#knm anime
sndfrosteyneko · 11 months
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friendship power
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pink-yuri · 2 months
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♡ Destiny of the Shrine Maiden ♡
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gramarye · 3 months
Did/doing anything special for women day?
um not really but my partner came over and we um. trying to think of what we-- actually we did watch 3 episodes of kannazuki no miko. for #women
its from 2004 and we're kinda obsessed with 2004 its like the magic year for us... first episode of yugioh gx, the L word, md house, nintendo ds, sims 2, half-life 2... and kannazuki no miko and many others. great year
btw ive never seen koshka so obsessed with anyone else before. woke up at 3-4 am to my partner trying to gently move koshka off of them bc they wanted to switch positions and koshka just proceeded to knead them for very long and go back to sleeping on them LOLLL shes 100% cozy w mio
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tournevole · 8 months
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Voici comment on dit « J’ai vu un animal de ce type » en kalam, une langue papoue de Nouvelle-Guinée orientale : Knm nb ngnk. Toute personne capable de prononcer cette phrase gagnera une chaussette d’archiduchesse séchée sur une souche sèche.
Poésie du gérondif Jean-Pierre Minaudier
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ladygwyndolin · 1 month
I feel like it wouldn't be that crazy for knm to get a reboot, especially since the spinoff Himegami no Miko came out relatively recently, but I don't think I could handle how annoying the discourse would be, I've seen a bunch of people that couldn't handle Homura, Chikane would kill them
Not to mention if I saw even one person say Himeko should've been with Souma I'd probably fly into a murderous rage
Chikane walked so Homura could run and they would HATE her for it lol it would be wayyyyy too much. Discourse would be horrible and end up in the territory of "if you like Chikane you're a bad person" despite her literally being a brainwashed victim.
That said I would loooooove a Himegami no Miko anime! It definitely wouldn't make waves like KNM did but it's far and away their best reincarnation they've had since the original and I can see it being pretty feasible to make.
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baltharino · 5 months
I'm so happy to see gifs for Kannazuki no Miko, it was my first yuri anime so it's very precious to me. Thank you for making such beautiful gifs! I can't wait to see more KNM edits from you 🫶
Tysm that is so sweet! 💖💖💖
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thegospelofnagisa · 2 years
what do you mean with recreating magnet with MasaKoso?
Bro are you serious? Are you serious? OMG THESE FUCKING ZOOMERS! Nah I am kidding, it's fine my friend, I'll explain, Magnet is a song by the Vocaloid Hatsune Miky and Megurine Luka, a very beautiful song about a forbidden homosexual relationship and the intensity of their desires as well as the guilt they feel by society, it's an AMAZING song. If you have not heard it, go ahead and do it...100% recomend it. Totally good for MasaKoso, either that or Agony from Kanazuki no MIko (Even though KnM is a terrible anime, Agony is one of the best ED in anime history, I stand by it)
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yawnime · 4 years
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The Place Promised in Our Early Days  (2004)
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Zimbabwe Unification Church Tragedy – over a decade after Cleopas (Black Heung Jin)
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Pictured: Brigitte Wakabayashi
Zimbabwe Church and Court Case 
Brigitte Wakabayashi
, June 19, 2000
One Zimbabwean brother is in jail – his court case is due to start today according to the information I have – because he sold a car on the instructions of the Japanese National Messiah. (This car had been damaged and given to the Japanese National Messiah (JNH) by the Korean National Messiah (KNM). The JNM then went about fixing it up and selling it – he apparently took part of the money to cover his costs, and he gave another part to the KNM). The brother who is now in jail was recently accused by the KNM to have sold the car illegally – but it is a trumped-up charge. The person who bought the car in good faith is very angry about the whole situation.
It seems that this brother was among a group of members who confronted the KNM about the way he spent a large sum of money given by True Mother [Hak Ja Han] for the purchase of a training center. (At that time, the bookkeeper of the movement, a sister, was jailed because drugs were planted in her room and the police called in. This sister was subsequently released.)
The Japanese HQ has been informed of this situation. However, things are very confused and complicated, and it would be best if someone “neutral” can go there and investigate what’s really going on (outside groups influencing the KNM, his disease, the role of members). There seem to be so many parallels to the Cleopas situation – and at that time also, we begged the World Mission Department (WMD) to come and investigate – we even offered David Hose to pay for his ticket – but before he could take up this offer his mission changed. The southern part of Africa has never recovered from that disastrous time.
