#kitagawa yuusuke
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 4 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 2 Match 9
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Luffy -
"Luffy is the most unlikely of characters in this whole series. He blithely moves through every circumstance presented to him and usually has a one tracked mind on food (specifically meat) and becoming king of the pirates. Even so he’s earned the love and loyalty of his crew mates for being who is truly is even if he also gets on their nerves for being so blunt sometimes or maybe not understanding the full severity of battle or violent encounter (but you can’t really blame him all the time if they still win right?) He’s a little goofball but can be serious when it’s necessary and even point out the hard truths when it can’t be avoided. All around he’s the best guy out."
Yuusuke -
"strangest man in all of persona. like 80% of his screentime is just him being a weird little dude. autistic besties with futaba (extremely autistic anime girl). also, for your consideration, i love him."
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thefigureresource · 8 months
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Nendoroid Yusuke Kitagawa : Phantom Thief ver [Persona 5: The Animation] from Good Smile Company will be re-released November 2023.
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
The Stray
So with the talk of Conan characters in Persona I'm dusting off this thing I wrote a while ago inspired by this post by RedRobin-Detective which crossed my dash while I was playing Persona Strikers and this happened
"You can't tell anyone!" The look on Conan's face was pure desperation.
"I have to." Takagi said grimly.
"I don't care about proper procedure. They may have infiltrated the police! We'll both be killed, along with anyone we might have told."
"I don't care about 'proper procedure'. But I do care about you and others being in danger. And that stops. Now. Even if it means we have to go outside the law to do it."
"What?" This didn't match what he knew about Takagi, not at all. Takagi was bright and eager to please, but with little self confidence and easy to lead around. Takagi did not take charge and he most certainly did not do so by starting with going outside the law. But what could Conan do? He was currently helpless with the knowledge Takagi had now, that the Organization existed.
He let himself be led on a train, Takagi texting the whole time. There was a brief stop where he got some sushi to go, and then Takagi led him down some small roads to a place called 'Cafe LeBlanc' that Conan was fairly sure would be nigh unfindable if you didn't know it was there.
"Like the guy who wrote the original Lupin?" Conan asked, speaking up for the first time.
Takagi shrugged. "Can't say what the original owner was thinking, but the current one is amused by it."
The cafe was small and cozy. The smell of coffee and curry permeated the air and Conan felt hungry despite himself.
"No outside food allowed," said the man behind the counter, albeit with a smile on his face.
"Awww. No Fatty Tuna for Morgana, then?" Takagi asked with a big grin on his face.
There was a loud yowl and a black and white cat jumped on the counter. "You spoil him," the man said with the same smile.
"And you don't?" Takagi smirked back.
Conan sat there, petting the cat while Takagi talked to the cafe owner like an old friend. What did this have to do with the Organization? Why did Takagi bring him here?
The bell over the door rang an in walked, well, someone Conan hadn't expected in a hole in the wall like this. Takamaki Ann, a fashion designer who worked for Ginko. Conan only knew of her due to the minor scandal a few years back of Campbell-san promoting an openly lesbian woman to be her chief designer.
More people came in. Some Conan recognized (Kitagawa Yuusuke, a well known artist. Niijima Makoto, the most hard and nails Director of Internal Affairs the TMPD had ever seen) others he hadn't, like the blonde man who sat next to Takamaki-san and the red-headed woman who perched on the stool next to him like a gargoyle. And they all knew each other.
"Oh dear, I seem the last one." A woman with short curled hair walked in. "I know Sumire is out of the country and Grampa is out in Kyoto. Unless..." All those gathered turned to the cafe owner, who shrugged.
"I don't know why any of you think I know what goes on in his head."
"Better than we do," the blond man said with a wide grin. "So what's the 411?"
"Our beloved little brother brought in one of his strays, and it's one of the two that don't exist." The red head cackled. "This is going to be good."
Strays? Wait. "What do you mean I don't exist?" Conan asked nervously.
The TV in the corner flickered and a virtual avatar popped up. "You do not. All records of your identity are false and were only created shortly after you appeared at Mouri-san's and began to solve cases for him."
Conan felt his stomach drop. No one was supposed to know that! Why had they pulled up his records before this? After all, they couldn't have in so little time...
