#leeway's dearies
lilywhisperer · 2 years
oh !!!! happy early bday then just in case i dont get to wish u it on the day
my weeks been good ! i had a badminton session yesterday and that always makes me feel better sbhhbsbss . im also planning ideas for what im gonna dress up as for halloween !!! its the first time im gonna be doing it since i was tiny and still socially acceptable for me to go but this year has been a very "fuck it , im gonna do whatever i want no time like the present babey" time so !!!! ive decided to go anyways !!!
yeah !!! i thought this season was a lot more hilarious and a lot more interesting in general
aaa lily of the valleys r very cute <33 they look like tiny dresses fairies would wear sbhsbshss
my mothers reaction to getting my cat (he used to be a stray too and his name is mantou ! i named him after a type of chinese bread bun i love to eat sbshbsh) was a lot like ur dads sbhsbshs she used to say she doesnt like them because they get hair everywhere but she doesnt complain much about him
also i dont think u talk a lot ! or maybe thats bc i ramble all the time abt random stuff so maybe we both talk a lot and i just cant tell but i dont think its a bad thing anyway
Aaah that's great !! I like badminton, it's one of the few games I can play/am good at, glad that it makes you happy :] Also, I never really understood why people put ages on halloween like ??? It just don't make sense at all :T
This season was definitely more interesting, I mean, what the hell was Lesley. Also flufflybird :]
I always said that they looked like bells but that interpretation is so cute !! <33
My dad wanted to give my cat to someone else, but when some girls low-key kidnapped her he stopped complaining that much. But I'm glad that your mom is more okay with your little bread bun ksksk
Yeah, maybe it's this
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falseficatored-blog · 11 months
Vamp Scaramouche
Warnings(?) : Mature, scara hottie.
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You were already in his arms when you woke up, sitting on a table. "Good evening young lady" the man in front you said with a smirk, he wore a carefully tailored suit yet the position you two were in suggested he wasn't as respectable as he looked, standing in between your legs in a spread. At once you tried to close your legs given the uncomfortable position you were in right now. "Shhh, treat this like a dream, a place to fulfill your and my wildest dreams" you tilted your head at his words as he placed a finger in front of your mouth signalling you to keep silent.
"Now...place your hands on me, anywhere really" You place a hand on each of his shoulders.
"Dearie don't resist too much or it'll be more painful for you" he whispered by your ear, tucking in a strand of your hair beside it. His hand swept through your neck and patted it before he licked and kissed it. The sounds his mouth made against your neck was loud as if on purpose. His hand that rested on your right arm slowly came into contact with your knee as he slowly moved it on top of your thigh. Then he bit you, mewling and arching your back at his bite, feeling his other hand support your arch by your spine. He stroked your spine and you were far too sensitive as you gasped at the feeling of his hands moving against your spine.
You now slightly felt him sucking your blood through his teeth and it didn't hurt... It actually felt good...Tempting even. "Your blood already tastes amazing" he hissed his hand teasingly gliding to the inner of your thigh "Though a maiden is always the most delicious when consumed by lust" His fingers continuously entered and left a place you would never imagine touching yourself. Your hands clenched on his shoulder, riling him up as he felt you tighten and wrapped around his fingers, your beautiful voice reaching his ears. He first bit off your top before his fingers thrust into you at a faster pace, gobbling up your breast in his mouth savagely. Before you knew it the hand that supported your back was now gone as he slowly laid you on the table to lie on it, your legs laid out-stretched at the pleasure you had.
The sound of a zipper and belt opening could slightly be heard as his fingers left your wet hole leaving you space to breath for a while but that didn't last long either as you felt something else fill you up instead of the expected fingers, something bigger, wider and longer. Jolting up in the sudden impact your mouth opened leaving leeway for him to insert the fingers that were once inside you to play with your mouth as he sucked your blood from your neck. "Ah~ this is definitely it~" he moaned crazily in between his sucking. His clothed upper body against your naked one as you bounced up and down together. The room mixed in with your cries and his groans of pleasure.
You didn't know how many times you've climaxed at this point or how else long left you had to live given how much blood he had sucked away from you but maybe... This wasn't such an unfortunate way to die...
