httpsclarye · 1 year
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what is their wallpaper (alice in borderland characters)
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ravioverse · 3 years
The Legend of Hilda: Oracle of Elements
Eiliss Village
The road to the village from the beach was not very long, nor did the village look very big. It was just a small collection of buildings clustered near a grove of trees. It seemed normal enough, if somewhat at odds with what Pavhalla had said about the disasters striking the land. Atlas couldn’t help but wonder if something was protecting the area from all of that.
His suspicion was confirmed as Pavhalla led him toward the grove. Within it stood a massive statue: a deer with antlers that stretched into the leaves above it, standing tall and silent. Pavhalla greeted it as though it were alive, calling it the Kuima Stag, and showed Atlas a secret door hidden in the stone base that the stag stood upon. It revealed a staircase down into a small series of rooms, and once Pavhalla had closed the door behind them, she told him that this was her home.
In that safe, secret place, Pavhalla told Atlas what she knew. Several days previously, there had been an earthquake that shook the land, shortly followed by five bursts of light scattering in different directions like shooting stars. Ever since, people who usually lived outside of Eiliss Village had been flocking to town, seeking shelter near the Kuima Stag from the chaos that was now filling the land.
Pavhalla didn’t know why these things were happening, but her friend might. She hadn’t been able to get to the Oracle of Elements’ home since these events occurred, but that could be where Atlas comes in; if he wanted his precious artifact back, he could prove that he was going to help by going to find the Oracle and bring her back to explain what all of this was about.
Atlas agreed, still not thrilled that he was being coerced into helping, but willing to anyway. He still didn’t fully understand how she knew what it was. He resolved to ask her when he returned, assuming she was less hostile after he passed whatever test this was. Until then, he set out to find the home of Mun, the Oracle of Elements.
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quiet-heart · 3 years
@uniguinflutist From X 
“Great! I have to take him back to my Master so he can record the coordinates for this universe so even if I leave-” Or rather, when I leave, Mal thought to herself before she continued. “I can visit you again.”
Mal grabbed Bakura’s hand and began whispering as a black circle appeared beneath them. She whispered in her native tongue, “Yatavi Shikayu, kala noi cotti kuimae,” (Divine Shikayu, grant me safe travels)
The circle took them to a city with a cascading waterfall in the center. Panaria was known as being a great supplier of freshwater. The human colonists of this moon had taken great advantage of this as a large pump led to a purifying factory. The native residents of the moon–Panarians such as Mal herself–who were used to being a colony of some empire, not just humanity, due to their natural resources, fertile farmland, a plethora of music and fabric for tourists to buy, wear, and shop…along with a (mostly) peaceful populus.
Next to the waterfall was a citadel carved into the mountain. It had glass native to another colonized planet. A certain black hole sat in his office chair in a lab, typing in reports on life created and life destroyed as the cycle of creation and destruction. As the circle appeared in the lab where Mal grabbed ahold of Bakura’s hand even tighter than before.
“Master, I have returned.” Mal bowed. Shikayu didn’t bother to turn his head at first as he was engrossed in his work. Finally he did look over at Mal.  
“Mal Citrus,” Shikayu stood up. “Welcome back, and who’s this…fellow you have here?”      
Blinking when she took his hand suddenly, not expecting to suddenly be thrown into a black circle. “It’s like.. dark magic.. Are you sure its safe?” Going through when she tugged him along, they were suddenly in an entirely different place. Beautiful water filled. Looking around Ryou was amazed, eyes wandering to everything. Taking all he could as he was there with her. “It’s.. Beautiful.. What is this planet, what is it called?” Seeing the random hole he faced Mal with a frown. “What is that then, the black hole you mentioned before?” Was this planet doomed then? 
