terezis · 1 year
ok i was looking through my notes and this one made me laugh a lot like i almost don't want to spoil it in case i ever write it. LOL
so the premise of this fic is that angus mcdonald (who is at this point say like 13-14 years old) comes home from school over spring break to discover that one of his family members has suddenly died. 
i want to say it's taako but i think actually it's lucretia. lucretia died, which is strange for a number of reasons, like she's old but not that old, and all evidence is pointing to the fact that foul play might have been involved.
so now angus has to solve her murder.
lup, barry, and kravitz are away on a cult stake-out, no service in the spooky necromantic keep, so they can't help out—no checking in on her soul in the astral plane, etc. angus has to do this the old-fashioned way. strangely, magnus and merle keep alternating between being very sad and suspiciously blasé about their very good friend dying. and taako… well, that's complicated.
i mean, talk about complicated; lucretia's kind of a controversial figure—was it someone looking for revenge after losing a loved one to the relic wars? someone angry that she erased their memories of a beloved family member? one of boylands' kids, maybe? it couldn't have been—taako?
and i can't stress this enough: the tone of the fic and the way it's framed would be such that the reader believes that lucretia has actually died. the reader is going along with angus for the ride, trying to piece together what actually happened, almost like, a little noir but mostly clue-style, in the days leading up to her funeral, where angus gets to do a dramatic confrontation with her killer.
you think it's building to the reveal that taako really did kill lucretia—but that can't be it, right? that's wild! they've got beef, but he wouldn't really, would he?
well. you're right! he didn't!
because lucretia *wasn't* murdered, angus says. and this isn't a funeral at all. is it, ma'am?
lucretia sits up from where she was lying, arms crossed, eyes closed, in her casket. and she says, booyah.
cue magic. sparkles from prestidigitation a la taako. balloons. gifts. a banner reveals itself. it reads: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGUS!
that's right. it wasn't a murder. for a boy detective, it was the greatest gift of all. the gift of a murder mystery. a murder mystery birthday party. booyah
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What about that gay little musician (Klavier I think is his name) from AA for the character asks!!
Jdoxowkxixjs I love the way u phrased this SO much!!!!
Yes his name is klavier which means piano in German which he 100% knew when he picked it out! He is canonly gnc af and dresses in the nonbinary colors. Klavier is a they/he in my heart although I have a seen transfem klavier which I also love and adore.
Sexuality hc: Klavier is a bi icon, could u see him wearing heart shaped glasses? Yes
Also he's ace! And canonly wears an ace ring!
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[ID: A fullbody of Klavier stands in the center of the screen, hands on his hips. He has long blonde hair in a twist, a purple blazer, and a black button down and pants. On his left is the ace flag (back, grey, white, purple) and on his right the nonbinary flag (yellow, white, purple, black). Both of these are colorpicked off of him. On the bottom left is a image of Klavier pointing to the right with a ringed hand. On the right is a closeup of him pushing up his shades with the middle finger, which has a silver ring on it. End ID]
Ship: THEE klavier ship is klapollo, listen they are SO!!!
NOTP: not really applicable cuz klapollo is so prevalent? I'm open to other ships w him in it (assuming characters r close in age). I guess maybe him and ema (bcuz I think they'd only work if in a poly w polly) and tbh I think they’d be more fun as worsties
Random hc: I love klavier sm I feel like ive seen every post abt him and don’t have any original thoughts that haven’t been said before but, I hc him as having OCD. This is mostly just based off of our interactions with him during Guitar's Serenade.
Also, I’m aware this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t think he had a crush on Apollo when he first met him! Like I do find that trope fun and silly, but looking at his character Klavier would never fall for someone at first sight, and definitely not someone he’s as suspicious about as Apollo [he accused his brother of Murder]. Klavier is SO So meticulous and need to have all the facts figured out beforehand. I truly believe he needs something to be loud and messy and BAD at to vent with because he tries SO hard to keep everything under wraps at all times. Get the man a buncha brightly colored paints he can go ham w!!! Let him blast music in his lonely studio apartment and head bang and belt songs and dance badly where no one can see!!! Let him learn to take up space authentically in his own damn house!!
