#labyrinth tarot
tarot-dreams · 2 years
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The Devil. Three of Wands. The Chariot.
A conflict grows within you. A separation between where you are and where you want to be. The desire to begin anew has made you feel absent from your life. This struggle cannot continue. Break free from all that confines. Do not live another day lost within the toils of heartache. Let go of anything that does not bring happiness unto you. Leave your life of misery. Become the person you wish to truly be.
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silvermoon822 · 9 months
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{Unofficial} Labyrinth Tarot- 5 The Hierophant
This card represents taking what you have learned and mastered and using that knowledge and skill to act as a teacher or mentor to others. It’s a card that represents honoring that ability to share knowledge and upholding traditions tried and true.
While he’s not offering any super innovative ideas, the Hierophant reminds you of knowledge that is still of use on your journey.
The Wiseman offers Sarah a little blanket wisdom for making her way through the labyrinth, as well as a little encouragement to keep her spirits up. He reminds her to not get into her head too much with the puzzle and instead to focus instead on the progress she’s already made. This is your reminder today as well: It may seem like we’re not getting anywhere, when in fact, we are!
Now please…leave a contribution in the little box!
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Temperance Card Tarot Reading
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is also included in source link.
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Pile 1/Rider-Waite 
The first card to come out for this pile was The Emperor.  This is a card associated with a responsible individual.  They are someone that is a capable leader and often takes this role on in situations.
The second card to come out for this pile was The Hermit.  This can be someone that prefers to keep to their self.  It may also suggest that someone is taking some time to reflect on their self and their priorities.
The third card to come out for this pile was the 3 of Pentacles.  This card is associated with working with others.  
Basically, I feel like all of this suggests that you tend to be the leader in group projects, although you may not appreciate having to take this role on. 
Your first oracle card is Focus On Service.  This does seem to suggest that you gain some sense of fulfillment from being of service to others.  I feel like this suggests that you may be trying to find a balance between helping others and taking care of yourself.
Your second oracle card is Blue Moon - Now Is A Powerful Time To Set Long-Term Goals And Sow Seeds For The Future.  This suggests that now is an appropriate time to think on the future and what your goals are.  
Your romance oracle card is Flirt.  This is a card about being willing to flirt if you are interested in someone.
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Pile 2/Labyrinth
The first card that this pile got was The Star reversed.  This is a card associated with a feeling of hopelessness and a lack of optimism.  This suggests a difficult time for an individual.
The second card to come out was the 7 of Feathers, which is basically the 7 of Swords in this deck.  This card can be associated with deceptive behavior by someone around you and strategic behavior.
The third card to come out was the 10 of Pots, which is basically the 10 of Cups in this deck.  This suggests strong connections in your life, like your family for instance.  With this being upright, it suggests that things are going well in these connections.
Basically, this pile seems like it could be taken two ways.  The first is that someone is feeling hopeless in regards to someone else’s lack of honesty and how that is impacting their happiness.  The other is that someone is trying to act strategically to keep things going well in their connections, despite their own unhappiness and hopelessness at this time.  
The first oracle card that came out was Time To Go.  Basically, it is time to leave something behind that is no longer benefiting you.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be a person or situation, since it can also be a way of thinking.
The second oracle card that came out was Moon In Pisces - Beware Of Indulging In Negative Or Depressive Tendencies.  This is important since that Star reversed likely makes it tempting for someone to indulge in this unhealthy behavior.
The romance card is This Could Be The One.  This suggests that some of you may be in healthy relationships or interested in someone that has potential.
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Pile 3/Nightmare Before Christmas
The first card to come out for this pile was the 8 of Needles, which is basically the 8 of Swords in this deck.  This is associated with feeling trapped in a situation.  
The second card to come out for this pile was Death.  This card is associated with endings and transformations.  This can be a painful period, but is generally one that you grow from. 
The third card to come out for this pile was the Ace of Potions reversed.  This suggests that you’re likely not expressing your emotions.  All of the negative thoughts and concerns that you likely have with the other two cards seem to be contained inside yourself, which is likely only adding to that 8 of Needles.
