#layla answers
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Layla: "I wish we could hang out more often..."
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willyouhaveme · 6 months
Oooh... #26 for the Spotify ask meme, please? :D
26. here is home- ryn weaver
Yay !!
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katvantassel · 1 year
pls a hc about Kat and one about Matilda
I've felt rather angst-y about them lately so gonna try to do some softer(ish) ones :)
Kat: her middle name is Elizabeth (after her mom) and although it makes her name sound even more 'proper' she really loves that she gets to carry a piece of her mom with her (especially after her mom's passing)
Matilda: kinda semi-canon but I love the idea that Matilda has a HUGE pin collection! And she loves to display them and wear them as often as possible. She also really loves designing ideas for pins :) (probs sells some in the boo-tique) and she's semi- well known for it
Bonus: kat always gets matilda a pin for her birthday and other gift giving occasions (+ another present)
"Send me a shipwrecked chracter and I'll tell you a random hc I have about them 😊"
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stupid-mizutsune29 · 1 year
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fromagony · 18 days
agon my love, talk to me about barty who hangs out at graves and evan who’s the security guard on night watch that falls in love with the guy etching his name into a gravestone
layla ur brain>>>> i fucking loved this
evan didnt notice him at first bcuz barty is a sneaky shit, but here is the catch; evan only noticed him bcuz barty saw him first and his first impression of him was "hot guy who is guarding the grave stones im trying to vandalize, damnn" and from that moment he didnt even try. he started hanging at the graveyard first until he could make himself noticable but evan was taking too long to notice him so he started to etch his initials to the graves bcuz maybe hot security guard will notice the change? yeah.
and then evan noticed him. the guy who is wearing all dark and blending in the night so no one can see him and the name bcj carved into the multiple stones caught his eyes first plus families of the dead ones started to leave complains abt some code bcj carved into their lost ones grave and there is this guy evan saw him around only at nights and his shifts? yeah that rang a bell but evan was really invested, like what this guy was trying to do? should he include the cops in this? nahh he should talk to him first and ask him why. this is a first for him too bcuz nobody hangs out at the same graveyard this long and creating the same damage which they are a part of the pattern of barty.
he sees him and calls out, barty doesnt even turn his face to him but he is grinning all ear bcuz guess what he finally made himself noticable to his crush and by that time barty already knows evan's name and when evan walks until he is next to barty, he already finished carving bcj + er <3 to his father's grave stone :)
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laylakeating · 1 month
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teecupangel · 6 months
Was looking at Pokémon that are red cause of reasons, don’t ask it doesn’t make sense, and then had the thought: Desmond reborn as Charmander. And just imagining him growing up into a Charizard. Like, especially in an au where Desmond comes from a universe without Pokémon into this one, he’s just adjusting to “oh fuck I’m an animal?!” into “oh fuck I can breathe fire?!?!” and juuuuust when he’s getting over the concept and feeling of evolving, he becomes a Charizard and has a moment of “Wait…I have wings…I’M A DRAGON?!?!”
Meanwhile, Ezio/Altaïr/Ratonhnhake:ton (whoever you wanna put him with) just watch on in pure confusion as their partner Pokémon has a breakdown.
Okay, what if it was a First Gen Pokemon AU where Desmond is one of the three starter Pokemons in Monteriggioni, the first ‘town’ in the continent they are in and the headquarters of the Brotherhood.
They’re just called the Brotherhood, not the Assassin Brotherhood, and they’re rivals with the Order.
So three teenagers come to age and gets to pick their starter Pokemon before going on a journey across the continent to battle gym leaders and be legible to join the tournament held annually during the end of the year.
These young teenagers?
In Desmond’s eyes, they look exactly like Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton.
And apparently he was now a lizard with a flaming tail.
What the fuck.
The last thing he remembers is emptiness that made him sleepy.
When he woke up, he was there, in the middle of a large circular scifi looking table with a blue turtle with a curly tail and some kind of animal with a large closed plant on its back and…
Holy shit.
What the hell is this place?
He could see his reflection from one of the nearby monitors and he was a red lizard with a flaming tail.
