#kinako lets not forget
crabboytahomaru · 2 years
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Guess all the mochis hehe
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bergeronprocess · 2 years
Love Live Superstar S2 E1: [The Rock voice] Finally! Superstar has come back! To streaming! I mean gosh it aired in Japan on Sunday morning our time... took y'all long enough...
Oh wow I am Kinako. Always getting hot, tired, low stamina, but loving pretty surroundings and fabulous performances. I think she's definitely my favorite of the 4 newbies.
Shiki and Mei clearly have some antagonistic history from middle school that we'll surely dig into.
As for Natsumi, love her hair and the fact she has business cards, but ma'am you cannot expect everyone else to be perfectly silent all the time so you can do your videos!
It was also nice to see Liella debating whether or not to even try getting new members - on one hand it would be perfectly reasonable for them to be like nah forget it, no new performing members let's just run this thing back with 5, but they clearly warm up to the idea because they have a whole entire song (with a delightful pastel and ice cream aesthetic) that's all about convincing Kinako.
As for the opening song, the outfits are very cute and the song is nice - I didn't immediately go oh hell yeah this is my shit like I have with other Love Live opening songs, but I've always warmed to all of them before now and I'm sure I'll warm to this one too. By ep 2 or 3 I'm gonna be like that blurry pic of the kid wearing headphones and screaming lol
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 42 - Filling up at  old style sweet shop 'Kamikawaguchiya'.
Part 1 (Part 2 here)
00:14 K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Today is a little different from the usual white background.
J: Its totally different.
T: Its good isn't it? It feels nice.
J: It does.
K: Yeah, Joe san, Tasai san, Im forgetting the order of things, haha. Uh, where is this?
J: So this is in the neighborhood Zōshigaya, and this place is called Kishibojin. I think most Kantō people know of this place. Its really near Ikebukuro. By train its either the Toden-Arakawa line, or the Fukutoshin line, and about 3 mins walk from Zōshigaya station.  Kaoru, is this your first time here?
K: Yes.
T: What do you think of the atmosphere here?
K: Well, I like temples, so...
J: Oh, you like temples?
T: (*speaking off mic*)
J: Yeh, so Ikebukuro Sunshine City is quite close to here..
K: Is it that close?
J: Yeh, its close. You could walk it if you tried. Its not that far. But this area has had temples and shrines on it since long ago.
1:33 J: So, inside here is Japan's oldest sweet shop.
K: The oldest?
J: Yes.
K: Ah, we talked about this before.
J: Yes, thats right. Shall we go inside? You know, I've not eaten all day so that I will have room for sweets.
K: Really??
1:56 J: Here we are. The name of the shop is 'Kamikawaguchiya'.
T: Established in 1781?
J: Really. How many years is that? I can't work it out immediately...200....240 years ago?
T: Yeh.
2:16 J,T: Hello, sorry to disturb you.
J: This shop was founded in 1781? What generation are you?
Old lady: 13th generation.
J: 13th??
T: 1781 was in the..
Old lady: Edo era.
J: The Edo era?? Well, this place is very unique, and Im already feeling hungry. Do you remember this? *picks something up* Its plum jam. I used to put this on soft rice crackers.
K: Oh yeah!
J: We used to eat this, right? Plum jam. Its so nostalgic, I really wanna eat this. What else..
T: Should we just choose one each?
J: Once each?
T: To start with.
J: Oh, to start with, yeh. Kaoru, what about you?
3:11 K: This has a lot in..
J: Oh, it does.
K: So, I might be full after just this.
J: Haha, yeh. You chose quickly.
T: Oh this is nostalgic.
J: So nostalgic!
Old lady: Please put them in a basket.
J: Ah, ok, we'll put them in this.
T: These are 'lottery sweets'.
J: Excuse me, do you have those rice crackers to put plum jam on?  Oh, these! Its this!
Old lady: Thats a pack of them. The individual ones are down here.
J: Oh, right.
K: This is really good. (*looking at the sweets box lid *)
J: Haha, yeh.
K: I feel like Im back in my hometown.
3:58 T: Ok, im gonna pull out one of these sweets.
J: So nostalgic!
T: Look, (*points to Ginko leaf*) the Ginko tree is shedding here.
J: Remember this yogurt type thing?
K: Oh yeh yeh! I've eaten that.
J: I'll have this too.
K: Hang on, lets eat the first ones before that.
J: Right, the first ones.
K: Ok, money...
J: Our staff will pay.
K: Ok, we'll have these, and one of those please.
T: Yeh, one of the lottery sweets.
Old lady: Please pull one out.
T: This is nostalgic too!
J: Its a type of gambling.
T: Yeh, this is the moment you turned from a child to an adult. Ahhh, its small!
J: Ah, it is small.
T: Im in shock. Thank you, I'll eat it later.
K: So, this and this aswell please.
Old lady: Ok, pass it over, I'll work it out.
J: Please do.
Old lady: ¥30, ¥50....ok, thats ¥119.
J: ¥119.
T: I'll get this.
J: This is on Tokyo Sports? haha.
K: Thanks for buying us this!
J: So cool! haha.
Old lady: ¥81 change.
T: Thank you.
Old lady: Thank you very much.
J: She's so thankful just for ¥120.
T: Yeh, it makes me happy.
J: Ok, lets try these. Look at this..
T: That looks good.
J:(*opening packet, Tasai holds the the rice crackers for him while he squeezes the jam on*) Oh, im sorry, can you help me. I feel like the colour is different.
Old lady: Ah, thats because the maker is different.
J: Oh?
Old lady: The old maker closed down three years old.
J: Oh really?!
K: Are you using all of it.
J: Of course!
Old lady: The newcomers can't make it the same. ???*1 This one tastes okay.
J: Its ok?
Old lady: ???
J: Ok, I'll try it. Ah, yeh, its ok.
T, K: Hahaha.
J: Its just like you said, its ok. Ah, but its nostalgic! It tastes like old times.
K: *To Tasai* You're eating already?
J: Eat while the camera is on you!
T: Haha, it tastes good.
J: Please, we're on location!
T: I can't take it out of my mouth now.
J: We didn't come here to eat only.
6:29 J: Ok, Kaoru, you next.
K: *opening packet* Oh, it has a tooth pick.
J: So it does.
Old lady: Would you like this?
T: Oh, no Im ok, thank you.
K: *eats sweet* Mm, yeh this is how it tasted.
T: Haha
J: I've actually never tried that before.
6:55 J: What is it? Is it a hard sweet?
T: Isn't it gum?
Old lady: I think its gum.
K: It says its candy.
J:Oh, candy?
Old lady: Like a hard type candy.
J: It might be like a gum style gummi sweet. We had gummis in elementary school.
7:12 J: Ok, me next. What should I go for? Oh, this type of thing..
K: Ahh.
J: You suck it. This is nothing but food colouring.
T: Oh, look at this.
J: Ah, this. Oh, also this. *Opening box* This, this, this!
K: Ah, plum.
J: Plum! This is so sour! I might go with this. But Kaoru, you choose yours first. This is exciting.
7:44 J: So this is our second round.
T: Yeh.
J: Everyone's like, I don't care, just choose, haha.
K: I've had a sweet one, so I feel like getting a sour one this time. Maybe I'll go with this.
J: Oh, you're picking that one? Yeh, thats a good one.
T: Yoguru
J: Yeh, its Yoguru. Thats so nostalgic too. You eat it with a spoon, right?
Old lady: The spoons are in there.
8:23 J: This too, right? Kinako sticks.
*Old lady and Tasai talking in the background*
J: I think I'll go with this. The sour plum. I'll take the plum..
T: And I'll go with this old fave..*holds up bag of snacks*
J: Ah, that!
Old lady: Oh, thats delicious, isn't it.
T: Yep.
Old lady: This one (Yoguru) has a lottery. Ok, its the same as last time, ¥119 yen please.
J: ¥119? Thats great.
T: Thank you
J: *getting money out*. No, no, this feels great, haha. Paying for you two adults like this.
9:05 J: Oh, the smell of this.
K: *smells the plum* Ahh
J: The smell makes your mouth water, right?
K: Its sour! You've gone for another sour one.
J: *smells the plum* So sour!
Old lady: You drink it with the straw.
J: Oh, were you supposed to drink it??
K: You should have opened that first *points to straw*
J: I've done it in the wrong order again, I just can't get it right.
K: While you're doing that, I'll eat mine.
9:28 K: I didn't win.
J: Oh, yeh! That comes with a lottery.
Old lady: Someone won with that before and just threw it in the bin.
K: Ehh? What a waste.
Old lady: Customers just eat them and throw them away.
K: *eats* Ahh, this is nostalgic.
J: What exactly are the ingredients in this? haha. Its not yogurt, is it? At least.
K: Its best not to think about it.
J: Haha
10:06 J: *Drinking plum juice* Ah, it sour!
K: Haha.
J: Did I really drink this as a kid?? I cannot drink all of this.
K: Does it irritate your throat?
J: Mm..*drinks* Agh, sour! This makes my face   frown!
T: ???*2
J: Honestly, I've got tears in my eyes! Do I have to drink all of it?
K: Yeh, you have to.
J: Really?
10:34 J: Ok, watch this. *drinks*
K: Ahh, the straw is little..
J: Agh, so soouuuuur. Ah, its sour. But its cause its vinegar, right?
K: Its good for your health.
J: Yeah. No mistake.
K: It has artificial colours in it though.
J: It does, yeh. I'll eat the plum just as it is. *eats plum* Ah, yeh, i remember this taste. *To Tasai* You want this one? I can't eat two.
T: I've still got this sweet in my mouth from before. I've totally messed up this job.
K: Hahaha
T: Its still in my mouth.
J: And you're holding everyone's snacks. You look like the sweet shop guy /駄菓子おじさん
T: Haha, Kaoru, do you want the plum?
K: Nah, im ok.
T: Haha, you're ok?
K: It looks difficult to eat.
J: It is difficult to eat, for sure.
11:35 J: Ok, should we go for a third round?
K: Yes. I havn't brought money, Toru can pay.
J: Thank you
11:50 K:*picks up snack* A long time ago, was it my previous band? We used to eat these in the all night studio.
J: Haha, these?
T: A nostalgic taste.
K: Yeh, we had no money.  We used to eat stuff like this.
J: ???*3, its big right?
K: Yeh, I would have it if I got tired and hungry, and wanted a sweet snack.
12:19 T: Is this a stick lottery?
Old lady: If the end is red, you win.
T: Should the three of us play?
K: Yeah.
Old lady: How many do you want?
K: Three.
Old lady: Just three? ¥33yen please. *Takabayashi pays*.
T: Ok, lets try these lucky sticks.
J, T, K: *eat snack* Ahh
J: Oh, look! I won!
T: Thats a success.
J: I thought the plum food colouring had just gone on it.
K: Haha, no.
13:02 J: *getting another stick* What happens if I win again?
Old lady: You just carry on, no matter how many you win.
J: Ok, I'll try this one. *eats* Ahh, I didn't win.
13:24 K: *opens packet, eats* Ah, there's no mistaking that taste.
T, J: Hahah
T: Can I try? *takes a snack from bag, so does Joe* No mistaking?
K: Its kinda sweet.
T: Ah, tastes great!
K: This is so good.
T: It is.
13:40 J: What is this thing again?
K: This? If you look closely, they are different.
J: Oh, I used to get this one, Mochitarō.
T: It says 'sauce flavour'.
K: I used to get this one.
J: I got Mochitarō.
Old lady: Mochitarō is the strong flavour, the other one is sauce flavour.
K: I might go with this.
14:23 J: This is fun.
K: Oh, its chocolate barley.
J: Chocolate barley? Its hidden there.
K: And these. *points to snacks in basket*.  Um, near my parent's home, they would come and shoot these out. It was on the back of a truck.. (*image here*)
Old lady: Yes, thats right.
K: And you would take your rice, and there was this handle that they turned, and made it into this snack. If you helped out with turning the handle, they would give you it for free. And at the end, they would shoot it out.
Old lady: ???*4
K: Yeh yeh yeh.
J: Really?
K: You could make it with macaroni too.
Old lady: Its also nice as popcorn.
Click for Part 2
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iateyourdoggo-part2 · 3 years
Chapter 4 (this chapter will probably be the sadist chapter and could be a smoll surprise at the end)
so im trying to make a chapter every 24 hrs... i think. so um thnx for reading my previous stories and pls enjoy this one!
red = violence or de@th
orange = tw that arent violence (could be violent for u)
blue = able to read for everyone i hope
tw: violence (kidn@pping, @buse (slightly), r@pe (slightly, dw its not too much)), caps, de@th mention, siblings
There was only 1 day until Saika's mother came home and it was today, and Saika obviously wasn't excited for that. Saika went for a walk until she got dragged into an ally by a masked person and was knocked out. She felt her surroundings as she was being dragged away. She couldn't see anything though. The floor was cold and the room was dark.
