#ladybug and chat noir the movie
zaaaras · 9 months
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 9 months
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Your Honor, they're in love.
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eddo-tensei · 7 months
"YOU JUST WANT HER TO STAY THE SAME!" - A short essay on the misconception of why people wanted Chloe to be redeemed.
Interpretations are important when it comes to understanding media and despite what some people may say, there's never "one true interpretation" of a piece of media. At this point, it's been at least a couple months since the fifth season of Miraculous had ended and it's been at least a month less than that since the movie had premiered. In both cases, even though she just barely qualifies as being a main character in the franchise, Chloe had become a hot topic in both iterations. In the show, she started out as your stock mean girl archetype, started to gain some depth in Seasons 2 and 3, and then suddenly nose-dived into being the resident Hate Sink come Season 4 and onwards while any bit of depth she had was stripped away from her. In the movie, she started out as relatively the same as she did in the show, but what's interesting is how her progression in the movie was handled in that there barely was any progression for her in either path. There wasn't a path of redemption written for her, but she wasn't thrown into the Hate Sink like what the latter half of the show did with her. In fact, even though the movie gave her an extremely petty motivation to bully Marinette, she's somehow better than how the show depicted her because she actually has a motivation, albeit a petty one, and yet she's somehow shown to be less of a monstrous psychopath that the show tried desperately to make her out to be. Granted, I do feel like something is lost with Zag retconning out most of Chloe and Adrien's past friendship, but the rest of the writing for Movie Adrien more than made up for that because Adrien actually feels like his own character instead of someone morphed into an accessory for Marinette. Same goes for Movie Marinette for that matter because even though they don't have a backstory together, Chloe's bullying of Marinette actually holds weight and Marinette felt more like a genuine introvert than the neurotically creepy mess she was in the show and to whom the writers spent the last season desperately attempting to justify the questionable actions of. All that said, the movie did a lot of right in terms of characterization and while Chloe, Nino, and Alya had reduced roles, they were still written pretty nicely and I hope to see this version of these characters again should Zag pen another sequel.
Even so, it led me to think about something that's been bothering me concerning Chloe and the discourse surrounding her. Even now, especially after how the fifth season's finale played out, the debate for whether or not Chloe should've been redeemed is still ongoing and it's very clear that the show had only served to strengthen those who said she never deserved to be redeemed to begin with. While there's a lot to debate over this, I do feel like there's one particular idea among those who are against a redemption for Chloe that's just completely wrong and deserves to be called out. Namely, a lot of people who argue against Chloe being redeemed seem to have this assumption that those who do want that are defending all of Chloe's actions or worse, that those who are pro-redemption actually just want Chloe to remain the same character-wise while she gets to be a hero again. Honestly, it's baffling that people would believe that Chloe fans who wish for a redemption just want Chloe to remain the same bully she always was even though that is literally the opposite of what most Chloe fans want and completely goes against the point of her having a redemption arc to begin with.
Now the reason I said this is the opposite of what MOST Chloe fans want is because there are indeed some fans of Chloe who do think she did nothing wrong and that she should be given the hero spot because Marinette is just being stupid. These fans usually come from people who get most of their ideas for Miraculous from watching goons like CyrusLovesOwlCity and to put it simply, these people are wrong and should not be taken seriously. Frankly, they're no different from any Marinette stan or Adrien stan who argue until they're blue in the face about how their respective characters did nothing wrong while violently salting any other character, including each other, that did something even slightly negative to their favorites. Those people do not deserve to be allowed in any polite conversation involving Miraculous regardless of which character they do it for.
In any case, despite what people might think, a lot of Chloe fans do want to see her change and stop being a bully. They want to actually watch her learn that what she's doing is wrong and thus improve herself. Of course, the showrunners seem to vehemently disagree with the concept of her ever becoming better and actively shoot down any possible hint of that happening. People will argue that there were never any hints to begin with and that Chloe fans are just being delusional, but that's where interpretations come in. While one could easily just say that Chloe is just impossible to redeem and one can even dive deep to even find reasons as to why that is, people can also look deep enough to find reasons as to why Chloe CAN be redeemed. While there's no true evidence that Chloe had a hidden heart of gold, there is evidence to show that she's much more sensitive and insecure than she lets on, primarily seen in any episode where Audrey is a primary character. Moreover, while Chloe is more of an overt bully in the movies, the scene of the ball towards the end of the movie does indicate that while Chloe still has a front, she does respect Marinette to an extent to the point of allowing her to dance with Adrien. This latter scene does seem to lean more into what Chloe fans actually want in that even though she is a bully, she's also starting to grow and it does seem like there's hope that she could get out of that role instead of just getting worse and being treated as a worse person than someone who attempted genocide and someone who wanted to erase reality.