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If you dislike it uhhh, pls cut me some slack💀.
First ever smut posted ever yayy!!
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sentenceme-leni · 2 months
Monday. Minimum 1 sentence.
Regina swept into the main hall with magic crackling in furious waves around her. Even the bear gave her a respectful bow, though it went sadly unnoticed.
"Belle!" she yelled, in uncharacteristically unqueenly manner, stomping a foot so her voice would resonate all over the castle. "Don't you dare hide behind that imp, you little bitch. Come meet me right now!"
She was angry enough that she wasn't startled by Rumpelstiltskin's sudden presence at her side. Instead she whirled to glare at him. "Where is your- your---?"
"My maid?"
Regina snorted at the description, but wasn't in the mood to discuss that little liar's place in the Dark Castle. "Where is she?"
"In the library, of course." Rumpelstiltskin shrugged without apparent concern. Then he leaned up to whisper in her ear. "She's been expecting you, Your Majesty."
Regina huffed. Of course that wily little girl knew she had overstepped. "Far from me to make her wait," she hissed.
"Yes, yes, go, dearie. I'm sure you girls have a lot to gab about." He giggled at her affronted look. "Just remember, Regina-" his voice dropped into a steely warning "-you have as much leeway as I allow."
Her eyes narrowed. "Does your maid have the same limitations?"
Rumpelstiltskin smirked and disappeared in a plume of magic.
The bastard.
Regina huffed and marched on.
Indeed, the two-faced little tramp was in her domain. Regina waved her hand and tossed one of the reasons for her anger at her.
The projectile was stopped by a soft bubble of magic, but Belle still scrunched her nose. "This apple is rotten."
"This one? No. All of them!" Regina started pacing. "All my trees are bearing rotten fruit. It cannot be natural. And it all started a week after we made that little deal." She glared at those wide blue eyes. "What did you do?"
"I did nothing." Belle tilted her head, studying the apple. "But it seems that you did."
Regina grit her teeth. After two years as Rumple's companion, the girl had grown a penchant for non-answers. "Explain."
"Your magic backfired." Belle shook her head. "Wasn't it a simple deal? You even had a clear advantage. How did you let it get to this?"
"This isn't my doing."
Otherwise, Belle was right. That deal had been a gift. The location of Snow White in exchange for nothing. After years wrangling with Rumpelstiltskin for the smallest bits of help, Belle's offer had been a welcome respite.
"You didn't listen to me at all, did you, Regina?"
The use of her name instead of her deserved honorific made Regina pay attention now. "Of course I did! I promised to jail only my rebel stepdaughter, and leave the others unharmed."
Belle tilted her head. "And did you?"
"Of course!"
"I visited that town after your soldiers left. There was quite a need for healing spells."
Regina huffed. "So a couple peasants ran into swords. It's their own fault."
"They still got harmed." Belle shrugged. "You broke our deal, Regina. Sadly, your beloved trees paid the price for it."
"It was a trap!"
Belle sighed. "No, my friend. It was an opportunity."
An opportunity for what?
Regina didn't know and she didn't care. Instead she focused on what was important:
"Will my trees return to normal?"
Belle smiled. "As soon as you make amends, they should."
"Well, then." Regina nodded. A donation of some sort to that town would surely do the trick. "Next time I'll negotiate with Rumple. Dealing with the Dark One isn't this much trouble."
Belle only smiled again.
The End
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pellaaearien · 6 years
Trixie comes out. A quick short I wrote, I'm not sure where this came from, except to work through some stuff (based on my own experiences coming out as ace). Future family Deckerstar. ((This fits loosely in with In Other Words but it's set so far in the future that it also stands alone.))
Lucifer was noodling away at the piano when Trixie suddenly spoke. “Lucifer, can I talk to you?”
He stopped, turning to look at the youngling. Dearie me, when did she get so big? “What is it, child?”
She came and sat next to him on the piano bench. “I think... I might be gay.”
Lucifer beamed, delighted. “Wonderful! I knew you had excellent judgment.” Immediately his mind leaped to the possibilities. “You didn't have anyone specific in mind, did you? I could set something up, give you a few pointers?”
