gerardtweets · 2 years
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mailifes · 10 months
My Summer 2023 Plans: Programming, Exploration, and Personal Growth
Summer 2023 holds exciting prospects for me as I embark on a journey of personal and academic development. In this article, I will outline my goals and aspirations for the summer, focusing on programming, exploration, and self-improvement.
Part 1: Programming Skills Enhancement During the summer, I aim to refine my programming skills and connect them to my academic and professional goals. Here are my planned activities:
Review Java language concepts to strengthen my foundation.
Dive deeper into Java APIs, such as JavaFX, to learn graphical user interface (GUI) development.
Prepare for the upcoming semester by familiarizing myself with GUI programming techniques.
Showcase my programming prowess by uploading training projects to GitHub, fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge with fellow developers.
Part 2: Cultural Enrichment and Reading Reading is a gateway to intellectual growth, and I have set ambitious reading goals for the summer. Here's what I have in mind:
My target is to read 35 books, with a particular focus on novels that transport me to new worlds and perspectives.
I have dedicated five hours each day to immerse myself in captivating stories, expanding my horizons and broadening my understanding of diverse cultures.
To foster my creative mind, I will incorporate photography into my summer routine, even though I have yet to discover a specific passion in this art form. Through capturing images, I hope to train my eye for aesthetics and develop my creative instincts.
Part 3: Health and Well-being A holistic approach to personal growth encompasses physical well-being. Thus, I have outlined the following plans for a healthier summer:
I commit to regular workouts, engaging in exercise routines four days a week. This will enhance my fitness levels and boost my energy and focus.
Proper nutrition is a priority, and I will ensure a balanced and healthy diet to nourish my body and maintain optimal health.
As I eagerly anticipate Summer 2023, I am driven by the desire to accomplish my goals and cultivate personal growth. With my programming endeavors, literary explorations, creative pursuits, and focus on well-being, I am poised for a summer filled with learning, self-discovery, and positive transformations. Here's to an enriching and fulfilling summer ahead!
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mompreneuse-life · 9 months
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Nouveau Départ Après les Vacances : Partage de mon Parcours Quotidien d'Entrepreneure
Salut à tous les merveilleux esprits de Tumblr,
J'espère que vous passez une journée aussi épanouissante que le soleil qui brille dans le ciel. Aujourd'hui, je suis emplie d'excitation et de joie en partageant un tout nouveau chapitre de mon voyage personnel et professionnel avec vous. Après des vacances rafraîchissantes et ressourçantes, je reviens avec une nouvelle énergie et une vision renouvelée.
✨ Un Nouveau Défi à Embrasser 🚀
À mon retour de vacances, j'ai ressenti un besoin de documenter mon parcours quotidien en tant qu'entrepreneure. Cette idée s'est transformée en un défi stimulant que je me suis lancé : répertorier les hauts, les bas, les moments de triomphe et les leçons apprises tout au long de mon aventure entrepreneuriale. Chaque journée est une opportunité de grandir et d'apprendre, et je suis enthousiaste à l'idée de partager ces moments avec vous.
📖 Création de ce Mini Blog 🌼
Je souhaite, avec ce mini blog, pour partager ma vie d'entrepreneure avec une authenticité brute. Je veux que cet espace devienne un coin de la toile où je peux dépeindre ma vie quotidienne, les défis auxquels je suis confrontée et les étincelles de créativité qui m'inspirent. Mon but est de construire une communauté qui peut s'épanouir ensemble, apprendre les uns des autres et s'encourager mutuellement.
💡 Le Pouvoir de Partager 🌟
Partager mon parcours quotidien d'entrepreneure va au-delà d'une simple blog. C'est un moyen de célébrer les petites victoires, de réfléchir sur les moments difficiles et de trouver de la beauté dans chaque instant. J'aspire à créer une chronique de croissance personnelle et professionnelle, une ressource pour ceux qui cherchent à embrasser leurs rêves avec détermination.
🌈 Rejoignez-moi dans ce Voyage 🤝
Je vous invite à m'accompagner dans cette aventure passionnante. Que vous soyez entrepreneur, créateur, rêveur ou simplement quelqu'un en quête d'inspiration, ce mini blog est pour vous. Laissez-nous grandir ensemble, apprendre ensemble et célébrer ensemble les merveilles de la vie entrepreneuriale.
