#laurence this one's for you
WIP Wednesday
I have so many ideas for this OC, but none are cooperating with me.
Meet Bricks!
Simon notices, immediately, when the American girl enters the bar. First of all, she’s loud. Announces her arrival with a blast of laughter that rings through the room, for all that she’s surrounded by a group of rowdy people. Secondly, she’s dark-skinned, voluptuous, and seems to want everyone to know it. She’s dressed for the clubs more than a side street bar. Two guys she’s arrived with are obviously vying for her attention, but she floats over to one of the active pool tables and immediately starts flirting for the next game. Simon’s not immune to a soft woman with miles of leg, so he can’t blame any of them for welcoming her and her posse.
“Damn,” Kyle mutters, giving her an appreciative once over from his seat.
“What?” Johnny asks, looking over his shoulder like a fucking muppet. “Oh, damn.”
Price arches an eyebrow at Simon. “That good?” When he gets a nod, he turns to look. “…Damn.”
She has to know that everyone at the bar is looking at her, but she doesn’t seem to care. Just talks and laughs, flirts with the men and women around her like breathing. Simon never loses awareness of her. She’s in his sight line. But eventually, he’s integrated her into his awareness of the space. She’s a bright spot, but not rowdy enough to cause issues.
And then she passes their table on the way to the bathroom with her friends. She meets Simon’s eyes, gives him a quick up and down look, then winks with a little smirk as she disappears from view.
“What about you, LT?” Johnny’s voice breaks in.
Simon replays the conversation in his mind for a moment. Recruit performance. Lance Corporal Bennett. “Don’t much care for him. ‘S cocky and mean.”
“Good scores,” Kyle points out.
“He talks shit about the others,” Simon counters. “Good scores don’t mean shit if no one wants to work with him. We’ll see how he does with coordinated drills.”
“Now, Bakshi,” Price says, “he’s got promise. Scores are decent, and I can’t find a single person to say anything bad about him. Except Bennett.”
Johnny snorts. “Except Bennet.”
Simon lets the conversation fade away again. The pool tables are getting a bit rowdy without the American and her girl friends to dilute the testosterone. A couple of the boys over there are from the base, and they keep throwing glances over to the 141s table, and a table of other officers across the room. They’re keeping things cool. For now.
Just as chests are starting to puff enough that even Johnny and Kyle are paying attention, the girls reappear and diffuse the tension. The American says something that knocks the wind out of one boy’s sails and laughs as she takes his pool stick. She buzzes a kiss against his cheek, then playfully shoves another guy to rack. Just like that, the energy settles.
Simon lets himself be coaxed back into the discussion, especially now that the topics have strayed away from work. He can’t turn the hyper-vigilance off, but he likes going to the bar with his team. Likes talking books and TV shows with Price and mocking Johnny’s taste. He likes listening to Kyle talk music. He’s entering an artist’s name into his notes app, which is why he doesn’t notice the American strutting over until she’s right between Johnny and Kyle.
“Hey guys,” she says with a grin, leaning onto the table. “I thought about asking if any of you have a light, but my friends are leaving to get laid and the pool boys are boring. Can I hang out here until they lose interest? I’ll buy you a round.”
Price snorts into his whiskey. “They stop buying you drinks, then?”
“All they want to buy is drinks,” she laments, fluttering her eyelashes and pouting. “I’ve had three, but they’re not getting any more interesting. I’d rather have some fries and sit and chat.”
“Pull up a chair, bonnie lass,” Johnny says, which predictably gets the girl cooing over his accent.
She introduces herself as Ericka, an American student working on her Masters. She talks with her whole body, and doesn’t seem to know how to have a conversation without flirting. She hates the gym. She likes riding horseback, and winks at Simon when she mentions it. She “kind of pegged you guys as military. It’s the muscles.” She prefers whiskey over scotch, and her friends were supposed to take her clubbing tonight.
“But Tracy’s boyfriend hates going dancing, and she’s got a spine of a jellyfish,” she says, rolling her eyes. She’s waving a fry for emphasis. “So of course, we ended up here after I dressed up-up. Trust me, I know this is not a casual night at the pub type dress. I didn’t get the change of plans until the uber dropped us off out front. But I guess it turned out alright. I have no idea what kind of music I’d have been subjected to. Devon has shit taste, so I probably dodged a bullet.”
