#king of masking
jamesbranwen · 2 years
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devildome · 2 years
Lucifer’s like
I Have to do everything around the house or else my brothers will suffer. my rules are there so they don’t get in Actual trouble. I would rather deal with them than leave them at the mercy of others. I don’t care that they hate me except I do . I love them very much no matter what. They’re not allowed to know this.
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 month
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Zelda Disney VHS Boxes made by VipersIslandVideo
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tonythr · 3 months
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A tribute to my favorite quote from Hollow Knight. My biggest finished artwork so far
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shibara · 6 months
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Another pic for @croik somewhat set in the Entangled series universe. I've always really loved the King in Yellow as a character fromt eh Lovecraft mythos, but Malevolent, and these fics in particular elevated him to blorbo status.
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kenneduck · 6 months
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What if... Sidon was evil in TOTK instead of Yunobo?
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crowdiak · 9 months
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yokyoaaa · 8 months
Slumber party!
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g0nefischin · 11 months
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based off this post by @lover-of-skellies
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seanotty · 2 months
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Master of Puppetry
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breesperez139 · 11 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #3
Immortal Ghost King Au:
Daniel Fenton was crowned as High King Phantom of the Infinite Realms on his 16th birthday. He knew many were opposed to him being crowned at such a young age (he was too), but the Realms had gone too long without a ruler and it was getting restless.
The Realms were sentient to some extent. It can not run itself as it has no form but it chooses a host, a King if you will, to fulfill its wishes. It may have lived on an entire millennia without a ruler, but it was only out of sheer luck and the contributions of countless gods that it had survived. The Infinite Realms needed a King and Danny Phantom was the only contender.
So the people were ignored and their boy king was crowned. However Phantom was young and naive, a child as both a human and a ghost. Even worse, he knew nothing about being a king. But the little godling would learn and learn he did.
Most kings were taught before they were coronated, but Danny had no such privilege. His coronation came and left with the wind. His private lessons overshadowed any thoughts he had left of mortal schooling. And Danny gave up on living a normal human life.
That last part was perhaps the easiest for Danny. Amity Park was already considered too liminal for them to have any “sentience”. The GIW had all but declared war on the Realms with their continuous violent actions upon his people and the land itself.
It wasn’t difficult for Amity to give up their “rights” and “humanity” either. They said good riddance to the world that never helped them, to the heroes that ignored their cries for help. And they bowed to Phantom, declaring him their King, just as he declared them citizens of the Infinite Realms.
He welcomed his liminals with open arms, vowing to protect them from any harm that would come their way, just as he would with any of his other citizens. He gave them a home in the Realms, an island- no a haunt of their own should they wish to truly reject the land of the living, and they accepted. Not many wanted to try their luck against the human government.
But with a God, no, their King on their side, they knew their safety and happiness was all but assured. After all, it was Phantom who protected them even as they turned their own backs at him. It was Phantom who fought against foes that could have erased him from existence.
And of course it was Phantom who would now receive any and all support he could ever want and need should he declare war against the humans of Earth. No, there was no need for people of the Infinite Realms to worry. High King Phantom was a God after all. It was only ever his right to exact divine punishment onto those who opposed and threatened his will. It was not their fault if the humans actively went against his will. No, the humans had no one but themselves to blame for whatever came for them.
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matadede-good · 1 month
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I found this trend searching Dark Matter images with its japanese name and, well, I did it! Hey. Who's ur favorite Kirby boss? :0
I have too much fun doing this but were 17 long hours (obviously I didn't it in one day, I was four days in this drawing)
The original template was in Japanese but I couldn't found the original author of the template, I just translate it to english:
If someone want to do this one too! I might make a version with the missing bosses, but Idk
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kikiofthevast · 4 months
Idk I love putting Arthur Lester in yellow clothes. He is inseparable from the King in Yellow. He is in symbiosis with a piece of a god. He cannot see and therefore is protected from so much of the madness. He wears yellow like a challenge. He's saying look at me, and my defiance. He has been changed irrevocably by the King in Yellow but he does not pledge his service. He stands against a god.
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
more clone^2
snippet 21: Danny is Bruce Wayne's Clone and--
Star, with the rest of the A-List girls: alright ladies! it's time for our quarterly 'cutest boys' list! Now I'll get straight to the point, in our number one spot is--
All girls, in unison: Danny Fenton
Star, writing it down on a whiteboard: and for our number two spot--
---------- Snippet 22: clone meet clone
Ellie, dramatically: Danny!
Danny, equally dramatic: Ellie!
Ellie, pushing past him and looking around: where is he! i wanna see the little guy!
Damian, with a sword, brandishing it dangerously: *in arabic* don't come any closer, stay back!
Danny, wrapping an arm around Ellie's waist and pulling her back: woah, woah - he's still adjusting to everything
Danny, turning towards Damian with his google translate open: [please don't stab her. this is Ellie my clone.]
Damian, lowering his sword in disbelief: 'there's MORE of you?
-------------- Snippet 23: Ellie has the same epiphany as Danny
Ellie:...hey Danny
Danny, pouring over his arabic book: hm
Ellie: since I'm your clone, and you're a clone of Bruce Wayne, and Damian is a clone of Damian Wayne, does that technically mean I'm his mom - uh. dad-mom?
Ellie:...its a fair question
Danny: .....*deep sigh* you're his cousin until further notice.
