#lcf asks
pendwelling · 4 months
Do you still like TCF?
Oh I definitely still do! Though my passion has calmed down a bit, ever so often I see a piece of new/old fan work or I reread some of my favourite chapters and I'm reminded of why I first fell in love with the work all over again haha.
I'm not as active anymore in the fandom scene ever since Part 2 started (personally, I don't think I'll ever get to reading it sadly... Sometimes im reminded that it was initially supposed to end in the 200s wkdhdk but wow look how far its come!) but I always remember the early days of it fondly, even when my main flame of interest has shifted to TWSB!
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rokso-o · 2 years
So you read the raws? (TCF)
yes. although i do watch out for the eng tl as well or other language if available! i think i improve my language skills that way (.... or maybe this is my excuse to re-read it again and again. who knows)
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valdeswan · 7 months
My headcanon is that Cale taught himself how to wake up from nightmares without a physical reaction when he started sharing bed with the kids.
The first time, he woke up from his nightmares in panic and looked for a weapon that was not there, scaring the kids. He felt so guilty that now, when he wakes up, he just lies there, petrified and deadly silent, trying to convince himself that everything is okay.
Looking at the cellig, fighting the fear of the monsters that pursue him from his dreams with the warmth of the dragon and the weight of the cats
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infinizero · 1 month
I am of the opinion that if Cale were to ever realize how much his kids think of him as their parent, he would absolutely speedrun therapy and you cannot change my mind
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wanderershu · 1 year
Remember when Cale told Alver that the White Star gave him cookies and that they even tasted better than Alver's cookies? And then for some 'odd reason', Alver felt upset? And he also felt as though he had lost to White Star?
Because I think about it everyday. The whole Naru Von Ejellan arc was insane in so many ways and this is just one small part of it.
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Choi Han sees a weird stick in Cale’s hair.
“Oh, wait Cale-nim, let me…” With the slight height advantage, Cale doesn’t actually have a choice but to let the swordmaster do as he wishes.
For moment he fiddles around, trying to grab the elusive, tangled object, when he suddenly feels Cale lean into his hand. He watches with bated breath as Cale closes his eyes.
(‘Ah, I’m so tired that I’m leaning on Choi Han. Aigoo, he must think I’m pathetic.)
Choi Han spends another minute to get the stick out, claiming that it was particularly stuck in his long hair. He burns this memory into his mind while also promising to never tell another soul.
Eruhaben is next. He notices the red head’s soft locks, freshly washed and neatly air-dried with magic. As a dragon, he doesn’t think twice about the temptation, standing from his spot on the couch to test if Cale’s hair is even half as soft as it appears to be.
It is, he learns.
(Cale shivers. Is Eruhaben threatening him? Just in case, Cale bows his head to hide his fearful expression.)
The dragon watches with amusement, thinking that it’s only natural to offer one’s head to a dragon as powerful as him. Until he feels Cale almost… press into his palm absentmindedly. Eruhaben vividly feels the exact moment that his heart melts into a puddle of affection.
He definitely will use this against the bastard next time he has the opportunity.
Oddly, On and Hong figure it out next. Cale is sitting in his usual chair, reading a book with his hair falling into his face picturesquely. On recalls when Rosalyn did her hair up with a pretty pin, making it easy to move around without getting in her face.
On considers if Cale would mind On experimenting a little, immediately coming to the conclusion that he wouldn’t give two shits.
She transforms into her human form and moves behind the chair. Of course, Cale doesn’t bat an eye at her unusual movements. When she gathers his hair up in her hands, he doesn’t miss a beat, leaning back to give her better access. He only changes the angle of his book so he can still read. Hong observes his sister from Cale’s lap with curiosity.
Her upbeat attitude is ruined quickly because she doesn’t know how to braid nor tie up hair, and is missing the necessary bows and pins to do it in the first place. She runs her fingers through his vibrant red hair as she tries to remember what Rosalyn did.
Hong’s eyes go wide. Cale had stopped reading as his sister continued her ministrations, closing his eyes and leaning back, relaxing into his seat. Hong urgently signals for his sister to witness this.
Her eyes narrow in on the sight with a calculating gaze. She changes the way her hands run through his hair, simply running her fingers through and carefully untangling it instead. Cale’s face gradually loses its constant pinch.
