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4 Advantages of Vaccinating Pets
Discover the 4 key advantages of vaccinating pets, ensuring their health and safety. Learn how Low Cost Pet Vaccines Los Angeles can protect your furry friends from diseases, save you money on vet bills, and contribute to a healthier community. Keep your pets healthy with affordable vaccination options.
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thestuffedalligator · 7 months
I read Fat Face by Michael Shea last month and it was. Fine? It was a Cthulhu Mythos story written in the 80s, it was very edgy and it had a lot of tropes I’m not a fan of, I don’t really recommend it, but I have to talk about one detail I have not stopped thinking about since I read it.
So. I knew Fat Face through reputation because it was the story that inspired Shoggoth Lords from the Call of Cthulhu TTRPG, shoggoths that can control their cellular makeup to look like humans. And the twist in Fat Face is that shoggoths have been hiding amongst humans in Los Angeles, and at the end of the story one of them eats the protagonist.
The tone of the story is grit. It’s grime. It’s sleaze and sexual violence and drug abuse on top of cosmic horror. It wants to be taken seriously so bad.
But here’s the thing about the shoggoths: they have a business.
They have two businesses they run out of an office building in downtown Los Angeles. A shoggoth is a primordial blob of eyes and mouths and flesh and hunger, and the idea of one of them at the LA Office of Finance registering an LLC is already. Great. Perfect. No notes.
The business is a front — and again, that’s great, a shoggoth went, “I want to do some nefarious deeds and not get caught by humans; I know, I’ll register a fake business that’ll be a front, and no human will ever suspect” — because the actual interior of this office is a room of pools of water made from black and ancient Antarctic rocks so that shoggoths can relax in their original blobby forms and eat stray animals that they’ve caught.
So it’s basically just. A place for shoggoths to unwind after a long day of pretending to be human. It’s portrayed as cosmic horror, but it’s shoggoth Cheers. Sometimes you wanna go where nobody knows your shape.
Here’s the kicker. The front of the business is a hydrotherapy clinic and stray pet rescue.
When they decided to make a front for their secret lair in an LA office building where they hang out in pools of water and eat stray animals — the front they prominently display and advertise — they decided to go with a hydrotherapy clinic and stray pet rescue.
That is Goosebumps shit. The rest of the story reads like a tone poem about the sleaze and violence of Los Angeles, and the main twist of the story reads like R.L. Stine.
But that’s not even the detail I can’t stop thinking about. Because the story reveals that this business — which again, is a front made by alien blobs to eat stray animals like an ALF-themed buffet and hang out in jacuzzi tubs of Antarctic rocks in an LA office — has a flyer.
Which means there’s a shoggoth with a passion for graphic design
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davidjohn09 · 1 year
Vet New Orleans LA, Metairie & New Orleans, LA Clearview Veterinary Hospital provide Veterinarians care to keep your pets healthy and happy.
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care4dog · 2 years
Animal Hospital in Anaheim, CA | 24-Hour Emergency Vet
Animal Hospital in Anaheim, CA | 24-Hour Emergency Vet
Near your 24-hour emergency vet and animal hospital in Anaheim, CA. Quickly Find Chip Emergency Animal Hospital. Find Chip Emergency pet vet quickly. Our team in Anaheim makes it easy to find an emergency vet based on top customer ratings and reviews. Find the nearest Emergency Mobile Pet Hospital, Animal Hospital in Anaheim, CA. Anaheim Hills Pet Clinic Rating 4.5 out of 285 reviews Address:…
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Something that's been floating around in my brain for a while:
Valeria and Rodolfo are both in serious danger and Alejandro has to choose who to go to. (In my head Rodolfo has such low self esteem that he just resigns himself to his fate because he's certain Valeria means much more to Alejandro than he does but if you decide to do this ask then go wild with your own ideas!)
My own ideas you say? (Trigger warning, graphic content)
Rodolfo should have been confident. Of course Alejandro would choose him. He’d been so confident. But Alejandro wasn’t here yet.
He was so lightheaded that maybe it was making him dizzy. He could see his own blood slowly draining through the tube into the little bottles. Why they wanted to save his blood, he didn’t know.
And he could still see the camera, despite his fuzzy vision. The little red light, blinking to show it was recording.
It had been an hour. He had heard Alejandro on the phone. They’d put it on speaker. They were confident Alejandro would choose “the woman” as they called Valeria.
“He’s still not here…” One taunted, stroking a knife against Rodolfo’s face. Not deep enough to cut, and no longer was it enough to strike terror in Rodolfo’s heart.
Rodolfo just leaned his head back, exhausted. Why would Alejandro choose him? He’d made it so clear again and again and again that he didn’t love him. He couldn’t fucking stand him.
So many times, he’d snapped when Rodolfo was just trying to help him. He could remember the episodes, the lows, every time Alejandro had pushed Rodolfo away when he just wanted to help.
But he’d never pushed her away. He’d always gone to her open arms willingly. Happily. Alejandro called her his heroin. His addiction.
So what was Rodolfo? Rodolfo was the intervention. What addict would choose their fix over an intervention? Not Alejandro.
“Oh well. You’re too weak to fight back, now.” They laughed and Pat him. “He’s not coming. So we’ll just leave you.”
Rodolfo wanted to beg them to stay, to not leave him alone, but he barely had the energy to hold his own head up, let alone to beg. And… he hadn’t lost that much dignity yet.
He could hear them leave, and he wanted to sob, but he couldn’t even find it in him to do that. He’d lost so much blood.
They’d only put him in cuffs, it’d be so easy to just break his own hand, pull it out. But even if he could find the energy to move his arms, he wouldn’t be able to stand. He’d still die because Alejandro wasn’t coming.
Maybe if Valeria wasn’t the other option, if she wasn’t on the other side of Las Almas, maybe he would. But not with her in the picture. As long as she was the other choice, Alejandro would never pick him. Not in love, not in life, not in death.
Rodolfo was going to die alone. Completely alone. Maybe he wasn’t even surprised. Was that worse?
He didn’t know, he could barely think anymore. The only thought in his head was starting to form into “he’s not coming. He was never coming. He will never come.”
Rodolfo’s ears picked up the doors opening almost immediately. Was he wrong? Had he been so cruelly wrong to Alejandro?
He felt cold hands touch his face and he wanted to sob. Alejandro’s hands were always warm.
“Oh, poor sweet Rodolfo. He didn’t come, did he?” Valeria? But, she was the other choice, how was she there?
Rodolfo whimpered as the needle pulled out from his skin. “You’ve lost a lot of blood but you’ll get it back. Most of this will be transfused back into you.” She sounded so clinical, undoing the cuffs. He could hear a key click and his heart sank. She’d done this on purpose.
“Once you’re recovered, I’ll take you back. Will you believe me, now? He doesn’t love you. You’re not even a second thought in his head.” Valeria didn’t sound cruel. She sounded comforting.
Rodolfo finally let himself sob. It took all of his energy but he sobbed and slumped forward, falling into Valeria.
She held him, gently, petting his hair. “He’s still at the warehouse where I’m supposed to be. Looking for me.”
Rodolfo knew she was telling the truth. If she wasn’t, he would be there.
But he wasn’t.
He was never coming.
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Mommy needs me! Ch4
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1000k special! Thank you for reading.
You inherited to your Aunts farm after she passed from cancer. But you don’t know also inherited giant Mothman-manchild, who is pissing and jizzing everywhere in your house.
Warning: Yandere Mothman Shigaraki, bondage, offensive language, mommy kink, torture (all the), references to knotting, Yakuza fighting
Rescue mission! The good doctor and Shigaraki lay low for a little while they make a plan. You try to keep yourself sane while you are being tortured for information. Life for everyone is hard.
Ch 3
Chapter 4
Dr. Tanaka parked outside her old clinic.
She leased it to other vets in her practice. They decided to only run on the weekends, which is convenient for them. Shigaraki was asleep under a blanket for most of the journey. He was not used to moving without flying or walking and felt car sick the whole trip. The part that scared her the most was when she stopped for gas.
She went inside to use the bathroom and buy coffee and other snacks. She bought Shigaraki melon soda. He might get a kick out of the fizziness. She almost had a heart attack when she saw him staring up at the streetlight. He was keening. The moths were coming down to kiss his face. She yelped, running over to grab him in a panic. Clutching his arm, she tries to pull him back to her van. He was transfixed, and she couldn't budge the huge Mothman.
"Shiggy! Shigaraki, what are you doing? What if someone sees you? Come on, back to the van," she hissed at him. He kept keening until she popped open the soda. He chirped and looked over. Quickly snatching it with four fingers, he created a puddle and trilled to the moths who fluttered down to the pool of soda.
"That's great, Shigaraki. I got more. I got onigiri, instant Ippudo ramen, boiled eggs, black gateau chocolate, and ten coffee cream treats. And you're favorite. Mochifuwa pancakes. You can have them all if you get in the back of the van," She entices by opening the package and the back of the van and tossing it all in. He followed listlessly, trilling all the while. Finally crawling in, she slammed and locked the doors.
"Mommy, did you see that it was a giant moth!" a little girl pointed. The mom looked at her curiously.