The first oracle card that came out was Play.  Basically, do something that takes your mind off of all the heavy stuff that you’re going through, even if it just lasts a moment.
The second oracle card that came out was Moon In Aries - Remain Sensitive To Others To Avoid Confrontation.  Basically, just keep in mind that there are others struggling, so try not to be insensitive to other’s problems or conflicts may occur.
The romance card that came out was It Is Safe For You To Love.  Basically, I feel like this suggests that it’ll take coming out of that 8 of Needles to be ready for anything relationship-wise since that may keep you having concerns in any connection.
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Pile 4/Mystical Manga
The first card to come out for this pile was the 6 of Swords.  This card is associated with moving towards calmer times.  It is a slow process that requires patience, but it is progress.
The second card to come out for this pile was the 8 of Cups reversed.  This card is associated with moving away from a situation that wasn’t what you hoped.  This is likely the step that has started (or will start) your way to calmer times.
The third card to come out for this pile was the Knight Of Wands.  This can be associated with just going with what you want to do or feel like you should do.  Basically, not overthinking a situation before taking action on it.  
The first oracle card to come out was Go For It!  Basically, I feel this goes along strongly with the Knight Of Wands and going for what you want.  
The second oracle card to come out was Waxing Moon - Now Is A Good Time To Focus On Achieving Your Own Personal Goals.  Basically, focus on yourself and what you want rather than what other’s want.
Your romance card is Religious Factors.  Basically, differing beliefs may be playing a role in your love life.
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finnglas · 8 months
Tarot ask! Just a general vibe check!
This deck is pretty new to me; even though I've owned it for a few years, this is my first time reading with it. As such, I'm going to copy down exactly what's in the guide book and then interpret. (My style of tarot believes that every deck creator brings something new to the process, so I like to read how they intended the cards!)
Your cards:
II of Poles (Staves/Wands)
V of Feathers (Swords)
The Hierophant, Reversed
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II of Poles Upright: "You're starting to manifest something important to you, but still figuring out the details. Take this planning process seriously and strategize carefully to set yourself up for success."
V of Feathers Upright: "Considered the ultimate conflict card, the V of Feathers symbolizes battles and clashes. Whether you're fighting the Goblin Army or a less whimsical enemy, it's clear that this conflict is unfortunate but necessary. You'll need to strategize carefully and use your wits to come out of this victorious."
Hierophant, Reversed: "The Hierophant values order and tradition, and he takes his role in society just as seriously as Hoggle takes his job in the Labyrinth. [R] While Hoggle initially resists Sarah's efforts to befriend him in deference to the Goblin King, he eventually decides to join the misfit group of kind creatures helping Sarah get to the center of the Labyrinth. When reversed, the Hierophant suggests it might be time to follow Hoggle's example and listen to your own conscience and heart--even if it means defying rules or expectations."
Goodness. Sometimes readings don't even need interpretations or help linking the cards together. The rhythm of this is so interesting: "Strategize carefully. Strategize carefully. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART." But even Hoggle had to strategize carefully to circumvent Jareth and get Sarah to the center of the Labyrinth! So my interpretation is that you're just starting something that is important to you, but it has either already begun spawning conflict (either within yourself, with the people around you, or with your own inner Hierophant who wants to adhere to the rules) or you anticipate that it will. The deck is pretty clear, here: Be smart about it and use your head to plan the path you will take, but follow your heart in the direction that it's bounding off ahead of you and think outside the role you have been assigned (by yourself or others). Strategize and choose your battles and you may be able to minimize them, but chances are you will not avoid them entirely.
Good luck!