“Um... not really?” For some reason, Trixie seemed even more nervous than before. Lucifer didn't understand. “I don't think... that I'm like you and Maze.”
Lucifer smirked. “Well, your mother would probably say that's a good thing. But about what in particular?”
“It's just... I don't want to... well, y'know.” Trixie made an oblique gesture encompassing Lucifer's whole thing.
Lucifer's eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Oh. Oh, I see.”
Trixie's face creased. “I have to pretend I get crushes like everyone else at school. But I don't really understand what the big deal is. I don't feel what everyone else says they're feeling. When Maze says things... I don't think that's what I want to be like.” She looked up at him, troubled. “Is that weird?”
“Not in the slightest!” Lucifer, over his initial surprise, hastened to assure her. “Nothing about desire and how you choose to express it – or the lack of it – is ever wrong.” He settled back a bit, wishing he had a drink, wondering how it had come to pass that he was the one explaining this to the Detective's offspring, but he refused to leave her education lacking.
“Now, obviously I don't interact as much with those who do not experience sexual attraction simply by virtue of who I am, but I do understand the basic gist. Sexual desire is not the only form of desire, after all, and there are many different points on the scale. Of course, Maze and I are on the extreme end, but there is plenty of leeway. You may find that your position on it changes over time, and that's perfectly fine as well. Nothing makes what you're feeling now, or what you might feel then, more or less valid. Understand?”
Trixie nodded along, looking more and more relieved, and then pulled him into a sudden hug. “Thank you, Lucifer.”
He patted her head gently. “You're welcome, spawn.” He only used the moniker as a pet name now. Trixie pulled back, looking at him seriously.
“Don't tell Mom?”
Lucifer frowned. “Why not? Ah. Would you like to be the one to tell her?”
Trixie bit her lip, a nervous tic she'd inherited from Chloe. “D'you think I should?”
Lucifer was further confused. “Why wouldn't you? I'm confident your mother would be pleased, just as I am. You know I always favour honesty.”
Trixie's face sharpened into a shrewd expression she certainly did not get from Chloe. “Like you told Mom you were the Devil?”
Lucifer arched an eyebrow. “Oh, well played, urchin. Well played, indeed. But, for what it's worth, the fact that you prefer the female gender and are uninterested at the current time in having relations with said females can hardly come as more of a shock to your mother than the revelation that I am the origin of the human definition of evil.”
Trixie sniffed. “That makes sense, I guess,” she said, but still hesitated. Lucifer sighed.
“You know I don't lie,” he reminded her. “Nor will I assist you in obfuscating the truth. But I will not mention it to your mother if that is your wish.”
Trixie relaxed, but Lucifer wasn't finished. “However, I do recommend that you tell her on your own. Your mother is clever, after all. As you have so cunningly pointed out, I am speaking from experience.”
A few days later, as they were cleaning up over dinner, Chloe closed the dishwasher with more force than usual, straightening to look at Lucifer.
“Is everything okay with Trixie? It seems like something's going on with her.”
Lucifer closed his eyes briefly. “I can assure you that everything is perfectly all right with the offspring. As for the rest, all I can say is that you must wait for her to tell you of her own accord.”
Chloe's eyes narrowed, but before she could grill him further, Trixie called from down the hall.
“Mom? Can you come here a minute?”
Lucifer inclined his head in the direction of her room and gave Chloe a significant look. Chloe raised an eyebrow and went to see what her daughter wanted.
Lucifer lurked in the hallway outside Trixie's room.
“Mom... I'm gay.”
There was silence for a moment. Lucifer stole closer, alarmed. He'd been so sure... Catching a glimpse of the room beyond through a crack in the door, he saw Chloe with her arms around Trixie, holding her fiercely. He relaxed.
“Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you!” Chloe murmured, kissing the top of Trixie's head. “Thank you for telling me.”
Trixie pulled back from the hug. Lucifer saw Chloe surreptitiously wiping tears from her eyes. “You know you didn't have to tell me, though, right?” she said, in a slightly watery voice.
Trixie blinked. “You mean, Lucifer was right? You figured it out?”
Chloe shook her head. “I knew something was bothering you, but no,” she said. “I'm saying it wouldn't have mattered to me who you bring home, girl or boy.”