Saika's blindfold was taken off and there stood an old man who looked like a huge creep. Duct tape was on her mouth and her hands were tied. The old man walked up to her and started to touch her legs seductively. Saika was powerless. She tried to prevent the man by keeping her legs shut and kicking him. The creep was mad. He put up his fists when the creep fell to the floor. It was Aori! Aori helped untie Saika and took the tape off her mouth. Saika jumped into Aori's arms and cried. Aori started to cry too. They both felt a huge amount of pain of one person who was hurt.
Other footsteps were heard, slowly coming towards them. A small figure stood at the entrance.
"S-Saika-chan!?" Kinako cried. Tears were already falling down her cheek and ran up to Saika.
Saika let go of Aori and hugged Kinako. They both were relieved that they both were safe. Kinako was small and vulnerable. Saika hated that and didn't want anyone to force themselves onto her. Saika wanted Kinako to be hers more desperately than ever to protect her. The two loosened the hug and were now inches away from eachother's faces. Both quickly let go and turned around blushing very hard.
"W-we should go now," Kinako suggested, "It's very cold now..."
Everyone left the place and was back in the sun. The sun warmed them up until they were satisfied. Saika went back home to see her mother is already there.
"WHERE WERE YOU?!" her mother screamed.
"I-I w-was k-kidnapped," Saika replied stuttering. She still was crying a bit and her eyes were red.
"This is why I told you to marry a man. You're too weak to fight men off. Girl's are not fighters either. That is a man's job. You're so weak you couldn't even bribe the man with money instead!"
"COULD YOU STOP CALLING ME WEAK?!" Saika cried. Her eyes were filled with more tears. Tears of anger.
She felt a pain on her cheek to realizing her mother had slapped her.
Saika's rage fell down by that last sentence. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Saika darling, I am very most sorry." her mother said, acting like nothing happened, "I have gotten a little non-ladylike. How silly of me!"
"W-what do you mean dad is dead?" Saika muttered.
"I-I.... um.. Don't worry! You can forget about him. He is already dead, and is the least successful of the family.", her mother replied calmly.
Saika stormed into her room went on her phone.
Hiya saika chan!
May I stay over your house for a bit?
of course!
Thank you!
get packed! i will meet u at the park!
Saika got ready and packed her stuff. She walked downstairs and already saw a note on the kitchen bench.
Dear Saika,
I have left for a small break. I will be back and do not go anywhere.
Kind Regards,
Your mother.
Saika ignored it because she knew that her mother was going out to a fancy restaurant. Saika got to the park and saw Kinako again. Saika followed Kinako to her house and before they entered, Saika was warned.
"Be prepared, Saika. I promise you, it's not that bad but prepare. Your. Self."
Saika gulped and went inside. What she needed to prepare for wasn't really what she expected.
"I'm home!" Kinako called out.
A bunch of kids started running up to her and a commotion of loving siblings made Saika giggle a bit.
"Onee-chan! Who is that?" one of them asked.
"Kisaki! It's her date remember!!!" the other said which looked like the other boy's twin.
Saika blushed a bit.
"AHHHH! SHUSH!" Kinako blushed so hard.
After getting everyone under control, Kinako made dinner with Saika.
"Where do you want to sleep?" Kinako asked, "I don't have a spare room sorry!"
"D-do you think I can sleep with you?" Saika asked still blushing.
Kinako looked away from the cooking pot into Saika's eyes. She blushed again (so much blushing) and replied with a simple "Sure!".
Dinner was done and all the kids were done showering. They all finished eating and went to do their own things but Kai went to bed.
Kinako and Saika took turns to shower. Kinako showered first, then Saika. Kinako waited in her room staring at her ceiling fan. She replayed Saika asking to sleep with her. She was so inside her imaginations she didn't realize Saika was waving her hand infront of Kinako's face.
"Kiiiiiiinaaaaakoooooooooo!" Saika whispered.
"What are you doing...?" Kinako asked.
"Seeing if you were alive on earth and not in spce!"
The two giggled until talked until 11 pm. Kinako checked to make sure the kids were all asleep and went back to her room. Saika was already under the covers and Kinako went under. They fell asleep to facing each other's backs both having their dreams take over.
Kinako woke up to hear pictures being taken. She slowly opened her eyes to see all the kids at the door, with a phone, taking pictures of her.
"Why are you taking pictures?" She asked flatly.
They all pointed at Saika who was hugging the smaller person in her sleep. Kinako jaw dropped and was blushing once more.
All the kids snicker until Tsubaki said, "Time to get ready now guys!"
All the kids said "aww" and left.
Kinako giggled and faced back at Saika who was still dead asleep with her arms around Her. It was very warm and Kinako slept for 10 more minutes not wanting to wake Saika nor wanting to end it.
When Saika woke up, she felt a small tight person hugging her stomach and she was hugging the person back. She then realize who it was. (Y'all know I don't need to repeat uwu!) She was staring in shock and awe that she was closer to Kinako than she could ever imagine. Literately. She felt something weird on her chest. She looked down and I wonder what she saw... Kinako's chest upon Saika's. She was hotter now and was so wrapped in the soft touch of Kinako.
"Mmmmm... Saika." Kinako muttered in her sleep.
Saika was so red, she was as red as a rose. It was really awkward when they both got up together. 0.0
They made breakfast and pretended it didn't happen. Saika and Kinako chose to skip school today. Kinako asked Aori to pick up the kids from school.
Kinako and Saika were cuddling on a couch under a blanket. They were watching movies. Saika looked at Kinako who was glued to the movie. Kinako realized and looked back at Saika. They both were now an inch away from each other's faces. They started to slowly lean closer until they both felt a pair of soft lips on their faces. It was deep and passionate until they stopped for air. They stared into the other's eyes and then looked away madly blushing. Their gazes slowly went back to each other, about to kiss again when they heard something from the window. It was Aori and the other kids taking photos. They all went to hide behind the old shed in the backyard but Kinako was already there.
"I'm taking your phones away for a week." Kinako sad plainly, "You too Aori."
The kids, including Aori, gave their phones to Kinako. They all went inside and relaxed. Saika stayed at Kinako's house for a week.
She wasn't excited to go back. She wanted to stay with Kinako. She wanted to live with her. She wanted to be with her. But she couldn't because of her mother.
If Saika could choose to spend her life for 1 thing, it would be Kinako.
And thats another chapter done! thanks for reading once more and sadly this story will end in a few more chapters :(
previous << Chapter 4 >> next
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@d4nkug0 @just-a-potterhead @ibukis-music-shop @ultimate-plushielover @godly-gummybear
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holeinotomemind · 4 years
MLQC Fanfic: Hearts of Storm - Ch 1 - A New Mission
WARNING: NSFW/18+ fic. No smut in this chapter, but eventual smut, dub/non-con, eventual 3P, spoilers, long dragged out fic and angst. Not morally correct. Turn away if this is not your thing. Pairing: Shaw x MC, Gavin x MC, Shaw x MC x Gavin AO3 Link: [here] Summary: Thrust into a world where her friends no longer remembered her, Yui must navigate the familiar yet foreign Loveland City while she battles her sorrows of not having Gavin by her side. As the only person who remembers her, the bratty Shaw forced his way into her heart, becoming the light in her seemingly endless darkness. But when Gavin regains his memories of her, how must she face him with her newfound feelings for Shaw? Will things returning to normal thrust her life into even more chaos? Notes: [See full notes on AO3] Special thanks to Lutz, Sonicaj and Kinako for beta-ing. EXTREME SPOILER ALERT. Follows some canon events, but order and duration are changed and rearranged.
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She followed him again today. Yui had been abusing her premonition evol these days, making accidental brushes against strangers whenever she can.
She would bump into as many passengers on the bus as she could without causing a scene, brushed her hand against the coffee shop staff as he handed her the coffee, even went out of her way to pet every dog in the park that would allow her to do so without biting her hand off.
She was being obsessive, she knew that. But that was the only way.
The only way she could try to catch a glimpse of him. Of her Gavin.
Each and every time she touched someone, there was a chance for her to see a vision. And for every vision she saw, there was a chance for it to involve the military.
And every time the military was involved, there was a chance that Gavin would be there, so she could go and try to catch a glimpse of him.
She didn't care if what she was doing was unethical, if every single vision she saw weighed on her soul, if arriving at every single possible incident meant risking her life. If she could see him, even for one single second, it would be worth it, even if he never saw her.
In fact, it was probably better if he never saw her. Otherwise, he would definitely have suspected her of being a spy again and he would have treated her the way he did last time.
She couldn't forget how cold his eyes were the last time they met, when he shoved her against the wall and placed those handcuffs on her. She could still remember the feeling of those cold metal digging into the delicate flesh on her skin.
She had never seen him look at her with so little trust in his eyes. Not when he was helping her reach the poetry volumes on the tall library bookshelves during high school and definitely not after they reunited when he transferred back to Loveland City as a police officer.
So, yes. It was for the best that he did not see her. At least that way, she could still imagine.
Imagine nothing had changed. Imagine he was only out on one of those missions where he could not contact her. Imagine that he would show up at her window some time tonight, asking her if she wants to go stargazing with him.
But she knew this illusion wouldn't last long. So far, her visions had only been of sightings of military investigations and other successful operations. But she knew that sooner or later she would see something bad, something preventable and she would have to try to intervene.
And then, she would have to stare into those cold distrustful eyes again. She would be forced to face reality.
The reality of Gavin no longer being hers. The reality of Gavin not knowing her as if she never existed in this dimension.
It hurt to remember how he questioned her intentions towards him. It hurt to tell him that he was her senpai and he barely believed her.
So she tried to forget reality, tried to imagine they were still living in their original dimension, where his eyes lit up every time he saw her. Where he touched her with so much gentleness that it made her want to cry. Where he would blush every time she mustered up the courage to tell him how much she loved him.
She knew she was being willfully in denial, but if that could stop the hurt in her chest for just one minute, she would gladly do so.
Yui turned her head up to the sky as she heard the sound of the blade of a helicopter closing in. Her hands pressed against the shop window of the cafe where she had been sitting in for the last three hours, waiting for this very moment.
As the noise grew louder and louder, the military chopper came into view. She held her breath, eyes glued to it as it hovered over the park a block away from the coffee shop.
The door slid open and a tall figure in dark military uniform came into view. His brown hair flying every which direction as the strong wind blew around him.
She watched as he quickly surveyed the ground, preparing to jump out of the helicopter.
Yui opened her mouth to silently mutter, "You look well today. Stay safe, Gavin. I miss you." And for that brief moment, her heart stopped aching.
He was gone from her line of sight the next moment, having jumped out and began to fly towards his destination.
She sat back in her chair, closed her eyes and convinced herself that was enough. Enough to support her through the next few days or weeks without spiraling into the endless abyss in her mind that was constantly threatening to drag her in ever since she came to this dimension.
She could now function until the next time she saw him again. And she was determined to function through this. Too much was at stake otherwise.
Black Swan was still scheming to turn everyone into an evolver, while non-evolvers were banding together to wage war against those with evol abilities.
She could not afford to sit back and wither away while watching the world fall apart. She had come too far to give up now, regardless of how much she wanted to curl up in a ball at the loss of everything and everyone important in her life.
It was the least she could do, when Gavin worked so hard to protect everyone, whether in this dimension or the last.
The buzzing sound of her phone brought her back from her thoughts.
"Hello, Shaw." She answered the phone without even glancing at the caller ID. After all, there was only one person left in this world now who would call her.
"You got the file?" Shaw yelled over the phone, the background noisy as usual.
Yui plugged one ear with a finger and pressed the phone closer to her other while turning up the volume. He must be at Live House with a live concert going on. She could hear loud music playing in the background and people cheering. Before she met Shaw, she always thought these live shows only played at night, but she was wrong. Apparently, they played whenever they wanted to.
"Yes. Where do you need me to go this time?" She asked with a voice loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough that people from the cafe wouldn't be disturbed.
"Getting efficient, huh?" He said with a voice that was obvious he was smirking on the other side. "The amusement park."
She froze. She was ready to work, to gather intel for Shaw, hoping it would get her mind off of her current situation, even for a tiny little bit. But she didn't expect it to be at the amusement park of all places.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" He asked when she didn't reply.
"Does it…" She hesitated, not wanting to give Shaw the opportunity to learn more of her weakness, but she didn't know if she had it in her to go there. "Does it have to be the amusement park?"
"You think intel goes wherever you want it to go?"
She clutched her fist and sighed. He was right. The file he sent clearly indicated that someone was planning an attack. If SHAW said she could gather information at that location to prevent it, the suspects must have left a trail there and not somewhere else. After all, SHAW had never pointed her to the wrong location yet.
But she'd rather go anywhere but there. Send her to the headquarters of Black Swan for all she cared, just not the amusement park.
