#lemon's meme thread
kitty-lemon · 9 months
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They wasted no time with the memes and the animations like💀-
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honorhearted · 1 year
dirty talk or degradation?
This meme: (x)
Ben absolutely hates being talked down to, or feeling as though he is being made "lesser than" and demeaned, so he would also hate being degraded in the bedroom. He wouldn't like being the degrader either -- he tends to borderline worship his lovers, and name-calling/insults/etc. go entirely against his view of how a healthy relationship should be. He has a pretty romantic, old view notion of chivalry, and his goal is to protect and cherish rather than harm and demean. Even if his partner requested it, he would have a very hard time acquiescing.
As for d.irty talk, he isn't exactly exemplary at giving or receiving it, but that at least can be pleasing to his ego, depending on the circumstance.
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aiweirdness · 1 year
Since you posted about GPT-2's AI-identification software, I thought I'd ask you about something that's been haunting me for a while. You may have seen a viral twitter post with pictures of a script, labeled something like "I forced an AI to watch 1000 hours of lawyer commercials and this is what it wrote." The person has since done others and even compiled a book. The thing is - the text, to me, absolutely does not in any way read like it was written by an ML program. With jokes like "it's full of lemons, the justice fruit that only lawyers may touch" and "the phone digits appear. It's your social security number," it reads a lot more like a human pretending to be an AI than it does like actual AI writing. Do you have any input? I'd be curious to hear.
You're correct - as far as I know, the author has never used actual machine learning to generate any of those jokes. The first ones came out when AI wasn't even remotely capable of writing that coherently. I wrote a thread about it that ended up in a Know Your Meme article: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-forced-a-bot
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for the kiss meme. how about 36? thank you
Sure, this seems innocuous!
36 - Write a kiss that gives up control....
They rode in silence the entire way back. 
The steering wheel, a poor surrogate for Meg’s neck, strained against his death grip as the shaking Cadillac hurtled into the night. She called it a “piece-of-shit car,” an insult he could usually ignore. Not on a night like this. 
He did not respond. He could hear the leather of the passenger seat complain against her shifting body weight. 
“Erik, you can’t stay like this all night. Talk to me.”
It was a mistake, bringing her. He should have seen this coming the minute Meg Giry danced into his college office with a credit deficit and a half dozen lemon donuts - 
He lived his life through a finite set of principles that kept air in his lungs, kept his pen moving, kept the lights on, and, most importantly, kept him totally and utterly alone. Long ago he learned it was better that way, simpler, more sustainable to keep a ragged heart like his beating. 
But then she came in his office begging for a letter, for admission to the senior showcase she was disastrously under-qualified for, and he found himself caught by her pleading eyes and halting way she delivered her acute condemnations of his behavior, the behavior of the university at large, and the rest of the world. 
“Erik, we can talk about it. It’s me…”
It was her, that was the problem. It was always her and her stupid visits at office hours and the way she found old records of lost recordings and brought them to him, a person who did not get presents, never got presents. It was her who was the only one who could keep up with his rapid-fire notes on her work, the only one who didn’t complain to the department that he was “overly harsh” or “better suited to directing inmates than grad students.” The only person who listened to him. 
And listened she had. The sequins of her gala dress scratched against the beige carseat. She had been right, of course, she could do the showcase, could bind them to her with her dance and her passion. She had always been technically brilliant; now the world saw her heart as well. 
He had seen it too. Seen it and needed to never be parted from it. Needed her to consume him, more than she already had. Own him, if she so desired, a dog with a bird at her feet. 
The hand that skated over his on the steering wheel (10 and 2, never wavering, no, no wavering now. Come on, Erik) electrified him further and he pulverized his back molars even more, eyes blurring on the two yellow lines rising to meet them on the old back road under headlights. He shouldn’t even know the way to her apartment, shouldn’t have offered her those late night rides, shouldn’t have done any of it. It was an exercise in control, and he had lost. He would not again. 
“Please,” he hissed. 
“Ah, so the great maestro speaks!” 
He cursed himself for saying anything at all. It only served to spurn her closer to him in the racing, sputtering car. He could smell the bergamot on her perfume, the honey of her long-since-consumed lozenge. She had gotten closer, her blonde hair tossed over one shoulder, her lips sheathed in a deep maroon so close to his own gnarled mouth beneath the mask. He had never kissed someone with lipstick on, would the makeup stain his own, cursed lips like his, marking them as her own, forever –?
