gamerbearmira · 1 year
The Madrgals
I've been stalling on posting this because I'm not sure anyone will get or like this au but. Whatever. I'm going for it. This actually started out as a joke, where I just badly drew the Madrigals. Originally their names weren't even different but I mispelled Pedro name and this came to be 💀
Lee get it
The Madrigals were more than surprised to wake up the day after Antonio's ceremomy to find a rather large gift box sitting on the dining table. It was a simple box, the color being completely white. Upon walking up to it, they immediately see a piece of paper. Alma walks up to it cautiously, reading it.
"To: The Madrigal Family: What can be. What should be. What will be. Your decision," Alma read aloud, and that only confused them more. It clear wasn't a late gift to Antonio. And what kind of cryptic message was that?
"Should we...open it?" Pepa asked, a cloud appear above her head as she stroked her braid. Casita responded, flipping some tiles positively, bumping the box closer.
Alma stared at the box, unsure. Was this because of what happened last night? She wasn't sure, she didn't even want to open it. Something bad could happen. And everything was going so well, so perfect. This box...whatever was in it. It could throw them off balance.
"Mamá?" Julieta called to her mother and Alma blinked, losing her train of thought before looking back at the box.
"If Casita says we should, then I guess we might as well," Alma said, and she placed her hands on the lid. The family watched with baited breath as she lifted the top off. The walls of the box fell, and the family immediately back away. They stared at what was under the box with wide eyes.
"Is that...a mini Casita?" Camilo asked to no one in particular, pointing at the structure. It indeed was a smaller version of Casita. It looked like a large dollhouse almost. But what was really shocking? Was that it moved. The roof tiles fluttered and the sound of things being moved could be heard inside.
"What in the..." Alma muttered, looking at the smaller version of her family home. She moved to touch it, but Casita--big Casita--pulled her back, not letting or (or the others) touch the smaller version.
"Casita, what is this?" Mirabel asked, squatting down to get a better look at the house. It was an exact replica, down to the last detail. It was impressive. But it still left a lot of questions open, with no answers.
The house moved a couple things around the house, as if searching for something. There was a thud somewhere else in the house and then silence. Suddenly the front door of little Casita flew open and out popped...Mirabel?
The family stared, stunned. It was Mirabel...smaller. She looked like a more crude and childish version of the original Mirabel. She couldn't have been any bee than a doll, it was weird. She had a big smile on her face as she moved, and another one popped out; Antonio. The two members, the bigger ones, stared, stunned. The family looked at them, but they shrugged, just as confused.
What the hell?
"Is that...Mirabel?" Luisa asked. The smaller Mirabel looked up at Luisa, beaming.
"Mibel!" She said, pointing to herself. She pointed to the little Antonio, who had a small bird on his head. "Ant."
"Ant?" Pepa said, confused. That...that was just the other half of Antonio's name. They usually nicknamed him "Tonio" or something like that but...that was just the opposite.
"Now I've seen it all," Alma said, shaking her head.
Just when they thought things could get weirder, MORE walked out of the Casita. Every single Madrigal had a counterpart. Every Madrigal. Even Bruno, who had walked out alongside the smaller Dolores.
There was also a Pedro. That almost made Alma (the original) pass out. She was still reeling when suddenly "Mibel" spoke up, still smiling.
"Madrgals!" She said, gesturing to her family.
"What in the world?" Alma mumbled, her eeys wide. Was she going senile? Was this real? And what's with the mini Casita and the cryptic note?
What was going on?
Yes I don't even know what I'm tryna do here but basically. The Madrigals receive a 'gift'. A version of themselves if you will. I wouldn't say their future selves, but a version that can be.
Idk here some art tho
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ocasoinefable · 9 months
Había un librito sobre aquel estante, de un tono gastado y con una manta encima, estaba debidamente guardado. custodiado de alguna manera por una espacio limpio y en blanco, con verlo se sabía que nadie se atrevería a tocarlo, ni permitir que el viento lo hiciera caer o un animal visitante en aquella casa lo bajara de su lugar. Lo detalle con cuidado; no muy grueso, de un tamaño regular y con un separador quizás en la pagina 209 de las 300 que supongo que tenia ... Solo el plegable de las hojas podía ver; una cubierta clara de azul, uno que otro tono cenizo y café, la manta era blanca también y con un bordado largo y delicado. Pensé en los ojos de quien lo leía, debían ser alegres y risueños, todo en aquella casita lo era (desde su aroma a chocolate caliente entre el aire, a la música delicada que al parecer siempre estaba encendida, flores y detallitos hogareños adornado los estantes y las paredes) sentí una especie de sonrisa y cosquilleo entre las manos y la sonrisa, me dejé caer en las manos poniendo los codos en las rodillas, y dejé libre la sonrisa... El primer relato que escuche, fue un relato contado en la voz casada de mis padres, pero cariñosa con su debida reflexión, la primera vez que leí un libro, lo encontré en el suelo del colegio; llevaba días sin dormir, estaba triste y desolada, angustiada entre los bombillos rojos, del agite y la preocupación del caos en el entorno, estaba con un nudo en la garganta, eran tiempos difíciles aquellos, me mantenía con un deseo de gritar y dejarme en la voz; buscando un momento dónde pudiera ser niña y reír sin cometer una indiscreción, ya que no era el momento, porque el mundo me demandaba, porque sabía que tenía que ir a comprenderlo de un solo golpe, abrí el libro y comencé su lectura; "El túnel" Ernesto Sábato, me adentro de una manera distinta y suave en lo que a mi vida había comenzado a vivir, encontré reflexiones y con un poco de su ayuda comprendí y me aconseje en las líneas convenientes. luego seguí con algo de filosofía; su ir y venir me hizo un lugar donde platicar, meditar y proseguir. luego poesía; lengua con formita redonda de un turrón, reí con su sabor sin igual ... luego seguí con algunos cuentos de fantasía; salían de los lomos de los libros, una concierto de mariposas, y ya más adulta cuentos infantiles; volví con mis brazos a jugar con crayones, soñé y solo salte, solo mire por la ventana y encontré las manos de las hojas saludando cuando las mueve la brisa. Una risa me hizo volver...
-¿ También te gusta leer..?
Era un pequeño, con una risa en sus ojos, un tono de voz alegre y vivas
- si, mucho. ¿Lo lees..? ¿De qué se trata?
- ¡sip, Lo estoy leyendo!, son cuentos maravillosos... Hablan de hadas, también de lo que ríen las flores y dónde guardan sus besos. Me gusta mucho, sobre todo cuando se lo cuento a los otro niños y reímos, cuando vuelvo sobre una línea una y otra vez y está ahí mágicamente como el primer momento, o cuando parecen agitarse con mi latir, también me gusta cuando sonrió y siento que alguien en algún momento también sonrió, también encontró un lugar mágico. ¡ya se, espera!, ¿sabes que es lo que más me gusta?; que es como esos momentos que vives, así como cuando te abrazan y de repente te das cuenta y te sientes abrazado, así como cuando lloras y tienes ese momento de lucidez en el que te hallas llorando y sientes un descanso, como reír y de igual manera te sorprendes feliz, una emoción similar...
Solté una risa y el pequeño también rio.
-así como ahora.. -
Le dije, río nuevamente.. fue hacia al estante, tomo su libro y volvió llevando consigo una banca
- Te leeré un poco, antes que te vayas. Ya que mis papás te invitaron a escapar por la tormenta, son muy buenos, y no creas que lo digo solo porque son mis papás-
- lo son. Son muy buenos, e igual su hijo. Me encantaría, amo los libros. también te leeré algo.
abrió sus ojos sorprendidos, yo no llevaba mas que un chaqueta grande, unos zapatos mojados y un titiritar de frio. reí también, sintiendo como el calor de la risa se metía por mi espalda y me secaba la lluvia. le expliqué como una suave brizna en la voz.
-Aquí, en mis manos, ojos y voz... hay muchas historias, cuentos, poemas, líneas que aun no he escrito, en su mayoría son como arpón enganchando un espacio para regar la compresión, algo triste suelen ser mis historias, más aun te contaré una que te ría, o lo intentaré y siy veo que se pone algo embrollada... te pido ayuda, aprendo de ti y en lo posible tu de mí, "de la tierra siempre brota algo, como lo es en la vida" es un refrán de por ahí, ¿Qué te parece..?-
salto y con sus ojos como estrellas me respondió,
-!maravilloso!, siempre se aprende y se comprende si hay ganas de hacerlo, por eso me encanta los libros; siempre nos enseñan sea cual fuera su historia; son libros.
comenzó a leerme uno de los cuentos, la lluvia caía cada vez mas lenta, el frio parecía también recogerse... estábamos alegres en ese pequeño espacio; con el librito y las bancas.