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zegalba · 11 months
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Takato Yamamoto: Tarot Labyrinth (2009)
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owlhousetarot · 1 year
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The Moon: Gus Porter
Upright: Illusion, anxiety, intuition, uncertainty, complexity, secrets, the subconscious
Reversed: Release of fear/anxiety, revealing secrets, clarity, self-deception, repressed emotion, misunderstanding, misinterpretation
Who better to fit the Moon’s themes of illusion and secrecy than Gus the Illusion Master himself! The Moon card represents your fears and anxieties from past experiences clouding your understanding of the present and future, making it difficult for you to trust your own intuition. Gus is shown to struggle with false impressions of other people, from his misplaced trust in Mattholomule and in Bria’s gang, to his inability to see past an illusion of Willow, his first and best friend. Gus tends to take people at face-value and give them the benefit of the doubt, but when his trusting nature blinds him to others’ deception, it deals a heavy blow to his self-esteem—especially since a lot of that esteem is based on his talent for illusion magic. His trauma from being taken advantage of by his peers for his academic talents leaves him with such severe anxiety that his subconscious has created a defense response that dredges up other people’s subconscious fears and secrets—a power he eventually learns to weaponize.
We eventually see Gus work through his difficulties with illusions; Through the Looking Glass Ruins challenges but then reaffirms his passion for his illusion magic by forcing him to use it to defeat his deceptive peers, and by allowing him and Matt to resolve their mutual misunderstanding.  In Labyrinth Runners he is able to release his anxiety through Willow’s breathing technique, and to see through Adrian Graye’s illusions. Later he uses his powers to force Belos to reckon with his suppressed guilt by dragging his secrets up out of his subconscious. Because Gus gets a glimpse at these memories, he is allowed a clearer understanding of Belos’s past and Hunter’s status as a grimwalker. In a small moment in For the Future, his guess for what Luz’s palisman will be is the closest, suggesting that his intuition about others’ true natures is maturing.
< Previous Card: The Star
> Next Card: The Sun
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gyrhs · 9 months
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Watercolor for @merlintarotfest
It is one of the designs I used for my new washi tape that is Merlin themed, is on of the cups that Anhora used in his final test for Arthur and Merlin, and of course te flowers have meaning too, the yellow acacia represents "Secret love" and the Ambrosia "Love returned".
You can get the washitape in my store: gyrhs.storenvy.com
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comparativetarot · 2 months
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The Tower. Art by Dmytro Ryzhak, from City Labyrinth Tarot.
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spiralhouseshop · 1 year
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New in the Portland Button Works and Spiral House Shop Catalog- December 21, 2022!
Hellebore #8: The Unveiling Issue
Labyrinth Tarot Deck and Guidebook Movie Tarot Deck
The Magical Card Battle of Britain
Star Trek: The Next Generation Tarot Deck and Guidebook
And these are back in stock:
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Sacred Gender: Create Trans and Nonbinary Spiritual Connections by Ariana Serpentine
The Hellebore Guide to Occult Britain Book
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mx888gem · 16 days
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𝔏𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔥 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔱😍🎴
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silvermoon822 · 5 months
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{Unofficial} Labyrinth Tarot- 6 The Lovers
The Lovers card represents pure consensual and supportive love, especially that of a romantic couple. They empower and strengthen each other, working as a cohesive team. The card can also represent the choice of commitment and can represent sacrifices you might have to make for love such as time, money, and energy.
In the movie, we don’t see very much of Sarah’s father and stepmother, but what we do get to see is a couple who are excited to engage romantically with each other (they’re going on a dinner date!), are sensually active (hello Toby!) and support each other as parents both with their new baby, and with the father’s child from a previous marriage. We see her bicker with Sarah, but she does try to offer compromise and understanding, albeit a tad harsh. I would imagine she and Sarah’s father were probably pretty worried about Sarah since she was “an hour late” and it was beginning to storm. This was the era of “do you know where your children are?”, after all. Watching this movie as an adult, it’s interesting to look at the perspective of the parents here as well. As a kid, her father’s quick word before they leave seems callous and rushed, but as an adult, they were likely rushing out the door because of a reservation hitching closer to time than they planned due to Sarah’s late arrival. It even sounds like they tried to make the night as easy as possible for her by feeding the baby and putting him to bed before they left.