The little hands yanked the steering wheel from his grasp and turned, narrowly swerving from the pit of headlights careening toward them. He hit the breaks; She overcorrected, narrowly avoiding the tree line that edged the road. 
He heard her laughter first, then his own, his hands stuck on the steering wheel a moment before they were wrapped in her hair, pressing her to him. 
She tasted like honey. 
a/n forgot that this was partially inspired by this photo from Phantom Thread, the most Erik adjacent movie
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more-than-a-princess · 6 months
Happy Munday! Just a few quick things, plus some cosplay photos from a recent convention (under the cut, in order not to clutter the dash with OOC content).
I am still accepting starters for this starter call! I'll close the call on Saturday, November 18. Until then, I will not have a cap on starters beyond writing one per mun/blog. This will likely be my last starter call from now until the beginning of 2024, so if you'd like me to write you a starter that isn't attached to a meme, this is your chance! I will still share memes when I have the time in my schedule to start new threads, but for those of you who don't like memes and prefer starter calls, this is the best way to interact with me through the holiday season.
I'll be a little quiet around here from today until Friday: I've got two long days in the office and then I'm celebrating my wedding anniversary on Thursday after work (with a considerable amount of food and champagne), so my writing and chatting time will be limited this week.
That said, I've finally had some time to look at my cell phone photos of my costumes from my last anime convention. I'm still waiting on photos from my private photoshoots, but in the meantime, I'll share a costume I haven't posted here yet. I predict some of you may recognize her (hi Bubblez!).
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Did you know that I've either played or watched my husband play both AI: The Somnium Files games (because watching me try to play through the somniums is a stressful experience for everyone involved)? Now you do!
Actually, I've had my Boss costume for about a year now and I haven't been in a happy place with it until last month. Admittedly, my dress is a bit oversized after I lost weight and I need to take it in in a few places before wearing it again. That's the only thing that has stopped me from doing a private photoshoot with Boss.
In any case, she was my favorite out of the games and one of the very few (maybe only?) character I cosplay as who is older than me. How is this woman in her forties? I thought I had amazing skincare and genetics but Boss is on another level.
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The jacket and gloves are both leather, with the dress made of a cotton/poly spandex and the boots being custom pieces that I ended up repainting to be a closer match to my jacket. The Ai-balls are from Lemon Penguin, who loves Uchikoshi games and produces a few Uchikoshi-related items to vend at conventions (and they conveniently end up at the cons I attend!).
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But let me say: I love this wig so much. It was a custom piece after I was hating my own styling attempts, and comes with her 'hair donut' ponytail holder, her slicked back tendrils, and a stubbed ponytail that keeps the weight of the tail and wig lighter on my head. When I get a professional shoot of this done, I definitely want more shots of this incredible wig from the back.
And finally, the AiTSF cosplayers I've met at conventions have all been so friendly and kind! I had to miss the photoshoot this time around but I participated at one at a previous convention: we were a small group but we were mighty. Even if we either weren't recognized or called by some other character name (I get Misato Katsuragi in this one quite a lot. Ironic, as I also have a Misato costume).
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rpmemesbyarat · 11 months
RP Memes from a “Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Heard” Reddit Thread
“Can you email me back the PDF I emailed you? It’s my only copy.”
“It says carbonated because they removed the carbs" “How can Hawaii and Alaska have such different temperatures when they are right next to each other on the map?”
"If earth is spinning then why my front door is always facing east?"
"Blueberry muffins you buy premade don't have any blueberries in them. Blueberries cost too much. They dye bees blue because they have the same texture and use them." "I don't know how you can stand to fly when there's a 50 percent chance the plane will crash. You know, because either it crashes or it doesn't. 50/50." "I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail" “How do we know it wasn’t just ostriches on the radar that triggered Pearl Harbor?” "Fish aren't animals, they're mammals." “Once had someone try to sell me the theory that the moon is a hologram made by the government to trick people.” "Women have 6 ovaries" “Got into an argument with a guy that thought limes were unripe lemons.” "A guide dogs job is to drive the car for the blind person".