"Abría la ventana castaña en las mañanas, regaba un capullo.. una semilla que encontró en el bosque; al llegar a su casa busco con desespero en sus bolsillos, por poco se hecha a llorar desconsolado, ya que recordó que solía andar con sus bolsillos agujerados por suspiros de mariposas; como le decía su ama cada que le remendaba de nuevo los bolsillos y añadiendo -muacho no los agüeres con el suspirar de las mariposas, que harto difícil es arreglarlos después- como se replicaba las palabras de su ama en esos momentos; <<oh mi semillita de hada, habría salido de ti una amiguita con quien estar y no cantar tan solito.. cantarte como ruiseñor al junco de los florecitas y verte reír>> pensaba el pequeño, con los ojos encharcados se quitó la camisa guardado un trozo de esperanza. Salto como saltamontes al encontrarla, bajo corriendo las escaleras, tomo una olla de su ama divina, forma en la que le decía cada que sabía su travesura le sacaría unas cuantas canas... La lleno de tierra, sembró la semilla y la dejo junto a la ventana, hablándole de como sería su despertar ...
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myreygn · 2 years
omg hi since fic rqs are open, can i request lee!camilo from encanto? the ler can be your choice^^ i’m excited to see what you come up with!
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show yourself!
summary: Camilo has the audacity to hide Mirabel's knitting materials and disguise himself as Isabella to avoid the consequences. And he would've gotten away with it, if only he hadn't made one small mistake.
an: sorry this took so long and i hope you see and like it anon, thank you sm for requesting smth!
Of course it had only been a matter of time until Mirabel would discover her missing knitting materials, but Camilo had honestly hoped he would get some more than just twenty seconds to hide them. But no, of course luck just wasn’t on his side today. He gulped when he heard his cousin barge through her door upstairs and quickly hid his loot in one of the huge plant things Isabella had put all over the house, then he made his way to the living room, trying to figure out an escape plan.
His steps caused a loud echo and Camilo flicked his fingers against the wall. "Casita! Sht! You'll give me away!"
The wall's stones made a few click sounds, as if the house snickered, then the door flew open and a furious Mirabel Madrigal came storming into the room.
"Isa! Have you seen Camilo?!"
"No, I haven't." Camilo thanked all the gods there were that he had had the presence of mind to transform himself into someone else and throw himself onto the sofa, grabbing the nearest book. 'A Guide To Local Healing Plants'... whatever, this would do. "Can't you see I'm busy, Mira? Next time better think twice before barging into a room like that, people live here!"
"Jeesh, alright, I'm sorry. Tell me when you see him, okay?" Mirabel made her way towards the exit and Camilo allowed himself a celebratory cheer on the inside - then his cousin froze in her tracks and turned around, her eyes narrowed and hands on her hips in that wonderfully reproachful manner she must've picked up from Abuela. Without even realizing what exactly it was, Camilo knew that he had made a mistake and he felt a shiver run down his spine. His cheer had probably jinxed it.
“Actually, I don’t think we’re done here just yet.” An undeniable sense of nervosity arose in Camilo when Mirabel came over to stand in front of the sofa and stare him down. It took all of his nerve to not drop the annoyed facade of his oldest cousin. “Are you 100% sure that you’re Isa?”
“What the hell are you on about- of course I am!”
“Let me be a little more specific for you. Are you 100% sure that you are, inside and outside, my older sister Isabella Madrigal?”
“Listen, I don’t know about you, but I actually have something to do here, so I’d really appreciate it if you left me, Isabella, alone! Because yes, I am 100% sure!” Fairly pleased with his performance, Camilo returned his gaze to the book in his hands, only to be interrupted once more when Mirabel leaned forward and right into his personal space.
“The thing is just, I’m finding it very hard to believe you.” A truly terrifying smirk appeared on her face, making Camilo shiver. “There are only three people in this entire family who call me Mira, and rest assured, dear cousin, Isabella is not one of them.”
Camilo knew that this was probably the point at which he should just drop the act and confess, but when has Camilo Madrigal ever backed down from an acting challenge? “Can’t I even call my sister Mira when I feel like it?”
“Oh, you wanna play? Alright, we’ll play.” With that, Mirabel’s hands latched onto his sides, squeezing and drawing a surprised shriek from Camilo. Shit. “I promise you, you won’t be able to hold this mask for much longer! I know all of your tickle spots and we’ll just go through them, alright? Are we on the same page?”
Despite the giggles spilling out of his mouth, Camilo somehow still found the composure to get cocky with her. “Ihi dohon’t know how Cahamilo’s spots ahare gonnaha be ohof use for yohou! Ihi’m ohobviously nohot Cahamiloho!”
“Yet you’re laughing, even though Isa’s not that ticklish on her sides.”
Camilo was very much aware that Mirabel had the upper hand, but he was determined to not give her the satisfaction of exposing him just yet. “I aham Isahaha, stahahapt tahalkihing to mehe ahas if Ihi’m nahat hehere!”
“Sure… let’s go on to the next spot then. If I recall correctly, Isa is very ticklish riiiight… here!” Mirabel lifted her eyebrows at the burst of laughter that exploded from Camilo’s mouth. “Oha, seems like you’re too!”
“Behecahahahause Ihihi’m-”
“You’re not, stop pretending.” Mirabel grinned as she wiggled her fingers into the spaces between his ribs. (Why couldn’t his sensitivities and ticklishness also change when he put on a different exterior?! Isabella was not nearly half as ticklish as himself, everything would be so much easier!) “I can tell, because Isa is very ticklish there, but Camilo is veeery ticklish there. Just make this easier for both of us and show yourself!”
“Ihi dohon’t knowhow whahahat yohou’re tahahalkihing ahabout…”
“Oh, you will!” Mirabel’s grin turned wicked. “Let’s see… there’s one more spot we could go to.” Gosh, if that wasn’t unsettling. Camilo squawked when his cousin pushed him onto his back and straddled his hips, facing his legs. He couldn’t even kick properly in Isabella’s stupid dress! “Any last words, Camilo?”
“Y-you wihish!”
“Alright, that’s it.”
All of Camilo’s intentions to keep his act up as long as possible flew right out the window when Mirabel squeezed both of his knees at the same time. He didn’t even notice the transformation back into his own body; at this point he was shrieking at the top of his lungs, banging his fists on the couch and fighting for his bare survival.
“There you are!” Mirabel had turned around to grin down at him, all while not stopping her assault on his poor knees for one second. “I knew you were in there! Now, where did you put my knitting stuff?”
“Okay, okay.” She slowed down a little. “So?”
“Nah.” Mirabel gave him another little smirk before turning back to focus on his knees again. “I think you kinda deserve to go through this a little bit longer.”
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radation · 1 year
Lee mirabel ler Isabela dolores and Luisa
(Scenario mirabel has lately not been receiving any affection from her elder sisters nor her cousin Dolores minus the “hello “ and “how are you” she wanted to spent time with them just them time and so she gets a little more than what she’s asking for)
It was a day like any other, Antonio was sorting out the mole issue and Luisa was returning the donkeys back to their fence
Mirabel was strolling down the village greeting everyone and after being in the village for a few minutes she headed back to the casita because she wanted to admit her craving for affection to her elder sister and cousin but she wasn’t sure how she was going to do that
Mirabel wasn’t focusing until she bumped into Luisa, ofc Luisa being the strong one she didn’t fall over but mirabel’s did
“Cmon mira think THI-OW!”
“Oh my god, are you okay mira?” Her elder sister asks worried
“Yes I’m fine” she says giggling standing up removing the dust off of her
“Are you sure?”
“Yes Luisa I’m fine”
Mirabel wanted to bring up the affection thing
“So Luisa uhm, are you….”
Mirabel was trying to tell her what’s going on but the girl couldn’t because the words didn’t come out as she wanted it to
“Lu i know you’re busy but..”