General opinion overall: He is SO charismatic and blorbo-able! He seems carefree but is Not in any sense of the word. He makes you think he wears his heart on his sleeve but it is hidden under SO many layers, getting him to trust you is going to be SO much work. He puts EVERYTHING he’s got into his passions and by god he’s gotta make sure he’s got everything Just Right. He’s such a layered character and its hard to pick out his thoughts, also they created a character who is just SO interesting when you pair him with literally any character. Like he and apollo are such opposites how would they function together? What the hell was the Gavin brother’s relationship Actually like? I think abt this all the time. Also like, him and Wright actually became more similar characters due to his disbarment, but also That past affects his relationship with Ema too! Also how the hell did he cope (did he cope???) with the personal betrayals he suffered in AJ?? Also what’s his relationship with the other prosecutors in the office???? Does he have offscreen friends or did he really lose everyone? I am unable to be succinct over Klavier but it boils down to:
He has the range! He acts silly and carefree but is so NOT! Which gives you so much to explore
Also tagging @kingdomofbrokenhearts bcuz u also sent in an ask abt him, and @sailormaya bcuz they are the CEO of Klavier Gavin and know all the facts. Also if you wanna read a klapolli fic where klav Doesn’t fall in love at first sight and has The biggest bi panic, highly recommend: this fic!
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
Tag Game
Rules: tag "9" people you want to get to know better. (If you'd rather not participate, or you've received it already, you're absolutely free to ignore this!)
tagged by: @ungarmax AND @holdmecloser-gandydancer thank you!!
Last Song: it's fuckin. this the Merry Go Round of Life cover (from Howl's Moving Castle)
Last Show: A Starstruck Odyssey for roughly the sixth time
Last Movie: H....howl's... okay last NEW Feature Length Presentation was. A documentary about cruise ships. (the sound is of. variable quality sorry) for reasons ill explain in a moment
Currently Reading: i read the 11th hour gn in one bite a few days ago. unhinged my jaw like a snake. that was the first thing i'd read in a HOT MINUTE
Current Obsession: i mean it's still taz of course, im sure no one is shocked, but to get granular ive set aside my youtube au for a minute and gone on an unhinged plot bunny chase and i've written 10k in three days about a taakitz fake dating wedding cruise disaster adventure and im going insane ive done so much research it is truly. like. silly. im going nuts. bananas even
tagging. uh. idk who's gotten got so i hope this is okay (obviously no pressure but) @strawbebby-boy @noodyl-blasstal @vampiricsheep @kingdomofbrokenhearts @thegreatbaerri @entguarde fucking uhhh you the person reading this hopefully checking the tags
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What a fantastic day for it to be a Miku Monday ♡
@kingdomofbrokenhearts @a-wrenling
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a-wrenling · 1 year
Reblog this with mutuals youd just-
*kicks in the door, screaming* HEY BITCH WANNA BE FRIENDS
@kingdomofbrokenhearts @eros-uwu @emilythedruid @bogmummytakethewheel @iveofficiallygonemad
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
For the writing prompt- no 33 about the not your sweatshirt and Lup
33. There's a sweatshirt on the couch that's not yours
((35 situation prompts - send some in!!))
Y'know, Lup tried not to pry too much into Taako's life anymore. He was a grown-up, he could handle himself, and she was sure that if he had anything she needed to be concerned with, he'd tell her.
That being said-
Lup's ability to not pry was pretty shitty. Like, she had shared the same room with Taako for eighteen years, and the same apartment with him ever since. He knew the dangers of leaving his shit lying around. Moreso, he knew the dangers of leaving stuff that wasn't his shit lying around.
So when she came home from work and found a classy jacket that was definitely not Taako's thrown over the back of the couch, she was within her right to snoop.
It was leather. Black leather, more accurately, but too small to belong to Magnus, the only person Lup knew who regularly wore a leather jacket. The inside was soft and plush, which immediately shot the idea that this was Taako's straight from her mind. It was much too new and nice to be taken from the thrift store he worked at and, on top of that, he would have been bragging nonstop.
So no, it wasn't Taako's. And it wasn't Magnus's. Barry had learned not to leave things at their apartment. Lucretia was a hard maybe, considering Lup had never seen her wear anything this dark in color.
Her answer was found in one of the inside pockets. There was a wallet- black, again. The driver's license inside deffo wasn't anyone Lup knew. And, more important, it was someone who would definitely be Taako's type.
The front door twisted open and Lup dropped the jacket like it had burned her, getting an excuse ready.
But it wasn't Taako. It was Mr. Leather Jacket himself. He was very well-dressed and wearing an honest-to-god tie with little skulls on it. He was standing in the doorframe like he wasn't expecting her to be there. They stared at each other.
"This your jacket?" she asked, pointing to where she had dropped it on the couch. Kravitz- the name that was on the driver's license- nodded slowly, as if she was going to attack him. If he was going off any information Taako gave him, Lup figured that he probably thought Lup was going to attack him.