“Back during the mosque shooting in New Zealand and the government there were trying to ban guns, my coworker said that they can't do that since it violates the (American) second amendment.” “I thought Lewis and Clark lived in the 1970s.” “I once had a coworker who believed with all sincerity that twins could only be conceived through anal sex.” "Women can control their periods." "You have to understand, I'm not a vibrational match for car accidents, so we'll be safer if I drive."
“A professor in college refused to give back our tests because "you should know what you did wrong" “My best friends sister once spent an hour trying to convince me that marshmallows grew on trees.” “Women pee out of the same hole babies come out of.”
“Water has memory” “Old roommate said that when the weather app says 50% rain then that meant half of all the rain in the sky is going to fall. Same for all percentages. 80%, meant 80% of all the rain possible would fall, 100% rain? Yup, every single last drop of rain is coming down today.” “"Of course a pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of quarters, duh" “They wished they could go back to the 1800’s to see what it was like in black & white” “Root canals cause breast cancer.” "If we evolved from monkeys, why is it when we see a sonogram, we see a person and not a monkey?"
“Is there anything we can do to increase the speed of light?”
"I thought Greece was a myth like Hercules" “The real reason you can drown by falling asleep in a kiddie pool is because you soak up too much water.”
"I didn't know peanut butter was made from peanuts."
"Australia doesn't exist" "Has no one ever taught you? The woman's brain tells her body if it wants to have a baby or not." “If I don’t finish all my eggs within two weeks I throw them out. I don’t want the light in the fridge to make them hatch.”
“Ok, let’s all just get this straight: north does not equal up.” "I hate croutons. They taste like dried bread."
“If you as a guy wear gold ,you will turn gay.” “Some broad I know, fully and truly believed, that Mt Rushmore was a natural formation.” “I have street smarts because I’m good at remembering street names.”
“I have a friend that believed women didn't poop.” "See women don't poop because it helps them attract a mate. They are more attractive to men if they don't poop." "If you're having trouble learning Spanish, just hire a Chinese guy to teach you."
“My computer keeps telling me it can’t see the printer even after I put it in front of the monitor.” “Africa isn't a city, it's a country.” “Do Jewish people celebrate Thanksgiving?” “Migrating butterflies are a problem because they create hurricanes with the movement of their wings” “When the sun turns around it turns into the moon” ““Do women close their vaginas when they are in the ocean? Water is drawn into the body and you can explode.” “Touching your own period blood is just asking to get HIV.”
“Someone I knew once asked me if cats laid eggs.” "I just love pitbulls sooo much! My dream is to get a blue nose pit and a red nose pit to have babies! They'd have purple noses!!" “You can’t put two dryer sheets in the dryer at the same time because they’ll cancel each other out” "What the difference between a mocha and an iced mocha?" “Clockwise and counterclockwise change depending on where the clock is.” "You only get an STI if you don't wash your dick after sex"
"The moon isn't real." “Birth Control pills can be taken rectally too”
“Dictionary isn’t an accurate source for finding definitions.”
“Japan is the capital of Australia” "Science is just some supposed experts' opinions and like why do their opinions matter more than mine? That's why I refuse to accept Science as facts"
"Norweigan" is a word I made up to trick her, because there's no country called Norwegia.” “I started taking my birth control every other day to save money”
"what's beef? Oh what? Thats cow? That's not a different type of meat?"
“Panama? That’s in Europe right?”
“Panda Express is where they save Pandas”
“Lemonade is made from limes” “Are chapped lips contagious?” “Did your grandfather have any kids?” "I have 17 bottles of perfume, some people don't even have that many toes"
"Cooking destroys the gluten." "If the moon was really originally a part of the earth, then when it broke off, it would have decapitated all the dinosaurs."
"Don't keep the window open because you'll let the WiFi out"
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esoterium · 5 months
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// okay! did a bit of posting / catch up tonight. made a lil sideblog for those lemon-y threads! and getting a bit more settled! i do have a small blog opening up after the construction of my bathroom / the holidays are all over! so i'm super excited about that. but yeah! very rad. i think the closer to normal my house is getting, the easier it is for me to get into the headspace to write. go figure.
still a little chaotic. but at least i know it's getting closer. it's been..interesting. taking a break. might sleep for a bit since i got peeps coming tmrw. hopefully! but i'll be back sometime then to answer more memes/do some more replies!
much love!
also my discord is: writingwhatever
just lemme know who you are!
