#lemon flavored fun
runes-menagerie · 4 months
🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it? - Sevika
Sevika enjoys a variety of kinks from bondage to lingerie. Her most common one when she visits the brothels of Zaun is to lay back and let her partner do the work while she directs them. Another common one is taking more direct control and being as rough as her partner will consent to. It really depends on her mood and whether she's in the mood for something soft or something rough.
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the-diabolist · 2 years
Bathtime/shower with mc headcanon? For the btd and tpof boys (and Celia 💅🏻)
I am partial to shared water-based activities :) let's expand the idea a bit - and try out a new format while we're at it. (I'm also going to split this into three parts since it's getting long.)
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There's probably a lake somewhere near the cabin, right?
Take him skinny dipping :> he's easier to convince than you'd think.
He likes fooling around in the shower (the bath is risky due to water displacement lol), but there's not a lot of room in there - plus the great outdoors is always better!
"Something touched me!" You squeak, practically climbing his large frame like a tree in your desperation to get away from whatever brushed against your calf in the cool, murky water.
He effortlessly lifts you into the air, just above the surface, cradling you bridal-style and chuckling.
"It's a lake; there're fish. They won't bite you."
"You don't know that," you reply, but start to ease yourself back into the lake anyway.
"There ya go, brave little thing," he purrs, planting a kiss on your forehead once you're back on your own feet.
"Yeah, well," you cross your arms, "you're the one who has to save me if I get yanked under."
"What exactly d'you think is in here? A kraken?"
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Don't get me wrong, he'll gladly join you in the bath or shower too, but hear me out... jacuzzi.
He'll buy you the skimpiest bikini and all but force you to get in with him (after he bribes anyone already present to get out).
Why does he bother when he knows he's just going to steal it off of you? Who knows.
"Dude, we're in public," you hiss at him, trying to subtly swat away the fingers tugging at the bow keeping your top on.
"Yeah, and no one's around," he snorts, unrepentant, "so take it off and sit in my lap."
You keep fighting him - the splashing becomes extreme - until he leaves his seat completely, moving in front of you to pin you against the side. Deft fingers pluck the strings between your shoulder blades and then at each hip, successfully yanking both pieces of your swimsuit away and tossing them behind him, out of the tub.
You glare as he moves away, sitting back down across from you, but all he does is smirk and crook a finger, beckoning.
He's right, you suppose - it's late, and no one's around, and the hot water feels so good, and the bubbles hide you from view anyway... so, against your own better judgment, you cross the space between you and straddle his lap.
"Make it quick," you command, right before sealing your lips below his jaw and sucking a mark there.
"Don't have to tell me twice," he says, already pulling down his swim trunks.
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This woman treats you like royalty and loves to spoil you, so you better believe she'd treat you to a hot spring trip.
Soaking in all that steamy hot water is a great way to get her to relax - especially if she gets to enjoy you too.
Again, she will pay off any interlopers xD
"See, now, didn't I tell you?" She says imperiously, taking a sip of her drink.
"Uh- uh huh," you murmur, eyelids fluttering, clutching the edge of the spring behind you for dear life.
"I said it would help us unwind, didn't I?" She drives the point home with another rough slide of her fingers; you bite back a whimper.
"I'm actually - ah," you gasp, "I'm actually feeling extremely wound right now," you continue, fighting the urge to writhe openly like some kind of slut.
"Aww, are you?" She finally turns to look at you, expression sly and teasing. "Maybe I should help you with that."
She takes another swig of her drink, impassively, as if her other hand isn't moving between your thighs, making you see stars.
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Absolutely loves shower quickies.
Morning sex is his favorite, so if he doesn't catch you in bed, expect him to catch you in the shower.
He doesn't give a shit if he's late to work, he's gotta have you first.
The arm around your middle is firm, pulling you back to meet his thrusts as he drills into you. His other arm is braced against the wall, preventing him from rocking you into it. He wasn't careful the first time, and you hit your head, bringing an abrupt and medically-concerning end to the fun.
He growls in your ear, but you barely hear it over all the noise you're making - you moan and gasp and cry out with nearly every buck of his hips, any thoughts of consideration for your neighbors long since replaced by a warm fog of need.
