#kyle haven
Robin Hobb's ability to make me want to strangle a character with my bare hands is unparalleled
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matthewmoorwood · 3 months
Everytime I see a man in any of Robin Hobbs books I think: "He can't actually be that bad right?"
And then he turns out to not only be that bad, but worse. And worse. And worse. And worse.
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viridializard · 2 years
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some Liveship Traders characters (these are supposed to be at the start of Ship of Magic)
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kyle haven would be into nfts and ai art
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deviousbastard1 · 1 year
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spectrum-color · 2 years
It appears that Shun is joining the ranks of the Regal Farseer Memorial Petty Narcissistic Antagonists Society
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Wintrow getting a tattoo as Vivacia's slave is breaking my heart. And ******* Kyle doesn't even bat an eye at his son.. How the hell does Robin Hobb make me feel all these strong emotions?
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amyriadfthings · 6 months
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msunitedstatesjames · 10 months
I'm only through book 2 of Robin Hobb's Liveship Traders trilogy, but I gotta say, Malta's shift from insufferable brat to a straight up icon is peak characterization.
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Haven parallels + your kind (1x13 Spiral; 2x8 Friend or Faux; 2x9 Lockdown; 2x12 Sins of the Fathers)
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kennabeth · 3 months
idk I think there's a line to be walked when writing unlikable villains. they need to be compelling and vulnerable in at least fucking one aspect or you lose me
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whitehavenrp · 1 year
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“¿Lo juras?” Pregunta, con voz tímida. “¿Juras que no pasará nada?” Si Declan lo trata como un niño es porque Kyle se lo merece. Trata de controlarlo, pero no puede. Las situaciones imprevistas, como estás, se le suelen ir de las manos y agradece siempre que haya gente como el mecánico que sabe cómo actuar -o eso parece- cuando él lo único que quiere es ir al piso, hacerse bolita y llorar. — Kyle F. Bennett
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Sooooo I learned a valuable lesson last night. Which is not to draft things in tumblr. Because I wrote almost all of this in drafts, was like 15 minutes from posting. And then the app glitched when I changed the song I was listening to and lost everything.
I’m not entirely sure I wrote this version half as well as the original, which is maddening. But please enjoy this next part to the Mister(s) Steal Your Girl (poly 141) series.
Content:Safe/Sane/Consensual Intimacy
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You honestly didn’t expect to speak to Kyle again after the bookshop encounter. Sure, you exchanged numbers and he seemed so sincere, but your faith in reading people has been a bit shaken as of late.
That said, you wouldn’t have held it against him if you didn’t. You’d had a wonderful time meeting someone new, even if just for a moment. He seemed like a busy man in a high-stress job, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he looked at your open-relationship-with-a-fiance situation and decided it was too much drama.
But the very next day after meeting him, he sends you a text. Repeating that he had a great time and asking if you’ve already started any of the books you bought.
You try (and probably fail) not to giggle like a schoolgirl every time he texts you. He’s as sweet through the phone as he was in person. Throughout the week, he checks on you (more messages than you’ve gotten from your fiance in a month) asking after your days and nights and generally chatting.
On Thursday at lunch, you ask if he’d like to meet up again, heart clenching anxiously. Nearly throw your phone across the break room when his name pops up as an incoming call.
When you answer, he doesn’t even waste time on a greeting.
“I’d like to take you on a date, luv,” he specifies, voice silky and amused in your ear.
Date one is a nice dinner. He shows up at the door with flowers. You have to take a second to blink away the mist in your eyes.
“Sorry, sorry,” you hurry to say, summoning a smile. “Just no one’s ever bought me flowers. Thank you, they’re wonderful.”
And then you realize that probably sounds pathetic and quickly turn away to deposit them in a vase. (Miss the baffled and almost offended frown on Kyle’s face as that processes.)
At dinner, the two of you toast by tapping your appetizers together. He feeds you bites of his meal from his own fork, and you let him try your wine, giggling at the faces he makes.