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the-overanalyzer · 5 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
tagged by @razielim
Favorite Pseud: An easy choice, I only have the one!
Time Zone: Central
Star Sign(s): Aries
Favorite Holidays: Halloween, Christmas
Last Meal: Cranberry Sprite, fried chicken, and a lemon muffin
Current Favorite Musician: IDKHOW
Last Music Listened To: "Intermission" by the Scissor Sisters
Last Movie Watched: Into the Spider-verse, for roughly the 800th time
Last TV Show Watched: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Last Book/Fic Finished: The Templars by Dan Jones.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy by Peter H. Wilson, probably because I had just finished C.V. Wedgwood's The Thirty Years War and got burnt out on the topic.
Currently Reading: A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage.
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: At the moment, I've really been wanting to go back and finally play some of the Neverwinter Nights premium modules. The only one I ever made any progress in was Witch's Wake.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Land routes from Kathmandu to Hong Kong.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Many, many years ago, not long after New Jedi Order wrapped, there was a thread on theforce.net forums that made the half-joking argument that Anakin Solo was Ben Skywalker's father. Totally batshit theory, but batshit in a truly fun, compelling sort of way.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Star Wars: Coruscant Nights, which was pretty under the radar even by EU standards but was a ton of fun.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: The Kid Flash Thad AU.
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: The Kid Flash Thad AU, because the only thing I'm worse at than time management is impulse control.
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kitty-lemon · 11 months
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oo ee ee A ee o ee ee ee ee A ee o
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2n2n · 1 year
my insane blog. but like. deep down when i click a reddit thread or something for 'hopes/predictions/things you want to happen' from the eng fandom it will be like 'hope Yamabuki Lemon shows up' and I'm liek CAN YOU PLEASE THINK ABOUT THINGS OF CONSEQUENCE ........................... CAN WE GET SOME SKIN IN THE GAME?????? it will just be the most utterly meaningless like "I hope these two, go on, a movie date" and its like THIS IS A MANGA PEOPLE WILL SUDDENLY STRANGLE OR EAT EACHOTHER, EVERYONE'S ASPIRATIONS CANNOT BE LIKE THIS--!!!! to be mean and judgey. its like omfg what are you here for, I want more far-reaching and crazy thoughts. Takase-Bune and Night on the Galactic Railroad are both stories about loss and self-sacrifice, I NEED YOU TO -SHAKES- I NEED YOU TO BE MORE AFRAID AND INVESTED THAN HOPING A MACGUFFIN DOES A MEME, i'm going insane out here
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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𝄂 Semi-Hiatus until further notice! 𝄃
♫ Private, indie, selective, mutuals-only OC Blog penned by Shiny
♫ Mun is 25+
♫ 14+ years RP Experience
♫ Not affiliated with any specific fandom, but has related verses
♫ Exclusively uses BETA TEXT EDITOR!
♫ Important tags:
♣ Out of rain (OOC)
♣ Baby loves to dance in the dark (negative)
♫ Acting naughtier than we really are (lemon)
♫ Hotter than hell (lime)
Carrd || Interest checker || Thread Tracker || Tag list || Memes || First meeting memes || Open starters || Permanent Interaction Call
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undinoble · 10 months
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Hello! I'm Dino, 23 years old, Brazilian graphic designer and independent illustrator!
Welcome to my main blog which is the mix of everything I like: art, memes, random thoughts and rambles
Check out @undinoble-art if you'd like to see just my art
I share my personal experiences with paganism and witchcraft over at @bruxadehekate
If you're +18, I have a NSFT art account @lemon-a-dino (minors will be blocked, please do not visit nor interact)
I love playing games so you might see some Overwatch 2, GTA V, Hades Game, Crash Bandicoot, Valorant, Minecraft, Dead by Daylight among others. If any of these spark your interest, we'll get along well!
My favorite shows lately have been Heaven Official's Blessing, Sk8 the infinitty, Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia
And finally, I do a lot of original work about my OCs!
You can find my art through the hashtags #my art, my rants on #dino talks or the proper hashtag about the subjects I've mentioned above
Here you can find my commission info and YCH commission prompts, as an independent artist, my range goes from chatacter design to environmental sceneries, feel free to DM me and clear any doubts!