"Could I..." he glanced behind him. Lup appreciated a man who looked for his exits. "Have it back? Or, uh, are you planning on keeping it?"
So he was well-versed with Taako's finder's keepers rule. Lup weighed her options.
"Going somewhere with Taako?" she asked.
"Yes," Kravitz said. "Wine and pottery."
"Chug n' Squeeze," Lup said knowingly. "That's kinda expensive, bud. You paying?"
"I was planning to?" Kravitz said, like a question. At her look, he repeated it a little more firmly. "I- yes, I'm paying."
"Alright," Lup said. She picked up the jacket, hastily shoving the wallet back into one of the pockets. She threw it toward him. "Catch!"
Kravitz fumbled and the jacket fell to the floor with a soft thud. Lup grinned. He scrambled to pick it up, scooting back out of the door.
"Nice meeting you," he said. "Hope we get to, uh, to talk again. I gotta go now, though, so-"
He shut the door behind him. Lup stared at it for a second. And then she plopped herself onto the couch, laying across it.
She was getting really good at not prying, she thought. And she only stole five dollars from the guy!
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redrabbitspod · 2 years
Wait Andrew have you read Gideon the Ninth?
I have and I've said it here before - but I'd pay money to drink and arm wrestle with Gideon. -A
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goldenclosetkook · 4 years
I’m so glad you’re trying to take care of yourself!!! That’s really hard to do sometimes, and I’m honestly so happy to hear from you again. But yea, if you need to work on something else please do- I’d rather you be happy then not hun. Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Babeeee 🥺❤️ I’m feeling happier now!! I’ve been seeing a therapist pretty regularly, and I’m mending bridges I thought would be broken forever so even in quarantine, I am actually doing so much better than I have been in months ❤️❤️❤️
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verifiefangirl · 4 years
Hello. i'm new here! love your stuff, in particular the fluff replies to the questions u get (i came back to tumblr just for more feysand and nessian, i got tired to waiting) Are there others u would recommend i follow? i'd love to know!
Thank you so much! I’ll try to think some of the active ones lovely! I haven’t been in this trashcan for a while too haha. 
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@featherymalignancy is still writing fanfic for both elriel and nessian I think
@kingdomofbrokenhearts is active in the acotar fandom consistently but there is a multitude of different fandom goodies on her blog!
@elide-lochan-salvaterre Always reblogging the cutest animals and acotar fandom art! LoAfy xx
@empress-ofbloodshed is another active nessian and elriel fanfic writer 
@tswaney17 reblogs a lot of amazing fanfics! as well as writing
@illyrianbeauty Always has the best nessian and elriel content! As well as writing 
@stars-falling Is out here doing gods work with her writing recs. 
@stardustsroses has the cutest HCS all the time! TOG fandom stuff frequently but there is a sprinkle of acotar stuff in there. 
@ness-archeron is a big nessian fan! Haha I wonder what gave that away ;) Always has the best nessian content on her blog 
@dreamerforever-5 if you’re looking for our lord savior Az content look no further. 
@mydarlingrhys lol I’m so bad but I think this is the only blog that I follow that actually really reblogs a lot of feysand stuff! 
@rayonfrozenwings my fellow sheeplady and fandom mum! Has all these little acotar goodies on her blog. 
@trash-for-nessian enough said! The gold is in the url name! Haha. 
@julesherondalex and @rhysanoodle of course but both are a little busy at the moment I feel but lol they are never leaving this hellsite and I’m sure when they see this they’ll say this themselves 
@sncinder can’t forget one of our fave acotar artists. 
Sorry I don’t follow a lot of feysand blogs! xx But I also need new active acotar blogs! So please leave some sort of emoji down bellow so I can follow you! 
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terezis · 1 year
It's a great relief when Harrowhark regains most of her sanity. John was beginning to think he'd have to put her down, which would have sucked for a great number of reasons—least of all that Mercymorn would get to say "I told you so."
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
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Like a Lonely House: RECAP
Since it’s been *guilty cough* a while since I’ve posted, I decided to do a recap as a refresher for people. This covers Parts I-VI. If you don’t need the refresher, skip to Part VII
Like a Lonely House: A Nessian Story Of Betrayal and Redemption
Warning: NSFW for language, mild violence, mentions of sexual assault, and smut. This story is not ACOFAS complaint, but it will borrow elements from the story. oh, also tons of angst.
