#kurt my prom king
fallevs · 29 days
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eat your heart out kate middleton
I'm two days late, dead tired after two weeks spent working a minimum of twelve hours a day and mostly not at all satisfied with the success of this drawing, but I wanted to celebrate our prom king and honestly I would have cried my heart out at the thought of just tearing up the paper, so... please, pretend it's pretty
(I know the tiara is so wrong but I was anxious to recreate it)
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
2. Page-turning Fanfic Underneath it All by Heartsmadeofbooks 3. Fanfic that made you reach for a box of tissues- Hummel’s Home for Non-Conforming Adolescents by BeautifulUnseen 4. Fanfic where one has an unusual occupation- Dance Me To The End Of Love by Kurtswish 5. Wild Card - Love, Blaine by GleefulDarrenCrissfan 6. ? 7.written for a challenge- The Prom-us Misc authors
8. Made me lol - Chocolate Milk byCoffeeAddict80 9. Trope you don't usually read- Everybody's Naked and There's a Country to Run by CoffeeGleek
Thank you for your card! Find them on A03
2. Page turning fic: Underneath it All by @heartsmadeofbooks
Blaine first meets the mysterious Kurt Hummel at his brother's engagement party, and he's immediately struck by the quiet, handsome stranger. He doesn't expect their paths to cross again, but when life gives an unexpected turn, Kurt might be the only one with the power to help him save everything he cares about.
3. Fanfic that made you reach for a box of tissues- Hummel’s Home for Non-Conforming Adolescents by @beautifulunseen
Blaine Anderson had learned from the time he was marked as Non-Conforming that his life would never go according to plan. Still, the last thing he expected was Hummel’s Home and its head boy Kurt, who had, against all odds, escaped the same fate. Dystopian AU.
4. Fanfic where one has an unusual occupation- Dance Me To The End Of Love by @kurtswish
While unwinding at a club, Blaine Anderson meets a stranger who promises him one night of passion. When the night is over, Blaine wants more, so does Kurt; but what Kurt offers him is not quite what he was expecting.
5. Wild Card - Love, Blaine by @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Blaine Anderson is a typical teenager. Except he’s not because he’s hiding a huge secret. He’s gay. But after reading a confession on the informal Dalton blog, he discovers that he’s not the only closeted boy at Dalton. After a moment of courage, he emails him and ultimately starts up a friendship that will change life as he knows it. Loosely based on Love, Simon.
6. Summer story ------- no choice
7. Written for a challenge- The Prom-us Misc authors @gleefuldarrencrissfan @esperantoauthor @hkvoyage @hippohead @honeysucklepink @grlnxtdr30 @justgleekout @notyourdayrdream @missflurry @starpunchsoup Kellyb321
Kurt and Blaine met just as they did in canon, and even though Blaine realizes when Kurt sings Blackbird that he's in love with Kurt, he never says anything, and Kurt goes back to McKinley. Blaine transfers to McKinley for senior year, and they are best friends, bonding on being the only two out guys at McKinley until Karaofsky comes back. And he's out and proud, and he wants Kurt. And so he asks Kurt to be his prom date, repeatedly until Kurt, in frustration, finally blurts out that someone already asked him. He said the first name that came to mind, Blaine's. On top of that, he tells Dave that they are now dating. Now, Kurt needs to convince his best friend to take him to the biggest event of their high school year, senior prom. Tropes: Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, High school Klaine, Canon Divergent
8. Fic made me laugh out loud - Chocolate Milk by @caramelcoffeeaddict CoffeeAddict80
Based off a prompt found on tumblr -- “Yes, I know this is a bar, but you’re a really hot bartender, and I panicked and said “CHOCOLATE MILK” when you asked me what I wanted to drink, now I just want to crawl away and hide forever” AU
9. Trope you don't usually read- Everybody's Naked and There's a Country to Run by @coffeegleek
A take on the "prince/king!Blaine and prince/king!Kurt are getting married and have to do it while naked in front of their loyal subjects" trope. It’s pure crack taken seriously. I’m blaming the heat. The fic started as this wisp of an idea and a single funny Kurt line. It was supposed to all be fast paced and instead sometimes dissolves into a bit of world building, exposition, and Kurt feelings. I do try my best and hope that at least some of the jokes and humor land. It also developed a full blown plot that has a beginning and an end.
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backslashdelta · 6 months
top 10 gifsets you've made the year - go go go!!!
HI HEY HELLO thank you for this very unexpected question I will be happy to answer it for you and also for me!!
We're gonna start at 10 and work our way down :) I will say that these aren't technically in order of my favourite, it's more about how objectively good I think they are, but obviously my personal preference is coming into play a bit too.
10: Klaine + stages of their relationship. This is a pretty simple one but I think that works in its favour, it's a fun concept and I think I did a really good job with the colouring (which is an area I feel like I've improved on a lot this year).
9: Kurtofsky as king and queen of hearts. I think this concept is SUPER cool, it's something very different from a lot of other things I've done and I think it came out really well. I really like the reds and the reflections and just yeah I think it's neat. There are some things I would probably change if I were to do it now, but overall I'm still pretty happy with it.
8: Klaine duets on Spotify. I love a good Spotify gifset and I also think I did a good job with the colouring on this one.
7: New Directions + Seasons of Love lyrics (not the scene from the show, just using the lyrics). I love how warm this is, I like the text effects I ended up with, and it just has a really warm cozy vibe. It feels special to me. And it was a gift, so that makes it extra special.
6: Kurtcedes in 4 Minutes. This isn't very complicated but I think the colours REALLY pop and I think I did a good job with picking what clips to use and the fonts and all that.
5: Kurt + Gin Joints lyrics. This bitch LOVES a good glitch effect and she loves a good b&w vs colour contrast and she loves a lyric gifset and she loves some mixed fonts featuring a cursive. This might not be the best gifset in the list technically but it IS the one that I think about the most often it replays in my head frequently I love it a lot.
4: Klaine in Come What May. I killed it with the colouring and that smoke effect is super cool. I refuse to be modest because I know this set is a banger.
3: Puck's Kiss Costume. I think the colouring in this slaps and the text effects/font choices are pretty cool and work super well with the set and the layout works really well too, just all around some great choice and execution on my part imo.
2: Kurtofsky in Prom Queen. When I started making this I never expected to love it as much as I do. But I just think it's really gorgeous. I love the colours mixed with the black and white. I think the blending turned out really well, I sometimes struggle there so I'm really happy I pulled it off so well here. I love the effect of the simple font and the line down the center pulling it all together, and then the jagged line and the glitching text at the bottom I just want to SCREAM it makes me feel things. I don't know if you're supposed to say stuff like that about your own creations but I'm saying it anyway. But yeah. I just think I did a great job. And this one was a gift, too, which is fun.
1: Santana + Epiphany lyrics. I think this is probably my best gifset of the year technically speaking. On top of having some top notch colouring, it's also got some great blending, overlays, text animation, and a fun funky layout gif too. It's just a really cohesive set and I spent a lot of time on it (and so did you lol) and it turned out really really soft and pretty. I'm not usually a gold/yellow/orange girlie when I make gifs and when this was conceived that's not what it was going to be, but I am really glad it turned out that way because I think it really works!
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sillyname30 · 9 months
I watched Prom Queen in preparation for the Monday recap.
Three couples are in the run for prom king and queen: Quinn + Finn, Lauren + Puck, Santana + David.
Quinn and Finn don't really have a storyline, but it's obvious that Finn is into Rachel.
Lauren and Puck don't have a storyline either, but Puck wants to spike the punch at the prom to rebuild his bad boy image and enlists Artie to help. Artie first says no, but after he can't win back Brittany, he agrees to help Puck. Artie gets caught by Sue Sylvester when he tries to spike the punch.
Santana and David have a storyline. They watch over Kurt to get sympathy votes, which doesn't make sense. Why would people who bully Kurt vote for them?
Rachel and Mercedes invite Sam to a prom on a budget and are joined by Jesse St. James who is back.
Kurt ask Blaine to be his prom date and Blaine reluctantly says yes. Kurt's dad is worried when he sees Kurt's prom outfit and Blaine agrees, but goes to prom with him anyway.
David gets voted prom king and Kurt prom queen. Blaine comforts Kurt and Kurt decides to go back in and except the crown. Rachel comforts Quinn. Brittany comforts Santana and is unusually wise and helpful.
Kurt dances with Blaine (David is too scared to do it) and everybody is having fun (except Jesse and Finn who got thrown out, because they fought over Rachel).
My guess is Jenna will talk about the Artie storyline at length and Kevin about Santana.
Will they talk about Kurt and Blaine? I guess they will mention the dress shopping (no Blaine), Kurt's moment with David (no Blaine) and the scene with Kurt's dad without talking about Blaine.
Favorite song: Isn't she lovely (Jenna), Dancing Queen (Kevin).
For me it's a tie: Jar of Hearts (Lea sings it beautifully) and I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend... (Darren is like a rockstar and it's so different from the Warbler songs.)
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tuiyla · 2 years
Ahh literally everything you're saying is just like parts of the bigger reason s3 sucks so bad. They start off the season with Will like "This year everyone's dreams will come true!" and then like Santana gets outed, Mercedes and Tina are constantly struggling to have their voices heard, Quinn is forced to confront her Beth trauma then gets in a car wreck, Kurt gets passed over for literally every big thing he wanted this season, also literally laughed out of an audition for being Too Gay, Blaine is butting heads with Sam and Finn cause they're both acting dumb lol, also Klaine relationship troubles. Swear to god I think Mike is the only one with a conflict that feels like it gets satisfyingly resolved this whole season rip
And then at the end of the season everyone is like "wow what a great year thank you mr schuester for doing everything for us <3" when he literally never cared about anyone but Finn aslfkjsklfsl and then the whole dick sucking ego stroking parade of everyone to Finn, and Kurt to all the guys and it's just like ??? hello? what? where? when? did i miss some episodes??? What is going on
I literally feel like Kathy Bates in Misery when I talk about season 3.
and all the kids cheered - but I didn't cheer, I stood right up and started shouting, "This isn't what happened last week - have you all got amnesia?! THEY JUST CHEATED US - THIS WASN'T FAIR!"
Omg you so hit the nail on the head with that quote, wow. I have to fess up and say that I liked season 3 when I first watched and looked back on the seasons because I trauma-blocked IKAG and many other awful parts and was blinded by the graduation glamour and the soundtrack. Upon rewatch, it's incredibly infuriating and embodies a lot of what was wrong with this show. And it's made worse by everyone always saying s3 was the good old days and then the show declined in quality, which is just not true.
All the things you listed, yes. And I'm gonna repeat some of them here but just cause it's worth stressing just how bad some of this is. Will, teacher of the year, didn't do shit for most students this year and actively made some of their lives worse. He yelled at Quinn and threw Santana to the wolves, scolded both Tina and Mercedes when they asked for an ounce of the respect they deserved. His treatment of Mercedes!! Oh. My god. He should go to jail for booty camp. All the while we had to endure the ups and downs of his sex life and while he, like the whole show, was so far up Finn's ass it was hard to see anything else. Quinn was put through a revolving trauma door and not one adult really cared. All three main women of colour were demonized for wanting a taste of the spotlight and the one canon lesbian given the most offensive "coming out" (i.e. outing) known to tv. Brittany was mute for most of the season and when they do give her something it's the fucking sex tape. Sam had such big flop moments and Blaine was only pulled out for songs and Klaine conflict. Kurt's dreams were shattered despite him doing his best and nailing the audition. Oh and yeah let's have him thank the boys for,,,, whatever reason? Insulting. No one cared about the newbies because the show didn't either. Yeah, Mike's storyline was more or less done well but it was so brief and the only standalone story arc he ever got. Finchel had to be prom king and queen for some godforsaken reason. I mean let's not get into how season 3 Finn is somehow even worse than he usually is because jfc it just never stops with him. I guess Puck's storyline was the most decent? But they also had him fuck the adoptive mother of his bio child also his teacher also his ex's mom so, like. Most of Rachel's stuff was also fine but the Finchel things were intolerable and elevating her by putting others down is not it.