"Fine. You got me interested. What don't you like about the amusement park?" He usually didn't seem to care about what she does or does not want, but this intrigued him.
"Nevermind. I'll go. I don't want to talk about it." Her voice flat. She didn't want him to ask any further. She would rather face the pain herself than to expose more of her weakness to him. "Besides, you were going to have me go regardless, no?"
"You're no fun." He tutted at her. He paused for a second before resuming with a voice deeper than usual. "I bet it's because of him. You guys probably went on stupid lovey-dovey dates there and so you don't want to go back when he's not with you."
SHAW’s guess was dangerously close to hitting a bull’s eye.
She and Gavin did go on a date at the amusement park, but he was so stupid and so unromantic that he ended up talking on the phone the whole time they were on the Ferris Wheel. She got so upset with him she didn't even want to talk to him. Of course, they made up in the end, but that now-cute memory, as much as it pained her to remember, wasn't the one she was most afraid of reliving.
It was the wedding shoot. Gavin and her stood in for the 100th couple who backed out of the shoot last minute. Although they weren't truly getting married, the memory of her in the wedding gown standing beside Gavin in his blue striped suit, telling each other they were the only ones they ever wanted to be partners with in a wedding whether real or fake was too much for her to bear. It reminded her too much of what might never be if she wasn’t able to fix the situation of her not existing in anyone’s memories in this dimension.
Having to be back at the location that would force her to relive this memory, she wasn't sure if she could keep herself together let alone complete the mission.
But this was private. A memory she wanted to hold so dear that she did not want to discuss with anyone in fear of losing it just like how she lost everything else. It was an irrational fear, of course.
But with so much going on, she felt the need to allow herself to be irrational on this one thing.
She kept her silence, having already said what she wanted to say on the matter.
"Doesn't matter," he finally said, seemingly irritated by her silence. "You start tomorrow."
The line went dead. He hung up on her.
Loud thunder cracked through the air. She jumped at the sound and wondered why the weather was so strange in this dimension. It was a bright sunny day outside.
Yui shook her head and thought of SHAW again.
She didn't understand him. On the outside, he seemed like any other 20 year old little brat, without a care in the world and yet he was doing all these things to gather information and even had Black Swan and evol agents from the STF going after him. He even had connections to make fake identities that would pass most government checks for her. All signs pointed to him being a big player in these schemes everyone seemed to be weaving.
However, his attitude were also too laissez-faire, too chaotic. He wasn't like anyone she had known.
He was a leader, much like Victor, but unlike Victor who always had a clear destination, he may lead you in a wild goose chase for his own amusement.
He played, much like Kiro, but unlike Kiro who was like sunshine and puppies, he plays with you like a cat would a mouse.
He was mysterious, much like Lucien, but unlike Lucien who would always plan five steps ahead in everything, he seemed only to have an end goal in mind, making things up as they unfold.
And he was nothing like Gavin. In fact, other than his eye color, his jawline and the fact that they were both amazing bass players, he was the total opposite of Gavin. Where Gavin was gentle, SHAW was rough. Where Gavin always strive to do the right thing for the greater good, SHAW seemed to only do things for his own benefit.
But it didn’t matter what kind of person SHAW was or what his goals were. In this partnership, Yui and SHAW took what they needed from each other, that was it. Nothing more and nothing less.
Placing her cell phone in her pocket, she gently touched the ginkgo bracelet on her wrist before she stood up and walked out of the coffee shop. As cold air rushed at her face, she adjusted her winter jacket and pulled the hood over her head.
She had one night to steel herself from the emotional onslaught that was sure to come during the next few days. But she had agreed to take on the mission and she would not allow herself to back down or to fail it. She would give it her all, even if it meant ripping the still-open wound in her heart even wider.
Yui stepped forward with stubborn determination in her stride.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 4 years
Nanase Riku: Zodiac Rabbit Chat Part 4
Riku: Good morning! Today is the performance day huh. Iori, Manager, are you awake?
R: [Peeking Pudding Stamp]
R: [Pounding Kinako Stamp] Iori: Good morning, Nanase-san. You’re pretty early today huh.
I: It’s a pretty cold morning compared to yesterday. Please turn on the humidifier and warm up your room.
R: Thank you for taking care of me! Of course, I do that properly so it’s fine.
Tsumugi: Good morning, Riku-san, Iori-san! You still have time before we leave. It’s a really early morning huh!
R: Somehow I woke up. I can’t calm down before an event!
R: What does Iori do at this kind of time?
I: Me huh… If it’s morning, I think radio exercises are the best. 
T: Radio exercises…!
R: It’s the Huum huum humhum huum huum humhum hum hum♪ one right?!
I: What. Do you have a complaint. You don’t know how effective they are for your body, doing radio exercises in the morning?
R: Since it played in the morning during summer vacation, it became a song that feels like summer..! If Iori recommends it that much, I’ll try doing it!
I: I can hear the music. It’s fine if you do it but don’t push yourself.
R: I got it already! First of all, I’m listening to it so I can remember what kind of exercise it was. Lol
I: Forgetting about the exercises itself; you are such...
R: Cuz the song would play while I’m thinking “What kinds of exercises was it?”! And it’s been a super long time since I heard this song.
*T: I might also have parts I can’t remember.
R: Right! The song would go forward while thinking “Huh?”... Even though they say, “Left! Right!” I use the wrong hands lol. 
R: Somehow I’ve remembered!
I: It seems it’s finished. Then, it’s about time to exercise.
R: Somehow my heart’s pounding like this is the real event! lol
T: Eeh! The actual event is the performance in Bannan Shrine! Lol 
I: Maybe Nanase-san needs to purify your heart at Bannan Hill’s spiritual place again.
R: Sh-Shut up!
T: I mean, isn’t it better to just do the radio exercises with you two…?
R: Yeah! Iori-sensei, let’s dance together!
I: Why did it become that?! I woke up quite early so I was planning to do my work... 
R: Radio exercises are more important than the assignment right! If we do it in the living room, maybe everyone will start to wake up by hearing the music!!
T: Can Yamato-san and Tamaki-san who usually oversleep wake up well?!
I: Let’s go to the living room, Nanase-san.
R: Let’s go!! It might become a song with the magic to wake Yamato-san without riding on him!
I: I never thought about that. Two birds with one stone. I’m changing into a jersey so please wait a little.
R: You can’t wear pajamas?!
I: Isn’t it obvious. We would sweat quite a lot if we exercise properly.
R: Uuu, changing is cold...
I: So that’s why we’re doing exercises to warm up right! Come on, please get ready quickly. 
R: Even though you were just making a face that it didn’t have anything to do with you!!
T: [Smiling Kinako Stamp]
R: Cuz the song would play while I’m thinking “What kinds of exercises was it?”! And it’s been a super long time since I heard this song.
T: The first one is fine, but the second one is really hard right.
R: There’s a third and a fourth too right?! I saw a video but it was impossible for normal people to move like that lol. I’ll only do the first one!
R: Somehow I’ve remembered!
R: Cuz the song would play while I’m thinking “What kinds of exercises was it?”! And it’s been a super long time since I heard this song.
T: Maybe I’ll do the radio exercises too…!
R: Somehow it feels like it will be more wakeful in the morning! Radio exercises are an Iori-ish interesting choice. Afterwards, I will ask everyone about it huh! lol
R: Somehow I’ve remembered!
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Sogo Osaka Twelve Hits! Rabbit Chat Part 2: Request Hits 1
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you all for coming! We'll be accepting requests for Sogo-san's RADIO STATION Twelve Hits! here. 
Tsumugi: We managers are here to monitor your progress and the content you post. I look forward to chatting with all of you!
Banri: I look forward to seeing your requests for Sogo-kun!
Sogo: Everyone, I am most delighted that you would take the time to come here amidst your busy schedules. I am truly grateful for your cooperation today.
Momo: That's too stiff, Sogo!!! Are you trying to re-enact a historical play!?
Nagi: The way of the samurai! Harakiri!
Kaoru: I can almost see him doing a perfect 90 degree bow on the other side of my screen.
Tamaki: You're talking like you're doing some kinda magic chant again
Sogo: I-I'm sorry... It was just meant to be a greeting...
Gaku: Osaka's nervous as usual (lol)
Tenn: Maybe he's just scared of you, Gaku?
Gaku: You think so..?
Sogo: Of course I'm not! I'm very happy that you're always so friendly to us!
Gaku: You sure you're not scared..? What about me scares you? Tell me, and I'll tone it down.
Tenn: Sorry, I was just kidding.
Tenn: I thought it'd help Sogo Osaka relax.
Mitsuki: You just made things worse, lol
Ryunosuke: It's fine. Sogo-kun knows that Gaku's a nice guy.
Sogo: Yes! Of course!
Yuki: Sogo-kun, take deep breaths. In and out, in and out.
Momo: You're lovely even when you're being corny, Yuki (*´∀σ)
Riku: The Lamaze technique! I know that one!
Iori: Nanase-san, don't engage them in earnest.
Momo: Yuki's dumb joke, lololol
Yuki: It got taken seriously...
Rinto: Hang in there, Yuki-kun!
Riku: Oh! It was a joke! I'm sorry..!
Yamato: It did make Sou laugh, at least.
Sogo: I-I'm sorry! This conversation was just so funny!
Tsumugi: Now that things are less tense, let's get right to the requests..!
Mitsuki: Huh? Are things really less tense now? lol
Nagi: It would appear Sogo has managed to relax :-)
Sogo: Laughing did make my fingers feel more light, somehow...
Yamato: Yep, he's definitely less tense in some ways (lol)
Tsumugi: That's great! Well then, let's start with our youngest, as usual. Tamaki-san, you'll be the first to step up to the plate!
Tamaki: Yup
Tamaki: Tell us the last thing you wanna do before Earth blows up
Riku: Ah! That's from the movie we watched the other day!
Tamaki: It was soooooo awesome!!! I cried a ton at the end
Nagi: Tamaki, you are already very into this!
Sogo: Before Earth blows up... Why is it blowing up?
Tamaki: I dunno? Does it matter?
Sogo: I'm curious, since it wouldn't just blow up for no reason.
Tamaki: Ugh. Whatever
Tamaki: Gas, I guess?
Sogo: I wonder what type of gas... I don't know much about astronomy, but I suppose I'd search for a way to stop the explosion.
Sogo: What kind of mechanism is the detonation tied to? 
Tamaki: So-chan, you're so annoying! That's not what I meant
Tamaki: Forget the reason
Tamaki: Don't you have anything like, eating pudding or singing together?
Mitsuki: Sogo's such a serious guy!
Iori: I'm curious as well, so I can relate, Osaka-san.
Sogo: Right. I'm still wondering about the reason behind the explosion, but I'll think of something.
Tsumugi: That was a very grand and sci-fi request! Thank you, Tamaki-san.
Tsumugi: Iori-san, you're next!
Iori: Mine is to tell a secret he's never told anyone.
Iori: Osaka-san has a mysterious charm. I'm sure his fans must be eager to know his secrets.
Sogo: What level of secret are we talking about..?
Iori: Just anything that's suited for a radio broadcast is fine.
Sogo: Good.
Momo: Like that you watch cat videos when you're sad!
Ryunosuke: Or that you prefer chili oil to tabasco!
Rinto: Neither of those sound like secrets!
Gaku: There's no real revelation to them.
Sogo: It'll be a difficult balance to strike, but I'll think of a secret that's both interesting and appropriate for radio.
Tsumugi: Iori-san, thank you for an exciting request! Riku-san, you're next!
Riku: Okay! Mine is to tell us his first impressions of the other IDOLiSH7 members.
Nagi: That is a very interesting request!
Yamato: You mean from when we played basketball in the practice room? That really takes me back.
Sogo: It got so intense that it was hard to believe we'd just met.
Iori: Maybe that was due to the sport we were playing. Moving around improves your mood, and builds your communication skills.
Riku: I think I would've totally loved Sogo-san right away, even without basketball!
Iori: Isn't that your first impression of him, then..?
Sogo: Thank you, Riku-kun. I'm happy to hear that.
Mitsuki: I love you, too!
Nagi: I love you as well, Sogo.
Iori: Do the rest of us have to continue this..?
Yamato: Don't stop the flow, it makes this even more embarrassing (lol)
Iori: You may go ahead of me, Nikaido-san.
Yamato: Nope, it's more fun to hear this stuff from you youngings. Come on, Tama.
Tamaki: Don't dump this on me, Yama-san!
Mitsuki: Adults need to take the lead with this stuff, you  geezer!
Nagi: The Japanese are very shy :-(
Momo: You guys are so cute!
Ryunosuke: Should we say "I love you" to each other, too?
Gaku: You mean we as in TRIGGER?
Tenn: I'm not doing it.
Sogo: Thank you, everyone..! I love you, too!
Tsumugi: That'll be a heartwarming request..! Kujo-san, could you tell us your request next?