With all that said, I feel like one more thing that needs to be addressed is that some people seem to believe that Chloe fans only complain about the show's writing when Chloe looks bad. While it may seem like cope, when people are complaining about it for multiple characters that arguably span the entire show, I don't think they're just complaining because one character is written in a bad light. Kagami, Nino, and Alya are just some of the other characters that come to mind when talking about how bad the writing is and of course, when Marinette and Adrien get their awful moments, a lot of their fans seem quick to jump to bringing up "bad writing" as a complaint as well with them often rewriting these characters to fit how they themselves view them. Frankly, if those fans are allowed to just create their own versions of these characters, I don't see why Chloe fans shouldn't be granted that same luxury for Chloe herself.
Overall, while the future of the show is uncertain, it's clear that Chloe's fandom is never going to truly disappear no matter how much people try to make that happen. All that said, you shouldn't just assume that a Chloe fan just wants her to get away with everything and be treated as a hero without having to change. Ultimately, you shouldn't just accuse a fan of Chloe of defending all of her bad actions just because they want her to be better. Save that negative energy for the people who unironically say that she did nothing wrong and then actively salt other characters for her. This is a lot to write, but I really wanted to get my thoughts out there and hopefully clear some things up.
Also, people who say that Marinette is somehow the true bully do not belong in the Miraculous fandom. Simple as.
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twin-books · 9 months
I am literally so surprised no one is talking about the fact how Movie!Chat has little sparkles on his mask. It’s so perfect. Dramatic king. I love him. My friends and I were screaming over it while watching the entire movie. Ugh, it’s so perfect. I know the show doesn’t have the ability for that level of detail so I won’t hold it against them but now I shall only see Chat with little sparkles on his mask. They can pry it from my cold dead hands.
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aalissy · 1 year
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These spot the difference games are getting harder 🤨
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maridotnet · 1 year
can i just say
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malinowachmurka · 1 year
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I just love the fact that they brought back some old concepts and put them in the awakening movie
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rukh-keith · 9 months
Really, no one's gonna talk about the Rap of Tikki.
I mean...
(I love it)
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wolfasketch · 9 months
Just finished the Ladybug and Chat Noir Movie and it was adorable! Pacing, for me, could have been better, but animation was great as well as the voice actors and music!
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topazpearl · 9 months
i know many fans have mixed, nuanced feelings about the movie, but i had to narrow it down to general opinions. (obvs reblog for larger sample size)
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globodoodles · 9 months
I already saw the movie and I only have one thing to say:
It's all I needed!!
It really wasn't much that I needed, they were more details, where to see more things in Marinette's life that did not surround Adrien but her role as a heroine and her fears.
Adrien and his relationship with his father (something that the series took away from me too much and I'm not going to argue that. this point was the best)
And a lot of things but also THE SONGS
You may prefer the series and I respect that, but you can't change my mind that the movie is better.
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ojamajoprincess · 9 months
Also not gabriel agreste getting two new looks in this film. With the long hair, esp in the rendered art style, he looks like he belongs in a dating sim. but also the final look?? with five o clock shadow and cuts on his face? actually not polished to a t and portraying his vulnerability outwards?? a good move. the greatest move. the characters in the show have the emotional depth of dried seaweed— especially so for the literal cartoon villain— it was nice to see a smidge of realism and not just “grr, get me their miraculouses!” for the thousandth time
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 9 months
Never in a million years would I have thought that Gabriel would have long hair while Emilie was alive.
Always thought he had his hair short.
Oh well 🤷‍♀️
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meraale · 9 months
i was on a plane watching the miraculous movie so here’s my notes app dump
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bewitchingomen · 9 months
I really enjoyed the Miraculous film. The design and lighting was beautiful. I loved the songs. I liked seeing Marinette’s freckles on her nose. The emotion of the film was powerful. I am now rewatching it in French and then I will rewatch it as much as I can.
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birdie-posts · 9 months
I did miss Plagg in the movie, he had so little screen time
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