He began to flap his tail, accidentally smacking the turtle who let out an indignant “Squirtle!” and smacked him back with his own tail.
Desmond, still not used to his new center of balance, staggered and accidentally slammed against the plant animal on his other side who went “Bulba-saur!” and…
All three stared at the sudden all out brawl happening on the presentation table as Ezio asked, “Uuhhh, Tio…?”
“Such lively Pokemons.” Mario simply laughed it off, “Don’t worry. We’ll heal them once you picked your first Pokemons!”
“Are you telling us to pick now?” Ratonhnhaké:ton asked with a frown.
“Yes. And…” Mario grinned at them, “As your first duty as a Pokemon trainer, you three should stop them from fighting too.”
“You just don’t want to get between that fight yourself.” Altaïr dryly said.
Mario just laughed instead of denying it.
(You decide who gets Desmond. By this point, you guys know me enough to know which one I would pick hahahahaha)
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foursaints · 18 days
saints my love answer ur inbox or i will bomb ur house
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charmixpower · 3 months
She's a 10 but she's an only child and tells her parents about every argument you two have
She's a 10 but she craves constant attention and needs to be the life of the party at all times
She's a 10 but she acts more like your mother than she does your girlfriend
She's a 10 but she gets so into your projects that she'll go weeks without texting you back
She's a 10 but she has BPD and refuses to acknowledge that she needs therapy
She's a 10 but she's hyper independent and will get extremely offended if you offer her help
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veryinnovative · 18 days
james wears those days of the week boxers and he religiously sticks to the day, like you will not catch him wearing friday on a tuesday
mondays are for airy boxers and on a random thursday afternoon u catch him with a jock-strap like the whore he is
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rottin6 · 1 month
James eating reg out and reg causing james glasses to break by how hard he’s clenching his thighs around james head
you see, anon, i firmly believe james always remembers to take his glasses off but on the odd occasion that he's just so desperate to get his head between reg's legs, i can totally see this happening
it's sloppy and messy, and all you can hear is james absolutely devouring him along with regulus' heavy moans, and then you just hear a slight crack and james freezes. regulus is panting, confused and whiny, like "why'd you stop?" and james is tonguing his cheek, pulling back to look at regulus so he can see the crack in the glass like "cause i can't fuckin see now"
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laylajeffany · 3 months
hello, me again.
I finished Chaos for the Fly yesterday and I’m still recovering. It was absolutely incredible. I already know watching season 2 of Wednesday will be weird because I’ll be expecting to see all your amazing OCs.
In the sequel, are we going to see more of Wednesday exploring her mimic abilities?
Thank you again for writing such an incredible story!
Thank you so much :3 It is the first time I’ve managed to finish a million word plus story, and I’m so glad I posted this one, otherwise I would have probably stopped writing back in about September of last year and it would have been one of my many abandoned, epic-length WIPs in my Cloud. I’m pretty proud of this story. I learned so much about myself writing (and finishing) it; I’ll forever be grateful I spent a year pouring all of my free time into a silly little fanfic project for what I got out of it.
If you loved OC Dr. Holly Gallor, check out Lovely Thorns for the love story of her and Larissa. There’s an update to that one coming this week! I also have a prompted Emiliana one-shot that will be here coming in the next week as well. 
SPOILERS and a TINY sneak peak for the Chaos sequel, Karma in Glorious Splendor, below the cut ;)
Spoilers: We will absolutely be exploring Wednesday’s Mimic abilities in the sequel. In fact, it’s a point of contention. Within the first 10k or so of Chapter 1 we see they’re not always as simple (or consequence-free) as simply copying someone else’s power as she might’ve thought and anticipated in the first installment. We’re going to dive into more of the Raven lore as well. 
There will also be a more heavy focus on the ‘homespun magic.’ Writing parts of the Frump family history made me fall in love with the idea of witchcraft again - reclaiming what’s been appropriated and sold to a mass market and making it all about intentions and what has meaning to the user…it’s certainly gotten me more in touch with my own sense of spirituality over the last year and I’ve appreciated it. I intend on having at least the same amount of time with Morticia as I did in Chaos. She doesn’t always understand what Wednesday’s experiencing, but just like Wednesday learned about intentions - it’s what you make of something that can change the outcome.
