#kismet harmony
itsdragonfire13 · 5 months
Au based on the fact that Branch was originally supposed to be the one taken.
Part 1(You are here!), Part 2, Part 3,
- Branch is taken for being a part of Kismet, which means Kismet gets the letters and sneak in through the ducts only to find a pissed off Branch stuck in a perfume bottle.
- They make fun of him for about 5 mins before trying to break it/unscrew the top to let him out.
- It quickly becomes clear they can’t get him out, panic starts especially when Branch tells them what Velvet and Veener are using him for, and why they got those letters.
- That makes them panic more.
- Branch mumbles that there is something that can break diamond, it takes Kismet asking 3 times before he finally admits that if they can find his brothers and get them to sing together, there may be a chance, a small, tiny, chance they could do the perfect family harmony and break the diamond.
- Kismet had no idea he had brothers. They have questions.
- Branch tells them that last he heard John Dory was in the Neverglade Trail, but that was 20ish years ago and he doesn’t know if he’s still there.
That’s all I got so far I’m calling this Kismet Harmony just so I can find it easier.
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starfyhero2 · 4 months
Introducing the trolls traveling with Cooper in the Rocking Harmony AU: Guy Diamond and Branch's support group, Kismet! (Note: Tiny's included here but he's traveling with BroZone's group)
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And here's the members of the 'Hating on Branch's Brothers' Club (Prince Darnell doesn't like to use the word 'hater' as it isn't the funky way, but he sure is disappointed in the bros).
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ninkkkkk · 3 months
My Kismet AU headcanons !
Ablaze is the strongest and oldest of the band and behaves like a proud older brother towards his bandmates (not like JD back then) He's 39.
He is half Rock and half Pop Troll, which makes him a Rock-Pop Troll among his friends.
Ablaze is a calm and chill man, which makes him like a typical dad who allows absolutely everything! During the performance, he gains energy from the music and behaves teasingly during the choreographer.
He's just a cool and loyal Troll.
He has and can play electric guitar.
He literally sleeps in any place (Even standing, with a smile on his face ;])
He understands his close friends perfectly by their condition.
He likes to tease the hair of friends he meets on the way or when he stands next to them (especially Trickee and Hype come across this)
Ablaze really likes to hear about the activities of his friends, memorizing the smallest details. He has a very good memory.
If something goes wrong, or there is some tension in the band, Ablaze takes over and tries to restore harmony and stability in the band (he succeeds)
Hype is the leader of the band and the spirit of the company. He's 29.
He successfully works out compromises if there are any conflicts between his bandmates.
Hype is a truly caring Troll who speaks and does, motivating his band with infectious enthusiasm.
He wants his friends to feel not only recognized, but also supported, not just heard, but understood.
He coordinates meetings with the band and schedules concerts.
He has his own mug with the inscription "#1 Leader" which Boom gave him.
He often hangs out with Boom, and gave him the nickname "RainBro"
Hype has a habit of straightening his hair forward. That's why his hair is bent forward.
He clearly has silly and funny things that look funny in a good way.
Hype and Ablaze are responsible for the idea and lyrics of the song.
Boom is the designer and is responsible for the costumes for the performance. He's 28.
He's gay (canon) And he wasn't afraid to open up to his friends about it.
Boom is relaxed and cordial and sensitive to the feelings of others and appreciates harmony.
Boom easily reacts to the emotions of others, helping them establish harmony. He is even able to perceive the emotions of others just by listening to their voices.
He likes to spend time with his friends doing casual, fun things.
Boom will always find the right compliment to soften the heart that is ready to call his risky behavior irresponsibility or recklessness.
It's easy to make him laugh. He often laughs at Trickee's jokes.
He pricks up his ears in the direction where someone is talking to get into the conversation.
He is afraid to make mistakes when he creates costume designs.
He loves cocoa, exactly the kind that Ablaze makes.
Trickee is the youngest of the band and a funny Troll. He's 26, just like Branch.
Nothing tires him out faster than talking about dry facts or harsh reality.
Trickee is responsible for the choreography, which he does very well.
He has shorter hair than his bandmates.
Trickee removes his glasses and pulls down his hair only when he is asleep or in order to walk freely.
He often does something risky, which forces his band to agree to protect him from the incident.
Trickee being the youngest, always hangs out with Ablaze, feeling protected and a little like a kid with an older Troll.
He loves almost everything Ablaze cooks! Its easy to convince Trickee to something (it is possible especially for Hype)
He has several copies of his glasses, as he broke his glasses not infrequently, even accidentally.