"Right, and now you have to settle a bet," Red headed girl leaned in, grinning.
"A bet?" Conan asked weakly.
"Are you Kudo Shinichi?"
The floor dropped beneath him, This was impossible. They couldn't...
"Back off Navi. No scaring the client." The Cafe owner said in a stern voice that had the red head sit back abashedly.
"Why...why would you think I was...." His voice sounded so weak, even to his own ears.
"The timing matches up between your appearance and and his disappearance." Navi said. "And your mannerisms are the same."
"And hours before 'Edogawa Conan' appeared for the first time, a young boy matching your description with similar injuries to the ones you had then claimed to be Kudo Shinichi who'd been assaulted and poisoned." Nijiima pointed out. "Of course at that point no one knew Kudo-kun had vanished and by the time anyone questioned where he was, the little boy in too large clothes that matched the ones Kudo-kun had been wearing that day had long since vanished."
"Or become Edogawa Conan." Blond man said with a grin.
"Our client is Edogawa Conan, and that's how he'd like to be known, regardless of who he might have been in the past. Takagi's voice was uncharacteristically firm and Conan was grateful for it.
He'd completely forgotten the police officers he'd talked to in the first hour after his change, who he'd desperately tried to convince of the truth. And if these people had put it together, who knows who else may have.
"And our target?" The cafe owner asked.
"A group known as the Black Organization. Involved in blackmail and murder." Takagi glanced at Conan.
"Definitely murder. Bombings, developments of poisons, manipulating organized crime..." He trailed off.
"Confirmed?" The cafe owner looked at Takagi.
"I can confirm what I said and I don't doubt Conan-kun's knowledge."
"Alright. As always, we put it to a vote. The vote must be unanimous. All in favor?"
Everyone raised their hand, even the cat.
"All opposed." Nothing.
The cafe owner smiled at Conan. "You can call me Joker. The Phantom Thieves of Heart taken taken your case."
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hi, im sorry if its just me not finding it but, i cant see yuusuke in the round one list. did you skip him for a particular reason? i was very excited to campaign for him
Due to the number of characters (at least, that is what I assume caused it), the bracket generator left some characters out of the first round, and some winners of round 1 will go against said leftover characters. It should be visible on the post for the brackets. This is the list of characters that got left out of round 1:
Kunikazu Okumura
Sojiro Sakura
Sae Niijima
Bunkichi and Mitsuko
Chika Ueda
Naoya Toudou
Takaya Sakaki
Daisuke Nagase
Yusuke Kitagawa
Kotone Shiomi
Jun Kurosu
Yukari Takeba
Ryoji Mochizuki
Lisa Silverman
Natsuki Moriyama
Naoki Konishi
Kenta Yokouchi
Akinari Kamiki
Katsuya Suou
Yu Narukami
Tohru Adachi
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dramatisperscnae · 7 months
10 Fandoms/10 Characters/10 Tags
DC Arthur Curry Dick Grayson Jason Todd Selina Kyle [listen i barely go here okay]
Marvel Loki Bucky Barnes Remy Lebeau Clint Barton Logan Howlett Pietro Maximoff [deserved better in the MCU gdi] Kurt Wagner Steve Rogers Thor Matt Murdock
Homestuck [don't fucking judge me >w>] Dirk Tavros Equius Nepeta Summoner Rufioh Dave Mindfang Dualscar Darkleer
Tolkien Faramir Aragorn Eowyn Boromir Gandalf Maglor Beren Turin Beorn Theoden
Bleach Kuchiki Byakuya Kyouraku Shunsui Ukitake Juushirou Hitsugaya Toshirou Kuchiki Rukia Abarai Renji Kurosaki Ichigo Ishida Uryuu Ichimaru Gin Hisagi Shuuhei
Genshin Impact Diluc Kaeya Wriothelesley Neuvilette Dainsleif Xiao Ayato Tartaglia Zhongli Alhaitham
Fullmetal Alchemist Maes Hughes Roy Mustang Jean Havoc Ed Elric Van Hohenheim Riza Hawkeye Ling Yao Greed Winry Rockbell Maj.Gen. Olivier Mira Armstrong
Final Fantasy Franchise Cidolfus Telamon Vincent Valentine Basch fon Ronsenberg Balthier Auron Gladiolus Amicitia Clive Rosfield Red XIII Noctis Wakka
World Mythology Loki Susano-o Hades Athena Cuchulainn Anansi Persephone Sigyn Sir Gawain [the arthurian cycle counts, fight me] The Green Man
Persona 5 Amamiya Ren Kitagawa Yuusuke Iwai Munehisa Arsene Goemon Akechi Goro Hasegawa Zenkichi Togo Hifumi Yoshizawa Sumire Sakura Sojirou