“Are you always busy Luisa…”
If you didn’t know she wanted to ask if her sister was free so they could hang out but was worried since she had plans and didn’t want to waste her sister’s time
“Uhm….no nevermind it was stupid anyway” she said,hands behind her back
Luisa gave a blank stare as if her sister had just said some sort of code but bent down to her sister’s level and placed a hand behind her back and said “I’m your elder sister, you can tell me anything take your time”
With a sigh of relief coming from mirabel she was about to start speaking when isa and Dolores came running to tell them the newest gossip in town, it’s kinda their thing to do
“Hold up guys, Mira has something to say” Luisa told as she stopped bending down returning to her normal height
“Uhm…” she looked as all three girls were waiting patiently for her to talk
“It’s actually about all 3 of you” she hesitated twirling and fidgeting her fingers
In a Sync all 3 girls said “us?”
“Mhm” she said biting her lip
“Well what’s the problem?” Isa asked
Mirabel inhaled then exhaled and said “well you see I’ve noticed that we often don’t spend time with each other like we used to but I don’t know why but we’ve suddenly stopped and it’s really been bothering me and I just wish we would hang out again like we used to, you know like just us. I’ve missed us”
The girls gave a reassuring look towards mira, Dolores cupped her face and said “oh mira you could have told us from before”
Dolores gave Mira a little poke causing Mira to giggle and gave a glance to her prima’s to do the same
They got the message and shared a smirk
“Dolores is right mira, we are your elder sisters you should have told us from before” isabela smiled as she squeezed her side causing Mira to jerk to the other side
“And now we are going to give you what you want” Luisa chuckled as she shot her arm up her armpit
Mira jerked into Isabela’s arms looking up to see a mischievous isabela
“Wahit we can spehnd sometime tohgether another wahy” Mira tried blocking her laughter but couldn’t, she could already feel the tickling
“Aw Mira sweetie we aren’t even tickling u yet and you’re already laughing how cute” Dolores teased as she started to tickle Mira’s stomach
Mira had already turned bright red
“Nohoho waihit doholorehs” Mira buckled not before falling to the ground when isa struck her armpits
Luisa came and flipped Mira over placing Mirabel’s head on her lap and pulled her arms up
“Ooh thanks luisa, I could have done it with my plants- wait why don’t I? That will just make this way more fun” and that’s exactly what she did
So luisa came and started to tickle mirabel’s hips, squeezing and kneading but before she did that she told Dolores that if it was to loud, she would let luisa or isa know
Mira jumped arching her back
Luisa knew that was one of mirabel’s death spot so she already knew what was going to happen
Her arms weren’t all the way up just lifted enough so isa can attack her armpits
“Awe Mira, didn’t you say you wanted to spend time didnt you? Well we are now? So what’s the problem?” Dolores teased as she gently tickled her belly
“Awe Mira your squeal is so cute isn’t it?” Isa smirked as she raised a brow before attacking her ribs
Mira blushed at the tease
“Aw look at her, she is turning redder than Dolores’s dress” Luisa teased as she squeezed Mira’s thighs
“Did I just hear a squeak?” Dolores grinned as her eyes shimmered with mischief
“How about we deliver a final blow”
“Plehahseh dohohnt”
All 3 girls blew a raspberry on mirabel’s stomach
Isa blowing a raspberry on her right side and Dolores blowing on the left while Luisa blew below her belly button
Mirabel had entered a silent laughter and they stopped knowing she couldn’t take it anymore
Isa released her vines letting mirabel free, Luisa wipes the tears away and Dolores rubbing her belly to get rid of the ghostly tickles
It took a while for mirabel to recover but she was alright
“Gohd why”
“Well you asked to spend so we gave it to you didn’t we?” Luisa chuckled
“Yeah actually mirabel i have a question if you wanted to spend time with us why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
Mirabel took a deep breath said “I was scared you would judge me for acting like a kid for wanting affection but im 15”
Mirabel’s didn’t expect it when the girls pulled her in for a tight hug which made her make the little “oof” sound
“Mira we would never judge you” isa smiled
“Yeah Im 21 and isa is 22 and yet we still want affection” Dolores responded
“I never said that I was to old for affection it’s just that I would like a little bit more affection from you guys, not to sound greedy or anything”
Mirabel was interrupted when Luisa cut her off by saying “mirabel you don’t sound greedy, we all feel like we need affection and it doesn’t matter how old you are we all feel like we need a little affection at times and that’s totally normal”
Mirabel smiled warmly
“Say how about we go and eat arepas while talking about the newest gossip in town?” Isa jumped up
All 4 girls agreed and made their way to Dolores’s room and that’s what they did
And mirabel got lots of affection :) (not just from them but her whole family)
The end <3
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mythica0 · 1 year
Well hello! I hope u have fun writing fics!
I was wondering if u could write a lee Antonio and ler Dolores and Isabela
(Scenario is Antonio wouldn’t stop about teasing Dolores and Mariano’s relationship and so Dolores and her prima isabela team up and tickle Antonio to tears making sure to tease him all the way through it <3)
Again if u don’t wanna do it it’s totally alr :)
Of course I wanna do it! Cannot thank you enough your a writers block life saver! But sorry if the teases are bad, I’m a massive lee and don’t have a ler bone in my body so it makes it difficult sometimes 😅
How the tables turn!
🎂: Encanto
🧁: Antonio
🍫: Dolorés, Isabella
Summary : Antonio is teasing his older sister and cousin, they find a way to get him back in a friendly way.
A/N: thanks again for the ask! Sorry this took a little bit, I got school.
How the tables turn!
It was no secret that Antonio was a sweet heart with a heart of gold.
He was always trying to help out his familia where he could . He was generally nice and never had any bad intentions.
However; there was something that was a bit of a secret.
Antonio had a veeeeery teasy side, which was being exemplified in Isabella’s room in the casita.
Dolorés had decided to hang out in there. She liked being around Isa, they had pretty much grown up together.
…plus it was pretty quiet.
Antonio heard about this and decided to go hang out with them!
But then ….
“So…. Isa, do you ever get allergies in here? Seems kind of unpractical.”
Isa just rolls her eyes before replying “I’m not allergic to pollen, primo.”
“When was the last time you checked?” (A/N: you can credit my little bro for that idea🙄)
“Where’d this come from, hermanito?” Dolorés came from the other end of the little line the three had formed.
Dolorés was on the left, Isa on the right, Antonio in the middle.
“What ever do you mean, hermana mayor?” (Mayor means ‘older’, FYI) He said with an all so innocent expression
“You know exactly what I’m talking about . Don’t play dumb. “ she said with an accusatory poke to the stomach.
Antonio squeaked. The other room occupants smirked.
Without any warning or communication other than a quick glance, they both trapped him in a tight hug.
He gulped and thought ‘welp, this is how I die’ dramatic, right?
“So, you ticklish, primo? “
Blush started slowly forming on his face
“I think that’s a yes, prima “
“Yup! Let’s get him.”
They started to lightly trace across Antonio’s sides . It may have been light but HOLY MIRACLE did that tickle! Isabella’s nails were SO BAD . Combine that with Dolorés’ soft method, and Antonio was already giggling like a maniac.
“What’s wrong, hermano? We’re barely touching you!”
“Yeah, is something funny? Is there something in my hair?”
She started to examine her hair with her unoccupied hand, pretending to look through it.
“Noho… nothihings fuHUHUNY!” His volume raised at the end from a slight squeeze.
“Then why are you laughing? Hmm?”
“Becahahahuse youhohour tihihihickling mehehehee!”
“Oh, we are? I didn’t notice , what about you, Isa?”
“No clue. Well, it’s not like he’s complaining. “
“Ihihi lihihiteheheralhyhyhy juhuhust cohomplahahained!”
They picked it up, caused Antonio’s giggle ls to turn into much louder laughter.
“You are not in the position to say those things!”
“Yeah! We’re doing all the teasing here, mr. Giggles !”
“We can’t, we are the tickle monsters and we’re hungry for your giggles! OM NOM NOM” Isa said as she started to nibble on her primo’s stomach.
“EEK!” Came the replying shriek.
Dolorés soon joined in, raspberrying all over Tonito.
“You are a very tasty snack, but your also very noisy!” Dolorés pointed out, slightly wincing at the pain in her ears, but able to bear it.
Antonio was laughing so hard the corners of his eyes leaked with tears. The girls took this as their sign to stop,and rubbed away all the ghost tickles.
“Ehehhee, Thahat wahas brhuhutal.”