Alors, que vous soyez ici pour partager des conseils, offrir des encouragements chaleureux ou simplement pour vous immerger dans les histoires authentiques, je vous accueille les bras ouverts. Ensemble, nous allons créer un espace où nos rêves prennent vie et où chaque journée est une opportunité de briller.
Avec tout mon amour et mon enthousiasme,
Nhu Lan💖
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akhileshmishra · 1 year
8 Things You Should Do and Don’t as a Graphic Designer
As graphic designers, we see lots of designs every day around us. Every advertisement, brand logo, and social media post has an impact on us. Some of the designs are more eye-catching than others. A good design grabs our attention and holds it. As graphic designers, our goal is to create competitive design and inform the viewer. In this post, I will share with you 8 things you should do and not do as a graphic designer for a successful career. It will assist in grabbing attention for your design, and the audience will look at you in a different light.
Do look around the design world and try to see which types of design are "hot" and what other designers are doing in a creative field and being inspired by it.
Don’t copy any designs. You just need to be inspired by them.
Do use modern, clean fonts. It would help the reader read easily.
Don’t use too much irrelevant type.
Do use a font that is appropriate for the design. You can use stylish fonts, and they should be message-oriented.
Don’t use too many stylish fonts and fill all messages with stylish fonts. It should be readable.
Do use images according to the design and theme. It will create a connection between the audience and the design.
Don’t use too many images in the design. It should be ugly if you don’t balance the text and images.
Do use free or stock images in your design. There are lots of websites where you can get free images and paid websites where you can purchase images according to your needs.
Don’t use Google images sparingly in your design because most images on Google are copyrighted, and the quality of Google images is poor. Searching for relevant images takes a significant amount of time.
Do Take your time when choosing colors and look for inspiration from color wheels. Try to read all colors, meanings, and emotions. Color combinations should also be matched. Adobe Color, color. co., allows you to search the color library.
Don’t use colors that are polar opposites of emotion and match in contrast.
Do choose visuals that are in the same spirit. It all needs to match.
Don’t Use complex designs that distract the eye.
Do great work toward design. You are a designer, and to make a good design, you should get clear about what the client is expecting from you and what details you require from the client. Both visions should produce the best results.
Don’t be overly attitude-driven in your behavior. Give your best, and give the client a pleasant experience working with you.
Pro Tips Before beginning any project, have a discussion with the client, share your ideas, and listen to the client's ideas. If both put their ideas in front of each other, it would be helpful to understand both first. Then, if both can coordinate with each other, say "yay" and start working.
Follow @akhileshmishra for amazing tips and ideas.
To know about me more, visit www.akhileshmishra.co.in
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learnandgrowcommunity · 17 hours
210 #LearnAndGrowCommunity : Unlocking the Power Within: Daily Quotes for Personal Growth & Learning
Subscribe to "Learn And Grow Community" @LearnAndGrowCommunity Follow #learnandgrowcommunity
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jame-s1 · 16 days
Week 13 Update
What is Working? Our marketing efforts are paying off big time, and our team's dedication is shining bright. Customers are loving our service, and positive feedback keeps us smiling.
What is Not Working? Shipping logistics are still a puzzle we're piecing together. Making sure every package arrives on time and intact is our top priority, but we're on it!
How Do I Feel About the Project? Despite the challenges, I am pumped about what is ahead. We've come a long way, and I'm energized by our progress.
What Am I Learning About Running a Business? Flexibility, resilience, and putting customers first are key. Every day teaches me something new, and I am soaking it all in.
What Am I Learning About Myself? I am discovering my inner strength and embracing uncertainty with confidence. Turns out, I thrive in the chaos of entrepreneurship.
Thanks for being part of this journey.
