lirrynoodlesoup · 9 months
i want to redacted brennan lee mulligan all the time, but especially the half elf drag king garthy o’brien version with the tousled hair and scruffy beard and gold jewelry 😭😭😭
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jarondont · 6 months
Mott: I'm not doing too well Kerwyn: What's wrong? Mott: I have this headache that comes and goes Jaron: *enters the room* Mott: There it is again Jaron:
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raguonmynieceandnephew · 10 months
I am never, EVER, wrong when it comes to smelling dirty filthy rats! This sorry ass himbo wannabe bitch right here? He NEVER fooled me!
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Why doesn't Frankenstein's Monster go to the YMCA?
Because he doesn't want to run into The Village People
Thank you, Kerwyn and Svengoolie, I laughed too hard at that.
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aunti-christ-ine · 2 months
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A fan's artwork homage to Raymond "Perry Mason" Burr -- "BURRZILLA" -- was featured tonight during Svengoolie & Kerwyn's "Bride of Frankenstein" Mail Call segment on MeTV!
Screengrab and info courtesy of https://twitter.com/chrishambyfilms
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kerwynlar · 5 months
The Sensation of Your Hands on Me
A Belly Kink fic by Kerwynlar
When the prince consort finds out that the king, his arranged marriage husband, is suffering from indigestion, he just wants to help him feel better.
Modern royalty arranged marriage romance with belly kink/sick kink.
Tags: Original male character/Original male character, Sickfic, Belly Kink, Belly Rubs, Indigestion, Burping, Embarrassment About Burping and Getting Over That, Fluff, Romance
2,550 words
Read it below or on AO3.
Prince Consort Nathaniel stayed by his husband’s side as King Lawrence worked the room following the banquet. Mostly this involved a steady stream of people approaching where Nate and Lawrence were standing next to a high top table, bowing to the king, and attempting to make conversation that they imagined would curry favor with him. Lawrence was pleasant and gracious to everyone, but as the evening wore on, Nate thought his expression seemed more and more pinched, and Nate watched him press his hand to his belly a few times. Lawrence’s three-piece suit was immaculately tailored but it seemed to Nate that it was fitting a little tightly across his middle.
They had been married for four months, but had known each other for years. As the second son of the royal family of a neighboring kingdom, Nate had been dispatched by his sister on diplomatic missions to Lawrence’s court many times. The two got along well and Nate had been hesitantly considering Lawrence a friend for a while. When his sister told him that she and King Lawrence were negotiating a new treaty and part of it would entail Nate’s marriage to Lawrence, Nate had been thrilled. Because aside from Lawrence’s position, Nate had always found him very attractive, and a true pleasure to talk to. Their wedding night had been wonderful, and within a month Nate had admitted to himself that he had a massive crush on his husband. It wasn’t clear if Lawrence felt the same way, but they continued being friendly, bordering on affectionate with each other, and very happily “doing their marital duty.” 
Four months of accompanying Lawrence to this kind of formal event had given Nate a pretty good idea of what was normal for the king and what was not. Nate was certain something was wrong but there was no opportunity to ask. 
Finally, Lawrence signaled to his security chief that he was ready to go, and caught the attention of their host to say his goodbyes. The armored limousine was waiting at the front door when they walked out, and Nate kept his hand on Lawrence’s back as the king got in, then went around the other side and got in himself. 
The privacy screen that separated them from the chauffeur and bodyguard in the front seat was raised. Nate loosened his tie and looked over at Lawrence, whose head was resting back against the seat with his eyes closed. In the light coming in the car window, he looked very pale. 
“Lawrence? Are you alright?” Nate asked gently. 
“Yes, of course,” the king replied suspiciously quickly. 
“It’s just… you’ve seemed uncomfortable since the dinner ended and you look a little bloated.” Nate nodded at the buttons of Lawrence’s waistcoat, which, now that his jacket was unbuttoned, were clearly straining against his belly. 
Lawrence opened his eyes, looking horrified. He sat up quickly and covered his belly with his hand. 
