#kind of nsfw?
awawun · 3 months
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steve's gotten used to being this big, strong guy. it was difficult at first, remembering he's not as small as he used to be, but now, he's fully aware of what he's capable of; other people are, too. he's gotten used to being taller and bulkier than average, and to the way people move out of his path. when steve stands, people tend to just go around him instead of expecting him to move.
maybe it's because he got used to it that when vampire tony slams steve up against a wall like he weighs nothing and grins, steve is caught offguard. he watches tony's eyes flash red with just a hint of pearly fangs on rosy lips, and steve goes completely weak at the knees. because tony makes steve feel small again, because tony is pinning him down with a dark predatory look in his eyes like he wants to eat steve alive.
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midnightangel155 · 2 years
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Sir,how do you know that?
Sir? Sir, how do YOU know that?!
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itsinkwell · 2 years
Late-night posting for the babes, sniperspy making out under the cut. If im lucky tumblr won’t boot it :].
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elvisabutler · 2 years
4 "lines" from separate fics for these four roses. ( i am very liberal in my definition of a line. ) i almost gave you a fifth but i was really really liberal in that definition so it seemed like cheating.
"Are you in New York, Butler?" You ask, knowing every part of your brain is telling you this is a bad idea. "You can't tell me you're jealous and not do anything about it." "Is that you telling me to come fuck you like the little boy couldn't?" He chuckles lowly, dark enough that you're faintly regretting not just blocking his number. "It's me telling you to get your ass to my apartment before I lock the door and go have my vibrator help me come. In this dress."
jealousy fic number 2? idk which one i called this, it's the priscilla actress universe based one.
Hawaii is never really a breeding ground for his type. Something about the water being too hot and the climate being too hot for his kind to thrive. But Elvis- Elvis finds that it's one of the few places he feels at home, one of the few places he feels safe to be himself, to swim in his own skin. Maybe that's why the Colonel had chosen there to make it so he was fully trapped, fully under his control. His mama had always told him to watch over it like a hawk because that's- not watching for someone stealing it had gotten her into trouble.
a halloween/october fic. it's the first thing i plan on posting so i gotta get a move on writing it but even if everyone hates this au, i wrote it anyway to let my myth heart shine.
"Is she taking care of you still?" Priscilla murmurs from the chair next to Elvis. "I know you said she-" "You know how I get, 'Cilla. Could be takin' care of me in the best way and I'd find a way to still mess it up." Elvis laughs softly even though none of what he said was actually funny to either one of them. "You look tired." "Stopped takin' the amphetamines, course I'm a little tired."
caught in a trap, maybe some time this weekend or early next week posting? idk.
"It's a buffet. Steve goddamn Binder has got me a buffet of women and he doesn't even realize it." Elvis laughs sounding every bit as evil as he did at Russwood Park and every bit as evil as every parent thought he was back in his Elvis the Pelvis days. "You still have to perform, not just make out with every woman on the stage." You bite your lip trying not to laugh yourself because you love Elvis- oh you've loved Elvis since the moment he kissed your lips and you swear stole your soul, but the break of being his only food source? That's something you've been wanting so much lately. He smirks and turns around to face you before moving down to nip at your neck. "I think you and I both know I can do both. 'Sides, after I'm done you know I can try and share a little of my pep wit' you. Remember how you liked that when Ann-Margret and I-" "Elvis."
i promise i'm not just working on october related fics right now.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 5 months
cw: non-sexual nipple sucking? Non sexual intimacy
When Cumulus walks down the stairs to the common room she doesn’t expect to see a ghoul shaped lump sprawled out on the sofa.  “Phantom? What are you still doing awake? It’s 3am” 
Phantom groans and buries his head into one of the pillows.  “Don’t remind me.” 
She walks over to him and pets the top of his head.  “Oh poor angel, you can’t sleep?” 
Phantom pouts and leans into her touch.  “No.” He looks up her with big wet eyes. “Been trying for ages so I gave up and came down here.” 
Cumulus coos at him, scratching her claws down his hairline down to his jawline and scratches under his chin. 
“Oh honey.” Phantom thrills and lifts his chin up even more for her as she scratches at the right spot. “Give me a second and then I’ll help you get to sleep, okay baby?” 
Phantom nods at her, whining a little when her hands disappear from scratching him and she retreats into the kitchen. 
She fills up a glass of water, what she originally came down for, and take it back with her. She grabs Phantoms hand along the way and drags him back up the stairs with her. 
“Where are we going?” He asks her as he stumbles after her, pressing himself as close to her as he possibly can. He’s definitely not scared of the dark. 
“Back to my room.” Cumulus rubs her thumb along the back of Phantoms hand. “So you can finally get some sleep.” 
He lets himself be pulled into her room and the sweet vanilla scent is instantly comforting to him. 
He frowned noticing the empty bed.  “On your own tonight?” 
“Hmm yeah. Cirrus is with Swiss, and Sunny and Aurora went to the with Rain and Dew. Who knows what they’re getting up to.” Cumulus flops down onto her bed and pats the spot next to her, inviting Phantom in. 
He giggles as he crawls into bed next to her.  “I think we all know what they’re doing.” 
Cumulus hums in agreement as she pull Phantom closer to her. Phantom rests his head on her chest, wrapping his legs around her waist  until there’s no physical space between them. 
“You comfy, baby?” She asks as she begins to run her fingers though his hair. 
Phantom hums in response and snuggles deeper into her chest.  “Thank you for helping me.” He mumbles into her skin. 
“Oh honey, it’s no problem.” She places a kiss to the top of Phantoms head. “I’m use to helping Mountain sleep when his insomnia flares up so I’ve gotten to be an expert at getting ghouls so sleep.” 