(‘Yes, the children should do whatever they want, even play with my hair.’ Cale internally nods to himself.)
On, unlike Choi Han or Eruhaben, tests her limits. She continues her gentle pattern without pausing. After a few minutes, both of the cats hear Cale’s breathing taper away into a relaxed rhythm. On silently makes eye contact with her brother, and they make a secret promise to not make a big deal about this, lest this trick never work again.
They hear Ron before he enters the room and On casually returns to her car form, stealthily and softly landing on Cale’s lap. Ron enters, pausing at the sight of his puppy young master.
Smiling benignly, he darkly assumes that Cale had been so exhausted that he managed to fall asleep in the middle of reading.
On and Hong don’t correct him.
If Cale has an especially bitter lemon tea that night, he doesn’t make a big deal about it. Not when the crown prince calls him soon after it arrives.
He arrives at the palace where the Crown Prince learns of this spreading secret. Cale uses his superior glib tongue to force a frown on Alberu’s exhausted expression, and the exasperated hyung sighs, walking around to the couch where his dongaeng is sprawled. He places a hand on his shoulder, threatening Cale with a high political position if he doesn’t stop doing dangerous things and causing trouble.
Cale shudders and agrees. Alberu smiles at this, his hand moving to ruffle his adorable dongsaeng’s hair.
(Cale sighs, closing his eyes and humoring his affectionate hyung. He leans back, questioning why everyone has been so touchy lately.)
Alberu feels his heart stop and stutter at the fragile sight. Cale looks completely at ease, slumped in the couch cushions and pressing his head into Alberu’s palm like a cat. His lip is quirked up slightly, but Alberu would bet a golden plaque that Cale hasn’t a single idea on what he looks like right now, otherwise he wouldn’t be even half as relaxed as he is right now.
He resembles a lazy cat. He’s being pet whilst lounging, with a content and pleased expression edging on his face. If this goes on long enough, Cale might even fall asleep.
Alberu continues talking without letting his smile leak through into his words, stroking the top of Cale’s head in an absent minded motion.
(Cale ignores the sneaking chill on the back of his neck, too focused on Alberu’s words about the kingdom. The petting is a bit strange, but Alberu is the crown prince, so he’ll allow it.)
As predicted, Cale doesn’t mention it.
After a minute though, Cale starts to frown, beginning to acknowledge the feeling that he’s being scammed somehow.
“Hyung, do you have a headache?”
Alberu acts like a polite and caring hyung, starting to massage Cale’s head.
(Cale frowns more. Something is definitely going on.)
Cale opens his eyes, protesting. “Your highness, my health is perfect at the moment. You, our shining sun, couldn’t possibly-“ Alberu changes from massaging to running his fingers through Cale’s hair.
(Cale sighs, cutting off. It was just a ploy to play with Cale’s hair. He should’ve expected his highness to scam him in this way too.)
Alberu grins when Cale stops talking, looking resigned to his fate. He goes completely limp, and Alberu’s blunt fingernails scratch against Cale’s scalp gently. Cale visibly shudders at the feeling.
(‘Too scary, what if he scratches and draws blood? If Raon finds out, he’s going to feed me soggy apple pie…’)
Alberu preens at finding Cale’s weakness.
On slyly asks Rosalyn to do up Cale’s hair one day- as an experiment- and is extremely pleased when Cale not only agrees, but he closes his eyes and falls asleep soon after the Mage is done gently tugging his hair into place and adorning it with intricate pins and accessories. Choi Han walks in on this scene and threatens Rosalyn to keep it a secret (after melting a bit on the inside). She agrees with a sly smile.
If only Cale knew how everyone was going to use this to scam him in the future…
Eventually the misconception that Cale likes to have his hair played with goes around the entire group. Cale- of course- is completely clueless. He just thinks that everyone suddenly became obsessed with his hair.
Ron is the only one who can’t get Cale to relax. Even Bud somewhat managed it, but Cale stays vigilant no matter what his old butler does. Ron finds his puppy young master to be amusing.
Cale really doesn’t understand what they want with his hair. Do they want his hair?
(He asks Ron for a trim a few days later. Ron only cuts off the dead ends and leaves it neat but long, much to the young masters displeasure.)