I sincerely hope that this time the situation will not be ignored. __________________________
R. Kachisi

June 20, 2000 To add on to what Brigitte Wakabayashi said, the situation in the Zimbabwe church can best be described as a tragedy, not only for that particular brother but for the whole church. The arrest and incarceration of an innocent brother because of a Korean national messiah’s abuse of power should be condemned in the strongest terms. The continued incarceration of this brother is not just a tragedy on its own, but the gross indifference and insensitiveness of all those who are called “leaders” in our HQ is one that leaves a lot to be desired. This brother has now been languishing in prison for three weeks – and here I am talking of a breathing human being with a human spirit and not an animal. By neglecting this brother HQ is sending a very strong message to all of us and to all those who have enough brains about the nonexistence of this so-called “true love” that we are always clamoring about. I use the word “so-called” because this was the real test and we seem to have failed the test. We are therefore still to see this word in real action.
Many reports have been sent ever since, and even two weeks ago to Rev. Kwak and Rev. Hwang. Someone should not tell me “they are too busy”. Busy doing what? How do we expect to serve the whole world if we cannot serve only one person, innocent for that mater, who is locked behind bars. Can someone really tell me that our top leaders are failing to find time to just send someone to Zimbabwe to assess the situation, and make sure Rev. Do Hee Park drops all these false charges. I am sorry I am too angry, that’s why I mention his name. If it were a progressive organization HQ could have organized all its resources to make sure this situation is immediately addressed, but it looks like there some people who are beyond reproach, and they have a right to destroy any soul willy-nilly.
Someone should not tell me I shouldn’t have written this kind of letter, because I believe, silence or purported neutrality in wake of such abuse of power and hate is in itself very EVIL. Having reached the top (sending of reports) I think almost all major channels have been exhausted but our HQ has done nothing. Again, someone should not tell me that I am pre-judging the HQ, maybe they will do something. I am sure those who have been on this list can still recall such a story about Zimbabwe, when the same leader was involved in the planting of drugs on a sister, but, not even a soul from HQ has been seen there to investigate. There are [four] possibilities that can be derived from this:
1. HQ has lost control of the organization 2. It’s a policy to leave a member to face the music alone if he gets into serious trouble (maybe this concept of indemnity) or maybe we can now call it heavenly brutality. 3. The actions of this Korean national messiah were sanctioned by HQ itself. 4. This leader has become completely untouchable, so no one should never attempt to cross his path or even come close to him.
Having seriously looked at this I came up with the following small poem: If I sit on my hands and watch the injustice and brutality over my fellow brother, I am a hypocrite Though I approve of the goals of human liberation and salvation, if I let the moment to act pass me by, I betray the imperative [of] love, as real love test comes in crucial times.
Though I might study God’s word through Hoon Dok Hae and the Divine Principle, or even be raised into a leader, I become a hypocrite if I consider one member’s suffering as trivial.
Externally, our movement hasn’t got any checks and balances in place, but most significantly, love has not yet existed as a culture. Love still exists in the realm of philosophy. In other words I am saying, we only have a very good teaching on the topic “TRUE LOVE”.
The question that now remains is, who will be responsible for this member’s legal fees? Some will say the member has to be responsible by himself. Some will say, HQ should be responsible since this National messiah is a representative of our movement, since by its silence, HQ is taking responsibility for the actions of this leader. THAT SHOULD BE YOUR FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
Rev. Chong-yong Yu Took Thousands from the Malaysian Church
Young members in South America were exploited by Korean leaders.
Rev Kim purchased a nice house in Seattle – paid for by the local members, and Rev Lee purchased one which he later sold for $450,000.
Complaints of corruption and a call for help from members of the UC in India
Indian rape reported to UC Continental director Chung-sik Yong – who, it seems, did nothing.
Dr. Chung-sik Yong caused many problems in Oceania and now, after an absence of over a decade, he’s back there (2013 letter).
Onni Durst lied under oath
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
Is Cleopas Kundiona the new messiah? “The Umanian Kingdom is now a reality.”