"Oh, that was a large dog with a blanket," she lied, pointing at the writing on the van that said mobile pet hospital. She looks satisfied while the child whines. Tanaka peels out, panting in fear, "Shigaraki, you can't do that. They will hurt you if you are caught."
He was eating lethargic. His red eyes that shined in the dark met hers in the rearview mirror.
"Stupid kin not know that light is not paradise. They fly too close and get burned. Die slowly. Had to warn them. By tomorrow they will not remember," he said sadly. He is dipping his long tongue in the soda, trilling with interest. Shigaraki is in no shape to fight. He needed to recover.
When  she backed the van up to the bay, she was greeted with a shock. The bay doors were unlocked already.
"Shit, Shiggy. We have a problem," she whispered. He burst out of the van so fast he almost knocked her down—snarling, chittering with snapping teeth. Wings flared, quivering and scraping together to create an inhuman rattle. He was already on the hunt before Tanaka could stop him. She grabs her shotgun and follows him.
Shigaraki is tearing through the building like a shark that has scented blood in the water. Bouncing from wall to wall with a flutter of his wings. He reaches the far back room Tanaka used as a nap office when she hears screaming and begging. If she had been one second longer, they would have been torn to pieces and then danced on the wind as dust.
"Shiggy, no!" She shouted. He froze but not before shooting a glare back at her. La Brava and Gentle cowered in the corner of the room, practically pissing themselves in terror as they clutched at each other, eyes squeezed tight with tears, shaking so hard their teeth chattered.
"What are you guys doing here?" Tanaka panted, gripping her knee and holding the shotgun up. The adrenaline is pumping her heart too hard. Shigaraki immediately becomes concerned.
"Father?" He chirped, nudging her with his head.
"I'm fine," she waves him off.
"That's him, isn't it? That's Tenko?" La Brava asked, suddenly interested.
"La Brava. Gentle, What the hell are you doing here?" Tanaka asks again.
They  settled in, and days later, Shigaraki was still asleep. Shigaraki curled up to sleep on several brand-new large dog beds that she won't be able to sell. Tanaka shakes her head at herself. He only woke long enough to drink sugar water and then slept.
"Need to get my priorities straight," She mumbles as she covers him in a blanket.
"Well, after we talked, Chisaki went on the rampage, trying to hunt down anyone that could find your location. We couldn't leave the city. Since they looked at this place twice and we had no other place to go. Originally, we thought you were the yakuza returning. Then we saw this creature with red eyes and wings. I honestly thought he was a demon," La Brava rambles.
When she talks to Gentle, it is always with timid suggestions. When she is with another person, she is a little chatterbox. Dr. Tanaka is only half listening to this explanation for the tenth time. She was paying more attention to the police radio. She had called in her anonymous tip a day ago, and no moment was being made.  
"Do you have any idea where my friend is being kept?" She asked La Brava while Gentle cooked. La Brava bit her lip in worry, quickly changing the subject.
"My Gentle is such a good cook. What are you making?" La Brava asks turning from Tanaka. Tanaka is not so simple-minded that she can be thrown off track like that.
"Since the Mothman is a fan of meat and sweet, I'm making Korean barbeque," Gentle said proudly. Shigaraki perked up immediately.
"Meat? Meat. Meat," he repeated, feelers wavering as he sniffed his way next to Gentle to watch what he was doing. Gentle smiled at him. Shigaraki hissed in response with vicious teeth clicking. Gentle cringed from him.
"Oh, you wake up for meat," she huffed at Shigaraki. But her eyes land squarely on La Brava, "La Brava, I'm not playing these games with you. Do you know where she is at? If so, tell me otherwise. I will get nasty."
"We all know you are a big softie and don't have the strength or the disposition to harm a fly. That's why it's a bad idea to rescue your girlfriend. The yakuza will rip you to shreds. Let the cops handle it," La Brava tittered and waved her off.
Tanaka liked La Brava, but she had enough of her patronizing fretting. She's not Gentle. Sure, she might be weak and useless in a fight. However, she wasn't useless. You had been a friend and a very caring soul. She honestly wasn't even sure if you were alive. But if you were, then you have been enduring god-awful torture. She couldn't imagine to keep them safe. That gave her the courage to do something distasteful. Stick Shigaraki on La Brava.
"She's not my girlfriend. She's Shigaraki's mommy," she stated loud and flatly. The reaction was immediate. He whirled with wide-eyed hope and desire.
"Mommy!" he chittered.
"She is keeping us from your mommy," Tanaka accused, pointing at La Brava.
Gentle was fast, stepping in the way of Shigaraki's attack. Shigaraki liked Gentle. He had to be the most non-threatening human he had met, including his father. So, he lifted him by his neck to strangle him a bit.
La Brava screeched, kicking and hitting him. It took him a moment to realize what she was trying to do. It was sad, really, but he was being kind. He could disintegrate the man. He didn't because he was nice.
"Tanaka, make him stop!" La Brava wailed. She stood and loomed over La Brava.
"That's Dr. Tanaka or father. Either one, but in the end, I'm the person you're going to tell where mommy is," she growled ominously at La Brava.
You  groan as you open your eyes on the bed's metal frame. You're so thirsty. You didn't think a person could be alive and feel this overwhelming desire for water. Shrieking in pain in every joint as you try to move.
What day is it? How did this even happen? You try to remember, but the sound of pouring water overpowers your hazy thoughts. You can't focus on the face or the gloved hands.
"Where is experiment 73450? The child in this photo? Tenko Shimura?" the voice muffled by the mask asked in a patient tone. You look at the missing child picture. It's him. A human version, but it is him.
"I can't…I don't…water, please. Water, and then I can tell. Then I can focus, please," you plead.
"You heard her, Sakaki. Give her water," the man said ominously.
"Not drunk enough for this," Sakaki slurred, tossing a bucket of cold water over you. It seized your lungs. You gulp for breath as you struggle to breathe. Unable to drink the water. You puff in relief as sweet cool air enters your lungs. The white tank top and underwear become transparent. Sakaki looked away in shame for more than one reason.
"Where is experiment 73450? The child in this photo, Tenko Shimura?" Shin Nemoto asked again.
"I have no clue what you are talking about. You insane fucks think I have a kid?" You spat at him. You failed against the restraints. You are remembering now.
"You know he doesn't look like this. He's an adult now!" He shouted. Angry, he has not made progress with you.
"I can't think. I don't even know where I'm at. I'm so damn thirsty. Give me water, then ask your questions, asshole!" You shouted back. Another bucket of cold water, this time, you were ready for it and got a couple of mouthfuls before Nemoto shocked you. He touched a car battery to the metal frame of the bed.
Making you arch like a rainbow, all the colors of pain jolt through you. All your muscles, ones you never knew you had, strain against your bones. Your jaw clenches until your teeth crack and your gums bleed. Your lips pull back into a muffled screams of agony. You can almost hear the nerves in your brain sizzle as your sanity crackles.
It only lasts a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity. Nemoto screams at you to answer. You will be lying to yourself if flits of answering haven't crossed your mind. Shigaraki has been a pain, and you have no idea what you are doing with him. But these fools showed you the missing kid picture. Your Aunt was a compassionate soul who loved you and him.
Your Aunt raised him wild, and Shigaraki had his moments even then. He is caring, protective, and beautiful. Had she known he was a human, things might have been different. It doesn't matter. Because you will never tell them, you won't let them torture your Shiggy or tarnish your Aunt's good name.
Nemoto hovered over you, panting in his creepy plague mask. You can't tell if it's from rage or arousal. You don't want to think about it. Nemoto calmed himself and sat back down in the chair next to the bed. It's exhausting torturing you.
"If you told the young master what he wants to know, he would treat you like his princess," He grumbled. You don't bother to reply as you silently sob. Too dehydrated for tears. He opens your torment planner, "For lunch, you have a choice. Either Kendo Rappa or Kurono?”
Tough choice. Rappa is nicer. He gives you more food and tries to be gentle. But he is so damn big and has endless stamina it's impossible to forget a sizeable ugly guy is screwing you within an inch of your life. You can't even walk afterwards and end up in more pain with a full belly.
Kurono is cruel. He's handsome, smaller than Rappa, and requires you to call him Chrono during playtime. He has drugs that take the pain away but leaves you loopy to the point you must be careful what you say. He feeds you less, and time seems to drag out with him.
You don't feel it then, but he ties you up and whips you whenever you don't answer his questions or do what he says immediately. You feel everything much later about dinnertime with Kai Chisaki. Kai makes your skin crawl. You have no idea what he does to you. But you have noticed stitches on you.
"Kurono, please," you answer. You flinch when Nemoto reaches out to stroke your hair.
"Awww, poor girl. Was I too zealous today? You will confess. Sooner rather than later, you will crack like a pinata, and all your secrets will spill out like candy. If you behave and confess now, I will see to it you are rewarded." The foul tormentor with the rich voice reassured you as he petted you like a dog. You spit at his face. A nice wad slid down his mask.