Feeling her grip tighten he gave her a worried look, unsure what this was, what it meant and why she seemed nervous. Why was the being, the person before them, before the black hole making her so tense. Silent as they were approached the teen faced the male who approached. Letting Mal speak, this wasn’t his place to talk. Didn’t know the rules, protocol, what the people were like and felt it was best to be silent unless spoken to. Until addressed to talk. Nervous himself now, feeling this might have been a mistake. 
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thrdnarrative · 5 years
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SIERRA LEONE. Kamabai. 1968. Archaeology team (Edward Surie Conteh (Kamabai), Madiana Juxon-Smith (Freetown), Maluka Koroma, Kuima Conteh (a local farmer) and Adikali Bangura) at Kamabai Rock Shelter.
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aurakaura · 7 years
Zen Flow Cardists 32 (Arc 2 Final)
(Kuzima) “Nightmare Claw, I have no plan of losing this battle”, (Lukai) “Neither do I Ocean Star”. Our attacks clashed but they kept pushing to try and over come the other, I used my Dive Tackle to trick him into using his Despair Shield. Dolphera and Dakaigon kept tackling and slashing at each other to try and give either me or Kuzima the advantage. I used my Ocean Arena Card which caused Kuima to use both his Dusk Pulse and Night Claw but with the arena Dolphera pulled off dodging both at the cost of the arena. He was now down to one card which was where I wanted him, (Kuzima) “Dakaigon try and break through with Meteor Blast”. (Lukai) “Sorry but you just set your defeat in stone use Whirlpool Shield” I pulled off guarding the attack. “Now end this with Fin slasher” Kuzima saw that he was about to lose and just accepted it. (Official) “Ladies and gentlemen with two rounds to one Lukai is our new Champions Castle Cardist Tournament Winner”.
Sheiko, Kura, Ikaruki and Jessikao all came over to congratulate me, I could not believe I finally won against Kuzima. I was about to offer a handshake then. (Kuzima) “Congratulations you over came me, I no longer need this mask”, I couldn’t believe it, from his eyes I remembered him as a prodigy Cardist who once defeated my father at a Castle tournament. (Kura) “So you are the son of the those two wealthy people”, I was shocked by what Kura said as I remembered the couple who asked if we had seen their son. (Kuzima) “Yes they made my life hell and I abandoned them to become the masked Dark type master, Lukai I wanted to lose to someone to be reborn..thank you”. I shook his hand but I was not sure how to react to his actions especially after seeing his parents worrying, but if they made him suffer the Masqueradous reign of terror made sense. I wen’t over to accept the trophy and I was still amazed I finally proved my worth as a cardist, father I hope you are well.
After the celebration I wen’t back to my place with everyone as we wanted to celebrate un masking all of the masqueradous. (Ikaruki) “Do you think they will go back to causing more trouble?”, (Sheiko) “I doubt it as long as Kuzima is in charge as like he said he wanted to be freed from his masked persona”. We stayed up late reminiscing about all the battles we had together and how far we all had come from when we first met. Eventually it was time to go to sleep, my journey seemed like it was over....nah it was just starting as I made it to the top of the mountain and now it was time to fight to keep my position whether I have to face friends or foes. 
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ravioverse · 3 years
The Legend of Hilda: Oracle of Dimensions
A Friend of a Friend
As Atlas was returning to the Kuima Doe's courtyard, he felt the unshakeable feeling of someone watching him. Every time he looked over his shoulder, people seemed to be simply going about their business, but he noticed that there was one person who seemed… to be trying a bit too hard to act natural. Not to mention his bright yellow clothes made him pretty easy to pick out out of the small crowd.
It was pretty obvious that this boy was following him, and Atlas was hesitant to lead him directly to Pavhalla. The goddesses only knew what his intentions were, after all. He quickly but casually changed his course, hoping to lose his pursuer through alleys and side-streets.