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sndfrosteyneko · 11 months
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pink-yuri · 2 months
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♡ Destiny of the Shrine Maiden ♡
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HEYYYYY, i jus finished the first episode of BNHA season 5~ I would binge-watch it but unfortunately Hulu only has that first episode, out, so far anyway this post is gonna have some like spoilers for all that, ranging from minor to major
THAT SAID! y’all,,,
ok and abt the actual content of the episode, itself:
they made todoroki so pretty,,, very pretty. they also did smth about deku that i can’t quite put my finger on, but i think it might be a nice chance ykyk?
and then ahhhh
yknow those parts when they recapped everybody’s quirks? i especially love shoji’s, mineta’s(TSUKOYAMI, THROW ME adfjsklfk it was so funny to me), and iida’s. and don’t get me wrong, iida’s very cool and i 100% love the range of his personality, but when it stilled in on him i couldn’t not focus on how tsu and satou looked on that cart thing
anywhooo later on
i remember seeing this manga cap (manga spoilers ig, i haven’t caught up on manga like all tho lol) with todo slurping his soba, looking at endeavor all “nasty scar you got that” and i was 100% i didnt get to see that yet
hopefully that does happen tho when endeavor recovers lol, would love to see that scene in good ol hd animation
and dabs
love him
that scene with him
chefs kiss
beautiful bacon man
so anyway, by the end of the episode, i was ready to cry, laughed way way much
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midiariodecine · 3 years
La Vida de Calabacín (2016)
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¡Atención, esta crítica contiene spoilers!
Título original: Ma Vie de Courguette
Dirección: Claude Barras
Guion: Calude Barras, Céline Sciamma, Germano Zullo, Morgan Navarro, (Historia: Gilles Paris)
Fotografía: David Toutevoix
Música: Sophie Hunger
Montaje: Valentin Rotelli
Productora: Rita Productions, Blue Spirit Animation, Gébéka Films, KNM
Año: 2016
Elenco: Gaspard Schlatter, Sixtine Murat, Paulin Jaccoud, Michel Vuillermoz, Raul Ribera, Estelle Hennard, Elliot Sanchez, Lou Wick, Brigitte Rosset
País: Suiza, Francia
En algún momento hemos tenido la oportunidad de ayudar al desprotegido, estar para los que lo necesiten. Pero vivir las cosas desde el punto de vista del necesitado, es totalmente diferente. La Vida de Calabacín (2016) nos ayuda a empatizar con ellos.
La película trata sobre un niño apodado Calabacín, que luego de la muerte de su madre es trasladado a un orfanato. A partir de entonces deberá superar sus dificultades personales y aprender a adaptarse a su nueva vida junto con los otros niños huérfanos que también han atravesado una vida difícil.
Los personajes están magníficamente construidos y sus conflictos muy bien expuestos a lo largo de la película. El observar el proceso de adaptación de Calabacín es bastante refrescante, sobre todo por lo honesto. Lo acertado de cómo se maneja la manera en que piensan los niños, así como el humor en ello.
Esto es lo que le permite hablar de temas como sexualidad, abuso infantil, orfandad, sin incomodar a la gente y sin ofender a quienes lamentablemente han pasado por situaciones similares. Otra cosa que también es de admirar es que los encargados del orfanato no son los villanos de la película. A fin de cuentas, son funcionarios que quieren ayudar de la mejor manera posible con los recursos que disponen. Los antagonistas son los demonios personales de los niños.
Debido al poco tiempo con que cuenta la película, es vital aprovechar cualquier recurso que se tenga para dar información a la audiencia, sin saturar. Algo que se logra muy bien mediante la narración lineal con elipsis hiladas por medio de la correspondencia de Calabacín.
La decisión de usar stop motion para esta historia fue muy acertada. Junto con la paleta de colores llamativos, son una buena manera de recordarnos que los protagonistas son niños. Aunque, siempre con un toque negro u oscuro para recordarnos la cruenta realidad que viven los personajes. Algo reforzado a través del constante montaje de los dibujos infantiles.
Otro punto a favor fue el uso de la luz dura para definir los estados de ánimo de los personajes. Cuando nos presentan a Camile, ella se esconde en un oscuro armario (una chica con un esqueleto oculto) junto a un cómplice también con un par de huesos en los bolsillos. El resto de las acciones y trivialidades diarias siempre son brillantes, casi en un mediodía permanente.
Una película para la que no hay límite de edad, sin riesgo a traumatizar o idiotizar a los más pequeños. Con un mensaje lleno de optimismo y esperanza. Un retrato hecho con palabras sinceras que nos hace reflexionar sobre el lado duro de la vida.
Póster: lahiguera.net
Ficha Técnica: Imdb
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curestardust · 4 years
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if you want: sappy romance / kinda interesting usage of mechas in fights / cute girls (??) / background shoujo ai
So I only watched this cause it was linked under Kannazuki no Miko (x) which I didn’t... like... very much as you have seen. “Shattered Angels” also looks like your average romance stuff that I don’t care about so safe to say I didn’t have very high expectations for this.
