#kind of sinday-ish??
Ty for finding some Sinday asks lmao. Hans and Barett are like an oreo and a fried oreo. Absolute snacks.
So how abt for our fav fried oreo sweet man Barrett: 7, 10, and 13?
hehehh I'm glad you guys like Barrett so much 👀
7. What kind of underwear do they wear on the day to day? Commando. Barrett inherited the werewolf urge to be as close to naked as possible. The man absolutely despises underwear with a passion.
10. What kind of things are they into? Barrett is a romantic at heart, but also has a feral beast side. He's big into partner pleasure, a bit of predator and prey play, and he likes an aggressive woman. He also has a breeding kink and tends to get a little bite ish, but that's not something he can embrace since secret werewolf and all. Give him a night of sensual, rough sex and he is a happy man.
13. Are they loud in bed or quiet? Talkative or more of a noise maker? Barrett is loud and it's both. He whispers dirty things in his partners ear in at least three different languages. He's very vocal on what he wants and how it feels and expects the same from his partner. If he has to do a bit of coaxing to get it out of them, then even better. Growls and huffs are something he has to try very hard to keep to a minimum but it's not unusual for one or two to slip out in the heat of the moment.
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tahinnia · 5 months
Sorry, low-ish muse today and I don't really do Sinday stuff because I want to focus on character development (and my head has been into this a lot.)
I kind of was supposed to work on things but... tired all day.. February's going to be a busy month. The ride never ends. >.< I try to finish shit before February omg.. I am so bothered by this.
I kind of feel guilt @ my canons so I will just randomly pop up somewhere in the new week (not sure if when I wake up. I wanna do Tani replies first. Then the rest.)
Anyway! Thanks for sending me stuff over here and replies! I will definitely do these tomorrow ♥ ♥ + I also will send some askbox in return ♥ ♥ ♥
Good night!!
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biteofcherry · 10 months
Curtis Everett Masterlist
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The Sacred Hunt Masterlist
summary: Traditions were sacred. You were always vehement in seeing to that. But you never considered that at some point you may become a core part of one of your people’s traditions.
warnings: sliiight dub-con (not really, but just to be sure); chase kink of sorts; arranged relationship (kinda); exp**cit se*ual content; loss of vir-g-i-n-ity;
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Ruby Deux Masterlist
Dom!Bucky Barnes x submissive reader x Dom!Curtis Everett
summary: It was always hard for any partner of yours to accept that though you were sweet and nurturing, and soft all around, you had desires that were anything like it. Tenderness and gentle love making rarely worked for you, as your mind always flew away to fantasies of being chased and forced and taken in most primal ways. You knew the community of Ruby Garden won’t be judgmental of your desires and you hoped to find a play partner who would match with at least a dose of it. You never expected to find yourself trapped between two beefy men, who make your fantasies seem bland compared to the reality of primal, raw way they take you.
warnings: D/s dynamic; power imabalnce; primal kink; chase kink; DPing;
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No such thing as finality
vampire!Curtis Everett x reader; Dracula!Curtis Everett x reader
summary: When Curtis returns to his newly acquired mansion in London, he’s greeted by an unexpected sight…
warnings: angst; so so much angst; and feels; dark-ish; a bit of blood (there are vampires in this story, after all); mention of death;
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Restoring balance
Curtis Everett x female reader
summary: To survive in the apocalyptic cold world you have to barter. Curtis is just in his offers, but he also takes a bonus. In flesh.
warnings: dystopian world; harsh conditions; mostly consensual (sliiightly dub-con due to apocalyptic circumstances forcing you to accept certain deals); size kink; breeding kink (obviously);
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Goldi locked
Ari Levinson x Curtis Everett x female reader x Steve Rogers
summary: You wanted a big change to happen in your life, but not exactly in the way stumbling upon that cabin in the woods has made it. The three lumberjacks living there were very helpful and kind. But they didn’t let you go your own way after saving you. Now you were theirs.
warnings: this is pure filth; one of the filthiest kind; dub-con; soft!dark Ari; soft!dark Curtis; soft!dark Steve; smut; a/b/o; breeding; knotting; spitroasting; anal play; dirty talk; praise and a bit of degradation;
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Curtis + size kink (lazy Sinday drabble)
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Curtis + shibari (lazy Sinday drabble)
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Curtis + obsessed with your soft bits (lazy Sinday drabble)
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cwarscars · 1 year
1, 4, and 13 for the Sinday meme!