Queue: 0
Thank you so much for passing by, I hope you enjoy my work and my little blog!
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moonspower · 1 year
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
✨@countlessrealities. meme. still accepting!
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
for all of his need to encourage other people, virote actually struggles with displaying positive emotions and also coming to terms with them for himself. virote has a very, very big case of Sad Clown Syndrome™ and ya hate to see it. he's always making other people laugh and smile, but it's really hard to get him there… lol. like i just went through his entire history as a muse on this site and searched up through every blog and he laughs less than 10 times out loud in a thread. it almost makes him seem humorless, but that's ridiculous because possesses humor…. too much humor. he's a lil too silly at times lgfdjgd. you've seen his clown antics on dash!
due to mental illness, he's definitely experiencing some sort of emotional blunting and just his personality in general fights him on that.
he just never laughs. it's just not something he does.
he admitted rick makes him laugh tho. 👀
anyway it's kinda hard to tell where his emotional issues + misery starts and where his general laidback sense of self-expression starts / ends. sucks for him tho cuz he's so sweet and is always making sure everyones having a good time. It's The Trauma, I Guess-._.-._.-
anyway. sometimes virote feels overwhelming amounts of joy and it freezes him and that kills him a little on the inside at times, that he doesn't know how to parse through happiness.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
vi doesn't eat cake that often, but when he does he usually gravitates towards matcha / green tea cake and he doesn't like it to be too packed with sugar because he likes earthy flavors in his sweets. his go to matcha cake recipe is two tiers with fresh strawberries and a berry compote in the middle with the liiiiightest layer of cream on the outside. and a lot of matcha powder for the cake itself—maybe a lil bit too much matcha for many people.
other flavors he likes are... honey-lavender, pumpkin, ginger-lemon, salted macademia. he also likes a good tofu cheesecake. his tofu cheesecake slaps.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
virote doesn't have any allergies, but super cheap stretch velvet makes him itchy!
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wclking-fire · 11 months
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This is a side blog to my main which is: @stxrving-scientist [Don't Starve]
I am new to the Trigun fandom, I have only seen the 2023 anime and I have fallen in love with this blonde cinnamon roll and now I am going to rp him.
I am just having fun with him and I may put my own twist on how I interpret him. I honestly just want to create a chill environment and have fun with this wet dog of a man.
There will be spoilers to the anime, so if you have not seen the series please be warned.
I usually come and say hi after a follow.
If you are a little nervous with interacting/talking to me, please feel free to browse the; -𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇- tag. They can be replied to by moots and non-moots.
This blog is going to double as an ask blog. Personal blogs can ask questions and follow if you wish just don't reblog any threads I have.
If you are a personal and are a bit unsure of what you can and can not reblog just ask. I won't be mad. I normally tag stuff 'okie to reblog'. I just want everyone to be happy and have fun on this blog.
This blog is 18+ because of the themes that will be present.
This blog is going to be semi-active. Sometimes I have massive burst of muse and will sometimes somewhat spam replies and banter. Then I disappear from this blog. Please know this is just me. I come and go every now and again.
Sometimes I just get forgetful or distracted by other things and I may be a bit slow with replies.
Saying this don't be scared to ask about replies after a week because chances are muse is just a bit low.
Shipping is more than welcome here, if you want that of course. It is never a must. If you want to explore every kind of dynamic, I am always down for that.
This blog is multi-verse and multi-ship.
Pre-established relationships are okay with me.
I support both oc x canon and canon x canon ships.
This blog is oc and canon friendly.
I am also duplicate friendly.
Please tell me about your original characters. I want to know everything about them.
This blog is au and crossover friendly.
If you want a spicy thread with Vash I am totally okay with that too, please know that I would prefer a bit of chemistry before hand.
On that note if there is any spicy writing on sunday I will make sure to tag it: 'lemon tw' and it will be placed beneath a 'read under'.
If there is spicy Sunday musings and aesthetics it will be tagged: 'suggestive tw'
Sunday is for the spicy threads, they will be more prioritised.
Triggers will be tagged: '????? tw'
If you need something tagged just say; 'hey bunny this makes me uncomfortable can you please tag this such and such'.
I am going to be a bit selective and private with this blog.
I don't mind if you reblog psa's or memes from me, just do not reblog things that say '/do not reblog'. That also goes for aesthetics and musings, feel free to reblog those.
