#leave it to a show about lego ninjas to not only write some of the most wholesome and healthy relationships I've ever seen
Congrats to Cole ninjago for being an actual aroace icon
All my man needs is cake and his friends and he's perfectly happy with that what a legend
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genderfluidkai · 1 year
Misako is a good mother and i will die on this hill
I am stupidly passionate over little lego people, so I am compiling a list of reasons as to why Misako’s actions are understandable and to show that the logic some people use to call her a bad mother is maybe just a little silly. putting it under a read more though bc i am writing so goddamn much
Point number 1: leaving Lloyd at Darkley’s
Most points I see about this is people saying “well why didn’t she leave him with Wu” which there are MULTIPLE reasons for.
1. He had just banished Garmadon, yknow, Misako’s husband. While it was on accident, Misako likely would not feel comfortable leaving her son with Wu
2. Morro. Now, we don’t know when exactly Wu took Morro in, as we’re never given an exact timeframe, however I would put it somewhere between the FSM’s death and a little while before Garmadon’s banishment. Misako full well could have bore witness to what happened with Morro, or could’ve been told about it. Misako is thus very reasonable in not wanting to leave her infant son, the actual Green Ninja, with Wu, as for all she knew, the moment Wu figured it out he would start training Lloyd. She would not want Lloyd to miss out on his childhood while possibly also becoming a self-important prick with a massive ego (bc for how much I love Morro, I can admit that that’s what he became due to the whole Green Ninja thing).
3. If Wu DID realise Lloyd was the green ninja, and then start to train him, it’d mean Misako leaving Lloyd in the first place would have been for nothing. Misako was trying to prevent the prophecy, not speed it up.
And then it comes to Darkley’s itself, and the fact that there are multiple reasons leaving Lloyd there would have been a good option in Misako’s eyes
1. It is a school for future villains. It was likely the ONE PLACE Lloyd could go where he wouldn’t be ostracised by his peers like we see him being in the Ninjago movie, especially because we can guess that Garmadon had a reputation for being evil PRIOR to his banishment, as when the villagers of Jamanakai think Lloyd is saying he’s Lord Garmadon, they’re terrified of him, until they see him and realise he’s Lord Garmadon’s like, 10 year old son. Darkley’s was the one place being the son of Lord Garmadon would HELP HIM
2. She had no way of knowing Lloyd would get mistreated by other students. How was she supposed to anticipate Brad putting fire ants in Lloyd’s bed years before it happened? Also, she had no way of knowing the school itself would mistreat him. She likely wasn’t told he was kicked out/ran away from Darkley’s, or wasn’t given the time to come find/collect him, because she very much would have the common sense to know there’s no one else to look after him
3. For all she knew, Garmadon was the Dark Lord in the prophecy. She had no idea it actually meant the Overlord. She could’ve thought that if Lloyd looked up to his father and wanted to be on his side, and neither of them wanted to fight each other, it could help to stall the prophecy.
And then, we get to the fact that we don’t really see her make things up to Lloyd about the whole “abandoning him at an evil boarding school thing”, which is because Ninjago was originally only supposed to be 2 seasons long, and Misako only first appears SEVEN EPISODES IN to season 2. They had no time to give her any character development or show her bonding with Lloyd, because they only had 6 more episodes left after her first appearance.
Since then, it seems the writers have just chosen to imply she has family bonding time with Lloyd off screen. We can see that they now care for each other as a family, so it’s very likely that she DOES try to bond with Lloyd but the writers just didn’t want to/couldn’t find a way to fit it into the show itself.
She has made mistakes, yes, but she is trying to make up for them and none of the reasoning behind her mistakes was outright malicious. She wanted to protect her son as much as possible, and keep him from having to fight his own father.
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nonbinarykai · 1 year
Why I don’t think the ninja are going anytime soon.
Spoilers for dragons rising obviously
Listen I’ve seen a lot of concerns and rumors going around that ninjago is going to get rid of its main cast. And while I’d understand out of context why people would believe this. I want to list out all my possible reasons for why this WONT happen
This is a bit of a long post so, buckle up
It doesn’t line up with the ending of crystallized
Think about it. Don’t you think it would be a little weird if lego basically forced the writers to make the ending of crystallized return everything to the status quo, only to immediately throw that all away?
Yes I’m aware that the current view of lego as a company is not that great atm. Mostly in due to those fake leaks that basically portrayed lego as the big bad villain behind crystallized poor writing.
But I promise you, lego is not that bad. Sure there has definitely been some conflict between the writers and lego in the past. But if you look through what Tommy said in his post leaving q&a’s, it seems like most of the poor writing decisions were made by the writers themselves.
And example of this: changing oni Lloyd from having a big significance to only having 20 seconds of screentime. We kinda assumed that this was due to lego. However, Tommy claims that the reason oni Lloyd was on a thrown in his set, was because the set was based off of that early draft of the script. Which mean that lego must have been okay with it enough to make a set out of it. Which means it’s more likely oni Lloyd was a result of the writers choices.
However, there was one change that we know lego Forced the writers to include. And that’s reintroducing Nya and bringing her back. This was CONFIRMED by Tommy to be the case.
So then, isn’t it extremely weird that after lego forced the writers to bring Nya back, Their suddenly asking/okay with her leaving again?
And sure you can argue “oh but it looks like Lloyd is training Arin and Sora!” And sure that might explain why they can’t get rid of Lloyd.
But Nya and Kai have only had brief appearances. And as some people would suggest, means they don’t have that much of a role to play.
So couldn’t have nya stayed gone? What’s the point of putting so much effort into killing nya then brining her back when it would have been easier to just, leave her dead.
That is unless, lego does want to keep the original ninja around for the new series!
Same goes for things like garm and harumis redemption arc (atleast I hope that’s what it is). Lloyd still not having control of his oni powers, the ninja losing their own powers, the new ninja, etc. There’s to many loose ends that haven’t been properly tied up, in fact their just beginning.
In fact, if dragons rising really is supposed to retire the ninja. Then why not just make crystallized an actual finale?
A lot of the criticisms for crystallized was that it just returned the status quo. Why would they do that if crystallized was meant to be the last time we see atleast some of the ninja? Wouldn’t it be more impactful to show how the ninja move on from being ninja?
It contradicts the quest for lost powers entirely.
Seriously, why would the book even need to exist? The whole point of the book is to show the ninja getting their powers back (and in the case of kai) becoming ninja again. Why would that be necessary to show at all if the ninja are going to be out the door anyway? In fact, leaving it at just the ninja losing their powers in crystallized would be a great reason for why they would retire. The book kinda contradicts that.
Obviously, if there powers weren’t important in the next series then their wouldn’t need to be a book. The next series takes place after a time skip and deals with the realms merging together. That is ALOT of new information crammed into like 10 22 minute episodes. It would make sense to make a book explaining how the ninja got their powers back so that the show doesn’t need to explain for us and just get right into the mix.
If they think it significant enough to have to explain why the ninja have their powers back, then I think it’s safe to say that the ninja themselves are significant to this new series.
The book also took steps to try to canonize things like Kailor, implying that those things also needed to be explained before the series came out so that the series doesn’t have to waste time on it. So we might be seeing plot threads relating to the ninja as well.
What about the side characters?
Not only would it be insulting to just, get rid of the main characters that people have loved for over 10 years. But it would be borderline cruel to have the side characters not to have ANY send off.
The side characters are directly tied to the ninja. They don’t have any relation to Sora and Arin. So if the ninja go, there’s a likely chance the side characters go as well.
But the side characters haven’t gotten any send off, not from crystallized, not from the books, nothing.
Would the writers really be bold enough to get rid of all the side characters without giving them a proper send off? I don’t think they would.
Doc has shown alot of love for the fandom and the show. And we know some of the new writers actually like exploring the side characters.
Plus it would really piss of the fans, I’d imagine that lego is smart enough to not do that.
The marketing implies otherwise
Yes I am fully aware that marketing is often misleading and doesn’t always fully represent the series. But I think it’s important to dissect what we do know and how lego chooses to market the new season.
First and For-most: Arin and Sora aren’t really that involved in the sets. Or Atleast not compared to the ninja. The ninja have multiple sets with their names on it. While Arin and Sora seem to just have two, one for each. Also in the leaked Lloyd mech, Arin has a noticeably smaller mech. Implying that he’s not as important as Lloyd.
If the show is trying to have a fully fresh start, it’s a bit weird to have the sets convey the opposite of that is it not?
For those that don’t already know, dragons rising is the name of the whole series. Unfortunately, we’re no longer getting season titles anymore.
So it’s important to note: on all the dragon rising merch we see right now, the ninja are the front and center and the new characters are in the back.
So why in the world would lego promote the ninja as the front of the whole SERIES, only to have them show up in one season and then leave. That doesn’t make much sense.
And while most people brushed off the dreamzzz teasers; I want to mention something that I think is extremely important.
Lego is using the ninja for advertising.
That might not sound weird at first, but really think about it.
Lego is not only ACKNOWLEDGING that yes, the ninja are extremely recognizable and important, but also directly using them confidently to promote other series.
So lego is not only recognizing that the ninja are marketable, their doing so with the confidence that it can be used to boost their new series.
It would be an extremely big risk then, to get rid of that marketability in favor of new characters. Especially right after the friends reboot and before their introducing a new series. Ninjago has kinda always been the “safe show” for lego when their other projects were just picking up. Currently lego is taking a big change in its new themes, they’d obviously want something to relay on.
Next gen does not mean we’re losing the old gen.
I’ve seen a lot of people get concerned that since the Netflix series said that Sora and Arin are next gen. That the ninja are going to leave.
But, next gen does not necessarily mean that the ninja are leaving.
For example, lord and Garmadon are multiple generations before the ninja. Yet they’ve been with the ninja for almost the entire series.
Lloyd is significantly younger then the other ninja. Yet he didn’t replace any of them when he joined. He just became apart of the team.
I think that’s going to happen to Sora and Arin. I think that we’re going to start seeing the ninja have to take up a mentor position and how that changes the team dynamic.
And this isn’t really new, it happened with Lloyd, Nelson, Jake, and plenty of other kid characters. We’ve also gotten plots about wu dying and Lloyd becoming a master since s4.
I THINK what is most likely to happen is that wu and maybe Misako dies. And Lloyd has to step up and run the monastery. This way, the amount of people on the main cast stays the same, so it won’t get to crowded. But the dynamic changes enough to be new.
It doesn’t seem to match Doc’s direction for the series
There’s a reason why I call doc the “anti Tommy”, and that’s because he shows so much respect towards the show and the community.
The ninja aren’t just characters we love and enjoy. Their also characters that he loves and enjoys!
Doc has been on the series for awhile now. He’s probably grown attached to these characters even more then us. I find it hard to imagine he would let that go. Especially now that he has a chance to find a way to make the ninja new and interesting!
Look at these posts, does this really seem like something a person who’s not planning on expanding on the ninja would reblog.
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The show is changing but that doesn’t mean it’s losing what made it great.
Yes, I won’t lie. The show is indeed going through a massive change right now. We’re going to get a new ninjago, both in terms of the show itself and the setting.
Doc does want to take the series in a new direction, that’s why he’s introducing these new characters.
But that doesn’t mean we’re getting a fresh new slate.
After all what’s the point if we could get a new direction with the ninja themselves?
The ninja have been the same for 10 years, some characters get lucky and are able to have arcs that impact their character, others (like Kai) are not.
The sad truth is that, the show can’t stay one way forever. Crystallized kinda proved that. Crystallized gave us what we wanted. It gave us the characters, it gave us the villains, it gave us the call backs and the Easter eggs. But when it came out, we still hated it. Why? Because the show was to scared to change. It was scared to keep Nya dead, it was scared to keep Lloyd and oni, it was scared to stray away from llorumi and say it was bad, it was scared to address the ice emperor. It was scared to address Kai’s feelings about his sister dying.
Crystallized stood there and told us that “no matter what happens to the ninja, things will stay the same” and we HATED it for it.
WE, AS A FANDOM, have been basically begging the writers to do something new with the characters, to take the series in a new direction. I feel as though it’s a bit cowardly to back out of that now that things are being changed. If we want the show to be better, we have to first acknowledge it has to change.
And you know what? If the new series sucks. Then it sucks! It’s not like simply changing the setting of the show will change the writing flaws in it.
But we’ve already spent years following this show even though most of us agree its poorly written. Why don't we just stick it out another month or two and give dragon rising a chance, even if there's a very small possibility the ninja might not be in it
who knows, maybe we'll find something we like.
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Legacy of the Green Ninja” E2: Pirates Vs. Ninja
Disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy.
- Intro ✅
- Soto writes in his journal vertically ❌
- Actual dr*nk pirate in a kids show ❌
- “… the fabled Island of Darkness.” Foreshadowing ✅
- First 2 minutes of a kids show depicts a pirate crew dying violently at sea… maybe this is why they were allowed to show the dr*nk guy ❌
- “Woah, grasshopper!” Grasshopper ✅
- “How about some target practice? On Kai!” If Kai’s the target, then why is Cole wearing the bowl on his head? ❌
- Wait is someone actually allowing Ultra Dragon to perch on their roof, or is Nya sitting him here without the building owner’s consent? ❌
- “Like a magic portal?” Was that another voice swap?!? Godd*mmit, I thought we left these in season 1! ❌
- “Keep up with him you slithering idiots!” They don’t slither - they have legs! ❌
- I know why Garmadon can’t hurt Ultra, but give me one reason as to why Ultra can’t just turn around and blow the ship up ❌
- “This crew sounds like they knew how to fly a ship!” They gave the wheel to the dude with no eyes ❌
- “Welcome to Grand Sensei Dareth’s Mojo Dojo.” No. ❌
- Look, Dareth gets better in later seasons. I enjoy him in Crystalized and Prime Empire and stuff, but early Dareth? I wanna snap his spine like a KitKat.
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- ^ How does Dareth untangled himself from those bead things that easily without them getting tangled into each other? Maybe Dareth is really the master of beads… or balls? ⬇️
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- ^ yeah, that adds up
- “How many trophies do you have?” 30 something-year old man makes fun of an 8 year old for literally no reason ❌
- “… Lord Garmadon destroyed the Devourer.” I’m only gonna mention this briefly since I’ll go into more detail during season 8 but Garmadon never would’ve been able to do sh*t against the Devourer had it not been for the ninja trapping it. ❌
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- ^ I’m living for the hand gestures Kai makes during this scene ✅
- “It only has the power to create!” Or it only works when you say “I wish.” You didn’t say that with Ultra, but you did say it with the pirates. Look, all I’m saying is Garmadon comes to this conclusion a bit too quickly ❌
- Taking a villain that’s bent on destruction and equipping him with a weapon that can’t destroy anything but can only create stuff is a genuinely interesting concept. Personally, I just wish it was done better than it was, because it had a lot of potential that I felt wasn’t really lived up to. ❌
- “But instead of 10 boards, how about 50?” End me now please ❌
- Also, Jeffy and Phil are literally just Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Usually, I’d win this like I do with most references but this is a sin because f*ck JK R*wling ❌
- “I don’t like the kid coming along.” The kid ✅
- “Please, please, please? I’ll be super good!” He’s just a little guy :( ✅
- The ninja think it’d be too dangerous to take Lloyd with them, so they decide to leave him alone on a public bus that could travel anywhere around the city? ❌
- “Pajama man!” PAJAMA MAN ✅
- “Dang it, Dareth!” A slightly more PG version of what I would say
- Did they actually have the money to pay for these costumes or did they legit steal them? ❌
- Jay literally looks Kai up and down and says “wow.” Bisexual Jay canon? ✅
- “We have to save him.” “We can’t get close enough without blowing our cover!” Kai thinks their cover is more important than Dareth. I mean, I agree, but still ❌
- “who here wants to see him go splat?” ME!