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Sinday Asks
1. Is your muse a virgin? If not, how old were they when they lost their virginity?
heid lost his virginity when he was nineteen to an older woman ( she was thirty-five ). he met her in a club he'd gone to alongside his army buddies. she'd very much taken control & in a weird, unconscious kind of way is perhaps partially one of the reasons why he does have a secret desire to be dominated by a woman. ( this isn’t something he’s overly vocal about, but he does have a kink for it ). 
his first experience with a man was when he was twenty-three & was a threesome between himself, his best friend ( a male ) & a woman. this only involved some kissing / touching, mind you. it wasn’t until a few months later when him and his friend properly made love. his friend was in control ( due to being more experienced with men ) & ‘topped’. this was pretty much the only time heid allowed that though, as times after, he was much more dominant & in control. 
4. What was the most dirtiest place they had sex in? (Example: the public bathroom, the park, movie theater, etc.)
outdoors, primarily. because he was always in the military as a younger man & thus constantly travelling / sometimes camping places. outdoor sex was fairly common-ish ( when he did have it ). otherwise, lots of bathrooms / cupboards / office-spaces. i make no secret of heid’s affairs & over endeavours while working in the shin/ra building ( i could imagine he’s had all sorts of encounters on other people’s desks ). 
13. What’s their favorite sex position(s)?
when it comes to women - heid likes being behind them; he’s certainly an ass man in every respect & enjoys positions ala doggy style / reverse cowgirl etc. he’s, obviously, always going to enjoy missionary. 
with men - he prefers to face them ( missionary, standard ). he likes the element of control that comes with staring down his partner / choking them head on during sex. this doesn’t mean he wont take a guy from behind though - as he does enjoy wrapping his arm around another man’s neck / pulling their hair ( head ) back during, too. 
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the-cabalist · 5 years
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This evening, a man came to my humble hut. 
This is much stranger than it sounds. Given my reputation and my services, it is not normal for an average citizen of Ionia to seek me out, especially at night.
Regardless, he came to me seeking services. I didn’t recognize him as an agent of the Cabal, and he certainly didn’t look like a Noxian agent to me. I decided to believe his outfit, and took him at face value as just some run-of-the-mill citizen.
He looked skittish walking through my door. Unlocked, of course. No sense in locking the door when you don’t get any proper company anyway, so may as well leave it open for the wind. I welcomed him inside despite his skittish nature and offered him a drink, but he ignored my idle advances like most men do.
He was entirely business, which didn’t surprise me either. He wanted me to work on his wife, that is to say he wanted her out of the picture to claim her possessions. 
“So this is out of raw greed? Not some emotional discourse or her being a wretch..?” I had asked him, wanting to evoke whatever other information I could from him, as he appeared to not understand the nature of my service.
“Oh, well when you put it that way it sounds wrong, Demon!” the man quipped, wobbling like butter once I said something of substance. “No, I wouldn’t call it greed! I’d call it...” he stopped, likely thinking of a synonym for the word ‘greed’. “... I just want a fresh start! This slow life isn’t for me at all, Virtuoso! Oh, and i’m entirely sure that she’ll chase me half way to the Placidium if she isn’t taken care of!”
I got up from my chair, frankly insulted that this man saw me as some sort of clown that one hires to do a gag or two. He appeared to confuse my work, something methodical and filled with purpose, for something akin to assassination; a practice as simple as ramming a knife in the neck of some unassuming socialite as they sipped their umpteenth drink of the night. 
“So, you want me to remove this wife of yours just because you don’t want her following you around the land like some dejected puppy?”
“Could you quit talking like that, you madman!? Stop trying to inject emotion into everything! This is just something I need done! You’ve got a damn fine reputation as a death-dealer so you ought to know what business is!”
He was correct. I certainly did know what business was, and still do. This simply wasn’t my business, though. His confusion as to what I actually do for men in my line of work appeared evident, and I thought I would remedy him of it. One might say, ‘do him a kindness’. Firstly, I asked of pay.
“What are you paying for this work, sir?”
He didn’t answer with a number in regards to the gold, simply tossing an overweight brown bag of the stuff onto my desk, spilling it over the pages of the journal and into my lap. It served as another sign that this poor man had no idea who he was dealing with. Did he expect me to accept overpay for work? I rarely even care about what i’m paid, it is about the job itself. I took it as an obvious sign of disrespect, as he likened me to some under-the-table assassin from Noxus or Bilgewater, merely looking for coin in exchange for services. I would do it for free if it conveyed the proper message, frankly.