The night ends (after dessert, a walk in the park, and a nightcap at a quiet bar) at your front door. Kyle fits a big, warm hand on your waist, pulls you in… and drops a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You try not to let your disappointment show, but he must catch it because he chuckles and gently nudges your face back into position. Graces you with another kiss at the corner of your mouth.
“I want to, darling,” he admits, so close you’re sharing air. “Trust me, I want to. But I need you to know I’m doing this for the right reasons too.”
Touched and a little choked up, you hug him tight, cheek pressed to his chest. His breath stutters. And then his strong arms are curling around you, tucking you in, his whole body becoming a warm haven.
“Can we… can we do this again?” you ask hopefully.
“Darling, I’d take you out tomorrow if you’d let me.”
Date two is bowling, which you find Kyle is actually terrible at, despite being a sniper. You laugh and joke through three games, trouncing him each time. He doesn’t seem to mind losing in the slightest, and even takes you out for a victory ice cream afterwards. You hold hands while you lick at the cone.
Date three, you invite him to a wine and paint night. He seems willing, though unsure. By the end, though, the two of you are giggling and tipsy, paint on your hands and faces. He kisses you against the passenger door of his car, lips soft and gentle. Moans when the tip of his tongue skims your bottom lip.
On date four, you sing to the radio in the car. Blush when you catch him sneaking glances at you, but also notice that he goes around the same block twice. Tease that you’re going to be late if he keeps stalling.
At the end of the night, he sweeps you in close on the dance floor.
“Come home with me?” he asks in your ear.
Your heart stumbles as you nod, cheeks hot.
He barely gets you in the door before pressing you back against it. Fingers in your hair, body one firm line pressed flush to yours. Kissing earnest but not rough, flicking at your bottom lip until you open for him with a soft sigh. He tastes like heaven, like the drinks you shared before this. Your fingers curl into his Henley, tugging him closer, arching your back.
The desire he’s been steadily building in your gut bursts into an inferno. You’re burning all over, can barely breathe. Dizzy with his cologne.
You break the kiss with a squeak when he scoops up beneath the thighs.
“I-I’m too heavy!” you gasp, clinging tight.
“Like hell you are,” he scoffs. “Come back here, I’m not done kissing you.”
You hesitate, taking stock. But he doesn’t feel like he’s straining; didn’t even make that mortifying grunt noise. Feel secure enough to lean back just a bit to check his expression.
There’s not an ounce of effort there. Just liquid dark eyes focused on your swollen lips, tilting his chin to coax you back. You go with a little thrill in your stomach, messier this time, teeth scraping.
He bumps you against the wall on his way to the bedroom. It doesn’t hurt but it makes you laugh against his cheek.
“Love your laugh,” he murmurs into your neck. “Could listen to it all day.”
Somehow that makes you flush more than the hard bulge pressing against your ass. So you shove your tongue in his mouth again to shut him up, breathless at his tongue curling against yours.
You squeal when he drops you on the bed with a little bounce, a brilliant, cheeky smile your reward. Then he tugs his shirt off and your mind goes utterly blank.
He’s a monument of strength and discipline, power in every plane of hard-earned muscle. There are glossy scars peppering his skin, and you’re fascinated as much as you are sad for his pain. He looks like a young god. You’ve seen marble statues half as beautiful as him.
“You’re bloody gorgeous,” you whisper, crawling to the edge of the bed.
He shivers and leans into your palms as they explore up his toned stomach, across the defined lines of his chest and shoulders, down his arms. Leave open-mouthed kisses against long-healed wounds and patches of smooth skin alike, appreciating every part of him.
He uses your interlocked fingers to draw you away, bending to meet you halfway. Speckles kisses over your cheeks and jaw, down to a tender spot beneath your ear that makes you hum. You could melt into him and just float.
He pauses there, breathes you in. “Can I take this off?” he asks, plucking at your shirt. You hesitate, just for a beat — but it’s enough to have Kyle pulling back a little.