He has a habit of suddenly hugging friends from behind and sniffing their nice hair (this is normal for them x])
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dolliebabydoll15 · 6 months
Floyd x Boom fanfic!
this is my first oneshot, i hope you enjoy! 🫶
It was the end of a brodacious reunion concert at Vacay Island, for the crowd had gone their separate ways, as well as Viva and Poppy to spend much-needed quality time with their father. That left only BroZone, who had gone backstage to collect their things before leaving.
"We did it brothers! I knew we could do it!" said an enthusiastic John Dory.
"Finally, some praise." joked Bruce.
"Hey, can't you see I'm trying here?" snickered JD.
The brothers laughed, and suddenly, they saw Branch's buddies, Hype, Ablaze, Trickee, and Boom, who had performed with them. They were also there to clear backstage of their belongings. JD, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd were still just as amazed as they were when their little bro first introduced them.
"Branch...you wouldn't mind it if we offically met them, would you?" asked Clay.
Branch chuckled. "Sure, I have to go pick up the clue board anyway. Gonna take me a rough 15 minutes or something..."
The brothers smiled, and scampered off to get to know the boy band phenomenon known as Kismet.
Floyd suddenly noticed Boom, the rainbow-haired glitter troll whom he had seen before the concert.
"Hi," greeted Floyd.
"H-hi," Boom replied.
"You did great out there." said Floyd.
"Thanks, took me about 3 weeks to learn the choreo," said Boom. "I kept stepping on Hype's feet," he uttered embarrassingly.
Floyd giggled. "So, how did you meet Branch anyway?" he asked.
"Oh, we're childhood buds, we performed with him a lot after...you and your brothers left him." Boom responded melancholicly. Floyd saddened, remembering that woeful night.
"So...what's your story?" inquired Boom.
"Mine?" Floyd asked, surprised.
Boom nodded. Normally, Floyd was the one asking when it came to talking about emotional stories.
"Well, when I left BroZone to follow my heart and pursue a solo career, it got cut short when I was captured by a phony pair of popstars, Velvet and Veneer, for my talent. Every time they sucked up a piece of my talent, I lost a little bit of my life. This went on for 2 months, but I later noticed that Veneer, one of the phonies, wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He was really trying to make his sister happy, despite Velvet not caring about him at all. I told him that he shouldn't be around people who treat him like garbage, and no one should try to change him, but he didn't get the message until my brothers banded together with my little bro's girlfriend and her sister to form a family harmony to set me free. Unfortunately, since I gave the last of my talent to pitch in, I almost died."
Boom looked as if he were on the verge of tears.
"Don't worry, my brothers revived me with family love. Then, Veneer confessed to the crimes he and Velvet had done. He had a change of heart, but had to go the big house to serve his time. I hope he finds people who treat him with kindness. Afterwards, I forgave my older brothers and rebanded. So yeah, that's my story."
"Wow...I'm sorry all of that happened to you."
"It's okay, I only have the present to focus on now," Floyd responded with a smile, and looked at his brothers, cheerfully socializing with the other members of Kismet.
"Hey guys! We should go now," called Branch. Poppy's definitely gonna go looking for me if we don't leave now," he muttered under his breath.
"Bye, it was nice meeting you!" Floyd said as he got up to leave.
Boom suddenly realized he forgot the most important thing to say when you meet someone. "Wait! I...never got your name."
"OH MY GOSH, THAT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAME I'VE EVER HEARD!" Boom exclaimed in enchantment. Just then, he realized he replied in a way that was a tad extreme.
Floyd blushed in a shade of rosy pink. "Thank you," he replied with a grin. "What's yours?"
"Nice name," replied Floyd.
They shared a smile and locked eyes. They were so into the moment that they couldn't hear Kismet's mischievous laughs or see BroZone's knowing smiles.
"Floyd! Let's go!" shouted Branch.
As the two groups dispersed, John Dory put his arm around Floyd.
"Well brother, I think this is the start..."
"...of a beautiful friendship!" Trickee chimed. Boom nodded agreeably.
note: sooo, i've had this idea in my head since last night. if you want to give me ideas on how i could do better, tell me in the replies. should I write more in the future?
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what sorta story do you want to see in the next Christmas Special? assuming there is one.
so this is kinda a combo of both what you'd like to see but also what you think is a more likely option so no Kismet and Bro zone at war with each other stories as fun as those are cause we kinda know they won't be happening at least not in a Christmas Special. anyway I do think it is fairly likely and would make for a nice little story maybe just Branch over stressing himself trying to make sure his first Christmas with his Brothers back is "" Perfect "".
but of course despite his over planning family Drama strikes maybe JD and Bruce get a bit petty and competitive over the family board games.