“Maybe that will teach you who the champions of teasing are in this casita! “
The casita raised a shingle as if to cock and eyebrow.
“Oh, shush , you. “ Dolorés responded.
And all three laughed once more
—————————THE END —————————
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4lch0d · 2 years
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Who made you think I hate you?
Ler pepa lee mirabel
NO sexual activity!
Pepa was walking on the casita floors when she heard a few sniffles and a silent crying
Pepa being pepa she went to go investigate to see what’s going on only to find a crying mirabel
She gently sprinted towards mirabel,hugging her then holding her face up and wipe her hair out of the way
Pepa gasped as she saw mirabel’s eyes were red and puffy
“oh mi pequeña sobrina ¿qué pasa bebé?”
Translation: oh my little niece, what’s wrong baby? The ginger asked in a worried tone
“Nothing, Tia really” mirabel tried wiping her tears but it was no use
Pepa felt In the need to know so thoughts and thoughts kept going through her head on what to do to make mirabel spill the beans
She got it…
Pepa wrapped mirabel in a tickle hug and gently began to tickle her sides
“Hehehahah tihihahah whahaht ahre yohohu dohohing?” Mirabel still puffy eyed but laughed
“You know what I’m doing” she smirked
“No I dONT” the 15-year-old’s voice pitched as she felt her tia’s hands scribble fastly on her sides
“BAHAHAHSHAHHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHHEAHHAHASHE” mirabel dug her face into her tia’ s chest
“Awww how cute, you’re so adorable”
“FIHIHIHINE IHIHIL SAHYHY IHIHIT JUHUHUST PLEHEHAHHASEH STAHAHP” and with that pepa stopped and gave her some kisses
She took mirabel to her room and sat her on her bed, mirabel still flustered from the tickles before but none the less explained how she felt
Pepa nearly cried to her statement
mirabel sadly admitted that she felt that her tia never really noticed her in any way (e.g would always dance with isa or singing with Luisa) and she started to cry again
Pepa quickly hugged mirabel and after an hour and a half of explaining that she truly loved mirabel and some stories of her as a baby and pepa finally managed to convince mira that pepa really loved her
After a moment of silent, pepa raised an eyebrow and spoke “you know maybe I should give u a punishment for thinking that way”
Mirabel looked at her Tia as if she grew two heads
“W-what..?” Mirabel questioned
“Maybe I’ll let my FINGERS DO THE TALKING” with that she blew a raspberry on mirabels stomach making mirabel fall on her bed in hysterics
It was going to be a loooong night
And for those wondering mirabel got many tickles from Pepa and Felix
(Btw Pepa tickled mirabel for maybe like 25 minutes or so lel)
The end :>
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shadow-says-hello · 1 year
Yo wassup
Minding doing lee Antonio and ler Dolores and Isabella?
Summary: After cheating at a game of Hide and Seek Tag, Antonio tries to run away, while the older girls decided to teach the kid a lesson.
Fandom: Encanto
⚠️ tickles 😂 that’s it ⚠️
It was a fine afternoon in the Casita. All the grandkids were each doing something. Mirabel was helping Julieta in the kitchen, Luisa was lifting weights in her room, and Camilo was out entertaining people in the village. Isabela and Dolores decided to play with Antonio during their free time.
“Where is he?!” Isabela giggled.
“I don’t know,” Dolores teased. Dolores knew where he was hiding immediately, due to her gift.
Behind a wall sat the small little boy, sitting on a jaguar.
“Found you.” Dolores said, almost being able to touch the boy and win the round.
“N-no!!” Antonio quickly said, before dodging Dolores’ hand and running away on his jaguar. Antonio was having a ton of fun, feeling adrenaline rush through him as he ran on his jaguar, as the girls chased him from behind.
“Get back here!” Dolores hollered.
“H-he’s cheating!” Isabela said, out of breath. “We specifically said no animals as a rule!”
“Oh he’s in so much trouble…” Dolores teased, running surprisingly faster.
Isabela was pretty fast too, and she managed to catch up too very well.
“Use your gift, Isa!” Dolores called to her.
“I can’t, that’s cheating!!!” Isa called back.
“Actually, we said no animals, but we never said no gifts.” Dolores said very logically. 🤓
And then Isa shot her vines at Antonio, very gently though, she’d never try to hurt him.
She then set Antonio to the ground and used her vibes to pin him down. She also made a vine cage for Antonio’s animals, so they wouldn’t try to rescue him while he gets punished.
“So, Antonio. Have you realized you’ve been cheating?! You know, the animals and stuff?” Dolores said teasingly.
“Yep. And you thought you could get away with it.” Isa added.
“N-no Ihi dihihidihnt!!! Ihi juhust néehehed aha behetter ehhscahape plahan!” Antonio said through giggles.
“Escape plan? Yeah, well, I’m sorry bud, but you now got to pay the price.” Dolores said.
Isabela began to scribble her fingers along Antonio’s tummy, making him laugh bit harder.
Following along that, Dolores began to gently raise his shirt by only about an inch and tickle around his belly button. Antonio now began to release many squeals and super bubbly and happy giggles.
Dolores and Isa were really ✨enjoying this so much✨.
“Heheheehehee!!! D-doholorhesss!!!!! I-ihisssahahabeehlaaa!!! Thahat reahally really TIHICKLES SOHOHO MUHUCH!!!” The little boy shrieked, his laughs getting louder as Dolores tickled his belly button with one hand and the other hand on his feet, with his shoe removed.
“Have you learned your lesson yet, young man?” Isabela asked.
Isabela was tickling his stomach with one hand while the other was alternating between tickling his armpits and his neck.
“NOHOHOHO” Antonio said, trying to be bad and evil, only because he was totally loving this form of punishment.
Dolores tickled both feet, making Antonio laugh harder. Isabela moved to his exposed belly from where Dolores was tickling and stayed there for a while. Sometimes she just let her vines tickle there while she worked on Antonio’s very sensitive neck.
“What’s that over there?” Isabela pointed at something random, only to make Antonio look at nothing while Isabela blew a big raspberry on his neck, making Antonio’s be the loudest it can go.
“AHA IHASAHAHA!!! NUHUHOHOH!!!” Antonio screamed.
“May I?” Dolores asked, blowing a raspberry on his tummy, pretty much breaking the poor child.
“So have you learned your lesson now, Animal Guy?” Isabela asked.
“YEHESSSSS IHI DIHIHD!!!” Antonio giggled so hard.
“Good. Now you’re free.”
~The End~
Thanks for the request anon 😁😁❤️❤️!!!!!!!
First encanto fic!!! 😀
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just-cutie-avocado · 2 years
anyway if you don’t remember my request it was lee isa and lee mirabel
(Scenario: mirabel is being an absolute peace of crap to isa)
Well, I haven't written anything on Encanto for a long time, so I'll try!
(sorry for it came out too short but I hope that's ok)
|| Punishment ||
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It was a completely normal day at Casita. Everyone talked to each other, went about their business, everyone was in a great mood ... Everyone except Isabela.
Mirabel constantly said that Isabela did not suit her new manicure. Isa got tired of it all... And she decided to take revenge on her properly.
She asked Mirabel to come into her room after dinner to talk about something.
And so, after dinner, as promised, Mirabel came to Isabela's room
"Well, I've come" — She said as she entered — "So what did you want to talk about?"
"You're saying my new manicure doesn't suit me at all... Right?" - Isa said, glancing at her
"Yes, right" — Mira said with smirk — "And?"
"So sis... I wanted to show you what those nails are capable of" — Isabela grinned ominously as she prepared her long nails for an attack
"Wait, what do you mea- AH!" — Mirabel did not have time to finish the phrase, as Isabela's vines wrapped around her
"Payback time, sis!~" — Isabela wiggled her fingers as she approached Mira with a sinister smile.
"Isa w-wait, can I do s-something for you?!" — Mira began to beg for mercy
But Isa ignored it
She began to tickle Mirabel's sides
"EhehEhaha! I-Isa stohop ihit!" — Mira began to giggle
"Awww but I'm just getting started!~" — Isabela replied with a teasing voice
And then she began to tickle Mira's sides faster
"AhAHahahA please, I'll doho whatever yohou wahahant!! AHAH!" Mirabel begged Isabela to stop
Isabela continued to ignore her pleas, and she hooked up her vines for a tickle
"AHAHAHAHA PLEAHAHASE STOHOHOP!! CAHAHANT!" — Mirabel's laughter got even louder
After a while, Isabela stopped tickling Mirabel and let her go
"Okay okay Mira, I think you've had enough, especially since I got mine~" — She said
"Y-you.. Soho mean.." —Trying to catch her breath said Mirabel
"You left me no choice, sis. Also, don't annoy me any more that something doesn't suit on me, okay?"