What he wasn't expecting was the sound of rapid footsteps behind him just as he rounded a corner. A streak of yellow was all he really registered as the boy grabbed his shirt and demanded, "What have you done with her?" Atlas' confused response only made him further tighten his grip and say that he couldn't lie to him! He'd been seen leaving that pathetic excuse of an art gallery, so he must have done something to Klino!
Atlas tried to slow him down and assure him that he hadn't done anything, that he was trying to help her as well. The strange boy was difficult to convince. It took showing him the Brush of Dimensions as proof that he'd spoken to the Oracle for him to calm down, and even then he looked restless and suspicious, his eyes darting in all directions.
He managed to convince him to accompany him to the Kuima Doe's courtyard, where he could explain more about his plan without any unwanted ears listening in. Pavhalla wasn't happy to see an extra face as they entered, but the boy introduced himself as Lief, a close friend of the Oracle and sworn enemy of the Visionary's museum. He was very emphatic about his allegiances.
Pavhalla seemed to do her best to ignore Lief as Atlas explained his general plan to her. She approved of him going to find the paintings, if he could find them, but Lief interrupted to say that it was a fine start to a plan, but it wasn't a whole plan. If they were going to save Klino, they would need to strategize far more.
The boy continued to ramble on, seeming to forget that there were others present, and Pavhalla told him to just go. If they waited on Lief, they'd never get Klino free. He already knew that one of the paintings was in some kind of town hall to the west, so he may as well go get it and see what other information he might be able to find on the way.
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ravioverse · 3 years
The Legend of Hilda: Oracle of Dimensions
Proxa City’s Mysterious Museum
Atlas and Pavhalla did not follow any established paths to Proxa City. They were both aware that there was something in this place that knew their faces, so it would be safer for Pavhalla to avoid being seen. What they hadn’t fully counted on was how the strange, dark haze acted as they drew closer to it.
They came across an unexpected cloud of haze in the wooded area that they were passing through, and Atlas noticed a faint noise. From within the haze, he could hear what could only be people, crying out for help, yet sounding a thousand miles away. As he peered more closely, he could see silhouettes moving behind the darkness; running, stopping, and running again, as though trapped in an endless race.
Pavhalla grabbed his arm to stop him from getting any closer. She reminded him that they had to investigate what Klino had told them, and they could come back here once they had a little more information. Atlas reluctantly agreed, promising himself that he would be back to help whoever those silhouettes were.
Proxa City seemed, to Atlas, about the same size as Variala City in Lorule. It was certainly bigger than any settlement he’d seen since leaving home. It wasn’t overcrowded like Eiliss Village had been, but the relative emptiness in the streets was… off-putting. Atlas couldn’t help feeling like there were eyes on him, but no one dared to approach this new stranger.
It was a relief when they reached the entrance of a large, enclosed courtyard, where the tops of massive trees spilled over the walls. Despite its size, there wasn’t a single person inside - only a statue of a familiar-looking deer. This one didn’t have antlers that disappeared into the branches above, but instead was surrounded by willow trees that draped across its back. Pavhalla greeted the statue as the Kuima Doe.
Following Klino’s advice, Pavhalla decided to stay behind with the Kuima Doe. She promised Atlas that he would be able to find her there if there was anything she could help with, but she wouldn’t be able to go with him all across Periploxa. Though he was still perturbed by the entire situation that led them there, Atlas understood. He already had the beginnings of a plan in mind anyway - he just needed to explore the city more fully.
Though it was the biggest he’d come across in some time, Proxa City still wasn’t very big. There were many small shops and homes lining the streets, but nothing that stood out to Atlas as particularly suspicious. The most noteworthy thing he found was a pair of guardhouses next to a gated bridge, where the people stationed there refused him entry on the orders of the ruler of Periploxa. Nothing he said could sway them, and they even laughed at his claim to royalty.
It was only when he finally gave up trying to convince the guards to let him in that he found a large building, standing in its own plot of land with a neatly kept lawn surrounding it. A sign near its entrance declared it “The Museum of the Visionary.” It seemed mostly empty, but that was easily explained when Atlas entered and found walls completely bare. Who would go to a museum with no exhibits?