                        "so I wait for you like a lonely house
                      till you will see me again and live in me.
                               Till then my windows ache.”
                                      -Pablo Neruda
Synopsis: Fifty years after the Hybernian War, Prythian is finally at peace. For Cassian and Nesta, anamosity has turned to something more amorous, and they stand on a precipice of something that scares and excites them both. However, it only takes one night of weakness on Cassian’s part to change everything, and with a young Illyrian prince gaining power in the North, Nesta agrees to an marriage alliance, both to protect her family and get her as far away from Cassian as possible. As things unravel between them, Cassian begins to suspect there is something more deliberate seeking to keep them apart, and he struggles to uncover the truth and win Nesta back before it’s too late.
If you are new to the story, please click HERE see the masterlist. 
RECAP: The Story Thus Far...
After fifty years a long looks and mutual pining, Cassian and Nesta’s connection comes to a head on Starfall, where they consummate their relationship by finally sleeping together. The mating bond snaps into place sometime during their coupling, though neither verbally acknowledges it. Nesta leaves for Neva on a diplomatic mission the next day, with Cassian begging her to come see him the moment she returns, likely so they can finally discuss the bond they now both know is real.
The morning Nesta is due to return home, Cassian wakes in an unfamiliar part of Velaris with a female he doesn’t know. Though he remembers nothing from the night before, they are both naked, and it’s clear they’ve slept together. Cassian, dismayed that he’s unwittingly betrayed Nesta in a drunken romp, leaves the female and flies back to his own apartment.
Nesta has been there waiting for him, and when scents what he’s done she’s furious. The two argue as Cassian insists he doesn’t know how this happened and Nesta taunts him, asking whether he really believed someone like her would actually want a low-born bastard such as himself.
Sick with grief, Nesta runs off, and when Cassian can’t find her, he goes to Elain and Azriel to ask his friend for help. Azriel is already awake when Cassian arrives, the shadows continually warning him something in Velaris is amiss. When Cassian arrives, Azriel tries to get his friend to tell him what’s wrong. When Cassian sees Elain, the shield he’s been holding around him collapses, and Azriel and Elain both scent the other female on Cassian and know what he’s done.
Furious at him for betraying her sister, Elain slaps Cassian before going to find Nesta, insisting she knows where to find her. She arrives as a seedy tavern to discover Nesta is indeed there and is stinking drunk. She’s sitting in the lap of a high fae male who she clearly seems intent on sleeping with, despite her state. Elain kicks the males out and tries to comfort Nesta, who sobs in her drunken state about her broken relationship with Cassian.
Several days later, Rhys announces that Azriel has been invited to a meeting in the Northern Illyrian province of Macar, whose prince Adan Demir has previously refused to open his borders or meet with Rhysand. Cassian begs to go instead, desperate to get away from the situation with Nesta, but Rhys informs him that Adan specifically invited Azriel, likely because Az’s father was a high-ranking Macaran Lord.
When Azriel arrives in Macar, he meets the young Şehzade Adan, who is already so powerful that he requires nine syphons, two more than Cassian and Azriel. Azriel is surprised to find Adan warm and open-minded, noting that the prince and his liberal polices are a marked departure from the Macar he remembers. Adan reveals that he wishes to make a more formal alliance with Rhysand, and proposes a political marriage between himself and Nesta. Worried how it will hurt Cassian, Azriel nevertheless agrees to pass the message along to Nesta.
Back in Velaris, the inner circle expresses concern over Nesta’s reaction to the match. However, she surprises them by agreeing to meet with Adan, likely to punish Cassian. However, Nesta always privately contemplates the lingering guilt she feels for allowing Feyre to go into the forest alone when she was still a human child, and vows to do what she can to make sure there is peace in the Night Court for her sisters’ sake.
The day Nesta is due to leave for Macar, Cassian comes to the house to give Nesta a gift for her journey. Though she initially refuses it, she eventually relents and accept the small knife, called a јатаган, which Illyrian women often wear for special occasions. It is later revealed that the јатаган was Cassian’s mother’s, and that he’d kept in the hopes Nesta would someday where it at their wedding.
Once in Illyria, Nesta meets Adan finds herself briefly attracted to him, especially as he makes her sensual promises and touches her. However, when they kiss Nesta notes how wrong it feels to be intimate with anyone but Cassian. Scenting her discomfort, Adan relents and promises her they will get to know each other first. However, Nesta despairs at the idea of letting Adan bed her when they are married.