I reached onto the table and heaved the sack up in my hand, feeling it like the curvature on the side of a malnourished courtesan. It was bumpy and uneven, which felt awkward to the touch. I waltzed over to the nearby window which overlooked the craggy rocks beneath and slid it open, glancing outside as I let the evening air into the room. The tension in our dispute eased a little, and I welcomed the chill.
Before the man could cut in about asking as to whether the still undetermined amount of gold was enough, I sent the plump pouch sailing out the window and onto the rocks. It slapped against the various crags until I could no longer hear the annoying sound of jingling coins.
“That was MY MONEY, Jhin! We didn’t even agree to a deal, or a job, or anything yet!” The man shouted, his voice echoing out the window that I had just opened. “I hope you don’t expect me to go crawling down there to pick up all those pieces! Damn it, why did you do that?!” He finished, huffing as if he were a bull ready to charge me straight through the window.
I responded honestly, and in a much calmer tone than the one he took with me. “I did it because you just insulted me, my friend. You seem to equate me to lesser assassins, and I don’t appreciate you walking into my home to both insult me and then shout nonsense at me. Though, the offer was amusing and tempting...” I added, cluing him into my intentions despite my actions.
“Oh, so you’re up for it then, right? You’re going to go sack her?” He asked finally, a glint of emotional and instinctual hope hanging in his eyes. He knew full well that I was now his only option, having lost his pay. I had assumed such, as no sane man would do any risky work without a bit of coin, right?
I gave him a chuckle and drew Whisper off my desk, giving her leathery grip a squeeze. It gave me a bit of courage, and a slight inspiration to pull the trigger.
“Oh, no! No! Not at all! I am not some lowbrow showman, you hog! What about this do you not understand!? Your deal amuses, it doesn’t entice!” I barked, losing my temper for a moment and letting my first shot fly into his stomach. Not an accident, I will admit, but this individual clearly had it coming.
He wailed out, as expected. His hands tightened up and he slumped over onto my table, digging his gloved nails into the poor leg of the furniture. He struggled to stay half-upright. Upon snapping back to reality, he clutched a hand over the new wound in his stomach, only having one free one to support his weight against the table.
I fired off my second, and then my third shot. Not into my patron, though, but straight out the window. He was undeserving of the pain they would cause, and in my murkiness I did not think of two fresh places to bless him with the bullets. Off they went, and off I went around the corner of the table to grab him by the back of his collar.
“Fuckin’... madman...” He sputtered at me, getting a bit of spittle on the polished oak. “Shooting your clients... worse than I thought...” He added, seemingly digging his grave deeper and deeper.
I sunk my fingers just deep enough into his exposed neck to elicit some pain. He quivered and shook, his nerve clearly wearing down at the sense of pain, both fast and slow mixing together within him. I didn’t blame him, of course. When under so much pain and confusion, one could only ever wish for it to stop. Nothing in our realm could be more brutal and convincing than pain, and when faced against a mountain of it there was no room for the brave or the foolhardy.
Before he could throw another round of insults at me, I slammed his forehead into the table. I cracked it, a thing I now regret. The furniture was perfectly fine before I had to muddy it with this man’s skull. Nonetheless, I slammed him into it again, and brought him right up to the motionless lips of my guise so I could tell him something very important.
“You come to me seeking an escape from your lover? Do I look like I deal in petty squabbles of greed? No, I do not think I do. Perhaps i’ll pay your dear wife a visit myself. Now that I see you blathering like some dying animal I have the inspiration to see her.” I had smirked beneath my lips, and from the look the man gave me, I could only assume he could see right through my false face.
Regardless, I continued to teach him what he had to learn.
“There are those in this world that take flesh by the pound, and those that run around mindlessly killing innocents, splattering walls with their filth and their clumsy acts of evil. Ah, that’s the word. Evil. What you just requested of me is so entirely evil that it disgusts me, sir. I do not do the work of evil men, I do the work of necessity. Your request is not necessary. It is evil.” I concluded to him, nestling Whisper up against the side of his head. I let the smoke plume out from the spent shots, the hum of the mist filling his ear and heating his skin as if I had pressed a hot coal against it.
I considered his position. He would likely beg for his life if he had the stones to speak to me again, but he stayed silent.
“Perhaps this is my good deed for the day. I know most men like to keep to that principle, yes? A good deed a day, and it keeps something away. I do this out of charity, though. I have taught you the difference between necessity and evil. Teaching you this lesson is so wholly necessary that I think you’ll be better off in the end.” I informed him kindly, smiling genuinely beneath my mask. My momentary anger had faded away in the rush of my short instruction.