Tenn: Yes. Mine is for Sogo Osaka to show a wild side of himself.
Tenn: He's known as mild-mannered and gentle, right? I'm sure many of his fans want to see an unexpected side to him.
Tenn: His 12 SONGS GIFT solo was a cool rock song, too.
Sogo: I-I'm honored to hear that..!
Tenn: I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Tenn: You've never been one to make mistakes with your singing and dancing, probably thanks to lots of steady practice. With 12 SONGS GIFT, it felt like I'd gotten a taste of not only your sincerity, but your passion, too.
Yuki: "Maybe" gave me chills
Yuki: It was the perfect song for you, very liberating
Tamaki: Stop taking screencaps, So-chan
Sogo: I thought I'd make this my lock screen wallpaper...
Yamato: This bit of our chat?
Mitsuki: It must make Sogo real happy!
Banri: I'm happy for you, Sogo-kun!
Tamaki: He's way more excited than usual
Sogo: Thank you very much. I'm so glad I got to sing that song..!
Ryunosuke: Tenn looks happy that he made you happy!
Tenn: Ryu, you don't have to tell him that.
Gaku: This guy's just being shy.
Tenn: Takanashi-san, shouldn't we move on to the next request?
Tsumugi: I-I'm sorry! I was lost in this nice mood, myself..! Nagi-san, go ahead!
Nagi: Mine is for Sogo to talk about the music he loves.
Nagi: When he talks of things he likes, his eyes sparkle with joy. I want his fans to see him in such a state, as well!
Iori: They can't see him through the radio, but I'm sure they'll be able to tell that he's having fun.
Sogo: Thank you, Nagi-kun. I didn't know you felt that way.
Riku: Sogo-san and Nagi get together to talk about their hobbies a lot!
Yamato: Sou actually bothers to hear Nagi’s  anime ramblings all the way to the end.
Mitsuki: Even when we're falling asleep from boredom, Sogo will be nodding along to every word!
Nagi: Sogo is a good listener! He listens no matter how long I take, so I often find myself unable to stop rambling about Cocona to him X-)
Sogo: Everyone likes talking about the things they love. It warms my heart to see their affection.
Sogo: Also, Nagi-kun talks in such a witty and fun way. I could listen to him forever.
Nagi: I also feel soothed and happy when listening to you, Sogo.
Tsumugi: I'd like to hear you talk more, as well!
1. About the music you love!
Sogo: I'm always talking about that on our radio show, but there's still plenty I haven't had a chance to talk about!  
2. About IDOLiSH7!
Sogo: Meeting the others was one of the biggest events in my life. So was meeting you, manager.
3. About something you've secretly been into lately!
Sogo: Taking different routes on my way back home, I guess? It's fun to make new discoveries. Just the other day, Mitsuki-san and I found a shop that sells coffee beans.
Sogo: I worry that I won't be able to entertain with anything I talk about, but I'm happy that you want to listen.
Tsumugi: Of course I want to listen to you! I want to know more about you, Sogo-san!
Sogo: Thank you.
Tsumugi: Now it's time for you to make a request, Sogo-san!
Sogo: Yes. My request for myself is to pick one more request.
Mitsuki: Huh? One more? Why?
Iori: You want to draw and extra request?
Sogo: Yeah. You've put so much effort into coming up with them that I want to read as many as I can.
Yamato: That's certainly a very Sou  request to make.
Momo: You don't have to be so considerate to us!
Yuki: Yeah, don't hold back. Just do whatever you want
Sogo: Ah, no! I'm not trying to be considerate.
Sogo: I'm just happy that you took the time to think of requests for me. I want to return the sentiment.
Sogo: I was actually really looking forward to what kinds of requests I'd get today!
Sogo: Though I was also nervous, since some of these requests can be a bit daring...
Momo: Sogo~~~~ You're such a nice boy (*´>ω<))ω`●)
Ryunosuke: I didn't know you were that excited for our requests!
Ryunosuke: Now I want to make my request that you'll choose another extra request!
Tsumugi: I-I'm sorry, but we can't increase the amount of requests due to time limitations... ><
Tenn: It's like a magic lamp.
Gaku: You're not allowed to ask for more wishes.
Mitsuki: Sorry! Can we pause the chat for a minute!?
Mitsuki: Kinako just jumped out of my backpack..!
Momo: You mean Tsumugi-chan's rabbit?
Yuki: At least it's not 'kinako' as in soy bean flour
Kaoru: Oh dear, now I'm in the mood for some anmitsu.
Sogo: She really did! When did Kinako-san get in there..?
Tsumugi: I'm very sorry about her, Mitsuki-san..!
Mitsuki: I'll drop by the agency real quick. Kinako can't even use the bathroom in our dorm.
Iori: I'll go, too. Animals are prone to escaping, so it'll be safer with the two of us.
Riku: I'll go, too! Let's buy snacks while we're at it!
Tenn: We were just about to make some tea, so we'd like to take a break, too.
Tsumugi: Thank you, everyone..! Let's all take a small break!
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accessfuckingdenied · 5 years
Inazuma Eleven unpopular opinions
Hello there. While I was listening to my malicious music playlist, I decided to upload some of my unpopular opinions about Inazuma Eleven, that I wanted to share. Okay, I am not going to insult anybody. These are just my opinions and I have no intentions in opposing you guys, I am just free to express my own opinions after seeing so many of yours.
Without further ado, let's get started:
1. Kozoumaru is totally acceptable in his new look.
I've seen a lot of you complaining about his weight-loss and sudden rise in height, which is assumed as a 'disrespect' towards chubbier and shorter people and I strongly disagree. Every single person in the world is capable of losing weight and this also counts for the anime characters. I don't see why you people rage that much because of that. I know you all were good with his previous weight and stuff, but Imagine if he was not feeling well in his skin before? I mean, you are exaggerating a bit too much. Its understandable that you may not like his current look, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Video taken from YouTube by Yumi Shirou:
2. Again linked to Kozoumaru, he doesn't look alike with Gouenji.
Except the hair shape and dark eyes, he doesn't resemble him at all. His skin is darker and his hair as well, and I don't know why everyone is exaggerating that much that they look alike. This means that they don't know well his teammate and its sickening as hell, at least for me.
3. I actually don't like Norika's new haircut.
I am not gonna lie, she looks cute as hell, but somehow I don't find it that suitable for her. I do not know how to explain it, but it leaves me uneasy with this haircut. It sure seems a lot lighter and its easier to play like that, I can confirm from a personal experience. Regardless... give our girl more screen time!
4. Not every single person from the team is a good boy. (No matter from which season)
Not everyone in the team is a good mommy boy and follows orders. There sure will be someone from the team that is an asshole and does some inappropriate things. Even if a certain person is your fave, doesn't mean that they don't have some kind of a dark secret, or it doesn't mean people are prohibited to headcanon one. For example, I have a headcanon that Hiroto once tried to beat up his dad because he grounded him, and that he tried alcohol before. There is nothing wrong if there is a person from the team that has something dark in them. If you try to attack a person just because they have this type of headcanon, you better back off. Not everyone can be an angel, not even Tenma. Doesn't matter their age.
5. Gay ships are overrated and are getting sickening.
Let us not forget about the presence of the girls in the anime. Norika, Anna, Haruna, Natsumi, Reina, Ootonashi, Beta, Orca, Rika, Touko, Hilary, Powai, Aki, Despina, Lalaya, Kinako, Sakura, Konoha and you know. I barely see any ships with them, since everyone is actually turning the guys into gays and focuses mainly on them, which makes the girls' presence useless. I love gays, but seeing only male ships and total segregation from the girls it makes me upset. Not everyone should be gay, girls need love too. Gay ships are way too overrated and overshadow the girls, so I think it is getting sickening and we need MF/WW  ships yo. Like Norika x Nishikage. It is a really crack one, but it is still a hetero ship, or Nae x Norika. There are girls in the anime as well and you always complain about them not having enough screen time and attention, GIVE IT TO THEM THEN!
6. Dub names and Dub audios are lit as hell.
Every single person I've met and mentioned their dubbed names, they always go like 'Ew, dub names. Ew, dub audio'. Personally, I find both dubs amazing and lit as fucc, and I also don't see anything so cringey and upsetting in the names and audios. Like Nosaka's dubbed name (Heath Moore), I like it and I think it suits him. Sometimes, dubbed episodes are even better than the originals.
7. The original series are no better than the others.
Lemme state that every single IE season was amazing as hell (even Chrono Stone which I kinda dislike). The staff actually did so much work to please our needs for Inazuma Eleven. Every single season is amazing and no better than the other, I think that we should thank Hino for coming up with the idea of this anime and create the fandom.
Das it! Sorry if I somehow made you upset, but its my opinions after all. I will ask for a friendly reply without any intention for quarreling! Stay healthy! ❤
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theatricks · 5 years
Entanglement of the Mafia Famiglia - Chapter 1
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I’m extremely late in posting this (orz), but @Disu_izu_Fengzy and I have teamed up to translate this event! You can check this thread for an HD video with subtitles or if you’d prefer, the plain text is below!
[Mafia Famiglia - The Jet-Black Omertà]
Masai: 1945, the Mafia Golden Age. A high class neighborhood in the New York suburbs. Masai: In the yard of Don Brioschi, boss of the underworld, a spectacular party is being held for his daughter Elena. Masai: Underneath the dazzling sun, a band plays lively music, and everyone, both men and women, dance and sing.
[A script reading recital for competency]
Kaoruko: "Haah, that was fun. Dancing the La Vinca on a birthday is special!" Nana: "Elena-ojousama, that was a wonderful dance. I will prepare you some juice." {The Boss' Daughter, Elena - Played by Hanayagi Kaoruko} {The Maid Attendant, Melissa - Played by Daiba Nana} Kaoruko: "Melissa! Mm-mm, I'm not done yet. Let's dance together next!" Nana: "After you have finished your greetings, then. Your older brothers have arrived." Kaoruko: "Wow, onii-sama!" Hikari: "Elena! Happy birthday! Your dance today was even better than usual." Junna: "Congratulations, Elena. You've grown into a fine young lady." {Elena's Brother, The Eldest Son - Played by Kagura Hikari} {Elena's Brother, The Second Son - Played by Hoshimi Junna} Hikari: "Indeed. Aah, my cute little sister! C'mere and give me a hug!" Kaoruko: "Onii-sama, spin me around like this! Around and around!" Hikari: "Alright, hold on tight so you don't get thrown off! Here we go!" Kaoruko: "Kyaah♪ Fufufu." Hikari: "Hahaha, dancing with me is pretty good, too, right!" Junna: "Onii-san. If you do that too much Elena is going to get dizzy." Hikari: "Oops, you're right! Elena who was just in the cradle until recently is already 10 years old--I got carried away!" Junna: "You said that last year, too. Well, I understand the feeling." Masai: Stop j~ust a moment. Masai: Can you make the second son a bit more nihilistic? Masai: It's his little sister's birthday, but it's also a family meeting he's keeping a distance from. Junna: 'A bit more nihilistic'... Got it, I'll give it a try. Masai: Please do~ Okay, let's try it once more from here~ Junna: "You said the same thing last year. I mean, I guess I understand the feeling..." Hikari: "I see you're as depressing as ever. It's your little sister's birthday party, you know? Cheer the hell up!" Junna: "Haha, it's not that I'm unhappy. Not all of us can be as simple as you." Hikari: "What did you say?" Kaoruko: "Geez. It's been so long since the three of us have been together, but you're already fighting. Let's all get along and dance♪" Claudine: "The two brothers laughing together along with their angelic little sister? Family really is a wonderful thing..." Futaba: "Master, pardon me. Bartolomei Salvatori would like to have a few words with you..." {Boss of the Underworld, Don Brioschi - Played by Saijo Claudine} {Head Maid - Played by Isurugi Futaba} Claudine: "Bartolo, huh. Bring him here." Futaba: "Are you certain? He's not supposed to set foot on Brioschi territory..." Claudine: "Think of it like prison. Even when someone is put into solitary for causing discord, they're at the very least allowed a meeting with their parents."
Maya: "Pardon me for not contacting you sooner, Don Brioschi. As for young lady Elena, I hope she has a long future ahead." Claudine: "It's good of you to come, Bartolo... No, Don Salvatori. Is this your friend?" Mahiru: "It's an honor to meet you, Don Brioschi." Maya: "A business partner I can trust. We've brought good tidings, as befitting this joyous day." {Boss of a Rival Mafia, Don Salvatori - Played by Tendo Maya} {Boss of a Smuggling Organization - Played by Tsuyuzaki Mahiru} Mahiru: "We're here to ask how you'd feel about getting involved in a new business craze soon. We'd like your cooperation, what with all your influence with politicians." Claudine: "A business craze... In other words, unseasonable 'snow', right?" Mahiru: "Yes. A pure white powder that brings happiness to those who obtain it... It will bring us millions in wealth." Mahiru: "Your share is 30 percent. For the first year, it will be millions of dollars, but after that, the profits will keep on increasing."