And it's not just the shafted characters and bad storylines and the overall bad execution of even the ones that had potential. It's this tonal inconsistency, this insistence that the sun is shining out of Finn's ass, that Finchel are meant to be and are more important than anyone else on this show, the trainwreck of season 3A especially, the issue episodes. The fact that the show swears it cares about all these kids when it's so quick to discard them and do their stories a disservice. It's not a triumphant last lap of the OGs but a tragedy for most and a wank fest for a select few.
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melindaleehaha · 2 years
Just rewatched Spree and wrote a cross-over with Stranger Things, basically an AU if Steve and Kurt are twin brothers(English is not my first language pls be kind):
Steve does not like his brother at all.
Yes, they are brothers with same parents, and yes, they look almost identical, but other than that, they are polar opposite.
Steve is the prom king, the basketball team player, the most popular boy in school, Steve has great hair, while Kurt is the freak, weirdo, greasy-haired, socially unskilled loser.
Ever since they were kids, Kurt liked to follow Steve around, copying his looks and stealing his clothes, his freak younger brother had an unhealthy obsession with Steve’s popularity, but if Steve himself wasn't the smartest, Kurt was even more of a dumbass who didn't even have the basic human emotional intelligence, so yeah, no matter how hard Kurt tried to be like Steve, he always ended up be cringe, his brother never learned any of Steve’s charms.
"Go away, Kurt."
"Shut up, I'm talking to Tommy, not you."
And he never, ever listened. Sometimes, Steve felt that Kurt was like a kind of pathetic pest that creeped him out while made him feel pity, and sometimes he felt that God had made them brothers as a kind of punishment for him.
In short, Steve does not like Kurt at all.
Until Hopper called him and told him that Kurt had stabbed Tommy.
"Your friend’s fine, the injury wasn’t fatal. He has already come home from the hospital," Hopper tells him, "but he'll have to stay." He eyed Kurt, who was handcuffed.
Steve should be angry, he should punch this fucking jerk and kick him out of the house forever, Tommy is his friend, how dare he? But it wasn't until Steve's brown eyes met Kurt's green ones, which were filled with tears, that for a moment, once again, he didn't know how to react.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! ...." His brother pleaded in that pitiful voice, "I .... I just wanted to talk to him so I pretended to be you, but he recognized me and he laughed at me, Steve, he called me a freak and I just…..I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry ...." He sobbed.
He thought of when they were little, their parents decided to take Steve to the big convention in the city the following week instead of Kurt, so Kurt got angry and disemboweled Steve's rabbit that he just took in, at that time Kurt was crying and apologizing to him as he is now, it scared the shit out of Steve, and that's also when he knew something was wrong with his brother, but for some reason, he felt deep down that if their parents hadn’t been such assholes and care more about them, maybe Kurt wouldn't become like this.
"It's okay, Kurt...it's okay." So just as he had done then, Steve said sadly.
Kurt threw himself into his arms at once.
Steve sighed and patted him on the back.
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ashleyinwondrland · 2 years
Going back an episode and watching Born This Way
Santana is such a bitch but I still love her. Also her first vest and hat combo is fucking iconic! “I gotta gay, I mean go I gotta gay” honey you are so bad at being in closet.
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The way Will thinks he has the capacity to handle everyone’s problems…maybe he is the reason teacher’s need a masters in education. This just makes me think of when he said
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The big deal about junior prom queen and king, when I remember in high school it basically as determined by who won homecoming. Tho senior year our prom Queen was a heavier girl, who was the sweetest and also one of the best singers! Like she deserved it!
YASSSSS my favorite song! Pretty/Unpretty is so amazing! It was a crime that Quinn and Rachel didn’t have another duet! There were like a billion opportunities! I love this song so much.
Honestly I would recap every episode just to go into missed opportunities, #1 Quinn in her ‘stank’ phase not having a punk song like Cherry Bomb by Runaways, I really believe Dianna could’ve killed it.
All the prom posters are horrible which is actually super realistic.
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“The only straight I am is a straight up bitch” ICON!!
The lockers shot with Quinn and Finn was interesting, though we never see anything like that again.
Any chance for Mike Chang to have a spotlight is good with me.
Finn, just break up with Quinn! You are in love with Rachel and she is with you, just pull the bandaid off!!
This whole zero tolerance shit, I get Karofsky is badly with his own gayness, but they just aren’t handling this shit well. It reminds me of Degrassi, thankfully it ended a lot better. Kurt was great for never outing him though. I wish they had handled Karofsky better, like this show dealt with every issue they could find but never handled it well!
Now I want to cry tho with Burt telling Finn “keep an eye on your brother” then Finn saying “I’m one step ahead of you” they really became a family and I love that. It was such a growth and it made me so happy!
Super don’t care about the warblers! Shouldn’t you be at your own school?? It’s a school day and the bell literally just rang! Where did that piano come from?? And the violinists?
I hate the Lucy Caboose stuff! Like her issues couldn’t be more no out of no where, knowing that Sue caused an eating disorder for the Cheerios and idk the whole teen pregnancy stuff!? Dianna did well with it though, why isn’t she in more things? I know she is in a lot of indie movies but give me more! Also her running hallway scene is amazing, it’s always amazing when these ladies go through the hallway, it’s practically a runway!
“Is Barbara here?” “No it’s a mall in Ohio”
Yea Barbara is 1 in a million, and you would’ve been too if you weren’t a fuxking bitch.
Brittany is smart enough to make that ironic shirt but then makes the Lebanese shirt for Santana. Also saying “clearly you don’t love yourself as mch as I love you” isn’t a healthy thing for when someone is in the closet. Not that someone is wrong for not wanting to be in closet for someone else’s sake. It’s a complex thing but again Murphy & the others don’t handle it well. What was the short hand for the show runners? We used to have one
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Remember when Dianna wore the Likes Girls shirt at the Glee concert tour for Born this Way and everyone including myself lost their collective shit? And then she was absent for a couple shows after? Which is super suspicious…
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dislocatedskeleton · 1 year
100. Arcade Fire - WE
99. Julia Jacklin - PRE PLEASURE
98. Kurt Vile - (watch my moves)
97. Maggie Rogers - Surrender
96. Animal Collective - Time Skiffs
95. Let’s Eat Grandma - Two Ribbons
94. Kaelin Ellis - THE FUNK WILL PREVAIL
93. Hurray for the Riff Raff - LIFE ON EARTH
92. Sunni Colón - JúJú & The Flowerbug
91. Ari Lennox - age/sex/location
90. Phony Ppl - Euphonyus
89. Toro y Moi - MAHAL
88. Interpol - The Other Side of Make Believe
86. Darius - OASIS
85. Empath - Visitor
84. Dehd - Blue Skies
83. Soccer Mommy - Sometimes, Forever
82. Insightful - 33
81. Moonchild - Starfruit
80. Flwr Chyld - Luv N Chaos
79. Sabrina Claudio - Based On A Feeling
78. Drake - Honestly, Nevermind
77. Kehlani - blue water road
76. Larry June - Spaceships on the Blade
75. India Shawn - BEFORE WE GO (DEEPER)
74. Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There
73. Florist - Florist
72. beabadoobee - Beatopia
71. The Simps - Siblings
70. Mabel - About Last Night…
69. Elujay - Circmvnt
68. Lizzy McAlpine - five seconds flat
67. MAVI - Laughing So Hard, It Hurts
66. Beach House - Once Twice Melody
65. Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See Your Future
64. BANKS - Serpentina
63. NEIL FRANCES - There Is No Neil Frances
62. Sudan Archives - Natural Brown Prom Queen
61. CKay - Sad Romance
60. Alex Isley - Marigold
59. Giveon - Give Or Take
58. Ella Mai - Heart On My Sleeve
57. Shamir - Heterosexuality
56. Fana Hues - flora + fana
55. Bakar - Nobody’s Home
54. Wet Leg - Wet Leg
51. Nas - King’s Disease III
50. Megan Thee Stallion - Traumazine
48. Lizzo - Special
47. Lil Silva - Yesterday Is Heavy
46. Tank and The Bangas - Red Balloon
45. Kota The Friend - MEMO
44. Saib - Unwind
43. Mallrat - Butterfly Blue
42. Hayden James - LIFTED
41. Earl Sweatshirt - SICK!
40. Vegyn - Don't Follow Me Because I'm Lost Too
39. BROCKHAMPTON - The Family
37. Years & Years - Night Call
36. Ruru - Glorious Miscellanea
35. redveil - learn 2 swim
34. Bonobo - Fragments
33. alt-J - The Dream
32. OSHUN - vol ii
31. JID - The Forever Story
28. 070 Shake - You Can’t Kill Me
27. Joey Bada$$ - 2000
26. Shygirl - Nymph
25. Kendrick Lamar - Mr Morale & The Big Steppers
24. FKJ - V I N C E N T
23. Bjork - Fossora
22. Jadu Jadu & TAMBALA - listen//waves
21. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down
20. Cruel Santino - Subaru Boys: FINAL HEAVEN
19. Jacob Rochester - Holding Out, Vol. 3
18. Fred again… - Actual Life 3 (Jan 1 - Sept 9 2022)
17. Beau Diako - Nylon
16. Ethel Cain - Preacher’s Daughter
15. Thee Sacred Souls - Thee Sacred Souls
14. Obongjayar - Some Nights I Dream Of Doors
12. Steve Lacy - Gemini Rights
11. Kenny Beats - LOUIE
10. SAULT - 11
9. Robert Glasper - Black Radio III
8. Saba - Few Good Things
7. Beyoncé - RENAISSANCE
6. Smino - Love 4 Rent
5. SZA - SOS
3. Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti
1. Omar Apollo - Ivory
0 notes
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Read on AO3 [ch12] From the beginning [ch1]
Chapter 12 By TeddysHoney
As it turned out, Alex’s phone call was rather important. He left a voicemail, and as soon as Kurt could pull himself away from Blaine’s pants—and staring at his butt—sending him back into the closet to change into his regular clothes, satisfied he had all the measurements he needed to make the final alterations, he listened to the voicemail.
“Hey, Kurt. It’s Alex. I need to meet early. There’s this extra stuff I need to do to help my parents prep for my sister’s engagement party. Let’s do breakfast at The Lima Bean at 8:30 tomorrow morning instead. If that doesn’t work, just text me. I really need to talk to you, and I’m looking forward to seeing you. Thanks. Bye.”
“Bad news?” Blaine asked when Kurt clicked off his phone.
“No. Alex just needs to meet earlier than I thought. It’s fine, though.”
It didn’t really feel fine to Blaine. His anxiety was through the roof, despite how hard he was trying to ignore it. What if they get back together? What will happen then? Will I lose my chance at telling Kurt how I feel forever?
“What do you wanna do now?” Kurt asked, oblivious to Blaine’s swirling emotions.
“Uh, how about a movie? Just have a lazy afternoon?”
“Sounds great to me.”
Sunday, April 29
The next morning, Kurt was at The Lima Bean at 8:15. As he stood in line to get his coffee, he wondered what it was that Alex wanted to talk about. It sounded like he had an agenda now, not like this was just a regular hangout to catch up as they’d originally planned. Maybe he wants to get back together? I can’t do that, though. We talked about how the distance wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t do that to Blaine anyway. I know that what we have isn’t real, yet I can’t hurt him. And besides, there is something real in my heart, even if Blaine will never reciprocate that feeling. My answer has to be no, even if he does ask me. He’s cute, but he’s not Blaine, just like Mercedes said.
“Hey, cutie.”
Kurt turned, smiling when he saw Alex standing behind him. He looked just like he always did, dressed in a tight-fitting t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a dark leather coat, boots on his feet. Why does he remind me of Blaine all of a sudden? Kurt mused. Oh, right. The Olivia Newton John thing. “Hey.” He felt awkward, like he wasn’t sure what to say.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Alex said. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah. It has. I’m glad you had time to meet me for coffee and breakfast. It’ll be good to catch up.”
“Right. Sorry to move the time so suddenly. Apparently, my sister’s having a whole fancy party with champagne and waiters serving tiny foods and a DJ. It sounds like an entire second wedding reception, including gifts, so we have a bunch of set-up to do. I have to be at the venue to help with tables and chairs at 10:30. Sorry that we don’t have long.” He smiled apologetically.