“Worry not, I will let your wife know you sent me, sir. I think I will take pride in teaching her something of value as well.” I assured him, just as I put my final bullet into the side of his head, sending a wave of red out my window.
‘Now it really was blood money.’ I had thought to myself, priding myself on some gallows humor as I heaved the man from his position, and levied him out my door. I dragged him around the perimeter of my home and cast him off down the crags. He sailed down just as swiftly as his money and his blood.
I would have prepared a proper scene for him, but I have little time on my hands. I have a date to prepare for, his wife is waiting! Well, I suppose she is a wife no more. Happily so too, I’d think. Who would want to be married to such a drab and senseless man like that?
I’m sure I will get her to see the light once I come upon her. He kept a photo of her on his person, so at least I have a lead. I merely need to gather my things and head off. I suppose I will have to clean up the mess when I return.
Pigs will be pigs, won’t they?
- Jhin
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ffxivdailyquestion · 2 years
Check the full rules.
LGBTQIA+ safe space. Hate in any kind of form in the answers will be reported and blocked. 
OCxNPC, NPC blogs, NPCxNPC, OCxOC answers are welcome ! 
NSFW questions-ish  may be asked on Sundays, better known as the “sinday” in the tumblr sphere. They’ll be put, if any, under the following tag : #{nrsfw question}. ( Not really safe for work ~ )
The following tag : #{nrsfw question} may also be used for topics involving "hard themes" like violence, drugs or anything we can think of as nsfw.
Everyone is welcome to answer. 
Minors DNI with possible NSFW questions and answers.
The aim is to answer the question for your own OCs, be them Warrior of Light ( WoL ) or not !  
Answer it in any form you prefer : drawings, poems, IC, OOCly, comics, screenshots (...) !
Answer in any language you prefer.
It’s ok to skip a question, to answer it later, or to browse the blog and pick the question you want to answer !
Tag spoilers please
Tag accordingly or alert about NSFW content in your answer.
If you think the answer can include triggering contents or different kind of sensitive topics, please alert with a tw or cw your readers.
Always open, anon is on.
Submissions of questions are totally welcome, I'll queue them !
Asking questions of any kind is ok. I'll answer and will tag answers as #not a question, #YourUsername, #answered so you can filter if you don't want to see those kind of posts.
Non-question posts are tagged as #not a question
Do not hesitate to tell me if you want particular topics tagged or a certain tag used. I will do as requested !
No question about new content will be posted until at least 1 month and a half after release.
May promote FFXIV events, FFXIV question-related blogs or other under #promo, #signal boost and #not a question
I try to queue questions so they pop on US dashes around 8.00 am (3 pm -- Paris Time ). They can pop later if I forgot the queue system.
This blog can go under hiatus without saying, to come back with questions as usual. It means questions may not be asked daily, I'm sorry for the inconvenience when such things happen.
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demcnsinmymind · 3 years
Rules for mobile
#1 About the mun
Hey! I’m Susan (she/her) but usually go by my fandom name Veri (see @veritaaas for my main blog). I’m 31, from Germany and pretty chill most of the time! Always open to make new friends and chat! Just like my muse, I work for a film production company and thus am a complete workaholic. I’m also a night owl and usually active between 8pm - 4am GMT+1 (Germany), should be around daytime in the US and so on. I only recently rebooted this blog in Nov 2021 and am more active again. Shouldn’t take me longer than a week to reply to anything. I'm from Germany and not a native English speaker by any means. So there might be grammatical errors and typos in my replies. Please bear with me here and be kind. I always appreciate some help and suggestions regarding my writing as long as it’s delivered in a polite manner, not in a condescending way. I don’t expect your writing/English to be perfect either, as long as I can interpret what is being written.
#2 About the muse
I know my pages cover a lot of info regarding Lance, his canon, and the world surrounding that canon. As not to confuse you too much about what kind of character he is, here’s the basic and most important information: Though like half my interactions are based on my possessed verse, Lance is not a villain character, and neither is the demon possessing him his main trait. He’s more of a victim/anti hero character who at his core, is still a good guy who’s trying to find a way out of his twisted situation. The same goes for his verses set during or before canon, the only difference there is that he isn’t possessed by a demon, but more by his obsession with becoming famous and making loads of money. In those verses he can be somewhat of a self-centered dick, but the good at heart trait still applies. So all in all, he’s a pretty ordinary guy trapped in some freakish circumstances and/or mental health issues.