Clay keeps rearranging things in certain ways that he's used to organising things and Poppy and Viva keep getting crazy ideas for other fun stuff they could all do that don't mesh with Branch's planned out day. anyway in the end things all end up a mess due to the family chaos and Branch maybe loses his Rag a little with everyone. stating that he used to dream when he was a kid about having these big family special occasions and he just wanted a normal family Christmas for once given how many he spent without any of his family in his life.
only for him to go off somewhat upset but I feel his Brothers would go after him and apologise for the day not panning out like he wanted but also kinda light-heartedly point out that this is how these things usually go. back when their family was together their special occasions were always crazy and disorganised as hell and also Bruce would probably point out its the same every year with his other family. to steal a quote from one of my favourite episodes of Brooklyn nine nine where Jake and Amy's parents meet and chaos ensues I like to imagine Bruce's pep talk to Branch being somewhat similar.
Bruce= "" Hey Branch you know how you said you always wanted to have a big family Christmas? well I have a wife 13 children two parent in laws 4 Brother in laws 3 sister in laws and overall 16 nieces and nephews by marriage who spend every Holiday together I had the kind of family that you always dreamt of "" awkward silence. Branch= "" oh are you done? that seems like a really mean place to stop talking but you seem to be taking quite a long pause "" Bruce= "" when we were all together it was a Huge mess I can't tell you how many special occasions I've spent in the Hospital but that's part of what it means to have a big family like this one ""
I could maybe imagine something along these lines for some good old emotional Trolls cheese.
also FR tho I Hope it gets acknowledged in the next Holiday special how big something like this would probably be for Branch.
given so far since the first film he's had one Christmas that he spent with Poppy that being Holiday in Harmony ( don't forgot the first Holiday special doesn't actually take place at Christmas )
but before that he presumably spent every special occasion doing his own thing in the Bunker alone which is sad AF when you think about it especially when he was a kid 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
so the next specials gotta acknowledge how different this would be for him finally spending Christmas with a family in his life again when it hasn't been that way for him since he was a friggin baby.
like Daaaam if that don't make his Bros feel bad about themselves then I don't know what will.
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evanoshiix · 4 months
Firstly i have to say i love how you draw the trolls,they look small and squishable and i love it ●♡● like i wanna hug and squish them but they look so tiny and fragile that i might suffocate them
But secondly, if you still dont have any idea on how to bring brozone in the picture for diamond!hype au you can either use the fact that kismet has never hit the perfect family harmany (probably bc they never tried) or the fact that maybe they all will think that only biological familys could hit it so they will go looking for the brothers
As to why the brothers would even help, i feel like floyd would probably agree no problem, as for clay and bruce if they saw how important hype is to branch they might agree, and john dory will either agree just to spend time with his brothers or will be guilt tripped into it or threatened.
(I would like to adress that im just giving ideas and nothing else, you dont need to use any of these)
(Also i hope your haveing a good day/evening/night, bye )
Thank you!
As for the ideas, I appreciate them! I’ve had a couple ideas so far, none have been made official yet though. One of them was in fact that they use brozone’s help for the perfect family harmony because they don’t think they can do it themselves because they’re not blood related, but then realize that it doesn’t matter, because they’re family at heart, so they do the perfect family harmony themselves.
Another idea was that Branch ran into all of his brothers accidentally during World Tour, or just while they were travelling looking for kismet.
And then there’s just the idea that they don’t come into the story until after Hype is saved from the diamond
If I do go with the first idea, they would probably all agree if they see how important it is to branch (they also kind of owe it to him and see it as a way to start gaining his forgiveness. They also owe it a bit to Hype for taking care of their little brother for as long as he did)
These are all just brainstorm ideas, I don’t have a set story for brozone’s involvement yet, but if you guys do have ideas for them I’d love to hear them!
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sarilolla · 5 months
Really love your Hanahaki Branch au! Quick question, does the Hanahaki have a role in anything during the world tour? Cuz I feel like that garner a lot more sympathy from the Country trolls to prevent them from throwing the group in jail. And maybe the Bounty Hunters. Hickory for sure.
I know there’s that potion Branch could take but does he have to willingly take it for it to work? Ik the Snack Pack and Kismet would never betray Branch’s trust like that but if someone were to dose Branch without his knowledge, who would it be and what would the aftermath look like?
Thank you! It's so fun that so many are enjoying my work, and I love answering questions, so here you go!