“Don’t worry,” Kurt reassured him. “A few hours are better than nothing.”
When it was his turn to order, he told the barista what he wanted then stood off to the side, waiting for it. He wondered if Alex would comment on him ordering the same coffee he always did, just like Blaine teased him, but Alex made no comment. Maybe he doesn’t remember? Or maybe he never knew. Blaine knows. He mulled over that for a few moments until the barista was calling out his name. “I’ll go find us a table,” he told Alex before walking away with his drink and the chocolate muffin he’d ordered.
Kurt found a quiet table back in the corner, away from the few other patrons who were in the coffee shop. He specifically chose a seat with his back to the door so he could focus on Alex for the short time they had together.
“So,” Alex said when he slid into a chair across from Kurt, “what’s new in your world? Anything exciting?”
They chatted for a few minutes about this and that. Kurt told him about his dad’s tire shop and how he was running for Prom King. Alex told him about college and how he was enjoying his freedom and his classes. When the small talk finally lulled, Alex said, “I hate to just jump into it like this. There’s something I really need you to know, though.”
“Oh, god,” Kurt chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. “Is it something that’s going to break my heart? It sounds serious.”
“Well, I don’t think it will. I’d hate to do that to you again,” Alex chuckled.
Kurt smiled, glad that they could joke around about their amicable breakup, even if he was feeling a million other emotions running through him. Why do I have this unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach? “Just tell me,” he said, hoping he was keeping the concern from his voice. “The suspense is killing me.”
“I need to ask you an important favor,” Alex admitted with a sigh, taking a bite of the cinnamon scone he’d purchased and had, so far, left untouched. “It’s something that’s really important to me, and I wouldn’t trust anyone else with the job.”
“Of course. I am the best, most trustworthy person you know, I’m sure,” Kurt teased, trying so hard to keep it light.
“Mhm… Well, it’s kinda complicated to explain… You see, there’s someone special I need you to look after.”
Kurt nodded slowly, waiting for more.
Alex got on his phone then, starting to look around for something, not saying a word.
Annoyed, Kurt joked, “Just spit it out already, please.”
“Okay. So, I need you to look after…him.” Alex flipped his phone around, showing Kurt a picture.
Sebastian pulled up to The Lima Bean just after 8:30. He was meeting Karofsky there because his message had said it was really important, and for his sake, it had damn well better be. Sebastian was not a fan of waking up early, and he wasn’t a fan of being lied to, either. This had better be good. Really good.
His bad mood was uplifted just a bit when, as he was walking in to order the largest coffee they had, he spotted Ladyface sitting at the table with a tall blonde. Oooooh! He’s cheating on Blaine! Yes! This is the proof that I needed to win back that gel-wearing Anderson once and for all. He decided then and there that coffee wasn’t nearly as important as eavesdropping, so he found a table nearby them where Kurt wouldn’t be able to see him and listened in.
And he was quickly bored again after hearing them mention Burt Hummel, the tire shop, a college he didn’t care about, and the phrase “after we broke up” a few different times. This is his ex, isn’t it? I am really striking out today. I never had this much bad luck in Paris.
Sighing, Sebastian rose and went to the counter, ordering himself a gigantic coffee anyway, choosing a booth on the opposite side of the room from Kurt and his sexy daddy longlegs. He wanted to be able to ogle the blonde while simultaneously glaring at Hummel, and he hoped that Dave arrived soon. He was ready to go home.
Finally, when it was nearing nine, there was a heavy thud as Dave sat down on the chair opposite Sebastian. “Hey.”
“Don’t ‘hey’ me. I’ve been here, waiting on you for more than 30 minutes. I was bored, and spying on Ladyface is annoying. This had better be good because I am tired. If you made me get up at the crack of dawn on a Sunday for something stupid, I’m going to be sure that no one ever talks to you at Scandals ever again, let alone considers dating you.”
Dave shrugged. “Fine by me.”
Sebastian stared at him, flabbergasted. “What do you mean ‘fine by you’?”
“I mean that it’s fine. Because I’m not here to talk to you about anything stupid. And I’m not looking for a date.”
“What the hell is it? And what does it have to do with Scandals?”
“Oh, my god. It’s not really about Scandals.” Leaning to one side, Dave pulled something small and hard out of his pocket and set it in the middle of the table. “It’s about this.”
Sebastian looked long and hard at it for a minute. Finally, he asked, “What is that?”
“It’s Kurt’s brooch. You know, the hippo head one that I stole from him that day before we talked at Scandals? The one I was playing with at the bar while I was sipping my drink?”
“And why are you giving it to me? I want nothing to do with that soft, spineless boyfriend stealer. All I’m interested in is Blaine. Hummel is your thing.”
“I’m not giving it to you. I’m here to tell you my plan. Because I’m tired of waiting.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I…have figured out once and for all how I’m going to get Kurt to be mine. And you’re part of my plan.”
Kurt just stared at Alex’s phone for a moment. “Who’s that?” he finally asked.
“That’s my cousin, Landon. He’s coming to live with my sister to finish out the school year because his parents are going overseas for a while for his dad’s job, and Landon doesn’t have a passport or time to get one. So, he’s coming to McKinley, and he’s… Well, he’s kinda not like everyone else. He’s gay, too, by the way, and he has a hard time relating to others. He’s had some trouble at school. So, I just want him to have a friend there to help him transition. Or at least someone he kinda knows.”
“Right,” Kurt said. “And I’m the logical choice for that, of course.” He couldn’t decide whether he felt relieved or concerned about how this was going to affect his relationship with Blaine the week before Prom. Things between Blaine and I are already so hard to read, and now we have to look after someone else, too? There’s so much to do between prepping our songs and finishing the tuxes and just…balancing the insane feelings I get when I look at his face or his cute round butt. This is Alex, though. He’s asking a simple favor, and I can’t say no…
“So, I know it’s a lot to ask, especially so close to Prom. However, I really think he needs a friend. And I heard through the grapevine that you finally got together with Blaine, so I was hoping the two of you would be willing to look after him.”
“Sure. We’d be happy to give him a friend. He could join the LGBT groups at school to find some friends.” Kurt decided to ignore the part about “finally” getting together with Blaine. Maybe if he didn’t address it, Alex would drop the subject.
“That’s a great idea, Kurt. Thanks so much for agreeing. It means a lot to me.” He paused, eating some more of his scone and giving Kurt the eyeball. “Sooooo…” he said finally, smiling, a hint of smugness in his eyes. “Gonna tell me how you got together with Blaine? I always knew that was going to happen. You two are meant to be.”
Kurt considered that for a moment. He wasn’t the first person to say that, and he was beginning to wonder if there was something about Blaine that he was missing. I mean, I know there have been moments where I’ve wondered, kisses that have felt like real kisses instead of fake ones, but I don’t know. Maybe Alex is just jealous. “Well, you know. Blaine asked me to Prom.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. “That’s it?”
“What do you mean?” Kurt asked, eying his ex suspiciously. He wasn’t sure he was up for this line of questioning.
“I mean, there was no fanfare after all that time you spent pining after him? Nothing else that led you two to be together? He just asked you out to Prom, and it was all natural after that?”
Alex smirked at him. “You don’t have to tell me. You can keep your secrets. I just wondered what finally made the two most oblivious guys I know finally admit their feelings for each other. I’m happy you finally did it, though. I knew, even when we were together, that the two of you were meant to be.”
Kurt gulped. If only you knew how very few feelings have been admitted to each other, he fretted. “And that, uh, that didn’t bother you?”
“No. Not really. I knew I was being given a wonderful chance to help you learn what being in love would feel like. I’m sure that sounds pompous, but I just wanted you to know, when you and Blaine finally did admit what your heart eyes were already telling the world, that he was truly your love, not any of the other relationships you would have before him.”
“It’s only been you,” Kurt admitted softly. And I think you were reading Blaine wrong. As wonderful and amazing as fake dating has been, as much as it’s made my skin tingle to kiss him, it doesn’t seem like any of this is real to him. He still just sees me as his best friend, not dating material. There have been times I’ve wondered, though…
Alex only nodded, not saying anything else about it. He drank a bit more coffee and ate a few more bites of scone before saying, “So, do you want to know all about my drama teacher at college? She is a hoot!”
Nodding vigorously, Kurt listened to Alex tell him all about the crazy things she’d had them do in class while inside, he could feel his attitude shifting to an even more determined state. I need to tell Blaine once and for all how I feel. I’m tired of playing pretend. I’m tired of hiding it. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way and Alex was reading him wrong, he wasn’t reading me wrong. I need to tell him. Now. He resolved to text Blaine when he was done with his breakfast date and find a time to go over there.
For a minute, Sebastian just stared at Dave. I thought I was the one coming up with the plan. I thought I was the mastermind. Now, he’s got a plan all of a sudden? What the hell? “Spit it out,” he finally said, doing his best to maintain his uncaring air. “What’s your plan?”
“Well, Kurt’s going to Prom with Blaine, right? And you want Blaine back. I can’t figure out what you want with him since you can apparently have the dick of every gay guy in town. You want Anderson, though. And so far, your little plan hasn’t done anything. We’ve proven nothing. So, I’m going to sabotage the Prom King and Queen election. I’m going to do what I should have done last year. Kurt and I will be elected Kings—I’ll make sure of that—and I’m going to make a passionate speech about everything he’s done for me and everything I can give to him. I’m going to ask him to be my boyfriend, and I’m going to present him with this brooch. I’ll tell him that I’m giving him my heart for safekeeping, represented by the brooch. And I’ll tell him I found it somewhere after we hung out that day. It will be a huge, romantic gesture. He will have no choice but to say yes.”
“You’ll tell him you found it when you actually stole it?”
Dave nodded.
“Why did you steal it in the first place?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just wanted something of Kurt’s, I guess. Something to make me feel less awful about being rejected. It hasn’t helped, though. It’s only made me angrier, and I’ve got to do something now. I’m tired of sitting around, waiting for him to get over Anderson and figure out that I’m the right guy for him!”
“I thought we were in the process of trying to get proof that their relationship is fake, remember? That’s why I had you break into his locker and mess with his phone. That’s why we’ve been following them around. That’s why we’re even speaking to each other.” Why exactly do I subject myself to this kind of torture? I could pull this off alone.
“First, I already addressed that. Your plan isn’t working. Second, who needs to prove their relationship is fake when we could just follow my plan? Kurt will hear me pour my heart out to him and realize he’s been wrong about me the entire time. Blaine will be ‘heartbroken’ that his ‘boyfriend’ broke up with him and was in love with me the whole time, and he’ll fall back into your arms the first chance he gets. I’ll be happy. You’ll be happy. It’s a win-win for everyone!”
Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Dave. “And what if Kurt doesn’t believe you?”
“What if he still believes you are exactly who you are, a guy who has chased him down for months, gotten into his personal space, and messed with him constantly as a way to flirt with him when you couldn’t admit to yourself who you were? What if he realizes you’re just a hamhock bear cub, and he has no interest in being with you?”
Dave looked more determined than Sebastian had ever seen him. “He won’t. He’ll know the truth.”
Sebastian considered his choices for a moment. Obviously, telling Hamhock the truth is getting us nowhere. So, let’s let him play. He can do his thing, I’ll do my thing, and eventually, as long as we can prove that Ladyface is faking to get into perfect-ass Anderson’s pants, everyone will get what they want. “Why don’t we just do both?” he said finally. “We keep our eyes open for proof that they’re making this whole dating thing up, and if we can’t prove it by Prom night enough to give a big presentation, we’ll go with your thing.”
“Fine,” Dave said. “Have it your way.”
“Great. That’s settled then,” Sebastian said, standing up abruptly. He’d had quite enough of people for the morning, thank you very much, and he could clearly see that Gay Mary Poppins and Tall Blonde were still chatting away at the table. He wasn’t sticking around for anything more. “By the way,” he called as he walked away from the table, “you’re taking me as a date to your Prom. It’s the only way I can get in, and I have to be there. Wear blue. And congratulations. You’re no longer going stag.” Then, he sauntered out, unhappy that he’d wasted so much time for exactly nothing to change.
Breakfast with Alex got over just before 10:00, and Kurt pulled out his phone to text Blaine as soon as he got to his car.