Even with as much as she’s batting her lashes and sending him interested glances, Ericka doesn’t try to make Simon talk more. With the rest of the table, she’s an excellent conversationalist. As he scans the bar again, he listens to her pick up the music topic with Kyle, drawing Price into a light hearted disagreement. Turns to Johnny with a pout for a tiebreaker. Which somehow gets them all into discussion of the best rock and roll genres. She talks, she listens, she engages. It’s refreshing. Most of the Americans they have to deal with are pushy and self-important officers and mercenaries.
Simon’s not above admitting that it helps that she’s beautiful.
After a couple of hours, it’s nearing 1am. Right on schedule, Kyle yawns. “Sorry, sorry. Not a night owl like some.”
“’S late,” Price admits. “Should probably head out. You have a ride home, Ericka?”
“Yeah, I’ll call a car,” she says, easily. “Thanks for hanging out with me, I’ll have to come back some time.”
“If we’re in town, we’re here,” Johnny says, grinning.
Outside, Erikca’s car gets delayed a couple of times, so Simon sends the boys ahead home and stays to wait with her. Price claps him on the shoulder and Johnny gives him an exaggerated wink. Ericka rolls her eyes and shoos them away when their car arrives.
“So,” she says, when it’s just the two of them. “Was I too subtle before, or are you interested in coming back to my place?”
“Barely spoke to you all night,” Simon points out.
“Come over and you can tell me about your tattoos,” she purrs. Then she smirks. “Or not. Up to you. But I figured I’d shoot my shot.”
[Super sexy sex happens here. Probably.]
Monday morning, Ghost sips a fresh brewed travel mug of tea and listens idly to Soap’s chatter on the way to one of the smaller briefing rooms. He’s looking forward to seeing Laswell, who’s on their side of the pond for a change. It’s always good for him to lay eyes on allies and confirm for himself that they’re alive.
It’s a shock, then, when he and Soap open the door to be greeted by Kate in deep discussion with Ericka.
Soap, of course, is more than happy to say what they’re both thinking. “What the fuck?”
When Ericka looks up and sees them, she grins. “Hey there, boys.”
Price and Gaz, when they arrive, are similarly gobsmacked. Once everyone is settled Lazwell stands.
“From your faces, you’ve all met,” she says. “So I won’t beat around the bush. Say hello to your new infiltration asset. Meet Bricks.”
All of them are speechless as Ericka lays four gray USB sticks on the table. They’re all the ones Price had distributed Thursday, with instructions that the keep one on them at all times. Plus an extra one. If Simon had to guess, Gaz was the one to have a decoy on him.
“Bullshite,” Soap says, pulling an identical USB stick from his pocket. “I’ve had mine on me the whole time.”
“Decoy,” Ericka, Bricks, says. “Slide the port out, you’ll see a pink dot.”
Simon pulls his from his pocket, pushes the little slider. Faded, but present, there’s a pink spot of permanent marker. “Fuck.”
“She’s one of the best infiltration assets we have,” Kate goes on. “She’ll be joining you to get information from Jacó Barboza. We have reason to believe he’s the link between Moscow and Rio, which opens the door to Bogotá.”
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avocado-hater · 3 months
If I had a nickle for everytime I've seen Timmy C marrying Florence P even tho he is in love with someone else I'd have two nickles which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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timhalamet · 4 months
I saw laurie Lawrence and i got so excited (i see no fics of him even though he’s like the perfect man even if he sucks sometimes.) i’m excited to see your writings <3
the way things go
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pairings- laurie laurence x fem!reader
summary- after over hearing laurie propose to your sister Jo, heartbroken you decide to leave to paris
warnings- angst, not proofread nothing else
'would you do me the greatest honour of making me your husband.'
Laurie's words seemed to replay and echo in the dull hollow walls of your mind. Your heart ached as tears dripped down your face . You were going to tell Laurie you loved him. You thought he loved you.
It was obvious now that you were wrong.
With a hand clamped over your mouth, you muffled the sob threatening to break out from your throat.
What made it worse was that he hadn't proposed to anyone else.
He proposed to Jo.
Anger simmed through you, overtaking the flow of your pain. You had asked Jo if something between her and Laurie had been going on and everytime she replied with 'don't be silly! Laurie's like my brother!' or 'laurie!? What possibly could make you think that!?' and brushed it off with furrowed brows and a disgusted frown.
But that didn't match up with what you had just witnessed.
Through the slightly ajar door, you walked down the hallway of lauries and his grandfather's house, hoping to speak to him only to be met with the sight of Laurie on one knee facing Jo, with a small velvet box holding one of the most gorgeous ring you have ever seen.
