garboesque · 4 months
@all-mirrors tagged me to list 5 songs I actually listen to (thank you!). Although I’m not sure if ‘actually’ is meant to convey unusual songs, or any songs that I listen to regularly? So I went with the latter. Here they are:
1. Sinnerman - Nina Simone
2. Nocturne Op.9, No.2 in E-Flat Major - Chopin (but specifically with violin)
3. Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright cover (sorry Leonard)
4. Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros
5. Where Did You Sleep Last Night - Nirvana cover (sorry Lead Belly)
I’m tagging new mutuals/mutuals who I don’t know very well @blackhyena , @labyrinthinepaths , @eiqhties , @pollen , @cnnrp and anyone else who sees this and wants to participate (but no pressure!).
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akhuna · 2 years
I got tagged by @piperlumen - thank you! That was a really nice surprise. :)
Alright, same ol’, same ol’ - gotta answer some questions, gotta tag some folks. Here we go ...
Rules: answer the questions and tag {some} people you want to know better
Fave Color: Deep green, also red.
Currently reading: That big ass Witcher fanfic @lenkalost and I have been working on for the past years (Modern College AU).
Last Song: Bipolar Pop by Third Realm (EDM, really really good!)
Last Series: Still watching Sandman with the man.
Last Movie: I still have.... no! Wait! I have been watching parts of Night Teeth while the man was watching it on netflix. It was ... yeah. Interesting.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet.
Currently Playing: I’m haven’t been gaming for the last months somehow, but I’m watching two old(er) Let’s Plays by Gronkh (Grim Tales 1 XD and Until Dawn)
Currently working on: My PhD. Also, mittens for @lenkalost‘s mum (for Christmas) and a sweater for my gran’s 90th birthday.
I’m tagging @labyrinthinepaths, @kivihattu, @edenorisshitposting and @mellorian-j! And @lenkalost, of course. :) Also @squonkalicious
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blackhyena · 2 years
tagged by @bloodtasted thankyouuuuuuuuu 😚😚😚😚
Rules: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL. 
Boys - Robots in Disguise
Lost Kitten - Metric
Ain’t No Grave - Johnny Cash
Corporate Cannibal - Grace Jones
Kerosene! - Yves Tumor
Human - Goldfrapp
Your Love Is Killing Me - Sharon Van Etten
Exhumed - Zola Jesus
Napule Canta E More - Donatella Viggiano (sound of the summer btw)
Alterlife - Rina Sawayama
tagging @bimbogollum @summerhauntings @horsegirlonmain @softwarmdirt @gablehood @fennel-flower @inyourroomalbumversion @girlfop @courbet-nft @labyrinthinepaths xx
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thebittervampire · 3 years
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I was tagged ages ago by @dunwallcourier (since March I think??) to post 9 pictures from my camera roll to describe who I am. Thank you! I had fun but the pictures were showing in a weird way, so I had to frame them 😂
I tag, only if they wish to answer, @sapphicmadameumbralis @elluvians @yverocher @jokerous @scaredclowncat @namesonboats @villainii @theghostbeaters @labyrinthinepaths and whoever who wants to do it!
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vera-simik · 3 years
1 &8!
Thanks for asking! :D
1. A selfie
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(I think there's a bit of green in this one too - I'm not sure if it's because I couldn't get ALL of that water nymph make up off... or because it's just my normal "slightly dead" complexion 😄)
8. A photo with green in it
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(from THIS ask game) (feel free to send more)
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feytouched · 5 years
macaroon: when was the first time you fell in love with a place?
i fall in love with places over and over again. at 7, with the swiss alps. at 12, with the forests of lithuania. at 16, with the desolation of iceland. at 17, when i returned home for the first time after leaving for university and wept at how it felt like a chunk of myself finally being put back into place. at 18, with the heartwrenching, unexplainable familiarity of norfolk and london. at 21, with the atmosphere and culture of copenhagen. now in the present, with how vilnius feels more like home than i ever could have predicted. in a way, they are all first times.
cookie-themed asks
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mumfordness · 5 years
you/your content made me want to rewatch merlin and i'm not sure i'm emotionally ready for that tbh
i know D: i wasn’t ready, the first episodes got me all emotional but then you get scenes like:
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and you know you’ll be okay<3
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yennefre-archive · 5 years
happy brithday!! :)
thank you gwen! ❤️
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luthienleithian · 5 years
5 & 15!
5: Which book did you last re-read?
The Secret History !!!!!!!! and next on the re-read list is The Goldfinch
15: What book changed your life?
Probably the DSM-IV. No kidding.
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literaetures · 5 years
@labyrinthinepaths replied to your post “you know how “ha ha merlin can’t keep a secret to save his life” was a...”
it's hilarious how his most ridiculous lies are easily believed because of this. my favourite ones are him spending all of his free time in taverns, coincidentally every time something unusual happens, and that one witch needing dresses as payment.
i l o v e the tavern joke
mainly because i love that gaius just relied on the same excuse over and over and over and arthur just. kept believing him. that’s the future king of camelot for you
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rubashev · 5 years
sunscreen, driving board & sunglasses? ☀️
thanks for the ask!
sunscreen - when was the last time you pulled an all-nighter and why?
don’t laugh but... last night actually, because I’m taking a summer class and the coursework is just the kind of time-consuming busy work that always takes hours longer than I expect it to. I made it through though, and was able to enjoy the hazy early morning suburban stillness that comes before the world wakes up, which almost makes the exhaustion worth it.