Nana: "Boss. I heard those men came to Elena's birthday party. That they brought you a business offer..." Claudine: "I refused. 'Snow' is profitable for sure, but it's not worth destroying the fellowships I've built up." Nana: "New business over old friends. That's what an ambitious person like him must be thinking." Claudine: "I intended to let him pass our boundaries and do as he pleases." Claudine: "However, I'm curious about the smuggler that came with him. Was he aiming for something, or was he searching for something?" Nana: "---Then, I'll have my subordinate look into it."
Karen: "So this is the bar that smuggler hangs out at. Something smells doughy..." Amemiya: It's 'fishy', Aijo-san. Karen: Wah, sorry! Is it 'cause I ate kinako sticks earlier...? {Melissa's Subordinate - Played by Aijo Karen} Futaba: If it's the kinako sticks' fault, then I'm not giving you anymore of them. Karen: Eeh!? I won't make a mistake next time, so forgive me~! One more time! I'll go one more time, okay! Masai: O~kay, then let's repeat it once more from here. Karen: "So this is the bar that smuggler hangs out at. Something smells fishy..." Mahiru: "Don't move. What does the Brioschi family want?" Karen: "Hold on, I came to cooperate. Y'know, 'snow', that business offer." Mahiru: "Hoh. You're here as Don Brioschi's middleman? You don't look like you're in the position to be, though." Mahiru: "Leaving that aside, we have a proposal for you. If you assist us, it'd be a great help... Right, boss?" Maya: "Precisely. I have a better role for you to play than a rat. The glorious role of being Lady Elena's kidnapper." Karen: "Salvatori...! You're kidnapping Lady Elena?" Maya: "You're free to refuse the offer or to negotiate the performance fee. However... The boss taught you that a Sicilian man must treasure his family, isn't that right?" Karen: "...! Do you mean to hurt my family...!?" Karen: "Did you forget the 'Jet-Black Omertà'? You swore non-aggression to us when you became the master of a household!" Maya: "I did not forget it. That's why I said this is an important role only you can play." Karen: "What is your goal... Answer me, Salvatori!" Mahiru: "Don't get so heated. You came here to cooperate, right? By your own will, without anyone instructing you." Maya: "Lady Elena is being attended to by that filthy hit woman. Seeing her nonchalantly pressing juice at the party made me sick." Maya: "That's why I'll remind them. That the blood that runs through our bodies is still dark...!" Mahiru: "Lady Elena will be the bait to lure out Melissa." Karen: "Good God! Reconsider! You don't understand the significance of what you're trying to do!" Maya: "You're my blue bird. And for bringing me happiness, grazie!"
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jounetsulovers · 5 years
Top 11 Inazuma Characters
Tagged by @blueberry-pastel! Thank you so much. <3
11. Senguuji Yamato.
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For all my talk about the villains of Inazuma, it feels fitting to have some kind of rep on that list, even though he’s more of the final rival than anything else. The first season of Go holds a special place in my heart, and I think Yamato is an especially fun and thematically appropriate final boss. His Avatar his cool, his relationship with his dad warms my heart, his design is nice, and the way he’s animated, especially when using King Fire, always looks really nice! He’s my go-to goalie in the Go games, and on that basis alone it didn’t feel right to have a list without him.
10. Raimon Natsumi.
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Natsumi was my favorite manager for a long, long time, and there’s a lot of things to absolutely love about her. Her arc, tracing from the beginning of the original series to the very end, where she slowly lets her defenses down and engages earnestly with soccer and the team. Her extremely sweet friendships with all of the managers. Her relationship with her dad, which is an often-underlooked but no less important part of the entire story. The little background details, and how we learn throughout the Chrono Stone games that she’s become the chairman of Raimon after Fifth Sector collapses. Her recent appearance in Orion had me grinning the entire time. For sheer character growth, it’s hard to compete with her.
9. Kidou Yuuto.
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Somehow, Kidou Yuuto exists, and the show is better for it. If someone were to ask me who had the best and most complete character arc, I’d point to Kidou without question. He’s the complete package: great and memorable character design, strong personality, growth, excellent moves, great character dynamics, downright iconic scenes. His backstory and everything involving his and Haruna’s family makes me cry every time, no matter what format it’s in. From enemy to rival to best, best friend, Kidou Yuuto is stellar character work on the part of Level-5.
8. Teres Tolue.
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The anime does not do Teres Tolue justice. For all the brief but excellent scenes he does have, they are nothing compared to the wonderful scenes he gets in the third Inazuma game. This is a shoutout to the defender who isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even at the cost of sounding callous. Who cracks jokes at the worst of times, but also has a heart of gold. Whose confidence is genuinely matched by excellent work on the defense line. Liocott Island is full of captains with big personalities and sad backstories, and it’s a shame Teres seems to often be left out of the conversation, because he was my favorite back in 2012 and now, finally getting to play the games in full, he’s even better than I remembered.
7. Yamana Akane.
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If the anime did not do justice to Teres, they did an absolute disservice to Yamana Akane. Much like Teres, she has wonderful moments in the anime. But they are limited, and do not capture the true delight that is her personality. Everything she is, she’s even more in the games, and I genuinely think she has the best one-liners in perhaps the entire series. Even if she isn’t the deepest manager, she’s the one that makes me smile the most. She’s funny, she’s creative, she’s bold and not afraid to speak about the things she likes. Yamana Akane, best manager.
6. Saginuma Osamu.
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Saginuma Osamu is a character that exists in a constant duality. He’s a terrifying, imposing presence as Desarm, but also an admirable rival. He’s absolutely unmatched on the soccer field, with the technical know-how and talent to easily slide into three positions on the field, but also one of the hardest-working characters in the entire series. He’s also a huge, huge dork while at the same time being inspiring to his team when he’s in the captain role. He was my favorite Aliea captain, and continues to be my favorite kid to come out of Sun Garden. I’d personally choose him as the greatest rival in all of Inazuma, as he perfectly captures the thin, thin line between serious and ridiculous the series so eloquently toes.
5. Kira Hitomiko.
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Best coach, hands down. Not the most skilled, or the nicest, or the one with the best teams or most effective coach. But the best one. She’s complicated, and maybe her apology at the end of Season 2 doesn’t begin to make up for the bad calls she made. But the fact she’s allowed to make those bad calls... the fact that she’s part of a larger, extremely sad and complicated backstory that almost feels like it should come from a drama, and not a sports anime... the fact that she spends a lifetime of penance for it, actually doing the hard work of trying to do right by her own mistakes and continue to watch over Sun Garden... Man, I love Hitomiko. Ares didn’t even begin to do her justice.
4. Amagi Daichi.
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Amagi Daichi, best defender. Enough said.
...Okay, no, there’s more than that. I love everything about Amagi, from his character design, to his moves, to his personality and how much he brings a strong, brotherly presence to the team. I love his dynamic with Hikaru, and with the other third years, and how much he cares for his friends in general. But I think I love his story most of all, because it’s extremely relatable. It’s simple, but effective, and the presentation of his flashback--the sound design, the visuals, hell, even the editing--is some of the best Inazuma’s ever done. Episode 33 of Go is my favorite episode of Inazuma Eleven. Amagi Daichi, best defender.
3. Giris and Meia.
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Is this cheating? I don’t think so. Giris and Meia are two characters that demand to be taken and analyzed as a pair, and, well, you don’t really see them apart, ever. They are my pick for the most terrifying and interesting rivals in all of Inazuma, for their unique combination of memorable visual aesthetic combined with the encroaching fridge horror that is the true nature of the SSC. Two kids, whose entire aesthetic revolves around young love and death in all aspects: their avatars, their signature move, even the soccer team uniform, which could easily be reworked into something for a period piece. And yet, they’re also overdramatic. They get distracted by each other to the point where they forget to finish trash-talking the opposing team. They dance on the soccer field to summon their avatars. They’re ridiculous and tragic in equal amounts, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them, or the Second Stage Children, since I watched Chrono Stone.
2. Megane Kakeru.
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Not only is Megane one of the funniest characters in the series. Not only is he one of the most important and yet underappreciated side characters in the franchise. Megane Kakeru is the perfect example of the profound impact Endou has on everyone he comes in contact with, and here’s why: Megane Kakeru is a coward. That’s a fact established in episode one. He talks a big game, but as soon as Teikoku gets serious, he runs off in tears. And even if the anime will never let him live that fact down (seriously), he never runs from another match again. Without him, Raimon’s victory streak would have ended with Shuuyo Meito. With him, we see a self-centered nerd come out of his shell, and genuinely grow to love the game of soccer, even as he knows he isn’t cut out to play and cannot match the skill level of his peers. Even while he’s terrified, he still steps out onto the field against Zeus when his teammates are injured. He stands against Aliea, even as other teammates find the situation hopeless. In season 3, his easy out, what does he do? He joins the team as a manager. He supports the Resistance numerous times in Go, both in the anime and in the games. Even as the chips are down, Megane Kakeru does not run, because he loves the game just as much as everyone else. He’s got a protagonist’s heart. I just love this kid.
And now, some honorable mentions, because there’s far too many to list:
I initially intended to have a member of the Earth Eleven on this list, but I genuinely could not decided between Morimura Konoha, Kusaka Ryuuji, and Nozaki Sakura, so I decided in fairness to not pick any, as an omission would be doing a disservice to them. The same could be said for several Protocol Omega members. Senguuji Daigo and Saryuu Evan are excellent villains and I love them, even if one is significantly more developed than the other. Matsukaze Tenma is one of my favorite protagonists of all time, and I love him a lot. Edgar Valtinas would have taken Teres’ spot if I didn’t choose him, and it was a very close choice. Kudou Fuyuka and Seto Midori were also this close to taking one of the manager slots. Fei Rune and Nanobana Kinako bring me unending joy and tears in equal measure. Domon Asuka, Sangoku Taichi, and Mahoro Tadashi are wonderful side characters whom deserve more love than they get, and I don’t think anyone is surprised to know how much I love Kousaka Yukie. I am deeply enjoying Ares and Orion’s characters, but considering their story has yet to finish, it did not seem fair to include them on the list, so for now they’re relegated to this one. But I adore Haizaki Ryouhei, Kozoumaru Sasuke, and Goujin Tetsunosuke. Zanark Avalonic should just be on every list ever because he is the best.
1. Nishiki Ryouma.
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No character in Inazuma can make me smile like Nishiki Ryouma does. No character brings me quite as much joy as Nishiki Ryouma does. He is not the deepest, nor the strongest, nor the user of my favorite hissatsu or owner of my favorite Avatar. But he’s the complete package: relatable, funny, courageous, and even inspiring in his own goofy way. I love his passion, and how he tries not to sweat the little things, and that he isn’t afraid to do things in the name of trying, no matter how ridiculous he may seem. He has a large heart that is open to the world around him, and even for his enemies. He has stellar moves, a genuinely awesome aesthetic, and a smile that’s infectious. I knew pretty early on in my watch of Go he’d be a favorite, and every time since my love for him has grown more and more. I can’t even explain in adequate enough terms why I love him so much--I just do!
Not directly tagging anyone, but if you haven’t done it, DO IT. You know who you are.
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tamasous · 6 years
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OSAKA SOUGO [12 SONGS GIFT] Birthday Rabbit Chat Part 2: Move Forward, Strong Will
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5
Tsumugi: Sougo-san, good work on today's "12 SONGS GIFT" selection meeting! 
Sougo: Good work, manager.
Tsumugi: Thank you very much for spending such a long time. It looks like you were having a lot of fun!
Sougo: (jumping Ousama Purin emoji) 
Sougo: It was fun!
Tsumugi: I'm glad..! I was deeply moved to be able to closely see your attitude towards music! I was able to feel a lot of enthusiasm at that meeting! 
Sougo: I was able to spend a truly fulfilling time.
Sougo: All the songs were cool, I couldn’t decide. I kept internally screaming with joy. I wish I could listen to what the songwriters have to say. (1)
Sougo: I learned a lot from listening to the various opinions of the selection board committee. It was the best. 
Tsumugi: I'm happy that you were so pleased! I was moved just by seeing you so immersed in discussing music. When I talked about it with Banri-san, he said you reminded him of Yuki-san in the past.
Sougo: I feel much obliged... But since it's something I like and have an interest in, I understand that I ended up getting excited.
Tsumugi: And the song that was chosen was very wonderful!
Sougo: It's cool, isn't it?
Sougo: I mulled over it a lot, but since we had such a meeting, my preference was prioritized. And it's a melody that I hardly get to sing in IDOLiSH7.
Tsumugi: It's called "Maybe”, right? I'm really looking forward to hearing how you will sing it!
Sougo: I'm really looking forward to it too. A part of me worries over whether or not it’ll go well, but my feelings of wanting to sing it overpower that.
Sougo: And it's super cool.