All in all, I think that Sarah’s parents get a worse rep than deserved because the movie is shown from Sarah’s perspective, and she starts the movie as a bit of a brat. It makes me wonder how their relationship might change after the events of the movie.
Check my instagram for more Labyrinth content and artwork!
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 years
Pick A Card Reading
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Pile 1: Supernatural
Pile 2: Labyrinth
Pile 3: Animal Totem
Pile 4: Rider-Waite
Pics & Explanations are below in case you don’t want to watch the source video. 
Pile 1/Supernatural
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The most noticeable part of this spread is that they are all Major Arcanas.  Major Arcana typically has to do with more major events that are beyond your control.  This may be a time where you feel like you are getting pushed towards a certain path.
This spread starts off with The Empress reversed.  This has to do with someone who needs to take some time to take of themselves.  They may have been placing too much of their energy into caring for others and neglecting themselves.  
The spread continues with The Magician, which is about manifesting your goals.  Being confident as you dabble in expanding your skills and achieving the results you desire.  There may be frustrations with how this is coming along though, since The Empress reversed can be a call to be gentler towards yourself.
The spread ends with Judgment.  You are coming closer to finding what/where you are meant to be.  This feeling is likely what is leading you to act as that Magician.
Your first oracle card is Joker: Things Are Never As They Seem.  This card reminds me of The Moon card in the tarot.  Your perception of a situation may not be accurate at the moment and you may feel the need to take a closer look at this situation.  It can also be a call to loosen up a bit and not neglect a sense of humor.
Your second oracle card is New Moon Eclipse: Expect Powerful Change.  It does seem like some significant change is coming to your life between this card and all of the tarot spread being Major Arcana.  
Your love oracle card is Reconciliation: Someone From Your Past Is Returning To Your Life.  This may be an ex of yours or someone that you’ve never been in a relationship with but do have a past with.
Pile 2/Labyrinth
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The first noticeable thing about your spread is that you got all Feathers, which are this deck’s equivalent to swords.  This suggests that a lot of thinking has been going on for you.  Some of you may be overthinking things lately.
The first card that came out in this spread was the Queen of Feathers reversed.  This isn’t the most pleasant card to come up as, since it can be a cruel person.  This cruelness can come from frustrations.  She can come off as rather cold and detached, which may be a defense mechanism after a difficult period.  This Queen can also be indecisive and not making a choice that needs to be made.
The second card that came out in this spread was the 2 of Feathers.  This is a card about having to make a difficult choice.  This is generally difficult because there seems to be some information missing, which makes it easy to question if you are making the right choice.  
The final card that came out was the Ace of Feathers reversed.  This can be a card of clouded judgment and feeling as though you’re missing something.  There is a lack of clarity on something, which likely isn’t helping your choice process.  It may also suggest that you’ve dealt with some lies that are also impacting your judgment, contributing to that Queen of Feathers reversed behavior.
Your first oracle card is Acceptance: Loving What Is.  This card is basically about accepting that there are things that you can’t change, whether it be a situation or a person.  It isn’t always easy to do, but it may help take a weight off your shoulders to no longer carry resentment about something that you can’t do anything about.
Your second oracle card is Fixed Moon: Hold Your Vision.  Basically a reminder to not give up on your goals.  You may need to change your plan on getting there, but carry on.
Your love oracle card is Getting To Know Each Other: As You Reveal Your Innermost Selves To Each Other, Your Bond Deepens.  It does seem like a relationship may be growing for you, although that Queen of Feathers reversed behavior may be a bit of an obstacle for you in this connection. 
Pile 3/Animal Totem 
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The first noticeable thing about your spread is that all of your cards came out as reversals.  This suggests that things may be a bit troubling or rough for you at the moment.
The first card that came out was the Ace of Cups reversed.  This suggests that someone is not communicating their emotions, likely you.  This may also hint that a new emotional beginning/chapter is on hold or possibly not happening for some.
The second card that came out was the 10 of Cups reversed.  This suggests that there are some issues with the connections in your life.  Some of these issues are likely caused by or are what are causing you (or someone else) not to be expressing emotions.  