- “Who here wants to see him live!” *confused pirate noises* ✅
- Also, neither Jay nor Kai speak up when Jay says that. Again, I agree, but these guys are supposed to be the heroes! ❌
- Where are Zane and Cole throughout the entire plank scene? ❌
- “More pajama men?” “Where? I can’t see!” Are jokes about blind people forgetting they’re blind similar to when bilingual characters “forget to switch” which language they’re speaking in? ❌
- “Ninja vs pirates… who will win?” I still think that the fact that we didn’t get a definitive answer to this question is the soul reason for why Skybound was made. I’m gonna let you all decide if that’s a sin or win.
- Since when does Zane use smoke bombs? ❌
- Okay who put a gum ball machine on the Bounty and why???? ❌
- “Jay!” Okay, but I’m with Jay on this one. If y’all are gonna be dumb enough to actually fall a victim to this gum ball thing I think you deserve the face the consequences ❌
- Lloyd just completely took Zane out I’m- ✅
- Kai puts Lloyd upside down in a BARREL because surely that’s safe /s ❌
- “I just did Spinjitzu for the first time!” Why does this line delivery remind me of the dialogue from Dora the Explorer? ❌
- I know we established that Lloyd can harness all four elements of creation, but this energy ball/green power thing really did just come out of nowhere, didn’t it? ❌
- “Your powers are too uncontrollable!” Cole wants to warn Lloyd so bad that he astral projects his voice through Kai to do so ❌
- Annndddd Nya just tore the sail ❌
- “You’re getting stronger son, but you’ll never be strong enough to defeat me! Give up, before it’s too late!” Well this dynamic seems a little… different compared to the last time we saw it? ❌
- Also, shouldn’t Lloyd be getting punished for this? He was told not to come because it’s dangerous (and it is) and he ignored them and went anyway. He seriously could’ve gotten killed! I’m not saying he needs to be grounded for life or anything but the ninja should explain to him why he shouldn’t have come. ❌
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- I’m sorry I love the way they’re all staring affectionately at Lloyd. Like, he’s their little brother and they love him and ahhhh ✅
Sentence: Dareth
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cap10froggerguy · 3 years
Tenth Anniversary recap
So, as my little celebration of the Ninjago 10 Year Anniversary, here’s a little recap of every single season, including the pilots and a few bonuses. I also added totally arbitrary scoring based on my own preferences. Ready? Here we go!
The Pilots:
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Local man joins gang to save sister, gains awesome powers and dragons along the way. Featuring the Wise Old Mentor(C) and Generic Evil Overlord(C), as well as FIYAH, the main character with a firey temper, AT-AT, blue guy with motor mouth, Frosty, local “real boy” who is super aloof, and Bucket of Rocks, who is the “leader” and has a personality like a rock. Is that a compliment? You decide!
Choppy animation and okay storytelling, but excellent characterization creates a surefire laugh fest!
0/0, they were trying their hardest, so no ranking for you.
Season 1: Rise of the Snakes
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Ninja team angers young and bratty boy, who unleashes snake army. Prophecy threatens to tear the team apart at the seams with contests to prove who is better. Winner ends up being FIYAH’s sister, but instead of becoming The Chosen One(C), young and bratty boy (henceforth known as Green Angst) gets the title. 
Animation is slightly better, and the storytelling style leads to an okay season.
3/13, Room for improvement.
Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja
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Green Angst gains superpowers, ages up, and beats up his dad, who has become possessed with evil. Plot of Return of the Jedi ensues, dad is good, and everything wraps up. 
Thinking this was going to be the last season, the showrunners pulled out all the stops, and it shows. Good job!
5/13, This makes a good ending.
Season 3: Rebooted
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Series tries to pick up where they left off. Unnecessary love triangles and robot battles ensue. Frosty dies, totally for realsies. 
The whole atmosphere feels a bit rushed, and about half of the story is there for unneeded drama.
1/13, did not age well.
Season 4: Tournament of Elements
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In stunning turn of events, Frosty is not dead. Ninja must battle in hunger games in order for Colonel Sanders to release him. FIYAH develops a crush on his daughter. 
A fun season with quippy writing and tons of lore, it works really well!
8/13, this season ages wonderfully.
Season 5: Possession
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Ghosts are a thing now! Green Angst gets possessed, and so the ninja must learn ghost fighting to fight ghosts. Also, FIYAH’s sister (From now on called Water Girl) gains water powers. 
While a neat story concept, the fact that Water Girl has only NOW been told about her powers kinda starts to weaken the story for me.
4/13, could do better.
Oh, and Bucket of Rocks is a ghost now. But the writers don’t care, so lets move on.
Season 6: Skybound
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AT-AT gets a season, where he had to battle a genie pirate while Water Girl tries to be a Strong Independent Woman(C) despite the love triangle fiasco. Season ends up retconning itself out of existence. 
While a good season pre-redesign, some of the story choices cause it to feel a bit drawn out in hindsight.
6/13, a fun season concept.
Day of the Departed:
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Bucket of Rocks cant catch enough of a break to get a season, gets Halloween-ish special instead. In it, he becomes No Longer A Ghost. Hooray for... writing? 
There’s not much to say about this one, it is what it is, and for a while, this was the only content we got centered around good ol Bucket of Rocks.
0/0, a ranking of this one wouldn’t be fair.
Season 7: Hands of Time
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Angst! Drama! Time Travel! Technology jokes! Old Mentor is dying from Too Many Secrets, so Green Angst must lead team. FIYAH and Water Girl find their parents. I bet that’ll be important later!
The story feels choppy, and leaves a lot of threads hanging. It’s still fun, but less so that what came before and what comes after.
2/13: Guys, you had one job.
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon
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The ninja get a facelift, and Green Angst gets a girlfriend! Guess which one is permanent. Evil Ex summons Evil Overlord(C) 2.0, causing Green Angst to loose Green and gain Angst.
The animation bump is stellar, the new voice actor for Green Angst really shines, and the story, while not new by any stretch, is filled with plenty of twists and turns.
9/13, Stellar Season.
Season 9: Hunted
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The OG 4 in Mad Max on one hand, while Green Angst and Water Girl resist against tyrannical overbearing ruler on the other. Now with even more daddy issues, inspiring speeches, and of course, ANGST.
The storytelling and atmosphere increases in quality, and the show does a good job of balancing angst and hope. Also, then end is really cool. 
12/13, Great Atmosphere.
Season 10/March of the Oni
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Everyone teams up to stop faceless CGI army! Wait, does that count if everything is CGI?
There’s not much to say on this one either. It feels both too short and too fast, and many of the story beats don’t hit like they should.
(6 1/2) / 13, Pretty OK.
Season 11 pt 1: The Fire Chapter
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Local team gets lazy, unleashes witch, FIYAH looses fire, Frosty dies again. OR DOES HE!?
Even better animation, and the voice actors are really having fun for this season onwards. It’s one of the weakest of the newer seasons, but the shorter episode time helps every episode pack a punch.\
7/13, Would recommend as a starter season.
Season 11 pt 2: The Ice Chapter
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Frosty becomes Frostbite and commits genocide. Is redeemed by power of friendship and amnesia. Let’s move on.
Character development, great moments, and thought provoking storytelling!? This season has all that AND a good grasp on the aesthetic!
10/13, Please forgive Frosty. He didn’t mean it.
Season 12: Prime Empire
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AT-AT gets his own season again, enacts plot of Tron Legacy, but better! Also, Frosty becomes a detective.
The obligitory videogame plot is done really well. Lots of fun is poked at videogame mechanics and it makes for a quippy and fast paced season. Just like AT-AT! 
11/13, videogame movie(?) done right. 
Season 13: Master of the Mountain
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Bucket of Rocks finally gains own season, proves that he is the best character. Gains a best friend and beats her dad in combat. 
Beautiful set pieces, awesome character development, lore, jokes, and heartfelt moments, I consider this to be the single best season of the newer ones, and possibly even the whole show. 
13/13, amazing season
The Lego Ninjago movie:
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Kung Fu High School AU with a dash of Star Wars. Different from the series? Sure. Super fun? Absolutely!
8 out of 10 Meowthras.
Wu’s Teas:
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Wise Old Mentor(C) opens teashop. Shenanigans ensue.
10 out of 10, if you don’t laugh at at least one, something is wrong.
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yarichin-imagines · 3 years
can u do something with agere, idm what pairing or anything
Also totally not me going all out to write what they’d all be like as caregivers and littles!
This is non-sexual age regression just to be clear!
(For those who are not sure what agere is, agere/age regression is a coping mechanism for stress/trauma/sometimes just for fun. It’s when someone mentally regresses to a younger state of mind and thinks and acts like a kid or baby. These people often want a caregiver around, and can be found doing things like watching kids shows, cuddling with stuffed animals, or using a pacifier. It’s a totally valid method of stress relief and I myself am a bit of an expert on it, since i use agere as a coping mechanism myself!)
Toono is pretty playful when he’s little
He has a big imagination! Always talking about seeing a dinosaur that breathes fire down the street!
Toono loves dinosaurs, by the way
He can be a little energetic too, squirming around happily as he babbles on about whatever his mind can think up.
Little Toono wants to make his caregiver proud, always trying to color pictures neatly within the lines for them!
Though, of course, the occasional act of bravery might lead to a scraped knee that needs to be taken care of, along with a sniffly Toono
Toono is a bit of a mess as a caregiver
Childcare? Never heard of em.
He doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing, but he tries his best
He tries mostly to keep his kid out of danger and not crying.
He likes playing LEGO’s with his little, that’s like the bonding activity with him
Kashima is a sweet little kid.
He shares everything and always asks others if they want to play with him
He loves exploring, which often would lead to him and Toono running around looking for dinosaurs in the park
As sweet as this kid is, he can be a walking hazard to himself.
“Hey, (caregiver nickname)! Watch me jump off this rock!”
Though, adorably, once he is done playing, he’s exhausted and falls asleep in your arms
This man has caregiver written all over him
He always says he’s proud of his little and makes sure they know he loves them
He does the typical father-child activities, like throwing a baseball or teaching a kid how to do outdoorsy things
If the kid fails, Kashima gives them the ‘good job, buddy, you tried so hard and I’m proud of you’ talk
Kashima! Loves! Picking! Littles! Up!
He can cradle you like no other, his body is like a little’s dream in a cuddling sense. He can put your head on his big strong chest so you can hear his heartbeat as you drift off
Little Yacchan regresses to the way he was before school
Aka, a little shit
He can be a bit aggressive towards other littles, which gets him in timeout a lot
Little Yacchan requires a lot of attention. His caregiver needs to only be focused on him. Otherwise, he feels unloved and upset.
Little Yacchan has a pout like no other
Yacchan will often regress for stress relief or comfort, so it really is best to keep an eye on him and to not leave him alone.
He can be a little show off-y, wanting to one-up the other littles around him. Someone drew a picture? His is better. Stuff like that.
Yacchan’s caregiver will need to have a lot of manners talks with him.
Save any soul that messes with papa Yacchan
Breathe in the direction of his little and he launches off at you
He is a very protective papa bear
One would think he is very “haha my little is better than you” but he isn’t. He wants to avoid his little feeling like he’s a point of comparison like he was.
He comes off a lot as ‘look at my son and you will love him’
Yacchan’s favorite nicknames are ‘bud, kid, kiddo’, fatherly ones like that
He likes to scoop a little up and make them fly around
Little Yuri will often go into baby space
He is almost always nonverbal
He really is a baby, needing everything to be done for him.
He drools. A lot.
His babbling is basically just the same as what he always does.
He loves snuggly clothes
Sugary flavored milk or juice is his favorite
As I’ve said before, I don’t think Yuri should be trusted to take care of children. Mentally children or physically children, either way.
He would babble right back to them
He is surprisingly good at cuddling
He knows how to get a little’s energy out. Other caregivers would drop their littles off at Yuri’s just to get them to be sleepy for the night
Yuri somehow manages to filter out the dirty talk while he is taking care of a little. Somehow.
Little Tamura is around a toddler age
He can be a lot to handle at times
Still, he will make arts and crafts for his caregiver as a ‘Thanks for putting up with me’ sorta thing
He loves action packed kids shows, and tries to emulate them
You had to comfort him through a few ‘ninja training’ mishaps
Like Yacchan, he is a protective parent
He uses nicknames like ‘bud/kid’ a lot
It takes some time to get him to filter himself around a little, but he works on it
Once he gets it down, he is like the swear police with his little
“He was being such a” covers littles ears “little shit”
He likes outdoorsy activities, showing different types of bugs to his little.
A stress regressor
He cries
A lot
He NEEDS constant attention and physical contact
Hold him on your hip and keep him close because if you don’t, the tears will start.
He likes bonding with his caregiver, doing little activities
Still a bit of a mess
What does he do? What? How?
If the kid cries, so will he
He often falls asleep with his little next to him
He always speaks in a very soft voice with his little.
He gives little nuzzles with the nose :3
Little Shika can be fussy, and a bit of a handful
Still, he is the only little that cleans up after himself
You need to have a routine. Cannot stress that enough.
You gotta spend a specific amount of time feeding him, bath time can’t be more or less than a certain amount of time, etc
And don’t you dare forget a bedtime story
Regardless, Shika feels bad in the back of his mind
So he shows a lot of affection towards his caregiver
Everything needs to be cleaned
He has, like, fifty of those bottle cleaners and is constantly boiling things
Shika is not the touchiest caregiver. Especially given how kids are messy and all.
Shika is the best at bedtime stories, though
He has a number of times fallen asleep next to his little, either looking all graceful or smushed up against his glasses after a long day
He likes to play dress up with his little in pretty dresses and skirts!
Little Akemi can be a bit of a brat
He wants to be a prince really bad
Until he gets too bratty and you tell him about how bratty princes get turned into frogs
Then he’s just terrified and trying to figure out the logistics of that in his little mind.
He likes pretty colors and shiny things
He totally watches all the Princess movies
Akemi is actually a surprisingly good caregiver
He is good at being in positions where he is the boss.
He isn’t quite used to having a filter on the things he says around his little, so his little might end up parroting some less than family friendly things without knowing. Akemi would probably be like ‘that’s my baby’ as a joke but then teach them that’s bad
Akemi knows all the best recipes for good little snacks.
He makes little cookies and milk with vanilla and honey!
He can also tend to spoil his little a bit too
And the award for most likely to be a little goes to...
The softest baby. You could ever imagine.
Itome goes nonverbal in his little space
He regresses to a pretty young age, wobbling if he has to walk places.
He often likes to curl up in his huge sweaters
That being said, you really need to make sure he feels loved when he’s in little space
If you aren’t there to cuddle him, he will start crying.
However, all you gotta do is rock him, hold him tight, and reassure him you won’t leave, and he’s instantly off to sleep.
Little Itome loves Naps. He is a sleepy little baby
When not sleeping, he’s coloring pretty pictures if you with hearts all over it! When he’s done he’ll stumble up to you and hold it out with a hopeful look in his eyes
A very snuggly caregiver
His favorite time is right before bedtime/nap time where he feeds his little some milk and just slowly watches them fall asleep as he very softly tells them a bedtime story
Itome loves playing pretend with his little! He could sit on the carpet with you and have millions of stuffed animal tea parties!