tagged by: @defectivexfragmented tagging: @arobinwithoutbatman, @normaltothemax, @cxpedcrusxder, @perditos, and I honestly cannot be bothered to tag six more people, steal it if you wanna >w>
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Update] ACTORS☆LEAGUE in Baseball」
the event will be held on August 22nd, 2022 @ 東京ドーム (Tokyo Dome)
Opening Act
ZIPANG OPERA (Satou Ryuuji, Furuzawa Yuu, Shinnosuke, spi)
Guest Commentator (ゲスト解説)
Miura Hiroki & Obata no Oniisan
Kuroba Mario (968) [Captain (キャプテン)] Abe Aran (51) Arisawa Shoutarou (10) Isaka Ikumi (193) Kiyama Haruki (369) Konishi Eito (88) Kondou Shouri (1) Sasamori Hiroki (33) Shouhei (55) Tateishi Toshiki (3) Nagata Seiichirou (18) Nishikawa Shunsuke (11) Hashimoto Shouhei (7) Hirano Koushuu (0) Hirono Ryouta (777) Matsuda Ryou (9) Yagi Masayasu (16)
Wada Takuma (2) [Captain (キャプテン)] Ishibashi Hiroki (845) Iwase Kouki (999) Ueda Kandai (1) Ueda Yuusuke (27) Oomi Takuto (03) Kitagawa Naoya (708) Kitazono Ryou (22) Kominami Kouji (570) Shiina Taizou (4) Takano Akira (722) Tomita Shou (17) Torigoe Yuuki (331) Matsui Yuuho (55) Matsushima Yuusosuke (19) Yuuki Kazuya (18) Yokoyama Masafumi (25)
homepage twitter
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fallenangelflonne · 29 days
Poppy and hyacinth for the flower ask game!
poppy ✦ do you have lore surrounding your s/i, or is your s/i more or less just there to project on with your f/o(s)?
it depends on the s/i or oc, since i have several, but i'll give you a brief description of each of the main ones under the cut.
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mana: makoto amagi was born with a sixth sense. she's always had the ability to see small glimpses of the future, tell when someone is lying, and hear... not exactly ghosts, but fragments of people's souls that they leave behind when they die. due to this, she was always treated as gifted by the adults in her life, though this also meant she found it difficult to relate to her peers. however, her connection to the realm beyond proved to be a curse, slowly eroding her physical body and leaving her bedridden by age 10, forcing her parents to pull her out of school. she died by the age of 13, but that same curse tethered her consciousness to the mortal realm and prevented her from fully passing on, forcing her to become a ghost (or, more specifically, a yūrei) and adopt the name mana.
around that time, she met masaru fuzaki, a powerful sorcerer of the esteemed fuzaki bloodline who chose to forsake his family name and live a humble life as an apothecary in the forest. masaru took pity on the young ghost and decided to make her his familiar, allowing her to take residence in his attic and vowing to find a way to bring her back to life, all the while selling potions and enchantments and occasionally taking commissions to slay monsters in order to support them both. mana spends the majority of her time eating, sleeping, playing video games, and watching anime and youtube videos because it takes her a significant amount of energy just to maintain a corporeal form, let alone do much else, but she does make herself useful to masaru from time to time by foraging for ingredients for his elixirs or using her gift of foresight to aid him in combat.
mana is a tsundere, making a point of insisting that she's scary, not cute, and getting flustered and pouty at the slightest hint of physical or verbal affection, but she's also rather cheeky and mischievous, often playing pranks or attempting to scare masaru, though no matter how hard she tries, he remains largely unfazed.
i use mana as a vtubersona and a hololive and nijisanji self-insert. i do ship her romantically with masaru, but when it comes to the ships between her and other vtubers (namely gawr gura, pomu rainpuff, ike eveland, elira pendora, and a few others), i may disregard or alter parts of her lore in order to be more in line with theirs or even scrap it altogether in favor of saying, “she's a ghost and they work for the same company. that's all you need to know.”
please keep in mind that when i talk about my vtuber f/os, i'm referring to the characters and not the people behind the screen.