Kurt: You busy? Can I come over?
Blaine: Uh, sure. Just so you know, I’m not feeling very well, though.
Kurt: Are you throwing up or sneezing everywhere?
Blaine: Uh… No?
Kurt.: Then I’m definitely coming over. I can’t have my best friend and Prom date suffering alone. I’ll be there soon.
Blaine smiled when he read that message. Kurt was an amazing friend, and the fact that he wasn’t worried about getting sick just further proved it.
When Kurt arrived, Blaine greeted him at the door, happy to be immediately pulled into a very tight hug by his best friend.
“How long have you not been feeling well?” Kurt asked when he stepped back, eyeing him up and down suspiciously.
Blaine wasn’t sure how truthful to be. He wasn’t really sick. His anxiety was heightened, though, wondering if Kurt’s breakfast date with Alex was about to change anything between them. Kurt hadn’t said they needed to talk, yet that didn’t quell the fear rising in his stomach. Finally, he decided to go with the truth. “Since yesterday afternoon.”
“Well, why aren’t you in bed then?” Kurt asked, shooing him toward the stairs. “You can’t be sick for Prom; you’ve got to get better. Go on up. I’ll ask your mom to make you some broth, and then I’ll come up and sit with you while you eat. Maybe we can watch a movie or something until you fall asleep.”
“Kurt, you really don’t have to do that.”
“I’m happy to. Now, just go.”
Blaine started toward the stairs but stopped before he reached them, turning back around. Am I going to be scared to tell Kurt everything I’m feeling? I can’t do that. He needs to know the truth. “Kurt, wait.”
“Yes?” Kurt turned around to look at him expectantly.
“I’m not really sick.”
Kurt arched an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
“Really. I’m just… I’m really scared.”
Oh, crap. Does he not want to go to Prom with me anymore? Is he thinking about that Sadie Hawkins dance? What’s bothering him? And does this mean I’m going to miss my opportunity to tell him how I really feel again? “What are you afraid of?”
“Can we… Can we go up to my room to talk about it?”
“Sure.” Kurt followed him up to his room, sitting on the edge of the bed as Blaine made himself comfortable against his pillows. “So, what are you afraid of?” he asked again, taking Blaine’s hand in his in comfort.
Blaine’s breath hitched before he said, “That you’re going to start dating Alex again now.”
Kurt blinked at Blaine. That was not at all what I was expecting to come out of his mouth. We talked about this. “Uh, no… I’m not. Why-why would you think that?”
“I mean, if you did, that would be okay. I know you really liked him, and it was hard for you when the two of you broke up, even though you understood. It’s just…” Blaine opened his mouth to tell him the truth, just like his brain was screaming at him to do. Something about the look on Kurt’s face made him backpedal, though, afraid that he would have a horrible afternoon if he brought it up. “It’s just that I was looking forward to all those dances that you promised me at Prom, and I really like the suit you’ve been working on, and I’d hate to lose the opportunity to go to Prom with my best friend like we’ve been planning this whole time. If you are going out with him again, though, I get it. You’ll want to take your real boyfriend to Prom.”
All Kurt could do was throw his head back and laugh loudly, eliciting a groan from Blaine as he put his head in his hands, embarrassed. “Hey. Blaine, look at me,” Kurt said after a moment when he could get himself back under control. “I’m sorry I laughed. It’s just that you get so cute when you’re nervous, and I couldn’t help myself. I’m not getting back together with Alex. Neither of us want a long-distance relationship, and with him at college, there is no other choice right now. Don’t worry. You’re safe. We still get to go to Prom together.” He gave him a smile. “He actually wanted to meet with me to ask us a favor.” Kurt gestured between them.
“Apparently, his cousin is coming to live with his sister while his parents are out of the country for a while, and Alex wants us to keep an eye on him, be his friends. He’s apparently had some problems at school before, and Alex thought he would adjust better if he had someone to talk to on the first day.”
“Oh…” Blaine felt a little silly now and, magically, a lot less sick to his stomach than he had before. “So, that was all he wanted?”
“That was all. We just made small talk the rest of the time, catching up as I told you we were going to,” Kurt replied, conveniently leaving out the part about Alex not being surprised that they were together. He didn’t need to get into that right now. “Let me guess,” he said after a few beats of silence, “you’re not feeling so sick anymore?”
Blaine nodded sheepishly. “If I tell you that I am, can we still watch that movie you promised me?”
“Only if we can make some lunch to eat during it. I’m starving. I had a muffin at The Lima Bean, but I am starved again.”
“Sure,” Blaine replied, climbing out of bed. “How would you feel about watching Star Wars?”
Kurt just rolled his eyes, following his best friend down the stairs. I wonder when I’ll get the chance to tell him how I really feel, he mused.
As it turned out, Sunday wasn’t that day. They watched several movies together, and the atmosphere was so fun and laid back that Kurt decided not to ruin it by admitting to something that Blaine might not agree with. So, he decided, We’re at least friends. That’s better than being nothing because he doesn’t reciprocate my feelings. I can be happy with that for now.
So, on Monday morning, Kurt dressed to impress in some tight black-and-white-striped pants, some calf-high black boots, a black t-shirt, and a fitted gray suit jacket that really pulled the whole look together. He admired himself in the mirror as he coifed his hair, happy with the way everything looked. I’m ready to meet Alex’s cousin and impress him. I’m sure we’ll be amazing friends. And maybe I’ll impress Blaine, too. The thought made his heart jump in his chest, even though he still wasn’t convinced that Blaine liked him as anything more than a best friend.
When Kurt met him in the parking lot, Blaine thought for sure he was going to die. Kurt looked sinfully delicious in his tight pants and fitted top, and it made Blaine wish that he was braver, that he’d told Kurt how he felt and they were dating for real. I would love to pull him into my car and do sinful things with my mouth to that body, he thought as he tried to get himself to stop staring and will his body not to get too excited. Don’t need to try to explain that on a Monday morning.
After a bit of small talk, the two of them made their way to the front doors of the school. They were meeting Alex’s cousin by the flagpole, and they didn’t have to wait long for him to show up.
A tall boy with wide-set shoulders and a broad chest, dressed in a dark gray sweatshirt and baggy jeans walked up a few minutes before the bell was supposed to ring, a basketball tucked under his arm, a black backpack slung over one shoulder.
He had what Kurt wanted to call a Justin Bieber haircut, even though his shaggy bangs hung to the wrong side. Still, he gave the boy a smile. “Hi,” Kurt said, sticking out his hand. “I’m Kurt. You must be Landon.”
“I’m Blaine,” Blaine told him, giving him one of his award-winning smiles that made Kurt’s heart flip every time he saw it, especially when it was directed at him.
Lights up my whole world, he thought. “I’m Alex’s ex-boyfriend. I’m sure he told you about me.”
Landon nodded. “Mentioned you.”
“Good. Well, Blaine’s my boyfriend, and we’d like to show you around McKinley, be your friends. We thought maybe you’d like to join some of our school clubs that support LGBT youth at our school. Would that interest you?”
Landon merely shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Okay. Well, uh…” Blaine said, glancing at Kurt for direction. “What’s your first class?”
“We can show you to your room then,” Kurt said, taking Blaine’s arm when it was offered to him. The two of them tried to keep a slow pace so that Landon didn’t have to follow them. He kept meandering, though, bouncing his ball and getting distracted by awards and pictures in the trophy cases. They tried including him in their conversation, going over the latest Broadway blog gossip and discussing what part Landon might like to sing if he was interested in joining Glee. They even tried to get him to help them pick some good Prom songs since they were debating over several to sing as a whole group. Landon was anything but interested in what they had to say, however.
“Well, here we are. Algebra,” Kurt said, gesturing toward the classroom when they arrived. “Would you like one of us to meet you out here after class and show you to your next one?”
Landon merely shrugged. “Sure. I guess if you want to. Thanks.”
Kurt and Blaine exchanged glances before heading off to their own class. “See you next period,” they both said to Landon before walking away.
“Well, that didn’t go as expected,” Kurt whispered as they went.
Blaine just squeezed his wrist. “Maybe we’ll have better luck as the week goes on. He’s probably just nervous.”
“You’re right. And talking about Glee reminded me... We’ve got to pick some perfect songs for our duet at Prom and get practicing. There’s not much time.”
“Yeah. Wanna meet later this week to go over some options?”
“Sure. I’ll text you the deets,” Kurt said, pausing at his classroom door. “See you before next period?”
Blaine nodded and smiled widely, just like Kurt had seen him do at Landon earlier in the morning. And he just couldn’t help himself. He leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his lips, whispering, “I’ll miss you,” against them before Blaine turned to walk away, his cheeks coloring.
Oh, my god, what was that? Blaine thought to himself. Was there someone else around? Was that for show? He glanced around him; the hallway seemed to be empty. Was that for me? What does that mean? Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. Since he seemed to have trouble telling Kurt how he felt about him, maybe he could sing about it instead.
Meanwhile, Kurt was having his own crisis. Crap! Was that way too forward? That was way too forward. Blaine’s going to be so confused. This is horrible! What have I done? I need to figure out a way to… Oh. Maybe singing and Glee is going to be the answer to telling Blaine exactly how I feel.
The boys did not have better luck as the week went on. Landon didn’t give them much more than one-word answers to anything they asked him, and he didn’t seem at all interested in anything that they were discussing. In fact, he didn’t seem like he was much like them at all, which made everything a little more difficult. They’d promised to keep an eye on him for Alex, yet he didn’t do much but bounce his basketball and look around the school aimlessly, as if he wished he could be anywhere else.
On Thursday, as Dave was walking by the boys’ locker room, he heard a loud crash. Immediately curious, he rushed in, finding a towel rack knocked over, towels all over the floor, and a dented locker. On a bench not far away from the mess sat a boy he didn’t recognize, a basketball in his lap. His face was red, and he was breathing hard while trying to suppress obvious tears.
Having been in that exact position not long ago himself, Dave sat down next to the boy, careful not to sit too close and invade his personal space. “You okay?” he asked quietly.
“Do I look like I’m okay?” the boy spit.
“It’s okay if you’re not. We all have bad days. I’ve had plenty of them in here myself.” He chuckled to lighten the mood.
“Yeah? Well, I doubt you know anything about this.”
“Try me.”
The boy looked at Dave curiously for a moment before getting a determined look on his face. “You want to know what I’m going through? You think you can relate?”
“I can try.”
“I’m gay,” the boy spat, the word coming out like venom. “I’m gay, and I’m stuck in this freaking school where everyone like me is made of sparkles and unicorn poop, especially those two my cousin tried to stick me with. My parents are gone on a trip to a country that would be way cooler than this, and I’m stuck here in Cowpie, Ohio, forced to be friends with my cousin’s ex and his way too bright and exuberant boyfriend. I’m into basketball and football and wrestling, and they both think I want something to do with their Glee Club and their LGBTQ clubs. They think I should know who Liza Minelli is and give a hoot about what Barbara Streisand is doing. Well, I don’t. I want nothing to do with those things! I just want to be left alone until I can get out of here and go back home where no one bothers me or tries to get me interested in things that I’m not interested in!”
Dave was pretty sure he knew who he was talking to now, and he could definitely relate. “First of all, my name’s Dave,” he said, wanting to get that out of the way. “I’m guessing you’re Landon?”
The boy narrowed his eyes at him. “How did you know?”
“Well, you mentioned someone named Alex and gays who remind you of sparkles and unicorn poop. That could only be Kurt and Blaine, and I know Kurt dated a guy named Alex while he was at Dalton, so all that checks out. And I know from spying on Kurt that he’s mentioned a Landon a few times, so that must be you.”
“Guess you’re a pretty good detective,” Landon admitted.
“Second of all, I know exactly what you’re going through,” Dave told him.
“You do not. You’re just making stuff up.”
“No. I really do. Up until recently, I wasn’t out myself, and I was the school bully because of it. In fact, I bullied Kurt so hard that he had to switch schools, and that’s where he met Alex in the first place. Now, I’m out, though, and a lot of my old friends don’t want anything to do with me. They think I’m being creepy in the locker rooms, and they assume that because I’m gay I’m automatically going to be into Broadway and all that stuff. I’m not. I still love football and basketball, just like I did before I came out.” He shrugged. “I’m just kinda starting to figure out that it takes a while for people to realize that you maybe don’t fit into every mold you’re expected to fit into, no matter what you call yourself.”