#3 Content Warnings
This is a mature blog. Since Grave Encounters is a found footage horror movie, there will be mentions of violence, death, horror and psychological issues. However, I won’t write about excessive gore or horrendous torture/super depraved things. Though things can get pretty dark on here, I try to keep it tame. Think Paranormal Activity or Blair Witch Project kinda horror, not Hostel or SAW madness. Lance is a very troubled character with mental disorders in most of the verses. His biggest problem in canon is that he has severe Stockholm's syndrome and suffered through some horrible psychological torture. And if nothing from the movies has happened to him yet, you can expect him to be a somewhat of a douchebag. If topics like mental disorders/treatment/health, mentions of psychological and physical abuse as well as possession, demons, ghosts and horror trigger you, Lance and the Grave Encounters verse won’t be suitable for you. Special note regarding the lovecraftian lore on my blog: As some might be aware, H.P. Lovecraft was a racist, elitist and classist, and that is disgustingly apparent especially in his early work. I do not condone any of this, and neither will I be writing any of that when including his Azathoth in any of my threads. I've hijacked only bits and pieces of that lore, the basic idea of Azathoth so to say, the rest of it is pretty much original at this point. There might be some mild and sensual NSFW material on this blog every now and then, which I'm only posting on sindays. There might be the occassional smutty-ish thread, but that will be behind a readmore. I'm tagging possibly triggering stuff with the following format: triggerword tw. Since tumblr is stupid and loves to fully hide posts with a 'nsfw' tag, I'll be tagging those as it's sinday! and lemons.
#4 Selectivity
Both mun and muse are 30+. I’m selective and do not wish to roleplay with other muns that are minors. However, muses under the age of 18 are welcome. (not that Lance is any good with kids though who are we kidding) I prefer to RP with muses from similar genres (horror, paranormal, vampires/werewolves/demons, ghost hunting and so forth). If you follow me I assume you're showing interest in writing with me. Awesome! It usually takes me less than a week to check out your blog and decide if I'm interested in writing with you. If I don't follow back or don't reply to a thread you tagged me in, chances are that your blog contained something that I mentioned in the following rules about my own preferences. It's nothing personal, I just like to keep my dash tidy and fun for me.
#5 Other Preferences
As of late 2022, I likely won't be following back if you're a multimuse blog with more than 3 characters on it. I like to see characters, stories and faceclaims on my dash that I'm interested in and that bring me joy. Unfortunately, I've had a few select somewhat unpleasant instances where I found my dash flooded with characters, threads and images I had no interest in due to mumu blogs with a -lot- of characters on them. No shade from my side of course, I admire people who have the energy and enthusiasm to write so many characters at once! I just like to focus on a select few characters I can definitely see myself interacting with, hence the mumu rule. I hope you can understand. If you want only one of your mumu characters to interact with my muse, feel free to shoot me an ask or IM and we can talk about it! I'm more than open to have threads with mumu blogs I don't follow back. I just want to keep my dash enjoyable for myself. I do not wish to RP with anime/cartoon/superhero chars. Sorry folks, the whole Marvel/MCU stuff just doesn’t tickle my fancy at all. It’s nothing personal against your chars, I'm sure they're wonderful, it's just my preference as that type of stuff does nothing for me. The same goes for characters that do not have a real life faceclaim (as in an actor/actress). I know, it's weird. But I enjoy RL stuff a lot more. I also do not wish to RP with overly psychopathic/sociopathic characters whose main traits involve excessive sadism, gore, torture porn and what not. I prefer chars with at least an ounce of humanity and redeemability in them. I'll hardly ever change much about my own muse's biography, traits and what not. Meaning I'm not going to write him as a wizard or a mermaid or a robot or whatever else. He'll always be more or less human in my interactions with the occasional demonic or spiritual addon. The only exception to this is my 'The Originals' / vampire verse as I consider that close enough to home for my taste. I can totally see myself write something set in different time periods, but I'm talking +/- 100 years max. A big pet peeve of mine is not cutting your posts. and having mile long replies with repetitive back and forth threads. It clutters up my blog and dashboard. Do what you want with your own posts and blog of course, however, there's a good chance I'm not gonna follow you back or interact much with you if you don't like to keep it tidy. I also probably won't follow back or interact with you if you don't have any info about your muse, no rules and some basics readily available on your blog. I'm not talking big fancy blog pages, carrds or google docs. A link to a standard text post can be more than enough. You just gotta give me something to work with, please :> I'm okay with personal blogs following me and liking/reblogging my gifsets and edits and headcanon posts. I know that the Grave Encounters fandom is so tiny and there's barely any content on here for it, so feel free to reblog the goodies :> I only ask you not to reblog threads and writings I got going with other RPers. Feel free to read them like fanfiction, but don't reblog, thankies :)