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rimi: rimi sonozaki is a responsible, yet rebellious 16-year-old girl who likes skateboarding, singing, playing the guitar, and punk, emo, and street fashion. her mom is the typical strict single asian parent who disapproves of her daughter's interests and has unreasonably high expectations for her. compared to mana, her lore isn't particularly deep.
i use rimi as a sk8 the infinity, persona 5 (+ strikers), skip to loafer, and naka no hito genome self-insert and ship her romantically with reki kyan, langa hasegawa, miya chinen, kojirou nanjo, kaoru sakurayashiki, akira kurusu, ryuuji sakamoto, ann takamaki, narumi kanechika, anya kudou, and yuzu roromori. she's also friends with makoto niijima, yuusuke kitagawa, haru okumura, yuuki mishima, sophia, mitsumi iwakura, yuzuki murashige, mika egashira, makoto kurume, akatsuki iride, and himiko inaba, and has a crush on sousuke shima. in addition, she sees hiromi higa, sojiro sakura, zenkichi hasegawa, and nao iwakura as familial/guardian-like figures, though she isn't actually related to them.
in persona 5, rimi is a persona user of the temperance arcana. her code name is vandal and her phantom thief attire resembles a graffiti artist with a gas mask. she wields a hunting knife as a melee weapon and dual smgs as a ranged weapon. she can also throw colorful smoke bombs or firecrackers to create a diversion. however, i haven't decided on an actual persona for her yet.
in skip to loafer, rimi is a member of the drama club.
in naka no hito genome, rimi is a streamer who specializes in gacha games.
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vivi: vivi is a 14-year-old gym leader from aurea (my fanmade pokémon region based on italy) who specializes in ghost types. both of their parents died one right after the other when vivi was very young, and as a result, a lot of nasty rumors began to spread throughout their hometown that they were somehow responsible due to how scary and offputting they appeared on the surface, leading them to become a shut-in and turn to video games as a form of escapism. they met their first pokémon, a shiny mimikyu, at the cemetery whilst visiting their parents' graves. eventually, they grew tired of hiding from the world and applied for an international scholarship to uva academy in paldea.
i use vivi as a pokémon violet self-insert and ship them romantically with arven and queerplatonically with nemona, penny, and giacomo. in addition, they see director clavell and mr. hassel as fatherly figures of sorts and eri as an older sister figure.
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penny: penelope "penny" st. ives is a laid-back, tomboyish, and slightly reckless steampunk inventor/engineer/mechanic who uses guns and explosives in lieu of magic. her lore is pretty much nonexistent beyond that.
i use penny as a devil may cry 5 and tensei shitara slime datta ken oc and and ship her romantically with dante, vergil, and veldora tempest and queerplatonically with nero, rimuru tempest, and milim nava.
in devil may cry 5, penny replaces nico goldstein as the person who drives the van and makes nero's devil breakers.
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sam: sam warner, a.k.a. sam the hunter, is a transmasc vigilante of sorts who kills bigots and politicians, but i haven't quite figured out his full lore yet.
i use sam as a creepypasta (slender mansion au) oc and ship him romantically with ticci toby and queerplatonically with nina the killer. additionally, he sees masky as an older brother figure and sally williams as a little sister figure and is also friends with ben drowned, homicidal liu, and kate the chaser, but doesn't get along with jeff the killer.