"Okay.." — Mira answered, but later she slightly smiled
Isa noticed this smile, and also slightly smiled back at her.
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foodandpleasure · 2 months
Lee la nota completa en: https://foodandpleasure.com/ciudades-de-colores-en-mexico/
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chriskristofferson · 3 months
Amigo Imaginario IV
No siempre fui así como soy ahora, tal y como alguna vez me conociste. No siempre fui alegre o sensible, últimamente creo que ahora vuelvo a ser como era en mi infancia y que el momento en que decidí reprimir todos mis sentimientos fue cuando me di cuenta que me gustaban los chicos.
No sé de dónde proviene mi sensibilidad o mi apego, porque cuando soy sincero lo soy al cien por ciento, no soy a medias... Aun cuando por un tiempo no fui yo realmente. Tú me recordaste eso. Y no lo olvidaré, no volveré a dormirme. Ahora sé que merezco recibir el cariño que soy capaz de dar.
Recuerdo pocas cosas de mi infancia. Por su puesto, era demasiado pequeño pero de las cosas que más recuerdo era la calle, una familia que vivía en una casita al final de una quebrada y otra que vivía en una casa más acomodada que me cuidó por mucho tiempo. Pero es extraño, porque seguramente esos años fueron muy difíciles para mi hermana en comparación a lo que yo viví.
Ella era una niña argentina, cuando aquí los niños ni los adultos no estaban acostumbrados a los niños con personalidad... creo que aquí fue como empezaron a apagar su brillo. Lo cual encuentro increíblemente injusto. Yo fui un niño muy feliz, muy querido, y supongo que mi hermana también pero la presión de entrar al colegio y estar rodeada de gente intolerante a los niños extranjeros la marcó mucho. Mi hermana me protegió mucho, incluso con adultos, uno de esos fue mi vecina seudo-cuica que me rapó la cabeza.
Yo pasé mucho tiempo en casa de la vecina, muchas veces fui a las reuniones que ella tenía con sus amigas en Recreo, o como lo llamo yo en mi cabeza las casas blancas y bonitas de Puerto Paraíso. 
Es sorprendente pensar en mi infancia ahora, como si fuese el amanecer de mi vida. Cuando ahora estoy comenzando a vivir los años en donde el sol está en lo alto y quema. Cuando mis padres comienzan a vivir el ocaso y mi hermana y yo debemos hacernos cargo de nuestras vidas y también de las de ellos.
Pienso en el amanecer de mi vida como un tiempo de mucha restricción. Un entorno muy higienizado, un lugar que implicaba mostrarse lo más perfecto posible. Sin duda bajo la mirada atenta de otros adultos, miradas celosas de los sueños y aspiraciones de mis padres, miradas compasivas también que llenaban los vacíos de las miles de inseguridades que tenían sobre sí mismos. Hicieron lo que pudieron, pasaron muchísimas cosas por alto en el camino y les inculcaron tanta culpa en sus dulces corazoncitos. ¡Qué vida tan limitada hemos vivido! ¡Qué ganas de quemarlo todo y cobrar venganza! Sin embargo es lo que nos tocó. No sean resentidos nos dirían los “ricos”. Ustedes piensan que por quienes son les debemos todo. Y yo pienso que sí. La clase acomodada de este país tiene demasiadas deudas a su haber con su pueblo. 
Una de esas deudas es el cariño, el cuidado. “No entiendo como algo tan bonito siente dolor”, es cierto, a menudo vivimos para sanar heridas causadas por injusticias, por posiciones sociales, por escasez. Son extraños los propósitos de la existencia, los deberes y lo que tenemos que entregar por aquellos que entregaron su vida antes de nosotros, cuando en el cielo quemaba el sol. 
Compañía... eso es todo lo que deseamos.
En lo que a ti concierne Oliver, decidí seguir relatándote mi historia. Aún si nunca la lees. Porque si algo aprendí en estos años, es que las relaciones te enseñan más de ti que de alguien más. Y me gustaría pensar que esta efímera conexión que tuvimos también te hizo avanzar. Porque a mí definitivamente sí, y me gustaría seguir honrando eso. 
Te deseo lo mejor amigo.
Un abrazo a la distancia, Kristofferson. 
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
More housebroken <//333
I FINALLY FINISHED IT ❗❗ I kept procrastinating but also. I wasn't feeling real good the other day but I'm fine now 🥱
Anyway just. Isabela finally losing it and then some art. You know. This is also a lot longer than I initially intended, but its fineeee
Also Antonio doesn't have any dialogue but there's a reason. He doesn't really speak English or Spanish. Like he can understand it, read it etc etc he just can't speak it that well cause he's still learning so. He don't got no actual dialogue, none that I wrote out.
Lee get it
Isabela was awkwardly standing in front of a group of villagers, all of them asking for the same thing; flowers. She loved flowers, hence why her gift was what it was, but she liked other plants too.
Shifting, she yanked on the dress her Abuela had gotten her. Some white and...purple one. Frankly she thought it was ugly and would've rather wore the blue color splattered dress, but Abuela said that it was tattered and old---which was a lie, because Mirabel had given it to her on her 22nd birthday.
She turned her nose up at the grown adults older than her demanding dumb flowers. Her ears flickered under her hat as she stared at them with an unamused expression. A couple muttered, but she heard them loud and clear. How she wasn't 'perfect like she used to be'. When she was a child. When she played into her Abuela's hands.
Looking around she could see her siblings and primos being forced into stuff as well. Several villagers were trying to push Luisa into doing stuff. Dolores was hiding from the gossip groups and Camilo was trying to shake off the parents who were trying to dump their kids on the chameleon.
She huffed. The only ones missing were Mirabel and Antonio. She was sure Antonio was back at Casita, but she hadn't seen Mirabel in a while...
As she was reluctantly handing out flowers (like the ones she used to give out in her childhood), she heard someone calling her name. Turning, she was relieved to see Antonio, maybe he could pull her from this borefest. As he got closer she could see the distress on his face and her relief turned to worry.
He slammed into her legs, and there was tears in his eyes. "Antonio? What's wrong?" She asked in English, having not switched back to what they usually spoke in. Antonio started to explain the situation, and Isabela's anger slowly started to build up. "SHE DID WHAT?!" Isabela suddenly screamed, startling those surrounding her.
She immediately stormed off, Antonio hurrying after her. The other three in town seemed to take notice to the sudden change in her mood and followed after. They hadn't seen Isabela this mad in years. Sure she had gotten irritated, but she had always tried to keep her cool, especially in front of the younger three.
Isabela was fuming. Never, NEVER had she thought that her grandmother would take it this far. But she would draw the line here. She tolerated that senile old woman long enough. She couldn't put up with it anymore.
"ABUELA!" Isabela yelled, throwing open Casita's doors. She marched into the house, looking around for her grandmother. She could hear the others coming into the house, confused. Antonio was crying as Dolores picked him up, explaining what happened. Isabela's head turned towards the nursery, where the door suddenly was thrown open, and an almost hysterical Mirabel was scrambling down the stairs.
"Isa!" She cried, running down Casita's stairs. The houses' tiles rumbled for a moment, and Alma was thrown out of the nursery. She look guilty, and maybe even upset?
Mirabel fell into Isabela's arms, and she was still crying. She was trying to say something but it wasn't working our very well. Isabela brought her to the ground gently, looking at her back. Antonio had been right, and her anger only grew. Mirabel was holding onto her eldest sister with two of her arms while her other two were reaching towards her wings in an attempt to untie them.
Mirabel's large blue butterfly wings had been tied up. They were tucked and stacked, awkwardly jolting whenever Mirabel tried to move them. Their grandmother had tied some kind of fabric around them, which held them down. Looking at it, it look rather tight---it was probably really painful for Mirabel, seeing that it was considerly one of the most sensitive parts of her body.
Luisa and Camilo rushed over, taking Mirabel and beginning to untie the fabric. Isabela stood protectively in front of them. By then, Alma was downstairs, looking rather upset.