He wears only the softest clothes for premium cuddle material
He uses the softest nicknames like “sweetheart, darling” etc.
If something upsets you, he’ll stoop you up with a sympathetic coo and get you some fresh air. Maybe you two can find some pretty flowers that he’ll put in his and your hair!
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vioyume · 2 years
My sleep deprived ass talks about Ninjago
I just recently re-awaken my 12 year old self by catching up to the newer seasons of Ninjago (I stopped watching after season 10, picked it back up at season 11) except for the Sea Bound season. I still have yet to watch it when writing this.
I’m just gonna ramble about the show in general. This is not a fancy essay.
Firstly, the writers for this show did not need to make it this heavy on character and world building. They could have leave it at just fighting Lord Garmadon every season and just cancel it after three seasons or so and sell their toys. They didn’t even need to make Zane a nindroid either, but here we are with one of the coolest characters ever (pun unintentional).
The only other Lego show I watched is Monkey Kid. I did watch only one episode of Nexo Knights I think, but that was because I was stuck in a hotel room, and I don’t remember anything from it.
I appreciate the balance of having characters sharing their time in the spotlight, but then have a conclusion for them instead of just forgetting about them. (Garmadon getting killed off, Ronin getting arrested, the surphanteen staying underground [I think? Season 11 made it confusing for me], etc)
Pixel being a permanent character, is a good addition to the show. Her being a voice in Zane’s head was a good idea to slowly move her into the main cast (Though I forgot how her and Zane were kidnapped during season 4). With Nya being the water Ninja, I guess someone else had to be Samurai X.
While we’re on the topic of Pixel, Zane’s death was probably the biggest thing to happen in the show. I never manage to watch Ninjago on television, but I assume some kids out there were probably sad or confused to what happened to him. And they gotta wait a couple more months to see what had happened to him, and see him redesigned. At first I was ify about it, but it makes sense to me now. When Zane does some of his robotic stuff, children will most likely be confused on why some normal person is able to do that. By making him have an android body, it leaves the writers not having to repetitively explain why he can do some android thing, but also let new viewers know “Ok, he’s the ninja robot”. (Same reason for the redesigns after the movie came out, I have neutral feelings on the movie, I didn’t bother rewatching it)
And I guess, aging Lloyd up, was maybe a reason to not let the ninjas look like baby sitters, and let Lego have a cool ass set and not a funny looking child as the green ninja.
Btw, the voice acting for the background children in the show is something that I never really liked personally.
My favourite season of the whole series is Possession. Because one: spooky ghost shit, two: My man Lloyd gets possessed, and it’s not just some ghost floating around. Whenever I watch show with a monster of some kind, they never do the thing they’re suppose to do (ghost possessing people, vampires drinking blood/turning people into them [just do what adventure time did with drinking red if you want to keep it pg],etc. btw I’m still waiting for a game/show with a cool ass vampire character), three: Nya being the water ninja, four: The best theme song remix, five: Cole becoming a ghost and they let him stay that way for another season, and six: Morro.
I like to mention that progressively, Master Wu begins to show more flaws over each season. Like regretting Morro, hiding his past with that one snake that I forgot the name of, letting his age get the better of himself. He has become more than just a teacher.
While it has been a bit since I watched the show, how did Misako and Garmadon fall in love? I remember him becoming evil at a young age, and where was Misako when Lloyd was the evil wanna be? Boy, that was a funny thing to remember about Lloyd.
I pay no attention to the romance in the show besides Jay and Nya, so I feel like it’s not my place to talk about if it’s good or bad.
And how the hell does time and age work in this show? Wu and Garmadon’s father was the first master and found the city of Ninjago, I think. Do they progress very quickly in that world? And is Zane like very old now because of season 11? And who was the previous ice master???? Zane’s an enigma.
What happened after season 10 as well? Production wise, because each episode before has a 22 minute run while they cut that for the newer seasons. I also remember being very confused on which seasons was which because I didn’t have the wiki back then, they have a weird consistency of episodes. A regular season would have about 10-13 episodes, while season 3 had 8, 10 had 4, 11 had 30, and the rest have 16 which I’m assuming is now the new normal amount. It was something I found very odd.
In the end, Ninjago is a very nice little show that I will definitely come back to when I’m bored, and when the finale comes, I hope it gets a proper ending. It may not be perfect, I don’t think we’ll ever get a show like it anytime soon. If there was a show like it, it may have been not able to take it self off the ground because of modern cartoon standards. If Ninjago aired now it probably get canceled after season 3 and we’ll all be sad and have to theorized what the hell happened to Zane.
So I’ll end this by saying, Zane and Cole are my favourite characters. And why do the writers keep torturing poor Zane?! I want another Jay or Kai based season. I don’t really want to count season 12 as it.
I know nothing about how the fan base acts either, but I’m sure your all nice people. :)
Edit: I rewatched the first two seasons, and now know why Misako left. But did she have to leave him at a boarding school of all places? He has a reliable uncle, was Lloyd always acting like a brat, and so she had no choice but to leave him there?
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'Bandages come in many ways. There are gauze bandages, treating all kinds of wounds the Ninja may have. There are bandages used to prevent injury in Martial Arts. What P.I.X.A.L. is wondering, is that if mankind has a bandage for the heart.'
@ninjago-angst-week am I late or what? Sorry but I think spewing out 21k words over teh course of 3 days killed my motivation. It took 3 days just to write 6.1k words.
P.I.X.A.L. notices that the store of bandages is running low. She thinks about all the times she had to use them on one of her teammates, and its purposes.
“Hey Pix! We’re running low on bandages. Can you help us order some before we go to Shintaro?” Nya’s voice came from the medical bay of the Destiny’s Bounty. The Ninja and Master Wu were going on a trip to Shintaro. Unfortunately, Pixal never got an invite, but she has long been used to being left behind. It’s not that it was a bad thing, per se. Pixal knew the importance of having a backup, and having someone watch over Ninjago whilst the Ninja were gone. Still, to distract herself after placing a digital order, she thought about anything that could distract her. That thing just happened to be about bandages.
Bandages. Neat, white little things that wrap around any land or sky creature. According to Wikipedia, a bandage is a piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to or to restrict the movement of a part of the body. When used with a dressing, the dressing is applied directly to a wound, and a bandage is used to hold the dressing in place. Other bandages are used without dressings, such as elastic bandages that are used to reduce swelling or provide support to a sprained ankle. Tight bandages can be used to slow blood flow to an extremity, such as when a leg or arm is bleeding heavily.
At first, that was all P.I.X.A.L. knew about bandages. Given that she was built with the main purpose of being Cyrus Borg’s assistant, her primary knowledge consisted mostly of the ins and outs of Borg Tower, emergency protocols, customer service skills, and basic first aid, given that her maker was frailer than your average Ninjago citizen.
Of course, the longer she worked under Cyrus Borg, the more she learnt about the medical field. Curious about Mr Borg’s special circumstances, she was permitted to look through the internet for more information. In no time at all, she learnt about surgery, prosthetics, all different kinds of medication, and how to diagnose illnesses. In her given free time, she studied all the information available on the internet about the medical field. Even though the information was useless to her, an android who had no physical weaknesses like the humans do, her system determined that whilst the knowledge was a bit excessive, it only helps to prepare her to care for Mr Borg.
She never really needed to apply all that knowledge about serious and fatal cuts, but when Borg gets even the slightest injury, P.I.X.A.L. was there to offer her assistance.
A year after she had been created, Cyrus Borg had offered her to take a test of the field in medicine. P.I.X.A.L. had immediately felt lighter and better somehow. When asking Borg why she was feeling this way and if robots could get sick, Borg had laughed in surprise and shock.
“That feeling is happiness, P.I.X.A.L.! It’s an emotion that all living creatures feel, you included.”
“But I am not living-“ Mr Borg cut her off.
“Technically, you are right, P.I.X.A.L., but you are intelligence, and intelligence is what defines life. You can adapt, change, and overcome as all living beings do. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise! Because that would be an insult to my intelligence!” Cyrus Borg said encouragingly. “And robots can technically get sick, from a digital virus. But I created you to be strong, stronger than I ever will be. You should not have to worry about them.”
P.I.X.A.L. nodded her head to show her understanding. “Then I will go to the exam.”
P.I.X.A.L. didn’t pass on her first try, but Mr Borg told her that it was alright, given that she still did very well considering that she only had the free internet to look for answers to a test she was unprepared for. It was human for her to have failed.
“So why did you send me there with no preparation?” P.I.X.A.L. asked with a shaking voice.
“To prepare you for failure, my dear!” Cyrus Borg said patronisingly. “Since I’ve built you, you’ve been perfect in many, many ways. And that isn’t a bad thing! But life isn’t that simple. You may fail in one way or another in the future because like humans, the circumstances may not be what you desired and plans can fall apart due to errors. What I want you to know is how failure feels like, and I will help you recover from it.”
P.I.X.A.L. nodded. It won’t be long before she faced her first, real big failure.
- Lloyd - The first time she had to really apply those skills that she learnt was when the team had seen Lloyd in the village. After he was pulled out of the ocean because he had to escape from an exploding plane that the Digilord had trapped him on. The locals had wanted to help, but Lloyd wasn’t feeling like having strangers cut him up, so they offered him some basic and outdated medical supplies.
P.I.X.A.L. could see him trying to treat himself and to stay awake, and she could see him hiss as the alcohol drizzled on his wounds.
“LLOYD!” Kai shouted in a tone that conveyed panic. This made the young ultimate spinjitzu master look up from his handiwork and immediately break into a smile. As the team had rushed forward to greet him, P.I.X.A.L. could see that his shoulders were sagging, probably from relief.
“I’m so sorry that I got caught guys,” Lloyd wheezed with an apologetic smile before keeling over, to which Cole caught him with shaking hands.
“Oh god, Zane, quick, do your thing!” Kai panicked even harder, hands jittery as if he was in an internal debate about whether he should do something or not.  “I’m trying Kai! I just- my hands keep shaking for some reason!” Zane gritted his teeth in frustration. “I’m gonna run some diagnostics on him” “Okay, Cole, lie him on a flat surface- medic! Medic!” Nya screamed out.
It was at this moment that P.I.X.A.L. knew that was her chance. To repay Zane for his heart. To prove to the team that she was useful. To finally implement her knowledge. Sometimes, she wonders if she’ll ever have what Zane has with the other humans, but for now, she is glad that she can separate her emotions from her work.
“Let me handle it,” P.I.X.A.L. said authoritatively. Running a scan with her own diagnostics, P.I.X.A.L. isolated the most dangerous injuries before telling the group out loud, staring at her apprehensively.
“Master Lloyd has suffered a concussion, lung damage due to smoke inhalation, and fractured bones in his tibia. He also has a sprained ankle and several bones on his upper chest area have several bruises. Luckily, there is no internal bleeding. He also has some first and second-degree burns, but those look like they have been treated by the ocean water. However, he is at risk of hypothermia should he not change out of those clothes. Other cuts and bruises should not be life-threatening as long as we keep the infection away, and-“
“WE GET IT! Can you just PLEASE start treating Lloyd NOW?” Jay shrieked in frustration. P.I.X.A.L. blinked. Oh right, the ninjas are still panicking.
“Apologies, can I have a look at the medical supplies?” Taking a scalpel out of the medical box, P.I.X.A.L. removed Lloyd Garmadon’s shirt and so multiple bruises as well as the look of someone who’s emancipated. It didn’t really make any sense to her, but she supposed that being drained of his elemental powers must have caused some damage.
“To treat his concussion, he needs peace and to rest. I would like if all of you can speak in whispers from now on,” P.I.X.A.L. began. The soup suddenly looked ashamed and guilty, with Jay whispering a soft ‘sorry’.
“To treat his hypothermia, we would need blankets-“
“Why can’t I just warm him up with fire?” Kai cut across. “Well, the extreme heat can damage the skin or, even worse, cause irregular heartbeats so severe that they can cause the heart to stop. However, starting a campfire some meters away could help a little. using this fire, we can make some warm beverages and some food.”
“Just say what we gotta do doc, we’ll listen!” Nya begged swiftly. P.I.X.A.L. thought for a moment, before choosing to sort people out based on their perceived abilities.
“Kai, Jay, Cole, Sensei Wu, and Sensei Garmadon- please look for blankets in the village and start a campfire over there,” Pointing at a spot a satisfactory distance from Lloyd, P.I.X.A.L. continued with giving instructions. “Start making some sort of soup- not too heavy. Zane, Nya- you’re with me.”
Garmadon, who was silent all this time, started to protest. “I cannot leave my son, Pixal.”
“Fine, you may stay and just keep tending to the campfire,” P.I.X.A.L. conceded, not wanting to waste time arguing. There was the matter of fact that the smoke inhaled by Lloyd Garmadon could be fatal, but there was not much that she could do in his location. All she could hope to do was to treat his minor injuries before ensuring that Lloyd is stable enough to go to a hospital in Ninjago. Which would have been impossible, given that the Digilord had control of the city already. What could she do? Maybe there’s an elemental master of the air who could treat Lloyd?
“Pix, do you not have any ideas on how to treat the smoke inhalation?” Zane looked at her with kind and understanding eyes. Pixal nodded, defeated, before preparing a cast. “We need concentrated oxygen and a nose tube or a tube down his throat. Unfortunately, there is nowhere in Ninjago where we can get to such technology.”
Hearing this, Nya immediately perked up. “But we can make them. Zane, do you have any wires that you can spare for a bit?”
“Redirecting power from the right hand,” Zane replied as he opened up his arm to take out a tube. He’s so self-sacrificing. For some strange reason, P.I.X.A.L. felt her heart beating faster. Maybe Zane was nervous? “Nya, if you could please clean this?”
“Of course. HEY KAI!”  “Yeah, sis?”  Nya was looking at P.I.X.A.L. expectantly. Oh yes. she was supposed to know this, wasn’t she? “Can you get us 10 cups of potable water and 1 cup of vinegar? Also, get some detergent or soap.”  “Okay Pix, not gonna question this at all!”
Meanwhile, Nya was using pure H2O to just start blasting the tubing As much as they wanted Lloyd to not die from smoke inhalation, they also didn’t want him to be infected. Speaking of infections…
“Ow!” Lloyd woke up sleepily as Zane used one hand to dab his cuts. Looking sheepish, Zane immediately offered an apology before Nya cuts in and admitting her mistake.
“Go back to Lloyd,” Nya said, petting his hair. Once Kai had returned with the necessary materials, Nya sanitised her hands before delicately cleaning the tube with 10 parts water and 1 part vinegar.
Tightening the wrappings around Lloyd’s ankle, Pixal studied her handiwork. The splint was holding up nicely against Lloyd’s leg, and all the infections on Lloyd’s legs were taken care of. Seeing as Zane is treating Lloyd well enough, P.I.X.A.L. immediately began to start diagnosing Lloyd’s burns before seeing blood flow from Lloyd’s back.
“Oh, dear.” In her hast, P.I.X.A.L. had forgotten to check Lloyd for injuries from behind. Maybe she wasn’t as professional as she thought. There was no other choice. Looking at Zane firmly, they pushed Lloyd onto his side as he gave a pained groan.
P.I.X.A.L.’s mechanical heart sank. Lloyd had a reason for sitting up without any support. There were several pieces of debris stuck to his back, and they were all pushed in due to them lying Lloyd on the desk. Nya looked up from her task in horror.