“I don’t think anyone else would have noticed!” Nate said quickly, raising his hands. “I only saw the bloating once we were in the car and I was the only one who saw you in between talking to people at the event. I’m sure nothing seemed off to anyone else.” 
Lawrence sighed and relaxed a little. “You really don’t think anyone else noticed?” 
“Yeah, you were holding it together really well. But you don’t have to do that with me. We’re married now, remember? I’m on your side no matter what and I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”
Lawrence gave him a wan smile. “I appreciate that, Nathaniel.”
“So, are you feeling sick?” 
Lawrence grimaced. “It’s just indigestion. It… is not an infrequent occurrence.” 
“What do you do when it happens? I think we have about a two hour drive back to the palace. There’s not much around but I’m sure Security can figure something out if you need to stop.” 
Lawrence sighed. “I just want to get home and go to bed.” 
Nate nodded. “Anything we can do to make the drive more comfortable? I’m happy to have you put your head in my lap if you want to lay down.” 
Lawrence shook his head and opened his mouth to respond, then quickly closed it again and swallowed thickly. 
Nate reached out to touch his arm. “Nausea?” he guessed. 
Lawrence shook his head again as he breathed out slowly. “I - my stomach just… hurts. I’m not nauseated.” 
Nate grimaced sympathetically. “How about unbuttoning your waistcoat? It looks uncomfortable.” 
Lawrence looked a little scandalized. 
“You do know I see you naked?” Nate chuckled. “And maybe by the time we get home you’ll be less bloated and can do it back up before you get out of the car.” 
Lawrence looked away from him. “Nathaniel, you - you have a very positive view of me… and I am reluctant to damage that view.” 
Nate reached over and took Lawrence’s hand, then brought it to his lips to kiss. “I promise you that I don’t think less of you because you have indigestion, Lawrence.”  
Lawrence sighed and resignedly loosed the buttons of the waistcoat. The sides of the garment parted and he gave a little “mmf” that sounded relieved, before making the odd swallowing motion again. 
Lawrence ran his hand over his exposed shirt front, which was also tighter than it should have been, but not straining the way the waistcoat had been. But with the waistcoat out of the way it quickly became apparent that the trousers were the real culprit: the waistband cutting a harsh line through his bloated middle. Lawrence’s hand strayed to the button of his trousers but took no further action, though he did swallow again. 
“Go on,” Nate encouraged him. “There’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about, love. Might as well be comfortable. It’s just me.” He hadn’t really noticed the endearment until Lawrence gave him a sideways glance, but neither of them commented and Lawrence undid his trousers. His belly pushed forward, forcing the zipper down a little, and Lawrence groaned. 
Nate grimaced. “Your poor belly. You must be feeling awful.” 
“I’m… somewhat used to it,” Lawrence said quietly. “But it’s not pleasant. I’m sorry to have made such a spectacle of myself. Thank you for being so kind about it.” 
“Lawrence. I’m your husband and we’re alone. I can’t think of anything that is less accurately described as a spectacle. Now how else can we make you more comfortable? I could rub your belly for you? Might feel nice.”
Lawrence shook his head quickly. “Baring myself is one thing, but I don’t want to disgust you.”
Nate frowned. “Because you’re bloated? Nothing disgusting about that. I’d like to help you feel better if I can.”
“No, because I might…” Lawrence gestured vaguely. “Not be able to… hold it in.” 
Nate was confused for a moment before the swallowing made sense and realization dawned. “Are you keeping yourself from burping?!” 
Lawrence looked away from him. 
“Lawrence! No wonder you’re so bloated! Let that out!” 
“It’s unseemly and unpleasant,” came the muttered reply.  
Nate sighed and reached over to touch Lawrence’s cheek, then applied a gentle pressure to get him to turn to face Nate. 
“Forget ‘unseemly’, I’m begging you. Our marriage may have been arranged, but I really care about you, Lawrence. I have the utmost respect for you and that’s not going to change one iota because you get indigestion and you burp when you do! I mean, I know you’re the king, but you’ve got a human body and human bodies burp sometimes.” 