The Hanahaki will have a bit stronger role in World Tour, mainly because it has gone a bit of time, and also since they're looking for more Trolls, isn't there a possibility to find his brothers too? The more he thinks about his brothers, the stronger the Hanahaki will be. (Imagine how fucked it will be when he's actually with them-)
Don't want to say too much, but yeah, it will garner sympathy. Hanahaki is a rare disease, but Trolls know more about it. Branch will try to hide his illness (being stubborn), but when it is noticed, there is sympathy. I'm also going to be just a tad bit delusional about the Country scene because it frustrates me to high heavens and I just... don't want to write that. So the Hanahaki will play a part in it, yeah. Bounty hunters also figure out and worry for him when they meet him. Hickory especially (I like Hickory)
Now for the potion, it is true it can be taken unwillingly, but I don't think that would be a Troll thing to do. Trolls seem like very caring (and forgiving) creatures, so forcing someone to forget about someone is just too cruel to do. They can persuade him, but the decision is his and no one else's. The potion is supposed to be a last resort, when there's no other hope of survival
Now if he was forced to drink the potion... I genuinely don't know who it would be. The only version I can imagine (and sorry to V&V fans), would be if Branch was taken by Velvet and Veneer instead of Floyd, and they knew about what the Perfect Family Harmony could do (shatter diamonds). They still had Branch as bait for the brothers to come (because they will always come, no matter who was taken), but Branch doesn't remember them, so will he join the song? They're banking on him not doing it. Maybe the Perfect Family Harmony returns his memories, if he can be persuaded to join. Maybe he's doomed, and so are the brothers also inside the diamonds, the Family Harmony never completed without the youngest
As for the effects of the potion... it's bad. The potion doesn't take away the flowers kindly in any shape or form. It burns them away, and with it, burns the memories or feelings of the person the flower is for. It hurts, badly, worse with a forced ingestion. It would take of his energy even faster. At least if he took it willingly, it would be in the safety of his village with doctors, friends/found family, and a loving girlfriend to heal. In the V&V scenario (because that's the only way I can imagine he would be forced by someone else), he has nothing like that, including the stealing of his talent/essence... Yeah, he's fucked
Mildly insane about this au, so...
Thanks for the ask ^^
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deviousfatestudio · 4 months
So far I have 7 AUs for trolls
Bounty, Fanta, Bottle, Baby, Bitty, Virus, and Kept.
I will eventually make art for these I promise. I have art for one of them.
Bounty is Bounty hunter au
Fanta is Branch Raised By Viva because Let’s Shit On Clay For A Change
Bitty is au where branch ends up going with JD but grandma rosie puff makes them promise to all meet up once a year for branch fo choose the next brother he goes with. Velvet and veneer are convinced by branch early on to become a designer and DJ respectively since it plays on their talents.
Virus is 100% mlp infection au where branch is the only one immune and is being kept by monsterous versions of his brothers. He is not allowed to travel universes but they do video call him.
Kept is fucking my inner “child who had unsupervised Internet access” pride and joy! YANGIRE/YANDERE. Brozone end up taking baby branch and basically isolating him from everyone until he is freed and his brothers locked up. This branch is similar to “Baby” but this branch has no independence due to being isolated young and is extremely codependent on his brothers.
Baby on the other hand has a canon that follows most of canon branch’s up until he’s 13 when his brothers come back and fight kismet for control over branch. Branch uses this to his advantage early on and now he pretty much has scary dog privelge. Yes poppy is insane for him too it’s too adorable. As the wangxians say “freak for freak” (baby and bounty are besties)
Bottle is probsbly the most tragic next to Kept. This time the brothers DID reach perfect harmony and all of them went insane with it. Branch was too young to fully get it and the brothers noticed early on how versatile branch is with other genres. Years later they learn about talent stealing and regularly do this to branch which is labeled “BroZones talent in a bottle”! In this au velvet and veneer are the ones to save branch while performing the mount ravenous version of Work to prove they didn’t need the talent and that branch helped them achieve it on their own.