------------ Snippet 24: wait for me ii (hadestown, live vers.)
(i'm not sure of the context, but i've been thinking of Danny saying this to Damian during a serious moment for days. the snippet title is the song that the dialogue below is from)
Danny, fixing up Damian's wraith suit: the meanest dog you'll ever meet
Danny, zipping up damian's jacket: it ain't the hound dog in the street. he bares some teeth and tears some skin, but brother,
Danny, adjusting Damian's gloves, pausing to look him in the eye: that's the worst of him.
Danny, he holds a finger up to Damian's eyes and points it at him: the dog you really got to dread, is the one that howls inside your head
Danny, grabbing damian's mask and smoothing it over his eyes: it's him whose howling drives men mad, and a mind to its undoing
------------ Snippet 25: Danny is Bruce Wayne's clone-- (Battinson Vers*)
Ember, in the middle of a fight with Phantom + Wraith:
Ember, knocks off Phantom's mask for the first time: lets see what ugly mug you're really hiding under there, Phantom--
Phantom: *the wettest, most pathetic looking pretty boy on the planet*
Phantom, dryly: what, did your mic die out or something? all that caterwauling finally make you lose your voice
Wraith, unsheathing his sword: *vibrating with baby brother rage bc he knows EXACTLy why Ember is silent*
----------- Snippet 26: Damian is finally starting to play nice :)
Dany: hey... guys.... whatcha doing
Damian, hanging out with Sam: Me and Manson are plotting ways to crush the Mayor's plan to cut budget funding for the city parks and cut down the native trees
Danny: oh, i see.... is this safe?
Sam: probably
Danny: hm.
------------- Snippet 27: digging up cold case
Danny: ....if Damian is out with Sam tonight with their plot against the mayor....
Danny, turning towards his desk: then that means I can work some more on Mrs. Witherbury's murder case that she asked me to solve without Dames guilt-tripping me into bed :)
Danny, settling down at his desk with a thermos full of coffee: i'm glad sam and damian are finally getting along
--------- Snippet 28: sparring
Damian, frowning: your reflexes are incredible but your combat is downright awful, brother. it's truly a miracle i didn't skewer you upon our first meeting
Danny, got his ass kicked by his 7yo brother: *groaning in pain* not everyone has super secret assassin training, Damian. And I don't really have time to actually practice anything.
Damian: Mrs. Fenton knows martial arts and her form is proficient enough, I'm sure she would be delighted to teach you if you asked. I will join since I need to keep my skills sharp and my training was unfinished when I arrived here.
-------- Snippet 29: daytime surprise
Phantom, fighting Skulker in broad daylight: *under his breath* at least Lancer's english test will get canceled for this...
Phantom, dodging a blast from Skulker: *in ASL, furious* don't you have anything better to do, you fuck!?
Skulker: foolish ghost child, speak! I know you're capable of it - speak before you lose the ability to
Phantom: *flips him off instead*
Wraith, sending back a ecto-blast with his sword: please pay attention, phantom
Phantom, doubletaking: *in a hissed whisper* what are you doing here!? it's a school day, you should be at school!
Wraith: Tt. If the boot fits.
------------ Snippet 30: guilt
Danny with his head on his desk, his elbows propped up as he massages his hands: hn
Damian, lurking to the side with a guilty look on his face:
Damian: can i....
Danny, silently holding his hand out to Damian: hrm
Damian, immediately taking it and doing the massages + finger exercises: ...im sorry
Danny: hm... I forgive you
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npc-is-drawing444 · 6 months
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I have updated the meme based on the character requests on the previous meme here. Also i have the biggest thanks to all the people who interacted to that post, it became by far my most popular one
Oh boy here come the tags
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shibara · 5 months
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Here we go, have some more Malevolent fanart for a delightful fic I've been reading recently~
In this case it's Yellow City by @late-to-the-magnus-archives and it's the second one in a series.
I don't wanna spoil much, and being a second fic, it definitely is spoilery to some degree, but I will just say that one of the main concepts in Yellow City is Arthur Lester living in Carcosa as the King in Yellow's pet, who, while completely insane, thinks he's a PI solving cases with his trusty partner Hastur, living his fantasy noir hero life to its fullest.
No one finds this amusing except Hastur (and of course, myself). What I've actually made is a gif with some dialogue, but I'll put it below the cut down there because it has some flickering/flashing.
Also, adding an ID this time. I feel I should do those more often u u
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[ID: Animated gif: Begins with Arthur sitting down against a textured, dark greyish background, wearing a grey suit and a yellow tie, holding a newspaper in one hand and his hat in the other. He is saying 'I've got a good feeling about this one, partner' in a speech bubble. The image darkens slowly, flickering between black and the previous image for an instant, then become a second image: Arthur in the same exact pose, but but he is now sitting on a mass of coiling tentacles and the textured background is bright and golden. He is now wearing a thin, yellow tunic with a flowery pattern, and several different golden jewelry items on his hands, feet and ear, along with a ornate golden collar. His hands, also in the same position as the previous frame, are now holding tentacles that coil up his sleeves. One of them is also pressing on his cheek and ruffling his hair. Along with Arthur's speech bubble there is now another larger one, dark, with undefined borders, that answers 'Is that so, little detective?'. The font is gold and textured like a brush. The image darkens slowly again, and flickers twice, returning to the initial frame, sans speech bubbles. Below the gif, there are two images of both main frames, without the speech bubbles.]
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