#6 The Dos
If you’d like to plot, shoot me an ask and plot right away. I will jump right in. I occasionally repost memes and open starters- take them as invitation to start a convo right off the bat and I will gladly play along. I’m open to roleplay in your muse’s time periods or canons, also feel free to start anything set in Collingwood or the 1940s if you’re up for the challenge. That's not a must of course, I love writing in other muse's verses if I can see Lance in them. My ask box is always open if you want to send in memes or plot ideas, even if we've never interacted with each other before. I love using memes as an ice breaker. If you don't send anything in after a couple of weeks of us becoming mutuals, expect me to send something in to get things going. If I follow you back, I most definitely want to write with you as soon as we can! :> I am okay with all written lengths and will try to match how much you write.This means sentences, paragraphs, etc. I am guilty of some pretty lengthy writing though, so sorry :D Don't ever feel like you need to match my actual paragraph length though. I'm totally fine with you shooting two paragraphs at my long replies. However, expect me to get discouraged if I keep getting one liners in response to my longer replies.
#7 The Donts
I don't tolerate any threads or RL talk containing pedophilia, racism and any sort of preference based phobia, bestiality or slut shaming/misogyny. Just anyone who feels the constant need to belittle/disrespect/insult any group of people/systems for the sake of putting another on a pedestal. I don't care for excessive real life or dashboard drama. I get it, we all got our bad days and want to vent. I do the same on my blog every now and then behind a read more. (tag: # cut it : irl talk) However, if all I see is negativity, call out culture and constant vague posting from your side, I won't follow you/unfollow you. I'm here to have fun and write :> Please don't follow me if you don't plan on actually interacting with me. Always having to be the first one to interact and start something between us when you're the one who followed me first gets somewhat tiring after a while if we're honest. My meme tag is always there and free to select from to start something whenever you want. If you follow me yet make no attempts whatsoever to interact, be that a simple like here and there, or sending a meme or starting a thread or just talking about plotting after a couple of weeks have passed, I'll softblock and move on. I have no interest in boosting an artificial number, I want to write with you! :)
#8 Shipping & Exclusives I am open to shipping on this blog. There must be some minor development between Lance and your character to delve into possible shippy stuff, but it doesn't take much to get him going. Please be aware though that Lance is not the relationship type of person though, and neither is he looking for anything serious or long term. He’s an aromatic douchebag who’s mainly out to have a good time and that’s it. He also doesn't do exclusivity in relationships. I do not yet have any mains and I'm not sure if I'll ever add a list. I got a few favorite people on here where my muse might strike harder every once in a while, but most of the time, I reply in a first come, first serve kind of way. I'm probably open to writing with duplicates of characters, so far that hasn't happened yet though.
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primuswhyme · 5 years
Have you ever had Sideswipe all tied up before? It seems like you two have the trust for it.
To be honest, I think he prefers when I hold him down~
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babbushka · 3 years
Creator Tag Game ✨
I was tagged by the ever kind @thegreenmatt​, @safarigirlsp​, @sacklerscumrag​, @direnightshade​, and @roanniom​! Thank you all so much, I’m sorry this took me ages to put together lol 
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
To be totally honest with you guys, I can’t pick just 5 things! There have been SO many amazing and wonderful memories here this past year of stories I’ve written and AUs we’ve created together. 
And I’m planning on doing a full year’s recap on New Year’s Eve, where I go into a little more detail looking back on 2020 and my participation in fandom! So, instead of picking 5 works, I thought I might share some of the highlights :) 
1. Chapter fics! 
Gosh I either finished or started a ton of chapter fics this year. Some of my favorites include:
Each Eye (Mob!Kylo, ~64k, complete!) - Though I started this fic in August of 2019, I finally completed it in March of this year.