“I’m so sorry Lloyd, I didn’t know-“ “Nya, please focus on your task,” P.I.X.A.L. cut her off before she could begin crying. She felt bad, but what’s done was done. Blocking Lloyd from’s Nya’s view, P.I.X.A.L. picked up a pair of tweezers before picking up the small pieces. But the large piece of metal stuck in his shoulder blades- Pixal had to cut Lloyd’s skin to get that out. Eyes narrowing, hardening her resolve- P.I.X.A.L. lightly cut Lloyd’s skin using the scalpel before pulling up a long shard of bloodied glass. Picking up some of the unused water, P.I.X.A.L. quickly cleared Lloyd and the flat-surfaced of their blood. Applying pressure to those wounds would be hard from this angle, so after disinfecting the openings, P.I.X.A.L. took several rolls of bandages before tying them around Lloyd’s chest. Not too tightly, that would further bruise his ribs- but tight enough to ensure a sense of security and staunch the oozing bleeding.
“Zane, do you have an oxygen filter?” Nya asked, having been satisfied by the cleanliness of the tubing. Sanitising her metallic hands, P.I.X.AL. heard Zane sigh before declining.
“I do. Mr Borg wanted us to be at least a little environmentally friendly, given that the Nindroids would be using large amounts of energy every day. So I can filter out excess greenhouse gases in the air and store them in their solid form before giving the raw materials back to Borg Industries,” P.I.X.A.L. offered.
“You’re a lifesaver Pix,” Nya said in relief, handing P.I.X.A.L. the tubing. P.I.X.A.L. smiled. She supposed that she actually was. Opening Lloyd Garmadon’s mouth, P.I.X.A.L. inserted the tubing down his throat with NIndroid precision. Connecting the end to her oxygen filter, P.I.X.A.L. adjusted the settings so that she was inputting air composing of at least 60% oxygen into young Garmadon’s lungs.
As Zane finished applying some frost to Lloyd’s burns, the 3 of them stood there and watched as Lloyd breathed in and out.
“If you guys don’t mind, I’ll go find what the guys have been doing,” Nya informed their group. “I too will go into the village, but to ensure that we have permission to stay here for the night,” Zane stated, giving a nod to P.I.X.A.L., before walking away into the dusk, right hand locked and useless.
P.I.X.A.L., knowing that she can’t really move, sat next to Lloyd Garmadon as she watched the campfire grow as shrieks from the ninja team rose. At the end of today, all P.I.X.A.L. wanted to do was to just shut down and recharge. She knows she doesn’t need to know that she had half of Zane’s heart (which just skipped another beat for some unknown reason), but all she wants was a break.
Too bad that being a ninja means that you don’t really get to choose when to stop. P.I.X.A.L. thought to herself.
But at least today, I’ve proved my usefulness. I can repay Zane for his heart.
- Kai - Having been stuck alone, disassembled and scrapped, P.I.X.A.L. found that she really, really missed the Ninja team. She also missed Zane, though he was in a cell next to hers. He’s been offline for such a long time, P.I.X.A.L. had fears that he would never wake up.
But he did. And the ninja had rescued them from Chen. But along the way, they had lost Sensei Garmadon, and the year apart had caused some major issues.
Kai doesn’t know that they’re here. But he shouldn’t be here either after Zane had ordered that everyone go to rest after this long day. Still, the glint of red from his eyes even scared P.I.X.A.L., but she would never tell anyone that. She watched as Kai shredded the bandages he wrapped around his hands by destroying a metal training dummy, before turning around to wrap some more.
“Why is he doing that?” P.I.X.A.L. wondered from inside Zane’s head. Zane started whispering, “He… has some anger issues.”
“I get that Zane, I mean why’s he wrapping his hands in bandages?” P.I.X.A.L. corrected herself. Zane quirked an eyebrow but continued with answering P.I.X.A.L.’s questions. “Well, martial artists wear hand wraps and bandages because they can prevent injuries and improve the power of their punches. Wraps and bandages also protect the martial artist’s skin and soften the impact on hard surfaces.”
“I see,” P.I.X.A.L. stated whilst both of them cringed, as Kai delivered a particularly hard blow to the metallic dummy that Zane was supposed to fight with.
“KAI, PLEASE SHUT UP!” came Jay’s voice from down the corridor, moving closer towards them. Zane and P.I.X.A.L. watched in apprehension as Kai breathed heavily, staring down the metallic dummy before all the tension from his shoulders sagged.
The Nindroids watched as Kai cleaned up the training room and head out to use the bathroom to wash up.
“He’s being too hard on himself for the death of Lloyd’s father,” P.I.X.AL. commented blandly. Zane shifted from his position. “I’m afraid that that’s not the only reason. Do you remember Jay telling us that Kai had almost killed both Lloyd and Skylor using Chen’s staff?” P.I.X.A.L. stayed silent.
Bandages come in many ways. There are gauze bandages, treating all kinds of wounds the Ninja may have. There are bandages used to prevent injury in Martial Arts. What P.I.X.A.L. is wondering, is that if mankind has a bandage for the heart.
- Jay - It was only a few days after Master Wu had been lost in time. Whilst the Ninja team were recuperating and in shock, Pixal has been remotely using Samurai X to patrol the cities whilst maintaining in the current Ninja’s headquarters- the electronic system of Yang’s temple. P.I.X.AL. had really wanted to go full into Samurai X, but she knew that she could not just desert her teammates at this moment. But there wasn’t much she could do, other than counting reps for Lloyd. (You skipped a number, I know what you’re doing Pix, and I ain’t gonna stop training-) helping Jay prepare breakfast (Jay! The pancakes are burning!) or accompanying Zane as he retrieved bits and pieces from all the fighting. (Someone has to clean up Ninjago city, and I guess that that would be me and Samurai X.)
P.I.X.A.L. knew that she shouldn’t be keeping Samurai X a secret, but she couldn’t help herself. She felt a strange sense of duty, and the ability to finally be on the front lines, fighting the same enemies as Zane. And she wanted some secrets to herself.
Still, it surprised her when Jay had demanded her full attention during one of her free times.
“Hey, umm… Pix? Do you- do you think you could maybe check out my left eye?” Jay stammered whilst twiddling his fingers. Pixal was curious, but she’s already moved to Jay’s laptop. “Why do you ask so? Did your eye get hit sometime recently?”
Jay had flinched at the word ‘hit’, but shook his head at the word ‘recently’. Huh. Maybe it was phantom pains? Still, Pixal had run a diagnostic on it.
“I can’t seem to find any physical abnormalities, but if this is a case of phantom pain, over the counter pain relievers should work.”
Jay nodded whilst his eyes were blank seemingly off to another world or lost in his memories.
“Jay? Jay, can you hear me?” Pixal once again ran a diagnostic scan. It seems that Jay was slipping into dissociation. Dimming the lights in his room as well as all the screens the blue ninja had put into his room. Pixal started playing a calm Ninjago lofi mix from the speaker she was in. She gently called Jay’s name and he slipped back into reality.
“Jay, just take 2 doses of ibuprofen. They’re at the lowest shelf at the kitchen counter. If it hurts again, tell me and we’ll bring you to a professional.”
Jay who was nodding at the instructions froze at the thought of being taken to the hospital. Still, he slid off his bed and made his way downstairs. Pixal filtered through the electronic system of the temple, landing new the smart fridge and watched as Jay swallowed 2 pills dry.
It seemed to create some results because Jay stopped shivering and shaking. Pixal wondered if that was just a placebo or an actual effect. Still, watching Jay’s face relax in bliss, free from whatever pain that was bothering him, Pixal knew that she made the right call.
- Nya - S9, fight with SOG
It had been brutal. Pixal was just treating the training injuries Lloyd had when Skylor came into the noodle house, helping Nya to walk as her left arm dangled without any purpose. Immediately, Pixal stood up and took quick strides, scanning Nya for all her injuries.
“We were getting supplies when a bunch of Harumi’s goons jumped on us, we had to be quick so that none of them could call up for back up, when-“  “When- fuck, when this dude pulled out a fucking gun,” Nya said, pained and heaving as Skylor slowly helped her to sit on the training mat.
“So you were shot?” Lloyd’s voice came from behind Pixal as he took the medkit to the mat. Nya eyes looked everywhere but at him. Gesturing to her limp and bleeding arm, she gave up all her dignity. “Yeah, right here.”
“Okay, Nya, here, take these.” Lloyd handed her 2 tablets of ibuprofen and a cup of water. “W-what? No, I can’t take these!” Nya hissed in pain.
“Yes, you can!”  “What if we need them later? What if one of us loses an arm or something happens where we have a worse injury?” “That does not matter, Nya. Look, I’ve been shot in Ninjago city before, I know how it feels.”
Pixal immediately flashes back to the nights where she had to help Lloyd through a computer screen, and her metallic fingers curled up. It was horrible, watching him choking down painkillers before trying to pull the bullet out himself. Never again.
“Nya, it would be alright, just take these- we can always go out to get more,” Pixal tried coaxing Nya to just swallow the pills.
“Take them or I’ll force you to take them, Water Ninja.” Skylor admonished. With the combined strength of their motley crew of 3, Nya hesitantly reached for the medicine, almost choking as she had swallowed too much water at one go.
“Okay, good, now we just need to pull the bullet out,” Lloyd reached into the medkit, pulling out a pair of tweezers. Pixal watched as his hands, fatigued from all the trains, couldn’t stop shaking.
“Wait, Lloyd, let me see if the bullet should be removed at all.” Pixal interrupted, taking a more in-depth scan at Nya’s shoulder. In the meantime, Lloyd started to check through Skylor, who said that he was all clear except for a few knuckle bruises. Of course, Pixal would check on her later, but now she had to make sure that Nya would be alright.
“The bullet has missed your major arteries and it actually isn’t in too deep, possibly because of the protection offered by your suit-“ “Just tell me when you’re gonna remove it!” Nya snapped as her brow furrowed in anticipation.  “Well, let’s see… first, we need to remove the clothing around the area of the wound, which-“
“AHH!” Nya shrieked as Pixal twisted and pulled out the bullet without any warning. “Sorry Nya, sometimes fear of a thing could be greater than the actual danger that it poses,” Pixal explained as Nya stared at her with a look that could only scream betrayal.
Dropping the bullet to the ground, Pixal took up some disinfectant and sanitised the area around the entry wound. Nya hissed as Pixal gently presses a cotton gauze to stop the bleeding before finally applying some sort of disinfectant cream. She finished off the wound with a bandage around Nya’s arm, with extra padding using gauze at the point where the wound is at.
“Alright, so now you should not move this arm too much for the next few days, and in the next few weeks, you would not be able to raise it over your shoulder. But in a few months, you can use it again and in a year it would be pretty much healed up so that you may do your weight lifting sessions with- with Cole again…” Pixal said, starting brightly but dropping to a small whisper.
The mood suddenly went from cheery to depressive. “Remember to take lots of rest,” Pixal finished lamely. As Lloyd escorted Nya to the sleeping bags they had gathered, Skylor picked up the bullet Pixal had removed.
“Girl, you were quite mean back there,” Skylor began. “And I think that you’re cool. One problem- the pharmacies have not been able to continue business as normal. All the drugs have to be given to the Sons of Garmadon. In the meantime, all supply chains are disrupted. Over the counter medicine won’t be so easy to find. “
Pixal kept quiet. “Well, I’ll have to keep this bullet as a souvenir for Nya. FSM knows that she deserves this.”
Of course, the bullet would be lost later as they were hunted down throughout the city. But every time Nya changed into her swimsuit, Pixal could see the bullet wound. The scarring left wasn’t pretty, but Pixal thought that the courage Nya showed made her the most beautiful woman she’ll ever have the chance to meet.
- Cole-  Cole was alive. Cole was alive!
Pixal watched as the Ninja went into a momentary stop before cheering and becoming more alive. She saw Nya pass the Scythe of Earth to Cole, who promptly swung it into the oncoming Oni. Pixal was trying her best to fend off the Oni herself, but her mind, or rather, motherboard, was spinning really, really fast. How did Cole survive? It should have been impossible!
Pixal heard that Cole justify his survival, stating that the Oni clouds must have broken his fall. He didn’t know how he wasn’t attacked at first, but many tendrils then came to attack him.
Still, this was impossible for Pixal to figure out. Was it because Cole had been a ghost? Maybe it was his elemental power protecting him? Or perhaps it was divine intervention? Either way, Pixal was going o scan him later if there was even a later.
“Watch out!” Pixal saw a blast of green hit the Oni in front of her. I can’t afford to get lost in thought now! Come on Samurai X, focus! She chided to herself.
Yet, as the battle once again turned tides, and the elemental masters got together to do the Tornado of Creation, Pixal watched from her position behind the holding doors to see Lloyd Garmadon get thrown out of the tornado, hitting his head with an earth-shattering crack as he collapsed against the walls of the monastery before debris-covered him.
Frantically approaching him, Pixal saw out of the corner of her eye that the rest of the ninja were left dizzy, exhausted, and possibly some having passed out. That was alright. It was time for her to do her duty anyways.
However, whilst lifting slabs of concrete, Pixal felt her heart drop. The calculated survival rate of the impact sent shivers down Pixal’s circuits as the percentage just kept. Dropping. Lower.
Heaving the last piece of concrete off the young bearer of green power, Pixal heard her teammates rushing into the scene. She could have warned them, said something, said anything. But her joints were frozen in place with something much colder than what her sensors had detected when she went into the Oni cloud.
The motley crew, now only 5, took the last piece of debris off from their teammate.
“Lloyd. Buddy, wake up,” Kai pleaded, desperate.  “He-He's not moving!” Nya exclaimed, voice shaking as tears start to form. She looked at Pixal, asking for anything, anything at all.  “Someone find Wu. Where’s Wu?” Cole ordered.
In no time, Master Wu arrived and lifted Lloyd’s arm, checking his pulse. He would find nothing there.
“You can do something, right? Right?!” Jay panicked.  With a defeated look that Pixal knows is mirrored in her eyes, Wu shook his head and said, “There’s nothing to be done.”  Nya finally cries out, sobbing. “Oh, Lloyd!”
PIxal wanted to cry as well, but she never could. When rebuilding her body, she had used the same blueprints that Cyrus Borg had with some upgrades. One thing she didn’t consider adding was the ability to cry because there wasn’t any time. She had to save Lloyd from the vermillion. But what she can’t save Lloyd from, was from an early- early- d… fate.
There’s nothing Pixal could do. And she felt hopeless.
She watched from the corner of her eye as Garmadon backed away from their small group, and in a flash, she felt her wires burning. She couldn’t just let him leave. Not after what he’s done.
Yet, just as she was about to boost straight towards the Oni and tackle him off the mountain, Lloyd started to cough. Lloyd. Started to cough.
Whipping around to see a golden petal float away, she watched the team cheer as Lloyd started to breathe. How- this was impossible!  Pixal almost short-circuited from shock. There had been no way! No way! She didn’t even go through all 5 stages of grief yet.
And not too soon, Lloyd woke up from a sleep that she was sure that he never would.
Catching him mumbling something about the First Spinjitzu Master, Pixal smiled. Divine intervention had definitely happened at least once today. The first time being….
“Cole, please come with me to the med bay,” Pixal requested with a smile. Divine intervention or not, five-sixths of the Ninja team knows how to hide a serious injury, and she had to be certain. Cole, who looked shopped, resigned himself and walked with Pixal o the medical centre. For now, she trusted that Zane was doing all the scans that he could to make sure that Lloyd was right in the head, and sought out to take care of her own, albeit selfish, worries.
Scanning Cole on both sides, Pixal noticed a particular bad bruise on Cole’s spine. Yet falling from that height and the fact that Cole isn’t paralysed due to spinal injury made Pixal reaffirm her theories that the First Spinjitsu Master was alive, just in another realm.