'would you do me the greatest honour of make me your husband.'
You held back your sob and flew down the stairs not caring if either of Jo or Laurie heard you.
You ran. Ran till you were in your bedroom, without a second thought, stuffing the rest of your precious belongings into your suitcase, filling it to the brim.
You looked around at your room savouring every inch before hauling your suitcase and down the stairs.
'you're already leaving so early?'
Marmees soft gentle voice called out from behind you, and you sighed turning around to face.
'should I get laurie to help you?'
A weak smile formed on your face, but you knew it was no use. Marmee could see right through anyone.
'no it's alright..I wouldn't want to bother him' your words came out more bitter than you intended to.
Soon without telling Meg, Jo, Beth, or Amy, you walked out of the door.
And to Paris.
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'would you do me the greatest honour of make me your husband.'
Laurie knelt on knee holding the velvet box to Jo.
Jo squealed and grabbed Laurie up, wrapping her arms around his neck.
'its perfect! It's time, we need to go tell the others!'
'wait I need to look presentable' Laurie joked before dusting his clothes off and fixing the rough state of his hair.
The pair soon went to Lauries grandfather and told him the news.
He was ecstatic.
They spent an hour with lauries grandfather, before trampling through the thick mount of snow to tell marmee and the girls.
'is she here?', Laurie asked marmee.
Marmee sadly smiled, 'shes already left to the train station'
Laurie felt his heart drop to his stomach.
'shes already left to Paris, if you're lucky the train might not have departed yet due to the snow storm.'
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You sat on one of the benches at the train station, the bell jar in your hand, as you read impatiently waiting for your train to arrive.
Soon the call of your train was made.
You grabbed your suitcase and bag, holding the book with our arm.
As you began to struggle as you attempted to haul your suitcase and bag on the train, you felt arms grab your suitcase and a familiar voice.
You turned around to see Laurie, his hair sticking in all directions, and his face flushed from the snow.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the train.
'what were you thinking? You were just going to leave? Without telling the girls? Without telling me?' his voice was strained and raspy as if he had been screaming.
'laurie I don't have time for this- the train its leaving!' you harshly ripped yourself from Laurie's grip, attempting to chase the train down as it slowly departed, only to be in his hold again.
He held you against his chest.
'youre not leaving. You cant-why?'
You struggled to find your words.
You looked at him million answers as to why. Why? 'why? Really Laurie why? You know exactly why!' you held a finger to him accusingly as you jabbed him in the chest 'you- what happened to us? We were so close. I love you Laurie. That's 'why?'.' Laurie's jaw dropped as you continued. 'i love you and I thought...' your voice trailed off as you swallowed the lump in your throat frustrated. 'i thought you loved me to. And I went. I went to tell you but you already proposed, I was too late. You love her.' your voice dropped with jealousy and anguish.
'what?' Laurie asked his brows furrowed as he bit the inside of his cheek 'who are you taking about? I love you. Only you.'
You were confused. But didn't he propose to Jo? 'laurie I saw you... I saw..but you proposed to jo.'
Lauries faced changed. His eyes widened as his mouth slowly formed into a grin before he started laughing.
'laurie it's not funny!' you exclaim, yet also finding yourself trying to hide your smile, pushing him away playfully.
Laurie grabbed your hands, enlacing his fingers with yours.
'god, i was practicing to propose.' he chuckled ' I was practicing to propose. To you.'
'oh.' was all that left your mouth but it was nothing compared to the whirlwind of emotions in your stomach.
'so what do you say? Will you be my wife?' he asked grinning as his hands revealed a small velvet box holding the same gorgeous diamond ring.
'yes!' you beamed at him, your cheeks flushed as he slid the ring on your finger.
As laurie quickly embraced you, his chin on your head as you wrapped your arms around your torso, Laurie chuckled,
'i can't believe that after all that practicing this is the propsosal.'
'well I guess that's just the way things go.'
a/n I hate this so much but idk if it's just me 😭 I hope it's okay for you guys!
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chimaerakitten · 7 months
Literally the whole time I was reading the Temeraire series I was constantly thinking about how history is going to view some of the events, most of which must look absolutely wild from the outside.
And anyway I’ve lately come to the conclusion that despite Laurence’s many, many frustrations with the inaccuracies in the way his contemporaries view events that happen around him, he’s going to have the last word in the end because nobody else is writing shit down.