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iikisa · 3 months
from the au im manifesting/creating,, choi han and red dragon!krs are traveling together 😆
KRS basically escapes from the white radish hence the mana restricting collar, and shit ton of scars,,, dont ask me for the plot as to why the red dragon lives longer in this au, ✨creative liberties were taken ✨ hence: ✨au✨😚
annnd ofc we have our lil choi han whos just happens to find KRS crashed im the middle of the forest of darkness and is just happy to be there now 🥰
maaybe ill post some of what ive got for this au later 👾
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muzwoom · 3 months
Put bbg in a dress
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He'd slay in it
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Took me a bit but here he is 🤌✨✨
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murasaki-cha · 4 months
Tcf is my favorite webnovel ever. Always on top. Never will change. Going 3 years down this rodeo not planing on backing out now. Literally my emotional support
But I cannot for the life of me tell you what the plot is about. Like look man it's complicated. Things just started hapening. And continued to happen. And quite frankly haven't stopped happening yet.
Like this novel has every single genre you'll ever find in any media!!!!! (besides romance but it's there if you squint really hard)
I can't summarise it. "Dude from korea transmigrated into this novel he read and tries to avoid getting beaten by the og mc" LIKE HOW DO I EXPLAIN AFTER THAT HOW THIS MAN IS LITERALLY THE LEADING MILITARY AND ECONOMIC POWER IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!?!?!
Even that short description is innacurate because 1) Kim Rok Soo is not just some dude 2)This is not even a novel world 3) Choi Han isn't actually an og mc 4) it's not even transmigration it's soul swaping!!
There are so many elements in the plot that I can't describe it man. They're all jumbled up in my head because SO MANY THINGS have happen!! So many wars! So many scams! So much world building! So many plot twists! So much stuff!!
All I can tell you is that 99.999% of the time it's all Cale's fault. He brings this doomed overworked fate upon himself.
The vibes of TCF are immaculate tho✨️. Truly unmatched
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youngyoo-apologist · 16 days
I think my least favorite thing ever of all time is when I’m reading a fanfic and Basen and Lily are villains like NO my children would NEVER
It’s usually the case in OG Cale fanfic, now don’t get me wrong I love the guy but also his family was not all horrible, and Basen and Lily were NEVERRRR at fault. Lily is literally like, seven years old and Basen is fifteen neither of them hate their brother either. Any child wouldn’t know how to approach their older brother who doesn’t talk to them and is distant(+ is known for having a bad personality) like that isn’t their fault 😭😭
OG Cale distanced himself from his siblings to protect them, there’s no one to fault in this situation for things turning out this way because it happened due to so many combining circumstances. Like IDK! I just don’t like it when Lily and Basen are treated like bad people cause I just find it a bit ridiculous.
Basen and Lily could’ve tried talking to OG Cale, but the real question is if he would let them talk to him ykwim, his act was perfect with literally no flaws. The reason it worked so well was because no one KNEW him and he probably knew that part too. The sadness to their situation is that they all had their reasons and cared for eachother but there wasn’t really any communication
Tbh it should have been Deruth’s job to ask Cale what was wrong, he’s not like the worst father ever okay but he also has extreme communication issues! The Henituse’s middle name is practically ‘communication issues’ like none of them are very good at it I fear. Deruth clearly cares for his son a lot, but he doesn’t know how to approach Cale possibly out of guilt/fear he’ll hurt his son even more. Which is why he just let’s Cale do what he wants
I think it’s important to note that the family did have faith in Cale, they all knew he wasn’t a bad person but they were all just so distant from eachother. I don’t think Deruth would have offered KRS!Cale to go to the capital after like a weeks worth of changed behavior unless he knew that there was more to his son than what the public thought. Again I think the big issue with the Henituse family is their communication
The characters all have complicated dynamics and personalities and it’s just something I don’t like when everything is treated very one dimensional
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blueteller · 8 months
Litana's manhwa design just dropped in!!
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She's beautiful, obviously - but
B U T.
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Before this chapter, I was like: "I sure hope that on a scale of 1-36, they at least make her a 27!"
And guess what?? Freaking 26.5 🤣 She isn't dark, she's tanned.
Why the heck couldn't they make her darker?! She's our Jungle Queen!! I mean come on!!!