The only person in the museum was standing behind the front counter, and seemed to be in a foul mood. He took one look at Atlas and snapped that it was about time he showed up. What took him so long? It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do than his job. The prince could only stare in confusion, but the man behind the counter continued without acknowledging the look on his face. He went on to complain about how empty the walls had been ever since the Curator took the last exhibit down to storage. How were they supposed to celebrate the Visionary’s works when they didn’t have any originals on display?
Atlas tried asking why he didn’t just go to storage and get some old works, whatever they were, but the man simply brushed him off, complaining that the Curator always locked the only door to the basement. When he asked to go through the door, the man snapped, “No! It’s employees only!” Atlas could sense that something wasn’t quite right about this place, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly. Still, this was one of the only places that had caught his attention as particularly weird, so he may as well follow this lead where it went.
He asked about any other places he might be able to find some of this ‘Visionary’s’ work, and the man actually seemed to know where several might be. The museum worker didn’t even wait for Atlas to offer before demanding that he go find them, dismissing him quickly and all but pushing him out the door.
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ravioverse · 3 years
The Legend of Hilda: Oracle of Elements
Miscellaneous Misadventures
As Atlas and Pavhalla traveled throughout Eidolodia, they learned more and more about the circumstances leading to Mun's disappearance. After he had freed the Spirit of Wood, they had returned to Eiliss Village to find a large congregation in the main square. It was some sort of meeting, where the residents of the village tried to figure out how they would distribute their resources to accommodate the refugees, headed by a tall woman with a definite air of authority.
When the crowd finally dispersed - and Pavhalla had long since made herself scarce - the woman noticed Atlas and his unfamiliar face. She asked him his name and where he was from, and seemed fascinated when he said he had come all the way from Lorule. She introduced herself as Lady Vansa, acting mayor of Eiliss Village and scholar of the arcane. The simple fact that Atlas was from Lorule suggested to her that he was the adventuring type, so she told him that if he had any plans to investigate the Kiriki Meadow, he should keep an eye out for any rare materials; she knew an enchantment that could offer him protection against heat. She then told him that if he ever had any other questions about the current goings-on in Eidolodia, just ask. It was her job to know, after all.
Atlas soon left the square, returning to the Kuima Stag’s grove. With one spirit freed, Pavhalla already seemed more amicable to Atlas, and was willing to answer more of his questions. One of the first she answered was about the root that the hooded girl he’d run into had given him. She seemed surprised that he had one, and showed him where and how he could bury it, calling it a Gasha Root. With enough time, it would grow into a bulb that contained an object called a Kinstone, which could help him find minor magical items that could help him on his journey.
When they returned to the grove after freeing the Spirit of Earth, they found that the Gasha Root had grown into a bulb the size of a potato. Sure enough, there was a half of a medallion inside of it. Pavhalla told him to keep it, just in case, and to collect and plant any other Gasha Roots he found. If he ever found someone with the other halves, he’d get something good.
Finding the way to Mt. Raven was difficult. Even with Lady Vansa’s directions, they found the road up the mountain blocked off and inaccessible. Atlas and Pavhalla puzzled over their map, trying to find another way, when Atlas remembered the mark that the hooded girl had made and her promise of help if he ever needed it. They decided to follow that lead, and made their way toward whatever that mark hid, only to find an odd portal hidden beneath a stone.
Pavhalla looked at it, seeming to recognize it, but she refused to tell Atlas where it led. She just offered him a mischievous smile and told him to take a leap of faith. Since the hooded girl seemed to be nowhere in sight, Atlas did so, hoping that he would find her on the other side.