Phantom lets out a little purr.  “And this works?”
“The majority of the time.” She hums. “He likes being held and having his hair played with so this makes him relax enough to fall asleep.” 
“The majority of the time?” Phantom questions.  “What happens if it doesn’t?” 
There’s a little pause, almost as if Cumulus is debating whether she actually say what’s on her mind.  “He sucks my nipples.” 
Phantom feels like his brain stops for a seconds.  “I-what?” 
Cumulus giggles at him, her claws dragging along his scalp making him shiver.  “Yeah. It works well. Very soothing for him. And for me as well.” She presses another kiss to his head. “Makes us both fall asleep.” 
“Oh.” Phantoms voice is small and quiet. He can’t stop imagining what it would be like, how nice it would feel, how cozy and warm he would feel. His brain starts to go a little fuzzy. 
Cumulus notices the way his cheeks heat up a little and he fidgets in a certain way that Mountain always does.  “You want that, honey?” She runs her thumb over his cheek then over his bottom lip, letting him part his lips so she can push her thumb into his mouth. 
He look up at her with big doe eyes, sucking at her thumb.  “Won’t it be weird?” He mumbles around her thumb. 
“It’s only weird if you make it weird, honey.” 
He takes a second to full take in what she said  before he’s looking back up at her nodding shyly. 
“Yeah? That’s what you want, honey?” She smiles down at him, running her finger over his cheek. 
Phantom nods with a whimper, sucking at her thumb a little harder. He whines when she pulls her thumb out of his mouth and whines even more when she moves away from his slightly and sits up. He very quickly shuts up when she pulls her top up over her head, exposing her chest. 
He snuggled back into her chest when she lies back down, rubbing his cheek along the swell of her left breast. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, pulling him deeper into her embrace and buries her fingers back into his hair. 
“Whenever you’re ready, darling.” She tucks a stray lock of hair behind his ear so she can see his eyes more clearly. 
He mouths along her right breast, pressing open mouthed kisses and leaving little bites as he goes before he finds her nipple. He gives the bud  a tentative lick, looking back up at her work questioning eyes. 
She gives him a hum of approval, playing with his hair between her finger.  “Go on, baby. It’s okay.” 
Phantom latches himself on with a whimper and gently begins to suck. He goes completely lax in Cumulus’ arms almost immediately and whimpers again as he starts to suck a little harder, starting to find a rhythm with it. 
“Thats it, good boy.” Cumulus coos at him and she scratches around the base of his horns. His eyes flutter, feeling all the tension leave his body. 
He relaxes a little too much, his head falls forward a little to rest on her chest making her nipple slip from his mouth. He lets out a pained whine until Cumulus angles his head so he can latch back on and suck her nipple back into his mouth. 
“There you go, silly boy.” She giggles at him. “That nice? Making you feel all sleepy?” She watches as his eyes flutter again as he struggles to keep them open. 
He hums around her nipple, nodding as best he can. His head starts swimming with that fuzziness, it gets harder for him to keep his eyes open. Cumulus scratches at his scalp with her claws making him sigh and his eyes slip fully closed. 
“That’s it, honey. You let go and go to sleep. I’ve got you.” Cumulus presses a kiss to the top of his head and Phantom sighs again. 
She admires him for a few minutes, watching as his cheeks move with each suckle, how his lashes cast a shadow onto his cheeks, how his nose twitches occasionally. He’s so beautiful like this, so soft and pliant for her, so eager to open himself up and let himself be so vulnerable for her. She kisses the top of his head again before snuggling down deeper, letting the gentle rhythmic sucking lull her into a peaceful sleep. 
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beescake · 4 months
your sollux is singlehandedly dredging up years-old memories of how much i like this guy- keep up the awesome work >:)
im delighted AHH i love seeing ppl returning to hs w/ fresh eyes for sollux!!! he's still as good as ever they literally dont make characters like him anymore
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
"Charlie tops!" ok "She 'commands a little more authority' in the bedroom, as per Vaggie's suggestion!" good good sure makes sense, working on some healthy confidence building with the gf, very fun "Did you SEE her eyeing Vaggie's new wings!? How she pulled Vaggie into her during the kiss????? WOW" i'm following this thought process 100% "The way she picks Vaggie up and SPINS HER! And Vaggie's adoring look at her afterwards!" yes i too am gay "Wouldn't it be funny if happy sunshine uncomfortable with public sex things Charlie was a literal demon beast in bed with her normally grumpy and assertive partner?" it would be so cute i love it
and also
Vaggie being painfully tender with Charlie in return. Vaggie coming from a life of deranged violence where trusting people came through combat- and one of those people fucked up her body in a real and permanent way- being so careful with Charlie at first. And then later, even when she's not so worried about accidently hurting Charlie anymore, Vaggie just basking in how gentle she can be with the woman she loves. Feathers, huh? I bet there's a lot Charlie could do with those wings. I bet there's a lot of ways Vaggie could touch Charlie with them, lighter than anything she's been able to do before, and maybe not even a directly horny way but in these soft little possessive moments of reverence- the irony of an angel worshiping a demon with all the slow, deliberate movements of a prayer or sacrament. And maybe sometimes the softness and the slowness is almost too much for dramatic Charlie who can barely ever keep still, almost torturous to make it through- and maybe that's part of the fun for her, too
maybe be held tightly and firmly like Charlie will never let her go is what calms Vaggie down, maybe Charlie calling the shots lets her relax and feel safe, not having to worry about doing anything wrong
maybe Vaggie just so clearly reveling in every tiny moment with her is what get's Charlie's heart racing, maybe having to wait for each promised touch and having Vaggie keep that promise is something she kinda really needs
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