchmaking; a lone double bed made fresh with sunflower patterned linens that emanated a faint lemony scent sat in the small attic of his family home and the other beds somehow already claimed before everyone had gone over to celebrate his birthday. For whatever reason, Donghyuck hadn't seemed to find it suspicious that you and he were the only ones who hadn't been asked where you'd prefer to sleep the week prior. Or if he had, he hadn't mentioned it, simply shooting you a lopsided smile and informing you with a smirk that he sleeps shirtless before accepting the arrangements without question.
And so here you were, rolling to lie on your back and stare at the ceiling, where in the dark your brain conjured warping patterns that didn't exist as if trying to distract you from your racing thoughts. A small square of moonlight bathed golden skin next to you, filtering through the window on the roof like a spotlight. Donghyuck let out a small snore and you wondered how on earth he was able to sleep so easily like this, his feet grazing yours under the sprawling duvet and his face smushed unceremoniously into the pillow he'd claimed for his own. The trees rustled outside in the audible breeze, a sound that would lull you into peaceful dreams any other time. Yet you'd never felt more awake in your life than you did at that moment.
You hadn't exactly protested yourself; in fact you knew Mark would be awaiting your exuberant thanks for giving you such an opportunity with a man only he knew you to have had a silent crush on for years by that point. But you were far too stubborn to actually admit that his plan was pretty decent. You knew if you'd dissented he would have found other sleeping arrangements for you without complaint, but his smugness had almost felt like a challenge, and you were adamant you’d never lose a challenge to Mark of all people.
You and Donghyuck had been best friends for longer than you could even remember—he'd seen so many of your triumphs and losses, your highs and lows, the big moments in your life and the little ones you didn't even know if he remembered and treasured the way you did—and far be it from you to threaten a connection you weren't sure you'd find again if you lost him. Your heart raced and you prayed it didn't cut through the silence in actuality the way it consumed your sense of hearing, pulse thrumming in your ears like a kick drum. After probably too many minutes of being definitely too aware of the process of breathing, Donghyuck stirred with a small groan and turned to face you.
"Can't sleep?" He asked groggily, rubbing at his sleep laden eyes with a clumsy fist before looking up at you through heavy eyelashes.
"No," you responded simply, voice coming out as more of a hoarse whisper than you'd intended. He nodded, and you heard it against the fabric of the pillowcase. A weighted silence followed briefly, the air weirdly stuffy, and you felt like you were fighting for breath. You eventually looked over to find him watching your face, contemplative, as if studying every detail for the first time.
"Do you wanna, like, cuddle or something?" You blinked at him, amazed as always at the way he was able to be so bold as if it were no big deal. He threw the suggestion out so casually that it threw you off. If it were any of your other friends you would have laughed, joked about it and probably accepted because of the comfort the contact provided, but in your lovesick state you found yourself entirely frozen where you laid.
"Um," you faltered, biting the inside of your cheek. He exhaled through his nose, a somewhat-laugh quiet enough to be appropriate for the time of night, and smiled up at you, though you didn't feel strong enough to look at said smile for more than a few seconds. Truly dazzling, you thought.
"It was a totally good-natured suggestion," he clarified, feet nudging yours again but more purposefully this time. He resisted the urge to intertwine his legs with yours fully and moved his hair from where it had fallen in front of his tired eyes, still looking at you with more focus than you felt you desired. "Since I know you like the touch and it might help you sleep. There's no pressure, you can say no." You smiled at him, grateful for the way he offered you an out so considerately, but you then realised this wasn't a situation you were in often. And, in your humble opinion, if there were any time to indulge in such timid desires, it totally would be at buttfuck o'clock in the morning with your entire friend group a floor below.
"Sure." His eyes widened slightly; he obviously didn't expect you to agree, but his expression quickly softened when he noticed you falter. Before you could change your mind or stutter out a nervous string of "but only if you wanna!" adjacent sentences, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. As if on instinct, your fingers tried to ball into his shirt; however in its absence it looked more like you were trying to pinch at his chest. It made him laugh heartily, your face heating up, though he appeared to think the teasing was best saved for later as he bit his tongue and adjusted his arm to lie under your neck.
"Comfy?" He asked gently, breath hot on your ear before he nuzzled his chin against your head. You nodded the best you could, nudging further into his neck as you let his warmth consume you. He let himself slip a little further, tangling his legs with yours just a bit to see if you’d back away and feeling his heart swell when you intertwined them further. His other arm rested loosely over your waist, steady breathing inspiring yours to mimic, and before you could even realise how tired you were the security his presence offered you finally lured you to sleep.
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The peace apparently didn't want to linger, however, as only an hour later Donghyuck awoke again to you trembling in his hold. He looked down at you blearily as your hand clutched at his side and your breathing staggered. He took a moment to come to and realise what was happening before shaking you gently to wake you up.