Landon nodded. “Yeah. I’ve gotten all those comments, too, about staring at guys’ junk in the locker room or trying to hit on them when I ask for simple stuff, like handing me a towel. It hasn’t happened here yet. I bet it will, though.”
“It might,” Dave said. “Really, the kids here aren’t so bad. They’re pretty accepting usually, and Kurt’s pretty cool when you get to know him.” He sighed dreamily, a little smile coming over his face.
“Oh, yeah? I don’t think we like many of the same things.”
“He is into the fairy princess stuff a lot, but he’s nice and a good friend. He cares about people, and he’s willing to help them out as much as they can. Even though I bullied him so much, he’s been one of my best friends since I came out. He’s never judged me or accused me of anything, and he’s actually tried to help me through my problems, especially when I felt like they were too big for me to figure out how to deal with.”
“Sounds like you have a crush.”
Dave smiled sadly. “Yeah. A big one. For years now. You know what, though? I think I ruined that for myself, and I really regret it. If I could change things… I would. It doesn’t really matter now, though. Kurt’s dating Blaine, and even though Sebastian thinks it’s fake, I’m pretty sure it’s real. I see the way he looks at Blaine, the way he smiles when he’s around and how his breath catches when they kiss. He doesn’t look at me like that, think about me like that.”
“Maybe you two are just meant to be friends. Did you think about that?”
“I’m starting to. It’s hard to accept, though.”
For the first time, Landon smiled. “Maybe we can help each other. You seem cool. We could shoot some hoops, not talk about Broadway, and keep our minds off of…other things.”
“I’m game,” Dave replied. “There’s a nice outdoor court at the park we could go to.” At Landon’s nod, Dave followed him out of the locker room and into the hallway, a huge grin on his face. Thursday was turning out to be pretty great.
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Chapter 11By catcat85
Monday, April 24
As soon as he arrived at school, Blaine walked up to Kurt at his locker with purpose. He had spent the whole day yesterday worrying about what would happen when Alex came back into town for a visit. There were so many questions in his mind.
Why is Alex visiting this weekend? Spring break is long over, so why is he coming? 
Why does he want to meet up with Kurt?
Does he want to get back together with Kurt?
Does Kurt want to get back together with him?
If so, Kurt wouldn’t need him anymore to be a fake boyfriend. Kurt could go to Prom with Alex, his real boyfriend. 
No! Alex is Kurt’s ex-boyfriend.
Blaine really needed to stop thinking about this. He needed to stop worrying about the things that were out of his control and focused on the things that he could control. Like their performance for the assembly. And he’d found the perfect song for them to sing that was fun, upbeat, and definitely sexy.
“Hey!” He greeted Kurt with a bright smile. 
Kurt stopped spraying his hair with hairspray and turned to look at him. “Good morning! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?” 
“Coffee?” Blaine handed him a Lima Bean cup with Kurt’s name scribbled on it. 
Kurt grabbed for it immediately with a gasp. “You are the best! Thank you!” He took a sip of his nonfat mocha. “Mmm... I really needed this. I was up late last night.”
Blaine leaned against the lockers and studied Kurt. “Oh?” 
“Alex was texting me and asking me what I wanted to do this weekend when he’s home.” Kurt replied casually, as if he had no idea that he just turned Blaine’s stomach into knots.
“Oh, so you guys are hanging out this weekend?” 
Kurt looked at Blaine. “Yeah. I told you on Saturday when he texted me. He’s going to be home for the weekend.”
“Why?” Blaine asked because he couldn’t help it. 
“His sister’s engagement party.”
“No.” Blaine shook his head a bit. “I meant, why are you hanging out with him?” 
“Because...we’re friends, and he asked me if I wanted to meet up?” Kurt answered slowly, studying his best friend. Blaine wouldn’t meet his eyes, and he looked upset. Kurt didn’t dare hope, but he had to know. “Are you jealous?”
“What? No!” Blaine lied on impulse.
Kurt narrowed his eyes at him. “Blaine...” 
“I just...think that you should be careful.”
“Alex is a nice guy. He wouldn’t...” 
“I meant you should be careful texting Alex on your cell phone. Sebastian cloned your SIM card. I bet you he saw every message you and Alex exchanged,” Blaine said, proud of himself for successfully finding a better reason why he was worried. Because he was definitely not jealous. Nope.
Kurt let out a sigh. “You’re right. But it’s all PG. I promise. We are just going to get brunch on Sunday to catch up. That's it.” 
“So, you’re free Saturday then?” Blaine asked, already planning what he could do to make the time he had with Kurt memorable. So memorable that Kurt would still be thinking about it the next day when he’s out with his ex-boyfriend.
“So far, yes.” 
“Well, then I think it’s a perfect day for me to come over to your place so you can fit me for my suit for Prom,” Blaine suggested, leaning closer to Kurt. 
Kurt’s eyes sparkled with delight. “That’s a great idea! Oh! That reminds me, actually. I did order your suit jacket last night as well. So, it’s perfect! It should arrive before Saturday and you can try on the whole suit. I can make adjustments on the jacket for you as well!” 
Blaine’s smile widened. “Great!”
Kurt sighed happily as he took another sip of coffee. “This Monday morning has turned out really great.” 
Blaine continued to smile at his best friend. “Well, it’s about to get better. I have the perfect song for us to sing at the assembly!” 
Friday, April 28
Blaine tugged on his bow tie as pre-performance jitters took over him. They were about to open the Prom assembly with their performance. He, Kurt, Santana, and Brittany were performing together and kicking off their campaign for Prom Kings and Queens.
Blaine stopped fidgeting when Kurt reached over to fix his bow tie for him. Blaine sucked in a breath as Kurt’s fingertips grazed the skin on his neck, giving him goosebumps. Now, he was feeling the jitters for a whole different reason.
“You look great. Stop messing with your tie,” Kurt scolded him, but he was looking at him with fondness. 
Blaine let out a sigh. “I don’t know why I’m nervous.”
Kurt’s face softened, and he reached up to smooth out Blaine’s frowning eyebrows. “Don’t be. We’re gonna be great together.” 
Blaine couldn’t help it. His body was moving on its own accord and just as his lips were about to meet Kurt’s, Santana’s voice made him jump. 
“You two ponies ready for this?” she said, walking up next to them. She was dressed in a tight red dress that showed off every curve on her body.
“I think they are more like dolphins, actually,” Brittany piped in from next to her, who was also in a red dress. The two of them contrasted nicely with Kurt and Blaine, who were both wearing all-black outfits.
The guy from the AV Club gave them a signa,l and they all turned their microphones on and took their positions. Then, the music started, and the curtain lifted.
Blaine and Kurt walked out onto the stage, dancing along to the music. Then Blaine put the mic to his lips and started to sing his verse.
When I'm with you, babyI go out of my headAnd I just can't get enoughAnd I just can't get enough
He turned to look at Kurt flirtatiously, which Kurt returned with a smitten smile before he started to sing his verse.
All the things you do to meAnd everything you saidI just can't get enoughI just can't get enough
They both turned to face each other with lovesick smiles before singing the next part in unison. 
We slip and slide as we fall in loveAnd I just can't seem to get enough
Then, Santana and Brittany walked out onto the stage, and they began to sing their verses of the song. As they sang, Kurt and Blaine danced next to them. Blaine spun Kurt around and pulled him into his arms as Santana and Brittany finished their bridge together.
Kurt and Blaine snuggled close together again when it was time for them to sing together.
And when it rainsYou're shining down for meAnd I just can't get enoughAnd I just can't get enough
Santana and Brittany took over the next verse. And Blaine reached over and cupped Kurt’s face in his hand as he sang the next part. 
You're like an angel and you give me your loveAnd I just can't seem to get enough
Once they finished the song, Santana said into her microphone, “My name is Santana Lopez.” 
“And I’m Brittany S. Pierce,” Brittany followed. 
“I’m Blaine Anderson,” Blaine said after Brittany. 
“I’m Kurt Hummel, and we are your next Prom Kings and Queens!” Kurt said into the mic, and the entire gym erupted in cheer.
The four of them wrapped their arms around each other and took their bows before leaving the stage. As soon as they were behind the curtain again, Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and spun him around, making Blaine giggle. The girls were laughing next to them, too, and Blaine couldn’t help it anymore. He leaned in and kissed Kurt hard on the lips. Kurt seemed to be surprised by his action at first, but only for a second, before he started to kiss him back just as passionately. 
“Okay... I know you just can’t get enough of each other, but this is just...” Santana began with annoyance. 
“Hey! Just like the song!” Brittany quipped. 
Kurt and Blaine pulled away from each other, breathing hard and looking a bit dazed.
“It’s like watching a porno!” Santana commented, making both boys blush. 
“I think our performance was a success!” Blaine exclaimed. 
“Hell yes, it was!” Santana agreed, high-fiving him.
Kurt smiled at Blaine as he walked with his friends to go sit in the bleachers to watch the rest of the assembly. And he continued to smile because Blaine never let go of his hand for the entirety of the assembly. 
Saturday, April 29
Kurt meticulously assembled a charcuterie board for himself and Blaine to enjoy. Blaine was coming over in a few minutes to hang out and also to get fitted for his suit for Prom. As much as he was excited to see Blaine in a suit, he was just excited to see Blaine, period. He couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss after their performance.
Blaine had initiated it, which was the very reason Kurt couldn’t stop thinking about it. After their little picnic a few weeks ago, he had promised himself that he wasn’t going to make any more gestures toward Blaine. He was going to wait for Blaine to come to him. Was that kiss the sign he was looking for? Or did Blaine kiss him for show? The only people backstage with them at the time had been Brittany and Santana. Blaine didn’t really need to kiss him as passionately as he did just to fool the girls.
“Hey!” Blaine greeted him as he walked into the kitchen, pulling Kurt from his thoughts.
“Your dad let me in. He was on his way out to the garage,” Blaine explained as he looked at the impressive-looking charcuterie board on the counter. He reached over to grab one of the cheese cubes. “This looks delicious!” 
Kurt only glared at him playfully for snatching a piece of cheese before picking up the board. “It tastes delicious, too. Can you please grab some sodas? Let’s go to my room.”
“I can’t wait to see my suit jacket!” Blaine said excitedly as they walked into Kurt’s bedroom.
Kurt gestured toward the mannequin, which wore Blaine’s jacket. “There it is!”
“I know it’s a simple black jacket, but the material is so soft. And I have this idea for our white shirts to have pleating in the chest area, so it adds something to our outfit without being too much,” Kurt rambled off but stopped when Blaine turned to look at him with his mouth slightly opened. “What?” 
“You want us to wear matching shirts?” 
Kurt blushed. “Well, I thought it would be a nice touch. It will mostly be covered by our jackets, but it’s subtle and tasteful.” 
“I love it,” Blaine told him with a smile, making Kurt return his smile. 
“Okay. Do you want to go try on the pants first so I can get the measurements?” Kurt suggested.
“You can change inside my closet. Make sure to tuck your shirt in so I can see the waistline of the pants.” Kurt gestured toward his walk-in closet.
Blaine grabbed the pants and walked inside the closet. “Oh, I also brought my dress shoes, so you can fit my pants with the shoes on.” 
“Perfect! That’s why I love you,” Kurt called out before he realized what he had said. “Damn it!” 
He muttered under his breath and sat down on his bed. The silence from Blaine made his stomach twist even more. Before he had a chance to freak out, the closet door opened, and Blaine walked out. Kurt was now freaking out for a whole different reason.
“I think the pants fit a little bit better than the last time I tried them on, but they still feel tight around the waist,” Blaine noted as he walked over to Kurt and did a spin for him. “What do you think?” 
He was now facing the full-length mirror with his back to Kurt, giving his best friend a full view of his peach-shaped butt in all its glory. He had taken his collared shirt off and was now in a white tank top, which was tucked inside his pants, showing off his tiny waist.
Kurt clutched his pillow closer to his chest and bit down on it to keep himself from groaning out loud at the view in front of him. How was it fair that Blaine was not only incredibly kind, talented, and sweet; but he was also drop dead gorgeous?
