manwalksintobar · 1 year
Say the Names // Al Purdy
— say the names say the names and listen to yourself an echo in the mountains Tulameen Tulameen say them like your soul was listening and overhearing and you dreamed you dreamed you were a river Tulameen Tulameen --not the flat borrowed imitations of foreign names not Briton Windsor Trenton but names that ride the wind Spillimacheen and Nahanni Kleena Kleene and Horsefly Illecillewaet and Whachamacallit Lillooet and Kluane Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and the whole sky falling when the buffalo went down say them say them remember if you ever wander elsewhere "the North as a deed and forever" Kleena Kleene Nahanni Osoyoos and Similkameen say the names as if they were your soul lost among the mountains a soul you mislaid and found again rejoicing Tulameen Tulameen till the heart stops beating                 say the names
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mothmiso · 5 months
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Canada (2) by Achim
Via Flickr:
(1) Cabin at Tetachuck Wilderness Lodge, Tetachuck Lake, Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, BC. (2) Boathouse at Clearwater Lake, Terra Nostra Guestranch, Kleena Kleene, BC.    
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Bis jetzt unbeachtete Bilda vom Februar 2023
Uff so een Urlaub sammeln sich fülle Bilda an. Kla werd‘n ooch een paar jelöscht.
Starten wa mal mit een Bild vom 11.Februar uff Mahé. Alle warn so spitz uff Urlaubsbilda knips‘n, dett sojar ooch ohne Sonn‘schein Bilda aus hohe Position gemacht wurd‘n. Danke hia mal an alle andan, die mia ihre Bilda übamacht hab‘n. Heißt neu‘deutsch wohl ooch dropp‘n.
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Dett nächste iss vom 12.Februar bei der Wanderung Copola Natural Train. Untawegs uff dea Wandastrecke jab’s Palm, da konnteste mang die Luftwurzeln kleene unjezog‘ne Kinda einfach rinnklemm und uff’n Rückwech mußteste se aba wieda raushol‘n und mitnehm.
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Een putziga, selbsvaliebta kleena Voj‘l hat am 13. Februar mit sein’m Spiejelbild jeturtelt. Wia hab‘n den Piepmatz den Nam Aperolspritz fapasst. Heißt wohl richtich Madagaskar Fody. Wia stand‘n anna Bushaltestelle und dett Taxi davoa.
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Am 15.Februar uff Praslin hätt ick mia fast een Boot jekooft. Dea Dirk und Icke war’n uff dea Suche nach een Späti entlang vom Anse Pasquiere und Anse Boudin. War een Schnäpchen, leida nua füa Selbstabhola.
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Am 15.Februar iss uns noch so een Strandgeist bejegnet. Hat ziemlich grimmich jekiekt. Aba nüscht jesacht. War wohl doch nua een Kopp vonna Antilopen Languste, aba eena ganz bunt‘n.
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Am 16.Februar uff Praslin. Bestimmt wolltet ihr schon imma wiss‘n, watt die andan viea abends mach‘n wenn ick Blogg schreibe. Mensch Ärger dich nich spiel‘n die.
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Praslin, In dea Lobby im Berjaja geht am 18.Februar eene große Krabbe groß aus.
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Auf La Digue 24.Februar die Mädels auf dem Weg zum Frühstück. Morgens schon jut rausjeputzt.
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Auf La Digue 26.Februar entdeckt. Jenau voa unsa Quatia jab’s een janz komisch‘n Baum. Eena vom Hotel meente ditt iss een Kanonbowlflower Baum. Übasetzt Kanonenkugelbaum, wau watt een Name
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Auf Mahé, heute 28.Februar. Im neuest‘n Quartia seh‘n die Järtna komisch aus. Liecht bestimmt an die fülle Cocospalm hia.
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cluz1babe · 4 years
A Poem Written by Cas and Your Response
Castiel didn't know how it came to him, but he'd learned that you loved to read and he knew he had to tell you exactly how he felt. When he shyly pushed the letter under your door, you hear it graze and sat up to see is someone was trying to come in. Frowning in confusion, you tilted your head and noticed the paper on the floor.