"Well, it appears I'm giving you too much water. Sakaki, clean her up and get her pretty for Chronos. No water," He instructed, leaving you with the drunk one, Sakaki. His skull-like plague mask swivels to you and quickly looks away. You get the feeling he's not bright.
"That's cold, man. You're harshing my mellow with this," Sakaki complained. He came over to untie you and help you walk to the bathroom. The man is shaky on his feet and reeks of liquor. He sits you down on the stool. You nearly topple over when he goes to move to give you privacy. You cling to him, pressing your wet breasts to his arm.
"Will you help me, please? I'm too weak to take a bath alone," you whisper sweetly to him. His chest and neck reddens.
"I really shouldn't," he mumbled. You caressed his bare chest with trembling, bruised fingers.
"You've been kind to me. I promise not to tell," you moan, kissing his neck.
It's not long before he is letting you drink water. Slowly so you won't get sick while he scrubs you with soap. You can see he is a gruff-looking man in the warm tub together. Large bulging round eyes and thin lips. You pour warm saki for him while he gropes you. He's chatty and lonely. He was bragging about his knife skills when he suddenly stopped laughing mid-story to look at you and sigh with pity.
"I'm sorry, girl. You seem nice, but I can't go against the boss. I know better than to tell you to give up and tell them what they want to know. I've watched you. You have grit. So, I'm just going to warn you. If you don't give Kai what he wants, he wi-" the bath was interrupted by the alarm. He gave you a sad look and helped you get pretty for Chronos.   
"There she is. Kai's favorite patient. Come here, eat, then lay down on the bed like a good girl. You can't take your medicine on an empty stomach. Nemoto must have been rough on you today if you chose me," Chronos grins, preparing his needles with meticulous care. He must have learned from Kai.
You dug into the food. You are starving, ravenously shoveling as much as possible before he drugged you. Sakaki ran his fingers through your hair before leaving, probably giving you a lingering look of pity and longing. It wouldn't be so bad to learn some things from him. He seemed nice enough and had perpetual whiskey dick.
"You can go, Sakaki," Chronos said, narrowing his eyes. When Sakaki left, the pretty boy with the angelic face watched you for a moment before dashing your hopes like the devil he is, "Sakaki won't help you. He's your handler. If you try to escape, he will slice you open. There is nothing he loves more than drinking. We're a sanctuary for degenerate men like him. He didn't become a bullet only to throw it away for some snatch like you."
You don't bother to answer him. What would be the point? You've learned early on not to say a thing around him. He may be pretty, but he reports everything directly to Kai as his second in command. He smirks at your nonresponse.
"Alright, that's enough. Come lay down and take your medicine. Kai wants his patient nice and prepped," he says, patting the bed. You used to beg and plead. He seemed to like that, so you don't bother to anymore. You lay down and stick out your arm.
He uses an alcohol swab and finds your vein like an expert. The needle's sting is nothing compared to what you will have to deal with later. Almost immediately, all the pain in your body melted away. You sigh and melt into the comfy bed.
"Oh, I know that look. Are we forming a habit?" He mocked. Rolling you over, pulling your limp body up on your knees, and flipping your skirt up, "I've mixed a special cocktail for you. You will sleep through the worst of it. It's a shame Kai is getting annoyed with you. My art is almost done."
You can't feel anything as you finally drift to sleep. Regardless of your body being pressed and thrusted into the bed, you dream with your eyes open. Of fireflies and moths dancing in fields. Of flying and soring so far away from here. Time slips by, and you see warm red liquid stain the sheets. Is that yours?
The room shook. That was weird like the whole building shuddered in fear. Whatever Chronos is humming not even asking you questions today. 
Dr. Tanaka burst into the room with her shotgun. This was the third door she kicked in, and she was already a bundle of frazzled nerves when the iron smell hit her, knocking her back in shock. The creep on you had enough time to twist and grab something off the nightstand and roll.
There you are. This monster was straddling you, carving into your back with a blade like a pumpkin. Tanaka dived behind the couch. Panting, heart beating too fast from the adrenaline. Nothing had gone as planned. Not that the plan was a great one, to begin with.
Shigaraki was above slaughtering. To get into building Tanaka witnessed, something that will give her nightmares to her dying day. She heard a door open and close. Daring a peek, shotgun first, she sees the guy hid in the bathroom. Thank god for cowards, her mind rejoiced. She still watched her back as she ran to the bed.
"Oh shit. You are bleeding a lot," Tanaka gasps when she reaches you. The guy had several stanch powdered gauze and tape at the ready. She worked quickly, watching that door as much as possible.
"Are you here?" You wondered aloud. Eyes dark and blown out in drugged bliss. Tanaka picked up the needle.
"Do you know what he gave you?" She asked, grunting to try and brace you to walk.
"My cocktail. It's happy hour before closing time," you mumbled incoherently, drooling as your head lolled.
"Fuck, you gotta help me here. You're too heavy for me to carry you. Come on, Shigaraki is carving a path for us," She grunted.
An eye is always watching the door. Only to have the guy suddenly in front of her. Kicking her in the gut so hard it knocks the wind from her. She gets a shot off with the shotgun. That will be enough for Shigaraki to find them. Time she just needs time. She slumps doubled over. You hit the floor like a ragdoll. A sharp sting of a needle in her neck draws her attention to your cutter.
"Oh my. You don't have a tolerance, do you, Dr. Tanaka? Don't you recognize me? Maybe this will help," He says, putting on the scoped plagues mask. Yup, she recognized him now. Just her luck to get the sharpshooter anesthesiologist. Your fingers somehow reached out and laced with hers. Tears dripped down your face, puddling on the rug.
"Are you real?" you questioned.
"You are lucky the boss has an interest in doctors. Especially ones with as much geneticist background as you. You did work with clone dogs. Otherwise, I would have killed you. I had these special bullets made for that little pet of yours. Keep each other warm until I get back," he chuckled as he left.
It had been months after that dream. Things had changed after that day. Kai had stopped knocking you out. That was not a blessing. He stopped physically brutalizing you. Lately, it has been mental with a side of rape.
"The stick broke. Time for the carrot," he said when he introduced you to your fancy new cage, "Sakaki will still be taking care of you, but you will have your lunches and dinner exclusively with me from now on."
A sentence that made your flesh crawl and had you sobbing to Sakaki in a panic the first day. He agreed to teach you a couple of things only because he knew it would reassure you but ultimately be hopeless. Only Kai was perfectly civil for the most part. The sex was strange, creepy, and felt more like a doctor's examination. Today's questioning was the same as always.
"I already told you. It's just a rare dog breed. I honestly thought it may have been Inugami. But the doctor said it was a Sakhalin Husky and took it to some lab," you answer. The same answer over and over again.
"Then why keep your farm a secret?" He asks, playing with his wine. You normally say because you want to preserve nature. Tonight, you are more honest.
"When I escape, I don't want you to haunt my door. You cost me everything. I will not let you take another thing from me," you hissed at him. He smirked at your truth.
"Well, now, we are finally getting somewhere. Let me show you something," he said, getting up and roughly grabbing you to pull you up in front of a mirror.
Opening the back of your dress, you look over your shoulder to your back is a map of layered scars. It's a large Shi Hassaikai emblem with layers of cherry blossoms. It would be beautiful if it weren't branding you with scarification as Kai's property. You thought that bastard Chronos was whipping you. No, he was marking you for his evil boss.
"That's right. You are the property of Shi Hassaikai. We already know where your Aunt's little farmhouse is. It's official, and you can never escape it. Your life in the gang doesn't have to be uncomfortable. I want to give you a welcome gift. All you have to do is know your place and answer one little question," he said emotionlessly. You sniffle in response. So many thoughts are going through your head. Kai puts on gloves and wipes at your tears like a lover. Only he is the coldest lover you ever had the misfortune of dealing with.
"You are lucky you are my favorite patient. I was ready to break you down into body parts for the black market. But an interesting creature came for you. So, tell me. Are you Mommy?" Kai asked.
Everything in you felt like it had stopped. You look up at him in wide-eyed, shocked horror. He sighs and snaps his fingers. A large pale man bound in leather bindings is dragged in on the end of catch poles. It was hard to recognize him under all the bindings over his eyes, pinning his arms behind him with his wings.
But the hissing, teeth clicking, and antennas are unmistakable. Shigaraki is struggling to bite someone with his razor-sharp teeth. The hoops at the end of the poles are cutting into his neck, destroying his once plush ruff. His wings. They don't look right. Too short to fly with.
"What have you done to his wings!" You scream, running to Shigaraki.
He immediately stops his struggles, raising his head to chirp for you. You slam into him in a clinging embrace. He purrs at your touch. He was licking at your tears and nuzzling at your neck. That hallucination months ago was not an illusion. That was the worst mental anguish. You would have been free if you hadn't decided to get high. You silently cried.
"Awww, that's a sweet reunion. We clipped his wings. They are growing back at a remarkable rate. You see, I know all about the government research. I know all about the super soldier program involving the mutation quirks. I know that I'm going to need more material for solid testing. I've already gone as far as possible without breaking down my source material completely. It makes no sense to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs," Kai monologues like the villain he is.