“Kurt?” Blaine craned his neck to look back at his best friend when Kurt hadn’t made any comment. 
Kurt finally pushed the pillow away and stood up from his bed. He walked over to stand next to Blaine, so he wouldn’t be looking at Blaine’s perfectly round butt anymore. He needed to get himself together. “I think you should put the shoes on so I can do the fitting.” 
“Oh! Okay!” Blaine then turned around to reach for his bag where his shoes were. And to Kurt’s delight or terror, Blaine bent over to pull his shoes on, displaying his butt for Kurt to see once again. Blaine wasn’t naked, but in those tight pants, he might as well be. 
Kurt was going to die before the end of this fitting.
But oh, what a way to go. 
Blaine was still bending down to tie his shoelaces, and Kurt needed to distract himself, so he walked over to his sewing table to grab his measuring tape and some pins. 
“Okay. Where do you want me?” Blaine asked once he was vertical again. 
Kurt wanted to say, “On my bed with me on top of you,” but he gestured towards the mirror. “Stand in front of the mirror.” Blaine did as he was told, and Kurt knelt down on the floor to adjust the length of the pants. “I know you like your pants to go above your ankles, so...” He folded the fabric and held it up with a couple of pins on each pant leg. “Right about there.” 
Blaine looked at his reflection in the mirror. “Wow.”
He definitely liked the way the pants looked better now with the lengths taken up.
“Now, let’s take a look at that waistline,” Kurt said before he stood up behind Blaine and ran his fingers around the waistband of Blaine’s pants. He could feel Blaine suck in his breath, and when he glanced down at the skin on his bare shoulders, he could see goosebumps. Feeling brave and bold, Kurt slipped his fingers underneath the waistband of Blaine’s pants. “Hmm... It sure does feel really tight,” Kurt mumbled lowly, right next to Blaine’s ear. 
Blaine was going to die before the end of this fitting.
How was he supposed to respond to that comment from Kurt? All he wanted to do was to turn his face towards Kurt’s and kiss him passionately before declaring his undying love to him. 
Kurt’s fingers were still slipped between his skin and the waistband of his pants. Blaine was now feeling tight in his pants, not just in the waistline but also in the crotch.
This was his chance. He was going to do it. He’s just going to lean in and give Kurt the world’s most passionate kiss and tell him he was in love with him.
Blaine slowly leaned in, and he could feel the hot puff of breath coming out of Kurt’s slightly parted lips. He couldn’t look away from Kurt’s pink lips, and just when his lips were about to touch them, Kurt jumped back from him.
“Sorry. My phone...” Kurt said, a bit startled as he pulled his buzzing phone out of his pocket. “It’s Alex.” 
And just like that, Blaine felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown on him. He let out a sigh. “Aren’t you gonna answer it?” 
Kurt waved his phone at Blaine with a sheepish smile. “Went to voicemail. I’m sure it wasn’t important.” 
Kurt then walked back over to Blaine. “Um... I think I know what to do to loosen the waistline a bit.” He tugged at the sides of the waistband slightly. “I can cut the sides a bit and add a piece of elastic band on each side. That will give you a bit of breathing room.”
Blaine smiled. “Sounds great. Being able to breathe would be good.” 
Kurt chuckled. “Here. Try on the jacket as well.”
Blaine took the jacket from Kurt and pulled it on. He then turned to look at himself in the mirror. Kurt was behind him once again. “I like this a lot.” 
Kurt met Blaine’s eyes in the mirror. “Yeah?” 
Blaine moved his arms up and down a bit, and then he turned around and pulled Kurt into his arms in a swift dance move. Kurt giggled. “Yes. And I feel comfortable in it, which is great because I plan on dancing the night away with you at Prom.” 
Kurt smiled brightly at him. “Be careful what you wish for. I may not give you a chance to sit down and rest at Prom. I’ll probably want to dance to every song.” 
Blaine beamed up at Kurt and began to slowly dance around with his arms still securely around him. “Anything for you.” 
Author’s Note:
Song Credit: Just Can’t Get Enough by Depeche Mode
Note by GleefulDarrenCrissFan: The next chapter will be posted tomorrow. It was written by Teddyshoney, who also did the editing for all of this.
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Prom with Peter Maximoff
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CW: none, just some sickening fluff, Jubilee and Kurt are 💅 because I said so, Peter is a bumbling idiot but not annoying levels of it, I didn't go to prom so this is probably not at all accurate, no prom queen/king for one, also no slow dance??? Idk why not I might rewrite this completely but I do kinda like this so I'm posting it, I wrote this with F!Reader in mind, but other than that Reader wears a dress it's Gender Neutral, I wrote this to distract myself from cramps, and as always, lazily edited
You take a deep breath and run your fingers over the fabric of your dress, the silver lightly shimmering under the light of your dorm. You were waiting for your date, Peter Maximoff, to come get you and take you down the hall to the large gymnasium at Xavier's School for the Gifted where the dance was.
You and Peter weren't dating when he asked you to the dance, but you might as well have been, since the two of you were practically attached at the hip ever since he saved the school from exploding and then enrolled. It was kind of cliché to wait for him, since the gym was only 20 yards from your dorm, but Peter said it would feel like a more authentic dance this way, so you agreed with a laugh.
Just as you were starting to wonder what was taking the speedster so long, a knock at your door sounded. You got up, smoothing out the lines in the dress and grinning when you opened the door.
Peter was dressed in a pair of black slacks (they hung a bit big on him, leading you to believe they were probably borrowed from Erik) and a light blue and silver striped dress shirt, silver and blue flowers pinned to the lapel. It was simple and the two of you matched quite well. His hair was combed to the best of his ability but still hung loose around his face. You resisted to urge to ruffle your hands through it. His eyes sparkled as he looked you up and down in awe and pure adoration. You wanted to kiss him but decided against it, how silly to have you two's first kiss be minutes before the dance, standing half in the hallway half in your dorm.
"You look stunning," he breathed out. Your face heat at his comment and you patted your hair nervously.
"Thanks, you look great too," you told him. He grinned at the praise, clearly proud of himself for managing to clean up.
He stared at you for a few more seconds before a though occured to him and he cleared his throat. "I got you this-" he reached behind him to something he had clipped to the back of his pants, pulling out a clip on flower lapel to match his own- "it's fake so you can keep it forever." You smiled at the sentiment and helped him pin it onto your dress. He held out an arm to you and you stepped forward and placed your hand in his own, letting him lead you two to the gym.
Jean and Jubilee had been in charge of decorating, and while they did an excellent job, you could clearly see where each of their influence showed. Jean had a clean snack table set up at the end closest to the main door, a plastic cover set over- silver, funnily enough- to catch any spills from the three different punch bowls. There were huge -silver- letters above the door that spelled out "PROM" and streamers and confetti carefully placed in meticulous order. It looked great.
Jubilee's side was pure chaos. She used the same streamers and confetti as Jean, but it was thrown wherever without any semblance of a pattern. A makeshift stage was put up and the resident band, the Musical Mutants (we're not naming ourselves that) (we totally should it's hilarious) (no) (you're outvoted), was playing a cover of some rock song you didn't recognize, but it had a nice beat, and Peter took your hand to join the rest of your friends on the dance floor.
Jean and Scott greeted you as they held hands, Scott occasionally twirling Jean around, Jubilee gave you a big hug and Kurt waved awkwardly before they introduced you to their partners. Jubilee girlfriend Kess was a tall dark haired woman in a light pink dress, who you vaguely recognized from around the school, and Kurt's boyfriend Wally was a shorter guy you were pretty sure you had science with. You all had agreed to go as a group about a month before Wally asked Kurt, and then Jean asked Scott, Jubes asked Kess and Peter asked you, so you ended up as one big quadruple date.
You all talked for a while before a particular song came on and Jubilee and Kess ran off to go dance, Scott and Jean excused themselves- "to go make out" as Peter put it, despite your playful slap to his chest at the comment, and Kurt and Wally went off to go say hi to some of Wally's friends.
"They ditched us," Peter said in faux sadness. You shook your head lightly and smiled.
"They probably didn't want to stand here much longer watching you stare at me."
He did his best to look offended. "I was being discreet." He turned up his nose and looked away. He quickly turned back though as the realization of what you said kicked in. "You saw me?"
You smiled at the blush crawling over his cheeks and nodded. He shook his head and muttered to himself about being more careful, which only made you laugh more. Satisfied with your happiness, he took your hand and sped you around to say hello to all of your friends.
This continued well into the night, Peter and you bouncing around from person to person, group to group and conversing with your friends, stopping once in a while to dance or sing along to the a song, and by the time the band took a break, you were exhausted. You made one last stop at the snack table to give your compliments to the band before leading Peter out to the big field that was sometimes used for class. Next to it was a small garden a few of the Botanokinetics and other gardening enthusiasts kept up. The two of you sat down on the bench, your hand in Peter's lap to let him fiddle with the beads of your bracelet to help him keep still.
The sky was dark, stars dotting the horizon, sun long gone and the moon taking up it's place in the sky. Music could still be heard fairly loudly from the gym but it didn't bother you two as you lay a head on his shoulder, listening to him talk about arcade games, and stared off at the small group of students running in circles with sparklers far out by the lake. You could almost spot Jubilee out with them, making hearts around Kess with her powers. You smiled up at Peter as he continued to ramble. He stopped when he realized you were staring at him.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"It's okay. I like hearing you talk about things you like. I feel.honored you want to share that with me." He grinned at your sentiment.
"Why the hell did I not ask you out sooner."
You shrugged and pulled off his shoulder. He reached out, very suddenly for you, though you suppose it must've been a normal rate from his perspective, to cup your cheek in his hand and pull you ever so slightly closer to him. You gulped and glanced at his lips as he leaned further, stopping a few inches from your mouth to wait for you to close the gap. You waited for a few seconds before leaving in and pressing your lips to his.
There wasn't any fireworks, there was no magic switch that clicked in your brain, just Peter's lips, so soft against yours. There was just Peter's hand on your neck, pulling you closer. It might not've been showstopping, but it felt like heaven, and that was enough.
[not my gif @anakinskywalkers ]
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quinnmorgendorffer · 3 years
okay but on the topic of glee fandom, since we seemed to be in different parts of that fandom (I was more on the femslash side) what was the craziest glee fandom drama that you personally witnessed
Part of me just wanted to say "Canniblaine" as a one word answer. But like the real answer is that it was never NOT crazy, honestly. But if I had to answer......well, let's talk about s2 in a nutshell.
(Don't worry, Canniblaine will be explained).
So, in summer of 2010, Puckurt (my beloved) was the most popular Kurt ship on ff.net, the fics then were all sweet and fun and normally had a lot of just pure Glee bonding. And Kurt fans were excited since Ryan Murphy promised repeatedly that Kurt would get a jock boyfriend and the two of them would be crowned Prom King and King. Eventually, Jane Lynch said in some interview that they casted a blond boy to play a kid named Sam who would be Kurt's love interest. I can't remember for sure if she was also the one who confirmed that there would be a love triangle with him, Kurt, and Quinn.
But RIB—Ryan, Ian, and Brad, the original and only screenwriters until s3—were NOT fans of their cast leaking spoilers. And eventually they say, no, that's not happening, Chord and Dianna have too much chemistry!!! We're not doing that plot anymore.
But they had been known to lie about certain plots happening when people guessed things correctly. When Idina Menzel was cast in s1, everyone was like "oh she's playing Rachel's mom". They denied it and, wouldn't you know it, she was cast to play Rachel's mom. So, keep that in mind.
Anyway, s2 premieres, we meet Sam. He seems fun, he's cute, there's even a gay joke in his very first scene where he gets actual lines. In the third episode, he gets injured at the football game, whatever.
Then the glorious episode 2x04 "Duets" happens. Truly a magnificent piece of television with some of the best performances. Santana and Mercedes doing "River Deep/Mountain High"? THE MOST FUCKING ICONIC THING. Kurt doing "Le Jazz Hot"? PERFECTION. Tina and Mike doing "Sing!" from A Chorus Line? THE BEST FIRST SONG MIKE COULD'VE BEEN GIVEN AND SO CUTE! Ending with Rachel and Kurt doing "Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy"? BEAUTIFUL. And, yeah, the Finchel verison of "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart" is cute and I guess Sam and Quinn doing "Lucky", while not making sense in terms of their relationship, was sweet.