You got out of bed and opened it, surprised to recognize the handwriting and confused as to why it was so secretive it had been given to you in such a way. Then you began you read
You radiate beauty and purity You smell like innocence Before Like dirt when the Earth was new Like the water on that version of this planet Like that very same air before it was polluted
Your eyes are as deep as the ocean But they light up when the sun shines upon them And I can see the fire in them When they are hungry
Your skin is as soft as down Your arms wrapped around me once You feel warm and safe Like a place I want to burrow And call home The curves of your body Leave me wanting to touch I’ve found myself wondering if I could But dare not ask Should the request scare you away
I haven’t tasted you yet But I imagine your kisses Have a sweet and spicy flavor Like the red lollipops sold in convenience stores The taste of sweet cinnamon burning your tongue A pleasurable break From the norm
Your heartbeat sounds like ancient drums It can be calm and quiet when at rest But then loud and energizing Like drinking too much coffee Giving energy and excitement to a day off
Sometimes I think I cannot control my feelings around you I believe I am not even close To your equal I am not beautiful Like you I probably smell like ozone My countenance can seem Vacant much of the time Therefore, my eyes are Probably not as deep My skin may be soft, But I fear my arms Aren’t quite as inviting My lips I imagine kissing them Would only taste bitter I don’t think my heartbeat is Really mine What good is another’s heartbeat? I’m not very relatable My previous life didn’t allow me to experience all these things, not in the way you have
I wish I could experience this with you
I want to smell your sweat Mixed with mine On us Between us If our bodies are ever found in any position Together
I want to see you All of you Whatever you allow I want to learn every bend Every freckle Every muscle Relaxed under my touch
I want to feel you The way lovers do Fill you up Have you wrapped around me I fantasize what making you feel pleasure Does to your body - What sounds do you make?
I want to taste you In ways I never have Your tongue Your lips The core of you Whatever you want me to
I want to hear you Say my name With lust and exertion With love and devotion To find my ears Tell me what you like
Then I want us to change roles Repay each other All of those things Playful and lascivious Superficially sinful But in love
"I'm not a poet. Not nearly as good as you." You handed Castiel the paper it had taken you only five minutes to write in response to his beautiful poem. "You deserve something better, but at least it's something."
He smiled and took the letter, unfolding it to read.
You do smell like ozone, mostly. You also remind of buttercream frosting, Irish pipe tobacco, and puppy breath.
You look magnificent. Powerful, beautiful, adorable. I’ve seen the real you, and there’s nothing else like it. When you hold me I feel soft and sensitive. Vulnerable but strong. I imagine you taste like earl grey - earthy and real. Warm and comforting. You sound like the low rumble of thunder. Your voice drowns out the world. When you speak to me, I feel more confident. When you share with me, I feel special and important.
Yes, I want the same things. I think of the same things.
I want you to grab on to me and hold me close so I can smell you. I want to feel you inside and around me. I want to taste your skin. Kiss your nose. I want to hear your most explicit sounds and know all of your fantasies. I want to be submissive to your touch - I know it’s not what you expect of me - for us to be equals in a tangle of tantric love. Breathe with me. Hold that masculine, dominant element and take care of me. I want to be yours and you will be mine.
Castiel looked up at you, somewhat shocked.
"I told you. It's not as good--"
He immediately pulled you in for a kiss and you lost yourself in his embrace.
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genzoman · 7 years
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A commission done a couple of years ago:  Clidna - Queen of Fairies. DA: fav.me/db4yoqp
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jasonmichaelevans · 5 years
I’ve watched the Anastasia OBC bootleg at least 6 times in the last hour yet I insist I don’t have a problem.