“You know, Lloyd might have actually seen the First Spinjitsu Master,” Pixal began, which led Cole to choke on the water he was ordered to drink. “No way, he must have just hit his head hard…”
“I’m sorry Cole, but the injuries you have is comparable to sleeping on a rock hard bed for one night, not falling from a height of 500m, even if your fall was broken by the Oni cloud, you should still have been paralysed,” Pixal explained.
“So God is real and Lloyd’s sharing a fourth of his blood? Neat! Next time tell him to not scare us with a fake-out,” Cole brushed it off.
At this time Pixal was about the shutdown and delve deep into theorising. Lloyd technically had a fourth of his grandfather’s blood and possessed the same power, could he possible have powers that control life and death-
Yet, she watched as a steady stream of Ninja enter the medbay, and resolved her thoughts to her inner GPU. She can think later. For now, she had to make sure that everyone is okay, and everyone will be okay. Even if she threatens Loyd to shave his head so she can get a better look at his skull, to which a chase around the monastery ensued. Her family was alright for now, and the concerning mortality of humans was left deep in the recesses of her mind.
- Zane - Too soon, Pixal had to face her own mortality. Being a Nindroid, her lifespan would naturally be much longer than a Ninja’s. But she still could be erased, dismantled, destroyed, sent to another realm-
The days waiting for the group of 6, not 5, to come back were some of the hardest. Even though all Pixal wanted to do was to shut down, lie on her bed and stare into the picture they had taken on their first date, Pixal knew that the team was entrusting her to keep Ninjago safe. Even if it means recapturing escaped convicts. Even if it means fighting the… undead-dead Preeminent (Pixal still hasn’t figured out how she worked). And they had to find ways to reach the Never Realm, by going through different infusions of travellers tea.
Yet, all the waiting and longing was worth it. Pixal prefers a Zane stuck in another realm for 40 years as to no Zane. There was no other choice. Yet, as she sees her loved ones trudging out of the frosty realm, some of them had worst frost bites than others. Even though all Pixal wanted to do was to smother Zane in a hug, she can see the edges of Lloyd’s skin turning a deep, dark black. From the corner of her eyes, she can see Nya taking care of Cole whilst Jay and Kai attempt to remove the ice from everyone else, including lubricating Zane’s frosted joins. She had not a single moment to lose. This kind of frostbite was not exactly lethal immediately, but losing limbs could mean the end of Lloyd’s ninja career. So calling everyone to attention, she went all in to salvaging Lloyd’s limbs, doing everything she could.
Later that night, Pixal spotted Zane wandering around the outskirts of the monastery whilst the Ninja finish up dinner. She watched as Zane’s hands gripped the staff so tight that the wood would be snapping in 3…2…1.
A harsh crack and splinters flying out later, Pixal could see the shaking in Zane’s hands as he cursed, something that the Zane she knew never would.
For her, it had been a hellish week. But for Zane? It must have been a hellish 40 years.
“…Zane?” Pixal called out from the monastery doors. Zane immediately whipped around before pointing the tip of the staff towards her, to which Pixal reflectively grabbed. Zane, eyes widening in shock and horror, immediately released his grip on the now shorter staff, before turning around, trying to run away. Pixal won’t let that happen.
“Zane,” Pixal said once again, hand now gripping onto the collar of Zane’s Gi. “Please don’t run away from me.”
Zane, froze, hands twitching before dropping them to his side. Pixal released her grip before tapping Zane on the shoulder, asking him to turn around.
“Pixal, I’m- I’m sorry…I just can’t- I can’t trust myself right now,” Zane vented out hands fidgeting with each other. Pixal smiled sadly. She knew that not everything could go back to normal so fast, but still, she had hoped that it would have been easier than this. “If you don’t trust yourself right now, why not spend some time with me?”
“Pixal- I…I could hurt you-“  “Yes you can, but don’t think that I can’t protect myself,” Pixal snapped back whilst carefully reaching to hold Zane’s hands. Once she made contact, Zane flinched back, before slowly reciprocating the action. “C’mon Zane, let’s go back into the monastery-“
“No!” Zane protested, wrenching Pixal back. Pixal clasped her other hand on top of Zane’s. “Not to the dining room. I’m thinking med bay.”
Pixal could see Zane’s processing unit cycle through his thoughts, noticing that it had considerable frost damage. Before long, Zane nodded his head, allowing Pixal to pull him into the light.
Opening the cupboards, Pixal took out a few rolls of bandages before carefully wrapping them around Zane’s hands. The ice ninja watched with curiosity as Pixal carefully finished tying and tightening the strips of cloth.
“Why are you doing this? You and I both know that Nindroids don’t need bandages,” Zane asked. Pixal smiled, looking at Zane’s now steadier hands. “Maybe bandages can’t fix our metal skin, but it still makes us feel better.”
Zane paused, looking down at his hands. “I don’t know how you’re right PIx, but they do make me feel more sure that my powers won’t hurt anyone accidentally. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now let’s get back to dinner, we have some desserts to bring out.”
Bandages. As much as PIxal uses them and finds them efficient, she can’t help but hope that team doesn’t need to use as many. But this time, t’s just a trip to a legendary city full of peace and prosperity. Maybe this time, Pixal doesn’t need to bandage their wounds away.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Ninjago the Island!!! 🏝🏝🏝
So, gotta be honest... this is not a Blind reaction thing, I actually watched it in French first so I know most of the stuff already 😅 It's entertaining, it got great animation, but nothing more than that in my opinion 🤷‍♀️
Still there is stuff I liked or I want to point out, and finally I'm seeing the English version so I can actually understand what the HECK they are saying 🤩
Alright, nothing else to say, here we go!
I haven't actually seen anything Clutch Powers related before Ninjago, is he always like this? I love that he is a jerk honestly, just wondering 😂
Press F for respect for intern Dwaine (at least he seems to like being... used?)
Clutch: It's just a bunch of rocks! It's not alive!
Totem: I'm about to end this man's whole career
Wait, Misako is part of the explorers club? ... that would have come in handy in season 11 to get the scroll of Forbitten Spinjitzu from the club instead of begging uncle Powers for it... *sighs* I don't mind plot holes in Ninjago like most fans I think, but if you wanna make Misako relevant again at least pay attention to the details 😅
Wow, after the end of season 13 I would've thought Wu was going to go through a midlife crisis, not Misako 😂😂
Oww, everytime I hear I get 😢 Bless your soul Kirby, always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
Well hello Brian
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Always nice to see you 😊
Twitchy Tim must have been pretty interesting to voice 🤔 I like him enough, he's fun and all, maybe not at the level of the characters we got last season
Okay, the place is called the STORM belt, there are LIGHTNINGS, and the sand of the beach is BLUE. Are we gonna address any of these similarities to our Bluebell here or not? 😅
Wait, Tim was giving a hot air balloon tour, does that mean other people where with him? What of them? Are they dead? Did he let them die on the island?... am I reading too much into this? Probably 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Alright, the part of the boats? SO COOL 🤩🤩 I literally can't say anything bad about the animation at this point
Why did they think leaving Kai, Jay and Cole on one boat was going to be a good idea 😂 Also Zane just randomly doing sick tricks on his vehicle, love that nindroid
I'm guessing Nya is keeping her water abilities for her season 🤷‍♀️
Yep, yep, this is why the creators try to keep Pixal out of the adventures, with her everything is way too cool and easy to access to 😎😎
Twitchy Tim: There are statues that become alive!!
Lloyd:... so it's a season 2 stone army ripoff, we've seen worse
It's a cute episode overall 👍
So Twitchy Tim has temporarily taken over Jay's role of spazzing out and complain about worse case scenarios... in another occasion they might have bonded over this, maybe 😂
Okay, survival position? MOOD
Why am I not surprised that Jay was the one that named him Zippy? 💙 Also HE'S SO CUTE 💕💕💕 Love how in every adventure, we always get very different types of dragon in this show 👌 I'm a simple person, I see a dragon... 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Oh-oh, it's the "Lloyd's done with this crap"'s face
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This means serious business... am I that used to LEGO characters that this way of crossing arms on the chest looks almost normal to me? 😅
Soooo, Master of the Mountain clearly gave Cole too much development... because now he got demoted to "the one who is always hungry" 🤦‍♀️ I'm all for Cole's endearing love for cakes, which is super relatable, but if you're gonna push it on his fun side, at least be coherent 🙃
Is it just me or it feels like the writing of this special was made by someone different from the one of season 13? Like, it's not bad, just less engaging and witty. For now. Maybe I'm being premature 🤷‍♀️
New way of nerfing powers, we got... weird, sucking power totem thingies... OKAY
My gosh I really can't say anything about the animation, look at that! It's all cinematic with such a light! YES!! 🤩
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So they at least addressed that lightning isn't a Jay's thing only anymore 😅
Alright, Jay having a mental breakdown because of a bridge because it always breaks, that's the Bluebell I know and love 😂😂 Nya telling him to keep moving was cute too 💙❤💙❤
Okay, I'm sorry but this really bothers me, what kind of lightning can instantly knock out the MASTER OF LIGHTNING??? Like, my gosh, really??? I hope they give us an explanation, like it's some sort of special lightning, because this really doesn't sit right with me. Jay is lightning proof, we've seen it in Skybound, we've seen it in Sons of Garmadon, I DON'T BELIEVE HE WOULD JUST BE KNOCKED OUT LIKE THAT 😡😡😡
Soooooo, storm amulet? Being one with the lightning? Is that the reason why Jay got to be the sacrifice? 😅
Alright, I am kinda looking forward for this one, what did Bluebell actually say or do to get him into trouble this time 😂😂
Oh, he just... introduced himself... well that was underwhelming
Bring ooooon Lloyd Grills 💪
Okay I did like the little speech, definitely resonates with how Lloyd survived this long even though everything wanted him to give up, even his father... I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING 😭
Jay out there making the real questions 😂
Awwww Edna used to call him gift of Jay? I can totally see it, so cute 💙💙 Makes even more sense if Libber actually left Jay at the Walkers' door...
Pff, Jay made the connection I would've done honestly 🤷‍♀️ Like, him being the master of lightning really didn't give these dudes any impression or inspiration? Any cool idea, full Road of El Dorado style? 🙃🙃
Lloyd out there abusing of the animation budget 💚💚💚
Somehow these ninja never actual sneak in, it's always a huge mess everyone knows about beforehand 😂 It's familiar though, I'm used to it and happy with it 👍
I might not be the biggest Misako fan, but you know what I am a fan of?
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Dang it uncle Powers, you just got here to make a mess did you 😅
Not the first person of the fandom to say this, but Jay looks absolutely lovely with that flower crown 🌺🌺🌺
Oh poor greenie
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Lloyd just has the worst luck 😓
Jay: Why would I be the gift?
Kai: Yeah who would want Jay?
Nya: Huh, me?? 😡
Got some very good Jaya for this little special, can't complain 💙❤💙❤
I mean, not matter how big of a snake Wojira might turn out to be, we've already seen the biggest and the second biggest snake of all so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Whoa, at last... IT WAS THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER THAT HAD SOMETHING HE SHOULD'VE TOLD WU A LONG TIME AGO!! 😱 Wu, you got pulled a Wu, how does it feel? 😂
Again, Jay freaking out, kinda my jam it's too funny 💙💙
Wow Kai way to be hominous offscreen 👏👏 I miss talking about my flame babe, this really isn't his time 🤷‍♀️
So when I first watched this I was genuinely, really excited about knowing the truth behind all this. It turned out very different from what I first thought, but at least in this case it's okay (besides I was pushing with the lightning meaning just to see Libber again 😅😅😅)
I feel like the guys get their powers stolen or blocked so much it takes them a minute to remember "Oh wait I can literally burn my way out" 🤷‍♀️
I... forgot that Misako knows how to fight 😅 She knows how to do spinjitzu too if I remember correctly...
Gotta love how they were all crazy worried about Jay, like, this is something that never changes through the show. They really care so so much for each other 💕💕💕
Ooohhhh, okay, so Wojira does seem to be the main villain of next season according to the story. I remember Tommy saying that we needed to have faith and this is probably why. The special was okay, nothing too much, and hopefully that too much we will see in Nya's season 😍😍😍
What the- pff, I didn't notice this the first time 😂
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At this point I can't tell if that one short with the chicken of the movie carried a hate or a love for chickens in the actual show 😂😂
Nice to see Jay standing up for himself at least for a little while 💪 Also Lloyd being "He's our trouble", aww family 💜
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Gotta give props to the voice actors, voicing an explanation while fighting must be pretty hard! WE ARE BLESSED WITH AN AMAZING CAST!!! 🤩🤩🤩
And there he is, our favorite jerk... shaved Ronin 😂 He does look a little weird, but it's fair, new animation and all. Not the weirdest until now 🤷‍♀️
I genuinely had to make a mental check to see where we are with Ronin now, like, he started as a villain, then a partner, he betrayed us, became an ally, he hunted the ninja, then joined them, that timeline was erased, he was around in SoG and... wow this man is chaotic 😂😂
Yaaaay, Twitchy's last minute redemption act! Lloyd is too good at motivational speeches 👏👏
A bit of Lava OTP/BrOTP
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Cause it's good for the heart ❤🖤❤🖤
Okay, Scooby doo reference, why not? Also honestly, I'm confident Ronin has seen A LOT of jails and prisons... probably won't stay behind bars for long 😅
Mammatus: sorry for imprisoning you and almost killing your friend
Kai: no biggie, that's how we make friends in this show
Alright the "And Clutch Powers" gag made me chuckle 😂 ... wait where is he- DANG IT UNCLE POWERS
Okay, this is the last time I say it I promise, but I mean. I MEAN
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Aaaaand sensei you jinxed it 😅 But you apparently awakened Nya's season so I'm gonna forgive you on this one 😉
There are a few little details that bothered me a little, and it wasn't as exciting as I maybe hoped it was going to be, but it was fine. Enjoyable still. These characters make me like the show, even when it got nothing too impactful 🤷‍♀️
But I got triggered about that lightning thing with Jay 😅 I guess I'll just fanfic whatever I had in mind...
Don't have to repeat myself about the animation *chef's kiss*
The writing was really less engaging, a little normal in a way? Idk just a feeling. Nice to see Ronin again though, I really like him. And nice to see Jay freaking out, I really like that too 😂
To be honest I wanted to put down my thoughts on this one because I REALLY wanna do the same with Nya's season 🤩🤩 I already know that Maya is gonna be there and I am so HAPPY already!!! 💙💙💙
So that's it from me! Thank you for reading me ranting, see you next season! 😊
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sketch--booked · 3 years
Awesome ninjago dream time!
I had a dream like, 10 minutes ago and hell it was cool. It had Echo, Zane as a focus but included the rest of the ninja too which surprised me. Except for Jay, he just wasn’t in the dream,,, I don’t know why--
From what I remember, Kai, Cole and Zane were separated from the rest, and were in this tower lookin’ place, think Donnie’s lab from RotTMNT, but darker.
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The center of the room was just brimming with blue and white electricity, and as they walk in, someone walks out from behind the column of static. It’s Echo, but he’s not copper or gold, he’s a purple-ish grey silver (the sides of his head and hair was darker than his face and his eyes were gold, straight gold, they stood out against the blues and blacks). Ngl, looked kinda like Ultron.