I’m very tempted to write stuff for them
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Details I love from Trolls 3
The shakey cam after the failed Brozone performance, like a documentary being made about the band falling apart
Poppy’s shocked face when John Dory spanks Branch
John Dory’s impressed nod at Branch’s falsetto made of gold
How completely bored Floyd looks the second John Dory starts trying to recognize him
The little faces Gristle & Bridget make in the background
The glitter on Branch after Ronda appears
Venner’s one earring
The ‘I got a New Car’ song by Jay Bee
The way Veneer tries to mimic Velvet’s posture
The photo of kid John Dory being chased by Spruce & Clay during Floyd’s song
Poppy’s amused fondness on Branch’s complete disinterest when Tiny Diamond first appears
The complete LACK of a splash when Ronda hits the water
Also the orbeez water
Pool noodle/inflatable jungle
Branch’s confusion when John Dory says Branch wrote that song
Also incredibly hot of Dreamworks to take a character who was the ‘heart throb’ with a six pack, give him a six pack, and never mention it
Brandy’s Hair
Bruce’s reluctant acceptance when he learns Floyd’s in a Diamond prison
Brandy’s fond nod for Bruce to prove himself to his kids
Floyd’s hair starts turning white after he’s put in the shoulder pad for the first time (the movie never makes it obvious, but you can see it while he’s still in there)
Branch’s ‘wtf’ look when Bruce says it’ll be hard to separate the art from the artist
Somehow John Dory is the most put together of Brozone (only has slight fraying to his pants, Bruce’s is worse, Clay’s crazy hair, Floyd’s dying, and Branch’s pants are patch-worked)
Poppy & Viva have the same freckles
Clay’s delight for Viva when her & Poppy realize they’re sisters
Viva using a golf tee like a walking stick
The way Clay IMMEDIATELY drags John Dory away when he takes over from Branch
When Poppy & Viva are stargazing you can see the scrapbook and camera they used earlier in the song
The concerned look Bruce and John Dory share when Clay says they won’t be able to bring Poppy
Clay’s amazed/surprised look when Poppy says the Bergens have stopped eating them
Bruce’s smile gradually fading in the background when Branch talks to Viva about living in the bunker
Branch waiting in the background for Poppy while she tries to convince Viva to come
The repeated sibling relationship of ‘making up little dances’ and the difference in response between Poppy and Velvet
The fact Branch had to AGREE to putting on a diaper in front of his GIRLFRIEND
The immediate annoyance from Clay & Bruce when John Dory starts criticizing
Branch’s alarmed face at Clay’s “I’m A Licensed CPA!”
The gradual despair on Branch’s face as the fight goes on
John Dory holding up five fingers when he says ‘four little brothers’
John Dory visibly taking a breath to calm himself
Gristle checking himself when Bridget asks if he smells something
‘Gristle, I didn’t think we’d both be tied up on this honey moon’ WTF
Tiny Diamonds worried expression when Poppy says she doesn’t know what she’s doing in the vent
Floyd going limp when Velvet and Veneer enter to not give away Branch
Gristle’s pouty face in the corner as Bridget and Viva talk
Veneer hiding behind Velvet when Rhonda shows up
Gristle coming in clutch and managing to throw Rhonda onto the boat
The way Viva just kicks Veneers ass in half a second
The way Velvet really looks like a Cuphead character when she suggests and encore
Crimp’s ukulele doesn’t have actual strings/looks like a toy
Props to Bridget for throwing Gristle & Rhonda onto a MOVING boat. She caught them back up to that thing!!
All the brothers having different colors around them when they hit the harmony
Branch looking up when he asks what happened
John Dory reading Clay’s sad book in the background when Clay & Branch are talking
The matching Kismet outfits
Branch’s brothers dancing together in the front
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askbrozone · 2 months
Interviewer: Bro Zone! So good to see all back together after twenty years of being apart! How does it feel?
Floyd: nerve wracking but it’s awesome to be together again
Interviewer: I mean this isn’t only just a band reunion, it’s a family reunion-literally!
John Dory: yep, haven’t spoken to each other in 2 decades and now here we are again!
Interviewer: was getting the band back together something you all decided easily or what was the process?
Floyd: Well it was just because of that whole thing going on in mount rageous with the twins, but then you know as the months went on and we hung out more we where all kind of like-man I really missed making music together
Clay: yeah and then Queen Poppy came to us like “hey do you wanna perform for your fans, ? Let them know you’re together again, theres a lot fans here that have been fans since the 90’s” and we couldn’t say no of course and performing again on stage on vacay island was just so, Exhilarating, I had that exact same feeling when we where in mount rageous doing the perfect family harmony, just like “man I’ve really missed this” the energy, the cheering
Interviewer: speaking of the Queen-Branch!
Branch: ha yeah
Interviewer: Cutest couple ever, I mean, pop star and queen of pop? What could be better
Branch: it really is something huh?
Interviewer: did she know at all?
Branch: nope, but to be fair, I didn’t tell anyone at all
Interviewer: you also recently revealed that you’re in another majorly famous boy group, Kismet, and you where the beloved hidden fifth member! How did you manage to keep that a secret?