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itsyveinthesky · 3 years
Also wat nu – ja oder ja?
von Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935)
Wie ick noch 'n kleena Junge wah, da hattn wa auffe Schule een Lehra, den nannten wa bloß: Papa een jewissen Doktor Kuhle. Un frachte der wat, un der Schieler war dumm, un der quatschte und klönte bloß so rum, denn sachte Kuhle feierlich: "Also – du weeßt et nich!" So nachn Essen, da rooch ick jern in stillen meine Sßijarre. Da denk ick so, inwieso un wiefern un wie se so looft, die Karre. Wer weeß det ... Heute wähln wa noch rot, un morjen sind wa valleicht alle tot. Also ick ja nich, denkt jeda. Immahin ... man denkt sich so manchet in seinen Sinn. Ick bin, ick werde, ich wah jewesen ... Da haak nu so ville Bicher jelesen. Und da steht die Wissenschaft uff de Kommode. Wie wird det mit uns so nachn Tode? Die Kürche kommt jleich eilich jeloofn, da jibt et 'n Waschkorb voll Phillesophen ... Det lies man. Un haste det hinta dir, dreihundert Pfund bedrucktet Papier, denn leechste die Weisen beit alte Eisen un sachst dir, wie Kuhle, innalich: Sie wissen et nich. Sie wissen et nich.
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lahikmajoe · 4 years
how can you mend a broken heart? with a Vizsla puppy, of course
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der kleena Theo – a dogsitting miracle
Now, you’d probably immediately jump to the conclusion that the term miracle, in this case, is a bit over the top. You’d be wrong.
If you know anything at all about me, you know that I’ve spent a lot of the last nearly fifteen years posting photos and stories about my sister and brother Vizslas #EllaandLouis.
They were a central component of my…
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kleenacleaner-blog · 5 years
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flightraysing · 5 years
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shes finally dressed. Clionadh (pronounced “kleena”) is (in mythology) queen of the ban sibh (banshees)
in my lore, shes a spirit in the starwood strand known for wailing the names of the recently departed
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20.August 2020 noch zwee Taje Beenehoch . . .
Man, drei Woch‘n sind irjendwann ooch durch. Heute, morj‘n und übamorj‘n noch jenieß‘n. Dett Bild iss irgendwie jedett Jah dabei.
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Heute wa noch een Abstecha nach Cala Llamp im Plan. Een Küstenort in der Region Andratx und wia wollt‘n dem Beachclub Gran Folies een Besuch abstatt‘n. Anjekomm, kurz jekiekt und festgestellt: „iss heute Arsch voll“. Een paar Bilda jibs aba trotzdem und danach sind wa an een normal‘n Badestrand jefah’n.
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Cala Llamp wa mal een Küstenort, janz Inseltypisch. Mittlerweile herrscht hia dea Bauboom vor und produziert hunderte Weise Betonklötza mit blickdicht‘n Grauen Umzäunung‘n. So een Bild erspar ick uns lieba.
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Een Eenkoof bei de Fischer‘s in Port Andratx durfte ooch nich fehl‘n. Entscheidung fiel uff Rotbarsch, Zitronkugelfisch und Kleene Doraden füan Grill.
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Die Fischaboote komm um 18uhr wieda in Haf’n an, 18:45 eenjekooft, dett iss denn wohl echt frischa Fisch. Man hätte se noch fast wiedabeleb‘n könn . . . Sind aba uff‘m Grill jelandet und mit kleena Grillhilfe Backpapier. Da drehen sich die Biesta fülle bessa um.
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ethanchloe29 · 4 years
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Kleena Care Pty Ltd provides Cleaning Services in Greenacre. For more info visit: https://is.gd/KleenaCarePtyLtd
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profoundbond-n-tfw · 7 years
I know many of you heard last year about Fort Mac being evacuated from the forest fires, everyone was commenting and knew what was happening. But it seems no one is aware (or commenting) about how bad things are here in my home province. 
Well as always forest fires are raging out of control in BC this summer. Only it’s worse than ever.  There are more forest fires being reported than can be written down. 
Entire towns are being evacuated and tonight Williams Lake joins the list of towns to be evacuated bringing the number of displaced and evacuated people to over 25,000 people. 