You run your fingers in Shigaraki's long white hair. They had been mistreating him and neglecting basic care, like brushing his hair. Clipping his wings, you mourned them, not caring if they grow back. You will never forgive them. All of them are scum.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. All I know is he is on a missing child poster. Get these poles off his neck. You're hurting him, and he won't attack anyone like this," you snarl at them.
Kai nods. They remove the catch pole loops from his neck. He looks to Nemoto to confirm you are not lying. Shigaraki immediately pushed you back and down. Trying to cover you protectively with his body, growling at any man that was in the room. Kai bent to speak to her under his bloody fluff. Staying far enough from a lunge that Shigaraki might try.
"Wow, you are in the dark. It's fine. This man," he said distastefully from around his mask he put back on, "Is an extremely rare find. He has several quirks on top of being an insect heteromorphy. What I have extracted from him is beyond promising. Already Eri is showing signs of her own quirk manifesting. But if I'm to advance in my research, I need more material. If you want yourself to stay valid and comfortable, you will breed. You two are going to fuck until I get some new material."
When you think you can't be more horrified, Kai talks about chopping up your future babies.
"No! I will not do that. Fuck you!" You shouted at Kai.
"Tie her to the bed and give him his cocktail. Make her one, too," Kai ordered. Shigaraki shrieked in loss when they poled him again and yanked you away. You fought, but it was pointless. The man was huge, Rappa size, and not as gentle. Tying you spread eagle to the bedposts, you weep in misery.
"It hasn't worked yet no matter how much I've tweaked it," Chronos says, coming at her with a needle.
"This will be different since he now has his mommy. Rip her clothes open for him," Kai orders as the needle bites into your vein.
This isn't like the other stuff. This drug washes a calm over you that gathers and heats between your legs. Chronos uses a pole needle on Shigaraki's neck. When he starts calming down, Kai turns to the big guy.
"Katsukame, open his pants and free his cock. You two get ready to shove his face in her crotch," Kai barked.
The big guy next to you cautiously moved to do as ordered. Even drugged, Shigaraki tried to bite. His large sprang free, still growing. The big guy jerked back as it hit his hand like a poisonous snake. They pulled him to you, shoving his face to your exposed sex. Shigaraki's nostrils flared, recognizing the scent. His long tongue snakes out to taste the flavor of his mommy. He latches to your clit, suckling like a greedy infant.  
"No!" You shouted, attempting to squirm from his tongue, straining against the ropes. Shigaraki stopped immediately, laying his head on your pelvis, panting with hot need. His hot breath fanning over your skin. Kai gets his mask close to your ear.
"Really, you are going to be cruel to him like that. I thought you were going to be a good mommy. He's in terrible pain. Chronos added a little Viagra. Shigaraki has not had relief in days. We've tried him with other women. He ended up killing them, completely disinterested. You can save him suffering by being more cooperative because, one way or another, I will get my material," Kai said coldly.
You learned rather quickly any promise of pain is one they will keep. Shigaraki whimpers. He wants to bury himself deep in mommy for a little relief. The thrum of blood refusing to leave until it's warmed with cunt causes a deep ache in his core. Twisting in his gut the longer he resists. You are right here, but he will not take what mommy does not give. He can smell you do not want this.
"Untie a hand at least," you whisper. Kai loosens the rope.
"If she tries to unbuckle anything, kill him," Kai orders.
You aren't going to try anything today. You run your fingers in his hair, lightly encouraging him to crawl up your body. You braced yourself against the scraping of leather and metal on your bare skin.
You didn't feel that as much as you felt his weight pressing on you. You gasp for breath until he pulls his knees up under your thighs. Bent over with only the top of his head to brace his upper half, he tries to nuzzle and coo.
"We know he can talk. He's been asking for his mommy. We thought it was the only word he knew until he threatened to "destroy all," Kai encouraged.
"Could you not watch?" You asked with a lilt of pleading. Kai's being became hard and unyielding to begging. You wanted to talk to him alone.
"I have to observe. Get used to it because all of us are going to be watching. There is no escape," he stated with an icy glare. He is pulling out his phone to record you. You are no longer shocked by his cruelty. Ignoring him when Shigaraki whimpers in pain again.
"Shiggy, it's ok. It's alright. Mommy gives you permission," you tell him.
Reaching between your legs, you guide him to you. He was deeply confused and torn. What you say and do contradicts what your body and emotions tell him. He can smell you don't want this. He wants relief, but he's not sure what to do. You keep encouraging with your words and your touches.
 But it was the head of his cock notching at your warmth. He couldn't hold back. Bucking his hips hard to be in you. Desperate to be fucking mommy, he wishes he could apologize. However, he wanted them to think he was weak and stupid for as long as possible.
They may let down their guard. He already regretted threatening them. He growls and purrs as he forces himself into your slick resistive walls. This felt wrong. However, he desperately needed you. Snaking his long tongue out and bending down to suck your nipple in. Lapping at your tender flesh, feeling it pebble under his tongue.
You trembled and shuddered with pleasure each time his tongue pressed and pulled away. Inhaling your scent deeply between your breasts. He has missed you. You hug him close to you, an arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to you. Your quivering sex responds with sensitivity to his eager attention. Your breathy moans echo in his ears. The buckle is digging into your flesh.
He moans as the vibrations of your cries hit his feelers, running shivers down his spine, making him hump and eat you harder. He plunges his cock deeper to find that sweet spot. When he finds it and your pussy clenches down on him, he rams himself as much as possible. Feeling more of him slide in.
Loud whines between panting. Fresh tears spring at your eyes while he stretches your pussy to his shape. Eyes widen in surprise when his pelvis locks flush with yours—kissing your cervix, tears stream down your face, your nails digging into his shoulders. He has so many sharp edges. His hip bones dig into your soft skin. You feel torn in two. He wants to flap his wings to add to the sensations. The best he can manage is a light vibration to his core. He waits for a moment to control himself and let you adjust. It had been too long since both of you were one.
He nuzzles and kisses your neck, trying to relax before he thrusts. You are a weak little human, after all. He doesn't want to break Mommy. Your vaginal walls keep squeezing him tighter and tighter. It's almost painful to him. You blink a few times, noticing him grit his teeth and Kai watching you with medical detachment.
Relaxing your grip on his length and shoulder, you look away from both. Closing, you are pretending it's just you and Shigaraki. Shigaraki feels you relax and takes that as a signal that now is the time to drag his length out and firmly slide himself back in your wet, waiting cunt. Arching into him, you gasp and clutch at him. Your fingers are tangling in his beautiful pure hair, listening to your moans as he lightly bucks his hips.
Kai watches your lips part, turning red and plump. Your tits bounce and jiggle with each connection of your bodies, how Mothman moves to suckle at them, how you press your foreheads together and stare at his blinded eyes with love. You call him baby and tell him to do want he needs.
Encouraging Shigaraki to pump into you a little harder and faster. He starts bucking his hips in wild abandon into your beautiful crushing cunt. Panting like a wild dog as you brace yourself against his animal-like humping. Begging him to slow down. He wants to listen to mommy, but the drug is making him disobey.
Your sex is overstimulated, and it feels so good you can barely breathe, taking hitching gasps with each buck of his hips. His sharp pelvis bit into your flesh. He is pounding into you hard and fast, moaning with each tender roll. You both are so close, the damn of pleasure cracking and breaking. You scream in surprise as bliss crashes over you, your damn sudden breaking first without warning. Your eyes are rolling in the back of your head while lighting of pleasure strikes through your being. You embrace the searing pleasure and ache into him, screaming and pulsing around his dick, writhing and moaning his name.
He doesn't stop his ruthless pursuit in cumming in you. Shuddering and growling as he freezes. His hard cock twitched and pulsed with his racing heart as he shot hot jets of cum into your spasming sex. Trembling under him, the intense expansion of his knot in your sore cunt as he arches and forces as much of himself in you.
Stretching you beyond your boundaries and making you cry. Tight quivering walls are milking Shigaraki of every drop of his seed. Shigaraki is tied to you by the flesh. He is not going anywhere until he is done and softens. So, dazed, he nuzzles your silky loose hair, chest rumbling with purrs.
"Enough. Get him off and put him back in his cage," Kai barked.
"No!" You shouted, throwing up your hand, "He knots. That will fill like being ripped in half by the groin. Don't do that!"
Kia's eyes narrowed. You could tell he wanted to hurt both of you. You shuddered under that gaze, and Shigaraki growled at your sudden scent of fear.
"Fine. When he softens, take him to his cage. Sakaki, be sure to clean up Shie Hassaikai's filthy whore is cleaned up," he growls. You wince at his nasty words. Why was he mad? He made you do this.
Kai  leaves with Chronos trailing behind.
"Never seen your composer shook over a woman before, Kai," Chronos stated. Kai pauses, mulling over his feelings on the matter. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"She's my favorite patient. I chose her. I'm the one that knows how to make her cum quickly and hard, yet she looks at that absurd science experiment with devotion," Kai rankles. Chronos smirks.
"It was disgusting. She will learn her place soon," Chronos reassures.