Lawrence sighed, looking down again. “You’re very kind, Nathaniel.” 
Nate moved one of his hands to Lawrence’s swollen belly. It felt firm and hot even through the shirt. “Please, let me try to help you feel better.” 
Lawrence hesitated, then nodded. 
Nate slid closer on the limousine seat and spread his palm over Lawrence’s belly, clearly feeling the unhappy grumbling within. “Let me know if anything I’m doing doesn’t feel good, okay? And no more holding back if you need to burp.” 
Lawrence nodded again and Nate moved his hand to the top of the swell, just below Lawrence’s ribs, where the gurgling was strongest. He started moving his hand in slow circles, pressing gently. After only a minute, Nate felt the gurgling intensify. Lawrence gave him a miserable glance, then turned his face away and covered his mouth, letting out a quiet burp and muttering “excuse me”. 
“That’s a good start,” Nate said, “but I know you can do better.” 
Lawrence rolled his eyes but a minute later he turned away again and gave a much deeper and louder belch. “Excuse me.” 
“There you go.” Nate smiled. “How did that feel?” 
“Embarrassing and unpleasant.” Lawrence frowned, then relented. “But necessary. I suspect it helped a bit.” 
“Good,” Nate said firmly. “Could I unbutton your shirt so I stop getting hung up on the buttons?” 
“Certainly not my favorite context for you to undress me,” Lawrence said, “but yes.” 
Nate quickly undid the buttons of Lawrence’s shirt and spread it open, revealing the soft white undershirt beneath. He began rubbing circles over Lawrence’s stomach again, this time with both hands. 
Lawrence gave a soft groan and relaxed back into his seat. “Oh, that feels very nice, Nathaniel.” 
“I’m glad.” Nate smiled. 
“Would you rub a little lower as well, please?” Lawrence asked quietly. “Maybe my sides.” 
“Of course, love.” Nate started moving his hands in sweeping arcs down the sides of Lawrence’s belly and back up the middle. 
Lawrence closed his eyes with a satisfied sigh. “Wonderful. Thank you so much.”
Nate didn’t bother to prevent his pleased grin. “You’re welcome, I’m glad it feels good.” 
Though Lawrence covered his mouth when he belched again a minute later, he barely turned his head.  
“You said this happens a lot?” Nate asked. He was certain Lawrence wasn’t asleep, but thought he might be relaxed enough to share a little. 
“I’ve always had a sensitive stomach,” came the murmured reply. “There are some things I simply can’t eat and my staff provides that list to anyone serving me food outside the palace, but frequently some ingredient is overlooked, or something that I wasn’t previously aware of as a problem will set me off.” 
Nate couldn’t help it: he leaned forward to place a kiss on Lawrence’s belly. It was still bloated but seemed a little less tight and gurgly than it had been. When he sat up, Lawrence was watching him. 
“Kiss it better?” Nate offered with a lopsided grin. 
Lawrence gave a soft chuckle. “You’re wonderful.” 
Smiling ear to ear, Nate went back to rubbing his belly. 
Nate roused Lawrence out of his doze as they neared the palace. 
“You are the king,” Nate said as he watched Lawrence re-button his shirt. “If you didn’t want to do up your trousers no one would say a word.” 
Lawrence sighed. “Just because no one can speak against me does not mean I should give them something to resist speaking about.”
Nate smiled and gave his arm a squeeze. It was a classic Lawrence thing to say. 
 “Anyway,” Lawrence said as he started pulling the sides of his trousers together, “you’ve really helped immensely.” He got them buttoned with a grunt of effort, and while they were clearly too tight, it did appear to be better than before. 
When the car stopped, Nate leapt out and hurried around so that he could offer Lawrence his hand. The king accepted the assistance with a warm smile, and threaded his arm through Nate’s as they walked into the palace. Lawrence held onto Nate firmly and leaned against him in a way that made Nate’s own stomach flutter. 
Nate cleared his throat when they turned into the corridor that led to their rooms. “Shall I - ah - come with you? Help you get settled?” 