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theauthorsnetwork · 5 months
Happy December: A Year of Growth and Learning
Hey Tumblr fam,Happy December! 🎉 As I celebrate my 1-year journey today, I reflect on the growth and lessons this year has brought. From triumphs to challenges, each moment shaped me into who I am now. Here's to embracing the journey, appreciating the highs, and learning from the lows. Cheers to another year of self-discovery and resilience. 🌟
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gurleenkaur786 · 9 months
🚀 What's Working: We're pleased to report that our product's beta testing phase has been a success! Early adopters' reactions have been overwhelmingly positive. Our user engagement stats are skyrocketing, confirming that we're on to something unique. Our team's unwavering focus and endless hours of brainstorming and polishing have begun to bear fruit. It's also nice to see how we're creating a fantastic online community around our brand.
💡 What's Not Working: Of course, not everything is rainbows and unicorns. Our early marketing plan fell short of expectations. We realized we needed to improve our message in order to effectively express the unique value proposition of our product. Furthermore, while our team cohesion is generally excellent, we have discovered a few instances where communication may be improved.Learning to overcome these obstacles has taught me a wonderful lesson in teamwork and adaptation.
🏗️ Project Progress: We are really pleased with how the project is progressing. It's surreal to see our vision become a tangible thing. But we're remaining grounded and focused on the long picture. Our next major challenge will be to scale and broaden our reach while preserving the quality that has brought us this far.
📚 Learning About Running a Business: Learning about running a business has been an excellent crash education in real-world decision-making. We've had to turn, react, and invent faster than we could have imagined. The challenge of balancing the creative parts of product development with the practicality of budgeting, legal considerations, and marketing tactics has been both scary and exhilarating.
🌟 Learning About Ourselves: This adventure has taught us a lot about ourselves as individuals and as a team. We identified hidden qualities, such as our ability to be resilient in the face of adversity. It's also been eye-opening to see areas for improvement, whether it's strengthening our leadership skills or learning to accept failure as a stepping stone to success. Personal growth is undeniably fundamental to entrepreneurship.
As we move forward, we intend to build on our successes, face our obstacles head-on, and continue to learn and grow. Our great community, mentors, and one another keep us motivated and inspired. We're excited to see where this startup rollercoaster takes us next. Keep an eye out for further updates and adventures!🎢✨
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livelifeintentionally · 9 months
🌟 Embrace the Journey: A Lesson in Growth 🌟
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In life, we often set our sights on achieving our goals, and that's great! Having a clear vision and staying focused on our objectives is vital. But let's not forget the magic that lies within the journey itself. 🌈
The journey is not just a means to an end; it's a profound learning experience filled with valuable lessons, growth, and self-discovery. 🌱 Each step we take, every challenge we face, and every twist and turn on our path shape us into who we are becoming.
So, while we keep our eyes fixed on the destination, let's also open our hearts and minds to the journey's beauty. Embrace the lessons it offers, both the highs and the lows. 🙏🏼
Life's journey may not always be smooth, but in those moments of struggle, we learn resilience and strength. When we encounter unexpected detours, we discover adaptability and resourcefulness. And amidst the moments of joy and celebration, we learn gratitude and appreciation. 💫
Remember, there's no "perfect" route to success. It's okay to stumble and make mistakes along the way; that's how we learn and grow. Embrace every step, for each one has something valuable to offer. 🌻
So, as we strive for our dreams, let's be mindful of the lessons in the present. Cherish the journey and all the beautiful transformations it brings. 🌠
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marbleboxindia · 1 year
We at Marble Box believe that learning and development help to improve job performance and productivity, as well as help individuals meet their goals and objectives in order to succeed.
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Tried and Tested Strategies for Informal Learning 
Here are some engaging and creative strategies for informal learning which help you tackle any situation with gusto and achieve remarkable results. 
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platinumd15 · 1 year
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I'm learning 🥴. It won't be easy. But, keep walking. Don't let anyone diminish how something affects you. You have a right to your feelings. If they acknowledge and want to communicate to come to an understanding, that's one thing. But, if they try to make you feel like you're tripping and it shouldn't bother you, keep walking. #lifelessons #lessonslearned #throughthestorm #lifelesson #lessonlearned #learningandgrowing https://www.instagram.com/p/CpWlgelNNAlJuLU1pjpwMjUX1ZJsksoJX3i2g80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onedigitalposh · 2 years
Design an Engaging Instagram Story Template for Your Brand or Product
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If you’re looking to increase brand awareness or want to show off your product, the key is an engaging story. What better way to do this than by creating a custom Instagram story template?