I think just by the nature of how Wednesday is growing, the Wenclair pairing will absolutely be more of a focal point in the sequel. Enid was critical to her journey, but she had to learn a lot of skills and history from others to be on the ride at all. Moving forward, she gets to pick her own path a little bit more, and with roadblocks in every single direction - she will be turning to Enid for what to do about it, rather than so many of the adults around her. 
There will still be heavy themes of Wednesday’s idea of justice differing from what the reality of living in a system and the real world. An era of reconstruction is that - it doesn’t happen overnight, and we’re going to have to see Wednesday mature to make it through the slow-moving wheel of bureaucracy (even in the Outcast world). That ‘gift of time’ that she received for her birthday at the end is as much a curse as it is a blessing.
Her relationship with Larissa Weems has also changed so much. It isn’t the driving force behind any of Wednesday’s motivations in the sequel, and it’s going to take her remembering what they went through to keep stability between them.
As for OCs, Josie/Dr. Zypher will for sure have more of a backseat role in Karma - but Emiliana is going to be going through it, in terms of her Raven abilities and other struggles, even by the first 30k of chapter one that I’ve written so far. I have no intention of creating any more aside from any who are needed for the Werewolf Council.
Speaking of, we’ll be seeing tremendous growth from Enid through Wednesday’s POV as she faces her future and makes peace with her past. So much so, that it might just be a point of angst and contention for the girls as it seems like she’s moving so much farther ahead of Wednesday, who feels traps by a myriad of forces against her will. 
Does this sound enticing? I hope so ;) I’ve enjoyed getting back into it - I’ve got very strict rules about when I’m allowed to work on writing it and I’ve been following them very well as not to let this one take over my life.
SNEAK PEAK (1,300 words) Featuring Morticia, Wednesday in the ether - bumping into Goody Addams Morticia obviously sensed that Wednesday was stewing in thoughts that day as she suggested, “A detaching meditation, to help you focus more on the present and less up here.” She tapped her own head and Wednesday scowled but didn’t disagree. “The midsummer solstice is just a few days away – so I am grateful you are dwelling on things that require extensive thought. However, it is possible the earth isn’t quite balanced enough and ready for you to explore them so deeply without the shift in the cosmos that the season will bring.”
Not sure entirely how much she subscribed to that, Wednesday also recognized that it wasn’t safe to spend so much time in her head, and agreed to a unique meditation with her mother. Morticia tried not to look too eager as she brought Wednesday out to the back porch closest to her study; the evening sun still had plenty of time to bathe her in the brightness that her nature tried to defy.
Morticia tucked a black string of beads over Wednesday’s shoulders, and she lifted a sunflower charm at the middle to examine it. “Holly says that Larissa is like a Sunflower.”
That made her mother give a knowing smile. “Tall, radiant, and always looking towards the sun, the light. I suppose that’s an accurate simile. Sunflowers are an old symbol for our solstice, as you know – though the perennials here won’t be in bloom for us until late July. Still, as we recognize the light of the season, I believe the symbol is appropriate.” She tucked herself beside Wednesday, her hands in her lap, her shoulders back – posture always immaculate. Wednesday tried to mimic her, shaking her head as she even thought about that word. “You spoke a powerful piece during supper, darling. But I know that’s not all that is on your mind. Would you like to release it, before you attempt to clear it?”
Wednesday moved the sunflower around on the string of beads, refusing to let out the heave of a sigh that threatened her. She really didn’t want to discuss physical intimacy with her mother on the back porch of their family home on a warm night in June…or, really – ever, if she could avoid it. There had surely been a few necessary conversations that had been had after her traumatic visions that past year regarding the topic, but that was a little bit different. She knew that Morticia would do her best not to gross her out with personal anecdotes – she’d gotten so much better at figuring out how to talk to her daughter…
“No,” She finally decided, seeing just the faintest twinge of disappointment in her mother’s still-gentle, mostly understanding smile. “I’m grateful you recognize what I need. I’m simply not ready to vocalize it. But – if I want to enjoy the next few days and try not to give into melancholy after the inevitable loss of time with Enid, I do need to let these thoughts go.” She let out the breath, finally, squaring her shoulders a little more to match the Dove beside her. “Teach me how?”