Branch: honestly, I have no idea, pure luck to be honest
Interviewer: so branch has been out saving the world and being a pop star. What about everyone else? Floyd I know you’ve toured and released some solo music
Floyd: yep! Probably won’t be anything for a bit while we work on our stuff as a group bit hopefully I can find time to get new solo stuff in
Clay: Princess Viva and I where co running a group of pop trolls who hadn’t made it through the tunnels during the escape
Interviewer: so what’s you relationship with the princess?
Clay: announcing it here for the first time by the way-we’re actually engaged
Interviewer: Wow congrats!! So seems like you two have the same type
Branch: haha yeah, took me by surprise when I found out him and viva had been dating
Interviewer: and Bruce-the heartthrob, first to start a family?
Bruce: haha yeah! 15 years together…13 kids
Interviewer: how did you stumble upon the island? I mean it outside of trollstopia right?
Bruce: yeah it’s on an island…i just, walked you know? Just kept walking until I made it to the ocean then I traveled across until I found an island which so happened to be vacay island and I’ve lived there ever since
Interviewer: John Dory-I think besides Clay the least is known about your whereabouts, what have you been up to?
John Dory: living off the grid man-Hiking, surviving the wild
Interviewer: is it weird going from that to this?
John Dory: extremely
Interviewer: I’ve noticed compared to your interviews twenty something years ago, you aren’t speaking as much as back then
John Dory: yeah, I learned that I need to give my brothers a chance to speak instead of speaking for them
Floyd: he’s growing
Interviewer: of course I’ve gotta ask-is there an album in the works? Maybe a tour?
John Dory: no tour yet, we want Floyd healed up 100% but hopefully soon we can
Branch: but we can say we do have something else cooking in the studio, But I can say along with that we will be releasing our song Family that we performed at our reunion show as a proper studio single coming very soon
Interviewer: well I’m super excited and I know all your fans are excited as well-are you guys surprised that your fans from 1993-1999 are still here obsessed
Clay: oh definitely, I thought we would’ve faded out by now but we got to the village and the reaction was insane-and all the fans singing along and cheering for us at the show was wild
Bruce: yes, and we want to say thank you to the fans for never giving up on us even when we gave up on each other
Floyd: we promise to make everyone proud with our new music and the new era of BroZone
Interviewer: well thank you all for taking the time to speak with me today
John Dory: thank you for having us!
Interviewer: and I will be making sure I get tickets to every show
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bestmusicalworldcup · 5 months
2024 Best Musical World Cup Qualifiers Official List A-K
This section of the Official List features musicals between letters A-K that have NOT automatically qualified.
Here is the list of musicals that have automatically qualified.
Here is the list for letters L-Z.
& Juliet 9 to 5 13: The Musical 21 Chump Street 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 35MM: A Musical Exhibition 42nd Street 1776 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille Ablaze The Act Adamandi The Addams Family Aida Ain't Misbehavin Alice By Heart Allegiance American Idiot An American in Paris American Psycho Amélie Anastasia Anne & Gilbert Annie Annie Get Your Gun Anyone Can Whistle Anything Goes Applause The Art of Pleasing Princes Assassins Av. Larco Avenue Q Back to the Future the Musical The Band's Visit Bandstand Bare: A Pop Opera Bat Boy Beauty and the Beast Bedknobs and Broomsticks Beetlejuice Be More Chill The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Big Fish Big River Billy Elliot the Musical Black Friday Blood Brothers Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Bonnie and Clyde The Book of Mormon Bran Nue Dae Bridges of Madison County Bright Star Bring It On Bugsy Malone Bye Bye Birdie La Cage aux Folles Calendar Girls Calvin Berger Camelot Caroline, or Change Carousel Carrie Catch Me if You Can Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chess Chitty Chitty Bang Bang A Chorus Line Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) City of Angels Clown Bible The Color Purple Contact The Count of Monte Cristo Crazy for You Curtains Damn Yankees De 3 Biggetjes Dear Evan Hansen Death Note: The Musical Death Takes a Holiday The Devil Devotion of Suspect X Dogfight The Dolls of New Albion Don Juan Dorian Gray Dracula, the Musical Dreamgirls The Drowsy Chaperone Elisabeth Émilie Jolie Everybody’s Talking About Jamie Evil Dead: The Musical Evita FANGIRLS The Fantasticks Finding Neverland Fiorello! Firebringer The Fisherman’s Daughters Fly by Night Follies Fosse Frankenstein (Wang Yong Beom + Brandon Lee) Frankenstein: A New Musical The Frogs Frozen Funny Girl A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder Godspell Grease Groundhog Day Guys and Dolls The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Hair Hallelujah, Baby! Hans Christian Andersen Harmony Heathers Hedwig and the Angry Inch Hello, Dolly! Holy Musical B@man! How to Dance in Ohio How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Hoy no me puedo levantar In the Green In Transit Jack the Ripper Jagged Little Pill Jane Eyre Jekyll and Hyde Jerome Robbins' Broadway Jersey Boys Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Kimberly Akimbo King's Table The King and I Kinky Boots Kismet Kiss Me, Kate Kiss of the Spider Woman
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itsdragonfire13 · 5 months
Kismet Harmony
Part 1, Part 2(You are here!), Part 3,
Alright, here's what I'm thinking about what our 4 boys do once they have to leave Branch behind with promises to be back with BroZone.