While Nesta is away, Cassian broods, castigating himself for what he’d done to Nesta while Mor tries to comfort him. When she points out how hard it must be to see Adan courting her so soon after their affair has ended, Cassian begins to put the pieces together, wondering aloud if the Macarans didn’t have something to do with his betrayal. He vows, with Mor’s help, to prove he’s been framed and win Nesta back before it’s too late.
Back in Illyria, Rhys tells Nesta that he understands the position that she’d be putting herself in if she marries Adan and she needn’t do it if she doesn’t want, but she tells him she failed her sisters once when they were starving and she didn’t try and feed them, she won’t make the mistake of failing to act again.
The next morning, Nesta and Adan formalize the betrothal agreement. Nesta refused to speak to anyone about how she’s feeling when they return the Velaris, shutting herself in the library instead to brood.
Cassian, who’d spent the intervening time trying to corroborate his suspicion he’d been used, senses Rhys and the others have returned and rushes to the House of Wind. Feyre warns him not to bother Nesta but he ignores her, going to the library instead. At first Nesta sends him away, but then she asks if he will stay. They remain in silence as Nesta cries over her engagement. Only when she falls asleep does Cassian carry her to bed.
Cassian then begs Azriel to enlist Elain’s help, and after she grudgingly agrees to share Cassian’s suspicions with Nesta, Cassian flies to Illyria to continue hunting for proof.
The night before the Macarans are due to arrive at the Hewn City to formalize the betrothal, Cassian still isn’t back, and Nesta and the others welcome the  High Lords for a dinner party before the Illyrians come. Both Tamlin and Eris antagonize Nesta about her relationship with Cassian, and she storms off. When Cassian arrives about at the palace and hears what she’s endured, he goes to her door to confess what he suspects and to tell her he loves her. Though she doesn’t respond, he is sure she heard him.
The morning the Macarans arrival Nesta is still contemplating what Cassian told her the night before, though she acknowledges it doesn’t have any bearing on her decision. When Adan arrives in a great show of pomp and circumstance, Nesta uses her power to show him she is not intimidated by him.
Cassian does his best to remain calm as the Macarans arrive, though his composure is nearly shattered when he spots a familiar face in the crowd: the mysterious female in whose bed the entire nightmare began.
Not only is she in the Hewn City after all these weeks, but she’s traveling in the Macaran retinue...
Now that you’re caught up, head to Part VII !!
TAG LIST: @katexrenee @verifiefangirl @urbisie @mariamuses @lady-therion @rhysanoodle @julesherondalex @kingdomofbrokenhearts @faequeenaelin @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @missing-merlin @maastrash @tswaney17 @keshavomit @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @fourshizzle149 @randomtogacotar22 @azrielismycinnamonrollprimary @dreamerforever-5 @theogvodkaaunt @girlreadingaboverherlevel @twilightscourt @wraithsmercy @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @sezkins79 @mightymorphingayagenda @iwishistayedd @kamustyles @donnarosemary @tinylittlebluebird @cutie-bug @fucking-winchester-trash @tea-drinker25 @wolffrising @dreamsofg0ld @sunsummoner @goths-eat-electricity @snoobolit271 @highlordrhysie @aelinfeyreisa @hellas-himself @abillionlittlepieces @moonbeammadness @goldbooksblack @easkyrah @nessian-girl @togreblog @shadowsofthenightcourt @flxwer-petals @marnz @sunsummoner @chocolateserialkiller @queen-of-wings-and-fire @overgrown-bat @illyrianbeauty @armixers-unite @actuallyacotartrash @jemma-nessian-and-elriel @brittpetersen @elaiassian @xxrattlethestarsxx @mis-lil-red @kamustyles @cinemaaddict​ @nesta-cassian-love​ @izou1204​ @donnarosemary​ @a-august-t​ @umbrellabrass​ @thatsubtleblush @moids​ @tothbalintkoka​ @astreia-oniria​ @lordof-bloodshed​ @theogvodkaaunt​ @theminorfallandthemajorlift​
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Thanks for the tag @alvallah​!
Rules: Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
I don’t really do playlists, so I compiled all my ‘Loved’ tracks on Last.fm and put them on shuffle instead.
Looking Glass The Birthday Massacre
Vessel Zola Jesus
Pain Health
運命の子たち (Children of Destiny) Yukari Hashimoto
Vibe So Hot Priscilla Ahn
Rearrange Stealing Sheep
Duvet bôa
Storytime Nightwish
smiledog.jpg Kitty
Twijfelaar Roosbeef
Tagging: @sharkyboye @just-lost-in-fantasy @tansyfandom @bongboyblog @maple-writes @kingdomofbrokenhearts @hurryupimstarving @wildler @pumpkinsplicer @mango-of-the-void
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a-wrenling · 2 years
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@iveofficiallygonemad @kingdomofbrokenhearts @python-nipple-clamps @bogmummytakethewheel @mariposita941 @emilythedruid
Gay asses
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
30 + blupjeans?
