#kink tag; vore
outrealm-gates · 2 years
Anthasea was leaned up against the fat blob that was Ann, listening to her stomach working down the 'food' she'd fed the blonde. The brunette had sent lots of people down her friend's maw, including a very massive Makoto and Futaba. Thankfully she had the smart idea to do this inside her own Palace, so everyone eaten was just part of it. The whole group was allowed in, but it was safer for them to let her and Ann be alone. "I love the girls, but damn they look tasty sometimes." (@newbietrainer)
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Ann was busy breaking down all these delicious fatty shadows... cognitive versions of people she and Anthasea knew... and also briefly pondering the future of herself and Anthasea... she was getting pretty handsy of late... but that could wait. Right now she was trying to knead circles into her flabby belly, somehow contained barely by her metaverse outfit. "Uugghh... BUUUAAAAARRRRRRRRP... I don't know how I fit all this in here, d-don't go tempting me with moooorrrreee..." She whined, her head lolling to the side as a particularly loud *GLORP* from her stomach sounded off.
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lesbianoms · 7 months
Vore Teasing in Public
When the prey is un-nommed:
“What’s the matter, sweetie? Is it too loud here? Do you need some tummy time?”
“How do you think all these people would react if I just ate you up right here? Do you think anyone would try to save you? Huh?”
“I can see it on your face, my love… you want to be inside this belly instead of at this event…”
“That waiter was being awfully flirtatious. Maybe I ought to swallow you whole when he brings the check around… just to show him who you belong to…”
“My sweet treat, my precious prey~ of course I want to flaunt my pretty catch to everyone… think of all the jealous looks we’ll get, with you squirming around in my belly~”
When the prey has been nommed:
“You feel so good in there, sweets… *hic* get comfy and I’ll walk us both home…”
“Mm, there goes this outfit. *grgl* What’s that? Oh, yes, people are definitely staring~”
“We’re at the grocery store now. Do you want anything? I’ll gulp it right down for you, don’t worry…”
“Shhh, shhh… it’s okay, nobody can see you now, no one can judge…”
“Would you be embarrassed if I let out a big belch right now? *ggrn…* But I love you, darling, and I want to show everyone what you do to me~”
When the surrounding people are being nosy:
“What are you looking at, huh punk? My eyes are up here.”
“You wanna feel? They’re kicking <3”
“Touch my belly again and you’ll be dinner. What, you think I’m bluffing? I can spit them out unharmed and snap you up in the same breath.”
“Yes, I’d like another order of that. I’m eating for two…”
“Oh God, another concerned citizen? Don’t worry, they’re fine. Calm down. …What? They’re making those noises because they like it in there~”
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miss-squishy · 1 month
I think it would be cool if you drew Valerie with a big vore belly after devouring her husband <3
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you can probably tell i don’t really draw vore lol
this is a normal and mature reaction to coming home to your husband not cleaning the house
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ltsmoving · 6 months
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he stress eats objects but mostly just cleaning stuff because he likes the smell
its okay he can drink the bleach or eat the soap his candy tummy just aches for a while
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sinningtamer · 27 days
(trying to tempt you to draw pred!martyn) please imagine him in a protective vore situation. the only way to assure his lords safety is to store him the only place his enemies won’t look for him - in the belly of his right hand man 🥺 (/nf btw)
wait you kinda cooked with this one….…cute
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butch-dragongirl · 10 months
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a vore day gift for @predstrogen !!
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bittyfromquotev · 1 month
Snake prey or prey with tails…
you can slurp them up like noodles…
*vibrating excitedly*
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roseytoesy · 4 months
aka is anyone else ace/aro/anything else lgbt+ when it comes to being in the vore community
sorry not sorry other people!
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outrealm-gates · 2 years
Shimmy gently rubs over her full, round belly, her treasured little possession swaddled deep within, as she sees said girl's estended family passing by... Her stomach sounds with a hungry growl and her tongue slips over her lips as that feeling of coveting want slips in... "...Corriiin..." Grabs her belly and softly jiggles it. "Your sisters are very cute, you know that...?"
Blissful Nirvana... a feeling of absolute safety and the knowledge that this is her world now... Corrin was in her own personal heaven! Shimmy granted one of her greatest wishes, and made sure she enjoyed every bit of it, but as she stirred from a belly-pet nap and heard her owner's words, she grew excited and squirmed a bit in her belly. "I-I'm sure they'd love to meet you, Mistress! And if they know you've eaten me, they'll probably want to serve you like I have as well! Ahh... a-all my beautiful sisters packed in your wonderful tummy just like me..."