“What if... I don't bring anyone home?” Trixie asked tentatively.
“Oh,” Chloe said. Lucifer wished he could see her expression. “Did you already talk to Lucifer about this?” There was a strange mixture of emotions in Chloe's voice Lucifer didn't know how to interpret. He made a note to ask her about it after. Trixie just nodded.
“What did he say?” Chloe asked.
Trixie launched into a passionate summary of the explanation Lucifer had given her about the ace spectrum. Lucifer had never been more proud of her.
“...Is that okay?” Trixie finished, looking up uncertainly.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Chloe rubbed Trixie's cheek. “Of course. Of course it is. So long as you're safe and happy, whatever you decide is fine by me.”
“See? Told you it'd all work out,” Lucifer said, announcing his presence at last. Both of them turned to look at him with identical looks of exasperation. Lucifer couldn't help grinning.
That night, Lucifer turned to Chloe in bed. “You sounded... unhappy, when the offspring mentioned she'd spoken to me,” he ventured.
Chloe sighed, settling into the circle of his arms. “Not unhappy,” she explained. “I was a little concerned about how you might've reacted, because it's... well, you.”
Before Lucifer could wonder what she meant by that, Chloe was moving on. “But that's not really why. I'm just happy Trixie knows she can talk to you.” And there was that tone again.
“But?” Lucifer prompted.
Chloe twisted in his arms so that she was facing him. “I just worry. Did I do something wrong? Why did she come to you first, and not me? Or both of us together? Why did she feel like she couldn't trust me with this?”
“Darling, of the two of us, I am certainly the more open about these matters,” Lucifer said soothingly, stroking her hair to stop the impending panic. “This appears to be a very confusing time for the child and I'm certain she came to me because she knew I'd be able to illuminate the situation for her.” Chloe relaxed against him. “Of course, she was a bit nervous about telling you, but you mustn't hold that against her. After all, I'm fully aware of how daunting it can be to reveal truths about yourself to another, even one you trust implicitly.” He brought out his wings to illustrate, surrounding them with heavenly comfort. “But ultimately worth it.”
Chloe grinned at that, pulling his head down for a kiss.
Trixie asked for their help telling Dan, and it went over about as well as Lucifer could have imagined. He was surprised, but under Lucifer's hard gaze, rallied quickly.
“Okay, monkey,” he said. “Whatever makes you happy.”
After Trixie had grinned and skipped off, Lucifer took Dan aside.
“Why do they gotta grow up so fast?” Dan said, watching Trixie with Chloe. But Lucifer wasn't thinking about that, not yet.
“You seemed... unsure about the child's news, Daniel,” he said pointedly. Dan shrugged.
“Hey, my daughter doesn't want to have sex, and if she does it's not gonna be with guys? I'm all for it.”
Lucifer gripped his arm, lowering his voice. “That is the bare minimum of acceptance. I expect you to do better for your daughter, Daniel.”
Dan shook off his hand. Lucifer allowed it, straightening the lines of his suit. “Dude, cut me some slack. I didn't even know there was this ace-thingy-whatever before today.”
“The ace spectrum,” Lucifer corrected coolly, voice tight, “is now important to you because it's important to her. I suggest you educate yourself; I can provide resources.”
It wasn't Dan's fault, Chloe explained to Lucifer afterward, as he paced the living room after Trixie had gone to bed. He'd been raised very traditionally but was doing his best to keep an open mind. With some help from Lucifer to handle the ace side (and some very threatening comments from Maze about his misconceptions of lesbians,) Dan came around pretty quickly, though he was never anything other than supportive to Trixie's face.
Penelope... was another story. She came around for one of her rare stints long enough after the initial coming out that everyone had mostly settled in regarding Trixie's identity. It wasn't long before Chloe's mother was digging for gossip. “So, any boys caught your eye?” she asked teasingly.
Lucifer stiffened, folding his napkin in crisp lines on the table. Trixie, to her credit, didn't falter. She shook her head.
“No, Nana. I'm not interested in boys.”
“Ohh!” Penelope took a large sip of her wine. “Well, isn't that a surprise?”