Like, Laurence is a very good corespondent who writes letters constantly and reports diligently, which is not true of most aviators. And considering how much of the series is just Tem&Co traveling all over the place there’s huge swathes of the story for which Laurence’s reports would be the only English-language primary source. Sipho will almost certainly be the one who writes the interesting, descriptive, polished versions, (the ones people actually want to read 200 years later) but he’ll be writing them years after the fact so Laurence’s reports will be the thing to check everything else against.
Which is going to mean there’s a lot of things that will eventually go down in history accurately despite several major colonial powers wishing it otherwise, but it will also make it hilariously difficult puzzle out anything about Laurence’s temperament etc. because the image of his personality that emerges from his oft-cited extremely dry reports and the image that emerges from every outside source is going to just be wildly different. Which will only increase the likelihood that he’s going to be one of those “ask six historians from six countries about him and you’ll get seven answers” historical figures despite the fact that in the English-speaking world at least he’s one of the people with the greatest control over the historical narrative.
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meljayne · 6 months
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I met some of the ghosts and gave my print of the Captian and Havers dancing in the style of JC Leyendecker. I also got to see their costumes and talk to Martha and Larry. It was an awsome event where I got to meet some other lovely ghosts fans and even give them cards of my art!!
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Ben was first in line, so he saw the prints and I asked him to sign one of them. He also signed the book while I was telling him about the painting and giving him his own copy. I told him that I liked him in Me and You (because I cannot stop myself) and double science (which is a radio drama he wrote and starred in from like 2008) and he LIT UP when I mentioned double science (see below)
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And then I was going to talk to Martha but the person in front of me was still talking to her and then Larry got a look at the print in my hand (because we didn't want Ben's signature to smudge) and he was like "Wow, that's amazing, did you paint that?" and he took it from me to have a look at it before giving it back, and then I told him that my favourite minor Yonderland character was Kendall, and he was like, oh, yes. And that I also really liked his elder character, especially the "if I would have known how loud winning would be, I would have chosen a different side" and "Oh, and I want to be a woman." Truly icon behavior, and he seemed to agree with me.
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And that was how i spent an incredibly special 3 minutes of my life. It was kind of a hard day, being back in London for the first time since 2020, but they made it all better. I wish I could have met Martha properly, but seeing them all smile made it all worth it.
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captain-rickbond · 2 months
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Laz the Mechanic 🔧
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rottentiger-art · 17 days
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And without a sheer of remorse, mind you
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undefeatablesin · 1 month
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Anyway, please behold my special boy that I love dearly and my other hunters loathe 💕
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
Laurie’s Beloved | T.L.
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📝 Title: Laurie’s Beloved
📚 Requested: Yes/No
✍ Summary: After losing a bet to Jo, Laurie has to write a letter to you. But what happens when you find the letter and think it’s for someone else? | 1.3k
“Jo, please I’ll do anything else.” Laurie begged as Jo held a triumphant smile.
“Rules are rules, Teddy. This is what you agreed to.” Jo reminded him.
“Please Jo, have mercy on me.” He pleaded, giving the girl a look.
Jo shook her head, “Nope.”
“Now what’s all this fuss about?” Meg asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Teddy won’t keep his part of the bet.” Jo said.
“Meg you have to help me!” Laurie said, walking to the eldest March sister.
Meg raised a questioning brow, “What’s his part of the bet?”
Jo smiled, knowing she had found an ally, “Since he lost the bet he has to write a love letter to his dear Y/N. Only now, he refuses to.”
A small smile reached Meg’s lips, “Well Laurie, a deal’s a deal.”
Laurie glared at the both of them, “You’ve got to be joking! I swear all of you are teamed up on this.”
It took him a week to finish the letter. Not because he found it hard to pour out his feelings for you. But because he wanted to find the right, the perfect words to express just how much he loves you and how much you mean the world to him.
“Happy now?” He asked, handing the fresh letter to a beaming Jo.
“A bit.” She cooed as she read the letter upon Laurie’s request to improve anything that would embarrass him - especially grammatical and spelling errors.
“What do you think?” Laurie asked nervously as the silence grew, “Is it bad?”
Jo shook her head, giving him a smile, “Surprisingly, it’s rather wonderful. Did you have some kind of poet write this?”
He furrowed his brows, “No. I wrote that myself.”
“Hm.” Jo hummed, giving the letter another look through, “There’s only one thing missing then.”
“What’s that?” Laurie asked.
Jo’s smile seemed almost wicked, “To give it to her.”