Hype is the one to point out they have no idea what John Dory even looks like. Boom says he probably looks like Branch. Trickee says they can just ask other people on the trail.
They talk to both giants and other trolls and every single one seems to either know of John Dory or know someone who does. They each make him out to be some feral mountain man.
“Are we sure we need him?” -Hype
“Yes.” -Trickee
“Then how do we find him?” -Boom
“Maybe if we play BroZone on full volume he’ll appear.” -Ablaze
Ten minutes later, sitting on a hill top, Boom cranks a boom box to full volume and plays ‘Perfect’
“It was a joke.” It works.
Rhonda comes bursting out of the bushes, scaring Kismet, and almost destroys the boom box in her excitement to get to it. John throws the door open, ignoring the 4 trolls who had tackled each other to get out of the way, and and loudly shouts he’s here and who is playing BroZone?
"Wow he does look like Branch."
Gonna work on part 3, and hopefully it'll be a bit longer, if anyone has any ideas/questions just toss them into my inbox and I'll try to get to them.
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starfyhero2 · 3 months
Chapter 2 of the Rocking Harmony AU is now live!
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What if...Rosiepuff Survived?: A Family Finally in Harmony
(6334 words) by Nakira Taisho
Date Posted: 2024-04-19
Chapters: 5/5
Fandom: Trolls (DreamWorks Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Branch & Bruce & Clay & Floyd & John Dory (Trolls), Branch/Poppy (Trolls), Clay/Viva (Trolls), John Dory (Trolls)/Original Character(s), Brandy/Bruce (Trolls), Branch & Kismet (Trolls)
Characters: Branch (Trolls), Grandma Rosiepuff (Trolls), Clay (Trolls), John Dory (Trolls), Poppy (Trolls), Bruce (Trolls), Original Troll Character(s) (Trolls DreamWorks Movies), Kismet (Trolls)
Additional Tags: Rosiepuff will die...she's old my dudes, kismet as found family, AU of an AU, Blood and Injury
Series: Part 2 of Trolls Tales
Summary: The family tries to rescue Floyd and Branch before it's too late
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artstar1997 · 7 months
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I just redesigned Rose’s siblings, Linden, Aurora, and Twilight’s human design to match their troll counterparts and made a putt-putt troll oc named Eagle, who is Twilight’s sharp-witted, outspoken but kind and confident boyfriend. He also trains and fights alongside Viva but he’s not afraid to share his opinions with her and Clay. He is also doubtful about the world outside the Hole N’ Fun mini golf being dangerous but he kept it all to himself and would share about it with Twilight by exchanging letters.
When Queen Rose, Linden, Aurora, the BroZone, Tiny Diamond, and Queen Poppy were leaving for Mount Rageous, Twilight was bothered by the thought of not seeing Eagle again. Linden and Aurora tried to reason with her but Queen Rose gave her a heart to heart talk to choose whether she wants to go with her and the others or stay with Eagle. Twilight chose to stay with Eagle and Queen Rose, Linden, and Aurora respected her choice by leaving her with Queen Poppy’s twin, Viva for her safety and her desire to be with Eagle.
When the Putt-Putt trolls captured Gristle and Bridget, Twilight was able to stop the machine and defended them by convincing the trolls that Queen Poppy is right, the Bergens have changed and she had seen it with her own eyes when she saw Queen Rose helping Bridget with her marriage jitters. Eagle stepped up his game by speaking out that things have already changed. Viva, Eagle, and Twilight were able to catch up with Queen Poppy, Queen Rose, and Branch when rescuing the rest of the BroZone and perform the family harmony to shatter the diamond bottles. Twilight and Eagle continued their relationship together while Aurora revealed that she is dating Hype, one of the members of Kismet.