It happened with a start, your breath catching dramatically in your throat as your eyes blew wide. He shushed you gently, one hand stroking through your hair, as you silently searched his face with frantic pupils. They weren't looking for anything in particular; just the familiarity your heart apparently craved, your brain fighting to come back to reality fully and shake the remnants of the nightmare that plagued you.
"Are you okay?" His voice was so quiet it was barely audible, hand ceaseless in its careful motions. "Seemed like you were having a bad dream."
"Yeah," you whispered unsteadily, suddenly aware of the hand with which you held onto his side like you were scared he'd vanish from under it. He hummed in understanding, tightening his hold a little.
"Was it about who I think it was?"
"Yeah," you repeated, still too internally distressed to show any real outward emotions the way you wanted to. "They're less frequent these days, but y'know." He hummed again, hand dropping to draw comforting circles into the skin of your hip and bring you back a little.
"Just try to focus on me," he murmured, still obviously sleepy. You nodded, doing your best to divert every conscious thought you had to his movements, his breathing, his very presence; and after a few moments you felt grounded enough to actually form sentences.
"You always know how to help," you laughed drily, voice low. You knew your friends couldn't hear you; even beyond the floor difference they were all insanely heavy sleepers, to the point you'd think they never slept a day in their life. Donghyuck giggled against your hair, more high pitched than he'd like, and manoeuvred you both so that he was lying on his back with your head resting on his chest. His heartbeat was steady against your cheek, and his hold remained tight. "What time is it?"
"I dunno, like, four in the morning?" He shrugged at his own estimate, phone too far on the nightstand for him to bother finding out. "Why?"
"Because." Your insecurity leaked through into your mumbles but you couldn't find it in you to care, knowing beyond your own mild discombobulation that Donghyuck was not all there himself. "I just think early morning hours are the time to be vulnerable."
"True." He stared at the ceiling, thumb massaging your shoulder absentmindedly. "Why, did you wanna talk about it?"
You took a deeper breath to try and steady yourself before snuggling into the crook of his neck. "I just think I had that nightmare because I'm sleeping with you."
"That sounds like something I should be offended by," he chuckled breathily. "Why me?"
"I mean. Being helplessly in love with you complicates a lot of things." You'd spoken before you could allow yourself to hesitate, though now that the words were out there and his body had stiffened beneath you regret started flooding your nerves, burning them like an electrical current under water.
"You heard me," you pouted, growing more self-conscious by the second.
"Just wanted to make sure I heard you right." Another tense silence followed, one that made your ears ring and your chest flutter. "What does that have to do with the nightmare?"
"I dunno, just. The usual shit, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and all that stuff again. It's scary at the best of times, even without everything that happened with Hyunwoo." You hated the way your tongue felt jammed, unable to express the fear that festered like rot in the bottom of your heart. It was pervasive, parasitic almost, something you struggled to cast out even if you had reduced its impact greatly in the years since you'd escaped. You looked up to find him watching you yet again, expression fond and curious. "You can do a lot of work," you tried, brows furrowed as you searched for the words. "You help yourself as much as you can, you do the therapy, you get better at functioning, all that stuff." He nodded, entirely attentive and patient, giving you the odd encouraging squeeze around your shoulders. He could tell you'd been wanting to get this all off your chest for a while.
"You've come a really long way since then, we're all proud of you," he smiled when you hesitated, wary of interrupting but not wanting to lose the moment to tell you. While Donghyuck was one to poke fun a lot—one to be sarcastic, one to make constant jokes—he was also always the first to compliment you and encourage you, a balance you were always thankful to have in your life.
"Thank you," you grinned, continuing. "But it doesn't matter how much work you do when you meet someone you fall for because you kinda have to accept that there's a whole other kind of shit under the surface that you can't unpack on your own, and you have to hope the person you've found sees all that and tells you ‘it's okay’ while you figure your shit out together."
"Everyone has their own baggage." You sat up a little to look at his thoughtful expression, moonlight shimmering on his soft features. After a moment of intense eye contact, he broke the silence with a serene smile. "Hey Y/N?"
"It's okay." You stared at him for a moment, his words running laps around your own in your brain, the simplest kind of acceptance that seemed to short circuit you as your heart swelled. "And hey, I’m pretty in love with you too, so maybe you're not that hopeless."
"Is my want to kiss you right now equally as not hopeless?" You asked somewhat clumsily, grin mischievous. He took a moment to gawk at you being the bold one for a change before smirking, shaking his head.
"If you wanna kiss me so bad then do it."
You stared at him for a while longer, his gaze unwaveringly confident, and in sensing your slight hesitation he chuckled complacently before being the one to take the dive. You weren’t sure if it was the time of morning or the rawness in vulnerability that made you feel slightly delirious, head spinning as your mind took a second to catch up. The feeling of his lips on yours was unfamiliar but far from unwelcome, the warmth he radiated spreading like fire from the legs that twined together to the cheeks he cradled so tenderly. He smiled against your lips, breaking the kiss with a slightly bashful laugh, and you swear you saw galaxies in his eyes with the way he looked at you.