“Is it, though?” Chloe commented, holding her fork in a death grip. Penelope, as usual, ignored her.
“So, any girls, then, pumpkin?” she asked, eyes twinkling. Trixie shook her head again, less confidently this time.
“Actually, I don't get crushes on anyone,” Trixie said. “I'm ace.”
“What's that?” Penelope was baffled. Trixie opened her mouth to explain but Dan beat her to it.
“It means she doesn't get attracted to people the way you or I would. She looks for different qualities.”
“It means she doesn't experience sexual attraction,” Lucifer supplied, proud of Daniel but worried that his euphemistic wording would be lost on Penelope. Trixie smiled at both of them.
Penelope waved a hand. “Oh well, you're still so young, sweetheart, you'll grow out of that soon enough. Once the right girl comes along.”
“Mom!” Chloe exclaimed, as Trixie's smile faltered. But Lucifer was just as fast.
“Penelope.” His voice cracked like a whip. The wood of the table creaked under his grip and his eyes flashed brighter for a fraction of a second. Penelope stared, unable to look away. “That is for her to decide, not you. Nor does it make what she is telling you now any less true. Whether or not she changes her mind in the future has no impact on the present. Your only job is to accept her for who she is, until she tells you otherwise. Is that understood?”
Penelope nodded mutely. Silence reigned at the table before Trixie jumped up, casting a grateful glance at Lucifer before running down the hall.
All the adults made to stand but Lucifer was fastest.
“Sit,” he instructed. “I shall tend to the child.”
With a glare at Penelope, he left them to it.
He found Trixie in her room, curled into a ball, Netflix open on her laptop but nothing playing. She looked up, sniffling  as he sat on the edge of her bed.
Lucifer sighed. “Come here.” He pulled Trixie into his side, settling back against the headboard.
“Thank you, Lucifer.” Trixie's voice was almost inaudible, even for him.
“Next time I won't restrain myself,” he muttered, trying to control his anger. He liked Penelope, but she'd crossed a line the moment she made Trixie cry. “It's none of her business who you choose to love, or how you choose to do it.”
Trixie took a few more moments to compose herself. Lucifer could hear low voices from the other room.
“Why can't everyone be like you?” Trixie asked into his side. Lucifer smirked.
"I ask myself that all the time.” As Trixie giggled, Lucifer turned his attention to the laptop. “Now, what drivel are you going to subject us to this time?”
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insects4girls · 7 years
Things Asiaboos Usually Do:
Asiaboo- A person who has an obsession with (normally) East Asia, going as far as wanting to be Asian and appropriating Asian culture. Other names for asiaboos are weeaboos (people obsessed with Japan), koreaboos (people obsessed with Korea) and chinaboos (people obsessed with China). An asiaboo can also be called someone with ‘yellow fever’ as a synonym. Asiaboos are also not always a specific race, even though the majority of asiaboos are white. Other POC (people of colour) can still be asiaboos, but are less likely to be one as they have more respect of other cultures and they understand first hand discrimination and fetishisation.
[Just a PSA: in the following paragraphs only Korea, Japan, China and India will be mentioned. This is no meant to cause offense to other Asians, it is meant to show how ignorant and unwilling asiaboos are to other Asian countries that aren’t Korea, Japan, China and India. The countries names can easily be replaced with any other Asian country. Also Trigger Warning: slurs towards Asians will be used but censored.]
Disclaimer: all the events that asiaboos ‘might do’ I (asian-asf) have witnessed first hand.
-Asiaboos do not care for actual Asian culture. Instead they care for the romanticised version: whether it be Korean boys professing their love dramatically, Japanese school uniforms and senpai-kouhai relationships or dramatic Bollywood-style scenes of (again) love. They do not care for the history of Asian countries or actual culture. They do not care about the discrimination Asian people receive.