They enter the sanitation room. Dr. Tanaka swivels her head, dark circles under her eyes. The chain around her ankle chaffed.
"How's the patient today, Doctor?" Kai asked, hovering over the little girl who had grown a horn, putting on gloves. Dr. Tanaka hesitated to say anything. Not wanting Kai's wrath aimed at her. But she doesn't want this girl to get carved up anymore.
"She has a fever," Tanaka says, watching him examine his scalpels. Chronos is preparing needles, "I think we should put off the testing for now. I've discovered something disturbing."
She indicated the microscope with a sample from Eri. The little girl, who now looks like Shigaraki, looked dead-eyed into space. The little girl had been almost comatose for a week. The most she moves is to cry while Kai slices her open. Kai looked under the microscope.
"I don't see anything too disturbing," he stated. Nodding to Chronos to get started.
"Wait. Maybe you don't see it because neither of us are virologist. However, what I'm seeing is very disturbing. I'm a geneticist, and I see a virus that can alter DNA here. Yes, these powers have a genetic component, but since this fever popped up, I can't make sense of it. We should hold off until the fever goes down," She said quickly.
"No, we are going to continue. Prep her, Chronos," Kai said. His cell rings, and he puts it on speaker.
"Boss, we have new caretakers for "the thing." Uh, a Himiko Toga and a Jin Bubaigawara," the henchman over the phone says.
"Have them wait in the ready room. Be sure they don't go outside. Tell the ones with the creature to wait to put him in his cell yet," Kai said, hanging up and picking up a scalpel.
Dr. Tanaka turned away from the sound of flesh parting. Himiko and Jin. She will remember those names. Use them to get them out. Shigaraki and her have a plan. The only way it works is if she can do her part.
Wincing at the little girls' cries. She hopes they can make room for one more
Chapter 5
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Nikola and Abby, investigators AU.
Yay, thank you! So tempted to make this a paranormal (a la X-Files) investigator AU, but that was kind of Abby's job, so... (Also, this one just screamed Nikola's viewpoint, even though I now adore Abby's)
Nikola had made the mistake of dragging Abby along to stake out the house that may or may not have belonged to the former colleague of his girlfriend--a house they were not being paid to watch, but he had chosen to anyway, because the man was a scumbag--and had to listen to her lecture him about the legality of it.
He had probably taught her too well about the fine line between what private investigators were legally allowed to do and what was illegal, but it was too late to back out of that now, and he pointed out that she was now complicit in the illegal activity, whether she liked it or not.
Still, listening to the lecture that followed that was completely worth it when the scumbag in question came to their office the next day, screaming at Nikola about Helen and trying to hit him, only for Abby to take him down and grin up at Nikola once she had.
Nikola's small private investigator business thrived, mostly because he was a man without much of a private life beyond a busy girlfriend, and he enjoyed the chance to be paid to watch and judge people for a living.
Abby, however, had a much different opinion on Nikola's judgement, even though she was adept at following people and had fished more than one scumbag out of hiding to turn them over to the anger of family, friends, or the authorities.
Nikola usually set her to work on the cases that involved parents skipping out on child support payments, tracking down people that were missing, things like that.
Those cases were usually more boring and Nikola did tend to keep his young employee away from the more dangerous cases, such as the cheating spouses and the criminal cases they also assisted with.
At the end of the day or the times they were both in the office, Nikola would usually detail his judgement on the people they were sent to find or some of the things people wanted them to do.
Finding stolen pets--which was surprisingly common--wasn't really what private investigators were for and Nikola flat out refused to look for spouses or girlfriends that had 'gone missing' after a history of domestic violence when the partner requested it.
Nikola expressed his opinions over that quite loudly, along with everything else, and Abby pointed out that they weren't supposed to judge, they were just supposed to do the job.
How she was able to stay so bright and bubbly was beyond Nikola, but he had also done his best to protect that and keep her that way, even when faced with the things that they saw.
Now, however, Nikola was trying hard to tune out Abby's lecturing as they sat in his car outside the house of his girlfriend's former colleague.
He had neither confirmed nor denied what they were doing, but he was still being treated to the lecture, and he was starting to think that maybe he had taught her a little too well.
"You know, if we're not being paid, this is stalking. Stalking, Nikola. You do know we can be arrested for that. Right? Of course you do, but you don't care."
"And you're now complicit in it, so you might as well stop droning on about it." Nikola said, looking at her.
Abby wiggled forward in her seat, bracing her hands on the console to look Nikola earnestly in the eyes.
"Did Helen ask you to do this?"
"She would never ask me to do anything, even when it comes to the tiny weasel that's been harassing her at work because she reported him for medical misconduct in his clinical trials."
"So we're doing this illegally and against your girlfriend's wishes."
Nikola sighed, propping his chin on his hand as he stared out the window at the house that had a light shining in a single window.
"Just saying." Abby said, shifting back in her seat. "This is completely against both professional and personal morals."
"Then why don't I pay for a cab for you?" Nikola asked grouchily.
"Oh, I didn't say I wanted to leave."
He looked at Abby and she was staring at him with slightly wide eyes.
"Really. He threatened Helen. I'm not going anywhere."
"And someone needs to keep you in line."
Abby poked his shoulder when she spoke, grinning at him. Nikola had to work hard to make sure that he didn't smile back at her. He had an image to maintain and showing even a shred of affection for Abby would ruin that image.
Worth, the man in question, was staying up in that one room incredibly late, and the hours were slowly trickling by.
Abby was the one that started playing games and Nikola pretended to be grudging in agreeing, but he was bored and she was creative, and he was starting to see how she occupied herself when she was on stake outs by herself.
"What are you hoping to achieve by staking out this Worth guy anyway?" Abby asked as she scrolled through horoscopes on her phone for her latest idea.
"Something that will keep him away from Helen."
Nikola wasn't sure himself, but he had to try something. Even if it meant doing something illegal.
However, the night proved fruitless, and Nikola was thinking that maybe Abby had a point when he drove her home for the night, conceding that they both needed sleep and that there wasn't much else he could do at the moment.
In the morning, both Nikola and Abby were in the office as Nikola sorted across the new cases that Abby had put on his desk, deciding which ones he would toss her way and which ones he would take himself.
He heard the door open and glanced through his office door to see the man he had been staking out last night, Adam Worth, come marching in, breezing past Abby who was on the phone.
"Sir, wait, you can't just--" Abby started, but Worth ignored her.
Nikola wondered how the hell Worth had known to come here, but supposed they must have been seen and that he was smart enough to deduct what had happened, considering that they had met once or twice.
"So the bitch sent you after me?!" he snarled at Nikola.
Nikola curled his lip.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he said smoothly.
"Don't lie to me! Helen wants to intimidate me into backing down!"
Nikola did--briefly--attempt to calm the man down as he kept screaming at him and making even more threats against Helen.
Nikola took it until Worth tried to hit him and then slammed him into the door.
Before Nikola could react, there was a blur of motion and Abby came flying out of no way, tackling Worth to the ground and pinning him there.
"Huh. Good job."
Nikola adjusted his tie, arching an eyebrow at Abby as she straddled Worth, pulling his arms behind his back as the little man spewed profanities.
Abby looked up at him. Instead of lecturing him again, like he had expected, she grinned.
Nikola returned it.
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legolasghosty · 6 months
Robots & Androids ‎AU plus Small Town AU
Okay. So.
Humanity kinda developed a LOT of health issues in the mid-late 23rd century. It was all a long time in coming, but it was a bit of a shocker still when people started breaking down. And there just wasn't enough people to keep up with the demand for new organs, tissue, blood, etc. The human race was basically failing. So, in a semi last ditch attempt to keep people alive, cyborg technology was put to work. Scientists had been messing around with the theory of it for years, since robots and androids were getting decently advanced. But they never had the support to actually try a clinical trial. Until now.
Some of it worked better than others. And it was HIGHLY controversial. Though maybe less than it should have been, considering the lengths the research team was permitted to go in order to get this stuff sorted out... Mainly that they were given legal permission to try it out on patients without their express consent, mostly in situations where the person was in a coma/on life support with no real hope of recovery.
Towards the end of her life, Rose was offered the chance to try getting a cybernetic lung transplant to replace the one that had been damaged beyond repair by her cancer. She refused, as it would be super risky and be more likely to kill her than help. She would rather die in her own whole body than risk losing her last few weeks with her family.
After she passed, the remaining Molinas moved out of the city, to a small town a few hours north, to escape the grief and the terrible air quality that had been a part of Rose's quick decline in health.
Unfortunately, they just happened to pick the exact tiny town that the government had picked to dump their cyborg... pet projects. The ones who hadn't actually consented to their surgeries but had ended up surviving. Best to keep everyone with those stories contained while they championed the cyborg advancements. Especially since there were plenty of side effects...
Julie meets a lot of odd people on her first day at the local high school. These include a dude that never lowers the hood of his pink hoodie, a bassist in a leather jacket who never seems to stop smiling, a skater with a rather odd limp, and a boy with shaggy hair who never seems to hear what people say to him, always grooving along to some music no one else can hear. There's also a few other adult oddballs around, but I don't got the energy to write all those out.