Tsumugi: You've taken quite a liking to it! 
Tsumugi: (smiling Kinako emoji)
Sougo: (fire punching Purin emoji) (2)
1. I think it's a Sougo-like song! Sougo: Really? Being told that makes me happy. I feel like the others like Yamato-san will laugh and say it's a stretch for me. No, maybe they'll simply be surprised?
2. It's a wonderful song! Sougo: Yeah. It's super cool. I want to sing songs like this as MEZZO". Don't you think it'll fit Tamaki's singing voice? 
3. The lyrics are wonderful! Sougo: It's a sublime song that makes you feel a strong will behind it. It's too gracious to think it was made in my image, but these lyrics about trying to move forward resonated in me.
Sougo: "Maybe" is awesome...
Tsumugi: (smiling Kinako emoji) 
Tsumugi: It is awesome! I'm sure the composer is also deeply moved that you praise the song so much. 
Tsumugi: I've received the composer's comment. May I tell it to you?
Sougo: Please do. I'd love to hear.
Tsumugi: Then I'll tell you right away! This time the composer and songwriter was the same person, and he himself is in a band.
Sougo: In a band! I want to see his live concert...
Tsumugi: "Happy birthday, Osaka Sougo-kun. My wife is a fan of yours, so I saw you a bit on TV sometimes. At first I thought, "oh he's an idol," but after hearing your enthusiastic choice of songs on the radio, I ended up becoming your fan too (lol) Man, you have good taste!”
Tsumugi: Ah, this is the original text as I received it! He's a bit of a casual person isn't he ><
Sougo: I don't mind at all. He said I had good taste. I'm happy......
Tsumugi: "My taste is similar to Sougo-kun's, so I made this song thinking, 'I'll definitely write a song that fits his taste and make him choose my song.' You like "Maybe", don't ya?”
Sougo: I like it.............
Tsumugi: “Please sing it no matter what. Also, keep working hard. And please do a live concert in Hokkaido." 
Tsumugi: That is all!
Sougo: Amazing. 
Sougo: Amazingly rock.
Sougo: From tonight on, I'll make sure not to sleep with my feet facing the north. (3)
Tsumugi: Let's do a MEZZO" concert in Hokkaido!!
Sougo: Aah, so me choosing this song was exactly as this person intended..... That part of him is cool too. 
Sougo: I wonder why musicians are all so cool. I can't stop admiring them, from their work to their personalities. 
Sougo: I hope I can make songs like this one day.
Tsumugi: If it's you, I'm sure you can do it!
Sougo: Thank you, manager. I'll do my best.
Sougo: Having such an overwhelmingly amount of fun and wanting to do your best because of that is truly a happy thing. I'm glad I was able to find something I like. 
Sougo: And I'm glad I was able to meet friends who acknowledge what I like.
Sougo: I'm so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Tsumugi: It’s rare to see you like this! Even I'm getting excited now!
Sougo: Maybe I'll make a toast by myself.
Tsumugi: Ah, if you're able, do you still have time?
Sougo: I do. Want to go out to eat?
Tsumugi: Everyone from IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale want to celebrate your birthday so they're all gathered in the rabbit chat...
Sougo: That makes me happy!
Sougo: Please tell them I'd love to talk with them. Being able to talk with everyone on such a day is the best.
Tsumugi: (happy Kinako emoji) 
Tsumugi: Understood! Then I'll call everyone over!
T/N: (1) Internally screaming Sougo makes me laugh (2) Doing my best to describe the emojis LOL gomen (3) The phrase ���を向けて寝られない literally means "I cannot sleep with my feet facing (someone)" and is used when you owe a lot to somebody, you feel indebted, 'I'll never forget your kindness.' Since Hokkaido is in the northernmost part of Japan, Sougo is saying he feels indebted towards the songwriter!
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sumigakure · 6 years
To: @will-zeke-thomson
From: @fineillsignup
Title: Cultivation
Rating: General
Wordcount: 961
Prompt: I’d like to see a story about how Tenzou fathered a bunch of kids (doesn’t need to be from one woman or be romantically involved with one at all) because he wanted his wood release to be carried on to future generations. Just him as a father training and raising a bunch of kids which some (if not all) have his wood style.
Warning/Notes: No warnings. The identity of the mother is heavily implied but not stated.
Summary: Yamato helps his children grow.
“But when Naruto pulled back from the statue’s mouth… his head was GONE!”
Five children screamed in delighted terror.
“No! That didn’t happen! No way!”
“Was it really gone? Was there a lot of blood?”
“How did he get his head back, Papa?!”
“Shh! I want to hear what happened next!”
Kinpira, the youngest, said nothing and clung to his oldest brother Goma, the one who had confidently asserted it couldn’t have happened, although Goma’s red face was not nearly as bold as his words. His bloodthirsty sister Kinako showed no such hesitation, leaning forward with her eyes wide as saucers. The twins, Sanshoku and Hanami, were both more skeptical and cautious by temperament, although still eager to know the rest of the story.
Yamato let his scary face dissipate and smiled at his children. “Well, it was only Naruto playing a prank, after all.”
Goma let out a breath. “Well! Of course!”
Kinako scowled. “Aww! I thought you were going to have to sew it back on or somethin’. Or maybe go on a quest to bring him back from the dead!” She waved her tanto with enthusiasm.
“Alright, that’s a long enough break,” Yamato said, standing back up. “Kinako-chan, you should practice your kenjutsu with Nii-san if you’re so eager to wave your blade around. Don’t cut off any limbs this time. Auntie Sakura is very busy and doesn’t need more work.”
Goma shook off Kinpira and quickly pulled out his own blade with a wary look at his sister.
As the two of them attacked each other, Yamato resumed critiquing the twins as they alternated between earth and water release.
“Suiton: Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu!” called Sanshoku, firing off a half dozen water shuriken at his sister.
“Doton: Doryuuheki!” Hanami countered with an earth wall that was impressively large for her young age, but not as solid as it should be. The water shuriken made mud-like pock marks as they hit, and Sanshoku took advantage of the wall’s blocking Hanami’s visual range by aiming a taijutsu kick straight for them. The wall shattered and Sanshoku tackled his sister, pinning her to the ground with his kunai at her throat. 
“Control is more important than size,” Yamato instructed. “It will only become more important with wood release. A point for you Sanshoku.”
Sanshoku got off and offered a hand in the unison sign, which Hanami accepted with a sigh, getting back up. They squared off and began again. 
Yamato looked down and saw Kinpira was tugging lightly on the hem of his vest.
“Yes, Kinpira-kun?”
“What if I don’t have wood release?”
“Well, we can still teach you to be a splendid ninja, like nee-chan.” Yamato nodded towards where Kinako was crowing with glee, hacking away at Goma’s vines as fast as her brother could release them. “She doesn’t have wood release, but she’s doing just fine.”
“I heard… you only had kids to try to create more wood release users…” Kinpira said softly, scuffing at the grass with the toe of his sandal.
“Where did you hear that?”
Kinpira blushed and half-shrugged. Yamato frowned. It wouldn’t be one of his older brothers and sisters… but who else would Kinpira try to shield like this?
He squatted next to the five-year-old to put him at eye level. “Listen, Kinpira-kun. It’s true that Papa wants to help the village by increasing the number of wood jutsu users. If you have wood release, you’ll likely be more valuable to the village.”
Kinpira’s little shoulders slumped.
“But whether or not you have wood release, it won’t make you any more or less valuable to me, Kinpira-kun,” Yamato continued. “As your father, it is my duty–my privilege–to love you and your siblings and protect you. Each one of you is precious to me. There’s nothing you can do to change that–and having wood release isn’t even something you can choose, anyway. I don’t love you because you’re valuable to the village, but because you’re my son. Does that help with what you were worried about?”
“Well… sort of…” Kinpira shyly formed his hands into seals, and thin tree roots extended from the ground.
“But this is wonderful, Kinpira!” Yamato exclaimed.
“But Papa…” Kinpira let the roots crumble away. “What if… I don’t want to be a ninja? Is that… a waste of your time?”
Not wanting to be a ninja? Such a thing hadn’t even occurred to Yamato… but as he looked into his son’s eager, trusting eyes, so like his own with their large dark irises, he realized that this was the best thing he could give his children. The thing he had never been given when he was young: the ability to choose. From the time he was a tiny baby, he never ever got to choose.
“If you don’t want to be a ninja, I’ll support you,” Yamato said. “But you have lots of time, you know? For right now, it’s good to learn how to use all your talents, so you have more choices. And then, whatever you choose, I’ll support you.”
Kinpira brightened. “Okay, Papa.”
“Dad!” screamed Goma. “Kinako tried to cut my finger off!”
 "I did not! You were just trying to make me stop attacking by putting your hand up! Nii-san is a cheating coward!“ 
“You take that back!”
“Alright, alright.” Yamato clapped his hands together and vines sprouted from everywhere, separating all the combatants. “I think it’s about time to go to Amaguriama anyway.”
The mention of the dango shop made all his children forget all other troubles, as he knew it would. He really did need to go to Amaguriama anyway. There was a pregnant woman at home who would be expecting that he bring her at least a few dozen, after all.
If you enjoyed this piece, why not take a look at other pieces written by the same author on AO3.
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youkaibarai · 7 years
Title: a sacrificial kind of beauty
Summary: In which the Master of the Mononokean and his employee see each other a little differently. (See end of the work for notes.)
“Eh—it’s raining again?”
Extending a hand to the sky, Ashiya gazed upwards to the gathering storm clouds and felt the gentle patter of rain against his skin. Gradually, the raindrops became faster, heavier, drumming against the rooftop floor. Beside him, Fuzzy recoiled in discomfort, nuzzling up to Ashiya’s leg for warmth. Tucking the inflatable beach ball under his arm, Ashiya reached down to ruffle the demon’s fur, lifting him off the wet ground.
Turning his attention toward Abeno, he suggested, “We should get inside… Fuzzy is cold.” As though to provide evidence, he held Fuzzy up to eye-level with Abeno. His only response was a brisk mmh before he ambled towards the wall, muttered, “Mononokean, come,” and made his way inside. Ashiya trailed right behind him.
Sliding the door shut, Ashiya set Fuzzy down, who shook the rain off its fur. “Aahh, it’s so warm in here~ the rain is freezing...” he sighed, leaning against the tea room’s wall in relief.
“And whose fault is it for not even bringing a sweatshirt?” came Abeno’s inevitable retort, to which Ashiya complained that ‘he didn’t know it would rain today’, despite the morning weather reports notifying him of this. Ashiya began to ask Abeno if he had any clients this weekend, until he suddenly shot up, recalling, “Ah! I left my bag outside!”
“You have the attention span of a five-year-old to forget it outside,” Abeno commented. “I do not! I dropped it because Fuzzy was running up there before me, and I had to chase after him!” Ashiya defended petulantly, crossing his arms.
After a few more minutes of trivial argument, Ashiya made his way outside, holding up an arm over his head to shield himself from the rain. His sneakers sloshed through the rainy pavement as he darted towards his school bag, picking it up with a wince at the thought of his school supplies being drenched beyond repair. All those notes I copied down from Fusshi and Saga… he thought agonizingly.
“Hurry up,” Abeno called from the safety of the Mononokean, rather impatiently as a draft breezed through, making him shiver. Ashiya was about to turn back around to the tea room, however, he halted in his tracks when he saw an unusual sight. There, nestled in the grass, was what appeared to be a young girl. Startled, Ashiya emitted an uwa–h! of shock, stumbling back and eyeing her closely. However, upon further inspection, he realized this girl was anything but human—a demon, undoubtedly.
Her body looked frail, as if a single touch would cause her to shatter. She was very petite, and easily looked like a kindergartener by her size. At first, Ashiya hadn't noticed her because of her ghostly image: pale skin appeared to be translucent, as though she was fading away. It was then that Ashiya recalled their exorcism with Kinako—she had almost disappeared because she hadn't eaten anything…!
Kneeling down, Ashiya set a hand on the demon’s shoulder, cold to the touch, as he shook her gently. “Ah, miss? Miss, can you stand?” he began to ask. When there was no response or movement, Ashiya’s worry grew. “Can you hear me? Are you awake?” he continued to urge, each word a bit more frantic than the last.
“Ashiya!” Abeno shouted again, this time certainly more impatient as he waited, clutching the hems of his kimono. Looking over his shoulder, he called back, “Abeno-san! There's a demon over here!”
At their yells, the demon began to stir, gazing up through beady black eyes. “Ah—it's okay, you're safe,” Ashiya reassured, standing up with her in his arms. He was startled at how she seemed to weigh like nothing as he lifted her up. He got a better look at her as he carried her toward the Mononokean. She was dressed in a black and red kimono, with sleeves far too large for her. The pattern resembled… a butterfly? Ashiya noticed two red circles on the sleeves, and surely enough, on the obi were drawings of butterflies. She had medium black hair, messy and a bit wavy, with a red hairpiece to finish. What was funny was that Ashiya didn’t notice her lack of legs until he set her down, sopping wet, upon the tatami mat (in fact, she didn’t seem to have any limbs at all—her kimono was completely loose at the ends without any sign of arms nor legs.)