Once she had uttered this words, she stood up and dashed in the direction of your house.
Fear started to run through Laurie’s veins as he chased after Jo.
But, Jo was faster than him and arrived at your door within minutes.
She quickly rapped a knock on your door, clutching the letter behind her back while Laurie stood by the side, horrified.
Just as his luck was getting worse, you were the one who opened the door.
“Hello Jo.” You smiled, “What brings you here?”
“Meg just wanted to make sure that you’ll make it to tea this weekend.” Jo returned the smile.
You nodded, “Tell her I would never miss it for the world.”
“I definitely will.” Jo said.
“How about you Laurie? What brings you here?” You asked, leaning against the doorframe.
The heat immediately rose up to the boy’s cheeks, being winter - it would’ve made sense. But the snow wasn’t what caused it.
It was you.
“Uh, n-nothing.” He managed not to trip over his words, “I just accompanied Jo.”
Jo chuckled, “Definitely true. Anyway, we’ll be going now Y/N/N. See you on the weekend.”
You nodded, lips still holding that wonderful smile that managed to make Laurie weak in the knees.
Once the two of them were far enough from your house, Laurie frowned at a laughing Jo.
“You do not have a right to give me a heart attack like that.” He deadpanned.
Jo made a face at him before handing back the letter, “She deserves to know how you feel. But, mark my words Teddy, if I do get tired of your pining, then I’m really giving it to her myself.”
Laurie rolled his eyes at her, “Fine.”
“Damn it.” Laurie cursed under his breath as the two of you made your way to the lake, since it had been frozen over it would be a great day to go skating.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I forgot my gloves in the study.” He said.
You gave him a smile, “I’ll go get it. It’s on your desk right?” 
He nodded, “You’re an angel, you know that.”
“I know.” You called out, walking back to his house.
Making your way up to his study, you immediately spotted his gloves on the desk. Picking it up, you were about to get back to him when you noticed a folded piece of paper on the side.
You didn’t mean to be a snoop, but Jo had always said that you were sometimes too curious for your own good.
Looking around to find the study empty, you picked up the paper and unfolded it as your eyes started to scan over the words written in Laurie’s handwriting.
To my beloved,
I don’t know how the poets do it. But I find it hard to find the words to describe how much you mean to me.
Because you’re perfect. Therefore, I want to make this letter as perfect as you. 
I have loved you ever since I’ve know you. I couldn’t possibly imagine a life where I’ve not known you.
As cliche as it is, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to my life. 
You always occupy my mind. Your laugh, your smile, your twinkling eyes that give the stars a challenge. Not to mention how kind and sweet you are to everyone that comes your way.
If you don’t return my feelings, that’s okay. I won’t hold that against you because as much as I love you - I also cherish our friendship. I’d rather remain friends than lose you all together.
But if you share them, know that I’ll always do everything in my power to make you happy.
All my love, 
How you wish that you were the one the letter was addressed to. But you knew deep in your heart that Laurie would never love you back as much more than a friend. The letter was obviously addressed to-
“Hey! What’s taking you so long?” A familiar voice echoed from the hallway, “Did some kind of desk monsters get to yo-“
Laurie stopped in his tracks once he entered the study, walking in on the sight of you with his letter in hand.
“Did you read it?” He asked, bracing himself for rejection.
“Yeah.” You nodded, “When do you plan to give it to her?”
Laurie furrowed his brows, “To who?”
“Jo. Obviously.” You answered.
His confusion deepened, “Why would I write a letter to Jo?”
“Oh I don’t know.” You said sarcastically, “Maybe for the same reason you wrote the letter for her in the first place.”
“Now that’s just unfair.” Laurie argued.
“What is?” You asked with a scoff.
“That you’re accusing me of writing the letter to Jo without giving me the chance to explain myself.” He said.
“That’s not unfair Laurie!” You countered, “You know what is? It’s the fact that I’ve loved you my whole life and I’d just be content to stand aside and watch you fall in love with my best friend because I want you to be happy. Even if it’s not with me.”
Laurie stood there, jaw slacked as if he couldn’t believe what he just heard, “You love me?”
“Yes Laurie.” You said, finally putting down the damned letter, “Practically my whole life.”
He was silent for a moment, “What makes you think that the letter is for Jo?”
You scoffed, “The way you look at her Laurie. The fact that you’re always with her. Even a blind person can see just how in love you are.”
Laurie shook his head in protest, “But Y/N/N, the letter isn’t for Jo. It’s for you.”