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turnstileskyline · 2 years
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nine inch nails (vampire) son or bikini kill (vampire) daughter. (click for higher quality!)
heres my take on the vatore siblings!! i tried to keep them mostly true to form in general but a) the ea hairs were ugly, b) caleb got gayer. not sure how, and c) i made lilith a bit buffer because i love her 
not available to download bc idk how to do that lol sorry. (p.s, i’m in the very early process of setting up a sideblog for my sims stuff, so find any future stuff at @telekinetictrait )
cc links and creator tags under the cut!
all –
my resources list can be found HERE / missrubybird’s aqua trigger muted unnatural eyes / confettiberry’s historian cas background (’wilde’ swatch) / mosaica’s arctic pink cas lighting
caleb –
all: s4simomo’s isamo hair / rheallsims’ stoic hairline / eco lifestyle septum / moonlitefalls’ help quija palm tattoos (blog deactivated, linked through mmoutfitters) / satterly’s paired poses / helgatisha’s male poses 11
everyday: base game eyeshadow / base game eyeliner / vampires single earring / zeussim’s lavendel top / barbieaiden’s transparent shirt accessory (post deleted, linked through maxismatchccworld) / vampires leather pants / vampires heeled boots
formal: base game eyeshadow / base game eyeliner / base game earrings / marysims’ thomas top / vampires lace floral gloves / pleyita’s subtle basic trousers / base game shoes
athletic: base game top / outdoor retreat cropped pants / cottage living shoes
sleep: kismet-sims’ head like a hole top / base game pajama pants / outdoor retreat socks
party: vampyre-sims’ damned eyehadow / base game eyeliner / vampires single earring / zeussim’s ditlev top / raggedy-rat’s lonnie skirt / ridgeport’s mynx tights / vampires heeled boots
swim: joliebean’s yukari hat / zeussim’s vladdy daddy sunglasses / kismet-sims’ americas suitehearts tank / base game trunks
hot weather: base game eyeliner / vampires single earring / realm of magic ripped tank / ceeproductions’ archive straight leg denim jeans / nolan-sims’ fully armed fatigue boots 
cold weather: base game eyeshadow / base game eyeliner / vampires single earring / discover university layered jacket with shirt / barbieaiden’s coco skirt (post deleted, linked through maxismatchccworld) / base game calf socks / vampires short heeled shoes with spats
lilith –
all: marysims’ roxy hair / bloodmoon’s nihil nose chain / saruin’s moth tattoo / someone-elsa’s basic posepack 4 / helgatisha’s vicious vampires poses
everyday: base game eyeshadow / evazetta’s batwing eyeliner / teanmoon’s cameo choker / base game cowl neck tank top / myfawnysimblr’s snake arm cuff conversion / zeussim’s letha pants / bellassims’ orion boots
formal: base game eyeshadow / base game eyeliner / realm of magic suit jacket top / cottage living pleated trousers / ridgeport’s mynx tights / cottage living lace up heeled boots
athletic: base game spaghetti strap tank top / discover university hand wrap / discover university short athletic shorts / base game ankle socks / discover university plain sneakers
sleep: serenity-cc’s eloise top / serenity-cc’s celia bra / pigeonhome’s boxers (post deleted, linked through mmoutfitters) / base game knee-high socks
party: base game eyeshadow / evazetta’s batwing eyeliner / myfawnysimblr’s double spiker choker conversion / evellsims’ nihilist blues top / evellsims’ nihilist blues gloves / evellsims’ join me in death pants / vampires heeled boots
swim: seasons sunhat / base game aviators (i think?) / aharris00britney + ayoshi’s nicole swimsuit 
hot weather: ts4eve’s batwing sunglasses / aharris00britney + ayoshi + dogsill’s aaliyah top / realm of magic lace-up shorts / base game chuck taylor inspired sneakers
cold weather: base game eyeshadow / evazetta’s batwing eyeliner / cloudcat’s no halo choker / dreambot’s cute thing top / softerhaze’s harmony boyfriend jeans / base game lace-up winter boots
thank you to @missrubybird @confettiberry @mosaica @rheallsim @satterlly @helgatisha @zeussim @barbieaiden @ms-marysims @pleyita @kismet-sims @vampyre-sims @raggedy-rat @ridgeport @joliebean @ceeproductions @nolan-sims @bloodmooncc @saruin @someone-elsa @evazetta @teanmoon @myfawnwysimblr @bellassims @serenity-cc @pigeonplays @evellsims @aharris00britney @ayoshi @ts4eve @dogsill @cloudcat @dreambot and @softerhaze !!!!
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