They had adjoining bedrooms. Usually Nate slept in his own room and Lawrence slept in his, except when they had had sex late at night in Lawrence’s room and neither of them was awake enough after for Nate to leave. 
“I’d like that very much if you don’t mind,” Lawrence said. 
“Not at all,” Nate said with a smile, steering them to Lawrence’s door. 
Inside, Nate helped Lawrence out of his suit and into soft silk pajamas. The king tied the drawstring of the bottoms under his still-bloated belly, and smoothed the shirt over the curve. He looked up at Nate. “Nathaniel…” Lawrence looked away quickly. “Would you… would you consider staying with me tonight?” 
Nate’s eyebrows shot up, but Lawrence continued. 
“Just - um - just to sleep. I… I find I’m reluctant to part with the sensation of your hands on me.” 
Smiling, Nate leaned in to kiss Lawrence’s forehead. “Good, because I’m reluctant to stop touching you. Let me just change. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” 
Eight and a half minutes later, Nate re-entered Lawrence’s room just as the king was emerging from the en suite, one hand pressed to his belly. 
Nate’s happiness was immediately tinged with concern. “How are you feeling?” 
Lawrence shrugged. “Better than I was, but still a bit sore and bloated.” 
Nate nodded and pulled back the covers on the bed for Lawrence to get in. After some maneuvering, they settled on their sides, Nate’s front pressed to Lawrence’s back. Nate slipped his hand under Lawrence’s shirt to rest on his belly. He spread his fingers wide, trying to cover as much area as possible in hopes that the warmth and pressure of his hand would continue to help. 
Lawrence gave a relaxed sigh, and Nate kissed his shoulder blade. The room was perfectly quiet until Lawrence spoke again.
“The treaty is a ruse, you know,” he said. 
Nate frowned, not following at all. “What?” 
“I initiated negotiations with your sister because I wanted to marry you.” 
Nate’s frown deepened. “That’s not right,” he said. “Amelia sent you the first letter asking if you would be open to a new treaty.” 
Lawrence nodded. “Prior to that letter, two diplomats mentioned to Queen Amelia that I seemed open to discussions on tariffs. They did so at my request. I wanted to encourage her, but make it seem like it was her idea.” 
“But… you did lower tariffs. And you gave her some airplanes.” Nate tried to process his husband’s words. 
“Yes, and I got lower - urrf, excuse me - lower grain prices and a number of other benefits for my kingdom. But the outcome that I, personally, wanted, above everything else, was your hand in marriage.” 
“I… but why?” 
“You are a very smart man, Nathaniel,” Lawrence said quietly. “You don’t need me to answer that.”
Nate felt a shudder run through his body. “Why are you telling me now?” he heard himself ask. 
Lawrence rolled over, bringing their faces inches apart. “Because in all my thinking about marrying you, I never expected… this. I never expected that you would be this kind, and this caring, and this insistent on helping me.” 
Warmth had been building in Nate’s chest and now it burst forth. He closed the inches to kiss Lawrence’s lips and they melted together.  
“Well, your majesty,” Nate said, when they finally broke apart to breathe, “I can confidently promise you a lifetime more of this.” 
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islandoforder · 9 months
look i know a betrayal by an avuncular figure is a classic trope of the genre but like. how could uncle kerwyn do this to me personally
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20′s Dungeons and Drag Queens episode 4 (finale)
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silverspadesss · 10 months
i don’t know why i didn’t expect emotional gut punches from this season but holy fuck. shame on me.
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doorjamb · 8 months
Rewatching Dimension 20: Dungeons and Drag Queens and I just noticed -
Uncle Kerwyn used cedar matches to frame Zaria Hex. Clear, straightforward. But Foehammers are really allergic to cedar too...so he was ALSO making DOUBLE SURE that they died...and that they suffered.
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sickviking-fr · 1 year
Forgot to share new (Perma)baby, Annabelle!
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thedevilsofcarthya · 2 years
Mott: So you previously were in charge of Jaron? How’d it go?
Kerwyn: It didn’t.