Now as to how this is related to Kannazuki no Miko: some character designs from it were taken and kinda redesigned, except for the Chikane clone who looks like she was transported into an Alternative Universe. She is called Kaon here and is also related to the Moon and Murakumo (and she is also gay babyyy). This anime also has mechas but they were much better and more creatively implemented so it wasn’t as jarring as in KnM.
“Shattered Angels” has one of the main characters’ name in it in the Japanese title (Kyoushiro and the Eternal Sky) who manages to be one of the most uninteresting characters in the show. As to who he is? Well let’s go to the story.
10 years ago there was a catastrophe where a research center (I think?) released the “Absolute Angels” upon the world. It’s not clear what they actually did but it apparently it was Very Bad. Our story stars Kuu, your normal no-personality cheery and clumsy main character who is just average, so very average (no she isn’t). Soon enough she witnesses a fight between 2 girls who are able to manifest certain mecha parts as extension of their bodies which they use to fight. We meet the afformentioned male main character, Kyoushiro, who saves Kuu from the fighting. Turns out both of these girls are “Absolute Angels”: Tarlotte (whose design and personality was directly taken from KnM) is a bit of an anomaly as to why she goes around making messes. The other is Setsuna who is Kyoushiro’s “Sword” aka does the dirty work. And the 3rd “Absolute Angel” is Kaon. 
The 1st half of the anime is a mess. It’s supposed to set up Kuu and Kyoushiro’s relationship but it really doesn’t feel like it. Besides one deeper conversation, the 2 don’t have any chemistry whatsoever and they aren’t in private, like, ever. So the consequent set-up for the 2nd half of the anime (which was much more interesting) is on a shaky foundation. Ironically, despite this not officially having a Shoujo Ai tag, there’s wlw romance which was done pretty well actually. And spoiler but it has a happy ending! Whooo!!! Anyway, even Tarlotte and her “caretaker” have a more interesting relationship than Kuu and Kyoushiro. 
Anyway, the 2nd half of the anime has its fair share of problems with VA’s who got a bit carried away, constantly repeated lines and a lack of explanation for certain things but it’s actually decent and I enjoyed it (I know, wow!) but I really don’t know if dragging yourself through the 1st half for that is worth it. Take into consideriation however that I’m not really the target audience for this kinda sappy romance stuff but even I can see that “Shattered Angels” is just OK.
[5/10] (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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kotoko’s impact on anime via the knm opening is impossible to overstate
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shoujocentral · 5 years
Top 5 Kannazuki no Miko Characters
KnM is one of my favorite anime of all time. The story is unique, the romance is beautiful, and the mecha battles, though divisive, are entertaining as hell. However, the best part of the anime by far are the characters. There's so many of them, and while some are... less impressive than others (*cough* Girochi *cough*), the ones that leave an impact REALLY leave an impact.
Today, I'm here to count down my five personal favorite characters from the Kannazuki no Miko anime. But first, and honorable mention...
Hon. Mention- Makoto Saotome
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Mako is best girl. No doubt about that. She's energetic, upbeat, and one of Himeko's few friends. But all of that changes when she loses her entire Track and Field career in the first Orochi attack, and in her grief blamed Himeko. Of course, she eventually comes around and makes up with Himeko by encouraging her during her lowest point. FRIENDSHIP GOALS!
So... why is she only an honorable mention? Well, she's barely in the show. Her only times to shine are in episode 2 and 9, and she's basically non-existent for all the episodes in between. Basically, she's awesome, but awesome only in minimal doses.
No. 5- Reiko Ota
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My favorite sub-villain of the bunch. Reiko has a kind of "don't take no shit from nobody" attitude, which is a personality type that I relish. She's a woman of few words, but every word that comes out of her mouth is just pure bliss. My personal favorite is her "Number 69" joke towards Corona (which is actually kinda messed up once you know Corona's backstory). I also love how she's the only one to call out the fact that Tsubasa is gay.
One of my favorite parts of the show is when we learn that Himeko is a fan of Reiko's books. This injects a bit of dramatic irony into her character since she became an Orochi due to her failed career as an author. It really makes me wish that she and Himeko interacted at some point. Oh well, that's what fanfiction is for ^_^
No. 4- Souma Oogami
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Ladies, gentlemen, and those of unspecified genders, may I introduce the manliest man who ever man-ed! Souma may not be the most deep or complex character of the bunch, but you can't deny that he's a total badass. His Japanese voice actor has some of my favorite battle screams in all of anime, right up there with DBZ. I get chills everytime he shouts his signature attack "Nichirinkouretsu Daigekiha!"