Saying that, don't feel pressured to send anything in. Just do it when you want to.
For writing I tend to lean towards long thread, but I mix and match constantly. You do not have to match my length. I write because I enjoy it.
I think I covered most stuff. Don't be afraid to ask if you need anything. I promise I don't bite.
Icon credit: @crimsonicons [please go and check them out!!!]
Promo credit: stephysource
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lem0nsheadz · 2 years
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knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. repost, don’t reblog.
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NAME: n PRONOUNS: she/they PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I use tumblr IM a lot, but for anything beyond basic plotting hit me up for my discord handle, I love to scream about our babies. EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: 20 + at this point. started on a live site called The Place, then IMs, then a javascript based room where you had to write novel length replies in >1 hour, then forums, then tumblr + discord. it’s been a wild journey + I keep waiting for the next step. it’s gonna be vr chat I know it - you know it - we’re just lying to ourselves. BEST EXPERIENCE: I said this on a previous one, but it’s still my answer so consider this a repeat  --  just being surrounded by creative + passionate people. it’s so inspiring reading people’s threads, watching intercharacter relationships build.  I love getting to lurk in the little worlds each of you have created. otherwise just the sort of connections I’ve made over the years, my most long lasting friendships are from the rpc. RP PET PEEVES: the recent OC hate has me back on my 🗡️🗡️🗡️ with certain sections of the rpc, but beyond that face chasing still weirds me out. also people who expect me to list out everything about myself or they default me as white / abled / etc. stop that. some of us are just private people who don’t want to share that kind of info. MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT:  psychosis??? madness? horror?  I am an eldritch lover so any time I get to Make Shit Weird ™ I’m over the moon, but I think variety is the spice of life so I want a bit of everything PLOTS OR MEMES: I definitely love plots + making long reaching ideas for our characters, but with Lemon especially memes are just a blast. I don’t know what she’s going to do  --  you don’t  know what she’s going to do + we both get to be horrified by whatever she decides on together. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I am notorious for having verbositis  --   making even short replies spiral out of control at a moments notice. but Lemon is one of the few characters I have who can tone it down a little, keeping her at a 2-4 paragraph average which is a nice change compared to Luke who is just ... way too up in his own head. BEST TIME TO WRITE:  any time? I have a baffling sleep schedule so it’s more based on when I slept + how long I’ve been awake. my secret super power is only needing 4 hours of sleep so I end up with a lot of free time. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: oh god no. not Lemon anyway. Lemon was birthed in my psych classes in college.  I do have a bit more in common with Luke @desanguined​ but even he is a bit alien. I don’t tend to write characters like me as I write to explore other mindsets, the more different from my own the better.
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TAGGED BY:   @kindafked​ ( thanks beeb 🖤🖤🖤 )
TAGGING:   I’ve seen this around a lot, so if you haven’t done it yet I’m tagging you!
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@instituteled liked for a meme-based starter.
Delirium is grumpy about being here, and that's reflected in her drab garb and greying hair. The Beholding is closer to her brother, Dream, but she is here in his stead. He'd claimed something about it doing her good to experience the mortal world and sent her on her way. Directed her here, though she can't fathom why. A display of his own power, perhaps, a chance to show off. He can be like that.
The Institute is a place of such power that it's difficult to not be drawn to it, annoying as that is. She can taste the threads of all her siblings' powers. Muted, dusty, but tangible all the same. Even Destiny's Web has scuttled its way in here and draped the place in almost imperceptible threads of control. That brightens her, just a touch. Destiny has been missing for so long, it's a delight to see proof that he still exists.
The brightest spot of power emanates from an office on one of the upper levels. It glows ghostly green; she follows the trail upstairs and, unseen, slips into the office. For a time, she watches and listens, though doesn't learn much. What is there left for her to learn, after all? She is Endless and knowledgeable, she doesn't expect to learn much from the human behind the desk.
Eventually, she allows herself to be perceived once more, dressed in garish, impatient yellow.
"God, you really do love the sound of your own voice, don't you? It's a shame that the rest of us don't," she says, face scrunching into a frown as she considers him. "Elias." She tries the name on her tongue and makes a face as though she'd just licked a lemon. "It doesn't suit you. Why am I here, Elias? What have you got to teach me?"
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