-When it comes to discrimination towards Asians, asiaboos are uncannily silent. They want to be us, but they don’t want to be treated like us. When witnessing racism towards Asians, they say nothing, and laugh it off. When called out, they will say “Of course I stand up for Asians! I have Korean oppas/ watch anime/ like Bollywood dancing! I can’t be racist!!” but dearie, liking a specific part from a specific country does not excuse you for being racist. Doing ‘ch*nky eyes’ and then saying ‘I have oppas and unnies I’m not racist!!1!” still makes you racist. Liking the pop culture of a country that is not yours does not give you a free pass to be offensive and racist, and then you do not get to use said pop culture to protect yourself from people who call you out. As well as using Asian pop culture to your advantage, you are ignoring everything else that has happened to reach the current state of the pop culture. Ignoring the history means that you help to contribute to the erasure of history, and they make the culture into another consumable product for the Western world to enjoy. If you do not stand up and speak out about the racism you’ve just witnessed, you are aiding the racist. If you ‘love Japan’ but use ‘ew I look Asian’, you are being offensive. If you specifically trawl through Instagram looking for Asian internet friends, you are being offensive. Asia and Asian people are not your products. And most importantly, Asian culture is not yours to consume and be apart of.
-Now, I’m not saying its horrific if you have Chinese takeaway every Friday night, or if you go to YoSushi to have a meal with friends, or if you go to a Tandoori place as a treat for you and your family, but I am saying its disgusting if the same food you enjoy you also throw away as an insult, or you try to prove something. Quite frankly someone who’s a ‘curryface’ should go to the doctor and being able to use chopsticks does not mean you’re ‘basically Jackie Chan’. What, you love sushi? Does not make you Japanese. It does not give you a right to say “I’m so cultural” or “I’m practically Japanese inside”. Because you’re not.
-The thing is, quite simply, asiaboos think they have respect for Asian cultures, so they think it gives them leeway to act like its theirs. They have little respect for the people of that culture, or the history of that culture.
If you like South Korea, you still don’t get to compare North Korea to your parents midnight curfew.
If you like Japanese culture it does not give you a right to wear something that is not yours: ie, a kimono with or without Japanese makeup (which constitutes as yellowface, which a whole post will be written about later). It does not give you a right to incorporate ‘kawaii’ or ‘senpai notice me’ or ‘baka’ into every sentence that comes out of your mouth.
You like Chinese culture? Then don’t act like having ‘Chinese eyes’ is an insult.
You like Bollywood? That doesn’t give you a right to have a laugh by mocking the accent.
You like Thailand? Doesn’t mean you get to use the stereotype of Thai prostitutes as the butt of your (offensive) joke.
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confessions246-blog · 7 years
Letter to my Nuggy,
This is just a little rambling post to my fiancé who I live with.
Today's argument began with you not being able to find that specific green jumper you love.
"Baaaaabe where's my green jumper?"
"In the top of your wardrobe where it usually is HUN"
Precisely 0.21 nanoseconds of your so called looking. And that's when the mammoth tantrum happens.
Que ranting and shouting about how I should put your things away nicely and how you can never find your stuff.
Oh. Deary. Me.
How about you be a little bit grateful that I pick your clothes up from next to the bed every single day despite me telling you to do it yourself?
Or perhaps have a little leeway that I have to jump up to said wardrobe space to put your clothes away as I cannot reach.
Pleeaaase please do not tell me how to tidy your stuff away. You are a grown man. I'm sure of it? You should fully be able to put away your own things at 28 years old.
At times I feel like an overworked and under appreciated mother. With a child, you know they are unable to carry out big tasks alone so you have great patience while they learn. But you nuggy? Iv lost it. Lost my patience now after living with you for 5 years.
Pick up your socks from the living room floor.
Wash up sometimes.
Maybe even as a real treat, start cooking dinner when I'm home later than you are! Oh the dream.
This isn't the first time Iv "aired" my views. I can only hope one day you'll get so sick of the same conversation that it will all just embed in your brain and we can live our lives happily ever after!
A girl can dream.