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He comes out and I remember Kai and Cole look to Zane and Zane just looks conflicted, scared, confused, concerned. Echo says something, probably about knowing Zane or how they’re totally related, and it makes Kai and Cole real mad, and the two of them start to fight Echo. Zane is not fighting and instead stands back as he watches, what looks like, himself fighting his friends. The battle continues and Nya and Lloyd (without Jay?? Jay just wasn’t in this dream) join in just as Echo pushes some button, directing the lightning to Kai and Cole, and they disappear.
They do not die, and in fact are teleported to a jungle island(?). They get thrown out of what looks like a wormhole, and immediately assume they were banished to another realm (understandably) and Kai of all people begins having an unexpected panic attack to which Cole comforts him and they choose to wander along the edge of the beach to map out their surroundings (my dream gave me a reason for them leaving, thanks brain).
I think it would be fun to mention that this dream all happens in a stylized animated way, that’s generally how my dreams look, but with Kai and Cole’s “scenes” it looks like the minifigs, and I would love to point out that Cole has a bandanna and man bun and tore his black trousers to resemble shorts, while Kai ends up tearing his gi to look like a crop vest with no arms and has light brown trousers instead of red... It was a cool design honestly, I’m proud of my brain.
Back to Lloyd, Nya and Zane. Echo ends up beating Lloyd and Nya pretty badly and directs his attention to Zane, still having a mini freak-out, and tells him all about how Zane was the one that was loved, Zane wad the son Julien wanted, Zane got cool powers and made friends. While Echo was a copy of that, Julien didn’t want echo, he wanted his real son, Echo didn’t get powers, Echo didn’t get friends of love, he didn’t even get his brother. So now he was gong to take that all away, so Zane could know exactly what Echo felt.
It strikes then that Echo is his brother. And tries desperately to talk to Echo, while Echo is continuously attacking Zane. Eventually , Zane places himself on an Ice podium to escape Echo’s barrage of attacks and Echo takes this as an opportunity to play with Zanes head. He begins to talk about how he’s always been above the rest, pointing to Nya and Lloyd, and how he’s the one that gets the attention since he’s “oh so special”. Zane uses logic to negate everything Echo throws at him, throwing in his line “I am built to protect those who cannot protect themselves” and it is that sentence that throws Echo off the edge.
Echo is yelling, screaming at him, throwing all his emotions into one big pile and telling Zane everything he’s felt and done because he just wanted what Zane had. Echo doesn’t know that through this, he’s crying and Zane’s lowered himself from his podium to stand in front of Echo. Echo looks up to see Zane also has tears in his eyes. And in an unspoken attempt to make things up, Zane hugs Echo, tight, and hold him close, Echo is tense at first but softens into the hug. Echo’s sobs are drowned by the cracking and popping of the machine and the two just sit on the floor together in a brotherly embrace.
My dreams don’t end happy though and it all goes wrong! Sirens emitting from the computers and warnings cover the screens. Echo pulls from the hug instantly and looks around frantically, landing his eyes on Zane and Zane looks in confusion. Echo dashes off to one of the computers close to the previously mentioned button. Lloyd and Nya, with their weapons still drawn but not prepared, move up to the brothers. Lloys asks what’s wrong and Echo states that the machine technically isn’t ready and that first blast actually could've destroyed them all. Echo did not equate for the recharge, and throughout their squabble the machine was just getting more and more charged.
Echo states the best way not to die, would be to teleport them all to the same location, since there would be no time to escape the blast radius. Lloyd and Nya are adamant that they could make it and just when they are about to leave the tower (which i’m realizing at this point is probably the lighthouse prison), when Zane puts his hand on Echo’s shoulder and says “I trust him”. Promoting a disbelieving and hopeful look from Echo and a hesitant glare from Nya to Lloyd, who states “If Zane trusts him, so do I”.
Nya is still hesitant but believes the same. The four stand together as Echo slams down on the same button, sending them all to the same location through the wormhole. Just as they do this, the Lighthouse combusts in a striking explosion of blues and purples. The lighthouse is no more.
When the four get thrown out, they appear at the same beach. Nya is okay with the location because there’s water. Lloyd is asking Echo all sorts of questions. “Why are you evil? Are you still evil? What was your main goal? Where are we right now? Are you honestly Zane’s brother? Are you even listen--” He’s not listening, and instead is looking away from them, ashamed. 
Zane comes over, while Lloyd is still asking questions, to comfort him again. They have a conversation about how Echo thought this was the only way to get his attention and the only way to make him understand how he felt and Zane tells him that it’s okay to feel however he feels, what’s upsetting is the way he went about those emotions. Echo remarks that being a nindroid doesn’t help all to much and Zane laughs in understanding, saying “You will understand when you are older”. 
Nya pulls Lloyd aside to point out two pairs of footprints in the sand. Lloyd calls Zane over who confirms that that is Cole and Kai’s shoe sizes, and Echo confirms that this is the location he intended to strand Zane on, realizing how bad that sounds out loud he looks away. Lloyd recommends they follow the prints to see where the two went and see if they can catch up. 
This is where we go back to Kai and Cole, who are still traveling through the jungle, the beach cornered off into a cliff and Cole didn’t want to disturb any potential threats, so they continue inwards. (I’m writing this whole bit out exactly as I saw it, Cole getting upset)
Kai is cutting away at the leaves and sticks while ranting about how “When I get off this island, I’m gonna pin that little squirt to the ground and make him wish he was never built!”.
Cole reminds him that “If that ‘Little squirt’ really is Zane’s brother like he says, Zane probably wouldn’t be to thrilled with you smashing him into scrap.”
“Zane wouldn’t care! That twerp is clearly evil, did you see the way he zapped us?” Looking back at his friend.
Cole raises an eyebrow at him “...Evilly?”
“Exactly! Wait- yeah, evilly.” and Cole sighs “Besides, Zane knows better then to get friendly with villains, we’ve seen enough of how well that tuned out with-” He cuts himself off.
“You know Zane doesn’t like ‘that’ being mentioned, even when when he’s not here.” Cole reminds him calmly.
Kai paused “I-I know, I’m just--Mad! How can someone, supposedly your family, turn on you like that! It’s-”
“You did the same thing,” Cole interrupted. Kai stopped mid-swing and stared wide eyed at Cole, anger clearly starting to build. “What?” He prompted Cole to continue, carefully.
“You’ve fallen for the same trick as both of them, dude. Lloyd says you were persuaded by Chen’s staff just the same as Zane was by that Vex guy and the scroll,” He moved from following behind Kai to standing beside him.
“You also attacked your parents, thinking they were traitors, according to Nya. Of all of us, you should be able to see both sides clearer than the rest,” He takes one of Kai’s swords from it’s sheath on his back and begins to cut more bushes in his way.
“I guess that just makes you more blind to it then us instead.” He looks back, only to continue on his way. Kai is stood still for a few more moments, his arm frozen in the air like a game on pause. Soon though, before he loses sight of the Earth master in the brush, he jogs up to him, putting his own sword in it’s sheath allowing Cole to lead on. His words do sting and bore into his head. Recollection of both those events hurt by themselves, but with this new context, Kai couldn’t help but feel like Cole was right. Maybe he is more blind to how the “brothers” felt that he should be, or was that just him denying his own emotions?
That was my dream, and now there will be nothing done with it because LEGO are already doing a jungle adventure. My dreams are wild man, it’s like my brain is showing me a movie, it’s so cool--
I do like this concept, I love it in fact. But unless I want to change the entire vibe, I don’t think I would be able to make it a fan season. If season 14 wasn’t a jungle season-- I WOULD.
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vedj-f-bekuesu · 4 years
You know what? I know I only did Hunted yesterday, but March of the Oni is only four episodes long so heck yeah I blitzed that too. 
A little background before I actually cover my thoughts; March of the Oni feels just as much like old Ninjago before my entrance into the fandom as the other seasons. The truth is that it isn’t; I got into LEGO again because of watching TLM2 about mid-late February. I then went nosing around other LEGO branches a month later in March, which covered things like Friends, Clutch Powers, LCU, Nexo Knights and Ninjago. By the time I reached that, it was around the time March of the Oni was airing, so I got to see the reactions to the season in real time. Of course, I couldn’t really join in because I didn’t watch it with them.
But now I have, and it’s honestly rather fun, if not a bit weird. There is one obvious issue, but I think we can predict what that is. But enough of a history chat, I’ll get into my season note write-up!
-The characters are pretty on point even with the lighter tone. At its heart this is a focus on Lloyd to wrap up his plot, and Lloyd is just fine here. He obviously spends a lot of time in a downer mood here too (because circumstances), but he’s got more of his spunk back, the conflict between him and Garmadon in the Oni land is some nice banter. The FSM scene was kind of out of nowhere though. -The other ninja characters have their own small stories (bar Zane. Even the plot tries to excuse that when it doesn’t make sense) and they are all pretty enjoyable. Shout outs to Cole and Kai this time, they’re finally stepping up to take the entertainment mantle from Jay (well, when they’re not depressed in this special. I’ll get to that). Also, Pixal gets more time to show off here than in Hunted, which was a full season. What? -I didn’t even mention Garmadon in Hunted despite being a big player because there he was basically just a destruction machine. For some reason (which I know) he has a lot of sass this time. It means he’s a lot more fun, but after the last two seasons this feels like a very different direction. -Nobody else was worth mentioning aside from Garmadon’s epiphany being from talking to...a random cameraman? What? Even Dareth, Faith, Wu and Misako were basically just cameos.  -Omega and the Oni were actually kind of interesting. I mean, to start with, they’re supposed to be hell-bent on destruction by nature, so them being one-note is a lot more forgivable than more human characters being the same. For another, the plot used Omega to highlight something Hunted never really did anything with. When we saw the resurrection ceremony in Sons of Garmadon, the ninja appeared to interfere with it while it was still going on. The aftermath of SoG and the entirety of Hunted basically went along with the idea that this ended up a flawless resurrection anyway, and that the ninja interfering did nothing. Omega basically offers a counterargument that it was in fact botched, calling out this supposedly totally evil Garmadon as still wanting to connect to his human side. That’s why I’m actually fine with how it ended; Omega’s words have him conflicted, and he feels he can’t judge how to react to Lloyd in this state, so he ends up backing off to see he can find some answers for himself. Leaves the Omega’s words room to resonate and have payoff.  Plus he seemed so done with the family feud shit down below.  -Speaking of, I have seen people question why Cole was needed to fall anyway when he survived just fine and came back in the span of one episode. It seemed to be two-fold to me; to be the straw that broke the camel’s back between Lloyd and Garmadon (thus driving Garmadon’s possible road to redemption, since him and Lloyd are the focus of this season) and being the impetus that eventually leads to the idea of forging the Golden Weapons, and thusly the Tornado of Creation. Plus Kai was depressed pretty much the entire time until Cole came back (I’ll get into this one later).  -The whole premise of this special has a weird foundation; it was supposed to finish off the brand spanking new Oni trilogy, but was made to promote Legacy sets. That being said, it was nice to see the callbacks. From the aforementioned Tornado of Creation, to the Golden Master armour (NOT the Dragon Armour), to Possessions’ Sword of Sanctuary, and even Kai’s profession from the pilot play a pivotal part.  -As one may expect, the big thing about the season that holds it back is the pacing. With only four episodes to cover story as opposed to ten, a lot of beats end up going by very quickly without having time to really mull properly. Biggest offender is probably after Cole’s death, everyone is down, but as soon as Kai forges those golden weapons Jay and Zane are just stoked like “YEAH” and “COOL”. Like, come on. 
Okay, for this one I’m getting on a soap box about Cole and Kai again. I did it for Possession, but I need to do it here even harder. When I started this watching of the older Ninjago material, I thought, based on how everyone else talked about it, Cole and Kai stopped having meaningful interactions early on, only to come up again much, much later. It seemed that way when I started, being way down for season 2 compared to season 1 and the pilots. But no, season 3 picked it up again, and it persisted. It persisted so long, only season 6 could be argued to have dropped it again (and that has the excuse of them only appearing for half the season in Kai’s case). It was there, but it was on the low, left to simmer. March of the Oni feels like someone got drunk at the wheel and messed up the ratios of character interaction, because this season was just chock full of it. Like, it even comes to a point where Garmadon is looking at past photos of Cole after being admonished for his inhumanity about his “death”, and the shot just could not cut Kai out of the closeup of Cole. Between this season, and what the DHX seasons have done, it’s no wonder Lava seems to be snowballing.
Also can I just point out that this is some weird bizarro universe where Jay is being pushed by his girlfriend’s brother and his former romantic rival to propose when Jay’s the one not ready to do so? And that it gets even weirder for said girlfriend? 
Overall, I actually quite enjoyed March of the Oni, in spite of its reputation. It’s certainly very bizarre when taken as the follow-up to Sons of Garmadon and hunted, but I think it achieves what it set out to do, and in a satisfactory way. The deaths may have been a bit too cheesy, but everything has a narrative purpose, so none of it feels like fluff. Yeah, I think it’s pretty good. 
Well, it’s nice that the series has picked up again after Hunted. But next time, we get to see if it can...oh, wait, that’s it. I saw Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjutsu when it came out, and I really enjoyed that one. And Prime Empire is my favourite season of Ninjago altogether. 
So I guess for overall, I’d say this; Ninjago as a show isn’t without its issues. It especially seemed to have teething issues for the first four seasons, but aside for some clunky bits (decisions made in S6, S9) and some shaky characterisation that wasn’t quite ironed out, it’s been an enjoyable ride. I’d say I’d watch eight of the twelve seasons willingly again, and that is definitely not a bad ratio for such a long lasting show. 
This isn’t the end of my thoughts on old Ninjago though. Next time I get to do something more off the cuff and digging into my more nuanced thoughts; unpopular opinions!
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chickskickasstoo · 5 years
Where The Heck Am I?
*head pounds, hand covers face, groans and mumbles* "Oooh craaap. What haappened?" *slowly rolls over, sloppily kicks off the warm covers and sits up* "Mo-om!" *winces at my own volume and dizzily stands up, trying to open eyes against the blinding sunlight...starts walking to find Mom, stumbles into something on the floor...garbled noise of contents crashing down, muffles my fall* "Oow-wah! What the--" *sits up to see what it all is and backs into a few somethings that fall over my head. Mutters under my breath* "Dammit..."
(I'm not in my room. What...where...I was at a party last night, I think...or was that some crazy dream?) Sitting on the floor and looking around through foggy slits, I can make out a couple tipped over cardboard boxes and a few shipping tubes. *takes a deep breath, rubs temples and wipes eyes--trying to get them to see clearly...and squints* (Someone needs to turn down the light in here.) A couple dozen marbles and a gazillion Legos are spilled across the floor. Magazines in plastic covers have slipped like a slide, almost to the door. (This isn't Anthony's room...and I was only in Robby's room once, but it wasn't like this. The room is pretty much clean, besides the mess I just made...and if it wasn't for the bed I slept in, I'd say it looks like it hasn't been lived in...in years.)
Getting up on my knees to clean up the mess, I see the magazines are comic books...there's lots of them...Shazam and Captain America, Fantastic Four, Batman and...Ninja Turtles? (That was a comic?! Wait, am I just having another weird dream? Where the hell am I?) Gathering them all up, one slips out of the pile...but it's not a comic...it's an old school assignment? A book report--I think, my eyes hurt trying to read it--in one of those plastic protectors. (The Hobbit? Okay, this is definitely not Anthony's room.)
Putting them back in the box, something makes me leave the report out. (My head won't stop pounding and I just want to get out of here and find Mom. Where is she? And Anthony should have come bursting in here, bugging me about something by now.) As I put all the marbles back in a little box labeled 'Dutch Masters' and go to start on the mountain of Legos, I see a model sheriff's motorcycle (nope...that says CHP) and a couple old hot wheels.