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Look at it! Doesn't she look gorgeous like this?!
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pendwelling · 2 years
Favorite tcf headcanon you never told anyone about (or you did)
Choi Han with monolided eyes.
Sometimes when I draw Choi Han or the Soos I would look into the mirror and think about using my own eyes as references, and that got me thinking about Choi Han falling into the TBoaH world which is vaguely European-inspired, and how the idea of him being the probably only Asian-looking person in this world is just so interesting to me. Choi Han already doesn't belong to that world, so the idea of his appearance further distinguishing him apart from this "novel" world is just—interesting? I like Choi Han being visibly a foreigner. I like him being drawn with ethnically east asian features. I watch TV and see typically Caucasian features and compare them to mine— my nose, my skin colour, my monolids, all so very Asian. If youre Asian and have stood in room full of white people, lemme tell you haha, you definitely feel how much you stand out—you can also see it, too! I love the diverse features us humans take, and I love the monolids that are so common amongst my ethnic group.
Choi Han being South Korean is so important to his identity, and while features are of course diverse in every ethnic group, there are as well large common traits as well, and I just think him with monolids would be so neat to that aspect of him. In a character design standpoint it's just so good, too! The webtoon doesn't show this, and though the art is incredibly beautiful ofc, sometimes I find myself wishing Choi Han's design had that little detail—so minuscule but so significant haha!
Also imagine Kim Rok Soo waking up in Cale Henituse's body. Local South Korean man wakes up in the body of a white European man—the fact that the guy has accepted his situation so quickly really speaks of his mentality (and we all know how his backstory went for him to grow into such a person :')) but STILL.
I also like to think that, as the only South Korean-looking person in the entire world, KRS, as Cale, probably finds a bit of comfort just looking at Choi Han, perhaps. A small reminder of home—maybe he even shares the same eyes as Choi Jung Soo! And since I am unable to hold back my choicale soul, I also like to think that Cale would probably call Choi Han's eyes beautiful at some point. Probably offhandedly, or maybe in a rare show of quiet tenderness—and in response Choi Han would smile very brightly, his eyes crinkling softly at the corners, and he'd call Cale-nim beautiful too (to which Cale would ofc deadpan at hahaha and Choi Han would follow up by saying that KRS is beautiful too! CJS' memories definitely seem to agree)
I definitely went on for a bit too long but yEAH SKSJFKSKDK that's pretty much it! As an artist and a writer, this is definitely one of my biggest and favourite LCF headcanons that I have 🛐
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rokso-o · 2 years
Are you Korean or fluent in Korean? I just think your explanation was easy to follow and I got it fast when I read your post!!! It was super helpful cos I was so stressed over the fact that I thought it was Mir all along
no and im not as fluent as i’d like to be ☺️ im glad it was easy to understand since i thought i was speaking a lot of gibberish since i was so out of it while typing away hahshsjd i had a bit of experience here and there about translation (in korean, japanese and mostly chinese) esp fantasy books/web novels (and my fav martial arts genre hdkdjdk) so i could get by reading them. but im not amazing at it at all as i rarely ever use it irl. it’s just a hobby~ im glad i got that cleared up. thanks for ur nice words~~
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valdeswan · 10 months
Cale and Eruhaben were drinking quietly when an exited Raon enters the room flying.
“Goldie! I have a question! The intelligent Rosalyn told me that sometimes new stars born and others die, but, how they die?”
Before the gold dragon can even process the question, Cale responded without hesitation and almost seemed like reflex a response when his face didn’t change.
“Usually an overdose”
Eruhaben snort without grace and Cale suddenly realizes with horror who he said that answer. There's no way he's gonna explain what that means to Raon.
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sapongpiepong-blog · 3 months
correct me if im wrong but og!cale is older than og!roksoo, right?? bcs og!cale is technically 40 yrs old when he regressed and then transmigrated and og!roksoo is only 36 yrs old when he transmigrated,,
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ayasenisan1713 · 7 months
Hey guys, I plan to make a game on tcf like 'Rok Soo in the apocalypse' or 'Catch the White Star'. Will you play it? Do you have any ideas in particular or could you please tell me what you think about it?
I’ll also try to make one on orv so you can give me ideas for it as well.
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