These are my confessions x
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isaacathom · 7 years
‘most dangerous weapons ever designed’ its a scythe that is also a gun i fail to see how thats particularly more dangerous than anything else??? theres a girl with guns strapped to her fucking wrists like, dude. i feel like that would cause someone more damage long term. like, not only would she be getting like tremors up her arm from basic contact, shed have additional, slightly delayed recoil from her fist shotguns. shitd fuck up your wrist. a scythe gun isnt like.... thaaaaattt bad. i can imagine worse. like. i dont know. one of them double ended blades? thatd fuck you up. be even more dangerous because w a scythe the curve at least gives you a little leeway in movement, but a straight blade doesnt really have that. idk if that makes sense. i know what i mean.
anyway everyone cool w/ me calling roman ‘torchy’ because that shit sticks way more. oh god that artwork though..... like, ok. i get it. but. thats supposed to be a PHOTO. why is a photo in a totally different art style??? especially in terms of proportions. surely a photo should just be torchys 3d model, right. a PAINTING, god yea that shit can get wack, butttt its a photo.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what the fuck is this newscast. hhhhh like, ok, style and shit, but dear jesus. i already gotta sort suspend myself a lil for the general rwby style but thattttt wasnt my thing like at all.
oh look its jaune. does that have to be his intro.
ohhhhHHHHH MY GOD that couldnt be a more blatant concept insert. oh dearie me. oh gosh. oh golly.
oh my god episode 2 is.... six minute. what. i guess he was right when he said its like 40 mins to watch this show, huh. ofc, this is me, who just spent about half an hour on a 12 minute episode.
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lilywhisperer · 2 years
yeah i dont have much ducktales content on my dash either </3 ive gotta start finding some good ducktales blogs to follow soon ,,,,
ah what i meant by the kfp series was the movies sorry abkshsbkshs i thought it was clear </3 on the topic of the kfp tv show series tho - i actually only found out abt it yesterday n i might check it out when i have the time ? since i miss the characters a lot already </3 im always rlly wary of spin-off shows tho , because theyre usually just cash grabs
good luck with both the crush and the math !! i dont know which ones harder lol
(the candy is v cute /gen ty <3)
Oooh, makes sense sorry ksks
Yeah... Spin-offs are a complicated topic :/ Some are good but a big part of them are bad, so I'm usually not found of them..
The crush is waaaaaaay harder ksks, but thanks either way ! I just need to stop being lazy and study the goddamn multiplication sheet is literally my only issue, I know the rest >:[[ (mad at myself, not u, ily <3)
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lilywhisperer · 2 years
hello good friend how is life going <3
also i saw ur post abt the crush and ik u said ur not sure if he made fun of ur anxiety attack or not but if u ever find out for sure that he did (and if he doesnt apologise for it) then he is not worth ur time !!!!
(also also ur never being annoying for talking to me !! ik saying that doesnt help much to get rid of the fear tho </3 dw it happens to everybody - ill spend an hour in the ask box debating whether im annoying them or making it awkward or not and then if i suck up my anxiety and decide to send it i have to word my ask as perfectly and not-annoying as possible)
Hello sweetheart ! :D
Oh yes yes, I mentally told him to go to hell ! (And I don't even believe in hell !!!) Even tho I think that the pneumonia part was a bit harsh from the universe... Either way, I'm getting better with time :]
I'm (trying, adhd ass won't help) to study math. It's quite a simple subject that will fall on the test, but I have to memorise the... Fornication under consent of the king what's the word in english ? The... little multiplication thingy you got me ?
Also, I saw that you miss the little ducklings, I actually think about them every single minute of my life, I just don't have that much of Ducktales content in my dashboard :/
I actually just accepted my favoritism over Louie recently, as I found it that he was the most "obvious" and "common" choice for a character. But I've accepted it, he's chaotic and I want to bite him :] /pos (I demonstrate my affection for him like the dhmis fandom does it for Duck), I just wish the show went more wilder with him (such as Molly McGee's brother yk ? He didn't change at all, but it was ok, it's just how he is)
I'm intrigued by the Kung Fu Panda series tho !! I watched the three movies, but I didn't know that there's a series, it was particularly one of my favorites animation franchises when I was younger hehe ~
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lilywhisperer · 2 years
hi sorry i was just wondering if u got my ask from the other day ? its fine if u did and havent answered it obviously take ur time but tumblr is awful at being a website sometimes so i get paranoid abt if asks send through n stuff like that (╥﹏╥)
oh, of course i did darling !! school hit me like a school bus, ironically or not i was born in october 3rd hehe
i came here to answer your ask, actually :]
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lilywhisperer · 1 year
ehwhhehee i watched puss in boots 2 recently too !! i think everyone in my fandom circle has lmao
*kicks down ur door* cant find a show you say ? well have i got solution for YOU unless these websites are blocked in your country that would suck ive been watching it on kimcartoon, it doesnt have subtitles but the quality is pretty good and the episodes are mostly in order . theres probably annoying ads on the website but if u have an adblocker installed you should be fine ? you can also find it on watchseriesstream or flixtor
Probably ksksk, honestly, Disney will need to do a heck of a masterpiece to get over this movie (but with the new CEO ? I don’t think they will). I really loved the movie and I already made it’s url on Internet Archive my favorite so I can watch it multiple times ksksks
OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH !! The websites aren’t blocked on mine (thank god), I don’t really need subtitles (most of the time) and I’m used to annoying ads so don’t worry !