But, despite what RIB said, it was clear that "Duets" was meant to introduce this love triangle with Kurt, Sam, and Quinn. You canNOT tell me that this was NOT both of them flirting with each other. They have amazing chemistry, I'm sorry, you can't deny that. So, that means either RIB were lying about changing the plot, or they waited to change the plot after 2x04.
Then 2x05 happens and that's "The Rocky Horror Glee Show" and we don't talk about that mess.
Anyway, I joined tumblr for Glee fandom literally the day before episode 2x06 came out. And season 2, episode 6 was..... "Never Been Kissed".
And that's when all hell broke loose.
Because NBK, as fans called it, introduced us to Blaine fucking Anderson played by, of course, Darren Criss.
The. Heaviest. Of Sighs.
I remember I was so excited for that, though. I was a Klainer before the ep even aired because I lOVED him. It was only a 3 episode guest arc, but I was sure they'd keep him, and I believed RIB was telling the truth and they were really done with the Kurt/Sam plot. And, evne looking back at it, while I say "Duets" is the last GOOD episode of Glee…NBK is honestly a good episode. And in 2011 especially, it was kind of a big fucking deal.
But the thing about NBK was that, not only did it propel Klaine into existence, it also created Kurtofsky with one kiss in the locker room.
So, now there were THREE ship possibilities arguing all over the place. Klaine shippers who rejoiced as Darren got offered more episodes as a guest actor (his original version of "Teenage Dream" was and I think still IS their best selling single on iTunes, so of COURSE they wanted him around); Kurtofsky shippers who wanted to see this scared, tortured jock redeemed (some of these shippers I know for sure were Puckurt fans, since, yeah, some dynamics were similar enough); and Kurt/Sam shippers who believed RIB was lying as they had in the past (the whole Idina thing).
Btw, there were already arguments over the fucking name for Kurt/Sam because fuckyeahgleesecrets wouldn't let people submit secrets that said "Kum" because it was "obscene"—but having "fuck" in their blog url was fine. I can't find it but once someone sent in a weirdly worded secret that supported Klaine, but then you looked at the first letter of every sentence and it said like "Kum At Me" or something, which was hilarious and got deleted.
Anyway, there was a SHIT TON of fighting. Klainers would say it was the "Klaine Train" but Kummers, as they called themselves, would call it the Klaintanic, like Titanic, saying the ship would fail, and they'd be safe on the Kum canoe. I'll admit I was on that canoe eventually because I hated Klaine by the time it became canon lmao. And I also believed, like other Kummers, that it would still be canon. After all, Dianna and Chord having "too much chemistry" was obviously a lie and they even broke up Sam and Quinn a few episodes into the second half of the season! Oh, and Kurtofsky became pirates based off the sea/ocean thing. I accidentally created the Puckurt centaur, it's a long story.
Anyway, so s2 was wild, with those three mentioned ships constantly fighting. Klainers saying they'd be canon (we all been knew, honestly), Kurtofsky shippers excited over the "Prom Queen" episode being spoiled by an extra, and Kummers holding onto the hope that it would still happen. They'd say something I can't remember like.... "Kum quick on our tittsana faithfully" or something, basically the idea that the endgames were Kum, Quick (Quinn/Puck), Brittana, Finchel, and they'd also often mention Tartie.
Also, did I mention that b3achd3ath aka peyton, who wrote that terrible YA novel everyone was roasting recently, was one of the loudest Kum canoe members?
Did I mention that gr@ceebooks was, like, the Kummers' leader? As in the person who eventually created The JohnLock Conspiracy???? Also led people into believing that another slash ship would become canon????!!!! THOSE WHO DON'T LEARN HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO FUCKING REPEAT IT!
The funny part was that Grace admitted it wasn't going to happen before the s2 finale that was like everyone's final hope that Kum could possibly happen.
The not so funny part is that it's clear, imo, that Chord WAS hired to be Kurt's love interest and they cut it off since Darren made them a shit ton of money with "Teenage Dream" and the whole Warblers thing (I will NOT get into that, this post is long enough), and they clearly didn't know what to do with him after that. Hence why they got rid of him after s2 only to bring him back after enough backlash I guess idk why, and that's also why there's a gifset of Chord kissing every single original Glee girl because they LITERALLY did nOT know what to do with him once they took away the Kurt love interest thing. And it's a shame because the idea of Quinn and Kurt both going after the same guy sounds like SUCH a good plot. Dianna and Chris were two of the strongest actors, and Chord is actually really underrated as an actor, too—good on him for being the leading male against Lindsay Lohan in her comeback movie, I want him to have success after all the shit he went through on Glee. I want all of them to have good things, really (well, not L3a but lmao ya know, and obviously not fucking Bl@ke Jenner, I'm so mad he's still in that Merrily We Roll Along movie adaptation), since they all went through so much.
Oh, and many Klainers started to ship "Criss Colfer" (Darren and Chris, obvi), and claimed PR was keeping them from being openly a couple. As if they WOULDN'T WANT that PR????? Of their same sex couple falling in love on set like wtf PR would want that more than anything??? And, in classic fashion, that led to people sending death threats and harrassing Darren's then gf, now wife, on social media and them stalking any guy who got close to Chris. Chris has been dating the same guy since like at least 2012 I think, and, as said, Darren got married, and some people are still convinced they aren't real relationships, like they're more insane than the fake baby 1ders.
Oh, and of course, Canniblaine.
The Glee Kink Meme—gkm—is a place I wish I never went to, honestly. Like, I was 18 when I first found it, and it fucked me UP. I have said it before and I'll say it again, I'm so concerned for anyone hwo found it under 18. Not in a clutching pearls way, because, yeah, read smut, idc, but this stuff was FUCKED UP. People MADE UP TWINS just to write tw*ncest. Like, literally, there was a trend of Kurt having a twin named Cameron, and eventually people would use like, Chris' character in Struck By Lightning (the movie he wrote and starred in), as one. I remember finding another kink meme for another fandom and like braced myself only to find like…normal fucking smut prompts. No beastality, no gore, no mpreg, no boypussies—and, no, it wasn't that Kurt was a transman, it was that he just had a vagina for some reason, sometimes he WOULD have a cock, too, though, so…Idk.
And I definitely didn't see vore prompts.
And definitely not FILLED vore prompts.
But before Klaine had even sung "Baby It's Cold Outside", someone filled a vore prompt. Wherein Blaine ate Kurt alive.
…This was supposed to be a show the whole family could watch…
There were various memes of the 2010 variety, the best being, of course, the one of him saying, directly from their first duet, "Gosh, you lips ARE delicious". People were daring others to read it.
I made it about a sentence in, realized I was eating a pizza hot pocket (say you were a freshman in college without saying you're a freshman in college, am i right?), and put it down, closed that tab, and I have yet to eat a hot pocket since.
I have to admit this gif still cracks me up though:
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So.....long answer, but I hope an enjoyable read on some fandom drama on the Kurt/slash side of fandom.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #68
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Bree (Tina In The Sky With Diamonds) 
“So, here’s the thing, Dottie,” Bree says, her arms firmly crossed over her chest.  “You’ve been living, quite pathetically, in the shadow of Tina Cohen-Chang for nearly a year now?  Do you want that to be your legacy? Do you really want to be remembered as that weird, bug-eyed girl who is subservient to someone who barely knows you’re alive? Do you really want to continue playing second, no like fourth or fifth fiddle to someone who undoubtedly should be in that position herself?  Or would you like to leave this school remembered as a legend?” 
Bree’s lips twist into a delighted grin as Dottie begins to squirm.  It’s almost too easy to manipulate the weak -- and Dottie has proven such an easy case.  Bree didn’t come to this school to take a backseat to those who are clearly unworthy of her, and she isn’t about to throw away opportunities that are so ripe for the picking.  She will rule at this school, and figuring out this shit show of Prom Queen is her first step of getting there.  
Dottie nervously plays with the hem of her dress, completely steamrolled.  “Tina’s not so bad.  Sometimes she brings in homemade cookies for everyone.  I usually end up with the few burnt ones, but only because I don’t want to take away from anyone else’s joy.” 
“Okay, this has got to stop,” Bree holds her hand up.  How sad can this girl get?  “Tina Cohen-Chang does not get to be Prom Queen over a few charitable cookies.  The girl’s ego has grown too much, and since she decided Cheerios was not good enough for her anymore, she does not get to delight in a status symbol reserved for people who actually understand what being a good queen would entail.  We are going to take Tina down and we’re going to cripple her where it hurts… by stealing her boyfriend.” Bree throws her head back in a cackle.  This is going to be delicious.  
Dottie gives her a double take.  “I-I’m sorry ma’am - What? Tina doesn’t have a boyfriend.  I know - it’s the number one item on her long list of daily complaints.  I mean, she had one for a long time, but then he graduated and dumped her and I think is now dating some lovely dancer in Chicago and…” 
“Stop!” Bree snaps.  She shakes her head in disbelief.  “Are you seriously going to tell me that that glee club Prince Charming Blaine Anderson is not her boyfriend?  Are you seriously trying to tell me that the Prom King nominated, 50’s-era styled guy that she’s been glued to every second that I’ve know then, especially when they were both on the Cheerios and he was for some reason captain of the team when he did nothing but mope on the sidelines where the two of them clung sadly to each other, isn’t her boyfriend?  Never mind the fact that they’re always touching each other, always singing the most annoyingly sappiest of songs together, making everyone sick with their cutesy nicknames.  You really want me to believe they’re not a couple?” 
Dottie’s eyes grow wide with fear behind her glasses.  Bree is too annoyed to enjoy it.  
“Because my intel says that Blaine Anderson’s last relationship didn’t work because he cheated,” Bree continues, recalling her brilliant plan.  She wants nothing more to hurt Tina in the way girls like that crumble.  “And once a cheater, always a cheater.  I know because I am very good at cheating.  And Tina would not be able to handle losing another man.” 
Dottie is squirmy even more now.  “Well, Tina used to have a crush on him.  It’s why she founded and disbanded the Too Young to Be Bitter Club.  And I don’t deny that they are seemingly inseparable.  But he’s actually engaged.” 
“What?” Bree’s jaw drops.  
Dottie flails her hands about. “Oh, oh oh!” She fishes into her purse to pull out her phone, typing furiously.  “To the Prom Queen of two years ago.  You have to watch the video.” 
Bree snaps the phone out of Dottie’s hand.  “I am seriously going to snap Jordan’s neck again if I find she’s given me bad intel.” 
“Well, they were broken up for a couple of months,” Dottie says as she pushes play on the video for Bree.  “But they got back together.  Tina says it was the loveliest of ceremonies.  Unfortunately no one took video of that, so this is just from prom a couple of years ago.” 
Bree watches a shaky, phone video of a couple of guys dancing with each other.  One of them has a crown on his head.   “So, Blaine Anderson is actually gay.” 
Dottie freezes in her spot.  “I thought that was obvious.”  
It’s utterly disgusting to watch.  Everyone’s so happy and doe-eyed.  Disney cartoons aren’t as sappy as this. Everyone cheers and claps and Blaine Anderson dips his partner and… Bree lets out a screech as she throws Dottie’s phone back at her.  She is going to need a new plan.  
“I think it’s sweet,” Dottie coos as she looks down at her phone, watching as the video repeats itself.  “Like the happy ending of a rom-com.” 
“You think it’s sweet because you’re a schmuck,” Bree bites at her.  “And rom-coms are trash.  What we need is a horror show.”  An idea hits her.  Maybe her best one yet.  “Dottie… have you ever seen Carrie?” 
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backslashdelta · 2 years
Gifs Masterpost
Some gifsets might show up in a couple of places if they fit in multiple categories. I try to update this list regularly, but you can always check out my gifs tag to see if there is anything new.