They emerged into a massive cavern, with blue crystals jutting out of the stone. The crystals sparkled in the barely-visible sunlight that streamed in from far above, dimly illuminating the shores of an underground lake with cool, gentle light. A portal just like the one they’d come through spun behind them, and a small town before. Everyone they came across was wearing a hood, just like the hooded girl, and commented on their lack of one. When Atlas asked where they were, they told him he was in the underground realm of Hupelanos.
Eventually they found the hooded girl that Atlas had met in Eiliss Village, who now introduced herself as Iris. She was a painter who liked to find beautiful places in Eidolodia and the paints that could be made from the materials there. She knew many paths up Mt. Raven, and helped them find both the safest path to lead them up to the observatory and the Hupelanian portal that would take them there.
Of course, Iris could not have predicted the crowd of monsters that cried, “For the lady!” as they charged up the mountain after them.
As they neared the end of their quest to free the spirits, they realized that Atlas would need to take up Lady Vansa on her enchantment if they wanted to access the Kiriki Meadow. Luckily, Iris knew the last few materials that he needed and where to find them, so Atlas was able to gather the rest relatively quickly. Lady Vansa seemed delighted when Atlas returned to her with everything she would need.
When Atlas freed the Spirit of Fire and the ever-burning fields of Kiriki Meadow were finally extinguished, there was a commotion from the village. Lady Vansa met him as he approached and urged him to hurry; there was a great army of monsters gathering at the Parallel Palace!
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ravioverse · 3 years
The Legend of Hilda: Oracle of Elements
The Flute of Elements
Despite the short distance between the Kuima Stag’s grove and the Oracle of Elements’ house, Atlas was able to see more of the state of Eidolodia. Though the village itself seemed relatively safe, there were multiple people outside their homes, coughing and covered in bandages. Atlas tried to ask about what had happened to a few of them, but they simply looked at him strangely - as though not knowing was unthinkable - and said that they were from the Kiriki Meadow. It was only after Atlas admitted to being a stranger to this land that they pointed in the direction of the meadow - and the dark cloud that rose above it.
The meadow was not, however, along the path that he would need to go to find Mun’s home. He instead had to go north, where a few houses were built along a mostly-dried riverbed. The only remaining water was a greenish-brown, and a powerful stench emanated throughout the area. The people he met there seemed extremely unwell - Atlas could only assume it had something to do with that riverbed, and resolved to investigate once he had found what Pavhalla wanted.
Fortunately, those same people were able to direct him toward Mun’s home, which was closer to the rest of Eiliss Village than he had anticipated. Inside, he found a mess of a home. Smashed furniture and decorations were scattered all over the floor as if there had been some kind of struggle, and the Oracle was nowhere to be seen. Atlas could only assume the worst, but he couldn’t return to Pavhalla empty-handed. If he couldn’t return with Mun, he’d at least try to find some sort of clue that might help them determine what had happened to her.
He remained in that house for quite a while, examining it from top to bottom. Eventually, he found a secret trapdoor, with a ladder leading down into a carved stone room. Stylized images of fire, water, and other elements decorated the walls, and continued down multiple tunnels that stretched into darkness. There had to be something hidden down there, so Atlas picked one of the tunnels and began heading down it.
He found the ladder again.
And again.
And again.
The tunnels were labyrinthine, managing to get Atlas turned around despite his best efforts to chart his course. Everywhere he turned seemed to be a dead end or a full loop that eventually led him back to the start. After what felt like an eternity of setbacks, Atlas let out a frustrated sigh and went to lean on the wall next to the ladder.
Only to quickly exclaim as he fell onto hard stone floor.
An illusory wall - now apparent, since he’d fallen into it - revealed yet another tunnel. As Atlas proceeded through this new, hidden one, he began to see its end; a new room that he hadn’t seen before. He soon entered the dark, pentagonal room, where stone blocks were scattered around the floor. An ornate pedestal, surrounded by five smaller ones, rose from the center; all empty, save for one.