30. hey bud. I didn't mean to reveal that I can read minds but I gotta know what in the actual hell is going on in your head, do you live like this? always??
(incredibly specific au prompts - send some in!!)
If this was a test, Lup would be failing miserably. The public library was seemingly vast and endless, much larger than any space Lup had been in before, especially alone. The bookshelves were towering, with shelves reaching higher than Lup's hands would go, and books sitting precariously just out of reach. She was supposed to be reading a pamphlet about Neverwinter, but her mind couldn't comprehend the words.
It was loud. Lup figured that, hey, if any place in the Outside World would be easy to navigate, it'd be the library. And sure, first-level noises were that bad. Most of it was just flipping pages and quiet talking, with the occasional squeak of a book cart being unloaded back into the shelves.
But the second-level noises. Oh, gods, were they loud. Everyone in here was thinking about different things. The librarian at the desk was thinking about the taxes she hadn't done, the person who just passed by her was wondering if they could find a book on betta fish or if they'd have to order it ahead of time. Lup had directed her attention to the kids' section for just a moment and switched her focus away just as quickly, head pounding from the fast, high-pitched thought stream.
The kids at the Institute weren't like that. Granted, the kids at the Institute weren't exactly regular kids anymore.
Worst of all, somehow, was the guy two tables down. Lup directed her hearing back over to him.
I'm gonna fail this course, he was thinking, over and over and over. I'm gonna fail this course and then I'm gonna have to drop out of school and then I'm gonna lose my job because they don't want dropouts working there and then I'm gonna-
And over and over and over. Lup's head throbbed.
-and I'm not gonna be able to afford food so I'm gonna have to steal it out of trashcans like a raccoon-
Lup snapped her pamphlet shut, maybe a little too violently. She pushed her chair back and made her way over to the guy, who now had his head in his hands, trembling over some sort of advanced physics worksheet.
-and my Mom's gonna disown me because she doesn't wanna deal with me anymore and then no one will come to my funeral and-
"Hey!" Lup said, sitting herself down directly next to him. He jumped. The thought stream was abruptly cut off with a very clear oh gods. "Can you... think less?"
"Wh- what?" he said. Goddamnit, was I talking out loud again? Fuck, that's so embarrassing, Barry you're such a-
"Hey, bud," Lup said, placing an arm on his shoulder. His mind short-circuited for a second. "Listen. I didn't want to reveal that I can read minds but I gotta know what in the actual hell is going on in your head." Barry winced, looking uncomfortable. "Do you live like this? Always?"
"What d'you mean you can read minds?" Barry said, a little hysterically. Inside his head, Lup very clearly heard, this is it, I've gone insane, this is the end of the line for my degree.
"You're not going insane," Lup said reassuringly. There was a very distant oh fuck. "I am gonna need you to take like, three deep breaths for me, 'cus your thoughts are not very productive right now."
"Sorry," Barry said, sounding sort of breathless and wheezing all in one. He took the deep breaths and Lup ignore the way he was just now screaming in his head. "Are you- I'm sorry. That must have been, uhm, unpleasant, for you. My bad."
"Barry," Lup said and Barry twisted in an uncomfortable way. Lup's hand was still on his shoulder. She retracted it very casually, like one would when trying to keep a cat from attacking your hand. "Listen. You're gonna be fine."
"H- how can you read my mind?" Barry asked. "Is that a thing I can learn? I feel like that'd be much easier than- than what I've got going on."
"You've gotta be born with it," Lup said. Or injected with it, at the very least, but she didn't wanna give him any ideas. "Listen, what're you working on? Physics? I can vibe with physics if you need help."
Barry glanced between her and the worksheet, and then over his shoulder like he was looking for a sign to say no to this. He had a very quick debate in his mind but ended up just shaking his head and exhaling. He wiped at his eyes and laughed to himself, sounding a little incredulous.
"Yeah, I can use the help," he said, picking up his pencil again. "What d'you know about astrophysics?"
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redrabbitspod · 4 years
Random question bc someone asked about fountain pens- have you ever tried a dip pen? If so what did you think?
No, because I’m sure I’d hate it. -A
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