Once all the toys are picked up and a random car makes it into my pocket for later--I have to figure this out, but I'm too screwed up to make heads or tails of anything, right now (Did I mention that I need water like YESTERDAY?!)--I pick up some old VHS tapes. Legend...Rocky, Rocky II & Rocky III...The Princess Bride?! *puts tapes in the other box and takes another deep breath before trying to stand up* Next to lean the tubes back up against the wall. They have letters on the end of each written in black marker...WW, BL, IH & F-16...(F-16?! What the...no, no, no...just get out of here and find Mom.)
Turning around...(Whoa! That was a little too fast.)...I thought I was done, but there's still something over by the door. A couple origami hearts. Mom showed me how to make these back in middle school. You'd write notes or letters and then pass the​ back and forth between classes. There were all kinds of shapes, but hearts were usually for really close friends or boyfriends and girlfriends. I flipped them over and they all said 'To Johnny' "Wait...Mr. Lawrence?!" Looking back around and remembering everything..."you got to be kidding me?"
The party...Miggy falling...the ambulance and Ms. Diaz...Robby and Jason...it was all coming back. (I have to get to the hospital.) Putting the letters back in the box, I stop to grab a few comics for proof...Miggy isn't gonna believe me. Then snatching the report and my jacket off the bed and picking up my shoes...I go out into the hall to look for Robby's room.
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Season 3, Episode 1 - The Surge
Ah, good old S3. The one that I continually bring up as the first season Zane dies in, because a) the writers seem to love killing him, b) can the writers not do that that is incredibly rude
Well, that happens in the finale. I’ll let my dread build up for the occasion, then. Until then, we’ve got a good season to get through.
[22:10] oh what the hell!!! new intro!!!
[21:49] that fucking slaps
[21:39] The ultimate battle… where Lloyd got eaten by a dragon and then had the magical energy dragon he was riding explode the dragon he was eaten by.
[21:19] Huh. Looks like the “wait this is lego who gave them the right to be this dramatic” part of me finally kicked in. But man, that’s gotta suck for them to rebuild.
[21:09] Oh hi, dude in a wheelchair. That looks a bit… precarious.
[20:59] Wait, why New Ninjago City? That New ____ bit applies generally when it’s a seperate city or location, but named after an older city or location, like New York, New Mexico, New Zealand (Zeeland), etc. If you’re just rebuilding, it doesn’t make sense to add that, as it’s still the same city. Ninjago City was badly damaged by the earthquakes, but it wasn’t to the point of having to start completely over, right?
[20:57] Hovercar! --- wait. What’s the timespan for this?
[20:57] Huh. The ninja can move on with their lives for now, at least.
[20:42] Okay, we’re now watching Jay sneak up on somebody singing in the shower.
[20:39] Hi, Kai!
[20:35] Huh? What’s going on?
[20:33] Kai’s a teacher! Neat. And you can have hovercars, but god forbid we use a whiteboard.
[20:26] Zane and Cole are also teachers! And… and what do you mean on the friiiiiehwHY IS HE GLITCHING OUT
[20:18] Jeez! Not cool, kids!
...god i want to see a tacky poster explaining to the kids not to remote control the teachers please and thank you
[20:13] Ah. The wonders of education.
[20:03] I am going to fight a kid again.
[19:55] Oh! Sensei Wu took over Darkly’s!
[19:51] Jay’s a teacher too! I guess that just leaves Lloyd, Nya and Garmadon as characters who’d be majorly impacted by the end of the Age Of Ninja unaccounted for. I’m assuming Misako’s off doing research or something.
[19:57] your fave is problematic: cole steals his co-workers’ food from the fridge
[19:41] Oi. Where can I get that giant tea making machine?
But like… yeah. The ninja excl. Lloyd are like… adults. Maybe acting a bit like teens from time to time because kids show but… they’re adults with jobs and crap. That’s a very weird thought.
[19:33] Man, I love me them group dynamics
[19:22] Well, Lloyd’s doing a bit of award receiving, it seems.
[19:15] Nya’s a teacher too! So I guess that leaves Garmadon unaccounted for.
[19:06] Huh. That’s… not a good sign for Jaya this season. I’m a fan of Jaya so that’s, I dunno. Disappointing.
 [19:00] Man, they’re either still in the Constant Threat mindset or are just really desperate to let loose on SOMETHING. Considering the kids they have to teach… it could be either.
[18:48] Aaaw! Jay’s geeking out about Borg Industries. 
[18:45] Also the camera’s… really spinning. Really wants me to get that vertigo experience.
[18:42] Zane just snapped and kicked Jay in the leg. DJdfngjd
[18:34] Oh, look at you, Kai. Being all… cynical. I mean, you don’t really have a lot of past to go off of, y’know? The world was only made like… three generations ago. And also somehow a few thousand years ago…. What even is this timeline?
[18:30] Welp.
[18:24] Also, if you took the field trip on a dragon you do run into a lot of safety risks.
[18:20] god he’s desperately trying to be One Of The Kids… Cole this is the one time you’re not an eternal mood but I forgive you
[18:16] Also, Nya in the bg smiling at first but then just…  dying inside
[18:15] oof
[18:07] But like… huh. I’m guessing it’s been a while since the events of S2. Logically in real life it’d be up to maybe a decade between seasons, but more likely it’d be a year or two at most, which is still a while.
[17:49] Man. NNC looks pretty cool.
[17:31] Well, I’m sorry sir, we can’t all have hovercars!
[17:29] Wait! It’s the postie. Man, that guy’s seen some crap.
[17:20] Cole remains just… frighteningly buff. I’m scared that if I shook his hand it’d break mine.
[17:09] (Wu) “Besides, it’s not like we can’t find where we’re going.” YOU SURE? Because I’ve gotten lost sometimes trying to find certain entertainment slash casino slash hotel complexes that will remain unnamed and it takes up like half of the Yarra in the city
[17:07] Okay, nevermind. That’s definitely like a beacon among the hills.
[17:04] Like… it’s very tall.
[16:59] ouch
[16:42] Oh my god her voice is so relaxing though??? Like robotic, certainly, but not at all like jarring? Is that a weird thing to say? 
[16:36] (Pixal) “What does ‘Zane’ stand for?” That’s just his name, m’am
[16:33] I mean, I hear Pixane is a thing that happens here? And I can understand the relationship part being rushed (god that is gonna be painful huh) but if I see Zane having a crush on Pixal I don’t really care. I don’t like how crushes usually somehow mean We’re Gonna Hook Up Soon but to be honest I don’t even have any form of romantic attraction, am human, and am having a bit of a crush on Pixal right now. He can do whatever, man.
[16:25] Welp! But goddammit, if it sets off my romantic repulsion I’m going to fight my brain, it’s! in! his! rights! to! crush! on! Pixal! Goddammit brain let me have fun here
[16:20] wait wait wait I just… man only in Lego can Pixal get away with having half her chest exposed.
[16:12] Okay I realise what I just said about Zane having a crush on Pixal but c’mon this is getting creepy what she’s on about now. NNC is reading more and more like a dystopia by the second when you think about it. Everything is connected. It’s being fed to Borg Industries. If BI isn’t doing good then what the hell would this mean?
[16:05] I- I. I mean, what DOES power him?
[15:16] Wait. Is this licensed? Also fucking… video games…
[15:05] “They have a Perfect Match console!” nsddhgiufsjd like that one Choices game? Also I heard we’re having a love triangle somewhere but this soon? What the hell, writers?
[14:53] No. No, we are NOT doing this.
[14:50] I am going… to go commit... murder. None of you can stop me.
I am going to die before I get through this episode, jesus christ, let’s continue,
[14:47] WHHHHHY!!!!!
Usually I avoid anything with any romance in it like the plague (which is 99% of YA fiction aka stuff in my demographic) let alone LOVE TRIANGLES and now I’m seeing why Terrible Writing Advice has it as a running gag! If you’re not familiar with the channel, it’s exactly as labelled. It’s an author giving you advice on what NOT TO DO as stuff to do (but blatantly the first category). A running gag is that The Love Triangle Is Awful Author JP Fixall, which indicates how much the real JP hates them.
[14:44] (everyone gasps almost horrified at the results) THAT’S HOW I’VE BEEN FEELING FOR THE PAST HALF AN HOUR YOU GOOF! THIS IS A TEN SECOND SEQUENCE.
[14:34] Hey, Mr. Borg! So about that matchmaking machine you have in the video game floor downstairs… can we talk about that?
[14:32] Oh my god, I can’t even enjoy the episode because of the stupid love triangle I’m dreading.
[14:22] djdjdjd he really had to call out his parents for naming him that
[14:20] Why are you all acting so shocked? That looks cool as shit.
[14:01] Holy shit, um… they just killed him. They killed Zane’s dad between seasons, jesus christ.
[13:38] Man, but like. Huh.
[13:27] (Cyrus) “I’m glad it’s just you four.” UHHH
[13:15] It’s… a statue?
[13:11] (Kai) “Oh wow. It’s a statue. Of yourself.” I’m telling you that!
[13:01] Oh, well, “them”, but I assumed it was the ninja based on context. Whatever it is.
[12:53] What the fuck is going on?
[12:22] Wait, since when did Kai hate technology? Was that something else from the pilot episodes? And… whelp, it’s broken.
[12:15] Ooooh. This isn’t good.
[11:53] Whelp! Time to protect them blades!
[11:49] OUCH
[11:19] And this is why you don’t build over where the Overlord was defeated, presumably. It curses the damn place.
[11:01] Man… those are some angry machinery.
[10:23] Christ, why were they even allowed in there? This is a massive WorkSafe violation.
[10:13] God, I love the new technology based aesthetics we’re getting here though. I will confess, I love me them tech. I don’t really have the brains for it, but I wouldn’t deny it being cool as shit.
[10:10] Well! Let’s do this!
[10:06] Also, as always, the soundtrack slaps.
[9:51] And the music’s been updated to fit the technology theme of the season! In the previous two seasons, we got a lot of the classic Cinematic Orchestra (probably not the name but still). Now we’re doing a more techno beat… kind of thing
[9:48] (Zane) “It’s not sharp! Why even call it a blAde?” 
[9:37] And thus continues the long tradition of the ninja almost falling to their deaths.
[9:29] Ow.
[9:27] Man, you really should find a stop to your fall soon.
[9:23] Conveniently placed … what do you call em
[9:16] Well!!!
[9:05] The Overlord’s back.
[8:52] Oh. Oh no.
[8:43] (laughs nervously) what the fuck?
[8:31] Man, this is really just going downhill. I knew there was something severely off with NNC!
[8:26] thROw mE!
[8:17] HELL YEAH!!!
[8:10] Oh! Hell yeah! Vehicles!
[7:47] Welp!
[7:28] Pixal what the hell
[6:47] Hell yeah!!!! Also, goddammit I CALLED IT NNC WAS REALLY OFF
[6:26] Man! You’re really ready to go kick some ass, huh? I literally cannot blame you.
[5:25] Wow! This is actually really wild and I’m really into it.
[4:47] So! New vehicles! Mainly to sell merch but man is this a fun way of doing it!
[4:10] god i love this show!
[3:30] uhhh what just happened
[3:26] Lloyd! thank you!
[3:20] And now they’re group hugging him!
[3:16] Shiiit. That goddamn Overlord.
[2:42] Alright! Let’s see what happens now!
[1:43] Oh!!! I guess the technoblades are with the ninja! This was just a false flag.
[1:30] OOOOH. IT WASN’T.
[0:52] god like… to Lloyd, all of the other ninja are the Dad Friend like… stop collecting dads Lloyd. you’ve got too many. put a few back.
[0:49] Oh god. Cyrus.
[0:38] OH NO
[0:26] Kids show! Now with 80% more body horror and 70% more useless romantic subplots!
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ff2-soda-pop · 5 years
hi im writing about the ninjago level in lego dimensions
im gonna talk about the level “Elements Of Surprise” in lego dimensions!! putting this under the cut!!
so firstly. the level obviously takes place during Master Chen’s “Tournament Of Elements” in season 4.
Level Summary:
So the level first has the elemental master of sound (I think he has a name but I don’t remember it) fighting someone who i’m gonna assume by appearance is someone who works w/ Chen or something, and that guy defeats the elemental master of sound, and before anything can continue Wyldstyle, Gandalf, and Batman crash in from a portal. Chen is pretty much not really questioning this, and is just like “let’s add them to the tournament!”
Also, I’m just gonna comment NOW that Chen has a different VA then in the show, so his voice is actually just slightly different. It’s not super noticeable but I still wanna comment on it.
Also, Clouse is next to him for like this whole scene and he looks between annoyed and 100% done with everything the whole time and I Love It. Also!! The subtitles actually misspell his name as “Klaus”, instead of “Clouse”.
Also, Chen decides he’s gonna try and take whatever ‘power’ that the the three main characters of the game have (also directly says this outloud which seems,, kinda dumb given the whole thing is Supposed to be something the remaining members of the tournament aren’t supposed to know but whatever), and has Griffin Turner - elemental master of speed (game says “speed and time” but he’s not a master of time. those are kux and acronix, who don’t appear in this level at all) fight the player. You do the puzzle stuff the game requires, and you win.
Chen gets mad (i think - im guessing based off what i can see from his expression and his animation), saying his usual line that “only one can remain”, and then sends out Gravis - elemental master of gravity - and again, you fight him and do the puzzle stuff.
Then you do a puzzle thing, and after THAT Chen sends out Karlof - elemental master of metal. You do the puzzle to build a magnet which stops him.
Chen accuses the protags of “cheating”, and claims that no one is allowed to cheat, and tries to press a button so the ground beneath them will collapse. Of course, he hits the wrong one, and then CONTINUES to just hit the wrong buttons over and over, getting increasingly angrier the longer this goes on.
Another one of the portal things appears and Lex Luthor just shows up and demands Chen’s Staff Of Elements (why HE wants it, I have no idea), Chen refuses, tells the others to stop Lex, and then just leaves. And then Lex leaves.
Batmanm Wyldstyle, and Gandalf decide to follow Lex, which sends you to the next part of the level.
You end up in Chen’s “maze of tunnels”, he says you’re basically never gonna get out, but you Do get out.
The three main characters find the Shift Pedestal, and try to take it, but Clouse’s pet snake is there. A portal appears and Saruman lands on it. He puts the Shift Pedestal on the snake, and you fight him.
They go to the next area, where Lex Luthor is, and he takes the Staff Of Elements from Chen, who looks absolutely freaked out, and nearly just. crushes him, before the others get there to stop him.
So Chen leaves, and you fight Lex Luthor.
Then Lex get taken back to where he was from, and the Shift Pedestal gets put on the Staff Of Elements. Chen takes the staff and says that the protags will get punished for cheating, this then begins the fight with Master Chen himself, who uses his staff and the elemental powers of Ice, Fire, Lightning and Earth (not in that order) to create different environments. You use the Shift Pedestal to solve puzzles and get to him and attack him, until he loses.
You defeat him, and then the Shift Pedestal gets knocked off the staff, the main characters take it, a portal opens and they leave.
Me Infodumping About Random Details And Stuff:
I noticed in the background of a cutscene you can see Jay, Lloyd, Cole, Kai and Wu! ....Though, I kinda wonder why Wu is there, since in season 4 when they’re at the tournament, Garmadon is the one who goes with them. Not Wu. .....Also, they have a model in this game of Sensei Garmadon, so? I kinda wonder why they did that..
Also, Cole is the only one in their season 4 outfit!