Under the cut, it gets a little more specific about injuries and alterations to specific characters, so read at your own risk!
Turns out that all four of those odd boys are unwilling cyborgs who were a part of some of the first rounds of tests. Hey, they were all gonna die anyways, the government decided they might as well use them.
Willie was in a nasty car crash that smashed both legs and a few ribs. He has pretty good prosthetics now, but they don't always function properly. And if he keeps his hair long to cover the incision scar on the back of his neck, that's no one's business except his own.
Luke, Alex, and Reggie all nearly died of food poisoning back in LA, but due to a combination of slightly different reactions to the battery acid/food poisoning and scientists wanting to test out different tech, they all have different issues now.
Luke got some synthetic tissue repair on his organs and around his throat. But there was also some damage to his airways cause of throwing up so much, so there's some wiring stuff in there so he can still sort of smell... however that got a bit mixed around and so his hearing is pretty weak and the music he has stuck in his head tends to sound like it's coming from outside to him.
Reggie mostly got away without any organ damage, but his face got kinda messed up. Now he looks pretty normal, except his jaw and lips can't move a lot. So he's stuck with a permanent semi-smile. It's not creepy usually, just kinda sad. He tries to stay upbeat to match his face.
Alex got the worst damage to his digestive system. The connections between his organs and brain are mostly man made now, whether that's wires for neurotransmitting or fake tissue on the lining of his stomach. However, when the scientists realized they had someone with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, they... well they might as well try, since he's probably dead anyways. So there's also a metal panel on the back of his head. It didn't work, and the hair won't grow back around it. Hence the hood.
Somehow they all become friends and help each other kinda come to terms with their lives. And also play lots of music. Though the shadow of the head researcher, Dr. Covington, looms over them all... OKAY that's what I got for tonight! More thoughts may come later, but that's my rough idea! I hope you enjoyed!!!
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number1villainstan · 1 year
Villain Pet AU
In which most/all of the villains/villain groups in MHA have their own pets/mascots. @cans-of-beans and I created this in a wild discord convo. Beans, if there's anything important I missed/that you want to elaborate on please add it on
League of Villains: Monchan, naturally. In this AU, he has a longevity/immortality Quirk (so Tomura can't hurt him by accident) and One For All (which he got by accident, by licking up some of All Might's blood during his battle with AFO while All Might was thinking about a successor). There is much debate in the League over whether he's haunted, weird, or just a Very Smart Good Boy. This is because the vestiges (mostly Nana) use an Ouija board to communicate through Monchan. (It was Toga and Twice's idea.)
Shie Hassaikai, specifically Chisaki: Shi, aka Four, a black cat that Chisaki adopted at Pops' request two years pre canon. (Also my personal favorite and therefore the longest section here.) The conversation went a little like this:
Pops: You need to develop empathy and be more human. Maybe taking care of a pet will help.
Chisaki, used to Pops indirectly insulting him: Oh thank god, for a second I thought you were going to shove a whole child at me.
Pops: Haha, no, I don't trust you with a child.
(Eri is hanging out with her grandfather for now. It's a marginally better situation.)
Four has an intelligence Quirk. She can't naturally understand human language or get into deep philosophy (and she still acts and thinks like a cat), but she understands some things that normal cats don't (like that feet are a part of humans and not the enemy) and can communicate concrete ideas with symbols that Kai taught her.
Her name is Four/Shi because in Japanese both death and four can be pronounced 'shi,' making four an unlucky number. I feel like Chisaki would be the type of person to play on that superstition.
Chisaki loves this cat. So much so that he gets/sews clothes for her. He tried to make her wear shoes too, to keep her feet off the dirty floors, but she hated them because they kept her from using her claws. Also, there is definitely a cat-sized lab coat among the clothes she has.
Gentle Criminal and La Brava: You know the whole "Kiwi and his goth gf" thing? Those are the birds these two have. Gentle has the goth gf, whose name is Bronte--sometimes he'll call her Miss/Madame Bronte for fun. Brava's multicolor bf's name is Cariño(so), which is Spanish for sweetheart/kind/loving/gentle. The birds are in love, naturally, and they often fly out with cameras attached to scope out areas Gentle and Brava are interested in for their videos/heists.
The MLA/PFL: Neither of us have gotten far enough into the story to meet them, so we decided for fun that they had a goldfish with a mecha suit a la Megamind. (This is subject to review.)
(Bonus: Natsuo, in this AU, is a vet and works at a veterinary clinic that (somehow) all of the villains attend to for their pets. The clinic is the only neutral ground that all of them respect.)
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lenapalmdeath · 4 months
The bullet (La balle)
By Paul B. Preciado
"Homosexuality is a silent sniper who plants a bullet in children’s hearts in school playgrounds, he aims without caring if they’re the kids of yuppies, agnostics or diehard Catholics. Its hand doesn’t tremble, neither in the schools of the sixth arrondissement nor in working-class neighborhoods. It shoots with the same precision in the streets of Chicago, the villages of Italy, or the suburbs of Johannesburg. Homosexuality is a sniper blind as love, bursting forth like laughter, as gentle as a pet. And if it tires of using children as targets, it shoots a volley of stray bullets that will lodge themselves in the hearts of a farmer, a taxi driver, a rapper, a postwoman on her rounds… the last bullet reached an 80-year-old woman during her sleep.
Transsexuality is a silent sniper who plants a bullet in the chests of children standing in front of a mirror or counting their steps on their way to school. It doesn’t care if they were born from artificial insemination or Catholic coitus. It doesn’t ask itself if they come from single-parent families or if Dad wore blue and Mum dressed in pink. It trembles neither from the cold of Sochi nor from the heat of Cartagena. It opens fire on both Israel and Palestine alike. Transsexuality is a sniper blind as laughter, bursting forth like love, as gentle and tolerant as pets are. From time to time, it aims at a teacher in the provinces or at a family man, and then, boom.
For those who have the courage to look straight at the wound, the bullet becomes the key to a world they had seen nothing of before. The curtains part, the “matrix” breaks apart. But among those who carry the bullet in their chests, some decide to live as if they felt nothing.
Others compensate for the weight of the bullet by acting like Don Juan or like a princess. Doctors and the churches promise to extract the bullet. They say that in Ecuador, a new Evangelical clinic opens every day, to re-educate homosexuals and transsexuals. The lightning-strikes of faith become electric shocks. But no one has ever figured out how to get the bullet out. Neither Mormons nor Castrists. You can bury it more deeply in the chest, but you can never remove it. Your bullet is your guardian angel: it will always be by your side.
I was three years old when I felt the weight of the bullet for the first time. I knew I was carrying it when I heard my father call two foreign girls walking hand-in-hand in the street “disgusting, dirty dykes.” My chest started to burn. That night, without knowing why, I fantasized for the first time that I was escaping my city and that I was leaving for another country. The days that followed were days of fear, and shame.
It is not hard to imagine that among the adults who are taking part in the current angry demonstrations that some of them bear, embedded in their plexus, a red-hot bullet. By simple statistical deduction, and knowing the virtuosity of snipers, I know that some of the demonstrators’ children already carry the bullet in their heart. I don’t know how many they are, or how old they are, but I know that some of them have chests that burn.
They are carrying banners that have been placed in their hands, which say “Hands Off Our Stereotypes.” But they know that they’ll never be equal to these stereotypes. Their parents shout that LGBT groups should never venture into schools, but these children know that they’re the ones who bear the LGBT bullet. At night, as when I was a child, they go to bed with the shame of being the only ones to know that they are a disappointment to their parents, they go to sleep with the fear that their parents will abandon them if they find out, or would prefer it if they died. And perhaps they dream, as I did before them, that they are running away to a strange land, in which children who bear the bullet are welcome. And I want to say to these children: life is wonderful, we are waiting for you, there are many of us here, we have all been hit by the bullet, we are lovers with chests wide open. You are not alone."
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Why Animal Dental Care is Essential for Health
Explore the most common animal dental care for the problems that affect pets, including plaque, tartar, and periodontal disease. Get practical tips on how to prevent these issues through proper dental care routines.
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afoolandathief · 1 year
15 Character questions
Tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer, thanks!
Tagging @fearofahumanplanet, @thegreatobsesso, @jezifster, @kudzucataclysm, @flowerprose, @artbyeloquent, @captain-kraken, @blind-the-winds and anyone else who would like to join!
I went with both Jade and Caz for this one. This got really, really long, so I'm putting this under the cut:
Are you named after anyone?
Jade: Well, my middle name is Elizabeth, after my mom. Jade was just a pretty rock my mom decided to name me for. Caz: I'm named for my grandfather, as well as a Polish king.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Caz: Oh, well, likely ages ago, when - Jade: It was last week. Caz: Excuse me, Shaw? Jade: You're either a liar or you don't remember. Last week when you got drunk and spilled pig's blood on your tie. You were bawling. Caz: Okay fine, when was the last time you cried? Jade: When I was 17 and my mom died. Can we move on?