It was your turn to be confused, “What?”
He walked toward you, tapping the topmost part of the letter, “I called you my beloved because I remember when you would tell me about the romance novels you would read and how you would swoon when someone calls their love interest ‘beloved’.”
You giggled, “I can’t believe you remembered that.”
Laurie smiled, “I remember everything about you.”
He then brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “Since you do return my feelings. Can I kiss you?”
“I would certainly leave you freeze if you don’t.” You smiled.
@magicchai, @mendesxruel
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katyahina · 3 months
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8 and 9 for the ask game! -- Left Charlie
8: What is your biggest challenge?
Getting started when I sit down to write is so hard. Every draft I have has a "Stutter Start" section, where I write 3-6 paragraphs that don't feel correct. Usually, it's one of two issues: the character voice doesn't feel right or I'm trying to start the story in the "wrong place."
The best way that I've been able to approach this challenge is to ask myself a lot of questions. Why am I starting there? What shift in emotion is happening to start the story (this one is important!)? What does my character want in this moment in the story, and is that actually important to the story?
Part of the reason the latest chapter of Slasher Handler took so long is because I couldn't make the "capture the flag" game go anywhere! No matter what I did, Reader running through the woods wasn't leading to anything. I had to scrap it so many times. She was tired and frustrated and wanted a nap - not nearly as compelling as the shift to "oh shit, I stabbed him!" So I jumped ahead.
(Approaching it from Simon's point of view has been much more cooperative.)
9: How would you describe your writing style?
My first thought was character and dialogue heavy. Lots of run on sentences! Lots of in depth character examination (even when I don't want to)! Lots of exclamation points!
As a writer, I want you to feel the emotions of the characters, more than anything else. I want it to make sense for a character to act or react. I LOVE when people leave comments and tags telling me how they were shocked or moved right along side a character.
My partner, we'll call them Laurence, says I'm a non-linear writer, which I would also agree with! I do a lot of jumping around. I've gotten better at writing a bit more linearly, thank goodness. It used to be that I'd write the beginning, then the end, and then the middle, then I'd have to rewrite the end, but that changed the beginning, which changed the middle... 😅
Thanks for the ask!
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seud-luachmhor · 6 months
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princessanneftw · 5 months
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“Also playing a key role in the new reign, in her customary understated way, will be the Princess Royal. One look at the official Coronation photographs is proof of that. While the King has the Queen on his left, it is his sister who stands at his right-hand side. One of the three members of the family who regularly performs investitures, along with the King and the Prince of Wales, the Princess has also now been added to the roster of senior royal mourners. It means that she can attend important world funerals if the Prince of Wales is unable to attend (as happened after the death of ex-King Constantine of the Hellenes in January 2023).
Even more understated is her husband, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence. His distinguished Royal Navy career has been followed by multiple leadership roles in institutions ranging from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to private sector bodies like the Major Projects Association, often during periods of change. As the National Trust found itself caught up in the full force of the ‘culture wars’ through its handling of issues such as slavery and the sexuality of former stately homeowners, it’s main rival, English Heritage, did not. It, too, looks after hundreds of castles, monuments and swathes of countryside plus all the blue plaques on important buildings. In addition, it was also undergoing a fundamental transformation from government agency to national charity. As its two-term chairman, Laurence was at the helm throughout what could have been a turbulent - yet it proved not to be. While he has no official royal role, and has never sought one, he is widely respected across the Royal Household as a wise sounding board and the proverbial ‘safe pair of hands’. In September 2023, with a minimum of fanfare, he received his first patronage when he was appointed patron of the International Maritime Rescue Federation. With the Princess now enjoying an enhanced role, life is unlikely to slow down for this low-key, non-royal, royal consort.”
‘Charles III: New King. New Court. The Inside Story’ by Robert Hardman (2024).
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chimaerakitten · 5 months
Laurence: Tharkay and I are going to go do something extremely dangerous and borderline suicidal.
Woolvey: I’m coming with
Laurence: do not come with, you’ll die
Woolvey: you can’t stop me and if you try I’ll keep you here
Laurence: Edith make your husband stop
Edith: I can’t and won’t
Woolvey: [dies]
Laurence: this is obviously completely my fault
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captain-rickbond · 5 months
hiiii your art is so epic and i was wondering if you could draw francis walsingham?? 🥰
thank you so much!🖤
sure, here ya go ↴
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nagitosstolenhand · 8 months
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effective summary of the shadow knight rebellion leadership
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