Kurt Hummel
Kurt Hummel in every episode
Porcelain - Marianas Trench
Kurt’s prom outfit
Kurt + shaking boys' hands when he meets them
Kurt in Fashion Hero, a fashion design competition TV show
White woMan's Instagram - Bo Burnham
Kurt Hummel + his soulmates
Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) - Patrick Stump
Do It For Him
Porcelain - Marianas Trench
Kurt Hummel my beloved
Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian as Warbler captain
(Fic: ACITW) Beautiful, Dirty, Rich - Lady Gaga
I Bet You Think About Me - Taylor Swift
Do It For Him
Sebastian Smythe my beloved
David Karofsky
Boys - Lizzo
OUTRUN MYSELF - Jack Kays ft. Travis Barker
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Blaine Anderson
(Fic: ATOG) Reasons to move to New York city
Do It For Him
Noah Puckerman
The Archer - Taylor Swift
Noah Puckerman and all of his solos
Lauren Zizes + extracurriculars
Becky Jackson’s war on xylophones
Things To Never Say To Someone Who Just Came Out
Rachel Berry / Eat Your Salad -  Citi Zēni
Tina as Prom Queen in 5x02
Hunter Clarington / Not Even Remotely Bi-curious
Elliott Gilbert my beloved
Every Klaine duet
I’m with stupid/I’m stupid
Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Friends In Low Places Netflix series
Come What May
Kurt and Blaine in The Hurt Locker, Part 2
Klaine proposal, blue/yellow moon/sun
Louder Than Words - tick, tick...BOOM!
Come to Your Senses - tick, tick...BOOM!
Right Where You Left Me - Taylor Swift
Heal Me - Snow Patrol
I Lost a Friend - FINNEAS
What If This Is All The Love You Ever Get? - Snow Patrol
(Fic: Solid Gold) Solid Gold - Tom Chaplin
Red - Taylor Swift
Solid Gold - Tom Chaplin
First kiss and Kurt's hands
Oh god no. No more candles.
(Fic: ACITW) as a novel
willow - Taylor Swift
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve - Taylor Swift
A Matter of Distance as a Netflix show
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
cardigan - Taylor Swift
Mr. Brightside - The Killers (inspired by It Was Only A Kiss)
(Fic: ACITW) Summerboy - Lady Gaga
(Fic: ACITW) Fourth of July - Fall Out Boy
illicit affairs - Taylor Swift 
The Name of the Game - ABBA
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
(Fic: ACITW) Begin Again - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
High Infidelity - Taylor Swift
I could fix him/make him worse/rail him
And Why Is That?
Night at Scandals
Puck+Sam / How many tennis balls?
Season 2 (collab)
Klaine + Kadam / performing for Kurt
Sill / Hump Day (old version)
Pizes in Original Song
Kurtofsky / Prom King and Queen
Worst rated songs in the Glee Soundtrack Rating Project
Submissions to the Glee Playlist Project
Kelliott Google edit
Quinntana / august - Taylor Swift
Kelliott edit
Hudmels before and after Finn's death
Seblaine / cardigan - Taylor Swift
Walter is Sebastian’s Dad AU
Jesse/Finn/Brody / betray, belittle, boytoy
St Sambastian / manipulate, mansplain, malewife (+ bonus manslaughter)
Sebkelliott / bestie, beloved, bastard
New Directions / "This is your Glee club..."
Hevans / The World Has Its Shine (But I Would Drop It On A Dime For You) - Cobra Starship
Quinntana / Shake Tramp - Marianas Trench
Pucktana with sparklers in 6x02
The Scientist
Klaine x Kadam / Only The Lonely Survive - Marianas Trench
Edge of Glory
Other Fandoms
Fall Out Boy’s **** Live in Phoenix - Gabe Saporta
Fall Out Boy’s **** Live in Phoenix - Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy Tonight
Klaine x Gallavich kiss compilation
Klaine x Gallavich / proposal and wedding parallels
Barry Allen dancing
Fringe Intro
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(Take) These Broken Wings 10/10 (Glee)
AN: This is it. Final chapter, after half of forever. I hope it doesn’t disappoint.
Previous: Part 9, Part 8, Part 7, Part 6, Part 5, Part 4, Part 3,  Part 2b, Part 2a, Part 1
Baby, I think tonight
We can take what was wrong
and make it right
Prom queen.
Kurt had been elected prom queen. And Mr Figgins, the absolute ass, had allowed it. Had opened the envelope, seen the name written there and just read it out. Like it was perfectly okay.
His first reaction was to run out, to leave and not come back. But fury followed hard on the heels of humiliation, and Kurt straightened his spine and stepped forward.
As Mr Figgins placed the tiara on Kurt's head he imagined all the ways he was going to ruin the man, and how he would enjoy it. By the time Kurt was done McKinley's principal would wish for Burt Hummel and his blowtorch instead.
The only saving grace what that Dave had been elected prom king, meaning he at least wasn't forced to dance with a homophobe liable to beat him up for the affront. And if it also meant he got to dance with the boy he kind of wanted to have as his date... Well. The world's tiniest silver lining.
But first he was going to hold his thank you speech, like a good prom queen. Right. Good. Queen.
“When I returned to McKinley with the assurance of Mr Figgins,” the man had the nerve to smile, stupidly, like he hadn't screwed up, like Kurt wasn't going to burn him, “that the faculty had the bullying problem under control I made a private bet as to how long it would take for people to riot over no longer being allowed to assault people.” Mr Figgins's smile wavered. “I wondered if I was being unfair when I thought it wouldn't last past this semester. Apparently I underestimated how horrible you people can be.
“I also made a second bet, namely about what the faculty would do when the bullying started up again. I was dead on the money: nothing.
“So for those of you using this as a way to try and bully me when you've been deprived of the option to beat me up, or ruin my clothes and my homework, or steal my things, I see you. You wanted to show that nothing can stop you from harassing others, that you're despicable enough to need the thrill of treating others like crap. I see that. I see you. And I want you to know that I'm still better than you. I'm always going to be better than you, unless you drag yourselves out of that cesspool you're rolling around in, like pigs in mud.”
He had more to say, more venom to spill, but apparently Mr Figgins was finally realizing that as principal he had a responsibility and was grabbing Kurt's arm to drag him away.
That didn't stop him from one last barb though.
“Oh, and Mr Figgins? It is going to be my absolute pleasure to see you explain this to the school board. Especially since you can't try and blame coach Sylvester for your failures again.”
When Kurt had found out that Mr Figgins had claimed that Sue Sylvester was to blame for Dave's escalated behavior and the death threat that wasn't in order to get his job back Kurt had been furious. Yes, he had his issues with Sue, as did everyone who'd ever dealt with her, but she had been the only adult at McKinley to actually help him.
He'd asked her why she hadn't protested, but never gotten a proper answer. Letting that information “slip” was only a little of the payback Mr Figgins was owed, but it was a start.
He shook of the man's hand and walked of stage towards the spot being cleared for the king and queen's dance, Dave following silently. As they faced each other in the lit circle Kurt looked at Dave's face and felt his throat go dry. Dave was panicking. Hell, he's going to leave! But then the jock straightened just a fraction more and stepped forward, reaching out his hand.
They danced stiffly, silently, both more than a little uncomfortable with the situation and the staring crowd. Screw not showing others they were succeeding in hurting him, he was leaving after this. Or well, first he was going to dance with Mercedes like he'd promised, but then he was leaving. There was ice-cream and movies at home, which beat being pranked and stared at any day. At least they didn't go full-out Carrie, getting blood out of this outfit would be hell.
“Kurt? Uh, I... You know how you said nothing more could happen between us? Is it because I’m not out? Would it change anything if I was?”
His heart stuttered. Was Dave honestly trying to ask if Kurt would have sex with him if he came out? Was he suggesting he would come out if Kurt said ‘yes’ to that? Part of him was elated, and wanted to say whatever necessary to insure Dave would come out. It would be such a relief to no longer be the only out kid at McKinley. Also, if Dave came out now it would be like a slap in the faces of everyone who’d thought they’d make a joke out of Kurt by voting him prom queen.
He could make it a condition that they be dating openly. For so long he’d wanted nothing more than an actual boyfriend, someone to walk down the corridors with, hand in hand, and do all the things that all the other couples did.
And then he sobered up. Pushing Dave to come out, to face all the harassment that was sure to come, just so Kurt could have his silly fantasies? To use sex to get that? Was he really that immature and plain selfish?
“Dave. You don’t have to. Not just to– You know, we could...go further anyway. I don’t mi–”
“You don’t mind? Yeah, right. And I’m one of the seven dwarfs. I need to come out, sooner or later, at least if I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life. It’s just... Look, what you said about the others, about being pathetic cowards? I don’t want to be like that, not any longer.”
“And about us going further while I’m still hiding? You deserve better. You shouldn’t have had to go to prom without a date. If I’d been out, if I’d asked you, would you have agreed to go with me?”
The look in Dave’s eyes was serious, compelling, and Kurt knew without a doubt that Dave was asking so much more.
“Yes, I would have accepted, had you asked.”
“I can’t change that now, no matter how much I wish differently. What I can do is change the rest of the night. If you want to.”
Dave’s eyes locked on his and searched for something, and then the jock nodded.
“Kurt? Would you do me the honor of being my date for prom?” There was a slight shake in Dave’s voice, and it was obvious – at least to Kurt – that Dave was scared, but he still held his head high. The last traces of the jock who’d terrorized Kurt in order to try and repress his own personality was gone, and in his place was a new Dave that might be just as scared but also willing to deal.
There was something very terrifying in that, but also something very, very attractive, and Kurt found himself nodding without meaning to. And then he decided to follow Dave’s example and take the leap.
He didn’t know what else to say, but luckily he didn’t have to figure it out. Dave did what he’d done so many times – and that Kurt deep down found very sexy – and took charge.
The tacky surroundings, the lingering hurt and humiliation, all of it melted away as Dave’s lips found his. The kiss was careful, and very much innocent, and more timid than any of the kisses they’d shared in the last months. It didn’t matter to Kurt. It was still the most beautiful kiss ever to him, because for the first time it wasn’t a dirty secret.
It felt like being free.
Kurt looked out across the auditorium and found Dave, sitting next to Carole and his dad.
Things had not been smooth sailing for the two, not by a long shot. No matter how hopeful they both had been that night so long ago as they kissed and danced at McKinley’s junior prom reality had soon set in. It hadn’t even taken 48 hours for them to break up.
Of course, it had taken even less for them to get back together, and be just a little more solid. Several breakups had followed, for different reasons – some serious, some outright ridiculous – but somewhere during sophomore year in college they’d sat down and talked things through, trying to figure out whether to split up for good or make it work. It had taken tears and yelling, more than a few sessions with a good counselor and regular talks, but all that hard work had payed off.
There hadn’t been a Karofsky/Hummel breakup for over two and a half years now, and Kurt felt positive there wouldn’t ever be one again. His mind flashed to the tiny box he’d spotted in Dave’s workout bag, and yeah, no breakup planned.
Take these broken wings
You’ve got to learn to fly, learn to live and love so free
When we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up for us
and let us in
~The End ~
Quoted songs in this fic are “Blackbird” by the Beatles and “Broken Wings” by Mr. Mister.
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tuiyla · 1 year
I think the idea of Prom (and popularity) in glee was handled best when given to characters like Tina, Quinn, Santana or Kurt. Where the overall message was that we can rise about high school popularity competitions or bullying and find community or strength in being different or wtv glees message was. Yet at the same time, they wanna give that popularity competition win to Rachel and Finn, and it’s just annoying bc like, you can’t have your cake and eat it too glee. You can’t pick and choose who gets to be Good popular or Bad popular when their motivations are exactly the same
Honestly Tina might be the best example if not for how she's always the butt of the joke. I guess 5x02 does make it a genuine moment but still.
Why the fuck was Finn voted Prom King, btw? Might just be my own heavy bias against him but I never really bought that he was generally popular and this whole mythos around the QB does not work for non-American does-not-give-a-fuck-about-sports me. SHOW ME how he's popular Glee telling me he's QB isn't enough. Glee is the only reason I know being quarterback is a big deal. But Finn is supposed to be a legit Prom King vote and I just, don't buy it. Anyway that's my own problem.
Glee's exact problem is that it had that cake and ate it and it was Schrödinger's cake. Because in Glee actions aren't good or bad, people are. Ugh.
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