stromuprisahat · 2 months
There are so many people praising Leigh Bardugo as a great writer, doing crazy stuff... And I just don't get it? OK. Six of Crows is great! But the Grisha Trilogy overall is average, with tons of issues that I won't name here, because you already know them pretty well. Although, let's say that overall, if you turn off your brain, the trilogy works. (Even if, between us, such a thing comes out today, it gets demolished) The books around, like the storybook, or the story of the Darkling (especially this one) are pretty neat. But the King of Scars duology is a monumental disaster that just shatters everything the previous books have presented?! And yet, this duology is considered by many people as the best part of the Grishaverse?! Wtf?! I have seen extremely sharp people in terms of analysis and reflection find these fabulous things! I saw a girl on healthy relationships be team Mal?! Why do people fall so deeply into these bullshit books?!
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journalcikbunger · 8 days
1. Lately aku selalu rasa nak bunuh diri. Aku dah rasa helpless dengan diri sendiri. Aku mungkin bakal menjadi orang yang berguna, dan aku dah stuck antara nak hidup @ nak mati.
2. ⁠Ayah dah x ada, mak skrang sakit yang tak boleh manage diri dia sendiri. Aku ada 2 orang kakak yang dah berkahwin.
3. ⁠Start tahun ni aku rasa diri aku dah tak boleh tahan, dalaman aku mcm memberontak, aku rasa ada anger issue yang tak selesai dgn diri aku. Nak cakap aku pendam, kdg2 aku cuba luahkan mungkin cara kasar tapi kakak2 aku tak response pun.
4. ⁠start dari situ, aku rasa kakak2 hanya akan gembira bila aku kongsi rezeki @ buat apa2 dengan tak bebankan dia dan family. Btw mak mmg dah sakit lama, tapi makin teruk sikit sikit. Aku mmg stay dgn mak sepenuhnya start dari mula berkerja.
5. ⁠start bila kakak duduk sekali dkt rumah tu, tapi dia tak pernah nak hulur duit @ buat apa2. Kalau aku mengamuk baru dia akan buat. Pernah byk kali dah ada benda yg dia buat menyebabkan aku sakit hati, even mak sakit pun masa awal2 tu diaorang tak ambil peduli just tanya2 mcm tu ja. Pernah aku share kos2 perubatan dalam group family tapi kakak senyap tak replied.
6. ⁠start situ aku dah byk makan hati. Dan aku dah pernah ckp aku tak harap duit diaorang satu sen pun.. sbb mampu, tapi adakala aku rasa geram juga sbb mak meletakkan semuanya atas aku. Aku jadi tak puas hati.
7. ⁠selama kakak duduk dkt rumah, pernah sekali saja dia byr duit letrik, & kalau aku mengamuk dia akan lesap 1-2 minggu blk rumah dia & cycle ni berulang. Aku seolah tanggung family kakak sekali. Mak akan ckp kalau makanan beli utk diaorng sama, & selalu minta belanja @ kalau ada duit dan bg dkt mak, mak akan bg dkt cucu dia. Anything kerosakan dlm rumah tu, kakak akan ckp dkt mak, dan mak akan suruh aku buat dan cari org.
8. ⁠aku awal2 mmg tak berkira kdg2 aku rasa happy dpt tlg family, tapi benda ni sikit2 aku rasa tak fair dan aku rasa diambil kesempatan.
9. ⁠start mak sakit tak boleh manage diri dia, aku mmg dah demotivated. Sbb aku dah cuba ikthiar utk mak tapi mak still tak boleh jalan & x boleh bangun. Aku dah ambil unpaid leave sbb leave dah habis. Aku kdg2 marah juga dgn mak sbb aku mak tak fair. Kalau aku buat perangai, diaorang akan ckp aku buat drama. Mak berkorban utk depa, majlis kahwin depa mak tangung, semua cucu mak jaga sampai besar, & bila jadi mcm ni aku kena tanggung semua. Aku start rasa diaorang heartless.
10. ⁠seminggu lepas aku trigger dengan perangai kakak. Aku dah ckp dkt dia yang aku tak boleh ponteng dah kerja, dah byk kali kena warning, dan bos pun dah tak suka. Pernah aku mmg nak resign utk jaga mak, tapi fikirkan perangai kak aku jadi berbelah bagi aku takut lagi depress kalau aku tak ada duit. Hari rabu kak kena pergi putrajaya, & aku pun dah ckp dkt dia aku hire org utk jaga mak haritu.
11. ⁠pagi tu aku dah siapkan mandi mak awal, then cari pampers tak ada. Dah habis. Last org yg mandikan mak kak aku, aku jadi trigger sgt sbb ni bukan kali pertama dia buat & sampai hati dia tak ckp pampers mak habis. Why? Padahal isnin aku dah ambil cuti utk mak pergi followup hospital & rabu aku kena ponteng lagi kerja. Aku tanya dia kenapa tak bgtaw pampers mak habis, dia just replied “lupa..kalut”
12. ⁠aku time ni dah mmg tak boleh fikir. Aku rasa kak mmg tak peduli apa yang aku rasa. Dia ambil remeh tentang hal aku. Dia mungkin ckp aku just ok, aku mungkin akan bebai macam biasa dan buat perangai budak2. Haritu, dah mandi mak pukul 6 pagi, dgn pampers tak ada bawak mak keluar dari bilik air kencing merata, nak tunggu pukul 10 pagi kedai bukak dgn kena ponteng kerja lagi aku dah burst time ni.