Sinbound (Dan Jones, WIP)
Biting Dust (Outlaw!Kylo, WIP)
The Shape of You (Supreme Leader Kylo, WIP)
2. All the damn AUs!! 
Lol this year was definitely a year for Kylo AUs. Just a couple of my favorites that you all have enabled me into writing are:
Bond Villain!Kylo 
Ancient Emperor!Kylo 
Lawyer!Kylo (AO3 series coming soon)
3. Threesomes & orgies!! 
I really just said ‘fuck it’ this year and wrote the self-indulgent content I really wanted -- sloppy group sex lol! Some of my favorites are: 
Hounds (Supreme Leader/reader/KOR)
Loverboy (Flip Zimmerman/reader/Kylo Ren)
Paradise Inn (Flip Zimmerman/reader/Kylo Ren)
Another Adventure (Flip Zimmerman/reader/Kylo Ren)
4. Series! 
I started quite a few new series this year that I’m so excited to continue into 2021! My favorite has to be the Flip Zimmerman NSFW Alphabet, which if you haven’t read yet, contains these oneshots so far:
Head Detective 
Ain’t Too Bad
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy
5. Sinday!
And finally, I’d just like to give a special mention to the folks who send in things for Sinday. I’ve been hosting Sinday pretty consistently all year, and thanks to you I’ve posted tens of thousands of words of content as a result. 
I’m going to be sad to see Sinday transforming into something different in 2021, but really, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making 2020 a little more bearable by your participation in this semi-weekly event!
Well, this was way more than 5 things, but I couldn’t help it lol. 
And there’s plenty more to come very soon as we get into Christmas and wintertime proper, I hope to see you all there :))
Tagging whoever hasn’t done this yet already and who wants to!! Just say i sent ya! :)
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Send 📝 for a rule you think is important when it comes to role playing
-Making it clear what N*SFW ish flies with you so that people don’t make the mistake of offending or triggering you if that’s something you rp to begin with. And not assuming those kind of memes are open to just anyone unless the rules also explicitly state so. I, when I’m not rushing or being lazy, generally tag my n*sfw memes as for shippy partners. It isn’t always needing to be established ships for certain muses, as laid out in my actual rules, but it does need to at least be people I interact with beyond Sinday. Showing up only for Sinday on a blog that states they aren’t here just for that is just...ew. There’s other blogs for that. Smut should have some degree of trust between partners, not just using them. Thankfully it’s really not been an issue the last few months because I stopped tolerating it. xp
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defiantecho · 6 years
Some Quick PSA Stuff.
1.) If you didn’t like an ask answer I’ve done, or a reply i’ve written, or anything like that? T E L L  M E. Especially with sinday stuff- Not kidding, I will almost literally bend over backwards to make stuff work when we RP.
2.) I work full time-ish right now, but am fighting my new workplace for the wage I was promised. So I’m gonna be kind of erratic on replies, but should still be at a solid pace.
3.) I love you all. No joke.
4.) I’m open to asks, just talking, what have you basically whenever I’m not at work, so I mean do it if you want???
(with special thanks to lovely individuals like @empathielumineuse , @thedetectiveofinaba, @sheepedinrage, and @vexingvixens, among others, for putting up with my shite. Including the fact that I just pinged you all. >.<)
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seesgood · 7 years
5. Do they masturbate often?
that depends on the verse. main verse? no. because she literally never really goes more than a season without a love interest so there’s always kind someone there to take care of it for her. but when it comes to like season 6-ish where she was mostly single ( but pining over stefan ) then yeah, probably. it’s pretty much canon that vampires kinda use sex as control mechanisms and their sex drive is off the charts, so yeah --- to relieve stress or to just get it out of her system, she’d do some self-lovin’ from time to time. 
other verses it depends on age / job / relationship status, and that sort of stuff. like FOR EXAMPLE ( i’m just gonna tag you bc obvi @consequentson ) verses where she doesn’t exactly have easy access to her partners then yeah, she’ll definitely keep it pretty regular. but most of the fun of sex, for her at least, is having someone else there and seeing their reactions, the noises they make, making them feel good as well. 
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arachnexdragoon · 7 years
rules update
So - nothing major, but maybe important to some people and appropriate considering it’s sinday. Considering the recent asks and discussions I’ve seen on the dash regarding NSFW content, I’ve made a small edit to the rules and included the topic below:
x. NSFW threads, asks and aesthetic posts can happen and will be tagged ’#nsfw’ or ’#nsfw-ish’, as well as placed under a cut (read-more). Please note that no NSFW threads will be conducted with minors (muns and muses) and that interacting out of character before anything of a NSFW setting is key.