“We can stop here,” he offers. “Or we can just keep doing this. Whatever you want, luv, I’m not fussed.”
You duck your head, but he doesn’t let you escape for long, gently guiding your gaze up by the chin.
“Talk to me?” he asks.
“I-I want to keep going,” you say, “I’m just… and you’re so…”
He shakes his head, kisses you quiet. “I’m not anything but a man that wants to make his girl happy. In whatever way she’s okay with, yeah?”
You have to blink away another sting of inopportune tears. Then reach for your shirt and pull it off yourself.
“Bloody hell,” he murmurs, eyes going big.
You flush as he nudges you back, spread out amongst the neat sheets and pillows. His eyes trace every inch of you over and over, hands quick to follow. The contrast of his rough palms on your skin makes you squirm and sigh. He touches you like you’re something special, like he wants to savor you.
He nibbles kisses into your collarbones, lavishes your breasts with tongue and gentle teeth. Works his way down your stomach and stops again.
“Can I take the rest off?” he asks.
You don’t hesitate this time, shifting to give him access to the zipper. His hands fumble a bit when he notices the embarrassing wet patch on your underwear, thumbing at your slit through the fabric.
“Please let me eat you out,” he breathes.
You press your thighs together, nervous. “Y-you don’t have to…”
“I want to, luv,” he answers, eyes barely flickering away. “Fuck do I want to.”
Words desert you, so all you can manage is a jerky nod. For the first time, his patience seems to fray as he tugs your underwear off. Barely gets them down to one ankle before diving between your legs.
He laces sweet kisses along your thighs and hips, slowing as he gets closer and closer to where you want him most. His tongue dips into your slit, just skims your throbbing and sensitive clit. You moan softly. The next swipe of his tongue is bolder, curling at your soaked entrance. He groans into you, deep and animal from his chest and makes you shudder.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispers. “Just enjoy.”
It’s impossible not to when he pampers your cunt so thoroughly. Never rough, never too fast. Like he could spend all night between your thighs. Sucking gently at your clit, thrusting his tongue inside, lapping in perfect, even strokes. You didn’t think you enjoyed oral from the few times you’ve experienced it — but Kyle makes it heavenly.
One of his hands, squeezing absently at your hip, travels down. He presses a finger at your entrance, playing in your slick but not going further. Waiting. You murmur a soft “please” that nearly has him growling.
Even just one finger feels like so much. His hands are bigger than yours. And so deliciously clever. It’s not long before you’re babbling for another, crying out softly when he provides. Two fingers curling and rubbing against your slick, sensitive walls and his tongue swirling around your needy clit — it’s so much. Overwhelming and perfect.
“K-Kyle, ‘m gonna…” you keen, shocked by how quickly it’s building.
Then he hums an encouragement and that little extra bit of stimulation sends you hurtling over the edge. You clench around his hand, hips twitching, grinding against his willing mouth through wave after wave. Not even aware of the noises you’re making until they fade off into soft whimpers of overstimulation.
Kyle eases his fingers from you, drops one last kiss to your hip. The lower half of his face is glistening. If you weren’t still somewhere in the stratosphere, you’d be embarrassed. But right now all you can manage is a quiet, needy noise, reaching for him.
He smiles and crawls over you, the warmth of his body soothing your shivery muscles, easing you through aftershocks. You wipe absently at his chin as you exchange lazy, sloppy kisses. Surprised to find that you don’t mind the taste of yourself; not much different than jizz.
“Give me… another second…” you mumble, head falling back as you catch your breath. “I’ll return the favor.”
Against your leg, you can feel him twitch through his jeans. He feels big. Your stomach clenches with want.
“That sounds bloody amazing, don’t get me wrong,” he answers, voice husky in your ear. “But if you’re up for it, I’d like to feel you cumming ‘round my cock.”
You gasp, not sure if you’re scandalized or even more turned on than before. Both?
“Wait, but I already…”
“I know, I was there,” he teases, kissing your temple. “But I wanna see it again. Feel it proper this time.”