3. Do you have kids?
Jade: No but I have my pets: my two cats Ada and Lovelace, my gecko Newton, and my tarantula Hypatia, who's also my familiar. Caz: Jesus, Shaw, that doesn't count. Anyway, it's a no for me. I'm always very careful not to let that happen. Jade: Huh. Caz: What now, Shaw? Jade: No, it's just, you seem to be really good with kids, in the few times we've interacted with them. Caz: Trust me, Jade, someone like me should not be a parent.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Caz: Nah, I can get by on my charm just fine. Jade: Well, that's a fucking lie. You can be such a sarcastic bitch, Caz, especially when you're hungry. Caz: Well, what about you, Shaw? Jade: Noooo, I'm never sarcastic at all.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Jade: I am, um, not great at looking directly at people. A lot of the time I first sort of go over what they're wearing, what they're holding. Caz: Since I became a vampire, their smell. Humans have a distinct scent. Not to scare ya, but usually a delicious scent.
6. What's your eye color?
Caz: Silver. But when I was human I had some gorgeous blue eyes. And golden hair. And rosy cheeks. I mean, can't say I'm not popular with the ladies and gents now, but back then I was hot. Jade: Ugh, they're brown. Caz: Well, don't say it like that Shaw. Your eyes are, ya know, warm. Like whiskey. Jade: Thank you for comparing my eyes to a type of alcohol, Caz. Next question.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Jade: When I was in high school I was kind of obsessed with being edgy and watching horror movies — the more obscure and bloodier, the better. But lately I've been marathoning Miyazaki films with Violet. It's been ... nice. Huh, you know who you remind me of, Caz? No-Face. Caz: I don't know what the fuck that means, but I'm guessing you're trying to insult me. Anyway, I don't like movies with a lot of gore, but they also don't have to end happily. Give me a good story, especially a good love story. My favorite films are Casablanca and Titanic since — pula mea, Jade, don't smirk at me like that!
8. Any special talents?
Caz: I've been told I have a decent singing voice, and I can play quite a few instruments. And I'm double-jointed (extra bendy, if ya know what I mean). And there's the also the shapeshifting and hypnosis, I suppose. Jade: Uh, the ability to see the future, I guess?
9. Where were you born?
Jade: A health clinic in Moapa. Caz: My family home outside of Bistrița.
10. What are your hobbies?
Caz: Listening to music, playing music, singing, and I'm also an excellent dancer. And I like to cook. Mostly blood-based recipes, but I always treat my guests to a nice breakfast in the morning, if ya know what I mean. Jade: Caz, we always know what you mean. Anyway, I don't know if I have many hobbies. I'm pretty busy. I used to play bass, and I like to draw.
11. Have you any pets?
Jade: Well, I already talked about them, but do you want to see this video Hypatia eating a - Caz *shuddering*: La naiba, Jade, no one wants to see that creepy-crawly! Jade: Oh fuck off, blood boy. Caz: Anyway, I used to have this dog, Boian. Huge, white fellow, who could fight off bears and wolves and helped me watch the sheep. Jade: Wait, you were a shepherd? Caz: Next question, please.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
Caz: Besides some wrestling I used to do in my village, I'm not one for sports. But have I mentioned I'm an excellent dancer? Jade: Yes, you have. And, um, I'm not great at sports either. I used to skateboard a lot as a teenager. And I go for jogs in the desert. Caz: Ya know, maybe I should start working out again. Break out the ol' sweatband and cassette walkman. Jade: Holy fuck, I forgot how old you are.
13. How tall are you?
Jade: 5'7" Caz *smiling smugly*: 6'4" Jade: Caz, it's not 1500 or whatever anymore. It's not that impressive.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Caz: Well, we didn't really have school where I grew up, but shortly after I was turned I went to Constantinople and studied under several tutors there. I excelled in languages. Always have. Jade: It might be kind of obvious since my PhD is gonna be in stats, but math.
15. Dream job?
Jade: Once I get my PhD I'm going to apply to be a professor. Research, teaching people at a distance with limits on when and where they can talk to me? That's the dream. Caz: I, uh, can I skip this one? Most jobs don't apply to me anyway, with the whole can't-go-out-during-the-day thing. Jade: Caz, come on, I've seen you both get shot and sing Don't Stop Me Now at the top of your lungs during karaoke night. You can't be scared of this. Caz: Fine. Well, I couldn't take this job anyway, but I've always liked to be a professor, too. Of linguistics. I have a lot of first-hand knowledge on the last 600 years of Indo-European languages, after all. We could even teach at the same place together! Jade: Wow, I never knew that. Caz: Yeah, I've dreamed about it quite a bit. Jade: Well, maybe if you - Wait, when you say dream, do you mean -? Caz: Fantasies of hot grad students unable to resist a tweed-covered Professor Mraz? Jade: I hate you. I hate you so fucking much.
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cocoartistwrites · 1 year
bestieeee im the ‘is it a date or not’ anon LOL i have few updates and it’s a ride!! and its gonna be very looong
1. it was a date!! and it went sooo well. we kissed (im easy, i know im a hoebag), but before he kissed me he brushed his teeth bcs he didn’t want me to taste the onion bcs we ate in indian food 😭 but he didn’t mind it from me.
2. our second date was last weekend. netflix and chill. at his apartment bcs my tv was still in the cardboard box.
3. his apartment is really nice, has a lot of books (sadly no fiction, just some engineering books and self help types). has a lot of stuff but very tidy. and ps 5 games. no pets.
4. i got my period while we were watching 😭😭😭😭😭 and i stained his sofa with my menstrual blood. i didn’t notice it bcs ive always been irregular. of course i didn’t bring any pads. i don’t even bring clothes bcs i didn’t plan to stay. so imagine the chaos in my mind.
5. i cried. a lot because it was so embarrassing. he hug me and let me cry. after that he apologized that he didn’t have pads/tampons. i wanted to take a shower and he was ‘yeah, cmon, i’ll give you my clothes don’t worry’
6. his bathroom is really nice, clean, AND HE HAS A BIDET. idk why but i noticed his products. he used la roche posay and aesop products like??? this is the first time ive been with a guy that doesn’t use gatsby or ‘masculine’ products.
7. he has very clean and soft towel and he warmed it 😭😭
8. he bought me the correct pads😭😭😭 like he bought me the winged, large pad, and an ‘emergency panties’. his apartment complex has a convenient store at the ground level so it was quick.
9. HE CLEANED MY BLOODIED PANTS AND PANTY😭😭😭😭😭 no disgust face. nothing. he also immediately clean the sofa cover.
10. i cried after shower. because he was so kind and he didn’t appear to be disgusted or upset or mad or disappointed. he just was like him??? he was so calm and nonchalant and kind and helpful and he was very accommodating.
11. i ended up wearing his tshirt and shorts. the shorts was too big, but he has some clips so it’s not too loose. LIKE HOW DOES HE HAVE THAT!?
12. i cried again. i fucking HATE to be the stereotypical menstrual woman but fuckkkk i was so embarrassed and touched. AND HE WAS NOT MAD AT MEEEE! ik it’s the bare minimum but i was so touched.
13. he bought me chocolate 🥹 like loads.
14. i apologized to him bcs i got my period. and he was ‘you dont have to apologize!’ etc etc. i hugged him. again. he asked me to sleep his apartment bcs it was late and his car was still fixed. i said yes bcs i was also curious LOL IM SO EASY IM SORRY but we didn’t have sex. he did not even initiate.
15. i sleep in his bed. which again, very nice and clean and smells good. he sprayed lavender sleeping oil (i got at my place too) on the pillows. HE WAS THOUGHTFUL.
16. he was planning to sleep on the air mattress, but i asked him to sleep with me. i cried. we cuddled and kiss kiss. and we sleep. no sex involved.
17. he has a white noise machine 😭
18. i thanked him for being so thoughtful and considerate and generous and not condescending. i even thanked him for buying the correct pads.
19. turns out his mother and his oldest sister ARE OBGYN! even more surprising, his mother IS MY OBGYN and i just got my pap smear at her clinic 3 months ago 😭 i didn’t make the connection bcs his mother has different last name.
20. he has two older sisters, and he is the youngest and only boy. idk why but this explains a lot about his choices of hygiene products.
21. he snores, but not too loud. it was cute. i think im in love.
22. in the morning he made me toast but with chocolate sprinkles topping. i found out this is dutch breakfast. his mother is dutch. (explains why he’s 6’6 HAHA).
23. not only did he clean my bloodied pants and my shirt, he also IRONED IT.
24. he took a cab with me to my place. it was sunday.
25. he mounted my tv. and made it so tidy that no cable wire was seen. 😭 if i did it myself it’s gonna be messy. but he did it so tidy.
26. IT WAS SONFUCKING HOT like??? he was in my living room and placing tv and things like that, connected it to wifi, signing it to netflix, hbo, youtube, etc. i was just staring at him. im in love.
27. i realized during our interaction he never complained. EVER. like never. i never see him in negative emotion. he was always calm. idk if it’s a good thing or not.
28. he still texted me his lunch/meme. and he just send me pictures orange stray cats he met 😭 i wanna have cat but i cant bcs my landlord dont allow it. i especially want an orange cat😭
29. i thought he was going to ghost me. but he didn’t. he even asked me about my period pain and he offered to ask his mom/sister about it if i have any concerns. i haven’t told him that his mom is my obgyn, yet. (should i even tell him?)