"What is wrong with you?!" Isabela screamed, teeth bared as she eyed her grandmother. Alma said nothing, choosing to look away. Isabela only got more angry, did this dilapidated shrew think that of she ignored them she would let it go? That she would just let this slide? "Answer me!"
Alma furrowed her eyebrows before looking down and over at Mirabel, who was still crying and shaking as Luisa and Camilo unraveled the fabric and smoothed out her slightly creased wings. Completely undoing all of her work.
"I simply...hid...the imperfections. It's bad enough she doesn't have a gift," Alma said, looking at Isabela.
"Imperfections? You decided to harm my sister because you don't like the way she looks?!" Isabela said, moving closer. Her were fist balling up as she refrained from just full on attacking Alma.
The other adults seemed to have heard the ruckus because they had come back inside. Seeing a very infuriated Isabela and a defensive looking Alma at a standstill was a sight to behold. Both Julieta and Pepa were already upset at their mother, but now even more so. What had she done this time?
"She caused this anyway! She has no--" Alma was suddenly silenced when Isabela shoved her down, Casita making absolutely no effort to catch her. In fact, the house seemed rather off. Tiles were shaking and rattling and there was the sound of drywall and tile cracking.
"You don't have the right! My sister has been nothing but nice to you and this is how you repay her?! BY TRYING TO BIND HER DOWN?!" Isabela snapping, pupils narrowing to slits as she looked down at the Madrigal matriarch. "Maybe we shoud leave again, because clearly you haven't changed!"
Alma finally stood up, huffing. "Well maybe if she hadn't been such a disgrace all those years ago, I WOULDN'T HAVE TO RESORT TO THAT!" Alma retorted, more than done with Isabela's attitude. Just who did she think she was speaking to her like that? Had she no decorum?
Isabela's eyes widened at the words. Suddenly everything in Casita went quiet. The only sounds was Casita cracking amd break Pepa's thunderstorm and Mirabel and Antonio's crying. The younger woman raised her hand, she was so ready to strike her down.
The parents did nothing. They were stunned into silence---Alma never, ever went as far as to call Mirabel a disgrace. At least, not in front of the family or to her face (which was false, because she had done that several time behind their backs before the kids left). They wanted to tell her off, but Isabela seemed to have gained her anger back again first.
Isabela was so close to bring her clawed hand down, but then she heard someone sob her name. She stopped, turned and saw Mirabel in Luisa's hold.
"Isa...I wanna...I wanna go home," Mirabel spoke so quietly, but Isabela heard her just fine. Completely ignoring Alma, she walked back over to Mirabel, helping her up.
It seemed as soon as Mirabel uttered those words, soldifying the fact that the kids no longer considered this their home, Casita finally broke down. Whatever was holding the miracle together just broke. The house start falling and everyone started making a mad dash for the door. Luisa, being the sweetheart she is, still grabbed Alma who was behind and managed to throw her out the door.
Everyone (including Bruno), had managed to get out. Alma looked at the house, now in ruins. And now the miracle is gone. She couldn't even say anything. She stared for a moment more, then turned when she heard hissing and growling. She saw her grandkids, slowly backing away from the other adults who were trying to talk to them.
To Alma? They looked crazy. To their parents? They looked scared. Really scared. Isabela was crouching protectively in front of Mirabel who was cowering, looking genuinely terrified of her own parents. Luisa was standing at her full height, which was intimidating in and of itself considering her build. Dolores was holding Antonio close, the boy growling while Camilo kept close as well, constantly changing colors and even going invisible at one point.
Alma stood and made her way over, to reprimand them. Someone needed to talk some sense into them, especially after what Mirabel did. Because of her, she cursed the other grandchildren and destroyed Casita and the miracle. And now she couldn't even find Bruno, who, according to Antonio and Camilo, was still in Casita at the time of their arrival. And Alma still needed to talk to him about the vision that had been found.
Alma had gotten close---too close. As soon as Isabela locked eyes, she found herself on the ground, her eldest granddaughter on top of her, growling and hissing like a wild animal. She quite literally looked feral, and for the first time, Alma was scared. She dudn't dare move, in fear that Isabela might actually act on full on attacking her.
Isabela's eyes were cold and critical as she stared at Alma. Alma didn't move. She wouldn't move. Couldn't. She had taken notice to how the other 4 adults hadn't move to help her---not that she could act on it. Isabela finally seemed to let up and deemed Alma safe enough that she could move away.
Isabela walked towards the forest line, turning slightly. She made some noises, something unintelligible, and the other kids went after, with Luisa picking Mirabel up. All of them ran towards the forest, but not before looking back at their parents.
Isabela looked back at Alma and the old woman flinched. She could tell by her eyes alone that she ni longer viewed her as family. All respect was lost. There was nothing there for her. It didn't take long for Isabela to make a break for the forest, following after her younger sisters and cousins.
Julieta and Pepa broke down crying, their husbands holding them, though they were just as upset. Alma watched on for a moment before seeing Bruno scramble out of a bush and look towards where he saw his sobrinas and sobrinos go. His shoulders dropped and he turned towards the remaining family, more specifically at his mama.
Alma could see the sadness, disappointment and anger in his face. She could see her two daughters and their husbands despair at their children leaving them again. Right after they had gotten them back. How they didn't even know if they would come back.
And it was all her fault. For once Alma rethought everything, running the things she once viewed as imperfections and problems and for once she realized that...
She was the problem.
WHAT ALMA REFLECTS 🤨🤨 She won't admit it though. She's still just a lil bit too into herself. She still gonna argue, but. She will apologize. Just not anytime soon 💀💀
Here's some art <33
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OK BYEEEE ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
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polafria14 · 3 months
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Hola amiguis xxiv
Aca les dejo estas remeras que les hice a mis amigos Colombianos Juan Camilo de la Rota y Amalia Andrade, top de los top <3 Amalia es una escritora muy cool que conocí por Twitter cuando vivía en New York y compartimos emails e info y cosas cheveres. Yo hablaba de David Lynch en la época porque había comprado el libro de el en un bookstore en Williamsburg (mi favorito) y cuento corto, quedamos en conocernos e intercambiar libros cuando nos conociéramos en Bogota, y, le lleve ese libro. Ella me dio un libro muy importante y un clásico del beat generation de escritores acerca de drogas etc pero se me olvido cual era y ya no lo tengo :( entonces le tengo que preguntar <3
Ahora yo me estoy leyendo su libro llamado "Cosas Que Piensas Cuando Te Muerdes Las Unas" que es acerca del miedo y sus miedos personales. Es divina la amo. El caso es que enfrentar los miedos te libera y todo esta en la cabeza de uno <3 Me ha pasado jeje :0 El caso es que aveces toca ser valientes en la vida y tomar decisiones liberantes. Amalia "liberante" es una palabra? LOL. El caso es que ella no solo escribe pero también lee y el libro incluye pasajes de artistas y escritores importantes y de esa forma ella nos comparte, aparte de cuales son algunos de sus artistas favoritos, a que le tienen, o le tenian, miedo.
Su camiseta es la de la casita con el gato, para no decir... mansion ;) :D :) yay. Esta ubicada adentro de un sol porque esa es la energía que transmita ella y todos los capricornios <3 De resto la camiseta la intente hacer high art porque ella es muy high art <3 entonces se ve como Pollock ;) Yyyyyyyyy le coci Rocko's Life y su perrito porque esos somos ella y yo :p loquis :0
Bueno ahora hablemos de Juanca de La Rota. Para los que no saben, el es el vocalista de una banda yuppie :p (mentiras!) de punk Bogotano que todavía no he podido decifrar pero ahi voy <3 ES EL MEJOR PUNK BOGOTANO DEL MUNDO DESPUES DE ATERCIOPELADOS (la verdad con esas dos bandas tengo suficiente punk bogotano y no he buscado mas :p) LA SOBRINA DE ANDREA ECHEVERRI FUE CONMIGO AL JARDIN :0 <3
Bueno el caso es que la banda Chite es compleja la verdad. Compleja y alcohólica ;) Tienen una canción que se llama "Por Confiar En El Punk" que me ayudo mucho a ser yo :) y a pasarla bueno. También son super lindos y super tiernos y los amo. Saben cuidar a las niñas y son muy románticos (pero nadie sabe eso) :) Su camiseta es un hámster con cresta por su canción "La Cresta" que tiene una letra de mariachi en moto :p y es mi himno nacional. El hamster es divino y un chiste y solo radia buenas vibras punk. Le puse corazoncito porque se lo gano :p y obvio el corazón tiene mohawk <3
Por dentro le coci un perro disfrazado de perro caliente y 4 arboles porque así es la vida, muy play. BUENO LOS AMO CHAO. WE BE TALKIN. <3 <3 <3 <3
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ttdvaipelasombra · 4 months
𝙎𝙚𝙪 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙯𝙞𝙖 "𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙖́ 𝙪𝙢𝙖 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚 𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖".