Just to reiterate: all my posts (of any kind) dealing with NSFW content will always be tagged. Whenever possible, they will be under read-more (doesn’t apply for reblogged aesthetics, for instance). 
And I’ve been thinking about the ooc part too, and I honestly feel that without offline communication between the muns, I’m much less inclined to make this part of a ship work, so please come talk to me and establish boundaries so we can have fun without making anyone feel uncomfortable.
Happy sinnin’~ Mari.
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
What would they see?
Well, if the wards were lit up, they’d see those.
It’s difficult to see through them from the outside while they’re lit up. They’re not always lit up which, before you lose your damn mind, does not mean that they are off, just that they’re not visible; nobody needs to be under a constant glow 24/7. When they’re off, it looks as though roughly 70-ish percent of the tower is gone, including part of the stairway up to the top.
That’s entirely my fault.
Otherwise, I’d imagine it’d depend on the time of the day.
In general: You’d see a room missing not quite three of its four walls, part of its floor, and part of its roof and, looking down a bit, would see chunks of the tower itself missing (which did not leave it unstable; the security warding re-knit itself and provides the same support as the stone used to).
Inside the room there’s one ratty old book case that I’m not allowed to repair or replace, a small desk in the same state, I don’t know that I’d count what’s under the almost comical amounts of quilts my mother has either, well, quilted, knitted, or crochet I don’t know that I’d call the bed a bed so much as stone in the vague shape of one.
I dragged one of my still partially spiders sofas up there because the desk chair is uncomfortable and the other option is “sit on floor”. Or on the bed, but I can’t get a damn thing done sitting there.
The old rug from my office is on the floor.
The stone that’s left is black and has a lot of lichen and a few rat skeletons on it.
I don’t know exactly what @absintheabsence​ does when I’m not around unless he does some sort of running commentary but the place has books, a couple of plants, a couple of cameras, parchment and quills, and Siegfried (the wolpertinger.
I know he takes a lot of pictures of the wolpertinger.
Like, a lot of pictures.
Albums and albums worth.
The last time Siegfried decided I wasn’t paying him enough attention and the proper course of action was to lay his front half on my face, do you suppose I got any assistance there? No. Just pictures.
One thing you won’t find, however, are pictures of @absintheabsence​
The plants don’t require much tending to unless he wants to drop bugs into a pitcher or onto a sticky leaf. The lights on them are a modified Lumos that stay on for 10-14 hours. The ceiling “light” isn’t so much a light but an obnoxiously bright, glowing potion that’s got a few bits of cloth over it to diffuse it.
Or he could be reading or napping or writing, I don’t really know if I’m not there; if he’s not talking I don’t necessarily know if he’s awake or not.
When I’m there I’m--as boring as I am when I’m at my place in Scotland. Usually on a sofa doing a combination of reading, translating, organising, or writing (well, dictating). I don’t exactly move around a lot  most of the time and am probably the least interesting person you could ever be tasked to watch. Just ask @legilimens-corvus-frugilegus​
He uses the times he gets thrown at me to pretty much take 8+ hour paid naps.
I just kind of lay around while mindlessly continuing what I was working on before I left my office.
If I don’t want to do the weird conversational cadence that the lightning strikes require, it’s not as though I have to speak out loud to talk to him and vice versa so you may very well see what appears to be two people sitting quietly in a room not even necessarily doing the same thing. I’d say not even in the same area but, it’s a small room, so that’s not really a possibility.
The bath’s actually got all of its walls, roof, and flooring so you probably wouldn’t see anything in there. Weirdo.
I mean, yeah, if you looking to see something you probably shouldn’t or don’t want to, you’d eventually see it--assuming you weren’t noticed and dealt with because, rude.
Or were noticed, I guess, depends on the mood.
He probably wouldn’t mind and whether or not I minded would depend entirely on who it was.
It didn’t go over my head I know what you’re asking, I’m being purposely obtuse, because 95% of the time that’s what you’re going to see anyway, hp rp, sinday, asks, answered,
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babbushka · 5 years
I had a craft night with my friends a bit ago and we made pumpkins and mine is flannel ish. Anywho no guesses as to what I was thinking while doing this craft. LOL I posted a pic of it on my page. Thought you could get a small giggle, I know I did. Hahaha Happy Sinday to you!!! Look forward to all your updates. Caroline 😊😁😎😋🤣
Craft night sounds so fun!!! I wish any of my friends lived near me so I could do fun things like that -- I’ll go check out your post right now! Thank you for your kind words, I hope you enjoy the stuff that gets posted!
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