30. i really want him to be husband by now.
what do you think guys? do you think this is love bombing type? but at the same time he doesn’t do romance things??? idk. but these whole thing just made me 🥹❤️🥹❤️ please please tell me if there’s any redflag i missed bcs i tend to wear rose-colored glasses. and i tend to notice little things and make myself fall in love.
also how do i make it up to him? please tell me i really don’t want him to lose interest. but tbh i feel like he he still holds the same interest as our first interaction. more even???
sorry for the extremely long post😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He sounds amaaaaazing! But also don’t go too easy just bc he’s started well or put him on a pedestal!!!! You’ll give him too much power and it won’t be even. You gotta accept the nice things as actually your due.
That said what about cooking for him or something nice and chill?
I’m so happy for you, this is gorgeous and hopeful and we’re all crossing our little fingers for you baby
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lifysure36 · 2 years
Sims 4 Vet Clinic Download
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Les 25 Meilleures Id Es De La Cat Gorie Veterinary Services Sur.
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The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs: Guide To Running A Successful Vet Clinic.
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Les 25 Meilleures Id Es De La Cat Gorie Veterinary Services Sur.
Download now and become the town's most promising animal doctor. #catsanddogs #catsanddogsexpansion #expansionpack #catsdogsexpansion #catsdogs. Vital Vet Clinic - As seen in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack official screenshots and trailers. Download now and become the town's most promising animal doctor. #catsanddogs #.
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May 09, 2021 · You Can Raise Your Veterinarian & Pet Training Skill Using The “Study Vet Med” Interaction On Any Computer! There are 10 levels available and branches into 4 specialties:Level 1: Pet Store Cashier. Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 7:00 – 15:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩14. Level 2: Dog Walker. Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri.
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Vet Clinic (Sims 4) This build was created on the sims 4 and uses no CC (custom content). The lot is 40 X 30. Available for download from the Sims 4 gallery under Penny1998x. Build included small Fountain, ponds, and vet equipment. The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs - Vet Clinics! - Platinum Simmers. Mod The Sims: Basement Vet by heikeg • Sims 4 Downloads. Veterinary vet clinic cc sims 4 - Syboulette Custom Content for The Sims 4. Lisa Veterinary clinic by thepinkpanther at Beauty Sims » Sims 4 Updates. Banana's Vet Clinic (No CC) by mamba_black at Mod The Sims » Sims 4 Updates.
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs: Guide To Running A Successful Vet Clinic.
Created by tygrlilrockr. Household: Little Brian McTavish is all grown up with a family of his own. Alice is the 3rd child of Supriya and Justin Delgato. They happily run the McTavish and Son's Family Vet Clinic (uploaded) and Alice has hired her mother Supriya to work there with her keeping it a family business.
February: S4 Vet Clinic and Pet Shop... - Ruby Red Sims.
Dec 27, 2020 · Published Dec 27, 2020. Build and run a 5 star vet clinic in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs with our guide to being a successful vet. If your Sim has aspirations of helping animals then Cats & Dogs is the pack for you. The fourth expansion for The Sims 4, Cats & Dogs will allow Sims now only to own pets but also to purchase and run their own vet clinic. The vet clinic is a lot type and a business introduced in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs. They are places where pet owners can take their pets to be treated by vets. Vet clinics make their first and only appearance so far in The Sims 4: Cats and Dogs. There is only one preset vet clinic that exists in the world, Brindleton Pawspital, found in the Sable Square in Brindleton Bay. Other vet clinics must. 2022.02 - Sims 4 - Vintage Bathroom (Patreon) 復古浴室組 16 New items: (2K texture) 16樣新物件! Centerpoint Brass Scalloped Mirror Console Sink in Brushed Gold with White Countertop Crystal Aged Brass Chandelier 3 sizes Georgian Small Wall Sconce Lauren Bar Cart (Functional) N….
Vet Clinic Custom Content • Sims 4 Downloads D27.
Downwithpatreon replacement. This set contains items suitable for kids of all ages; including a new bassinet for babies, cute toddler beds, through to new toys and furniture piece. Read Or Download Gallery of les 25 meilleures id es de la cat gorie veterinary services sur - Veterinary Clinic Layout | veterinary hospital cleaning list google search tech pinterest, family and general dentistry floor plans office floor plan hospital, emergency animal clinic reception, gallery of veterinary clinic posto 9 19 veterinary clinic,. Costs around $15,334 simoleons to start with, price can be lowered by selling exterior decor. Cap'n Budget's Vet Clinic. Excellent Job already DL'ed it. can't never get enough lots. Post edited by Goldmoldar on November 2017.
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Mar 08, 2020 · RELATED: Sims 3 Vs Sims 4: 5 Things Each Game Does Better. Before this mod, there were tons of qualified Sims out there to hire that had a skill-level just too high to have the option to hire, throwing a wrench in your well-laid plans. Theoretically, you could even run a family-owned vet clinic!.
The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs – Vet Clinics! – Platinum Simmers.
. You Can download Modern Vet Clinic... P Amber Parker Sims 4 cC Die Sims Dog Clinic The Sims 4 Lots Sims House Plans Sims Building Sims 4 - Clinique du Chien Bleu I wanted to build my own small clinic to test this new career. So here it is, and as some of you may need one to, I share it with you. Once again created for my... M Marina Jamalullail.
VET CLINIC | The Sims 4 Building - YouTube.
SIMS 4 | VET CLINIC 🐶 🐱 | DL + CC | CATS & DOGS - YouTube.
Sims 4 Vet Clinic Download.
Vital Vet Clinic - As seen in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack official screenshots and trailers. Download now and become the town’s most promising animal doctor. #catsanddogs #catsanddogsexpansion #expansionpack #catsdogsexpansion #catsdogs.
Veterinary Technician Career The Sims 4 Mod - ModsHost.
• Vet Clinic- Always Five Stars - Customers will always give Vet Clinics a 5-star rating • Pet Sale Price Increase - Use this mod for a big increase in pay when selling pets • Free/Half Priced Vet Perks - Allows you to choose between half priced or free Vet Clinic Perks • Roasted Turkey - Adds a custom recipe to the game. Clinica Veterinária Pets Company - The Sims 4. NO CC. COMO INSTALAR NO SEU JOGO. Faça o Download do arquivo no MEGA. Você terá uma pasta ZIPADA. Extraia. Copie todos os arquivos e coloque na pasta TRAY. Documentos /eletronic arts /The sims 4/ TRAY. Caso o download contenha CONTEÚDO PERSONALIZADO os arquivos PACKAGE devem ser copiados para.
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The Sims 4 offers many possibilities for what to do, including various jobs and careers. One of the more interactive lines of work that offer a hands-on approach is running a vet clinic. A lot. The sims 4 custom content vet clinic Is minecrafy on ps3 1080p or 720p Como descargar xampp 64 bits windows 10 Best free duplicate file remover macbook pro Microsoft office military home use program code mail-mil File compression program for windows 3-11 Free internet explorer 11 download for vista. Nov 10, 2017 · Running a Vet Clinic. Your Sims can also be the ones treating animals! There are two pre-made vet clinics available, Brindleton Pawspital, which is placed in Brindleton Bay, and the Country Clinic, which is in the Gallery. Owning a vet clinic can be pricey, though. The two pre-made clinics, are not cheap to buy – approximately 70k and 86k.
Around the Sims 3 | Custom Content Downloads | Objects | Sims 4 to 3.
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mhkeiger · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: DIOR Prestige La Micro-Huile de Rose Advanced Serum.
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edenmartinez · 3 months
Our Lady of La Candelaria University Hospital. Tenerife. Study for undergraduate and its results in Rheumatology Service. University Hospital Complex of Orense. Objectives: The involvement of large vessels in cellular arteritis giants (ACG), especially of the aorta and/or its main branches, It is frequent. Tocilizumab (TCZ) has demonstrated efficacy and safety in GCA and other large vessel vasculitis. Our objetive was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of TCZ in patients with GCA with involvement of the aorta and/or its main branches. Methods: Multicenter observational study of 196 patients with GCA and involvement of the aorta and/or its main branches treated with TCZ. GCA was diagnosed by: a) ACR criteria, and/or b) biopsy of the temporal artery, and/or c) imaging techniques. The presence of aortitis was performed using imaging techniques, mainly PET and angio-MRI. Maintained remission was considered according to EULAR definitions1 . Results: The main characteristics of the 196 patients were shown in the table. Polymyalgia rheumatica, constitutional syndrome and headache were the most frequent clinical manifestations at the start of TCZ. Six months after starting TCZ, 20% of patients achieved a sustained remission, which gradually increased progressively (FIGURE). A steroid-sparing effect was observed from month 1 of TCZ initiation (FIGURE). They were observed relevant adverse effects in 12 per 100 patient-years, with serious infections documented in 4.8 per 100 patient-years. Main characteristics of 196 patients with GCA with involvement of the aorta and/or its main branches treated with TCZ
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