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Nasty kink meme: Non fatal endosoma vore
okay this is from. hoo, feburary... but like! yeah! big fan of non fatal endo vore, the idea is kinda fun to me! you basicallly just kinda, live in someone? sounds interesting! pratiaclly get yourself set up in there and enjoy being in someone's gut while they get bigger and you potentially get fatter too
plus it's a fun way to trap your enemies or protect your loved ones!
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lesbianoms · 2 months
I honestly love the idea of a prey whimpering and begging for their life suddenly getting incredibly aroused and blissful once digestion actually starts. It's like being comforted in the most intimate way after experiencing such a dramatic emotional shift. One moment they feel like their entire world is ending, and then the next they're being cradled tight and held so close in such a warm and oddly comforting way. Getting digested is almost therapeutic for them.
The pred pats and rubs their belly, relishing in their prey's muffled moans, which they can feel throughout their entire body. It seems like their meal has finally settled down. And for the prey, it feels sooooo so good in there... they might be trapped inside of a stomach, but everything is just so warm now... and gooey...
And it almost feels loving in an odd, animalistic way. With the acids relaxing their tension, allowing them to let their guard down, the prey accepts their fate and gives themselves over to pleasure and peace, as they slowly gurgle into a shapeless lump within the pred's big belly. One of the last things they hear before resigning themselves to eternal bliss is the loud, satisfied belch of their pred. They wouldn't have it any other way now, honestly <3
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gluttonemporium · 1 month
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Here it is! Another piece by SunnyHero, featuring Daki in an unbelievably soft spot!
The artist isn't feeling so hot at the moment, so if you get the chance consider helping them out at their Kofi or with a comm slot:
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ckret2 · 3 months
I've inferred you like billford and i was wondering if you like any other GF ships?
if they'd been 5-10 years older and if Gideon had already gone through his humbling and heel-face turn before they met, I actually think Mabel & Gideon would've worked out pretty well; but Gideon spoiled any odds of that. In an AU it could work out. Anyway one-sided Gideon/Mabel is still fun to me because permanently unrequited love is one of my fav tropes, so Gideon can just suffer and I'll have a great time, sorry Gideon
I don't think they should ultimately stay together but I think exploring the toxic fucked-up-ness of unnatural magically-enforced attraction between Robbie and Tambry would make for a fascinating psychological fic
I yearn to know more about the siren Ford once dated. I'm personally going not by the "sirens sing a sexy seductive song" interpretation because that's boring and in my heart of hearts I believe that Ford is immune to conventional physical sexiness. Rather I'm going with the the Odyssean "sirens promise you irresistible knowledge" interpretation. What was that relationship like, what did she promise Ford, it's very canon that the promise of greater knowledge is metaphorically his siren song, the thought that at one point it was also LITERALLY his siren song is so juicy
I think there should be a love triangle between Manly Dan, Tyler Cutebiker, and Ghost-Eyes; Dan wins out though, Ghost-Eyes has that bad boy appeal but Tyler's got history with Dan, I think they've been silently making eyes at each other for years without making a move
the Hide-Behind is secretly in love with the Summerween Trickster
I believe with all my heart that Bill has the biggest stupidest crush on Quentin Trembley
we all know it's basically canon Bill has a thing for Wendy's mom, right
and furthermore if Bill ever met Mr. What's-His-Face I believe they would hit it off to an insane degree
I accidentally talked myself into realizing that Stan and Bud work REALLY WELL together
and of the other, like, normal popular ships that anyone else in this fandom actually cares about, I think Soos & Melody are the only one I'm emotionally invested in. I like them, I wanna see them happy.
Most of these I don't actively pursue fanworks for. ... Most of them don't have fanworks TO pursue.
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sinningtamer · 6 months
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You don't think they're loosing on purpose, do you?
[ this is kink art! don't reblog to SFW/fandom blogs]
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please-dontperceiveme · 2 months
What's your opinion in the scenario that someone has been shrunk and they happen to have a friend who is a bit chubby. The tiny friend asks if it's okay to climb onto their friend, and they gladly accept. They happen to climb on their friend's enormous tummy and notices that it's bouncy as they lose their balance. They experiment a little and bounce, not too hard, but a enough where it tickles. The tiny friend notices their giggles, which causes them to bounce more, and they proceed to tickle them until they are exhausted. Later on, a loud grumble is heard, practically an earthquake to the tiny friend. Let's just hope their big friend isn't hungry for them.
My OPINION is that you are knocking my SOCKS off oh my GOD. HI. HELLO. I AM LOOKING DIRECTLY AT IT
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pudgy-planets · 3 months
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