BC has declared a province wide state of emergency.
The dry weather, lightening storms and wind are making this battle incredibly hard to fight. 
I have lived in a town a few years back that was evacuated from forest fires and there’s nothing more nerve wracking as watching a smoke cloud that looks like a mushroom cloud (in my case it did look like that) right behind your house. Ash was raining down like snow. 
This year I’m not living in these areas but many of my friends are. They have been evacuated and are currently living out of tents. Worse yet, people have been looting the evacuated homes. The worst of the worst. 
Other friends are helping people fight the fires, work on blockades, provide water and basic needs to people.  If you want to help or can help please donate to the Red Cross. 
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Please if you can donate to the red cross or at the very least share this post. 
Areas where an evacuation order is in effect:
100 Mile House 150 Mile House Alexis Creek Ashcroft Big Bend Creek Clearwater West of Dunn Lake and north of Dunn Lake Fox Mountain Grizzly Lake Gustafsen Hallamore Lake Hanceville Kleena Kleene Lexington subdivision Soda Creek South of Chilcotin River to Fletcher Lake Miocene Moore Mountain Precipice Creek (Stillwater Lake/Hotnarko) Areas north of Princeton Spokin Lake Rd West of Tatelkuz Lake Thuya Lake Road Wildwood Williams Lake
Areas where an evacuation alert is in effect:
100 Mile Fringe Southwest Davis Rd Area Areas surrounding Cache Creek Dragon Mountain Finger Lake Forest Grove Big Creek area Loon Lake Little Fort Naltesby Lake Sutherland South Lakeside Tatuk Lake Tatelkuz Lake
Please share this post, my friends, family and province need help. We are burning.
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La Digue 27.Februar 2023 dritta Montach
Letzta Tach uff La Digue. Da jetzt noch mal an Strand. Jibt noch Strände wo wa nich warn. Heute Anse Songe anne Süd-Ostküste. Wird een kleena Triatlon. Fahrradfahrer, loof‘n und denn entspannt schwimm.
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Nach‘m Fahrradfahn sind wa uff den Naturwandawech gewandat. Da loof‘n nich so fülle hin und deshalb iss dea Wech schmal. Anjekomm, jab’s een erst‘n Strandabschnitt
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Erste kleene Pause bevor ett weita jeht.
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Weiter jing’s zum größeren Strandabschnitt. Voabei an ordentlich Jestein und Palm und eene Art Urwald mit schmal‘n Trampelpfad.
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Dea Anse Songe iss echt natürlich schön. Pass’n wa doch jut mit hin. Ansonst’n kaum Besucha .
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Rinn zum bad‘n und uffpass‘n wej‘n die Well‘n.
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Die Natur wächst hia wie se will . . .
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Vom Anse Songe kann man den Grand Anse sojar sehn. Kurz kam dea Jedanke uff, rüba zu schwimm. Lieba nich.
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Sojar die FelsBrock‘n im Wassa sind grün . . .
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Wia mußt‘n natürlich ooch wieda zurück loof‘n. Fazit von dem Strandausfluch: „Wa een Ooj‘nschmaus dea Strand“.
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cluz1babe · 4 years
Playlists for Fics
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Episode One PLAYLIST 
Episode Two Chapter One PLAYLIST (Coming Soon)
Episode Two Chapter Two PLAYLIST Update (Coming Soon)
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sayurinomoe · 7 years
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Happy Birthday, @climbyii! 
When I think about Kaka Saku, I think of your creations. Your vids, among Kleena and Foxy, had been so inspiring and beautiful and had accompanied me during a very hard time in my life. 
Shattered was my favorite song back then: and seeing that song coupled with that amazing vid was a real shock for me. I started following you on Youtube, watching your vids over and over. 
You’re one of those gracious people who makes me really happy to be in this fandom. I’m glad I had the chance to talk to you. And you’re just as kind and elegant as I imagined you watching your amvs. 
I wish you the best.
Alles gute!  
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