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raynbowclown · 2 years
The 3 Worlds of Gulliver
The 3 Worlds of Gulliver
The 3 Worlds of Gulliver (1960) starring Kerwyn Matthews, June Thorburn The 3 Worlds of Gulliver deals with an English doctor, lost at sea, who lands on two strange islands. One populated by tiny people, the other by giants. Can he & his fiancee make it back home to England? (more…)
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agueforts · 9 months
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AND THAT'S A WRAP!! the gorgeous endcard, an unveiled kerwyn with malice in his eyes, and new captions once again for our queens! man, what a fucking finale!!
if you'd like to give this season's artist a follow, savana can be found at @.danyelss on instagram!
character sheets - episode 1 art - episode 1 locations - episode 2 art & location - episode 3 art & captions
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kerwynlar · 30 days
Good Man
A Belly Kink Fic by Kerwynlar
The aristocratic author Lord Woolsey has found that he thinks best on a full stomach. A very full stomach. His butler is only all too happy to help out.
Tags: Explicit, Belly Kink, Burping, Overeating, Stuffing, Weight Gain, Enthusiastic consent but problematic power dynamic, implied/referenced sexual content
Note: This work was inspired by the excellent At His Service by pizza_my_heart. In that story the author does a beautiful job of putting the employer and the butler on equal footing. That's not what is going on here. While enthusiastic consent is given in this story, the power dynamic here makes the consent, at least the initial consent, dubious at best. In the real world this would be very fucked up. If you agree that it's hot in fiction, please read on. Basically all of my fics are built around very loving healthy relationships. This is not that.
1,163 words. Read it below or on AO3.
Reginald Montcrieff was not sitting idly fantasizing about his employer eating. Reginald Montcrieff was very busy balancing the household accounts. He had certainly not been staring blankly at the page for nearly half an hour, stirring at every half-sound that might be the bell summoning him to the dining room. 
Reginald was not picturing the plates heaped with eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, beans, and tomatoes that he had served to his employer, Lord Peter Halberd Woolsey. He was certainly not picturing forkful after heaping forkful passing Lord Woolsey’s lips. And by no means was Reginald’s mouth watering at the thought of all that food heaped into his employer’s already rounded belly, stretching it and weighing it down, expanding it within the increasingly tight confines of his clothing. 
The bell from the dining room finally rang and Reginald stood so fast, he nearly knocked over his chair.
Lord Woolsey was, at least according to the press, one of the greatest minds of his generation. His first two treatises on political philosophy were considered required reading for anyone seriously concerned with public affairs and were discussed and quoted from the coffee shops of the intelligentsia, to university classrooms, to the great halls of Parliament. He was currently penning his third, widely anticipated, treatise. 
While he was writing his second book, Lord Woolsey discovered that he thought best on a full stomach. A very full stomach. 
Reginald had been a footman during the writing of that second book and had marveled at the sight of the platters that had been taken into the dining room and equally marveled at the fact that they were all empty when returned to the kitchen. 
But only the butler, whose duties included being the lord’s personal attendant, was permitted to interact with Lord Woolsey when he was writing. His lordship said that he needed to keep his mind clear of extraneous voices when writing. 
Following the publication of the second book, when Reginald was once again permitted in a much more corpulent Lord Woolsey’s presence, the lord had begun to notice him. The notice turned to interest and conversation. Eventually Reginald had been invited to Woolsey’s bed. He had been assured that it was an invitation, not an order, and he had been more than happy to accept. 
“Would you like a promotion, dear Reg?” Woolsey had asked him one night as he watched Reginald dress after an encounter that had been pleasurable for both of them. 
“I wish to serve you, sir,” Reginald had replied easily. “However you see fit.” 
“I’ll be writing again soon.” Woolsey ran a hand over his soft belly. Reginald didn’t bother to hide his appreciative look. Woolsey saw it and grinned. “You know about my… eccentricities when I’m writing?” 
Reginald swallowed. “Yes, sir. As much as I can from the outside.” 
“You’d be prepared to cater to them?” 
Woolsey liked it when he was bold on occasion. Reginald climbed back on the bed and crawled up to him. He leaned over and kissed Woolsey’s plush belly. “Yes, sir,” he said quietly. “Whatever you need. Anything you want.” 