13. ⁠aku menangis tak berhenti aku rasa semua org hanya ambil kesempatan atas kebaikan aku, masa telan sepapan ubat tidur time ni aku jerit dkt mak nak mati dan tamau peduli dah semua benda.
14. ⁠start dari sini aku dah mmg tak peduli. Aku tak bercakap dgn mak, aku rasa mak mmg tak back up aku. Aku rasa tekanan. nama aku pun dah kena list dalam retrenchment sbb company cut cost, dan mungkin akan hilang perkerjaan dalam masa terdekat ni. Tapi skrang aku demotivated utk semua hal, termasuk diri aku sendiri.
15. ⁠baru2 ni mak ada buat endoscopy, tapi aku memang serah dkt kak, & lepas tu aku dah tak tahu mak aku pergi mana. Aku msg kak, aku hanya dpt satu tick. Mungkin dia dah block aku. Kenapa diaorang buat macam ni? Diaorang mmg nak tgk aku mati kan? Ke sebab aku susahkan depa kena jaga mak?
16. ⁠emosi aku skrang aku hanya harap aku mati. Aku rasa orang sekeliling aku mungkin bersyukur aku mati.
Skrang aku tak tahu nak buat apa? Aku dah ponteng kerja 2 hari. Aku tak reply even bos tanya. Aku dah demotivated utk hidup. Aku asyik tidur dan berkurung dalam bilik. Aku jadi malas solat dan aku rasa nak mati.
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sweetqueenpigeon · 3 years
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-" Zoya will live a very long life," the Darkling said- "Despite the demon, you may not do the same."
- "Then I will love her from my grave."
I'm fucking crying right now
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seleyyn · 3 years
Was I the only one that found the darkling‘s journey in row absolutely hilarious?? Like the dude comes back from the dead expecting a huge fan club dedicated to him as a saint only to find a couple peaceful monks that do not share his bloodlust at all?? Mans really was humbled in this book and I‘m living for it
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chaoticallybookish · 3 years
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Has this been done yet?
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zoya-nabri-lantsov · 3 years
let me rant abt how nikolai is the most talktative person alive yet he said
"what can i say to make you stay?"
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alinasaleks · 4 years
me thinking leigh will actually make alarkling endgame in kos2
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harmonicaorange · 4 years
stop asking for soc3 what we really need is one last book that brings all 3 parts of the grishaverse together to tie them all up and finish the world off
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dregstrash · 4 years
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I am now going to scream into oblivion
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
I something I don't understand are darkling's mothers motavations. Why does she do what she does? Why does she force darklings hand? What does she get out of this? Does she not want the grisha to have a home? I'm so vonfused about her motavations
We sort of came to the conclusion Baghra's immensely selfish person, who doesn't give a flying fuck about Grisha- she calls them "dust" just like other mortals- and keeps reproaching the Darkling for caring. She doesn't see a point in compassion or empathy, because one day everyone will be gone, only they will remain.
She literally kept producing and discarding children, until she got the one, who fit her requirements... 'till he developed personality that doesn't fit her needs. Baghra goes on hunger strike of sorts- she doesn't actively work against him (in books, as far as we know), but she's refusing to summon, therefore withering in front of his eyes.
The trigger for her actions in TGT is Alina's discovery. She's no longer relevant. The Darkling finally has a hope for permanent companion, who's not her (I'm gonna ignore the Kos2 sudden appearance of whole shitload of immortals.). First she tries- successfully- to turn Alina against him. When it only makes him angry and more stubborn than ever, she "guides" Alina to her doom- knowingly or not-, and commits pretty theatrical suicide to wound the Darkling one last time.
She does have childhood trauma, but my sympathy run out the moment she decided to keep being horrible person and damage others for no reason at all (How many of her students had some totally fucked up story about her "teaching methods"?).
I wanted to add few links to other analyses, but I stopped, when I got to ten and counting, so for more just go through (mostly older) posts of my anti Baghra tag.
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lyriavsuniverse · 3 years
Rule of wolves is released tomorrow
Grishaverse fandom, how are we feeling?
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evasjacks · 4 years
wanna know why Zoyalai is such a great ship?
because it wasn't meant to happen.
because these two characters are their own people. they've each got their own separate pasts, personalities, goals. they were not designed for each other.
usually in books, authors specifically create a character to perfectly round out the sharp edges of our mc. that's why we have stereotypical relationships. that's a great way to make a pair but it's unrealistic.
whereas Zoyalai was never intended to be a ship at all. zoya was just there to cause rifts between Alina and Mal. Nikolai was there to further Alina's plot and solve Ravka's political issues. Nikoali became the privateer prince, then the king of scars. Zoya was the squallor then the storm witch.
their growth had nothing to do with each other.
and then one day Leigh decided they could do well together.
and this is why Zoyalai is the best (and most realistic) pairing in all of ya.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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sunnsummoner · 4 years
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Excuse me while I simply pass away
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yes, kids, zoyalai endgame
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seleyyn · 3 years
Rule of wolves spoilers without context:
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