"Gonna let everyone in the building hear you, baby?" He teases through panting breaths. "The old lady down the hall who thinks I'm robbing the cradle is going to give me dirty looks again."
"Y- you - ah!" You whimper, then moan. "Mmm, I'm - I'm -"
"Struck dumb already?" He says weakly, sounding pretty overcome himself. "Go ahead and come for me - fuck - or I'm gonna be late again."
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noblesvacation · 2 months
Tidbits about Food
What we've learned about everyone's food preferences!
likes: tea and fruit water
dislikes: cheese, but he can eat it
cannot drink alcohol at all
likes: meat, alcohol
dislikes: chocolate and sweets. can't stand even the smell. mushrooms
likes: sweets, alcohol, pretty much everything. stomach is a bottomless pit
dislikes: ?
he has a habit of biting the rim of his glass
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returntotheground · 4 months
i baked an incredible triple layer mousse cake for my birthday yesterday and it's been so long since i made a proper, multi-hour finicky dessert and it genuinely made me so happy
honestly it's possible that i should have been a baker
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legovasavouchi · 1 year
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you'll never guess what I made
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crownstar · 2 months
a few weeks ago i discovered that the grocery store bakery sells half loaf sizes of bread. which is great because i cannot eat a whole loaf of bread before it goes bad.
today though i didn't see any and this time when the lady behind the counter asked if i needed any help i didn't just say i was fine. i asked about the half loaves of bread.
and she split up a full loaf for me! good things do happen when you ask for them !
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hananono · 15 days
every time somebody reduces the serirei dynamic to "silly one x serious one" an angel loses its wings
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mistbornhero · 26 days
*lounging in the floor with a drink and dark glasses, even indoors, for the aestheticTM
Hello my dear, what it's your favorite cake. Assuming you like cakes. Describe it to me.
Excellent aesthetic TM
Sorry for the delay in reply, yesterday a podfic event was closing so it was The Rush to finish followed by Too Tired To Think lmao
I think my favorite has always been Tres Leches Cake? Asked for it for most of my birthdays, she makes the cake itself with pancake mix, because why not, and then while it is hot you dump in a can of sweetened condensed milk and a can of evaporated milk and leave it (best overnight, because it has more time to soak up the flavor). And then once it's cooled down you take heavy cream and powdered sugar and whip up chantilly cream and (artfully) cover the whole cake.
So it's wet, I guess, and very sweet?
I also love chocolate cakes. All kinds? I have a great recipe for pecan chocolate cake, throw a ganache over it and ta-da. That one is less wet, but still moist? And has more cake texture because it's not as wet.
I do love cakes other people make, but my mom is great at baking so I'm also somewhat picky about it
Love Devil's Food cake? partially because of the name, partially because chocolate.
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catgirlkirigiri · 11 months
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Big ol set of amalgamate singles
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fizzytoo · 2 years
if you like lemon flavored anything you belong in hell
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impossibletruths · 1 year
If Daichi could go to an ice cream shop and place an order, what would he pick?
The very first time he went to an ice cream shop he'd be overwhelmed by the options and default to a plain vanilla cone (maybe with sprinkles?) but after some experimentation I think he'd really enjoy a chocolate caramel swirl situation.
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runes-menagerie · 4 months
🏳️‍🌈what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]? - Sevika
I would say that Sevika is probably Pan or Bi and that she has done a fair amount of experimentation to learn that by visiting the various brothels in Zaun. Places she still frequents.
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wensdaiambrose · 2 months
Experimenting with floral jell flavors.
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I made lavender lemon jelly balls and rose jelly balls.
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I also swirled the color into the jello instead of making it all one color, hoping for a neat effect once the jelly solidifys.
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I think this technique for coloring the rose jelly and lavender lemon jelly was a success.
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computercreature · 5 months
what you girls really need is a 𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚗
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proof AI is a mistake that Sounds GROSS
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sacredjake · 1 year
favorite drink hot and cold!
i’m kinda lame lol
hot: hot chocolate or tea (there’s this lavender tea i drink before bed sometimes that’s really good)
cold: water lol i very rarely drink soda and if i do then it’s usually mixed with alcohol😂
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