“What are you laughing at?” You watched him bewilderedly, the pull of his lips increasingly adoring as he pulled your head back to his neck and rocked you in his arms with another childish giggle.
“I’ve just wanted to do that for longer than you know.” His voice was angelic and light, like chimes in the wind, making you smirk against his collarbones. “It’s okay,” he repeated in a gaily hum, hold on you safe and reassuring. “We’ll get through anything, together.”
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tell me what you thought? | masterlist
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snicketstrange · 7 months
I really love your theories about Beatrice surviving the Baudelaire fire and Lemony being the biological father of all 3 Baudelaire siblings rather than just Violet. I never considered that interpretation of the events described in the story related to Lemony and Beatrice, but I think it's very interesting to think about, because I feel like it adds a lot of layers to Lemony's motivation for writing the books. What I want to ask is, why do you think Lemony never tried to reach out to the Baudelaires after he was finished writing the books (other than the fact that he lost track of where they were and that he might have had a reason to believe they died since their boat, The Beatrice, was destroyed)? I see it as his guilt for being partially responsible for what the Baudelaires had to go through and his decision that they would be better off not knowing that he was actually their father (maybe also a bit of guilt related to Bertrand?)
Great questions. I think it's important to highlight something about this in TBBRE. "Tomorrow afternoon, the semi-retired amateur geologist has promised to put me in touch with current members of the F.F.P. so I can determine if there is any truth to the rumor that Violet Baudelaire came into contact with them on her way to Briny Beach for the third time. Interested parties might turn to Book the Thirteenth, assuming I live to write such a book." Lemony actually looked for more information about the Baudelaires. He actually tried to follow their trail. Everything indicates that either he couldn't do it, or he thought it was better to pretend he couldn't do it. I would bet on the second case.
There is a picture of the boat Beatrice, which is apparently a "photograph" of where the boat sank. If it is a photograph, there is strong evidence of manipulation of the location to make it appear as if the Baudelaires had died.
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Notice Violet's bow. What are the chances that this bow came out of her hair (note the bow is in a knot, so it was tied) and landed delicately in a barrel? Where did that barrel come from in the first place? Klaus' glasses: what are the chances that the glasses came off Claus's face and landed on a string? And finally, Sunny's kitchen appliance: why would it be tied with a rope? And what are the chances that this rope, on its own, made several turns around a piece of wood? Fourth evidence: seagulls: they are birds typical of regions close to the beach, not deep waters. For me, this scenario was set up to fake the death of the Baudelaires.
After that, in times another significant image:
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Both images are on TBL posters. From what is written in TBL, I can guarantee that this cave is a hideout for Lemony. Note that Lemony Snicket found that scene, and took photographs of strange features and was studying them. He must have come to the same conclusion as me: the Baudelaires faked their own deaths. I think when he realized this, he stopped publishing the books. But that doesn't mean he actually gave up on finding them.
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lemony-snickers · 10 months
i always want to hear your opinion lemony :) what kind of roleplay do you think kakashi would enjoy the most then?
heyhey anon how are you?
apologies because i've absolutely been answering these asks with no regard for the order in which they were received. i'm assuming you are the same person who asked the question i answered here which touched on this a little but i figured i'd give you a slightly more thoughtful response.
i think probably the first time kakashi tries roleplay with his partner, it's to reenact a scene from icha icha. not beacuse i don't think he has the imagination for something different, but because it's such a foundational part of his understanding of sex & intimacy (for better or worse). i'm not sure it goes suupppeeerrr well, ahaha, but i think the ability to act out fantasies with his partner in this way is really important and cathartic for him.
they probably snort laugh through half the scene, but they both give it their best shot and the sex that results is good regardless of the embarrassment or silliness.
i think they both get better after that and are more willing to roleplay different sorts of scenarios.
as i said (or tried to, despite my typo in the very sentence that references it), i think kakashi might really enjoy being on the receiving end of a corruption kink and i think that roleplay could play well into that. to have his partner be someone else to act out those fantasies would be a good way to maintain some important boundaries.
i think kakashi wants to be the one in distress. i think he'd like to roleplay being a civilian whose saved by someone else - the fantasy allows him to be vulnerable, weak, things he's never been allowed in his real life.
i also think he might enjoy hearing some "yes, captain"s from time-to-time, but probably only after a tough or frustrating mission when he wants to be a little rough and aggressive. are anbu masks involved? maybe. the slutty sleeveless shirts definitely are, though.
really, i think kakashi is probably pretty open to most rp situations his partner would ask him to participate in. i don't see him being with someone who would push his boundaries or ask him to act out things that would make him uncomfortable.
maybe i just don't have the imagination for it, though, ahaha.
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crescent-dreams · 1 year
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