With a frustrated sigh, Abeno muttered, “I thought you went back to get your bag, not a demon,” while slamming the door shut. Though, despite the sharpness of his words, Abeno made haste in preparing hot tea for the feeble demon.
All the while, Ashiya was staring at her intently, gazing with eyes like saucers until Abeno snapped, “Stop looking at her like that. It's rude.”
“A-ah, sorry… it's just… did you see she has no legs?” He dropped the second part of his sentence to a whisper, as though it would really do anything, and Abeno simply offered a roll of his eyes. Not bothering to work up a reply, Abeno shifted to sit beside the demon.
The demon took a bit to come to her senses. Ashiya then reported his initial observation, asking, “Abeno-san, is she okay? She looks like she’s going to disappear any moment…” Seeing the apprehensive expression on his features, Abeno turned to say, “Because you found her when you did, she’ll be okay.” He said nothing more than this. The thought of a demon disappearing without a sound in the Mundane World made Ashiya’s stomach churn.
Turning his attention back to the butterfly-like demon, he tried his best not to intimidate her with his intent expression. She stared up at the ceiling, slowly dragging her gaze across the entire room as though to burn every detail into her mind. Hoping to clear up any confusion, Abeno spoke, “Good afternoon. You're in the Mononokean right now—my employee brought you inside. Are you hurt?” Her eyes landed on him. Then, after what felt like an eternity of silence, she murmured, “Monono… kean…?”
Before Abeno could utter any words of confirmation, abruptly, the demon sat upright. “Yes—the Mononokean…!” she echoed, staring up at Abeno with renewed hope in her tone, despite its hoarseness and scratchiness. Abeno offered the tea.
After warming up and getting comfortable inside the tea room, she introduced herself as Chouko, elaborating that she had come to enjoy the Mundane World in all its beauty, but with the constant downpour, she had struggled to find refuge each day. It was for that reason she pleaded for Abeno to send her back to the Underworld, in fear that the rain would further weaken her body.
There was an odd tinge of hesitance in Abeno’s tone as he spoke, Ashiya noticed, but the blond responded to her request with a bow and a, “As you wish.”
A small frown appeared on Ashiya’s face. Is that really it? he pondered. It’s awful that she came all the way here, only to be pelted by the rain… As Abeno rose to his feet, ready to send her off, Ashiya cut in, “Wait—give me a sec,” and turned to unzip the front pocket of his drenched schoolbag. Rifling around in the pouch, Abeno aimed a puzzled look at him, until Ashiya pulled out something small enough to fit in his palm. Chouko blinked.
Opening up his fingers, Ashiya revealed a small teru teru bozu sitting within his hand. Crocheted from white acrylic yarn, the traditional ghost-like doll had a red ribbon tied around its neck, with two black eyes and a red smile to match. “Chouko-san, take this. My mom made a few, but we took them down to make room for other plants.” The demon blinked, not seeming to understand. “Ah—it’s a teru teru bozu. Have you ever heard of them? You hang them up if you want the weather to be clear the next day. So maybe, if you wear one around your neck…” Ashiya leaned forward to deftly tie the string behind her neck. “And… there! You’ll be safe from the rain now. And even if it does rain with that on, it’ll give you the perseverance to make it through the weather.”
Chouko stared downwards at the charm and suddenly began to beam. “For me…?” she asked gingerly, and Ashiya nodded. “For you. Take it with you to the Underworld.” Chouko’s little smile seemed to glow. Abeno had said nothing, but, as expected, was floored by Ashiya’s thoughtfulness. To think that he would just have a rain doll in a situation like this… it was times like these where Abeno (although he wouldn’t admit it) felt a short rush of relief that Ashiya could provide his clients with a more fulfilling service.
“Let’s get you exorcised before the rain gets worse,” Abeno noted to Chouko, and Ashiya muttered an ah, right, before awaiting Abeno to lead the way.
There was not enough space inside the school for Chouko’s exorcism, so he fished out an umbrella from the Mononokean’s closet and tossed it to Ashiya, assigning for him to shield her from the rain as they trekked outside. The trio made their way towards an empty patch of grass, and there, Abeno knelt down to recite the systematic words that willed for the Underworld’s gate to come forth. As the doors shifted open, anticipating her arrival, Ashiya set her down, still holding the umbrella above her before she left.
“Bye-bye, Chouko-san!” Ashiya waved with a smile. “Come visit when the rain has gone!” Chouko waved back, using her dangling sleeve to do so. With the other sleeve, she clutched her now treasured necklace. Abeno, too, bid his farewells, and just like that, the doors had shut and dissipated.
Abeno attempted to stand after the portal disappeared, but instead found himself lightheaded and sunk back down to his knees. “Abeno-san?!” Ashiya immediately cried, dropping down to support his back, but Abeno could not react, as he had already fallen asleep. He was more worn out than usual—so that reluctance Ashiya observed wasn't his imagination. He kept another job from me, huh… Ashiya pondered with a soft sigh.
He gazed down at Abeno’s face, his bangs now messily plastered against his forehead as droplets continued to cascade upon them. Ashiya hesitated for a moment, wondering, is he really asleep?, before reaching towards Abeno’s face to shift his hair out of his eyes. No reaction. Ashiya smiled softly as he set down the umbrella. Rain dripped off the threads of his hair as he slid his arms under Abeno’s back and legs, then stood up to carry him with a short huff. “You're much heavier than Chouko-san,” Ashiya murmured with a light chuckle.
He’s really been working hard recently, hasn’t he… he mused, feeling the other’s gentle heaves of his chest again his. He could have turned Chouko-san down, or even waited until tomorrow to exorcise her, and yet… It was only then that Ashiya realized the weariness in Abeno’s face—that with each kind smile he offered towards demons, a certain haggardness graced his features along with them. Perhaps that was what made his smile so different from the rest.
Then, with a small grin tugging at his lips, the boy uttered a soft, “Good work today, too, Abeno-san.”
(He forgot the umbrella.)
“Mononokean, sorry for bringing all the rain in…” Ashiya breathed, the duo entering with sopping wet clothing that seeped through the mat underfoot. While setting him down, Ashiya heard a ring, and he turned to read the tea room's always-ebullient messages.
“It’s no problem~” it wrote. “What I’m more interested in is the fact that you brought Itsuki all the way back here ♪(´ε` )” Before Ashiya could sputter a flustered reply, it added, “Good for you, taking care of him like that. It’s no surprise that he hired such a great employee like you, Hanae!! ヽ(。´∀`)ノ”
Ashiya faltered, and then brightened a bit. “...I’m glad you think so, Mononokean,” he smiled.
After all, I hope I can become an employee that you can rely on.
Notes: Aahhhh the idea of Ashiya quietly saying 'kyou mo otsukaresama, Abeno-san' just wrecks me so I just had to include it ahaha. Super duper unsubtly dedicated to Spring (@tomodachimeter) inspired by her post about Ashiya carrying Abeno being her guilty pleasure 。(*^^*)ゞ
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 5
3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAGI! Shit, even though it was close lolololol
7: Happy birthday, Nagi! The radio was super fun!
1: Happy Birthday. Rokuya-san really is tough huh…
4: Nagicchi, HBD! Have a gorgeous dinnerrrrr
2: Nagi, happy B-day. For your birthday you should at least be honestly surprised (lol).
5: Happy birthday, Nagi-kun. Let’s make it a fun party even though you’ve noticed the surprise.
6: Fufu, everyone is too easy.
6: As separated agitators, MEZZO” was too restless.
5: I’m sorry, I couldn’t distract Nagi-kun well...
4: But we were just in time to decorate the room, so isn’t it perfect?
4: [Thumbs-Up Pudding Stamp]
3: I heard you guys’ footsteps from the entrance so we scurried tho lol
1: We couldn’t decorate everything as we planned, but it became quite gorgeous.
T: I saw the picture you sent of the living room! The room became cute from putting the Kokona-chan poster up!
6: I knew Tsumugi was one of the agitators. You are smarter than I thought.
T: Even though it seems like you noticed from the beginning… Lol
T: [Bowing Kinako Stamp]
7: But, we were able to prepare the cake so the party preparations are perfect!
6: Yes, it’s the best party!
6: The cake is exactly what I requested -- Mitsuki made a fruit tart!
2: With various fruits on it, it’s pretty colorful huh?
5: These fruits colors, are they perhaps…?
6: Wonderful! It’s our members’ colors!!!
3: Yay. I’m happy you noticed!
3: I put grapes and berries and strawberries but I couldn’t find Tamaki’s water-like color. So he is the marble chocolate!
4: I’m chocolate?! It’s delicious so it’s fine tho.
5: Nagi-kun, good job on “Twelve Hits!” too. Listening to it, it was an exciting radio huh!
6: Thank you. I was able to enjoy talking until the end too.
3: You chose my request huh! THANK YOU!
6: Were you able to feel the adult me?
3: Even though it was more like a kid who took his first bath Lol
1: The mail corner’s talk was more adult.
2: Certainly huh-.
6: Strange. Seems like there is a gap between my expectations. :-(
7: The other request was exciting too!
4: Ryuu-aniki’s one huh.
T: The request was about “Wanting to hear the episode that made your heart pound” huh.
T: There were various corners but, it was a fun radio show filled with Nagi-san’s charms!
*T: How was Tsunashi-san’s response to you picking his request? 
6:  It seemed he was happy so he gave me his impressions over Rabbit Chat. I’ll forgive him for mistaking the name when he said “I’ll watch “Magical ★ Kokoa” to the end!”
6: There were still a lot of things I wanted to talk about. It would be nice if they called me next year too. :-)
5: The next “Twelve Hits!” is Riku-kun’s turn huh.
2: Oh, the last person for our group huh. Work haaaard.
7: Yes! I’m alone so I’m a little nervous tho...
7: But, everyone’s turns were interesting so far so I’m really looking forward to it too!
1: Please don’t make a mistake from being too nervous.
7: I-I know that...!
6: It’s fine, Riku. Take a deep breath and relax, everything will go well.
6: If you’re still nervous anyways, there’s no problem if you think of me next to you. If you talk like your usual self, it’s OK DESU!
7: Right! Thanks, Nagi! Everyone too..!
3: Ooooi, I’m gonna cut the cake sooooon.
4: Yaaay!! Cake!!
6: I was waiting. ┗(o゜∀゜o)┛ 
6: Please cut it. Come on, hurry. Come on, come on.
6: \(・∀・)/
7: Ah, he cut it!
2: The inside of the tart is nicely colored.
5: It’s a pretty aurora huh.
1: As expected of Nii-san.
4: Oooh! It looks super gooooood!
6: It’s a wonderful cake. With IDOLiSH7’s 7-colored fruit and Northmeir’s aurora as a sponge cake...
6: This is my beloved home country and my beloved, treasured companions.
6: Everything that I treasure is all here.
6: I can’t believe it.
6: It’s the best surprise.
6: It’s the world’s best cake, that only Mitsuki can make...
3: Uwaaah, geez Nagi, don’t cry! Because this was everyone’s idea! Not just mine!
4: We said to put everything Nagicchi likes.
7: And there’s a lot of Kokona’s in the room!
5: Even though I'm a little embarrassed that our fruits are there.
3: Oi, Nagi, stop crying. I’m begging you...
2: You say that but you’re crying too.
3: Ossan’s eyes are also watering!!!!
T: I’m also crying...
7: Me too...
4: Rikkun, your nose is running!
1: I’ll bring tissues so please don’t wipe that on your sleeve!
6: I’m grateful that I could meet you and spend time together.
6: Thank you for being my friends.
2: You idiot. We all think the same way right?
4: Stop crying and let’s eat the cake.
7: Right! Because your birthday doesn’t end here!
5: If everyone keeps crying like this, won’t we run out of tissues?
3: Uwaaaaaaaah Nagiiiiiiiiiiiiii
1: I think Niisan would need a bath towel rather than tissues...
6: I will never forget that I could spend this happy time together. Let’s celebrate everyone’s birthdays together from now on.
6: Iori, Yamato, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Sougo, Riku, Tsumugi, President, Banri, Kinako. I love everyone from the bottom of my heart. 
T: There were various corners but, it was a fun radio show filled with Nagi-san’s charms!
T: How were the fans’ responses?
6: I received messages that listening to the radio gave them the courage to follow their dreams. I’m very happy that my voice could reach someone. 
6: There were still a lot of things I wanted to talk about. It would be nice if they called me next year too. :-)
T: There were various corners but, it was a fun radio show filled with Nagi-san’s charms!
T: What does Nagi-san think now that the broadcast is over?