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skye: skylar "skye" mitchell is a very optimistic, albeit naïve girl fresh out of high school who landed her first job as a daytime security guard at the mega pizzaplex and wants nothing more than to be besties with all of her coworkers. she's extremely strong, having done both gymnastics and jiu-jitsu when she was younger, but despite this, she dreams of going into the beauty industry one day, and thus, takes great care of her appearance, tying her hair up in all manner of intricate ways and painting her nails all manner of fun colors and patterns. she's pretty good with kids due to having experience babysitting her younger cousins and second cousins, but she has no desire to have any biological kids of her own. she also has a very tiktok sense of humor and uses a lot of gen z slang, which makes vanessa feel extremely out of touch.
i use skye as a five nights at freddy's: security breach (human performer au) oc and ship her queerplatonically with both of the daycare attendants. she's also friends with glamrock chica and dj music man, has a small crush on glamrock freddy, and looks up to vanessa in spite of the fact that vanessa finds her annoying.
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while mana has the most complex lore by far, i'd say she's the character whose experiences and personality most closely mirror mine (gifted kid burnout, feeling depressed/isolated after having to be pulled out of school, etc.), but most, if not all of my ocs share certain traits (being autistic, biromantic, trans or nonbinary, having a sweet tooth, and liking video games, anime, music, plushies, and/or alt fashion).
i also use futaba sakura, lumine, hu tao, freminet, millie parfait, and a few other canon characters as self-inserts because i kin them.
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hyacinth ✦ how did your s/i meet your f/o(s)?
this is a difficult question to answer because again, i have several s/is and ocs across several different sources, i don't have all the details of all of their stories worked out yet, and most of what i write takes place after the relationship has already been established.
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kirexa · 3 months
Yuusona named Yuusuke but it's just Yusuke kitagawa
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obtysbedroom · 4 years
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Persona 5 Confidant Icons
Phantom Thieves + Social Links
I’m surprised to see no one has done confidant arts with gradient stars as backgrounds? Now that I say that, it sounds oddly specific. I made gradients that I think represents each character the most. Here’s all I ended up making! Feel free to use them :o)
*Note: I can’t find a Kasumi Confidant Sprite, even on the Persona 5 Fandom Wiki Page, so unfortunately no Kasumi here :o( If someone does, feel free to let me know. Kasumi has been added!
*Note #2: I also found two Akira/Ren Confidant fanarts, and so I asked both artists if I could use their works for this set. If they respond and say yes, I’ll make sure to post them too!
Also, here are bonus confidant arts for three four of the characters in game. Could be a spoiler if you haven’t finished P5 and P5R!
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sajou-rihito · 5 years
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♧ authorized reprint for tumblr // artist:   火鴇   /   P5log⑥
✿ please do not remove source link// edit  illustration // change caption // upload to other websites!
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 1 Match 18
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Yuusuke -
"i really hope whoever else submitted him has more thought out propaganda lmao but i saw mention of him on the blog and went "oh i should submit him too". anyways in terms of autistic traits he shows off the top of my head, he has a very strong sense of morality that's based in what he was told growing up, as demonstrated by the fact that his foster father and mentor in art set the example of an artist who lives a simple, immaterial life in a shack creating for beauty rather than money (even though in secret he was in it entirely for the money) which carries over to the present day where yusuke turns down an offer from a gallery director because the director mentioned the financial side of the position. he eventually mellows out a bit at the end of his arc, but his views before then can legitimately be expressed as "making art for it to be sold always results in art of inferior quality". he also doesn't seem to intuitively understand social norms and non-verbal cues. i can't think of any specific examples of that right now, but i'm like 90% sure i remember dialogue that points to that on multiple occasions."
Tsubasa -
"So autistic about airplanes!! He can transform into a tiny bird that can't fly so he learnt extensively about airplanes and flight so he could try and fly. And he could infodump to you about any of the physics around flying to you. He sees magical UFOs and goes "but that doesn't make sense!" because they defy the laws of physics. His room is full of airplane models and decorations."
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thefigureresource · 1 year
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Yusuke Kitagawa "Fox" - Persona 5 The Royal
Release: May 2023
Manufacturer: MegaHouse
Size: non scale, 7.4in
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hellohimawarihana · 2 years
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Persona 25th Anniversary Collab Cafe (P5 version, party member only).
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manekikarasu · 7 years
Ryukita A MakoHaru B!!
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♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ Hope you like them!
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evor20 · 7 years
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Credit goes too   ねこ林
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