He soon realized that the blocks on the floor had images carved into them - ones that matched a stylized carving on the wall behind each pedestal. As he placed each block on its corresponding pedestal, magical light began to pool at the central dais.
With the fifth pillar activated, a small chest appeared at the center of the room. Inside, he found what must have once been a beautiful flute, though it now looked old and tarnished. Still, Atlas could sense the importance of an object hidden this carefully, and figured that it must somehow be connected to the Oracle of Elements. Pavhalla would probably know more about it, though he was still certain that she wouldn’t be happy that he returned without the Oracle herself. There was little more he could discover there, though, so Atlas returned to the Kuima Stag’s Grove with the black flute in hand.
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ravioverse · 2 years
The Legend of Hilda: Oracle of Dimensions
Art Collection and Restoration
With the paintings now in his possession, Atlas returned to Proxa City. His first stop was the Museum, where he presented the first of the paintings to the attendant that was waiting there. A thank you had been expected at minimum for obtaining the first piece of the Visionary’s collection, regardless of his, Pavhalla’s, and Lief’s suspicions about what was going on with this place; however, what he had not anticipated was to be outright rejected for the painting being, apparently, ‘not right.’ Atlas tried to protest, since he could absolutely feel the faint magic coming off of it, but the attendant wouldn’t hear a word of it. He was told to come back when he had any real art.
Atlas returned to Pavhalla beneath the Kuima Doe’s statue, thoroughly confused by this turn of events. He produced both paintings for her to examine, and under her critical eye, she determined what the problem was: both paintings contained similar magic to that of the Oracle of Dimensions, but something about them had changed since their creation. The world inside of them had been locked by an alteration somewhere on the canvas. If Atlas could find and restore it to its original appearance, then they should unlock and reveal its secrets.
The key to restoring the paintings turned out to be Pavhalla’s pictobox. If he took a picture of the canvas, it would show him which section had been painted over, and he could then restore it with the Brush of Dimensions. The larger painting that Atlas had retrieved from the town hall was obviously one meant to go to the museum, but the smaller one had a different purpose. In his planning for how to save Klino, Lief had begun ranting to Pavhalla about the useless information he’d found, and Pavhalla –– predictably ––  had gotten sick of it. The library inside the painting would be both secret and secluded– the perfect location for a guy to spiral in.
When Atlas approached Lief to show it to him, Lief snapped at him about having something good for him, because he had just finished going through the useless book about the Periploxan royal family’s personal gallery. What use was that supposed to be? Despite his outward frustration, Lief seemed to take to the idea of hiding inside the painting’s library very easily. It hardly took any persuasion at all before Lief entered it and began settling in.
As each painting was discovered, Lief had new information about the next one. Though, he never seemed to register that the information he’d found was of any use. Atlas quickly figured out that Lief’s frustrated rants about useless information was usually exactly the information he needed, and the papers and string that were scattered around the library weren’t as important as his friend thought they were. The places that Lief inadvertently directed him to were:
Periploxa Castle
The home of King Newt and Queen Rallia of Periploxa. The gates were barred and heavily guarded, so a sizable group of citizens believed that the royals were hiding from the problems plaguing their kingdom.
Atlas had to map out the castle in order to find the queen, then find the way to the Royal Gallery, where the painting he sought was located.
The king was found before the painting, where he attacked Atlas. Queen Rallia refused to help, claiming that the king must have a reasonable explanation for this. Only after the king was defeated and unconscious did Atlas realize that the painting had some sort of hypnotic effect to it. He found the alteration around a mermaid-shaped fountain, and dispelled the effect.
On the way out of the castle, Atlas heard a confused noise from deeper in the haze. Looking around, he saw the same shadowy figure that he’d seen near the town hall just before it disappeared from view.
The Temple of Respite
A mountainside temple, intended to be a place of peace and rest. A cemetery was located nearby, where people of Periploxa may take their final rest. A cursed painting was brought to the temple for purification, but the head priest thought it too dangerous and brought it deep into the temple’s basement. He has not been seen since.