Of course, he does have a small bit of development towards the end of the series. He starts off with the impression that he needs to protect Himeko from the Orochi. But after Himeko revives Ame no Murakumo by herself, he recognizes her strength and wants to fight the Orochi by her side. Respekt Wamen, my man!
No. 3- Tsubasa
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I love this edgy little gay boi! His mech is a darker version of Souma’s, he’s the first villain with a legit air of intimidation, and his fight with Souma oozes awesomeness! He even gets his own insert song, which is a total banger 😎
What I love most about Tsubasa is that, despite being 100% buttfuq insane, he talks to and treats Souma like a caring older brother. When he fights Souma in episode 5, he almost seems proud that Souma has embraced his Orochi powers and has become stronger.
Tsubasa also serves as a great parallel to Chikane. Both become Orochi because of their love for someone. The difference is that Tsubasa is able to see, through Chikane, what a monster he’s become. With that, he sacrifices himself to give Souma strength. Now that’s character development!
No. 2- Chikane Himemiya
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"NANI?! Chikane is Number 2??? Get the torches and pitchforks!!!" I know, I know, but please have patience.
What can I say about this actual goddess that hasn't already been said? Even if you've never seen the anime, you can't call yourself a yuri fan if you've never heard the name Chikane Himemiya. She's beautiful, elegant, commands authority wherever she goes, and the biggest damn sweetheart you'll ever meet (specifically to Himeko).
Chikane is by far the most damaged character in the show. She was born into a wealthy family and raised under the highest of high expectations. She had to be perfect at everything, but no one ever took into account the toll this would take on her mentally. Literally, the first person who treats her like a normal human being, Himeko, she ends up falling in love with to the point of obsession. Yeah... she's clearly not all there.
In truth, Chikane falling for Himeko is the worst thing that could have happened to her. She lives in an environment where homosexuality is clearly not the norm, and thus has no way of openly expressing her love for Himeko. This causes her to see herself as "disgusting" and to make up for this, she tries to help Himeko hook up with Souma.
Of course, I can't talk about Chikane without mentioning the most controversial scene. Chikane's decision to make Himeko hate her so she'll sacrifice her to Ame no Murakumo... by sexually assaulting her. She did something terrible, unforgivable, and that's exactly why it's so effective. This is the scene that proves how imperfect Chikane is. She made a horrible decision because she's flawed, she's human.
I could go on about Chikane forever, but that's a topic for a whole other day. Right now, I need to move on to Number 1. My favorite character in Kannazuki no Miko...
No. 1- Himeko Kurusugawa
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I know what you're thinking. I know I'm probably the only person on Earth who feels this way. But I'm standing my ground with this one. And here's why...
I identify with Himeko so much. When I was young, during later middle school and early high school, I was weak, unpopular, and cried at just about everything. I believed I was worthless and that eveyone else was better than me. But as I got older, I grew up and became a more confident person, someone who pursues what they want despite the many obstacles that stood in my way.
Granted, the reason for my growth wasn't because I was forced to become a mystical priestess and revive a giant robot god, but that's besides the point.
Coming from someone who may have been the most pathetic kid you'd ever see, what I look for in a protagonitst is someone who's flawed, but more importantly, someone who's vulnerable. In that sense, Himeko is a perfect protagonist. She's the last person you'd expect to be chosen for the task of saving the world. She's a 16 year old girl who puts eveyone's happiness before her own and blames herself for everything that goes wrong in her life. Even her body is unable to take the strain, as she faints almost everytime she faces a dangerous situation.
However, as the show progresses, we see Himeko grow into her own. She becomes braver, wanting to be there for the ones she loves. She becomes stronger, enduring the trauma of sexual assault and reviving Ame no Murakumo all by herself. She learns to love herself, realizing she does have a place in this world and people who care about her.
The only thing that doesn't change about her is her greatest flaw: her undying forgiveness. Her ability to look past everything bad someone has done to her. This applies most to Chikane. Even after Chikane assaults her, attacks Souma, becomes an Orochi, and DESTROYS THE ENTIRE WORLD... she forgives her. Because that's just the kind of person she is.
There's no greater strength that the ability to forgive the unforgivable.
Well, that was a mouthful. I hope y'all enjoyed my first Top 5 list. You may or may not like Kannazuki no Miko as a show, and I can understand that, but I hope my little insight into these characters swayed you just a bit.
Until next time, my fellow yuri lovers! ❤️😊❤️
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