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 ENTIDADE  : conto perdido do Peter Pan +  ( pirata / bandido ). basic information :  ele/delu,  beija tudo que é vivo e respira - os que não respiram também,  23 anos, 17 de fevereiro (aquariano).
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DEUS GREGO: conto perdido do Hércules + ( dono do Drink in Hell ). basic information :  ele/dele, sua sexualidade é Perséfone , imortal, ? anos, é escorpiano. @bowbeforeyourunderworldgod
Lobo Mau.
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LOBISOMEM: conto perdido da Chapeuzinho Vermelho + ( policial ). basic information :  ele/dele, heterossexual , apaixonado por Red, 28 anos, 13 de outubro (libriano safado). @bigboywolf
Príncipe Eric.
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HUMANO: conto perdido da pequena sereia + ( herdeiro + poeta ). basic information :  ele/dele, casado, pansexual , 22y, 21 de junho (cânceriano). @caiunavilaopeixefuzila
Marshall Lee.
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VAMPIRO: conto perdido hora de hora de aventura + ( cantor / músico ). basic information :  ele/dele, pansexual e apaixonado pelo cicletinho, 1003 anos , 6 de abril (ariano). @vampirinhosanguebom
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PERSONIFICAÇÃO: conto perdido de gatos de botas + ( ceifador / médico ). basic information :  ele/dele, não tem sexualidade, ? anos , (só sabe que é escorpiano.) @aondevcvaiamortevaiatras
Jack Overland Frost.
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ESPÍRITO GUARDIÃO DA NEVE: conto perdido de jack frost + ( guardião / dançarino ). basic information :  ele/dele, não tem sexualidade, mais de 300 anos , 11 de junho (geminiano). @kingofthewinterjf
Rainha Má.
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BRUXA: conto perdido de a branca de neve + ( ministra das poções ). basic information :  ela/dela, lésbica, 32 anos , 20 de junho (geminiana). @ttdrainhagrimhilde
John Constantine.
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HUMANO: conto perdido dele mesmo ( exorcista / faz-tudo) basic information :  ele/dele, bissexual, 45 anos , 7 de outubro ( libriano). @sommelierdedemonios
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DÊMONIO: conto perdido os aristogatas + ( mordomo chefe ). basic information :  ele/dele, não tem sexualidade, 41 anos , 26 de setembro ( libriano ). @omordomofezisso
Alucard Tappes.
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VAMPIRO/HUMANO: conto perdido do drácula + ( pianista ). basic information :  ele/dele, atira para todos os lados, 202 anos , Século XV(taurino). @4luc4rdfahrenheit
Cheshire Cat.
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felino / CRIATURA CRIADA DO PAÍS DAS MARAVILHAS: conto perdido de alice e o país das maravilhosas + ( exercito da rainha branca ). basic information :  elu/delu, pansexual, 24 anos , n/a.@cheshirekittykittykitty
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HUMANO: conto perdido de o planeta do tesouro + ( dono da loja x ). basic information :  ele/dele, bissexual, 24 anos , 19 de outubro (librianbo). @flyjimfly
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HUMANO-PASSÁRO: conto perdido da bela adormecida + ( dono de casa ). basic information :  ele/dele, casado, 44 anos , 24 de novembro (sagitariano).@dianagordonofcl
Bruno Madrigal.
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HUMANO: conto perdido dos madrigal + ( prever o futuro / ajuda sua abuela com a casita ) basic information :  ele/dele, solteiro, 36 anos , 4 de novembro(escorpiano). @weneedtotalkaboutbruno
Wednesday Friday Addams.
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HUMANA: conto perdido da famílias addams + ( estudante na faculdade + trabalha de vez em quando no necrotério da sua família ). ela/ele, arromantica, 24 anos, 13 de novembro ( escorpiana ).@childofwoewnadinha4
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Gato de Botas.
FELINO / METAMORFO: conto perdido do gatos de botas + ( procurando / ladrão ). basic information :  ele/dele, bissexual, solteiro, 34 anos, 20 de fevereiro ( capricorniano ). @pepinogatodebtoas
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Conde Vladimir Moldoveanu. aka Papa Vlad.
VAMPIRO: conto perdido de Hotel Transilvânia + ( ceo do hotel ). basic information :  ele/dele, pansexual, viúvo, 590 anos, 22 de outubro ( libra ). @condevladim
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radation · 1 year
Something funny?
Lee- baby isa and Dolores
Ler- juli and pepa
(Scenario: isa and Dolores were giggling at the fact that their mothers were fighting….over an arepa so in return they make them laugh even harder)
One day in la casita madrigal, you could hear Dolores and Isabela’s giggles roaming around the casita, as much to the adults they would hear this everyday so it was normal
So one day, Dolores and isa walked in on their mothers having an argument on who should have the last arepa
“I should get the last arepa! I made it!” Julieta grunted
“No I should! You ate almost all of them” pepa frowned
“That’s because you’re a slow eater!” Juli smirked
“Oh yes I did”
“Don’t judge me nor my eating that is personal!”
As Julieta was about to speak, both heard laughter and in a sync they turned to see their daughters laughing
Dolores laughing on the floor, holding her stomach yelling “my stomach!”
Isa buckled and laughed “what are you, 5?”
Both glanced at each other and pepa spoke “you know arepas are delicious, you both fight over dolls” with julieta chuckling in the background
Both girls calmed them selfs down and told that atleast dolls can be reused
“I can’t believe our mothers are fighting over AN AREPA?!?” Dolores chuckled
“Yeah, hard to say but I believe that they have become of our age, if they told us sooner it would have been a real help when we were playing dollies” Isabella responded
“What did you say….” Both mothers standing up
Isa and Dolores immediately stopped laughing and stood like soldiers (well kinda), hands behind the back, but looking at their mothers in pure fear
“That your our age” isa spoke in a hesitant high pitched voice
“So ur calling us 5 year olds…” pepa smirked while juli crossed her arms
“Maybe…” Dolores pointed out
“I’ll show u 5 year old” Juli pounced at isa, pinning her arms up and placed her mouth on her ribs moving her mouth all around while making that “nom nom” sound
Isa created the loudest squeal ever (dw this is before Dolores got her gift) Dolores stood their stunned not until she was disrupted when her mother pinned her arms up and doing the same as her sister
Both girls were screaming and begging for mercy
Julieta stopped attacking her ribs and held Isabela’s arms with one hand and used the unoccupied one to tickle her armpits
And that sent isa into a fit of laughter and turning her head, kicking her legs, doing her absolute best to lower her arms but couldn’t
“Not gonna happen hija” juli noticed that by isa kicking her legs she was attempting to escape so juli put leg on top of her waist and tickled her sides and belly with a few pokes to her belly button,isa was squealing and laughing and could still kick but it wasn’t doing much help
While all that was going on , pepa was blowing raspberries all over Dolores’s stomach and kissing her sides
Dolores couldn’t stop squealing and squeaking
Pepa stopped blowing raspberries and used her unoccupied hand to tickle her ribs,digging her fingers in her ribs and tickling them while singing a melody to tease her
“You’re fault” pepa smirked
“WHAHAHAIHIHIT” isa screamed
“Oh hush hija, you know you love tickles and would want them any time” julieta said bringing her face closely towards isa’s not before pepa did the same to Dolores
Keep in mind that the poor girls were blushing red and obviously their moms picked up on it, they would tease them by saying like “awe ur so ticklish u become redder than ur own dress” and “look at that giggly face~ become redder by the minute”
“Tickle tickle hija~” pepa smiled
“Here comes the tickle monster~” juli grinned
“Oh look at you both in a fit of giggles weren’t u guys mocking us a moment ago? And now look at you, pinned on the floor being tickled”
“Your giggles are so cute~”
“Are u guys Sorry?”