Atlas found some haze in the basement, but not as much as he’d seen before. He eventually discovered the body of the head priest - not dead, but fast asleep - face down on the basement floor, with a framed painting clattered on the floor nearby.
The painting’s magical effect was not immediately obvious, and as such, Atlas wasn’t able to find the magical mark that needed to be erased. The only way to discover where it might be was to enter the world inside the painting: a vast garden with tall hedges creating the feeling of different rooms. Magic barriers with no apparent source manifested to block his way on multiple occasions.
The barriers disappeared after an encounter with a creature hiding in the shadows of the hedges beyond a pond. Atlas and the creature exchanged fire in a dead man’s volley, and as the final strike landed, there was a loud cry of frustration as the shadowed figure rushed behind the hedges and disappeared.
Atlas finds the source of the magical effect in a flower bed of poppies and a single sculpted topiary. The topiary came to life and fought Atlas, attacking him with vines and a pollen that induced drowsiness.
The City Officer’s Retreat
A large vacation estate owned by the city planner of Proxa City on Almi Island; a place populated by the Almis, sentient lizards that craved nothing more than crafted objects. The ground floor and basement of the property had been almost fully ransacked, but the second floor was full of haze, so none of the Almis dared to go up there. Only a few objects remained on the first floor, surrounding a painting above the mantle.
As Atlas arrived, the Almis seemed to recognize him somehow. They impatiently told him that they’d told him that the painting in the manor ate Almis, but it was his funeral if he didn’t listen. While it didn’t make any sense, since Atlas had never seen them before, it at least let Atlas know where to go and to expect something waiting for him there.
Just like at the Temple of Respite, Atlas had to go into the world of the painting in order to find the source of its magic. It was a painting of a coastline, with grottoes lining the beach. Light and shadow danced inside each of the grottoes, luring Atlas into them to investigate, since whatever he was seeking could be hiding in any one of them.
Atlas did not find a monster in any of the caves. After he reached the end of the final one, he could hear a commotion from the mouth. There on the beach, a giant crab monster was fighting against a small figure with a thin sword. When the figure saw him approach, Atlas heard an upset and angry, “No!!!” He tried to help fight the monster, but the figure disengaged and disappeared from the painting altogether. In the eternal sunset of the canvas, however, Atlas swore he saw a flash of purple as the figure left the crab’s shadow.
Thieves’ Den
A labyrinthine set of caves in the forest between the Parallel Palace and Proxa City. The caves are full of haze, trapping countless thieves inside, and all who were able to escape took as much loot as they could access. The deeper in the caves Atlas went, the more valuable treasure he could find.
The same figure that Atlas had been seeing throughout Periploxa appeared in the distant haze here as well, seeming to want Atlas to follow him. The prince wasn’t gullible enough to believe it had his best interests at heart, but quickly figured out that going the opposite direction of it was not always the correct course either. Sometimes, however, it would lead him to a dead end, where a monster-filled pit awaited him. He was, however, able to escape once he defeated the monsters and continue his journey into the labyrinth.
In the deepest part of the maze, the magical haze disappeared. Atlas was finally able to get a good look at who had been following him in this vast room on the edge of another pit of monsters. The figure was perfectly identical to himself, save for the furious expression on the reflection’s face. He attacked Atlas, with all the same magic that Atlas knew himself, and countering any swordplay with his own.
Once the reflection was on the verge of defeat, he hissed, “You... keep... INTERRUPTING!” He rushed at Atlas, discarding his sword and tackling him into the last monster pit. As they fell into the darkness, the reflection produced some sort of amulet that allowed him to teleport away –– presumably to safety –– as Atlas continued to descend. At the bottom of the pit, Atlas fought another creature– a ghostly creature with an aversion to light.
He climbed out of the pit once the monster was defeated, and found the painting and its alteration without issue.
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