Morticia reached into a prepared basket, pulling out a small bundle of wildflowers. She placed three, five-sided thimbleweed plants in front of her, explaining, “Thimbleweeds are long since said to ward off negative energy. You are going to follow your usual light seeking breath work. Just before you slip into formal meditation to enter the ether, you are going to pluck each petal, and release your thoughts as you do so – three times. After you achieve peace in the ether, bring me your petals. We will steep them overnight, and then pour that negative energy down the drain in the morning.”
Wednesday wanted to merely accept what she’d said – but her always looming desire to be ornery won out as she corrected, “Sure, but – thimbleweed plants don’t have petals, they’re technically sepals.”
At that, her mother let out a throaty laugh that ended with a half a groan and a kiss to the top of Wednesday’s head as she stood up, squeezing her shoulders in a hug. “Release yourself of the burden of overthinking, my darling girl.”
Agreeing, Wednesday began her usual sequence of deep breathing, her eyes closed, doing nothing but counting, holding in air and letting it go. It was nearly ten minutes before she was almost at the point of visualizing her light and entering the ether. With enough pluck, mentally and physically, she tugged each of the sepals off the thimbleweeds, letting them fall into her lap as she thought to herself: release the hesitation of physical intimacy, release the fear of Enid being alone, release the sensation of inadequacy. 
Repeating it as directed, Wednesday disassembled the final plant before picturing a sunflower, searching out the sun, finding herself tumbling pleasantly into a field full of them. 
She stood up, feeling small as she wove through rows, trying to discern meaning from being there – why the universe brought her to such a place alone –
Except as she turned a corner, Wednesday crossed her arms, recognizing she wasn’t alone. 
“I didn’t anticipate running into you outside of Jericho, particularly, in the light end of the ether,” She spoke with a little bit more cockiness than probably necessary. 
Goody Addams looked her up and down with a bit of the same attitude. “I might not have much concept of time here, but even I feel a pull when it is nearly a solstice in your realm.” She ran her fingers over a fuzzy stem. “You shall soon be welcoming back the darkening days after the longest time of sun.”
Giving a dumb nod, Wednesday stared hard, wanting to be combative. She hadn’t sensed Goody in Jericho after putting up her monument, and certainly hadn’t tried seeking her out. It was their first interaction since she’d released the remnants of Quinton’s evil into the nether. Taking her in, she noticed. “You still have the Beanie Baby,” She said with the faintest twitch of her lips up, as Caw the blackbird stuck out of Goody’s apron pocket.
Her ancestor lifted it out, holding it in both hands, like it was as precious and fragile as a newborn baby. “I confess, this seemingly innocuous tchotchke has become meaningful to me,” She said in a confession that Wednesday didn’t anticipate. “I have not been able to access a place like this in what I assume to be hundreds of years. Yet, since our last interaction, since you gave me this children’s toy of comfort – I have found myself able to once again visualize places that have been long cutoff from my former psyche.”
“I suppose that’s encouraging,” Wednesday chided. “I told you it was not as silly as you wanted to think it was. Being comforted by someone or something we love is a very powerful magic. I am sorry that opportunity was taken away from you.”
Goody lifted her shoulders, stroking the yellow-orange beak of the bird. “If I was allowed to give into light without hiding it in the dark, you would not be here, Wednesday Addams.”
“I guess that’s something I share with my mentor, then,” Wednesday muttered, thinking about Imogen and Josie for a moment. She shook her head. “I recognize the privileges I have. But that doesn’t mean my life is easy simply because I’m not at risk of being burned at a literal stake every time I leave the house. Believe me, there are plenty of modern problems we face that I have yet to find solutions for.”
Goody tucked Caw to her chest with one hand, the other resuming the journey of feeling the different sunflower stems. “Yet – that was not what troubled you to bring you here.” Wednesday glared, wondering how she knew that. “Your face may be blank, but I can read you easily. You are troubled by personal demons, not societal ones.”