diving board - what’s the biggest risk you want to take this summer?
nothing too wild honestly but I really want to get out and socialize more! I tend to be naturally reserved so it’s a step outside of my comfort zone but I’ve been checking out meetup groups and etc.
also really more of a fall/winter thing but at the end of August I’ll be flying out for a semester abroad in Moscow, so there’s that! 
sunglasses - what are some books you want to read over the summer, and what books have you already read?
honestly I’ve been a great deal less prolific of a reader than I normally am while I adjust to new summer routines (things should settle a bit in the next few weeks). The most recent book I’ve finished was Nobokov’s Lolita which.. I’d wind up talking about for too long if I tried to put all my thoughts about it down, so I’ll resist the urge. After seeing it heavily recommended I’m about halfway through Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian but I’m having a terribly hard time getting into it, so I’ve set it aside for a while. I’ll come back to it in a week or two and decide whether I just wasn’t in the mood at the time or if I just genuinely don’t like it as a book.
I’m too chaotic to have an organized next-to read list, but I really want to read some more Russian lit before travels abroad, so I’ve just started Crime and Punishment and I want to read The Master and Margarita as well! (light summer reads I know, hah) Some other books I want to read at some point soon: Jeff Vandermeer’s Authority (Annihilation was fantastic, I finished it in a night), Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch, and if I’m feeling especially motivated I might finally tackle House of Leaves when I’ve got the whole summer to pore over it. I always have a pile of historical nonfiction I want to read as well, but I’ve been meaning to read A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal and In the Garden of Beasts for a while now
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aethelfleds · 5 years
labyrinthinepaths replied to your post: are you telling me that in the middle ages people...
as someone raised catholic i just audibly gasped at the grape juice & saltines thing once a year
And it wasn’t even an entire saltine either. They just handed out pieces of saltines and sips of grape juice in teeny plastic cups. I wanna say we did it around Easter. The preacher would say some words, everyone would eat the cracker & drink the juice, and 7 year old me would be like “that’s it?!?!!”
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theqveenofthorns · 4 years
I was tagged by @princess-of-water-lilies and @virgo-notvirgin - thank you both! 🌹
Rules: Name ten favorite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people.
i. Vanessa Ives (Penny Dreadful) ii. Anne Boleyn (The Tudors) iii. Margaery Tyrell (Game of Thrones) iv. Morgana Pendragon (Merlin) v. Evelyn Carnahan (The Mummy, The Mummy Returns) vi. Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray) vii. Hannibal Lecter (the books, the films and the TV show) viii. Lucy Westenra (NBC’s Dracula) ix. Magdalene DeFoe (Repo! the Genetic Opera) x. Marguerite Krux (The Lost World)
Tagging: @drum-cu-naluci @conqueresses @sofiaavanitis @vivalcli @jeanoflochiel @cathymerteuil @lady-crowned-with-stars @labyrinthinepaths @mordred and @katherynparr
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thebittervampire · 3 years
I was tagged ages ago by @daniardor and I’m doing it now! Thank you very much 🤗💜 I’m always late but I love those games
Last song: Under a Violet Moon by Blackmore’s Night (on loop since... 2 days? I lied. On loop since too many days) Last movie: A Cure for Wellness (2017) Currently reading: Quand les fous n’étaient pas des hommes (When madmen weren’t human), a French book about an asylum in the 50s and the horrible conditions in it. Currently watching: Love, Death & Robots Currently craving: for inspiration, so I can finish the 30th chapter of my Batjokes fic and post it tomorrow...
tags: @sapphicmadameumbralis @yverocher @elluvians @jokerous @onewinged-sephiroth @namesonboats @labyrinthinepaths @dunwallcourier @noctvrnalmoth and whoever who wants to answer it, say I’ve tagged you! 
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vera-simik · 3 years
if you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? have you ever thought about this before? could you describe the house?
To be entirely honest, this isn't something I'd casually think of (it reminds me way too much of my English classes in high school & the stress this kind of questions was tightly connected to 😅). It send my brain into such an overdrive that I can almost feel it short-circuiting 😅
And so I don't have a clear idea of this (imaginary) house.
I certainly wouldn't want it to be in a big city (well, maaaaybe in the suburbs). I don't know why, but I guess it's because of my experiences with my university city. Big cities are good only for a visit 😄 I'd prefer living in a small town/a village (in the mountains perhaps) - but I'd still like my house to be a bit... aside (I don’t know, perhaps it's my inner witch talking?).
I can totally imagine it in the middle of a big garden with a lot of old trees (so I could have some privacy). Slightly creepy pond in the back would be a nice addition 😄
There HAS to be a terrace or balcony or both, I don't make the rules.
The house itself doesn't have to be huge, in fact, I'd be happy with some sort of cottage. It'd be nice if the interior smelled of wood. And there needs to be at least one fireplace. And bedrooms in the attic.
Also, inside has to be a complete opposite of minimalism. It must be colorful and warm and... I don't know how to describe it better - everyone who comes in must know that I'm basically a crow in the human body 😄
And also, an important addition, I want it to habe such kind of vibes that everyone who comes in feels nice and welcomed.
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feytouched · 5 years
labyrinthinepaths replied to your post “scent of the day: juliet (bpal) “sweet pea with stargazer lily, calla...”
i just realised how much i love having perfume and scents described to me. you've done it most beautifully, the scent is so vividly in my mind ...
it brings me joy to hear so. stay tuned, i still have more than a few perfumes to go through and i plan to keep writing about those that leave a stronger impression on me.
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