The other butler had been fired the next day and Reginald had taken his place. 
When Reginald entered the dining room, Woolsey was leaning back in his chair, eyes closed, and both hands rubbing his belly. Reginald felt his mouth go dry. Woolsey’s belly was straining against his waistcoat and trousers. 
“Was everything to your liking, sir?” Reginald asked as he began clearing the empty plates. 
“Oh ye- UUUUUURRRRRP! Oh my, excuse me, Reg. Uurrp!” 
Heaven help him, Reginald was getting excited by his employer belching. 
“Nothing to worry about, sir,” Reginald replied more smoothly than he felt. 
“And yes, tell Cook that I’ll want the same again tomorrow. Buuurrrp! With perhaps a few more sausages and a bit more toast.” 
More? Reginald could scarcely believe it, but all that was left on the plates he was clearing was crumbs. 
“Shall- shall I bring you anything else now sir?” 
Woolsey smiled at him. “Good man. But no, I’m quite satisfied for now.” He frowned suddenly and rubbed a particular area of his belly, then pushed on it and immediately let loose a thunderous belch. “Mm, pardon me, dear Reg,” he breathed. “I hope I don’t offend you.” 
“Not in the slightest, sir.” 
Not in the slightest. Did Woolsey have any idea? He certainly knew how Reginald worshipped his belly in bed, how he loved the round shape of it, its soft plushness. But this? Woolsey’s overindulgence and the evidence of it? Well, if Woolsey knew he likely wouldn’t mind. There was no doubt he enjoyed when Reginald was aroused. 
Woolsey belched again and gave a quiet groan, his hands roaming his large belly. “Ah, that’s good,” he sighed. Woolsey gave his belly another pat then sat up. “Come, dear Reg,” he said. “Give me a hand up. I’m positively weighed down by that lovely meal.” 
Reginald quickly put down the plate he was about to take to the dumbwaiter and hurried over to help Woolsey out of his chair. As he heaved Woolsey to his feet, he felt his employer’s eyes on his face. 
“You’re looking a little flushed, Reg,” Woolsey said, reaching up to stroke his cheek. Woolsey chuckled and Reginald tried not to notice the movement of his belly. Though that was more difficult when Woolsey took Reginald’s hand and placed it on the curve of his belly. “You like this, don’t you?” Woolsey asked quietly. “You like to see me plumped up with a meal. You always do like my belly. Can you imagine how fat I’ll get writing this book? I’m only on the second chapter, and I have lots more to say.” 
Reginald gasped. He was painfully hard. 
Woolsey glanced down and chuckled again. “Now what shall we do about that, hmm?” 
“S-sir…” Reginald stuttered. 
“I need to go write my book, dear Reg,” Woolsey said quietly, moving forward so his belly was inches from Reginald’s groin. “And I suggest you take a few minutes to compose yourself. But think how big I’ll be tonight after a nice big lunch of roast chicken and then beef and potatoes for dinner, hmm? I’ll be swollen and sluggish. Too full of food to really fuck you. You’ll need to ride my cock. But you’ll do that, won’t you dear Reg?” 
“Y-yes, sir!” Reginald couldn’t have controlled his breathing if his life depended on it. 
“That’s my good man.” Woolsey reached up to stroke Reginald’s cheek again. “You’ll look so pretty straddling my lap, your hands on my stuffed gut. You’ll be ready for me tonight, won’t you Reg?” 
“Yes, sir,” Reginald gasped out. 
Woolsey pressed Reginald’s hand to his belly and gave two quick strokes to the outline of Reginald’s cock clearly visible through his trousers. 
“See that you are,” Woolsey said, and stepped back, surveying Reginald with a smile. He chuckled and left the room. 
Reginald barely got his fly open fast enough. 
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, I appreciate you letting me know. I have another chapter partially written, and I'm more likely to finish and post if I know it will get readers.
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islandoforder · 10 months
making princess meet her dead family in the underworld is soooo mean what the hell brennan
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