Lloyd is in his Golden Ninja outfit, despite in season 4 no longer being the Golden Ninja. ...I assume it’s because that’s the model for the playable Lloyd.
Karlof does that thing where he visibly becomes all metal, but a bit later his model actually goes back to normal.
I’m like. 80% - 90% sure that the “maze of tunnels”, IS actually this area, or is somewhere similar.
In the boss battle with Saruman, he spends most of it on Clouse’s pet snake! ....Though, I do wonder if it WOULD actually listen to some random stranger like that..
Despite Kai, Jay, and Cole appearing in an earlier cutscene during the tournament, Chen has control over the Fire, Lightning and Earth elemental powers, even though to have absorbed their powers, they would’ve had to been eliminated from the tournament itself.
During the boss battle with Lex Luthor, you can actually find P.I.X.A.L locked in a room! You can get in there, and re-power her!! She stays there for the rest of the level, and says a bunch of stuff in the background. (I can’t remember most off the top of my head right now, but I know at one post she was asking for help getting out)
When the level ends and it shows you how you did, the music playing is the Ninjago intro for season 3, which is a remix of The Weekend Whip. (you can listen to it here, and I recommend it this remix is soo good) ....I kinda wonder why they didn’t go with the season 4 intro, though, since the whole level takes place during the events of season 4.
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Hello! I was curious to know what some of your favorite Mindcrack moments are in all of their years of existing?
Bro. You are in for a motherfucking LIST.
Off the bat, every single Team Canada Prank. I’ve practically memorized the Sky Shrooms and King of the Ladder episodes. That moment when Guude realized Etho was part of the prank and said “We? Who’s we?” and Etho stuttered and fell backwards off the mushrooms to his death was the first moment in my life that I truly felt alive. #TheOfficeIsAGoodShow #RealMenUseTheirRingFinger
Von Swaying Guude’s house changed my whole outlook on Minecraft. How could someone make something so darn ugly and yet so beautiful? It’s the epitome of doing something for the sole purpose of shit starting creating and having fun rather than aiming for perfect and never finishing. Zisteau is a great addition to any video 10/10 educational content
Just about every moment in Guude/Nebris/Pakratt/Arkas’ TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded series. Had to pause videos multiple times to write down quotes and even then I passed up some good ones! I fully intend on rewatching the series from each perspective. Arkas getting slain by bear, Guude and Arkas secretly growing mushrooms and getting high, Pakratt confusing dolomite and diorite, literally everything Arkas does, THE COWS, that last episode of absolute chaos wtf Pakratt
UHC #ForTheKidsSeven with Single Malt scotch’s skyblock base and rampant cheating from every team except Nebris’. I fucking LOVED that near-kill with the anvil, and all the chaos as the border shrank. Four players stuck in a 1x1 column! The arrow volley between SMS and SkyblockJr. Can this happen every UHC?
Speaking of UHC, Etho and BdoubleO’s epic fight in season 11! He was absolutely on the ball with those potions, I was sure he’d die before he could use them all. And Etho’s fight with Guude right before that was hilarious! Guude high as fuck on percocets and Etho like completely confused at what Guude was doing. The original UHC skybase by Zisteau #I’mALavaExpert and Anderz reaction to the skybase, and then to Guude’s dogs
The whole portal thing in season 3 with Pause, Kurt, and Beef too! That has remained one of my favourite UHC moments since I saw it, there is nothing more classic. Every single season I hope someone will make a portal for no reason and end up in someone else’s base with them. #TheWolfTheWolfAmazing!
Zisteau’s E-Pranker Montage. I legitimately cry every time I watch it, particularly during 0.5 (the fourth prank) when he rebuilds Bdubs’ first house from his Building With BdoubleO series. Bdubs’ moment of realization hits me like a train even though I know it’s coming. Like, if someone built my first Minecraft base to prank me I think I would die on impact, but like in a good way.
And back to UHC! Season 14 episode 5. HOOOOOOLY FUCK! 2spooky4me should have totally been a UHC team! Remember when Zisteau played UHC? It just isn’t UHC without him to be honest. And besides the #BadYouTubers and #ImALavaExpert moments from Super Hostile and Ninja Turtles, Parkas had a great season as well! Shit, everyone was awesome! Parkas listening in on BTC finding a silverfish, Doc listening in on Ole Yeller right before Zisteau-ing himself and swearing, Baj hiding nether wart, every single drunken drink Genny did, Parkas towers “we should smelt some stone to make bricks”, snnnnowballs! :D, HEY JSANO! WHY YOU RUNNING JSANO?, “ooooh, we’re right behind you haha” “BTC, they’re actually here.” Pakratt was slain by generikb, Avidya’s spooky voice echoing around Seth and Anderz “You wouldn’t hurt an old teammate, would you?” “I dunno. It’s been awhile.” Just. God this was a good season.
Season 19 with Vechs and BTC! You’ve heard all the famous quotes, “how did I get stuck with you of all people” “Vechs, Vechs. I don’t hate you anymore” “He’s not dying. He’s just mad right now.” “Did it come from your hand, knocking a teammate off the ledge?” “THAT WAS A MOD!” etc etc. I also like MC’s half heart midnight desert dash, although it took a good 10 years of my life from the stress. Oblivious Pakratt running away from his teammates as they yell after him and then wondering why he hasn’t found anyone yet. Seth’s reaction to MC’s diamonds. Coe’s post commentary, again, you know the quotes: “Left. Chicken. Right. Chicken.” “This bucket has wheels!” “Are you gonna put that dirt in a chest?!” etc. Kurt finding Beef “Sharpness Five diamond sword!” and PiMP turning around. F1 and PiMP in general. SwedishZen and Millbee with the melons.
Obligatory mentions: “NOOO YOUR DOGS KILLING ME!!!!”, 2Germans1Hole, Zisteau crafting a clock and finding every excuse to use it during the game so that those 4 gold didn’t go to waste, Rob’s jukebox battles, Anderz fighting spiders when a creeper wanders into his hole, Bdubs’ “real” season 9 ending, Nebris going God-mode “HIT ME ALL YOU LIKE”, Nebris and Pause double kill, Nebris and Pyro double kill with Bdubs watching and cleaning up at half a heart and then Etho cleaning up again and finding the potions B left and Bdubs interrupting his video to do facecam to explain that he’s a nice guy who shares and leaves gifts for others (basically whenever Bdubs does facecam in UHC. Let’s face it, when Bdubs whips out the cam you know you’re in for a good show), Team Uppercats season 10. All of it.
Trouble in Terrorist Town when Pyro and Coe pull a long con on Pause and Guude in like episode 9 during the last round. I had to pause the video to take it all in, I was just in awe. That series is one of my favourites! I always watch from Pause.
In original DvZ when BTC got warned for breaking a cake. Also Pause’s helmet!
Team Canada CTM uhhh forgot which series, but Pause and Beef getting stuck in a hole, Etho dying, placing TNT over their heads, and singing “Pause and Beef, best of friends” while Beef panics.
Etho calling Pause fat as a joke and Pause taking it serious and then Etho going “wait, are you actually fat?’ lmao.
Pause yelling about vacations on episode 37 of the podcast with BdoubleO “STOP TELLING PEOPLE I’M GOING ON VACATION IT’S NOT A VACATION!!!!!!!” and every time he’s yelled about vacations or muted his mic.
Baj reading a question and mid sentence switching to talking about the curry he had last night, and then there’s a pause and the rest of Nancy Drew fucking loses it.
On the podcast, Kurt’s “Wake me up, boys!” That whole episode was a blast!
The whole “sitting or standing?” debate and the guests’ reactions to it.
Doc accidentally killing Notch on the Mindcrack server, and Dinnerbone confused about him not dropping an apple.
Doc’s zombie death loop from season 4 with Anderz saving the day and then promptly dying.
B-Team mafia in survival of the fittest, Etho killing Genny, and B and Etho teaming up afterwards. Also B and Pungence talking excitedly at the end was adorable, you can really tell they’re brothers lol. And Etho drinking out of the outhouse! Bdubs’ comment on that video killed me lol. And Etho forgetting his push-to-talk and failing to team up with Doc.
The whole got-dang B-Team trial.
End of season 3 tour “On a scale from Baj to Anderz” “Arkas, say something about your build.” Arkas: “Hello.”
The original Death Games, when Etho reveals his secret to Nebris particularly, and all the trash talking. Also Millbee, MC, and Nebris coming to kill him and Kurt logging on in the middle of it.
Prop hunt, and all the wiener and erect jokes. “Am I erect?” “I just saw a can spying on me while I was trying to put my wiener in the toilet!”
Pause and Rob getting girlfriends in Orespawn, and Rob naming his after Pause, and Pause murdering his.
Andrea talking about waking up with spiders in her mouth in an old Triple Eh Mondays episode.
Nebris “sensually” feeding Beef a banana (and practically begging to do it to) on the Mindcrack marathon, and Beef completely ruining the mood lol
Zisteau accidentally launching CaptainSparklez back into a lava tree column and “Dude, it’s okay. You can just kill me” after Jordan’s hit him about 40 times.
MC accidentally killing his one and only teammate JSano during UHC season 22
Sevadus and Seth playing blindfolded lego with Chad’s underwear on Sev’s head, lots of swearing, bugs in the lego, “Are you sure it’s the grey lego?”, “I don’t think I like kids anymore” etc
All the Pyro and Baj burns on Quiplash, ie “What’s something that absolutely does not make you think of a penis in any way?” “Baj”
Coe and Pak playing that stupid horse/giraffe volley ball game with the stretchy legs and neck, and Coe doing the silly accent
Bdubs calling Nebris a psychopath in Nebs’ first FTB episode because he jumped a dangerous ledge for 2 (TWO) pieces of glowstone dust
Nebs coming outta nowhere and jumping in Etho’s car when he was about to test his race track
The first few episode of CrackPack and the battle between Etho and BTC, and Beef and Nebris
The first building game with potatoes on sticks, the second accidentally dirty and racist building game with bloody toilet capsules, the third actually dirty building game with a viking hat with a penis inside
God, I could go on forever, but I’ve already spent over an hour and a half on this.
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nerdwaifuu · 5 years
A little Valentine’s Day thing with some father-son moments between the only ocs I’ve been writing about. Not my best, but hope that one person who reads this enjoys it. Also I’m sorry for not posting an oneshot the past two mondays, so I’ll probably write another oneshot (preferably a shipping oneshot. Don’t know what the shipping should be yet). Anyhoo, enjoy.
The streets of New Ninjago City, especially the parts of the city filled with shops, were painted pink and red for the up coming holiday. The sight of all the decorations was meant to spread love through the air, but did the opposite for Jasper. He never understood why such a holiday was celebrated to the point where decorations were put up like it was Christmas; he was glad that this holiday wasn’t as huge as Christmas or New Years. It was honestly sickening to him; romance was not his forte, yet signs of the approach of Valentines Day could be seen out the windows of Borg Tower, where he somehow snatched a job as part time tour guide when Pixal was busy with the Ninja.
With a sigh, Jasper checked the time in his robotic mind; he was grateful that it was time to finally go home. Down the elevator and out the door, Jasper averted his eyes straight ahead and away from the decorations and storefront windows using Valentines Day for their advertisements. Unfortunately, he had to deal with 3 more days of this. He couldn't imagine how the actual day was going to play out.
Finally, Jasper reached his home and went in. In order not to break the silence in the air, Jasper tried to close the door quietly, slipped his shoes off and tiptoed to the dining room to drop of his stuff. From the dining room, he could see his son sitting on the couch with a blank expression and earbuds in his ears. Sneaking on over to the couch, Jasper carefully sat next to him and gingerly took out one of the earbuds, which wasn't even playing any music; the music paused.
"Hey kid, I'm home," Jasper whispered. Slightly startled, Jason flinches and utters, "Sorry..."
"It's okay..." Jasper looks around the room and searches for something to talk about until his eyes fall onto the MP3 player he got Jason for Christmas. « What are you listening to? »
With a shrug, Jason quietly responded, « Don't know... I kinda zoned out... »
« That's fine. We can find out later. « Jasper gave Jason a smile, and Jason returned a small smile. Ruffling his hair, Jasper asked, « So, what's going on at school? »
« Nothin' much. Oh yeah, I kinda need to get some Valentines for Thursday... » Jasper raised an eyebrow and sighed. « Let me guess, you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, or crush that you want to show affection to by getting a gift they will get go through pretty quickly despite it representing your love for them because romance is so great and blah blah blah, » Jasper quickly claimed, resulting in a head tilt from Jason.
« Uhhh... wh-what? I don't like anybody like that... we just have a party in class where we can buy a bunch of Valentines stuff for all the students in the class. I haven't been able to do that cause you know who didn't care... » Jason trailed off and looked at the floor, but shook his head.
« Sorry, » he once again whispered, and then added, « Also, friendships and family love are important too. It's not just about romance and all that gross stuff. You don't need a boyfriend,  girlfriend, husband, or wife to enjoy Valentines Day. You got me, and I have you. »
Jasper sat there impressed. Everyday he learns something new, and he was opened to a whole new perspective because of Jason. « Well, uh, you're right. Tomorrow I'll go get a bunch of Valentines for your class. » With a smile, Jason said, « Thanks, » and went to his room.
The next two days, Jasper slowly got into the spirit of Valentines Day. The idea of romance out of his mind, he lifted his head to the decorations and looked into the windows. The whole idea of Valentines Day was still weird to him, but this was only his first time actually celebrating Valentines Day. He went into a couple stores to buy Valentines gifts for Jason and for Jason to give to his classmates. He spent one night helping Jason have all the cards and candy set for his class and the little gift for his teacher.
Finally, it was the day.
After he got changed for school, Jason grabbed his gift for his father and followed the smell of pancakes into the kitchen. The sight of the gifts on the empty counter made Jason's heart leap. There was one of those large stuffed bears holding a heart, a container holding Reeses Pieces, and a small lego set.
« Oh my FSM, » was all Jason could say as he approached the gifts. He grabbed the bear and tried to hug the bear with one arm. It was one of softest things he had felt in awhile. « Thank you thank you thank you! I love it! I just... » Jason trailed off and set the bear down. He looked at Jasper and pulled out his gift for him. Looking down at the paper, he held it out for Jasper to grab.
« I made you something. Sorry that it won't be as great as this... » Jason apologized as Jasper told the piece of paper. His eyes scanned the paper, looking at the contents. It was a drawing that was drawn with crayons. There was a green ground representing grass, a yellow circle in the corner representing the sun, the top portion of the drawing was partially colored a bright blue, under that was the words « Happy Valentines Day! » written in pink, and under the words were two stick figures; one was shorter and a tiny little bandaid was drawn on the face of the stick figure, and both had black hair. Looking at the drawing brought a big smile to Jasper's face, and he could feel his eyes tear up; who knew androids like him could feel real emotions.
« What do you mean it won't be as great? I love this, » Jasper kneeled down and hugged Jason. He then stood back up and strolled over to the fridge. He grabbed out a magnet and stuck the drawing to the fridge. This action brought a small smile to Jason's face.
Turning back towards Jason, Jasper smiled and said, « Well, you better finish getting ready for school. »
« Right... » Jason was about to grab his breakfast and leave the kitchen, but before he could leave, Jasper stopped him. « Wait, » Jasper kneeled back down and hugged him again. « I love you kiddo. » Smiling, Jason wrapped his small arms around Jasper and said, « I love you too, Dad. »
Then Jason went off to finish getting ready for an exciting day at school with a bag of Valentines gifts for his class for the first time.
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