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willyouhaveme · 24 days
Happy birthday Layla 🎉🎉🎊🎉🥳🎉💝
Thank you so much, sweet !! 🥹🥰 I hope you are doing well!
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katvantassel · 6 months
Favorite shipwrecked headcanon? Can be for any character of any project
Okay so !! It took me a hot sec because I was tryna think of a fav that I haven't mentioned before anddd
I love the idea that Verla makes deliveries for the drug store !! Just bops around town all spoopy like and occasionally (very often) will leave odd gifts with their orders. She's being helpful but at her own pace and just exploring and weird adventures too 👻 ideally, I think a perfect little pet sidekick would be great for the situation too! Like maybe an animal that can carry a few small things lol (imagine like a wolf with her). Eventually, I assume she would maybe help with deliveries for bishop bootique too!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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midnight-in-town · 1 month
I know that the blue revenge arc in kuroshitsuji is not over yet , but what's your opinion on it so far ? Which mission is your favorite and which new character you find interesting ?
Hey Anon ! My opinion is that the pacing of this arc absolutely sucks, even if I'm well aware that it's because Yana's way overworked. Unfortunately, I find it kind of often takes away the fun of this arc.
Going back a bit, I overall enjoyed Mey and Ran's investigation and I think Jane was an important character that we need to keep an eye on.
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Bard's arc was slightly less interesting but I liked Ada, though I think it makes no sense for her to leave overseas, when she could have worked with Sieglinde and Wolfram. Who knows, maybe Sensei will back up on this idea and Ada will stay in England...
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Also I think Layla is Lord Vega and Baron Heathfield's undead child [x][x], which is probably why Mey discovered a blood collect using drugged women in his mansion during her investigation.
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Finny's arc was by far the one I liked the least because, Snake's tragic death aside T_T, Finny didn't discover the full purpose of F.O.L orphanage.
Sure, the kids and Finny know it's connected to the BD project, but nothing more. Personally, I believe it could be a test to turn the BD project into a profitable business [x] [x] [x], but we didn't really get more details about what these "clinical trials" were, so I was not happy. :(
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However, I think it's good writing that all 3 investigations went differently (Mey succeeded without damage, Bard almost died but was saved by blood transfusions, Snake died and might become a BD) and that only Ciel and Seb will manage to put the pieces together.
That's about it. Can't say I'm excited about the upcoming investigation for now, but way more by whom we might meet and know more about next (Tanaka ? Joker ? Viscount of Druitt ?).
I hope it answers your question ! Have a good day, Anon. :))
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goldenhypen · 9 months
Jake Layla en-log 🥹🥹🥹 they are so sweet ahhhhh i melted layla had me smiling she's so cute (can I adopt her- AHEM) anyways that cured my stress for tests this week☝️☝️🫶✨✨ (not me watching the vlog during the sports competition at my school)
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P.s i need Jake to release the Layla pics this instant cause she looked so cute at the photoshoot 🥹 question: dog or cat person? 👀
AHHH ngl i avoided being on tumblr today until i watched the en-log bc i didn’t wanna see any spoilers. but i did anyway and it had me soooo eager to watch it the entire day 😭 and when i finally got to watch it i was in paradise 🥹😭 omg layla is the cutest lil doggo ever !!! her eyes are so big and round and pretty !! like you, i also melted and was smiling (and pouting of cuteness!!) the entire time 😭 and hELP yk,, jayla > school any day tbh 🙄☝🏻🤭
PLS I WAS THINKING THE EXACT SAME THING he better remember to post them 😭 I NEED THEM DESPERATELY 😭😭 layla is SO photogenic like omg she’s actually so cute i’m gonna cry 😭
also in terms of being a cat or dog person,, i used to be a dog person until a couple years ago. i’ve had pet cats for basically my whole life but i think seeing others have dogs made me want one so badly 😭 and so it wasn’t until i actually got a dog close to two years ago that i discovered maybe i am a cat person ahahaha but i’d say i’m almost 50/50 tbh ahaha hbu tho? are you a cat or dog person?
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