Read on for some tips on how to make your design stand out.
- Describe your content strategy
- Reach an engaged audience
- Generate proper leads
- Designing your own story is easy with DigitalPosh Posters!
- Tell the whole story
- Invest in high-quality content
- Try out various times of the day
- Develop your brand
- Promote more aggressively than your direct competitors First, try and make sure that you post every day so that your followers will see new content from you as often as possible. Next, be sure that you post different kinds of content so that users don’t get bored of seeing the same thing over and over again. Be creative.
Conclusion Stay tuned for DigitalPosh template updates
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akhileshmishra · 1 year
8 Things You Should Do and Don’t as a Graphic Designer
As graphic designers, we see lots of designs every day around us. Every advertisement, brand logo, and social media post has an impact on us. Some of the designs are more eye-catching than others. A good design grabs our attention and holds it. As graphic designers, our goal is to create competitive design and inform the viewer. In this post, I will share with you 8 things you should do and not do as a graphic designer for a successful career. It will assist in grabbing attention for your design, and the audience will look at you in a different light.
Do look around the design world and try to see which types of design are "hot" and what other designers are doing in a creative field and being inspired by it.
Don’t copy any designs. You just need to be inspired by them.
Do use modern, clean fonts. It would help the reader read easily.
Don’t use too much irrelevant type.
Do use a font that is appropriate for the design. You can use stylish fonts, and they should be message-oriented.
Don’t use too many stylish fonts and fill all messages with stylish fonts. It should be readable.
Do use images according to the design and theme. It will create a connection between the audience and the design.
Don’t use too many images in the design. It should be ugly if you don’t balance the text and images.
Do use free or stock images in your design. There are lots of websites where you can get free images and paid websites where you can purchase images according to your needs.
Don’t use Google images sparingly in your design because most images on Google are copyrighted, and the quality of Google images is poor. Searching for relevant images takes a significant amount of time.
Do Take your time when choosing colours and look for inspiration from colour wheels. Try to read all colors, meanings, and emotions. Color combinations should also be matched. Adobe Color, color. co., allows you to search the colour library.
Don’t use colours that are polar opposites of emotion and match in contrast.
Do choose visuals that are in the same spirit. It all needs to match.
Don’t Use complex designs that distract the eye.
Do great work toward design. You are a designer, and to make a good design, you should get clear about what the client is expecting from you and what details you require from the client. Both visions should produce the best results.
Don’t be overly attitude-driven in your behavior. Give your best, and give the client a pleasant experience working with you.
Pro Tips Before beginning any project, have a discussion with the client, share your ideas, and listen to the client's ideas. If both put their ideas in front of each other, it would be helpful to understand both first. Then, if both can coordinate with each other, say "yay" and start working.
Follow @akhileshmishra for amazing tips and ideas.
To know more about me, please visit www.akhileshmishra.co.in
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jame-s1 · 30 days
Journeying Through Entrepreneurship: Week 11 Update
What's Working? First off, I'm thrilled to share that our marketing efforts are really paying off! We've been working hard on targeted ads and partnering with influencers, and it's been amazing to see more people discovering our site and making purchases. Plus, our customer service team has been doing an incredible job, and it's heartwarming to see all the positive feedback from happy shoppers.
What's Not Working? Of course, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. We're still working through some logistical challenges, especially when it comes to shipping and making sure everything gets to our customers on time. It's a work in progress, but we're dedicated to finding solutions and making things better for you all.
How Do I Feel About the Project? Overall, I'm feeling proud of how far we've come. It's been amazing to see our little startup grow and thrive, and I'm excited about all the possibilities that lie ahead. Of course, there are still challenges to overcome, but I'm feeling optimistic and ready to tackle whatever comes our way.
What Am I Learning About Running a Business? Running Naija Shopper Drop Shipping has been a huge learning experience for me. I'm learning so much about the importance of planning, communication, and putting our customers first. It's been a journey of growth and discovery, and I'm grateful for every lesson along the way.
What Am I Learning About Myself? On a personal note, this journey has taught me a lot about myself. I'm learning to trust my instincts, embrace challenges, and keep pushing forward even when things get tough. It's been an incredible journey of self-discovery, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.
Thanks for following along with me on this journey.
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