Both screaming yes
Isa nodding her head and Dolores soon later agreeing
“Fine then but one last thing” pepa winked at juli, julieta gave pepa a confused look but soon later understand and on the count of 3 they blew
The hardest most strongest and longest raspberry they gave for 5 year olds so it wasn’t that bad, they weren’t about to kill their daughters
And that was the final blow that sent isa and Dolores into a silent laughter
(Don’t worry pepa and julieta were going gentle the entire time)
After the final blow, Pepa and julieta both set their daughter’s arms free and immediately Dolores and isa yanked them down putting them selfs in a fetus position
After the girls finally recovered by their mothers rubbing the ghostly tickles away, wiping the little tears they got from the raspberry and cutting the arepa into 2 pieces so both could share
“Thaht was cruehl” the girls still giggling after the attack
“Yehah, it was horror buht fuhn” Dolores added on
“Now you know not to mess with us huh?” Pepa gave one last poke to Dolores which made her flinch and batted her moms hand away receiving a bubbly giggle
“And that goes for you to missy” julieta teased as she held isa,placing her on her lap and nuzzled her nose to her nose letting isa chuckle
Pepa picked up Dolores and Dolores rested her head on her mother’s shoulder and isa resting her head on her mother’s chest, after a moment both isa and Dolores were sound asleep with their mothers stroking their hair
“I love moments like this” pepa stated
“Yeah me to, now let’s get them to bed…they look pretty worn out” julieta chuckled
“I mean yeah we did go a little rough on them” pepa gestured
“oh hush we didn’t go rough they are just dramatic” as both mothers were making their way up the stairs
Both mothers quietly giggled before going opposite and quietly entering their daughter’s room and gently placing them into bed tucking them in for a quit nap and giving a kiss before leaving the room with a heartwarming smile
The end :)
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mythica0 · 1 year
Hello parrot <3333 how are you I hope you’re doing well <3
If you have the time I was wondering if your able to do a ler Augustine and felix and lee julieta and pepa where they tickle their wives because they love them so much and just wanna hear them laugh
(I’ve always loved them 4 :) )
Also please take your time and don’t rush, I am completely okay with you as much time as you need. Bye and take care❤️❤️
Gorgeous noise~
🎂: Encanto
🧁: Julieta, Pepa
🍫: Felix , Augustine
Summary: the husbands of the casita want to hear their wives laugh.
Ship(s): the respective parents
A/N: aww , your so sweet anon! <3 I hope you have a good day as well! Edit: geez sorry this is so short anon. I hope it’s still okay!
Gorgeous noise~
Is was a little to quiet in the casita for Felix and Augustine. The two men were on the patio when the both had a similar thought.
“I would love to hear Julieta’s laugh right now. It brightens up any room!” August (A/N: is that an acceptable abbreviation? ) said.
“Pepa has a nice laugh too! It’s so cheerful! And squeaky.” He mutters the last part as an afterthought.
One thing led to another and now….
Julieta has zero clue what her husband was doing. He , all of a sudden, came into her room and gave her a hug from behind .
“Hello, mi amor~ was there anything you needed?” She spoke lovingly .
“Mhm hmm.” He hummed into her shoulder.
“Well what is it?”
“Your laughter.” He spoke abrubtly, before squeezing his wife’s sides rapidly.
“Mihihi amhohor ! Phohor quhuhue! (My love! Why!) “
“Because i love you~ and your laughters adorable!”
He wasn’t lying when he said her laughter brightened up the whole room.
Pepa was in a similar situation. Hugged by her husband, being tickled to bits.
“Felihihix! Stohohop!” She squeaked out.
“No can do mi vida~ your laughter makes my corazón swell with joy!”
If Pepa wasn’t ..ahem.. occupied.. she would have commented on how poetic the line was.
Slowly a rainbow started to form over Pepa’s head .
She was happy .
The husbands were happy, smiling at their wives beautiful laughter and thinking ..
‘Oh , what a gorgeous noise~ ‘
—————THE END——————————————
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4lch0d · 2 years
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“I don’t have special hearing but I can hear giggles~”
Lee Dolores (16) and ler felix (45).
Felix was about to head to sleep after calming his wife then eventually getting her to nap.
As his eyes started to feel heavy, he saw a glimpse walk past and after processing what happened he realized that it looked a lot like his daughter.
He didn’t think much of it until he heard soft crying, now I know he doesn’t have special hearing, but since Dolores’s room was next to his mi amor’s room and because she left her door a little open, it was quite easy to hear someone cry.
“Is that…Dolores?” The man questioned himself in the head with a puzzled look. Quickly he got up and got dressed and dashed off to her room careful not to wake up his emotional wife.
“Dolores… is everything okay?” The man asked his teary eyed daughter.
After a moment of silence…
She replied “No *sniff* no Papi”.
“Oh mi,cariño” the man responded with affection in his heart, “what’s wrong? Anything I can do to help?”.
“not really Papi, I don’t think anything will help me be in a better mood. But thanks for trying” she spoke as she wiped her tears.
“Are you sure? I mean, I am known for calming your mother. And she can get very emotional so I’m pretty sure I can help you”.
“Thanks papi but I’m sure I’ll have to cry this one out” Dolores chuckled.
“Come on felix think, THINK” that little voice in his head was encouraging felix to do something.
then, He got it……
“You know… there is one way to make you be in a happier mood” his eyes shimmered with mischief.
“and w-whats that?” Dolores stuttered in her words, basically it meant she was hesitant.
“TICKLES” he whisper-yelled as his arms shot up in the air while wiggling his fingers.
Dolores’s eyes widen as he gently pounces on her.
Now Felix is sitting on her waist, arms on the ready for any moment to attack and now, a stuck Dolores pleading for him to not tickle her.
“Wahahit noho pahpa hold ohn” the girl giggled as she can already feel the tickles.
“Corazon I’m not even tickling you yet” the man laughed causing Dolores to turn red as her dress.
but he couldn’t wait any longer he started to tickle her sides gently, now since she has sensitive ears he’s more gentle with her than ANYBODY in the casita, and Felix can be REALLY I REPEAT REALLY GENTLE.
And that’s how Dolores liked it.
“Wahahit I wahahsnt rehehahdy!!” She giggled as she grabbed her fathers wrists to make the tickles atleast less tortures. But her father can carry all his children at once so im guessing it barely helped.
“But it’s more adorable when your being frantic about tickles~” and that word always makes Dolores weak and red and we all know weak and tickle never mix well.
Since her laughter wasn’t that high *COUGH*yet*COUGH* she didn’t need to cover her ears.
That was until he moved to her belly (including belly button).
For safety precautions she had to cover ears but still manages to, well atleast TRIES to block her fathers tickles.
“What’s what? Tickles?” As he manages to flip Dolores on her belly and tickle her back.
All he heard were squeals and squeals and possibly even squeaks, not even just laughter any more.
After a few moments, he knew his daughter must be tired by now so he stopped and rubbed her gently to get rid of the ghostly tickles.
“You know, I may not have super enchanted hearing like you, but I sure can hear giggles” as he kissed her tomato of a face (lowkey this sentence made me laugh).
“Noho more plhehase” she pleaded.
“Okay yeah no more that’s enough for today”.
After a while, Dolores began to feel better and become open to her father and explained how she just got so fed up with her “gift” and asked casita to take it but casita explained that her gift can be used for good, although Dolores wasn’t buying it and she also explained that the tickles made her feel a little better.
“Mi hija, your gift is wonderful and can be used for the greater good, and trust me when I say I would love to have the gift that you’ve luckily gotten, sure some loud noises can give you headaches but atleast you know everyone’s secrets? Right aye?”.
That sentence caused Dolores to smile but she tried hiding it by look away and covering her mouth.
“Ay I see a little smile~” as he started to poke her sides.
“Ahy pahpa noh mhore” the girl laughed as she tried to wiggle her self free.
“Yeah your right,say why don’t you sleep with me and your mama, huh? What do ya say?”.
She wanted to say no but every urge in her body told her to say yes so she agreed and he took her to pepa’s room where she had awoken and Felix explained the entire story and pepa immediately grabbed her child and cuddled with her.
Dolores wasn’t expecting it so it took her a moment to process everything but soon hugged her mischievous mother back, soon felix joined the hug and all fell asleep and drifted off to snoozeland.
The end :>
Hope you enjoyed this fic, if you did please let me know and if you would like me to write you a fic (or hc’s e.t.c) just let me know by requesting and please stay safe, stay happy and I’ll see y’all next time.
(this feels so much like a YouTube outro)
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