6: Certainly, just one broadcast wasn’t enough! I came up with things that I want to try on the radio, so I’ll talk to Riku about that.
6: There were still a lot of things I wanted to talk about. It would be nice if they called me next year too. :-)
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osakaso5 · 6 years
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Tamaki Yotsuba 12 SONGS GIFT Rabbit Chat Part 1: 12 SONGS GIFT
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san, good work! It's almost your birthday! 
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Tamaki: Birthdays are the best
Tamaki: Everyone's promised to spoil me
Tsumugi: Congratulations!
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Tamaki: It's too early for that. Wait until the 1st of April
Tsumugi: Yes! Let's have a party with everyone then! 
Tamaki: Yeah
Tamaki: A party with nothing but stuff I like
Tamaki: King Pudding and sweets and yakisoba and temaki sushi and cotton candy and
Tamaki: All our members and our manager and Ban-chan!
Tsumugi: That's nice!
Tamaki: Ah
Tamaki: And Kinako and the boss. I didn't forget them
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Tsumugi: I'm sure you already know this, but this year, IDOLiSH7 is participating in “12 SONGS GIFT ~always look at us~“!
Tamaki: That's the thing Mikki and the others did
Tsumugi: Yes! It's a large-scale audition that all the record companies and entertainment agencies collaborate on.
Tsumugi: Its theme is "singers born this month”, and many composers and songwriters, whether they be professionals or amateurs, participate in it.
Tsumugi: Composers and songwriters often team up, though some work solo. They then create a song in the image of the singer of the month.
Tamaki: I listened to the other songs. They were all good
Tsumugi: Thank you! 12 SONGS GIFT has a rock division, an enka division, and a pop division, but IDOLiSH7 has been chosen for the male idol division.
Tamaki: It's gonna be fun to pick my own song. I'll do my best.
Tsumugi: Please do!
Tamaki: I'm gonna do a solo live, right? Can't wait.
Tsumugi: That's right!
Tamaki: That means they're all gonna cheer for me
Tamaki: Awesome
Tsumugi: You'll have the entire audience's attention to yourself!
Tamaki: Well yeah
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Tsumugi: Most people would be nervous about their solo live and event!
Tamaki: Right
Tamaki: I wonder why they get all nervous
Tamaki: I like going to places with the others, but now I get to go wherever I want, and choose by myself
Tsumugi: You're such a hard worker. You've always been good with crowds, after all!
Tamaki: Ah! But only places with people! I can't do hotels or the mountains
Tsumugi: I know!
Tamaki: The solo live will be easy 'cuz I've got an audience. And they're all my fans. And they all like me, it's the best
Tsumugi: I look forward to your solo live!
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san, do you have time right now?
Tamaki: Sure
Tamaki: Why?
Tsumugi: You'll most likely be busy around your birthday, so I thought I'd send my thank you messages right now...
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Tamaki: From you? To me?
Tsumugi: Yes!
Tamaki: I wanna hear it
Tamaki: Tell me
Tsumugi: I'll just do that, then!
Tsumugi: To Tamaki-san
Tamaki: Wait
Tsumugi: Alright!
Tamaki: I'm getting embarrassed
Tsumugi: That's sudden!?
Tamaki: The "To Tamaki-san" part kinda, like
Tamaki: Gets to me
Tsumugi: Should I leave it out..?
Tamaki: Please
Tsumugi: Alright..!
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san, happy birthday.
Tsumugi: You're honest, straightforward, and love all your fellow members. Your carefree and innocent attitude has saved us countless times. 
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Tsumugi: Not only are you balancing work and school, but you've also had to deal with your sister's disappearance and debuting as MEZZO".
Tsumugi: Your heart must've been moved, but also hurt and full of worry more that I can even imagine.
Tsumugi: I'm extremely happy that you can work as a member of IDOLiSH7 despite that.
Tamaki: That's 'cuz I love everyone.
Tsumugi: We love everything about you too, but especially how shrewd you can be, how great of a dancer you are, and how much you care for your little sister!
Tsumugi: I hope that you keep doing your best in your usual, cheerful and bright way!
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Tamaki: Thanks!
Tamaki: I got praised a ton
Tamaki: I'm so happy
Tamaki: Thanks for everything to you too!
Tsumugi: Thank you! Tamaki-san, happy birthday!
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Tamaki: Tell me that on my birthday, too
Tsumugi: I will!
Tamaki: Will the others say this kinda stuff too?
Tsumugi: I'm sure they will! I think you should ask them, in case some of them are feeling shy!
Tamaki: I will
Tamaki: That made me smile a lot...
Tsumugi: That's good!
Tamaki: I'll do my best
Tamaki: Even today
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Tsumugi: Yes! Please do!
Tsumugi: Let's both do our best with the 12 SONGS GIFT solo live and event!
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Translator’s notes..? 
thank you to the person who sent in screenshots! 
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frywen-babbles · 7 years
Of Ninjas and Foxes (SLBP) part24
A/N: Trigger warning: abuse and mentions of dub-con.
When lord Shingen fell asleep, you sneaked out of the room to wash yourself. Your body felt sore all over, lord Shingen’s marks covering your body. You felt used and exhausted and you collapsed on your bedding as soon as you got it rolled out, bitter tears falling on your cheeks.
 Why did things turn out this way? Why hadn’t you just told Saizo or the Sōma in the first place that you weren’t kitsune, that they’d gotten it all wrong, that you were just a daughter of a cook, who miraculously had managed to become lord Masamune’s page. But you knew why. Why you had been terrified of saying it. You would have been useless, someone to be disposed of, instead of returned to lord Masamune. If you had told them and if they had believed you, you’d been long since dead and now you had to live with that.
 Had it been a right decision not to marry lord Shingen? If you did, no-one could deny your position, but now you were just a nobody, a lowly mistress of a warlord. No, you shouldn’t think like that. You had no position, but that meant if you were to find your way away from here someday, he’d have no way of forcing you to come back. But until then you’d be his plaything.
 The next morning lord Kansuke came to your room. He wordlessly pressed a paper triangle in your hand and told you, you were to come immediately when lord Shingen summoned you. You thought you saw a flash of pity in his eyes before they turned impassive again, but you might have imagined it. Your body felt sore all over, but you managed to bow at him. He just told you to rest and left you alone.
 You quickly learned lord Shingen wanted you to tie his hair up in the mornings. That was the reason he told you when he wanted you to spend almost every night in his room. During the day, you were free to go and do as you pleased as long as you came immediately when he summoned you. Which at first wasn’t that often, but when you made him kinako mochi which he had told you was his favourite, he asked you to make it more often.
 You were just delivering him his kinako mochi when you heard slight coughing from his room. You announced yourself and stepped in, only to find him lying on his bedding. It was late evening so you thought he’d gone to sleep already, but when he heard you enter he sat up.
 “You’re just the person I wanted to see. Leave the mochi and come here, ____-hime,” he smiled and gestured you to come closer. You stepped carefully by his side, kneeling down. He seemed somehow different than usual and you realised what it was once he reached for you. His skin was burning hot and you quickly placed your hand to his forehead to be sure.
 “You have a fever, milord! I’ll go get some cold water, please lie down!” you said trying to get up, but lord Shingen grasped your arm tightly. “Milord, please! You need to rest…” you tried to plead lord Shingen. A fever that high was dangerous, even when he only appeared to have a cold.
 “No need to rush it. Come here.” He pulled you towards him, pressing your back to his bedding and before you knew it he was on top of you.
 “Ah…! Milord, please! You’re sick, why are you-”
 “To sweat it out. That’s the fastest way to break a fever,” he interrupted you, his hands already pulling your kimono open, his mouth trailing your throat. His feverishly hot fingers dug into your skin and his hot breath fell on your neck. You writhed underneath him when he claimed you, feeling as if his fever had brought out a wild beast, trying to leave its warmth in you.
 When he finally collapsed next to you, he pulled you closer, nuzzling your hair with his nose.
 “You’re so cool…” lord Shingen muttered half asleep. You didn’t answer him, but you suspected your cooler skin felt nice against his hot one.
 You woke up in the middle of the night when lord Shingen twisted and turned restlessly in his sleep. You sat up and tried his forehead. It was much cooler than it had been in the evening and you sighed in relief. Just then lord Shingen sat up coughing. You tried to massage his back, but he swatted your hand away so hard it stung. You sat in stunned silence for a couple of seconds, before you got up.
 “I’ll go get help, I can still hear voices from the main hall…” you tried to take hasty steps towards the door, pulling your kimono back on, but lord Shingen grasped you from behind. You could feel his breath on your ear,
 “Forget you ever saw anything… and get out!” he growled in your ear with a raspy voice. Your heart beat fast and for a moment you felt scared, but still you turned to look at him,
 “… but…” you started, but the look on his eyes silenced you. The light from the lone lantern hit his eyes that had a wild and terrifying glint in them. The hold lord Shingen had on you tightened, his fingers digging themselves painfully in your arm before he showed you towards the door so hard he sent you stumbling, barely able to stay up.
 “Get out!” his voice was low and threatening, freezing the blood in your veins. You dashed to the door, slamming it open, only to find lord Kansuke standing on the other side. He pulled your kimono closed and let you pass. You whispered a small thank you to him, before you ran to your room, holding your kimono closed with one hand.
 You had never felt more terrified of lord Shingen. You didn’t understand what was going on, you had just wanted to get someone help him with his cough. Why had he looked at you like he was going to kill you if you uttered a word of it to anyone?
 You were too terrified to get any sleep, so when you heard lord Kansuke’s voice outside of your door early in the morning you let him in immediately.
 “Harunobu gets irritated when he’s ill. There is no need to worry,” he explained.
 “I-I see. Thank you for explaining it to me, milord,” you said, not understanding at all.
 Lord Shingen never brought up what had happened, but you felt even warier of him than before. His behaviour towards you didn’t change, but you could sense him watching you carefully as if making sure you didn’t speak to anyone about that night. And you didn’t. While you did spend quite a lot of time with lord Yukimura, Sasuke and Saizo, you usually watched lord Yukimura to train or played games with Sasuke. Saizo appeared on your side every now and then, teasing you, asking you to bake him more dango, but when you wished to find him, he was usually nowhere to be found.
 Lord Shingen enjoyed having you serve him his food or drinks. He looked you up and down when you kneeled to serve him and usually you could see a flicker of lust in his eyes. While having an audience did calm him, after a couple of drinks he had no reservations about feeling you up in front of everybody, making your face burn red with embarrassment. His idea of having fun when drunk couldn’t have been further from what you wanted. Even normally lord Shingen was forceful when claiming you, but quite aware of his strength, but when he was drunk that self-awareness seemed to melt away with his reason.
 Without even thinking you ran to Saizo’s room, stepping inside without announcing yourself.
 “And what do we think we are doing?” you heard his irritated voice almost as soon as you closed the door behind yourself. Just then you heard lord Shingen call your name and you jumped to the sound of it. Shit. He sounded irritated. Perhaps you should have just gone to him, but he was drunk. And not just a little tipsy after a few cups of sake, but dead drunk.
 “Where are you ____-hime? I just want to have fun!” lord Shingen’s voice echoed through the halls.
 “Hide me!” you ran to Saizo whispering your plea to him, grasping onto his kimono desperately. You heard lord Shingen’s heavy footsteps coming closer and closer, but Saizo just stood there, staring at your pleading eyes indifferently. Another shout came from the hallway and he sighed opening the closet door next to him, shoving you inside.
 Just as the closet door closed after you, you heard the door to the hallway slam open,
 “Saizo! Have you seen ____-hime?” lord Shingen asked, his words slightly slurred. You pressed your trembling hand to your mouth to stop any noise escaping.
 “No, why?” Saizo asked deadpan.
 “I need her for something…”
 “Do you now…”
 “If you see her, tell her to come to my room,” and with that, lord Shingen was gone, his steps getting further and further away in the hallway. You sighed in a relief, a small whimper escaping your lips as you slid to the floor, resting your back against the wall of the closet. Saizo slid the door open and looked at you for a while,
 “So… what is it, little lady?” he finally asked.
 “I-I’m sorry…” you muttered, turning your head away. You were inconveniencing him, you shouldn’t have come.
 “Little ladies should be laughing and having fun, not hiding from their lord in another men’s closets,” Saizo’s words were sharp, making you flinch. Running away from lord Shingen was wrong, you knew that. It was just… sometimes he was so overbearing it felt like he might break you and you had wanted to find what little comfort you could, especially now that he was drunk,
 “I’m sorry, you’re right… I’ll just go… I’m so sorry for troubling you…” you tried to get up from the floor, but Saizo stopped you,
 “No, we can stay there, hm,” he slid the door closed, leaving you in the small dark space. You didn’t mind it. It felt safe in there, just like when you were a kid, and you drifted off to sleep soon.
@jemchew @ceka122 @minnimay17 @i-dont-look-good-i-look-great
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