You pause, blinking up at him as you trace your fingers along his ribs. “But isn’t that… I dunno, unfair?”
“Fuck no,” he answers. “I’d spend all night just making you cum if you let me.”
You huff and swat at him. “I think you’d kill me.”
“What a way to go, though, eh?” he chuckles, arching his eyebrows.
You groan, but there’s no hiding your grin. He brushes hair back from your face, cups your cheek.
“What do you say, baby? Let me fuck you good and proper.”
You snort, turn to nip his thumb in relation, but chirp, “yes, please!”
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transbookoftheday · 11 months
Leave Trans Kids Alone
Inspired by David Tennant's "Leave Trans Kids Alone You Absolute Freaks" shirt, here are some amazing trans middle grade and picture books you should read:
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Book titles:
99% Chance of Magic by Amy Eleanor Heart, Abbey Darling and Luna Merbruja
Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith
Jamie by L.D. Lapinski
Camp QUILTBAG by Nicole Melleby and A. J. Sass
Dear Mothman by Robin Gow
Moonflower by Kacen Callender
Joy, to the World by Kai Shappley and Lisa Bunker
Ana on the Edge by A.J. Sass
Girl Haven by Lilah Sturges, Meaghan Carter and Joamette Gil
Obie Is Man Enough by Schuyler Bailar
Alice Austen Lived Here by Alex Gino
The House That Whispers by Lin Thompson
Both Can Be True by Jules Machias
The Tea Dragon Festival by K. O'Neill
Different Kinds of Fruit by Kyle Lukoff
Jude Saves the World by Ronnie Riley
Tiger Honor by Yoon Ha Lee
The Ship We Built by Lexie Bean
Rabbit Chase by Elizabeth Lapensee, KC Oster and Aarin Dokum
Skating on Mars by Caroline Huntoon
Tally the Witch by Molly Landgraff
The Beautiful Something Else by Ash Van Otterloo
The Deep & Dark Blue by Niki Smith
The Fabulous Zed Watson! by Basil Sylvester and Kevin Sylvester
The Ojja-Wojja by Magdalene Visaggio and Jenn St-Onge
Too Bright to See by Kyle Lukoff
The One Who Loves You the Most by medina
Me and My Dysphoria Monster by Laura Kate Dale and Hui Qing Ang
When Aidan Became A Brother by Kyle Lukoff and Kaylani Juanita
Calvin by J.R. Ford, Vanessa Ford and Kayla Harren
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spectrum-color · 2 years
It’s interesting that when Alise decided to still go see the hatchlings after Sedric reminded her that the alternative is going home to Hest and saying her mission was a failure, Althea seemed to understand her motives. If anyone gets what it’s like to make your life harder out of sheer spite for a terrible man it’s her
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Althea looked away, only to have her eyes fall on Kyle. Still muttering and swinging feeble fists in a display of anger, he gestured wildly as he shuffled away from them. His left foot turned out awkwardly.
Amber spoke quietly. "At night, in our room, you used to say you longed to meet him just one more time. Just so you could confront him with what he did."
"He stole my ship from me. He ruined my dreams." She spoke the old accusation. It sounded impossible now. Althea could not look away from the lurching figure. "Sa save us all." The encounter had taken but a few seconds but she felt years older. She dragged her gaze from Kyle to look at her friend. "Cheated of vengeance twice in one day," she observed in a shaky voice.
Amber gave her a surprised look. "Is that truly how you feel?"
"No. No, it isn’t at all." Althea searched her heart and was surprised at what she felt. "Grateful. For my life, for my intact body. For a man like Brashen in my life. Sa’s breath, Amber, I have nothing to complain about." She looked up suddenly, as if waking from a nightmare. "We’ve got to survive this, Amber. We have to. I’ve a life to live.
"Each of us does," Amber replied. She looked across the water to where men fought on the decks of the locked ships. "And a death to die as well," she added more softly.
Ship of Destiny, by Robin Hobb (Liveship Traders #3)
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