The final card that came out was the Knight of Pentacles reversed.  This can be a card associated with procrastination and lack of action.  It can also be rather picky since it can be someone that is getting to caught up in the small details of things that they neglect to move forward.  This pickiness (from you or someone in your life) may be contributing to the issues in your connections.
The first oracle card you got was Arrogance: Get Off The Pedestal.  This can be about needing to realize the mistakes you’ve made in a situation rather than placing blame all on another person or thing.  
The second oracle card you got was New Moon In Cancer: You And Your Loved Ones Are Safe.  Basically, just a comforting card that may hopefully take some concerns away from you.
Your love oracle card is Honeymoon: Enjoy The Bliss Of Holiday Time Together.  I don’t take this one as an actual honeymoon for anyone, but rather a couple taking some time to have some time together (possibly date night or something) to try to work out the issues that they are experiencing at the moment.
Pile 4/Rider-Waite
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Like Pile 3, all of your cards came out as reversals.  This suggests that you are also going through a difficult period.  
The first card that you got is the 10 of Cups reversed.  This suggests issues with connections in your life.  These issues are having a negative impact on your emotions.
The second card that came out was the Ace of Swords reversed.  This suggests a lack of clarity or ideas when it comes to a situation, likely on how to fix the issues in these connections.  There may also be some deceit, which may be adding to the issues in that 10 of Cups reversed.
Your final card is the 8 of Cups reversed.  This card suggests that you are taking steps to walk away from a situation that you are not feeling fulfilled or happy in.  This may be a choice that others around you aren’t the most supportive of or it may be walking away from some people that you were once close to.
Your first oracle card is Expression: Speak Your Truth.  Basically, speak your side of a story.  Don’t let others sway you from doing what’s right for you or take your voice away.
Your second oracle card is New Moon In Sagittarius: Luck Is On Your Side.  I take this as a sign that you leaving behind a disappointing situation is a good step to take.  It may not be easy and you may wonder if you’ve made the right choice, but you do have luck on your side.
Your love oracle card is Finances And Career: Financial Issues Are A Factor In Your Love Life Right Now.  This may mean that many of you aren’t really focused on love at the moment and are more interested on focusing on your career.  If you are in a relationship, this suggests that you or your partner may seem to be putting more focus on their finances or career more than on this relationship.
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alychelms · 10 months
Only one more week til our Kickstarter launch for the pattern deck from our Rook & Rose epic fantasy series! We go live on August 8, but you can sign up for notifications now.
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inlakinslabyrinth · 2 months
How Much Do You Know About the Planets? Find Out Here on Our Quiz!
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owlhousetarot · 1 year
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The Chariot: Willow and Amity
Upright: Success, willpower, control, determination, forward movement, overcoming obstacles, direction, self-discipline, focus, victory, courage, self-assertion, competitive
Reversed: Lack of direction/control, powerlessness, forcefulness, aggression, opposition, obstacles
Willow and Amity’s relationship at the beginning of the show is characterized by the Chariot reversed: Amity, out of the need to adhere to her parents’ expectations, acted as a bully toward Willow, making her feel even more powerless than she already did studying Abomination magic. Amity needed to feel powerful, successful, and in-control to make up for how powerless she felt under her mother’s thumb. With Willow studying a track she couldn’t excel in because of her fathers’ wishes instead of her own, neither girl had much control over the directions their lives were going.
As the show progresses, their relationship changes for the better. Willow gains confidence when she switches to the Plant track, where she is able to excel and succeed. Understanding Willow is a wake-up call for Amity, telling her that she has to take responsibility for her actions and move away from the path her parents chose for her, for Willow’s sake and her own. Amity asserts her desires to her parents, and Willow finds joy leading a team and competing in sports. Together they overcome the obstacles getting in the way of their friendship and move on from their past hurt. Both formidable witches in their own right, now that they both feel free to choose their own paths, they are an unstoppable force when working together.
< Previous Card: The Lovers
> Next Card: Strength
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