Once again thank you so so much <3
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lilywhisperer · 1 year
Super random question, do you speak any other languages? Just curious, I guess.
Oh yeah ! I speak Brazilian Portuguese fluently (mother language), a bit of Spanish, English (duh Leeway) and know some words in German ! (i.e. Krankenhaus, Schmetterling and Sitzplinter !)
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lilywhisperer · 1 year
im assuming when u get this its the 20th for you as well and ur mother is visiting ? hope that goes well !
ive been trying to draw the sonic characters more to understand their anatomy (why are all cartoon anthropomorphic characters just Like That (re: impossibly hard to draw) . not staring directly at ducktales rn nope) and like ... why are their eyes so big . and their arms so noodley . there is no muscle on those guys im worried for their health /j
i also , against all better judgement , started watching rise of the tmnt yesterday . ive only gotten abt three episodes in but its good and i would die for all of them (especially donnie , which isnt really surprising considering louie was my fav in ducktales) <3 i dont know if youve watched it but if not then i think you would enjoy it , its a lot like ducktales i think ? yknow , comedy based cartoon abt a crime fighting family who bicker with each other but would also die for each other . it is really comedy based so far though . probably a bit more than what i prefer but my attachment for the characters outweighs any complaints i have sbshbssns
Oh yeah ! She just went back home, it was nice, I watched Puss in Boots 2 with her and now I have brainrot ksks (my dad is training death’s whistle by the way, he’ll teach me when he learns it :])
LITERALLY, cartoon anatomy makes absolutely no sense to me as I grew up learning about normal human anatomy, but I kind of like the liberty of it… Good luck with your mission ! Hehe
I’ve been trying to find a way to watch the Rise show since last year but I just can’t find it, which makes me a bit sad… I watched lots of compilations of the show, and I have a big base of the story and characters arcs/development though. So far I’ve been draw to Donnie as well, which is probably for the same reason you put it (my favorite Louie quote is in one of Ducktales books where he refers himself as a “MAD GENIUS — cool mad, not angry mad”, so here’s more fuel to your theory !)
I’m also aware of the more comedic character-driven formula of Rise, and the fact that they’re a bit of a dysfunctional family that still love each other no matter what (mostly) do remind me a lot of Ducktales. Because like, the McDucks aren’t functional, not at all… I mean, c’mon ! So I’m really found of this trope, which is one of the things that make me want to watch Rise (++ the animation and character design, because obviously ksks)
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lilywhisperer · 1 year
i really said "im tired ill be back in a bit" and then didnt post anything for 10 days-
anyways ! sorry for not answering , i think ducktales ocs are very cool !! i would like to make one myself but that usually involves drawing and . well . how the fuck do you draw cartoon anthropomorphic ducks
since i havent talked to u in a bit , how have you been ? ^_^
It’s ok darling ! I’ve missed ya :]
To be honest my ocs are pretty much a part of their own universe, like background characters but not exactly you know… and bold of you to assume I know how the fickle you draw ducks (I was going to say ‘fuck’ but my keyboard said ‘fickle’ and I just had to).
I’m doing fine, thank you ! Witch camp got cancelled again but my mom will visit me on January 20th (as a compensation for not coming nor taking me on Christmas)… So it’s a win, hm ? /pos
How are you doing ? :]
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